
Louis wakes up Niall and tells him to shower while he makes breakfast. He smiles as his phone buzzes.

From Harry:
Good morning, gorgeous xxx

To Harry:
You trying to get lucky? Xxx

From Harry:
Is it working? Xxxx

To Harry:
Maybe ;) xxxx

He turns the bacon over and puts the bread in the toaster. The kettle is on with two cups ready.

Niall comes out after about ten minute, grinning at Louis.
"You're amazing," he says as he begins eating his breakfast.
"I know. Are you nervous?" Louis asks.
"I suppose a little bit. But I can get by without this job, it's just for a bit of extra money."
"I'm sure you'll be fine, Ni," Louis reassures.

They  continue to talk about the interview and about university until Niall's alarm goes off and he has to leave.
"I should be back at about half ten, alright?" Niall says as he pulls his coat on.
"That's fine, Ni. Me and Harry are going out at half eleven. Good luck."

Louis goes and showers, singing to the music over the sound of water. He curses when his phone starts ringing and hurries to get out and dry his hand.

"Hello?" He asks, leaving the bathroom.
"Hi, Lou," his mum says down the phone. He smiles.
"Hi mum. You alright?"
"Yes, Lou, I'm fine. Was just checking up on you before you start uni."
"I'm good. Actually, I have something to tell you. I-I found my soulmate."
"Oh my god! Louis that's amazing!" Jay gasps. "What's their name, what do they look like? What colour is your hair?"

"His name is Harry. He is tall and has blue, curly hair. He has a really big smile and green eyes. He's got dimples, he's wonderful," Louis sighs happily.
"Where are his initials on you and where are yours on him?"she asks.
"Mine are below his left ear and his are on my neck. We um- we met at a party," Louis stumbles, blushing.
"That's nice, Lou," his mum says calmly to make sure he's not uncomfortable.

"Oh and Niall has two soulmates. His soulmate Zayn is Harry's best friend. And his other soulmate is Liam. Zayn and Liam have half brown, half blue hair. Niall has light brown hair and dark brown hair."
"Dear god, you're away for a week and everything happens all at once. When do I get to meet this Harry?"
"I'll ask him if he can come when I come down next," Louis smiles. "How are the girls?"
"They're great, they will be made up to see you and Harry if he can come. Right, I'll let you get back to Harry. Love you, Lou."
"Love you, mum," Louis smiles. "I'll talk to you soon."

He texts Harry and asks how he should dress, where they're going for lunch.

From Harry:
Wear whatever you're comfortable with, I'm just wearing jeans and a t shirt. You'll look great in anything xxxx

To Harry:
You're so cheesy, loser. Thank you xxxxx

Harry grins down at his phone, going into Zayn's room.
"Have you got my redplaid shirt?"
"Yeah, it ended up in my pile the other day. It's in the wardrobe on the left," Zayn nods.
"You're going to Niall's today?" Harry asks as he buttons up his shirt.
"Yeah, mind dropping me off when you pickup Louis? Liam is going for eleven but I'm fine going later,"Zayn asks hopefully.
"Sure. Does Liam need picking up?"
"Nah, he's like a three minute walk from Niall. Thanks man," Zayn smiles.
"No problem. Just be at the door for ten to eleven."
"Will do."

Liam gets to Niall's place first, smiling at Louis who opens the door.
"Hi, Niall's just getting changed, he'll be out in a minute. Want a drink?"
"Yes please."
"Sounds great."

When Niall comes out he sees Liam on the couch. He grins and jumps down beside him.
"Hey," Niall smiles. Liam smirks.
"Hi babe," Liam whispers before he kisses Niall. Niall hums, laughing when Louis throws a cushion at them.

"You are all gross with Harry," Liam argues.
"I have to put up with three of you," Louis smiles. "Here you go."

He sets the tea down on the table for the two soulmates and smiles when there's another knock on the door.

"Hi Zayn, hi Haz," Louis smiles. "The kettles only just been boiled. Want a drink?"
"I'll just have water," Zayn says.
"I'll have some tea, please, Lou," Harry says and follows Louis into the kitchen.

Louis turns around when Harry's hands are either side of him on the kitchen counter, bracketing him in.

He grins.
"It's good to see you," Harry hums, knocking his nose against Louis' before kissing him slowly. Louis' good hand holds the back of Harry's neck to keep him close.
"Good to see you, too," Louis smiles. "I like this shirt on you."
"I like me on you," Harry smirks.
"Perv," Louis laughs. "Me too."

Harry's laugh is muffled as Louis pulls him back down to kiss him slowly.
"Dying of thirst over here," Zayn calls out. Louis turns around so he can finish making his, Harry's and Zayn's drink. Harry hums, plastering himself to Louis' back.
"You bring them in," Louis tells him and leaves Zayn's water and Harry's tea.

"You guys okay?" Harry asks as he comes to sit with Louis on the couch. Louis tucks himself into Harry's side, smiling when Harry places a gentle kiss on his head.
"Yeah. The whole three way soulmate thing doesn't seem to be affecting us at all," Liam shrugs.
"That's because you're soulmates. Guys, how amazing is this? Some people never find their soulmates. And we found ours so young."
"We're lucky."

They watch telly until Harry announces that he and Louis have to leave.
"Have fun. Be safe. Don't get come on the couch," Louis warns as he and Harry step out of the door.
"Gross," Harry laughs.
"It wasn't my come on the couch!" Louis exclaims.
"That wouldn't be gross," Harry smirks. Louis' nose scrunches up and he laughs.
"Come on, let's go."

Harry drives them to the place he chose, a restaurant by the cinema that has amazing desserts. He smiles across the table at Louis as they sit down.
"I told my mum about you today," Louis says and offers his hand for Harry to hold.
"What did she say?"
"She is very excited to meet you and so are my sisters and brother."
"I'm more than happy to meet your family when you want me to. My mum, step-dad and sister will be really excited to meet you. I haven't told them yet. I was too wrapped up in actually meeting you."

Louis flushes.
"You're so lovely," he smiles. Harry grins, kissing his knuckles gently.
"I can say the same for you."

They talk more about who's in their family while they wait for their food to arrive.

"Oh my god!" Louis exclaims. "Can we get a Nutella cheesecake?"
"We certainly can," Harry smiles.

They share a piece of cheesecake, both of them deciding it's too big for one of them to finish alone. Louis moans when he takes his first bite. Harry raises an eyebrow and smirks.
"I'd say I hope you moan like that in bed, but I've already heard you moan," Harry grins.
"Shut up," Louis mumbles, his cheeks feeling hot as he continues to eat the cake. He stays quiet and avoids looking at Harry.

"Hey, love, what's wrong?"
"It bothers me- like really bothers me that I can't remember it. I really want to and I can't!" Louis says quietly, voice sad and his eyes filling up with tears.
"Oh baby, no, come here," Harry coos. Louis shuffles his chair round to Harry and curls into his side. "I'm sorry for making you sad. We've never had sex, we will have t for the first time when we're ready."

Harry kisses his head and wipes his cheeks.
"It's okay, it's not your fault. Thanks, Haz," Louis sniffles and smiles sadly, leaning forward to kiss Harry chastely on the lips. Harry fixes his hair and kisses his initials on Louis' neck.

They finish the cake and leave the restaurant once Harry has paid. Harry links his fingers with Louis' stopping outside the cinema.
"If somethings bothering you I want you to tell me, okay?" Harry asks. Louis nods and presses his face into Harry's chest as he hugs him tight.
"Thank you. It means a lot to know you're here for me."

He tiptoes to press a long kiss to Harry's lips, smiling as he pulls away.
"Come on or we'll be late for our film."

Louis pays for the cinema because Harry paid for their lunch and they go to their seats with their drinks and popcorn. Harry grins cheekily as he fakes a yawn and puts his arm over Louis' shoulders. Louis laughs quietly and snuggles into his side, smiling as Harry kisses  him slowly, mouths moving together at a leisurely pace, like if they could choose to do anything in the world they would choose this. It feels so calm and natural.

They separate with giddy laughs when they hear someone complain behind them about 'the lovesick teenagers'.

Harry admires the way Louis looks as he concentrates on the film, smiling when Louis turns and whispers a confused 'what?' Harry simply kisses him quiet, pleased with the smile that appears on Louis' face. And they watch the rest of the film cuddled together.

When they leave its only half four.
"D'you want to go to mine or yours?" Louis asks.
"Well the other three are in yours, but I don't mind."
"Can we go to mine? We haven't spent any time there yet."
"Yeah, sure."

Harry and Louis are told to shush when they get back to Louis' by the three soulmates cuddling on the couch. Louis grins and tugs Harry towards his bedroom.
"I'm going to ring my mum now, if that's alright?" Harry asks.
"Yeah, Haz. Of course it is."

They lie back on the bed, Louis playing on his phone on his belly next to Harry as Harry rings his mum. Harry puts her on speaker and rests the phone on his chest.
"Hi mum," Harry smiles, threading his fingers through Louis' hair. Louis closes his eyes and pushes his head into the touch.
"Hi Harry. Is everything alright?" Anne asks.

"Everything's good, great actually. I met my soulmate, mum!" Harry announces. The grin on his face makes Louis smile too. He rolls onto his back and rests his head on Harry's stomach. Harry keeps his hand in Louis' hair, massaging his head soothingly. Louis shivers and listens to Harry talk.
"Oh Haz, that's brilliant! What's their name?"
"His names Louis. I've got blue hair now."
"Blue sounds nice. Tell me what he's like," Anne says. At home her and Robin are sat listening to Harry talk about his soulmate.

"He's wonderful," Harry sighs thoughtfully. "Has green hair now, suits him well. He's smaller than me."
"Everybody is smaller than you," Anne mumbles.
"He's very small," Harry smiles as Louis shakes his head. "Absolutely tiny."
"Just because I'm not a giraffe," Louis counters, pleased that Harry isn't offended. Harry is laughing.

"Mum, that's Louis. Louis, my mum, Anne," Harry chuckles.
"Hello," Louis says quietly. His cheeks flush and Harry laughs at his embarrassment.
"Hello, Louis," Anne says.
"Hi. It's nice to hear you? I guess since we haven't met yet."
"It's nice to know you exist. You looking after my giraffe?"
"Yes and your giraffe is looking after me," Louis smiles.
"When will I actually meet you?"
"Whenever you want to," Louis replies honestly.
"Next time Harry comes to visit you should come with him," Anne says.
"That sounds lovely, I will. I look forward to meeting you."
"And you, Louis."

Harry says goodbye to his mum and moves his phone away.
"Giraffe?" Harry asks with a laugh. Louis grumbles and moves away from Harry. Harry shakes his head. "Oh no you don't, this giraffe wants cuddles."

Louis laughs loudly as Harry jumps onto him, nuzzling him and not giving up. He starts kissing his skin gently which is when Louis stops wriggling.
"Oh," Louis breathes, moaning as Harry sucks a bruise on his jaw and litters the marks down Louis' neck until he can't because of his shirt.
"Can we take this off?" Harry asks gently, moving up so he can kiss Louis before he answers.
"Yeah," Louis nods, sitting up with Harry and letting him pull his shirt over his head. "Yours?"

Harry smiles down at Louis as the boy unbuttons his shirt.
"Fuck, you're so hot," Louis pants.
"You too, gorgeous," Harry smirks as Louis let's his good hand slide up and down his stomach. His hand comes up to hold Harry's head and pull him down. Harry cups Louis' face as he kisses him passionately, following him as he lies back on the bed.

Louis arches his back and moans as Harry grinds their hips together, fingers coming to play with his nipples. Harry grins.
"Pants off?" Louis asks.
"Yeah, yeah- pants off," Harry agrees. They do their own, clumsily pulling them down until they can kick them away.

Louis is on Harry as soon as they're off, climbing into his lap and grinding his hips down. Harry groans and shuffles back to lean against the headboard. He and Louis kiss messily, teeth clashing and tongues dancing as they grind their bulges together. Their hands wander over each other, feeling every part they can reach.

"How could I ever forget something like this?" Louis moans.
"Fuck," Harry groans loudly. "I'm gonna come, Lou."
"Me too, Haz," Louis pants. Harry watches as Louis falls apart, back arched and eyes closed, mouth open. He shivers and shakes as warmth floods through his boxers.

Watching it pushes Harry over the edge and as Louis rides out the aftershocks of his orgasm Harry comes in his boxers. He squeezes Louis' hips tight and bites his lip hard.
"Come shower with me?" Louis asks. Harry nods and kisses Louis sweetly.

Louis grabs Harry's shirt, some joggers and underwear and towels. They strip when they're in the bathroom, noses wrinkling at the slowly drying come stuck to their skin.

"It will warm up in a sec," Louis smiles as he and Harry climb into the shower together.

Louis makes Harry crouch down so he can wash his hair, fingers untangling the knots in his curls.
"Blues a good colour for you," Louis compliments. Harry grins.
"Thanks, babe."

They wash each other with soft touches and cheeky grins, still flushing pink when they touch anywhere below the belt.

When they get out Louis hands Harry a towel and a pair of joggers. He keeps the boxers and Harry's shirt for himself.
"Can great orgasms lead to memory loss? Because I seem to remember hat being my shirt," Harry teases. Louis laughs and rolls his eyes as he gets dry.
"I thought you'd be okay with me wearing your clothes, so people k ow who's I am. If he initials and bright green hair didn't give them a clue," Louis smirks as he tugs his boxers up his legs. When he's got his arms in the sleeves of he shirt Harry grabs either side of it, still unbuttoned, and pulls Louis close.

"I am more than okay with you wearing my clothes," he whispers lowly and presses his lips to Louis' in a heated kiss. Louis grins dazed as he buttons the middle of the shirt, leaving the rest undone. Harry smirks and kisses him again once more before they leave the bathroom.

They go into the kitchen, smiling at their friends on the couch.
"Have fun. Be safe. Don't get come on the couch," Niall mimics.
"We did have fun. We were safe and we didn't get come on the couch," Louis smirks. Niall makes a gagging noise, making his soulmates laugh.
"We're going to order pizza soon, if you want us to order some for you?" Liam asks.
"Yeah, thanks. We can share one between us," Harry smiles.

"I want all your social media things," Harry says when they're back in Louis' room. "What's your snapchat?"
So they tell each other their usernames and add each other on everything they have. They lie next to each other and Louis pouts until Harry will take a picture with him. It's fun, they make silly faces and kiss and smile like idiots.

Harry poses for another picture, but distracts Louis by kissing him. Louis gasps and smiles into the kiss, tucking his face into Harry's neck when he pulls away.
"Want to watch some telly?"
"Yeah go on. Stick criminal minds on," Harry says as Louis scrolls past it.
"You like it?" Louis asks.
"Love it."
"Me too," Louis smiles.

They watch criminal minds until the other three shout them in for dinner.
"Get some pants on, Lou," Niall laughs.
"I'm not naked, this is practically a nightie on me," Louis smiles as he rolls up Harry's sleeves.


They watch Niall's favourite film first, a bowl of popcorn on the table in front of them. Zayn and Liam sit beside each other, curled into each other's sides with Niall on their laps.

"You look lovely all relaxed and sleepy," Liam compliments Niall, the brown haired boy smiling and turning to kiss him. Zayn clears his throat, kissing Niall as soon as he pulls away from Liam. Niall watches happily as Liam pulls Zayn into a slow, lazy kiss.

"Press play."

They move around when they need to to stay comfortable. Niall loves being touched and cuddled, Liam happy to cuddle anybody and Zayn enjoying either role.

When all of their films are finished they stick a random television show on and ignore it for each other.

Zayn smirks and winks at Niall before he's kissing Liam hotly. Liam hums and tries to grasp Zayn properly. Niall understands what Zayn is doing when he shoves his hands down Liam's pants.
"Woah," Liam exclaims.
"Is this alright?"
"Can we have more clothes off before my duck is touched?" Liam asks with a smile. "And can we move to a bigger couch?"

They move over to the three seater instead of the big arm chair, shucking their clothes off as they go. Liam pulls Niall to him, grinning when Niall gasps and gulps.
"Babe, it's alright. We don't expect you to do anything just because you were okay with it last night. Is this okay?" Liam checks. Niall nods his head rapidly. Zahn smiles softly and kisses Niall's cheek.

He pushes Liam to lie down and he and Niall sit at his legs, lips creating a pattern of marks on his thighs and over his hips.
"Shit," he swears when Niall spits into his hand and wraps it around his dick. He squeezes every time his hand is high and twists when it's low.
"Your dick is amazing, so big and thick and fuck," Zayn groans. He wraps his lips around the tip of Liam's dick, tongue doing things Liam couldn't have even dreamt of. Niall places long, open mouthed kisses along Liam's dick, hand slimming down to massage his balls.

"Oh my god, that's incredible," Liam gasps, choking on his breath as he grips the back of the couch
"Ni, come kiss me," Zayn says. Niall's eyebrows furrow so Zayn guides his head so they're facing each other with Liam's dick between them.

Liam is supporting himself so he can watch, chest heaving with his heavy breaths. Zayn tugs Niall forward until their lips meet, the tip of Liam's dick caught between heir mouths. It's messy and wet but it must be amazing because Liam yells out and comes, panting as he comes down from his orgasm.

"D'you want us to do anything for you?" Liam asks Zayn.
"No, I'm okay. I am happy to make you feel good," Zayn shrugs. They pull some of their clothes back on and curl up together, eyelids heavy and heart beats settled to the same rhythm.

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