Sacred Ground
Sacred Ground:
"THERE'S ACTUALLY A GOD?" Luffy exclaimed up in Conis and Pagaya's house located up above Angel Beach on a place called 'Godland Skypeia'. "And He lives up here on an island that no one's allowed to walk on?"
"Right," Conis confirmed.
"You mean the God?" Chopper asked, "The same one from all the old stories? And He actually lives on the island next door to you?"
"He does," Conis answered, "I'm sure that everyone noticed the sign that said 'Godland Skypeia'. That means that this land is ruled by the almighty God Eneru."
"God's name is 'Eneru'?" Sanji questioned.
"He knows and sees everything," Conis explained, "He's truly omniscient."
"Everything?" Usopp repeated.
Conis nodded, "He keeps his all-seeing eyes focused on everyone. Always."
Usopp shot out of his seat, "FOR REAL?" he yelped.
"Like right now?" Luffy inquired.
"Oh yes," Conis replied.
"AAH!" Chopper squeaked, "I hate it when people stare at me when I can't see them!"
"Huh, God huh?" Zoro remarked casually.
"You mean you don't believe in God?" Chopper pressed the swordsman, "But why not?"
"Well for me, it's not a matter of belief," Zoro told him, "I don't see proof of it one way or the other. And to be honest, I don't really care to. But if you want to, go ahead. It's not up to me to deny anyone their little beliefs."
"So Conis," Sanji said, "if this guy Eneru lives in the Upper Yard and it's so close then you must have set eyes on him before."
"Absolutely not!" Conis protested with a firm wave of her hands, "It's forbidden to go there! The Upper Yard is sacred ground and a place only for our God to rest. I'm sorry."
"I still can't get over the size of these trees," Nami commented as she and Y/N stood on the Waver off the shore of the forbidden Upper Yard and gazed upon the enormous trees that were growing there as well as the dirt they were growing out of. "They've gotta be over a hundred years old! That, or things grow bigger up here in the sky. I can't even see where they top out!"
"They do make you feel kind of insignificant," Y/N admitted. The two of them and the Waver were just a mere speck compared to the gigantic trees they were faced with. "But I still can't get over the fact that there's actually some earth up here in—" Y/N quickly jerked his head to the side before he let out a loud sneeze, "ACHOOO!"
"What's the matter?" Nami asked as she glanced back at him. But then her eyes flew wide opened when she remembered what it meant the last time Y/N sneezed. "You sense treasure?"
Y/N nodded as he clutched his hand over his nose. "There's a huge amount of it a lot further inland. And for some reason it feels like its high above ground... maybe even higher than those monster trees."
KA-CHING! Telltale Berri signs appeared in Nami's eyes. "Wanna go find it?"
"I see..." Luffy said back in Conis' house, there was a huge grin on his face. "A place we're not allowed to go to no matter what, huh?"
Luffy's eyes were practically sparkling causing Usopp to panic. "GAAAH!" Usopp shrieked as he grabbed Luffy by the collar and started shaking him, "I've seen that look in your eyes before Luffy! And it always gets us into trouble! When the lady says we can't go there because its sacred or whatever... THAT'S EXACTLY WHAT SHE MEANS! WE CAN'T GO THERE! I'M NOT LETTING YOU DRAG ME DOWN WITH YOU THIS TIME!"
"No... hey... I understand we're not supposed to go there," Luffy reassured the sniper. Although the fact that he was still sporting his huge 'adventure-seeking' grin did nothing to relay Usopp's fears. "Shishishi! Come on, you really think I'm the kind of guy who would do that? Shishishi!"
"Yes, absolutely," Zoro, Usopp, Sanji, Chopper and even Robin thought to themselves.
"Hey wait!" Luffy said, "If this guy is God then shouldn't He forgive you no matter what you do? Walking around on some forbidden island doesn't seem like a big deal to me."
"No," Conis replied, "Breaking any laws set by our Almighty is nothing short of sacrilege."
"So I guess it doesn't matter either way," Luffy remarked as he happy helped himself to the rest of the sky lobster.
"He'd go even if it meant he'd die in the process," Chopper thought to himself.
"Tell me," Robin said to Conis, "I assume there are some dramatic and vicious consequences for entering the Upper Yard. Do you know what they are?"
"Yes, I do..." Conis answered solemnly making it look like she really wished she didn't.
"What are they?" Zoro inquired when Conis didn't continue.
"It is our belief that if you go there you will not return alive," Pagaya stated.
Sanji gaped and his cigarette dropped from his mouth. "But that's where Miss. Nami and that other guy are!"
"Other guy?" Zoro repeated, sporting a tick mark from annoyance.
"I must admit," Pagaya said, "I'm just as worried about Nami and Y/N as all of you are. I hope they haven't sailed too close to the Upper Yard."
Sanji whirled around and dashed out onto the balcony and looked like he was thinking of throwing himself off it if it meant him getting Nami to safety faster. "MISS. NAMI! NAMI DEAR! PLEASE ANSWER ME!"
"Alright, let's go and find them!" Luffy announced to the others. Although it seemed more to his crew that he was using it as an excuse. "We're wasting time!"
Whap! Usopp grabbed Luffy by the collar and started shaking him, "You don't care about saving Y/N and Nami!" Usopp snapped, "You just want to satisfy your thirst for doing the exact opposite of what you've been told!"
"MIIIIISS. NAAAAAAHHHMIIIIIIIII!" Sanji shouted so loudly that his voice traveled all the way down to Angel Beach.
However, Sanji's cry failed to reach the ears of its intended target because she currently had one thing on her mind: Treasure.
"I don't know," Y/N said, "Something about this island makes me feel like it's unsafe."
"Unsafe?" Nami repeated. "What do you mean?"
"Well, we know nothing about islands up here in the sky," Y/N reminded her, "All we know is that there's a huge treasure somewhere over that island. The place could be booby-trapped or there could be hostile natives. That's enough for me to know that it's no place for you." Nami glared at him. "I on the other hand am a Master Treasure Hunter that's used to dealing with booby-traps and hostile natives. So if either of us is going to risk their life searching for some huge treasure on that island, it's going to be me."
Nami gazed at him in awe, "I think I love—" "ACHOO!" She was cut off when Y/N sneezed.
"Sorry," Y/N apologized, "What was that?"
Nami blushed, "I said... uh... go and don't make me shove you."
"Oh, okay," Y/N replied.
"SHOVE YOU?" Nami mentally berated herself, "WHAT THE HELL WAS—" Her thoughts were stopped instantly when Y/N cupped her chin and gave her a quick peck on the lips.
Y/N gave her a sly grin that made her insides flutter and casually shrugged, "For luck," he said simply before he turned and leapt from the Waver onto one of the enormous tree roots that were poking out of the dirt. Y/N quickly started climbing the massive root leaving Nami behind with her massive blush.
"Um... I'll just stick around here and see if I can find anything!" Nami called after him in a voice that was an octave or two higher than normal. "You'll be able to find me... I'll be wearing this..." Nami fished into her pocket and pulled out her favorite piece of jewelry and quickly slipped the sapphire necklace on.
Y/N looked over his shoulder at her and smiled then launched himself the rest of the way up the root and onto the forbidden island of Upper Yard.
But as Y/N disappeared into the forest of giant trees, Nami was left alone on the Waver off the shore and she could've sworn she heard...
"It's close! It has to be!" a man's voice insisted.
"But where?" another man questioned the first.
"There are people over there!" Nami realized as she stared across the edge of the island where the voices were coming from.
"We're getting warmer! Pick up the pace!"
Nami slowly navigated her Waver along the side of the dirt island and followed the mysterious voices that she heard. "The voices came from over here..."
"Luffy, we've gotta get going!" Sanji said from the door. He was ready to rush over to the Upper Yard and save Nami. Luffy had been excited at going at first but there was something holding him back... the unfinished sky island cuisine.
CHOMP! CHOMP! MUNCH! GULP! Luffy ate frantically. He speared anything he could sink a fork into and quickly dropped it in his mouth. Let it be noted that on this day, Luffy's desire for food outweighed his desire for getting in trouble. "Yeah I know!" Luffy mumbled around the food in his mouth. "Just gimme a second!" GULP! MUNCH! MUNCH!
"Fine, don't listen to me," Sanji snapped, growing impatient. "But you're gonna feel awful if something bad happens to Nami while you're busy stuffing your face!"
"I know..." Luffy replied as he continued to shovel chunks of sky lobster into his already stuffed mouth. "Y/N's with her... so she won't be hurt... I don't want all this food to go to waste!"
"THE FOOD'LL BE HERE WHEN WE GET BACK!" Sanji yelled at him.
"Fine, I'm right behind ya," Luffy said but he still hadn't moved and continued to stuff his face.
"Conis, I know this guy and I could be here all day waiting on him," Sanji stated, "Could you tell me how to get to the Upper Yard? I've gotta go help Nami!"
"But... you don't know for sure..." Conis pointed out, although she looked terrified at the thought of anyone going to the Upper Yard. "About Nami and Y/N... they might just be out on the clouds and nowhere near the Upper Yard. I mean... I can't explain how devastating it would be to incur the wrath of our God Eneru." While Conis dragged her feet, Luffy kept on eating and the table was now two-thirds empty thanks almost entirely to the rubber pirate's fast eating.
"This Eneru doesn't sound like the nicest God you could've found," Chopper mumbled.
"He doesn't have to be," Zoro reminded him, "He's God."
Nami came around a bend on the Waver and spotted... a ship? It was a wreck and looked like it had been through a thunder storm. The body of the ship looked like a larger version of the body of the Waver she was riding and even had the same kind of engine like contraption on the back. But there were no people on the wreck that could've been the source of the voices she'd heard.
"What a wreck," Nami remarked, "Looks like there's no one on board."
Nami pulled the Waver up alongside the wreck and slipped onto it. Nami stared down at three parallel gashes that had been made in the railing "Claw marks... by something big from the looks of them..."
Fwap! Fwap! Behind her, a green-feathered bird fluttered down on top of a shell and unknowingly pushed down on the shell's apex. Click!
"The treasure has got to be here, I'm positive!" a familiar voice came from the Tone Dial. The bird was startled and quickly flew away and left the Dial to continue its recording.
"But where? I don't see anything?" the second voice from before questioned.
"Look harder! We didn't come here for nothing! It's close! It has to be!"
"But where?"
"There are voices coming out of that shell," Nami noted.
"We're getting warmer! Pick up the pace!"
"Crazy," Nami commented as she tapped on the top of the shell, "It sounds like there's a person trapped inside." The shell had gone silent. Nami picked it up and examined it then pushed down on the apex. Click!
"We have to keep a record of everything we find and do," a new recording began. "Who knows how valuable the information could be."
"I see," Nami said, quickly grasping the function of the Tone Dial she was holding, "So this shell can record voices."
"Forget this!" the second, now terrified voice exclaimed. "I'm outta here! I can't stop shaking! I'm so scared! Can you feel that? That's God's anger!" Nami could make out a strange sound in the background of the record. It sounded like some kind of massive blast of energy being built up.
"Wait! I hear something? What is it?"
"It's... IT'S GOD!"
Nami stared down at the shell in shock. "Were they killed... by God?" Nami's eyes widened as she looked up and stared in horror at the forest of giant trees that towered over her and now looked a whole lot more menacing. The same forest she'd just sent Y/N blindly wandering into.
KA-BOOOM! An explosion rang out from somewhere in the forest.
"YYYY/NNNNN!" Nami screamed in horror.
"AAA-CHOOO!" Y/N sneezed and held a hand over his nose. "Was that an explosion?" Y/N glanced warily around him as he continued his trek through the forest of enormous trees. "There's something off about this island..."
"AAAAAAAAAHHHH!" Out of nowhere, a man came running towards him.
The man had wild red hair that was a similar shade to Y/N's. He wore a dirty white shirt, black pants that were rolled up into shorts, and sandals. He also wore an orange headband, gold earrings, and had a short sword sheathed at his waist but Y/N only really noticed his hair color and main articles of clothing.
"Well this is awkward," Y/N remarked as he took note of their similar outfits. "Here I was thinking wearing a color other than black and red would break away from my usual color scheme. But some other guy is wearing the same outfit."
While their outfits were indeed similar, the biggest difference between the two other than their respective accessories was that the strange man looked like he'd been through hell and was screaming like Usopp at his worst while Y/N looked as calm and composed as he always was.
"PLEASE! HELP ME!" the man screamed as he ran towards Y/N. "THEY'RE TRYING TO KILL ME!"
"What? Who's trying to kill you?" Y/N questioned.
"GOD'S PRIESTS!" the man wailed. "I came here in search of some stolen treasure but I don't care about that anymore! I JUST WANNA LIVE!"
"I guess dealing with some maniac High Priest wasn't enough," Y/N muttered, "Now I've got some guy claiming to be a God on my hands. Wonderful."
"But I just got here," Y/N countered, "And I don't want to leave just yet. I'm here looking for the treasure too and I've got a very high strung girl waiting for me. ACHOO! She'll be very upset if I come back empty handed."
"Hey," Y/N said, "just because you were too scared to keep looking for the treasure doesn't mean I'm going to give up on it. Where I'm from, I'm the best Treasure Hunter around. ACHOO!"
"THE HELL WITH YOU THEN!" the man snapped. He raced by Y/N and took off through the trees and headed for the shore.
"That was weird," Y/N commented before he continued on his way.
TMP! A man landed on a tree branch high up over head and stared down at Y/N through a pair of dark sunglasses. He took in Y/N's red hair, white shirt, dark shorts and sandals.
"There he is," the man stated.
The Straw Hats had made it all the way down to the Going Merry. Luffy still had a chunk of meat speared on a fork as he sat on top of the Going Merry figurehead's chicken plumage.
Zoro, Usopp, Sanji, Chopper, Robin and Conis had all boarded the ship along with him and were standing together on the front deck.
"Hmm..." Pagaya said as he held his finger up in the air. "Uh I'm so very sorry. There's no headwind blowing. If you were to set sail at this moment you'd spend an extraordinary amount of time getting to the Upper Yard."
"WHAT?" Luffy demanded.
"So... what's 'an extraordinary amount'?" Usopp questioned, he wondered if it would be too fast to reach the scary-sounding forbidden island where God lived.
"It's exponentially longer than it would take if your ship was powered using our Dial energy," Pagaya explained, "But it's not."
"That's nice but we need a number," Sanji said impatiently. Too bad Nami was the one they were going to save. She'd know for sure.
"Sorry," Pagaya apologized, "Only the wind knows your answer."
"Oh, of course, the wind," Usopp said, he started to list a bunch of other excuses why they couldn't go but Luffy talked right over him.
"Old man, you've gotta know a faster way for us to get there other than just sitting here and waiting for the wind to pick up."
"What's your problem?" Luffy wondered.
"I'm nervous," Usopp whimpered. .
"Prepare to die intruder!"" a man shouted from the tree tops, startling Y/N. "You have set foot on sacred ground that only God and His Priests are permitted to walk upon!"
"Who's there?" Y/N questioned, as he stared up at the dark tree tops. "Who're you?"
"I am Ohm," the man responded. He had dark skin and bald head but a dark beard on his chin. He sported a full pair of wings that went from his shoulder down to his waist and were much larger than the small wings of Conis and Pagaya. He wore a pair of sunglasses with point-like extensions on the side, loose gray pants with pockets and long white sash around his waist, dark boots with bandages around the soles, and a dark green tank top which exposed the dark blue tribal tattoo which was made up out of a series of lines that began on his chest and covered his shoulder, upper arm and went all the way down to his forearm. "And I am one of God's Priests."
"Oh," Y/N said. Ohm was perched high up on a branch in the canopy of one of the giant trees. With his limited depth perception Y/N had no hope of spotting him. "Well you're gonna talk down to me about ground you're allowed to walk on and I'm not, then why don't you come down here and do it to my face?" He certainly wasn't going to tell this strange man that was looking to kill him that he couldn't see him.
"No," Ohm replied, "I have better ways of dealing with fools like you that trespass where they shouldn't be. SWEEEEE! Come Holy!"
KROOSH! A giant yellow dog came barreling out of a giant bush nearby.
"Whoa!" Y/N yelped as he turned and ran while the enormous dog called Holy chased after him and quickly gained on him due to its superior stride. "Down boy!"
CHOMP! CHOMP! CHOMP! Holy started to snap at Y/N from behind. The pirate was barely able to keep from being cleaved in half giant canine teeth that were half the size he was.
"CAAAW!" A large bird swooped down through an opening in the tree tops. It had a large body and wings that were covered in purple feathers. There were red feathers around its neck and its face was white with a sharp beak.
But more deadly than the large bird was the man riding on its back. He wore an aviators helmet with wings on the side and goggles on the front and had a thin pointed mustache that stretched out passed the sides of his face. He sported large white wings of a similar size to Ohm's that came out from the back of an orange jacket that was lined with fur around the collar and brown swollen sleeves decorated by beige spots. The man wore orange pants that matched the jacket as well as fur-lined gloves and boots and a purple scarf on his neck.
"Hmph," the new man grunted and tightened his grip on his lance. SKISH! The man leapt off of his bird's back and dove at Y/N and Holy, KER-WHAM! Then drove the point of his lance INTO HOLY! The dog let out a whine as it was knocked to the side.
"Wow, thanks," Y/N said.
"You're welcome," the man replied, "NOW DIE!" SWISH! The man jabbed his lance at Y/N who barely managed to avoid being pierced. Y/N turned and started running again. SKISH! The man jumped up onto his bird's back. "Let's go Fuza!"
"CAAW!" Fuza the bird crowed as it flew after Y/N.
"That bastard," Ohm growled from on his tree branch, "He took my prey."
"Something's going on in there," Nami realized from down on the shore. She jumped back onto her Waver and started to make her way back around the side of the island so she could get clear view of what was going on in the forest. "I hear voices... and sounds... Y/N, please be okay!"
"AAA-HAHAHAHA!"the bird-riding man laughed as he jabbed his lance down at Y/N. SWISH! SWISH! SWISH!
"Wonderful Y/N," Y/N berated himself as he struggled to dodge the sharp lance. It was only his even sharper instincts that kept him from being skewered alive. "Great time to forget your—ACHOO—sword and boots."
"Who the heck are you?" Y/N demanded as he glared at the man that had swooped around him and was now flying beside him.
"There's been a change of plans," the man replied, "My name is Shura, I'm one of God's Priests. AND I'LL BE KILLING YOU TODAY!"
SWISH! FWUP! Shura lashed out at Y/N from the side but this time Y/N dove downward and rolled underneath Fuza. The bird had to swerve to the side to avoid a tree and Y/N quickly capitalized and sprang back up and ran in a different direction.
"HOH HOH HOOOO!" A round man blocked his path.
"Oh great," Y/N complained, "ACHOO! Not another one."
The new man had a round body like a ball and long red hair that hung to his shoulders. He wore a straw hat similar to Luffy's on his head but it was missing the stripe. He also wore a pair of yellow glasses, orange gloves and boots, and a white bodysuit with gold rings on the front.
"I'm Satori," the round man introduced himself. "I'm one of God's Priests and I will be the one to pass judgment on you."
"That sounds nice," Y/N replied, "but on the other hand..." WHAP! Y/N's eyes widening in surprise when Satori's hand flashed out and easily caught his knock-out punch.
"No one ever sees that punch coming!" Y/N thought to himself.
"HOH HOH HOOOO!" Satori laughed. "Now take this!" Satori lashed out and slapped his gloved hand on Y/N's chest. POW! Whatever Y/N was expecting, that wasn't it. He went flying backwards as if he'd been hit by the punch he'd just aimed at Satori. KRASH!
Y/N landed in a heap but quickly pulled himself up only to find a fourth man behind him.
The new man was tall with dark skin and had his black hair braided into tufts that stuck outward and up and lined his head with six on each side and another on top. He wore a purple jacket over a pink shirt with a blue tie-like scarf around his neck. His purple pants matched his jacket and were accompanied by black boots that matched his gloves.
But despite the man's menacing appearance there was something off about him.
"Forget about those three, intruder! I'm Gedatsu and I will be the one to kill you!"
"Uhh... hello?" Y/N called out, "ACHOO! If you're going to threaten to kill me like the other three then you should probably do it out loud."
Gedatsu's eyes bugged out in surprise, "How careless!" he exclaimed.
SWOOOSH! Fuza swooped down and landed on a branch to Y/N's right. "Forget about that fool, intruder!" Shura growled. "Like I said, I will be the one to kill you!"
"HOH HOH HOOO!" Satori laughed as he came up behind Y/N. "I think not! I'm the one who actually managed to hit him. You and your stupid bird completely missed!"
TMP! Ohm swung down off of a branch and landed on a lower one. "This intruder is my prey!" he growled at the other priests, "And I'll be the one to... Wait a minute... you're not the man I was chasing... you have similar hair and clothes but you're not him!"
"HOH HOH HOOO!" Satori crowed, "That means he's fair game!"
"NO YOU FOOL!" Shura snapped, "That means the original intruder escaped while we were chasing this one!"
Nami railed around the side of the when she suddenly saw a red-haired man wearing white shirt run out from the forest.
"Y/N!" she called out to him as she raced closer on the Waver. But when she got closer, she quickly realized her mistake, "Wait... you're not Y/N..."
The red-haired man spotted her. "You!" he exclaimed, "You have to get me out of here! They're trying to kill me?"
"What?" Nami questioned, "Who's trying to kill you!"
"GOD!" the man answered, "And his priests! Please, you have to get me out of here!"
Nami thought back to the recording she'd heard of the two men that were killed by 'God'. If there was a God and His priests on the island mysteriously killing people that was no place she could afford to leave Y/N.
"I... I can't leave," Nami told him, "I'm waiting for my... uh... my Y/N. He's somewhere in that forest and looks a bit like you. Have you seen him?"
"Yes I saw that fool!" the man hissed, "I tried to warn him to leave but he wouldn't listen! He decided to stay behind in that horrible forest! And with those priests in there with him then he's already dead!"
"Y/N... dead?" Nami repeated in horror.
God's Wrath:
"YEAAHH!" Luffy cheered as he ran along Angel Beach with the old Waver hoisted over his head, "FINALLY WE HAVE SOMEPLACE DANGEROUS TO GO! I can't sit around on this beach and wait for the wind to pick up any longer!"
"LUFFY! That's the broken Waver!" Usopp tried to warn him, "It won't work! YOU'LL KILL YOURSELF!"
"HEERE III COOOME!" Luffy hollered as he slammed the old Waver down into the Sea Clouds off the shore and jumped on it. SPLOOSH! The broken Waver flipped over and took Luffy under with it. GRGLE! GULP!
"What an idiot," Zoro muttered.
"How could he honestly not know that was going to happen?" Usopp demanded/
"So um... does anyone wanna save him?" Chopper asked as Luffy's last remaining hand disappeared below the Sea Clouds.
"Let him drown!" Zoro, Usopp, and Sanji snapped.
But despite that, they eventually did fish him out and Zoro was left with the unpleasant task of squishing the swallowed Sea Clouds out of Luffy's inflated belly.
"You are such a pain, you know that?" Zoro grumbled as he drove his foot down into Luffy's swelled belly. SPLURT! White liquid clouds sprayed out of Luffy's mouth and into the air.
"Hmm...." Pagaya said as he idly toyed with the lever on the Straw Hat's old salvaged Waver. "As I told your friend earlier, this Waver is still functional so that means its fixable. Would you like me to take a look at it?"
"How would you know how to fix it?" Luffy asked.
"I'm an engineer that specializes in dial-powered ships," Pagaya explained. "I should know."
"Yeah? Really?" Luffy questioned with a big smile, "Then what are you waiting for— BLURT!" Luffy was cut off when Zoro stomped his foot down onto his still swelled belly and caused him to spit out more clouds. But he managed to gurgle out a quick, "Ge' 'o work, old man!"
VOOOOOOOOM! A familiar masked man sped along the Sea Clouds towards the Upper Yard. He glared at the island he was approaching through his bull-horned mask.
"Eneru!" the guerrilla growled in his mind.
"For what it's worth, I'd like to be killed by this guy." Y/N chimed in while the three priests Ohm, Shura and Satori argued over who would get to 'pass judgment' on him. Y/N motioned behind him at the fourth priest Gedatsu who stood behind him... facing the opposition direction. "Hey buddy, I'm over here."
"How careless!" Gedatsu exclaimed. He whirled around to face Y/N then tried to glare at him. 'Tried' meaning 'failed spectacularly' due to the fact that he had unconsciously rolled his eyes back in his head leaving him glaring with the whites of his eyes.
"Is this guy for real?" Y/N wondered.
"HOLY! SICK 'EM!" Ohm ordered.
KRASH! The giant dog burst out of the brush and charged at Y/N. "WOOF! WOOF! ARF!"
SKISH! Y/N leapt up over the dog's head and avoided its snapping jaws.
"CAAAWW!" Fuza crowed before the bird caught Y/N completely off guard when it spat out a torrent of flames at him. FWOOOSH!
"ITS BREATHES FIRE?" Y/N yelped as he spun in the air in an attempt to avoid the brunt of the flames. FWUMP! He dropped to the ground and quickly threw off his burning white shirt. "Man, I hate birds..."
"Hoo hoo hoh!" Satori laughed as he dropped down out of nowhere and landed in front of Y/N.
Y/N shot up to his feet and lashed out his foot. "JAVELIN KICK!" Y/N aimed his sandal-clad foot at Satori's jaw. WHAP! But Satori brought up his gloved hand and caught Y/N's kick with ease.
"HoH hoh hoo!" Satori laughed, "So predictable!" He suddenly spun away from Y/N and bounced away from him.
"That guy's starting to get really annoying," Y/N muttered to himself.
"If you think that's annoying, you'll hate this!" Ohm growled from a nearby branch as he drew the long-hilted sword from his sash and raised it up over his head. "EISEN WHIP!" Ohm swung his sword down from over his head and the blade suddenly grew and shot down at Y/N.
"GAH!" Y/N gasped as he lunged to the side but not in time to avoid the whip-like blade of Ohm's sword as it slashed his side. SLISH!
"Uugghhh..." Y/N groaned as he clutched his bleeding side and stumbled backwards.
"HOH HOH HOO!" Satori cackled as he landed behind Y/N. "Bless you."
"Wha—ACHOO!" Y/N's eye widened in surprise behind his sunglasses. "How did he know I was going to sneeze? Even I didn't know it!"
"TAKE THIS!" Satori called outas he slammed his hand into Y/N's chest. Click! WHAM!
Y/N was sent flying like he'd just kicked himself in the chest and slammed back-first into one of the giant trees and was embedded into it. WHAM!
WOOOSH! "CAAAAW!" Fuza crowed as the bird soared toward him.
"DIE INTRUDER!" Shura yelled as he lashed out with his lance.
"That's gonna hurt..." Y/N whispered as he pushed off of the tree. Y/N dropped down out of the Y/N-shaped hole he'd made in the tree just as Shura drove his lance into it. SHUNK! FWOOOSH! Flames shot out of the tip of the lance and burned straight through the trunk of the tree before they burst out the back.
"I don't have my boots and I don't have my sword," Y/N noted, "ACHOO! These guys have all sorts of crazy weapons so it's about time I started using one of my own. Desperate times call for desperate measures." Knowing that he'd be dead if he didn't start fighting back, Y/N reached up for his eye patch.
"THERE'S NO WAY Y/N'S DEAD!" Nami yelled at the strange man. "And there's no way I'm leaving when he's alone in there!"
"You're both nuts!" the man snapped, "I'm won't stay here to die! I'm not asking anymore..." The red haired man reached to his side and drew his short sword. "Give me that ship!"
Nami glared up at the man. She'd seen the look on his face before. It was an expression that she and Usopp had perfected over the course of their time in the Grand Line. The man was terrified and desperate. He really wasn't a killer he just really didn't want to be on the island any longer. But as scared as Nami was at having to face the prospect of a God smiting people, she was even more scared for Y/N who was somewhere on that island dealing with that smiting God and His killer priests. There was no way she was going to leave Y/N on that island alone.
The man's hand was shaking as he held out his sword. In fact, it wasn't even a sword, it was more like a long knife. Nami knew she could handle the desperate guy if she attacked her.
"Look buddy," Nami said, "I'm not gonna..."
"YOU!" Nami spun around and spotted the wild masked guerilla from before. He stood on a pair of skis that were no doubt dial-powered and he had his bazooka holstered on his shoulder. "Prepare to die, blue sea dweller!"
Nami paled. Now this guy she was scared of.
"WOOF! WOOF!" Holy barked. The giant dog lunged at Y/N.
"Dodge now," he thought to himself while a red glow came out from behind the right side of his sunglasses. SKISH! Y/N jumped up into the air and drove his feet down into the top of the dog's giant head. "BLUDGEON STOMP!" WHOMP! Y/N's attack plus the added boost from the Devil's Eye caused Holy to face-plant into the ground. THUMP!
WOOOSH! Shura and Fuza swooped in for an attack. "CAAAW!"
"I've got you now," Shura growled as Fuza followed Y/N while he ran up Holy's prone body then leapt off and grabbed onto a large low-hanging branch. WHING! Y/N swung himself around the branch and caught Shura off guard when he drove his feet into his back. THWHAM!
Shura was knocked off of his stead and Y/N quickly landed on the bird's back and covered its eyes. Blinded, Fuza kept flying... KRASH! ...and plowed straight into a tree.
"That takes care of the dog and the bird," Y/N thought to himself, "Now I've gotta deal with the four priests."
"Hoh hoh hoo!" Satori laughed as he landed behind Y/N.
Y/N spun around and lashed out his leg. "He's going to catch it."
Whap! Satori caught Y/N's kick with ease. But Y/N had seen it coming and intentionally reduced the power. Satori tossed Y/N's leg to the side and he quickly whipped it around, "SPINNING WHIP KICK!" THWHAM! Y/N's foot slammed into the side of Satori's face.
"I should've seen that coming!" Satori exclaimed as he went rolling away.
Y/N turned around and found Gedatsu standing behind him. His face was turning blue.
"You can't be serious," Y/N dead-panned as he stared at the shaky priest who looked like he was about to pass out. "DID YOU JUST FORGET TO BREATHE?"
"HOW CARELESS!" Gedatsu exclaimed. "You're one of the Blue Sea People that Old Woman Amazon warned us about. Not only did you enter this land illegally but now you've trespassed on sacred ground."
"I knew that woman was up to something," Y/N muttered, then he stared at Gedatsu in surprise, "Wait... did you just say something useful?"
"Hmph," Gedatsu grunted. He tried to cross his arms to look intimidating but failed and just ended up looking silly.
"Lemme help you with that," Y/N offered he grabbed onto the purple sleeves of Gedatsu's coat. Whap-whap-whap! "There you go!" Gedatsu looked down at his arms ONLY TO FIND THAT Y/N HAD TIED HIS SLEEVES TOGETHER!
"Again, if you're gonna threaten me, do it out loud," Y/N corrected the incompetent priest.
"DIE INTRUDER!" Shura yelled as he lunged at Y/N from behind at lashed out with his lance.
Y/N spun around and swayed to the side. SHUNK! Shura's lance sunk into the empty ground and Y/N quickly grabbed the priest and threw him into Gedatsu. KRASH! The two priests toppled off of the large collection of roots they'd been standing on and fell out of sight.
"EISEN WHIP!" Ohm slashed his sword and the blade grew and flew at Y/N like a whip. SWISH! Y/N leaned to the side to avoid it. Ohm swung his sword sideways and Y/N jumped over it. SWISH! Ohm continued slashing his sword out at Y/N but he continued to dodge the attacks as if he could see them all coming.
"This is impossible!" Ohm thought to himself, "How could a person from the Blue Sea have Mantra that surpasses ours?"
"DAMN IT!" the strange red-haired man yelled at Nami. "GIVE ME THE BOAT OR I'LL SLICE YOU UP!"
Nami suddenly found herself trapped between the knife-wielding man and the cannon-wielding guerrilla. Talk about being caught between a rock and a hard place.
A bright light suddenly appeared in the sky which attracted the attention of Nami, the red haired man and the guerrilla. KROOOM! The light shot downward and became an enormous column that enveloped the strange man. It was so bright that Nami flinched and had to look away.
The column of light was incredibly powerful and it completely vaporized anything it landed on. When the light finally faded THE MAN WAS GONE! The giant trees that had fallen victim to the light columns incredible power had completely disintegrated. All that remained of the trees and the man were rings of ash and the fire that was burning on the few remaining trees.
"WHAT JUST HAPPENED?" Nami shrieked.
"ENERU!" the strange guerrilla yelled which caused Nami to jolt to the side, "HOW DARE YOU DAMAGE VEARTH!" BOOOM! BOOOM! BOOOM! The guerrilla changed his target and unleashed three cannon-blasts into the forest. Then he spun and sped off. VOOOOOMM!
BOOOM! BOOOM! BOOOM! The cannon blasts flew into the forest and whizzed over Y/N's head. Two hit trees while the third hit the branch Ohm had been standing on which caught the Priest off guard.
"Well that was convenient," Y/N remarked, "Time to get the heck out of here. Speed Step!" ZZZOOOOOM! Y/N turned and sped out of the forest towards the necklace he sensed on Nami's neck.
He raced towards the shore and spotted Nami on the Waver. He didn't hesitate for a second and quickly leapt onto the back of it behind her.
"YOU'RE ALIVE!" Nami exclaimed.
"Yeah, but we won't be for long if we don't get outta here!" Y/N replied, "GO! GO! GO!"
Nami didn't need to be told twice. And they sped off of the Waver. VROOOOOOOM!
Lovely Street was the main street that led from Angel Beach up to the top of Angel Island. The more popular areas were lined with different stores and houses. And currently there was some commotion going on in the middle of town.
"Form up! Salute!" a man called out.
"HESO!" a battalion of men chorused. These men were known as the White Berets. They acted as the police on Angel Island and followed orders passed down by God and H.s Priests.
All the White Berets wore the same uniform consisting of light blue pants decorated in a cloud designs, tight indigo shirts, and their namesake a white beret. The leader of the battalion had a scar running down the side of his face, black hair that was braided into a long ponytail and a pale blue coat that showed that he was Captain.
"GOOD DAY!" Captain McKinley of the White Berets Skypeia Police called out. "Heso!"
"What are the White Berets doing here?" a civilian man wondered.
"Oh no, something must have happened," a woman remarked.
"You are all warned to use extreme caution!" Captain McKinley addressed the civilians. "I've received word that illegal entrants have infiltrated Skypeia through Angel Beach today." The civilians gasped in surprise as the Captain held up a collection of pictures. "There are reportedly eight suspects. But don't worry! You can help with our search by reporting all suspicious activity! Leave it to the White Berets!" Captain McKinley snapped his heels together and did a strange salute where he put his hand behind his head with his index and pinky fingers raised.
"WHITE BERETS!" the other men chorused as they copied the Captain's salute.
Back on Upper Yard the four priests had recovered and put out the fire that had been set on the burnt trees and dirt.
"Looks like Eneru took care of the intruder that managed to give us the slip," Shura noted as he stared at the ring that was in the man's place.
"But why would he take out that intruder himself and not the other one?' Ohm wondered.
"Who was that guy anyway?" Satori asked.
"A group of illegal entrants HAVE infiltrated Skypeia," Gedatsu informed the others. "Old Lady Amazon informed us that it's a ship with eight Blue Sea dwellers on board."
"So that stranger was one of them then," Satori realized, "I never expected someone from the Blue Sea to have such formidable fighting abilities."
"Hmph," Shura grunted, "He only seemed to be good at running away to me. Eight Blue Sea dwellers should be a cake walk for us. That's two for each of us."
"More like eight for me while the rest of you watch," Ohm retorted.
"What the heck happened back there?" Nami asked as they sped along the clouds back towards Angel Beach.
"I was on the island for two minutes before I ran into some nut-rob," Y/N explained as he quickly tugged down his eye patch, "He ran off and I got attacked by these four priests that claimed I was trespassing on Sacred Ground and needed to be executed. I barely managed to escape using the Eye."
"I saw that same nut-job get obliterated by a beam of light!" Nami exclaimed, "I think God might've done it!"
"God?" Y/N asked skeptically, "You know I don't really believe that."
"I know you don't believe in God but I know what I saw!" Nami insisted, "A light came down from the sky and covered the guy and the next second he was gone. There was nothing left! I DON'T WANT THAT BRIGHT FLASH OF LIGHT COMING AFTER ME! WHAT THE HECK IS HAPPENING ON THIS ISLAND?"
"It's definitely something we need to warn the others about," Y/N answered.
"Right," Nami agreed, she increased their speed and they continued to race off for Angel Beach.
"Teeheehee!" Chopper laughed as he made a 'snowman' out of the sandy Island Cloud on Angel Beach. "Beat this one Usopp!" The cloudman was about the same size Chopper was but didn't showcase a large amount of artistic talent.
"Ahaha, I don't think that'll be a problem!" Usopp boasted. Usopp's cloud sculpture consisted of a cloud version of himself wearing a crown as he stood in a heroic pose. A mean looking cloud-Zoro stood at his right side with an excited-looking cloud-Luffy and cloud-Chopper in front of him. Cloud-Robin stood on cloud-Usopp's left side with a love-struck cloud-Sanji standing next to her. At cloud-Usopp's feet cloud-Y/N and cloud-Nami were fighting over a treasure chest. "AHAHAHAHAHAHA!"
"THAT'S AMAZING!" Chopper cheered.
"That's the worst looking art... I'VE EVER SEEN!" Sanji yelled. THWAK! Sanji kicked Usopp then attacked the cloud sculpture. "THIS IS WHAT I THINK OF YOUR UNINSPIRED WORK!" SWISH! Cloud-Zoro had his head kicked off followed by cloud-Sanji, cloud-Luffy and cloud-Usopp. SWISH! SWISH! SWISH! All that remained were cloud-Robin, cloud-Chopper, cloud-Nami and cloud-Y/N because he was attached to cloud-Nami while fighting over the treasure chest and he didn't want to destroy her. "NAMI COULD BE IN DANGER RIGHT NOW AND YOU'RE PLAYING AROUND IN THE CLOUDS!"
Robin idly watched the commotion from back on the Going Merry while Zoro let out an occasional snore.
"So, can you fix it?" Luffy asked as he, Pagaya and Conis stood around the old Waver.
"I've never seen parts like these before," Pagaya admitted as he took a closer look at the Waver.
"Come on, just fix it already," Luffy urged him.
"I'm sorry," Pagaya apologized, "I know I said I could fix it but that's going to take some time."
"Can you at least try?" Luffy requested.
"Of course," Pagaya assured him.
Luffy grinned but his attention was suddenly drawn by a battalion of men marching their way down the cloud stairs to the beach.
"Looks like we have company," Luffy observed. Pagaya, Conis and the other Straw Hats all turned their attention to the White Berets as they got closer. Even Zoro woke up.
"YOU THERE ON THE BEACH!" Captain McKinley called out, "DON'T MOVE!"
"Does he mean us?" Luffy questioned.
The Straw Hats gaped in different degrees of shock as the White Berets reached the bottom of the stairs and crawled along the cloud beach towards them.
"Hey... uh... why are they crawling?" Sanji wondered.
"Who knows," Usopp replied, "I mean, they've obviously got issues."
"Because they're crawling around like crabs?" Chopper asked.
Zoro and Robin got off the ship and approach the others just as the White Berets reached them.
"WHITE BERETS, HALT!" Captain McKinley addressed his battalion. They finally stood back up and did their strange salute. "HESO!"
"Heso," Conis and Pagaya replied.
"What are they?" Zoro questioned, "Soldiers?"
"Usopp said they have issues," Chopper supplied.
"Well look at what we have here!" McKinley commented, "You must be the Blue Sea dwellers that have illegally entered the Sovereign Land of Skypeia. PREPARE TO HAVE THE WEIGHT OF HEAVEN'S JUDGMENT BROUGHT DOWN UPON YOU!"
Already Criminals:
"You're saying they're criminals?" Conis questioned Captain McKinley.
"Illegal entry?" Luffy repeated. "What's that?"
"Let's just say it's not good," Pagaya answered uneasily.
"Don't waste your breath making excuses!" Captain McKinley snapped as he pulled as stacked of pictures out from a pocket inside his Captain's coat. The top one showed Luffy on the Going Merry. "Amazon the woman who stands at Heaven's Gate captured these very images using her Vision Dial."
"No wait," Pagaya protested, "That can't be. I think this is all a big misunderstanding, Captain McKinley. They're not the criminals you're making them out to be."
"What do you mean by illegal entry?" Sanji challenged while McKinley put the pictures away.
"Does this have anything to do about that ridiculous billion extol entrance fee?" Robin inquired, "Because we didn't pay her a thing."
"But didn't that old lady say we didn't have to pay it," Usopp reminded her. "It's not like she tried to stop us."
"Yeah that's true," Chopper chimed in.
"ENOUGH!" McKinley shouted. "There's no sense trying to deny it! Now 'fess up!" Conis and Pagaya stared at the White Berets with worry while the Straw Hats were just confused. "Don't worry, you need not become panicked just yet. According to Heaven's Judgment, entering illegally is only an Eleventh Degree Crime. Once you accept your punishment – which will be minimal – you will become legal tourists on the spot and may go about your business."
"Well you should've told us that sooner," Sanji said, "But before we accept what exactly do you have planned as far as punishment?"
"A mere slap on the wrist," Captain McKinley replied, "All you need to do is pay ten-times the entrance fee. Of course if you pay immediately we'll pretend this little episode never happened. So, ten billion per person times eight people makes your total eighty billion extol."
"WAIT, EIGHTY BILLION EXTOLS?" Usopp exclaimed. "That sounds like an awful lot of money! How much is that in berries?"
"That's the currency used in the Blue Sea World, right?" McKinley clarified, "Today's exchange rates are ten thousand extol per berri."
"Hmmm... then thousand and you've gotta carry the one..." Usopp mumbled to himself as he held out his hand and attempted to calculate how much they owed using his fingers. "Is there a decimal in there somewhere? Uh... five?"
"Eighty billion extols is eight million berries, genius," Robin corrected him.
"Eight million?" Zoro repeated. "That's pocket change to Y/N."
"You brought this on yourselves," McKinley stated, "If you had just paid the eight hundred thousand berries in the first place we wouldn't be having this talk!"
"SHUT UP YOU IDIOT!" Usopp yelled as he clamped his hand over the cook's mouth. "Stop picking fights!"
"This is your first warning," Captain McKinley announced, "The White Berets serve under the vassals of Almighty Eneru. Arguing with us will only raise the level of your crime!" McKinley glared at the six pirates. Wait... six... "Hold on! The report said there were eight of you Blue Sea Dwellers! I'm only counting six of you! Where are the other two? Maybe I should add 'Suspicion of Fleeing the Island' to your list of crimes!"
"There's no need to go that far, Captain," Robin the calmest and most rational of the pirates attempted to placate McKinley. "The other two are off riding one of those Wavers. In fact, one of them is the crew's Financial Manager. I'm sure once he returns he'll be able to pay the fee without much hassle. If you wouldn't mind waiting, I'm sure he won't be much longer and we can put this big misunderstanding behind us."
"Does that mean you admit to your crime and accept your punishment?" McKinley questioned.
"Well as long as the punishment is just a slap on the wrist and a fine, then sure we'll accept it," Usopp quickly agreed.
"We didn't even do anything," Luffy pouted. "The old lady never said entering without paying was a crime."
"Hmph, very well," Captain McKinley grunted, "You are all currently Eleventh Degree Criminals and until your crewmate shows up to pay your fee none of you are permitted to leave this beach. If your crewmate doesn't show up soon then your punishment will be more severe."
"Nami, I think we're in trouble," Y/N said.
"I know that!" Nami snapped, "There an angry God somewhere around here that smites people using beams of light!"
"Not just that," Y/N told her. "One of the guys that I fought on that island noted that I was one of the Blue Sea Dwellers that entered Skypeia illegally. That old lady reported us when we didn't pay her stupid fee."
"Then that means Luffy and the others could already be in trouble," Nami realized, "We need to hurry back before those idiots end up getting themselves arrested!"
"Exactly," Rcky replied, "So step on it!"
Nami narrowed her eyes and pressed the Waver's pedal down as far as it would go. The Waver practically flew across the clouds at top speed as they raced back to Angel Beach.
"I hope Y/N and Nami get back soon," Chopper commented.
"As soon as the wind changes we can head out for another adventure!" Luffy exclaimed, "I mean... to look for Y/N and Nami."
Usopp twitched and scrambled over to him, "LISTEN TO ME!" Usopp shouted, "THE GUY TOLD US TO STAY HERE, SO THAT'S WHAT WE'RE GONNA DO! I DON'T WANNA GET IN TROUBLE!"
"Who cares?" Luffy replied, "I wanna go on another adventure!"
"Keep your cool Usopp," Usopp thought to himself, "Try and reason with him."
"Luffy, if Y/N and Nami are just out taking a joyride then they'll be back any minute," Usopp tried to reason with the Captain, "If we leave now we could miss them. We don't want that now, do we?"
"You think so?" Luffy questioned.
"But they're taking way too long for that," Chopper point out.
Usopp twitched and ran over to Chopper. He grabbed the reindeer and pulled him so close that Usopp's long nose bent on Chopper's furry face. "Shut up!" he hissed, "The reason Luffy's here in the first place is to prove he can go where he was told he can't go! Not chase after Y/N and Nami, stupid!"
"Okay..." Chopper mumbled through Usopp's hand that was clutched over his mouth.
"He has a point," Robin admitted.
"Then let's just go when they get back," Zoro suggested.
"Guys, Conis warned us about that!" Usopp reminded them. "If we go we'll incur Eneru's wrath! Then who knows how much trouble we'll be in!"
"So... what now?" Chopper asked.
"Our best bet is to wait here until Y/N and Nami get back," Usopp answered, "And keep from getting in any more trouble after Y/N pays our fine. That means: No going to the forbidden island! No starting unnecessary fights! AND NO DEADLY ADVENTURES!"
Usopp squeaked and scrambled over to the White Beret Captain to do some damage control. "Look sir, they're coming, alright?" Usopp assured him, "It's just eight million berries we owe you! We're good for it! Our First Mate probably has twice the amount in just his pocket alone! He's probably got ten times that amount in his safe on our ship. And a thousand times the amount we owe you stashed in a turtle back on the Blue Sea! Trust me, Y/N's got plenty of money! If any of us could unlock his safe you'd already be paid and we'd be legal tourists. Just give us a little bit longer for him to come back, okay? They're just taking the Waver out for a little spin."
Captain McKinley stared hard at the high-strung pirate. The long nose didn't make him come off as the most trustworthy person from the Blue Sea but he decided to wait until the other two Blue Sea Dwellers came back to see if he was full of hot air.
"Very well," McKinley said, "But they'd better get back soon. The White Berets serve the Vassals of the Almighty Eneru, we can't be kept waiting by the whims of Blue Sea Dwellers."
Usopp ran back over to his crew, "Okay, I think I bought us some more time," he said. "Now Luffy, don't do anything stupid to make Nami angry! Y/N'll have no problem paying the fee if it'll keep us all out of trouble but if Nami hears how much it is she'll get mad, understand? You know how she can get when money's involved."
"Aaaww, alright," Luffy reluctantly agreed.
"Sanji, you too!" Usopp quickly added.
"Yeah, yeah," Sanji said.
Usopp turned and stared off the shore. "Y/N, hurry up! I don't know how long I can keep these guys from getting in trouble!"
It was then that the sniper's eagle-eyed eyes spotted a tiny speck on the horizon. "HEY! I THINK I SEE THEM!"
Captain McKinley folded his arms across his chest, "It's about time," he grumbled, "This had better be good."
"I think I can see Angel Beach!" Nami called back to Y/N. She squinted as tried to get a better look at the situation. "The others are all there! But there's a bunch of people there with them! They look like some kind of police force!"
"Hopefully they're only here about the illegal entry thing," Y/N replied.
"Hang on, I'm bringing us in!" Nami announced.
"I'm already hanging on, thank you," Y/N stated.
Nami's face pinked as she glanced down at Y/N's arms that were wrapped around her waist from behind. Since they were going so fast he was holding on rather tightly and she could feel his bare chest pressing against her mostly-bare back.
"Well whoever they are, I hope Luffy's not pulling any of his usual stunts!" Nami complained.
"If I left a bag of gold out on the galley table, would you take it?" Y/N countered. The questioned was rhetorical as they both already knew the answer and he kept going, "It's in your nature to steal money when you can get away with it. Just like its Luffy's nature to get in as much trouble as possible. For most of our lives it been my job to get him out of it, or at the very least help him through it. Since you're a rational member of this crew it's partially your job too."
"EIGHT MILLION BERRIES?" Nami screeched completely forgetting what Y/N had just said. "THAT'S TOO MUCH!"
FWUMP! Usopp tackled Luffy and tried to stretch his rubber lips off of his face, "YOU HAVE THE BIGGEST MOUTH!" Usopp screamed, "I SAID NOT TO UPSET NAMI AND THAT'S THE FIRST THING YOU DO!"
WHOOOSH! The Waver surged up into the air and flew straight at Captain McKinley.
"Damn it Nami!" Y/N snapped, "What did I just say?" SKISH! Y/N dove off of the Waver passed Nami and lunged at the official Captain-looking guy they were about to crash into. "LOOK OUT!" WHUMP! Y/N tackled Captain McKinley to the ground and the Waver flew over them and crashed down onto the island clouds behind them and skidded to a stop. KRASH!
"Whoa, whoa, whoa!" Y/N cut in, "I was just trying to keep you from getting creamed by that Waver-thing. Here, let me help you up there." Y/N stood up and pulled Captain McKinley back up to his feet and made a show of dusting him off. "I'm real sorry about that, y'see we're from the Blue Sea World and it was her first time driving one of those Waver-things. When she heard how much money we owe you it startled her and I think she lost control. I wasn't assaulting you, I was trying to save you. I wouldn't want such a fine, upstanding protector of Sky Island justice like you getting hurt because of an accident made by a rookie Waver-driver."
"Hmph," McKinley grunted. "Maybe calling you Fifth Degree Criminals was going too far."
"Wow," Usopp gasped, "He makes it all seem so easy. It's the perfect combination of flattery, fast-talking and half-truths."
"What does he mean 'accident'?" Chopper questioned. "Nami was handling that Waver perfectly fine before!"
"SHUSH!" Nami hissed as she darted over and clamped her hand over Chopper's mouth. "He doesn't know that. I'll admit I got a little carried away but Y/N's already managed to smooth it over. Now keep quiet and let him do his thing."
"Now, what was this about eight million berries?" Y/N prompted.
"Yes, you eight are all Eleventh Degree Criminals for illegally entering Skypeia without paying the entrance fee," McKinley stated. "Your crew has accepted the crime and now you must by punished by paying a penalty fee of ten times the amount. Eighty billion extols which is eight million berries."
"I'll pay the fine but before I do I'd like to file a formal complaint against Amazon the Gate Keeper for causing this huge misunderstanding," Y/N replied. "We had just come from the Blue Sea when we reached Heaven's Gate and she told us we needed to pay an entrance fee of eight billion extols. We didn't even know what an extol was at that point. When I asked her about exchanging our berries for extol she offered no help at all. She just said we could pay the fee or that we could decide to not pay the fee and go on anyway. She never expressed that entering without paying was a crime."
"Ignorance of the law is no excuse for breaking it," McKinley insisted.
"You're right, of course," Y/N agreed, "And you would be since you do such a fine job of upholding it. But how are we supposed to know the law when no one tells us what it is? We're from the Blue Sea World, that's a completely different place and things are done a lot differently. If you had a sign posted somewhere that explained the rules or if your gate keeper had actually done her job and explained them properly I would have happily paid the eight hundred thousand berries there at the gate and this whole thing would've never happened."
McKinley opened his mouth to respond but Y/N kept going before he could get a word in.
"So you see, we can't avoid breaking your Sky Island Laws if we don't know what they are," Y/N continued, "Would you happen to have a book or something that I could read so my crew and I can avoid breaking anymore of yours laws in the future?"
McKinley turned to one of the other White Berets, "Present the Law Book," he ordered.
Swif! The other White Beret pulled out a thin book and handed it over to the Captain. McKinley held up the book. "This book lists the eleven classes of crimes, all the crimes that fall under them, and the punishment for committing them. But before I give this to you, I must insist that you pay the fine for the Class-Eleven Crime that you and your crew have committed."
"Of course," Y/N agreed. He fished into his bottom left pocket and pulled out a wad of bills. He skillfully flipped through it and handed Captain McKinley about half of the stack. "There you go, eight million berries."
"Very good, you are now legal tourists of Skypeia," McKinley announced as he slipped the money into a pocket inside his sky blue Captan's coat, "Since that matter is taken care of, I can now say 'Welcome to Sky Island' Heso!" McKinley did the strange salute where he put his hand behind his head and stuck his two fingers up.
"HESO!" the other White Berets chorused while also doing the salute.
"Uh... right... Heso," Y/N replied.
"Y/N! I didn't know you could speak their language!" Luffy exclaimed.
Y/N shook his head and took the Law Book from McKinley who then turned to his men.
"Return to your posts," McKinley ordered. "I'll remain here to conduct surveillance on the Blue Sea Dwellers."
Y/N's eye twitched when all the berets but Captain McKinley dropped to the ground and started crawling away.
"You really don't have to stay here," Y/N told McKinley as he held up the Law Book, "I'll keep my crew in line."
"Oh, but I think I do," Captain McKinley replied. "As a fine upholder of Sky Island Justice it is my duty to prevent people from breaking our laws. My men are returning to their posts but from where I'm standing you eight are the most likely to cause problems here so I'm exactly where I need to be." McKinley smirked at Y/N. "Let's see how well you can read."
Y/N grinned in response, "If that's your game then I'm up to the challenge."
Skypeia Law:
Still under the watchful eyes of Captain McKinley of the White Berets, Y/N opened the Law Book and started to read as he made his way back over to his crew.
"Robin, would you mind lending an eye so I'm not the only one keeping them out of trouble?" Y/N requested.
"Ojo Fleur," Robin said simply. Y/N raised his sunglasses to reveal his mismatched eyes with his normal hazel one on the left and a blue one on his eye patch on the right.
"For now, everyone stay on this beach until I can finish this," Y/N instructed, "There's a lot of criminal offenses in here so I don't want anyone leaving the area until I know everything we can do wrong here."
"But Y/N, I wanna go..." Luffy started to say.
" the one place that you're absolutely forbidden to go," Y/N finished for him, "That's a very bad idea."
"Y/N, we need to tell them..." Nami started.
"Not with the present company," Y/N pointed out as he motioned discretely to McKinley. "We don't want to get in trouble for going somewhere that we're not allowed to go." He had been looking at Luffy while he said this but Nami knew it was directed at her.
"Come on Chopper!" Usopp exclaimed, "Let's go fishing! Conis, do you know any good fishing spots around here?"
"I do," Conis replied, "There's one just over there." Conis led Usopp and Chopper off towards a fishing spot.
"Miss. Nami, Miss. Robin, would you care for a cup of tea?" Sanji offered.
"Yes, thank you Mr. Cook," Robin accepted, "Tea would be nice while I'm reading."
"Uh, no thanks Sanji," Nami refused.
"Nami, I think you should go and have some tea," Y/N told her, "In fact, bring Zoro with you. The four of you probably have a lot to talk about."
Nami looked at Y/N who shot a quick glance at McKinley. Her eyes widened in realization. "I get it. It's slight-of-hand. He's going to distract the Captain so his attention is on him and the other three and in the meantime I'll be free to tell the others what we discovered on the forbidden island."
"Right, let's go have some tea," Nami announced.
"I get the feeling that I just missed something," Zoro stated.
"Come have some tea and I'm sure she'll be happy to explain it, Mr. Swordsman" Robin replied.
Zoro shrugged and followed after Nami, Sanji and Robin which left Luffy and Y/N alone with with Pagaya who had started to tinker with the Straw Hats' old broken Waver. It was then that Captain McKinley spotted it.
"AH-HA!" Captain McKinley exclaimed, "You're already slipping Blue Sea Dweller! Look at what you did to that Waver! Destruction of Sky Island property is a..."
"...class-Ten Crime," Y/N finished for him, "The punishment being a large fine to pay for the damage that's been caused. But here's the thing, this Waver was like that when wefound it on a ship back down in the Blue Sea World."
"Yeah, this is our Waver!" Luffy told him, "The old guy said he'd try and fix it for us."
"I was under the impression that you didn't have Wavers in the Blue Sea World," McKinley said as he stared down at the broken Waver. "Stealing Sky Island property is a Class-Eight Crime."
"We didn't steal it we found it!" Luffy insisted.
"That's true," Y/N said, "We found it on a ship that fell out of the sky almost on top of us. That's what got us started on coming here in the first place."
"Well considering the condition this Waver is in I suppose it would be alright to let you have it," Captain McKinley said as he jiggled the handle of the Waver. "Most people would throw out a Waver this old and broken. If you're going through all the trouble of fixing it I think you're entitled to it."
"There you go Luffy," Y/N said, "We have permission to keep the Waver. Now stop bugging Pagaya and let him fix it."
"Right, I'll go fishing then!" Luffy decided as he ran off after Usopp, Chopper, and Conis.
"Be careful what you catch," Y/N advised as he followed after him while he continued to read the Law Book.
Captain McKinley smirked as he followed after Luffy and Y/N. He completely missed Zoro, Nami, Sanji and Robin who were 'having tea' on the deck Y/N was on before.
"So what's this about?" Zoro asked.
"Y/N and I found this island filled with monsters," Nami answered. "Y/N sensed a lot of treasure on it so he went to explore it."
"Oh great," Zoro groaned, "You two did exactly what we hoped you didn't."
"The people here call that island Upper Yard, Miss. Nami," Sanji explained, "Everyone's forbidden from going there."
"Y/N found that out the hard way," Nami told him. "He got attacked by these four people who said they were 'God's Priests' and I saw a man get vaporized by a beam of light that came down from the sky! God is somewhere on that island and He killed that guy! There was nothing left! Y/N managed to escape the Priests but if God knew he was on the island then all of us could be in real big trouble."
"Oh, that's just great," Sanji said, "The rest of us were struggling to keep Luffy out of trouble while Y/N ends up getting in even bigger trouble. Now we've got some God after us."
"Listen to this," Robin spoke up, "According to the book Mr. One Eye and I are reading, anyone guilty of a Class-Five Crime like obstructing the White Berets gets sentenced to Cloud Drifting. That's where they'd place the criminal's ship on a small cloud and set them adrift in the White Sea. With no chance of escape or rescue they'd all die a slow and painful death."
Gulp! Nami looked terrified at the prospect, "That's terrible."
"No, it's interesting," Robin countered, "Think about it, that's probably why that exploration vessel the St. Briss nearly fell on us. That crew could have been sentenced to Cloud Drifting over two hundred years ago. Over time the cloud must have faded and caused the ship to fall from the sky right on top of us."
"Is that what they'll do to Y/N for going to the place he wasn't supposed to?" Zoro questioned.
"No, it gets worse apparently," Robin stated as she closed her eyes and focused on the Law Book that Y/N had opened to a very specific page. "'Evading Judgment from a Priest' is a Class-One Crime and the guilty party has to face God's Judgment."
"I don't know if there's a God on this island or not," Zoro admitted, "But if he's after Y/N then he's no friend of ours."
Sanji frowned, "But if God is after Y/N... why hasn't He gotten him yet?"
Zoro, Nami, Sanji stared at each other with a building feeling of dread as they suddenly realized the graze situation that they now faced.
Robin casually picked up her cup of tea and took a sip.
Zoro stood up and gripped the handle of his sword Wado Ichimonji.
"Where are you going?" Sanji asked.
"Y/N's keeping his eye on the other three," Zoro pointed out, "But if God's after him then someone needs to keep an eye on Y/N."
As the swordsman left, Robin of all people stared after him in surprise. "He just learned that his crewmate is in trouble with a God... and he's going off to defend him... What's with these pirates?"
"You guys need to be careful with what you catch," Y/N advised Luffy, Usopp and Chopper as they stood on a mound of cloud while he, Conis and Captain McKinley stood behind them. "Some species of fish are so rare that it's a Class-Nine Crime to catch them. And Luffy, eating them is a Class-Eight Crime. So make sure Conis and the Captain approve what you catch, otherwise you'll have to throw it back."
Despite the fact that Y/N had just warned the others about Class-Nine and Class-Eight Crimes the Law Book was opened to Class-One Crimes, more specifically, the punishments for being found a First Degree Criminal. Y/N glanced warily up in the air and around them. He spotted Zoro as the swordsman walked over.
Without a word, Zoro sat down under a nearby tree and gripped the handle of his sword. Suu the Cloud Fox left Conis' side and joined Zoro in the shade of the tree where she curled up in a ball and went to sleep.
"Uugghhhh..." Usopp suddenly groaned as his fishing pole nearly pulled him off of the cloud mound they were on. "I'M LOSING IT!"
"Don't let it get away Usopp!" Chopper encouraged him as he wrapped himself around Usopp's leg and tried to help him pull in his catch. "LUFFY HELP!"
"Hm... WAAH!" Luffy turned and spotted the other two struggling with their catch and quickly abandoned his own fishing pole so he could help them pull in their undoubtedly large catch.
The fishing line lurched back and forth and whatever was on the other side put up a valiant fight but Luffy's monstrous strength coupled with Usopp and Chopper's was too much for it. SPLOOOSH! An enormous fish easily fifty times the size of any of them came flying out of the water and launched up overhead. It was mostly yellow with the body of a huge carp but the wide mouth and whiskers of a catfight. The large fin on its back was purple and matched the fins on its tail and sides. The huge sky fish all featured a large collection of yellow bumps on its back that were a couple shades lighter than the yellow of its scales.
"WHOOOAA!" Luffy exclaimed at the sight of the huge fish.
"WAAAAHH!" Usopp screamed at the sight of the huge fish.
"It's a big one!" Chopper remarked.
TWING! The fishing line couldn't handle all the strain and snapped causing Luffy, Usopp and Chopper to tumble back down the cloud mound and the big fish to go flying free from the line.
"AAAAAAHHHH!" Conis screamed in terror as the huge tooth-filled mouth of the big fish came flying down at her.
While not quite what he was waiting for, Zoro surged to his feet and prepared to spring into action... only he didn't need to.
"EPAULE SHOOT!" Since his attention had been on Y/N at the mention of a God being after him, Sanji had heard Conis' scream of terror and had crossed the beach in a mere .07 seconds and launched himself up overhead. THWHAM! Sanji drove his foot down into the sky fish from overhead and sent it crashing down onto the island clouds that made up the shore. WHOMP!
Tmp! Sanji landed next to Conis and smiled at her, "I heard your scream of distress and came to save you, my angel," Sanji swooned while Luffy, Usopp and Chopper ran up behind him.
"What did we catch?" Usopp wondered as they eyed the huge sky fish, "A fish or a monster?"
"Some kind of sky fish obviously," Sanji supplied.
"It tried to eat Conis," Chopper pointed out.
"Well I wanna eat it," Luffy insisted.
"You're heroes!" Pagaya chimed in. He had raced over after hearing all the commotion. Of course, he hadn't been as fast as Sanji. "Words cannot express how grateful I am that you saved my daughter!"
"Father look..." Conis said as she motioned to the huge yellow fish that had tried to eat her.
"Uh oh... we're in trouble..." Pagaya realized.
"AH-HA! CAUGHT YELLOW HANDED!" Captain McKinley crowed. "This species of Sky Fish is so rare that it's forbidden to catch it!"
"Oh come on!" Y/N protested, "The fish tried to eat the girl so he quickly saved her. We would've thrown it back right away if the line hadn't snapped."
"I didn't even kick it that hard," Sanji defended himself.
"And it's not even dead!" Usopp quickly added, he lashed out his foot and kicked the fish under the mouth. Thawk! While not nearly as powerful as Sanji's kick had been, Usopp kicked had done enough to wake the sky fish which flopped around helplessly as soon as it realized it was out of the Sea Clouds and on the Island Clouds.
"Luffy, don't even think about it!" Y/N quickly interrupted his brother who had his mouth opened as he approached the sky fish's flailing fin. "Just throw it back!"
"AAAAWW!" Luffy whined, "But it looks so tasty!"
"THROW IT BACK LUFFY!" Usopp yelled, "You'd better not get us in trouble again!"
"Oh, fine," Luffy grumbled. He grabbed the fish that was fifty times his size and easily threw it back into the Sea Clouds. SPLOOOSH!
"There," Y/N prompted, "No harm done. I'm sure as someone charged with protecting the peace on this island you can recognize that there was an extenuating circumstance involved here. It may be an endangered species but it was also a wild animal that was going to kill someone. You're a protector of this island but also its people so I'm sure you'll forgive the usage of non-lethal force on an endangered species in order to protect someone."
"Well when you put it that way, I suppose there's no harm done," McKinley reasoned.
"Phew!" Luffy, Usopp, and Chopper let out a sigh of relief.
"Hm," Zoro said to himself as he watched Rick deal with McKinley with a faint grin, "If his sword was as quick as his mouth he'd actually be some competition."
"Conis, my angel," Sanji addressed the blonde girl as he hook his arm around her back underneath her wings. "You've just been through a traumatic ordeal, I'd suggest that you have a seat and relax after what happened."
"CAPTAIN! CAPTAIN!" Before anyone could go anywhere, a loud shout drew everyone's attention to the top of the stairs where the rest of the White Berets were standing. "CAPTAIN MCKINLEY! BIG TROUBLE!"
"WHAT IS IT NOW?" Captain McKinley called back to his men. The Straw Hats watched as the White Berets reached the bottom of the stairs then dropped down and crawled towards their superior officer.
Once they reached McKinley the other White Berets popped back up and saluted him, "HESO!"
"Heso," McKinley replied, "What's this 'big trouble', men?"
"Captain, that man beside you," one of the White Berets said as he pointed to Y/N. "We received word from the Almighty Eneru himself that he is guilty of the Second Class Crime of illegally trespassing on the sacred ground of Upper Yard."
"Y/N!" Usopp screamed in his mind, "You go through all the trouble of keeping Luffy out of trouble when you've already gotten into even more trouble on your own!"
"As a Second Degree Criminal he is to be apprehended and sent to Upper Yard to face the Ordeals of the Priests," the White Beret concluded.
Zoro made his way out from under the tree and was ready to spring into action at a second's notice. Sanji slipped his hands in his pockets and turned to face the White Berets. He knew the situation and was ready to defend his Nakama. Luffy punched one fist into the other and glared at the weird and annoying guys that had been bugging them for a while now. He didn't know the situation but was still ready to defend his brother.
Captain McKinley glanced down at the cut on Y/N's side that he had gotten from Ohm's sword while on Upper Yard.
"I had wondered how you got that," the Captain of the White Berets admitted. "You must have set off one of the traps while you were there and got cut but still managed to escape alive. But you should know better. The Almighty Eneru knows and sees everything."
"That's odd," Y/N thought to himself, "I already fought all four of God Priest's and since I managed to give them the slip that's supposed to make me a First Degree Criminal. I should have already faced God's Judgment. But for some reason this 'Eneru' wants me back on that 'Upper Yard' place so his Priests can deal with me."
"Yes, I set off a trap," Y/N stated, he saw no reason to correct McKinley, "And that is all."
"God has said Himself that you are to be taken to Upper Yard to face the Ordeals of His Priests," Captain McKinley announced, "If you come quietly, your crew will be spared."
Y/N glanced over his shoulder at Luffy, Zoro, and Sanji who all looked ready to fight. Usopp and Chopper looked like they were ready to jump in too. Nami and Robin had left the deck and were warily eying the White Berets. Conis and Pagaya just looked scared.
"Don't even think about it," Zoro warned him, "We're in this together."
"I wouldn't want you guys to get in trouble with a God because of me," Y/N said, "But on the other hand..." POW! His fist flashed out and caught Captain McKinley completely off guard on the bridge of his nose and knocked him out cold. TMP! "You'd probably find some other excuse if it wasn't for this."
"Good to know that attack still catches some people by surprise," Y/N thought to himself.
"AAAAAAHHHH!" the White Berets screamed in terror and scrambled backwards and stared timidly up at the sky.
"What's with them?" Luffy wondered, "Are gonna fight or not?"
"Y-you're attempting to evade j-judgment by a P-Priest..." one of the White Berets stammered, "Th-that means y-you're a F-First Degree Cr-Criminal guily of d-declaring w-war on G-G-God Himself! Y-you must f-face his j-judgment!"
Y/N glanced up at the sky then back at the White Berets, "But didn't you say before that 'the Almighty Eneru himself' wanted me to be brought to Upper Yard to face Judgment from a Priest? Don't tell me you're going to go against your God's wishes?"
"Let's see what kind of game this 'Eneru' character is playing," Y/N decided.
The White Berets stared at each other and eventually reached at decision. "YOU'RE UNDER ARREST BY ORDER OF THE ALMIGHTY ENERU!" Seven of the White Berets drew bows and aimed their arrows at Y/N. "FIRE THE MILKY ARROWS!"
WHOOOOSH! The White Berets fired their arrows but it turned out it wasn't the arrows that the Straw Hats needed to worry about. Each of the arrows left a trail of spiraling gray cloud behind it as they flew through the air.
SWISH! Y/N spun to the side to avoid the volley of arrows but the arrows kept going and flew passed him towards the others. Sanji acted quick and pulled Conis out of the way while Usopp and Chopper quickly grabbed Pagaya and followed after him.
Luffy and Zoro weaved to the side to avoid the arrows when they reached them but Luffy lost his balance and fell on the cloud stream from one low-flying arrow. FWUMP! But Luffy didn't fall through it and instead landed on it as if the cloud was solid.
"WHAT THE HECK!" Luffy exclaimed, "CLOUDS?" Luffy sat up on the cloud he was on and grabbed hold of one of the ones above him and pulled himself onto it. "WAAAH!" Luffy yelped in surprise and ducked down to avoid a second volley of Milky Arrow. WHOOOOSH!
"WHITE BERETS! ATTACK!" SKISH! The White Berets jumped off of the ground and each of them landed on a different cloud stream.
FWOOOSH! The Dial-powered motors on the White Berets' feet came to life and the entire squad surfed along the clouds towards the pirates.
Y/N and Zoro dove to the side to avoid the White Berets as they charged them while Luffy was sent spinning when one White Berets sped by him on the same cloud. When Luffy managed to stop spinning he found himself standing on a cloud surrounded by White Berets who had all drawn weapons.
"Are those cloud-skates?" Luffy wondered, "SO COOL! I've gotta get a pair!" WHIIING! Luffy stretched his arm out and wrapped it around a tree that was within reach.
"HOW'D HE DO THAT?" a White Beret hollered.
"HE'S STETCHING!" Conis exclaimed.
"I hope he's okay..." Pagaya mumbled.
SHOOOOM! Luffy used his stretched arm to shoot himself up off of the cloud and into the air up above all the cloud streams.
"NO WAY!" one of the White Berets exclaimed, "HE'S GOT DEVIL FRUIT POWERS!"
Up in the air, Luffy started to spin but not just side-to-side, he also flipped end-over-end. "GUUUUM... GUUUUUM... FIIIIREEEWOOOORKS!" SHOOOM! SHOOOM! Luffy's fists and feet exploded out of the spinning ball his body had become and flew down into the faces and bodies of the White Berets. BA-BA-BA-BA-BAM!
The entire squad of White Berets was sent flying off of the clouds and into the air with the one Devil Fruit-powered attack from Luffy.
The streams of cloud also met Luffy's fists and feet and were broken up which caused Luffy to drop through them and land on the ground. TMP!
"Whooooaaaaa..." the dizzy pirate groaned as he spun around on the spot.
"Got you..." the one remained White Berets grinned to himself as he aimed an arrow at Luffy through all the fading clouds.
SLA-SLISH! Zoro wasted no time and sped through the clouds and cut the last White Beret down before he even had a chance to fire his arrow.
Clak! "Piece of cake," Zoro remarked as he sheathed his sword.
"What were those shoes?" Y/N wondered.
"WHEW!" Usopp exclaimed from where he, Sanji, and Chopper stood with Conis and Pagaya. "They did great! Just like I taught 'em!"
"REALLY?" the super-gullible Chopper asked with stars in his eyes.
"They defeated the White Berets..." Pagaya remarked.
"Unbelievable!" Conis gasped. "At this altitude the athletic ability of most Blue Sea Dwellers usually decreases."
"Conis my angel, if you were in danger I could've defeated them in half the time," Sanji vowed.
"Are you guys okay?" Nami asked as she and Robin came over.
"Hey, where'd the really annoying guy go?" Luffy wondered as he glanced around for any sign of Captain McKinley.
The Captain in question had woken up from Y/N's punch at some point during the battle and had slipped away in the nearby tress behind the Straw Hats. To most, it would appear that he was hiding but he wasn't. He knew that the situation was now out of his hands.
"YOU FOOLS!" Captain McKinley roared from the woods. "If you had allowed us to conduct our duty only one of you would have been apprehended as a Second Degree Criminal! BUT BECAUSE YOU FOUGHT US ALL OF YOU ARE NOW SECOND DEGREE CRIMINALS! The White Berets are the most lenient of Almighty Eneru's enforcers! NOW YOU MUST FACE THE PRIESTS OF UPPER YARD! HESO!"
Hope you enjoyed the chapter!!!
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