Two Rats
Two Rats:
"If you do not wish to be board this ship... there is but one path left for you," Eneru stated as lightning sparked through the gold-lined maxim behind him. "...death."
Nami stood over the charred body of Y/N with Luffy's straw hat tied to her belt and the three blue segments of her ClimaTact hidden behind her back.
"There's no way I can possibly beat this guy," Nami thought to herself, "But I'm not gonna stay on this ship. That's for sure. I have no regrets."
"Yes, I know what you're thinking," Eneru boasted. "And by now I'm sure you realize you won't be leaving this ark safely." Eneru grinned. "That is... unless you're pinning your hopes on those two rats who've awakened and just snuck on board... Yahahahaha!"
Nami stiffened. Someone else was on the ship?
"LET ME OFF THIS CRAZY THING!" Usopp yelped, "Sanji! Listen! If we go any higher we won't be able to get down! Not to mention the fact that GOD IS ON BOARD! OR HAVE YOU FORGOTTEN?"
"We're already here, stupid!" Sanji snapped at him as he finally reached the end of the rope and the bottom of the Maxim. "So just deal with it!"
"But what're we gonna do, Sanji?" Usopp questioned. "LOOK AT THE SIZE OF THIS THING! I've seen smaller mountains! There could be hundreds of guys on board! We can't fight them all! Besides, if God or those Priests are here... ooohh..."
"Oh just get over it already," Sanji growled. "You're the one that's always prepared for this kind of stuff. You've got all the cool equipment."
Shunk! Shunk! "Oh, this?" Usopp asked as he held the rope and walked up the bottom of the Maxim with a pair of small octopuses on his feet. The suction cups on the octopuses tentacles kept him stuck to the sideways wood surface. "Not what I had in mind when I made 'em!"
Sanji pulled himself up the end of the rope and stood in a simply massive doorway at the back of the ship as he waited for Usopp. "Well the bad guys have got that Mantra ability which means they can predict our moves. No point in trying to be sneaky. In fact, I'd bet my favorite carving knife they already know we're here."
"They know where here?" Usopp repeated as he held onto the floor at the end of the grappling hook behind Sanji. "So what're we supposed to do?"
"Stop freaking out for starters," Sanji suggested as he held his hand down to Usopp. Usopp took it and Sanji pulled him up onto the ship along with him. "Once we're safely inside we'll split up and head for the main deck. Nami's gotta be up there."
"You dumbass," Sanji replied, "If we don't split up we could both die."
Gulp! Usopp swallowed. "Both die? I don't suppose you'd care to elaborate? Wait a minute... you're not gonna..." Usopp started sweating. "You mean... to save Nami..."
Sanji turned and put his hands on Usopp's shoulders. "Usopp, listen to me," Sanji instructed. "If it'll save Nami, I'll gladly sacrifice your life."
Sanji turned and shouted into the Maxim, "ALRIGHT THEN! I'M COMING MISS. NAMI!"
"I'M NOT DONE YELLING AT YOU!" Usopp hollered after Sanji as he ran off.
"HOLD ON, NAMI-SWAN!" Sanji called out.
"WAIT! SANJI!" Usopp yelled as he ran after the love-cook. "HOLD ON! PLEASE! BUDDY! PAL! DON'T LEAVE ME!"
"Yahahaha," Eneru laughed as he got up from his throne and made his way down toward Nami. "It seems the two rats are quite serious about your rescue. Fools to the bitter end."
"Who can it be?" Nami wondered. "No one besides Luffy can still move. Besides, how could they even get on board the ark?"
BZZT! Eneru's arm sparked.
"Oh crap lightning!" Nami exclaimed in her mind. "I've gotta dodge before he fires..." Then she looked down. "No... I can't move. Y/N can't move. If he takes another of those lightning attacks and he'll be dead for sure!" THAWK! Nami kicked Y/N's body and it flew to the side towards her Waver. Nami screamed and dove after him as Eneru fired a blast of lightning at her. "WAAAAH!" BA-ZOOOOOOOM!
Fwump-wump-wump! Nami dropped down and rolled across the deck then sat up.
"Yahahahaha," Eneru laughed in mild amusement. "Though help may have arrived, it doesn't mean you've been saved yet. Nor am I obligated to wait for them. Before two new rats arrive, I'll finish the last of the two that I'm already dealing with."
"I've got to grab Y/N, jump overboard and hope for the best," Nami realized "If I stay here, I'm dead for sure. I'm up against lightning. What else can I do?"
THWAK! Sanji kicked down a door and stepped through. He found himself inside the Maxim which was filled with all types of golden machinery, this particular area and numerous spinning gold gears and churning gold pistons.
"What's all this?" Sanji wondered as he started to run up a long flight of steps, he hoped towards the main deck.
Bzzzt! Bzzzt! Sanji stopped two floors up and watched as lightning surged through a web of thin gold pipes. He walked across a catwalk and noted gold-lined glass vats of a mysterious chemical.
"It looks like this whole ship is automated," Sanji noted as he stared at the bubbling green liquid in one of the vats. "Hm... I guess that means he doesn't need henchmen or underlings.
"Creepy bastard," the cook thought to himself.
In another part of the ship, Usopp ran frantically passed more machinery down another catwalk. "There's no one here!" the sniper realized. "But this ship is huge! Does it run without anyone operating it? And how does it fly anyway? I've never heard of a flying ship before. Just the thought of being up in the air like this makes my knees all wobbly. Oh, I feel sick."
"I wonder what the power source for this things is..." Usopp mused as kept running through the massive Maxim. "Oh, what do I care! As long as it doesn't decide to fall!"
"Wait!" Usopp exclaimed. "I just realized... even if Nami is on the upper deck, we're way too high up now to jump off. WHAT THE HELL ARE WE GONNA DO?"
Robin sat beside Giant Jack in the ruins up above Shandora with her arms crossed and her eyes closed. The bodies of Gan Fall, Chopper and Kiko were all behind her while she used her powers to create legs underneath Zoro and Wyper and walked them up towards her.
"The sky... it keeps getting darker," Robin thought to herself. "He's going to begin the great destruction soon. And then... he'll steal the golden bell... and take it up with him."
The Maxim continued to fly higher and higher up above her.
"AAAAAHH!" the Skypieans screamed as they ran to the harbor at Angel Island.
"Onto the boats!" a White Beret called out. "Don't get left behind!"
Once a boat was filled to capacity, it was cast off and sailed for Cloud End.
"Hurry, to the White Sea!" a man encouraged some others as loaded boat after boat cast off. "We're running out of time!"
A man stood on one of the boats and stared up at the Maxim as it flew above Upper Yard.
"Look at it, it's terrifying!" the man exclaimed. So much for Eneru's idea that his flying gold ship making people happy when they saw it. "This is really it! The end of the world!"
Down in the Shandian Village, the Shandians were preparing to evacuate as well.
"Leave the village?" one of the Shandians repeated. "But Chief, what about the warriors? They're still not back from Upper Yard."
"There is no need to wait," the Chief told him.
"But Chief..." the man protested.
"We have no choice," the Chief responded. "The warriors aren't children. They can avoid the dangers they face. Have faith in them." The Chief looked up and addressed everyone else. "Eneru will destroy everything. We know that. Just like as he did to his homeland Birka. So to shall he do here. We must escape. Now! We must prepare the ships! Our first task is to save the lives of the villagers here!"
The Shandians stared in surprise as the Chief's words sank in.
"LET'S GO!" The Shandians scattered and ran off to evacuate the village.
"Everything is coming to an end," the Chief thought to himself. "Wyper, let it go. You've done everything you could."
Conis stood on the front deck of the Straw Hats' empty ship. She'd finally gotten it to the designated meeting place and now she was just waiting for the Blue Sea Pirates to return.
"Did you come from the Blue Sea World?" Conis had asked when she first met the Straw Hats.
"If that's what you call it," Luffy replied, "We sailed up a river of clouds to get here. Speaking of here, is this your home?"
Conis looked up and saw the Maxim next to Giant Jack as black clouds loomed above it.
"Everything is happening in this forest right in front of me," Conis realized. "And I have no way to know what's going on. All I can do is wait." Conis hugged Suu to her. "Everyone... I hope you're all safe."
Down in the hole where the Maxim once rested, Aisa cried over the body of Pierre.
Luffy had protected them from Eneru's lightning but he'd fallen away from them afterwards. While they fell down into the hole, Pierre had flipped over and had shielded Aisa from the fall while he took all the impact himself.
"Horsy-bird! Horsy-bird, I'm sorry!" Aisa cried. "You were trying to protect me!"
"Aaaaiiisaaaa!" a muffled voice called out from somewhere nearby. "AISA! AAAIIISAAA!"
Aisa stood up on top of Pierre. "Luffy?" she questioned. "Are you alive? WHERE ARE YOU?"
"OVER HERE!" Luffy shouted back. "THIS WAY! AISA!"
Aisa turned and spotted the giant gold ball. She rushed over to it and found that it was on top of the big gold gear that had fallen before them.
"GET THIS THING OFFA ME!" Luffy shouted from inside the gear. His hand waved frantically on top of the ball which had covered the hole in the middle of the big gear.
"Luffy, the balls on top of you!" Aisa told him. "It's way too big for me to move it! You have to push it up! Maybe it'll roll off!"
"UP? WHY DIDN'T I THINK OF THAT?" WHAM! The gold ball rolled to the side and the rubber pirate jumped out of the hole in the gear.
"Whoa..." Aisa gasped as she watched Luffy heft the big gold ball that his arm was trapped in up onto his back.
"Uuugghhh..." Luffy groaned as he spread his stance to support the additional weight. "Damn it! I still can't get this golden ball off!"
"What do we do then?" Aisa asked. "Nami's still up there with Eneru."
"Let's just get back to the beanstalk where Robin was," Luffy decided. "I won't let Eneru get away with this!"
"Okay," Aisa agreed.
"Nice try jerk!" Luffy snapped as he stared up above them. "But it takes a lot more to stop me! Your ark's toast! And I know just where to find you!"
Frontline of the Rescue:
BZZZZZT! Eneru shot a blast of lightning at Nami.
"YAAH!" Nami yelped as she frantically swung her ClimaTact. BA-ZOOOOOOM! The lightning flew passed her off the side of the ship.
Nami held on tightly to her fully assembled ClimaTact and panted heavily.
"Yahahahahahaaha! Congratulations, young lady!" Eneru laughed and praised Nami. "That was rather amusing!"
"I did it..." Nami realized.
"Such clever toys you have down on the Blue Sea," Eneru remarked. Nami tensed as Eneru fired another blast of lightning at her. BA-ZOOOOOOOM!
Nami swung the blue pole in front of her, "THUNDER BALL!" A yellow orb came out of the end of her ClimaTact but because she was swinging it over her, it distorted and arced over her. BZZZOOOOM! Eneru's lightning blasted into the yellow 'force field' and followed it over Nami's head and off the side of the ship.
"Creating a path for the lightning to follow," Eneru observed, "A clever tactic. You're obviously well acquainted with weather phenomena."
"But its not enough," Nami realized.
Bzzztzzzztzzzt! Eneru's hand sparkled as he held it out beside him as he charged another attack. "You realize of course it's futile," Eneru pointed out. "All I need do is raise the voltage and your trick won't work, well it?" Eneru grinned. "Now I'm a very busy man. BEGON!" BZZOOOM! White lightning exploded around Eneru as the voltage in his attack jumped from one million to two hundred million.
"I CAN'T DODGE THIS ONE!" Nami realized.
"WHY DON'T YOU BE GONE? EXPLODING BULLET!" BANG! A red bullet shot at Eneru before he could get his attack off and exploded. KA-BOOOOM!
The cloud of dark smoke around Eneru faded to reveal that he was completely unharmed. He simply held his hand out and had blocked the explosion.
Eneru stared in the direction the projectile of the explosion and found Usopp standing in an opened doorway that led into the Maxim. Smoke drifted out from the nozzle of the flintlock pistol as it shook in Usopp's hand.
Usopp flinched and covered his eyes under Eneru's harsh gaze. "Oops... I'm sorry..."
"USOPP?" Nami exclaimed.
"I know you," Eneru realized, "From the ship."
Usopp uncovered his eyes and took in the situation in front of him. God was staring right at him. Nami was behind him. But there was no sign of anyone else on the deck.
"Hey! Where's Sanji? Or Y/N?" Usopp questioned.
"Y/N's already down," Nami told him, "You mean Sanji's here too?"
"YOU MEAN HE'S NOT UP HERE YET?" Usopp demanded.
"But..." Nami gaped at the sniper. Of all her Nakama that she'd want to come and save her, Usopp was at the bottom of the list of potential rescuers.
"I see," Usopp realized. He was alone against God. "LATER!" Krek! The door slammed behind him as he slipped back into the ship.
"PANSY!" Nami yelled after him. And that was exactly why he was at the bottom of the list.
On the other side of the door, Usopp's body shook and a cold sweat ran down his face and dripped off his long nose.
"Be a man, Usopp!" Usopp encouraged himself. "What are you running for?"
WHAM! Usopp spun around and slammed the door back opened. "BRING IT ON GOD!"
BA-ZOOOOOOM! Eneru fired a blast of lightning at Usopp.
"EEEEEYYAAAAHHHH!" Usopp screamed like a little girl and dove out of the way. SKISH! Usopp landed on his feet but Eneru turned and fired at him again. BA-ZOOOOOOOM! "WAAAAAAHH!" Usopp screamed and jumped out of the way again. FWUMP! He tumbled to the ground and wound up next to Nami.
"Usopp!" Nami called out to the sniper. Eneru slowly turned to face them.
Usopp's eyes narrowed as he stared hard at God. "Nami!"
"Yeah?" Nami asked. "What? Tell me what to do! I'm on it!"
"Please save me!" Usopp squeaked.
"LIKE HELL!" Nami shrieked as she ran over and swatted him over the head. WHAP! Nami grabbed him by the collar and started shaking him. "I THOUGHT YOU CAME HERE TO SAVE ME, YOU SPINELESS CHICKEN!"
"Yeah um..." Usopp mumbled when Nami finally stopped shaking him. Had that been the plan? Sanji was the one who wanted to come up here. But he was nowhere in sight. "I'm not even sure what's going on anymore..."
"THEN WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?" Nami berated him as she shook him again.
"Well..." Usopp whimpered.
Usopp looked over at Nami with a sheepish smile. "And how do I do that exactly? We are fighting God... right?"
"Oh yeah..." Nami agreed with a sheepish smile of her own. BA-ZOOOOOOOM! Eneru fired another blast of lightning and they both screamed and dove out of the way.
Eneru remained stoic as he followed after them.
"By the way Nami," Usopp said as he glanced down at the hat on Nami's belt. "About that hat?"
"Yeah, it's Luffy's," Nami confirmed. "He was here a little while ago but Eneru threw him overboard. But he's not dead, I'm sure of it!"
"The ark's gaining altitude," Usopp pointed out. "We can't count on Luffy to save us." Usopp shivered. "Um... is Y/N still here by any chance?"
"Y/N was trying to stall Eneru until Luffy came back but Eneru got him," Nami answered. "Now he's over by my WAVER! THAT'S IT!"
"You've got a plan?" Usopp questioned. "TELL ME! 'CAUSE I'M NOT A FAN OF DYING!"
BA-ZOOOOOM! "I'M WITH YA THERE!" Nami agreed as they jumped in different directions to avoid another bolt of lightning.
Nami looked up from her spot on the ground and saw Usopp cowering behind the glass tubes at the front of the ship. "Huh?"
"Here, come hide behind this tube thingy," Usopp instructed. "I'm betting it's pretty important. So he might not use his big attacks."
"Usopp, look over there," Nami motioned across the deck.
Usopp looked in the direction she had pointed and saw Y/N's charred body on the ground next to Nami's Waver. "A Waver!"
"We'll have to jump off on that," Nami reasoned.
"JUMP FROM THIS HEIGHT?" Usopp questioned. "ARE YOU NUTS?"
"No," Nami replied, "Look..." Nami motioned off the side of the ship towards Giant Jack. There was a white patch of cloud below it. "There's a patch of island cloud in the middle of the forest. If we can reach that, we just might make it."
"Of course!" Usopp realized.
BA-ZOOT! Usopp saw a bolt of lightning shoot over him. He looked up to see it hovering overhead. "DAMN IT!" BZZZZOOOOOOM! Usopp dove out of the way and the lightning shot down and struck the spot where he'd just been.
Usopp flew through the air and did a graceful backflip with a double spin... KONK! Then banged his head on the railing and fell in a heap.
Usopp pulled himself back up but now sported a large lump on his head, "I'll go try to create a diversion!" Usopp told Nami, "Get it ready!"
"RIGHT!" Nami agreed as she ran for the Waver.
Usopp ran and quickly scrambled up the glass tube and jumped up on top of it.
"TAKE THIS GOD!" Usopp shouted, "BEHOLD, UUUSOOOOPP SPELL!" Usopp stood tensed with his arms spread. "A splinter embeds itself deep under your fingernail!" Usopp shivered at the painful thought. "Ewww..."
"UUGGHH!" Nami stopped and shuddered, "That hurts just thinking about it!"
"COVER YOUR EARS, YOU IDIOT!" Usopp yelled at her. "THIS STUFF CAN KILL YOU!" Usopp tensed again as he turned back to Eneru. "A piece of paper... cuts across the skin of your knuckles!" Usopp flinched again.
"..." Eneru stared blankly up at Usopp.
"Five canker sores inflaming your gums!"
BZZZT! Eneru flew up off of the deck and up to Usopp then whacked him with his gold staff. WONK! Usopp was knocked off the glass and crashed to the deck then tumbled and rolled across it. WHUMP-WUMP! Skuuussshhh... Usopp skidded to a stop and laid on his back.
"USOPP, NO!" Nami called out in alarm.
Tmp! Eneru landed and stalked towards Usopp.
"Come on Y/N..." Nami said in her head as she hefted him into the Waver then jumped in.
"Uugghhh..." Y/N let out a low groan.
"Y/N!" Nami exclaimed as she grabbed the handle bars. "Hang on, we're getting out of here!"
WISH! Eneru swung his staff then smacked Usopp with it. WHACK! Usopp rolled to the side and Eneru struck him again. WHACK!
VRRRRRR... Nami sped over to the railing on her Waver. She skidded to a stop and stared off the side while Y/N silently sat up behind her.
"Looks good," Nami mused to herself as she stared off the edge of the flying ship. "The Island Cloud is directly below that beanstalk!"
Nami turned and called across the deck, "I'M READY, LET'S GET—" BZZZZOOOOOOM!
There was a bright flash and Nami watched in horror as Usopp charred body hit the ground. Y/N's eye opened and he turned to look in the direction of the thunder crash.
"UUUUSOOOOPP!" Nami screamed.
"Though you may desperately want to run away," Eneru addressed Nami, "Facing me it will not be that simple." Nami tensed. "But please, do try it again. I always enjoy a deadly game of tag. Yahahahahaha!"
"Tag?" Y/N repeated with a smirk.
VRRRROOOOOOM! Nami spun the Waver around and sped towards Eneru. VRRROOM! Then raced right passed him. "USOPP, GRAB MY HAND! COME ON!"
The sniper was still conscious and was barely twitching as he laid on the deck. He groaned and exerted himself but managed to raise a shaking hand up off of the deck.
"Y/N, pull him in!" Nami ordered as she sped towards Usopp. VRRRROOOOOM!
Y/N made no move to grab him.
BZZZT! Eneru appeared next to Usopp and drove Usopp's hand back down to the mat with the end of his staff. Nami stared back in horror. They'd lost their chance.
"For you there is no hope of salvation," Eneru addressed Usopp.
Y/N stood up on the Waver behind Nami.
"Y/N!" Nami exclaimed. "What do we do, we've got to grab him and get outta here!"
"Why?" Y/N asked. "Heh-heh-heh. I'm right where I want to be."
Nami stiffened then spun around and stared in shock as Y/N pulled off his eye patch. "But... but... Y/N said you didn't work when you were covered!" Eneru was now the second to last person she wanted to be trapped on a ship with.
The Eye of the Devil glowed and Y/N's hair stood up in spikes. "Y/N...was wrong." Shink! Red Eye reached down and drew Akakyuuketsuki. "You die first."
"AAH!" Nami flinched back in terror.
BA-ZOOOOOOOM! Across the deck, lightning pooled around Eneru's hand as he aimed it down at Usopp.
TMP! TMP! TMP! TMP! Suddenly, Sanji ran up behind Eneru. He hooked his leg around Usopp and kicked him towards Nami. THWAK! Usopp went flying and slammed into Red Eye. WHAM! Red Eye was knocked out of the Waver and Usopp landed inside it.
"SANJI!" Nami yelped. She turned and realized that while the cook had just saved her - and saved Usopp in the process - he'd just stepped in front of Eneru's lethal lightning attacks. "RUN!"
"Get out of here," Sanji said as stood in between the Waver and Eneru.
Whap! Usopp reached up and grabbed the throttle of the Waver over Nami's hand. "Gun it Nami!" VROOOOOOM! The Waver sped away towards the railing.
"EEEL THOOOORR!" BA-ZOOOOOOOOM! Eneru fired a thick column of lightning that completely enveloped Sanji then kept going and blasted off the side of the ship.
"DON'T STOP, WE'VE GOTTA ESCAPE!" Usopp shouted. "NOW STOP MAKING MY PLAN SOUND BAD! AND KEEP GOING!" VRRROOOM! The Waver sailed up a chunk of rubble on the deck and shot up into the air and over the railing.
"WAAAAAAHHHH!" Nami and Usopp both screamed as they dropped off the side of the ship.
BZZZT! BZZZT! Eneru's body cackled as he stood on the Maxim and laughed. "Yahahaahaha, so they jumped. Do they still not understand the range of my powers? They haven't escaped me in the slightest."
"Uugghh..." Eneru heard a groan and turned to see that even though Sanji had taken his attack head-on, the cook was still on his feet. "Hey... God... There's something I wanted to tell you. Oh, but first... I... should... thank you..." Sanji raised his cigarette to his mouth and inhaled. "I was looking... for a light... Appreciate it..."
"Right..." Eneru drawled. "Do you have a point?"
"Yeah," the deep-fried cook replied. "Get ready... to cry... bastard..." FWUMP! Sanji dropped to the deck and laid still.
"Hmph..." Eneru grunted as he turned away.
"Have you noticed yet that your attacks don't kill anybody?" came a voice.
Eneru spun around and saw what appeared to be Y/N seated on the gold gear behind him casually running his finger along the red blade of his sword.
"You..." Eneru growled. "I killed you!"
"You tried, you failed," Red Eye stated. "I like ruthlessly murdering people as much as the next guy but you're really bad at it. But at least you have this ship to make up for your shortcomings."
"HOW ARE YOU STILL ALIVE?" Eneru demanded.
"Oh that," Red Eye scoffed. "The girl restarted his heart, got him breathing again. He's unconscious now which means I get to come out and play."
"You get to..." Eneru trailed off and his eyes narrowed, "And who are you exactly?"
"I'm the brat's better half," Red Eye answered as he slipped off the gear and approached Eneru. "I'm Red Eye. But down below they call me by another name... 'the Demon'."
God and the Demon:
"Demon?" Eneru repeated dismissively, "As if such a thing exists."
KA-POW! Y/N's fist slammed into Eneru's face and he went flying across the deck.
THUD! Eneru landed hard then sat up and held his face. "Im-impossible!" he protested. "I'm lightning incarnate. I'm God. You're not even rubber. You can't touch Me."
"I just did," Red Eye pointed out. "If you'd like I can do it again. But I'd rather not."
"What do you mean?" Eneru demanded as he stood back up.
"Believe it or not, I'm actually a fan of yours," Red Eye answered. "Well, not you running around calling yourself God and failing to kill people, but this ship of yours is truly impressive. With this ship you can harness that cute lightning of yours and destroy entire villages. It may lack the personal touch you'd get from murdering villages of people yourself but burning down every building and erasing all those lives all in one shot is too convenient to pass up. I'll take it."
"What... take... that... THIS IS MY SHIP!" Eneru snapped at him.
"Yes, and of course I realize that the ship needs you to work properly," Red Eye admitted, "An unfortunate package deal. I don't like most people but if sparing you means I can kill thousands more in your place, I'll give you a chance. How would you like to work for me?"
"WORK FOR YOU?" Eneru thundered. "I'M NO ONE'S LACKEY! I'M GOD!" BZZZT! Eneru disappeared then reappeared ten feet backwards with his hand engulfed in lightning. "EEEL THOOOR!" BA-ZOOOOOM! Eneru fired a powerful column of lightning at Red Eye.
WOOOSH! Red Eye snapped his hands down and shot up into the air over the blast. He flipped in midair and landed behind Eneru. Eneru spun around to face him. SLISH! Red Eye lashed out with the blood red sword and sliced Eneru across the shoulder.
Eneru staggered backwards and held his bleeding shoulder in shock. "You... you... cut me..."
Red Eye held up the red sword and licked the blood off of it. He frowned and shook his head. "Hate to break it to you but your blood tastes like any other person's. There's a hint of airiness in it that tells me you're from the sky... but that's it. It's just regular, red blood... too bad, so sad."
"What... WHAT KIND OF MONSTER ARE YOU?" Eneru exclaimed. "Wait... you come from down below... your three brothers are that rubber menace, that shape-shifting beast and the third controls fire. Your 'pops' has the power to destroy entire islands... YOU'RE A DEVIL!"
"Oh baby, keep dirty talking me, I love it!" Red Eye exclaimed.
Eneru jumped backwards in shock, "Excuse you?"
Red Eye grinned, "I just get—" KA-BOOOOM! He was cut off when an explosion rang out from inside the Maxim. Black smoke started to pump out of the chimney instead of cloud.
Eneru turned and stared in horror, "Wha-what is this? The Ark!"
Eneru remembered Sanji's cryptic words, "Get ready... to cry... bastard!"
"The fool! He didn't!" Eneru exclaimed. "DAMN HIM! HE DID SOMETHING BELOW DECK! WHAT HAS HE DONE TO MY ARK?" KA-BOOOOM! Explosion continued to ring out from inside as the Maxim started shaking. Lightning started sparking around the smoke-filled opening of the chimney.
"You mean it's broken?" Red Eye questioned. "Then what the heaven do I still need you for? Now I have no reason not to kill you."
"You fool!" Eneru snapped at him. "The gears have come unaligned! If the Ark crashes we'll both die!"
"Nah, I'll bail out before it wrecks," Red Eye replied. "This ship was just a passing fancy for me. I never got too attached to the idea of using it to destroy villages. You're the one whose hopes and dreams lie on this thing. I'll tell you what though, if you hold still for a moment, I'll cut out your intestines and you won't have to worry about your Ark anymore."
"I don't have time for this!" Eneru exclaimed. BZZZT! There was a bright flash and Eneru disappeared inside the ship.
"Well that was rude," Red Eye remarked. "Here I was going to do him a favor of eviscerating him and he goes and runs away." Red Eye sheathed his sword and stuffed his hands in his pockets as he made his way through the opened doorway and followed Eneru into the Maxim.
Neither Eneru nor Red Eye noticed the grappling hook that hung onto the railing.
"Uugghhh..." Usopp grunted as he used the rope and his octopus shoes to climb up the side of the Maxim. Usopp peered over the railing and scanned the deck of the massive ship.
"Good... they're gone," Usopp observed. Usopp jumped over the railing and quickly slipped off his shoes then ran over to the charred and prone form of Sanji.
Usopp reached the cook and knelt down next to him. "Don't you worry," Usopp reassured him. "Nami fell safely into some Island Clouds." Usopp hefted Sanji onto his shoulder and carried him over to the railing. The sniper flinched as he stared off the side of the flying ship at the ground that was now miles below him.
"So high..." Usopp thought to himself, "Not the jungle... Not the ruins... Focus on falling into the Island Clouds."
TMP! Usopp stomped his new shoes which were purple with big springs on the bottom.
"USOPP HOPPING!" BOING! Usopp sprang off the railing and jumped off the ship.
Usopp fell through the air but to his horror veered away from the fluffy patch of Island Clouds and fell towards the hard trees of Upper Yard. "AAAAAHHH NOOOO! I JUMPED TOO FAR! I JUMPED TO FAAAARR! AAAHHH-HAAAA-HAAAA-HAAA! OOOOHH NOOOO! WE'RE GONNA CRASH! WE'RE GONNA CRASH AND THEN WE'RE GONNA DIE! YAAAAAHHHH!"
The trees and the hard forest floor rushed up to meet him. Usopp came an inch away from having his nose smeared all over the floor when suddenly... YOINK! His rope was pulled taught and he was yanked back up into the air. WOING!
Krek-krek! Usopp's grappling hook scraped along the railing then fell off. WHING!
"YAAAAAAAHHHHH!" Usopp screamed as he plowed into the Island Clouds. PLOOOSH!
Nami saw where Usopp had landed and sped over to him on her Waver. VVRRRROOOOOM!
"USOPP! SANJI!" Nami called out to them.
"Nami? Is that you?" Usopp called out from where his face, shoulders and chest were all stuck in the squishy Island Clouds while he legs kicked helplessly above him. Sanji laid unconscious nearby. "Sounds like you made it down alright. What a relief." Usopp continued to mumble into the cloud while Nami jumped off of the Waver and knelt down next to Sanji.
"Sanji, are you okay?" she asked. "Oh, you got burnt to a crisp for us! I'm so sorry! I promise, I'll make it up to you somehow!"
"I CAN'T BREATHE!" Usopp yelled as his legs continued to kick. "CAN'T BREATHE! NAMI HURRY! HURRY UP AND PULL ME OUT! I CAN'T BREEEAATHE!"
"Oh, sorry," Nami said. She popped back up and grabbed Usopp's legs and pulled upwards. "Alright... let's get the heck out of here... Ugghhh... Why... won't... you... come... out!"
Up overhead, the Maxim continued to shake. Inside, the vats of chemicals cracked and started leaking, gold pipes exploded and lightning sparked through the broken circuits.
Red Eye paid all this no mind as he wandered along a catwalk. "Ooooh, God! Come out and die! You know, if you wanted to play tag you should've said something. There's nothing I enjoy more than a fun, rousing game of a cat and the crazy guy that catches and murders it."
Eneru stood on a catwalk several floors down from Red Eye and surveyed the damage that was done to his ship.
"Curse you, Blue Sea Dweller..." Eneru growled as he stared at the damaged machinery. Eneru scanned the gears and spotted two that were stuck.
"This vessel is not so easily brought down," Eneru mused. "I am fully acquainted with the Ark's drive circuits. We may lack electricity but a backup system harnesses the wind-power of two hundred Jet Dials that I gathered in My Homeland of Birka."
FIIISSSSHHHHH! Down below, wind rushed out of a series of long holes on the bottom of the Ark courtesy of Eneru's two hundred Jet Dials.
"Those will keep this ship aloft for quite some time," Eneru continued as he walked over to the broken gears. KLANK! Eneru pushed hard and managed to force the gears back into alignment. "No matter those feeble beings try... this land and all of its pathetic inhabitants will perish!"
All around Eneru the system started up again. The gears began to spin. The pistons pumped and electricity no longer sparked all around him. Eneru had managed to repair his ship.
"Oh, does this mean you fixed it?"
Eneru spun around to see Red Eye crouched on the railing behind him. "Found you."
"YOU!" Eneru snapped. BZZZZTZZZZT! Eneru's hand glowed white with lightning.
"Whoa there, careful!" Red Eye warned him. "You wouldn't want to break this ship again after you went through so much effort to fix it."
WOOOSH! Red Eye snapped his hands down and launched himself through the air.
Eneru jumped backwards and disappeared into the machinery behind him. BZZZT! Then he came out of a gold gear behind Red Eye.
The Blue Sea Demon spun around to face the Sky God and lashed out his fist at him. WOOSH!
Eneru weaved to the side and avoided the punch then spun his staff and struck Red Eye with it. WHACK! Red Eye crashed to the ground and rolled across the catwalk.
"I'll admit that you caught Me off guard before, Blue Sea Dweller," Eneru confessed. "But your mind-tricks won't work on Me! You're no Devil! You're not even a real Demon! But on this gold-lined ship in the sky, I AM STILL THE ALMIGHTY GOD!"
"YOU CAME HERE FOR GOLD, BLUE SEA DWELLER?" Eneru shouted as he sank his hand into a giant gold gear behind him. "THEN TAKE SOME! GLOAM PADDLING!"
WOOOOSSHHH! Eneru threw his arm forward and sent a tidal wave of molten hot liquid gold at Red Eye.
"Whoa, whoa! It was the other guy that came here for gold!" Red Eye protested as he sprinted along the catwalk to escape the rushing gold. "I came to spill blood and reap eternal vengeance!"
Red Eye reached the end of the catwalk and jumped up and grabbed some pipes just as the molten gold wave crashed down behind him. SPLOOOOSHH!
Red Eye looked back at the gold-coated catwalk then scanned the area for Eneru.
But he was gone.
"Damn bastard ran away again," Red Eye complained.
"Hey guys, check out that huge vine," Nami instructed the newly freed Usopp and the still unconscious Sanji as she pointed at Giant Jack. "If it's the same one that I saw when I was down in the ruins, then it stands to reason that we're on the Island Clouds right above them."
"Ruins?" Usopp repeated as he brushed himself off. "OH! The City of Gold! It's real?"
"It's real," Nami confirmed. "But Eneru took all the gold that was there for himself and made that ship. If the ruins are beneath us, Zoro and the other should be down there."
"I may not know the lay of the land," Usopp admitted, "But I do know one thing. Staying here is dangerous."
VRRRRM! Nami hopped back on her Waver and revved the Jet Dial-powered engine. "You've got that right. Hop on, let's find everyone and get off this island!"
"Now that's a plan," Usopp remarked.
Nami looked up at the Ark overhead. "There are no safe places left is Skypiea."
BONK! BONK! The gold ball bounced along the stone ground as Luffy ran through the ruins of Shandora and dragged his trapped arm behind him.
Further behind, Aisa struggled to keep up as she carried the unconscious Pierre by his beak.
Luffy ran down a hill and the gold ball bounced up into the air. KLANG!
"AH! LUFFY!" Aisa called out in warning. "LOOK OUT!"
Luffy looked back in time to see the gold ball crash down on top of him. WOING!
"WAAAAAAHHHH!" Luffy screamed as the big ball started to roll down the hill. He spun helplessly alongside it. "TOOOO FAAAASST!"
"NO! WAIT! LUFFY!" Aisa called after him as he rolled away down the hill. "THAT'S THE WRONG WAY! GO LEFT! LEFT!"
"There's no way I can turn that sharp," Luffy realized as he stared ahead at the incoming wall at the bottom of the hill. There was another road that ran alongside the wall but he'd have to turn at a ninety degree angle to avoid crashing. "GUUMM GUUUMMM HOOOOK!" SHOOOOOM! Luffy stretched his arm out and grabbed the corner of one of the buildings behind him.
"SHISHISHI!" Luffy laughed as he started to slow down. KREK! The old, worn brick that Luffy had grabbed came loose and Luffy rolled the rest of the way down the hill and smashed into the wall. BOOOOM!
"I KNOW!" Luffy yelled back. "BUT—" KRASH! But Luffy continued to roll through the ancient city and smashed through walls as he went.
On the Maxim, Eneru stood on the deck in front of the gold face and surveyed his repair work.
"Hm, the thunder clouds are gushing out nicely now," Eneru mused to himself. He turned and glanced around the deck and noticed that Sanji was gone. Along with Nami and Usopp.
"So the rats have scurried off," Eneru noted. "They're shrewd but so restless. No matter, the festivities are close at hand. There's only on rat left to deal with."
BZZT! Eneru disappeared then reappeared through the still-opened and much used gold door. THUD! Eneru slammed the door shut and sank his hands into the gold above it.
"GLOAM PADDLING!" Eneru pulled the molten liquid gold down and sealed the door shut. Eneru pulled his hands out of the gold and it hardened and turned the door into a solid gold wall.
BZZZT! Eneru disappeared then reappeared in front of the door on the opposite side of his throne and repeated the process. Both doors became solid gold walls.
"Now he can't get in the way of my plans," Eneru resolved.
After several wrong turns and even more smashed stone walls, Luffy took labored breaths as he finally stood at the sight of the first battle against Eneru.
"Aw man, Robin and the others are gone," Luffy noted. "Zoro... and Chopper..."
"And Wyper and Kiko and Gan Fall," Aisa continued for him as she stood nearby and stared down into the hole that still remained from Eneru's last attack on Wyper.
"Well where the heck did everybody go?" Luffy wondered.
"I'm guessing they must have climbed up already," Aisa reasoned.
"Yeah, Robin must've helped 'em," Luffy reasoned. "Let's go." Luffy turned and started to drag the ball off towards the beanstalk but he stopped when he realized that Aisa hadn't moved from her spot at the edge of the hole. "Hey, Aisa?"
Aisa's lips trembled as tears welled up in her eyes. She remembered Robin's words from earlier.
"Listen carefully... If we don't do something... Skypiea... will disappear..."
"What?" Luffy had asked. "It'll disappear?"
Aisa whimpered. "My homeland will be completely gone?"
"Everything will fall..." Robin had said, "He said this nation in the sky was unnatural... He said he'd send it crashing to the ground..."
"Hey... Luffy?"
"What's up?" Luffy asked.
"Will the Sky Island really be destroyed?" the girl asked as she cried.
The Impending Doom of Sky Island
"Ruuuuggghhhhh!" Luffy groaned as he ran up the side of the Giant Jack. He had Aisa and Pierre on his back and was dragging the big gold ball straight up behind him.
Luffy kept running until they passed through the Island Clouds around the top of the beanstalk.
"Wyper and the others... they're right through here," Aisa thought to herself.
Up overhead, Robin stood in front of the beanstalk and stared up at Eneru's ship which was almost lost in the mass of black thunder clouds.
"I suspect the ship is moving towards the Grand Belfry," Robin reasoned. "I wonder what happened to the Captain, Mr. One Eye and Ms. Navigator. If they're still on that ship it could mean they're..."
PLOOOSH! Luffy burst through the clouds nearby and kept running up the beanstalk with Aisa, Pierre and the hold ball hanging off of him.
"WAAH! LUFFY DOWN THERE!" Aisa shouted when she spotted the bodies of Wyper, Kiko, Zoro, Gan Fall and Chopper. "STOP! STOP!"
Luffy looked down and spotted Robin. "ROBIIIN!" Robin looked up and spotted Luffy. "LOOK AFTER THESE TWO FOR ME!"
WHING! Robin quickly grew a web of arms out of one of hers and caught the girl and the bird as they were thrown to her. WHAP!
Meanwhile, Luffy was dragged partially down the beanstalk by the big gold bell but dug the fingers of his free hand into the beanstalk and scraped down it until he slowed to a stop.
"Luffy!" Robin called up to the Captain.
"WAAAAAHHHH!" Aisa screamed. When she realized that the woman who had caught her had used a web ten arms to do it. "YOU GREW EXTRA HANDS! GYAAAAAAA!"
"What is that on your arm?" Robin asked.
Luffy didn't answer and instead asked a question of his own. "Robin, the golden bell is at the top of this vine, right? And Eneru is trying to get his hands on it, isn't he?"
"That's right," Robin confirmed. "If the Grand Belfry exists, then the bell would be there. But he's already..."
"Good!" Luffy cut her off as he started to scramble back up the beanstalk.
"Luffy!" Robin called after him but the rubber pirate didn't even slow down, instead he picked up speed as he deadlifted the big gold ball after him. "Gone, just like that." Robin looked down and finally addressed her new companion. "So, young lady... have you seen our First Mate and Navigator? A man with red hair and an eye patch and a woman with orange hair, they're most likely together."
"You mean Nami and Two-Voice?" Aisa questioned. "She's on the ship..." Aisa trailed off as she looked up at the flying ship. "I only hear two voices coming from the sky. One's Eneru's and the other is Two-Voice's scary other voice."
VRRRROOOOM! Just then Nami came around the beanstalk with Usopp and Sanji. "THERE THEY ARE!" Aisa's face lit up at the sight of Nami.
"WHOA! ROBIN!" Usopp called out.
"Ms. Navigator with Mr. Long Nose and Mr. Cook too," Robin noted.
"Aisa!" Nami exclaimed as she skidded to a stop. She got off the Waver and caught Aisa as she ran over to hug her waist.
Usopp looked passed Robin and spotted the others, "Zoro! Chopper! Weird Old Guy! Guerrilla! Pink Hair-guy! Wait... I don't know those last two..."
"Aisa, where's Luffy?" Nami asked. "Wasn't he with you?"
"Luffy climbed up the vine to rescue you!" Aisa answered. "The only one left up there is your scary boyfriend's other voice!"
Nami stiffened, "I know... Luffy might be able to hold his own against one of them alone but he doesn't stand a chance against the two of them together."
"Hold on, what's going on?" Robin inquired.
"I... do you know about Y/N's other eye?"
"The Eye of the Devil?" Robin questioned. "I confronted him about it back in Jaya. He said it was an evil parasite that gives him special abilities but is trying to take over his body. Are you saying that...?"
"Eneru zapped Y/N and the Eye took over while we were trying to escape," Nami explained. "Y/N said it wasn't supposed to work when it was covered. But somehow the Eye took over."
"It's not an eye..."
Nami whipped around to stare down at Aisa. "What? Don't be silly. Y/N's got a second eye that he hides under an eye patch."
"I've been hearing your boyfriend's other voice since he fought Shura yesterday," Aisa stated.
"Boyfriend?" Robin repeated.
"Not now Robin!" Nami snapped. She looked back at Aisa. "You've mentioned him having a scary other voice before. I just thought you meant the eye."
"The second voice wasn't coming from an eye," Aisa insisted, "It was coming from him. Now that's the voice that I can hear up there with Eneru's."
"Y/N..." Nami mumbled. "That's why his sin was wrath... He doesn't even know..." Nami looked upward and her eyes narrowed. "I need to get up there. Red Eye could provoke Eneru and get Y/N killed. And Luffy doesn't know he's running up towards both of them."
"Wait... you want to save Red Eye?" Usopp questioned.
"Screw Red Eye!" Nami snapped. "I'm going up there to save Y/N and Luffy!"
"Nami, we don't have time for this!" Usopp reminded her. "We've got to get out of here!"
"Then go on without me!" Nami told him. "Find some way to get back to the Merry. I'll catch up once I get Y/N and Luffy."
High up above them, Luffy continued to race up Giant Jack towards the Maxim.
"Oh man, that ship is movin' fast!" Luffy complained. "EENEEERUUUUUU!"
The Shandians rushed to evacuate the village.
"Quick, get on the ships! The whole sky is turning black!"
The Chief walked up to a woman named Isa. She had short dark hair and facial features that matched a certain little girl's. "What's wrong?" the Chief asked. "We need to flee at once."
"My daughter Aisa," Isa answered, "She still hasn't..."
"Ah, she still hasn't returned," the Chief realized. "Aisa is a bright child. We must have faith that she's with some warriors and will be protected."
"Right..." Isa agreed.
"HURRY! HURRY UP!" McKinley yelled as they continued to evacuate Angel Island.
"Captain!" one of the White Berets called out to McKinley. "If we don't use the boats at the dock we'll never fit everyone in!"
"They'd have to sail all the way around," McKinley realized. The dock was on the opposite side of the island from where they needed to evacuate to. "You men, use Dials to create rivers inside the islands at once!"
"Yes, sir!" the White Beret said before he rushed off to carry out the order. "Heso!"
McKinley gritted his teeth as he stared up at the dark sky and remembered Conis' warning.
"EVERYONE! You have to go to Cloud End at the edge of the clouds, right away before it's too late!"
"Almost half of them!" one of the White Berets answered.
"YES SIR!" the White Berets chorused.
Some of the Skypiean ships that had cast off had made it down from the White White Sea and were headed to the White Sea.
Amazon frantically took pictures of the people as they fled passed. "HOLD IT!" the woman called out. "NOBODY'S LEAVING UNTIL EVERYONE PAYS THE TWO BILLION EXTOL DEPARTURE FEE!"
"AMAZON, HURRY!" a man called out to the batty old woman as she took pictures. "You can still escape with us! Hurry to Cloud End! THE SKY ISLANDS ARE ABOUT TO BE DESTROYED!"
No one bothered to pay the fee as they raced passed. Amazon stopped snapping pictures and stared after the boats in shock.
"Ohh..." she sighed.
Conis stood on the front deck of the Going Merry and stared out at the Upper Yard forest.
"The wind has stopped," she noted.
Everything grew quiet.
Then... KRAKA-THOOOOM! Thunder crashed.
BZZOOOM! Lightning shot down and struck one of the trees at the edge of the island. It was instantly engulfed in flames and toppled over into the Sea Clouds.
BZZZZOOOOM! Lightning struck one of the tall buildings in Angel Island as the people ran frantically through the streets.
Usopp whimpered while the other all stared in horror as lightning shot down out of Eneru's black thunder clouds and struck Upper Yard.
All the way up on the Ark, Eneru made his way over to the railing.
"Now then, let us begin the festivities," he resolved as he jumped up onto the railing. "The time for endings has come! Mamaragan!"
BZZZZTT! Eneru took on a white glow as he stretched his arms up towards the sky.
KRAKA-THOOOOM! There was another crash of thunder and then powerful lightning began to rain down all over not just Upper Yard but all the Sky Islands from his black thunder clouds.
"GET AWAY FROM THE ISLANDS!" someone screamed back on Angel Island as lightning struck buildings and caused them to burst into flame. "RUN! EVERYONE RUN!"
Lightning rained down into the Sea Clouds all around the Going Merry.
Conis closed her eyes and hugged Suu to her chest.
"Chief, we need to get you on a boat," a Shandian insisted as the Chief stood in front of a large statue of a man with wild hair and a spear.
"Great Warrior Calgara!" the Chief prayed to the legendary warrior that the Shandians saw as their guardian. "I beg you. Protect us all."
BZZZOOOOOM! Usopp and Aisa screamed like little girls as lightning struck the nearby ruins. "EYAAAAAAHHHH!"
The ground shook enough to wake the dead. Or at least the heavily wounded and unconscious. Wyper's eyes snapped opened.
"MAN THOSE LIGHTNING BOLTS ARE HUGE!" Usopp exclaimed as he stared at the burning remains of some of the formerly giant trees. "WE'RE GONNA END UP SKY DUST IF WE STAY HERE!"
VRROOOOM! Nami revved the Dial Engine on her Waver. "GUYS! GO NOW!" she ordered. "ONCE I GET LUFFY AND Y/N WE'LL BE RIGHT BEHIND YOU!"
"Uh, yeah, right!" Usopp agreed. "I gotcha!"
VRRROOOOOOOOOM! Nami sped off up the beanstalk after Luffy.
"Is she really going to risk facing Eneru and his ship to save her evil boyfriend?" Aisa asked.
"Uugghhh..." Zoro groaned and sat up. "Is Nami telling people Y/N's her boyfriend again?"
"Mr. Swordsman," Robin greeted him. "She never confirmed that they were together so I'm feeling confident in my bet for the pool."
"Oh, what did she guess?" Zoro asked Usopp.
"Robin's guessed that they'd get together after Y/N gained control of the Eye," Usopp replied.
"She went up after Luffy," Robin clarified, "He doesn't know that this... Red Eye is up there with Eneru."
KOFF! KOFF! Kiko spat up smoke as he sat up then stared up at the black lightning filled sky. "Did we lose? Is the world ending?"
Klank-klank! Gan Fall's armor rattled as the Sky Knight sat up.
"Weird old guy!" Usopp exclaimed. "Oh good, you guys are awake now! There's not a moment to lose. Do you guys think you can walk yet?"
"So... Eneru has begun," Gan Fall realized.
Sanji, Chopper and Pierre still remained unconscious.
"We must all hurry," Robin resolved, "There is nothing more we can do here."
"Wyper?" Kiko called out as the Descendant of Calgara stood up and stared silently off in a distance as Eneru's lightning bombarded their lost homeland.
"I've gotta save them. I have to get Luffy then we'll get Y/N and get out of here!" Nami thought to herself as she raced up the beanstalk after Luffy. He'd gotten a huge head start and was a ways ahead of her. "We need to leave before this entire island is obliterated!"
"YAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" Eneru laughed as he stood on the railing with his arms spread and watched as his lightning stuck the Sky Islands over and over again. "MAGNIFICENT!"
"Well isn't that a pretty sight."
Eneru whipped around to see Red Eye behind him.
"DAMN!" Eneru cursed. "How'd you get out here? I sealed both doors!"
"There are two big holes in the floor." Red Eye pointed over his shoulder at the two holes that Eneru and Luffy had smashed through the deck during their battle.
"Oh..." Eneru said as he sweat-dropped.
"You're lucky I like this destructive little ship so much or I would've started smashing things in retaliation for you trying to seal me inside it," Red Eye remarked. "I must say that this lightning storm of yours has a special level of flair to it. It may lack the personal touch of killing people yourself in the favor of causing mass collateral destruction but I can see how effective it is."
Red Eye grinned. "I'll give you one more chance. Join me and I'll let you pilot this ship of yours as I lay waste to the Blue Sea World below this one."
"WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE?" Eneru thundered as his body glowed white. "I REFUSE TO SERVE ANYONE! I AM GOD!" BZZZZOOOOOOM! Lightning shot down out of the sky and struck the deck where Red Eye was standing.
Keyword there: was.
"WRONG ANSWER!" Red Eye yelled as he flew towards Eneru and lashed out his fist.
But while the proclaimed God and Demon resumed their battle up above. Luffy continued his race up the beanstalk.
Some people think of the Skypiea Arc as a waste of an arc because it takes place all the way up in the sky and doesn't really effect the rest of the world. I disagree. It's the first place where the people are actively using Haki (or Mantra anyway) and I plan to use it for all its worth. Here are the three big reveals:
First, Y/N's Treasure Sense and the Eye's 'telepathy' are a form of Mantra/Color of Observation Haki. Zoro was able to sense the 'rhythm of all things' when he was close to death in his battle against Daz Bones. Y/N's latent and untrained Haki has allowed him to sense the 'rhythm' of valuable treasure from a young age.
Second, Y/N was able to punch Eneru because the Eye's 'telekinesis' is a special form of Color of Armaments Haki. It's the same reason why Red Eye was able to hit Luffy "like Grandpa" back in my Sin story arc. In short, the Red Eye gives Y/N unique ways to access his latent Haki.
Third, is the one from Aisa this chapter: it's not the Eye that's evil... it's Y/N himself. Or part of him anyway. My original One Piece explanation for how this is possible was going to be Usopp and Sniper King. But the most recent arc in the manga has provided me with a better one: Cavendish and Hakuba. The explanation of how comes later.
I'm mentioning all of this now because Y/N doesn't know it himself to properly explain it. Is it so out-of-character for Y/N to lie and trick someone? That's what his evil half did to him.
Hope you enjoyed the chapter!!!
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