Tin Titan Cannon

Tin Titan Cannon:


"Hey Luffy... where is he?" Sanji asked. He was flat on his stomach outside of Drum Castle with Dr. Kureha still sitting on his broken back to keep him from further injuring himself. Chessmarimo was lying unconscious on the ground after Chopper had taken him out using his Rumble Ball. Luffy and Chopper were casually standing nearby.

"Where is who?" Luffy questioned.

"That guy," Sanji answered.

"That guy... Oh! Y/N's gone!" Luffy realized.

"NOT HIM!" Sanji snapped, "The tin-plated guy!"

"OH NO! HE ATE RICKY!" Luffy shouted.

"WHAT? HE ATE RICKY?" Chopper shrieked in horror.

"With his hippo gone there aren't many places he could've gone," Dr. Kureha reasoned. "The one-eyed brat probably noticed him sneaking off and went after him."

"How?" Luffy wondered. "When did he go?"

"WHEN YOU WERE GOING GA-GA OVER THOSE TRANSFORMATIONS!" Sanji yelled. "There's not much else up here beside the castle." Sanji's visible eye went wide, "AND MISS. NAMI AND MISS. VALENTINE ARE IN THERE!"

"I'LL KICK HIS ASS!" Luffy shouted, he took off running into the castle, "RAAAAAHHHHH!"

Sanji slipped out from under Dr. Kureha and crawled after Luffy at a frantic pace, "IF ONE-EYE LET HIM LAY ONE HAND ON MISS. NAMI OR MISS. VALENTINE, I'LL KICK HIS ASS TOO!"

"HOLD IT!" Dr. Kureha called after the pirate with the broken back, but he was too far gone, "Oh well, I guess the nincompoop has a death wish."

"Doctorine..." said Chopper, Dr. Kureha turned to Chopper, who turned and around and sheepishly pulled his hat down over his eyes. "Those two... did you hear? They called me their friend. Teehee!"

Dr. Kureha smiled, at long last, Chopper had finally found some friends.


"Seems like my fever's gone down quite a bit," Nami remarked as she held the back of her head to her forehead. "That means I should be able to get back to the ship with a little more rest."

SKIFF! Nami sat bolt upright, startling Ms. Valentine, "WAIT! WHAT AM I SAYING?" She yelled, "I CAN'T JUST LAY AROUND IN BED LIKE THIS! VIVI'S WAITING!"

"The doctor said our treatment wouldn't be complete for another ten days," Ms. Valentine pointed out.

"I DON'T HAVE THAT LONG!" Nami snapped, she quickly slipped out of bed. "You can stay here on this island for another ten days if you want. But I've gotta get Vivi back to Alabasta!"

Ms. Valentine stared at her then nodded and got out of bed, "Alright... I'll come with you," she agreed.


Wapol stood in the main chamber of Drum Castle and stared around at the snow-filled interior in horror. "I GO AWAY AND THIS IS THAT HAPPENS?" Wapol shouted. "Drum Castle used to be a stately palace! Now it's nothing but a run-down hovel filled with snow! WHAT DID THEY DO TO IT?" A look of rage appeared on Wapol's face. "Ooooh! I won't let them get away with this! Grrrr... I'LL CHEW THEM UP UNTIL THERE'S ABSOLUTELY NOTHING LEFT! GRRRR!"


Bundled up in their blankets, Nami and Ms. Valentine headed for the door. "Doctorine doesn't seem to be around, so we can slip away now without her noticing," Nami pointed out. KREEK! She pulled the door opened and walked out into the snow-filled hallway with Ms. Valentine following behind her.

Unfortunately, the opening door drew Wapol's attention. "Grrr..." Wapol growled when he saw two women wandering around inside of HIS castle.

"Looks like the coast his clear," Nami remarked.

"Uh... not quite," Ms. Valentine replied, she pointed over the railing at Wapol, "Who's that guy?"

"MAAAAA HAHAHAHAHA!" Wapol laughed, "Well, well, another two Straw Hats I presume."

"I'm not a Straw Hat!" Ms. Valentine honestly admitted. "You've got the wrong girl!"

"Uh-oh, he doesn't look too friendly," Nami thought to herself, she quickly threw her arm over Ms. Valentine's shoulder and pulled the blonde to her, "Straw Hats? Who's he talking about, sis?" Nami wondered. "I'm sorry sir, but my sister and I don't know what you're talking about."

"What? Oh... I was wrong?" Wapol commented, seemingly fooled by their ruse.

"Yes, we're just travelers passing through," Nami lied, "and we're actually just on our way out."

"Oh, I see," said Wapol.

"Nice talking to you! See ya!" Nami called out, she walked off pulling Ms. Valentine along with her.

Wapol darted forward and jumped onto a column, Klump! Klump! Klump! The fat former King climbed up the column to the first floor landing Nami and Ms. Valentine were on, then leapt over the railing. "LIARS!" he roared as he ran at them.

"RUN FOR IT!" Ms. Valentine shouted at, she and Nami took off running with Wapol on their tail.


"NO WAY!" Nami refused, "GET AWAY, YOU BIG CREEP!"

"MAAAA HAHAHAHA!" Wapol laughed.

Whap! Ms. Valentine grabbed the orange-haired girl's shoulders and jumped over the railing pulling her with her. Nami felt a weightless sensation as Ms. Valentine lowered her own and Nami's weight down to one kilogram and the two of them lightly landed on the ground floor. TMP!

"YOU WON'T GET AWAY!" Wapol shouted, he jumped into a hole in the landing that had a set of stairs inside. FWUMP! But Wapol's large girth ended up getting him stuck in the hole, his legs pumped helplessly as he remained wedged in the top of the stairs.

"KYAHAHAHAHA!" Ms. Valentine giggled, "Nice try, fat-ass!"


"Now you're just egging him on!" Nami scolded Ms. Valentine, "and don't change my weight again without my permission!"

"A simple 'thank you' would be nice," Ms. Valentine replied.

"That's it, I must've gained weight recently," Wapol realized, his eyes narrowed, "Well I can fix that. MUNCH MUNCH FACTORY!" KLUNK! Wapol's metal jaw swiveled upwards and slowly began EATING the rest of his body. CHOMP! CHOMP! CHOMP!

"WHAT IS HE?" Nami shrieked as she stared at Wapol's jaw, that was all that remained.

"The only explanation is Devil Fruit Powers," Ms. Valentine reasoned. "But that's just freaky."

THUD! THUD! THUD! Wapol's jaw bounced down the flight of stairs, the sound of Wapol chewing on himself was coming from inside it. MUNCH! MUNCH! MUNCH!

"He... turned into a bucket?" Nami said in confusion while Ms. Valentine sweat-dropped.

"AAAHHH!" Wapol sighed from within the 'bucket', "My miraculous bone structure shaping technique is now complete!" WOING! Wapol's jaw bounced up off of the ground and floated up into the air, the rest of Wapol's body was then spat out from the top.

"THE WAPOL SLIM DOWN!" Wapol called out as he stood in front of Nami and Ms. Valentine with his hands on his hips. His jaw was half the size it normally was, his nose was pointed, and his arms and legs were thin and almost lanky. Nami's eyes were drawn to Wapol's slim waist... or more importantly, the silver key that was hooked to his belt. "YOU CAN'T ESCAPE ME!" SHOOOOM! Wapol leapt high up into the air and flew overhead.

"YAAAHHHHH!" Nami and Ms. Valentine screamed and ran for the door.

"MAAAA HAHAHAHAHA!" Wapol laughed. WHAM! He came crashing down on Nami's back and pinned her down to the ground. "YOU'RE DEAD!"

Ms. Valentine looked over at the opened door and grinned, "Uh-oh, you're in trouble now..."

"Speed Step..." ZZZZOOOOM! A black and red blur crossed the room in the blink of an eye and slammed into Wapol, THWAK! Wapol's jaw was dented as he was knocked off of Nami and slammed into the wall, WHAM! Wapol remained embedded in the walls as the black and red blur shot towards him again. ZZZZOOOOM! Y/N skidded to a stop as Wapol fell away from the wall.

"I CAN'T STAND PEOPLE LIKE YOU!" Y/N snarled, "TAKE THIS, BASTARD! JUMPING AXE KICK!" Y/N jumped up into the air and drove the heel of his boot down into the back of Wapol's neck. THA-WAK! Wapol was sent face-first into the ground while Y/N rolled away and sat up next to Nami who was sitting on the ground staring at him in shock.

"What... the hell... was that?" Nami demanded. She had only seen Y/N really angry on a few rare occasions, something about Wapol had really set him off and it wasn't just because he'd attacked her.

"Misplaced aggression," Y/N answered. Nami gave him a look that clearly said 'EXPLAIN!' "A self-centered prick like him killed my brother."

Nami's eyes went wide, "Your... brother..." Realization dawned on her. "Oh, you said you had three. But you never mentioned that one. Luffy, Ace, and..."

"Sabo," Y/N supplied. "He was in the wrong place at the wrong time and an arrogant bastard thought nothing of killing him. Just because he was in the way."

Y/N looked up at Nami, "That, and he attacked you," he added, he held his hand out to Nami, "Would you mind helping me up?" Nami stood up then grabbed his hand and pulled him up to his feet, Y/N's legs shook like Usopp's at his most frightened.

"That makes this the second time you've done that speed technique of yours," Nami realized as she held him up while staring down at his shaking legs.

"I figure that if I use it more, I'll eventually get used to it," Y/N reasoned.

"Have I mentioned how grateful I am that I never pissed you off on Little Garden?" Ms. Valentine chimed in.

Y/N grinned, "Even when you were hypnotized you were more annoying than infuriating." He let go of Nami and managed to stand on his own.

"YOU INSOLENT WHELP!" Wapol suddenly shouted from the ground. "MUNCH MUNCH SHOCK!" CHUNK! Wapol's arm turned into a cannon and he aimed it at Y/N's back. "YOU'LL DIE FOR WHAT YOU DID TO ME!"

"GUM... GUM... STAMP!" Luffy's stretchy foot shot passed the other three and slammed into Wapol's face, WHOMP! Wapol went flying and once again slammed into the wall. WHAM! He hit the ground and laid there unconscious for the moment, Y/N's assault coupled with Luffy's had knocked him out.

"Hey, that's funny," Luffy remarked as he walked over, "Wasn't that guy a big fat-so before?"

Nami turned to Luffy, saw the state of her coat and gasped, "GAH!" She lashed out and clubbed Luffy on the head. Nami stared at Luffy... eerily calm... "So... would you mind telling me why the coat I kindly loaned you is all torn up before a murder you?"


"Hey wait!" Luffy protested. "I didn't do it! That loud mouth over there did! It's not my fault he shot a cannon at me!"

Nami's angry expression turned into an evil grin, "Ah, okay," Nami sighed. "Then in that case Luffy, I guess I can forgive you. To be honest I should've known that you would've never brought it back in good condition when I let you borrow it. You can just pay me back at my usual rate of three hundred percent interest. Which comes to... 100,000."

"YOU SHOULD HAVE SAID!" Luffy hollered. "I WOULD'VE NEVER TAKEN IT THEN!" Nami grinned as Luffy jumped behind Y/N and hid behind him. "RICKY, I DON'T HAVE ANY MONEY! SAVE ME FROM HER!"

Nami grinned at Y/N, "I suppose this means you'll have to pay me in his place," she reasoned, she held out her hand expectantly, "100,000 berries please."

Y/N tilted his head to the side, "Run that buy me one more time?" he requested.

Nami took a couple steps forward so she was standing right in front of him, "I want you to pay me for the coat that Luffy destroyed," Nami explained, each emphasized word was accompanied with a poke to the chest.

"Hmm, that's what I thought you said," Y/N remarked, "And it still doesn't make any sense."

"What's not to get?" Nami asked, "I've once again swindled you out of money by using your loyalty to your Nakama against you. Pay up!"

Luffy's eyes bugged out and his jaw dropped, "RICKY! NAMI SWINDLED YOU!" he shouted, even Ms. Valentine looked surprised.

"No, she didn't," Y/N insisted, "I gave you two million berries at Loguetown to buy casual clothes for the crew and seasonal clothing for yourself. You bought that coat for 28,800 berries with my money. I'm not going to pay you back for something that I paid for in the first place."

"It was still MY property!" Nami insisted. "You were doing your job as the crew financial manager. That doesn't make my coat any less mine."

"I'm not paying you for something that I bought you," Y/N refused. "And I'm definitely not paying you any interest."

"THEN WHAT ABOUT MY COAT?" Nami demanded, Y/N flinched because she was still right in front of him while shouting. "Luffy ruined it! Now I need a new one!"

"I'll buy you a new coat at the next available opportunity," Y/N offered, "just like I bought that one."

"Fine," Nami conceded, she folded her arms across her chest as pouted, "but it had better be a good one. I'm not wearing crappy clothes." Despite a valiant effort from Nami, the score for the Swindling War remained the same, Y/N – 2, Nami – 1.

Luffy came over and patted Nami's back consolingly, forgetting that fact that she swindled him in an attempt to get to Y/N. "It's okay Nami," Luffy consoled her. "You tried really hard. You almost had him... I think. But Y/N's just too good with that stuff."

"I don't need your sympathy!" Nami snapped, "I'll get him!"

"So... are you two going to make out now?" Ms. Valentine inquired, "or is all that flirting going to go to waste?" Nami flushed while Y/N's cheeks pinked slightly.

"I WASN'T FLIRTING!" Nami yelled.

"Nami, I think your fever's back," Luffy pointed out as he stared at Nami's flushed face.

"SHUT UP!" Nami shouted.

Ms. Valentine shrugged, "Whatever you say," she relented, "but I know flirting when I see it."

"That wasn't flirting!" Nami insisted. "Swindling money from him is..." Nami was cut off by Wapol as he finally woke up and pulled himself up to his feet.

"ENOUGH!" Wapol called out, angry at being ignored.

"Oh, that's right, I've still gotta kick your butt," Luffy realized.

"HAH! I'll be the one doing the butt-kicking!" Wapol gloated as he motioned to a large stone double door behind him. "Behind me lies this castle's arsenal, and I'm the only one who has a key to it!"

"Yeah, I made a point not to open that door," Y/N admitted, "I didn't think anything good could've been behind a stone door in a castle full of wooden doors."

"You were right!" Wapol snarled, "Inside this room lie some of the most fearsome weapons known to man! All I need to do is devour them then my Munch Munch Powers will make them a part of my body and you'll be forced to face a fearsome living weapon the likes of which you've never seen! YOU PESTS DON'T STAND A CHANCE! MAAAA HAHAHAHAHAHA! I hope you're ready to die Straw Hats because I'm going..." Wapol trailed off when he reached down to his waist and realized there was nothing there. Just an empty key ring. Wapol had the decency to look sheepish while the Straw Hats and Ms. Valentine stared at him.

"You were saying?" Ms. Valentine asked.

'THIS ISN'T OVER!" Wapol called out before he took off running up the spiral staircase towards the upper floors of the castle.

"HEY! HE'S GETTING AWAY!" Luffy shouted as he chased after him. "COME BACK!"

Nami casually held out the silver key she'd stolen when Wapol tackled her. "So this is the key to the arsenal he was yapping about," Nami realized. "Geez, why couldn't it have been the key to this castle's treasure vault? How boring!"

Y/N smiled at her and couldn't help letting out a chuckle, "Hah-ha, nice going."

"Hehehehe," Nami giggled as she slipped the key into the pocket in her pajama pants.

"..." Ms. Valentine didn't laugh, she stared at the two with interest.

"MISS. NAMI! MISS. VALENTINE!" Sanji cried out as he came crawling into the room. "THANK HEAVENS! I'M GLAD YOU'RE SAFE!"

Nami knelt down and looked at Sanji in concern, "Sanji, what happened?" Nami asked. "Why are you crawling? Are you okay?"

"I think the witch might've re-broken his back," Y/N told her.

"Why would she do that?" questioned Ms. Valentine.

"Um... so he wouldn't break his back in the fight?" Y/N answered uncertainly.


SLAM! Wapol climbed up through a trap door at the top of the spiral staircase and found himself in the snow-filled upper floors of the castle. "Ugh," Wapol grunted as he stomped through the deep snow-covered hallway, "the upper levels are filled with snow too? Trash my castle and defy my orders will they? They won't get away with this! It's time I taught those in subordinates a lesson. A painful lesson!"

SLAM! Wapol pushed through a large pair of wooden double doors and marched across the room to a large bulky object covered in a violet tarp. "I'll use the ultimate weapon of the Drum Kingdom!" SWISH! Wapol yanked the tarp off to reveal a huge high-tech cannon with seven barrels and a purple and gold crown above it. "MY DEVASTING TIN TITAN ROYAL CROWN SEVEN-BARREL CANNON! MAAAA HAHAHAHAHAHA!"

"THIS IS THE END!" Luffy called out as he entered the room, "I'VE GOT YOU CORNERED!"

"On the contrary, rubber man," Wapol retorted, "TIME TO DIE!" KLANG! Wapol pulled down on the lever to fire the cannon. Chunk! Chunk! Chunk! The crown on top of the cannon spun around as it prepared to fire, FFFSSSSSSS! But steam was the only thing that came out of the cannon. IT DIDN'T FIRE! Wapol growled and pumped the lever another couple of times, KLANG! KLANG! BUT IT STILL DIDN'T WORK!

"..." Wapol's eyes bugged out and he stared at Luffy and his malfunctioning cannon in shock.

Peep! Peep! Peep! A soft chirping could be heard from inside the cannon. Wapol's eye bugged out once again as a pair of baby snowbirds hopped out of one of the cannon barrels while a mother snow bird fluttered out and landed on the top of the cannon. PEEP! PEEP!

"HUH?" Wapol gaped at the chirping mother bird in shock while Luffy smiled.

"SNOW BIRDS, COOL!" Luffy exclaimed as he remembered the nest of snow birds on top of the front door that Chopper had protected earlier. "AAAWWWW! SHISHISHISHISHI!"

"STOP IT!" Wapol hollered indignantly, "HOW DARE YOU LAUGH AT ME! SHUT UP!"


The Skies of Drum:


"I have to admit, I was skeptic when I heard about this rope way to the castle," a villager admitted as he and a bunch of others stood around Dr. Kureha's old tree-house on the outskirts of Gyasta. There was a thick white rope tied around the truck of the tree that led up to the top of Drum Rock. "But here it is, just like the young man told us."

"This place looks familiar," another villager commented, "Did it use to be Dr. Kureha's house?"


SHUK! SHUK! SHUK! Up overhead, a carrage was slowly making its was up along the rope towards Drum Castle. "Great view from this thing, huh?" Zoro remarked as he stared out the window of the crowded cart, Ms. Goldenweek stood next to him silently painting a picture of the snow-covered landscape that they were passing over.

"Yeah, but isn't it a little over crowded?" Usopp asked.

"We can't let Dalton go alone when he's injured," one of the many, many armed villagers crammed into the card answered. "We'll fight alongside him."

"Okay, I get it," Usopp agreed, "but we're so overloaded, it'll take forever to get there."

Dalton was breathing heavily as he sat in the middle of the cart, Vivi was standing over him looking concerned. Mr. 5 was calmly leaning back against a wall on the opposite side of the cart from Zoro and Ms. Goldenweek while Usopp was standing behind the team of peddlers offering 'motivational support'. "YOU! PEDAL HARDER!" Usopp ordered. "YOU'VE GOTTA PEDAL FASTER!"

"Dalton, please just relax," Vivi attempted to console the man sitting on the floor.

"Wapol..." Dalton growled.

-Dalton's Flashback from Five Years Ago-

"Who do you think you are Dalton?" Wapol demanded on the day of Hiriluk's death after Dalton had spoken out against him. Wapol's body was covered in weapons and he was standing over Dalton after handing him a resounding defeat. Dalton was in his man-bison form and fought with all he had but had still lost. "You say there's no medicine that can cure stupidity. Who's the stupid one now?"

CLICK! Wapol held the barrel of one of his cannon-arms to Dalton's throat. "What? Do you think you are some hero who speaks for the lowly subjects of my kingdom? Don't make me laugh! You're just a servant!"

Dalton was thrown into a prison cell and Wapol taunted him from outside the bars. "A week in this cell will give you plenty of time to reflect on your mistake. There's nothing like prison to change a man's attitude. And just in case that doesn't work, I'm going to have the rebellious streak beaten out of you! Maaa hahahahaha!"

Wapol was true to his word and over the course of the week Dalton was beaten regularly by Wapol's men. CRUNCH! Kuromarimo stomped on Dalton's hand, "You're an excellent guard that the citizens trust," he afro-man stated, "Don't be a fool. Apologize to the King and show him respect Dalton."

THWHAM! Chess kicked Dalton in the side during another beating and sent him rolling over onto his back. "That dead Dr. Hiriluk was an idiot!" Chess lectured Dalton. "I can't believe you fell for his nonsense! Risking your status and insulting the King, have you lost your mind, Dalton?"

"I'll grant you a full pardon, Dalton," Wapol offered a week later. "All you have to do is get on your knees and say the following: 'I'm so sorry, oh Great King Wapol. You always know what's right for this country'. MAA HAHAHAHAHA!"

But Dalton had refused to apologize, and he had refused to give up on the will to save the kingdom that Hiriluk has passed on to him. Dalton's sentence was extended and he was only freed from his prison when the island was attacked by the Blackbeard and Wapol and his men abandoned the kingdom to it's fate.

-End Flashback-

Dalton clenched his fist, "TO HELL WITH STATUS!" Dalton shouted as the cart continued up the ropeway. "TO HELL WITH THE KING!"


PEEP! The mother snowbird in top of the cannon chirped.

"YOU DARE MOCK ME TOO?" Wapol yelled at the bird. "STUPID BIRD! I'M THE KING OF DRUM! RAAAH!" Wapol opened his mouth looking to eat the bird alive, at least it didn't fight back. But Luffy did.

WHAM! Luffy reached out and grabbed Wapol around the mouth. "Yeah, so what?" Luffy taunted. "It doesn't matter if you're a King! Or even if you're a God! It doesn't matter if you're someone whose great, or someone whose not so great. I'm still gonna kick your lousy butt!"

"It does matter, Straw Hat!" Wapol insisted with Luffy's hand still over his mouth. "Drum Kingdom is a member of the World Government! That means this is a capital offense because I'M THE KING!"

"Like I said, big-mouth," Luffy retorted, "It doesn't matter! King or no King, I'm taking you down!"

"Oh really?" questioned Wapol, "well not if I... TAKE YOU DOWN FIRST!" WHAP! Wapol's mouth snapped opened but it couldn't go all the way due to Luffy's fingers stretching along with Wapol's jaw.

"Shishishi!" Luffy laughed. "That won't work!"

'BUT THIS WILL!" Wapol replied. "MUNCH MUNCH SHOCK: TONGUE CANNON!" SHOOM! Wapol's pink fleshy tongue suddenly morphed into the gray barrel of a cannon.

"AAH!" Luffy yelped in alarm, "HIS TONGUE! IT TURNED INTO A CANNON!"

"GOODBYE!" Wapol shouted.

"WAAAAAHHH!" Luffy screamed as Wapol's new tongue fired at point-black range. KA-BOOOOM!


Out in front of the castle Chopper and Dr. Kureha silently stared up at the smoking hole that had just been blasted in one of the top turrets of Drum Castle.


GACK! Dalton suddenly coughed up blood as the cart neared the top of the rope way. It wasn't long ago that Chess had shot three arrows straight through his chest. The Twenty MD's may have prevented him from dying of frost bite, but his other injuries were still plaguing him.

"DALTON!" Vivi cried out in surprise. "Dalton can you hear me? Say something, please! You can't die! You just can't!"

"I'm... I'm okay..." Dalton groaned as everyone in the cart looked on in concern.

"Please don't die!" Vivi pleaded as she knelt beside the man while he took labored breaths.

"I won't..." Dalton stated. "I can't. Not until I put an end to Wapol and what he's done to this country!"

"The government should care about its country and its people," Chess said sarcastically as he, Dalton, and Kuromarimo sat together in a meeting room. "You mean you weren't joking? That's what you really think Dalton? Please, the government doesn't need to have a heart!"

"That's right," Kuromarimo agreed, "It just needs to control the people."

Dalton's beliefs that the people made the country were laughed at and mocked by his fellow officers and even by Wapol himself. The King of Drum was selfish and only cared about himself and controlling his kingdom.

KRASH! A door was kicked in and Wapol's soldiers raced into a doctor's office followed by the King himself. Wapol's men forcibly dragged the doctor away from his patients. "Stop it! Let me go! You can't do this! I have patients who will die if I don't treat them!"

"Throw him in the ocean!" Wapol ordered. "If he resists you have my permission to shoot him!"

"No!" the doctor protested, "Think of my patients at least! They're the ones who are going to suffer! DON'T DO THIS!"

Wapol had ruthlessly purged the country of doctors, keeping only twenty of the best for himself. People died because they didn't receive medical attention, but Wapol didn't care. Eventually the only doctors that remained where the Twenty MD's, Dr. Kureha, and the Quack Dr. Hiriluk.

"To hell with controlling the country!" Dalton grunted as he pushed himself up off of the ground with his hands.

"Good," said Dr. Hiriluk when he rushed into Wapol's trap and was relieved to see that there was no crisis. "Then none of them are sick."

"I'll show them what happens to a country that doesn't have a heart!" Dalton growled. Vivi gasped at the determination behind Dalton's declaration.

Dalton reached inside his green coat to retrieve his weapon for his approaching battle with Wapol. "DYNAMITE!" Usopp shrieked when he saw the string of nearly two dozen red sticks of dynamite that Dalton had wrapped around his body.

"Everyone listen," Dalton instructed. "Once we arrive, take cover because once I'm inside, there'll be explosions."

"Eh-hem," Mr. 5 suddenly cleared his throat. "If you're looking to blow something up... I'm your man. I ate the Bomb Bomb Fruit, thanks to that, I'm Human Dynamite."

"This is my country!" Dalton exclaimed. "I'LL defend it!"

"And die in the process," Mr. 5 bluntly replied. "Look at you. You're barely conscious. I've made a living of blowing people and things up. All I know about you is that you're 'Dalton' this country's hero. But that's enough to know that your country needs you. If you die taking down this Wapol-guy who'll help the people reform this country? Don't be stupid and waste your life when it can be avoided. I'll blow up this Wapol of yours and then you'll still be here to fix the damage he's done to your country."

Everyone was staring at the Baroque Works Officer Agent in shock, even Ms. Goldenweek. "Wow," Usopp said, "looks like you do have a heart in there after-all."

"Hmph," Mr. 5 grunted, "I just don't want a good man to die if it can be avoided."


"Chopper, you worried about your little friend?" Dr. Kureha inquired as she leaned against the doorway of Drum Castle. Chopper was staring up at the smoke that was still coming out of a hole that had been blown in one of the top towers.

"No Doctorine, not at all," Chopper replied. "Cause he's a pirate. And nothing's impossible for someone who raises the pirate flag."

"Well said," came Y/N's voice as he walked out the opened door of the castle and stopped when he was standing next to Chopper. He joined the reindeer in staring up at the smoking tower. "It'll take more than a cannon to stop Luffy."


"MAAAA HAHAHAHAHAHA!" Wapol laughed as he stared at the hole he'd blown in the front of the tower. Luffy was nowhere in sight. "THAT IDIOT! HE LET HIS GUARD DOWN! MAAA HAHA!"

TMP! Luffy suddenly jumped down from overhead and landed behind Wapol, taking the former King by surprise. "Well look who's talking," Luffy remarked as he grabbed onto Wapol's shoulders and stretched backwards. "One... two... RAAAHHH!" WHUP! WHUP! WHUP! Luffy flipped up over his arms and flipped his rubber body around until he was wound up behind Wapol. WHAMP! His legs eventually came up and clamped down around Wapol's waist.

"NO STOP!" Wapol shrieked as Luffy stretched backwards again.

"GUM... GUM... BLOWGUN!" FWOING! Luffy unwound his body and fell backwards, sending Wapol flying up overhead.

BOOOOM! Wapol smashed head-first through the top of the tower and found himself on the roof of Drum Castle. He was stuck with his head and shoulders sticking out of the tower while his body was trapped inside it. The first thing Wapol saw when his vision recovered was Hiriluk's pirate flag fluttering on top of the tower across from him.

Luffy jumped out a window and climbed up to the top of the tower. "AAAAAHHH!" Wapol screamed in surprise when he saw Straw Hat still coming after him.

Wham! Luffy slammed his fists together, "I told you not to mess with that flag," Luffy reminded him. "Now I'm finally gonna kick your butt!" WWOOOOOIIIINGG! Luffy stretched both of his arms far out behind him. "GUUUUMMMM..." With his body stuck inside the tower, there was nothing Wapol could do to dodge or avoid the attack.


"What are you doing out here anyway brat?" Dr. Kureha asked.

"I'm supposed to distract you two so your other three patients can sneak away," Y/N honestly answered. "Now if you'll come over here and stare up at the tower, conveniently with the door out of sight, you'll be able to see the fall of your former King."

"I'll give you points for honesty," Dr. Kureha commented as she walked over and stood next to Chopper then stared up at the tower along with the reindeer and the pirate. Luffy's arms were stretching out passed the castle, out passed the top of Drum Rock, even Y/N with his limited depth perception didn't have a hard time seeing it.

"It certainly seems like it's finally over," Dr. Kureha stated, "The long nightmare has reached its end."

Chopper and Kureha both thought back to everything that had led up to today, the day the Straw Hat Pirates came and saved their island from the King. They were distracted by their thoughts and didn't notice Nami and Ms. Valentine carrying Sanji to a hiding place behind a wall in the castle.



"STOP! WAIT A MINUTE!" Wapol screamed in terror as Luffy's arms continued stretching backwards. "I'LL GIVE YOU A MEDAL AND A POSITION!"


"There's something going on on top of the castle!" one of the villagers in the rope way cart pointed out. It was nearly at the top and they could now see Luffy's arms stretching off in a distance. Everyone in the cart stared up and followed the arms back to the person and saw one figure on top of the castle and another trapped in a tower.


"Doctor..." Chopper called out to the spirit of Hiriluk. "This Kingdom... Drum Kingdom... it's... it's about to fall!"


SHOOOOOM! "GRRRAAAAAHHHH!" Luffy let out a yell of rage as his arms started retracting and shot back towards him.


"BAZOOOOOOKAAAAAA!" BOOOOOOM! Luffy's hands shot passed him and slammed into Wapol, he was blasted out of the tower top and went flying off into the sky.


Luffy, the people in the cart, Y/N, Chopper, and Dr. Kureha all stared up at the sky as Wapol eventually disappeared as a tiny speck in a distance. TWINKLE! Hiriluk's pirate flag waved from the top tower, nothing was impossible for the man who raised the pirate flag, thanks to some friendly pirates, the seemingly impossible had finally happened, Drum Kingdom had finally fallen.

"So the kingdom has ultimately fallen to the skull and crossbones," Dr. Kureha remarked as she, Chopper, and Y/N smiled up at the sky. "Heeheehee!"


Hope you enjoyed the chapter!!

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