Vivi's Decision
Vivi's Decision:
"Igaram I will!"Igaram stared at the skull featuring a blue ponytail and a small crown going around the base. "I will become Queen of the Pirates!" Igaram caped at the princess dressed in pirate garb. She a green spotted bandana to tie her long blue hair back and a purple pirate hat with an fancy pink feather and the aforementioned Jolly Roger on the front. She wore a red and white horizontally striped tank top and a long purple captain's coat draped over her shoulders. She had a tribal tattoo on her right arm and was wielding a pistol in one hand and a sheathed sword in the other.
"WAAAAAAAAHHHH!" Igaram screamed in terror. The Captain of the Royal Guard sat up and found himself in bed and still wearing his night clothe and night cap. It was early in the morning and the sky had just started lighting up. Terracotta's side was empty but Igaram barely paid it any mind as he tried to recover from the horrible nightmare.
A minute later Igaram was running down a hallway towards the Princess' room hoping against all hope that the Princess hadn't decided to become a fugitive. "VIIIVIII!" WHAM! Igaram burst into the Princess' room. "VIIIIVIIII!"
Igaram stopped in his tracks and stared in surprise. Vivi was standing in the middle of the room while her arms held out while Terracotta and Mana helped fit the Princess in a gown. The top half hung down by the dress portion while Terracotta tended to the corset that Vivi was to wear under the gown. The Princess' long blue hair fell freely down her back and chest. Ayako was I the corner picking out jewelry and other accessories from a chest.
"Oh, good morning Igaram," Vivi greeted him. "What's the matter? You're sweating?"
"Enough!" Terracotta scolded him. "Where are you manners? You can't just barge in here! The Princess needs her privacy! NOW GO!" Terracotta tugged on the ribbon that was lacing up the pale violet corset and made Vivi wince as it squeezed her.
"Please forgive me!" Igaram apologized. "I... uh... just wanted to say... uh... good morning..."
"Is that all?" Vivi asked.
"Uh no... I mean yes," Igaram stammered, still shocked that the Princess was still here instead of going to sea to become a pirate as she had in his nightmare.
"QUIT BLABBERING!" Terracotta snapped. "WHAT ARE YOU STILL DOING HERE?" KRAK! Igaram's loving wife threw a bowl and it hit him square on the forehead. "I TOLD YOU TO GET OUT!" When Igaram didn't immediately follow the order Terracotta threw more at him. A book, a pillow, a plate anything within arm's reach was thrown at the Captain of the Royal Guard until he stumbled out of the room and back into the hallway.
WHAM! The doors slammed shut and Igaram was left standing outside with a lump on his head.
"I guess it was my imagination..." Igaram reasoned. He turned around and spotted King Cobra staring out through one of the arch ways that were on top of the railings that lined the hallway. "Oh, your majesty! I didn't see you there. Good morning."
"Yes, good morning," the King returned. "You too, huh? Terracotta can be quite scary." Cobra turned to face Igaram and revealed that he was sporting a large lump as well.
"WHAT DID YOU DO?" Igaram exclaimed. "Try to say hello?" Like Igaram, the King had felt Terracotta's wrath when he had entered the Princess' room without permission.
Back in her room, Vivi let out a light groan and asked, "Terracotta... isn't this too tight?"
"This is how formal attire is supposed to fit upon a Princess," Terracotta informed her. Vivi was left struggling to breathe as the top of her dress was pulled up over her corset.
"The square's already full of people," Ayako reported as she looked away from the chest and peeked out the window.
"Really?" Vivi asked.
"When it was announced that your speech would begin promptly at ten everyone started getting anxious," Terracotta explained. "Your Coming of Age Ceremony should have been held two years ago when you were fourteen... since it was delayed so long it's made the people even more excited for the special event."
"But I don't have any pressing information to share with them," Vivi pointed out as she sat down and in front of a vanity mirror.
"Kyahahahaha!" Mana laughed as she came up behind the Princess with a hairbrush. "Are you serious? You just went on the biggest adventure of your life and even helped save the Kingdom! Do you really think you don't have anything to tell them?"
"They're coming because they love you," Terracotta told her as she cleaned up the clothing. "You don't have to say one word. All you do is show up and let everyone see how much you've grown. The Coming of Age Ceremony is held to celebrate you becoming an adult, it's not about speeches, and you should be mindful of the King's feelings in taking the time for it."
"Then again," Mana said as she ran the brush through Vivi's long blue locks. "I hear your speech today is gonna be broadcasted throughout all of Alabasta on Transponder Snails and amplifiers."
Vivi stared at the blonde in the mirror. "What are you saying?"
"Nothing!" Mana chirped. "But if you decide not to go... you'll be able to send them a farewell message that they'll be able to hear off the shore."
"Then again," Ayako countered, "It's only seven thirty. If you leave in half an hour you'll be able to make it to the eastern harbor for your noon appointment with the Straw Hats... hypothetically, of course."
"I received a report that a battle broke out in the harbor," Chaka informed Igaram.
"I see," Igaram replied.
"In light of this," Chaka continued, "you realize that we can no longer get involved."
"Don't worry about the Straw Hats," Jun advised as he approached the other two. "They may seem like a motley crew but I know from personal experience that they can get out of anything."
"What are you doing here anyway, soldier?" Chaka inquired.
Jun stopped and saluted Igaram, "Reporting for duty, Captain. What are your orders?"
"Find Pell and keep a close watch on the square," Igaram ordered. "We already have a big turnout, there are people coming from all over the Kingdom to see the Princess' Coming of Age Ceremony. Make sure that any Baroque Works Agents that the Marines missed don't get it in their heads to try and disrupt the ceremony."
"You think the Marines missed some?" Chaka questioned.
"Not all of the Baroque Works Billions wore clothing with the logo on it," Jun supplied. "And the Millions are even better at dressing like civilians. Of the two thousand employees there's bound to be some left."
"The Marines didn't even notice anything until Princess Vivi and the Straw Hats uncovered the organization and their plot," Igaram reminded Chaka. "All of the Officers may have defected or been eliminated but we can't afford to lower our guard in the case that the Marines missed some of them in their haste to capture the Straw Hats."
"I'll keep my eyes peeled," Jun assured him before heading off.
Off the shore of Sandy Island a shout rang out, "FIRE! FIRE!" BOOM! BOOM! BOOM! BOOM! BOOM! BOOM! The cannons on the Marine battleships fired at the Going Merry and the Swanda.
"DAMN IT!" Luffy complained. "SHOOT CANNONBALLS! I CAN'T DEFLECT POINTY THINGS!" SHUNK! SHUNK! SHUNK! Instead of cannonballs, big black spears were fired from the battleships and sank into the starboard side of the Going Merry.
"Seriously!" Bon Kurei agreed, "Gimme a break!"
"If we take any more iron spears to the bottom of the ship it'll only be a matter of time before we sink!" Sanji pointed out.
"Then defend your side better!" Y/N retorted as he stood on the railing of the unblemished port side of the Going Merry.
"THEY'RE FIRING AGAIN!" Usopp screamed. BOOOM! BOOOM! BOOOM! Another volley of spears was fired at them from all directions.
"JUUUU!" SPLISH! Five dugongs came rocketing up out of the ocean and smacked the sides of the big spears and knocked them off target. KA-SPLOOSH! The spears sank into the water and left the starboard side of the Merry unharmed.
"Keep it up guys," Y/N encouraged his students. "And keep those shells on! You'll need all the protection you can get."
SHUNK! SHUNK! The other side wasn't as well defended and another two spears pierced through the wooden side of the Merry.
"HEY!" Chopper shouted as he came out from the men's quarters holding a hammer and a bundle of wooden boards. "I can't keep fixing these holes you guys!"
"DON'T JUST STAND THERE!" Nami yelled at the Straw Hats. "DO SOMETHING!"
"What more can we do?" Sanji replied. "With all our effort we can barely defend this one side. We can't defend the bottom of the ship from the water like Y/N's seals are. Two ships versus eight isn't a fair fight!"
"If this was hand-to-hand combat we'd have a better chance," Zoro added. On the ship the swordsman was essentially useless. All he could do was slash his swords at the high flying spears coming at their right side. "Whether we chase them or run away, they won't change their formation."
The Straw Hats were in a real pickle. There were two battleships in front of them, two behind them, and two on each side of them. With the Marines surrounding them and shooting them from all sides it was only a matter of time before the Straw Hats were sunk.
Jango and Fullbody stood on the two battleships to the south on their right side.
"The Black Spear Formation, it's a work of art," Jango commented.
"HEY! HYPNOTIST!" Luffy exclaimed when he spotted the familiar man on the enemy ship. "I THOUGHT YOU WERE A PRIATE!"
"I AM!" Jango snapped. "NOW WHY DON'T YOU SHUT UP! My reasons are my own!"
"Where do I know that guy from?" Sanji wondered as he stared at the marine on the other ship.
"It took a long time but I finally found 'em," Fullbody remarked. "That annoying crazy cook and his gang of violent cut throats! Here today, I vow to sink 'em!""
Jango pulled out one of his chakram and swung it in front of him. "Stare at this ring," the hypnotist instructed. "You're about to help me finally prove that I'm not a weirdo, in fact, my services alone will pave the way to victory!"
While Chopper and Bon Kurei ran around on the deck carrying boards to fix the damage already done to the ship, Usopp cranked a cannon and aimed it at the enemies on their side to prevent more damage from being done.
"One... two... JAAAN—" KA-BOOOOOM! The hypnotist was cut off by an explosion that rocked his ship and sent it toppling over to the side.
"JANGO!" Fullbody shouted in alarm. CRUNCH! Jango's battleship smashed onto his and caused ships to sink into the water. SPLOOSH!
"Whooaa..." Luffy gasped he looked away from the wreckage and over to the rear deck and saw Usopp standing behind the smoking cannon with a shock expression on his face. "USOPP! Did you do that? AMAZING!"
"Huh?" Usopp just gaped at Luffy, still shocked at his highly-effective shot... but he promptly forgot that when he realized this was a chance to gloat. "YES! JUST AS I CALCULATED! IT WAS ME! THAT'S WHAT HAPPENS TO ENEMY SHIPS WHEN USOPP'S ON THE JOB!"
"THAT WAS AMAZING NOSY!" Bon Kurei cheered. "The ships at the south have both sunk! NOW NOTHING CAN PREVENT US FROM BREAKING THROUGH!"
One of Bon Kurei's men suddenly gaped in alarm. Something was coming to prevent them from breaking through.
"What's going on?" Luffy inquired.
"'Black Cage' Hina!" Bon Kurei shrieked. "We're in her jurisdiction! She's a real pain! We need to hurry up and fly the coup!"
"YES SIR, MR. BON KUREI SIR!" the Okama's men chorused as they readied the Swanda.
Off in a distance, Captain 'Black Cage' Hina approached on her personal ship from the north with her two remaining ships that weren't in the Black Spear Formation flanking her.
"It seems we've weakened them a bit," Hina observed.
"No ship is a match for our Black Spear Formation!" one of Hina's crew bragged.
"Don't get to confident," Hina scolded him. "Underestimating criminals such as these can come at the expense of one's own life." Hina paused and tugged on her brown gloves to ensure they were on properly and prepared for combat. "Now remember, once we arrive you guys are to stay back or you might get in my way and then Hina would be annoyed."
"Yes ma'am," the Marines agreed.
"This is gonna be trouble," Y/N stated. "There are three more ships coming to replace the two Usopp sank."
"YOU GUYS NEED TO WAKE UP!" Bon Kurei shouted. "We have to run! If we can pass through that point to the south we can escape! But, if we don't change course immediately they'll take us down for sure!"
"If you wanna go, go," Luffy told him. "We can't go that way."
"AND EXACTLY WHYYY NOOOOT?" Bon Kurei demanded.
"Mr. Bon Kurei we need to set sail while we still can!" Akumai called out from the Swanda. "There's no more time, sir!"
"Noon at the eastern harbor," Nami stated, "We've got an appointment. There's no time to go around. We have to go straight through."
"WHAT?" Bon Kurei shrieked. "SUICIDE! It's ludicrious! Is there some treasure you're not telling me about that's worth throwing away your lives? FINE! RUN OFF AND DIE!"
"We have to go get one of our friends," Luffy informed him.
"GAAA!" Bon Kurei gaped and stared at the small but determined group of pirates in shock. "So... it's for your pal that you risk it all?"
"Vivi, I'm coming in, okay?" King Cobra called through the door of Vivi's room.
"Sure, the door's opened," Vivi replied.
Cobra entered the room dressed in formal robes and was flanked by Igaram, "Sweetie, what did you want to talk..." the King trailed off. His eyes fell on picture of a woman with graying blue hair tied in an elegant bun dressed in royal robes. The woman's face was exactly the same as Vivi's. The picture was of his deceased wife Queen Nefertari Titi. Cobra gasped as he stared at his daughter because at that moment she looked just like her mother did twenty-two years ago. "Vivi, amazing! I mistook you for the Queen in her youth!"
"It's an uncanny resemblance, and just as beautiful," Igaram supplied.
"A vision of elegance," Cobra added.
Vivi stood in the middle of the room wearing her full formal attire. Her white gown was tight and low cut to show the Princess' developing sixteen year old figure. But now it was no logner plain white, it had been properly accessorized. A fancy golden belt started just under her bust and split to wrap around her back, crisscross and then join together in a point at her waist. Also around her waist was a string that supported a pale purple sash. The sash was used to add color to the white gown and the ends were tied at her waist and dropped down and rang along the bottom hemline of the gown. A matching pale purple cape was tucked into the back of the gown by her neck and hung loosely down to the Princess' ankles. Completing the outfit were gold wristbands, a gold necklace, fancy earrings, and a headband that went around the back of her head and kept her long blue hair tucked behind her while still allowing a few select locks to frame her beautiful face. At this moment Nefertari Vivi looked every bit the Princess that she was.
"Nice, huh?" Mana asked as she and Ayako sat nearby. "For our first time decorating a Princess' outfit I think we did good work."
"Have a seat daddy," Vivi requested, "No, father, Igaram, I have an important matter to discuss."
"GREAT BON KUREI!" Bon Kurei's men shouted from the railing of the Swanda. Bon Kurei stood proudly on the railing of the Going Merry facing his men while his back was to the priates.
"Running now would go against everything Bon Kurei stands for," Bon Kurei proclaimed. "If we abandon allies who are risking their lives to pick up a friend... could we live with ourselves tomorrow?" The Okama's men gasped. "Listen guys! Straw Hats too! What I must say is of great importance..." And then he told the Straw Hats his plan.
A moment later, Hina and her squad watched as the two ships split up. The Swanda made a break for the south while the Going Merry maintained its eastward heading.
"CAPTAIN HINA! THE ENEMY SHIPS ARE SPLITTING UP!" one of the marines reported as he stared through a pair of binoculars. "The Swan ship is headed south."
"The swan is probably meant as a decoy," Hina stated.
"Well... actually..." the marine replied, "it appears the entire Straw Hat crew is on board the swan ship Captain! It looks like it's the sheep ship they're using as a decoy."
Hina pulled out a telescope to confirm what the marine was saying. The Straw Hats were all there on the Swanda: Luffy's messy mop of black hair under a straw hat, Y/N's red hair and eye patch, Zoro's short green hair, Nami neck length orange hair, Usopp's curly black hair and long nose, Sanji's yellow hair parted so it covered one of his eyes, Chopper with antlers and a pink top hat.
"Follow the swan!" Hina ordered. "RETURN TO FORMATION IMMEDIATELY!" In a matter of second's Hina's entire battalion of seven battleships had changed course and was pursuing the southbound Swanda.
The Going Merry continued onward towards the east while Hina's ship and the two battleships flanking her caught up with the Swanda.
"Prepare to attack!" Hina commanded.
"SHISHISHI!" Luffy laughed when he spotted Hina. "So tell me... I am the Straw Hat you idiots are looking for... right?"
Hina gaped in shock. Straw Hat Luffy was wearing Bon Kurei's ballerina outfit and his straw hat was just an ordinary straw hat. On the fake Luffy's right side: Nami was a muscular dark skinned man, Usopp had a fake nose strapped to his face, Chopper was a hairy man with an obviously fake top hat, and on Luffy's other side: Zoro was a silly looking man with three katanas strapped to his back, Y/N was a tanned-shinned man with a cutlass and sunglasses, and Sanji was clean shaven while his hair was parted to cover his right eye instead of his left.
Luffy touched his face to reveal the make up covered face of Bon Kurei. "...Or am I?" the okama crowed.
"Captain Hina!" the lookout marine exclaimed. "The sheep ship is getting away! It's heading to the east!"
"GAAAAAA HAHAHAHAHA!" Bon Kurei laughed loudly. "You must feel pretty stupid right now for falling for such a stupid trick! See, we're masters of disguise..." Bon Kurei leapt into the air and did a spinning pirouette before landing on the railing of the Swanda. " well as friends to the Straw Hats!"
"Grrr..." Hina growled as she glared at the Okama as he struck a dramatic pose.
"One may stray from the path of a man!" Bon Kurei proclaimed. "One may stray from the path of a woman! But one can never stray from the pat of... A HUMAN! If my brethren and I are to fall, we will fall together, clinging to our freedom and watching our friendship bloom – by Bon Kurei." Bon Kurei's crew cried and applauded his moving speech while Hina glared at him with barely suppressed rage. Bon Kurei turned to face the Marine Captain and stared her dead in the eye. "Bring it on, sister!"
"They're all fakes..." Hina whispered, "Hina's... humiliated."
"Don't feel too bad Miss. Hina," fake Sanji remarked. He pulled off his yellow wig to reveal red hair and an eye patch over his previously hidden right eye. "Not all of us are fakes."
"One Eye!" Hina exclaimed.
Fake Y/N tossed real Y/N the cutlass he'd been holding then caught the three katanas that fake Zoro was holding before pulling off his red wig and his eye patch to reveal green hair and two working eyes.
"Roronoa Zoro!" Hina gasped.
"Since you wanted to capture us so badly, we figured that we'd give you a chance..." the real Roronoa Zoro stated, "...face-to-face."
"Men, attack!" Hina called out. "Capture them all but the two Straw Hats are the priority."
"Alright boys!" Y/N addressed his own troops. "Let's take this fight to them!"
"JUU!" Doug and the other four shell-less Dugong chorused as they stood ready behind Y/N. "Charge!" SKISH! SKISH! Y/N and Zoro leapt from the Swanda to Hina's battleship and were quickly followed by Y/N's five students, SKI-SKI-SKI-SKI-SKISH! "ATTACK!"
And like that, the fight was on: Hina and her seven battleships worth of Marines versus Y/N, Zoro, five dugongs, and Bon Kurei and all his men.
BOOOM! BOOOM! BOOOM! BOOOM! Off in distance, the remaining Straw Hats watched from the deck of the Going Merry as Hina's battalion of battleships opened fire on the Swanda and skewered the swan-shaped ship with a volley of iron spears.
"Do you think they'll be okay?" Chopper asked.
"Back at Whisky Peak Zoro took on a hundred bounty hunters by himself," Usopp informed him. "With Y/N and the others helping them it'll be no problem."
"If feel sorry for the Marines," Sanji confessed. "Those two were extra restless when they couldn't do anything while we were being attacked. The only problem we'll have to worry about is Mosshead's shitty sense of direction keeping them from catching up with us."
"But even then he's got Y/N there to help him," Nami reasoned. "They'll be able to catch up."
Vivi's Adventure:
"JUU!" five brown blurs rocketed across the deck of Hina's ship at such an incredible speed that the Marines didn't even have a chance to dodge before the seal-shaped missiles slammed head-first into them. WHA-WHA-WHOMP! The marines went flying and crashed down to the deck in an unmoving heap.
"WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON HERE?" one of the other marines exclaimed. "Kung Fu Dugongs aren't supposed to be this strong! They're almost keeping up with One Eye and the Pirate Hunter! THEY'RE MON—" WHOMP! The marine was silenced when Doug the Dugong whipped his tail around into the marine's face and knocked him to the ground. THUD!
"Hey Y/N!" Zoro called out. "Check out this technique I learned while facing that Mr. 1 guy." Zoro raced towards a crowd of marines and swung all three of his swords in a circle. "Three Sword Style: ONE HUNDRED EIGHT CALIBER PHOENIX!" SLA-SLA-SLISH! Zoro sent three circular air blades flying at the crowd of marines. BOOOM! The marines were all blasted backwards by the cannon-like blast and went crashing through the wall behind them. WHAM!
"Impressive," Y/N remarked, he spun around and raced at another group of marines. "Red Storm... HURRICANE!" SLA-SLISH! A spiral-shaped blade of red-tinted air rushed at the marines. But instead of blasting them backwards like Zoro's attack, Y/N's air blade slashed them all as it went passed and sent them crashing to the ground in a heap. FWUMP! Y/N turned to face Zoro, "But I thought you said you learned how to cut steel."
"I did," Zoro replied. "He turned to face the three cannon turrets of the battleship and closed his eyes. "I can sense the rhythm in that steel." SKISH! Zoro lunged at the cannon and slashed all three of his swords, "DEMON SLICE!" SLA-SLASH! Zoro's three swords sliced through the steel and the cannon barrels broke into pieces. KRASH!
"Now that was cool," Y/N insisted. He raced at the main mast and slashed his sword. "Red Blade... EXPLOSION!" KA-BOOOOOOM! A huge chunk was blasted out of the mast and it started falling backwards. "Tiimbeer!" Krek... krek... The mast toppled over and crushed the main cabin that had been behind it. KER-RASH!
"Jun was nice enough to allow me to borrow some more blood before I left," Y/N stated before he turned to face Zoro. "I bet old mono-brow was freaked when you cut him."
"Heh heh," Zoro chuckled. "He asked if I planned to cut diamond next."
"You interested?" Y/N inquired. "I know a guy."
After seeing the master's success using his sword one of the Kung Fu Dugongs tried to pick up the sword that had been dropped by the marine it had just knocked out. KLAK! But the sword clattered to the ground due to the Dugong's lack of thumbs and left it at the mercy of an armed marine.
"Javelin KICK!" CRUNCH! Y/N came out of nowhere and drove his foot into the marine's jaw and knocked him out cold.
"JUU!" the dugong cried and bowed to its master.
"Stick to unarmed combat," Y/N instructed. "You don't have the thumbs needed to wield a sword properly. Actually... you don't have any fingers."
The dugong glanced over at Zoro then picked the sword up using its teeth. "Juu?"
Y/N sweat-dropped, "Well if you're so insistent..." THWAK! Y/N paused to knock out the marine charging him from behind. "...go ask him to teach you a few things."
"Aff!" the dugong barked as it bounded over to Zoro.
"A seal using a sword, that'll be a sight to see," Y/N commented.
"Hina's not amused."
Y/N turned around and found Marine Captain 'Black Cage' Hina standing behind him. Y/N reached down and nicked the marine lying at his feet with his sword then sheathed his red blade as it absorbed the blood.
"'One Eye' Y/N, First Mate of the Straw Hat Pirates:" Hina recited, "Formerly known as the Jack of Spades of the Spade Pirates and a former member of the Division Two of the Whitebeard Pirates. Due to your past ties and known accomplishments of tricking former Warlord Sir Crocodile, and defeating 'One Two' Jango, 'Saw Tooth' Arlong, and 'Demon Child' Nico Robin the World Government has given you a bounty of eighty million berries. By the authority of –"
"My bounty went up to eighty million?" Y/N questioned. "Cool, it quadrupled. And do I need to point out that one of those three fugitives currently serves under you... and that the other is twenty-eight and is no longer considered a child?"
"Don't interrupt me," Hina scolded him. "Jango was cleared of all charges. By the authority of the World Gov—"
"Hey Zoro!" Y/N called across the deck. "Listen to this! She's got our rap sheets memorized!"
"Really?" Zoro asked as he came over and left the dugong to finish the few remaining marines.
"Do him next," Y/N requested.
"Hina's humoring you," Hina stated.
"What's with the third person?" Zoro whispered.
"No idea," Y/N replied. "She probably never learned to talk properly. The Marines will take anybody who'll follow orders without a thought."
Hina gritted her teeth in annoyance. "I know what you're doing. You're trying to make me angry so I'll attack without thinking. Hina won't fall for it."
"Wow, a marine with common sense," Zoro noted, "That's rare." Y/N nodded in agreement.
Hina's ire was now transferred to Zoro, "'Pirate Hunter' Roronoa Zoro, member of the Straw Hat Pirates: known for defeating one hundred bounty hunters at Whisky Peak as well as the invincible assassin Daz Bones. The World Government has placed a bounty on your head worth sixty million berries."
"Heh heh," Zoro chuckled, "That beats your first bounty One Eye."
"Just remember, mine's still higher than yours," Y/N countered.
"By the authority of the World Government, you're both under arrest," Hina concluded.
"Of course we fully plan to resist you," Y/N reminded her.
"Hina was expecting that," Hina stated. She rushed at Y/N and Zoro while they slipped into fighting stances.
"HEY WAIT A MINUTE!" Bon Kurei – who had been standing on the deck of the Swanda surrounded by the countless marines that had breached his ship from the other battleships – suddenly leapt from the Swanda onto Hina's decimated battleship. SKISH! Bon Kurei landed in between the pirates and the marine and turned to face Captain Hina, "THIS ONE'S MINE!"
"Fine," Hina said, "I'll arrest you first, then I'll deal with those two." Hina changed her stance slightly and prepared to fight the Okama, "Hina's ready."
Bon Kurei lunged at Hina and lashed out his leg. "SWAN ARABASQUE!" THWAK! Hina brought her leg up to intercept Bon Kurei's powerful kick. Y/N, Zoro, and especially Bon Kurei were all shocked when the Okama's leg went THROUGH Hina's leg. It came out the other side wrapped in a purple ring that was the same color as Hina's pants. The ring remained attached to Hina's leg and no matter how much Bon Kurei kicked his leg he couldn't it free. "WHAT THE HECK IS THIS?"
"I ate the Cage Cage Fruit," Hina answered. "I use my body to trap criminals like you in iron cages. Now I've got you and you're not going anywhere." Hina started spinning and Bon Kurei was forced to spin with her as his trapped leg was pulled along with hers.
"Quarterstaff... SWEEP!" THWAK! Y/N came from behind and swept Hina's other leg out from under her using the bottom of his boot. WHUMP! Hina went crashing to the ground and pulled Bon Kurei down with her. Whomp! Y/N stood up straight and pressed the Sea Stone bottom of his boot down into Hina's stomach. "Looks like Y/N's got you."
Hina glared at Y/N as she was rendered powerless by the Sea Stone and her captive came free.
"HEEEY!" Bon Kurei complained. "I said she was mine!"
"And I never agreed to it," Y/N pointed out. "You just jumped in. Besides, it didn't look like you were going to win that fight."
"Oh, I suppose you're right," Bon Kurei admitted. SWISH! He touched his face and suddenly Nami was standing in his place with a grateful smile on her face. "Thanks for saving me!"
"How 'bout you never do that again?" Y/N requested. "Nami hates it when you wear her body and it creeps me out too."
"That's even scarier than regular Nami," Zoro added. "Find some other girl to copy."
SWISH! Bon Kurei was back, "Some other girl?" he repeated. Then his eyes fell on Hina. He bent down and touched the helpless Marine Captain's face with his right hand then touched his own. SWISH! There was suddenly two Hinas on the deck. One on the ground still trapped under Y/N's Sea Stone boot and the other standing next to Zoro wearing a swan-themed ballet costume. "Hina thanks you for saving her."
"Hina's..." the real Hina started to say.
"...humiliated?" Y/N finished for her. "Yeah, I gathered. Be grateful he kept his clothes on. I warned you to back down... any Marines that come after me and my crew are gonna end up with egg on their faces. You learned that first hand." Y/N turned to Zoro and the Hina standing next to him. "Get me some rope, we'll see how she likes being bound."
A moment later, 'Black Cage' Hina tied up among her ship of unconscious men. Y/N, Zoro, Bon Kurei (in his real form) and the Dugong stood over them.
"I think we've caused these Marines enough trouble," Zoro resolved. "We have the others a big head start. If we don't leave soon we'll never catch up."
"Right," Y/N agreed then he looked back at Bon Kurei. "With their Captain disabled you and your men should be able to give the rest of the Marines the slip. We're Straw Hats, we always ensure that our friends are safe. I might have doubted it before but there's no doubt now: you'll always be a friend to the Straw Hats. Get going. We'll make sure the Marines don't follow you."
Bon Kurei swan-saluted the two pirates, "I know we'll meet again someday," he proclaimed. "And when we do it will be as trusted allies and valued friends. Goodbye for now, my friends!" SKISH! The Okama leapt from Hina's totaled battleship back to the Swanda.
"So... how're we gonna stop the other s hips from chasing them?" Zoro asked.
Y/N looked down at the five dugongs, "Ever been surfing before?"
SPLOOOSH! A soaking wet Y/N and Zoro surfed up to the Going Merry on the back of two dugongs. The other three followed in their wake.
"Looks like they pulled the spears out," Y/N noted. The Going Merry was riddled with holes that had been patched up from the inside. They reached the ship and jumped up onto the railing. SKISH!
"Y/N AND ZORO ARE BACK!" Chopper cheered. "Are you guys okay?"
"Fine, fine," Y/N assured him, "Its those marines you should be worried about."
"We took out the Captain's ship," Zoro reported, "And then stuck around long enough to ensure that Swan-boy got away safely."
"How much time to you think you bought us?" Sanji asked.
"About an hour's head start," Y/N answered. "How long until we get to the meeting point on the shore?"
"Not for another two hours." Nami reported.
"JUU!" SPLOOSH! The five dugongs jumped onto the railing and joined them on the Going Merry.
Y/N turned and addressed his students, "You all fought bravely, I'm proud to call each of you my students. In fact, I think it's time to name the rest of you." Y/N looked over at Zoro, "You taught one of them how to use a sword, right? You wanna name that one?"
"Uh... maybe," Zoro replied. "I've never named a seal before."
"Well I'll get started," Y/N resolved, "You're Diego, you're Derrick, and you're Davey."
"Good grief," Nami complained.
"Arf!" 'Derrick' barked.
"She says 'I'm a girl'," Chopper translated causing Y/N's eye to widen.
"Oh... alright, I'll call you Debra then," he decided.
"Juu!" 'Debra cooed and nodded.
"Hmm... I guess I'll call mine..." Zoro glanced over at Nami. "Daniel."
"Are you trying to piss me off?" Nami growled.
"Yes," Zoro admitted. "But I figured I wanted to fit the naming scheme."
"The five of you will henceforth be known as... the D Squad," Y/N announced. "You've all come far but this is where we part ways."
"JUUUUU!" the dugongs whined.
"No, we can't take you with us," Y/N replied. "Think of how strong you've all gotten from just a few days of training. If you keep that up there'll be nothing in all of Alabasta you can't beat. You need to do the responsible thing and pledge your strength to your homeland. So I'm afraid this is where we part ways."
"ARF!" the D Squad chorused before they bowed to Y/N.
"BYE TURTLES!" Luffy called out.
"Luffy, they're not even wearing shells anymore," Usopp pointed out.
"Uh... take care," Zoro advised.
"We'll meet again some day," Y/N assured his students. "And when that day comes I want you to impress me with how strong you've become."
"JUUU!" the dugongs chorused and saluted. Then they turned and dove into the water. SPLA-SPLOOSH!
"Hopefully they don't gain more students," Nami said, "Otherwise you're gonna run out of d-names real quick."
"But you should've seen those little guys take on the marines," Y/N told her.
"Heh heh," Zoro chuckled, "The poor bastards thought they were monsters."
"LET'S GO GET VIVI!" Luffy shouted. "Y/N and Zoro are back! FULL SPEED AHEAD!"
Back at the palace, Igaram thought of Vivi and the crazy plan she had concocted. Thinking of that made him think of another crazy plan that had ultimately led up to this one.
-Igaram's Flashback-
"We mean we don't know who the ringleader is?" Vivi asked four years ago.
"Right," Igaram answered. "It's an underground organization. Even its members know absolutely nothing about the identity of their boss."
"So... this country's enemy has no name," Vivi realized.
"It's impossible for us to gather information on them from the outside," Igaram told her. "Further investigation might put the country at risk."
"But we do have a lead," Vivi reminded him. "Isn't that correct?"
"Yes," Igaram admitted.
The Princess leaned forward. Her expression showed that she had crazy idea. And just the thought of the crazy idea made Igaram flinch.
"Igaram... do you know what I'm thinking right now?" Vivi questioned.
"N-NO!" Igaram stammered as struggled to back away from the Princess. "I-I don't! Leave me be! I have to go back to my work!"
"Igaram!" Vivi exclaimed.
"NO! STOP IT!" Igaram shouted. "THIS ISN'T A GAME!"
"All the more reason to be honest with me!" Vivi argued. "I CAN'T SIT AROUND AND DO NOTHING!" In the end, Igaram had caved to the fourteen year old Princess' determination.
"Then Vivi... let me ask you just one question: are you prepared to live at all costs?"
The crazy plan let to the two of them infiltrating Baroque Works and working their way up the ranks until they became Officer Agents and finally managed to learn the boss' identity.
-End Flashback-
The Princess emerged from the palace and walked passed the guards that were lining the red carpet. She eventually came to the decorative balcony that overlooked the square from high overhead.
"LOOK! IT'S VIVI!" one of the civilians down in the square exclaimed. "SHE'S A VISION!"
"WE LOVE YOU!" a woman shouted.
The clocktower that overlooked the Alubarna square showed that it was nearly noon when Vivi took hold of the receiver of the transponder snail next to her and began her speech.
"It all started on that day... I went on a little adventure..." The transponder snail and the amplifiers spread Vivi's voice all around the Kingdom.
"Princess Viv's speech has started!" a man called out as everyone gathered around the tower that had been set up. The town was still under repairs but right now the reconstruction was on pause as everyone stared up at the snail and the speakers it was attached to. "Hurry up!"
"I've been waiting so long!" a woman gushed.
"I know!" another woman agreed. "It's so exciting!"
-Rain Base-
"The ceremony in Alubarna is finally started!" a man announced.
"It was delayed by two hours," another man added. "What happened?"
Everyone was so caught up with the Princess' speech that they didn't notice the bespectacled man with his black haired styled to look like a wick-like three.
-Royal Palace-
King Cobra sat in his library with Mana and Ayako as they listened to the speech.
"I can only hope it won't cause a commotion," Cobra commented.
"Of course it will," Mana replied.
"But Vivi thought it was well worth the risk," Ayako added.
"COME AND LISTEN KOZA!" Toto shouted in the window of an inn where Koza was resting. Now that the drought was over, the Yuba Oasis was once again abuzz with people. Currently, everyone was gathered in the middle of town to listen to the speech. "HEY! COME ON! VIVI'S SPEECH HAS ALREADY STARTED!"
"The amplifiers and cranked all the way up," Koza replied as he laid back with his arms folded behind his head. "I could be underground and still hear every word ."
"A journey to cross the dark sea," Vivi continued. "But what I found was a grand adventure. The sheer vastness of the ocean was overwhelming. And it brought me to a series of islands so unbelievable... they defied imagination with such wondrous environments inhabited by strange creatures."
Vivi's speech echoed across the Kingdom and the citizens all listened enamored at the Princess' words. "At times, the melody of the waves was quiet, swaying gently as if easing my soul. And there were other times when the melody was violently laughing at me, as if threatening to rip my very heart in two."
"In that dark, dark storm I encountered a single, small ship," Vivi said as she thought of the Going Merry – whose crew was still racing towards the eastern meeting place. "The ship spoke to me while pushing me onward. It said with a clear singular voice 'Can't you see the light?' This wondrous ship which never strayed off course, even through pitch black darkness, danced its way across the huge waves. The mighty ship kept its stem pointed straight ahead. Thwarting every obstacle the ocean could throw at it. Finally, as the ship roused my spirits it said 'Look, there is a light'."
Vivi paused again and thought of the friends she'd made on her journey. "History will one day catalogue this experience as an illusion. But... I will always remember it as a singular truth."
"What's she talking about?" one of the civilians wondered.
"The secret battle she fought against that group of criminals," a man answered.
"And..." Vivi started to continue. But she trailed off and smiled when she spotted something.
"Vivi..." Chopper whispered as he and Luffy hung on the railing of the Going Merry. They could even hear her speech off the shore.
"Forget about it," Zoro advised. He and Y/N had come back ago by surfing on the backs of the dugongs. "You heard the speech. That was Vivi's voice without a doubt."
"They're just broadcasting the ceremony that's in Alubarna," Sanji reasoned. "Vivi's already made up her mind not to come here."
"..." Y/N placed his hand on Nami's shoulder as the two of them sat silently on the steps leading up to the rear deck. Usopp sat above them on the top step.
"No!" Luffy spoke up. "I don't buy it. I say she's here. This is the place we were supposed to meet her, right?"
"Yeah, that's it," Zoro confirmed.
"Let's go," Sanji resolved. "It's past noon."
"There's no way she wouldn't have come!" Luffy insisted. "She's definitely here! Let's get out and look for her!"
Usopp suddenly stood up and stared off the side of the ship in alarm. "THIS IS BAD GUYS!" the sniper exclaimed. "The Marines are after us again!"
"How many ships do they have?" Y/N inquired.
"They're down to three," Usopp reported.
Y/N and Zoro shared a grin, "I think its safe to say we made a dent," Y/N remarked.
"We've still gotta move," Zoro decided.
"Give it up Luffy," Sanji advised the Captain who was still leaning despondently on the railing. "Vivi's course is on a route far different from ours."
Luffy's eyes narrowed. He didn't like that. He didn't like the thought that their friend had decided not to join them.
-Alubarna Square-
Down in the square, the citizens suddenly realized that something was amiss.
"WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON?" a man demanded. The people started throwing things at the palace.
"SHOW YOUR FACE!" another man shouted. "WE KNOW YOU'RE AN IMPOSTER!"
"Should we stop them, Captain?" Jun inquired as he stood at the head of line of guards.
"Maa... maaa... maaaa... No, no need for that," 'Princess Vivi' replied.
The Captain of the Royal Guard was once again dressed as Vivi. This time the large man wore a similar gown to Vivi's with similar looking accessories. He wore red lipstick and a long blue wig and had a hood obscuring the top half of his head.
"We heard her voice!" a civilian exclaimed. "If she's not here then where the heck is the Princess speaking from?"
"At least Vivi is safe," Igaram resolved. WHING! A plaid bag whizzed passed his head but he was then clocked by a tiny barrel thrown by an angry citizen. KONK! "They can throw far."
"EVERYONE!" a familiar voice yelled out to the Going Merry from the shore.
Luffy turned around and there she was. Vivi was standing on the shore still in her formal gown. Carue stood next to her with a transponder snail on his head.
"VIIIVIII!" Luffy shouted. "SHISHISHI!"
"CARUE!" Usopp cheered.
The Princess and the duck waved to the pirates from the sandy shore.
"Vivi!" Nami exclaimed as she shot up and joined Luffy and Usopp by the rear railing.
"See? She came!" Luffy pointed out.
"MIIIISS. VIIIIVIIIII!" Sanji swooned.
"We need to go back!" Usopp realized, "Better hurry!"
"The Marines are right behind us too," Chopper added as he stuck his head through the bars of the railing and waved both hooves at Vivi. "We've gotta go fast!"
"I CAME TO SAY GOODBYE!" Vivi called out to them.
"Shishi... huh?" Luffy's laughter trailed off. "What'd she say?"
"Carue, handset," Vivi instructed.
"Quack," Carue quacked as Vivi took the receiver off of the transponder snail.
"Sorry!"Vivi spoke into the snail. Her apologize was broadcasted all across the kingdom, but more importantly was heard by the Straw Hats off the shore. "But I can't go with you. Thank you so much for everything."
"Who's the Princess talking to?" a civilian wondered.
"No way!" one of the marines on the three remaining ships gasped as he stared through a pair of binoculars at the eastern shore. "I think I just spotted Princess Vivi! She's supposed to be at the ceremony in Alubarna."
"I'd like to go on more adventures," Vivi continued. "But I can't ignore the needs of my country which I love more than anything. I have to stay. I hope you understand."
"I see," Luffy said. Now at least he had an explanation.
"Thank you,"Vivi's reply was carried across the kingdom.
"Our sign needs to be an 'x'," Luffy insisted as they enacted Zoro's plan to tattoo a symbol on their arm so Mr. 2 couldn't copy them.
"How come?" Nami asked.
"We're pirates!" Luffy answered.
"You know that its literal translation means death to one's opponents, right?" Usopp inquired.
"That's fine," Luffy replied. "It must be an 'x'! It looks cool! Right, Vivi?"
"Yeah, I like it," Vivi agreed.
"It doesn't matter what it is," Zoro complained. "That's not the point!"
"Hey, if we're all gonna tattoo the same thing on our arms I think we should at least agree on what it is," Y/N reasoned.
Tears leaked out of Vivi's eyes and ran down her cheeks as she resolved herself to bidding farewell to her friends.
"I will... I..." Vivi cried into the snail. "I will remain here and fulfill my duty."
"This'll do," Luffy decided as he showed off the 'x' tattoo on his left forearm. They all quickly tied a bandage of their uniform tattoo then stood together in a circle on the deck.
"If we ever meet again, no matter how much time has passed... will you still call me 'friend'?"
"Did you hear that?" Hina's lookout marine called down from the crow's nest. "The Princess has some kind of bond with the Straw Hats!"
"Yeah," another marine replied, "Princess Vivi considers those pirates her friends?"
Luffy smiled and shouted, "YOU'LL FOREVER BE—" WHAM! He was cut off when Nami clamped a hand over his mouth and drove him down to the deck.
"IDIOT!" Nami snapped. "Don't reply, got it? The Marines now know about Vivi and us. If they can prove that she has a connection to us... it's all over. She'll be considered a criminal." Nami stood up and turned away from the rear railing and the shore. "Turn away, not another word."
Luffy stood up and stared down at his left forearm.
Back on the shore, tears were streaming down Vivi's face as she watched her friends sail off without replying.
"Qua..." Carue suddenly quacked.
Vivi stared through her tears and saw Zoro, Chopper, Usopp, Luffy, Y/N, Nami, and Sanji all standing on the rear deck facing away from her and the rear railing. But their left arms were all raised up in the air proudly displaying the 'x' shaped tattoo that was on all of their forearms.
Vivi's tears stopped and a smile lit up her face. She and Carue thrust their left arm and wing up into the air and displayed their own tattoos to their departing friends.
"No matter what happens on that island, remember: this thing on all our arms is a sign of our friendship."
And so the Straw Hats sailed away from Alabasta with three marine ships chasing after them. The people they met and the country itself will be forever changed due to the lasting impact of the Straw Hats Pirates.
Hope you enjoyed the chapter!!!
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