The Town of Welcome

The Town of Welcome:


The Going Merry sailed through the Grand Line and was currently going through a snowstorm. The Merry was coated in a thick layer of snow, they'd covered the crow's nest with a tarp so the snow didn't fill it.

"Can someone please tell me why it's snowing?" Nami wondered as she stared out the window of the galley door at the snow-covered Going Merry. She was bundled up in a coat, scarf, and earmuffs. "It was hot and sunny a few minutes ago, now it's freezing."

"PERFECT!" Luffy exclaimed, who had a thick layer of snow on top of his straw hat but was still wearing his red vest and blue shorts. He stood out in the snow and shoved a stick into the top ball of a snowman that he'd made. Shunk! "All done! It's the man who fell from the sky, Mr. Snowman!"

The snowman showcased Luffy's lack of skill when it came to anything artistic. The snowman was made of two balls. It had two poles for arms, a third pole for an Usopp-like nose, a piece of frozen meat for a smiling mouth, a pair of uneven rocks for eyes, a green sheet tied around its neck as a cape, and a barrel on its head.

"Ahahahaha!" Usopp laughed, who, like Luffy, was still wearing his usual outfit of brown overalls, a white sash, and a green bandana. "You call that pathetic blob a snowman?"

"WHAT?" Luffy snapped as he turned and glared at the marksman, causing the snow to fall off of his hat.

Usopp turned to the side and presented his masterfully sculpted snowperson. "Behold! A soulful and inspired work of art: the Snow Queen!"

Usopp's Snow Queen looked remarkably like Kaya. It had a perfectly sculpted face and a head of long hair. The Snow Queen wore a short-sleeved gown that went down to her knees, she had feet, hands, toes, and fingers. She was sitting on a fancy 'snow-chair'.

"Whoa! Nice!" Luffy commented. "But can your lady do this?" SHUNK! Luffy smashed his hand into the back of his Mr. Snowman and launched one of the stick arms. FWUMP! The stick connected with the face of Usopp's Snow Queen and knocked her head off of her shoulders.

Usopp stood still in shock for a moment before he realized that Luffy had destroyed his masterpiece, "WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING?" Usopp demanded as he lunged at Luffy's Mr. Snowman and drove his foot through its face in retaliation, THWAK! The head was reduced to mush and the barrel dropped down onto the bottom ball.

"GAAAHH! YOU BIG BULLY!" Luffy shouted,he gathered up bunch of snow and threw a series snowballs at Usopp. FWUP! FWUP! FWUP!

"AAAAHHH!" Usopp shrieked and dove to the side, Tha-Tha-Thump! The snowballs kept going and pelted Y/N in the back. The First Mate was wearing his black cowboy hat and a long black coat that he had bought in Loguetown over his red tank top and cargo pants, the coat went down passed his knees and doubled as a raincoat

"Watch where you're throwing those," Y/N scolded them as he stopped staring off the side of the ship and turned to face Usopp and Luffy.

Luffy and Usopp glanced at each other and grinned, "Okay." Thump! Thump! Two snowballs hit Y/N square in the face.

"Now you're starting to piss me off," Y/N warned them. "You do that again and..." Whap! Y/N's shot his hand up and caught the snowball Luffy had just thrown in midair.

"Now you're dead," said Y/N as he threw the snowball back at Luffy and pelted him in the face. Thump! The Captain was taken by surprise and fell over, but a few seconds later, Luffy, Y/N, and Usopp were in the middle of an all-out snow battle.

"How can they be so energetic out there?" questioned Nami as she stared out the window of the galley at the three 'snow-fighters'.

"MISS. NAMI!" Sanji called out, he was wearing a suit and a blue scarf around his neck as he shoveled snow on the front deck, "Should I shovel some more snow for you?"

"Just keep going until it's gone," Nami told him, "Doing great."

"Thank you!" Sanji exclaimed, pleased that Nami was pleased with him.

"Doesn't this ship have a heater?" asked Mr. 9. He and Ms. Wednesday were in the galley with Nami and were bundled up in red blankets to keep him warm.

"I'm cold," Ms. Wednesday complained.


FWASH! THOOOOM! Lightning flashed and thunder sounded through the snow-filled sky. "First snow, then lightning and thunder!" Nami exclaimed, "What's going on with this weather?"

SHWOOOO! The wind picked up and the thunder clapped again, THOOOOM! "I've never seen weather like this before! One minute the sky's clear, the next it's a blizzard, now it's a thunder storm. It's like the normal rules of nature don't apply! Just like... Crocus warned us..."

"So what do you think, are you ready to turn back yet?" Ms. Wednesday taunted.

"You have no idea how to survive this place," Mr. 9 commented.

"You haven't steered in a while," Ms. Wednesday observed. "Is that wise?"

"I know our heading, I just checked it a little while ago," Nami replied as she went over to check just to be sure.

"AAARRRGGHHHHH!" Nami's scream, caused the three snow-fighters and Sanji to stop what they were doing and turn to face the galley.

"What's wrong?" Usopp wondered.

"She sounds mad," Luffy pointed out.

"Don't be afraid, I'll save you!" Sanji called out.

"Sorry," Y/N apologized, "I'm trying to help her learn an important lesson, that's why I haven't been helping. She needs to learn not to underestimate the weather in the Grand Line. From the sound of that scream, she's starting to realize that this is anything but a normal ocean."

Nami stared at the Log Pose on her wrist in shock, then ran out of the galley and addressed the crew, "Make a hard turn one hundred eighty degree!" she ordered, "HURRY!"

"A one-eighty?" asked Usopp. "Why would you want us to turn back?"

"Did we forget something?" questioned Luffy.

"The ship is turned around!" Nami told them, "We're going the wrong direction! I only took my eyes off the Log Pose for a second! I thought the waves were calm..."

"You're not a very good navigator are you?" Ms. Wednesday inquired, causing Nami to glare at her. "You can't trust anything here in the Grand Line. Not the winds, sky, waves, clouds, nothing is as it seems in this sea. The only way to get reliable direction on the Grand Line is the Log Pose. Everyone knows that."

THWAK! "SHUT YOUR CONDESCENDING MOUTHS AND DO SOMETHING USEFUL AROUND THERE!" Nami yelled as she literally kicked both Mr. 9 and Ms. Wednesday out of the galley and onto the deck. Nami ran out of the galley after them and called to the crew, "RAISE THE YARD! FORCE THE WIND STARBOARD! TURN THE SHIP ONE HUNDRED AND EIGHT DEGREES TO THE LEFT! USOPP, man the sails! SANJI, take the whipstaff!"

"GOT IT MISS. NAMI!" Sanji agreed as he and Usopp ran off to do what they were told.

Nami spotted Mr. 9 and Ms. Wednesday randomly standing on the main deck, "WORK, YOU TWO!"

"This girl's crazy," Mr. 9 muttered.

"Nami, the wind's changed," Y/N pointed out, "and the clouds are clearing."

Nami looked up and saw that it had stopped snowing and that the gray storm clouds were clearing and making way for the sun.

Shhwwoooo! "It's the first gale of spring!" Mr. 9 commented, as he and Ms. Wednesday stood on the deck enjoying the breeze.

"OI! ZORO! WAKE THE HELL UP!" Usopp shouted at the swordsman who was sound asleep. "WE'RE IN A CRISIS!" Zoro just mumbled something and continued sleeping.

"Hey! I think I just saw a dolphin jump!" Luffy called out as he stared off the side of the Going Merry, "LET'S FOLLOW IT!"

"SHUT UP!" Nami yelled.

"THE WAVES ARE GETTING REALLY HIGH!" Usopp shouted from up on the rope ladder leading to the Crow's Nest, "AND THERE'S AN ICEBERG COMING IN AT 10 'O CLOCK!"

"A FOG'S ROLLING IN!" Sanji exclaimed as everything came obscured by a sheet of thick fog.

"THIS IS CRAZY!" Nami screamed. "WHAT'S GOING ON?"

Y/N calmly walked up the steps from the main deck to the upper deck that Nami was standing on. Y/N walked over to her and placed his hands on her shoulders, "Calm down," he told her.

"THAT'S EASY FOR YOU TO S—" Nami started to yelled, but Y/N covered her mouth with his hand, Whap!

"Listen," Y/N told her. "You won't accomplish anything by screaming and panicking. You need to calm down and face every disaster as it comes. As our Navigator, you're in charge on the ship and you need to keep a level head so you can give your orders properly, otherwise we're all likely to die. I'm gonna uncover your mouth now, do you think you can tell everyone what to do without screaming?"

Nami nodded and Y/N removed his hand from her mouth. "Y/N, man the whipstaff," Nami told him. "Use your Log Pose to keep the Merry on its course." Y/N nodded and went into the galley to adjust the heading but before he could, the Going Merry scraped against the iceberg and started shaking, THOOOM!

Luffy came running onto the deck, "We scraped that iceberg!" he exclaimed. "We're taking in water!"

"Usopp, go below deck and plug it up!" Nami called out over the loud wind.

"Got it!" Usopp agreed as he grabbed a bunch of boards, nails, and a hammer and then ran below deck.

SHHWWWOOOO! The wind picked up and the dark clouds rolled back in.

"Oh no! Miss. Nami, those clouds look bad!" Sanji warned her.

"YOU TWO!" Nami called out to Mr. 9 and Ms. Wednesday, "Adjust the yard so we can catch that wind and get through that upcoming storm faster!"

"Right," they reluctantly agreed as they climbed the rope ladder and turned the sails.

"Everyone eat!" Sanji called out as he came out of the galley carrying a barrel of rice balls, "Keep your strength up!

Usopp took a break from doing repairs below deck and took a rice ball, then went back to work, Luffy came over and stuffed three rice balls in his mouth at once, Mr. 9 quickly took two and ran back to the sails.

WOMP! Sanji hit Luffy on the head, "You're taking too many!" he scolded the captain. Then he cook grabbed a rice ball and threw it into the galley, "Y/N, catch!"

Whap! Y/N took one hand off of the whipstaff and caught the incoming rice ball and quickly ate it.

URRRP! Overhead, the stitching on the main sail started to give way to the strong winds. "This wind's too strong!" Ms. Wednesday exclaimed, "the sail's going to rip!"

"There's no time to deal with that," said Nami. "We need to make the most of speed we'll get from the wind. We'll fix the sail later."

"Nami!" Usopp called out as he stuck his head up through the deck from the men's quarters. "There's more damage down here, I can't fix it all myself."

"Luffy, go help Usopp fix the holes," Nami ordered the captain. Luffy stopped eating rice balls and ran below deck to help Usopp fix the holes in the bilge.

THOOOOOM! Thunder crashed overhead as the clouds darkened even further and the wind picked up.

"Everyone hang on!" Nami called out, "We're about to head into a huge storm!"


Some time later, seagulls were flying overhead and the sky was clear. The Going Merry was sailing through the calm waves as it continued on its course to Whisky Peak.

"Aaaaahhhh!" Zoro groaned as he finally woke up and stretched. "I'm rested." Zoro got up and spotted Sanji and Usopp lying on the deck seemingly resting. Mr. 9 and Ms. Wednesday were also passed out on the deck nearby. "Come on, the weather's nice and all but it's no reason to be lazy." He turned and spotted Nami slumped against the railing outside of the galley. "I hope we're going the right way."

"WHY YOU!" Nami, Usopp, and Sanji growled from their spots on the deck.

"We are," said Y/N who was calmly standing in the galley manning the whipstaff. He was no longer wearing his coat and cowboy hat, just his red tank top and black cargo pants. "We went through a series of storms while you were sleeping. They're worn out. "

"Hm," Zoro replied, he turned around and spotted Mr. 9 and Ms. Wednesday lying on the deck. "What're you to doing here?"

"WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?" Mr. 9 demanded.

"We're taking them home to Whisky Peak," Luffy explained, he was sitting on the back railing of the front deck.

"Since when are we transport service for thugs?" questioned Zoro. "We don't owe them anything."

"You're right, we don't," Luffy agreed.

"Why did I even bother asking?" Zoro wondered before he crouched down in front of Mr. 9 and Ms. Wednesday. "So... tell me, what were your strange names again? Cause I don't think that you can be trusted."

"Uh... well... I'm Mr. 9," Mr. 9 answered.

"I'm called Ms. Wednesday," Ms. Wednesday told him.

"Right, you know, those names sound familiar," Zoro commented. "And that's what's bothering me. The more I think about it, the more I'm certain I've heard of it before." Mr. 9 and Ms. Wednesday flinched. "Then again... maybe not."

BONK! "You jerk!" Nami growled, a flaming demonic aura surrounded her. "You think you can just sleep while we do all the work? You're lucky we didn't toss your lazy ass overboard!" Zoro glared at Nami, but she beat him to the punch... literally. BONK! BONK! BONK!

Zoro was left nursing a pile of three large bumps on his head while Nami addressed the crew. "Alright everyone," she announced. "There's no way to tell what's going to happen next. During the terror that most of us just experienced, I came to an understanding of why this sea was called the Grand Line. Anything can happen, but mark my words: I will guide us through!"

"That's the spirit," said Y/N as he came out of the galley. "But there's a spot of good news. The weather seems to be stabilizing, that means we're getting close."

"Well after all of that bad weather something good was bound to come up," Nami turned and stared in front of the ship, "Speaking of which, WE'RE HERE! The first step of our journey on the Grand Line is over!"

The crew turned to stare in front of the ship and peered through the fog at an island with giant cacti growing all over it.

"Shishishi!" laughed a happy Luffy.

"Ahahahaha!" laughed a relieved Usopp.

"Heh," Sanji chuckled while Zoro simply stood beside him and stared at the island as it came closer.

"It's an island!" Luffy exclaimed.

"So this is Whisky Peak," Sanji commented, "The landscape is unlike everything I've ever seen."

"Get used to that," Y/N told him. "On the Grand Line you're likely to see things you'll never see anywhere else. Strange-looking islands are just the start."

"Those cactuses are huge!" Luffy observed.

Skish! Skish! Mr. 9 and Ms. Wednesday leapt onto the railing and surveyed the crew. "Thank you, but we must be leaving," Mr. 9 addressed them.

"It's been an interesting ride to say the least," Ms. Wednesday remarked.

"Perhaps we'll meet again someday," Mr. 9 added.

"BYE-BYE BABY!" they called out at the same time as they leapt off of the railing and did a backflip into the water. SPLA-SPLASH! The Straw Hats stared silently as the two of them swam off.

"They certainly know how to make a quick exit," said Nami.

"I guess we'll never learn who they are," Usopp realized.

"Who cares!" Luffy exclaimed. "Let's land!"

"There's a waterway right up to the shore," Nami pointed out as she spotted waterway that seemingly divided the island in half. "It looks like we can go in by ship."

"I-I hope there aren't monsters here," Usopp stammered.

"It's a possibility, this is the Grand Line," Sanji reminded him.

"No problem," Luffy replied, "If we find monsters we can just run away."

"I was going to suggest fighting them and then having food for the next few days," Y/N offered with shrug.

"We can't run away," Nami informed them. "We have to say on this island a little while so the Log Pose can reset and record the magnetic field between this island and the next one. We can't leave until that's done. The Log Pose could take a different amount of time per island. Some could take hours, others could take days."

"So you mean if this island is full of monsters... we'll have to stick around for days?" questioned Usopp.

"That's right," Nami answered, "so we're staying no matter what."

"See, so the 'having fresh meat for days' thing is starting to sound like a good idea," Y/N pointed out.

"We won't worry about the monsters until we have to," Luffy decided. "They might not even be there."

"As crazy as it sounds, I agree," said Zoro. "There's no need to worry about it yet."

"Now that that's settled, let's get going!" Sanji resolved. "Don't worry Nami, I'll protect you!"

"Hey guys," said Usopp, "I think I'm coming down with 'Better-Not-Visit-This-Island' fever."

"Really?" questioned Y/N. "Would you like a sample of my 'Suck-It-Up' cure-all?"

"Everyone get ready," Luffy addressed the crew, as the Going Merry sailed through the foggy waterway and began to sail inland, "Everyone be ready to run or fight!"

"Hey, it's a pirate ship?" a whisper cut through the fog.

"A knew group of pirates are here," another voice replied. "Alert the town."

"Did you hear that?" asked Y/N whose sharp ears heard the faint voices. "I think I heard people."

"People?" Usopp repeated. "Did you say 'people'?"

"Would you prefer monsters?" Y/N countered.

"Be on your guard everyone," Nami warned them. Zoro the hilt of his sword, Usopp pulled his goggles down and drew his slingshot, Sanji put his hands in his pockets, while Luffy was surprisingly silent.

The fog parted and the Straw Hats found... a crowd of cheering people?

"Welcome to the Grand Line!" someone called out.

"Greetings brave travelers!"

"We're happy to have you here in Whisky Peak!"

"Those aren't monsters, they're people," Usopp realized. "They actually seem happy we're here."

"Luffy, should we run or fight?" questioned Y/N. "I suggest running."

Luffy simply laughed in amazement, "SHISHISHISHI!"

"What's going on here?" Sanji wondered.

"Pirates are always welcome in our town!" someone called out.

"Hooray for the heroes of the sea!" someone else cheered. The crowd of people waved banners that said welcome and sounded instruments, the seemed happy to see the pirates.

"I've never seen so many cute girls in one place!" Sanji swooned with hearts in his eyes as he eyes the pretty women in the crowd.

"I guess to these people, pirates are heroes," Usopp decided. "I should've come here ages ago!"

"WOW!" Luffy exclaimed as he sat on the figurehead and surveyed the crowd.

The Straw Hats docked the Going Merry and got off. They were met by a strange looking man with hair that resembled a colonial-style wig. He wore an extremely fancy dark blue suit and was holding a saxophone.

"Eh-hem, maa... maaa... maaaa," the man sang as he attempted to clear his throat. "My name is Igarappoi and it is my honor as Mayor to welcome you to Whisky Peak."

"Oh, great, I'm Luffy, nice to meet you," Luffy introduced himself. "Nice hair, I like the curls!"

Igarappoi smiled, "You'll find that this is a place that thrives on making liquor and music," he informed the Straw Hats. "Hospitality is a matter of pride in our town. The smiles run long and the liquor is bountiful as sea water. Would you permit us to throw a party in honor of your arrival so that we may heaaahh..." KOFF! KOFF! Igarappoi coughed and attempted to clear his throat, "Eh-hem, maa... maaa... maaaa... hear your tales of adventure?"

"YOU BET WE WOULD!" Luffy, Usopp, and Sanji all cheered before they ran off to join the party, leaving Zoro, Y/N, and Nami standing by the ship.

"Idiots," Nami muttered, "By the way, how long until the Log Pose records this island's magnetic field?"

"Log what?" questioned Igarappoi. "Put aside such trivial matters! Surely you'd like to rest from your journey!" He put an arm around Nami and led her towards the town while calling out to the other people, "Let's prepare a party! Entertain our guests!"

The villagers cheered and ran off to celebrate while Y/N and Zoro stood in front of the Going Merry and shared a glance. "Do you want to keep an eye out or should I? I'll play you for it." Y/N held out a hand while Zoro shrugged and copied him.

"One... two... three... shoot!" they said together. Y/N's hand was flat while Zoro was holding out two fingers. Zoro's scissors cut Y/N's paper.

"Don't worry, I'll take care of everything," Zoro assured him.

Y/N shrugged, "It's about time you started pulling your weight, you slept the entire way here." The sun began to set while the party began in Whisky Peak.


Moonlight and Tombstones:


The sun had set and the moon had risen as the party in Whisky Peak continued. Inside an inn in town the pirates and the villagers were all celebrating. There was a full brass band, plenty of booze, and everyone was in high spirits.

Usopp stood in front of a table telling everyone an elaborate story, "Then I looked 'em straight in the eye and said 'You monsters keep your flippers off my Nakama, or you'll have to answer to me!'"

"Oh wow, you're amazing Captain Usopp!" a few women cheered.

"Now even a great warrior like me trembled a little when facing the Calm Belt," Usopp continued, "With excitement that is!"

"You're a true hero!" someone called out.

"Please don't hold back on my account, drink up!" said Igarappoi as he placed a mug down in front of Nami.

"Thanks, but I'm not drinking!" Nami protested. "I've gotta sail a ship!" Nami, Y/N, and Zoro were sitting on a trio of couches that were joined together in a horseshoe around a table. The horseshoe of couches was surrounded by a happy crowd of villagers.

"Don't worry," Igarappoi told her, "Eh-hem, maa... maaa... maaaa! What you have there is a very special drink. It's made by using only the very sweetest premium grapes. It contains all the flavorful benefits of a fine wine but zero alcohol."

"Wow, you're right, it's delicious!" Nami exclaimed as she sipped from her mug.

"We have an excellent grape harvest this year," Igarappoi continued, "To celebrate that harvest, our traditional drinking contest! The rules are simple, everyone drinks and the last one standing is the winner. Please join us!"

"No thanks, you go ahead," Nami begged off. "I'd rather watch the competition."

Igarappoi reached into his coat and pulled out a sack of coins, "Did I mention that the prize is one hundred thousand berries?"

A split second later, Nami was standing up with her cup held out, "Fill 'er up!" she ordered, she turned to Zoro and Y/N who was casually sipping from mugs of their own. "What're you two doing just sitting there? Join us!"

"Fine, you're on," Y/N agreed, "The score's still tied from Loguetown. I'm not about to lose to you."

"Yeah right," Nami retorted. "I grew up out-drinking fishmen. You don't stand a chance."

MUNCH! MUNCH! CHOMP! MUNCH! Luffy was stuffing himself with hundreds of plates filled with food. The people could only stare in awe as Luffy's rubber stomach allowed him to eat more food than humanly possible.

Time passed and the hour grew later. But the party continued and was showing no signs of slowing down.

"WHOA! THAT'S HIS TENTH MUG!" someone cheered as Zoro slammed a mug down.

"No more... ughhh..." FWUMP! The man Zoro was drinking against passed out. "That's it I'm done."

"THOSE TWO ARE TIED AT THIRTEEN!" someone else shouted. FWUMP! The people standing around Y/N and Nami attempting to out drink them fell to the ground no longer able to stand.

"Don't tell me that's all you've got!" a flushed Nami taunted Y/N as held out her glass, "MORE!"

"Not likely," Y/N retorted, "I'm just getting started!" He held out his own mug, "Come on, fill 'er up!"

"GIVE ME MORE!" Luffy bellowed as he sat behind the same table still eating. His stomach had stretched and bulged but he was still going.

"Unbelievable! The captain just finished a meal fit for twenty people!"

FWUMP! "THE COOK IS DOWN!" someone shouted as the chef that had been serving Luffy passed out.

Sanji sat in a booth surrounded by pretty women, "Wow! That one's trying to bit on twenty girls at the same time! Who the heck are these pirates?"

"Hahaha!" Igarappoi laughed, "This is truly ahh... eh-hem, maa... maaa... maaaa! A fun-filled night! It pleases me to see all of you enjoying the celebration with such vigor." Igarappoi's voice lowered as he stared around the room, "Yes... I'm very pleased."


On another part of the island Mr. 9 and Ms. Wednesday were in a small house. Mr. 9 was dictating the letter he was writing, "'We do formally admit complete failure in our mission to succor food. However, it should be noted, that without the slightest concern for our wellbeing we bravely succeeded in leading a gang of pirates to Cactus Island. Sincerely and with best regards, Mr. 9 and Ms. Wednesday'. That'll do."

Mr. 9 folded up the letter, "Now we submit this and with any luck, all if forgiven."

"Right," Ms. Wednesday agreed as she took the letter from him. "I'll put this in the Unluckies box immediately." She stood up and left the house and walked out to a mailbox that had a vulture and an otter on top of it. "They'll deliver it to the boss for us." Ms. Wednesday put the letter into the mailbox which had a skull and crossbones on it. It was a normal skull, with swords crossed behind it and a pair of wings around it. Over the skull and crossbones was the word 'Baroque'. "I hope it works."


"I'm calling it quits..." Zoro mumbled, "Ahamahammaa..." Zoro mumbled something unintelligible and passed out on the table, FWUMP!

"That one's finally down after thirteen mugs!" someone called out.

"Hah-ha, you're such a lightweight!" Y/N laughed as he and Nami sat at a table with a pile of passed out drinkers on the floor around them.

"Oh, come on!" Nami taunted the unconscious swordsman. "You quittin' already Zoro? You wuss!"

"Those other two are both at twenty glasses!" someone pointed out.

"They've out-drank everyone!" someone exclaimed. "The only one left is the sister!"

"You two should probably think about stopping," commented the dark-skinned woman wearing a black and white nun outfit who was sitting next to the passed out Zoro on the third couch.

"Not in your life, Mister!" Y/N retorted.

"That's sister," the nun corrected him. "Really there's no shame in losing."

"Yeah Y/N!" Nami taunted, "No shame in losing... TO ME!"

"I won't lose to you!" Y/N snapped. Both of them were clearly more than a little drunk. Nami's face was flushed and she was having trouble controlling the volume of her voice, Y/N appeared to be getting a lot more emotional, which was huge for him.

FWUMP! Luffy fell out of his chair and passed out, his stomach was so huge that five people could probably fit inside it. "This is a new feeling..." Luffy said to himself, "I think I'm full..."

FWUMP! FWUMP! Another two cooks were passed out next to the first one.

"I'm out," the sister groaned as she fell forward on the table and passed out next to Zoro, FWUMP!

Nami was swaying in her seat while Y/N was leaning back against the cushion of his couch. "What's the matter Nami, starting to feel it?" Y/N teased her.

"LIKE HELL!" Nami shouted. "I WON'T LOSE TO YOU!"

"Uh... you two are both from the same crew..." a villager timidly said as he held out the sack of prize money, "So you both win the prize money..."

Nami snatched away the sack and put it on the table between them, "I DON'T SHARE! AND I WON'T LOSE TO YOU!" She didn't seem to realize that she was shouting.

"Hah-ha, you must be really drunk to think you actually have a chance at beating me!" Y/N laughed.

"They're both at twenty-five glasses!" someone realized, "And they're not stopping!"

"Aaaahh!" Usopp sighed, "Whisky Peak, what a wonderful town!" He fell backwards and passed out in the chair he was sitting in.

"We've stumbled upon pure paradise!" Sanji commented before he passed out across the lap of three of them women he'd been flirting with.

Igarappoi stood and surveyed the room, Luffy was down on the floor, Zoro had been out for a while now, Sanji and Usopp had just fainted. But Y/N and Nami were still trying to out-drink each other.

A worried pair of villagers approached the mayor, "Those two are both at twenty-seven glasses! We're starting to run out!"

"We drugged the last seven glasses with enough sleeping pills to knock out a full-grown elephant!" another exclaimed. "But they're still not going down!"

"I'll handle this," Igarappoi offered as he began to make his way over to the two pirates.

"YOU'RE A WORTHY OPPONENT!" Nami shouted in her 'speaking voice'. Once she finished her twenty-eighth mug, they'd all started to blur together and she had long since lost count. It was just a matter of who passed out first, her or Y/N. "BUT I WON'T LOSE!"

"Less talky, more drinky," Y/N replied as he grabbed his twenty-ninth mug and started to drink from it.

Igarappoi came over and stood behind the couch they were both sitting on. "Eh-hem, maa... maaa... maaaa... I'm pleased to see that you and your crew are enjoying yourselves," he said as he reached out and placed a hand on each of their shoulders. "As I said earlier, our town prides itself on its hospitality!"

Gulp! Y/N finished off the mug and slammed it down, "Ugghh... yeah thanks... we're having a great time."

KER-RACK! Igarappoi suddenly pushed Y/N and Nami together, causing their heads to crack together. After all they'd drank, they were easily knocked out. FWUMP! Nami slumped against Y/N causing him to fall backwards onto the couch with Nami on top of him. Igarappoi rubbed his hands together and walked away, leaving the two unconscious pirates 'cuddled' together on the couch.

"There, now they're all out," Igarappoi concluded as the left the inn and stared up at the night sky. "Sweet dreams... brave adventurers. My how the cactus rocks gleam under the pale moonlight, beautiful as ever."

"You're a poet, Igarappoi," came the voice of Mr. 9. Igarappoi turned and spotted Mr. 9 and Ms. Wednesday sitting on the roof of the inn, "Or should I say, Mr. 8?"

"Oh, it's you two," realized Igarappoi AKA Mr. 8,

Mr. 9 and Ms. Wednesday jumped down from the inn roof and stood behind him. "So where are they?" Ms. Wednesday asked.

"They've fallen... into the Abyss..." Mr. 8 answered.

Krek! "Damn, my head is killing me," came a voice as the Sister came out of the inn. "It didn't seem like those two would ever pass out, even after we started doctoring their drinks."

The sister pulled off her hood to reveal a head of short orange hair. "So tell me, was it really necessary to put on this elaborate show for these idiots?" She pulled off her black nun-dress to reveal an extremely muscular physique and a red and white checkered dress.

"I get that no one wants to hear me whine," the Sister AKA Ms. Monday continued, "but it's my duty to point out all of the food we wasted. We could've just ambushed them at the harbor. We're already short on supplies and we won't be getting any whale meat any time soon."

"We tried our best, but then those pirates showed up!" Mr. 9 protested. "That annoying red-haired one made us promise to stop hunting it. I'd like to see you try it!"

"I'd like to see you try out-drinking him and that girlfriend of his," Ms. Monday groaned as she held her head.

"Calm down, both of you," Mr. 8 ordered, "Before you question the validity of my plan, you should see this." Mr. 8 pulled a pair of wanted posters out from under his suit jacket. They were of 'Straw Hat' Monkey D. Luffy and 'One Eye' Y/N.

30,000,000 plus 20,000,000 equals 50,000,000.

"FIFTY MILLION BERRIES?" Ms. Monday, Ms. Wednesday, and Mr. 9 shouted.

"Only a fool judges pirates by their appearance," Mr. 8 lectured. "That goes forr..." KOFF! "Eh-hem, maa... maaa... maaaa! That goes for all of you."

"Hm, twenty million for the First Mate... that seems about right," Ms. Monday reasoned.

"And now our prey has been trapped," Mr. 8 told them. "That's news the boss will enjoy. For now, confiscate everything of value from their ship."

"What do we do with them now?" asked Ms. Monday. "Kill them?"

"If they die the bounty drops thirty percent," said Mr. 8. "The government prefers to hold public executions. Now go, I want them alive!"

"Hey, sorry to interrupt," came a voice. Mr. 8, Ms. Monday, Mr. 9, and Ms. Wednesday all turned around to see Zoro sitting on the roof of the inn holding his sword out beside him. "But would you mind letting my Nakama sleep a little longer? They've had a long day and the journey was exhausting, or so I'm told."

"Mr. 8, Ms. Monday!" a villager exclaimed as he and another came out from the inn hold in a gun, "One of them escaped from the room while we weren't looking!"

"He's right over there," Ms. Wednesday pointed out as she glared up at the green-haired swordsman on the roof.

"Sneaky wretch," Mr. 8 muttered. "You should've stayed asleep with you friends."

"A good swordsman never lets his guard down," Zoro replied. "Plus I figured you were up to something when you knocked two of my crew out." Zoro stood up on the roof and spotted the other villagers, they were all holding weapons and were glaring at him. "Judging by the scowls and the disguises, I'd say that you're all bounty hunters. Your specialty is robbing drunk pirates who fall for your hospitality. I'll give you points for originality, but that's about it."

"I count a hundred of you guys," Zoro continued as he held Wado Ichimonji out beside him. "And I'll fight all of you. You hear me... Baroque Works?"

"Gaahh! HOW DO YOU KNOW THAT?" Mr. 8 demanded.

"I used to be in a similar line of work," Zoro explained. "Your company tried to entice me with a job offer. Naturally, I said no. Do the same rules apply? Employee identities kept secret, cheesy codenames, the boss' identity and whereabouts a mystery. Baroque Works, the group that faithfully carries out their orders... like herded sheep. Heh, that's some secret."

"This is unexpected," Mr. 8 commented. "But if you know all of our secrets, then we have no other choice but to kill you. And another gravestone shall be added to the Cactus Rock's tonight."

Upon a closer look, the needles on the giant cacti that covered nearly the entire island were actually cross-shaped tombstones. Baroque Works had clearly been in business on this island for a long time because there were MILLIONS of needles/tombstones on the giant rocks around the island.

"KIIILLLL HIIIIMMMM!" Mr. 8 shouted. "AAAAAHHHH!" Mr. 8 stopped shouting when he realized that Zoro was no longer standing on top of the inn, he had disappeared.

One hundred bounty hunters hadn't seen the swordsman disappear. "H-he d-disappeared," Ms. Wednesday stammered.

Zoro had a big order on his hands. He had to face a town filled with over a hundred bounty hunters out for his head.


Hope you enjoyed the chapter!!

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