Angel vs Devil/Sanji vs Jabra
A beach shows with the missing letters of the word "ONE PIECE" before going to the title then the Going Merry sailing in the sea. It features the Straw Hat pirates with the Going Merry arriving in an enclosed island. Luffy is seen in excitement, Nami, Y/N, and Robin shopping with Chopper as the holder, Zoro sleeping on a bench, Luffy and Usopp, amazed with the islands products and Sanji falling in love with a girl. Nami and the others enjoys the island's beach when Luffy starts to jump in the water which surprises Nami. Everyone coordinate in preparing lunch (except for Luffy whose playing with some monkeys). The Straw Hats are shown one by one followed by Mihawk, Ace and Shanks. A pirate ship arrives with "GAHOOOO" written on the sail and a lion jolly roger. The ship suddenly launches an attack which is countered by Luffy, Zoro, Y/N, and Sanji, then Luffy uses the combination of Gomu Gomu no Rocket and Gatling to break the ship apart. The Straw Hats enjoy the beach when suddenly a dinosaur appears before them chasing the Straw Hats away with Luffy in amazement. The Going Merry is seen traveling the map. The hills and the beach that was shown before the title made a second appearance but now in daylight. It also shows the places where the Straw Hats made their appearances. Then the Straw Hats are shown again, and the ship's flag also makes an appearance.
Everyone stared in shock as Red Eye had awakened. Nami was put down by Sniper King as she slowly walked toward the devil with her hands up in a calming manner.
"Y/N-Do-", Nami says reassuringly.
Red Eye holds up his fingers as he walks toward Oiwa, "Zip it lady, I don't have time for this, I've got angel to kill."
Oiwa holds up his blade and gets ready for his fight, "So you decided to show yourself. It's been a while hasn't."
Red Eye chuckles, "Yeah, I should have the courtesy to tell you, thanks for allowing me burn down your town."
Oiwa clenched his sword tightly as he glared daggers at Red Eye, "DIE!"
(Oiwa is Star-Lord)
The Angel and Devil fly out of the building as Nami screams for Y/N, but Sniper King stops her.
"But Y/-" Nami says, pleadingly.
"If you follow, you'll only get in the way. The quicker we get to Robin, the faster we can save Y/N."
Spandam was still pulling Robin by her hair.
Spandam: "AAAHH!! KEEP MOVING, NICO ROBIN!!" He began pulling Robin and making his way up the stairs faster than before.
Luffy was still going head to head with Lucci.
The marines were evacuating in abundance as many were pushing each other to get on the train.
Back with Sanji, he knew that things looked bad, but he still didn't give up, "Within the worst situation, lies our best chance."
Sniper King, "Sanji!"
Sanji puts his hand out to stop, "Leave this guy's key to me."
Jabra laughed in his voice, "Changing fighters? Doesn't matter to me."
Sanji remained undeterred in his voice, "I'll do what you can't do, You do what I can't do. Think carefully! Read the situation. If you're here, there's gotta be a way Robin-chan can be saved! Usopp!
Sniper King was confused, "If I'm here we can save Robin? What? What do you mean?"
The wolfman's eyes widen slightly, as Sanji appears to be able to block his technique, only for it to morph into a smirk when the blond finally loses the stand off, getting thrown back out of the room.
"Not much of a hunter there are you, fucking weakling." Jabra mutters, then thumps his way over to the hole in the wall he'd made, stopping when he hears the 3 from earlier yelling about something "Well, well, looks like I get to kill them as well" he smirks, before taking a solid kick to the face, sending him through a wall. "Damn, direct hit. Now I'm pissed." the wolf grumbles as he pulls himself back onto the landing, seeing Sanji he turns and prepares to attack, cupping his hands and setting his hands together at the wrists.
Sanji dodges the strike, jumping to get behind the wolf and land a kick to his back, which even with the use of Tekkai on Jabra's part did a surprising amount of damage, not that he'd admit it
"You think I felt that you punk?" he taunts, while internally panicking just a little 'Blondie has some strong kicks, need to keep him from getting any more direct hits even with Tekkai as a defence'
"That Iron Body technique, or whatever it's called, it's really starting to piss me off." Sanji says, mostly to himself as he sighs.
"Rankyaku: Koro!"
Rather than a slicing wave, Jabra's attack bounced along the ground, Sanji jumping over and proceeding to rapid fire kicks into the wolf zoan's chest and upper body. Things looked to actually be going well until...
"Tekkai Kenpo: Rogu!"
"How many times to I have to tell you, your kicks are nothing to me!" Jabra bellows, striking Sanji and sending him flying "What do you think blondie, that's Wolf Stance. I'm the only Rokushiki master who can move while using Tekkai."
"Am I supposed to care about this shit?" Sanji asks dismissively, drop kicking Jabra in the face, before once more rapid firing until he was thrown back into the opposite wall "That should be enough to take him down, but he could be faking, plus I really don't know how much protection that Tekkai thing can give someone." Sanji grumbles to himself.
"Nice." Jabra smiles, still sitting against the wall "I've been looking for a worthy opponent, and I've finally found him" he then tosses the key over to Sanji, confusing him "Can you do me a favour though? Save Robin."
"Wait what? Why?"
Jabra chuckles weakly "You see, this is awkward and difficult to explain. Robin, is my long lost little sister."
"SAY WHAT?!" Sanji shouts in shock the coughs, "I never knew, she didn't mention having an older brother before."
The wolf scoffs "I'm not surprised, but it's the truth. It's been over 20 years since we were separated. I'll never forget that day: it happened on a small island in the West blue, the weather was sunny and warm, Robin and I were having a wonderful carefree time just playing around on the beach. My sister and I were the best of friends, so naturally we always played together. We couldn't possibly have been happier that day, little did we know what was waiting for us. I turned my back on her for a second, when a pirate crew kidnapped my sister and took her from me. And that was the last time I saw her. By the time she managed to escape from the pirates, they'd already given her a bounty, thinking she was one of them by choice" Jabra expositions "I blame myself for all this, and that's why I'll do anything to make sure she's safe. But I can't help her now, as much as I hate to admit it, I'm not strong enough. So please, I'm begging on my knees, you HAVE to save Robin, for all our sakes"
"Sure thing, I'll just grab the key and go free her," Sanji says, bending down and picking up the key... then kicking Jabra in the chin as the wolf pounces at him "You think I'm gullible enough to buy that crap?!" the cook asks angrily.
"You claim sweet Robin is your long lost sister, I'll have to double your beatings for that slander."
In a wide, clearing on a platform on Enies Lobby, Oiwa and Red Eye stand off, both airborne. The tension is palpable as their glares clash. Oiwa, a man with ethereal, feathered wings sprouting from his back, stares down his adversary, Red Eye—a tall figure with glowing crimson eyes, surrounded by telekinetic energy swirling around him like a storm.
Red Eye mocking, with a wicked grin", Look at you, Oiwa... flapping around like some broken-winged bird. It's pathetic. You couldn't even save your wife and daughter from me! And now, here you are, thinking those pretty little wings of yours will change anything?"
Oiwa clenched his fists , voice low and controlled, "They were innocent... You'll pay for what you did, Red Eye. I swear it."
Red Eye laughs maniacally "Oh, will I? Because the last time I checked, they screamed for you, and all you could do was watch."
The air crackles with tension as Oiwa's eyes flash with fury. His wings beat the air, propelling him forward with blinding speed, "Enough talk! Heavenly Feather Barrage!"
With a powerful flap of his wings, hundreds of razor-sharp, glowing feathers shoot toward Red Eye like a storm of divine arrows. Each feather radiates with a holy aura, leaving trails of light in the night sky.
Red Eye smirking, raising a hand, "Child's play."
With a mere flick of his wrist, the feathers stop mid-air, hovering just inches from piercing him. Red Eye's telekinetic aura hums with power as he casually redirects the feathers, sending them flying back toward Oiwa.
"You'll have to do better than that, Oiwa. You really thought a few shiny feathers would be enough?"
Oiwa spins mid-air, dodging his own attack as the feathers whiz past him. His eyes burn with determination.
Robin was currently running down the stairs, trying to get away from Spandam. Spandam was after her, trying to get her back.
Spandam: "You get back here, Nico Robin!! Even if you make it out of this tunnel, all you'll see are your friend's corpses!!"
He yelled out, trying to get Robin to stop; However, since he wasn't making any progress, he unsheathed the sword hanging on his back, "I've had enough of this nonsense. Let's teach her a lesson, Funkfreed. But don't kill her, understood? Ivory Dart!!"
Spandam's sword suddenly stretched towards Robin, as if it were made of clay, and it transformed into the head of an elephant, before attacking Robin.
The smoke cleared away, showing Robin embedded into the wall, gritting her teeth. The elephant retracted back onto the sword, "Wahaha!! Idiot!! You think you can get away? Stupid woman... Don't underestimate me!! Now, come along, you wench. Through the gate of dreams!!"
Spandam walked up to Robin and began pulling her from the hair.
"Now... come!! Come on!! We're going to the bridge!!"
Spandam, through the power of the script, was able to make it to the top, "Wahaha!! This is it!! At long last, the Bridge of Hesitation!! Look, Nico Robin!!" He forced Robin to look forward.
Robin's eyes widened, when she saw the Gates of Justice opening.
Spandam: "That's right. The Gates of Justice are opening!! WAHAHAHA!!! It took long enough, and I admit it was scary for a while there, but I finally made it. Once I step through those gates, I'll be the government's hero. No... I will be a hero to the entire world!! WAHAHAHAHA!!!"
Over with Luffy and Luci
"Is the truth any closer to penetrating that rubber head of yours, no matter how hard you fight, I'm not letting you through those doors." Lucci asks smuggly
"Not even close, because no matter how long you try to stop me, I WILL get through those doors and rescue Robin," Luffy counters
Lucci sighs "Clearly you're too stubborn for your own good, as neither of us will be agreeing with the other any time soon. Which means the time for talk is over."
"Good because it was just slowing me down." Luffy agrees, launching a Gatling which was dodged, followed by a rapidly strung together Stamp, Whip, Spear, which unfortunately ended with Lucci slamming his fist into Luffy's gut, sending him back down onto the ground with a painful thump.
With a pained grunt Jabra pulls his head free of the ceiling, dropping down to see that rather than flee, Sanji was standing exactly where he had been prior, tossing the key up and down mockingly.
"Am I beginning to make an impression Fido?" Sanji asks with a smirk
"Hey, that's my key!" Jabra shouts
"Well, you did give it to me, I'd have had to be pretty stupid not to accept it after all"
"You bastard."
Tekkai Kenpo
The 2 stare at each other for a moment before "Later." Sanji says and makes a full speed dash in the other direction, pissing off the wolf and making him chase after the cook in a rage.
Sanji dodges a claw strike and kicks Jabra clean in the snout, pushing him back then jumping over him in order to kick out his legs from behind. The flying, spin kick almost worked, but Jabra dodged just in time for it to be a miss.
"Damn bastard, guess I'll have to show you the true power of Tekkai Kenpo!"
Tekkai Kenpo: Wolf Banana (Yeah I translated it because I found it funny)
Rankyaku: Koro!"
'Crap' Sanji thinks as he has to dodge multiple bouncing energy attacks from several different directions, then Jabra appears right in front of him.
"Tekkai Kenpo: Don Poro!"
The punch knocks the cigarette from Sanji's mouth, and more importantly shoots him across the staircase gap, slamming him into the opposite wall.
"That Tekkai infused punch is gonna hurt like a bitch for what little time you have left in this world" the wolfman laughs, before jumping off the railing
Rankyaku: Lupus Fall
"That was pretty stupid trying to steal my key while I'm still alive." Jabra taunts, sure he got a direct hit after the 4 energy wolves striking him, when coupled with the previous damage at least "I'm a wolf dumbass, I won't stop hunting you until you're dead by my own hands" he then raises an eyebrow when Sanji steps out of the smoke "Still hanging in there then?"
"I'm not going anywhere, I'm not dying today, and I'm not going to forgive you." Sanji states, holding his shoulder
"Forgive me?" Jabra laughs then laughs "Upset with how we treated Robin? Upset you didn't get to screw her first? Getting all emotional will only cloud your judgement during a fight, making you easy pickings for me ARU!" he howls
"Watch your tongue mutt, you won't like me when I'm angry, I tend to boil over when that happens."
"Are you seriously threatening me boy? You won't win with idle threats, I can see how badly broken you are, though I'd be happy to help you cross over to the other side."
"Tekkai Kenpo: Matenro!"
Sanji blocks the kick, mostly, but still knocked back by the force behind the Wolf Zoan's hybrid form, still he pulls himself to his feet while Jabra is cackling more like a hyena than a wolf.
"Laugh it up, it might just be the last time you get to do so." Sanji mutters, then kicks off, beginning to spin fast enough to become a mostly black blur.
"I don't see what you're trying to achieve, besides making me dizzy, which isn't working by the way." Jabra grunts, preparing his hands for a Jusshigan, just in case. When Sanji finally stops spinning though he's shocked "Why's his foot all red like that?" he asks aloud.
"The foot of the Devil, Diable Jambe." Sanji answers, raising his red hot in preparation to attack "The heat I generated from all that spinning, will burn my kicks right through you" he says gravely before slamming his foot into centre mass.
"Ahh, it burns!"
"The heat from these kicks, are stronger than the fires of Hell." Sanji says as he sends Jabra back across the gap, now with an angry red boot shaped burn on his chest. As he recovers, mostly complaining about the pain (as would be expected) Sanji leaps into the air after him, catching his eye.
"Idiot, you never try fight a Rokushiki master in the air!" he scoffs as he leaps at him
"Diable Jambe: Premiere Hache!!"
Unfortunately the attack misses due to a well timed Gepo, "Too bad, you got in a big hurry to win and got sloppy, what a rookie mistake kid."
"Gekko Jusshigan!!!"
One claw was batted away with a kick from Sanji, but the other hand, those nails dug in deep "Haha, looks like this is the end, sure you knocked one hand away, but I still got you. Shame that other kick missed" Jabra taunts as the two begin to fall.
"Who said it was a miss?" the wolf's eyes bulge. "I needed you get you close enough, and make sure my last attack couldn't miss."
"Diable Jambe: Flambé Shot!"
Jabra has no time to react before Sanji's burning foot kicks him in the face, sending him full speed to the bottom of the stairwell, the THUD as he hits the ground most likely felt by most of the people still conscious within the tower.
The cook manages to land without issue, just outside the crater left by the agent "God may have created food, but the Devil created spices," Sanji says, looking down at Jabra's beaten, unconscious body, Diable Jambe's heat dissipating from his leg as he does so, "If you think that kick was hot, my heart was burning even hotter." he mutters, then makes his way to locate the others, hopefully so he can lend his hands to rescuing Robin.
Oiwa yelling, "I'm not done! Angel's Wrath!"
Golden light envelops Oiwa as his wings grow larger, majestic and radiant. He raises both hands to the sky, summoning an enormous spear of pure energy. It radiates divine power, lighting up the battlefield.
Oiwa, , "This is for my family!"
He hurls the spear at Red Eye with all his might. The energy ripples through the air as it tears toward its target, its power shaking the sea.
Red Eye eyes widening briefly, but then smirking again, "You think a little light show will stop me?" He raises both arms, and the ground beneath them rumbles. Massive chunks of earth and stone rip from the island and hover around him, forming a telekinetic barrier. The energy spear collides with the barrier, causing an explosion of light and force. For a moment, the world seems to hold its breath.
When the dust settles, Red Eye emerges unscathed, floating above the shattered remnants of his shield.
Red Eye grins viciously, "Your wife begged for mercy. Your daughter cried out your name. And you... you couldn't do a damn thing."
Oiwa's heart pounds in his chest. The memories of his family's last moments flash before his eyes, fueling his rage. His wings glow even brighter, almost blinding in their brilliance.
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