Usopp's Pirate Crew
Usopp's Pirate Crew
WHAM! Kuro went crashing to the ground with Luffy on top of him. Kuro was out cold from Luffy's hard head smashing into his. The random Black Cat Pirates stared in shock as Luffy got back up to his feet.
"Its over," commented RP1. "He beat Captain Kuro! Kuro of a Thousand Plans, the man who out smarted the marines! He really did it!"
"That impossible," said RP3, "WHO ARE YOU!?"
"Monkey D. Luffy," answered Luffy as he glanced over his shoulder at the pirates. "I'd never lose to a pirate who gave up his name and left the sea. A real pirate would die before he'd do either of those things."
"Luffy?" repeated RP1. "I've never heard that name before."
"Remember that name for the rest of your lives," instructed Luffy, "BECAUSE I"M GONNA BE KING OF THE PIRATES!"
"Is he crazy!?" exclaimed RP3.
Luffy suddenly pulled Kuro up off of the ground then tossed him towards the pirates, "TAKE YOUR GARBAGE WITH YOU!" Luffy shouted, "AND DON'T EVER COME BACK!" The Black Cat Pirates grabbed Kuro and ran back to the ship in terror. They eventually got on and set off.
Nami ran up the pass and joined Luffy at the top with her sack of treasure. She stared at Luffy and caught him when he suddenly slumped forward. Nami held Luffy up and stared down at him, "Good job."
The Black Cat Pirates sailed off with their tails between their legs, Nami laid Luffy down on his back and stood over him.
"I'd expect even you'd collapse after what you just went through," commented Nami. "Tell me, what made you so mad earlier?"
"Because I truly hate people like them," answered Luffy, referring to the behavior shown by the Black Cat Pirates and their Captain. "They're so wrong. That is now how Nakama should act."
"Of course it isn't," replied Nami as she picked up Luffy's straw hat. Luffy's hat had gone flying early into his fight with Kuro, it was on the ground most of the fight and luckily it hadn't been damaged by Kuro when he used his Out-of-the-Bag Attack and started clawing at everything. "Most pirates aren't the brave, honorable people you always make them out to be. I'd say Captain Kuro is pretty standard."
"I want some meat," Luffy said.
"YOU'RE UNBELIEVABLE!" snapped Nami as she attempted to smother Luffy with his own hat.
Back in the forest, Zoro put his swords away and tied his bandana back onto his arm now that the fight was over. He walked away leaving Jango lying unconscious on his back, apparently he'd been left behind. Zoro wandered over to a clearing where Usopp was sitting on a stump with the Veggie Pirates and Kaya gathered around him.
Y/N was off to the side flat on his back, he had managed to dig his sword out from the tree it was buried under and put it away. Now he was just staring up at the clouds. A lot of trees had been cut down when Jango was chasing him, giving him a clear view of the early morning sky.
"Listen guys," said Usopp as he addressed his crew and Kaya while Zoro walked over to Y/N and sat down next to him. "Can we keep everything that happened here a secret?"
"A secret?" repeated Carrot, "Why would you want to do that!?"
"We fought hard to save the village!" added Pepper.
"Everybody will love you," pointed out Onion, "You'll be a hero!"
"Usopp, they should know what you did," said Kaya. "You all risked your lives to save this village!"
"They'll always believe that I'm a liar anyway," replied Usopp. "We don't need to worry the townsfolk. This attack was unusual, pirates hardly ever bother to raid out-of-the-way villages like ours. That knowledge makes everyone feel safe, why ruin their peace of mind? Let's just pretend that all this never happened."
"Usopp... " started Kaya.
"I don't want to force you," said Usopp, "It's up to you."
"I'll do it!" announced Carrot, "If that's what's best for the village!"
"I'll do it too!" agreed Pepper.
"Yeah me too!" said Onion, "I'll carry our secret to the grave."
"Kaya, how about you?" asked Usopp.
"Okay," answered Kaya, if that's what Usopp wanted, that's what she'd do.
Later on that day, the birds were chirping, and the village was normal and quiet... a little too quiet. "What!? It's already seven! We overslept! Usopp didn't wake us!"
"Where's Usopp this morning?"
"I feel like something is missing this morning. I can't seem to get motivated."
"Time for work, dear!"
"Work? But Usopp hasn't caused his morning ruckus yet."
"Where is that liar?" wondered one of the villagers that had chased Usopp around with a pitchfork the other day, "Maybe I was too hard on him yesterday."
"Pepper!" exclaimed Pepper's mom, as she chased the boy out of the house while throwing kitchen utensils at him. "You're filthy! Go wash your clothes now!"
"Carrot, have you seen my frying pan?" asked Carrot's mom, "I can't fry the eggs this morning."
"Uh... I can eat boiled eggs," replied Carrot as he hid the frying pan behind his back, "I like boiled eggs!"
"Onion, where have you been? Do you know how worried I was?" questioned Onion's mom as she noticed her son attempting to sneak in the house.
"S-sorry mom," apologized Onion.
"Thanks," Usopp said to the Straw Hat Pirates who were all recovering back at the pass, all of them were wounded to some degree. Usopp had a large lump on his head and had some dried blood on his face. Luffy had claw marks all over him, on his chest, his arms, and his legs, Zoro and Y/N both had slashes on this chest while Y/N also had a cut on his leg. Even Nami was wounded and had a gash on her left shoulder. "I owe you guys. Without you, I couldn't have saved the village."
"What are you talking about?" asked Zoro, "If you didn't do anything I wouldn't have helped you."
"Same here," agreed Luffy.
"Who cares," added Nami as she hugged the treasure she had stolen, "We got their treasure!"
"It's nice to know where your priorities are," commented Y/N who was staring up at the sky. "How's your shoulder doing?"
"It's fine," Nami replied as she glanced down at the cut Jango had made on her left shoulder.
"Do you want me to take a look at it?" Y/N offered.
"I'll take care of it," Nami assured him with a glare that Y/N didn't seem to see. "Besides, don't you have your own injuries to treat?"
"Mine are easy to reach, your shoulder's out of the way," Y/N reasoned. "If you don't get it treated properly it could get infected and you might not be able to move your arm any more. Then you wouldn't be able to carry your treasure."
"FINE!" Nami conceded, "Fix it later! Are you happy now?"
"I guess," Y/N said with a shrug as he went back to cloud gazing, causing Nami to growl in frustration.
Through their whole banter Luffy, Usopp, and Zoro had been staring at them curiously. "Are they always like that?" asked Usopp.
"You have no idea," replied Zoro. Nami glared at him, while Y/N didn't even bother giving a visible reaction. They were all silent for a few minutes but then Usopp spoke up.
"...Well... having survived all of this... I've made a decision," Usopp told the Straw Hats.
"What!?" asked Merry once Kaya had returned to the mansion, "This was a big ordeal, and you want me to pretend nothing ever happened?"
"Will you do it?" questioned Kaya as she wrapped some bandages over his butler in an effort to heal his wounds.
"What a big hearted young man," commented Merry, "And he thinks this will be best for the villagers? Do you agree with him Miss. Kaya?"
"Usopp asked me to do it," replied Kaya, "So I'll do it."
"I understand," said Merry, "Then I'll back you up on it."
"By the way, Merry," said Kaya, "I have one more request..."
Later on that day, Usopp met up with his pirate crew, in an open field. "Captain Usopp, what did you want talk to us about?" Carrot asked, as he, Pepper, and Onion arrived at a pile of logs on a cliff that overlooked the ocean. On one end of the pile of logs was a pirate flag, it was a standard skull and crossbones with big eye holds a round nose hole and an open toothless mouth.
"The three of you fought well against those terrible Black Cat Pirates," said Usopp, as he sat on the edge of the log pile. There was a bull's eye painted on the side of log pile, this was where Usopp and his pirate crew met and trained. "As Captain, I'm proud of you for being so brave and courageous."
"You're too kind," replied Carrot.
"We're nothing compared to you," Pepper bashfully admitted.
"You're embarrassing us!" added Onion.
"I'm serious," Usopp assured them. "You were very courageous. You were scared to death, but you kept your cool, worked together as a team, and kept Kaya safe." Usopp stood up and walked up to his crew and smiled down at them, "Thanks to you, we overcame our biggest and most important battle since we formed the Usopp Pirates five years ago. That was when you brave soldiers were only four years old, remember?"
"Yup!" chirped the Veggie Pirates.
"Now, I know this is sudden," Usopp told them, "but... I've decided that I'm going to set out to sea by myself." The three boys stared in shock, but Usopp was smiling. "I'm finally gonna leave this place and become a real pirate! Ahahahaha! At first, I wasn't sure what I'd do, I couldn't decide whether I wanted to stay here forever or not, but once I saw them, I knew deep in my heart what I must do. I feel that... as man, I must set out to the vast ocean. So, I'm leaving this place behind!"
Usopp ran to the pile of logs and jumped up onto the top of him so he was overlooking the ocean, "I LEAVE FOR ONE REASON!" he shouted proudly, "WHEN THE GREAT PIRATE FLAG BECKONS... YOU MUST HEED IT'S CALL!"
"Captain! Say it isn't so!" exclaimed Carrot, "you're lying again, right?"
"Isn't that a bit hasty?" asked Pepper, "There's no reason to leave! I thought you loved this village!"
"And what's gonna happen to the Usopp Pirates without you?" added Onion.
"You've been so good to me guys," said Usopp, the three nine-year-olds struggled to hold back tears. "I plan to leave without telling the villagers. Give them my regards."
"No Captain!" refused Carrot, struggling not to cry.
"NO I DON'T WANT TO!" cried Pepper.
"Don't go Captain, just stay here, please!" pleaded Onion.
"Usopp Pirates, do you remember this place?" Usopp suddenly asked them. "This is where we first met, and formed the Usopp Pirates."
-Usopp Pirates Flashback-
"AHAHAHAHA!" laughed a twelve year old Usopp as he stood in front of a familiar pile of logs and his newly posted pirate flag. "Finished!"
"Hey, it's that liar guy!" came a kid's voice.
Usopp turned around and saw three four-year-olds that looked like vegetables. "Who're you guys?" asked Usopp, "What're you doing here?"
"Well duh, you're famous!" replied Pepper.
"Yeah, you're a real famous guy," added Onion who was hiding behind Pepper.
"Right," Usopp proudly agreed, "now you've come face-to-face with the man that's known world over as Captain Usopp!"
"Actually, everyone in the village call's you liar Usopp," confessed Carrot while Pepper and Onion laughed.
Usopp face-faulted, but quickly recovered. "From this day forth, you're officially members of the Usopp Pirates," Usopp decided. The three boys looked kind of reluctant. "COME ON! MAN UP!"
-End Usopp's Pirates Flashback-
"A lot's happened since then," commented Usopp, struggling to hold back tears of his own. They'd been on many make-believe adventures over those five years. They scared away a Cerberus, (some lady's dog.) (A/N: Thriller Bark Arc) they chased a dragon, (a lizard) (A/N: Warship Island Arc) and Usopp proudly displayed his skills with his slingshot.
"Pepper's right," agreed Carrot, "It's much too painful!"
"This kind of lie isn't like you Captain," cried Onion, "It's not fun! Why are you saying you're going to leave us?"
"You're not serious, are you?" asked Carrot.
"You're being stupid Captain!" exclaimed Pepper, all three boys were getting upset, "STUPID!"
Usopp jumped off of the log pile and turned to face the three boys, "Alright men, tell me what your ambitions are," requested Usopp.
"To run a tavern," replied Carrot.
"To be a master carpenter," answered Pepper.
"To become a writer," said Onion.
"Then swear to me now that each of you will continue on your paths!" instructed Usopp. "Promise me that you will never let the fires of your ambitions die out! As of today... I hereby declare our group... the Usopp Pirates... DISBANDED!"
They all cried while Usopp tore the flag from its post and allowed a strong wind to take it away and blow it along over the top of the trees and away into the sky.
To The Sea
"Is that a tattoo?" asked Y/N as he stood behind Nami and cleaned off the cut on her left shoulder. Rather than pull up the sleeve of her new pink short-sleeved shirt, Nami had pulled down the white-lined collar, allowing Y/N to clean the gash. But despite Nami's best intentions, he still spotted the markings on her shoulder.
"No," lied Nami, denying the obvious.
"Whatever," replied Y/N, he cast a quick glance at the markings on Nami's shoulder and continued cleaning out the cut. He decided to buy Nami's lie for now. "It's not too deep, and the blade went straight in so it shouldn't take too long to heal. Hold still and let me get the bandages on.
"Just hurry up," ordered Nami as she held still and allowed Y/N to wrap the bandage around her shoulder.
"Got it," announced Y/N. "Now let's get back, Luffy's probably done eating everything."
"No kidding," agreed Nami, as she quickly fixed her shirt so it completely covered her shoulder and once again hid the markings on her shoulder. "It's a good thing we ate before we came in here. That guy eats like his stomach is..."
"...made of rubber?" Y/N supplied. "It is. It stretches as it fills and thanks to all the fighting and stretching he does, he digests really quickly."
"Phew I finally got it out," announced Luffy as he yanked some fish bones out of his mouth.
"You need to work on your technique," scolded Zoro, who then noticed Y/N and Nami coming back to the table.
"You know, normal people don't eat the bones," pointed out Nami as she sat down across from them. Y/N slid into the seat next to her.
"Well the food's all gone," commented Zoro, "Do you want to get going?"
"Let's all just take a moment to thank Buggy the Clown for this meal," said Y/N, causing the others to stare at him in slight surprise, "without him and his treasure, we'd have actually had to pay for it ourselves."
Somewhere in the East Blue, Buggy the Clown, who was still missing his limbs, body, and crew, was on a familiar island, "AAACHOOOO!" Buggy sneezed, alerting a familiar rooster-dog of his presence on the island, "Someone must be flashily talking about me."
Krek! The door to the tavern opened and Kaya walked in. She had a chance to change now that everything was over and now wore an orange dress with a yellow and white striped blouse over it. "I found you," said Kaya as she walked up to the four Straw Hat Pirates.
"Hello, Miss!" greeted Luffy.
"Are you alright being out of bed?" asked Nami.
"Yes," answered Kaya, "I think now I can truly start recovering. You see my sickness this last year was caused by the mental shock of losing both my parents. Usopp's friendship helped me start feeling better, but I can't stay in bed forever. You've all done so much for me, I can't thank you enough. I've prepared a present for you from the bottom of my heart to show you how grateful I am everything you've done here. I'd be honored if you'd accept it."
In a small house on top of a hill, Usopp had just finished packing, "Phew! That's everything!" Usopp flopped down on his bed with an an overstuffed green backpack on the floor next to him. He'd stuffed everything from his home in to bag, the only things left behind were two socks that had since lost their mate.
"Aaahh, all packed," sighed Usopp. "I guess its farewell to this house too." He sat up and looked out the window and spotted Kaya's large mansion in a distance, then he stood up and strengthened his resolve. It was time to go, "Alright."
Usopp eventually hefted the overlarge backpack onto his back, then got up and made his way out of the house, only to find that he was stuck. "Hey!" exclaimed Usopp as he looked behind him. The overlarge backpack was too big to fit through the door frame, preventing Usopp from leaving the house. "I can't get out... this stupid backpack..."
Usopp struggled and pulled as hard as he could on the backpack to try and get through the door, the wall of the house bent from the force Usopp was pulling with.
"NYYAAAHHH! KRACK! The door frame cracked and gave way and Usopp went flying out of the house. KRASH! Usopp landed on his back, but then to his horror he kept rolling. The backpack was large than he was and he screamed in terror as he rolled down the hill unable to stop himself. With one final tug, the door frame cracked, sending Usopp flying forward. Usopp went off balance and the proceeded to bounce, tumble, and roll down the hill. "AAAAAAAAAAHHHH!"
Down at the beach the Straw Hat Pirates stared in amazement at the ship in front of them. "WOW!" exclaimed Luffy.
"Nice," commented Y/N, with a small smile.
"Whoa!" said Zoro.
"IT'S A REAL CARAVEL!" cheered Nami.
It was a rather small ship, no where near as large as the one the Black Cat Pirates had been in, but it was by far larger than the two sailboats the Straw Hats had used to get here. The figurehead of the ship was in the shape a white sheep. Below the figurehead was the anchor room with a capstand to raise the anchor and a cannon poking out from underneath the figurehead. The ship had two sails, the main sail was larger and had a crow's nest situated on the mast above it, and the rear sail was red and white striped. The ship was lined in white and had white railings surrounding the raised front deck and the rear deck.
Being a caravel, the ship was steered by a central rudder and the whipstaff that controlled it was located inside the galley, which served as a kitchen, dining room, and meeting room. Below the galley was a storage room armed with two cannons on opposite sides of the ship. There was also a small bathroom through a door on the far side of the storage room. Below the storage room was a small bedroom, probably the captain's quarters and next to the small bedroom was a larger bedroom, the crew's quarters.
The Straw Hat Pirates finally had their pirate ship.
"As a token of my appreciation," replied Kaya with a smile.
"It's a slightly older model," admitted Merry, "but I personally designed it and had it built years ago and she sails like a dream. She has lateen sails and a central stern rudder, she's a fine ship and her name... is the Going Merry. Allow me to explain the rigging, first about the yard adjustment..."
"Don't waste your breath on them," Nami said to Merry, as Luffy started to lose focus and stared at the ship, "You'd be better off just explaining the technical stuff to me."
"What a great ship!" exclaimed Luffy, "Do you guys see this! It's totally awesome!"
"We've loaded it with all the provisions you'll need on a long voyage," explained Kaya.
"Thanks!" replied Luffy, "It leaves nothing to be tired."
"Leaves nothing to be desired, idiot," corrected Zoro.
"WAAAAHH!" came a loud scream from the top of the pass, "STOP ME!" Usopp came rolling and bouncing down the pass, still unable to stop himself due to the large back strapped to his back.
"It's Usopp!" pointed out Kaya as everyone turned to see Usopp tumbling down the pass.
"Hey, what's he doing?" wondered Luffy, "Looks fun."
"Well we'd better stop him," suggested Zoro. "That weirdo is on a collision course with our new ship."
Luffy and Zoro stepped forward and held out their legs, SPLAK! The combined strength of Zoro and Luffy was enough to stop the rolling.
"Fanks guys," said a muffled Usopp, Luffy and Zoro's feet were pressed into his face.
"You're really doing it," commented Kaya, "you're really going off to sea."
"Yeah, I've decided to get going before I change my mind," replied Usopp, who'd managed to get his overlarge backpack off, and was now overlooking the ocean with Kaya standing next to him, "Please, don't stop me."
"I won't," Kaya told him, sounding a little sad to see her friend leaving, "I know its time for you to go."
Usopp smiled, "Well don't be sad about it," he said. "When I come back, I'll tell you about adventures that'll sound more like lies than my old lies! Only this time, they'll really be true!"
"Good, I'll look forward to it," said Kaya with a small smile.
"You guys take care!" Usopp called out to the Straw Hats that had since boarded their ship.
"Why?" asked Luffy.
"'Why?'" repeated Usopp, "What're you antisocial or something? I'm taking off for live on the high seas and I hope we'll meet again, that's all."
"What're you talking about? Get on already," instructed Zoro as he motioned to their ship.
"Huh?" questioned Usopp.
"'When the pirate flag beckons, you must heed its call'," recited Y/N, "Get on, buddy."
"We're Nakama aren't we?" asked Luffy, "So get on."
A huge grin appeared on Usopp's face, "YEEEAAAH!" cheered Usopp, "I CAN BE THE CAPTAIN!"
"NO WAY!" exclaimed Luffy, "I'M THE CAPTAIN!"
Once all of Usopp's stuff had been loaded up the FIVE Straw Hats raised anchor and dropped the sail, then they sailed off to pursue their dreams.
"There goes the Captain," observed Pepper from the pile of logs overlooking the ocean, Carrot and Onion were next to him.
"He fell in with some pretty awesome people," said Carrot, "so I'm not too worried."
"Yeah, he'll be safe with them," agreed Onion. "I've never seen anybody as strong as they are."
"He's always talked about become a pirate," recalled Carrot, "now he's heading off to live his dreams."
"The villagers are gonna be pretty sad when we break the news to them," said Pepper.
"Our Captain is the only one who could liven things up around here," complained Onion, "now he's gone."
"Hey, I just had a great idea!" exclaimed Pepper.
"What is it?" asked Carrot and Onion at the same time.
"They certainly were a pleasant bunch," commented Merry as he and Kaya watched the Going Merry sail off in a distance.
"Merry," said Kaya.
"What is it Miss. Kaya?" asked Merry.
"Lying is hard," confessed Kaya.
"Are you referring to Klahadore?"
"No," answered Kaya.
"You must be talking about Usopp," realized Merry. "You really wanted him to stay, didn't you?"
"..." Kaya stayed silent.
"Miss. Kaya, years ago one of the villagers told me a story about your good friend Usopp's childhood," Merry told her. "Only a short time after his father left the village to become a pirate, his mother who he was very close to, passed away."
"Oh," replied Kaya.
-Usopp's Origin Flashback-
"PIRATES!" shouted a young Usopp as he ran through the village and up to his house on the hill. "PIRATES ARE HERE!"
"Pirates are here mom, they're here!" exclaimed Usopp as he ran inside his small house.
"Hold on Usopp," scolded a doctor who was standing in front of the bed inside, "you mustn't shout, calm down."
Usopp ran passed the doctor and went to his mother's side. Usopp's mother, Banchina, had straight black hair and a shorter, pointed version of Usopp's nose. She looked pale and was very sick, she had a rag on her to keep her temperature down.
"Mom, we're saved!" Usopp lied to his mother, hoping to cheer her up, "Dad finally came back for us!"
"There you go with your wild imagination again," commented Banchina, seeing right through the boy's lie, "Silly boy."
"It's true!" Usopp insisted. "He always said he'd come back for us and take us with him when you got better, didn't he, mom?"
"Usopp, my dear, your father won't be coming back," Banchina told him. "But, I'm proud to have married such a brave man who dared to chase his dreams."
"I heard about a special medicine!" bluffed Usopp, "this stuff can cure any sickness!" (A/N: Dr. Tony Tony Chopper)
"So silly," chided Banchina, "you dream too much."
"I am a dreamer," cried Usopp, who was sad to see his mother like this. "And I'm silly! It's true! I'm proud of it, after all, I'm the son of a pirate!"
"Promise me one thing," requested Banchina. "Promise me you'll grove up to be brave like you're dad." Banchina closed her eyes and went to sleep.
Eventually, Usopp's mother died, but Usopp continued to run through the village and shout his lie.
-End Usopp's Origin Flashback-
"Perhaps out of loneliness," Merry continued, "he continued to shout that after his mother passed away, in hopes that his father's pirate ship would be at the shore, ready to spirit him away to the sea, and give him the family that he never had. The villagers say that his outlandish lies contain his heart's deepest desire. As someone else who lost both parents, he saw you as a kindred spirit Miss. Kaya, and he couldn't sit by and ignore your suffering."
Kaya wiped away her tears and Merry smiled down at her, "Now its time for you too to rise from the ashes of tragedy and live up to the example that Usopp tried so hard to set."
"I will," Kaya agreed, her tears were gone and she was smiling. How could she possibly be sad when her friend was off pursuing his dream, she was happy for him.
"CHEERS!" exclaimed Luffy as he held up a mug of grog. "TO A NEW SHIP AND NEW NAKAMA!"
KLANK! The five Straw Hats clanked their wooden mugs together and celebrated the newest additions to their crew.
"YEAH!" cheered Nami with a big smile, "WOOHOOO!"
"HAHAHAHA!" laughed Luffy and Usopp, "AHAHAHAHAHA!"
"Heh heh!" chuckled Zoro, as he sat on a barrel, beside him, Y/N had a genuine smile on his face and while he wasn't laughing like the others, it was the happiest he'd been in a long time.
"They said they were fighting to live," said Kaya. "Not to die. Usopp's wild stories and outlandish lies always spoke of the joy of being alive. They helped me through my grief by cheering me up and telling me to live."
"Indeed," agreed Merry.
"Here we go," said Onion as he, Carrot, and Pepper huddled together.
"We're really doing this?" asked Carrot.
"Uh huh! You bet," replied Pepper, "We've gotta follow in our great Captain's footsteps!"
The three boys all took a deep breath then ran towards the village they were standing out side of, screaming at the top of their lungs, "PIRATES! PIRATES ARE COMING! AAAAAHHH! RUN FOR YOU LIVES! PIRATES ARE COMING! PIRATES!"
"My life starts now Merry," Kaya decided, "I'm going to be a doctor."
"That's wonderful Miss. Kaya," Merry encouraged her, "just wonderful!"
In a distance they could hear the shouts of three boys, "PIRATES ARE COMING!"
Hope you enjoyed the chapter!!!
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