Chapter 8
[Clubs, Classes, And Some Drama]
~ Book Club ~
Zane, Pixal and Lloyd were walking side by side up the stairs. Their destination was the library where the Book Club was supposed to assemble. The two nindroids were still confused, though.
"Lloyd?" Zane asked, earning a head tilt from the Green Ninja.
"Hm?" He asked.
"I still do not understand." He frowned to himself. "I would've never thought of you to be more of a reading type, rather than playing sports like Kai and Cole." He stated.
Lloyd laughed a little. "I like playing sports, don't get me wrong. I used to love playing dodge ball back in Darkley's, if it wasn't for me always getting beaten in it." He then looked at the ground and whispered the last part. "But we already get enough training as ninja, so I want to do something calming." Then he smiled sheepishly. "Besides, it will give me an opportunity to read my comic books again." He smirked.
Pixal laughed, causing Zane to chuckle a little as well.
"Still holding on to that, I see." Zane remarked, smiling.
"You bet!" Lloyd beamed.
Once they arrived at the hallway where their lockers and the library were, they saw that the door was already wide open. They could hear some faint talking noises, assuming the other members were already inside.
The three warriors walked through the doorway, taking in their surroundings. A lot of big shelves with lots of books in all forms and colors were there. Some computers were also in the far edge for some quiet working time. Then, when they turned to the far left corner, they could see some sort of reading corner. The noises were coming from there, so they walked over to see three other students, all male, sitting on beanbags and couches.
The other students simultaneously turned their heads towards Zane, Lloyd and Pixal and gave them questioning looks, one of them immediately turning back, though.
"Hey, is this the... book club?" Lloyd slowly asked.
One of the boys squinted his eyes. "Yes..?" He answered just as slowly. "What do you want?"
Pixal raised an eyebrow at his attitude. "We'd like to join." She smiled.
"You? Join?" The same student asked, pointing at the ninja and samurai. Then he let out a fake laugh. "Alright, what are you really doing here?"
"We really just wanted to join." Zane stepped forward, trying to be nice.
The student, who was wearing big glasses and a bright orange sweater, raised an eyebrow. He opened his mouth to answer, but another boy cut his word.
"Greg, be nice!" The boy, who was wearing a dark blue hoodie with the school's logo, glared at the other boy whose name was apparently Greg. "If they want to join, we will let them." Then he turned towards the three who were still standing awkwardly and watching. "Please don't mind him, he can be grumpy a lot of the time." He chuckled. "Well, that's Greg." He pointed at the annoyed boy who was crossing his arms and pouting. "That's John." He pointed at the third member of their little trio who had his earbuds in and was probably not even realizing what was going on. "And I'm Leonard." He smiled.
Lloyd waved at them, smiling. "Hi, I'm Lloyd, and these are Pixal and Zane. Nice to meet-" His face then lit up when he saw a certain book on the little table in front of the beanbags and couches. "Is that a Starfarer comic?!" He gasped.
Leonard smiled proudly. "Mhm, and it's the new limited edition one. Just came out yesterday."
"No way!" Lloyd cheered. Then he ran over to the table and jumped onto the black couch. "How did you get it? I thought it was so rare that there's only a hundred copies." He asked, his mouth still wide open.
"John's dad works at a book store so we all got one for free. I'm sure he can get you one, too." Leonard's face lit up when Lloyd nodded hysterically.
Then he looked over at the kid who was still not realizing they had guests over. So he reached over to him and pulled his white earbuds out of his ears, making John jump up in confusion.
"Dude, what the heck?!"
When Leonard pointed at the three new members, John looked at him, confused. Then Leonard explained, "They're gonna be our new members."
"New members? The Ninja?!" John squeaked, though he quickly gathered his composure again and sat down straighter on his purple beanbag, his phone long forgotten. He made a gesture towards the empty couch in front of him with his hand. "Don't be shy, take a seat!" He smiled.
Zane and Pixal, who were still standing, smiled back as they sat down at shown place.
~ Cooking Class ~
"Looks like we have a new chef!" Miss Gabriella, the school's lunch lady, said with excitement laced in her tone. She looked at Skylor who was standing in the middle row with Seliel, seemingly embarrassed of being called out.
When Miss Gabriella looked intently at her, she spoke up. "Hi, everyone." She awkwardly said.
"Hello!" The lunch lady beamed. "Say, do you have any experience when it comes to cooking?"
Skylor looked at her, disbelieving. "I'm... running my own noodle shop. Chen's Noodle Empire?"
Miss Gabriella then gasped, putting her hand to her heart. "You're the owner?"
The redhead slowly nodded, not knowing how to really feel.
"That's amazing! Then you can be my right hand!"
Skylor gave a small hum of approval, even though she didn't really feel like it.
Then she looked over at Seliel and mouthed, "Great. Just great."
~ Football Tryouts ~
"Alright, what makes you think you're good enough to be in our team?" Ryan asked, crossing his arms as he eyed the two ninja intently.
Kai groaned inwardly. Of course it had to be the guy who had an eye on his sister.
Not like that was the first time Kai had to witness Nya getting boys' attention without trying.
Cole cleared his throat. "We think we'd have the necessary poten-"
"I didn't ask you!"
The Black Ninja closed his mouth sharply and stared at the other male in front of him. It took him all of the nerves he had in his body to keep himself calm.
"Well, we're so much better than you might think." Kai answered.
"And what makes you say that?" Ryan asked, raising an eyebrow.
They were all standing on the football field, the team members that were all standing behind Ryan were wearing their football uniforms as Kai and Cole were wearing their usual PE outfits. Both of them were wearing sweatpants, Cole's was, of course, black, and Kai's dark red. Red and black tank tops did the rest to their looks.
"We're the ones that save your stupid ass whenever a new villain attacks, remember?" Kai snapped.
Cole side-eyed his friend. Using bad words in arguments like these showed nothing but false confidence. That was something they had learned from Master Wu. Kai shrugged and continued focusing on Ryan who was now walking back and forth, seemingly checking the two up and down.
"That is true, I do remember." He said, not looking at them. "However, last time I checked, you never really saved us." He stopped to look them dead in the eyes.
Cole frowned. "What do you mean?"
"Ugh, use that small brain of yours!" Ryan exclaimed, a small smirk on his face as he saw Kai holding Cole back by the back of his tank top. "All you ever do is destroy the city, claiming you 'won'."
"When we fight off bad guys we expect to destroy a bit to prevent more damage done by the enemy." The Master of Earth said, clenching his teeth.
"And last time I checked, we've always helped to rebuild the city." Kai mentioned. "Now just tell us what we have to do to get in already." He rolled his eyes in annoyance.
Ryan clicked his teeth. "You two have to prove your worth-"
Kai rolled his eyes, shifting his weight from one leg to the other. "We told you to-"
"Let me finish!" Ryan exclaimed. "You have to prove your worth on the field. You two have to score a touchdown without getting bumped down even once." He looked at them strictly.
"Easy." The Red Ninja muttered. Him and Cole shared a knowing side glimpse before nodding in sync.
They were ninja, avoiding 'bad' people was their job. They were well trained, after all.
"Everyone, get into position!" Ryan shouted and everyone behind him put on their helmets before walking over to their respective positions.
He had a side smirk on his lips as he picked up his own helmet and put it on before walking to his own position.
"Who wants to go first?" Ryan then shouted.
With only one second of eye contact, the two friends hastily played a quick game of rock-paper-scissors. With the score of three to one, Cole won so he got to start.
He grabbed a helmet from the bleachers before placing himself behind the team. Everyone was against him, so he was basically alone. He slightly bent his knees and made himself ready for any second the football would be thrown at him.
Once the beginning words were shouted, Ryan threw the football at him. Cole caught it and placed it between his left bicep and rib cage before starting to sprint.
You could hear Kai cheering his good friend on as Cole raced between the many students. He only had to bring the football to his home field, how hard could it be? He quickly passed the enemy's territory.
His breathing started to become slightly heavier as he sprinted past the other students who tried their best to keep up with his speed.
Yet he was a ninja, he was way faster.
In under ten seconds, Cole managed to land a touchdown, earning his victory. The coughing and panting of the other players filled his ears. He took the football and gave it back to Ryan, smirking when seeing his red, sweating face.
Ryan hissed under his breath as he watched the Black Ninja walking away from him, towards the red one. He muttered a curse under his breath before clearing his throat.
"Alright, next up is Kaiden!"
"It's Kai!" Kai shouted. No one, literally not a single soul called him by his birth name which left him to wonder how he knew about it.
The Master of Fire jogged over to where Cole had just positioned himself a minute ago and bent his knees. His helmet was rather tight around his head, he would have to get a larger one after he got into the team. He was sure he would be able to.
He was already breathing heavily as he was watching Ryan get into his position. He was ready for the signal.
With a loud yell of his not-so-lovable soon-to-be teammate, Kai caught the football and immediately started sprinting. He raced past two seemingly aggressive players who collided against each other before falling to the ground.
The other players didn't seem to give a damn as they all sprinted after the Fire Ninja.
Kai, seeing three players in the middle of his way, ran in wavy lines, successfully getting past them with ease.
When he looked forward, he realized his way was completely free; he could see his destination with no enemies. He smiled as he could already feel the happiness and cockiness take over him.
He was almost too focused to realize what might have led to his demise. What he didn't notice was Ryan who was readying himself to slide past Kai to make him trip over.
And so he did.
It all happened way too fast to say the least. Ryan cut Kai's way off by tripping over his leg and losing his balance. He rolled on the ground for a few times at a high speed since he was sprinting when it happened.
Cole gasped. "KAI, GET UP, QUICK!" He cupped his mouth and shouted.
As he was still rolling on the ground, Kai could hear Ryan's victory laugh which fueled the Master of Fire to keep fighting.
He wasn't one to give up easily.
So, once he was able to steady himself on the ground with one hand, he threw himself into the air, made some flips, and landed safely back on the ground where he immediately started sprinting again.
Some gasps were heard from players who had stopped in their tracks once they had seen Kai on the ground, thinking he was done for. They immediately started running again, trying their best to catch up to him. Ryan seemed to explode from all the anger that was boiled up inside of him by now as he began to sprint once again.
Yet it was way too late, Kai ran up to his field, landing a touchdown, and declaring his victory. He shouted and screamed in excitement as he jumped up and down and threw the football on the ground, making it bounce a few times before settling on the ground a few feet away from him.
Cole jogged over to his friend, a huge grin on his face. "Dude, that was epic!" He fist bumped Kai.
Kai smiled, his perfectly white teeth having their own gleam. "Thanks, bro!"
Ryan walked up to both of them, his helmet under his armpit. "So, you two have actually scored a touchdown..." He trailed off.
"Yeah, so now that we're in the team-" Kai grinned before he was cut off.
"I never said it would be that easy." Ryan rolled his eyes.
Cole narrowed his eyes at his behavior. "But you said-"
"I know what I said, thank you very much!" Ryan snapped. "There is still one thing you have to manage before getting accepted into the team."
"Which is?" Kai asked.
His enemy turned around to look at his team, seeing them out of breath and panting like crazy, before turning back to the two ninja. "They have to be okay with it." He then let his helmet fall to the ground before clapping his hands once and rubbing them together. "Alright who wants to have these two... newbies in our team?"
Cole and Kai side-eyes each other before crossing their arms in front of their chests in sync.
Ryan's confident smile faded quickly when he saw multiple hands in the air. He widened his eyes dangerously at the students. "What are you doing?!" He hissed quietly, though everyone heard it.
Kai snorted quietly in the background, whereas Cole tried his best to contain his laughter.
"Answer me!" Ryan exclaimed.
Everyone seemed to have found anything more interesting than the situation they were in at that moment. So he looked at a boy who had blonde hair which was pretty messed up due to the constant sprinting. He was looking at the sky, yet his baby blue eyes were visible from anywhere.
"Ben." Ryan said coldly, making the other boy's eyes drift over to him, his gaze almost frightened. "Tell me, why do you want these two to be in our team?"
Ben cleared his throat a few times before being able to bring out a whole sentence. "I-I think they would be good players, Ryan." His voice seemed panicked, yet it was rather raspy.
Ryan hummed. Then he turned around to look at Kai and Cole. "You two seem interesting. I'll keep my eyes on you." He threatened before silently walking away towards the bleachers before disappearing behind them.
They all watched him walk away before Cole looked at the team. "So, does that mean we're in?"
"Seems like it." A boy whose name hadn't been revealed yet began. "He usually doesn't act like this."
"What are you talking about, he always acts like this!" Another boy exclaimed.
Kai tried to lighten the mood. "So... when is our training schedule?"
"Let's go back to change, I'll tell you then." The boy named Ben smiled. The two ninja smiled back before they all walked back to their changing room again.
~ Dance Class ~
"One. Two. Three. And-" Miss Magda, the dance instructor, counted out loud before she grabbed the air as if it was a man and started moving to her own rhythm. "One, two, three. One, two, three. One, two, three. One, two, three." She then stopped dancing herself and started walking around the PE room to look at the dancing couples and their techniques.
"Amy, don't look so stiff, honey. Don't be shy!" She smiled before looking at another couple.
She rolled her eyes. "Zack, stop grabbing Glen's waist so harshly, she's not some piece of meat to grab onto!" This earned some chuckles from other students.
"Lynn, stop looking at the others, all you have to focus on is yourself." Miss Magda advised.
"Samuel, Fred, you two are doing great!" She nodded approvingly before making her way over to the next couple. It had been strange for her to teach a gay couple at first, but now she had gotten used to it and found it rather adorable to see young love like that.
She stopped at a certain couple, watching their moves very carefully. It had been many years since she had witnessed such unique techniques in her class. The way he was spinning her around so effortlessly, the way she was closing her eyes in full trust of her partner, the way he was carefully watching her, almost as if he was afraid she would break at any harder move. Everything seemed so... peaceful.
She clapped a few times, signaling the end of the dance. She smiled. "I am very proud of all of you. I have seen many wonderful dancing styles today which surprised me, if I'm being honest. This is literally our first class together and I'm already flabbergasted!" Everyone laughed.
Then she looked at the two newcomers. "Jay, Nya, you two have been standing out to me the most today. Say, have you had any experience in dancing before?"
Jay and Nya looked at each other before Nya spoke up. "Yeah, we have." She smiled awkwardly.
"What styles do you perform?"
Before Nya could reply to her question, Jay came up from behind her and slung an arm around her waist. "Mostly slow dances, hip hop and freestyle, but we're open to anything." Nya nodded in agreement.
Nya, noticing a person she was not keen on seeing at the moment out of the corner of her eye, clicked her teeth and leaned into her boyfriend's touch more visibly.
Jay could sense a change in her form but didn't question anything. He liked her showing their relationship openly to others anyway, though he didn't know why Nya suddenly did that.
Miss Magda was about to say something but got interrupted by a boy whose voice she couldn't identify yet who said the class was over, so she looked at the silver watch on her wrist to confirm his statement.
She cleared her throat. "Class dismissed, everyone!" As the other students all hurried to get out, Jay and Nya took their sweet time, not caring about being late or anything, so Miss Magda smiled at them. "And Jay and Nya, I'd like to see you two show us what more you can do next week."
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