Soup and Arlong Park
It was finally over. 'Straw Hat' Monkey D. Luffy had beaten the Pirate Admiral 'Foul Play' Don Krieg, who had previously been called the strongest pirate from the East Blue. Diamond gauntlets, built in guns, a flamethrower, bombs, wooden stakes, a spiked cape, the MH5 the deadly poison gas bomb, the exploding battle spear, and the wootz steal body armor. Don Krieg had lived up to his 'Foul Play' nickname and employed every dirty tactic and weapon he had in his arsenal. But in the end, it was all useless against someone as strong-willed and determined as Monkey D. Luffy.
Luffy had withstood the explosions, survived the poison gas, and shattered Krieg's armor before he drove him down into the deck of the Baratie with a vicious Gum Gum Hammer. Don Krieg's spotless battle record had been tarnished and after Sanji had fished him out of the water, Luffy had walked away from the fight as the victor.
As 'Red Shoes' Zeff had told Sanji during the battle, "Even with a hundred thousand more weapons our Chore Boy can still bring him to his knees because he does not know fear. Krieg may have more pirates in his command, he may have terrible weapons that cause mass destruction to everything in his path, but he will never have that kid's heart."
After the fight the unconscious Don Krieg was still on his feet shrieking that he would never be defeated. But he was then knocked out by his own right hand man, Gin. During the battle Gin and fought Sanji and had managed to beat him but refused to follow Krieg's order to kill the cook who had fed him and saved him from starving to death. For his failure to follow the order, Krieg had ordered Gin to keep his gasmask off when he launched the MH5 Poison Gas Bomb. Gin had sacrificed himself and gave up his own gasmask so that Luffy and Sanji could survive the deadly gas. He had spent almost the entirety of Luffy's fight with Krieg on the back deck of the Baratie attempting to get the poison gas out of his lungs.
Gin hefted Krieg onto is shoulder and loaded him and the other surviving Krieg pirates onto a boat and then sailed off. Now the long fight was finally over and the threat had passed. Sanji took Luffy to the chef's quarters so he could recover and sleep off his injuries.
Zzzzzzzzz... zzzzzzzzz... zzzzzzz—SNORT! Luffy awoke with a start and found himself in an unfamiliar bed. It took him a few seconds for him to realize that something important was missing. "GAAAAHH! MY HAT!" exclaimed Luffy, "WHERE'S MY HAT!"
"It's right over there," Sanji pointed out as he casually sat on the windowsill smoking a cigarette. "Calm down."
"Oh good, here it is," Luffy commented as he reached out to the shelf near his bed and put his treasured straw hat back on his head. Now that he had his hat back, Luffy remembered how he got here, "Hey! Those pirates..."
"They're gone now," Sanji told him, "All thanks to you."
"Yeah," Sanji replied, "and Gin asked me to tell you 'see you on the Grand Line'."
"Oh, he did... to you?"
"NO! TO YOU!" snapped the cook. Sanji left the room through the window and leaned against the railing of the deck that was outside.
"Soooo... I guess I don't have to do any more lame-o chores now that I got those pirates off of your back, right?" asked Luffy.
"That's the deal," Sanji answered. Zeff had agreed that if Luffy ran off the Krieg Pirates he could stop being the Chore Boy. Luffy had won the battle and Krieg's armada was gone, now he was no longer Chore Boy and was free to go.
"Hey, I was wondering..." Luffy attempted to ask Sanji, but the cook cut him off.
"No, I'm not gonna run away with you and become a pirate," said Sanji. "I've got some unfinished business here and I'll stay until Zeff acknowledges my skill."
Luffy adjusted his hat so it hid his eyes, "Okay, I give up," he conceded.
"THEN WHY WON'T YOU LET GO!" shouted Sanji as he fought to get Luffy's stretched arm off of his collar. Once he got the rubber pirate off of him, Sanji adjusted his collar and attempted to explain to Luffy, "I can't just leave... these bozos don't know the first thing about how to run a restaurant. But still I promised myself that one of these days I'll go to the Grand Line."
"Hahahaha!" laughed Luffy as he stretched his arms out and grabbed onto the railing then pulled himself over so he was sitting on it next to Sanji. "Then let's go now!"
"I just isn't the right time yet," Sanji told him, "But there is one place... have you ever heard of the All Blue?"
Nope," admitted Luffy.
"You've got to be kidding me!" exclaimed Sanji, he smiled and explained, "That sea is a miracle! In the All Blue there are fish from all the world's oceans, from the East Blue, the West Blue, the North Blue, and the South Blue! That one stretch of ocean has it all! To us cooks it's a culinary dream come true!" Sanji continued to explain to Luffy. "A place that fantastic has got to be on the Grand Line somewhere, right?
On the deck above them, Zeff leaned against the railing and watched as the Assistant Head Chef explain his dream to Luffy, he was smiling the whole time. "The little brat looks truly happy," Zeff thought to himself.
Zeff thought back to when he had saved Sanji's life ten years ago. He was still a pirate then and had just come back from his one-year voyage in the Grand Line. It was a stormy night when Zeff and his crew attacked the cruise ship that Sanji worked as a trainee cook on. Sanji stood up to Zeff and despite getting the crap kicked out of him... literally, the nine year old refused to give up because he hadn't seen the Legendary Ocean known as the All Blue yet.
Zeff had the same dream as Sanji, and that was what drove him to dive into the ocean and save Sanji when he got washed overboard by a big wave. Zeff had lost one of his legendary legs in the process of saving Sanji and getting him to safety. The two of them had been stuck on a small island/large rock for weeks on end and had nearly starved to death. Zeff felt that at one point he really was going to die and his one regret was that he had never seen the All Blue.
That's when the ship came. Zeff and Sanji were saved and had decided to open up an Ocean-Going Restaurant so no one ever had to suffer like they did. If someone was hungry and showed up, they were fed. Sanji grew up on the Baratie and always acted tough around the rough cooks and flirted shamelessly with the women. There were few times that Zeff had ever seen him truly happy, but now was one of them.
RRRRRRIIIINNNNGGG! "ALRIGHT GUYS, SOUP'S ON!" called out Patty as the Baratie cooks went to the chef canteen for dinner. The chefs were all seated at a pair of long tables that were filled with an amazing spread of food.
"Oh good, they saved us some seats," Sanji commented sarcastically when he and Luffy arrived at the canteen.
"They did, where?" Luffy wondered. Every seat at the two tables was filled.
"No chairs for you," stated a cook.
"Hah! Just sit on the floor and eat!" chuckled another cook.
"There are no chairs?" questioned Sanji. "That doesn't seem right... this is a restaurant." Sanji and Luffy didn't feel like fighting and got themselves plates of food then took seats on the floor near the door.
"They sure are acting strange," Luffy commented.
"Well that's nothing new," Sanji replied, "bunch of jerks."
Slurp! "HEY! WHAT IS THIS!" demanded Patty after trying some of the soup. "WHO PREPARED THE SOUP THIS MORNING!"
"Oh, I did!" answered Sanji as he smiled and raised his hand. "The stuff is pretty good, huh? I think I really outdid myself."
"Is that a joke?" asked Patty as he wiped his mouth with his large forearms, "I can barely hold this slop down! PTOOI!"
Sanji glared angrily at Patty, that bastard has just insulted his cooking. Sanji attempted to calm himself down as he slowly stood up and confronted the Fry Cook. "I thought someone like you would like slop, makes sense to me since that's what pigs like."
"Hah! Just face it Sanji, your soup sucks!" retorted Patty as he gave Sanji a thumbs-down. "It's disgusting! PTOOI! PTOOI!"
Sanji slowly approached Patty, "That soup was nothing short of a delicacy!" Sanji insisted, "There's something wrong with your taste-buds!"
On the other side of the room, Carne dabbed his mouth with a napkin then gagged, "AWWW! THAT'S GROSS!" he complained after setting down the soup spoon.
The same thing happened with the chefs all around the room. "I can't eat this!"/"Revolting!"/"Yuck! This soup is horrible!" The cooks slammed down their spoons and glared at Sanji. Everyone seemed to dislike his soup.
"We're sick of the way you run things!" Patty told him. "You're a crappy Assistant Head Chef and everybody knows it!"
"You can't settle every argument with violence!" said one cook.
"If your soup sucks, we're gonna tell you so," another cook told him.
"Grrrr... WHAT'D YOU SAY!" shouted Sanji.
While the other cooks were all standing and complaining about Sanji's cooking, Zeff was still seated and was attempting to finish Sanji's soup. "Don't forget that we're sea-faring cooks," Zeff told the other chefs. "So you'd better not waste one drop of that soup!" After nearly starving to death, Zeff was never one to waste food. It wasn't until he finished the last drop of soup that he took the bowl and smashed it on the ground, KER-RASH!
Sanji, Luffy, and all the cooks stared in shock as Zeff stood up and glared at Sanji, "That retched little dish tasted like stewed garbage!" Zeff complained. "If we ever served that kind of trash here, we'd go out of business!"
Whap! Sanji reached out and grabbed Zeff by the collar, "Are you really this stupid?" demanded Sanji. "Just how is my soup different from any of the stuff you make! HOW!"
"You think they're the same?" asked Zeff. "Don't flatter yourself!" POW! The chefs all stared in shock as 'Red Shoes' Zeff a cook/pirate who was famous for his legendary kick PUNCHED Sanji upside the face. A cook was never supposed to punch someone or they'd risk damaging their hands.
Sanji held his face and glared up at Zeff, "You think you can lecture me at the art of cooking? Fat chance! I'm a man who's cooked on more seas than days that you've been alive!"
"Damn it!" cursed Sanji as he got up and ran out of the room. "THAT WORTHLESS OLD MAN! I'M NOT A LITTLE BRAT ANYMORE!" Sanji flipped over a railing and lashed out his legs in frustration and attempted to work off his anger.
Slurp! Slurp! "Aaahh!" sighed Luffy back in the canteen after trying some of Sanji's soup for himself. "I don't see what all the fuss is about, this soup's totally awesome!"
"All of us know the soup's good," Zeff confessed. "I know he's an outstanding chef. Everyone here on the Baratie does."
"Yeah, Sanji's great," added one cook.
"Aside from Chef Zeff, he's the best we've got," admitted another cook.
Zeff addressed Luffy not knowing that Sanji had returned and could hear everything they were saying through the door. "But that thick-skulled idiot wouldn't listen if we tried to reason with him. You were saying that you needed a cook, right? This isn't something I wanna be asking anyone but... would you mind taking that little brat along with you? Take him to Grand Line... that would be best for him. The Grand Line is his dream."
"Geez boss, you sure made us put on a hell of a show," commented Patty.
"I was afraid he was gonna figure it out 'cause of your bad acting!" Carne taunted Patty.
"Hahahaha! Come on! Your acting was way worse than mine!" retorted Patty.
Sanji leaned against the door and slid down so he was sitting on the deck, he pulled out his lighter and lit up a cigarette. "I can hear everything... you dumb asses..."
Member Number Five
"So what do you say kid? Will you take Sanji with you?" requested Zeff.
"WHAAAAATTT!" shouted the cooks in shock.
"But earlier you mentioned that you needed a cook for your ship," Zeff reminded him. "Just what are you trying to say? That he's suddenly not good enough for ya?"
"No, he's good," Luffy replied as he continued eating, "And I'd love it if he came with us. But is seems like he really wants to stay here with all of you guys. You can ask me all you want, but I'm not gonna take him."
"So you're saying that you can't agree to it unless he tells you himself, huh?" reasoned Zeff as he straightened his long mustache.
"That's right," answered Luffy before he held out his bowl, "More food please!"
"Well I suppose that's fair enough," said Zeff, "but who knows if that hard-headed little brat will ever agree to join up with you."
"Yeah, once that guy makes up his mind there's nothing anybody can do to change it," commented one of the other cooks.
Sanji continued sitting against the door smoking his cigarette as he thought about what he'd just heard. It was then that he spotted a fin rapidly approaching from the horizon. Sanji dropped his cigarette in shock as a black-and-white panda-shark with a man in its mouth leapt out of the water.
"AAAAAHHHHH!" screamed Yosaku who was stuck in the shark's mouth.
"AAAAAAHHHHHHH!" shouted Sanji as he dodged the shark came crashing through the raining and slammed into him, knocking all three of them through the wall to the canteen, KRASH!
The chefs stared in shock at Sanji, the panda-shark, and the man in its mouth as the three of them laid sprawled out on the floor of the canteen. "Sanji, what is that?" wondered one of the cooks.
"Is it a fishman, did it come all the way from Fishman Island to eat here?" questioned another cook.
"It's a human and a panda-shark!" a third cook realized.
"Huh... OH! IT'S YOSAKU!" observed Luffy once he got a good look at the man in the shark's mouth.
"Oh hey... Brother Luffy..." groaned Yosaku.
"How come you're alone?" asked Luffy. "Where are the others? Did you find Nami?"
A few minutes later, the panda-shark was swimming away and Yosaku was wrapped in a towel to dry off after his 'swim'. "We never actually caught up to her," Yosaku told Luffy, "but judging from the direction Sister Nami was heading, Brother Y/N figured out where she's going..."
"I see, so we can get her back," said Luffy.
"Maybe," answered Yosaku, "Brother Y/N sent me to get you, he said to tell you: "we might need your help"."
"Okay," Luffy agreed, "I don't really get it, but I get it. Let's go."
Yosaku followed Luffy out of the canteen and passed Sanji who had just lit up another cigarette. "Wait," Sanji called after them, causing Luffy to stop, "Your dream is foolish, then again so is mine. Now is as good a time as any... why not start my quest right now?"
"Sanji?" questioned Luffy.
"I'll be joining your crew on your journey to be King of the Pirates," Sanji stated. Luffy turned and stared in shock. "You hear me? I wanna be the cook on your ship. What do you say?"
"YEAAAHH! OF COURSE!" agreed Luffy. Luffy and Yosaku grabbed each other by the shoulders and danced around in a circle chanting, "We got a cook! We got a cook! Now we'll get that tasty food! We got a cook! Super tasty awesome food!"
"You guys happy?" Sanji asked the cooks as he peered through the hole in the wall at the Baratie chefs. "Sorry, really... I'll leave now."
"Humph," grunted Patty, "I don't like it. To tell you the truth, I was hoping to give you the boot from this restaurant personally. But it seems that you don't have a problem with straight-up abandoning us."
"I'm especially sorry for making all of you resort to bad acting," Sanji quipped.
"HEY WAIT! HOW'D YOU KNOW!" demanded Patty.
"I heard everything," Sanji told him, "you bunch of jerks. Was stomping on my pride the best plan that you could come up with? You damn geezer."
"Every single thing has to be a fight with you!" Patty exclaimed, "Well I'm sick and tired of it! Bring it on!"
Zeff blocked Patty and cut him off, "I have never liked children," said Zeff. "As a matter of fact, I hate children. There wasn't a day that passed when I didn't regret letting a useless little brat like you live, Sanji."
"Hah, fine by me you rotten old man!" Sanji snapped. "Enjoy the rest of your miserable life."
"Whoa! This is a nice ship!" exclaimed Yosaku as he and some of the Baratie cooks stood in front of a small boat with a sail on it. "Are you sure it's okay to use her?"
"Of course," replied one of the cooks. "it's Sanji's ship."
Inside the ship Luffy and another two cooks were loading meat into the refrigerator. "You still need more?" questioned a cook.
"Yup! More meat!" requested Luffy as he held opened a large bag of meat products.
"How many days are you gonna be out at sea?" asked the other cook.
"I don't know," answered Luffy.
"Kid," came a new voice as Chef Zeff entered the boat and held out a book to Luffy, "Would you like this? It's my logbook, a detailed record of my one-year trip to the Grand Line." Zeff was offering the logbook that Krieg had threatened to kill him over to Luffy with no strings attached.
"No thanks," Luffy answered immediately.
"Ha-hah! I thought so!" laughed Zeff as he took his logbook and left the boat.
Luffy turned and pointed to something in the refrigerator, "Oh! I want more of that marbled meat!"
"THAT'S ENOUGH MEAT FOR YOU!" snapped the two cooks.
Up in his room Sanji had just finished packing his cooking knives and clothes and stared at a picture of a much younger version of him and Chef Zeff standing together in front of the Baratie.
"It's the nicest Sea-Restaurant I've ever seen!" young Sanji exclaimed.
Sanji walked downstairs and took a last look at the kitchen and then sat down in one of the chairs in the empty dining room.
"Hey Sanji, listen," said Zeff from Sanji's memories. "It doesn't matter what sort of person walks through our doors. If they're hungry, then they will be fed. Every starving wretch who comes to us will get a fine meal. We can make that happen. It doesn't matter how much we fight, because we share the same dream. Are you ready, coz we're gonna be busy!"
"Yeah, you bet!" answered Sanji, "It won't be a problem with me around!"
Sanji looked a scar on his thumb and thought back to when he got it.
"OW!"Sanji whined as he cut his finger while peeling a potato. He sucked on his thumb and nursed the wound while Zeff inspected the peals and the amount of potato left on them.
"Awful!" said Zeff, before he kicked Sanji on the head with his peg leg, THWAK! "Is that what you call peeling?"
"That hurt you old fart!" cried Sanji, "I'm trying to cook here! Stay out of my way and we won't have any problems! Got it?"
"What! You'd better watch your mouth you little brat!" scolded Zeff.
"I'm not a little brat!" snapped Sanji, "You crusty old bastard!"
Up in his room Zeff laid on his bed and stared through the hole in the ceiling that Luffy had caused and recalled some of his own memories.
"Here, try this," instructed Sanji as he presented Zeff with a bowl of soup.
"Did you make it all by yourself?" asked Zeff.
"Uh-huh!" Sanji answered with a smile. "How is it?"
"THIS IS THE WORST SOUP I'VE EVER HAD YOU LITTLE BRAT!" BONK! BONK! BONK! Zeff repeatedly beat Sanji over the head with his obscenely large chef hat.
"YOU MEAN OLD GEEZER!" Sanji complained.
"Brother Cook sure is taking his time," commented Yosaku as he, Luffy, and all the Baratie cooks waited out in front of the Baratie for Sanji.
"Yeah," replied Luffy. But just then Sanji came walking out of the restaurant carrying his case of cooking knives and a bag of clothes.
"NOW IT'S PAYBACK TIME!" came a loud shout from Patty as he and Carne lunged down at Sanji from the deck above him.
"HERE IT COMES SANJI!" yelled Carne, both of the cooks were wielding pans and were looking to beat Sanji for all the times that he'd bested them.
Skish! Sanji dodged both cooks and did a graceful backflip and landed on his hands, Sanji spun around on his hands and lashed out his legs, THWAK! THWAK! Sanji kicked both of the cooks in the head then picked up his stuff and kept walking without a word.
"Really guys... that was just dumb," scolded a cook as he and some of the other cooks stood over the now unconscious Patty and Carne.
The cooks all parted and made a path as Sanji walked passed them to his boat and finally reached it. "Let's get going," he told Luffy.
"You don't need to say goodbye?" asked Luffy.
"Nah, its fine," Sanji replied.
"Sanji," came the voice of Chef Zeff, "Take care of yourself, okay?"
Sanji couldn't help letting his tears fall. After all they'd been through together he was finally leaving. Chef Zeff had lost his leg saving him, he had given up his life as a pirate, and his dream so Sanji could live and pursue his. They had starved for weeks on that island and had opened the Baratie together. Zeff had taught him how to cook and made Sanji the man his was today. Now after ten long years he was finally setting off to chase his dream.
"CHEEEF ZEEEEFFFFFF!" cried out Sanji as he knelt on the deck of the Baratie and bowed before the man who had done so much for him. "Thanks you geezer, I'll never forget your kindness! I owe my life to you old man, so thank you!"
Sanji continued to cry as his head rested on the deck of the Baratie, he was moving on with his life. He was going on to better things. He had grown up so much in the ten years he'd lived on the Baratie and now he was finally moving on. Zeff smiled and couldn't help letting loose a few tears of his own, happy to see the brat leaving to pursue his dream.
"YOU ASSHOLE!" sobbed Patty, as he and Carne woke up and started crying too, "I'M GONNA MISS YOU SO MUCH!"
"ME TOO!" cried Carne. The other cooks were all crying too just from witnessing the moving moment.
"Damn babies..." said Zeff as he wiped his eyes with his arm, "Real men should part without a word..."
"LET'S GOOOOO!" shouted Luffy after everyone's tears had dried and Sanji had finally boarded the boat. "LET'S SET SAIL!" The boat pulled away while Sanji called out to the cooks.
"I'LL SEE YOU AGAIN SOME DAY!" called out Sanji as he waved goodbye to the cooks that had become his family over the years.
"Bye Sanji!"/"We're gonna miss you!"/"Come back and see us!"
Zeff smiled as he watched Sanji sail off with Luffy, "As long as you sail with enough faith in yourself, that you have no fear... even of death... you will find the All Blue. I'm sure of it."
As the boat disappeared over the horizon Zeff addressed the cooks, "ALRIGHT MEN, CUSTOMERS WILL BE HERE SOON! GET TO WORK ALREADY!"
Luffy finally convinced Sanji to join his crew and now he has a cook. Luffy, Sanji, and Yosaku sailed off after Nami, Y/N, Zoro, Usopp, and Johnny unaware of the peril that awaited them. They were sailing towards an evil even greater and even stronger than Don Krieg, they were heading for an evil... from the Grand Line.
"So Y/N," said Usopp as he, Y/N, Zoro, and Johnny continued sailing after Nami. "You looked worried when you sent Yosaku to get Luffy... where's Nami going?"
Y/N took a deep breath and turned to face Usopp, he was still wearing Yosaku's green coat and had a grim expression on his face, "Ever heard of Arlong Park?"
Arlong Park:
Luffy finally convinced Sanji to join his pirate crew. Now, Luffy, Sanji, and Yosaku are looking to catch up with Y/N, Zoro, Usopp, Johnny, and possibly Nami. Currently the trio is sailing in clear weather. All is peaceful, with the one exception being Yosaku's crying. Yosaku had originally gone with Y/N and the others, but had come back in the mouth of a giant shark seconds before Sanji finally agreed to join Luffy's crew.
"How long are you gonna keep crying?" questioned Luffy as he glanced at the sobbing bounty hunter, "You should be happy."
"But it was very moving," Yosaku sobbed, he was wearing a black t-shirt, red headgear, and yellow shorts. Y/N still had his long green coat due to all of his other clothing being on the Going Merry when Nami stole it "...departing from all of those cooks."
"Can you even see to steer this thing?" asked Sanji, wondering if it was the best idea to have a crying bounty hunter, possibly blinded by tears, steering the ship.
"I can't wait to get Nami back and head to the Grand Line," Luffy said.
"Look, even if you get Nami back, there are still only six of us," Sanji pointed out, "Do you really plan to go to the Grand Line with such a small crew? The sea doesn't give many second chances."
"I'll gather more crew men after we reach the Grand Line," Luffy replied, "After all, it's a paradise."
"Paradise?" repeated Sanji, "It's a pirate's graveyard!"
"That's not what that chef told me," said Luffy, "Before we left he said that for some people the Grand Line is a 'paradise'. And Y/N told me that the majority of his time in the Grand Line was the time of his life."
"The old geezer said that?" asked Sanji, before getting a dreamy look on his face, "Well if Miss. Nami was with me, I wouldn't care if it was just the two of us."
"YOU'RE TAKING THIS TOO LIGHTLY BROTHERS!" Yosaku suddenly shouted. "You don't know what the Grand Line is like! Even Brother Zoro would be intimidated. The place Sister Nami is heading is very dangerous. Brother Y/N told me where Nami was heading... you can't take this lightly!"
"Let's eat," decided Luffy.
"Alright," Sanji instantly agreed.
"WAIT!" yelled Yosaku, "YOU NEED TO UNDERSTAND WHAT WE'RE SAILING INTO! There's a reason why the Grand Line is called the Pirate's Graveyard! There are three main powers that rule those waters, one of those powers is the Seven Warlords of the Sea ..."
"The who?" asked Luffy.
"They are seven people who had been allowed by the Marines to become Legal Pirates," Yosaku explained.
"Why would the government legalize pirates?" questioned Sanji.
"The Seven Warlords live in wild regions of the Grand Line so unlicensed pirates are easy targets for them. The Marines allow them to raid the seas in return for a cut of their haul. Other pirates call them 'Government Dogs' but they're really strong. 'Hawk Eye' Mihawk, the guy who beat Brother Zoro, he's one of the seven."
"You mean there are six more like him!" asked Luffy, "They must be impressive!"
"The real problem is one of those seven," Yosaku continued, "Jinbei, Leader of the Fishman Pirates!"
"Fishman Pirates?" repeated Luffy in confusion, "I've never met one before."
"Fishmen?" questioned Sanji, "Fishman Island in the Grand Line is famous. I hear there are beautiful mermaids that live there!"
"In exchange for becoming one of the Seven Warlords, Jinbei released a monster into the East Blue."
"Did it look like this?" asked Luffy as he held up a picture of a badly drawn fish with little arms all over it.
"That's a fish, not a mermaid!" Sanji scolded him.
"STAY SERIOUS FOR ONE MINUTE!" Yosaku yelled, "PAY ATTENTION! Brother Y/N said that the place Sister Nami is heading for is called 'Arlong Park'. Arlong is a fishman who was once Jinbei's equal in power. Arlong Park is his territory. Compared to him, Don Krieg is just a pussycat!"
"But how did One-Eye know where Miss. Nami was going?" asked Sanji, "I wouldn't be surprised if he was wrong."
"Brother Y/N all but guaranteed us that was where she was headed," Yosaku answered.
"How about this?" asked Luffy as he held up a new drawing of a fishman. This one looked just like the other fish, only it was positioned differently. It was standing on two tiny arms and had another two tiny arms coming out its sides. It once again became abundantly clear that Luffy couldn't draw to save his life.
"That's just a standing version of the first one!" Sanji snapped, before laying back and once again putting a dreamy look on his face. "I wonder what business Miss. Nami has with him. Maybe she's a mermaid, she's pretty enough to be one!"
"Like this?" asked Luffy as he held up the same picture, only it had eyelashes and 'Nami' written over the top.
"I'LL MURDER YA!" Sanji yelled as he glared at Luffy.
"Don't you understand anything I've just said!" Yosaku demanded.
"Sure," answered Sanji, "There's this really strong, evil fishman."
"You don't get it!" exclaimed Yosaku, "His strength is unimaginable!"
"We'll see when we get there," Luffy resolved.
"Yeah, don't worry, Yosaku," said Sanji.
"Maybe I shouldn't have wasted my breath on that story," Yosaku groaned.
"Anyway," said Sanji as he got to his feet, "Let's eat. What do you guys want?"
"Meat on a bone, please!" Luffy requested.
"I want stir-fried bean sprouts!" called out Yosaku.
"It sure is nice to have a cook," Luffy commented.
"I'd rather cook for Miss. Nami then you two," muttered Sanji.
"Are those bean sprouts ready?" asked Yosaku.
The Going Merry rode the waves towards the approaching Commi Island. The breeze blew through Nami's orange hair as she leaned against the railing of the caravel. She had changed into a sleeveless green shirt that was decorated with darker green dots, and a pair of tight black shorts that went down to her knees.
"I can hardly believe it," Nami said to herself, "There it is... my home town..." Nami stared out at the approaching island. But something didn't seem right, there was a large building towering over everything else on the island. That building was Arlong Park.
In the North-Western part of the East Blue, the flag for Arlong's Fishman Pirates was flying up above Arlong Park. The flag was black and somewhat resembled a skull and crossbones. The two bones seemed normal, but the skull was more of a red shark's skull at a profile view. Arlong Park was a large building that was eight stories tall and had a waterway leading into it, the structure was close to the shore to show everyone that Arlong and his fishman pirates weren't afraid of the law.
"This is the money for the month, take it," instructed Arlong as he placed a wad of bills on a table in front of him. Arlong was a tall fishman who stood over twelve feet tall and had blue skin, a foot-long jagged nose, sharp, pointed shark-like teeth, and long black hair. He was a fishman and had gills on his neck, webbed fingers, webbed toes, and a dorsal fin protruding from the back of his neck. He was wearing a short sleeved yellow and black party shirt, green shorts that ended above his knees, sandals, and a fuzzy hat with flaps that were currently pinned up. Arlong wore a pair of rings on his left hand and a gold chain around his left wrist to display his wealth. On Arlong's left forearm was the red skull from the pirate flag, and finally, on Arlong's left pectoral muscle was a large red sun tattoo.
"Hyk hyk hyk, you really know how the world works," chuckled the rat-like Marine Captain Nezumi of Base 16, "many thanks." Captain Nezumi had mouse-like whiskers along his nose and had the beady eyes of rodent. He wore a long gray marine coat with a white hood that had mouse ears on the top. The dirty marine took his bribe and quickly pocketed it. Since he was paying off the marine captain in the area, Arlong didn't have to worry about the la, and could do whatever he wanted.
"Shahaha! Don't be so formal," laughed 'Saw-Tooth' Arlong, Leader of the Arlong Fishman Pirates as he sat on his throne. "Money makes the world go round! Money is good, it's the only thing you can really count on."
"You're absolutely right," agreed Nezumi, his three marine escorts stood at attention behind him.
"I normally don't like human males, but you're alright," commented Arlong, "You and I speak the same language."
"Well that concludes our business," Nezumi announced as he got to his feet, "I must be going. It would look bad for a marine ship to be anchored here."
"Why don't you stay and have a drink," Arlong offered, "Live a little. If anyone squeals on you, I'll gut them."
"No really, I must excuse myself," Nezumi insisted as he and his marine escorts headed off.
"The Captain is leaving!" Arlong yelled out, "Someone tow him to his ship!"
"Aye-aye sir!" came the reply of Hatchan (Hachi) Arlong's First Mate. Hachi was a pink-skinned octopus fishman with six muscular arms with octopus-like suction cups on them. He had gray hair styled in five pointy spikes and had a horn-shaped mouth. Hachi was wearing an orange and red striped one-piece outfit that went down to his knees and had a fluffy orange collar, a blue sash was tied around his waist and on Hachi's two webbed feet were a pair of sandals. Adorning Hachi's forehead was the same sun-shaped tattoo that Arlong had on his chest. Hachi smiled and waved at Nezumi, "Get in the pot and I'll take you!"
"Why, thank you," said Nezumi.
"Nyu! Every time I see your face it makes me wanna laugh," Hachi blurted out. "It makes you look like a rat."
"Hachi, watch your mouth!" Arlong scolded him. "The Captain's our honored guest."
"Oh sorry," Hachi apologized as he pulled a large brown pot over to the marines, it bobbed up and down in the Arlong Park waterway. "Anyhow, get in."
"Sorry Captain," Arlong called over to Nezumi, "That one's got a big mouth."
"Hyk hyk hyk, no harm done," chuckled Nezumi as he uneasily got into the large brown pot that, the three marines that had come with the captain climbed in the pot after their captain. Hachi quickly dropped into the water and harnessed himself onto the pot, then began swimming and towed the four marines off towards their ship.
"Those fishmen are disgusting!" Nezumi thought to himself, but then he smiled as he had another thought, "But at least they pay a lot."
Nami calmly walked towards the east entrance of Arlong Park carrying a bag over her shoulder, the road was lined with tall grass and large puddles.
"Hey you, get out of my way!" came a loud shout as a boy with short wearing a green cap, an orange hooded sweatshirt, a pair of gray plaid shorts, and a black lace-less boots, ran up behind her carrying a sword. "Arlong's gonna die today! He murdered my father so I'm gonna kill him! Move or I'll kill you too!"
Nami stared down at the boy for a moment, then quickly reached into the front of her shirt and – thanks to Anime Law 37 – pulled out the three parts of her bow staff. WOMP! Nami whacked the boy upside the head with her staff and knocked him to the ground, the boy's sword went flying.
"Arlong doesn't have time to deal with whimpering punks like you!" snapped Nami in a cold voice as she quickly put her bow staff away. "Go home!" FWIP! Nami casually tossed a wad of bills onto the ground next to the quivering boy. "Take that too and use it to keep yourself out of trouble." With that, Nami walked into Arlong Park.
"You witch..." groaned the boy from the ground where Nami had left him.
"Nami you're back, it's been a long time," Arlong greeted Nami as she came through the double doors and entered Arlong Park. "How'd you do this time?"
"Better than I thought I would, these pirates I turned on were a big help," answered Nami, "But I feel a strange emptiness in my heart."
"Emptiness?" repeated Arlong, "You've been reading that 'human poetry' crap again. Don't get soft on me. Betrayal is your specialty."
"You think so?" questioned Nami.
"Nami's finally returned!" exclaimed Arlong, "Prepare a feast! LET'S PARTY!"
"HOORAY!" cheered the Arlong Pirates as they jumped into the waterway and began celebrating, one of their own had returned. This was clear due to the now exposed tattoo on Nami's left shoulder, it was the same red mark on Arlong's forearm, she had been a part of Arlong's crew all along.
Outside Arlong Park a small boat with a single sail approached on the horizon.
"There it is, Arlong Park," Y/N announced in his usual calm, indifferent tone.
"T-that's the place?" stuttered Johnny in fear.
"Nami's in there!" exclaimed Usopp in pure horror.
The Great Adventure of Usopp
"We made it," Y/N calmly stated as the boat approached Arlong Park. Johnny and Usopp were peering over the railing of the ship in fear while Zoro, who was wearing a shirt made out of large amount of white bandages and his usual black pants and green sash, sat against the front of the boat holding his sword.
"This is Arlong Park?" questioned Usopp. "This is the hideout of the fearsome Fishman Pirate Arlong from the Grand Line!"
"Umhmm," Y/N replied with a simple nod.
"Sister Nami came here on the Going Merry," Johnny reminded them, "so before we do anything stupid we try to find it."
"Who put you in charge?" asked Y/N. He paused for a moment to pull up the hood on Yosaku's long green coat, then addressed the others. "I'm going in."
"Alright," agreed Zoro as he got up and stood beside Y/N.
"BUT I JUST SAID WE SHOULDN'T DO ANYTHING STUPID!" yelled Johnny while he and Usopp stared bug-eyed at the two pirates who seemingly had a death wish.
"ARE YOU CRAZY!" screamed an even more frightened Usopp. "WE KNOW NOTHING ABOUT THIS PLACE!"
"What are we going to do?" Zoro asked Y/N, ignoring their two terrified companions, "Hack our way in?"
"I was thinking of something a little more subtle," Y/N answered.
"Sorry guys," Y/N apologized with a half-hearted shrug, "I made an oath that I'd get Nami back. We'll have to deal with Arlong sooner or later, so I pick sooner."
"What are you going to do when you get in there?" questioned Usopp, while he discretely slid a pair of hammers out of his bag. He quickly handed one off to Johnny while they stood behind their two determined companions. "You can't take on Arlong and his fishmen pirates by yourself! I know you want to get Nami back, but you need to be reasonable!"
"I'll have Zoro with me, that's all the back up I need," Y/N reasoned as he and Zoro turned their backs on Usopp and Nami and stared at their intended distiation, "We go in, get Nami, and leave when Luffy gets here. See, reasonable."
WHOMP! WHOMP! The two cowards used their hammers and hit Y/N and Zoro over the head from behind. They were both caught off guard and were knocked out cold. THUD! THUD! Y/N and Zoro hit the deck unconscious and Johnny and Usopp quickly tied their impulsive crewmates to the ship.
"Ah-ha! There it is!" exclaimed Usopp as he stared through a pair of binoculars. "I've found the Going Merry!" True to his word, the familiar caravel was anchored at a dock outside Cocoyashi Village.
"Then Sister Nami must be on the island," Johnny realized, "We just need to find her and avoid the mermen."
"WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING!" demanded Zoro, he and Y/N had been tied to the ship with a large amount of rope. The one-eyed pirate next to Zoro was still unconscious with a big lump on his head.
Johnny unrolled a map and traced their path with his finger to show Usopp where they were. "Arlong Park is east of here so we must be outside of Cocoyashi Village. But it's strange... why would she have tied it so far from the village?"
"UNTIE ME DAMN IT!" Zoro shouted.
"Calm down, you'll reopen your wounds!" Usopp scolded him, he approached Zoro and patted him on the chest where he'd recently been sliced opened by the World's Greatest Swordsman.
"Ung..." Zoro grunted as Usopp patted his still tender wound.
"You're too injured to be of any help," Usopp told him. "Leave everything to me, you can help next time."
"One of these days I'm gonna skewer him like a piece of meat," Zoro thought to himself as he glared at the long-nosed marksman in front of him.
"Don't worry, I'll bring the girl back safely," Usopp boasted with a loud laugh, "AHAHAHAHA!"
"You sure got brave when you found out she wasn't at Arlong Park," Johnny commented.
"Prepare the anchor," Usopp ordered, "bring us alongside the Going Merry!"
"Aye!" Johnny agreed as he ran to the back of the boat and turned the rudder to steer them towards the anchored ship.
"Ahahaha," Usopp laughed to himself, "Now that we're underway, its time to give a name to this voyage. I think I shall call it, 'the Great Adventure of Captain Usopp'!"
But that was when Usopp noticed three people on the dock, but they weren't people... they were fishmen.
"Yipe!" exclaimed Usopp as he dove for cover so the fishmen wouldn't see him.
"What'd you see?" asked Johnny as he crawled over to Usopp and looked over his shoulder.
"F-fishmen!" stammered both Johnny and Usopp at the same time, they seemed terrified.
"Full speed ahead," Usopp whispered.
"Aye," Johnny agreed whole-heartedly, as they quickly sailed their ship passed the dock, passed the Going Merry, and most importantly, passed the fishmen.
"Why didn't we just dock right there!" demanded Zoro as he glared at his two conscious companions then cast a quick glance at the still unconscious pirate next to him.
"Shh!" hissed Usopp and Johnny.
"Didn't you see that!" snapped Usopp, "There were three fishmen over there! It's Arlong's Crew, we can't stop, right now!"
THWAK! Zoro lashed out his legs which hadn't been tied and drove them into Usopp's face, "Do not... yell at me!" growled Zoro.
"This is bad," realized Johnny, "if there are fishmen here, then this entire island must be under Arlong's control. So what do we do Brother Usopp?"
"We could just say we couldn't find her," Usopp suggested.
"UNTIE ME NOW, MORONS!" Zoro yelled.
"Hmm... whose ship is that?" wondered one of the three fishmen, who had finally noticed the ship.
"I've never seen it before," commented another fishman, "It looks suspicious." SPLASH! He and the first fishmen dove into the water and swam towards the ship. The third fishman, who was fat and pink stayed where he was.
"AAAAAHHHHH!" screamed Johnny and Usopp as he hugged each other out of sheer terror.
"UNTIE ME!" shouted Zoro.
"Ung... what's all the screaming about?" Y/N groaned as he finally woke up.
"IT'S ABOUT TIME YOU WOKE UP!" Zoro snapped.
Blub...blub... The two fishmen used the webbed appendages to shoot through the water and were quickly approaching the ship.
"ABANDON SHIP!" shrieked Usopp, as he and Johnny dove off the other side of the boat. SPLA-SPLASH! The two of them swam off and fast as they could, hoping to escape the fishmen.
"And this is why we don't let Usopp run things," Y/N dryly remarked, "Just stay calm and let me do the talking."
SPLISH! TMP! "Caught 'em," announced one of the fishmen as they landed on the boat. He was the larger of the two fishmen and had blue skin and a large round jaw. He had black hair and a fin on the back of his head. He was wearing a pink and red party shirt.
"What happened to you guys?" wondered the second fishman, he had brown skin and short black hair, and like his partner had a fin on the back of his head. He was the thinner of the two and was wearing a pale yellow and blue party shirt.
"Uh... we got lost," offered Y/N. "Our idiot partners tied us up and abandoned us. Where are we and what has them so worked up?"
"You poor suckers are in the water outside Arlong Park," answered the first fishman with a smug grin.
Y/N's eye widened in 'surprise', "Not Arlong Park!" he repeated. "Whatever you do... don't take us to Arlong... he'd kill us..."
"Hahaha! Let's take them to Arlong," laughed the second fishman. They quickly took control of the ship and turned it around so it was sailing towards Arlong Park.
At Zoro's confused look Y/N smiled and whispered, "Reverse psychology, works every time."
"Forgive us guys," Usopp apologized as he and Johnny bobbed up and down in the water and watched the boat sail off, "I'll tell Luffy you died bravely."
"Please forgive me brothers," Johnny said. "I'll never forget you."
"Let's get up on shore," Usopp suggested, now that the fishmen were gone it couldn't be safer... right?
"Right," Johnny agreed as the two of them swam to the shore and quickly pulled themselves out of the water.
"The map said this place is called Gosa Village," Johnny informed Usopp before they looked up at the village.
"Gaaaahh!" Johnny and Usopp gasped as they stared at the village. THE HOUSES WERE ALL UPSIDE DOWN! The entire village was empty and every single building was turned upside down and was lying on its roof. Down the street of the village was deep trench, it looked like something huge and strong had made it.
"What happened?" wondered Usopp.
"I read that Arlong attacked this place a few days back," Johnny informed him.
"Everything's upside down!" Usopp observed.
"I've heard that fishmen are ten times stronger than," Johnny said cryptically. "This is the kind of power in the Grand Line, and this is the fate of a village that defied Arlong."
Tmp... Tmp... Tmp...Wet footsteps approached Johnny and Usopp from behind, the bounty hunter looked over his shoulder and gasped, then turned and ran in between two of the upside-down houses. Usopp was too distracted by the damage done by the fishmen to notice the figure approaching behind him.
"But how did the road turn out this way?" Usopp wondered as he stared at the large trench in the middle of the road"
"The monster Mohmoo did this," the blue fishman that had apparently left his partners to take Y/N and Zoro to Arlong Park while he rounded up the others. Drip... drip... The fishman was dripping wet, having just gotten out of the water.
"Monster?" repeated Usopp without looking at who he was talking to. "Don't tell me they've got a monster too!"
"We caught him out on the Grand Line and brought him here with us," the fishman explained as he towered over Usopp.
"The Grand Line, huh?" Usopp commented, but then he sweat-dropped. "Wait... 'WE'?" Usopp slowly turned around and saw the fat fishman standing behind him, he shrieked in terror, "AAAAAAAAHHHHH!"
"You must be the partner of those abandoned guys on the boat!" the fishman realized as he reached out to grab Usopp.
SWIPE! "AAAAHHHH!" Usopp ducked under the fishman's arms then turned and ran away as fast as he could. TMP!TMP!TMP! "LATER!"
"COME BACK HERE!" shouted the fishman as he chased after Usopp.
"NO WAY!" Usopp shouted back.
Meanwhile, Johnny was leaning against the wall of an upside-down house, thankfully out of sight of any fishmen. "That was close," Johnny sighed in relief, "Good luck Brother Usopp, I'll wait here for Yosaku and Brother Luffy."
"Ahahahaha! You may be a fishman but there's no way you can catch me on dry land!" Usopp called out over his shoulder as he continued to run from the fishman, he was starting to put some serious distance between them. "AHAHAHAHA! I'm great at making a quick exit! AHAHAHAHA!"
What Usopp didn't notice was a familiar boy (the same boy from earlier) stepping out from behind a house. Usopp was busy taunting the fishman so he wasn't looking where he was going. He never saw the boy stick his leg out in front of him. FWUMP! Usopp tripped and fell flat on his face. "UNG!" Usopp groaned as he hit the ground face-first. "WHAT THE HE—"
"Got you fishman!" exclaimed the boy as he raised the sword over his head. "I'll kill you to avenge my father!" The boy lunged at Usopp with his sword poised for an attack, Usopp cringed from the ground.
WOMP! "DON'T TOUCH THAT FISHMAN!" The boy's attack never connected. A blue haired woman with an intricate tattoo on her left arm came from behind and hit the boy on the head.
"Chabo, have you forgotten?" scolded Nojiko, the blue haired woman. She wore a red ribbon to pull back her hair, ankle-length blue pants, sandals, and a sleeveless yellow shirt which showed the intricate tattoo on her right shoulder that went down to her elbow and across her chest onto her left shoulder. "Gosa was obliterated because someone went against the fishmen." Nojiko glanced at Usopp, who was relieved that he wasn't hit. "Look carefully," she instructed, "He may look like a fishman, but he's human... kind of..."
"KIND OF!" repeated Usopp as he shot up to his feet, and glared daggers and Nojiko and Chabo.
"WHERE'D YOU GO!?" came the voice of the fishman who was still coming after Usopp.
"Here he comes!" Usopp exclaimed as he turned to face the fishman.
"A FISHMAN!" shouted Chabo, the boy that had mistaken Usopp for a fishman.
"This time it's a real fishman," Nojiko told him as the fishman turned and ran in between two houses in an attempt to find Usopp.
"Stay back," Usopp warned them as he got to his feet. Now that a woman and child were in danger, he was willing to face the fishman to protect them. "I, Captain Usopp, will protect you! I won't let him harm a woman and a kid! I can't just run away now!" Usopp waited for the fishman to come back out from the houses then pulled back his slingshot. "Take this! LEAD STA—"
BONK! Instead of Usopp firing of his slingshot Nojiko hit him over the head with his own hammer, knocking him out.
"I guess he wasn't listening when I said not to mess with the fishmen," Nojiko muttered as she grabbed Usopp's ankles, "Let's get him out of here." SWISH!SWISH! Nojiko and Chabo quickly dragged Usopp off of the road and behind an upside-down house.
With Usopp safely hidden, Nojiko came out and screamed to get the fishman's attention, "AAAAHHH!"
"What's wrong!" asked the fishman.
"There's a creepy guy with a long nose!" Nojiko exclaimed.
"Which way did he go?" questioned the fishman. He was looking for a creepy looking human with a long nose.
"That way," Nojiko answered as she pointed in the opposite direction from where she had hidden Usopp.
"That way, huh?" said the fishman as he ran off in the direction Nojiko had pointed.
Once the fishman was gone, Nojiko went back to Chabo and Usopp, "Hurry, bring him to my place," instructed Nojiko.
When Usopp woke up he found himself in a strange one-room house surrounded by a tangerine grove on the outskirts of Cocoyashi Village. "Where am I?" Usopp wondered. He spotted Nojiko and Chabo sitting at a table nearby.
"Oh, you're awake," observed Nojiko, "You're in my house."
"Your... who are you?" asked Usopp as he sat at the table in a chair next to Nojiko.
"I'm Nojiko," Nojiko introduced herself, "I grow tangerines. Want one?"
"Uhh... hey wait! You hit me!" Usopp suddenly realized. "Why'd you protect that fishman? I was trying to save you!"
"No, I saved you," Nojiko corrected him, "If you had gone through with hitting that fishman, you'd have been killed for sure, stupid outsider."
Nojiko then turned her attention to Chabo who was angrily sitting on a chair on the other side of the table, "You'd figure a kid from here would already know better. What would make a child do something so reckless?"
"I know, I know," Chabo admitted, "But they killed my father, they took everything from me. Those fishmen destroyed my town and killed my friends. I had to make them pay no matter what. Don't you get that? So I went to Arlong Park by myself, but this witch stopped me going in! I CAN'T STAND THIS! I HAVE TO AVENGE MY FATHER! I DON'T CARE IF I DIE!"
"Then die," Nojiko stated. PFFFFFTTTT! Usopp was so surprised he spat out the tea he had been drinking.
"If you truly prepared to die, then go," Nojiko told the boy, "But you'd better remember, both I and that witch stopped you. So far you've cheated death twice. Just finish your tea and go."
"Hey, don't be too hard on him! He's just a kid!" Usopp defended the boy.
"I don't care who he is," Nojiko argued as she got up from the table and walked off, "If he wants to kill himself, then so be it. He doesn't have what it takes to suffer for revenge."
"What?" questioned Usopp.
"It takes time," Nojiko explained, "I suffer as well. Revenge is not an easy path for one to carve out. And to die just because you're too foolish for patience is nothing but a coward's plan."
By now, Chabo was crying, tears were streaming down the boy's face. "Wh-what do you want from me! I can't stand the way I feel but I don't know what else I can do."
"Got a mother?' Nojiko asked.
"She's alive," answered Chabo.
"Then go back home," Nojiko advised. "She's worried about you."
"Okay," replied Chabo, he finished his tea and eventually left. Nojiko watched him walk through the tangerine grove from the window.
"Ahahaha," Usopp laughed, "for a chick with tattoos, you're not so bad."
"Why should I care what you think?" asked Nojiko. "It's time you told me why you came to our village."
"Oh, right," agreed Usopp. "My name is Captain Usopp, I'm looking for a girl named Nami."
"Nami?" repeated Nojiko, sounding surprised.
"You know her?" asked Usopp.
"NO WAY! SHE'S WITH ARLONG'S CREW!" screamed Usopp, in a voice that carried out of the house, passed the tangerine groves, and over to a small grave that overlooked the ocean. It almost reached Arlong Park itself.
"Open the gates!" called out the brown fishman steering the boat Zoro and Y/N were still tied up in, "We've brought intruders!"
"What do we do?" Zoro whispered.
"First thing you need to know about fishmen is that they have huge egos," Y/N told him. "The next is they're very sensitive. You don't want to say anything to make a fishman like Arlong angry. Stay quiet, and let me do all the talking, just nod and go along whatever I say. And when we see Nami, don't act too surprised."
Hope you enjoyed the chapter!!!
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