Up the Mountain
Up the Mountain:
Y/N, Chopper, and Robin returned to the Going Merry and were surprised to find Zoro sitting on top of a bound and gagged Usopp, Sanji lying unconscious near the door to the anchor room, and Luffy wailing on the refrigerator.
"Hey Zoro, got a present for ya," Y/N called out as he tossed Zoro his swords.
Zoro got off of Usopp and caught them, "Thanks," he said, he gave them a nod of gratitude as he put his swords back on his waist where they belonged.
"What happened here?" Chopper asked as he glanced around the deck.
"Oh, this one started shouted at me for not bowing in his presence," Zoro answered as he motioned down to Usopp, "So I shut him up." Zoro motioned to Sanji, "That one was hitting on me so I decked him. He went down real easy too. Luffy's trying to get food out of the locked refrigerator but since I don't know the combination either he's mostly left me alone. And Nami's in her room trying to break into Y/N's safe."
"Sounds like pride, lust, gluttony, and greed to me," Robin commented.
"Huh?" Zoro asked.
"Do you remember how you lost your swords?" Y/N inquired.
"No," Zoro replied, "Last thing I remember, I fought some High Priest guy and his four lackies. The lackies went down easy enough but the Priest caught me off guard and everything went blank. The next thing I know, I woke up to find Pervy-Cook's leaning in to..." Zoro shuddered. "Ya know, I'd rather not talk about it. All I know is, my swords were gone and these four were all acting weird."
"FOOOOOOD!" Luffy suddenly shouted. He leapt off of the broken but still sealed refrigerator and advanced on Chopper with his mouth watering. "Choooppeeer... I'M GONNA EAT YOU!"
"WAAAAAAAAHHHH!" Chopper screamed and ran off with a hungry Luffy chasing after him. "NOOT THIIIS AGAAIIN!"
Krek... The door to the storage room opened and Nami stepped out onto the deck. Her eyes immediately locked onto Y/N.
FWUMP! Robin, who had been standing next to Y/N, suddenly found herself on the ground with Nami glaring down at her.
"Stay away from my guy!" the girl snarled at her. "He's mine, got it?"
Robin opened her mouth to reply but suddenly noticed a newly conscious Sanji lying on his side next to her.
"Fancy meeting you here Miss. Robin," the cook greeted her. Robin sat up and made to get away but Sanji sat up with her and wrapped an arm around her waist. "You don't have to hurry to get up. Why don't you stay down here with me? I can think of a few things we could do..." With hearts in his eyes, Sanji started leaning in.
"I'd rather not, Mr. Cook," Robin replied. Four arms sprouted out of Sanji and wrenched the arm that was around her waist behind his back. Then another two arms sprouted out of Sanji's shoulders and clamped over his mouth. Robin stood up and glanced down at the 'lust' kanji on the restrained cook's face. She flinched when Sanji started licking the palms of the hands clamped over his mouth. And she quickly moved them so they kept the cook rooted to the deck.
Sanji stared up at Robin with a perverted grin, "What are you staring at?" Robin questioned.
"You're wearing a skirt," the cook stated as he shamelessly looked up it from below her. Robin leapt back and created some more arms to hold the lustful cook down then turned around to find that Y/N had his hands full dealing with Nami.
"I'm not your property," Y/N told her as he slowly backed away from the greedy girl.
"Yeah, you are," Nami insisted as she advanced on him. "The ship's mine, the treasure's mine, and you're mine." Y/N backed into the main mast but Nami kept going until her body was pressed full against his. She grinned up at him, "So why don't you tell me the combination to the keypad lock on that safe of yours?"
"The main reason I got that lock was to keep you from getting my treasure," Y/N answered, "Telling you the combination would make it a waste of money."
Nami glared at him, "You'd better start talking, Mr. Money Bags, cause no one keeps my stuff from me!"
"You can't just claim my money for yourself," Y/N protested.
"Yeah, I can," Nami assured him. She slid down his body and latched onto his leg then fished into his bottom right pocket and pulled out the treasure inside. There was a lot considering he had planned on taking Robin clothes shopping.
Nami stood back up holding the sack of gold and the wad of bills, "See? This money's mine now. I'll put it to better use, since you were just going to spend it on her." Nami looked over her shoulder and glared at Robin.
Nami's eyes narrowed as she looked over at Robin, "Those are my clothes," she realized, "GIVE 'EM BACK!" Nami leapt at Robin, looking fully intent on ripping her clothing right off of her.
WHUP! Y/N hooked his arms around Nami's waist from behind and pulled her back. "I don't think I like this side of you," he commented.
"AAAAAAAAHHHHH!" Chopper screamed as he came running out of the galley with Luffy still chasing him.
"NOOOOO!" Chopper shrieked. "SOMEONE HEEEELP!"
"This is starting to get really annoying," Y/N remarked.
"I think Mr. Swordsman has the right idea," Robin noted as she glanced over at Zoro and the still bound, gagged and silent Usopp.
A moment later, Luffy, Nami, Sanji, and Usopp had all been restrained and were now tied together with their hands behind their back on the middle of the deck.
"So do you guys wanna explain what the hell is going on here?" Zoro asked.
"We think High Priest Nagai did something to you and the others to make himself and his men stronger," Robin answered.
"The High Priest guy has some ability to amplify the sin within one person while transferring their strength and abilities to another," Y/N continued for her. "Do you remember fighting a guy with purple armor?"
"Yeah," Zoro replied, "He damn near took my head off with those brass knuckles."
"We found him in the forest," Chopper chimed in. "And he was using your swords."
"He had your strength too," Y/N added, "when we found you before that, you were extremely lazy and couldn't even muster the effort to care about your lost swords."
Zoro glanced over at their bound Nakama, "So... the High Priest guy messed with their minds and gave their abilities and their stuff to his men."
"Yeah," Chopper said, "but after we beat the guy with your swords, you returned to normal."
"So logically, if we defeat the High Priest and his disciples the others will return to normal as well," Robin resolved.
"So we have to up the mountain and beat 'em up," Zoro summarized. "Heh heh, works for me. I was gonna suggest that anyway."
"Then let's go," Y/N prompted, he glanced over at their bound Nakama, "Hang tight guys, we'll have you back to normal soon."
Y/N, Zoro, Chopper, and Robin left the ship leaving Luffy, Nami, Usopp, and Sanji sitting bound on the empty deck.
But they made one huge mistake: they left Luffy, Sanji and most importantly Nami ungagged, which meant they missed the greedy grin that spread across Nami's face once they were gone.
Whir-whir-whir... As they neared the edge of the forest Y/N's sensitive ears picked up the sound of something spinning towards them.
"HEADS UP!" he warned the others before he dove to the ground. Chopper shrunk down to his Brain Point form while Zoro ducked behind a nearby tree.
A blue cross came flying through the trees towards them.
"Is that a boomerang?" Zoroa asked.
"Quatro Fluer... Catch!" Four arms sprouted out of Robin's arms and she using all six to catch the incoming object. WHAP! "Got it."
Y/N looked over his shoulder at her and saw that the cross was actually two familiar pieces of blue pipe fitted together. "Hey that's Nami's..."
"ROBIN! DROP IT!" Chopper shouted. Back in Alabasta he remembered Nami's Clima-Tact doing something unpleasant to Usopp when it was in that familiar cross configuration.
SHOOOOM! Robin was too slow to heed his warning and all the compressed air that the Clima-Tact had gathered on its flight towards them blasted out of the end and sent Robin smashing through the trees behind her and flying off into the forest.
"If half of Nami's Clima-thing just sent Robin flying..." Zoro observed.
"Then that means they've only got one part left for defense," Y/N concluded.
SKISH! Y/N and Zoro bounded through the trees with Chopper racing along with them in his Walk Point form. They surged out into the clearing around the base of the mountain only to find a thin blonde man with tattered robes standing at the base of the steps leading up towards the temple. The only problems were, he had all three parts of the Clima-Tact and THERE WERE THREE OF HIM!
"Damn," Zoro cursed.
"Did you expect me to give up my weapon that easy?" Hakuai taunted. "It's a boomerang, it comes back when it throw it."
Y/N frowned while Zoro gripped his swords, "Oh yeah?" Zoro retorted. SKISH! Zoro surged towards the blonde man and drew all three of his swords, "TIGER HUNT!" SLISH! Zoro slashed his swords through all three copies only to stare in surprise when they all vanished into vapor. "Wait... they were all mirages?"
"His voice wasn't coming from the steps ahead of us," Y/N stated, "It was coming from somewhere in the forest around us."
"Then where the heck is he?" Chopper wondered as he glanced around warily. "I didn't get a chance to get his scent so I can't smell him..."
Tmp... tmp... tmp... At the sound of footsteps, Y/N and Chopper whirled around ready to attack but relaxed when they saw it was only Robin.
"Miss. Navigator will be most displeased," Robin stated, "I've ruined some of her clothes." Both the shirt and the skirt had been torn in different places during Robin's trip through the trees. Robin frowned then looked up and addressed the other three Straw Hats, "You three go on. I'll handle this."
"Are you sure?" Y/N questioned.
"I trust that Miss. Navigator isn't as strong as Mr. Swordsman," Robin reasoned. "I just have to find where he's attacking from then it's all over. You three go on, I'll catch up when I'm done."
Y/N nodded then he and Chopper turned around and ran over to Zoro then the three of them began racing up the first flight of stairs towards the temple. Each flight had over a hundred steps, and since there were five flights... they had a long way to go.
"How noble of you to stay behind and allow your friends to go on," a voice drifted through the trees towards Robin.
She spun towards the source and sprouted eyes on the far side of the nearby trees so she could see better but as her eight individual eyes peered through the forest she couldn't find anything.
"Too bad for you throwing my voice was a talent I had before I gained your friend's weather manipulation abilities."
"Weather manipulation?" Robin repeated. She suddenly realized that she was at a major disadvantage here seeing how she'd never actually seen Nami fight in battle. All she knew was that the hot-tempered girl used her fists to hit her crewmates when they angered her. Robin settled herself in for a battle that might end up taking longer than she had previously anticipated.
"I don't want to give you a false sense of hope for your friends, so I ought to warn you," the voice came again, only this time from behind her. Robin spun around and searched through the trees but again found nothing. "The other disciples are waiting further up the mountain to ambush them."
The voice shifted and was suddenly coming from her right. "Your generous offer to stay behind is what has sealed your doom. Together, you and your friends might have defeated Jitsu and Tansei but now you're along and I'm afraid you haven't got a chance."
Robin frowned as she searching in vain for her elusive opponent. His voice had come from her left, from behind, and from her right but she had looked in all three directions and he was nowhere to be found. The clearing in front of her was just that clear, so where the hell was he?
Y/N, Zoro, and Chopper reached the top of the first flight of stairs and were halfway across the landing that led to the second flight when a voice shouted from above them.
"CONCASSÉ!" A pink haired woman wearing black robes and glassed came flipping down at them with her leg poised for attack. SKISH! The three pirates leapt out of the way of the incoming attack and the woman's foot slammed into the ground, THOOM!
Chopper lunged at the woman in Walk Point form, "BAD MANNERS KICK COURSE!" THWHAM! Sessou swung her leg up and connected with Chopper's torso and sent the reindeer flying up into the air.
"I guess we know who has Sanji's kicks," Y/N remarked.
"Normally, I'd happy to kick that damn cook's ass," Zoro stated as he drew Wado Ichimonji, "but this doesn't feel right..."
SKISH! Sessou launched herself at Zoro with her leg straight out for a flying kick. SWISH! Zoro swerved to the side to avoid it then lashed out and smashed the flat of his blade into the back of her head, WHAK! Sessou dropped down... ONTO HER HANDS!
"ZORO LOOK OUT!" Y/N shouted.
Zoro spun around in time for the woman's foot to connect with his face, THWAK! Zoro went flying while Sessou spun around and stood back up.
"I hope you don't plan to hold back because I'm a woman," Sessou growled. SWISH! She lashed out her leg for a high spinning kick, WHAK! Y/N raised his own leg to block it then spun with the kick and whipped his leg around, "SPINNING WHIP..." Y/N trailed off, not only was she a woman but she was also wearing glasses. His natural chivalrous nature kept him from kicking her in the face.
But while Y/N hesitated, Sessou capitalized, "COLLIER SHOOT!" THWAK! Sessou jumped and drove her other leg into Y/N's neck. He went flying and almost fell off the edge of the mountain... Whap! But he managed to catch himself at the last second and was left dangling from the edge with one hand.
"I hate you chivalrous types," Sessou spat and she turned her glare back at Zoro. "You come charging in all ready for a fight but the second you realize I'm a woman you start holding back. It's not a merciful act of kindness... I see it for what it really is... pathetic cowardice!"
Zoro stared wide-eyed as Sessou's glasses turned red, her hair became short bark blue instead of dark pink, and her robes were replaced with a Marine uniform.
"GAAH!" Zoro let out a manly shriek, "NOT YOU AGAIN!"
"If you cowards are too weak to fight me then I'll just finish you now," Sessou resolved. She was caught up in her rage and didn't notice the growing shadow around her feet until it was too late. WHOMP! Chopper came falling down out of the sky and landing right on top of Sessou.
"Ugghhh..." Chopper groaned as he shifted back into Brain Point and staggered up to his feet, "You two... go on... I'll fight her..."
"Chopper, you've already used a Rumble Ball," Y/N reminded him as he pulled himself up from the edge. "You can't fight her."
"You can't fight her, big brother!" Chopper argued. "And since you and Zoro aren't gonna do it, then I'll just have to beat her without a Rumble Ball."
"Chopper... are you sure you've got this?" Zoro asked.
Chopper puffed out his tiny chest, "Of course," he boasted, "I'm a man! And I won't back away from a fight!"
"Okay," Y/N conceded, "we'll leave it to you then. Good luck." Y/N nodded to Zoro and the two of them raced to the stairs and started running up them.
Sessou pushed herself up off of the ground and glared at Chopper, "Ugh, disgusting creature..."
Chopper blinked in surprise. He hadn't had much contact with humans but in the short time that he had he'd found that human females found his Brain Point form 'cute'. Mana had certainly thought so. And Y/N had used his 'cuteness' to steal those dancer girls from Sanji back in Nanohana. Chopper was surprised to find that this human female actually found him disgusting.
"I guess that means she's not gonna hold back," Chopper realized. "And if she fights like Sanji then I can't afford to either." Chopper transformed into his Heavy Point form and got ready.
"Ugh," Sessou scoffed, "I thought your disgusting raccoon form was be enough... now you're some hideous yeti!"
"HEY!" Chopper shouted. "I'VE GOT FEELINGS YA KNOW!"
"Well the only thing you'll be feeling for the foreseeable future... IS PAIN!" SKISH! The woman launched herself at Chopper and the fight was on.
Y/N and Zoro reached the top of the second flight of stairs and were mildly surprised that there was nobody there to ambush them. They shared a glance then shrugged and pressed onward and started up the third set of stairs. They reached the third landing and again found no one there to greet them.
"This is getting weird," Y/N stated, "the other two were one after another. But we just went through two levels without seeing anyone."
"I'm not about to look a gift horse in the mouth," Zoro replied.
"I'm just saying that its odd," Y/N insisted as they started up the fourth staircase.
"EXPLODING STAR!" KA-BOOOM! The stairs in front of them exploded and Y/N and Zoro were blasted down to the third level landing.
"Damn it..." Y/N complained as he and Zoro got back up. Zoro squinted and spotted the utterly average looking man with short brown hair and pale robes. He had Usopp's slingshot drawn and was training it on them.
"I'll take this one," Zoro quickly volunteered.
"Really?" Y/N asked.
"He's a sniper with Usopp's weapons," Zoro explained. "He's on the level up above us. Can you even see him?"
"No," Y/N admitted, once again cursing his lack of depth perception.
"You know Luffy better than the rest of us put together," Zoro pointed out. "If anyone can beat a guy using his fighting style, it's you. Can you use that speed technique of yours to get up there?"
"No, it only works on mostly flat areas," Y/N informed him, "I can't even turn with it."
"Right then," Zoro resolved, "Start up the stairs. I'll create an opening so you can get by."
Y/N launched himself back up the stairs taking them five at a time. He jumped around the hole that had been blasted in them and continued running up them.
Zoro squinted and saw Kyouken loading his slingshot and aiming at Y/N.
"Oh, no you don't!" Zoro growled as he drew Kitetsu III and Yubashiri. "Two Sword Style: SEVENTY-TWO CALIBER PHOENIX!" SLA-SLISH! Zoro slashed his swords in a circle and sent two blasts of air flying at Kyouken. The sniper showed surprising agility and sprang to the side to avoid them. BA-BOOOM! The air blasted into the rock wall of the mountain where he'd been standing and caused part of it to collapsed, KA-BOOOSH!
When the dust settled, Kyouken was left on the other side of the wreckage from the stairs that Y/N was nearly at the top of.
SKISH! Y/N leapt up the last few stairs and lashed out with is own sword, "Red Blade... LIGHTNING STRIKE!" A red-tinted blade of air flew off of Y/N's blade and up the remaining stairs. Kyouken leapt further to the side to avoid it and the blade sliced into the mountain behind him, SLASH!
Dust billowed as Y/N raced across the landing and started up the final flight of stairs. Zoro scowled when he saw Kyouken once again train Usopp's slingshot on Y/N.
"I wouldn't do that if I were you," Zoro called up to him. "I'm your opponent. And if you take your eyes of me for an instant... it'll be the last mistake you ever make."
"Fine then," Kyouken resolved, "High Priest Nagai can handle your friend. I suppose I'll settle for defeating you. I hope you realize how outmatched you are here. Tansei proved that you are a competent swordsman but you are not a long distance fighter like me."
"That cannon blast I sent your way begs to differ," Zoro countered.
"Too bad I saw it coming then," Kyouken replied. "I'm not bragging, I just want you to know what you're up against. With your friend's sniping abilities I can see your monster friend fighting Sessou from all the way up here."
"Sharp eyes or not, you're still gonna lose," Zoro insisted.
"Phew," Y/N sighed, "I finally made it to the top." He stared at the large temple that stood before him. "If I can beat this guy quickly, I can stop his abilities before the others get hurt."
Kreeeek... Y/N pushed opened the double doors and entered the temple. It didn't take him long to find the man he was looking for. High Priest Nagai was standing on the other side of the large room Y/N had just walked into.
Y/N took in the man's loose robes, his dark eyes, the long braid of dark blue hair going down his back, and the kanji for 'temperance' on his forehead.
"So you're High Priest Nagai," Y/N noted.
"And you must be the pirate that shorty was kind enough to warn me about," Nagai replied.
"Shorty?" Y/N repeated.
"The one with the nose," Nagai clarified.
"You mean, Usopp?" Y/N questioned, "He's got the second longest nose I've ever seen, only second to 'Saw Tooth' Arlong's."
"No matter, let's get to the reason you came all the way up here," Nagai suggested.
"Sounds good to me," Y/N agreed, "I'll beat you and undo what you did to my Nakama then they'll finish off your men and this island can be free from your rule."
"You fool," Nagai scoffed, "You don't realize what's been accomplished here under my rule. With my powers and my disciples at my side, I've create an island without sin. In the villages everyone is equal. There's no ego, no anger, no lust, no jealousy, no laziness. No one has unique material possession, everyone does what they're told, they have what they need and no more, and no one thinks of rebelling. On this small island in the Grand Line, I've created peace."
"If you can actually call that living," Y/N protested. "I've seen the people in your so-called 'peaceful' villages. They're all terrified of you and your men. There's no freedom and they're clearly not happy. An excessive amount of a sin may be bad but they're all still necessary in small doses."
"That's the savage thinking of a pirate talking," Nagai said with a frown. "And that's why I make sure to make you and your kind disappear so you don't disrupt the peace on my island."
"Savage thinking?" Y/N repeated, "I'm being rational. If a person isn't a little envious of others then they'll never be motivated enough to improve their own station in life. Having a little greed can motivate a person to make money so they can live in a life of comfort. If a person can't be proud of their accomplishments, then what's the point of doing them? What's wrong with a swordsman lazing about and taking a nap in the middle of the day when he spends his nights training? Stuffing yourself like a gluttonous pig isn't right but what's wrong with someone enjoying a hearty meal? If you don't have some lust in a relationship then how can there be any passion? And I'm not up here because I'm an angry, wrathful person, I'm here to defeat you because of what you did to my Nakama. Everyone has a little bit of each sin within them and that's fine, it's the unhealthy amount that you forced upon my Nakama and who knows how many others that's harmful."
"Enough!" Nagai snapped. "Your foul pirate ideals have no place on this island! I'll have to remove them... permanently."
"Fine," Y/N replied as he got in a fighting stance, "I'm ready for you."
"No you're not," Nagai assured him with a sinister grin as he charged at Y/N.
"No Devil Fruit Power can copy the abilities of another Devil Fruit User," Y/N thought to himself, "So while I may have to contend with Luffy's inhuman strength... he won't be able to copy Luffy's rubber powers which will make this much easier."
"GUUUUUUM... GUUUUUUUUM... BUUULLEEEET!" Nagai drew his arm back then lashed out at Y/N. Y/N leaned back out of his opponent's reach. POW! Y/N was caught completely off guard when Nagai's arm extended fully AND THEN CAME OUT EVEN FURTHER! Nagai's fist slammed into Y/N's face with all of Luffy's freakish strength behind it. Y/N was sent flying across the room and slammed into the double doors. WHAM! Y/N's body knocked the doors out of their frame and he landed in a heap on top of them.
Y/N rolled over and held his face as he stared over at Nagai in shock, somehow the deranged High Priest had managed to mimic one of Luffy's rubber attacks.
"What... the hell... was that?" Y/N wondered.
"That is ridiculous!" Nami snapped. She was tied between Sanji and a still gagged Usopp while Luffy was press tied to behind her. "Who wants to get out of this?"
"I do, Miss. Nami!/Meee! I'm sooo huungryyy!/Mmmpph!" the other three agreed.
"Okay, I can get us out of this... on one condition," Nami offered. "If I release you, you guys have to join my pirate crew."
"Yeah, and look where your leadership's got us," Nami pointed out. "Now I'm taking over. Sanji, what do you think?"
"I'LL FOLLOW YOU TO THE ENDS OF THE EARTH, CAPTAIN NAMI!" the cook swooned. Clearly he didn't care about getting punted in the balls before.
"Usopp?" Nami leaned over to Usopp and bit down on the knot that was keeping his gag in place. She yanked on it with her teeth and the gag came unraveled. "Wanna join me?'
PTOOII! Usopp spat out the sock that had been stuffed in his mouth then glared at Nami. "Why would I join your crew? I should be Captain!"
"Because I can get us out of here," Nami pointed out. "But how's this, I'll let you be my First Mate. The others are all insane and go rushing off into deadly situations without a thought, you're at least reasonable. That means you're in charge of everyone but me. What do you say? Vice-Captain Usopp?"
"Luffy, we're waiting on you," Nami prompted.
"I'M THE CAPTAIN!" Luffy protested. "IT'S MY CREW! YOU CAN'T TAKE IT!"
"I think I just did," Nami replied, "but I'll tell you what: if you join my pirate crew... I'll take the lock off the refrigerator. And I'll buy you dinner for every enemy pirate captain that you beat."
Luffy stared at the broken refrigerator that he'd spent all this time struggling to open. His brain tried to remind him of his life's ambition of becoming King of the Pirates but at the moment, the only thing he was listening to was his stomach... which was empty. Grrrmmbbggrrrmmmrr...
"Okay, okay," Luffy finally conceded, "I'll join you're stinkin' crew! Now lemme eat!"
"Welcome aboard," Nami said with an evil grin. "But before you can eat, I've gotta get us untied. Sanji-dear, would you please reach to the side and undo the knot in the ropes tying me?"
"OF COURSE!" Sanji agreed he reached to the side and grabbed the knot then used his skillful hands to undo Nami's bonds.
"Hehehehe," Nami cackled as the ropes came free and she turned around and started undoing the ropes tying her 'crew'. "Stupid Y/N. He tied us so we couldn't untie ourselves. He never thought that we'd be able to work together to get free. Boys, as your new Captain, I release you." The ropes came loose and Sanji, Usopp, and Luffy sprang free.
"Now food!" Luffy exclaimed. "Food! Food! Food! Food!"
"Right, we had a deal," Nami said as she went over to the refrigerator and dialed the combination on the lock. CLICK! The lock came off and Nami pulled the door opened, "Eat up, Luffy."
"FOOOOD!" Luffy hollered. He dove face-first into the refrigerator and started pigging out.
"Hm, I never thought you'd be willing to give someone something," Usopp remarked as he eyed his greedy Captain. "And why don't I get any? I'm the Vice Captain!"
"The refrigerator's broken," Nami reminded him. "That food was all going to go bad in an hour anyway. Besides, with everything he did to it, all the stuff in there's broken and spilled. I didn't think you'd want to lower yourself to eating something so disgusting."
"What are your orders, Captain Nami?" Sanji asked his violent, greedy, and – most importantly – sexy Captain.
"We're going up the mountain," Nami informed the others. "They have my Clima-Tact. And NO ONE steals from me! Once we retrieve it, then we'll find Y/N and make him join the crew."
"Why do you need Y/N?" Sanji questioned, "You've got me! Aren't I enough?"
"Oh Sanji," Nami sighed as she turned to face him, "As a Pirate Captain my goal is to get as much treasure as possible." Nami reached out and casually brushed his cheek. "So naturally I want the world's best treasure hunter on my crew." Whap! Nami grabbed Sanji's tie and yanked him down to eye level, "So at my side or at my feet he will be joining my crew, got it?"
"Got it... my dear Captain..." Sanji wheezed.
Nami grinned and released him. "Luffy, are you done yet?"
"No," Luffy answered, "but there's no food left."
"Then let's get going," Nami prompted him, "I'll give you more food once we get Y/N and my Clima-Tact."
"Aye-aye!" Luffy agreed. "THEN LET'S GOO!"
Nami grinned and glanced at Usopp and Sanji, "Hehehe! He's like a rubbery, pirate-fighting pet, I just need to keep him fed and he'll do whatever I tell him. Now then, Nami Pirates, let's move out and claim what's mine!"
Back at the base of the mountain, Robin continued to search through the forest in search of her elusive opponent. Whir-whir-whir... Robin heard the now familiar sound of Nami's Clima-Tact flying towards her and quickly leaned to the side to avoid it. WOOSH! The familiar blue cross flew past her into the clearing and was caught by one of three Hakuai's that were standing out in the middle of it.
"There he is," Robin realized, "Now to find out which one's the real one. Seis Fleur... GRAB!" Six arms sprouted out of the ground and grabbed at the legs of her opponent and his clones, only for all three sets of legs to shimmer and disappeared into thin air. "What... they're all mirages?"
"CYCLONE TEMPO!" WHAK! Robin had unknowingly fallen for the same trick as Zoro and had been distracted by the three mirages which allowed the real Hakuai to hit her from behind with the Clima-Tact which unleash a blast of concentrated air into her back.SHOOM! Robin was sent flying into the clearing.
"Diez Fleur... CATCH!" Robin flew through what remained of the three mirages then ten arms grew out of the ground and caught her and set her back down on her feet.
"I planned ahead and prepared the area specifically for this fight," Hakuai informed her from somewhere in the forest. "You just made things easier for me by sending your friends away."
"Maybe," Robin replied, "but you've made things easier for me as well. Now I'm out in the open and I'll see all of your attacks coming."
"Not quite!" Hakuai taunted her, "You're standing in the middle of my trap!" CHOO! A flaming arrow came flying at her from out of the trees to her left.
"Does Ms. Navigator actually use arrows?" Robin idly wondered as she weaved around the arrow then sprouted ten eyes on the trees in the area that the arrow had come from. One of the eyes spotted a blonde man with an even grin before... FWOOOOSSHH! Flames shot up around her and Robin suddenly found herself surrounded by a ring of fire. Robin looked through the eye that had spotted Hakuai only to find that he'd used the split-second distraction to disappear again.
"Like I said," Hakuai's voice came from the opposite side of the clearing. "I prepared the area for this battle. You're standing in the middle of a patch of oil that I specially prepared." Robin knew that he wasn't fast enough to have gotten there already and that he was throwing his voice again so she decided to focus on the more pressing matter THE FLAMES WERE GETTING CLOSER!
Robin grew an extra pair of feet out of the bottom of her boots and attempted to launch herself out of the ring of fire. "AAH!" Only for the bare feet to burn when they made contact which the boiling oil they'd grown out of. The feet disappeared in a cloud of burning flower petals and Robin was left with only her shoes to protect her from the heat.
"COOL BALL!" A stream of blue bubbles came flying out of the forest towards the fire. The cool air collided with the burning flames and created steam which resulted in... "FOGGY TEMPO!" The burning flames were quickly hidden by a horseshoe of flames leaving only the flames behind her visible. "Your friend's knowledge of the weather is quite impressive. You see, the water vapor in the Cool Ball rapidly increases in temperature when it meets the flames which results in increasing air density which creates the fog you're standing in."
Robin could no longer see anything and was now completely blinded by the blanket of fog surrounding her. "So much for being able to see him in the clearing," Robin thought to herself. She felt the still-burning flames closing in on her. But she couldn't see them no matter what direction she looked in. The fog had even gone up over her head so she could no longer see in any direction as the intense heat got even closer.
"RAIN TEMPO!" A moment later, Robin was hit by a spray of water. She went on the defensive and prepared to grow arms in the area they were coming from but suddenly realized that the water spray wasn't only hitting her but it was also dousing the invisible flames that were still burning all around her. Robin allowed herself to be sprayed by the strange sprinkler so she could escape the ring of fire when the flames got low enough.
But suddenly the spray stopped. WHAK! Robin was struck in the chest by a familiar cross that she was really growing to hate. "CYCLONE TEMPO!" WHAP! She quickly wrapped her real arms around the Clima-Tact. She knew it was going to blast again but this time it would blast her out of the fire and by holding it to her it wouldn't go back to Hakuai. SHOOOOM! Like it had twice before, the Clima-Tact blasted her with a concentrated gust of air and sent her flying. Robin grinned as she was blasted out of the flaming ring and the foggy cloud.
As she flew out of the cloud she spotted Hakuai blowing a pair of yellow bubbles up into the air with the final part of the Clima-Tact. "SEIS FLEUR!" Six arms finally grabbed onto her sold opponent. "Got—" WHAM! Robin slammed back-first into the side of the mountain went crashing down to the ground. THUD!
"Ugghh..." Robin groaned as she pushed herself back up to her feet. Her real arms were still holding two pieces of Nami's Clima-Tact, her other arms were still holding Hakuai."Dos Fleur!" Another two arms grew out of Hakuai's chest and wrenched the final piece of the Clima-Tact away from Hakuai and tossed it over to her. Robin grinned as she put the three pieces of the Clima-Tact back together in a long staff and casually rested it on her shoulder as she eyed her unarmed opponent. "This fight's over. Any last words?"
"Yes, four," Hakuai answered. "Look up." Robin looked up and her eyes went wide when she suddenly found herself staring up at a black storm cloud. "THUNDERBOLT TEMPO!"
Robin knew three things about lightning: One, it struck the tallest thing in an area. Two, water conducted it. Three, metal attracted it. She was six foot two, soaking wet, and was currently holding a metal pole over her shoulder. Faster than Robin could say 'Clutch' a bolt of lightning shot down out of the storm cloud and struck her dead on. BA-ZZZZZZZTTT!
"AAAAAAHHHHH!" Robin's world exploded in pain as the lightning struck her. She dropped to the ground and everything went dark.
"RECEPTION!" Up on the first level of the mountain, Sessou swung her leg at Chopper's head.
"AAAAAHHH!" Chopper screamed and jumped away from Sessou in his Heavy Point form to avoid another one of Sanji's powerful kicks. SWOOSH!
"What am I gonna do?" Chopper wondered. "I can't survive another one of Sanji's kicks! But I already used a Rumble Ball to beat that other guy and get Zoro's swords back. I can't use another one so that means I can only use three forms to beat this lady!"
"You won't get away!" Sessou snapped as she lunged after Chopper. SKISH! Sessou used one leg to push off of the ground and lashed out with the other for a flying kick. "BAS COTE!"
"YAAAHH!" Chopper yelped as he shrunk down to his Brain Point form causing the kick to fly over his head. SWISH!
"I can't even use Brain Boost!" Chopper complained.
TMP! Sessou landed behind Chopper and lashed her leg out behind her at her suddenly small opponent's back, "LONGE!" Chopper transformed into Walk Point and lunged to the side. SKISH! "TENDRON!" Sessou quickly lashed out for a side kick at the reindeer's collarbone. Chopper quickly went back to Brain Point and jumped over the low kick. SWISH! "FLANCHET!"Sessou took the dodged in strike and lashed out for another kick aimed at the stomach of her now air-born opponent.
"RAAAH!" Unable to dodge, Chopper transformed into Heavy Point and smacked Sessou's leg off course, WHAK!
Sessou spun around and flipped over into a handstand then swung her legs around at Chopper's chest. "QUASI!" Chopper shrunk down into Brain Point to avoid the spinning kick as well as the one following it, "QUEUE!" SWISH! SWISH!
Sessou swung downward and aimed a sweeping kick at her much smaller opponents waist. "CUISSEAU!" Chopper transformed into Walking Point form and jumped over it. SKISH! Sessou kept spinning and went for another kick, "JARRET!"
Still in the air above Sessou's kick, Chopper lashed out his antlers and drove them into her chest as she was starting to come back up. WHAM! Sessou went flying but flipped in midair and landed in a crouch. FWIP! Meanwhile, Chopper's attack sent him flying backwards but he managed to land on all fours across from his opponent. TMP!
"I'VE HAD ENOUGH OF YOU!" Sessou snapped as she launched herself at Chopper for a flying kick. "VEAU..." Chopper dashed forward to meet her. "SHOOT!" Just as Sessou's foot was about to slam into him and take his head off, Chopper shifted into Brain Point, dropped down and rolled under her. SWISH! Sessou kept going and smashed into the side of the mountain, KA-BOOOSH!
"Phew..." Chopper sighed in relief as he stood back up and shifted back into Heavy Point form, "That... was a close one..." Chopper turned around to see what happened to his opponent, "GAAAH!" The mountain that Sessou had hit now had a huge cave carved into the side of it. But what was worse, SESSOU WAS GETTING BACK UP!
"Uggghh..." Sessou groaned, "You're just a weak little Zoan. You can't keep dodging forever."
"She's right," Chopper realized, "Pretty soon I'm not gonna have enough energy left to dodge those kicks. If I'm gonna survive this then I've gotta hit her in Heavy Point. But the only way for me to get close is if I..." GULP! "...block her."
"COLLIER!" Sessou launched herself at Chopper and swung at his neck.
"I CAN'T BLOCK THAT!" Chopper screamed. He quickly dropped down into his Brain Point form causing the kick to sail over his head.SWISH!
"EPAULE!" Sessou brought her other leg up and lashed it down at Chopper's shoulder. But Chopper quickly transformed into Walk Point and lunged backwards to avoid it. SKISH! THWHAM! Sessou's leg slammed into the ground and created a crater.
"SCARY!" Chopper shrieked.
Sessou launched herself and Chopper then dropped down into a one-handed handstand and swung her leg around at Chopper's stomach.
Chopper went back to Heavy Point. "Here it goes, I'm gonna try and block it." WHAP! Chopper transformed into his Heavy Point form and used both arms and all of his strength to catch the kick. WHAP! "SELLÉ!" THWAK! Sessou's other leg swung around and connected with Chopper's unguarded back and sent the reindeer flying.
FWUMP! Chopper landed in a heap on the ground but slowly staggered back up. "Damn... Sanji's kicks aren't just strong... they're fast too... and they can come from anywhere..."
"POITRINE!" Sessou lashed out for a straight kick to Chopper's chest. SKISH! Chopper shrunk down into Brain Point to avoid it. "GIGOT!" THWAK! Sessou's legs swept around and slammed into Chopper's side. With Sanji, the move usually targeted the leg but since Chopper was a lot shorter than the average opponent the kick ended up hitting higher than normal.
KRASH! Chopper hit the ground but once again managed to stagger back up. "I've taken three kicks so far... maybe I can withstand another one and hit her back... What did Big Brother say about Steel Shield? I've gotta tense all the muscles in my chest and stomach."Chopper transformed back into Heavy Point. "I have to make them as hard as I can, like steel."
"What's the matter?" Sessou asked her suddenly stationary opponent, "Aren't you going to try and dodge again?"
"I'm not going to dodge," Chopper stated. "I'm gonna block it."
"Hmph, fool!" Sessou taunted as she launched herself at Chopper for one final kick, "MOUTON..."
"STEEL SHIELD!" Chopper concentrated and tensed all the muscles in his front. The front of his large frame bulged as the large muscles tensed.
"SHOOT!" THWHAM! Sessou's foot slammed into Chopper's chest at full force.
KOFF! KOFF! Chopper coughed up blood and went skidding backwards. TMP! He dropped to his knees and clutched his broken ribs."I couldn't do it... Y/N trained his technique for yearsto get it to the level that it's at now. I just started using it today."
"That's that," Sessou concluded as she walked over to Chopper. "You put up a fight, beast. But it's over now."
"I'm right here, come and get me," Zoro taunted his opponent up near the top of the mountain.
"I hate to disappoint you," Kyouken replied, "but I'm staying up here. And I'm going to keep you down there. EXPLODING STAR!"CHOO! Kyouken fired off a shot at Zoro using Usopp's slingshot. SLISH! Zoro sliced the projectile clean in half using Wado Ichimonji. The ball flew past him, hit the ground and exploded. KA-BOOM-BOOM!
"Fine," Zoro said, "If you're not gonna come down here then I'll just have to bring you down! THIRTY-SIX CALIBER PHOENIX!"BOOOM! Zoro slashed his sword and fired a concentrated cannon blast of air at Kyouken. FWUMP! Kyouken dove to the side and the blast smashed into the mountain behind him. Rocks rained down from overhead but Usopp rolled out of the way of the falling rubble.KROOOSSHH! "I'm too far away to hit him. My only long distance attacks are powerful, not fast so he's got plenty of time to dodge 'em."
"Take this!" Kyouken called out as he dug into Usopp's arsenal bag, "CALTROP HELL!" WHING! Kyouken threw a collection of sharp caltrops at Zoro. Most of them landed all around him but for the ones that were on target he casually smacked them out of the way using his lone sword. WHAK-WHAK-WHAK!
"Nice try," Zoro taunted. "But I'm not scared of Usopp's toys."
"Yeah, but now you can't move," Kyouken pointed out.
Zoro glanced down at the caltrops surrounding him then shrugged, "I wasn't planning on it."
"Good, then take this!" FWING! Kyouken threw some kind of jar at Zoro. Since he couldn't dodge, he did what he did before and defended himself with his sword. SLISH! Zoro sliced the jar in half and stared down at his feet in mild surprise as the oil and grease inside pooled around his feet.
"Damn it, not this crap again," Zoro complained as he stared at the grease and oil at his feet. He remembered Usopp greasing a pass in preparation for their battle against the Black Cat Pirates. But it back fired and thanks to that greedy-bitch he'd been left lying at the bottom of the slippery pass. It had been a real pain getting back up it. Now he really couldn't dodge or he'd slip. Good thing he wasn't planning on dodging.
"Now you're trapped!" Kyouken stated as he raised Usopp's green slingshot and loaded something Zoro hadn't seen before into it, "SHURIKEN SHOOTING STAR!" SHWING! Zoro's eyes went wide as the chain of sharp bladed weapons flew at him then suddenly split apart. WHIR-WHIR-WHIR-WHIR-WHIR-WHIR!
"Usopp's never used that before..." Zoro realized. "No choice, I've gotta deflect them..." SWI-FWUMP! Zoro swung his sword but when he pivoted his foot he lost his balance due to the grease pooled at his feet and went crashing down... onto the caltrops. SHUNK! SHUNK! SHUNK!
"I bet your friend was saving those for a special occasion," Kyouken remarked, "like now."
"Ugghhh..." Zoro groaned as he staggered back up. Blood leaked out of the wounds on his back and sides. "Okay, now you've got my attention..."
"Not for long," Kyouken retorted, "SMOKE STAR!" CHOO!
"CRAP!" Zoro cursed as he weaved around the projectile. It whizzed past him and smashed into the ground. FWOOOSSHH! Zoro found himself surrounded in a cloud of smoke.
"TRIPLE EXPLODING STAR!" CHOO-CHOO-CHOO! Zoro couldn't see the projectiles but knew they were coming for him so he lashed out blindly, SLISH! Zoro's luck served him well and he managed to cut one even blind... BUT THE OTHER TWO HIT HIM! KA-BOOM-BOOM! Zoro was blasted backwards out of the smoke cloud and once again went crashing down on a bed of caltrops. SHA-SHUNK!
Zoro staggered back up, "That packed a punch... Usopp must've upgraded his gunpowder."
"Here, catch," Kyouken suggested, SHWING! Zoro looked up and saw a bottle flying at him.
WHAP! Zoro caught the bottle and grinned. "Booze? Now this is an attack I like. But if you wanna get me drunk you're gonna need a lot more."
"LEAD STAR!" KRESH! The lead marble smashed the bottle and booze splashed all over Zoro.
"What a waste," Zoro complained as he looked down at the spilled booze. He felt a faint burning sensation as the alcohol dripped into the opened caltrop wounds on his sides.
"FIRE STAR!" CHOO! Zoro's eyes widened as the orange projectile whizzed towards him.
"Shit!" Zoro cursed, "Booze burns!" He weaved to the side but suddenly realized that the puddle of grease and oil had spread and he crashed down onto more caltrops. SHUNK! As the caltrops sank into his side Zoro saw the orange ball hit the oil puddle. "OH CRAP!" FWOOOSSHH! The oil burst into flames which quickly spread to the rest of the puddle... and Zoro. "GAAAH!" Zoro drove his sword into the ground and attempted to stand up and escape the burning flames.
"SURE-KILL EXPLODING STAR!" CHOO! Zoro was in no position to dodge. The ball struck him on the chest and exploded, KA-BOOOOOM!
When the smoke finally cleared, Zoro was nowhere in sight.
"That'll teach the cocky brute to underestimate his opponent," Kyouken remarked as he watched the flames continue to burn on the oil where Zoro had once stood.
"How'd he copy that attack?" Y/N wondered up in the temple. He stood up and stepped off of the double doors he'd just been sent through the High Priest that had somehow stretched to copy one of Luffy's super-strong rubber attacks.
High Priest Nagai charged at Y/N and pulled his arms behind him, "GUUM... GUUUMM..."
Y/N quickly clenched his chest and stomach muscles, "Steel Shield!"
"BAAAZOOOOKAAAAA!" Nagai's arms shot out at Y/N's chest but fell short, he started to relax his muscles only for the High Priest's arms to come out even further and slam into him at full force, KER-WHAM!
Y/N went flying backwards courtesy of one of Luffy's strongest attacks. He'd been caught off guard again and his partial Steel Shield technique hadn't managed to stop the attack. FWUMP! Y/N landed on his back and held his stomach as he slowly got back up.
"There's no way you can copy Luffy's Devil Fruit Powers," Y/N insisted as he glared at the High Priest, "So that means... your arms..."
"Have you finally figured it out?" Nagai asked as he stretched his arms out in front of him. Where a normal person's arm ended in a hand, High Priest Nagai had a SECOND elbow which left him with extra-long arms. "My mother was from the Long-Arm Tribe."
"The Long-Arm Tribe..." Y/N repeated, "I heard stories about them back on my old crew. But I never thought I'd meet one, especially here of all places."
"With my long arms I can copy your friend's signature punches even if I'm not made of rubber," Nagai explained.
Y/N grinned, "You just gave away your trump card," he pointed out. "Now that I know what you are, I can dodge those arms of yours and kick your ass." Y/N charged at Nagai ready to avoid his Luffy-like punches.
Nagai easily laid his opened palm on the ground and bent his leg back then lashed it out at Y/N. "GUUUUUM... GUUUUUUUUM..."
SKIIISSSSHH! Y/N skidded to a stop and stared in shock, "No..."
"STAAAAMP!" Nagai's leg launched out and slammed into Y/N's chest... WHILE HE WAS STILL FIFTEEN FEET AWAY! THWHAM! Y/N went flying backwards and smashed back-first into the front wall of the temple. WHAM!
"Uggghhh..." Y/N groaned and held his ribs as he sat up. "Your legs..."
"That's right," Nagai replied. He undid the clasp at the neck of his loose cloak and pulled it off. Underneath he was wearing a sleeveless Chinese-style tunic with the kanji for 'patience' but more importantly, the High Priest looked like a frog due the knees on his extra long legs being bent up at his armpits. "My father was from the Long-Leg Tribe."
Nagai stood up to his full – EXTREMELY lanky – height. His long arms reached his knees like a normal person's but his extra long legs left him towering over Y/N at nearly twenty feet tall with a braided blue ponytail that fell to the waist of his normal-sized torso.
Y/N's eye was wide as he took in his long-limbed opponent's extremely lanky body, "Now I get why you called Usopp 'Shorty'."
"Indeed," Nagai replied, "By my standards, his nose is quite short."
"This just got a lot more complicated," Y/N realized as he stood back up.
"There's no way you can beat my reach," Nagai stated, "And with me in possession of your Captain's unnatural strength... there's no way you can win. You and your friends are doomed."
Hope you enjoyed the chapter!!!
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