Whitebeard Pirates
Whitebeard Pirates:
-Y/N's Origin Flashback part IV-
Twenty-one months before the current storyline started, the Royal Flush Officers of the Spade Pirates were walking on a snow covered island deep in the Grand Line. Ace seemed to be impervious to the cold and was wearing shorts and a sweatshirt with a cape on the back. The cold weather however, WASN'Timpervious to Ace, the second 'Fire Fist' set foot on the island it stopped snowing.
King was wearing a long tan trench coat and had a pair of guns strapped to his waist inside of it. On his head he wore a matching tan fedora hat. Queen was wearing a long green coat and her green hood was up, her bow and quiver were strapped to her back but she still seemed to be cold. A seventeen year old Jack was wearing a black cloak with a cape and a black skull cap on his head. His trusty sword Akaikyuuketsuki was sheathed at his waist inside the cloak. Ten, being a ninja, usually wore a tight black jumpsuit and a mask that left his mouth uncovered and had two eyeholes that he could see out of but others couldn't see in. Now, he was wearing a hooded cloak to protect him against the cold.
"Why are we here again?" Ollie asked as she trekked through the snow next to Y/N. "I'm freezing my tights off."
"There's someone I want to meet no matter what," Ace answered as he led the group.
"You knew we were going on a winter island, you should've dressed warmer," Y/N pointed out. "Or maybe you should've stayed back on the ship with the others."
"And miss out on the adventure?" questioned Ollie. "Not likely. But I've got a big cup of tea with my name on it when I get back to the ship."
"So where is this guy?" Han inquired.
"If he's still the same as I remember, he's recovering from a hangover somewhere," Y/N answered.
"I checked it out earlier," Deck said. "He and his crew are camped out in the middle of the island. And actually... he did appear to be hung-over."
The Five Spade Pirates made their way to the middle of the island and reached a large snow-filled clearing. It was filled with a series of log cabins and there were groups of men huddled around numerous campfires.
A man with a sword stood up and addressed Ace. "So... I hear you want to meet me."
"No that's not what I meant," Ace replied. "My little brother was always bragging about you, the one who saved his life. He told me to thank you if we ever met."
"You're Luffy's... Oh!" 'Red Haired' Shanks exclaimed. "So he had a brother. Thanks for coming and telling me!"
"Actually, he had three brothers," Y/N informed him.
Shanks' eye lit up with recognition, "Y/N! You're a pirate now! That's great!"
"I'm more of a treasure hunter, but yeah," Y/N replied. "I'm the Jack of Spades."
"Won't you join us?" Shanks offered as he motioned to some empty seats around the campfire he'd been sitting at. "How's Luffy doing?"
"He's doing great," Y/N answered. "He's still got another two years or so before he leaves home, but he's gotten a lot stronger."
"Have you?" came a voice. Y/N turned to it and saw Benn Beckman sitting there smoking a cigarette. He'd aged a lot over the passed eight years. His once long black hair was now short and gray. His long rifle was leaning against his side.
Y/N flashed a foxy grin as he pulled opened his cloak to reveal his curved sword, "How'd you like to find out for yourself?"
"With your permission Captain, I'd like to engage a member of this rival pirate crew in a friendly spar," Beckman requested as he stood up and held his rifle next to him.
"Do your thing Beckman," Shanks encouraged his First Mate.
"Let's give them some room," Ace decided, he, King, Queen, and Ten backed away to give Jack room to face Benn Beckman of the 'Red Haired' Pirates.
"Before we begin," said Y/N as he stood across from Beckman, "I'd just like to say thanks for giving me a cursed sword that requires a blood sacrifice."
"It requires a blood sacrifice?" questioned Beckman. "Sorry, I didn't know. I guess I should've done some research before giving a dangerous weapon to a child."
"It only works if you give it blood every time you draw it," Y/N explained. "I suppose that's why it's called 'Red Vampire'."
"That does explain why the swordsman I got it from was so easy to beat," Beckman reasoned. "He attacked me from behind but his sword didn't cut me. I defeated him because of that."
"Well, with all due respect," said Y/N, "I plan on using your blood as the sacrifice this time." Y/N immediately rushed at Beckman while holding his sword's handle with both hands. Beckman swung his rifle around and aimed for Y/N's head, SWOOOSH! Y/N jumped up clear over the rifle, "Red Blade... LIGHTNING STRIKE!" Y/N changed directions in mid air and flew passed Beckman while lashing out at him with his sword, Beckman dodged to the side and barely avoided the sword strike, Slik! The red blade grazed Beckman's cheek and left a small cut there.
But Beckman took it all in stride, he spun around swinging his rifle like a club and connected solidly with Y/N's back. WHAM! Y/N went flying across the clearing and slammed down into the snow, SKOOSH!
"You still have a lot to learn," Beckman lectured.
"Hah-ha, maybe not as much as you think," Y/N laughed as he staggered back up to his feet. "I'm the Jack of Spades, and I can take a hit... even if it's from you." Y/N readied his sword and once again charged the First Mate of the Red Haired Pirates.
"I see," Beckman commented as he swung his rifle again. SWOOOSH! Once again, Y/N jumped clean over the long gun.
"Red Blade... HURRICANE!" Y/N spun around in mid air and slashed his sword, Slik! Beckman managed to duck out of the way but Y/N still grazed his left cheek a second time while spinning in the air. WHAM! Beckman slammed his rifle into Y/N's face while he was still in mid air and sent him flying. SKOOSH! Y/N went crashing down into the snow while Beckman was left with another cut on the left side of his face, giving him an 'x' shaped wound.
"Nice hit," Y/N groaned as he pushed himself up off of the ground and stood back up. Beckman's rifle had made a gash on his forehead. The blood was going down from the gash passed his eye down towards his mouth.
"You're still standing?" said Beckman in mild surprise.
"Barely, but yeah," Y/N replied. "Surprised?"
"Yes," Beckman admitted. "You've come a long way from the nine year old that climbed onto my back and jumped off onto a pair of mountain bandits. I'm glad to see you learned how to use that sword properly."
"It took a few years, but now this sword is like an extension of my body," Y/N told him. "You still want to fight?"
"I think this has gone on long enough," Beckman decided. "It's only a friendly spar. There's no sense in prolonging it when I've seen what I wanted to see. You've come a long way, but you're still young and inexperienced. You still have a long way to go, but I'm sure you'll become a great pirate."
Y/N nodded and sheathed his red blade. "He's right, you've come a long way, kid," Shanks agreed. "If your improvement is anything to go by, then Luffy will really start shaking the world up when he sets off in two years time. I'm in a good mood now. THIS CALLS FOR A CELEBRATION!"
"Captain, didn't you just recover from your hangover?" questioned Lucky Roux.
"Who cares about that, WE'RE GONNA PARTY!" Shanks cheered. "Would you Spade Pirates care to join us?"
Ace nodded, "Deck, get the others and tell Treys to bring some food," he ordered. "Tonight we're partying with the Red Haired Pirates."
-End Flashback part IV-
"WOW!" Luffy exclaimed, "So you saw Shanks!"
Y/N nodded, "I also swindled Usopp's old man out of ten million berries. It was just like old times and that guy still couldn't hold his liquor. It was a fun break from Ace's suicidal search of Whitebeard. It took another few weeks, but we eventually came across someone who could lead us to him."
"Who?" asked Nami.
"Arlong's old boss, Jinbei," Y/N answered. "He was the first Warlord I ever met and he certainly set a high standard."
Snort! "Warlord?" Zoro grunted as he sat up and finally woke up.
"I was just telling them about my time in the Grand Line," Y/N explained. "If you can stay awake for another few minutes, I'll include my meeting with Hawk Eye." Zoro was instantly sitting up and was now as focused on Y/N's story as the other four Straw Hats.
-Y/N's Origin Flashback part V-
Ace stood with his crew in front of the Knight of the Sea, one of the Seven Warlords with a former bounty of 250,000,000 berries. Jinbei was a large blue whale shark fishman with two-toned black hair in a topknot, curly yellow eyebrows and sideburns, a small greenish-black beard on his chin, and two large cone-like teeth poking out from the bottom of his mouth. His hands and feet were webbed and he was dressed in an orange jinbei with black and white square-shaped patterns all over it. A red sun tattoo could be seen through the opened neck of Jinbei's jinbei, he also wore a pair of sandals and a purple sash around his large round waist.
"Hey big fella," Ace greeted the Warlord, "I want to meet this guy called Whitebeard!"
"We have reason to believe that you know where he is," Jack added as he calmly stood at Ace's right side. Queen was to Jack's right while King and Ten were on Ace's left. Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven, and Nine were standing in a line behind before the Royal Flush Officers. Five towered over everyone else and was wearing boots and heavy metal battle armor, his large battle axe was strapped to his back, he looked to be roughly the same size as the fishman in front of them. "Would you mind telling us so we can meet him and get on with our lives?"
"I will not let a dangerous boy like you meet the old man," Jinbei resolved. "I am not a member of the Whitebeard Pirates but I am grateful to him... which is why I shall face you!"
"You sure you can take this guy, Ace?" asked King. "This guy's Jinbei, he's one of the Seven Warlords."
Seeing the determined look on Ace's face, Jack turned and addressed the rest of the crew, "There's no stopping him now. Unless you wanna get deep-fried, give them some room."
The Spade Pirates backed away from their captain and the warlord and watched as they clashed in a battle of fire and water.
-Five Days Later-
HUFF! HUFF! Ace and Jinbei stood across from each other panting for breath. They both looked barely conscious, but both fighters were determined to win and refused to let up for a second. They had fought for five days straight.
"It's been going on for five days and they still can't settle it," Deck commented as the rest of the Spade Pirates sat at the battle site. THUD!
"Hey, wake up!" Han turned and nudged Y/N who had fallen asleep sitting up. Ollie was also asleep with her head resting on Y/N's shoulder.
"Wazzat?" Y/N grumbled as he blearily opened his eyes and stared at the battle in time to see Ace and Jinbei simultaneously collapse to the ground, THA-THUD!
"Is it over?" Ollie, who had jerked awake with Y/N, wondered out loud.
DOOOM! That was when they noticed the MASSIVE pirate ship off the shore. It was made to resemble a giant white whale and was aptly named the Moby Dick.
"HOLY SHIT! IT'S THE WHITEBEARD PIRATES!" Y/N shouted, instantly awake, he jumped to his feet along with the other Spade Pirates. There on the deck, flanked by countless pirates, stood the largest man that Y/N had ever seen. Edward 'Whitebeard' Newgate.
"WHICH ONE OF YOU SAID HE'D TAKE MY HEAD?" came the deep booming voice of the Strongest Man in the World. "IF YOU WANT IT SO BADLY, HERE'S YOUR CHANCE!"
"Get ready for battle," King ordered. "If we're gonna go out, we'll go out fighting."
At the same time Whitebeard addressed his men, "I can do this alone." SHOOM! Whitebeard held onto his bisento which was even bigger than he was and leapt from the Moby Dick to the shore. WHOOOOOM! The giant man landing on the shore sent the Spade Pirates flying backwards.
On the ground, Ace opened his eyes and grinned at seeing the man he'd been looking for. He got up and shot flames out of his hands, FWOOSH! "FIRE FENCE!" The flames surrounded both him and Whitebeard and a giant wall of fire.
"Captain Ace, what are you doing?" called out Ten.
"YOU GUYS MAKE A RUN FOR IT!" Ace ordered.
"What... are you cowarding out?" asked Whitebeard as he towered over Ace.
"Let my Nakama escape," Ace requested, "And in return... I'll stay right here."
"Cheeky brat," Whitebeard commented.
"Here goes nothing," Y/N muttered. He ran straight for Ace's firewall and leapt right through it. THUD! He hit the ground and rolled around to put out the flames that had caught on his clothes.
"Y/N, what the hell are you doing here?" Ace snapped. "I told you guys to run!"
"And as your loyal crewmate, I would've obeyed that order," Y/N agreed. "But as your brother, I'm not gonna leave you alone after you've been fighting for five days straight."
Y/N finally directed his attention on Whitebeard and his eyes flew opened, the man was more than five times his size, he and Ace barley came up to his knee. Whitebeard wore a long white captain's coat over his shoulders, his arms were out of the sleeves and his chest was bare showing off his large muscles and numerous battle scars. He wore baggy white pants, big black boots, and a black bandana over his short hair. Under his nose was Whitebeard's signature crescent shaped white mustache/beard.
"Well... you certainly know how to pick 'em," Y/N remarked.
"GURARARARARA!" Whitebeard let out a loud booming laugh, he had an amused smile on his face as he stared down at Y/N and Ace. "So you two are gonna fight me together, eh? I never thought I'd live to see this day."
"Ace, Battle Tactic 002," Y/N whispered to Ace. Ace turned and put his hands together, Y/N drew his red blade and ran and jumped onto them and Ace launched him high up into the air and over Whitebeards head. "Red Blade... AVALANCHE!" Y/N called out as he slashed his sword downward at Whitebeard.
At the same time Ace spun around, his fist engulfed in flames as she shot it out at Whitebeard, "FIRE FIST!" FWOOOSH!
FWISH! WHAM! Whitebeard batted the fire and Y/N away from him all in the same motion using his bisento. Whitebeard had used the blade to deflect the fire while Y/N got smacked out of the fire circle by the shaft of the huge weapon. THOOOOM! Whitebeard drove his weapon into the ground and a shockwave sent Ace flying backwards. Ace fell into his fire wall, but since he was made of fire, it didn't burn him.
Skish! Ace quickly regained his balance and let out a yell of rage as he charged out of the wall of fire at Whitebeard, "UOOOAHHHH!"
BOOOOOM! Ace's blood was spilled and he was left lying on the ground in front of Whitebeard. But Ace wouldn't give up. He started to get up and prepared to face Whitebeard again.
"Gurarararara," Whitebeard laughed. "So you're still gonna stand up? It'd be a shame if you died here, kid. If you still want to wreck havoc on this sea, bear my mark on your back and go as wild as you like!" Whitebeard smiled and held out his hand, "Become my son!"
"Oh crap," Y/N muttered as he sat up and stared through the fire, "Ace has always had daddy issues."
"DON'T SCREW WITH ME!" Ace shouted as he charged and attacked Whitebeard again.
-Hours Later-
The Moby Dick was sailing through the Grand Line, Y/N was standing on the deck staring down at Ace. A man with slicked back blond hair, a black goatee, and a curved scar on the right side of his face was sitting on the railing near him.
Ace's body suddenly twitched and he sat up. "Hey, you're awake." Y/N greeted him. "You had me worried there for a second, Hot Shot."
"My name's Thatch," the blond man introduced himself, "I'm commander of the 4th Division. If you're gonna be our crewmate, let's try to get along."
"SHUT UP!" Ace shouted, then he turned to his brother, "Y/N... what happened?"
"He knocked you out and took you on board his ship with him," Y/N explained. "He seems to genuinely want you to join his crew. We regrouped and attacked in an attempt to get you back... it didn't go so well."
"We beat the crap out of them," Thatch supplied.
"But no one's dead," Y/N quickly continued. "The only one missing is Lucky. He said that he only came along as our guide and now that we're with the Whitebeard Pirates, we don't need him any more. Everyone else is on this ship right now. Whitebeard asked us to join his crew along with you. Personally, I think it's a great opportunity to learn from the Strongest Pirate Crew in the World."
Ace disregarded his brother for a moment and eyed Thatch, "You okay with me being on your ship without handcuffs or anyone guarding me?"
"Hm?" said Thatch.
"You might wanna get something to eat," Y/N suggested. "You fought Jinbei for five days and need some energy. I'll show you the kitchen, just like everything else on this ship, it's freaking huge." Y/N helped his brother up and the two of them wandered off.
-End Flashback part V-
"It took Ace a long time to accept," Y/N admitted. "In fact, he tried unsuccessfully to kill the old man one hundred sixteen times. Eventually, Ace came to terms with it and took Whitebeard's mark on his back."
"So your entire crew became members of the Whitebeard Pirates?" Usopp summarized, "no wonder you're strong."
"The old man wanted me to take is mark and become his son too," Y/N added.
-Y/N's Origin Flashback part VI-
"RRRAAAAHHHH!"Ace charged at Whitebeard from behind wielding an axe, THWHAM! But Whitebeard batted him aside and sent him crashing into the railing. THUD!
"That's unsuccessful attempt number forty-six," Y/N stated, he sounded bored.
"I can understand him not wanting to accept it," Whitebeard admitted. "What about you, kid? You've got spirit. Do you want to take my mark and become my son?"
Y/N frowned, "I never had a father," he confessed. "But there's only one pirate I'll pledge my undying loyalty to."
"You mean him?" asked Whitebeard as he motioned to Ace who was attempting to pull the blade of his axe out of the deck.
"No, my other brother actually," Y/N explained. "He hasn't set sail yet, but in about nineteen months he will. I plan on joining up with him and finding the One Piece with him so he can become the King of the Pirates. That's why I can't take your mark, my loyalty lies with my brother."
"So you wouldn't go and find the One Piece for me even if I ordered you?" questioned Whitebeard.
"That's right," Y/N agreed, "Although, for some reason or another, you don't seem to be after the One Piece. "
"You're a smart one," Whitebeard commented. "Many pirates are after treasure and power, but not me. All I ever wanted was a family. I can understand you being loyal to your brother, you must have an even deeper bond with him than you do with Ace, I'd never stand in between you and your family. But I'd still like you to be my son while you're on this crew."
Y/N smiled a foxy smile, "Sure thing, Pops."
Whitebeard's eyes went wide as he stared down at the red haired treasure hunter. Almost without realizing it, he said... "You look just like your mother."
"Say what now?" said Y/N as he stared up in surprise.
Whitebeard seemed to finally realize what he'd said, "I knew her," Edward Newgate explained. "Her name was Mitsune. She was a nurse. Very clever, just like you."
"She died when I was three," Y/N said. "I barely remember anything about her. Her sister Makino raised me in her tavern on Dawn Island in the East Blue. I was adopted by the leader of a clan of mountain bandits when I was nine. She raised all of us."
"Well you might not have had a father when you were growing up," Edward told him, "But you do now, son."
-End Flashback part VI-
Training Montage:
"The Whitebeard Pirates took me under their wing and treated me like one of their own," Y/N continued. "I learned a lot during the time I spent on that crew."
-Flashback part VII-
-Sensory Training-
Thatch was standing in front of Y/N holding his sword with both hands, he was wearing a long-sleeved blue button-down shirt and his blond hair was still slicked back. "I've decided to help you enhance your skills as a swordsman," Thatch explained. "Let's see what you can do."
"Alright, I just have one question," Y/N replied. "WHY AM I BLINDFOLDED?" A black strip of fabric had been tied over Y/N's eyes and he couldn't see a thing. Somehow Thatch expected him to swordfight.
"I want to enhance your senses," Thatch answered, "A good swordsman is always aware of his surroundings. Sometime your sense of sight won't be able to help you, so you'll have to rely on your other senses to compensate."
"I guess that makes sense," Y/N reasoned.
"Good, then prepare yourself," Thatch warned him. SWISH!Thatch swung his sword with two hands, Y/N attempted to block with his sword but his timing was off, allowing Thatch's attack to break his guard and connect, WHAK! At the last second Thatch turned his blade to the side so the flat side hit Y/N instead of the sharp one.
"GAH!" Y/N yelped as he staggered backwards.
"Keep your sword up," Thatch called out, "we're not done yet!" SWISH! WHAK!
Swish... KLANG! A week and a half later, Y/N was once again blindfolded while dueling Thatch but this time he managed to get his curved blade up in time to defend himself.
KLINK! KLANK! KLANG! Y/N continued to use his senses of hearing, smell, and even his treasure sense to block Thatch's attacks.
Y/N was pushed back towards the mast despite his increased senses, he was still at a disadvantage. KLANG! "Nnnyyaaahh!" Y/N blocked another attack and pushed Thatch's sword away causing the older man to stagger backwards.
Thatch charged at Y/N but Y/N turned around ran in the other direction then ran up the mast and backflipped off of it. TMP! Y/N landed on the deck behind Thatch. Thatch spun around and swung at him, SWISH! Y/N ducked down and dodged the attack then lashed out with the flat side of this curved sword, WHAK! Thatch was caught off guard when Y/N's attack connected and he fell backwards, THUD!
"HAH-HA!" Y/N laughed, "I GOT YOU!"
"Good job, kid," Thatch congratulated him as he got up. Y/N grinned and didn't even bother removing his blindfold.
-Endurance Training-
"For a runt, you've got great endurance," a large dark-skinned and extremely muscular man commented. He wore battle armor with black shoulder pads that had red bolts on them. His hair and beard was in a stripe-like pattern and a scowl adorned his face. This man was Jozu the Commander of Whitebeard's Third Division. "Let's increase it."
POW! Y/N was suddenly punched in the stomach with a gigantic fist that was as hard as diamond, he went flying across the deck and then slammed down and went skidding into the railing.
"When your ribs heal, come back for more training," Jozu instructed him.
A month later, Y/N's ribs had been broken and healed another two times. He stood in front of Jozu and waited the worst. He clenched his stomach and chest muscles and braced for impact.
POW! Jozu's diamond-hard fist slammed into Y/N stomach and he went flying across the deck. WHAM! Y/N slammed into a wall and crashed down to the deck, but then pushed himself back up one his hands and knees.
"Nothing's broken," he groaned, "but I feel like I'm gonna throw up."
"Good job runt," said Jozu. "Your endurance training is complete." He turned to leave.
"Hey wait," Y/N called after him, he staggered up to his feet. "You're a division commander, so that means you're really loyal to Whitebeard, right?"
"I am," Jozu answered.
"Why don't you have his mark then?" Y/N asked.
"Because no needle can pierce my skin," Jozu growled. "I thought you were smart."
Y/N fished into his pocket and pulled out his black case and opened it up to reveal his gem crafting tools. "Would you mind letting me give it a try?"
An hour later, Y/N surveyed his work on Jozu's left arm, etched into his bicep was a manji with a white mustache, the mark of the Whitebeard Pirates.
Jozu stared at the mark and for the first time in a long time, he smiled, "Thanks runt."
-Explosion Balls-
"What're you doing kid?" came a sleepy voice as a blond man with tanned skin walked in. He had a lean but very muscular frame and wore an opened shirt, a blue sash around his waist, and a dark pair of pants. This was Marco, Whitebeard's First Division Commander.
Marco opened his normally droopy eyes and stared around at the wide assortment of gunpowder and other explosives that were around Y/N.
"Hey Marco," Y/N greeted the First Division Commander. "I'm trying to make a smoke-screen. The best way for me to survive against stronger opponents here in the Grand Line is to escape. I'm trying to create something that not only provides a smoke cover, but also explodes and can be used as a weapon."
Marco casually sat down across from him, "You know... rum burns," he supplied. "What if you made a ball of gunpowder and soaked it in rum? When you threw it on the ground it would explode and the rum would help it burn to create a fire screen."
"You might be onto something," Y/N realized.
A week later, Y/N, Ollie, Han, and Deck were surrounded by a dozen pirates that were armed to the teeth with guns and swords. Y/N seemed to have pissed them off when he stole a treasure chest from him.
"Looks like this might be it," Deck muttered.
Y/N flashed a foxy grin and reached into his top right pocket. He pulled out a pair of red balls and threw them on the ground at his feet. KA-BOOOOM! The balls exploded and Y/N, Deck, Ollie, and Han were all hidden from view by a dark cloud of smoke. The pirates stared at the smoke cloud in confusion, when it cleared, all that was left was a small hole that had been blown in the ground.
"Wait 'till I tell Marco that the Explosion Balls worked," Y/N commented out loud as the four of them ran to their boat. Y/N still had the treasure chest tucked under his arm.
THUNK! When they arrived back at the ship, Whitebeard slammed a barrel of grog down in front of them. "Good job boys, drink up."
"I'M A GIRL, DAMN IT!" Ollie shouted up at him, she stalked off grumbling about the nurses being the only ones that didn't get treated like a 'son'.
"I don't drink," Deck excused himself as he walked away.
"Looks like you're on your own, son," Whitebeard commented as he eyed Y/N and the barrel of grog in front of him. Han was already off drinking with some of the other Whitebeard Pirates.
"BUT IT'S HUGE!" Y/N protested.
"No son of mine won't be able to drink a like a man!" Whitebeard snapped.
"But I could get alcohol poisoning! Or explode!" Y/N argued.
"Let's hope you don't," Whitebeard replied.. "NOW DRINK!"
"I hope I can keep this down," Y/N muttered.
Two weeks later, Ace led the rest of the Spade Pirates onto the Moby Dick. Fire Fist proudly sported Whitebeard's mark on his back.
"ACE'S DONE IT AGAIN!" someone called out. "I hear he made Doma's gang surrender!"
"Well done Ace," Whitebeard congratulated him. "I've seen how well you lead your men, and I've decided to make you the Commander of Division Two. Everyone's already given their consent."
Ace turned to a large man with a scruffy black beard, "You pretty much look like an old timer, Teach," Ace reasoned. "Shouldn't it be your job?"
"Zehahahahaha!" Marshall D. Teach laughed. "Nah, it's okay. I ain't got such ambition! You do it Commander Ace."
"Alright, I'll do it," Ace relented. The Whitebeard Pirates let out a collective cheer.
"THIS CALLS FOR A CELEBRATION!" Whitebeard called out.
Whitebeard's five cooks, one of which was Treys, made a feast which Ace ended up falling asleep in the middle of. Some of the more excitable pirates frantically checked if he was dead or not.
THUNK! Whitebeard ignored the commotion and slammed a barrel down in front of Y/N. "Drink up son."
CHUNK! Y/N drove his fist down into the top of the barrel and made a hole in the top then hoisted it up over his head and drank from it. Whitebeard watched in amusement as Y/N drank the entire barrel. THUNK! Y/N put the barrel down and staggered backwards.
"You okay?" asked Ollie as she caught him and helped him regain his balance.
In response, Y/N grabbed her and kissed the surprised archer soundly on the lips. Y/N pulled away and flashed her a foxy grin, "Hah-ha, that hit the spot." Ollie stared at him wide-eyed... then punched him in the face. POW! Y/N was out like a light.
"Jerk," she muttered as she glared down at him.
"GURARARARARA!" Whitebeard laughed. "Nice hit son."
"I'M A GIRL, YOU OLD BASTARD!" Ollie yelled.
"Well you punch like a boy," Whitebeard replied. Ollie stepped over Y/N's prone body and stalked off grumbling to herself about senile, gender-confused, old men.
It didn't help that she almost ran into Izou the Commander of Whitebeard's Sixteenth Division.
-Encounter with Mihawk-
"So how much do you think its worth?" asked Ace as he and Y/N sat at a table in a pub and inspected treasure chest that they'd acquired. Y/N had come across the treasure map and asked his Division Commander to come along with him.
"I'm not all that sure," Y/N admitted as he peered inside the chest and sifted his hands through the treasure inside. "Something in here is throwing it off."
Kreeeek... The door opened and a lone figure walked in. He was wearing a black hat with a feather in it, a long black coat with purple sleeves, gray pants and black boots. He had a six foot sword that was as big as he was on his back. You could tell he was strong just by how he carried himself.
Y/N stared in shock at the man while Ace looked confused, "Who's that?" Ace asked.
"That's 'Hawk Eye' Mihawk," Y/N whispered, "The World's Greatest Swordsman. He's also one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea."
"Well if it isn't Whitebeard's Second Division Commander," Mihawk commented. "I heard that he'd recently recruited someone strong. The World's Government's been worried about you aligning with him. Perhaps I should do my duty as a Warlord and rid the Government of this problem."
"Y-you may be the Greatest Swordsman in the World, BUT WE WON'T GO DOWN WITHOUT A FIGHT!" Y/N shouted. Internally he was terrified. He knew he couldn't win a swordfight with the World's Greatest.
TUNK! ZZZZZZ! Ace suddenly fell asleep face-first in a dish of food.
"Okay... uh... maybe we will go down easily..." Y/N admitted with a huge sweat-drop on the back of his head. "But... um... see that mark on his back!" Y/N pointed to the manji on Ace's back. "Whitebeard's taken a special interest in him. Taking us in will be more trouble than its worth."
"You may have a point," Mihawk admitted. "But you don't have his mark, and you seem to have a sword."
CHUNK! Y/N slammed the treasure chest shut and threw it across the room at Mihawk. It hit the floor in front of him. "JUST TAKE THE TREASURE! DON'T KILL ME!" Y/N shouted.
"Hmm... how much is in here?" Mihawk inquired as he stared down at the treasure chest.
"S-seventeen m-million," Y/N stammered, "but uh... there's something else in there that's worth another... um... eight. I just don't know what..."
"I suppose this'll do," Mihawk resolved as he picked up the chest and headed for the door, "perhaps we'll cross paths again." KREK! With that, he was gone just as quickly as he came.
"Phhheeewww," Y/N sighed in relief, "I just survived an encounter with Hawk Eye Mihawk. There's only one thing to do after a situation like that... get trashed."
"Sounds fun," said Ace, who'd just woken up. "What happened to Hawk Eye?"
Ace and Y/N got totally trashed in the bar, on the way back to Whitebeard's Ship, Y/N had an unforgettable encounter with a shark.
-End Flashback part VII-
"Way to keep your composure," Zoro teased him.
"I wasn't ready then," Y/N defended himself "I was still in the early stages of my pirate career, even if I did align myself with strong pirates. I wasn't ready to have the World's Greatest Swordsman out for my head."
"Sounds like you and Ace had a lot of fun in the Grand Line," said Luffy. "I can't wait to go there!"
"It was fun," Y/N agreed. "Those three years on Ace and Whitebeard's pirate crews were the best years of my life. It was great while it lasted."
"Something tells me your story is going to get worse," Nami assumed.
"That's the case with most stories," Y/N replied.
Hope you enjoyed the chapter!!!
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