Zoro vs Jaku


A beach shows with the missing letters of the word "ONE PIECE" before going to the title then the Going Merry sailing in the sea. It features the Straw Hat pirates with the Going Merry arriving in an enclosed island. Luffy is seen in excitement, Nami, Y/N, and Robin shopping with Chopper as the holder, Zoro sleeping on a bench, Luffy and Usopp, amazed with the islands products and Sanji falling in love with a girl. Nami and the others enjoys the island's beach when Luffy starts to jump in the water which surprises Nami. Everyone coordinate in preparing lunch (except for Luffy whose playing with some monkeys). The Straw Hats are shown one by one followed by Mihawk, Ace and Shanks. A pirate ship arrives with "GAHOOOO" written on the sail and a lion jolly roger. The ship suddenly launches an attack which is countered by Luffy, Zoro, Y/N, and Sanji, then Luffy uses the combination of Gomu Gomu no Rocket and Gatling to break the ship apart. The Straw Hats enjoy the beach when suddenly a dinosaur appears before them chasing the Straw Hats away with Luffy in amazement. The Going Merry is seen traveling the map. The hills and the beach that was shown before the title made a second appearance but now in daylight. It also shows the places where the Straw Hats made their appearances. Then the Straw Hats are shown again, and the ship's flag also makes an appearance.  

"Oni Giri!"

The swordsman lunges, but it seems the giraffe's head is at least strong enough to tank the hit as it retaliates, though the severed upper portion continues to slide with each consecutive shockwave.

"For the record, despite my appearance, I prefer meat," Kaku says as they break their standoff.

"And for the record, I didn't really care in the first place," Zoro responds, taking the momentary break to put on his bandana. "Now, enough small talk. I'll be taking that key from you whether you like it or not."

"Nitoryu: Nigiri!"

Kaku chuckles. "You supposed to get stronger or something when you put that bandana on your head?" he asks mockingly.

Zoro chuckles. "Let's find out," before blitzing forward.





"You've left yourself a major opening," Kaku points out, capitalizing on Zoro being unable to defend himself in the air as he's slapped aside by Kaku's long neck.

"Kama Kirin!"

"Tekkai: Mushikaku!"

"There's no blind spot on a square," Kaku comments, folding his arms, legs, and neck in a way that makes him look even more ridiculous than before—like a giraffe cube.

"If you can't move, who cares if you have no blind spots? You're still wide open!" Zoro complains angrily.

"That may be true, but unlike humans, giraffes have four legs," Kaku states.

"And I should care because...?"

"Because of this." Kaku then flails his legs around like he's having a fit.

"Are you okay? I mean, are you on something or just stupid?"

Kaku sighs. "Idiot, look up and witness death," he commands as his attack finally begins to fall down on the swordsman.

"Rankyaku: Kiri Shigure!"


Zoro deflects the rain of attacks for as long as he can before having to give up and just take the hits. The wide range of the attack also means that if not for his use of Tekkai, Kaku would be in a similar position—possibly worse, as his current condition meant he couldn't have even put up an initial fight against the onslaught. So Kaku is basically sitting pretty while Zoro is being shredded by the rain of death.

"There are too many of them... I can't block," Zoro thinks as the attack continues to carve him up. Until finally, it stops, and Zoro, amazingly, is still standing.


Luckily, he is still able to block, even if only barely, when Kaku's neck shoots his head forward like a gun, hoping to skewer the swordsman and end the fight. It still sends him flying, but the attack itself does no damage, only hitting the ground when he lands. After a moment of faltering, Zoro pulls himself up, breathing heavily but still willing to fight.

"You're quite tough for a human. Unluckily for you, boy, I'm a giraffe," Kaku says mockingly.

"That your superhero name: Giraffe Boy?" Zoro asks after spitting blood. Okay, now you've brought this on yourself.

"Giraffe Boy? No, it's just Giraffe, fool!"

"Now it's Giraffe Fool? That's not exactly an improvement, though it might be the Alzheimer's kicking in," Zoro hums, pissing Kaku off even more.

"No, I'm the giraffe, you're the fool!"

"I don't care what the fuck you are. If you're a swordsman, you let your blades do the talking," Zoro states as he sheaths the two swords he'd been using and pulls out Wado.

"You think you can get under my skin that easily, boy?" Kaku asks.

"Oh, I'm not going to get under your skin; I'm going to cut right through it. And if you try to use your Hardening technique, I'll cut through that too," the swordsman declares.

Kaku scoffs. "Think you're a funny guy, claiming you can cut through my Tekkai? You haven't even broken the skin. I can't see where you get the idea of cutting me from."

"Just sit back and watch, Giraffe Boy. I'll show you."

"Ittoryu Iai: Shishi Sonson!"

""Rankyaku: Rodan!"

Kaku chuckles. "You appear to have missed the biggest issue. If you can't hit me, it doesn't matter if my body is iron or not," he hums, as both their attacks cancel each other out.

Zoro frowns before pulling out all three swords once more. "Then I guess I'll just have to hit harder," he says, flexing his arms, causing the muscles to bulge.

"1 Gorilla, 2 Gorilla"



The two clash mid-air until finally, Kaku is the one slapped across the room, while Zoro drops to the ground with surprising grace. Kaku scrambles out of the rubble.

"You never thought you could lose, did you?" Zoro asks mockingly. "You can't even imagine that I'm stronger than you. I'm about to wake you from your delusions."

Kaku sneers. "I could say the same to you. You haven't yet seen the true savagery of a giraffe."

"Then show me, don't just boast about nothing like a weakling," the swordsman taunts.

"Oh, I'm about to. Witness the power of nature itself!"

"Kirin Hodai!"

"There is nothing fucking natural about that," Zoro says with a grimace as, while Kaku is standing like a normal giraffe, he's also collapsed his neck into himself.

"Kyoku Bigan: Kirimanjaro!"

"Damn, now his neck stretches like Luffy," Zoro mutters as he dodges. "But all that neck still leaves miles of weak spots."

Kaku chuckles. "Keep telling yourself that."

"Rankyaku: Neji Hakujin!"

Zoro grimaces as he's forced to block the twister of shockwave blasts.

"Stop complaining about my weak points and worry about your own," Kaku retorts, readying another attack.

"Kirin Hodai!"

"Ah crap, I pushed my neck in too far and popped my legs out," Kaku whines, now resembling a baby giraffe—his body on stilts.

"This guy keeps getting weirder and weirder," Zoro says.

"It's like when you push dough through a little hole, and it comes out as noodles—like a pasta machine," Kaku explains. Then a lightbulb goes off in his head as he stands up.

"Pasta Machine"

"Don't act like this was intentional; you even just admitted it was a fuck-up!" Zoro shouts angrily.

"A long neck is nice, but long limbs can be handy as well. A pro like me can turn even situations like this into fresh opportunities. Prepare yourself as I unleash a new and devastating long-range technique."


"That's the same... you know what, fuck it!" Zoro groans.

"Tatsu Maki!"

"It's too strong!"


Zoro's attack easily tears through the ceiling, making the swordsman smirk as he finally manages to make the giraffe feel fear.


"What's he doing?" Zoro wonders as Kaku disappears into the hole. "He better not be running away."

Pasta Machine

The once more long-limbed giraffe man drops straight down onto Zoro, swords drawn and clashing with the pirate. "Thank you for waiting." He jumps back. "Never mind the neck—if I can control the reach of all four blades, I will be unstoppable," Kaku boasts before leaping forward to strike and getting into a clash with Zoro. "I bet you were so distracted by my giraffe form that you forgot I was a master of Yontoryu too. You've done well so far, but this battle is over now."

"You've been saying that since you turned into a giraffe. I believe you less now than I did then," Zoro retorts. "Even if you have the power of a wild animal, can attack with that freakishly long neck of yours, and are a master of four blades..." The two fighters separate.

"He deflected all four of my blades?" Kaku gasps.

"None of those things will make you strong enough to beat me."

Kaku sneers. "You're just talk, kid. If you really think you can take me down, then prove it," he says as Zoro leaps at him with some kind of spin technique.

"Santoryu: Hyokindama!"



'What! How... I was sure he missed me', Kaku thinks as Zoro manages to cut him across the chest. 'Could he have predicted which way I was going to dodge? No, there's no way some kid from the East could have been taught that.' he grimaces as he stands up again

"Don't act so shocked, the way you fight, if it weren't for your Iron Body technique I'd have cut you many times over the course of this fight" Zoro says dismissively

Kaku hums "Well, it seems you have at least enough strength to back up your boasts, I'll have to stop underestimating you then, but that means that one hit, is the only damage you're going to inflict upon me. I recommend you savour it. I have 4 blades, mastery of all 6 of the Rokushiki techniques, and the unparalleled strength of a giraffe on my side, all together your chances of victory are snuffed out"

"Rankyaku: Shuriken!"

Zoro frantically blocks and parries the flurry of strikes, which unfortunately for him meant he couldn't see and in turn defend himself from another Kirimanjaro, slamming him right in the gut and sending him flying back

'Damn it, should have seen that coming.'

"My neck's like a whip in this form." Kaku says, before using it to slam Zoro into the ground, which the swordsman manages to dodge on the return strike


"And now even faster," the giraffeman shouts, swinging his neck around and at Zoro it left after images similar to Luffy's gatling as they repeatedly pummel the swordsman.


"How do you like these slams, still think you stand a chance against me punk?" Kaku taunts as he continues to lay into the swordsman. He then stops "I think the best way to end this is with my 4 swords style, don't you think? As a swordsman after all."

"Yontoryu: Gekirin!"

Zoro was giving it his all, but with everything that had happened in this fight, all he was able to do was block Kaku's attacks, and even then some were getting through and cutting deep.

"You pirates were foolish and naive to think you could go up against the world government and actually win." Kaku laughs bitterly "A crime that severe will only end with your death! The same goes for Nico Robin and all your friends, Justice is Absolute!" he shouts as he continues to push back the swordsman.

Zoro stops, a dark aura flaring across him "You bastard!" he growls around Wado, even stopping Kaku for a second as he was shocked to feel this level of rage and bloodlust so suddenly, though it faded almost as quickly

'That, he looked like a demon, multiple snarling faces and bladed arms. That's not possible, not even the Yōkai class Devil fruits can give you that kind of transformation, I must be seeing things' Kaku rationalises, but still watches Zoro warilly, on edge even as the pirate's breaths sound pained and wheery.

"Your mouth just crossed the line, now you're gonna pay you lanky freak." Zoro growls

"Oh, did I touch a nerve? Well if you're quite done I think I'll end this how it began, splitting you like I did the Tower" Kaku declares before balancing on his hand and beginning to spin once again "This will all be over in a second, I doubt you'll survive long enough to even feel it."

'No, I refuse to lose to something like this bastard, I will save my crew, I will become the greatest swordsman, and to do so I won't let something as trivial as the limit of human endurance or strength hold me back. I will go beyond!' Zoro thinks, a dark aura billowing off of him like a miasma, as well as a previously untapped well of energy.

Demon Aura: 9 Swords Style - Asura

'It's that demon again, how is he doing that? It's not a Devil fruit and not even the most strong willed person can do that with their haki' Kaku thinks, nearly wavering in his spins "Nice try, but you're too late, my attack is all charged up."

"Is it too late for me, or you?" Zoro asks, the aura sending shivers down the giraffe man's spine,

"Unless you can dodge this attack, it's obvious what the end result will be, conclusive proof that you're all talk as you bleed out as a failure."

"Rankyaku: Amane Dachi!"

As the people counting on him flashed through his mind, the 'weight' of his swords increased as Zoro leaps forward, dissipating the attack with a 9 bladed slash.

"Impossible, you turned it to mist," Kaku gasped, his brain taking a nosedive for a moment out of sheer shock and fear.

"You did well, I commend you. Suffering is welcome on the path to bloodshed" Zoro announces, before laying waste to his opponent.

"Asura: Ichibugin!"

The battle complete, Zoro's demons fade and Kaku seems to visibly deflate, as he falls to the ground, beaten and bloodied. "I got a message I have to deliver." Zoro says, panting deeply as he sheaths his swords and removes his bandana "From your other boss, back in Galley La. He said, you're all fired."

"Polly" Kaku sighs "Fired huh? Shame, assassination skills aren't exactly useful in other professions." he says weakly.

"You could always get a job at the Zoo." Zoro suggests with shrug, causing Kaku to chuckle weakly, and painfully.

"Good one. Here, you earned it," he says, removing the key from his breast pocket and tossing it in the swordsman's direction before passing out.

"Sorry" Zoro mumbles, before taking the key and about to go looking for a crewmate, when Sanji found him instead.

"Hey mosshead, you win? You get a key?" he asks.

"Sure did, Key 5. You?"

"Key 1. You guys sure made a mess of this tower, think it'll stand?" the cook asks curiously

"It'll do for now, but that's not exactly a high priority to me." Zoro answers "From what I can tell, this guy was the last key holder, meaning no matter which one it is, we have the means to free Robin once we get to her." he says, getting a determined nod from the cook.

"Then let's get moving."


Spandam says mockingly, "Finally, it opened!! And the bridge is connected!! WAHAHAHA!!!" He pulled out a transponder snail.

Spandam, "Hey, Guards of the 'Gates Of Justice'!! Come and salute!! The Hero Spandam-sama is marching is marching through!!"

Marine*Through T.Snail* "Ah! Y-Yes, sir, right away!"

"Shit, those fools. They can't do anything right! Look, Nico Robin. There it is!! That little gate's the real entrance. Just a few more steps and we're there. Once you pass through it, you'll be crossing the border between heaven and hell. There's no turning back!! And the moment I drag you past it, my name will be engraved in history!!"

Robin, tried running away once more, but before she could do that, Spandam grabbed her from her hair.

Spandam shockingly and angrily, "Heeey, hey, hey!! Where are you trying to run!!? To tell you the truth, I do sympathize with you... But what can I do? Your life is worthless. Your death awaits." He mocked her.

Robin pulled hard enough to pull out some strands of hair from her head, freeing herself temporarily. She began running to one of the sides of the building.

 "That wtch!! Hold up!!" He chased after her.

Robin: "I don't want to die! I don't want to die!! I want to live!! I have to go back to them!! Back to h--!!" Before she could finish her thoughts, Spandam caught her and pinned her against the floor.

 "Stop delaying the inevitable!! You're wasting time! Get up!!", Spandam says as he pulled Robin, but she wouldn't budge from the edge.

"Hmm? What!? She's stuck!! What's going on!!?" Spandam got closer to Robin's face and his eyes widened in disbelief as she was biting the ground which made her unable to move, but blood was spilling from her mouth,  "You're kidding me!! She's biting into the stone bridge!! What a bad loser!! So irritating!! What a shameful attachment to life!! YOU'RE PITIFUL AND GREEDY!! YOU'RE ONLY A CRIMINAL!! YOU CAN ONLY MAKE PEOPLE HAPPY BY DYING!!! HOW SHABBY TO THE VERY END!!!" He screamed out in frustration while trying to get Robin to let go of the edge.

Robin thinks,"I never thought I would be so afraid of death. I won't move from here!!"


Some tears began leaking out of Robin's eyes, "Everyone will surely come rescue me!! They're coming!! They're all coming to rescue me!! Please!! Hurry!! 


"Ok, nearly made it." Franky says to himself as he enters the room, just as Luffy and Lucci pause in their smacking each other around "Hey Straw Hat..."

"Go away, I don't have time to deal with you." Luffy interrupts, clearly annoyed.

"Hey that's not fair, we're doing the good ol team up, even helped some of your bros with some goons in suits" Franky defends "So, where's Robin?"

"Through that door, the problem is the pigeon bastard is in the way." Luffy explains

"So, team up? That sounds Super!"

"No" Luffy says, stopping the cyborg before he gets going, "Robin is more important than beating up this guy, I need you to get past while I'm fighting him, and rescue Robin from the weirdo in the face brace."

Franky grumbles before sighing "On the one hand, I don't want to just run from a fight, especially with this annoying fucker, but on the other, revenge against Spazdick, I think that would be something a long time coming."

Lucci chuckles "You say that like I'd allow you to get to the door, never mind past it."

"You will if I force you to," Luffy declares, running head first at the agent

"Gum Gum Gatling!"


Lucci catches his fist and while his kick was blocked managed to push him away, dodging a Pistol with a quick Soru, getting behind Luffy to kick him into a wall, barely missing Franky who was trying to sneak his way around the room to the door as planned.

"Straw Hat, you alright?" Franky shouts, worried about how much of a beating the kid could actually take, leaving him open for Lucci's Rankyaku, only his metal body stopped the attack from doing much more than knocking him back.

"Weapons Left!"


'Ah crap' Franky thinks as Lucci dodges his cannon blast an moves to punch him

"Gum Gum Rocket!"

Only for Luffy to get between them, tanking the hit with a headbutt before launching a bazooka, which failed but with their hands now locked he'd at least managed to essentially pin Lucci to one spot, giving Franky an opening.

"Good job Straw Hat, now hold him steady so I can blast him!"

"NO! Stick to the plan, get Robin while I hold off Pigeon Man. That is the only thing you have to do!" Luffy shouts, clearly getting annoyed with the cyborg, "This is our one shot at getting her back, don't blow this for us."

"Ridiculous" Lucci scoffs, kneeing Luffy in the face before approaching Franky "You don't stand a chance at escaping," he sneers just before Luffy ensnares him with his extended limbs.

"You sure Straw ha..."


Franky gulps "You got it bro," he says then begins running.

"You're both fools" Lucci sighs, jumping before using Gepo to slam himself and Luffy into the ground, the rubber boy releasing reflexively, giving him the opportunity to Soru away and once more reappear in front of Franky "You're becoming a pest Cutty Flam" he growls.


Before the attack could connect, Luffy catches his arm "Get back here, you're fighting me remember." before pulling him towards him.


"I told you before, that attack, doesn't work on me." Luffy smirks the attack 'dull' enough his body was able to simply bounce back, well until.

"Shigan: Madara"

Even if the actual damage was minimal, the force behind so many near simultaneous strikes still threw Luffy a good distance away, allowing him to once more focus on Franky.

"Have you given up yet, you can't possibly believe I'll let you pass."

"I don't expect you to 'let' anything happen, I'm gonna force my way past with..."

"Strong Hammer!"


The thud was audible, but Lucci didn't even flinch as Franky's metal fist suckerpunched him in the gut "What the, that same punch sent the Chapapa fucker flying, but him, nothing"

Lucci's eyebrow rises "You beat Fukuro then, too bad for you then that my power level is 5 times his." the leopard man smirks.

"Shigan: Oren!"

"Still, I'm impressed you managed to beat any of the others, as to do so requires Super-human strength." Lucci continues after barraging Franky's chest and gut till he was bent over, sounding genuinely impressed by the achievement "Alas, now you die."

"Gum Gum Jet Pistol!"

The high speed attack clocks Lucci straight in the jaw, throwing him out of the way and giving Franky an opening, and also scaring him shitless.

"What the, how did you do that, and why are you steaming?" the cyborg ask yells

"Gear 2nd. I can't hold this form for long, but I'll do so for as long as I have to, and deal with this guy, while you save Robin. Got it?"

"You got it. I have literally no idea what you're doing, but if it helps us then keep doing it." Franky says encouragingly, then runs for the door, only to stop when Lucci was once more blocking him, now in his hybrid form.

"I said, you'll never get passed me" he growls.

"Crap, another one of you has Devil fruit powers!" Franky shouts.

"Yes, now time to die." Lucci says, flickering out of Franky's sight, but not Luffy's as the now high speed rubber boy got between cat and cyborg...

"Jet Whip!"

Slapping the top agent into the ground, before landing as they face off, both lightly panting.

"Have you forgotten already? This is the form I was in the last time I beat you, what makes you think the outcome will be any different this time?" Lucci asks with a growl.

"Well, I was hungry that day, and I'm fine right now" Luffy responds, annoying the cat man.



While not showing on his face, Lucci was surprised when Luffy was able to dodge his attack, moving fast enough he might even be on par with a medium level Soru user, hearing Luffy set up an attack he activates Tekkai...

"Jet Bazooka!"

... only to still be sent into the wall like he'd been shot out of a cannon. This was the opening Franky needed to bolt out the door, making his way up the steps toward Robin.

Hope you enjoyed the chapter!!!

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