
When Louis next gets home his hand is in a cast and he is absolutely exhausted. Niall can't help but laugh at Louis.
"Most people are ecstatic about meeting their soulmate. Why aren't you?"
"I can't remember who it is. I don't if its them I slept with or not. I can't remember anything from last night."

"Well their name could be Harry or Henry. Or Hunky. Harriet, Henrietta. Harley?Do you think they'll be fit?" Niall asks.
"Supposedly you find your soulmate attractive no matter what they look like because they're your soulmate. But yes I hope they are," Louis nods.
"There's nothing wrong with wanting good looking people, Louis."


"Have you text him?" Zayn asks. Harry has been putting off texting Niall, so nervous yet excited. And he won't shut up about wanting to find Louis. It's been nearly a week and university starts in a couple of days.
"No, not yet. I don't know what to say. Help me, Z. You're great with stuff like this," Harry sighs. Zayn rolls his eyes.
"You've had sex with him, I'm sure you can manage a text message."
"Fuck off."

They are walking to the shop to get some more food for the house. The majority of the people they live with don't even stay there much besides using it as a place to crash when they have parties.

"Listen," Zayn says as they push the trolley along the aisle. "We'll have another party and I'll make sure Niall and Louis come."
"You're the best," Harry grins.

Zayn texts Niall when he's home, telling him that he and Louis should come to the party tonight.


Niall hums as he picks up his phone.

From unknown number:
Hi, you should come to the party tonight, same house as the other night. Bring your friend.

To Unknown:
Who's this?

From unknown: I'm the friend of Louis' soulmate. Fancy setting them up?

To Unknown:
Yes. Let me just convince Louis to come. 

"Who's that?" Louis asks and peers over Niall's couch.
"Uhm someone who live in the house we went to the other night. They're having another party and they want us to come again."
"C'mon, Lou, you haven't gone out all week," Niall complains.
"Because no ones going to have fun with someone who has their soulmate. And I'm not going back there. What if my soulmates there?"
"How would that be a bad thing?" Niall asks. "You go, you have fun. You find your soulmate? Even better."

"I don't know who they are. I don't know if they remember me or if they'll be there tonight."

Niall grins and jumps onto Louis' back as he goes to walk away. Louis squawks and grabs Niall's legs so he doesn't drop him.
"You're an idiot," Louis huffs and carries Niall to his bed room. "But- you're an idiot I have fun with. So pick out what I can wear and go get dressed."

Niall gasps and smacks a wet kiss onto Louis' cheek.
"You're the best."

When Niall is in his own room getting ready he texts Zayn and they organise to meet in the garden, with a couple of other people so it doesn't seem strange. They agree to meet at half nine and then say goodbye so they can get ready.

Niall sprays Louis with some aftershave and pats him on the head.
"Let's go."
"Don't touch my hair. It feels weird," Louis mumbles as he pulls his jacket on.
"Okay, that's okay," Niall says gently. Louis smiles thankfully at him.
"C'mon. Let's go have fun before we have to go to uni."

Louis and Niall talk to a few people, Niall keeping an eye out for the time. When he notices it getting later he tugs Louis out to the garden.
"It's really hot in there," Niall sighs and fans himself.
"Thanks for making me come here," Louis smiles.
"That's okay, bud."

Niall keeps walking further into the garden, eyes catching Zayn's. He can see a boy with a beanie on, but his bright blue curls are poking out so he tugs Louis over.

Harry is there, awareness of Zayn's plan. Zayn brought a few friends who are oblivious, but harmless.

Harry's palms are sweating and he keeps fidgeting, getting elbowed by Zayn when he sees a small boy with green hair walking over with who he assumes is Niall. They haven't met Niall yet, only know one of his friends.

A tall, muscular boy comes barrelling towards them and knocks Niall flying into the group of people.
"What the fuck?" Niall groans. Zayn was knocked over too so all three are lying on the floor.

He looks up and his jaw drops.
"Your hair. B-both of you. Your hair is half blue!" Niall shouts. He scrambles to stand up and watches Zayn pull the drunk boy up.

"Yours is brown. Darker on the bottom and lighter on the top. Initials?" Zayn asks. The drunk boy is oblivious to it all and trying to escape Zayn's helping hands.

"It's dark, we should go inside. We can sit in my room and nurse this guy back to health?" Zayn suggests.
"Yeah," Niall smiles. "That sounds good."

Harry, Louis and the other people are stood there, shocked.
"Text me, Lou," Niall tells him as he hurried inside with his soulmates. Soulmates. It's heard of but very uncommon.

"That was eventful," Harry chuckles awkwardly. Louis turns to him and gulps.
"Yeah. I uhm- I'm Louis."
"I know. Don't you remember me?" Harry asks. He feels his chest tighten and even though he's not offended because he knew Louis was drunk, his brain still sees it as 'your soulmate forgot you'.

"No? Why?" Louis asks. He hopes to god he hasn't done something bad.
"We slept together the other night. At the party at the beginning of the week. And we're soulmates," Harry says. Louis doesn't say anything, just stares at the floor. "My names Harry, Harry Styles."
"Tomlinson," Louis says quietly.

He is shivering, rubbing his arms as he awkwardly glances around.
"I think we should talk about this," Harry says.
"Yeah, okay."

They walk inside and Louis bites his lip when Harry takes his hand and pulls him towards the stairs.
"I don't- want to do that," Louis protests.
"I didn't think you did. I just thought that this stuff is best done in private. We're just across the hall from your friend, too," Harry says gently.
"Okay," Louis agrees.

Harry flicks the light on and holds the door open for Louis. Louis smiles gratefully and ducks under his arm to sit on the edge of the bed.

"So you remember meeting me?" Louis asks. Harry sits on the bed, by the pillows.
"I remember you and what we did but I don't remember the hair or initials happening. I only saw them the next morning," Harry explains.

"Can I see the initials properly?" Louis asks quietly. Harry's lips quirk up and he shuffles forward, tilting his head to the side.

Louis lifts his hand and hovers over them.
"You can touch them," Harry allows. He shivers and leans into the touch.
"I never really liked my eyes. But I have to admit, blue looks great on you," Louis smirks. Harry chuckles.
"Can I see yours properly?"

Louis tips his head back and gasps when Harry's finger tips gently brush over the initials.
"You are stunning."
"Thank you," Louis smiles. "You're pretty fit, too."

When Harry brings his hand down to hold Louis' his eyebrows furrow.
"Your hand wasn't in a cast last time I saw you. What happened?" Harry asks.
"I got annoyed because I couldn't remember who my soulmate was and I didn't know if I'd ever see them again. I mean- I can't even remember you kissing my neck. I can't remember kissing you."

Harry shushes him and leans down. His lips press against Louis' skin over his own initials. Louis pushes him back after a few moments of Harry kissing his neck and pushes Harry's head to the side so he can kiss his initials too.


Niall kicks his shoes off and sits next to the drunk boy lying on the bed.
"Try and get him to drink some water," Zayn says as he starts untying the drunk boys shoes.
"Hey, sit up," Niall says gently. He mumbles something and takes the bottle.

Zayn sits next to Niall, smiling at him as they watch the boy lying in front of them focus on drinking the water. Niall is lit up my the moonlight coming in through the window but it's dark in the room to avoid giving the drunk boy a headache.
"You've got my initials on your cheek," Zayn says. "His are on your other cheek."

When the still unnamed boy is feeling better he smiles at Zayn and Niall.
"I'm Liam and your soulmate I guess."
"I'm Zayn."
"I'm Niall. This is...pretty unconventional."
"It just means we work better as a three rather than a couple. Which I think is pretty cool," Zayn shrugs. "It means I get two people to love and love me."

They talk about university, trying to get to know each other. Liam is in his third year, Zayn is too and Niall is in his first.
"So who are you friends with?" Zayn asks Liam.
"Andy, Sam, Jake. You?"
"Harry is my best friend. He's the blue haired guy that was with us before."
"My best friend Louis has green hair, he's Harry's soulmate."
"I suppose that worked out pretty well then, we can all spend time together. What do we do now?" Liam says. "We know we're soulmates but now what?"

Zayn sits up and takes his shirt off.
"What are you doing?" Niall asks nervously.
"I'm just too hot, love. I'm not trying anything," Zayn comforts. "That stuff makes you nervous?"
"I've never been with a boy. And now I've got two," Niall mumbles.
"That's alright, I've never had sex with a boy either," Liam nods. "I've kissed a few. No more than that."
"I have, but I'm more than okay with you guys being new to this," Zayn smiles gently. "I want to know where all of our initials are, can I turn the light on, Li?"

Liam nods and Zayn gets up to turn the light on.
"Oh," Liam smiles. Niall and Zayn have theirs on each cheek.
"Yours are the same," Zayn tells him.
"I like that. That's really nice," Niall grins. "Can I take a picture? If you both do it at the same time, I want to have a picture of it."
"That sounds good. C'mon then."

Niall blushes a little bit, but he holds his phone up as Zayn and Liam press their lips to his cheek. He grins and takes the picture, smiling down at his phone once he sees it. He quickly makes it his lock screen and moves over. Zayn shuffles into the middle and they all do the same thing, Zayn turning to kiss Niall quickly on the lips. Niall gasps and starts smiling like an idiot.

"Hey, I want one," Liam whines.
"We haven't kissed you yet, babe. As soon as you sit in the middle of us and take a picture of it I'll snog your face off alright?" Zayn teases.
"Y-yeah, that's alright," Liam blushes. He is pink to the tips of his ears which makes Niall coo.

They let Liam take the picture and then Niall has the pleasure to watch as Zayn cups Liam's jaw and catches his lips with his own. They move slowly together, the kiss a bit clumsy because they've never kissed each other before and Liam isn't fully sober yet, but they don't doubt that they'll get into their own rhythm the more they kiss.

Niall shuffles forward and straddles Liam's thighs.
"Is this okay?" He asks nervously. Liam nods quickly, hands coming up to Niall's hips. Zayn hums, settling back to watch his soulmates kiss. This soulmate trio may be great rather than difficult after all.

Liam tips his head forward, smiling when Niall gasps and they press their lips together. Niall doesn't take it any further than that, just their lips moving together slowly.
"Sorry," Niall mumbles as he pulls away.
"Why're you apologising?" Liam asks. He pushes Niall's hair away from his eyes.

"I-I've never kissed a boy properly before. And you're my soulmate. It means more. I'm just scared to mess up," Niall shrugs.
"Oh, Ni, kissing a boy is the same as kissing a girl. And yes, we're your soulmates, that means-"
"That means," Zayn interrupts. "That you have your whole life to kiss us. The first time you kiss someone it will always be a little awkward, the more you kiss them the better it gets."

Niall nods and smiles shyly. He buries his head into Liam's chest.
"Hey, I still want to snog your face off," Zayn jokes. Liam and Niall laugh. "I don't care if you are a bad kisser, you're my soulmate. How many people our age can say they're kissing their soulmate's?"

Zayn pats the bed between him and Liam and kneels up. Niall climbs off of Liam's lap, kissing him quickly before he kneels in front of Zayn.
"Relax, love. Everything's okay," Zayn smiles soothingly. He leans forward, hands resting on Niall's shoulders. Niall smiles and breathes deeply. He closes his eyes as Zayn comes closer.

Their lips brush together gently, Niall's hands gripping onto Zayn's shirt. Zayn's tongue runs along Niall's lip before it dips into his mouth. Niall moans, shifting as he parts his lips.

Zayn pulls away and smiles.
"See? Nothing to worry about," he smiles. Niall laughs and nods.

They talk about their families and when they're next going home so they can all meet. Niall talks about Louis and how they live together. Zayn talks about they people he lives with and Liam talks about where he lives, in the university dorms.
"You're more than welcome to stay here whenever you want," Zayn says.
"At mine too, Louis really wouldn't mind."

Niall is lying down, shivering as Liam runs his hands through his hair and scratches lightly at his scalp. Zayn is leaning on Liam, his fingers trailing soft patterns on Niall's stomach.

On Zayn's television is the music channel, the boys too wrapped up in each other to take any proper notice.
"Are you two doing anything tomorrow?" Liam asks.
"I've got an interview in the morning, but I'm free after that. Zayn?"
"Yeah, I'm free. Want to get together and do something?" Zayn asks.
"Yeah. How about a movie night? We each pick our favourite film and we watch it with each other. Lots of snacks and stuff."
"We can do it at mine?" Niall suggests.

It's about eleven when Niall tells them he will leave in a couple hours, texts Louis the same thing, too.

Zayn whines and rolls on top of him. Liam laughs at his soulmates and rolls onto Zayn. Niall groans and begs for mercy.
"Oh , are you always going to be this terrible?" He moans, pushing at Zayn.

Liam gasps and rolls away, taking Zayn with him. He curls himself around Zayn to shield him away from Niall.
"Don't listen to him, baby," Liam comforts cheekily. Zayn cackles into Liam's chest. Niall fakes offence and spoons Zayn, kissing his neck and reaching to kiss Liam.

Zayn kisses Liam, their lips meeting and parting repeatedly until Liam slows it down and their lips stay connected, his tongue parting Zayn's lips more.
"Well that's just not fair," Niall mumbles. Liam grins, pulling away from Zayn.
"Come in between us, baby."

Niall flushes past the collar of his shirt at the name, waiting for Zayn to move over for before he shuffles into the space between Liam and Zayn.

Liam dips his head down first, lips connecting with Niall's. Niall hums, hand sliding up to squeeze Liam's bicep. He whimpers and parts his lips when Liam dips his tongue into his mouth. Niall pulls Liam on top of him, Liam's leg slotting between Niall's as they boy moans.

"That's so hot," Zayn whispers as Liam starts kissing down Niall's neck, leaving small marks in his wake. Niall bucks his hips up against Liam's as he pulls Zayn down for a kiss. Zayn grins and tugs at Niall's lip with his teeth as Liam grinds his hips down.

"See, us boys aren't too bad," Zayn teases. Niall moans as Liam brings a hand down to palm over the bulge in his pants.
"Fuck," he grunts. Zayn leans down and bites gently on his ear. Niall whimpers.

"Guys- stop-" Niall gasps.

Liam and Zayn pull away, panting and concerned about their soulmate.
"What's wrong?" Liam asks.
"Everything is great," Niall sighs. "I just don't want to come in my pants."
"Then let's get you out of them," Zayn smirks.


Harry has put a film on, he and Louis sitting next to each other. Louis is still nervous, looking around in the room he woke up in the other day.

"Love, calm down," Harry chuckles. "There's no need to be worried."
"It's just weird because I've already been in here. But I can't remember it. I wish I could. I want to remember us meeting," Louis sighs. Harry rolls over, pushing Louis down so he can lie on top of him.

"Oh, hi," Louis grins. Harry wets his lips and dips his head down to kiss Louis gently. Louis hums, hands sliding up to thread through Harry's hair.

Harry lifts himself up slightly, moaning as Louis parts his lips more.
"God, you are gorgeous," Louis whispers. He tugs on Harry's hair gently as Harry controls the kiss, his tongue tasting Louis' own.

"Fuck," Louis whimpers as Harry bites down on his bottom lip. He pulls Harry away by his hair, smiling when Harry pouts.

Harry grins triumphantly as he kisses Louis again, short pecks over and over. Louis laughs and shakes his head in protest. Harry laughs loudly, pressing kisses to Louis' cheek and neck over and over again.
"Haz, stop," Louis giggles, pushing at him. Harry sighs and rolls over, but takes Louis with him.

Louis rolls his eyes and sits up, hands on Harry's chest. He narrows his eyes down at him.
"Are you trying to get in my pants, Styles?" Louis asks like the idea is absurd. Harry shakes his head.
"I would never," he smiles. His hands are on Louis' hips, brushing up his sides and coming down.

Harry grins widely when Louis gasps as he squeezes his bum.
"Hey, hands off the merchandise," Louis teases. Harry laughs and takes his hands away from Louis completely. "Oh."
"What's wrong, Lou?" Harry smirks. Louis huffs and rolls away from Harry, only to have Harry grab him and pull him back.

"That's better," Louis sighs as Harry kisses his initials. Harry's lying half on Louis, half on the bed, his leg hooked around Louis' with his arm around his waist.
"So your friend Niall, has brown hair now?" Harry asks. Louis hums.
"Yeah. One colour for each soulmate I think. What's your friends name? Him and Niall had been texting but I was never introduced."
"Zayn. His hair is now half brown half blue. And the other lad is called Liam I think, I've seen him round a few times. Never been properly introduced, but I'm sure we will now."

They watch the film, Zombieland, in a comfortable silence. If either one thinks of a question to ask or something to say they will. Louis' phone buzzes on the bedside table and he sighs.
"I don't want to move."
"Don't then," Harry grins.
"It's probably Niall, I need to check it," Louis shrugs. "I will cuddle you as long as you want once I've answered."
"That sounds amazing," Harry grins. "I'll go the loo so I don't have to interrupt our cuddles again."

Louis smiles and kisses Harry quickly before he gets up.

From Niall:
How's everything going? Everything is pretty good in here. I've got two soulmates, Zayn and Liam. Lou they're so hot. I'm going home in a couple hours though, got a job interview in the morning. You going to stay?

To Niall:
Everything's great, Harry is amazing. I'll come home and make us breakfast in the morning. Just text me when you're going.

Harry comes out of the loo and huffs.
"Was it Niall?"
"Yeah, just asking how everything was and saying he's going home in a bit," Louis shrugs. He kneels up, arms wrapping around Harry's neck.

He smiles as Harry's hands grip his thighs and lifts him up. His legs wrap around Harry's waist and he kisses him slowly.
"D'you want anything to eat or drink?" Harry asks as he walks to the door.
"I'll have a butty or something."
"Let's go then."

Harry walks downstairs with Louis still wrapped around him, kissing his head when he shies away from all the drunk people.
"What do you want on your butty?" Harry asks. He opens the cupboard and laughs when Louis gasps and reaches for the Nutella.
"Shut up," Louis chuckles.

Harry puts him down while he makes their sandwiches, but Louis sticks to his side. He kisses Louis' cheek and keeps him close.
"Are you going home with Niall?"

They sit back on Harry's bed when they're upstairs again, eating the sandwiches as they continue to watch the film.
"Here, put your number in," Harry says as he passes Louis his phone. Louis nods and types his number into the new contact form. He then goes onto Facebook and sends himself a request from Harry's account.

"I'll send you a picture of my timetable so we can schedule time together around our uni times," Louis tells him as he finishes his butty and brushes the crumbs off of him. Harry smiles.
"You want to spend more time with me?" He asks.

Louis laughs.
"No, I just want to spend one night kissing and cuddling my soulmate and then never see him again," he says sarcastically.
"Ha ha," Harry fakes. He rolls onto his back, grinning when Louis comes to straddle his hips.

"Are you free tomorrow?" Harry asks. Louis nods.
"What are we going to do?"
"We could go out for lunch and go to the cinema?" Harry suggests.
"That sounds nice, love," Louis smiles.

From Niall:
I'm leaving now. Still coming home?

To Niall:
I'll be down in a sec.

Louis sighs.
"You going?" Harry pouts.
"Yes. Text me and I will see you tomorrow."
"I'll walk you to the door."

They walk downstairs, meeting Niall, Liam and Zayn at the front door. They step outside and smile at each other.
"Liam, this is Louis and Harry, Louis and Harry, this is Liam."

Harry and Louis are leaning against each other, using each other for warmth.
"I'm Harry's best friend, Zayn," he introduces.
"I'm his soulmate, Louis," Louis smiles.
"I'm Harry," Harry says.
"I'm Niall."
"I'm Liam."
"Well. Now that that's out of the way," Zayn smiles. "Bye Ni. "

They turn around so they can say goodbye to each other.

Harry faces Louis, hands sliding down to the bottom of his back. Louis smiles as his hands brush up Harry's chest to rest on his shoulders.
"I will see you tomorrow," Harry smiles. Louis pouts.
"I know we only met tonight - properly. But it just feels like we are so close already, like we've spent so much time together."
"We're soulmates, Lou. That's how it works. Now, I will text you as soon as you leave so you have my number. You will text me your address and I will be there at half eleven tomorrow. Is that okay with you?"
"More than," Louis grins. Harry's lips quirk into a smile as he kisses Louis slowly, holding him close and saying goodbye.

Liam pulls Niall into a hug, kissing him slowly a couple times before Niall pulls away. Their foreheads rest together and Niall grins.
"You've got my number so make sure you use it. Remember to bring your favourite film and some goodies tomorrow."
"I will, love. Go on, say bye to Z."

Zayn is waiting patiently as he watches his soulmates kiss for a few more moments  before Niall turns to him.
"Goodnight, babe. Drive safe, yeah?" Zayn smiles.

Niall rolls his eyes.
"You sound like an old lady. Kiss me," Niall teases. Zayn laughs and catches Niall's lips with his own. Niall hums, smiling into the kiss.
"You called sweets goodies, you sound like an old lady," Zayn mumbles. He slows the kiss down and squeezes Niall's bum.
"An old lady wouldn't let you do that," Niall whispers as he wraps his arms around Zayn properly.
"You'd be surprised. Old women love me," Zayn grins.

The trio laugh and share short, chaste kisses before Niall turns around to ask Louis if he's ready. Louis is kissing Harry quickly and bopping him on the nose before he makes to leave.

Niall and Louis climb into the car and chat all the way home about the eventful night they had.

They get home, Louis flicking the kettle on and leaving it to boil as he goes to change into pyjamas.
"Hot chocolate or tea?"
"Tea, please, Lou. Biscuits?"
"You grab them, Ni."

They sit in Niall's bed, warm under the covers with theirs drinks and biscuits.
"How was your night?" Louis asks.
"It was brilliant. Yours?" Niall responds.
"Great. We're going to lunch tomorrow and then the cinema."
"Liam and Zayn are coming over here and we're watching some films with some food. Spend some time together before uni starts."
"So you kissed your first boy?" Louis smiles and sips his tea.
"Yes. My first and last two boys. Oh my god, they gave me a handjob," Niall blushes.
"Kisses and a handjob on the first day?! Holy shit," Louis laughs.
"You had sex with Harry straight away."
"I can't remember that, it doesn't count."

They tease each other and gossip until they finish their drinks and Louis says goodnight and goes to his own room.

From unknown:
It's Harry, sleep tight. See you tomorrow love xxx

To Harry💚💙:
Night, babe. See you tomorrow xxx

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