Meeting on Earth: The Guardians Return

The sound of a phone ringing is the only thing Tony listens to all day. Of course the tablet Quill gave him to keep in contact has been set to a default ringtone. Tony would change it, but every second messing around with the tablet is one less second he could be talking to Peter Parker.

Speaking of which, none of the Guardians are picking up. At first Tony thinks it's because the signal is down or something, but that wouldn't make sense. The tablet wouldn't be constantly ringing if that's the case.

Tony sighs just as the ego-filled wizard walks in. Doctor Strange rolls his eyes, still very upset that Tony didn't tell him when Lauren was in the infirmary.

"What are you doing in here? I'm already undergoing too much stress." Tony clicks the 'call' button again after none of the Guardians answer.

Stephen starts pouring a cup of coffee and responds, "You know they're probably at their destination, right? There are many safe and logical reasons for them to not be answering."

"You know, just because your the Master of Magic doesn't mean you know everything!" Tony crosses his arms and sinks lower in his seat, now thinking of even worse things that could have happened to Peter.

"First of all, its Master of the Mystic Arts. And second," Stephen walks over to Tony and points at his face. "I'm trying to help you. So, why don't you just grow up!"

Sure, Stephen was getting fed up with Tony's constant pouting around the compound, waiting for a response from Peter. However, the magician realizes that he struck a nerve and regrets his choice of words. Stephen hates it when he's not with Lauren, as he can get reckless like this sometimes.

"Tony-" Before Stephen can apologize, the Guardians' ship lands outside the compound. Stephen and Tony watch from behind the window, shocked that they're back so early. Right when Tony gets out of his shock, he runs out of the kitchen, down the stairs, and out the front doors.

Scott, Hope, and Steve are already standing there, waiting for the Guardians to exit their ship and tell them what happened. Tony joins them, a bit out of breath, while Stephen uses his Sling Ring to teleport next to him.

The ship's door opens and the Guardians all pile out. Gamora and Rocket walk out first followed by a girl the Avengers have never seen before. Gamora explains who the newcomer is, and Steve shakes Leah's hand to welcome her to the compound. The rest of the group minus the two Peters exit the ship, leaving the Avengers confused.

"Where's Parker?" At Tony's question, Nebula's expression turns to one of pity and and she puts a hand on his shoulder.

"It's better if we tell you the whole story." Nebula tells the group exactly what happened up until the point where she and Gamora left to go find a way to get the people off the planet. After she explains her side, Rocket takes over with the occasional input of Drax.

When Tony hears that Quill left to find Parker, his face turns red with anger. "That son of a-"

"Easy, Tony! Remember, Quill went to find Peter so that means he's still alive." Scott turns to face the billionaire, and puts his hands out to stop Tony from attacking anyone.

When the Avengers defeated Thanos, they had to reset a couple of things using the Time Stone. A result of this was Tony gaining the arc reactor along with the shrapnel back in his chest. The light in his chest glows just a bit brighter as Tony's heart speeds up.

Instead of attacking any of the Guardians, Tony turns around and takes a swing at Stephen. The Cloak of Levitation stops Stephen's fall, but it didn't have time to protect him from the punch to the face.

"Why did you agree with them?! Huh?! You let him go with them!" Tony is held back by Scott, while Hope steps in between Tony and Stephen.

"Tony, look at me." Hope captures Tony's gaze, but only for a second. She knows she has to get him to settle down. "We will get him back. We just have to trust Quill."

"Trust?" Tony thinks back to when he worked with Obadiah. He trusted him with anything, and the man ordered Tony to be captured by terrorists and killed. He remembers Rhodes stealing one of his suits. He remembers Killian trying to take Pepper away. He remembers when he created Ultron. Tony realizes he can't even trust himself. "None of you know anything."

Mantis puts a hand on Tony's shoulder to take away some of the hostility. It only calms him down a little. Tony stops struggling against Scott. He turns around and walks back into the compound, not making eye contact with anyone as he heads up to his room. He passes Bruce on the way, but doesn't acknowledge him. Tony slams the door of his room and walks over to the balcony to think to himself in silence.

"He's right. Peter shouldn't have went." Steve speaks up for the first time on the matter. He does recall saying the young Avenger should accompany the Guardians, but he was certain that he'd be safe. Now, however, he's seeing how much Peter actually means to Tony.

"Galactus always keeps his promises. If he is keeping Spider-Man for himself, then there is no way he will let him go." Leah's eyes gloss over with tears as she remembers seeing Quill first come down to talk to her. She figures that Quill had the chance to try and get Peter back in that moment, but he chose to see who she was instead.

"I do believe you are correct though, Miss Wasp." Loki looks at Hope as he continues. "The only thing we can do about it, is to trust in Quill."

"I also think someone should talk to Tony. Someone that he would listen to." Steve knows that he himself shouldn't try and talk to the broken hearted billionaire, and neither should anyone else standing beside him.

"I'll tell Rhodes." Stephen conjures a portal and steps through it, heading to where he thinks the best friend of Tony is at the moment. The rest of the group heads inside to tell the others what happened.

Tony thinks back to when he lost Peter during the dusting. He lost all hope then, but at least his emotions switched to the hunger for revenge. He wanted to avenge Peter back then, so why doesn't he now? Is it the fact that his friends betrayed him? No, that can't be it, that happened during Civil War. So why does he feel so... empty?

"The one with all the knowledge knows nothing." Tony is snaps out of his thoughts and he stands up, turning around to find the owner of the voice. It's a voice he's heard before, but he can't quite remember. His mind swarms with the possibilities on who it could be.

Instead of asking who the person is, Tony thinks the answer to this question is more concerning at the moment. "Where are you?"

"I'm in your head." The voice comes from all directions now, and it seems to echo in Tony's brain. Tony backs up to the edge of the balcony and he starts to sweat.

"Well, then you better get out of it because I'm having a really bad day, and I'm not afraid to blast you across the universe." Tony holds out his hand slightly to his side. If he can stall long enough, then his armor will have enough time to make it to him.

"Oh yes, being blasted across the universe. I will never forget what you did to me." Tony can't remember blasting anyone across the universe, so he knows this voice must be lying to him. Right?

Tony can't think of anything to say. His mind is too jumbled with who this is, why he's here, and where Peter is. The voice laughs and continues to echo in his brain. "Such a wonderful mind being overtaken by chaos. You have lost everything. Your friends, the freedom from the light in your chest, those you love most. And the worst of it all is, you're afraid. Afraid of trusting your friends, afraid of what happens when the light in your chest stops glowing, afraid of losing Peter, and you're afraid of me."

"How do you know Peter?" At the mention of the teenager, Tony is able to find his voice.

"Oh, the child and I have met. That's the day you blasted me into space." The voice seems irritated that he's being forced to think of that memory, so he changes the subject. "But the child is gone now... or is he? I can bring him back, Tony. I have the power. You just need to join me, and I will bring Peter back."

Tony thinks about it. At first, he would do anything to get Peter back, but what's the cost? His life, his powers? Tony knows there's more to this deal than just getting Peter back. "What do you want from me?"

"Join me. The child may come as well. All that I ask is for your loyalty to me. Tell me anything I wish to know, and do anything I ask." Tony feels hands on his shoulders, and his eyes start to fog over. The only picture in his mind is Peter coming back. He could raise him just as he always secretly wanted. He would be a better father than Howard ever was.

"Ok. I will-"

Before Tony could finish, the door to the balcony slides open. Rhodes walks in, scratching his head. "Hey, Tony. I know you're feeling a lot of things right now, and..."

Rhodes looks up and cuts himself off when he sees the scene in front of him. Tony is facing him with his back to the railing of the balcony, and he looks awful. Tony's face is ghostly white and his eyes seem to be fazed over and drained of life. But, Tony is nothing compared to the thing floating behind him.

It is structured like a human, but it's way too tall and it's skin is extremely wrinkly. It's nose seems to have been squashed into its face, and its hair is white and stringy. It wears some sort of cloak, and it's usually folded hands are resting on Tony's shoulders.

Rhodes recognizes him from the stories he was told from the other Avengers. He's never met this guy personally, but there's no one else that could fit this description. "Ebony Maw?!"

"Look, it's one of the friends who have disappointed you. I feel your sadness and loss. If you kill him, then I will bring Peter back." Ebony whispers to Tony.

Rhodes hears the alien however, and notices a red Iron Man hand laying down next to Tony. Rhodes thinks Tony tried to summon his armor, but the alien invaded his mind before it could reach its owner.

Acting fast, Rhodes rolls toward the red metal hand and picks it up. He puts his own hand in and shoots a beam of energy at Ebony. The alien grunts and flies backward, letting go of Tony's shoulders. Tony gasps for breath and falls to his knees, putting his hands on his head.

"Tony, are you alright?!" Rhodes helps Tony stand up. When Rhodes grabs his wrist, he notices that Tony's pulse is dangerously high. "Let's get you out of here."

"Rhodey? Wha... Where's Peter? Where am I? I can't... think..." Tony supports his head with his free hand, and Rhodes realizes this is more serious than he suspected. He stumbles with Tony over to the door, but suddenly the ceiling crashes down, blocking their path.

"Avengers, I need back up in Tony's room. Calling all Avengers up to Tony's-" Rhodes' earpiece is crushed. He catches it as it falls out of his ear and looks toward Ebony. The alien chuckles, knowing that he will overpower the human.

Rhodes pushes Tony behind him, and raises the hand that has the Iron Man arm equipped. The best friend of Tony knows that all he has to do is hold out until his teammates come to help. If only it's as easy as he makes it sound in his mind.

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