Tomb Raiders
Tomb Raiders:
Out at sea, about a day's travel off the coast of Sandy Island, a metal carrier ship sailed onward on a course for the New World. Ace, Han, and Ollie stood on deck and collectively let out a sighs of relief when Luffy and Y/N's Vivre Cards return to normal.
"Whatever happened, it looks like they're okay now," Ollie noted.
"Told you they'd be fine," Ace said. "If I had to guess, Luffy beat Crocodile and Y/N's taking the time to learn the full extent of his plans."
"No one's arguing that," Han told him, "Of course they won. It's just that things looked pretty grim there for a moment."
"Knowing those two, this'll probably be a regular occurrence," Ace commented as he made sure the two Vivre Cards were still secured to the brim of his hat then put it back on his head. "So I'd suggest not worrying until the card's down to an eighth of its original size."
"Worrying about it and acting on it are two different things," Ollie pointed out as she stuffed her part of Y/N's Vivre Card back into her shirt. "The next time it happens we won't have the advantage of knowing what they're involved in. I know that they can handle themselves but having met them it'll be hard to imagine the kind of trouble they find themselves in next."
"Then keep your eyes out for the headlines," Han suggested. "If Luffy is going to be King of the Pirates it's only natural that he'll accomplish many incredible feats along the way. Even if the Government tries to disparage them in the news, if their actions are as monumental as I think they'll be the Government won't have a choice in at least admitting what they did."
"Right then," Ace resolved, "I'd best be going. Scorpion said that Blackbeard was sighted west of Alabasta so I need to get back on his trail." Ace stepped onto the Striker. "Launch me?"
"Good luck Ace," Ollie said as she ran to the helm. "Burn that bastard once for me."
"Don't be too reckless when you finally find him," Han advised as made his way to the crank at the front of the ship. "You have no idea what his new powers can do so you'd better be careful."
Ollie pulled a lever and a metal panel popped out of the track behind the Striker. SHUNK!
Chuka-chuka-chuak! Han turned the crank and lowered the railing at the front of the ship. "You're all clear!"
"Guys, I'll see you again once I've dealt with Blackbeard," Ace addressed his crew. "Give the old man my regards."
With nothing more to be said, Ollie pushed the lever back the other way. SHOOOM! The Striker was launched off the front of the ship.
Ace saluted his crew, then his legs lit up. FWOOSH! The motor churned on the flame-powered ship and the Striker raced off.
Chuka-chuka-chuka! Han raised the railing then turned back to Ollie. "Now let's get back to Whitebeard," he decided.
Ollie nodded, "He'll want to hear about Y/N."
"And it's about time you got back on active duty," Han told her.
And so the three Whitebeard Pirates parted ways. Ace traveled west in his search for Blackbeard while Han and Ollie continued along the Grand Line to reunite with the rest of their crew.
At one twenty-two PM, the same day Devo and Tashigi turned Crocodile over to the Marines, Y/N awoke in the Royal Palace's infirmary.
"Ugghh..." Y/N groaned as he woke to find himself in a strange bed. He his sides felt sore and when he felt them through his white hospital gown he could tell that they'd been bandaged and that his injuries had been treated.
"You're awake!" Y/N looked to the side and saw Nami sitting up in the bed on his right. She closed the book she'd been reading and slipped out of the bed and hopped over to his. Y/N noted her bandaged foot as she sat down on his bed next to him. "Are you feeling okay? You've been out for twenty hours."
"My sides are a little sore but I'm fine," Y/N answered honestly. "What's going on?"
"Vivi and her father are letting us stay in the palace as honored guests," Nami explained. "Most of us just needed a good night's sleep to recover. Sanji, Chopper, Mana, Ayako and me all woke up early this morning."
Y/N looked further down the room and saw that only other occupant of the room that was awake was Ayako who was painting a canvas that had been set up next to Usopp's bed. The artist paused in her painting and waved to Y/N, he nodded in response then turned back to Nami to hear the rest of her status report.
"Chopper's been taking care of us and is helping the doctors treat the wounded soldiers," Nami continued. "Vivi's giving Sanji a tour of the palace and Mana's talking with the King about something. Usopp actually woke up a few hours before you but his injuries were rather severe so he's still being treated. He's just resting for now. Luffy and Zoro are still unconscious since they were injured the worst out of all of us. And Carue's recovering in here too." Y/N looked to the other side and saw the spot billed duck sleeping with his head tucked under his bandaged wing in one the other beds. "He was protecting Vivi and got trampled by the Rebel Army."
"How 'bout you?" Y/N inquired. Nami was wearing a pale yellow hospital gown – and her sapphire necklace – so he couldn't tell the full extent of her injuries.
"Well I fought Ms. Double Finger in Alubarna," Nami told him. "She ate the Spike Spike Fruit and caught me off guard when she stabbed one of her spikes through the wall I was leaning against and straight into my shoulder." Nami held her hand to her right shoulder. "Chopper says that it'll heal without leaving a scar and the bandages can come off tonight."
Nami propped her injured left foot up on his lap. "As for this," she said, "I kinda let her stab me through the foot so I could finish her off. I made it worse with all the running around when we were trying to find the bomb. It was mostly the adrenaline and the tense situation that kept me from feeling it. So Chopper told me to stay off it and that it'll hopefully be healed tomorrow."
"Good to hear you're recovering then," Y/N commented. "When do you think Chopper's getting back? I've got a few things I need to do now that I've recovered."
"Where are you going?" Nami inquired.
"A few places," Y/N informed her, "I'm going to investigate that block I found in the desert and then on the way back I'll swing by Rain Base to pick up the money I won from Crocodile."
KA-CHING! Nami's eyes were berri signs as she took a deep breath and hollered, "CHOPPER! GET IN HERE RIGHT NOW! Y/N'S AWAKE!"
WHAM! The doors flew opened and Chopper ran into the room, "BIG BROTHER!" he cheered. "YOU'RE AWAKE!" Sanji, Vivi, Mana, and King Cobra followed him in.
"Hey everybody," Y/N greeted, "Hey little brother. Would you mind checking me over so I can get out of here? I promised I'd meet Nico Robin to investigate something once I recovered."
King Cobra nodded knowingly but the others looked confused.
"You mean Ms. All Sunday?" Vivi questioned.
"I mean Nico Robin," Y/N insisted. "She doesn't work for Baroque Works anymore and she never was much of an enemy to begin with."
Vivi thought for a moment, "Igaram survived when she blew up his ship," she reasoned. "And Pell's fully recovered from the injuries he got fighting her back at Rain Base."
"Luffy told me that she saved his life when Crocodile left him in the desert to die after he'd lost to him," Y/N recounted. "And she was also the one that gave us the antidote to the poison in Crocodile's hook, so she saved my life and Luffy's again. After doing all that I think she's more than deserving of a second chance."
"Ooooh Miss. Robin," Sanji swooned, "A woman of mystery!"
"And I've got a pretty good record when it comes to redeeming Baroque Works Agents," Y/N pointed out.
"Yup! Three-for-three," Mana chirped.
"Three?" Y/N repeated.
"I convinced Mr. 3.5 to help us take care of the bomb," Mana explained. "He had a dream of being a firefighter that went out the window when he got his Bomb Bomb Devil Fruit Powers. But he got his chance to be a hero when he saved everyone from the explosion. I'm sure he survived, but no one's seen him since the bomb went off."
"I had Chaka send out a report to look for him," Vivi informed him, "but no one's sighted him."
"What are you meeting her to investigate?" Chopper inquired as he prodded at Y/N's sides.
"Remember that block we found when we were lost in the desert?" Y/N asked. "She can read it. In exchange for the antidote to Crocodile's poison I promised to take her to see the block."
"And we all know that you never go back on your promises," Nami said with a fond smile.
"I was going to take her to see it anyway," Y/N admitted, "but from what I've gathered she's been alone and relying on herself for most of her life so I doubt she would've trusted me if we didn't have some kind of deal going into it. She's interesting."
"She thinks you're interesting too," Ayako piped up. "She came all the way to the Spider's Café to learn about you. Under the threat of bodily harm I told her some things about you. She didn't just want to know how to beat you in a fight."
"Speaking of the Spider's Café," Y/N remarked as he looked over at Ayako and Mana, "Can one of you take me there? That's where I'm meeting her."
"I'll go with you," Mana quickly volunteered. "I was actually just talking to the King about it. Y'see, the Marines arrested Crocodile and stripped him of his titles and property, that included the Spider's Café. The property was given back to Alabasta so I was asking the King if he'd give me the deed to it so I can turn the place into a legitimate business."
"She helped save the kingdom so I will be more than happy to sign it over to her," King Cobra stated. "It also helped that the chocolates she presented to me with her pitch were delicious."
WHUP! Mana glomped the King, "THANKS YOUR MAJESTY!"
"Is she allowed to do that?" Sanji wondered.
"That's great, congratulations," Y/N congratulated her. "Now you can live your dream."
"And I have you to thank," Mana replied, "If I weren't for you, I would've died on Little Gardne from the Five Day Sickness. You not only saved my life but you turned it around. So... thanks."
"Happy to help," Y/N told her.
"Can I stay there and paint like you offered after you beat Mr. 3.5?" Ayako inquired.
"Of course," Mana agreed before she turned back to Y/N. "But it'll be a long trip. I floated all night to get here from the Spider's Café and I had to rest on top of a building for a couple of hours before I was ready to find you."
"Quack!" Everyone turned to see that Carue had woken up. "Qua-quack! Quack quack quack!"
"Carue says 'you can take two ducks from my squad'," Chopper translated. Carue continued quacking and Chopper continued his translation. "'Spot-billed ducks are the fastest animals in the Kingdom. The only reason it took me days to reach Alubarna with Vivi's letter is because I had to wait out a huge sandstorm'."
"Hm, transportation like that would cut the day long journey down to several hours," Y/N reasoned. "Can someone tell me where my pants and boots are?"
"All our stuff in that corner there," Nami said as he pointed to a pile in the corner that consisted of Zoro's sash and swords, Nami's Clima-Tact and Log Pose, Usopp's overalls and arsonal, and Y/N's pants, boots and sword.
"I'll see that you are given some travel clothes," King Cobra decided, "From what I've heard the Spider's Café is in the badlands on the other side of the island. It will be night by the time you finally return so you will no doubt need them."
"Could you get something for Nico Robin?" Y/N requested. "Nothing I've seen her in is decent for long-distance desert travel."
"I'll see what I can do," King Cobra agreed.
"You've been unconscious for a day," Sanji reminded him. "I'll stop in the kitchen and cook you and Miss. Mana something to eat before you go. How long's your trip is gonna be? I'll pack you meals accordingly."
"The Spider's Café is on the other side of the island," Mana stated. "The portion of the badlands it's in the middle of is actually a little off the southern shore."
"It took us days to cross the desert," Y/N recalled, "but we were on foot, hit that filler, and are not nearly as fast as a spot-billed duck. So crossing the desert from the Sandora River to the Spider's Café will probably take about half a day. It'll be late at night when we finally arrive. Then we'll have to find the block, deal with it, and then return to the café. I plan to check on the Merry at Erumalu, spar with Doug and my other Dugong students, and pick up the stuff I left behind at Rain Base. With all that we probably won't be back for almost two days."
"That's a long trip considering you've just recovered from some serious injuries," Chopper commented. "My diagnosis is that you'll be fine as long as you're careful. Your injuries are almost completely healed so as long as you don't strain yourself and make them worse you're free to go."
"Miss. Mana, are you sure you'll be alright traveling alone with him for that long?" Sanji asked. "Would you like me to come along and look after you?"
"I'll be okay," Mana told him. "Besides, I'm going along to protect him. I can use my Devil Fruit Powers to counter hers just in case she tries anything."
"You won't need to," Y/N assured her.
"Either way, I'll cook you up something that'll give you plenty of energy," Sanji resolved.
"I'll send for the Super Sonic Duck Squadron," Vivi offered.
"See if you can get me Cowboy again," Y/N requested. "Thanks for your help everybody."
"Just be careful out there," King Cobra advised with a pointed look. And then he, Vivi, and Sanji left the room to carry out their tasks.
Mana went to the corner and grabbed Y/N's pants and boots then came back and tossed them on his bed. She took a couple seconds to eye Y/N's white hospital gown
"Are you wearing anything other than bandages under that thing?" she inquired with a wink and a slightly perverted grin.
Nami flushed at the thought while Y/N shook his head and said, "None of your business."
"Kyahahahaha!" Mana laughed, "Relax, I'm just messing with you." She headed out of the room. "Come get me when you're ready to go."
"I wonder if you'd be safer traveling alone with a former enemy," Nami remarked.
"Don't worry about her," Y/N reassured her. "She's flirty but she's harmless. Now would you mind getting off my bed so I can change?"
An hour later, Y/N and Mana were fed and changed and had left Alubarna on the backs of Cowboy and Bourbon Jr. of the Supersonic Duck Squadron. Y/N was wearing a black cloak lined in red and a red shemagh on his head. Mana was wearing a hooded yellow cloak that was lined in purple and had fancy purple heart designs on it. Cowboy's saddle bag had been fitted with their food, supplies and extra clothes. Y/N had spent the first leg of their long journey explaining to Mana how he'd found the underground Poneglyph in the first place.
Another hour later, they had reached the Sandora River but now found themselves stopped by an unusual barricade.
"JUU!" chorused Doug and the four other Kung Fu Dugongs that had become Y/N's students.
"Doug, you guys," Y/N greeted them. "You're still here."
"JUU!" Doug and the other dugongs chanted as they got in a fighting stance.
"Oh, right," Y/N said. "I did agree to face you." Y/N got off his duck and pulled his cloak off leaving him in a thick black t-shirt. "My doctor wouldn't like this, but a deal's a deal."
The five dugongs pulled off their heavy shells and spread out so they had Y/N surrounded.
SKISH! Doug struck first and leapt at Y/N for a straight-on flying tackle. SWISH! Y/N spun to the side and avoided the missile. Then turn around in time to block the tail of another attacking dugong. Whap! Another Dugong came at him from behind but Y/N lashed his leg out behind him and connected with a back kick. THWAK! The dugong went flying and Y/N ducked under a double tail whip from the two remaining dugong. SWA-SWISH! Y/N slowly turned around and watched the dugongs regroup and prepare for another attack.
"JUU!" Doug let out a cry and once again he attacked first. But this time the other four dugong came rushing in after him. SKISH! Doug leapt up into the air and swung his tail around at Y/N's head. WHAP! Y/N caught Doug by the tail then swung him around and used him to knock the others away from him. KER-BLOOSH! Y/N spun around again and released Doug, the dugong went flying and ended up going head-first into the sandbank. SKUSH!
"Juu!" the dugongs pulled themselves back up and bowed to their master.
"You overextended most of your attacks," Y/N lectured his students. "Especially you with that last one Doug. When you attack your opponent make sure your move is sharp and quick. As you all learned, when you overextend your attacks that allows your opponent to counter."
"Juu!" the dugongs chorused and once again bowed to their master.
"Now... I've got some business on the other side of the kingdom," Y/N informed his students. "Do you guys think you could help me out?"
"I DON'T LIKE THIS!" Mana screamed as she clung to Y/N. "I DON'T LIKE THIS!"
"Yeah, but we're cutting our time in half," Y/N pointed out.
Doug and the other dugong had rounded up Clark the catfish and had persuaded him to give them all a ride down the Sandora River.
"Spot-billed ducks are the fastest land creatures in the Kingdom," Y/N explained. "Clark can swim nearly twice as fast as they can run. Since you said the Spider's Café is a little ways off the southern shore we can take Clark down the river and head west along the coast and then just go north to reach the café. We may be going the long way but with our increased speed we'll easily cut our travel time in half. Instead of a half a day this'll only take a few hours!"
"BUT I CAN'T SWIM!" Mana exclaimed. "This fish is slippery! It's going really fast! And there's no way to secure ourselves on its back! If I fall off and drown you had BETTER dive in after me!"
"Don't worry," Y/N reassured her, "As long as I'm with you, you'll be fine."
"LAAND!" Mana cheered as she leapt off of Clark and dove onto the sandy shore. "I love you! MWAH!" Mana leaned in and kissed the land that she'd missed so much during their speedy trip down the Sandora River. PTOOI! "BLAH! I just ate dirt..."
Y/N and the ducks joined her on the shore and Y/N offered her a small water barrel he'd gotten out of Cowboy's saddle bag. "Here, wash it out," he advised. Mana took the barrel while Y/N turned back to the dugongs that were still on the giant catfish. "We passed it on the way here, but I'll meet you guys at my ship at some point tomorrow. Then we'll head north again."
"JUU!" the dugongs chorused and saluted. SPLOOSH! Clark dove into the water and swam off.
Y/N turned back to Mana, "Ready to go?"
"Yeah, thanks," Mana said as she handed back the water barrel.
They got on their ducks and then raced off across the desert towards the Spider's Café.
The desert sun was setting when they finally reached the Spider's Café.
"There it is!" Mana called out as she pointed at the café up ahead, "Told ya we'd find it."
"Hmm... it's awfully inconspicuous," Y/N remarked, "no one would ever think that a little place like that'd be a meeting place for agents of a secret criminal organization."
"I guess Crocodile wanted something subtle," Mana reasoned. "But it's not an agent meeting place anymore! Now it's mine!"
"Well it looks like you've got some company," Y/N pointed out once they got close enough for them to see the Accelagator that was sleeping outside.
"You sure you trust her with this?" Mana asked.
"Yeah," Y/N answered. "Besides, I managed to find a way to counter her abilities too. So if she tries anything I'll be able to stop her."
They got off their ducks and Y/N took the saddle bag off of Cowboy. "You guys wait out here and eat up," Y/N instructed the ducks as he pulled some food out of the bag and laid it down in front of them.
With the ducks' immediate needs tended to Y/N and Mana headed into the Spider's Café.
They two of them stopped and stared in surprise at the sight that greeted them.
Nico Robin was sitting on one side of the room drinking a cup of tea. Mr. 3.5 was sitting at a table on the other side of the room and was nursing a bottle of rum. The two were uneasily glaring at each other and it was clear that they didn't trust one another. The atmosphere in the small café was awkward to say the least.
"Mr. 3.5!" Mana exclaimed. "What're you doing here?"
"What do you think?" The Bomb Man snapped. "I still weigh only two kilograms! That bomb's blast blew me halfway across the Kingdom! I remember you mentioning that you planned on taking this place over after you and Ms. Goldenweek beat me so I came here hoping you'd eventually show up and fix my weight."
"Here, I'll take care of it now," Mana offered as she crossed the room and laid her hand on the Bomb Man's shoulder.
"Would you two relax?" Y/N asked the two occupants of the café. "Crocodile's been arrested and Baroque Works no longer exists. It's safe to say that the two of you left the organization before it was disbanded so there's no need to be so hostile. We're all on the same side now."
"We may not be Baroque Works Agents anymore," Nico Robin admitted, "but we're still two trained assassins stuck in a strange room together. Naturally, we're a little uneasy."
"You'll find that life's a lot more enjoyable when you trust people," Y/N stated.
"In my line of work, trusting people gets you killed," Nico Robin replied.
"I hate to break it to you," Y/N commented, "but you're employer's been arrested. You're not an assassin anymore, at least not an employed one. But you'll always be an archeologist."
Y/N turned to the other man in the room, "And since you're not an assassin anymore, I guess that makes you a hero," he remarked. "Obviously, I heard about what you did with the bomb. And I know that no one got a chance to thank you for what you did. So, on their behalf... thank you. Your actions saved the lives of almost a million people. The Kingdom of Alabasta is in your debt."
"How'd you do it?" the Bomb Man asked. "When we got on your ship the three of us couldn't believe how foolish you were to be so trusting of people that had been trying to kill you. But now look at us, we're all dreamers that put our lives on the line to protect people we didn't even know. You converted us. How'd you convert us?"
"I just showed you that there was another way," Y/N answered. "That you could achieve your dreams of you fought for them. How'd it feel to use your destructive powers to help people for a change?"
"It felt incredible," the bomb man admitted. "Oh, and since I'm no longer part of a criminal organization... call me Jun."
"Nice to meet you, Jun," Y/N 'greeted' him.
"So... do you wanna make a thing of saving people?" Mana inquired.
"It'd sure beat killing them," Jun agreed, "But how?"
"Come with us back up to the palace," Mana suggested. "Pell and the Princess can put in the good word for you and you could become a Royal Guard. Protecting the Kingdom could become a career. Alabasta's in a fragile state now after Crocodile's War, it could use a protector like you."
"While you think that over, I brought food," Y/N announced as he walked across the room and set the saddle bag down on the counter. "I don't know how much this café has stocked up but I'm sure you two could do with a good meal after your long trips down here." He opened the bag and pulled out four box lunches that Sanji had backed for him and Mana. "Sanji packed us two days' worth of meals but on the way down here we cut our travel time in half. There's plenty for everyone."
Nico Robin opened her mouth to object but her empty stomach spoke before she could, Grumble!
Y/N's signature sly grin appeared. Now there was no way she could honestly say she wasn't hungry.
"Have something to eat," Y/N offered, "then we'll go find the Poneglyph."
"How do I know it's not poisoned?" Nico Robin challenged him.
"I need you alive to read the Poneglyph, don't I?" he pointed out.
"Maybe its slow-acting and I'll die a few hours after I translate it," Nico Robin countered.
Y/N motioned to the four meals, "Pick any one you want and I'll eat some of it with you. But I promise you it's not poisoned. And since I'm here fully intending on going tomb raiding with you, I'd hope you'd think my word is at least worth something."
Nico Robin rose from her seat and made her way over to the counter. She raised an eyebrow as she surveyed the four box lunches.
"Why is it that two of them look so much fancier than the others?" she inquired.
"My ship's cook Sanji prepared them," Y/N explained. "He thinks he's a lady's man so the ones he made for Mana look better and are probably healthier than the ones he made for me."
Nico Robin picked one of Mana's fancy meals and offered it to Y/N, "If it really is not poisoned then you'll have a basis to compare it with one of yours."
Y/N took the box lunch and turned to Mana and Jun, "Come and get some grub," he instructed before he took a seat on one of the bar stools. "It's awkward dinner time."
A couple hours later, they had all been suitably fed.
"Right, do either of you ladies have a problem with going at night?" Y/N inquired.
"I'd actually prefer it," Nico Robin replied. "I don't want to put this off."
"Where are you going?" Jun asked.
"We're going to investigate a secret block that only she can read," Mana explained.
"You can come along but I want the two of you to stay on the surface when we go down to investigate," Y/N said. "It's not that I don't trust you, but Crocodile orchestrated a civil war to learn the information on one of these blocks. You don't want the kind of attention knowing it can bring you. This way you can honestly say you don't know anything."
"Are you sure you want that kind of attention?" Mana questioned.
"After everything that's happened here, Luffy and I are bound to get bounty increases," Y/N pointed out. "if the World Government is going to be after our heads I figure we might as well cause them enough unrest to give them a legitimate reason."
"Do you think bringing them along is a good idea then?" Nico Robin queried. "Just knowing its location could cause them trouble."
"They have no way of finding it again," Y/N countered. "What are they going to say, 'there's a mystery block buried somewhere in the middle of the desert'? I have a way to find the location again. They don't. And this way once we're finished we can go our separate way. The three of us can take the ducks to my ship off the shore of Erumalu and you can take your gator and go wherever you want."
"I suppose that works for me," Nico Robin agreed.
Y/N went over to the saddle bag and pulled out a folded white bundle of cloth and offered it to Nico Robin. "This is for you," he told her.
Nico Robin blinked. "Why would you give me this?"
"I don't have to tell you what the desert climate is like," Y/N reminded her. "That'll keep you warm tonight. And in the morning it'll provide you with sun protection."
Nico Robin stared at the robe in unveiled surprise, "I repeat, why would you give this to me?"
Y/N shrugged, "I didn't want you to get sun burned."
Nico Robin's mouth worked but no words came out. She looked shocked that he was expressing concern for her.
"Put that on and let's get going," he instructed as he headed for the door. Jun shrugged and followed him out of the café.
Mana stared at Nico Robin, "He legitimately cares for others," she informed her. "On Little Garden I got bit by this extinct tick called a Keschia. I would've died in five days if it wasn't for him agreeing to take us off the island on his ship. When I got sick, he took care of me. Granted, his not-girlfriend was sick too but he never left our side. We got to Drum Kingdom and he carried me on his back to the doctor. They faced a heard of gorilla-sized abominable snow rabbits, they outran an avalanche, and he climbed up the side of a mountain to get us there. He claimed that he did it because I was his responsibility. But I know now that he would've done that for anyone."
"When we were being treated we met this reindeer," Mana continued. "He's the most adorable little guy. He ate the Human Human Fruit so he can transform and do anything that a human can. And he'd been trained in medicine by a witch with a century's worth of medical experience and a quack that believed in miracles and that no disease that was incurable. Everyone else on the island thought Chopper was a monster but Y/N saw him and thought he was incredible. He supported that little reindeer's dream of becoming the miracle cure, a doctor that can cure anything, and he not only asked him to join his crew... he made that little reindeer his little brother. He sees people for who they really are and he supports their dreams no matter how impossible or crazy they may seem."
"Do you know what that quack managed to do?" Mana asked. "It's something I'll never forget for as long as I live. He made a miracle. He made cherry blossoms bloom in an island of snow. It was the most beautiful sight I've ever seen. It was then that I realized the power that dreamers like Y/N and his crew have. I knew then that Baroque works didn't stand a chance against people like them." Mana headed for the door. "I'd never tell someone how to live their life. But Y/N obviously sees your potential and is giving you a second chance. I suggest you make the most of it."
Nico Robin stared after her for a moment then pulled off her white fur coat and slipped into the white desert robe that Y/N had provided her with. It fit her well and it felt warm. She grabbed her white cowgirl hat which she had grabbed on her way out of the collapsing royal mausoleum and put it on. And with Mana's words still ringing in her head she left the café and joined the others outside.
ZZZZZOOOOOM! The moon shone overhead as Y/N sat on the neck of Nico Robin's accelegator and focused his Treasure Sense. He sensed the seventeen billion berries he had stashed up north at Rain Base. The incredibly large sum was almost over powering. He also sensed the treasure he had stashed on the Going Merry back at Erumalu. But when he concentrated Y/N found thirty-five million berries that was somewhere between the two large amounts and was considerably closer.
"A little bit more to the right," Y/N instructed the gator and it altered its course accordingly. Nico Robin sat a bit behind him in the seat on the accelegator's back. Jun and Mana rode alongside them on Cowboy and Bourbon Jr.
ZZZZZOOOOOM! As they raced across the sand, the Accelegator and the Spot-billed ducks left a wave of sand in their wake.
"So what did the Poneglyph in the Royal Mausoleum say anyway?" he questioned the woman sitting behind him.
Nico Robin stared at the back of his head for a moment. If they were going on this adventure together she probably owed him an honest answer. He had been honest with her so far. He'd met her at the café, the food hadn't been poisoned, and he was taking her to the Poneglyph that she had somehow missed in the years she'd been living on the island.
"It was all about the Pluton," Nico Robin eventually answered, "The description, the location. But that wasn't what I was looking for."
"Then what are you looking for?" Y/N asked.
"Like I told you back in the mausoleum," Nico Robin replied, "I'm looking for information on the Void Century. The histories spanning before and after the Void Century don't tie up. The Poneglyphs are supposed to provide a way to tie the threads of history together."
"I see," Y/N said. "So you never planned to give Crocodile the information about the weapon. You came to this island to learn the truth."
"That's right," Nico Robin agreed. "Just chasing a dream I suppose. But all the information I've managed to find has been about a deadly weapon. Before you mentioned this other Poneglyph I was about to give finding the truth up as a lost cause. But now... I'm just hoping this one will hold what I'm looking for."
Nico Robin didn't know why she was telling him all of this. Maybe Miss. Valentine's words were having an effect on her. For some reason he was easy to talk to. But now she found herself opening up to him. She didn't like it. It made her feel vulnerable. In the lonely life she'd led she couldn't afford to let people in. If she did they'd end up betraying or hurting her.
But those fears were suddenly quelled when Y/N looked over his shoulder and smiled at her. "You're lucky you met me. Nothing's a lost cause as far as I'm concerned. Most people believe that finding the One Piece is a lost cause. No one's found it in over two decades, some people question whether it ever existed in the first place. But only the truly passionate persist in the pursuit. I don't care how many people say it's not real. And I don't care who tells me I'm crazy and searching for something that doesn't exist. I'll travel to the ends of the Earth to find that treasure and I won't give up until I've seen it with my own eyes."
The Archaeologist stared at him. In a sense their dreams were very similar. There were those that thought their dreams were foolish. Many believed finding the One Piece was a fool's dream. And even more didn't think there was a way to fill the century-long blank left in the history books.
There were those that were trying to prevent their pursuit. The Marines were actively trying to subdue the pirates that were searching the Pirate King's treasure. And the World Government had made it so she was the only one left in the world who could even read the Poneglyphs.
Then there were those that sought similar things to them. She'd met many pirates in her lifetime that were seeking the One Piece if only to use the accompanying title of King of the Pirates as a symbol of power. And there were people like Crocodile who desired the great weapons that were buried within the annals of history.
But then she remembered the last thing he'd said.
"Don't you mean eye?" she narrowed her eyes and corrected him.
There was a pause, long enough for him to whisper a curse under his breath.
"Sure," he quickly agreed.
"'One Eye' Y/N... you've just become even more interesting," Nico Robin thought to herself.
It was after midnight when they came across the familiar crag. It stood alone out in the middle of the desert and Y/N knew that below it was the underground dome, the Poneglyph they were looking for, and the treasure he had left there to find the way back.
"There it is!" Y/N announced to the others as the accelegator raced up to the crag. "The Poneglyph's in a dome underneath the crag."
SKUUUSSHH! The accelegator and the two ducks skidded to a stop underneath the crag and Y/N and Nico Robin got off.
"What's with these holes?" Mana wondered as she eyed the two man-sized holes in the ground.
"How do you think we got down there?" Y/N countered. "Zoro and Chopper were both wearing the weights you gave us. We fell right through."
"Wait... why weren't you carrying your weights?" Jun inquired.
"I was... unconscious," Y/N confessed. "Luffy drank some weird cactus juice and we broke off from the group and were trying to subdue him with a tranquilizer but in the confusion I ended up getting shot. Zoro's got no sense of direction, Luffy's impulsive, and Chopper's clumsy. There was no way we wouldn't have gotten lost."
"Hm," was all Nico Robin said as she lowered herself into one of the holes. An arm grew out of her hand and grabbed onto the edge then another sprouted in between the two. In no time, Nico Robin had made a chain of arms that lowered her down into the hole and down to the ground.
"You can use the chain to climb down if you'd like," she called up from underground.
"You guys wait here," Y/N instructed. "This information could get you killed."
"Call us if you need anything," Mana offered.
Y/N nodded then lowered himself into the hole and climbed down the chain of arms and eventually joined Nico Robin down in the dark dome.
"It's very dark down here," Nico Robin noted. "How do you expect me to see, let alone read anything?"
"When we came here last it was during the day," Y/N recounted. "Then we at least had some light coming in through the holes in the ceiling. Now since it's so dark out all we've got is moonlight. Fortunately, I came prepared." Y/N pulled out two torches and lit them up then offered one to his companion.
The one dark room was filled with warm orange glow of the torches and they were finally able to take in her surroundings.
"Incredible," Nico Robin whispered. They were standing in the middle of a wide opened dome with various short columns that didn't reach the ceiling scattered around the perimeter.
"The ominous feeling from when I first came here is back," Y/N remarked, "The other Poneglyph... when it mentioned the location of the Pluton... did it happen to say it was somewhere in the desert?"
"The exact words were 'buried beneath the sand'," Nico Robin stated. "Then it gave a set of coordinates."
Y/N slowly looked down at the sand under his feet. "That's what I was afraid of." He shook his head and led the way onward, "The Poneglyph is this way. But I have a feeling I already know what it says."
"Well since I am the archaeologist here why don't I confirm it," Nico Robin suggested.
"Of course," Y/N agreed. They eventually came across as set of three steps that led up to a familiar – for Y/N – cube shaped block. "There it is."
Y/N watched as Nico Robin fought to keep from running up to the Poneglyph. She stood in front of it and casually scanned the characters on the surface. He followed her and picked up the bag of treasure that he'd left on the ground in front of the block the last time he'd been there.
"So... what does it say?" Y/N prompted as he shouldered the bag.
"It's a warning," Nico Robin answered. "It says 'It was a time of great and terrible war that ravaged the entire world... This time saw the emergence of the Pluton... a great warship possessing such devastating power that it could lay waste to anything set in its sights... The Pluton has been buried here in the hopes that the weapon's terrible power will never be unleashed upon the world again... To those reading this we beg you for the sake of the world leave the Pluton where it rests in the hopes that it never sees daylight again...'"
When she finished Y/N had gone pale.
"We were... standing... on top of it..." Y/N whispered.
"Indeed," Nico Robin agreed, "Although the information seems incredibly vague. If a weapon like the Pluton exists it can be assumed that there was a great war during the Void Century. The archaeologists on Ohara believed that the war eventually ended with the World Government being formed."
"Ohara?" Y/N repeated, "Never heard of it."
"Of course you haven't," Nico Robin replied. "The World Government had it destroyed twenty years ago to ensure that no one could read the Poneglyphs and learn what really happened."
Y/N turned and stared at her, "Then that means... you didn't do it. You never destroyed all those ships."
"Obviously," Nico Robin dead-panned, "I thought you'd realized that already?"
"But I never knew why," Y/N told her. "It was a set up. The World Government's desperate to keep the truth hidden. I doubt even they know what really happened. But more importantly, they didn't want the rest of the world to know that you had a way to learn the truth. They framed you so they could put a huge bounty on your head and depict you as some kind of monster child."
"It made it impossible to trust anyone," Nico Robin confessed though she didn't understand why she was telling him this. "I spent the majority of my life on the run. I hid within various criminal organizations while keeping an ear opened for anyone who had spotted a Poneglyph. I eventually met Crocodile and the rest is... history."
Why was she saying this? NO ONE knew this much about her. And she was giving up the information voluntarily. Something about him was compelling her to talk to him. And that terrified her. He'd betray her and use the information against her. It had happened before and she couldn't afford to let it happen again. He knew too much.
Nico Robin clenched her fists and resolved herself to what she had to do. 'One Eye' Y/N had to die. He'd tightened his muscles to prevent her from breaking him during their fight. But it was doubtful that he could do the same with his neck. That cinched it. Since breaking his bones wouldn't work, she'd have to strange him. Then when he'd just about passed out and didn't have the strength to tighten anything she'd break his neck. An added benefit of strangling would be that he'd be unable to call for help from the two above them.
She turned to face him with her attack on her lips, "Dos..." But he interrupted her.
"For what it's worth, I'm sorry," he apologized. "I'm sorry your life was so horrible." Nico Robin stared owlishly at him utterly shocked. "I'm sorry you can't trust anyone. And I'm sorry you were so alone." Her arms dropped to her sides but she stiffened when he took hold of her hand in his. "But you don't have to be alone anymore." He gave her hand a gentle squeeze then released her.
She stared at him, utterly unsure of what to make of him. Could he really be... different?
Miss. Valentine seemed to think he was.
"Y/N obviously sees your potential and is giving you a second chance. I suggest you make the most of it."
Deep down, she wanted to trust him. At Rain Base she'd seen how carefree his crew was. Even though they were locked in a cage while the water was rising, seemingly faced with certain death, they still believed in the others and didn't doubt for a second that they'd been rescued. They trusted each other with their lives and that trust hadn't been misplaced.
She'd seen the little reindeer back at Rain Base. If he was willing to not only befriend the creature but make it his brother, what would he do with her now that he knew the truth? Well... most of it anyway.
But all her life she'd been unable to trust anyone. It was impossible suddenly start now.
She watched as he turned and surveyed the opened room where they now knew the Pluton was buried. Deciding to test the waters, Nico Robin quickly came up with something to say.
"So are you interested in conquering the world?" she asked. "If the Pluton is as powerful as the Poneglyphs seem to say we could easily take Marine Headquarters."
Y/N's eye went wide at her morbid comment and he shook his head. "No. No one should have this kind of power. It's our obligation to ensure that the Pluton stays buried and that another maniac like Crocodile won't be able to find it and unleash its power upon the world."
He was honorable. He'd been presented with surefire way to take over the world and he'd turned it down. Instead he saw it as his obligation to protect the World. Were there really people like this in the world? Maybe he really wouldn't betray her.
"What do you want to do then?" Nico Robin queried. "I must insist that you keep the Poneglyph intact. I hold those who destroy history with the utmost contempt."
"Then we'll make it harder to find," Y/N decided. "There's no harm in laying down another layer of protection." Y/N walked back into the center of the room and stood underneath the hole they'd come down through. "HEY YOU TWO!"
Mana stuck her head in the hole. "What's up? Need anything?"
"Yes actually," Y/N answered. "Could you smash the crag up there into pieces, make the pieces lighter, and then toss them down here?"
"We are great and demolishing things," Mana admitted, "How big do you want the pieces?"
"Bigger than you," Y/N replied.
"Sure thing," she agreed. Then she was gone and they eventually heard loud explosions and crashing coming from above them.
"Here's one!" Jun called out as he tossed a man-sized chunk of rock down the hole. SHOOOO! "It only weighs ten kilos."
WHAP! Y/N caught the rock then put it down on the ground. "Keep 'em coming!"
Deciding to make herself useful, Nico Robin stepped in, "Veinte Fleur!" A web of twenty arms grew out of the ground and caught the next rock. WHAP! "I'll catch them, you arrange them."
Y/N nodded and took the new chunk of rock and laid it out next to the first one. With the four of them working together, they eventually had large rocks of varying shapes and size covering the majority of the floor.
"Alright Mana!" Y/N called up to the surface. "Come down here and make 'em heavier."
Mana floated down through the hole and landed lightly next to him. "That's a lot of rocks," Mana noted. "How heavy do you want them?"
"As heavy as you can make them," Y/N answered. "I want what's under them to stay buried. A layer of ten thousand kilogram rocks should put a damper on anyone digging it out. Then I want you to make that big cube shaped block over their weigh ten thousand kilograms so it's more durable."
Mana surveyed all the rocks she was expected to make heavier, "I'll do it," she told him. "But it'll take a while."
It did take a while, but when Mana completed the daunting task on each of the rocks, she tended to the Poneglyph, without bothering to ask the other two what it said then Nico Robin created another chain of arms and the three of them climbed out.
Once they were back on the surface, Y/N addressed Jun, "Now I need you to blast in the top so it's suitably buried and no one will just fall in and find it again."
"Let's get clear then," Jun suggested. "And do you have anything to drink? I've been told that using snot as explosives disgusts people. This'll take a lot of spit."
They cleared the animals out of the area and Y/N gave the Bomb Man a water barrel then the explosions started. KA-BOOOM-BOOOM-BOOOOM!
When it was all said and done, they were left standing on the edge of a deep hole. At the bottom was a layer of sand and rubble.
"With how much the Poneglyph weighs now it should've withstood anything that fell on it," Y/N reasoned. "So now it's just hidden and not destroyed."
"Don't you think the hole is rather noticeable?" Nico Robin pointed out.
"In this landscape, not really," Y/N replied. "The wind'll blow more sand into it. In a few days' time someone will be able to stand there and won't suspect anything."
"I guess that's everything then," Nico Robin resolved. "Thank you for taking me here. I didn't learn much but it was something. Apparently, there are two Poneglyphs, the first one points towards the second and the second one depicts some history. Maybe someday I'll be able to find two more."
Y/N nodded then pulled a box lunch out of Cowboy's saddle bag, "Take this," he instructed. "We're heading back for my ship so we can get something to eat there. I don't know where you plan on going but at least you won't be hungry."
Y/N turned to Jun and Mana, "Get on the duck and head south-east towards Erumalu," he instructed them. "I'll catch up."
Mana smiled knowingly as she and Jun climbed on Bourbon Jr. and raced off.
"I suppose you have a reason for wanting me alone?" Nico Robin stated.
"I meant what I said before," he told her. "You don't have to be alone anymore. We'd be happy to have you." Nico Robin blinked. "We won't be leaving for another couple days so at least think about it." Y/N got on Cowboy and smiled at her, "Whatever you decide, take care."
At two thirty, almost exactly twenty four hours after they'd left. Y/N and Mana walked back into the infirmary in the Royal Palace. Y/N was wearing his black cowboy hat and the two of them had large sacks of treasure slung over their shoulders.
"WE'RE BACK!" Mana exclaimed.
The Straw Hats and Ayako greeted them and they noted that Usopp had recovered and Zoro had woken up at some point while they were gone. The only Straw Hat that was still asleep was Straw Hat Monkey D. Luffy himself.
"You're back early," Nami noted.
"Doug and my other students cut our travel time in half by getting us a ride down and back up the Sandora River," Y/N explained. "The hardest part of the journey was riding the ducks from Rain Base to Alubarna while carrying all this treasure. Speaking of which... Catch." WHING! Y/N tossed the black money bag to Nami.
"Oh, and look who we found!" Mana announced.
Jun walked in holding another treasure sack. "Hello everybody, I'm Jun," the Bomb Man reintroduced himself. "Miss me?"
"Where've you been?" Ayako inquired.
"Because of the blast and my decreased weight I ended up in the desert outside of Yuba," Jun explained. "I met the other two at the Spider's Café and joined them for their desert adventure and the trip back."
"Thank you for what you did with the bomb two days ago," Vivi said. "The people of Alabasta will forever be in your debt."
"He was actually wondering if you'd let him join the Royal Army as a Royal Guard," Mana informed her. "He wants to make a habit of using his power to protect people."
"Oh, of course," Vivi agreed as she joined them at the door. "I'll take you to see father."
"Take this with you," Y/N instructed as he handed her the large treasure sack he'd been holding. "All together there's seventeen billion berries there, all Crocodile's money. Tell your father to use it to rebuild Nanohana and the rest of the country."
Vivi dropped the bag and hugged him. "Thank you."
"Don't worry about it," Y/N reassured her. "Just make sure there's a feast ready for whenever Luffy wakes up."
"Of course," Vivi agreed. She picked up the treasure bag then she, Mana, and Jun left the room.
Y/N looked across the room and saw Nami glaring at him. "You... gave... away... seventeen... billion... berries..." she hissed through clenched teeth.
"DIVE FOR COVER!" Usopp screamed as he, Chopper, Ayako and Carue dove behind Usopp's bed on the other side of the room.
Zoro and Sanji slowly backed away from Nami hoping to get out of range of the impending explosion. The only one who was still near them was Luffy who still unconscious in the bed nearest to them.
"Nami, before you get mad, why don't you check that bag I tossed you," Y/N advised.
Usopp, Chopper, and Ayako peeked over the bed while Nami opened the bag. Zzzzzzzzzip! "One hundred million berries of that is my ten percent part of our fee for bringing Vivi home," he told her. "I'd be a poor excuse for a Financial Manager if I didn't take anything. The Going Merry's taken on a lot of damage since we've come to the Grand Line and we both know that feeding Luffy costs nearly a fortune. So please leave that for me, the rest is yours."
"This doesn't look like a billion berries," Nami observed.
"It's not," Y/N admitted. "But honestly what would you do with a billion berries? As Financial Manager, I buy you all the supplies, clothing, and food you need. My treasure hoard is coming along nicely. What I gave you there is more than enough to pay for anything else you could possibly need."
"I guess you're right," Nami admitted. "With you paying for everything I'm living like a Princess. I really don't have any use for that kind of money."
"Is it safe to come out now?" Chopper asked as he 'peeked' out from behind the bed which meant most of his body was on top of it while an eye, ear, and antler were hiding behind it.
"Ah, he's so brave!" Usopp sighed.
"She was ready to explode," Ayako noted, "He faced her head on and calmed her down."
"That could've gotten ugly," Zoro muttered. "At least someone on this crew can handle her."
"Oi, Mossball!" Sanji snapped. "Did you just call Miss. Nami ugly?"
"Maybe that dartboard brow of yours is messing with your ears, pervy-cook," Zoro retorted.
"Watch it, shitty swordsman!" Sanji growled, "I'll kick your ass!"
"Bring it on dumbass cook!" Zoro challenged him. "I'll cut you in half like that steel guy!"
"It's good to be back," Y/N commented as he tuned out their argument and walked over to his bed, he pulled off his hat and desert cloak then collapsed face-down onto it.
"You okay?" Nami asked.
"I've been up twenty-five hours straight," Y/N told her. "Despite drastically decreasing the duration the trip was a pain. We stayed up all night dealing with that Poneglyph. Jun and Mana took a nap this morning when we stopped the Merry but Doug and my other students wanted to spar again. Now I'm tired and looking to relax."
"Here, I'll help," Nami offered as she got out of her bed, climbed onto his, and then straddled his lower back. She pushed his shirt up and started kneading his back.
"Uugghhh..." Y/N let out a low groan as Nami massaged him.
"Just relax," Nami instructed. "You just gave me two hundred million berries, it's only fair that I do something in return. We'll consider this one on the house. Any others are gonna cost ya."
"So... does this mean they're together now?" Chopper asked Usopp and Ayako as they watched from behind Usopp's bed.
"No, not quite," Usopp answered.
"Then what's the difference between that and how they are now?" Chopper questioned.
"It's complicated," Ayako told him, "You see it works kind of like this..."
With Crocodile gone and the lingering threat of the Pluton discretely dealt with, the Straw Hats settled down to enjoy the remainder of their time at Alabasta.
Hope you enjoyed the chapter!!!
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