Zoro Goes Down
Zoro Goes Down:
"Red Blade... HURRICANE!" SLA-SLISH! Y/N slashed his sword as he spun through the group of uniformed men trying to take in him, Chopper, and Robin.
"Heavy... SPIN!" WHA-WHOMP! Chopper swung his huge arms around and sent the men clustered around him flying in all different directions.
"Treinta Fleur!" Thirty arms sprouted out of the ground and bodies of another group of Priest Police. "CLUTCH!" KER-RACK! The arms wrenched back and the men dropped to the ground with broken backs.
The three Straw Hats were left standing tall in front of the bar while only Captain Netami remained of the Priest Police.
"Looks like the tables have turned," Y/N remarked, "now there's three of us and one of you."
Captain Jitsu warily drew his sword and brandished it at the three Straw Hats. "I'm not just a common warrior like them. And I won't be intimidated by the likes of you. I was chosen by High Priest Nagai to lead the Priest Police for a reason!"
SWISH! Zoro swerved to the side to avoid a punch from his first opponent, a large bulky man with dark skin who wore dark purple armor and had dark purple hair that was braided into cornrows. The man had the kanji for 'diligence' etched on his forehead and was currently attempted to bash Zoro's face in with the pair of brass knuckles. CRUNCH! The large man's fist sank into the main mast behind Zoro.
"Grrr..." the large man growled and whirled around and lashed out at Zoro for a barrage of brass knuckle punches. Klank-klank! Zoro used his swords to deflect the brass knuckles. The man drew his fist back again, KLANG! Zoro blocked the punch with two swords then slipped around him, "STREAMING WOLF SWORDS!" SLISH! Zoro slashed the man's side with his third sword and came out behind him unharmed while the man dropped to the ground. THUD!
But as soon as the first man went down, Zoro found himself facing another one. This man was thin and lanky with unruly golden blonde hair and tattered robes. He was wielding a wooden staff. On the man's forehead was the kanji for 'charity'. SWISH! The thin man dropped down and swung for Zoro's feet with his staff. Zoro jumped over the staff and lashed out with his swords, "Two Sword Style: HAWK WAVE!" SLA-SLISH! Zoro landed on his feet and the man fell. TMP! FWUMP!
The next opponent was a woman. She wore a black robe that left her completely covered and a metal belt around her waist with a lock-shaped buckle. She had long straight dark pink hair and wore black glasses. On her forehead was the kanji for 'chastity'. SWISH! The woman launched herself at Zoro for a flying side kick but Zoro stepped to the side to avoid it. TMP! The woman landed on her feet then Zoro lashed out at her before she could recover. WHAK! Zoro smashed her in the back of the head with the flat of his sword and she dropped to the ground.
Click! BANG! Zoro turned to face the final man on the main deck only for a bullet to tear into his side. Fwump! Zoro dropped to his knees as he glared at the man across the deck from him. He looked utterly average and wore pale gray robes and had short brown hair, he had the kanji for 'humility' on his forehead and was lowering the smoking barrel of the rifle he'd just shot Zoro with.
Zoro clenched his teeth on his sword as his blood dripped out of his wound. "DEMON SLICE!" Zoro surged at the man and slashed him with all three swords before he could get off another shot, SLA-SLISH! Zoro grinned as the man went down.
"Well that wasn't so bad," Zoro remarked as he prodded at bullet wound on his side. He turned to face the High Priest standing on the front deck. "You should've known better than to mess with a Straw Hat. When we go down, we put up the messiest fight possible, and like your men just found out the hard way, most people can't handle it."
"Indeed," High Priest Nagai replied in the same oily tone. "But while you may have defeated my disciples, I'm still going to give it a try anyway." SKISH! The man leapt over the railing and launched himself at Zoro.
Zoro lunged to meet the man, "TIGER HUNT!"
But as they met in midair, the High Priest lashed his arm out and slapped Zoro on the forehead. WHAP! Zoro's eyes went wide. He hadn't counted on the man having such a long reach. It was like the man's arms were extra long which allowed them to get through his guard. These were the last thoughts that ran through Zoro's mind before it went blank and he went down. THUD!
"Your skills will indeed prove useful," High Priest Nagai commented as hisdisciples pushed themselves to their feet and clutched at their respective injuries.
"He certainly put up a good fight," the large man with the brass knuckles stated. The kanji on his forehead glowed as he crossed the deck and grabbed Zoro's swords.
His swords: Kitetsu III the cursed sword that Zoro had tested his luck against back in Loguetown, his luck had trumped the curse and the blade had become his, Yubashiri the sword given to him in Loguetown for the sheer bravery and courage that he had exhibited while going up against Kitetsu III's curse, and finally, Wado Ichimonji Kuina's old sword, the sword that represented Zoro's dream of becoming the World's Greatest Swordsman.
The man gathered up his swords and Zoro merely let out a snore and did nothing as his treasured swords were taken from him.
"Tansei, how are you feeling?" High Priest Nagai asked the dark purple-haired man.
"Better than ever," replied the diligent disciple. "His style is a perfect combination of strength and technique."
"Then you'll be using those new skills soon," Nagai remarked. "How many pirate crews have only one pirate?"
"None, my Lord," Tansei answered. "He no doubt has friends."
"The Priest Police were dispatched to Village Three shortly after we left the temple," the pink haired woman reported. "Jitsu and his men should be returned to the temple with the intruders."
"And the sentries observed a small group heading for the temple," the blonde man added.
"Then let's return and meet them," High Priest Nagai decided. "They'll wish to know what happened to their friend."
The High Priest and his men left the Going Merry. Zoro let out a snore and rolled over. Imprinted on his forehead was the kanji for 'sloth'.
Whap! Klank! Captain Jitsu was caught off guard when arms sprouted out of his body and his sword went clattering to the ground. His arms were wrenched behind his back and his feet were suddenly rooted to the ground by another pair of arms.
Y/N looked over at Chopper and nodded, SKISH! Chopper transformed into his Walk Point form and dashed passed Captain Jitsu. Chopper shifted back into his Heavy Point form and charged Jitsu from behind while Y/N rushed in front in front of him.
"RIPPER SMASHER!" WHAM! CRUSH! Chopper smashed the man on the back of the head with his big brawny arm causing his face to smash even harder into Y/N's steel-bottomed boot as it connected with his face. FWUMP! Teeth, blood, and a body dropped to ground and Captain Jitsu was knocked out cold.
"What was that all about?" Chopper wondered.
"Do you think the others are alright?" Robin questioned.
"You shouldn't have done that..." the timid-looking bartender whispered from the door of the bar as he surveyed the unconscious bodies of the Priest Police. "Now that you've beaten them, High Priest Nagai and his men will know that you're strong and they'll actively come after you."
"Then we'll take care of them too," Y/N decided before he turned back to Chopper and Robin. "Let's get back to the ship. Something weird's happening on this island and I wanna be sure that the others are okay."
The three Straw Hats went back the way they came and headed for the Going Merry leaving the defeated Priest Police in their wake.
"Where is everybody?" Usopp wondered as he, Luffy, Nami, and Sanji wandered through a large opened room in the temple.
"And where's all the food?" Luffy added.
"Maybe we should take advantage of the fact that they're not here and leave?" Sanji suggested.
"Then let's just grab some treasure, get Luffy some food, and get out of here," Nami decided. "Hopefully we'll be long gone before they come back."
"Sanji! Where's the food?" Luffy demanded.
"How would I know?" Sanji asked. "I've never been in a temple before."
"Can't we just leave without the food and treasure?" Usopp requested.
"Don't be ridiculous!" Nami exclaimed. "Do you want that long trip up here to be for nothing?"
"Sure!" Usopp answered, "I just wanna live!"
"Then help me find where they're keeping their treasure and we'll get out of here sooner," Nami told him.
"I'll help you find it Miss. Nami!" Sanji offered.
"But what about food?" Luffy protested.
"You can eat whatever we find along the way," Nami conceded, "Now come on! Let's move quickly before they... come... back..." She trailed off and the others turned to see her staring at five figures that were now standing in the doorway.
"WE'RE TOO LATE!" Usopp shrieked. "THEY'RE BACK!"
"HEY YOU!" Luffy shouted, "WHERE'S THE FOOD? I ran all the way up those steps and now I'm hungry!"
"If memory serves, those stairs are quite long," High Priest Nagai stated. "But I can't remember the last time I used them when we have a perfectly good elevator."
Usopp temporarily forgot how scared he was and yelled, "THERE'S AN ELEVATOR?"
"Of course," High Priest Nagai answered, "If you know where to look."
"Where do we look for food?" Luffy asked.
"That one's got a one-track mind," Tansei remarked.
"Hey... where'd you get those swords?" Nami questioned as she stared at the three swords sheathed at the large man's waist.
"Those are Moss Ball's swords!" Sanji realized.
"Indeed they are," High Priest Nagai replied, "We went down to your ship to give you a proper welcome but he was the only one there."
"Those swords are Zoro's treasure!" Luffy exclaimed as he charged the High Priest and his men, "GIVE 'EM BACK!"
"But don't you want to know what happened to him?" High Priest Nagai inquired.
Skiiiissshhh... Luffy skidded to a stop, "WHAT DID YOU DO?" WHAP! Instead of answering, Nagai shot his hand out and slapped Luffy on the forehead. Nagai lowered his hood to reveal dark eyes and long dark blue hair that was braided into a ponytail that ran down his back and disappeared down into his cloak. But on the man's forehead was the kanji for 'temperance' which suddenly started glowing.
Luffy dropped to his knees and clutched his stomach, "Sooo... huuungryyy..." he moaned as kanji for 'gluttony' appeared on his forehead.
The thin blonde man with the ragged robes pulled a large chunk of meat out of his pocket and tossed it down at his feet. Luffy leapt at the meat like a dog given a bone by its master and tore into it oblivious to anything else going on around him.
Nami and Usopp stared in wide-eyed horror at how easily Luffy was dealt with.
"WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO?" Sanji roared as he rushed at the High Priest.
Tansei surged forward to meet him and lashed out with all three of Zoro's treasured swords, "DRAGON TWISTER!" SLA-SLISH! Sanji was caught off guard by the strange man being able to use one of Zoro's signature techniques and was sent flying up into the air.
"WAAAAAAAHHH!" Nami and Usopp screamed and hugged each other.
"Perhaps you'd care for an explanation?" High Priest Nagai suggested. THUD! Sanji came crashing down at his feet. "I ate the Sin Sin Fruit. When I touch someone's forehead I can magnify their inner sin. And trust me, everyone has one." Nagai pulled Sanji up and pressed his hand on the cook's forehead. Sanji let out a low moan and went limp as the kanji for 'lust' appeared on his forehead. "Then I take their positive traits like their strength and their fighting style and put them into a pre-determined person of my choosing." The woman with the dark pink hair flinched as the kanji for 'chastity' on her forehead glowed.
"Wow... that's uh... really interesting..." Nami said as she and Usopp slowly backed towards the door. "But uh... HEY LOOK AT THAT! RUN USOPP!" Nami and Usopp turned and ran from the terrifying new enemies.
"Sauté!" ZZZZOOOM! The woman sped past Nami and Usopp as if they were standing still and was suddenly standing in front of them blocking their path. She flipped forward onto her hands then spun around and lashed out her legs. THWAK-THWAK! Both Usopp and Nami were sent flying courtesy of Sanji's signature kicks.
"Nice work Sessou," High Priest Nagai praised the pink haired woman.
"That blonde one was strong," Sessou stated, "but now I have this strong urge for a cigarette."
"It'll pass," the blonde henchman said he stepped over Luffy who was now gnawing at the bare meat bone and approached Nami and Usopp. "I doubt these two have much to offer considering how they tried to run away..."
"Maybe you're right Hakuai," Nagai agreed.
"Not much... to offer?" High Priest Nagai and his disciples stared in mild surprise as Usopp staggered back up to his feet and stood over the prone form of Nami. "DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA WHO I AM? I'M CAPTAIN USOPP!" He drew his slingshot and fired at Nagai, "EXPLODING STAR!"
SLISH! Tansei rushed in and sliced the projectile in half causing it to split and fly past him and Nagai behind him before the two halves hit the ground and exploded. KA-BOOM-BOOOM!
"Are you done?" Nagai asked.
"Well actually..." CLICK! Usopp trailed off when he felt the barrel of a gun press into the back of his head. He glanced behind him and saw the brown haired man Kyouken standing behind him.
"You are now," Kyouken told him. Usopp dropped his slingshot.
Usopp's legs shook as High Priest Nagai advanced on him. "I... I'm warning you!" Usopp stammered. "If you strike me down... I'll become more powerful than you'll ever imagine!"
"Really?" Hakuai inquired.
"Um... no, not really," Usopp admitted, "But you haven't gotten Y/N! And know this, when he hears what you did to me, he'll come here with his pet monster and a creepy assassin AND THEY'LL KICK ALL YOUR ASSES!"
"Face it, shorty, you've lost," Nagai said as he reached out and slapped Usopp's forehead. Whap! The kanji for 'pride' appeared on his forehead while the 'humility' kanji on Kyouken's forehead glowed. Usopp dropped to the ground in an unconscious bow while Hakuai pulled Nami up off the ground.
"Perhaps we should make it a whole set?" he suggested.
"Why not," Nagai agreed. He reached out and touched Nami's forehead. 'Greed' appeared in kanji while 'charity' glowed on Hakuai's forehead.
"Hm," Hakuai said as he reached up the side of Nami's skirt and pulled out her Clima-Tact, "She had this strapped to her leg. She won't be needing it anymore so I doubt she'll mind donating it to our cause."
"Still... shorty mentioned that there are more of them," High Priest Nagai reasoned. "And we still haven't heard back from Captain Jitsu in Village Three. Tansei, find out why Jitsu isn't responding then find the remaining pirates and capture them."
"Yes, my Lord," Tansei agreed, he sheathed Zoro's swords and headed off.
"What about them, my Lord?" asked Kyouken as he motioned to the Straw Hats.
"Return them to their ship," Nagai answered. "We don't need to extend the effort to finish them off. In their current state they'll do it themselves."
"Then we won't need to get our hands dirty," Sessou realized.
"It will be done my Lord," Kyouken agreed.
"Now excuse me," High Priest Nagai addressed his disciples, "I have a new fighting style to learn. These... Straw Hat Pirates... seem like they might be just the group we're looking for."
"Zoro!" Y/N called out as he shook the sleeping swordsman. "Zoro! Wake up!"
"Uh... Y/N z'at you?" Zoro groggily asked.
"What happened?" Y/N inquired while Chopper bandaged the bullet wound in Zoro's side.
"Clearly he was attacked," Robin observed as she eyed the fist-sized hole that had been left in the main mast. "Judging from this and Mr. Swordsman's wound, I'd guess it was by multiple assailants. One used brass knuckles and the other shot him."
"Five..." Zoro grunted, "Some priest and his yahoos. Now g'way and let me sleep."
"Zoro... where are your swords?" Y/N questioned.
"They took 'em..." Zoro answered, "Big purple guy..." Zzzzzzzzzz! Y/N scowled and clenched his fists as Zoro's head dropped down to the deck and he fell asleep.
"Zoro cares about those swords more than anything in the world," Y/N said, "They were his treasure. Someone had to've done something to him to make him not care about them."
"Perhaps the kanji on his forehead has something to do with it?" Robin suggested.
"What's 'sloth'?" Chopper asked as he finished bandaging Zoro.
"It's one of the Seven Deadly Sins," Robin explained, "sloth, gluttony, lust, greed, pride, envy, and wrath. Sloth is the sin of laziness, like the animal. Come to think about it, that Captain that we met before... he had the kanji for 'kindness' on his forehead. That's one of the Seven Heavenly Virtues which each counteract one of the sins, diligence, temperance, chastity, charity, humility, kindness, and patience respectively. Maybe there's a connection?"
Y/N and Chopper stared at her before Y/N said, "You got all that just from seeing two guys?"
Robin shrugged, "I read a lot."
"The others went up to the temple..." Chopper reminded them, "Do you think..."
"They're in trouble," Y/N finished for him, "but we already knew that from what we learned at the village. But judging from those guys we fought and what they did to Zoro, they're actively hunting us."
"So do we find them or let them find us?" Robin inquired.
"When they hear about what we did in the village they'll send someone down to investigate," Y/N reasoned. "I think we should go and meet the investigation so we can get a better idea of what we're up against."
"I guess this means we're going back the way we came," Robin realized. "I have to wonder how many times we'll go through that same forest before the day is through."
Y/N stood up and stared down at Zoro, "Don't worry Zoro," he reassured the swordsman. "We'll get your swords back. No one steals my Nakama's treasure and gets away with it."
"Thanks..." Zoro mumbled. They left the ship and once again headed for the village.
Ahead of them at 'Village Three' Tansei was standing over Captain Jitsu and surveying his unconscious squad of Priest Police.
"What happened here?" Tansei demanded. "Someone had better answer or I'll practice my new fighting style on some of you."
"There were three intruders!" a gray-clad man blurted out, "A one-eyed man, a shape-shifting monster, and a creepy woman."
"But you haven't gotten Y/N! And know this, when he hears what you did to me he'll come here with his pet monster and a creepy assassin AND THEY'LL KICK ALL YOUR ASSES!"
"It was them," Tansei realized. "Where'd they go?"
"They jumped that wall and headed off through the forest," the man nervously answered.
"So they're heading back to their ship," Tansei stated. "Hmph, I'll head there and destroy the new three and the other four. There's no sense of risking failure on a whim."
"Tan... sei..." Jitsu suddenly groaned.
"Oh, still alive are you?" Tansei asked.
"Heeelp..." Jitsu gasped. He was bleeding from the mouth and missing severing teeth.
"You know, there's a reason why High Priest Nagai never made you one of his disciples like the rest of us," Tansei told the wounded man. "It's because you're weak."
Jitsu mustered the strength to glare at him.
"You've ruined our reputation by losing to three intruders," Tansei stated. "You're worthless and weak. And I can no longer allow your weakness to keep High Priest Nagai from his ideals."
"Please... doon't..." Jitsu pleaded.
"Allow me to show you what true strength really is," Tansei said. He yanked Jitsu off of the ground and threw him into a nearby building. Jitsu hit the wall and slumped against it while Tansei drew Zoro's swords and held them all horizontally parallel, "CRAB GRAB!" SLA-SLISH! Jitsu dropped to the ground and his blood began pooling at Tansei's feet as the kanji faded from his forehead. "Ex-Captain Jitsu, I'm afraid your services are no longer required."
Tansei turned to address the warily watching villagers, "That is the price of failing to do as you're told by High Priest Nagai. Let that be a lesson to you all." THUD! THUD! Doors slammed and Tansei was instantly standing alone amongst the bodies of the Priest Police while the terrified villagers cowered in their homes.
Tansei grinned then headed for the wall and leapt over it. He journeyed into the forest in the direction of the Going Merry and left a terrified village in his wake.
Sessou and Kyouken fled the Going Merry and headed back for the temple.
"Do you really believe it's wise to leave those pirates to their own devices?" Sessou asked.
"It's not my place to question High Priest Nagai's orders," Kyouken stated. He was now wearing Usopp's arsenal bag and no doubt had the marksman's slingshot and revolver. "All I know is, I don't want to be here when they wake up."
"GET DOWN!" Y/N shouted as he dove at Robin and Chopper and tackled them to the ground. FWUMP!
BOOM! A concentrated blast of air flew overhead head and sliced down the trees behind them.
"Scary..." Chopper whimpered.
"My, Mr. One Eye," Robin remarked as she laid underneath Y/N, "I had no idea you were so bold. Out here in the forest with Mr. Doctor watching? What would Miss. Navigator think?"
Y/N's face flushed, "In case you missed it, we just got attacked!" Y/N hissed, "Eighteen million five hundred berries. That's the exact amount that Zoro's swords are worth. And whoever has them just used one of Zoro's new techniques to level the tress in the exact area we were just standing."
"Then why are you still on top of me?" she countered. "If you're making a move, just say it. I can be discrete, Miss. Navigator won't even know."
Y/N's blush deepened and he sprang off of Robin, now eager to face death at the hands of whoever had just attacked them.
"Humans are confusing," Chopper muttered, "What was that about?"
"Mr. One Eye and Miss. Navigator are both young with developing feelings for each other," Robin explained. "Teasing them amuses me."
Chopper and Robin stood up beside Y/N and found him staring down with a dark skinned man with dark purple hair in cornrows, purple armor, and three familiar swords. The kanji for 'diligence' was on his forehead.
"Those swords belong to a friend of mine," Y/N addressed Tansei. "I'd like to ask you to please return them or I'll have to take them back by force."
"Not gonna happen," Tansei replied. "You three made us look weak in front of the villagers when you defeated Jitsu and his men. Weakness can not be tolerated. All three of you will be coming with me so High Priest Nagai can punish you for your transgressions."
"This confirms my theory," Robin commented. "He has 'diligence' written on his head which is the virtue that counters the sin sloth. Now Mr. Swordsman is incredibly lazy and this man is wielding his swords and pulling off Mr. Swordsman's signature techniques. Clearly someone has an ability to bring out the sin weakness in someone while passing on their strength to someone of their choosing with the corresponding virtue."
"I'd bet my money on that High Priest guy," Y/N reasoned as he drew Akakyuuketsuki. "If we're up against Zoro's Santoryu then this is gonna get rough." Chopper transformed into his Heavy Point form while Robin crossed her arms over her chest and prepared her Devil Fruit Powers. "Let's get our Nakama's treasure back."
"I AM THE MIGHTY CAPTAIN USOPP!" Usopp proclaimed as he stood on the railing of the Going Merry's front deck. A long yellow cape flapped dramatically behind him. "I'M THE GREATEST SNIPER IN ALL THE WORLD!"
"Oy... quit it with the shouting..." Zoro complained as he laid on the deck in the same spot Y/N, Chopper, and Robin had left him. "I'm trying to sleep here..."
"My aren't you confident," Sanji remarked as he sat on the railing next to Usopp and glanced up at him with a smile that was normally only reserved for an attractive woman. "I like that..." Sanji reached out and slowly ran is hand up Usopp's leg.
Usopp jumped away from him and did a 'manly' pirouette that caused his cape to billow out. "YOU ARE NOT PERMITTED TO TOUCH THE MIGHTY CAPTAIN UUUSOOOPP!"
KRASH! The galley rattled as Luffy pounded on the door of the locked refrigerator.
"GIMME FOOOD!" Luffy shouted at the sealed kitchen appliance.
"Not gonna happen," Nami said, "that's my food now."
"Not anymore!" Nami growled, "That food is mine, the treasure is mine, the ship is mine!"
WHAM! WHAM! Luffy pounded on the refrigerator door. "TAKE THE LOCK OFF!"
"You're not eating my food!" Nami snapped.
WOING! Luffy stretched his mouth wide opened and attempted to swallow the refrigerator whole. CHOMP!
"Idiot," Nami mumbled, "That's made of metal you can't eat it."
"Grrrrraaahhh..." Luffy growled as he gnawed at the refrigerator. "OPEN THE LOCK!"
"No," Nami refused. "Now I've got better things to do with my time... like move Y/N's safe into my room." Nami slipped out of the galley leaving Luffy to gnaw on the refrigerator.
"Red Blade... LIGHTNING STRIKE!" Y/N charged Tansei and slashed his sword.
"DEMON SLICE!" Tansei surged forward to meet him and lashed out with all three of Zoro's swords. KA-KLANG! The two collided and Y/N was overpowered and went flying backwards.
WHUP! Chopper ran over and managed to catch Y/N before he slammed into a tree and the two of them went skidding backwards and kicked up a trail of dirt. SKISSSHHH!
"Looks like my style's stronger than yours," Tansei remarked.
"It's not your style!" Y/N growled.
"It is now!" Tansei countered.
"Ocho Fleur!" WHAP! Eight arms grew out of Tansei's body and the ground underneath him. "Clutch!" Robin's extra arms wrenched backwards but Tansei wrenched back, KRACK!
"AAAH!" Robin yelped and stumbled backwards clutching her arms as Tansei overpowered her and broke free.
"This is bad, he's got Zoro's freakish strength too," Y/N realized.
"TIGER HUNT!" Tansei surged at them and lashed out with Zoro's swords.
"Red Blade... HURRICANE!" Y/N went spinning towards Tansei. KLA-KLA-KLANG! Y/N's red blade collided with all three of Zoro's before he was once again sent flying backwards courtesy of Zoro's superior strength.
"Diez Fleur!" Ten arms sprouted out of Robin and she used all twelve of her arms to catch Y/N. WHAP! But she was caught off guard by how fast Tansei had sent Y/N flying and ended up falling to the ground when Y/N slammed into her net of arms. WHUMP! When they landed Y/N was practically sitting in her lap. "Well, you're certainly insistent. But is now really the best time?"
"Can you take this seriously?" Y/N snapped as he rolled off of her.
"Why should I when you're not?" Robin countered.
"What?" Y/N demanded.
"RAAAAH!" Chopper roared as he rushed at Tansei in his Heavy Point form. SWISH! Tansei weaved back to avoid a hook punch then lashed out with Zoro's swords. SWISH! Chopper shrunk down to his Brain Point form and Zoro's swords flew over his head. Chopper quickly transformed into his Walk Point form then surged forward and slammed antlers-first into Tansei's stomach. WHAM! Finally, Tansei went flying while Chopper shifted back into Heavy Point and stood tall.
"What do you mean I'm not taking this seriously?" Y/N hissed. "I'm doing all I can but Zoro's always been a better swordsman than me."
"I was under the impression that you weren't just a swordsman," Robin pointed out. "Mr. Doctor fought him using a different method and he prevailed."
Y/N glanced over at Chopper then at Tansei who had recovered from Chopper's attack.
"Oh, okay," Y/N said, "Now I get it." Y/N charged at Tansei who lashed out and swung Zoro's swords at him. SWISH! Y/N dropped down and rolled under Tansei's arm then surged up off the ground and into the air. TMP! Y/N planted his feet on a tree trunk and launched himself off. "Flying... ARROW KICK!" Tansei spun around in time to see the steel bottoms of Y/N's boots connect with his face. THWAK! THUD!
Tansei crashed to the ground while Y/N stood back up and Chopper came over and stood behind him. "I hope you didn't expect this to be easy," Y/N taunted Tansei, "because we're just getting started."
"Hellooo Miss. Nami," Sanji swooned as Nami came out of the men's quarters carrying Y/N's keypad locked safe. "Might I have a kiss?"
"Hmm... carry this safe to my room and I'll think about it," Nami replied.
"YES MY LOVE!" Sanji gushed. He scooped up the safe and pranced off to Nami's room. Nami grinned as she followed after him and watched as he set it down in the middle of her room. "All set Miss. Nami, now about my kiss?"
"Hold on," Nami said, "How much money do you have on you?"
"Only a couple thousand berries," Sanji answered.
"Give it," Nami ordered, "Or no deal."
Sanji pulled out a wad of money and held it out to her. Nami grinned as she snatched it and counted it.
"Now... my kiss," Sanji reminded her.
"Oh, right," Nami agreed. PUNT! Her foot planted between his legs and Sanji dropped to the ground. "I said I'd think about it. I thought about it and decided against it. I take, I don't give." Nami left the room.
"Uuggghhh..." Sanji groaned, "I love it when they're rough..."
Up on deck, Usopp stood glaring down at Zoro. "HOW DARE YOU BLOCK THE PATH OF THE MIGHTY CAPTAIN USOPP!"
"Aw, shut up and let me sleep," Zoro grunted.
"NO!" Usopp snapped. "You can't tell me what to do! I'm—"
"Shuuut uuuup," Zoro groaned.
"RAAAAAAHHHH!" Luffy came running out of the galley with the refrigerator hoisted over his head and then threw it over the railing and down to the deck. WHAM! The refrigerator smashed into the deck but the lock remained firmly in place.
"NOOOOOO!" Luffy wailed as he stomped over to the refrigerator. "OPEN! GIMME FOOD!"
"This will be a better test of my new fighting style than I first thought," Tansei remarked.
"Too bad it's a test you're going to fail," Y/N retorted. He surged forward, "Red Blade..." Tansei crossed Zoro's swords to block Y/N's attack. "EXPLOSION!" KA-BOOOOOM! Jun's blood that still resided with Y/N's sword exploded and blasted Tansei backwards.
"How dare you!" Tansei growled as he staggered up and swung all three of Zoro's swords, "One hundred eight caliber PHOENIX!" Tansei sent three concentrated blasts of air flying at Y/N. BA-BA-BOOOM! The blasts slammed into Y/N and sent him flying. Chopper shrunk back down to his Brain Point form causing Y/N to fly over him and smash through a tree. KRASH!
Tansei bent down and charged Chopper with two swords pointing out like a pair of horns. "BULL NEEDLES!"
"DIECISEIS FLEUR!" Sixteen arms sprouted out of Tansei's back and wrenched his arms behind his back.
"RAAAAHHH!" Tansei roared and yanked his arms back. KRA-KRACK!
"AAAAHH!" Robin dropped to her knees and cradled her arms as she felt the pain of the man overpowering and wrenching free from all sixteen of her arms.
Seeing Y/N and Robin go down, Chopper did the only thing he could think of. "RUMBLE!" Chopper tossed the familiar yellow ball up into the air and caught it in his mouth. CHOMP!
"Whatever you are, you're still going to die," Tansei insisted. SKISH! He charged at Chopper and lashed out with Zoro's swords.
"Arm Point... ARM BOOST!" Chopper's arms bulged and grew muscular. KLA-KLANK! He lashed out and deflected Zoro's swords with his hooves. "Horn Point... HORN BOOST!" Chopper dropped onto all fours and his horns grew to resemble moose antlers, then he surged forward and drove them into Tansei's armored stomach. WHOMP! KRESH! Tansei's amror shattered on impact and he went flying backwards. WHAM!
"Damn... monster..." Tansei growled he staggered back up. His armor dropped to the ground and left his broad muscular chest bare.
"Speed Step!" ZZZOOOOM! Y/N sped through the clearing and was suddenly behind Tansei and lashed out his leg while Tansei turned around, "Machete BACK KICK!" THWHAM! Y/N's foot smashed into Tansei's chest and he went flying back into the middle of the clearing.
"I can't fail... I won't lose..." Tansei growled as he got back up and charged at Y/N.
"Dos Fleur... GRAB!" WHAP! Two arms sprouted out of the ground and grabbed Tansei's ankles. Despite having Zoro's strength, he couldn't do anything to stop himself from tripping. FWUMP! Chopper darted forward and hefted Tansei up onto his horns then launched his head up. Tansei lost his hold on Zoro's swords as they dropped down and embedded in the dirt while he was sent flying up into the air over the tree tops, WHING!
"Jump Point... LEG BOOST!" Chopper stood back up on two legs in a slim humanoid form. SKISH! He leapt over to Y/N and grabbed him by the front of his shirt and then surged off of the ground and up into the air. SHOOOM!
Y/N and Chopper erupted up over the tree tops and flew up past Tansei. They peaked at about a hundred feet up in the air. "Heavy Point... WEIGHT BOOST!" Chopper transformed into Heavy Point form and threw Y/N down at Tansei. "FINISH HIM BIG BROTHER!"
Y/N pointed his sword down in front of him and spun around in mid air. He looked like a black and red drill as he came rocketing down out of the sky. "Red Blade... METEOR!" SLA-SLA-SLISH! Y/N slammed into Tansei and his sword tore into the man's bare chest. BOOOOM! The two smashed down into the ground and sent a wave of dirt flying up around them.
"Guard Point... FUR BOOST!" Chopper came flying down through the tree tops and smacked into the ground. BOING! But the reindeer's fur protected him from the impact. The fur shrunk down and revealed Chopper back in his normal Brain Point form.
The dirt and dust settled and revealed Y/N standing over the bloody and unconscious form of Tansei. Y/N sheathed his bloody sword then pulled the three sheaths off of Tansei's waist and went around and collected Zoro's three swords.
"These don't belong to you," Y/N told the unconscious man, "And like I said before, I'm taking them back."
Robin stood up and rubbed her arms, "That was unpleasant," she commented. "But the writing on his forehead is gone. Do you think that means Mr. Swordsman is back to normal?"
"Let's get these swords back to the ship and find out," Y/N replied.
Leaving Tansei lying unconscious behind them, Y/N, Robin and Chopper once again headed back the way they came and made their way back to the Going Merry.
"Oh, hello there," Sanji greeted Zoro as he sat down next to the sleeping swordsman. By now, even Luffy had learned to back away from the cook's advances which left Zoro as the only one left unmoving. "Miss. Nami wouldn't give me a kiss... but I suppose you'll do..."
"Uggghhh..." Zoro groaned in protest as Sanji leaned in.
Suddenly the kanji on Zoro's forehead disappeared and his eyes shot wide opened. The first thing he was Sanji's lips. So he reacted as any normal guy would.
POW! Sanji went skidding across the deck.
"WHAT'RE YOU DOING PUTTING YOUR UGLY MUG NEAR ME!" Zoro shouted as he surged to his feet. He glared at the cook when he suddenly felt something missing. He glanced down and suddenly had the urge to kill. "Whoever took my swords... is gonna die!"
"Don't look at me," Nami replied from where she was sitting against the door to the storage room casually counting some money, "If you had anything valuable on you, I would've taken it while you were sleeping."
"Greedy bitch," Zoro muttered. She didn't even bother denying it. But it was safe to say that Zoro was back to his usual self.
Up the mountain and in the temple Sessou, Kyouken, and Hakuai were all training in their newly acquired fighting styles when the doors opened to reveal High Priest Nagai.
"Tansei has fallen," Nagai informed his disciples. "Those three are a menace. Jitsu died from his injuries. And now they've defeated Tansei."
"What are your orders, my Lord?" Kyouken asked.
"When they see the state of their friends they'll no doubt head here," Nagai stated. "Guard the stairs. Kill anyone that approaches."
"Kill, my Lord?" Sessou questioned.
"These pirates have proven too dangerous to let live," High Priest Nagai resolved. "They must be eliminated before they ruin anything else."
"Your wish is our command, my Lord," Hakuai agreed. He and the other two disciples bowed and left the temple.
If Y/N, Chopper, and Robin were planning on reaching the temple, they had three huge obstacles that they needed to overcome.
Hope you enjoyed the chapter!!!
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