The Fire of Shandora

The Fire of Shandora:


"'Hold our true ambitions in your heart and speak not of them'," the Shandian Chief recited as a young Wyper, Kiko, Kamakiri, Braham and Genbo stood in front of him. Laki listened from behind a column nearby. "'We are the weavers of history.' Those are the words that were written on a Poneglyph eight hundred years ago."

"Poneglyph?" Kiko repeated as he sat on the ground in front of the other boys and scratched the side of his face with the nails on his foot like a dog.

"Yes," the Chief confirmed, "And when those who sought to steal the stone revealed themselves, the Shandian Warriors of the City of Gold fought bravely to protect it."

"Did they succeed?" Wyper asked.

"Yes, they did," the Chief answered, "However, the battle took its toll and a great many warriors died that day. Those few who survived vowed to become guardians of the stone. They kept watch over the city and the sacred Poneglyph they swore to defend to the death."

"And you say that's the true story of our ancestors?" Kiko questioned.

"But then the island and City of Gold were taken away to Skypeia four hundred years ago," Kamakiri spoke up.

"Since then it's been under Skypeian control," Braham noted.

"Our ancestors fought to their last breath to defend that island," Wyper resolved.

"And then it was taken away!" Genbo exclaimed.

The Chief nodded. "The Upper Yard. That is our homeland. But at the same time it alone holds a history that has disappeared into the darkness of time. Even though it is under the control of the Skypeians now, we must never allow the fire of the proud City of Shandora to die."

Wyper more than the other boys took those words to heart and they shaped him into the intense and almost fanatical warrior that he had become.


"Did... we win?" a scorched Kiko asked as he staggered back into the clearing and saw Wyper and Y/N standing over the fallen form of God Eneru.

"Looks like it," Y/N noted as he crouched to study Eneru closely. "His heart's not beating. Nice hit, bazooka-guy."

"Koff!" Wyper's response was to cough up blood.

"I guess it took its toll on you though," Y/N noted. "So... this city is your homeland?"

"Four hundred years ago it was," Wyper answered. "Now I'll give you and the rest of your crew of Blue Sea Dwellers until I regain the feeling in my arm to leave the land of my ancestors before you get the same treatment as him."

Nami suddenly rushed out from behind the ruins she'd been hiding behind and dashed over to two that had fallen. "Robin! Gan Fall! Oh no..."

Bzzzt! A bright light suddenly flashed from the middle of Eneru's chest and for less than a second bathed his body in a bright glow.

Skish! Y/N quickly jumped away from Eneru while Zoro, Nami, Wyper and Kiko all stared in surprise as Eneru's chest started to spark over and over again. Bzzzt! Bzzzt! Bzzzt! Bzzzt!

"It can't be..." Nami gasped. "He's... restarting his own heart!"

Bzzzt! Bzzzt! Bzzzt! The light in Eneru's chest continued to pulse like a defibrillator and eventually managed to restore the previously dead God's heartbeat.

Bzzzt! Bzzzt! Bzzzt! Bzzzt! Bzzzt! The light continued to pulse as Eneru slowly sat up and then got back up to his feet.

"Zombie!" Y/N yelped in alarm.

Wyper and Kiko were so shocked that the former dropped to his knees while the latter fell back on his ass.

Eneru's heart had stopped beating. He had been dead. But he'd restarted it using his Devil Fruit Powers and was now standing in front of them alive once more.

"It's not that people fear God," Eneru announced as he calmly wiped the blood from his mouth. "Rather, it is God who is fear itself."

"What the hell is with this guy?" Zoro wondered.

"I see the fear on your faces," Eneru observed. "That was a good hit but using that Sea Stone was just a cheap trick. And you, Wyper, using a Reject Dial would usually kill the ordinary user but you shot it twice... and you're still breathing. Hmph... quite impressive. But it was for nothing. You used your best shot but I restarted My heart with powers. I can't die. I am truly immortal."

"Not... a zombie?" Y/N realized. His alarmed expression became a grin. "Then I'm not afraid. Speed Step!" ZZZZOOOOM! Y/N sped pass Wyper and Kiko and flew feet-first at Eneru. "Flying... ARROW KICK!" SWISH! Eneru spun around Y/N's attack then turned to face him when he landed behind him.

"That cheap trick of yours isn't going to work again," Eneru told him.

"Cheap trick? You don't know who you're dealing with!" Y/N retorted. "Cheap tricks are what I'm all about! Jumping... AX KICK!" Y/N launched himself up into the air above Eneru and came down foot first.

SKISH! Eneru jumped back to avoid it and scoffed at Y/N as he landed on the ground. THUD!

"Have you already forgotten about My Mantra?" Eneru taunted. "Not only do I have all the offensive power of lightning but with My Mantra I can avoid any and all of yours attacks so I'll never make contact with your Sea Stone. You cannot hope to def—"

"JAVELIN KICK!" Y/N cut him off as he lashed his leg out at Eneru's chin. WHAK! Eneru knocked Y/N's leg aside with his staff. Tmp! Y/N landed and lashed his other leg out behind him at Eneru's stomach. "MACHETE BACK KICK!" Whap! Eneru caught Y/N by the ankle then tossed his leg away. Y/N spun around and swung his foot at Eneru's head. "SPINNING WHIP KICK!" SWISH! Eneru leaned his head back to avoid the attack then backflipped away from him. FWIP!

Y/N spun to a stop then turned to face Eneru. SKISH! Y/N immediately launched himself up into the air and flew up over Eneru's head then lashed his legs down at him. "BLUDGEON STOMP!" SKISH! Eneru jumped backwards and Y/N slammed into the empty ground. KRASH!

"VARI!" BA-ZOOOOOM! Lightning streaked out from Eneru's hand and flew straight into Y/N's chest. The one-eyed pirate was blasted over Kiko. Nami threw herself down on the ground as Y/N flew over her and smashed through the wall she had previously been hiding behind. KROOSH!

"Y/N!" Nami shrieked as she shot over to Y/N and paused only briefly to move Chopper away from the rubble before she pressed her ear down on Y/N's chest to check his breathing.

"Fool," Eneru scoffed. "He should have known better than to fight God."

THWHAM! Wyper flew down out of nowhere and drove his skis down onto Eneru's shoulders. "He at least served as a good distraction," Wyper growled as he drove Eneru down into the ground. WHAM! "He wasn't the only one with Sea Stone!" Wyper raised his bandaged hand up over Eneru's chest again. "THIS TIME I'LL MAKE SURE YOU STAY DEAD!"


"Eight hundred years ago Shandian Warriors fought for the fate of this city!" Wyper snapped, "They fought to their death to protect it! I am the descendant of those warriors! One day our homeland was taken away from us. For four hundred years we've carried the Great Warrior Calgara's injured pride. We've sought to return our homeland to its rightful place for generations. And now that I've finally made it, YOU'RE STANDING IN MY WAY!"

Wyper pulled back his Reject Dial, ready to die like his ancestors to defend his homeland.

"WYPER NO!" Kiko barked. "That already failed. Hold him down and I'll burn through him!" SKISH! The pink haired Shandian launched himself up into the air overhead and drew his arms back and ignited his four flame claws. FWOOOSH!

WHAK! Desperate, Eneru swung his gold staff upward and smacked Wyper upside the face with it. The Shandian Warrior was knocked off of him and Eneru shot back up to his feet. SKISH!

"CROSS-FIRE!" Kiko howled as he swung all four of his fire blades down at Eneru as a big X.

Tnk! Eneru tapped the top right drum on his back with his staff which caused it to spark. BZZZZT! "THIRTY MILLION VOLTS... HINO!" BA-ZOOOOOOOM! Lightning flew up over Eneru's head from the drum and formed a huge hawk. BZZOOOOOOM! The thunder hawk enveloped the fire cross and blasted up into Kiko. SHOOOOOOM!

"AAAAAHHHH!" Kiko screamed as he was electrocuted by Eneru's powerful attack and then crashed down to the ground in a smoking heap. THUD!

"BASTARD!" Wyper snarled as he launched himself at Eneru again.

Tnk! Eneru tapped the top left drum on his back with is gold staff and it started to spark like the other one had. BZZZZZT! "THIRTY MILLION VOLTS... KITEN!" BA-ZZOOOOOOOM! A giant tiger made out of lightning shot out from Eneru's hand and pounced on Wyper. He was knocked back so hard that his skis were knocked off. BZZZOOOOOOM!

"AAAAUUGGGHHHH!" Wyper yelled out. His body was engulfed in lightning as the lightning tiger plunged into his chest, went through his body and came out his back. SHOOOOOOOM! Wyper crashed down to the ground and smoke wafted off of his burned body.

SKISH! Zoro bounded across the clearing and grabbed one of Wyper's skis. "This thing's got Sea Stone in it..."

"Your turn Blue Sea Swordsman," Eneru said as he tapped the two right drums with his staff. Tnk! Tnk! "SIXTY MILLION VOLTS JULUNGUL!" BA-ZZZOOOOOOOOM! The two drums formed a gigantic serpentine dragon that flew through the air and engulfed Zoro. BZZZZOOOOOOOOOOOM!

"YAAAAHHAAAAAAAHHHAAAAAAA!" Zoro screamed out as the long serpentine body of the dragon passed through his body and came out his back. SHOOOOOOM! When it passed, his burnt and charred body dropped to the ground. THUD!

"ZOOOROOOO!" Nami shouted in horror as she watched the two Shandians and then Zoro fall one after another from three consecutive attacks.

"Everyone... has fallen to him..." Nami realized as she knelt over Y/N.

Eneru turned and stared to advance on Nami. She was terrified that someone so powerful was now coming after her. But then her eyes widened in shock as she stared passed Eneru.

"How could he?" she wondered. Behind Eneru, Wyper had somehow gotten back up, "Unreal!" Nami stared at the burnt Shandian Warrior in shock. "Even as hurt as he is... he still intends to fight..."

Eneru looked back at Wyper, "What do you intend to prove?" he asked. "You're going to die anyway. Why not make it easy on yourself? Did you say it's been four hundred years? For all that time, you and the Shandians have been fighting to take back your homeland. And yet, you and your dead friend are the only warriors who have managed to make it here. No wonder this nation will soon fall into the Blue Sea and be lost for all eternity."

Wyper clenched his fists and prepared to attack Eneru again. Even without his Sea Stone skis, even without his Burn Bazooka, Wyper was still intent on fighting.

"How can he do that?" Nami asked herself. "He's unstoppable!"

"You're fighting for a lost cause," Eneru continued, "Can't you see that you'll never regain your homeland? So why get back up?"

"For my ancestors..." Wyper stated. His body was standing and still looked ready to fight but there was no light in his eyes. Wyper was standing through sheer force of will.

"I must confess, I was hoping for a better answer than that," Eneru admitted as his arm took on a bright white glow. "But then again, I doubt you're even completely conscious." BZZOOOOM! Eneru shot a concentrated beam of lightning up into the air overhead.

"LOOK OUT!" Nami shouted at Wyper.

"EL THOR!" Eneru called out as he brought down the lightning. BAA-ZZZOOOOOOOOOM! The beam of light shot down out of the sky and blasted into the ground. It completely engulfed Wyper while Nami flinched back in horror.

When the bright light and the dust faded, all that was left of Wyper was a large smoking crater in the middle of the clearing. Nami scanned the unmoving bodies that were all around it, Zoro, Chopper, Robin and Kiko. None of them had stood a chance against Eneru's almighty power.

"And then was one," Eneru resolved as he turned back to Nami. "Make that two..."

"Uuuggghhh..." Y/N groaned as he started to sit up.

"Y/N, NO!" Nami yelled as she grabbed him from behind and held him against her. "YOU CAN'T BEAT HIM! YOU'LL BE KILLED!"

"Finally one of you sees sense," Eneru noted. "Out of all that had stood against Me, you're the only one to come out of it unscathed Blue Sea Woman. But not for long..."

"Don't... you dare..." Y/N grunted as he finally opened his eye and glared at Eneru.

"After all that, you actually believe you still stand a chance against Me?" Eneru questioned. "You're still alive only because I wished you to be. I purposely used a low voltage for that attack but My mercy is extended only once. You are skilled Blue Sea Dweller, your Mantra allowed you to defeat My two most powerful warriors, you even managed to land an attack on Me. Killing you would be a waste of potential but if you continue to resist, I'll finish you both off right now."

Nami felt Y/N stiffen. "Your crew has fallen," Eneru pointed out. "All you have left this that woman... she's your favorite, is she not? I've been watching you, Y/N of the Blue Sea. When you first set foot on this island you two came here together then you sent her away from the Alter so you could face judgment on your own and then you slept together last night." Despite the terrifying situation, Nami's face flushed in embarrassment.

"Hmph, and I thought Robin was a voyeur," Nami heard Y/N mumble.

"This is your last chance," Eneru announced as he raised his glowing white arm up into the air.

Nami whimpered and closed her eyes as she clutched Y/N from behind. They were gonna die. But at least they'd die together.

"Alright, alright... I'll go with you," Y/N conceded. "We'll go with you."

Nami's eyes flew opened in surprise. Y/N was giving up?

"Endless Vearth, right?" Y/N questioned. "Sounds interesting."

Eneru grinned, "I knew you'd see it My way."


The Ark Maxim:


"Wyper," the Chief addressed the Shandian boy after the story. "Wyper come here."

"What is it?" young Wyper had asked.

"Since you are a descendant of the Great Warrior Calgara, I feel I must impart this to you," the Chief told him. "Not many know the real reason Calgara wanted to regain the homeland and why he would stop at nothing to do so."

"So tell me," Wyper prompted, "What's the real reason?"

"You see, Calgara felt that the loss of his homeland was his greatest failure," Chief explained. "The problem was, he lost something else important to him..."


Nami noted the tears in Wyper's eyes as she knelt over him in the crater. He was still alive.

"What are you doing?" Eneru asked from up above. "Are you having second thoughts?"

"I'm moving their bodies," Y/N answered as he carried Robin over to the spot where he'd laid Zoro and Chopper. He felt pulses. They were all still alive. "They're all really important to me so I'm not just gonna leave them lying here."

"It makes no difference," Eneru said. "This unnatural island will soon be plunged back into the Blue Sea."

"So this Endless Vearth place..." Y/N quickly changed the subject. "That's your dream world, huh? It doesn't sound like anyplace I've been before and I've seen a lot down in the Blue Sea. I've explored the four oceans and I've sailed on both parts of the Grand Line. I've even been on an island of fish people that's thirty thousand feet under the sea. I've had a chance to explore the White Sea and the islands in it up in the sky. Now I'll have chance to go beyond even that and see the Endless Vearth."

"Before we leave, I have a condition," Eneru informed Y/N. "Your boots... remove them. If you keep that Sea Stone on you, it might give you foolish ideas of resisting Me. That will end badly... for both of you. It's better off if you just leave them." Y/N grumbled and pulled his boots off then put them on the ground next to Robin.

Vrooooom! Nami sped up the side of the crater and landed on the ground beside it on the Waver.

"I'm coming!" Nami exclaimed. "I just had to grab this!"

Eneru frowned at Nami's Waver. "That thing? Are you sure you want to bring it along?"

"She spent a large part of the Survival Game running from the snake on that," Y/N chimed in.

"Uh... so... you don't think I'll... need it?" Nami questioned.

"Honestly, I'm not certain you'll be able to use it where we're going," Eneru admitted, "It's up to you. Do as you please."

"Oh, thanks for letting me bring it!" Nami replied, "I just... love this thing!"

"Time to go," Eneru decided, "Let's be off." Eneru turned and started to lead them further off into the ancient city.

Nami swallowed hard then slowly pushed her Waver along as she followed behind him. Suddenly she felt a hand on her shoulder. She relaxed immediately when she saw it was Y/N. Even better, he had that sly smirk on his face that settled all of Nami's nerves. Y/N had a plan. She didn't know what it was and at this point she couldn't risk asking or it would tip off Eneru. But Nami trusted him so she knew that he'd get them out of this horrible situation.

Nami decided to make the most if it, "So... where are we going?"

Surprisingly, it was Y/N who answered her, "He's taking us to where all the gold is."

Eneru stopped and looked back at him in surprise, "How did you know that?"

Y/N patted Nami's shoulder then walked up ahead so he was next to Eneru. "You're not the only one with special abilities. I'm a Treasure Hunter by trade, its easier for me than most because I have this special ability to sense treasure. Gold, precious stones, even Devil Fruit, anything that can be considered valuable I can sense and know how much its worth. "

"Interesting, even I haven't heard of anything like that before," Eneru confessed.

"So you don't think it has anything to do with Mantra?" Y/N questioned. "You said you could sense people with yours right? Maybe mine allows me to sense specific non-organic materials."

"Perhaps, but My Mantra is unique," Eneru told him. "I used My Devil Fruit Powers to fill the area with electrical waves, that allows Me to locate and hear everyone on the island. And if someone were to say something... unsavory... I would know and be able to pass My judgment. Usually Mantra is just used to predict what someone will do. Most people can't sense others with theirs."

"I'll have to tell Y/N about Aisa later," Nami thought to herself as she trailed behind them.

"Well, I thought I'd let you know what I can do since you're my captain now," Y/N stated, "If you'd like I can prove my abilities by leading the way to where we're going. I've been sensing this gold ever since Nami and I first came to this island and I was attacked by your priests. There was so much it was almost overwhelming. I allowed Robin to lead me down to the City of Gold but I didn't have the heart to tell her that you had mined all the gold and put it all in one place."

"She figured that out for herself," Eneru informed him. "She was quite intelligent. But she thought she was smarter than Me so she had to perish."

"I still didn't want her to see what had happened to it all," Y/N continued. "She was upset when one of your warriors chipped a monument, I would've hated for her to see what you had done with all the gold after mining to for... how many years?"

"Six," Eneru answered. "Very well, lead the way."

Y/N smiled then took a few steps passed Eneru and started to lead them through the city.

"He's doing it again," Nami thought to herself at the back of the procession. "He's using his charm to win him over, just like he did with Arlong. I just have to wait until he enacts his plan."

"By the way, I'm afraid I have a confession to make," Y/N admitted to Eneru. "You made a mistake earlier that I feel that I should correct. I'm not the Captain of my crew."

"You're not the Captain?" Eneru questioned.

Y/N shook his head. "First Mate."

"Then who?" Eneru asked. "The Swordsman?"

"Nope, my Captain is the rubber man that defeated that fat Priest of yours," Y/N answered.

"Rubber? What is rubber?" Eneru questioned.

"You... don't know what rubber is?" Y/N inquired as a smile threatened to split his face. "HAH-HA!"

"What's so funny?" Eneru demanded.

"Oh, it's a Blue Sea joke," Y/N quickly lied. "I'd explain it but then it wouldn't be funny." Y/N looked passed Eneru at Nami. "Nami, the Thunder God doesn't know what rubber is!"

Nami's eyes widened. "Rubber! It's an insulator that can block electricity and even lightning! LUFFY'S made of rubber! Eneru's lightning attacks won't work on him. THAT'S his plan! Y/N's stalling for time until Luffy gets here!"

Nami smiled and started to laugh, "Hehehehehehehe!" They were going to live!

"See, she gets it," Y/N pointed out.

Nami was also surprised at how easy she had been able to figure out his plan. He had barely told her anything but suddenly she knew exactly what he was planning.

"Anyway," Y/N continued, "Rubber is this really stretchy material down in the Blue Sea. My Captain ate a Devil Fruit and is made of the stuff. That's how he could stretch when he fought your Priest. He's also really strong and has a big heart."

"He's also quite dead," Eneru stated. "The three of us are the only ones still alive on this island."

"And now to change the subject," Y/N decided. "You know, he's not even my first captain. The first one was my older brother. He had Logia Devil Fruit Powers like yours and could control fire. Lightning may have been a force that man has feared since the beginning but fire was the first element that man harnessed and we've come as far as we have because of it. I'm sure you can understand how having the power of fire and being able to burn anyone in our way would have made him very powerful."

"Yes, but as I have shown, my lightning trumps mere fire," Eneru insisted.

"Oh, of course," Y/N agreed. "But then there was my second captain. He was stronger than my brother and me put together. He ate one of the most powerful Paramecia Devil Fruits there is. It's called the Quake Quake Fruit and it has the power to shake the entire world. When he sends a tremor through the air, it creates a shockwave that'll blow anyone backwards. When he sends a tremor through the ocean, it creates a typhoon that can sink any ship. And when he sends a tremor through the land, it crumbles around him. If he was here and wanted to, he could reduce this entire island into clumps of dirt in one fell swoop."

Nami gaped in alarm at how powerful Y/N's former captain Whitebeard was.

Eneru's eyes widened in surprise, "You have people like that down in the Blue Sea?" he asked. "That man sounds like a devil!"

"I called him pops," Y/N almost chirped which caused Eneru to flinch. "But based off of my two previous Captains, you can see why I wasn't immediately awestruck by your power over lightning and actually tried to fight you."

"Yes... I... see..." Eneru said. "I... suppose that's understandable..." Eneru shook his head. "But make no mistake, Blue Sea Y/N! I am the most powerful being in the sky and I will use that power to bring an end to this unnatural dirt island in the sky."

"Speaking of dirt," Y/N remarked, "We just left the city. Now we're in the forest again."

The three made their ways through the giant trees that had been growing outside of Shandora and eventually came to the bottom of a simple massive cliff. If they had climbed up it they would probably have been on the same level as the forest above the City of Gold. But climbing up the cliff wasn't an option here. An enormous cave had been hallowed out into the side of the cliff and two gigantic white tarps were draped over the mouth of the cave.

"All powerful Gods first," Y/N said as he bowed courteously and motioned Eneru passed him. Eneru smiled and walked passed Y/N through the tarp and into the cave. Y/N smiled as Nami came up to him and motioned her onward with the same bow, "And ladies second."

Y/N and Nami followed Eneru into the cave and down a long tunnel. The only sound that could be heard was the squeak of the Waver as Nami pushed it along beside her. They came out of the tunnel and stared at the biggest ship either of them had ever seen.

"Holy crap, that thing's bigger than the Moby Dick," Y/N realized as he and Nami stared at the gigantic wooden ark. It was simply massive, easily five hundred feet tall. The ark had a mostly wooden exterior but was decorated with a giant sold gold face that had an imposing throne in its opened mouth. Eight long oars lined the sides of the ark and they were so big that Eneru, Y/N and Nami could walk side-by-side-by-side all the way up one. The ship had a number of large propellers as well as a couple large solid gold gears and then an enormous propeller on the back of the ship.

"What do you think?" Eneru called out to them, "Amazing, isn't it? It's the only ship of its kind in the world. And it can only be controlled by Me."

Nami looked over at Y/N, "I thought you said he used all the gold for this," she pointed out. "Don't get me wrong, its huge. But the only gold I see on it is that massive face and a couple gears."

"There are probably a lot more of those golden gears inside of it," Y/N reasoned. "He just said that it can only be controlled by him. Gold is a conductive metal so he must have lined the ship with it so it can harness his Devil Fruit Powers and maybe even enhance them."

"That's right," Eneru replied. "In other words, its powered purely by lightning. It's only natural for you to be skeptical, but I assure you, it is possible."

"No one's skeptical," Y/N assured him. "My older brother had a ship like this that ran on his fire powers. It wasn't anywhere near the size of this ship mind you but had an engine that he could blast his fire through for a boost. When he wanted it to be, it was the fastest ship on the Blue Sea."

Eneru twitched slightly from having his thunder stolen. "Even then, there is no ship that can compare to this one!" he insisted. "This ship was specially designed so that it can FLY! Can your mortal brother's ship do that? No? I didn't think so!" Eneru took a calming breath. "I'm sure it will make many of the inhabitants of this island... happy to see a flying ship before their demise. The sight of this magnificent ship in flight will be the last thing they see! Yahahahahahahahaha!"

"Oh yeah," Y/N remarked, "Nothing makes people happier than their impending doom and mass genocide. I'm sure they'll all be thrilled to see it."

"A flying ship?" Nami thought to herself, "If it takes off before Luffy gets here, we might not have a chance to escape at all!"

Eneru spread his arms and turned to face his ship, "Behold the Ark Maxim!" he proclaimed. "With this ship we will reach the land that knows no boundaries! We will travel to the Endless Vearth! YAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!"


Back in Shandora the City of Gold, the massive snake known as the Lord of the Sky laid slumped over one of the tall buildings. It had been burned by Eneru's lightning and didn't move.

Fwip! Suddenly the snake's massive yellow eye popped opened. The snake was still unconscious but upon closer look, the reason for its eye opening turned out to be the rubber pirate and the little Shandian girl that were standing inside of the eye.

Poke! Luffy prodded the snake's eye which irritated it and caused the bottom of the eye to quickly fill up with tears.

"Waaah!" Aisa cried out and Luffy quickly grabbed her and pulled her up so she didn't drown in the snake's massive puddle of tears. Luffy quickly scrambled up the snake's giant yellow eyeball and went to the back of its head.

BOING! Luffy must have punched something inside the snake because a second later, its mouth dropped opened and Luffy, Aisa and Gan Fall's steed Pierre dropped out of it.

"WAAAAAAHHH!" Luffy screamed as he plummeted to the ground and hit his head. WOING! The rubber pirate bounced off of the ground and landed on his back.

SWOOOSH! Meanwhile, Pierre swooped down and caught Aisa before she could hit the ground but in doing so the bird ended up crashing into the ground himself. WHAM!

"We're... outside..." Aisa panted in relief. "We... finally escaped..." Aisa finally opened her eyes and looked down at the ground. "The ground is made of stone. Where are we?"

"YYYEEEEEEAAAAAAAHHHHH!" Luffy shouted at the top of his lungs as he raced up a long flight of steps on monument that towered over the City of Gold.

"What's going on Luffy?" Aisa called after him. She ran to the bottom of the stairs. "HEY! WAIT UP!" The girl started to chase the overeager pirate up the stairs. "LUFFY!" She eventually caught up to him when he stopped at the very top of the tall monument.

"WEEEEEEE'REEEEEEEE FREEEEEEEEEEEEEE!" Luffy yelled out. After being trapped in that snake for over five chapters, he was understandably very happy to finally be outside again. "WEEEEE MAAAAADEEEEE IIIIIIIT OOOOOOOOOOOOUUUUUUUT! WOOOOHOOO!" Then Luffy finally took in his surroundings. "Hey, where are we? What are these old buildings? It looks like this could be the place where all that gold is supposed to be!"

"What is this place?" Aisa wondered as she took in the ancient city beneath her. "Wait... could this be our homeland?"

"Your homeland?" Luffy repeated, "Hey, not bad! But where did that big hole come from?" Luffy stared at the crater that Eneru had made when he had finished off Wyper but then he spotted the three familiar bodies that had been laid nearby it. "AAH!" SHOOOOM!

"LUFFY!" Aisa shouted after Luffy as he jumped right off the monument. "WAIT! Where are you going this time? UUUGGGHHH!" The girl quickly scrambled back down the stairs as Luffy ran over to the sight of the battle against Eneru. "WAIT FOR ME!"

"ZORO! ROBIN! CHOPPER! SKY KNIGHT! PINK-HAIRED GUY!" Luffy called out as he saw his Nakama, Gan Fall and someone he didn't know all lying unconscious in a row. Luffy grabbed the front of Zoro's shirt and shook him. "Hey, Zoro! What's wrong with you? Come on! Say something! How could this have happened to you? How could any of this have happened with you here?"

"PIIIIEEEEE!" Pierre cried as he ran over and dropped down near Gan Fall.

"KIKO! OH NO! KIKO!" Aisa exclaimed as she saw the eccentric pink haired warrior.

"Wait... where's Nami?" Luffy wondered. "She and the Sky Knight got out of the snake. Where'd she go?" Luffy suddenly spotted something next to Robin. He picked up a pair of boots. "There are Y/N's. He was here too. YYYYYY/NNNNNN! NAAAAAMIIIII! COME OUT!"

Aisa turned and looked down in the hole. "WYYYYPEEEEER!" She jumped in and knelt next to Wyper's charred near-corpse.

Luffy stood up and looked down into the hole. "Bazooka guy was really strong," he admitted, "but even he fell in this fight. Who could have done this?"

"IT WAS ENERU!" Aisa shouted before she tried to climb up out of the hole but lost her grip and then slid back down it. "He was the only one who could do something like this!"

WHUP! Luffy stretched his arm down into the hole and grabbed onto Aisa then stretched it upward and yanked her out of it. SHOOOOOM! Luffy crouched down in front of Aisa.

"Eneru, huh?" he questioned. "That God guy?"

"Mmhhmm," Aisa confirmed with a mumble. "My Mantra didn't work at all... the whole time we were in the snake... so I don't know what happened here... But I do know it was Eneru who did this..."

"Uuugghhh..." Luffy heard a low groan and saw Robin start to twitch. He raced over to her.

"ROBIN!" Luffy called out as he dropped down beside her.

"Mr. One Eye... Miss. Navigator... they went with him..." Robin told Luffy.

"Just hang in there, you're gonna be okay," Luffy reassured Robin as he held her in his arms. "So you're saying that Y/N and Nami were taken away from here by that god guy? Where?"

"I don't know..." Robin admitted. "Listen carefully... if we don't do something... Skypeia... will disappear..."

"What?" Luffy asked. "It'll disappear?"

Aisa whimpered. "My homeland will be completely gone?" she wailed.

"Everything will fall..." Robin said, "He said this nation in the sky was unnatural... He said he'd send it crashing to the ground... He's going after... the golden bell..."

"If Eneru's going after the golden bell, he won't destroy this place until he finds it," Luffy stated.

"Right," Robin agreed, "And you have to stop him. You must hurry because there isn't much time left. You can't let Eneru find that bell."

"Don't worry," Aisa spoke up. "I know where they are. There are only four voices left on this island. It has to be Eneru, Nami and her boyfriend with two voices."

"Luffy..." Robin nearly whispered. Her arm shook as she slowly lifted it up and cupped her Captain's chin. "We're... all counting on you..."

Luffy nodded, "Right... I won't let you down," he vowed.

Luffy rested Robin back on the ground then stood up and turned to Aisa, who flinched at the look in the rubber pirate's eyes. They were hard and unyielding.

"Aisa, I need you to take me to them right now," Luffy instructed.


Conis' Warning:


VRRRROOOOM! The horn blared as Conis raced towards Angel Island, desperate to warn the citizens of Skypeia of Eneru's horrible plan to destroy them all.

"There it is," Conis thought to herself as she saw the town in the clouds ahead of her.


On Angel Island, in the middle of Lovely Street where Luffy, Usopp and Sanji had rescued Conis from receiving God's Judgment, Captain McKinley stood with the White Berets behind him and addressed the winged Skypeians that had gathered in town.

"Everyone, heso!" McKinley and the White Berets shot off their usual weird salute. "The arch criminals Pagaya and his daughter Conis, along with their accomplice the former God Gan Fall, are still on the loose! Please be on your guard! If anyone sees these fugitives, please alert me, McKinley, immediately! Again, report any news directly to me! In the name of the Great God Eneru, we of the White Berets will defend the security of Skypeia with our very lives! HESO!"

"Ah, it's good to know we can count on them," a man remarked.

"But I'm still scared," a woman next to him admitted, "Those horrible criminals could be hiding out nearby or even among us! If they're stuck down by God's Judgment, we might be too!"

"Captain!" a White Beret called out as he ran towards McKinley. "I have a report!"

"What's the matter now?" McKinley asked. The White Beret came over and whispered what he'd heard in the Captain's ear. "WHAT? YOU SAY THAT PAGAYA'S DAUGHTER HAS JUST BEEN SEEN IN THE HARBOR?"


SHOO! SHOO! SHOO! Out in the harbor, three White Berets fired volleys of arrows at the fast approaching boat.

Conis' grip on the wheel tightened as she swerved her ship around the arrows and avoided the attack. VRRRRRM! The volley of arrows seemed unending and when they hit the Sea Clouds a geyser of white would erupt where the arrows struck.

Conis wasn't going to let anything stop her from warning the people.


"The heretic has entered through gate number one!" one of the White Berets exclaimed as he and McKinley raced to the harbor to head off the criminal.

"I don't get it," McKinley wondered to himself, "Why did she come back when she knows she'll be caught?"


A group of White Berets stood gathered on the shore. The one in the lead held his knife at the ready, "Come on criminal!" he prompted as Conis raced towards them.

VVRRRRROOOOOOM! If anything, Conis' ship actually started to go faster as she approached the shore.

"Uh... why isn't she stopping?" one of the White Berets asked.

"PLEASE MAAAKEEE WAAAYYY!" Conis shouted as her boat reached the shore AND KEPT GOING! WHOOOOOSH! The White Berets dove out of the way as the bull-themed boat flew over them.

"MOVE IT! OUT OF MY WAY!" McKinley barked as he shoved his men aside so he could reach the harbor... JUST SO CONIS' BOAT COULD PLOW INTO HIM! WHAAAM! McKinly went flying backwards and crashed into a wall.

SKISH! Conis jumped off of her ship and landed on the clouds but the boat kept going AND SLAMMED INTO MCKINLEY AGAIN! KER-RASH!

"CAPTAIN!" the White Berets screamed out in alarm.

Meanwhile, the Skypeians tensed when they saw Conis crouched in front of them with her father's emergency Burn Bazooka strapped to her back. The people started to shout and panic.



"YAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" Eneru laughed as he sat on his throne on the Maxim in front of Y/N and Nami.

"Um... mind letting us in on what's so funny?" Y/N inquired.

"Remember your girl-friend from Angel Island?" Eneru asked. "I've been listening and it sounds like she's causing an uproar among the citizens."

"Conis?" Nami questioned. "No way! She should be waiting on the Going Merry right now."

"If Eneru says he hears that happening, we have no reason to doubt him," Y/N pointed out. "He's already proven the power of his abilities." Nami watched Eneru swell up a bit from Y/N's praise towards his abilities. Y/N was obviously building up to something.

"Yes, and I can tell you there's a lot of noise going on outside," Eneru announced.

"But it's hardly enough to concern yourself with, right?" Y/N prodded. "I mean, if you planning on destroying all of Skypeia with this impressive ship of yours, there's really no reason to expend the effort to pass judgment on just one person... right?"

"True," Eneru agreed, "it is no matter. It's hardly worth even mentioning. Yahahaha! This is Skypeia's final dance! Soon this nation will no longer exist!"

Nami eyes widened in panic. "This guy's crazy! We've gotta get out of here!" Suddenly she felt something on her hand. She looked down to see that Y/N had grabbed it. Nami bit her lip and looked over at Y/N who had his eye lock on Eneru. "Right... we've got to stick with the plan... stall for time until Luffy gets here. He'll give this nut-job the beating he deserves."

Eneru leaned forward and eyed his two companions with a grin. "You know, the two of you being here together is actually fitting," Eneru remarked. "Once this unnatural nation is destroyed and we reach the Endless Vearth, the two of you can repopulate your race."

"WHAT?" Nami shrieked.

"GROSS!" Y/N exclaimed.

Nami whirled around to face him, "WHAAT?" she roared.

"Not you!" Y/N quickly amended under Nami's glare. "Just... think about it... God is taking two of us away on his ark while he destroys the world and then expects just the two of us to repopulate an entire race."

"Your point?" Nami growled as she folded her arms across her chest. She was still upset over the fact that he seemed to think 'repopulating' with her would be 'gross'.

"Well... say we had kids... let's make it an even four..." Y/N suggested, "I'm sure they'd be beautiful. But then what? That's just four more humans." Y/N looked over at Eneru. "Do you honestly expect our kids to mate and reproduce with each other? I'm sorry but I don't want my grandchildren to wind up being deformed flipper babies."

"AAH!" Nami gasped in horror.

Eneru blinked. "I see," he said. "In that case, when the time comes we could always take a short trip down to your Blue Sea World and acquire more humans for your children's sake."

"Thank you for your consideration," Y/N replied, "If you'd like, we could even give you a..." Y/N trailed off when Eneru's expression suddenly hardened.

"EEP!" Nami squeaked and hugged Y/N's arm to her chest as Eneru stood up in front of his throne. "I... um... is something the matter... sir?"

"Who is that?" Eneru wondered as he sensed a new presence with his Mantra.

"It's nothing," Eneru answered.

"You sure?" Y/N questioned. "It doesn't seem like nothing. My guess would be that you just picked up three new voices with your Mantra, a man, a child and a Pegasus to be specific."

"How did you know that?" Eneru demanded. "Your Mantra isn't that powerful!"

"I don't need Mantra," Y/N replied, "I've got something better. Faith."

"Faith? You're an atheist!" Nami hissed at him.

"Way to say that in front of a guy that calls himself God," Y/N growled at her. "And I may not believe in a God but I do believe in people. I trust them and their abilities."

A sly grin spread across Y/N's face as he pointed at Eneru, "And now, I'd like to deliver a prophecy of my own to you. My Captain is on his way here and he plans on fighting you. If you want to actually win over our loyalty, you'll have to beat him to do it."

"Very well," Eneru resolved as he raised his gold staff. "I accept your challenge."


"PLEASE! YOU MUST LISTEN TO ME!" Conis called out to the scared Skypeians.

"No! Get back! Stay away!" one man exclaimed while the others shouted alongside him.



"Yes, you must leave now or we'll all be destroyed when the judgment strikes you down!" an old woman added.

"YOU HERETIC!" a third man hollered.

"No, please, listen..." Conis pleaded with the people she was trying to save. "You must listen..."

SWISH! Conis turned in time to see three White Berets jump towards her. WHUP! CLIK! SWISH! Conis reacted quickly and slipped the Burn Bazooka around behind her and had it aimed at the first White Beret's stomach just as he reached her and pointed his knife at her head. The Burn Bazooka stopped the White Beret in his tracks.

"Don't come any closer," Conis warned him. "This is a Burn Bazooka. I'll use it."

"AAAAHHH!" the citizens screamed at seeing the deadly weapon while the White Beret backed away from the woman wielding it.

"EVERYONE!" Conis called out again. "You have to go to Cloud End at the edge of the clouds, right away before it's too late! WE HAVE TO ESCAPE TO THE BLUE SEA! THIS LAND IS ABOUT TO BE DESTROYED! THERE'S NO TIME TO WASTE! USE EVERY SHIP YOU CAN FIND AND LEAVE ANGEL ISLAND AT ONCE!"

"What kind of lunacy is this?" McKinley growled, the boat had been pulled off him so he could now listen to criminal as she raved about the end of the world.


"Hah!" a man scoffed. "You're crazy! What kind of trick is this?"

"Is this revenge?" another man growled, "That's nothing to be joking about, you know!"

"DON'T TALK THAT WAY ABOUT ENERU!" a boy shouted as he threw a tomato. SPLAK! The tomato hit the side of Conis' face and left a red stain. The boy immediately flinched back when he realized he'd just thrown something at 'a crazy person with a gun'.

The boy's mother quickly bent down and hugged him to her to protect him.

But Conis stared straight ahead and ignored the tomato that had struck her. She wasn't getting through to them. The people were scared so they weren't listening. She decided to change tactic and pulled the Burn Bazooka off her back and dropped it on the ground beside her. TUNK!

"What... what's she doing?" McKinley wondered. No matter. This was their chance. "NOW ARREST HER!"

Conis closed her eyes and took a deep breath, then opened them and shouted, "HEAR ME! I REFUSE TO ACCEPT THAT ENERU IS GOD!" Coins bit her lip and thought of her father as she waited for what was to come.

"WAAAAAAAHHH!" the people screamed and ran away from her. Renouncing Eneru was a surefire way to receive God's Judgment. She had all but called Eneru's Judgment down on her.

But as the Skypeians and the White Berets ran away to take cover, Conis stood alone in the middle of Lovely Street... and waited...

God's Judgment didn't come.


God Eneru vs. Pirate Luffy


The Skypeians watched Conis from a distance as she stood in the middle of Lovely Street with the Burn Bazooka at her feet and the tomato stain on her cheek. She'd just renounced Eneru as God but God's Judgment had not come.

"That's strange..." one of the White Berets observed as he hid behind a palm tree, "The Judgment didn't come."

"But why not?" a woman asked.

"And after committing sacrilege against God," a man added, "I don't understand."

"Hey... what's going on?" McKinley wondered as he laid on the ground and hit between two buildings while two other White Berets knelt behind him.

"It's because there's no longer any point in taking one life alone," Conis announced. "Skypeia is doomed. It's true. A member of the Divine Squad escaped from Upper Yard. He risked his life to deliver that message. He died! He died with my father when Eneru cast judgment on them."

"BAAGHH!" McKinley gasped while the others stared in surprise.

"Did God do that?" the tomato-throwing boy asked. "But why?" His mother hugged him to her. "I thought He was supposed to take care of us? What does that lady mean?"

"There's no time left!" Conis persisted. "WE HAVE TO GET TO THE EDGE OF THE CLOUDS AT ONCE! TO CLOUD END!"

"Wait just a minute!" a man protested. "We can't do it! We can't just up and go like that!"

"We were all born and raised her in the sky!" a woman added. "We can't live anywhere else!"

"They're right," another man agreed, "None of us have ever even visited the Blue Sea before! How would we be able to live there? Besides..."

"THEN ARE YOU GOING TO STAY HERE DOING NOTHING, JUST WAITING TO DIE?" Conis shouted over him. "We've all known for the past six years what kind of a man Eneru is! Has he ever shown mercy? Compassion? If he says he's going to do this then you know he will!"

"Maybe it's not that bad?" a man suggested. "Maybe a miracle will happen or something? And then our island will be spared!"

"Yeah... why not?" another deluded man was happy to agree. "Maybe He'll change his mind?"

Click! Conis picked up her Burn Bazooka and fired it. BAA-ZOOOOOOOOM! The blast of blue flames shot over people's heads, cleaved through trees and eventually plowed into the side of a puffy island cloud. KRATA-KLAK! Conis tossed the Burn Bazooka aside again.

"If we know anything about Eneru, we know this!" Conis called out, "He's always had the power to bring us to despair! To make us suffer and break us! I tell you, what happens now makes our passed suffering insignificant! It's not going to do any good sitting and waiting for a miracle! Its time to face the fact that as far as this land is concerned, God has abandoned us! Before we pray, before we close our eyes to what's really happening here, we have to do what we can to save ourselves! We can't survive by hiding behind his victims any longer! IF we do nothing, no matter who we try to blame, we're all going to lose our lives! AND IT'LL BE OUR FAULT! Now... IF WE WANT TO LIVE WE MUST LEAVE!"

"AAAAAAAHHHAAAAAAAAHHHH!" Conis' words finally reached the Skypeians and they panicked and ran off screaming in terror. "RUN!" "TO THE END OF THE CLOUDS!"

Conis sighed in relief. Her warning had finally reached the people. But when she looked up she saw that not everyone had run off.

"Oh, Miss!" a woman called out, "Do you have any idea what happened to the Divine Squad? My husband is one and I can't leave the island without him!"

"And my son's a member!" an old man exclaimed. "Is he okay? I haven't seen him in six years!"

"Me too," an old woman chimed in, "My only son is with them too..."

"I..." Conis struggled to answer as she thought of the state the Divine Squad member was in when he'd escaped. "The Divine Squad may already be..." "I'm sorry... I don't know..."

"What have they been doing all this time on the Upper Yard?" the old man asked.

"Are they still there?" the woman inquired. "Can't you tell us anything?"

A shadow fell over Conis. She looked up and saw McKinley standing between her and the crowd of concerned Skypeians.

"Please, calm yourselves," McKinley addressed the crowd. "I assure you, the White Berets will look into this matter. We will find your family members and make sure they're escorted safely to you. Now hurry! You must escape!"

"But Captain..." the old man protested.

"MOVE ALONG!" McKinley ordered.

"Captain... why?" Conis asked.

"I can guess what happened to the Divine Squad," McKinley stated. "Eneru is that kind of man. I've always known that. But right now our priority is to make sure the citizens are evacuated as quickly as possible. I won't let this end like Birka."

"Birka?" Conis repeated.

"It was Eneru's homeland," McKinley explained, "A Sky Island, far to the south-east of here. I've been told it disappeared without a trace six years ago."

"Wait... six years ago?" Conis questioned. Eneru came to Skypeia six years ago.

"That's right," McKinley confirmed. "Eneru destroyed his own homeland and then came here. Birka was home to many strong warriors. But they were helpless before Eneru, an invincible God." A grim smile crossed McKinley's face. "I don't know. Maybe he really is. You might already know this but we White Berets were once in the Divine Squad and pledged to the service of Lord Gan Fall. We thought if we pretended to betray the Divine Squad and swore our allegiance to Lord Eneru that we could stay on the island and find some way to protect the citizens. But... now it's only all too clear that plan... was a failure... We tried to keep anyone from provoking Eneru's anger. We hoped that if no one disobeyed him, they'd be safe. What else could we do? It was for nothing! FOR NOTHING! FOR NOTHING!"

"It wasn't for nothing..." Conis reassured him. McKinley looked back at her in surprise. "After all this time I finally understand. You have nothing to be ashamed of. You were just thinking of everyone's welfare. I believe that we should be thanking you."

"Captain? Can I count on you to handle things here?" Conis asked.

"Yes," McKinley answered, "But where are you going? Tell me."

"Well, you see, there are some people who don't know how to escape," Conis told him, "Some friends of mine. I have to go back. Take care."

"Of course, the Blue Sea Dwellers," McKinley realized. As Conis ran back to her ship, McKinley and his men all stood up straight and saluted her. "HESO!"

Conis smiled back at the White Berets as she pulled the boat upright. "Heso," she replied.


Back in Shandora, Luffy ran through the ruins at top speed. SKISH! He jumped from the top of one building to another while Pierre flew behind him with Aisa on his back.

Far behind him, Robin struggled and managed to sit up against a ruin. She looked down at Zoro, Chopper and Kiko who had been laid near her.

"I won't be able to move them all at once," Robin thought to herself. She looked up Giant Jack. "Somehow, we've got to reach the upper level. We must escape."

"AISA!" Luffy shouted back to Aisa as he now raced through the ruins on foot while Pierre galloped behind him. "YOU'RE SURE ITS THIS WAY?"

"Yes, we're almost there!" Aisa answered, "I'm sure this is the right way!" They had gotten closer to the other voices but now they were coming from the left. "That's it Luffy! That hole to your left over there! That's it!"

"Then that's where we're going," Luffy announced. ZZOOOOOOM! He took the turn so fast that he ran up along the side of one of the buildings while Pierre struggled to fly in his wake.


"Here he comes," Y/N remarked back on the Maxim. He looked over at Nami and the two shared a smile.

"They weren't among you seven survivors," Eneru noted as he walked to the railing. "Now where could they have been hiding?"

"He got swallowed by that giant snake that you fried," Y/N informed him. "I bet even you couldn't sense them with your Mantra since they were inside something else."

Eneru floated up onto the railing and stared down at the entrance of the cave. "How aggravating!" Eneru snapped. "There's nothing I hate more than when my predictions end up wrong."

He was just in time to see Luffy step out of the tunnel in front of the Maxim.


"HE'S HERE!" Nami cheered. She smiled as she ran forward and threw herself onto the railing then laid across it as she stared down at Luffy. "LUUUUUFFYYYYYYY!"

Luffy glared up at Eneru. "If you mess with friends of mine, then you mess with me."

"Hmph," Eneru grunted, "Those fools were your friends?"

"You stay right there!" Luffy called up to him. "I'm coming up to kick your ass!"

"Mind your tongue, mortal," Eneru scolded him. "You're speaking to God."

"What makes you God anyway?" Luffy taunted.

"He's deliberately picking a fight with Eneru..." Aisa whimpered as she and Pierre hid behind the curtain inside the tunnel of the cave. "Be careful Luffy..."

"W-wait Luffy! Watch out!" Nami tried to warn him but then Eneru turned to look at her and she launched herself back off of the railing and hid behind Y/N. Nami shook as she clung to Y/N from behind. Y/N stiffened and became fully aware of the fact that all she wore on the top half of her body was a bikini top.

"Yahahahaha!" Eneru laughed. "I can hear it now! The Angel's Party! The citizens must have learned of Skypeia's Fate! Yahahaha! I wonder how far they can run before the ground gives out beneath them."

"I SAID!" Luffy shouted up at Eneru. "WHAT MAKES YOU GOD ANYWAY?"

"You'll find out," Eneru replied as he glared down at the Blue Sea Pirates.

WOOOSH! Luffy raced up one of the massive oars then stretched his arm up and grabbed the railing around the upper level of the giant ship. SHOOOOM! Luffy shot himself up into the air and he landed on a block of metal beside the ship.

"Ah, I see," Eneru noted as he looked back at Y/N. "The Devil Fruit Powers he spoke of." Eneru looked over at Luffy again. "But you are a mere Paramecia Type. You can't beat Me." BZZZZZTT! Eneru's body glowed as his arm started to spark. "Nothing that lives can stand against Me! That's why, I am God!"

"Wait for it," Y/N whispered back to Nami, "This is gonna be priceless..." Matching grins spread across their faces as they waited for Eneru to discover rubber.

WOING! "RAAAAAAH!" Luffy roared as he launched himself off of the metal block and flew towards Eneru.

"EL THOR!" BAAZZZOOOOOOOOOM! Eneru blasted a column of white lightning at Luffy. It completely engulfed his body then flew off the side of the ship and plowed into the cave wall.

But when the light and smoke faded, Luffy was standing unharmed on the deck of the Maxim in front of Eneru. Luffy looked confused as he turned and stared at the hole Eneru made the cave.

"I'm impressed that you managed to dodge it," Eneru remarked as he twirled his gold staff.

"He didn't," Y/N stated.

Tnk! Tnk! Eneru tapped two of drums on his back with his staff which caused them to spark. "SIXTY MILLION VOLTS JULUNGUL!" BA-ZZZOOOOOOOOM! Eneru fired off the huge, serpentine dragon that he'd used to defeat Zoro. BZZZOOOOOOOOM! The dragon bright white dragon nearly blinded everybody as it flew into Luffy then rushed passed him.

But when the light faded... Luffy was still unharmed.

BZZZT! Eneru disappeared in a flash of white light. ZZZZT! He appeared almost instantly up above Luffy and extended his hand down towards Luffy's head. "ONE HUNDRED MILLION VOLT... VARI!" BA-ZOOOOOOOOOM! The lightning struck and once again engulf Luffy as it blinded everyone with bright, white light.

"I've had enough of you..." Luffy growled as he glared at Eneru who still had a firm hold of him and was trying to electrocute him. "GEEET OOOOFFFF!" WOOOOSH! Luffy threw away from him, Eneru flipped in the air and landed in a crouch. TMP!

"Eneru stared at Luffy in complete and utter wide-eyed, snot-nosed, open-mouthed shock.

"HAH-HA!" Y/N laughed, "Hold that look on your face, I wanna remember it for a long time! HAH-HA!

"HEHEHEHEHEHE!" Nami laughed along with him. "I think he finally gets that Blue Sea joke!"

"RAAAAAAH!" Luffy yelled as he raced across the deck towards Eneru.

Eneru shook his head so hard that his long earlobes flopped over his shoulders. "Stay calm," Eneru berated himself. "Physical attacks still can't effect My body! He's just a helpless monkey from the Blue Sea World!"

THWHAAM! Luffy's bare, rubber foot plowed into Eneru's stomach and caused him to cough up a combination of spit and blood and he flew backwards and crashed down to the deck.

"YES!" Nami cheered in her mind. "It's just like we expected! His electrical powers are completely useless against Luffy! He's made of rubber! Eneru must have never imagined there was someone in the world who is immune to lightning! It's incredible but it's true! Luffy may be the only person in the world who can battle Eneru! They're natural enemies!"

"Perhaps introductions are in order?" Y/N offered as he knelt down next to Eneru while he groaned in pain and clutched his stomach on the deck. Y/N looked up at Luffy and grinned, "Luffy, this is Eneru, he calls himself God and ate a Logia-type Devil Fruit that allows him to control lightning. He wants to use those powers and this ship to completely destroy Skypeia." Y/N looked down at Eneru, "Eneru, this is my Captain Monkey D. Luffy, he ate a Paramecia-type Devil Fruit that turned his body into rubber. That's a special material we have down in the Blue Sea World that is immune to lightning and electricity. He plans to become King of the Pirates but for now... I think he'll settle for kicking your ass."

And so the stage was set for the clash that would decide the fate of Skypeia. God Eneru versus Pirate Luffy.


Hope you enjoyed the chapter!!!

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