Y/N's Plan
Y/N's Plan:
Vice Admiral Jonathan smiled down at Roronoa Zoro. "Welcome to Navarone."
Other marines rushed out onto the balcony and quickly secured Zoro's wrists behind his back with a set of hard, wooden handcuffs.
"Half of you take that pirate down to the brig," Vice Admiral Jonathan instructed. "Don't forget to take his three swords with you. The rest of you, take those injured men to the medical ward."
Six of the marines hauled Roronoa Zoro to his feet and frog marched him back into the base while the seventh gathered up the swordsman's three swords and followed behind them.
Jonathan surveyed the six wounded marines that had fallen in apprehending the Pirate Hunter.
Lieutenant Matthew was unconscious and would be a large loss. The four men that had been with him were comatose as well. The sixth marine though, the one that had taken down the notorious pirate was still conscious. The young man was slumped against the railing with his hand held over the bloody eye that he'd gotten from the Straw Hat swordsman.
There were a thousand marines in Navarone so Jonathan couldn't recognize one instantly. The marine seemed tall and reasonably muscular which made sense because he was wearing the sleeveless uniform of Unit 55. The special combat unit. The marine had black hair with bangs that covered his left eye while his hand was pinned over his injured right eye.
Jonathan stepped off of the railing and addressed the heroic marine, "Well done, recruit."
"Thank you sir," the black haired marine replied. He raised his right hand and saluted which gave Jonathan a quick glimpse at his wounded eye. The blood had been smeared around and coated the young marine's eyebrows, eye and the side of his face. The gash responsible ran from the marine's brow, across his eye to the middle of his right cheek. The marine quickly clasped his hand back down over his wounded eye.
"That's a nasty injury you got there, recruit," Jonathan admitted. "What's your name, son?"
"Natsu, sir," the wounded marine answered, "Seaman Recruit Natsu from Unit 55. I'm in a great deal of pain, sir, so I can't do the chant now."
"That's alright Natsu," Jonathan reassured him. "It's not every day a marine catches a notorious pirate worth sixty million berries. I'll be sure to reward you for your courage, spirit and service."
"Oh, thank you Vice Admiral," Natsu responded. "But I'm only doing my duty, sir."
"Well my duty is to ensure the wellbeing of all the marines on this base," Jonathan stated. "That includes you. So let's get you to the medical ward and have that injury treated. Once you're well and able, come see me in my office. I'd like to hear about your encounter with Roronoa Zoro and I may have a promotion in store for you."
"Oh, thank you, sir!" Natsu exclaimed. "I'll do that, sir. Thank you very much, sir!"
Jonathan waved the two lingering marines over. The other five wounded marines had already been removed from the balcony and were on the way to the medical ward. The two marines helped Seaman Recruit Natsu up and draped his arms over their shoulders.
"Hm... Could this all be a coincidence?" Jonathan wondered as Natsu was helped to the door. "Better check up on this Natsu."
"By the way Natsu," Jonathan called out. "Should I have word sent to your wife that you were injured in the line of duty? I'm sure she'd also like to hear about your promotion."
"I... I'm not married, sir," Natsu told him.
"Oh, my mistake then," Jonathan remarked. "Don't let me hold you up any longer. Well done." Jonathan raised his hand and saluted the heroic young marine as he was mostly carried away.
The first of the Straw Hat Pirates had been revealed and he had been promptly apprehended.
"One down... six to go," Vice Admiral Jonathan mused to himself.
Jonathan didn't see the sly grin on Natsu's face as the two marines carried him away.
"Phase One of Plan Get the Heck Outta Here, is complete," Y/N recounted mentally. "I've successfully infiltrated the base as a marine and survived my first encounter with Vice Admiral Jonathan. Zoro's being brought to the brig where I want him so Phase Two: Locate the Others is now officially underway."
"Hmm..." Vice Admiral Jonathan mused to himself as he sat behind his desk in his office and surveyed his chess board. "One down six to go. The infamous 'Pirate Hunter' Roronoa Zoro... One of 'Straw Hat' Luffy's pirates."
Jonathan reached out and removed the black King-side Rook from the opposing side of the chessboard. The black King, Queen, both Bishops, both Knights and the Queen-side Rook still remained on the side across from him.
"Zoro is truly as lethal as they say," Jonathan continued. "We captured him but in doing so I lost Lieutenant Matthew, my second highest-ranking officer." Jonathan removed the white King-side bishop from his own side of the board. Now both sides were missing an important piece.
Jonathan looked away from the board and surveyed the personnel file that he'd located.
Name: Natsu. Age: 23. Marital Status: Single. Rank: Seaman Recruit. Unit: 55. Special Forces.
Jonathan glanced at the picture that came with the file and saw a man with a pointed face, black hair and bangs covering his left eye. Just like the marine that had apprehended Zoro.
"It appears our new recruit checks out," Jonathan observed. "I suppose I'll need to find that promotion form. But we still need to find out what the Straw Hats are doing here."
Vice Admiral Jonathan looked up and for the first time in a while acknowledged Lieutenant Commander Drake's presence.
"Drake, go to the brig and interrogate the prisoner," Jonathan ordered.
"But... Vice Admiral..." Drake protested. "You already ordered me to use my units to secure the Dining Hall. You told me that pirates are always hungry."
"I'll handle the Dining Hall," Jonathan decided. "Jessica told me that they got in a pair of new cooks from Mariejois that were supposed to take over the kitchen. I need to go and show her my support. In the meantime, interrogating the prisoner is more important. We need to find out why the Straw Hat Pirates came to our base."
"And how should I conduct Zoro's interrogation?" Drake inquired.
"I'll leave that up to you," Jonathan told him. "Be creative Lieutenant Commander."
"Yes, Vice Admiral," Drake replied before he turned and left the office.
Jonathan once again returned his attention to the chessboard. "Once we locate another one of those pirates we'll make our next move. This game could turn out to be very interesting."
Down in the brig, Zoro sat in his cell with his hands still bound behind him by a pair of hard wood handcuffs. His three swords had been locked in the empty cell next to him.
"Aaaahh!" Zoro yawned as he woke up. "So far, I'm okay with Y/N's plan. I got to catch up on the sleep I lost last night from landing in this base."
Zoro opened his eyes and saw a unit of twelve marines silently standing guard outside his cell. They were the same dozen marines that had been standing there when he'd fallen sleep and none of them had moved even a step since then.
"Oh come on," Zoro growled, "Are you guys just gonna stand there and stare at me?"
The marines gave no response. "Well, I guess there's nothing to do but get some more shut eye." Zoro promptly closed his eyes and dropped his head to resume his mid-day nap.
Klank! Lieutenant Commander Drake came into the brig and made his way down the hallway to the marines outside of Zoro's cell.
"Open the cell," Drake ordered.
The marines turned and one finally spoke, "But... Lieutenant Commander... The prisoner is extremely dangerous!"
"I am under direct orders from Vice Admiral Jonathan to interrogate the prisoner," Drake stated.
"Yes sir," the marine replied, "Please be careful, sir."
Klink! The cell was unlocked and Drake went in.
"Huh..." Zoro grunted as he woke from his nap and saw a tall marine with mutton chops standing in front of him in his cell.
"Roronoa Zoro..." Drake addressed the swordsman, "Known far as wide as a pirate hunter. Until you turned traitor and joined the scum you used to hunt."
Zoro decided not to bring up the fact that some corrupt marines had put him in a situation where he really had no choice. It wasn't anything he regretted.
"You didn't come all the way down here just to tell me that, did you?" Zoro asked.
"Fine, IF THAT'S THE WAY YOU WANNA PLAY IT!" Drake snapped. "HOW MANY OF YOU ARE THERE? WHY DID YOU INVADE OUR FORTRESS? It was a clever strategy to enter our secure facility from the sky. How'd you do it? Did you build a launch pad?"
"Nope, we just came down from the sky," Zoro answered honestly.
"Don't mock me!" Drake growled.
"Calm down big guy," Zoro replied. "I'm not mocking you. I'm answering your questions."
Drake leaned down and got in Zoro's face, "I won't hear any more of your lies, pirate!"
Zoro glared up at Drake. "I don't lie. We rode down from the sky on a floating octopus."
Zoro blinked. It was only after he said it that he realized how ridiculous the truth sounded.
"I guess we'll have to do this the hard way!" Drake decided. "Now you're gonna be sorry!" Drake brought his big fists up and pressed them against Zoro's temples then stared to grind his knuckles against Zoro's head.
Zoro had been cut opened and stitched up more times than he could count. So it didn't hurt. But it was very annoying. Especially when he considered the marine's bad breath.
"I'LL FIND OUT THE TRUTH NO MATTER WHAT!" Drake shouted right in Zoro's face.
"This plan of yours had better work Y/N..." Zoro thought to himself as he endured another face-full of Drake's bad breath.
"Uugghh..." Nami groaned to herself as she staggered after the head janitor with a mop thrown over her shoulder and a bucket dangling in her other hand. In order to keep up her disguise, she'd been forced to clean under the close supervision of the head janitor.
There was one thing keeping her going at this point.
"A janitor... is that really the best you could come up with?"
If that marine really was Y/N in disguise then she wasn't about to let him be right.
"Your next assignment is to clean the old gym," the group leader announced to Nami as they stood in front of a pair of large metal doors.
"Aye-aye boss," Nami agreed.
The doors slid opened and Nami gaped in shock when she was faced with a large wooden room the size of a basketball court.
The group leader pulled a rope and slid the curtains away from the round windows near the ceiling which showed Nami that the large wooden floor was absolutely filthy.
"Clean... all this..." Nami stammered. "And I gotta do it... by myself?"
"I wanna see it sparkle!" the group leader ordered. "Boy, I'd hate to be in your shoes right now! Hahahahaha!" The large head janitor walked off.
"Okay... Y/N was right..." Nami decided. "This disguise was a huge mistake."
Nami abandoned her mop and bucket then ran off. She skidded to a stop and slipped into a closet when she heard three marines approaching.
"I heard that they caught one of the Straw Hat Pirates," the first marine remarked to the others.
Nami tensed and pushed the closet door open a crack so she could hear better.
"So that wasn't a ghost ship?" the second marine asked.
"No, but this guy is scarier than a ghost," the first marine told him. "You're not gonna believe this but they caught Roronoa Zoro."
"They caught Zoro?" Nami repeated to herself. "But Y/N was with him..."
"But he put up a fight," the marine continued. "He took out the Lieutenant and five other marines before they managed to catch him."
"I hear that there may be other crew members lurking around here," the third marine spoke up.
"Imagine if we found even one of them?" the first marine commented. "We'd be heroes."
"Yeah!" the second marine cheered.
"Or... if the others are like that Zoro guy... we could be dead," the third marine added.
"Y-yeah..." the second marine whimpered.
Nami pulled the door closed again as the three marines went passed.
"Y/N wouldn't have let Zoro get caught..." Nami mused to herself. "The guy's practically his best friend. Think, Nami! What's he up to? Wait... Y/N wouldn't have let Zoro get caught... unless that was his plan..."
"He took out the Lieutenant and five other marines before they managed to catch him."
"Y/N was dressed as a marine..." Nami recalled. "If they faked a fight so Zoro could get caught then... maybe Y/N was one of the injured marines. Getting injured while capturing Zoro would have helped Y/N's cover as a marine... If Y/N got injured they would've brought him and the others to the infirmary... I'd better head there so I can figure out what's going on."
Nami looked behind her and spotted a collection of pink nurse uniforms hanging on a rack.
"That's convenient," Nami noted, "I just found my new disguise and my ticket into the infirmary."
"Uugghh..." Y/N fake groaned as he sat up in his bed in the infirmary. He took a moment to survey his surroundings. The Lieutenant and the other four marines were also in beds but Zoro hadn't held back on them so they were still unconscious.
But what worried him was the fact that he hadn't seen any doctors yet.
"Where is everybody?" Y/N wondered.
"The doctors were all called away." Y/N looked across the room and spotted a familiar blue nose peeking out from the crate or reindeer antlers that he'd dropped off the night before. "There's only one left and she's just a pediatrician."
"Why would a pediatrician be on a marine base?" Y/N questioned.
"I don't know but she's all they have," Chopper replied. "I've gotta do something, big brother."
Dr. Kobato was the one remaining doctor stationed at G-8.
She was a young woman with pale purple hair and wore round glasses and a white medical coat over a red sweater and a tan skirt.
Dr. Kobato sat at her desk in the medical office and poured over a medical book.
"Let's see..." the lone doctor mused to herself. "Make a vertical incision with the scalpel and if it begins to bleed..." Swip! She turned the page in the book and immediately paled. "Bleed... Oh... blood..."
The pediatrician lurched backward and nearly fainted. The chair toppled over and Dr. Kobato ended up on the floor in an undignified heap. Fwump!
The one doctor left on the base had a severe case of hemophilia.
Dr. Kobato rolled over and grabbed the edge of the desk. She blindly groped at the medical book and turned the page. Swip! It was only once the blood-filled page of the book was gone that the doctor dragged herself back up to her feet.
"It's just my luck that all the other doctors got called away at once..." Dr. Kobato whined. "Oh, please don't let there be any surgery patients today..."
Things didn't look good for the injured marines.
"I look pretty good in this, if I do say so myself," Nami remarked as she made her way down a hallway in her new nurse uniform. She had a white cap over her orange hair, a short-sleeved pink uniform that went down to her calves as a dress. A white apron with the Marine seagull was tied over the front and the top portion of the back. "Now I've just got to find the infirmary."
"Quick! Get to the infirmary!" Nami smiled at her continued good luck as four nurses came running down the hallway.
Nami spun around on the spot and ran along with the other four nurses once they caught up. "What's going on?" Nami asked.
"There's been an emergency," a nurse told Nami. "All nurses are to report to the infirmary immediately."
"Emergency?" Nami repeated. Just like that, Nami's streak of good luck came to an abrupt end. She stopped in her tracks but the two nurses in the back of the group grabbed her and pulled her onward.
"Come on!"
"Oh crap!" Nami complained. "I dressed up like a nurse to get into the infirmary but I never thought I'd actually have to treat anyone!"
"Three battleships filled with trauma patients just arrived," one of the two nurses at the front of the group explained. She had short, dark green hair in a ponytail and was the Head Nurse. "And six of our marines were injured apprehending a pirate."
Nami's mind flashed back to the three worn marine battleships that she had spotted before her encounter with the Marley Brothers.
"We'll get Dr. Kobato," the Head Nurse addressed the group as she and the other nurse at the front veered off from Nami and the others. "The rest of you start prepping the pa. one of the nurses at the front of the group announced, "The rest of you, attend to the minor injuries and start prepping the patients for surgery."
The Head Nurse and the other nurse burst into the medical office and startled Dr. Kobato.
"Doctor! We have an emergency!" the Head Nurse called out.
"So... what kind of emergency is this?" Kobato asked nervously.
"Critically injured marines need immediate attention," the Head Nurse explained. "Most of them are trauma patients that came from three marine battleships that Vice Admiral Jonathan gave permission to dock here. The other six were injured apprehending a pirate."
"Um... well... um..." Dr. Kobato stammered, "I'll leave these patients to you since that isn't my area of expertise..."
"This isn't your area of expertise?" the Head Nurse repeated. "The last time I checked, you were the only Doctor on this entire base right now!"
The two nurses grabbed the reluctant doctor and dragged her out from behind her desk and towards the door.
"But... I'm just a pediatrician!" Dr. Kobato wailed. "I don't know anything about trauma! That's outside of my specialty!"
Meanwhile, Nami had been dragged into the infirmary and stared in shock at the beds that were quickly being filled with injured marines.
"Wow... these guys are in really rough shape," Nami observed.
"Psst, Nurse!" There was that voice again. She'd recognize it anywhere.
Nami whirled around and spotted a black haired marine with a familiar pointed face. Of course the blood that was smeared over half of it was an unwelcome addition.
Nami ran over and quickly pulled the curtains around the bed then ducked down next to him. "Would you tell me what the heck is going on so I can get out of here before I actually have to treat someone!"
"I thought you would've learned your lesson from dressing as a janitor," Y/N remarked. "Never disguise yourself as something unless you're willing to do the work that role entails."
"Don't lecture me!" Nami snapped at him. "I assume that Zoro got captured because of some grand scheme of yours. Tell me what it is!"
"First, go get that crate of reindeer antlers that's on the other side of the room," Y/N instructed.
"Why?" Nami demanded.
"Because our reindeer is inside it," Y/N answered. "I left him here last night."
Nami growled and pushed herself up then scrambled across the room.
"Damn it, why does she have to look so good in that nurse's uniform?" Y/N thought to himself before Nami pushed Chopper's crate inside the curtain and dragged it over to the bed.
Chopper immediately popped out, "Big Brother, this is getting even worse," he pointed out. "That pediatrician can't treat all of these injured marines."
"Forget that, what are you planning?" Nami demanded. "Why is Zoro in the brig?"
"As logn as Zoro's in the brig I know exactly where he is," Y/N explained. "If I left him on his own, he'd get lost and in a base like this that's the last thing we need. We faked our fight so I could get my marine alter-ego in Vice Admiral Jonathan's good graces. I'm going to keep this cover so I can locate the others and keep myself up to date on what they know."
"What do they—" Nami was cut off when the Head Nurse yanked the curtain opened. Chopper ducked back down into his crate.
"What are you doing in there?" the Head Nurse demanded.
"Oh... I... this marine only has a minor facial wound," Nami pointed out as she motioned to Y/N's blood-smeared face. "I thought I could treat him myself and leave the more severe cases for the doctor.
"Good thinking," the Head Nurse replied, "At this point we need all the help we can get." She turned and rushed back out into the chaotic infirmary.
Chopper popped back out of the crate with his medical supplies. "I'll treat it."
"What do the marines know about us?" Nami asked as Chopper used a wet rag to clean the blood off of Y/N's face. "Last I heard, they thought the Merry was a ghost ship."
"The Vice Admiral only told a few select units the truth," Y/N stated while Chopper stitched up his wound. "Everything they found out was based on their search of the Merry. Sanji decided that he didn't want to serve me coffee so they only think there's seven of us based off of the cups he put out. They know about Luffy, Zoro and me from our wanted posters and they also know we have a cook, a doctor and a historian based on the cookware and books they found. They also confiscated our gold."
"THEY—" Y/N sat up and clamped his hand over Nami's mouth.
"Keep it down!" he hissed at her. "Yes. They took the gold you got from the snake. They couldn't get my safe opened so they took the whole thing. Don't worry. Part of my plan involves finding our treasure and our ship." Y/N removed his hand and laid back down.
Chopper covered Y/N's eye with gauze then wrapped length of bandages around his head.
Y/N nodded then sat up and continued. "Now that I have an excuse to keep my eye covered, I'll be able to roam the base freely and locate the others. The only way we're getting out of this base is if we do it together. In the meantime, I'll need you guys to lay low in here."
"Good," Chopper said, "Then I'm going to help treat these patients."
"WHAT?" Nami questioned.
Chopper's Emergency Operation:
"Those injured marines need a doctor to treat them," Chopper insisted.
"Chopper, they're marines!" Nami reminded him. "If you treat them, they'll turn around and capture us!"
"Nami, I'm a doctor!" Chopper exclaimed. "I'm obligated to treat sick and injured people no matter who they are. Some of these marines are critically injured. They'll die!"
"I..." Nami couldn't think of a response to that. "Y/N! Say something!"
"Go ahead Chopper," Y/N encouraged him. "Be careful and make sure to disguise yourself."
Chopper nodded and dove out of the antler crate then crawled away under the curtain.
Nami rounded on Y/N. "What the heck are you doing? If the marines learn that a strange doctor is preforming surgery, they'll come and arrest him!"
"Vice Admiral Jonathan told me himself that its his duty to ensure the wellbeing of his marines," Y/N told her. "He'll keep an eye on the place but he won't have Chopper arrested for treating wounded marines. This actually works out to my advantage. He knows about 'One Eye' Y/N. He knows there's a doctor on our crew. If I tell him that One Eye Y/N is the unidentified doctor performing surgery he'll know exactly where I am and won't bother looking for me."
"And what do you plan to do if another marine comes by and realizes that Chopper isn't you?" Nami inquired.
Y/N flashed her a sly grin, "That's why you're going to be here to help him, Nurse."
"Fine," Nami conceded. "But this plan of yours had better work."
"It hurts that you doubt me," Y/N replied.
"I'll hurt you even more if we all end up locked in the brig!" Nami snapped before she turned and left his bed.
Nami stopped in her tracks when she found the other four nurses gathered around the terrified and clearly in-over-her-head Dr. Kobato.
"Doctor, what do we do?" the Head Nurse asked.
"Okay..." Kobato feebly replied. "Let's see... painkiller. He needs 50 milligrams of painkiller."
"Should we prep the Operating Room?" another nurse asked.
"Operating... operate..." Kobato mumbled. "I have to operate... There'll be..." Kobato looked down but that resulted in her seeing the bloody bandages on a nearby marine. "Blood..." Kobato's eyes rolled back and she collapsed to the ground.
"Doctor, pull yourself togother!" one of the nurses pleaded as they set Kobato down on a stool.
"We don't have time for this," the Head Nurse complained. "Tell us what to do!"
"I'll be directing treatment today."
The nurses turned to see a large hairy... man. Chopper stood before them wearing a white coat, a pair of swirly glasses and a fake mustache.
"First administer this patient a dose of both aphidicolin and cardiotonic," Chopper ordered. "Then prepare some ticillin."
"..." the nurses stared silently at the strange looking... person.
"Respond if you understand!" Chopper barked at him.
"Yes, doctor," the nurses chorused. They needed a doctor now more than anything. Instead of focusing on his strange appearance or where he had come from, they decided to follow his instructions and treat the injured marines that needed them.
The nurses scrambled to follow Chopper's instructions while Chopper walked along the room.
"Now cross-match every patient's blood type," Chopper continued. "Begin pre-op treatment for everyone that requires an operation."
Dr. Tony Tony Chopper continued to bark out orders as the took charge of the infirmary.
"Get this patient on antibiotics to treat tetanus and any other infections he may have."
"Right," the Head Nurse agreed.
"What's the status of the O.R.?" Chopper called across the room.
"The Operating Room is ready, Doctor," a nurse answered.
"Then start moving patients there!" Chopper prompted. "Start with those in critical condition."
"Yes sir," the nurses replied as they began to wheel the injured marines into the O.R.
Under Chopper's direction, the infirmary was quickly and efficiently cleared. Mostly.
Y/N sat up in bed and flashed Chopper a thumbs up. "I'm proud of you, little brother."
Chopper shrunk back down and his white coat dragged on the floor. "Stupid!" he exclaimed. "I don't need your praise! I won't make me happy!" The fact that reindeer was currently performing a happy dance made Y/N believe that was untrue.
Meanwhile, Nami had gone over to Dr. Kobato and was trying to revive her.
"Come on, snap out of it!" Nami said as she shook the woman.
Dr. Kobato's eyes fluttered open. "Um... sorry... what's going on?"
"Chopper! Human! Quick!" Y/N instructed.
Chopper stopped dancing and quickly became the big hairy doctor again.
"Where is everyone?" Dr. Kobato continued obliviously. "I seem to have fainted." She stood up and spotted Chopper. "Oh! You're a doctor! I don't know who you are or where you came from but I'm glad you came along! You sure saved us!"
"No one's saved yet, Doctor," Chopper replied.
"What?" Kobato questioned.
"The situation doesn't look good," Chopper stated. "Without emergency surgery many will die."
"Yeah..." Dr. Kobato whimpered.
"There's no time to lose!" Chopper insisted. "You must operate on the critically injured now!"
"Yes... operate..." Kobato's legs shook and she dropped to her knees.
"Hey, what's with you?" Nami inquired as she dropped down next to the doctor. Chopper came over and stood behind Nami.
"I... I can't do it..." Kobato whimpered.
"Do what?" Nami asked.
"I can't stand the sight of blood," Dr. Kobato confessed. "Honestly, I can barely even administer a shot. So the thought of putting stitches in or cutting someone is just..." She started to cry.
"Oh, just perfect," Nami complained as she stood back up. "This is a marine base. How can you call yourself a military doctor if you can't stand the sight of a little blood?"
"My field of practice is children's medicine," Dr. Kobato told her. "All the other doctors were called away on business. I was only left in charge as a temporary substitute."
"I still want to know why a pediatrician is at a marine base in the first place!" Y/N interjected from over in his bed.
"Substitute or not, you're in charge of the infirmary now," Chopper reminded her. "Aren't you?"
"Uh... yeah... seems so..." Kobato admitted.
"It seems so?" Chopper repeated. "You're a doctor! It's your duty preserve life!"
"That is what I have sworn to do," Dr. Kobato answered. "But still. I have limits. Even the best doctors have things they can't do."
"Limits? Can't do?" Chopper echoed. "The man who taught me medicine used to tell me a story. There once was a man who was told by his doctors that he had an incurable disease and that he would soon be dead. Everywhere he went, the doctors told his disease was incurable. In his despair, he wandered the wilderness in search of a place to die. But one day as he walked through a mountain pass he saw something extraordinary and beautiful. The entire mountain was covered in brilliant cherry blossoms. After seeing this, he went to see his doctors again. They were astounded to report that the man was now completely healthy. You see? It was a miracle. There's nothing that can't be cured!"
"..." Dr. Kobato stared silently up at Chopper.
"You're the only doctor for those patients in there," Chopper continued. "You alone can save them from a terrible death. A healer must never give up! There's no such thing as limits! There's no illness that can't be cured! Don't ever let you fear limit you! There is no patient that we doctors shouldn't try to cure! As doctors we have the power to make miracles happen. We have to always believe that!"
"Then..." Dr. Kobato whispered. "Will I be able to see the cherry blossoms too?" She shook her head. The nervous woman was suddenly overtaken by foreign confidence. "No. I will show them the cherry blossom! I'll show them to all of those suffering people in the Operating Room!"
"That's the spirit!" Chopper encouraged.
"That's my doctor," Y/N added silently.
"I'll even stick around to help," Chopper offered.
"I'll help too," Nami added. Even she had been swayed by Chopper's passionate speech.
Just then the other nurses came back out into the infirmary.
"Doctor," the Head Nurse announced. "The Operating Room is prepped and ready to go."
"Good, I'm on my way," Chopper replied. Nami nodded in agreement.
The two disguised Straw Hats turned and watched as Dr. Kobato rose to her feet.
"Right, let's go," she resolved.
Dr. Kobato made her way out of the infirmary towards the Operating Room. Chopper and Nami followed him along with the other nurses.
Y/N grinned in his bed. "Best doctor in the world."
Two marines stood stationed outside the door to the Operating Room. They looked up as three people made their way down the hallway.
Dr. Kobato, Dr. Chopper and Nurse Nami now all wore white surgeon scrubs, surgical masks and held their sterilized gloves out in front of them.
Krek... The automatic doors swung opened and the three made their way inside.
"Just who the heck was that guy?" one of the marines wondered.
"Beat me," the other replied. "We should probably warn Vice Admiral Jonathan."
Beep! Up overhead, a red light turned on to signify that there was surgery in progress.
"What?" Lieutenant Commander Drake questioned as he turned away from interrogating Zoro. "An unidentified doctor is preforming surgery?"
"Yes sir," the marine outside the cell answered. "Vice Admiral Jonathan requested that you investigate it."
"That could be our second Straw Hat of the day," Drake realized.
"Chopper..." Zoro thought to himself. "Y/N... I hope you're still in the infirmary. You've got trouble headed your way."
Bright lights shined down on the first patient in the Operating Room.
"There's a large shard of shrapnel embedded in his upper right torso that must be extracted," Chopper read from a clipboard.
"The patient has been anesthetized so we are ready to begin the procedure," Nami stated.
"Scalpel," Dr. Kobato requested as she held out her sterilized glove.
"Yes, Doctor," Nami replied as she handed her the instrument.
Dr. Kobato's hand shook as she stared down at the dark wound that she had to cut into.
"Dr. Kobato, you'll be fine," Chopper assured her. "Remember, you're the only one who can show these patients the cherry blossoms."
"Right," Dr. Kobato agreed. She slowly brought her scalpel in.
"This incision runs close to an artery so be careful," Chopper warned her.
"Right," Dr. Kobato replied as she cautiously cut the wound. Blood spilled out but she stayed focused on the task at hand and didn't waver.
"Nurse, suction," Chopper requested.
"Yes, Doctor," Nami replied as she stretched out a vacuum hose to clear away the blood.
Once the blood was cleared, Nami used a rag to remove the sweat from Dr. Kobato's forehead.
Clink! Dr. Kobato removed the shrapnel and dropped it on nearby tray.
"The shard has been removed," Chopper stated.
"Done!" Dr. Kobato gasped in relief.
"Dr. Kobato, we're not even close to done," Nami told her. "There are so many more patients."
"Of course," Dr. Kobato agreed.
"We can do it," Chopper encouraged her.
"Right," Dr. Kobato replied.
Y/N looked up as Lieutenant Commander Drake and four marines made his way into the infirmary and marched straight through and headed for the Operating Room.
"Looks like this is my second marine officer of the day," Y/N thought to himself. He looked down at Lieutenant Matthew and pushed the plunger on the syringe of sedative that he had stuck in the Marine Officer's arm.
"Nothing personal," Y/N addressed the now sedated Lieutenant. "But I need you unconscious until my crew and I get out of here."
Krek! Lieutenant Commander Drake pushed opened the doors to the Operating Room.
"Pardon the intrusion!" Drake called out as he entered with his men.
Dr. Kobato stuck her head out from the curtains around one of the beds. "We're operating. Please leave."
"This is urgent, I assure you," Drake insisted. "I need to ask you a few questions."
"Doctor!" a nurse called out from inside the curtains. "His blood pressure is dropping fast."
Dr. Kobato looked back inside at Chopper as he directed the two nurses that were with him.
"Give him six units of saline solution and one unit of platelets," Chopper instructed.
"Yes sir," the nurses agreed.
"He's out of danger now," Chopper noted. "Continue the transfusion and ready the dopamine."
"Eh-hem," Lieutenant Commander Drake cleared his throat. "Dr. Kobato."
"We're in the middle of surgery," Dr. Kobato said. "If you're going to stay, please be quiet."
"Excuse me, but did I hear you right?" Drake questioned with a smirk. "You're performing surgery? You? The doctor that faints at the sight of a paper cut?"
"..." Dr. Kobato glared silently at Drake.
"There are reports of an unidentified doctor here..." Drake changed the subject.
"Get out!" Dr. Kobato ordered. "The only things you'll find in here are people giving their all to save precious lives! Is that clear?"
Drake flinched in surprise. He stared at Dr. Kobato but the doctor returned the Lieutenant Commander's hard stare without wavering.
"Right... let's go," Lieutenant Commander Drake resolved.
Drake led his men back out of the Operating Room.
"Lieutenant Commander!" Drake looked up to see Seaman Recruit Natsu in front of him. "I heard that you came in here looking for one of the Straw Hat Pirates. I know where one is."
"You do?" Drake questioned. "Show me!"
"Of course, sir," Natsu agreed. "But on the other hand..." Shunk! He spun and jammed a syringe into Drake's chest. "I'm right here."
"Ahhh... pi..rate..." Drake gasped before his eyes rolled back and he passed out.
"You're under arrest!" one of the other four marines called out as Y/N set Drake on the ground.
"Don't touch that snail!" Y/N warned the marine by the door as he reached for his pocket. "You guys are lucky that you're already in the infirmary."
Dr. Kobato and Chopper continued their series of operations unabated. Even Nami and the rest of the nurses were so focused on their respective tasks that none of the noticed the sounds of a fight coming from the other side of the doors to the O.R.
"Procedure completed," Dr. Kobato eventually announced.
"That was the last of our patients," the Head Nurse informed her while another nurse dabbed Kobato's sweaty forehead.
The nurses rolled the final patient away out of the Operating Room.
For some reason the two marines that had been stationed outside were now missing.
Dr. Kobato was left alone with Chopper and Nami.
"Good job Dr. Kobato," Nami praised her.
"Ah!" Kobato sighed in relief as she removed her surgery mask and closed her eyes and she peeled off her gloves.
She didn't notice Chopper as he shrunk down to his tiny Hybrid form.
"No! Chopper, don't!" Nami warned him.
"You really are a great doctor," Chopper praised the now confident Kobato.
"Thank you," Dr. Kobato replied as she turned to face him. "But you're a much better doctor than I'll ever be, Mr. raccoon-dog."
"You stupid face, I'm not a raccoon-dog, I'm a reindeer!" Chopper corrected her.
"She didn't even notice that Chopper just changed shape..."
Vice Admiral Jonathan hummed to himself as he made his way towards the Dining Hall.
"Vice Admiral! Vice Admiral!"
Jonathan stopped outside the green double doors and turned to see Chief Petty Officer Todd.
"What's the matter?" Jonathan asked.
"We haven't heard back from Lieutenant Commander Drake since you instructed him to investigate the infirmary," Todd informed him.
Jonathan frowned. "It seems that the Straw Hats have made their next move," he mused. "I guess the Dining Hall will have to wait. Have Ensign Christopher meet us in my office. If Drake's gone missing then I need to alter my strategy with my remaining forces."
"Yes sir," Todd agreed. He turned and ran off to relay the Vice Admiral's message.
Jonathan gave the dining hall one last glance then followed after Todd at a more sedate pace.
"Really, what are we doing still hanging around here?" Sanji complained as he cut up onions in the kitchen mere feet away from where Vice Admiral Jonathan had just been standing. "We don't even know if Miss. Robin and Miss. Nami are out of harm's way. But I can't just abandon a task that the lovely Miss. Jessica assigned me."
Across the kitchen, Luffy decided to touch the oven to see if it was hot. Ssss...
"AAAH!" Luffy yelped has he burned his finger. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a Dial that he had with him for some reason then held it up to the oven.
"Got that right," Luffy agreed with Sanji.
Sanji whirled around to stare at the pirate that he'd been practically babysitting this whole time. "What are you doing, you idiot?" Sanji demanded.
"Uh, I don't know," Luffy admitted. "Have you seen how awesome this glow thingy is?"
"Yes, I've seen how awesome the oven is," Sanji growled as he turned around and went back to his task of cutting onions. "Now help me figure out how to get us outta here."
"Oh yeah, how come we're still sitting around this stupid kitchen?" Luffy asked.
"We're still here because you haven't figured out a way for us to escape!" Sanji snapped.
"Hey Sanji, do you think someone could eat a raw octopus?" Luffy questioned.
"What does that have to do with anything?" Sanji berated him.
"How's it coming?" Head Chef Jessica inquired as she walked over and caused Sanji's eyes to become hearts. "Are you done yet? If you don't hurry we won't be ready for the next one hundred marines."
"Oh, my sweet Jessica!" Sanji exclaimed. "I just finished the onions!"
"Well, looks like its just about break time," Luffy noted. "I'm beat."
"YOU HAVEN'T DONE ANYTHING YET!" Sanji yelled at him.
"Since you're so eager to help I've got another three hundred onions here for you," Jessica informed Sanji before she walked away.
"More? You gotta be kidding me!" Luffy growled.
"I am ever your humble servant my sweet Jessica!" Sanji swooned.
"Hey!" Luffy called out. "I think I know why we're stuck in the kitchen! And its all your fault!"
Y/N locked the door to a closet in the infirmary and sealed Lieutenant Commander Drake and the six other marines that he'd beaten inside. He tucked the transponder snail that he'd stolen into his pocket then casually whistled to himself as he made his way out of the medical wing.
Vice Admiral Jonathan sat at his desk in his office while Ensign Christopher and Chief Petty Officer Todd both standing across from him.
Jonathan removed the King-side Rook from his white side of the chessboard.
"This game's starting to get really interesting," Vice Admiral Jonathan remarked.
Hope you enjoyed the chapter!!!
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