


Y/N and Ollie stood at a roulette table in the middle of the Rain Dinners casino with every customer in the casino surrounding them. The other gamblers were all amazed to see someone with such amazing luck.

"He's already won twenty million berries!" one man in the crowd whispered to another.

At the same time the casino's security and management were starting to get really worried, "He hasn't lost once since he came in here," a large security guard in a double breasted suit reported to the gray flame-like haired man in the incredibly fancy suit that was currently overseeing the casino. "It's obvious that he's cheating somehow but no one can spot anything. We searched him and even had him remove his sunglasses but all we found was that he'd lost his right eye. He said 'That's right, I'm a 'One Eye' Jack too bad we're not playing cards now'."

"Have you checked him for Devil Fruit Powers?" the fancy man inquired.

"That's what we did next," the security guard told him, "We prodded him with the rod of Sea Stone that Sir Crocodile gave us. But he just called us annoying, yanked the rod away with his bare hand and then held it to his face. He didn't even flinch. Then he took the rod and started poking his girlfriend with it... she laughed and said 'Jack, we're in public, stop poking me with your rod.' He blushed and gave it back then went right back to gambling. What do we do?"

"Everyone else has stopped gambling to watch him," the fancy man noted, "We can't stop him when he has this many supporters. If he keeps winning like he has been we'll have to call in the manager to deal with him."

"What're you going to do now Jack?" Ollie asked as she draped herself over Y/N's arm while he surveyed the roulette wheel.

"Well Liv, with the lucky streak I'm on there's no way I'm stopping now," Y/N decided, "Hmm... I already turned the four million I won at the slots into twenty million with the five-to-one odds on a straight line. With this much money I can afford to play recklessly. Let's see... I'll put ten million on... 20."

Everyone gasped as they stared down at the black twenty on the roulette wheel.

"Jack... the odds of that actually happening are thirty-five to one..." Ollie reminded him. The odds were actually thirty-seven-to-one while the payout was thirty-five-to-one. Ollie was playing up her role as the supportive but inexperienced girlfriend to throw off the staff.

"C'mon babe, we didn't come all the way here to play it safe," Y/N reminded her. "High risk reaps high rewards."

"Alright, go get 'em," Ollie encouraged him before she leaned in and kissed him on the cheek and whispered loud enough for most people around them to hear, "For luck."

The croupier looked sheepishly over at the fancy man silently asking what to do. If the stranger won again they'd have to pay him three hundred fifty million berries.

The fancy man nodded to go ahead then whispered to the security team around him, "Watch him like a hawk." The security team quickly split up and worked their way into the crowd so they could watch Y/N from different angles.

"Let's go," Y/N prompted, "Ten million on 20."

The croupier nodded and spun the wheel and dropped the ball into the track where it rolled in the opposite direction of the spinning wheel.

Y/N let the wheel spin until it started to slow down then began waving his arms as if encouraging the wheel to go onward, no one in the security team watching him noticed the faint red glow behind the right lens of his sunglasses as he prodded the wheel along with the Eye's telekinesis.

"C'mon... c'mon... c'mon..." Y/N encouraged the wheel as the ball slowly rolled from one space to another. "And... STOP!" And it did. With the ball in the groove marked Black 20.

The crowd cheered while security gave each other bewildered looks, "YOU WON!" Ollie exclaimed as she jumped up and wrapped her legs around Y/N's waist while she hugged him. "THAT'S EIGHTY MILLION BERRIES!" She leaned in and quickly kissed him not wanting to get thrown out by security for a PDA since they couldn't catch Y/N cheating. Ollie pulled and away and whispered in his ear, "You're lucky I'm doing this just to spite Crocodile... if I was Nami I'd be demanding my cut."

"Well I'm not keeping much of it anyway," Y/N whispered back. "Once Crocodile's done and the war is prevented they're gonna need money to repair the damage done to the kingdom."

"WHAT?"a dark voice in Y/N's head yelled. "Not only are you wasting my powers on a stupid game... BUT YOU'RE GIVING AWAY YOUR WINNINGS? YOU DISGUST ME, YOU LITTLE WHELP!"

"Yeah, I'm trying to make up for the damage you've done by making some people's lives better," Y/N retorted. "And at least my swindling and giving away the profits is accepted in civilized society... you're the disgusting parasite that does nothing but kill and slaughter."

"I CURSE YOU AND YOUR NOBLE LITTLE HEART!" the eye shouted. "Mark my words... someday I'll regain control AND I'LL HAVE MY REVENGE! YOU HEAR ME!"

"Actually... no," Y/N retorted, "Your psychotic ramblings annoy me so I'm just going to ignore you. I'm done talking to you so just shut up."


Y/N shook his head and addressed the crowd around him, "I'm gonna stop playing Rue-lette now..." The crowd booed while the security looked relieved, "Onto the Craps table!" The reactions reversed and the crowd cheered while the security looked ready to faint.


Koza sat in his tent in Katorea reminiscing of what had led to the current situation.

-Koza Flashback Montage-

"Don't be so suspicious Koza," Toto scolded Koza years ago as the two of them worked together in irrigating the land in the Yuba Oasis. "You know his Majesty's character too well for that. He'd never betray us."

"That's what all you old people say," Koza retorted, "I didn't come all the way to Yuba with you just to please the King."

Fighting was breaking out around the kingdom and even though he wasn't leading the rebel army yet, it wasn't hard for Koza to hear rumors. "The rebels are over a hundred thousand strong now," one man said to another.

"I've heard," the other man replied, "And there have been casualties too."

"It's nothing," Toto insisted, "A little rain and these suspicions will vanish like fog."

But as time went on things only got worse...

"WHAT?" a man in Erumalu exclaimed. "THE CANAL'S BEEN DESTROYED!"

"Who would do this?" another man questioned. "Now we can't bring water to the town..."

"It hasn't rained for over a year. Erumalu is done for."

"Don't be so suspicious... Koza..." Toto had said again.

But Koza was suspicious and had even brought his concerns up with the King. "I don't want to suspect you but people are dying of thirst!" Koza addressed the King. "Maybe you're not using it... but you do have it."

"No, we must wait for natural rain," King Cobra refused. "To use Dance Powder is to summon misfortune."

"Just a small amount should be alright!" Koza argued. "The rebellion might stop even if there's just a little rain."

"It would only result in an even great calamity," the King told him. "I understand your desperation but it's not as easy as you think Koza."

"I can't stand to watch cities dry up anymore!" Koza complained. "I'VE GOT TO DO SOMETHING!"

As Koza turned to storm out the King called after him, "You haven't changed a bit from the old days, have you?"

"Yes I have," Koza insisted. "Now I can fight." Koza's fists clenched. "And I swear... I'll come back here and when I do..." Koza turned and glared at the King, "I'm gonna take your reign from you." And so Koza had joined the rebel army and quickly rose through the ranks until he became the leader.

-End Flashback-

"Where is this country headed?" Koza wondered as he sat in his tent with his head hung. "What bloody road have we turned down? Where does the answer lie?"

It was then that one of Koza's elite rebels arrived on horseback, "Koza... bad news..." the rebel reported from the opening of Koza's tent.


Across the country in the Royal Palace in Alubarna a shout rang out.


"What do you mean?" Chaka demanded. "What's happened to his Majesty?"

"HE'S DISAPPEARED!" the reporting guard answered.

"That's absurd!" Chaka protested. "Have you searched everywhere?"

"Yes," the guard answered. "We searched the palace, the guard and the storehouses."

"Could he have slipped away?" Chaka questioned.

"IMPOSSIBLE!" the guard exclaimed. "The King's security was airtight! There's no way he could have gotten passed us!"

"But why?" Chaka asked. "Why would the King hide himself just before the battle? Search! Check outside the palace and in the city!"

"YES SIR!" the assembled Royal Guards all agreed before running off.

"If only Pell were here instead of on reconnaissance in Rain Base," Chaka thought to himself, "He excels at tracking people. What could have happened to his Majesty? I can't afford to act recklessly... " Chaka leaned against a column and slammed his head against it, the stress of the situation was really starting to set in on him. "DAMN IT!


Everyone in the V.I.P. Room stared up the steps at Mr. 5 in surprise. Crocodile was the first one to speak. "I don't know how you learned of my identity and location but you have a lot of nerve coming here. And now you have the gall to say I'm making a mistake? I have a half a mind to give you the same treatment I gave Mr. 3 when he came here."

"Then you'll be making an even bigger mistake," Mr. 5 informed him, "If you plan to keep the Straw Hats and Princess Vivi confined here while your plans are carried out then you need my information."

"What could you possibly know that I don't?" Crocodile growled.

"Plenty," Mr. 5 replied.

"Fufufu," Ms. All Sunday chuckled but quickly quieted when Crocodile glared at her.

"OI! SNOT GUY!" Usopp exclaimed "Get us out of here!"

Mr. 5 glanced at the trapped Straw Hats and scowled.

"Well?" Crocodile prompted, "What's this information that I so desperately need? Speak quickly before I kill you out of principle."

"I came here on their ship," Mr. 5 confessed, "And while I don't recognize the man in the orange hat, I know that you're missing three of the Straw Hats: their cook, their pet reindeer, and the most dangerous one... their First Mate." Unnoticed by Crocodile, Ms. All Sunday's mouth quirked and she looked up at Mr. 5 with interest.


"Oh no," Mr. 5 gasped mockingly, "I lied to a foolish crew of pirates. It's almost as if..." a wicked sneer spread across the man's face, " allegiance is with someone else."

"You assume that you're telling me something I don't already know," Crocodile pointed out. "Mr. 2 was on their ship as well. He mentioned the pet and an auburn haired girl. But if he missed you then I suppose that leaves one Straw Hat unaccounted for."

"No, you're still missing two," Mr. 5 corrected him. "The girl was Ms. Goldenweek. She knew enough about Mr. 2 to hastily disguise herself so he wouldn't recognize her. Ms. Valentine and I were in the galley with the cook and the First Mate the whole time Mr. 2 was on their ship. I didn't draw attention to myself because I assumed Mr. 2 was out looking to kill me."

"Mr. 2's orders were only to eliminate Mr. 3," Ms. All Sunday spoke up, "Mr. 3 was the primary objective which he actually he failed to complete. We assumed that since you and Ms. Valentine had failed two missions that you could hardly be considered a threat so you two and Ms. Goldenweek were mere details."

Mr. 5 frowned then turned to Crocodile, "If you'll permit me to tell you what really happened on Little Garden," he offered, "I promise it will be worth your while. At least listen to my information and if you're still not satisfied when I'm done... I'll accept my punishment."

"You always were very obedient," Crocodile remarked, "Very well, let's hear what you learned."

"VIVI!" Nami shouted, "DON'T LET HIM FINISH!"

"Dos Fleur," Ms. All Sunday called out. Two arms popped out of the back of Vivi's chair and grabbed the Princess' wrists while Ms. All Sunday walked over and bound them behind the chair with a rope.

"I didn't get a chance to learn much about the cook," Mr. 5 admitted as he made his way down the steps. "Just that he fights using kicks and thinks himself as a lady's man. Straw Hat may be the strongest of his crew and can be considered a threat because of his resiliency and Devil Fruit Ability... but he's a hapless idiot."

"SAY THAT AGAIUUUUUGGgghhhh..." Luffy cut off his shout when he grabbed onto the Sea Stone bars again and drooped against them.

"That much is obvious," Crocodile dryly stated.

"The most dangerous Straw Hat is the First Mate..." Mr. 5 paused and pulled a Wanted Poster out from his trench coat and showed it to Crocodile, "'One Eye' Y/N."

"Everything was going perfectly on Little Garden," Mr. 5 began, "We had the Princess, the swordsman, and the girl trapped in Mr. 3's wax statue and I thought that Ms. Valentine and I had dealt with Straw Hat, the long nose, and the Princess' bird. But then this man walked right up to us and convinced us he was Mr. 10. The next thing we know he summoned two trained dinosaurs and used one to smash Mr. 3's statue. Getting him to stay still was nearly impossible but when we finally managed to subdue him it turned that the whole thing was just a way to stall for time until Straw Hat showed up. He easily freed himself from Mr. 3's statue and was instrumental in our defeat."

"I see," Crocodile commented, "so one of the Straw Hats can actually think. That is impressive."

"Well I think you're setting up to get your ass kicked!" Nami taunted. "When Y/N gets here he's gonna make you pay for everything you've done!"

"There's more, sir," Mr. 5 continued. "When the battle was over he came to some kind of agreement with Ms. Goldenweek and Ms. Valentine where in exchange for staying out of the war in Alabasta he'd grant us safe passage off of Little Garden on their ship. He went through his crew one-by-one and managed to convince all of them to take us along with them. I'm afraid that during the trip he managed to brainwash Ms. Valentine... she's practically one of them now."

"HE DIDN'T BRAINWASH HER!" Nami shouted, "He encouraged her to pursue her dream! She's happier and better than an unredeemable lackey like you could ever hope to be!"

"See?" Mr. 5 questioned, "He turned her into a dreamer like them. Anyway, they weren't as tight-lipped about your identity as they thought they were. One night I heard them mention 'going up against a Warlord' and since you're the only one on this island I could only assume they meant you. Knowing your identity made learning your location easy. So after laying low in Nanohana until Captain Smoker and his Marines had cleared out I decided to seek you out. I made one last attempt to save my partner but she's a lost cause, she outright rejected Baroque Works and took Ms. Goldenweek with her to the Spider's Café while I came here."

"Hmm..." Crocodile said, "Maybe this One Eye is worth worrying about."

Rrrrring... rrrriiing... All eyes were drawn to Ms. All Sunday by the ringing. "Sorry... that's me," she apologized as she pulled a small transponder snail out from her fur coat and spoke into it. "Sir Crocodile and I are busy entertaining some guests. This had better be important."

"Manager there's a stranger here running amok of the casino!" a panicked voice on the other end exclaimed. "He hasn't lost once since entering the casino and has nearly won a billion berries. We're certain that he's cheating somehow but none of us can figure out how. If he keeps up his current streak he could end up cleaning us out."

"Sounds like Y/N's handiwork," Ace noted.

"YOU'RE IN TROUBLE NOW CROCODILE!" Nami exclaimed. "First he's going to bankrupt you, then he's gonna come here and kick your ass, and then he's gonna blow your head off! Just like he did with Arlong! Don't even bother saying your prayers cause nothing's gonna save you from Y/N!" Ace looked over at Nami with amusement while Crocodile glared at her.

"What do you expect?" Mr. 5 asked, "She's his girlfriend."

"Am not..." Nami weakly protested.

"Y/N impression:" Luffy called out, his rubber face contorted to look more fox-like: pointed with slightly slanted eyes. He held out his hand and in a surprisingly accurate mimic of Y/N's soft, even voice said, "I win... pay up, sucker!"

Ace, Nami, and Usopp all burst out laughing. "HAHAHAHAHAHA!" "HEHEHEHEHEHE!" "AHAHAHAHAHAHA!"

"Heh heh," even Zoro let out a chuckle.

"That is DEAD ON!" Ace exclaimed as he banged his fist on the seat next to him.

Smoker, Crocodile, and Mr. 5 glared at the laughing pirates in irritation while Ms. All Sunday smiled and let out an amused laugh, "Fufufufff..." She trailed off when Crocodile gave her a hard look.

"Go get him," the Warlord ordered. "If he resists tell him that the loud orange one will be the first one we kill." The Straw Hats immediately stopped laughing and as one the male Straw Hats moved so they were surrounding Nami with Luffy in front of her and Usopp and Zoro at her sides. Ace stood up and idly stood behind her. The message was clear... if Crocodile wanted to get to Nami, he'd have to deal with all the other prisoners first.

"Yes sir," Ms. All Sunday agreed as she made her way out of the room.

"Very good, Mr. 5," Crocodile praised the Straw Hats' traitor, "It appears as though your failure has worked out to our advantage. If your information helps us capture the last bit of resistance against my plan, I may even consider forgiving you."

"Thank you sir," Mr. 5 replied with a bow. The Bomb Man's true allegiance had been revealed to always been with Crocodile and Baroque Works.


Y/N stood at the head of the Craps table with dice in his hand. The crowd of spectators around him that had already consisted of everyone in the casino had grown even larger. Word had spread to the rest of the city about 'the stranger's amazing winning streak' and now other people from the gambling city had gathered to see the lucky stranger in action.

"What are you going to do this time, Jacky?" Ollie asked she could no longer cling to his arm since he need it to throw the dice so had settled for placing a supportive hand on his back. "You've already won eight hundred million..."

Y/N glanced at the mountain of chips in front of his spot on the table, "We'll I can't afford to disappoint the audience," Y/N reasoned, he turned the man in the fancy man who had taken it upon himself to run the Craps table. "I'll bet an even hundred million on eleven..."

"Jacky... the odds of that landing are fifteen-to-one," Ollie pointed out.

"Then I'm sure to make a huge payoff," Y/N remarked with a cocky grin. The casino staff all looked nervous. Once again Ollie had only said the payoff. The actual odds of rolling an eleven were seventeen-to-one but with the hot-streak the bold stranger was on the odds were more like one-to-one. Y/N held the dice out to Ollie, "Wanna do the honors, babe?"

Ollie smiled and leaned in and blew on the dice for 'luck'.

Everyone watched on bated breath as Y/N tossed the dice up in the air then caught them and rolled them down the table."C'MON!" Y/N encouraged the dice with an enthusiastic wave of his hand that could be expected from any gambler. The dice rolled to a stop read '5' and '6'.

The casino broke out in cheers, "YOU JUST WON ONE POINT FIVE BILLION BERRIES!" Ollie exclaimed before she grabbed Y/N, pulled him to her, and kissed him soundly. It was only when one of the security guards near them cleared their throat that she pulled away, "That brings your grand total up to two point two million!"

Y/N smiled and hooked his arm around Ollie's waist as he looked over at the fancy man, "You can cover that... right?" Y/N asked,

The fancy man glanced around at the crowd who was looking at him expectantly and nodded uncertainly. "O-o-of c-course," the fancy man stammered, "S-sir C-Crocodile h-has p-plenty of m-money."

"Not for long he won't," Ollie whispered to Y/N.

"Sir Crocodile would like to extend you an invitation to join him in the V.I.P. Lounge," a smooth feminine voice spoke from behind him.

Y/N glanced over his shoulder and saw Ms. All Sunday standing there, "Oh it's you," Y/N noted, "I'm a little busy right now. I'm on the biggest hot-streak of my life, I'd hate to break it and disappoint all these people by stopping so abruptly."

A faint grin appeared on the dark-haired woman's face, "Very well, one more roll," she told him as she walked up next to him. "Then I must insist that you accompany me to the V.I.P. Lounge, your friends are already there waiting for you."

Y/N glanced up at the woman and only just then realized how tall she was, he was six feet even while she was a good two inches taller than him.

"Jacky, who's this?" Ollie asked as she eyed Ms. All Sunday.

"Jacky?" Ms. All Sunday repeated with a raise eyebrow.

"I believe she's the Manager of this lovely casino," Y/N replied, he lightly patted Ollie on the back, "Don't worry, you're still my Queen, babe."

Ms. All Sunday scooped the dice up off of the table and offered them to Y/N, "Have you decided upon your wager?" she inquired.

"Last turn, I've gotta go big," Y/N reasoned as a sly grin spread across his face, Ms. All Sunday tilted her head to the side and surveyed him with interest. "Let's put five hundred million on good old Snake Eyes."

Ollie, the crowd, and the casino management all gasped, the only ones who remained impassive were Y/N and Ms. All Sunday who were staring straight at each other.

"Jacky!" Ollie hissed, "The odds of rolling a two are thirty-to-one!"

"Its thirty-five-to-one," Ms. All Sunday corrected her, "But our payoff is thirty-on-one. If you somehow manage it, you'll make an even fifteen billion."

"Can you cover it?" Y/N inquired.

"We'll have to dip into Sir Crocodile's personal savings," Ms. All Sunday admitted, "but I think he can afford it."

"Jacky... that's so risky..." Ollie whispered.

"What can I say?" Y/N questioned as he draped one arm over Ollie's shoulders and lightly rested the other on Ms. All Sunday's back. "With my present company I'm feeling really lucky." Ollie glared at Ms. All Sunday and yanked Y/N away from her.

"Hey, 'Liv, don't get jealous," Y/N reassured her, "What did I just tell you?"

Ollie hung her head and whispered, "I'm still your Queen..."

"That's right," Y/N said, "So don't worry about it." Y/N's sly grin grew as he held the dice out to Ms. All Sunday, "Would you do the honors?"

Ms. All Sunday smiled indulgently and leaned in and blew on the dice, Y/N tossed them up into the air, caught them and tossed them down the table. Ms. All Sunday's eyes remained locked on him through the whole thing but despite this all she saw was a suspicious wave of his hand as the dice rolled over to read '1' and '1'.

Everyone gasped as they stared at the dice and realized that the stranger had just won fifteen billion berries right under the Casino Manager's nose.

Y/N's sly grin was back in place as he turned to Ms. All Sunday and held out his hand expectantly, "I win... pay up, sucker."

"Fufufufufufufufu..." Ms. All Sunday couldn't help laughing at the familiar line.

"MANAGER!" the casino staff gasped.

"Sorry," she apologized, "I just thought of something funny." She smiled thinly at Y/N, "Your Captain has quite the talent for impersonations. In fact, let's go see him now."

"I'll go with you," Y/N agreed, "But first I want my money."

"Of course," Ms. All Sunday replied, "How much do I owe you?"

"Sixteen point seven billion berries," Ollie informed her.

"Oh dear," Ms. All Sunday sighed as she shook her head, "Sir Crocodile won't have much left after this. Follow me..."


"DAMN YOU!" Vivi shouted at Crocodile from where she was still restrained at the table. She had remained silent in the faint hope that Mr. 5 would be able to rescue them. "JUST WHAT IS IT YOU'RE GOING TO DO TO ALABASTA?"

"Heh, Princess would you like to know what kind of people I despise above all others?" Crocodile questioned with short chuckle, "Those pieyas hypocrites who bleed endlessly about the love of the people."

"You plan to kill my father..." Vivi realized. "YOU'LL BE DEAD BEFORE YOU CAN GET CLOSE TO HIM!"

"You needn't shout," Crocodile reprimanded her, "I'm not going to touch a hair on his head. He's not even worth killing. Instead I shall let him taste a humiliation that is far crueler than death."

"What's crueler than death?" Usopp wondered as he, the other pirates, Smoker, and Mr. 5 all silently listened.

Vivi glared at Crocodile with her expression filled with the utmost contempt and loathing.

"Kuahaha, that's such an unladylike expression you have there your highness," Crocodile taunted her.

"I demand that you tell me...WHAT IS THIS OPERATION UTOPIA? ANSWER ME!"

"You demand?" Crocodile repeated. "Perhaps you need to review your current situation."

"I SAID ANSWER ME!" Vivi hollered.

"You're a courageous young woman," Crocodile commented, "Well why not. The operation is already underway... very well... I'll tell you about my plan to end this country... about Operation Utopia..."


Operation Utopia Commences:


"Thank you for being a good sport about this," Y/N said to Ms. All Sunday as they walked out of a thick vault with Ollie trailing behind them, he and Ollie were now weighed down with two huge briefcases that were stuffed with money as they made their way towards the entrance of the V.I.P. Lounge.

"It's not my money," Ms. All Sunday replied with a shrug. "Although, I believe that when we first met we agreed that in exchange for not telling Crocodile about you that you wouldn't tell the Marines about me. Why is it we have a Marine Captain sitting ina cell downstairs?"

"Beats me," Y/N answered, "We were just as surprised to see him here as you were. He somehow followed us here from the East Blue. You'll have to ask him how he knew we were coming here yourself."

"Speaking of Smokey," Ollie spoke up, SHUNK! An arrow imbedded into the ground behind Ms. All Sunday and a thick cloud of smoke flew up around them. FWOOOSH! Ms. All Sunday was momentarily blinded by the smoke and when it finally cleared Y/N and Ollie were nowhere in sight. She turned in time to catch a glimpse of them running out of the casino.

"Impressive," Ms. All Sunday commented to herself as she turned and continued towards the V.I.P. Lounge, "You're an interesting one 'One Eye' Y/N."


Back at the Royal Palace in Alubarna, "LORD CHAKA! WE HAVE NEWS OF THE KING!"

"What is it?" Chaka asked, "Have you found him?"

"Yes sir," the guard reported, "he's in Nanohana. The information is certain."

"Good," Chaka replied, "That's a relief."

"Yes..." the guard agreed before add, "but you see... it's not that simple..."

Chaka stared at the guard in surprise, "What is it?"


Meanwhile, Koza raced from Katorea to Nanohana on the back of a black stallion.

"Why now all of sudden?" Koza wondered. "Has he fallen as far as he can?"

"Don't be so suspicious Koza," his father had scolded him.



King Nefertari Cobra stood in front of the citizens of Nanohana with a battalion of soldiers from the Royal Army behind him.

"Sir... you mean..." an old man questioned, shocked at what he King had just told them.

"What's that?" another man asked.

"You heard me right," King Cobra told them. "I've come here to apologize to you all. It was none other than I, the Ruler of Alabasta, who stole all this country's rain."

"My Lord... surely you must me joking with us..." a man protested.

"I'm not joking," the King insisted. "I used Dance Powder to keep all the rain in Alubarna for my exclusive use. As your Queen–I mean... King, it would be an affront to my royal dignity if I were to allowed to go thirsty."

"That... that may well be so your Majesty," a man replied, "but many of your own people have died from a lack of food and water as a result of your actions! Why would you do such a thing?"

"I am aware of that of course," the King told them. "And many oases have dried up as well. But sacrifices are essential if we are to protect the country."

"You're mad!" the same man gasped. "You knew how desperate things were and yet you only helped yourself! NO DECENT RULER WOULD DO SO SELFISH IF HE KNEW HIS PEOPLE WERE IN NEED!" CLICK! The man drew back in alarm when one of the King's guards pointed a rifle at him.

"How dare you, a common peasant, speak disrespectfully to your Lord and Master," the King scolded the man. "Even though I needn't justify my actions to you, I came to Nanohana to apologize for what I've done. What more do you want?"

"My brother died in Yuba thanks to you!" a man growled.

"I didn't come all the way to this city just to apologize," the King confessed. "There is another reason. As you may know, Dance Powder is outlawed by the World Government. If word got out that it had been used here the Marines would surely take action and destroy this country. I can not allow that. You may also remember that large amounts of Dance Powder were found behind smuggled out of this city two years ago. It is necessary to eliminate all traces of that incident. Do I make myself clear?"

"You mean..." a terrified man questioned.

"I do," the King confirmed, "There is only one way to erase this instant from our past. WE MUST OBLITERATE NANOHANA AND EVERYONE IN IT!"

The assembled citizens broke out in panicked screams, "WE HAVE TO DIE BECAUSE OF YOUR WHIMS? YOU'RE INSANE!"

"HEY KING!" a young voice exclaimed. Kappa the boy who wanted to join the Rebel Army stood at the edge of an alleyway. "SO IT WAS ALL YOUR FAULT AFTERALL! You... YOU STOLE THE RAIN AND KILLED THE CITY! I'LL GET EVEN WITH YOU FOR WHAT YOU'VE DONE!" The boy drew his hammer and charged the King, THWAK! But the King lashed out his leg and kicked the boy in the face sending him rolling over to the shocked crowd of civilian onlookers.

Kappa pushed himself up and glared at the King, "I'll make you pay for this!" he vowed.

A woman darted forward and held the boy, "Boy, are you alright?" She retrained him so he wouldn't do anything reckless.

"Please... no..." the man that had been the voice of the crowd gasped as he stared at the cold-hearted King in front of them.


"YEAH!" the soldiers behind cheered but before they could carry out the order they were interrupted by the loud whinny of a horse. NEEEEEIIIGGGHHH!

Koza's black stallion reared back on its hind legs as he sat on its back in between the King and the Royal Guards and the citizens. The King leaned over to one of the guards closest to him and the guard whispered something in his ear.

"Koza, it's been a while," the King greeted the Rebel Leader.

"What are you doing?" Koza demanded. "What?"

"COOOOBRAAAAA!" Kappa screamed as the woman continued to restrain him.

"I'm apologizing," the King stated. "I thought I had made that clear."


"Never-the-less," the King replied, "I am the one who has been using Dance Powder."

"I TOLD YOU TO SHUT UP!" Koza hollered.

"Why are you so angry?" the King questioned. "Surely even you can see what I'm trying to..."

"SHUT UP! SHUT UP! SHUUUT UUUP!" Koza shouted, the rebel leader got off his horse and charged King but was stopped by two of his guards, "YOU COLD HEARTLESS BASTARD! Don't... don't you understand... Don't you know how these people felt as they died of thirst? THEY FELT NO HATRED OR ANGER TOWARDS YOU! 'It isn't the King's fault this is happening to us, he's a great leader'! THOSE WERE THE WORDS ON THEIR LIPS AS THEY DIED! THEY NEVER LOST FAITH IN YOU! But now... YOU COME HERE AND APOLOGIZE AND WHAT HAPPENS TO THEIR FAITH? AT LEAST HAVE THE DECENCY TO LIE AND SAY YOU'RE INNOCENT!"

BANG! Koza had gotten too close and the guard with the rifle shot him in the chest. The newly arrived rebels stared in shock as their leader dropped to the ground.

"Co... bra..." Koza gasped as he collapsed to the sand, FWUMP!

"KOZA! LEADER!" the rebels exclaimed.

One of the King's guards whispered to him and showed him a watch, "OOOKAAAY KIDS!" the King addressed everyone with a big gaudy smile and a wink, "LLLEEET'S GOOOO!"

As Koza laid on the ground while some of the rebels checked on him, he thought to himself, "Didn't we fight... because the Kingdom... because everyone... wanted to know... if you were innocent... at the very least... that's why I fought..."

The Royal Guards were unleashed and they began destroying the city. Volleys of flaming arrows were shot into the rooftops, market stalls were smashed, and anyone who got in their way was cut down.


Off the shore, a massive galleon was rushing towards the port. Mr. 1 and Ms. Double Finger stood silently on the main deck of the ship as it approached the burning city.

"I DON'T BELIEVE IT!" an unfortunate man who had been standing at the harbor screamed in shock before he turned and ran.

KER-RASH! The galleon smashed the other ships that were docked at the port and kept going. It surged onto the sandy shore and went flying up into their and soared over the burning city of Nanohana.

The rebels and the civilians all stared at the giant flying ship in shock while the King grinned to himself and said, "Shhoowwtiiimee!"

"A GIANT SHIP'S ABOUT TO CRAAASSHH!" the unfortunate man from the harbor screamed in warning as he ran through the city streets.

SHOOOOOM! The ship finally started coming down and everyone screamed and ran for cover, BOOOOOM! The ship landed in the main road and demolished rows of buildings due to its massive size then kept skidding along the city and ended up flattening nearly half of the city. When the galleon finally stopped it tipped to the side and crushed one last group of buildings before coming to the rest.

"AAAAAAAHHHH!" Everyone screamed and ran away from the galleon in panic. No one noticed Mr. 1 and Ms. Double Finger standing casually in the crowd.

"For the big finale... that was sure easy," Ms. Double Finger remarked.

"Have we ever done anything that wasn't easy?" Mr. 1 deadpanned.

"GAAAAA HAHAHAHAHA!" the King laughed as he and a few of his guards surveyed the nearly destroyed city. "WE PULLED IT OFF! NOW LET'S LIGHT THE FIRES AND GET OUT OF HERE!" The King grabbed a headband with a pair of white puff balls on the side and placed it on his head. "OOOOOOOO! It feels so good to get back into gear!" Skish! The King touched his face with his left hand and Nefertari Cobra's regal features reverted to the goofy face of Mr. 2 Bon Kurei.


"Koza... say something Koza..." one of the rebels urged the fallen leader, "Koza... come on!"

Another rebel stood up and surveyed the city, "Look, the Royal Army has disappeared."


"GAAAAAA HAHAHAHAHAHA!" Mr. 2 laughed as he pranced down the street still wearing his headband and the King's clothes. His loyal Billions ran alongside him wearing Royal Guard uniforms. "WASN'T I THE KINGLIEST KING YOU EVER SAW BACK THERE?"



With half of Nanohana already destroyed by the crashing galleon and the fires set by the fake Royal Guards, the remains of the city were slowly burning to the ground.


"Now all we have to do is meet up with Mr. 2 outside town," Ms. Double Finger noted as she walked through the burning city with an exaggerated sway of her hips. Alubarna's the grand climax."

"Hmph," Mr. 1 grunted as Ms. Double Finger walked up to him, "Frankly I'm looking forward to it."


"GAAAAAAA HAHAHAHAHAHA!" Mr. 2 laughed as he and his men pranced down one of the few undestroyed streets of the city. "You know my favorite word is 'vague'! I love that word! The King's prospects of staying King are exceedingly vague! The operation is a success!"

Mr. 2 and his men didn't notice the boy standing in an alley as the ran passed.

"WHERE'S BUNCHI?" Mr. 2 screeched.

"He's waiting west of the city Mr. 2 Bon Kurei sir," the green haired navigator informed him.

"What the..." Kappa gasped as he watched the okama wearing the King's clothes and his men run passed. "The King turned into some kind of weird ballerina... HE WASN'T THE KING!" The boy turned and ran back down the alley, "THIS IS BAD! EVERYONE'S BEEN TRICKED! I HAVE TO TELL THEM!"

WHAM! Kappa ran into something hard and fell on his back. He looked up and found himself staring up at Mr. 1 and Ms. Double Finger.

"What a naughty boy," Ms. Double Finger remarked. "How much do you think he knows?"

"That imbecile," Mr. 1 muttered, "he had to get careless and screw up."

"W-who are y-you?" Kappa stammered.

"I don't suppose you'd stay quiet... if we asked you?" Mr. 1 questioned.


"WATER! WE NEED MORE WATER!" a man in the burning city screamed.


"Useless..." a man gasped, "It's burning too quickly... We should escape while we still can..."

"Don't give up yet Koza," one of the rebels encouraged the rebel leader as he and another rebel carried him to safety. "You're not the type to just give in and die like this... you've gotta fight!" The rebel stopped and stared in surprise when he spotted a small figure staggering out from a nearby alley.

It was Kappa. Blood was streaming down the boy's face from his forehead. He took one last feeble step forward before he collapsed.

"WHAT?" the rebel gasped. "Take Koza!" The rebel handed Koza off and ran over to the fallen boy. "HEY KID, SAY SOMETHING! Damn... even children aren't safe..."

"It's... a..." Kappa gasped but he was barely conscious and nearly dying he could barely say anything in his current state.

"Don't try and talk kid," the rebel reassured Kappa, "I've got ya."

"It's not what you think..." Kappa thought to himself, "Everyone's been tricked..."

"Hang in there, son," the rebel told the boy. Someone placed a hand on the boy's bloody forehead and the rebel looked up in surprise to see that it was Koza. The Rebel Leader was bleeding from his bullet wound but had managed to fight back up to check on the injured kid.

"This country... must die," Koza resolved before he addressed the rebels gathered around him. "Contact all of our units. This... will be our final battle."

"Well alright..." one of the rebels agreed, "but... we still don't have enough weapons."

"No, we have plenty now," another rebel corrected the first. "You know that ship that just crashed into the city? As fate would have it... it's an armory ship."

"Wait... are you sure?" the rebel who was still holding Kappa questioned.

"Yeah," the other rebel confirmed. "It's full of weapons."

"It's almost like... divine guidance," Koza commented as he rose to his feet. No divine guidance here, just Crocodile.


"GAAAA HAHAHAHAHA!" Mr. 2's laughter rang out across the sand as Bunchi the turtle carried him, Mr. 1 and Ms. Double Finger towards Alubarana. "Really? Some little pipsqueak saw me? Well excuuuse me! So sorry! Gaaaaaa hahahahaha!"

"Shut up..." Ms. Double Finger groaned in annoyance, "Now all that remains is for Mr. 4's team to do its thing."

"Fatty and that old hag know how to get things done," Mr. 2 assured her. "Catching the King will be a snap, you'll see. OH JOY! I CAN'T WAIT!"


Back in Rain Base, Y/N and Ollie stood with Sanji, Chopper and Han and surveyed Rain Dinners from a nearby rooftop.

"So what's the plan, kid?" Han inquired.

"From what I gathered Crocodile's got the others and Smokey locked in a cell in the V.I.P. Lounge," Y/N stated, "Probably Vivi too."

"MISS. VIVI AND MISS. NAMI ARE IN TROUBLE!" Sanji exclaimed, "WE'VE GOT TO SAVE THEM... and the others too."

"We can't just charge in there," Ollie told him, "The others did the same thing and probably fell for some kind of trap."

"Then what do we do?" Chopper asked.

"It'd be rude not to accept Crocodile's generous invitation to join them in the V.I.P. Lounge," Y/N remarked, "Especially after I won so much money from him." Everyone glanced down at the two big briefcases that Y/N and Ollie had brought out with them.

"If you're going back in then I'm going with you," Ollie insisted. "Ms. Tall, Dark, and Dangerous already saw me with you."


Y/N shook his head, "It's a casino, we can't afford to show all our cards at once," Y/N said then a thoughtful look spread across his face, "Here's what we're going to do..."



"YEEAAAAHHHH!" the Rebel Army cheered as they stood gathered on the outskirts of the destroyed Nanohana.




"THAT'S ABSURD!" Chaka shouted back at the Royal Palace when word reached him of what had happened in Nanohana. "LORD COBRA WOULD NEVER DO ANYTIHNG AS MAD AS THAT! THERE MUST BE A MISTAKE!"

"IT'S TRUE!" the guard who had brought Chaka the information insisted, "And what's more the time frame of the King's disappearance from the palace and his appearance in Nanohana fits perfectly! Excuses are useless now. News of the Nanohana incident has spread throughout Alabasta and rebel soldiers everywhere are responding! Even worse, citizens who once had faith in the King are now taking up arms against him! THEY'RE ON THEIR WAY HERE! THE ENTIRE KINGDOM IS RISING UP IN REBELLION! WE HAVE TO ACT!"

Chaka staggered backwards and held his head, the pressure of the situation really getting to him.

"My lord, please command us," the guard requested. "Whatever you decide, we will obey you."

"How can this be?" Chaka thought to himself, "Even the King's words from before seem blurred now. What can I depend on?"

WHAM! Chaka steeled himself and slammed his fist down onto a railing, "Very well," he resolved. "We have no choice but to perform our sworn duty. WE ARE THE ROYAL GUARDS OF ALABASTA! WE CAN NOT LET THE KINGDOM CRUMBLED TO THE GROUND IN THE ABSENSCE OF THE KING!" Chaka drew his sword and addressed the Royal Army, "FULFILL YOUR OATH! DEFEND THE TRUTH BEFORE YOU! WE MUST STOP THE REBEL ARMY!"

"YEEAAAAAHHH!" the royal army cheered.


"KUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" Crocodile laughed as he finished telling his prisoners his plan at the same time it was being carried out. "KUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!"

"That's horrifying!" Nami gasped while the other Straw Hats, Ace, and Smoker stared at Crocodile in shock and anger. Mr. 5 stood beside him remaining impassive.

"Well... do you like it?" Crocodile taunted Vivi. "The Operation you once participated in is now reaching fruition. If you listen closely, I'll wager you can hear the howls of the kingdom and they all scream the same thing 'Protect Alabasta!' 'Protect Alabastsa!' 'Protect Alabasta!'"


"Kuahahahaha," Crocodile chuckled, "It's heartbreaking isn't it? Their love for the kingdom... will be what destroys it."

"RAAAAAAAAHHHHH!" Luffy suddenly roared he charged the bars and tried to force his rubber body through one of the bigger holes, paying no mind to the effects of the Sea Stone until his body began to droop. But even then he still kept grunting and groaning as he tried to push his body through the Sea Stone Bars. "UUUUUGGGgggghhhh... UUGGGGHhhhhhh..."

"What is he stupid or something?" Smoker questioned. "Didn't he hear what I said before?"

"He's definitely stupid," Zoro admitted, "but... that's also the reason he's our Captain."

Across the cell, Ace grinned pleased to hear the loyalty towards his bumbling kid brother.

"Cccrrroooocoooodiiiilllleeee..." Luffy groaned, "I'm so gonna kick your assssuuggghh..."

"Sir, One Eye escaped," Ms. All Sunday's voice sounded from the top of the steps.

"WHAT?" Crocodile and Mr. 5 shouted together.

"He had half the city gathered around his table watching him gamble," Ms. All Sunday explained as she made her way down the steps. "There would have been a massive outcry if I did something to stop their entertainment... so I allowed him one more roll at the Craps table and was standing right next to him as he somehow managed to roll a two. Naturally, with such a big audience I had to agree to cash out his winnings when he asked. But as soon as he had the money in hand his girlfriend fired a smokescreen and they managed to escape while my vision was obscured." By now Ms. All Sunday had reached the bottom of the steps. "I'm sorry sir but they made off with sixteen point seven billion berries."

"SIXTEEN POINT SEVEN?" Crocodile repeated in a shock.

KA-CHING! Nami's eyes became berri signs, "I looove that man," she sighed then suddenly realized what she said and that everyone in the cell was staring at her. "I mean... um... HAH! JUST LIKE I TOLD YOU! FIRST HE'S GONNA BANKRUPT YOU, THEN HE'S GONNA KICK YOUR ASS, AND THEN HE'S GONNA BLOW YOUR HEAD OFF!"

"His girlfriend?" Mr. 5 questioned Ms. All Sunday. "She's right there in the cell..."

"There was this blonde girl there with him," Ms. All Sunday explained. "I'm not sure who she was but she seemed awfully clinging and protective of him."

"She was acting," Ace spoke up, "And she's one of my pirates." Ace grinned and decided to let Crocodile know just what he was dealing with, "So was Y/N at one point."

"That explains everything," Smoker realized as he eyed the Straw Hats, "Your First Mate is a former Whitebeard Pirate."

"No wonder we had so much trouble dealing with him on Little Garden," Mr. 5 commented.

"It's no matter," Crocodile resolved with the growl. "He knows that his friends are here. If he plans on saving them he'll have to come back here to do it. Then we'll see what this former Whitebeard Pirate First Mate of yours is really made of."

Wanting to retake control of the situation Crocodile decided to resume taunting Vivi, "You know, I've had to be able to make so many moves to get this point. The sabotage to enflame the citizens, manipulating the Royal Army, do you have any idea why I'd go to such lengths to destroy this country?"

"As if I'd understand anything within your foul mind," Vivi snarled.

"You've got a pretty sharp tongue for a Princess, don't you?" Crocodile questioned. KRASH! Vivi suddenly lurched to the side and knocked her chair over. She slid out of it and pulled her bound hands off of the chair along with her. Crocodile merely looked down at the struggling Princess with mild amusement, "Now, now, what are you try to do, Ms. Wednesday?"

"Stop you..." Vivi answered as she struggled to free her bound hands, "I'm going to stop you! There's still time... if I can just to Alubarna east of here... if I can get there before the Rebel Army I may be able to stop them! I'll never give up while there's a chance!"

"KUAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" Crocodile just laughed at the Princess' determination.

"Somehow I'm going to stop you," Vivi vowed, "Just watch! You won't get away with this!"

"No," Luffy growled in agreement.

"KUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" Crocodile laughed, "You haven't got a chance! Anything you do will be worth—" BOOOOOM! Crocodile's head was suddenly blown off and he was left standing there with nothing above the shoulders.

"It wasn't me!" Mr. 5 quickly defended himself.

"Y/N!" Luffy, Nami, and Usopp cheered as they spotted Y/N and Ollie standing at the top of the steps. The latter of the two was just lowering her bow.


"But if I took out every twisted villain the same way it'd get boring," Y/N pointed out.

"Y/N, GET US OUT OF HERE!" Luffy shouted.

"I would," Y/N told him, "But I don't think he's going to let me."

A cloud of sand swirled around on Crocodile's shoulders and his head reformed as if nothing happened.

"Damn," Ollie cursed, "looks like we're dealing with a Logia."

"Hmph," Crocodile grunted as he glared up the stairs at Y/N. "So you're 'One Eye' Y/N."

"That's right," Y/N confirmed, "I was touched by your courteous invitation to join you in the V.I.P. Lounge. So after stashing all the money I won from you, I came right here... fashionably late of course."

"Let's see if you can live up to the hype from all your little friends," Crocodile challenged him.

"Hype?" Y/N repeated, "Well if they've been saying that I'm going to come here and kick your ass... then I certainly hope to."

Y/N and Crocodile stared at each other while behind him Ollie loaded some arrows into her bow and trained it down on Ms. All Sunday and Mr. 5. The stage was set and Y/N and Ollie were prepared to make their daring rescue.


Hope you enjoyed the chapter!!!

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