Chapter 12
[The Bottle]
"How dare you do this to me?!" Seliel screamed, tears rolling down her cheek.
"I... I don't know," Nya said, her voice breaking. "I had no other choice."
"Oh really?" Seliel scoffed. "Then tell me what you were doing last night!"
Nya gulped, taking a step back. "I was at home."
"You're lying."
"No, I'm not!" Nya defended herself poorly.
"You fucking are!" Seliel accused, grabbing the empty wine bottle that was on the table next to her. She slowly crept up on Nya who was backing away with her hands in front. "Tell me what you did with him!"
"I did nothing with him!" Nya shot back.
The other girl's hand started to shake furiously. "You did," she said a bit calmly.
The Master of Water sighed. "Fine, I- Look, don't do something you might regret later."
"Tell me!"
"Okay! He..." she sighed. "He came to my house yesterday."
"He did not," Seliel answered in denial.
"He did! And we..." Nya went silent after this, contemplating the next words that would come out of her mouth.
Seliel scoffed, walking closer to Nya. "You did it, didn't you?"
"It was an accident," Nya cried out, walking backwards until her back hit the wall.
"You fucked my boyfriend," Seliel said in disbelief. "Oh, well, guess we'll call this an accident too."
"W-What?" Nya looked at her friend in shock and confusion as the tears kept rolling down.
And then, it all happened way too fast.
One moment, Seliel was holding the bottle above her head. The next moment, there was the sound of glass shattering. After that, the person the bottle had crushed against fell to the floor with a loud thump.
Seliel looked down at what she had done. She looked down at Nya who wasn't moving a muscle.
She had hit her head with the glass bottle.
She snorted. "Fucking bitch."
After a few seconds of complete silence, the entire room erupted in clapping and whistling.
"That was incredible!" Mr Vincent, the Drama teacher, shouted, standing up while clapping his heart out.
Seliel looked at the audience to see Skylor and Pixal also standing up from their seats and clapping. She sighed. The boys were off in their own classes, not a single one attended Drama class. It was already the next day, something the gang had eagerly been waiting for since discovering the ring the day before.
"Nah, that's too girly for me," she remembered Kai saying and the other boys agreeing. Zane did say that he wasn't interested in taking that class, showing that he was the only capable one to say something understandable.
"Seliel, girl, that was beyond amazing! You two executed the assignment very well. Your entire sketch screamed 'betrayal' and I'm totally here for it," the Drama teacher said in excitement.
He was a younger teacher who had started to teach at Ninjago High around a year ago. He was very carefree and open which made him very likable for most teens, including Seliel and the others.
"Thank you. This honestly turned out better than we expected. Right, Nya?" She smiled, looking at Nya for confirmation, only to realize she was still on the floor.
She frowned. "Nya? Hello?"
Pixal and Skylor exchanged confused glances before looking back at Seliel who was walking up to Nya's form to look at what was wrong.
"Nya," the pink haired girl said, grabbing Nya by the shoulder and shaking a bit. She then turned her around to look at her face, only to let out a loud gasp. "Nya!"
There was a huge spot on the side of her head that was covered in blood, as well as the floor her head had been lying on for the time being.
Pixal and Skylor shot up from their chairs and ran over to their friend, also gasping when seeing her.
"Wake up," Skylor told her, shaking her shoulders now instead of Seliel who was looking at the shattered glass on the floor.
Seliel picked up a bigger shard and ran it across her pointer finger, hissing quietly when it slid open her skin a bit. A single droplet of blood formed on her finger, making her frown intensely as she turned to everyone.
"I thought the bottle was made out of fake glass which wouldn't do any actual harm? Mr Vincent?" She looked at him, anger spilling out of her eyes.
The teacher ran a hand through his dirty blonde hair as he looked at the unconscious Water Ninja as her friends were still trying to get her to wake up.
He looked at Seliel. "It was supposed to be! We need to call an ambulance," he muttered before taking out his cellphone. Yet he stopped his actions when he heard a loud hiss coming from the teen on the ground.
Nya slowly opened her eyes, noticing the many pairs of eyes staring back at her. She was then greeted by a pang of pain once the headache took over. She brought a hand up to her head and winced when she came across the spot with the blood. She drew her hand back to look at the blood on her fingers. "What happened?" She asked, her voice slurry and her eyes kept opening and closing for a longer amount of time.
"Don't worry, Nya. You were mistakenly hit with a real bottle instead of a sugar-glassed one," Skylor said in a low voice, not wanting to cause Nya's headache to become more intense if she were to speak louder.
"Shit, Nya, I'm so sorry! I didn't know that was real glass! If I had known, I would've never-" Seliel ranted with a hint of guilt in her tone but was stopped by Nya who sighed.
"It's fine, don't worry about it." She then started to slowly prop herself up on her elbows before trying to stand up.
Pixal, however, tried to push her back down. "Nya, I suggest you don't do that. You received a hard blow to your head, you could collapse any second," she warned, but Nya didn't want to have that.
"I'm fine."
"But Nya, your head is bleeding," Seliel pointed out, holding Nya's arm to help stabilize her.
"I said I'm fine," Nya repeated through gritted teeth when there was another stinging pain in her head.
When the bell rang immediately after that, the teacher sighed as he walked up to Nya who was struggling to stand up straight, though she did refuse any additional help from her friends.
"I'm afraid you have to go to a hospi-"
"What? No! I'm completely fine!" Nya cut him off sharply.
"You do need a professional to look over your wound, Nya," Mr Vincent insisted.
Nya looked at Pixal. "She's our medic at the monastery, she can have a look. I don't need any help."
The teacher looked at Pixal for confirmation and sighed when the nindroid nodded. "Fine, then at least go home and rest. I will tell your teacher you won't be coming to your last class today."
The Water Ninja nodded. "Alright," she said before she started walking away from everyone and out of the room.
The other girls hurried to get out after her and reached her quickly. Nya turned to them. "Pix, can you get rid of the blood? I don't wanna scare the others," she said, knowing Jay and Kai would freak out if they saw the blood on her head.
"That shouldn't be a problem. I will call Wu to tell him to pick you up and-" Pixal said before Nya interrupted her.
"Pixal," she warned, looking at her with a hard expression on her face, making her friend sigh.
"Nya, you were hit with a glass bottle which broke into pieces against your head. Do you expect me to give in and let you act like nothing has ever happened?" Pixal asked her. Now she was the one glaring at Nya.
Skylor and Seliel didn't dare say anything, knowing how far Nya would go to achieve her goals, even if it meant for herself to be left hurting.
As much as she wanted to keep protesting, Nya knew her nindroid friend was right. She looked down, seeing how a single red droplet landed on her white sneakers. Great.
When the silence continued, Pixal sighed. "Let's get you to the restrooms first. We need to clean the wound before it gets infected. I do not have any medical equipments with me at the moment, the closest place would be the base."
"We better hurry, people are starting to look," Skylor whispered, looking back at the students who were apparently suicidal if they were openly staring at a not-so-well looking Nya.
In an instant, Nya's head shot up and she darted her eyes back at the staring teenagers, making those look away immediately.
"Let's go," Nya said quietly, leading the way to the girls' restrooms. The others followed her closely.
With Seliel opening the door for Nya before she could reach for the handle, the four got in. To their relief, no one else was inside. Just in case, Skylor stood with her back against the door, her arms crossed in front of her chest.
"Make it quick, please," Nya told Pixal who was grabbing multiple layers of paper tissues out of the boxes that were next to the sinks on the wall.
The nindroid turned on the faucet and let the paper tissues soak as much water in as possible before turning the faucet off again.
"This might hurt now," she warned, and before Nya could give a response, she started to clean the wound thoroughly.
Nya hissed at the cold contact with her wound and gripped the sink tightly, her knuckles turning white. Her eyes were pressed closed.
"Nya, I'm really sorry about that, I can't believe we mixed up the bottles!" Seliel said, guilt radiating off of her as she was watching how much Nya was actually hurting.
"It's fine," Nya responded through gritted teeth.
"Nya," Pixal said. "No matter how many times I rub your wound clean, the blood only comes back out again. We need to stop the bleeding before it gets out of hand."
Once a phone started to ring among the four, they all looked at each other. Skylor, upon realizing it was her phone, pulled it out of her pocket, only to widen her eyes.
"Who is it?" Nya asked.
Skylor looked back up at her, the phone still going crazy in her hands. "It's Jay."
Nya's eyes widened. She quickly pulled out her own phone, only to see eight missed calls from him. Then she remembered it, she had turned her phone off before Drama class.
"What do I do?" Skylor asked, panicking.
"Give it to me," Nya said. The redhead nodded as she handed her the phone.
Nya took a deep breath before accepting the call and putting the phone against her ear.
"Hey Sky? Do you know where Nya is?"
Jay's worried tone managed for a little small to appear on Nya's face.
"Hi Jay, it's me."
"Nya? Oh, thank the First Spinjitzu Master! Where are you? Why didn't you answer any of my calls?"
"I had my phone on silent, I'm sorry. We're in the restrooms."
"All four of you? Damn, I thought that girls going to the bathroom in big groups was only a myth. Whatever, don't take that long, okay?" Then she heard him move before he started to whisper into the microphone. "Especially a certain someone can't wait for another special someone to arrive."
Nya chuckled. She knew he was talking about Cole waiting for Seliel.
"We'll come back in a few minutes, see ya!"
"Alright. Bye, my blossom!"
Nya smiled before she hung up and handed Skylor her phone back. She let out a long breath. Then she looked at the others who were only staring at her.
"What?" She asked.
Skylor looked at her, unimpressed. "Girl, you just talked to your boyfriend as if nothing happened, knowing damn well you're gonna show up a few minutes later with a huge laceration on your head which is still leaking with blood."
Nya sighed, nodding slightly. "I know... Can we just get it over with now?" She looked at Pixal.
"Of course," Pixal answered. She then grabbed some paper towels and handed them to Nya. "Keep this on your wound and hold pressure on it until I tell you not to."
"Alright," the Water Ninja agreed, doing what she was told.
The girls then left the restrooms together and made their way back to their base. Nya could feel many pairs of eyes staring at her as she was walking along her friends. She rolled her eyes. Those people were only curious about how it happened, not whether she was actually hurt or okay.
As they were heading for the staircase, the Master of Water couldn't help but feel someone's gaze burning into her. She looked at them, only to see the one person she couldn't stand, standing against the lockers while smirking at her.
Now, Nya had her suspicions of what could've happened to the mistakenly switched up bottles.
Whatever, she just shrugged that feeling off because another painful feeling erupted in her head. As she was walking down the stairs, she felt nauseous, so she quickly held onto the railing and steadied herself before walking down again.
As they entered the basement, Nya started to feel lightheaded for merely a few seconds. She started to sway in her walk, which caught the other girls' attentions.
"Careful there," Skylor said as she held onto her friend before she could collapse onto the floor.
"I'm fine," Nya hissed, standing back up straight once the pain was partially gone again.
Skylor only rolled her eyes, yet nonetheless she kept holding Nya as Seliel was opening the door to their base with her key.
The door opened wide, and Pixal and Seliel walked inside first before Skylor brought the injured ninja inside.
As they walked inside, the guys, who were seated around the table with Uno cards in front of them and in their hands, all looked at them. Yet their eyes collectively widened at seeing their closest family member holding her head and barely standing on her feet.
The boys gasped as they all dropped their cards. "Nya!" Jay exclaimed, rushing to her side.
He nodded at Skylor as she let her friend go and gave her up to Jay. Nya slightly fell into Jay's arms as she was slowly slipping in and out of consciousness. He lifted her up bridal style before carrying her over to the couch.
She groaned once her back hit the smooth surface of the couch.
"What happened?" Lloyd asked.
"Who did this to you?" Jay whispered to Nya, but after realizing she wasn't able to answer him back, his eyes hardened and he looked up at the girls. "What the hell happened to her?!
"Zane, can you bring me the medical kit?" Pixal asked her boyfriend who nodded and walked behind the counter.
"Who the fuck did this to her?!" Kai asked, his hands curled into fists.
The room fell silent for a moment before the silence was interrupted by a faint whisper. "It was my fault."
"What?" Cole asked, staring intently at Seliel who shifted her weight from one leg to the other while looking down at the floor and playing with her fingers awkwardly.
"The hell did you do?!" Kai yelled at her, taking a step towards her.
Cole immediately stopped him. "Let her speak before you do anything!"
Seliel sighed. "It happened in Drama class, I was supposed to hit her head with a sugar-glass bottle which I did, but turned out the bottles were somehow switched, so it was an actual bottle."
"How could that happen?" Lloyd wondered, looking at Nya whose wound was currently treated by Zane and Pixal. Jay was holding her hand through the entire process.
"I have no idea, it was supposed to be fake glass," Seliel said, still looking down.
"That is true," Skylor confirmed. "We even had a little test with another fake bottle. It was thrown against a guy in class, and nothing happened to him."
"How is she, Zane?" Kai asked, looking over at him desperately.
"She should recover shortly, though it might take a bit for the dizziness to fade away," Zane answered before turning to Nya. "I need you to rest, Nya. Maybe falling asleep is the best you can do at the moment."
"No screaming, no yelling, got it? Being louder than needed will only do worse to her headache," Pixal warned. The others nodded and walked over to the table again.
"What do we do now?" Cole asked.
"What's the time?" Lloyd asked.
"We have a clock on the wall, Greenie," Kai said.
"I knew that!" Lloyd said before turning to look at the clock. It was 01:28 pm. "Alright, we still have enough time to go to the library."
"Oh god, I completely forgot about that," Skylor said, yawning.
"Is someone tired?" Kai teased, smirking.
She smiled back at him. "Yes, I'm very tired of your BS."
Kai fake gasped, putting a hand to his heart. "Oh? But I thought my BS was the best thing that could've happened to you."
"When did I say that?" She raised an eyebrow.
"I have my ways," Kai claimed, smiling sheepishly.
That was a lie, he had never heard her say those words. He wanted to see her reaction to hearing those words.
She choked on her own spit, coughing. "Yeah, right," she said.
His smile increased in intensity once he say her cheeks getting redder.
"Are you done?" Seliel asked, looking unimpressed. "Because we really need to get to the library before the bell rings again."
"She's right," Cole said. "What do we do, Lloyd?"
"Uhh, we'll just go to the library and look for that book? We don't need a plan for that," Lloyd answered.
"But we can't leave-"
"I know, Jay! I knew you'd stay with her, so make sure nothing worse happens," Lloyd rolled his eyes, though his words sounded anything but sarcastic.
Jay nodded and watched as the others left the base. He waited until they were all out before walking back to the couch. There he saw his girlfriend turned away from him with her wound pointing to the ceiling. His face turned downwards; he didn't want to admit the fact that his Yang was hurt which he couldn't do anything about. He looked down at her face, seeing her eyes closed. She had a slow and rhythmic patterned breathing, indicating him that she was asleep.
He grabbed the lime green blanket that was resting on one of the beanbags before walking back to Nya.
He quickly took his sneakers off and removed the zip up jacket he was wearing before putting it neatly next to the couch. Then he slowly and carefully sat down on the couch before moving his body down to lie next to Nya.
He pulled the blanket down on top of both of them before turning to look at her backside. He carefully lifted her head and slid his arm underneath it before resting her head on his arm. His other arm went around her waist, pulling her close to his body, spooning her.
Then she stirred a bit. "What..?" She slurred as she groggily opened her eyes, trying to look for the source of her disturbance.
She heard a low pitched shush from behind her. "It's just me," Jay reassured her.
She visibly relaxed after hearing his voice as she accepted his touch and leaned more into him willingly.
He smiled, kissing the back of her head. "Sweet dreams, my sunshine."
"This place is stacked," Kai groaned, flipping through the same books over and over again to triple check.
Indeed, the library had more books than the ninja had thought.
"Just keep looking!" Lloyd whisper-shouted from the other side of the room.
Even though it was a school library and it was the middle of their lunch break, they weren't allowed to shout or scream.
Cole hissed under his breath. "Sel, are you sure it's here?"
Seliel turned around to glare at him. She was just as frustrated as he was. "Yes, Cole, I was once forced to stare at it for like forty-five minutes as a student had to hold a presentation about that era." She turned back to the shelf she was looking at.
"How'd that go?" He asked.
She turned around, still holding the book she was currently looking at in her hands. She chuckled. "It was so boring! I felt bad because even the teacher seemed to doze off."
Cole let out a quiet laugh. "That poor guy."
Seliel nodded, smiling. As she was turning back around again, a hand stopped her by holding her forearm. She looked down at the veiny hand which was gripping her arm gently enough to make her feel something flutter inside of her.
Then she looked up at him to see him looking down at her as his hand slowly traveled down her arm before it gently held hers. She tried to focus, but the blush on her face spoke otherwise.
"I need to tell you something," Cole said quietly, breaking the silence.
Seliel gulped. Then she nodded, looking at him expectantly.
Cole cleared his throat, looking deeply into her eyes as they seemed to shine brighter than usual. "Seliel, I-"
"Psst, guys! I found the book!" Kai exclaimed quietly, making everyone hear him.
Seliel and Cole both widened their eyes at their current situation, and Seliel quickly excused herself from him and let go of his hand.
Cole sighed before he walked over to the others and shot daggers at Kai who looked at him quizzically, not knowing he had ruined his and Seliel's moment. Then he shrugged.
"Where did you find it?" Zane asked as he grabbed the book out of the Fire Ninja's hand.
He looked down at the book. It was in a dark red color only and had '1858' written in cursive on the cover. He turned the book around to read the summary, only to realize there was none.
"It was between the books I was looking through," Kai said, smiling triumphantly at the fact that he was the one finding it.
Lloyd rolled his eyes. "But didn't you look through those books for more than three times? You could've found it the first time, y'know." He smirked.
Kai raised his hands up in defeat and looked away. "It appeared out of nowhere, I swear!"
"Sure it did," Skylor smiled, her arms crossed in front of her chest.
"Whatever, let's just go," the Master of Fire said before he forcefully took the book out of Zane's grasp and headed for the door.
A throat clearing on the other side of the room stopped him in his tracks. He turned to look at the person and realized that it was the librarian.
"You do realize you need to tell me your name if you want to take that book with you?" She raised an eyebrow.
"Of course," Kai nodded, heading over to her desk.
The librarian noted down the book's information before asking for Kai's.
"I'm Kai Smith," he said, smirking. He felt the need to tell her his name even though he was a celebrity. And there he was, claiming he wasn't cocky at all.
"Alright," she said before looking at him with a serious expression on her face. "You have four weeks before you need to return it or extend the due date. Got it?"
Kai nodded. "Thanks," he said before he headed out of the room with the others right behind him.
They then headed for the basement before entering their base again. There they found Jay and Nya fast asleep on the couch, with him spooning her in a firm grip. His head was buried in her black hair.
Cole smirked at them. "Let's just leave them be. I don't think Jay'd be that happy to know we woke him up only for him to go to class." He looked at the clock to see that classes would start in less than three minutes.
The others agreed to him before they all headed out for their own classes. The book, which Kai had put down on the table, could wait a little longer.
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