Pirate Chopper vs. Priest Gedatsu

Pirate Chopper vs. Priest Gedatsu:


BOOOM! BOOOOM! BOOOOOM! Explosions continued to ring through the giant forest of Upper Yard as the war between Eneru's warriors and the Shandians waged on.

Y/N and Robin stood across the clearing from Yama the Commander of Eneru's forces. Robin looked over her shoulder at the tablet behind them that stated that the City of Gold that they had been searching for was just ahead through the forest.


The explosions told Robin how much destruction the war between the Shandian's and Eneru's forces was causing to the giant forest on Upper Yard.

"We need to keep this battle confined to this clearing," Robin whispered to Y/N, "If he ends up in the City of Gold he could end up destroying everything without thinking anything of it."

"Right," Y/N quietly agreed, "He doesn't seem very smart, so let's take him down quickly. You hold him and I'll hit him."

"ENOUGH WHISPERING!" Yama shouted. "I'll finish the two of you off now! RAAAAH!" The huge man displayed his impressive agility and launched himself into the clearing with a series of handsprings. Fwip-fwip-fwip-fwip!

"Now!" Y/N prompted just as Yama came out of another handspring and his feet touched the ground ten feet away from them.

"Ocho Fleur!" Eight arms grew out of the ground and grabbed Yama's feet.

"WAAAH!" Yama yelped. He was caught off guard and off balance by Robin's sudden display of her Devil Fruit abilities. He flailed his arms around and attempted to stay on his feet.

SKISH! Y/N sprang forward and jumped up into the air then lashed out his leg, "Jumping... LANCE KICK!" THWAK! Y/N's foot smashed into Yama's face. The huge man was knocked backwards and Robin released her hold on his feet which allow the man to fall over and roll back the way he came in a much less impressive manner from before. Fwump! Fwump! Fwump! Yama eventually came to a stop in an undignified heap.

"Why... you..." Yama growled as he rolled over and pushed himself off of the ground.


Chopper stared up at Gedatsu in terror. But Gedatsu seemed to have lost track of him due to the fact that he had rolled his eyes back into his head again. The inept priest cast random unseeing glances around the clearing in an attempt to find his target.

"WHERE DID YOU GO?" Gedatsu demanded.

"GAH!" Chopper yelped.

"A concealing technique no doubt," Gedatsu attempted to reason with himself.

"Eh? His eyes are rolled back in his head." Chopper finally realized. "And it's really spooky!"

"Gedatsu!" Billy the helpful divine warrior called out to the priest, "You can't see the enemy with your eyes rolled back like that!"

"GAH! SO CARELESS!" Gedatsu exclaimed.

"WHAT A DIMWIT!" Chopper thought to himself.

"An enemy, huh?" Chopper noted, "I get it now. You must be one of Eneru's Priests!"

Gedatsu tried and failed to cross his properly before he responded... in his head. "Indeed I am. Let me introduce myself. My name is Gedatsu, Priest in the service of the Almighty Eneru. And I command the Upper Yard's Ordeal of the Swamp."

"Come on, say something you jerk!" Chopper complained.

"Gedatsu!" Billy the helpful goat-warrior called out. "He can't hear you unless you start speaking out loud!"

"SO CARELESS!" Gedatsu exclaimed again.

"YOU DON'T NORMALLY FORGET THAT!" Chopper berated his idiotic opponent.

"Hmph," Gedatsu grunted, then cracked his neck as he got into a fighting stance. "I advise you to watch where you step. This entire area is my territory to control. There are Swamp Clouds all around us and once you find yourself trapped by one there's no hope of escape. The survival rate here is fifty percent! It's almost tragic! ORDEAL OF THE SWAMP!"

"Ordeal of the Swamp?" Chopper repeated.

"Best of luck," Gedatsu said... as he started sinking into one of his own Swamp Clouds.

"HEY YOU'RE SINKING!" Chopper shouted at the Priest who had sunk waist-deep into his own trap.

"FOOL! IT HAS NO EFFECT ON ME!" Gedatsu insisted. "Swamp Cloud... MILKY DIAL!" FOOOM! White Cloud shot out of the base of Gedatsu boots and shot him out of the clouds he had been sinking into and up into the air. SHOOM! Gedatsu flew high up above the ruins while Chopper was left trying to peer through the thick white fog that the Milky Dials on Gedatsu's feet had left behind.

"OH! NO WAY!" Chopper gasped as Gedatsu rocketed up towards the tops of the giant tree tops that surrounded the ruin-filled clearing that he had been standing in. "He's shooting something out of his feet that makes him fly! THAT'S SO COOL!"

FSSSHHH! White cloud sprayed out from Gedatsu's sleeves as he raised his hands up overhead.

"Huh... there's something coming out of his hands..." Chopper observed.

"One stinking raccoon-dog is hardly worth my precious time," Gedatsu stated. "TAKE THIS!" The cloud that had sprayed out of Gedatsu's sleeves had form a small purple-tinted cloud above his head. Gedatsu grabbed the cloud that he had just created and threw it down at Chopper. "SWAMP CLOUD BURGER! A DEADLY SWAMP WITH THE WEIGHT OF A CLOUD! ONCE TOUCHED NOTHING CAN SURVIVE!"

Chopper stared transfixed as the purple-tinted cloud started to fly down at him but then veered off... and flew towards Billy.

"WAIT GEDATSU!" Billy shrieked and waved his arms in alarm. "DON'T AIM IT AT ME! PLEASE STOP!" SHUNK! The purple cloud flew down and engulfed Billy's head and shoulders. Billy suddenly found himself unable to breathe inside the cloud and struggled helplessly to push the cloud off of him as he slowly began to choke and run out of breath.

"He can't escape!" Chopper realized as he watched Billy helplessly bat at the cloud that was suffocating him. When Billy hit the cloud his hands sunk into it and left him unable to move it. "I see, it's a cloud so if you try to lift it your hands will just pass right through it." SHUNK! Billy's efforts finally had an effect and the cloud sank further down his body and now trapped his upper-arms, chest and wings inside it along with his head and shoulders. "The more you struggle to get free, the deeper you're dragged inside of it!" FWUMP! Billy grew light headed from the lack of air and fell to the ground. The cloud had now consumed the rest of his arms as well as his stomach and waist. His legs stuck out of the cloud and kicked frantically for a moment before they dropped to the ground and laid still. TMP!

"I have to help him!" Chopper decided as he watched Billy suffocate on the cloud.

"THERE YOU ARE, RACCOON-DOG!" Gedatsu shouted from overhead. FSSSHH! Purple cloud sprayed out of Gedatsu's sleeves and created another purple-tinted cloud over his head. "SWAMP CLOUD BURGER!"

"WAAAAAAHHH!" Chopper screamed as Gedatsu threw the cloud at him. The reindeer scampered out of the way and the cloud hit the spot where he'd just been standing. "IF ONE OF THOSE THINGS HITS ME I'LL BE DEAD FOR SURE!" Chopper ran away across the clearing towards the prone form of Billy and grabbed his ankles above his feet. "IF YOU'RE STILL ALIVE, HANG ON!" Since Chopper had grabbed onto something solid – Billy's ankles – and Billy on the ground, that gave the reindeer the leverage he needed to pull the unconscious goat warrior out of the purple-tinted cloud that had suffocated him.

"HEY!" Chopper called out to Billy but received no response. He rolled Billy over onto his back then transformed into his hulky Heavy Point form and raised his burly arms over his head. "YOU'VE GOTTA BREATHE!" WHAM! Chopper slammed his fists down onto Billy's chest which forcibly expelled the cloud that Billy had swallowed. "DON'T DIIIEEE!" WHAM! Chopper slammed his fists down onto Billy's chest a second time. Billy spat out more cloud and started coughing.

"KOFF! KOFF!" Billy wheezed.

"Oh good, you're alive!" Chopper cheered, happy to see Billy breathing again.

"Uugghh... thank you," Billy groaned as he forced himself to sit up. "You saved my life..."

TMP! Gedatsu landed on a chunk of stone ruin nearby. "Hah, being saved by the enemy," the Priest scoffed. "Pathetic."

"Uh oh!" Chopper called out in alarm.

"And you call yourself one of Eneru's warriors?" Gedatsu berated Billy as he unsuccessfully tried to cross his arms again. "You're not worthy of such a title!"


"Hmph," Gedatsu grunted, he hardly considered Billy a threat.

Billy stood up and extended his arm with his Ax Dial poised for attack. "Watch as my Ax Dial drains the life from you just like you tried to do to me!"

"YEAH!" Chopper chimed in as he got in a fighting stance of his own. Now that he had someone on his side, he felt a lot braver. "We'll team up and together we'll defeat him! WAAAH! BRING IT ON! WE'RE NOT SCARED OF YOU!"

"Hmph, hahahaha," Gedatsu grunted then chuckled. "Very well, this one is called my Jet Dial."

WHAM! Gedatsu finally flew forward and his fist collided with Billy face. Billy went flying and smashed through a stone ruin. KRASH! Billy hit the ground and laid still. Despite all his incompetence, Gedatsu had managed to dispose of him in a matter of seconds. That showed the difference of strength between one of Eneru's regular warriors and one of Eneru's Priests.

"Ah... ah... ah..." Chopper gaped in shock as his new friend was disposed of so suddenly. But then Chopper realized that he had something to be even more scared about. GEDATSU WAS STANDING RIGHT BESIDE HIM! Billy had been standing next to Chopper but in an instant Gedatsu had shot forward and took out Billy. The Priest was left standing where Billy once was.

"The lethal Jet Dial," Gedatsu explained what he'd just done to the terrified reindeer next to him. "My punch is accelerated with it which allows me to destroy an enemy before he even knows the fight has begun." Gedatsu turned around and showed Chopper the smoking hole on his purple right sleeve. The smoke came from a dial that had been affixed to Gedatsu's elbow. "The only real defect is that it also destroys my clothes."

"This... is a Priest..." Chopper whimpered to himself. When he was serious like this, Gedatsu was terrifying. If he was like this all the time he'd be a lot more competent and his Ordeal of Swamp would have a five percent survival rate but because of his own incompetence the survival rate was a much more comfortable fifty percent. "If I don't get out of here right now I'll end up like that guy..."

Gedatsu turned to face Chopper and Chopper turned... AND RAN!

"AAAAAAHHHHH!" Chopper screamed as he ran away from the suddenly much scarier Priest. "I've gotta keep my feet off the clouds!" Chopper thought to himself as he ran in a zigzag pattern through the ruins. "Those Swamp Tramp things are everywhere! If I run on top of the ruins only, I can make it back to the forest and solid ground!"

"Hmph," Gedatsu grunted attempted to cross his arms and he blocked Chopper's path. "And just where do you think you're running off too, raccoon?" Chopper skidded to a stop and glared at the Priest. "Here's another Jet Punch!"

While Gedatsu wasted time when he declared his attack, Chopper fished a Rumble Ball out of his pocket and tossed it into his mouth. "Rumble!" CHOMP! Chopper bit down on the ball.

SHOOOM! Gedatsu surged towards Chopper with fist extended.

"JUMPING POINT!" Chopper transformed into his tall and thin Jumping Point form then launched himself up into the air right before Gedatsu reached him. SHOOOM! SWOOOSH!

Gedatsu's fist went through empty air while Chopper's jump caused him to fly up overhead to a height that matched Gedatsu when he had flown with his Milky Dials before. Speaking of Gedatsu's Milky Dials, Gedatsu glanced up after Chopper then activated his Milky Dials. SHOOOM! Gedatsu flew up into the air after Chopper.

"Rumble Balls last for three minutes," Chopper reminded himself, "If I don't escape within that time then I will be killed!"

"So, you have Zoan-type Powers!" came an unwelcomed voice. Chopper turned and found Gedatsu next to him as the two of them floated high up above the ruin-filed clearing. "Too bad!"

"AAAAH!" Chopper yelped in alarm.

"How about another one?" Gedatsu taunted, "Jet Punch!"

"WAAH! HEAVY POINT!" Chopper transformed from his skinny Jumping Point form to his big, bulky Heavy Point form. The extra weight and muscle mass allowed Chopper to drop out of the way of Gedatsu's punch. SWOOOSH!

Gedatsu glared down at Chopper as he fell towards the ground. "SWAMP CLOUD BURGER!" Gedatsu quickly created another purple-tinted cloud and threw it down after Chopper.

"That again? GUARD POINT!" Chopper's body shrunk and his fur started to grow as he transformed from his Heavy Point form to the big ball of fur that was his Guard Point form. BOING! Gedatsu's Swamp Cloud bounced off of Chopper as he continued his course towards the ground.

"Why that insolent little..." Gedatsu growled and leaned forward then activated his Milky Dials. SHOOOM! Gedatsu flew down after Chopper.

"BRAIN POINT!" The fur disappeared as Chopper reverted back to his normal human-reindeer hybrid form. He turned around in midair and held his hooves together in front of his face. "RUMBLE SCOPE!" Chopper stared through his hooves as he scanned Gedatsu and attempted to find his weak spot. "A weak point... he's got to have a weak point... Anything will do, I need to find a weakness and escape!"

"JET PUNCH!" Gedatsu shot down towards Chopper for another super-fast punch. "Contact!" WHAM! This time, Chopper had no time to dodge out of the way and Gedatsu's fist smashed into his face. Chopper flew the rest of the way down to the ground and smashed through the stone ruins that were in his path. KROOOM!

"Mmmm..." Gedatsu attempted to make some witty battle banter but ended up just chewing on his lip instead.

"Ughh..." Chopper groaned as he laid in the middle of the rubble in his Guard Point form. His thick fur had absorbed a lot of the damage from when he'd smashed through the ruins but he'd still felt the impact of Gedatsu's Jet Punch. "Even with my guard up... its useless..."


Ordeal of Swamp:


"Heads up!" Y/N called out as Yama leapt towards them.

"STOMACH MOUNTAIN!" Yama roared.

SKISH! Y/N dove the side but Robin stayed where she was. There was a precious artifact behind her that she wouldn't allow to be destroyed.

"Doce Fleur... WEB!" Twelve arms grew out of Robin's body and reached out together to catch Yama's incoming attack. WHAM! Yama dropped on Robin for a huge body splash. Yama's large size made him too big for Robin to catch and he overpowered her defenses and smashed her back into the stone tablet she was trying to protect. KRESH!

"Robin!" Y/N exclaimed from where he was crouched after his dive. Yama's attack had only taken a couple of seconds, he hadn't expected Robin to try and take the attack when she could have easily avoided it.

Skiisshh... Y/N slid towards Yama and swung his legs around at Yama's feet, "Quarterstaff SWEEP!" FWUMP! Yama once again showed his surprising agility when he flipped backwards over Y/N's foot and then did another two flips to create some space between them.

Y/N stood up and pulled Robin out of the Robin-shaped indent she'd made in the tablet.

Robin dropped to her knees and glared at Yama. "You big oaf! Can't you see that you're destroying valuable artifacts?"

"Hahaha!" Yama chortled in response, "You should probably concern yourself with preserving your own life, instead of the crumbing heap of rubble!"

Y/N turned around and stood in front of Robin, "With that attitude you should probably think about preserving yours," he stated. "Now you've just pissed off a trained assassin."


"Hmph," Luffy grunted as jumped down from a ledge in the long dark, ruin-filled tunnel that found himself in. "It seems like this cave goes on forever. No matter how far I walk, I can't seem to find a way out." Clearly, Luffy had forgotten that the reason his was in this 'cave' was because he'd been swallowed by a giant snake. "I wonder how the others are doing. I hope they don't go to the City of Gold without me."


WHAM! KRASH! Chopper laid on the ground in his Jump Point form. He'd just taken another one of Gedatsu's Jet Punches and was now covered in bruises and wounds that he got when he smashed through another part of the ruins.

But Chopper's efforts hadn't been for nothing. "His feet... That's the... weak spot..."

"WALK POINT!" Chopper transformed into his reindeer form and used his four legs to push himself up to his feet. The reindeer's red blood dripped onto the white cloud as he struggled just to stand. "Can I escape? I can't even see straight..."

"Still think you can win?" Gedatsu taunted from on top of a large piece of ruin as Chopper staggered towards him.

"My legs are shaky at best," Chopper continued to note his injuries. "The Rumble Ball is about to wear off..." Chopper reached the ruin that Gedatsu was on and collapsed at the bottom of it.

"Hmph," Gedatsu grunted as he watched the reindeer struggle to stay conscious.

Chopper vision was blurry as he stared up at the dark form that was perched on top of the ruin. Chopper transformed into his Heavy Point form and began to slowly climb up towards Gedatsu.

Gedatsu wasn't sure what to make of Chopper's efforts so he just stood and watched as Chopper finally reached the top of the ruin where he was.

"Alright, it's time to stop running," Chopper resolved. WHAP! Chopper reached out and grabbed onto Gedatsu's ankle. "You can beat him!"

"Grrr..." Gedatsu growled as he struggled to free himself from Chopper's grip. "What do you think you're doing?" Chopper pulled himself the rest of the way onto the ruin and grabbed used his other hand to grab onto the same ankle. WHUP! Gedatsu couldn't pull his leg free from Chopper's two-handed grip so he lashed out his leg and kicked him in the face. THWAK! Chopper fell from the top of ruin and crashed down to the ground again.

"SWAMP CLOUD BURGER!" Gedatsu shouted as he raised his arms over his head and made another purple-tinted cloud.

"I'm always the first to run away," Chopper thought to himself, "So everyone thinks that they have to protect me. That's why they can't rely on me." Dr. Hiriluk's cherry blossom pirate flag flashed through Chopper's mind. It meant that nothing was impossible. "I'm going to raise a pirate flag right here."

WHOOM! Gedatsu threw his Swamp Cloud down at Chopper.

SHOOM! Chopper transformed into his Jumping Point form and shot up into the air to avoid it.

"Don't you know when you've lost?" Gedatsu called up to the flying reindeer. "Even the air is my territory to control! You can't escape!"

"Come on..." Chopper urged the Priest to fall for his trap.

SHOOOM! Gedatsu activated his Milky Dial and flew up after Chopper.

WHOOSH! "WAAAH!" Gedatsu yelped as he suddenly lost control and spun around in circles in the air. Gedatsu glanced down at his feet and discovered the reason for his bad flying. He only had one shoe! "OH NO! HE TOOK IT OFF! THE RACCOON-DOG TOOK MY SHOE!" Chopper had pulled the Priest's shoe off his foot when he grabbed his ankle earlier.

Gedatsu struggled to control his single Milky Dial and eventually managed to position himself directly below Chopper.

"I'm a monster..." Chopper called out as he transformed into his muscular Heavy Point form, "I'M STOOOOOONNNGGG!"

"Hmph," Gedatsu scoffed, "The weakest beast roars the loudest! JET PUNCH!" SWIIISHH! Chopper jerked his head to the side as Gedatsu's fist flew passed his face. "I let myself get carried away and almost lost control of my Mantra."

"He only grazed me," Chopper noted. "That was close." "ARM POINT!" The bulky body of Chopper's Heavy Point form slimmed down as all the muscles went into his arms which doubled in size and became even bulkier. "I'm alive! My turn!" Chopper brought his hooves together at his side then lashed both of his huge arms out at Gedatsu. "CLOOOVEEEN CROOOSSSS!" KER-WHAM! Chopper's iron-like hooves smashed into Gedatsu's chest with all of his monster strength behind them.

"UUUGGHHH!" Gedatsu groaned as he flipped over in the air and was left with a pink X-shaped wound on his chest where Chopper had struck him.

At that second, the Rumble Ball gave out and Chopper shrunk back down into tiny hybrid form and screamed as he fell towards the ground. "WAAAAHHHH!" But Chopper managed to flip over in the air and landed on a ruin. TMP! "FINALLY!" Chopper shouted. "I'M ONE OF THE PIRATES TOO!"

SHUNK! Gedatsu fell out of the sky behind him and his top half sunk into the clouds.

Chopper turned and stared at Gedatsu's legs, "It looks like he fell right into a Swamp Cloud," Chopper noted. "Now you just stay here, you hear me? Don't come up! Just keep on sinking!"

Gedatsu's bare foot suddenly twitched.

"WAH!" Chopper yelped.

Then it twitched another two times before his legs began to kick as he struggled to escape from his own trap.

"WAAAAH! HE'S MOVING!" Chopper yelled in alarm. "He's still alive!"

"I can't believe I lost to a raccoon-dog!" Gedatsu berated himself below the surface. "Of all the things I could never live down! How did I get stuck in my own Swamp Cloud? THIS ISN'T SUPPOSED TO HAPPEN TO ME!"

Up on the surface, Gedatsu's legs continued to kick and terrify Chopper.


"I can escape with a Milky Dial!" Gedatsu realized. SHOOM! Gedatsu's Milky Dial activated. SHUNK! And his legs shot down into the Swamp Cloud after his body.

"Wow, he really sank," Chopper remarked.

Gedatsu's last muffled cry came out from the cloud, "MH MHMMHMM!" (SO CARELESS!)

Chopper stared at the hole that Gedatsu had sunk into. "Did I?" he asked out loud. There was no movement from the hole. "I DID! I REALLY BEAT HIM! TEEHEEHEE!"


Gedatsu's cry of, "MH MHMMHMM!" reached the powerful ears of Aisa as she sped along the Milky Road on a Waver.

"Another one of the Priests' voices just disappeared!" Aisa realized. "Something terrible must have happened! This is bad! I have to get to the others!"

VROOOOOoooooommmmm... The Dial that powered Aisa's waver have out and she slowed to a stop.

"Oh no!" she gasped in alarm. "You just had to break down now! Didn't you? NOOO! WORK!" The girl helplessly jiggled the handle bars then turned and pounded on the Dial engine. "I barely know how to ride this thing! How can I fix it? There's no way..."

And just when Aisa thought her situation couldn't get any worse... the large dark form of a Sky Shark swam underneath her waver.

The Milky Road was still as Aisa crouched down in her waver and warily glanced around her.

SPLOOSH! The Sky Shark surged out of the clouds ahead over and dove at the waver with its large tooth-filled mouth wide-opened.

"AAAAAAHHHHH!" Aisa screamed in terror. Everything froze as Aisa's Mantra screamed at her that the shark would come straight at her. Aisa dove to the side towards the handle bars. CHOMP! The Sky Shark's mouth snapped closed as it ate the other two thirds of Aisa's broken down waver.

SPLOOSH! The Sky Shark plunged back down into the clouds and the waves that resulted from the dive caused what was left of Aisa's waver to drift further along the Milky Road.


The Sky Shark's purple fin emerged from the white clouds.

"DON'T EAT ME!" Aisa screamed. "I DON'T WANNA DIE!"

A horn rang out as Pagaya sailed along the Milky Road in a Dial-powered boat. It was twice the side of the normal waver and had a bull figurehead. Unlike-like handlebars that most wavers had, Pagaya's boat and long chopper motorcycle-like handle bars. The two seats on the boat had been outfitted with purple cloud-filled cushions. Conis and Suu in the backseat behind Pagaya.

"Please hurry father," Conis urged her father as stared ahead of them at the Shandian girl that was in desperate need of help.

"I'm trying, but I don't know if we'll make it at this speed," Pagaya replied, "I'm about to gun it! SO HANG ON!"

"Right!" Conis agreed.

"Suuu suuuu!" Suu cried out.

VRROOOOM! Pagaya's boat picked up speed and they raced towards Aisa and the Sky Shark that was about to attack her again. "NOW CONIS!"

Conis leaned over the side of the boat and held her hand out to Aisa as they approached, "Grab on! Reach out and take my hand!"

"Waaaa..." Aisa lunged towards Conis and grabbed her extended hands with both hands. Conis yanked the girl into the backseat of her father's boat with her and Suu just as the Sky Shark shot out of the clouds and devoured what was left of Aisa's waver. SPLOOOSH!

VROOOOOM! Pagaya kept up their high speed and the four of them sped further along the Milky Road and left the Sky Shark behind them.

"That was a risky move," Pagaya remarked.

"Don't worry, you're safe now," Conis reassured the girl who had her face planted in Conis' lap to hide the fact that she was crying. "You're a Shandian child, aren't you?"

Aisa popped up and brandished a Dial on stick like it was a weapon.

"You don't have to be afraid, little girl," Conis told her, "We're friendly."

"I'M NOT AFRAID!" Aisa insisted. "I'm one of the brave warriors of Shandora! I'm not afraid of you Skypieans!"

"Suuu..." Suu cooed as she stepped forward and rubbed herself along Aisa's legs.

"Her name is Suu," Conis introduced Aisa to her pet fox, "And she seems to like you quite a bit."

"Suuu..." Suu called out again.

Aisa's 'tough' expression softened as she reached forward to pet the friendly fox.

"You can call me Conis," Conis said as she continued the introductions.

"I'm Pagaya," Pagaya added from up front the driver's seat, "Conis' father. Pleased to meet you, little girl. We're very glad you're alright."

"So can you tell us your name?" Conis asked.

"Everyone calls me Aisa," Aisa replied. "Look, I know you just saved me, and I hate to ask anymore favors, but I need to go to the Upper Yard and I was wondering if you'd take me, because right now there are all kinds of peoples' voices disappearing more and more. It's the truth, I can hear their voices even from very far way. And they're gone."

"Actually, we're already on our way to the Upper Yard," Conis informed her. "So you can ride with us. We're trying to find the pirates from the Blue Sea World because we thought we should guide them safely out of Skypeia and get them to where they should go."

"You mean all those people on the ship?" Aisa questioned.

"Yes," Conis said in surprise.

"They're probably still trying to escape from the Upper Yard," Aisa told her.

Conis turned and placed her hands on Aisa's shoulders, "Do you know where their ship could be? It's very important."

"Mm-hmm," Aisa confirmed.

"Father," Conis prompted.

"I understand," Pagaya said, "All we need is for you to lead us there, little one."

"Sure," Aisa agreed.

VRROOM! Pagaya's boat picked up speed as the continued along the Milky Road towards the Upper Yard.


"Aaaah!" Chopper sighed in relief as he sat on a ruin and drank from a canteen. "I'm finally a pirate," Chopper thought to himself, "I think instead of looking for the others, I'll just look for the gold. That would sure shock everybody."

Chopper lowered his canteen and wiped the water off of his mouth. He glanced around him. "That place over there looks like a good spot for gold to hide. Who knows, maybe the others will end up there too."


Unbeatable Powers:


Shooooom... Kamakiri sped along the Milky Road on his dial-powered surfboard and scanned the surrounding trees of the Upper Yard for any signs of his enemies.

"Uggh..." Kamakiri groaned. Kamakiri was still bandaged and injured from the attack he had taken from Ohm when he saved Laki during the attack yesterday but he was a warrior so he wasn't going to let his injuries stop him from participating in his peoples' most important battle.

"Are you alright, Kamakiri?" a fat Shandian in a Viking helmet asked as he sped alongside him.

"Don't worry about me," Kamakiri told him, "Stay focused on the surroundings. He reached a gap in the trees and spotting something in a distance. "There, ahead of us! I can see Giant Jack!" The massive spiraling beanstalk towered above the Upper Yard and dwarfed the giant trees. "We're close to the roots of Shandora! Eneru's gotta be up there somewhere."

"YAAAAHHH!" Kamakiri skidded to a stop and suddenly realized that his companion was gone and that the scream he'd just heard had been his. Kamakiri spun around in search of his fellow warrior.

"You called?" came Eneru's calm voice. "I'm right here behind you."

Kamakiri spun around again and saw Eneru sitting on a branch that went over the Milky Road ahead of him. God held Kamakiri's companion's head in his hand as the warrior's charred and smoking body hung limply and dangled over the edge of the branch Eneru was seated on.

"Did you want something, brave Kamakiri of Shandora?" Eneru asked. He released his grip and watched carelessly as Kamakiri's fat companion dropped from the branch and crashed to the dirt ground of Upper Yard and laid still. WHUMP!

"ENERU! YOU BASTARD!" Kamakiri yelled.

"Have you forgotten to whom you are speaking?" Eneru inquired. His eyes narrowed in annoyance. "I am God, you know. And I know exactly what you're thinking, warrior. You're wondering why I came down here."

"Mantra?" Kamakiri questioned.

"Yahahaha!" Eneru laughed. "I don't need My Mantra to read what's written all over your face. Yahahaha! I don't blame you. Normally, I don't bother to fight. But this time, I'm a player in the Survival Game too. Besides, I'll be leaving this land soon. I was just saying goodbye to Gan Fall. Professional courtesy, you understand."

Kamakiri shook with rage, "A game?" he repeated. Is that was this sick, twisted freak considered the war that had already caused so many casualties. "A GAME?

"I also don't need My Mantra to tell Me that you really like to kill Me right now," Eneru noted. Kamakiri tightened his grip on his spear. "Very well. I must admit, you've shown great courage in reaching Me. So I'd say you're entitled to a reward. Call it a display of God's Mercy. So then... I'll give you five minutes. For five minutes, I won't move a muscle."

"Wh-what?" Kamakiri stammered.

"I won't dodge your attacks, and I won't fight back," Eneru explained. "Fry Me, skewer Me, I am at your mercy. Yahahahahaha!"

Kamakiri glared up at Eneru. God was openly mocking him. He was a great warrior and we was looked down upon as an insignificant fly.

"But once those five minutes are up," Eneru continued, "You will know what I means to face God in the very depths of your soul."

"RAAAH!" Kamakiri roared as he threw a Milky Dial ahead of him. SHOOOOM! The Dial sprayed cloud and created bridge that connected the Milky Road with the branch that Eneru was on. VRRRR! Kamakiri sped up the bridge on his surfboard. "I'VE HAD ENOUGH OF YOU!" Kamakiri reached the top of the bridge and leapt off of his surfboard and pulled back his spear. "TIME TO DIE, ENERU!" Kamakiri spun and lashed out his spear. SHUNK!


"HOH-HOH-HOO!" Hotori and Kotori crowed out in synchronized laughter as they danced around on the front deck of the Going Merry.

"DAAMN YOOOUU!" Nami yelled as she rushed at them and swung her ClimaTact. SWISH! The round twins leapt backwards and both of them avoided her attack.

"YOU MISSED US!" Hotori shrieked. He lashed out and kicked Usopp. THWAK!

"NOOO!" Nami cried ask Kotori spun and kicked Sanji. THWAK!

"HOH-HOH-HOO!" Hotori and Kotori laughed as the spun around in a pirouetted and kicked the charred, unconscious forms of Usopp and Sanji back and forth between them.

"YOU'VE GOT TO STOP!" Nami shrieked.

"WE WON'T STOP!" Hotori insisted.

"WE WON'T STOP!" Kotori echoed his twin.

"HOH-HOH-HOO!" hey both laughed as they continued to kick the prone pirates back and forth like they were giant hacky sacks.


"WE DON'T CARE!" Hotori called out.

"WE DON'T CARE!" Kotori repeated.

"These guys killed our brother Satori!" Hotori exclaimed.

"They killed him!" Kotori added.

"THEY MUST PAY!" both of them shouted.

"RAAAAH!" Nami hollered as she ran in and swung her ClimaTact at Kotori.

Swish! WHAP! Kotori spun around and caught Nami's attack with his opened palm. "Thanks for the charge!" he taunted. SWISH! Kotori spun around and lashed out his hand and stopped it inches from Nami's face.

Nami flinched back in shock, "An Impact Dial?"

POOOOOT! There was a loud farting noise as a cloud of gas sprayed out of the Dial on Kotori's palm into Nami's face.

"KOFF! KOFF!" Nami coughed as she stumbled backwards out of the gas cloud.

"Damn it!" Nami cursed to herself, "I can't afford to just stand here and let those fat idiots humiliated me and attack my friends! Attacking them is getting me nowhere. I've gotta think of something..."

"HOH-HOH-HOO!" Kotori laughed, "I store my farts in a Flavor Dial! HOH-HOH-HOO!"

"So that's it," Gan Fall realized, "They have four different types of Dials they're using instead of just one."

"HOH-HOH-HOO!" Hotori laughed. "That's right!" He raised his hands up overhead and fired off his Dials. "Breath! Flame!"

"Impact! Flavor!" Kotori chimed in as he showed off his own Dials. "HOH-HOH-HOO!"

"You won't be able to keep track!" Hotori insisted as he joined hands with Kotori.

"Which one is Hotori and which one of Kotori?" Kotori asked out loud.

The two twins started to spin around in a circle that was intended to confuse their opponents.

"What dial is in what hand?" Hotori added from within the blur of round twins. "It's so much fun to guess!"

"SURPRISE DIAL ILLUSION!" the twins chorused. "HOH-HOH-HOO!"

"Now we know what they have," Gan Fall said as he swung his lance around at his side. "There's no time to waste."

"Don't worry, I've got a plan," Nami assured him. She pulled her ClimaTact apart and held the free pieces together in front of her. "RAIN TEMPO!" A small stream of water sprayed out from the hole in each of the blue tubes. Spliish! The three streams hit Hotori and did nothing but get him wet.

"You call that an attack?" Hotori scoffed.

Nami grinned, Hotori's voice was shriller than Kotori's so now she knew which was which. "No, but this is! SPRINKLER!" The small streams started to spin and spiraled together to create a spray with the power of a fire hose. SPLOOSH! Nami tilted her weapon to the side at the last second and spiral of water splashed into Kotori's face and knocked him over. WHUMP!

"WAAAH!" Kotori yelped as he fell to the ground.

"What's that? Blue Sea Water?" Hotori questioned, "TASTE MY FIRE!"

Nami grinned as Hotori lashed out with his Flame Dial. "He took the bait."

FWOOOM! A stream of flames sprayed out of Hotori's Flame Dial, not a big explosion like if he had used the gas in his Breath Dial for added power but enough that when he turned it to Nami's spray of water he managed to push it backwards.

FWOOOSSSSSHHH! Nami and Hotori's streams of fire and water dueled and produced just the result that Nami wanted. The fire and water created steamwhich quickly spread to cover the front deck and concealed everything from view.

"STEAM TEMPO!" Nami called out. She used that as her moment to strike and dashed into the thick cloud of steam.

"Got 'em," Nami thought to herself as she darted back out of the steam. Her yellow t-shirt was a little bulkier than it had been when she went in.

"All set," Nami informed Gan Fall, "Now they're sitting ducks."

"HEY! WHAT'S GOING ON!" Kotori shrieked from inside the steam.

"I CAN'T SEE ANYTHING!" Hotori yelled.

"I CAN'T SEE ANYTHING!" Kotori echoed his twin.

"But I can hear ya, just fine!" Nami called out as she stuck one part of her ClimaTact through another then attached the third piece and swung her weapon. "CYCLONE TEMPO!" The top two parts of her ClimaTact detached from the third and flew into the cloud of steam.

Whap! "Hey what's this?" Kotori called out. WHHOOOOSSSHHH! Wind blew out from the end of Nami's weapon and blasted Kotori back into the railing of the ship. WHAM! The other side-effect of Nami's attack was to blow away the cloud of steam.

The cloud cleared and Hotori stood stupidly on his own in the middle of the front deck.

"OH! THERE YOU ARE!" Hotori realized. "YOU'LL PAY FOR ATTACKING KOTORI!" Hotori charged at Nami and lashed out his hands... and did nothing. Hotori blinked and glanced at his hands and suddenly realized that they were bare. "MY DIALS? WHAT DID YOU DO?"

"Lose something?" Nami taunted as she pulled her hands out from under her shirt and showed off her new gloves and the two Dials that were attached to them. "I'm a thief. I take what I want. NOW TAKE THIS! BREATH DIAL!" Nami lashed out her right hand and gas sprayed out of the Dial on her palm into Hotori's face. Fssssshhh!

"WAIT!" Hotori waited. "NO! NO! NO! YOU CAN'T DO THIS TO ME!"

"FLAME DIAL!" Nami lashed out her left hand and ignited the Flame Dial. The initial spark from the Flame Dial met with the gas Nami had just sprayed in Hotori's face. FWOOOOOOM! A torrent of flames blew out from Nami's hand and blasted Hotori across the deck of the ship, over the railing and into the Milky Road below. SPLOOSH!

"One down!" Nami exclaimed.

"HOW DARE YOU!" Kotori yelled as he staggered back up. He glanced down at his hands and saw that Nami hadn't stolen his Dials. "YOU'LL PAY FOR THAT!"

Kotori ran across the deck towards Nami. "He's all yours Sky Knight!" Nami prompted.

SKISH! Gan Fall surged forward and lashed out with his lance. WHOOOM! Gan Fall struck through and Kotori left a trail of blood in his wake as he flew off the side of the ship after his brother and plummeted into the Milky Road after him. SPLOOSH!

"Impressive, girl," Gan Fall noted as he turned to regard Nami. "Was that really your first time using Dials in combat?"

"Yeah, but they're idiots," Nami told him, "Down on the Blue Sea or up here in the clouds, an idiot is still and idiot. I've been outsmarting and stealing from guys like them all my life."

(A/N: I felt like changing another battle around a bit. The Nami I like best is the one who spent the entire first season outsmarting and running circles around everyone else.)


Eneru's True Form Revealed:


Vrrrrooom... Pagaya, Conis, Aisa and Suu continued along the Milky Road towards the massive forest of Upper Yard where the war between Eneru's forces and the Shandians waged on while the Straw Hats were caught in the middle of it.

"Uh... do you mind if I call you Aisa?" Pagaya asked their guest from the driver's seat. "Can you really tell which way the Blue Sea Dweller's ship is heading?"

"Yeah," Aisa answered meekly.

"That's amazing," Conis remarked as she held the suddenly timid Shandian girl next to her. "Even from this far away you can still hear their voices in the forest. But are you sure you're feeling alright? You've been trembling ever since we picked you up."

"It's just... it's just that I've never been this afraid before," Aisa told her. "Everyone's voices... everyone's voices keep disappearing one-by-one..."

"Yes, I am sorry," Pagaya apologized. "We've got to hurry, Conis."

"Yes, father," Conis agreed. They picked up speed and blared the horn and they finally began to make their way into the forest of Upper Yard.


"Hold on!" Nami exclaimed back on the Merry, "Where do you think you're going?"

"I'm sorry," Gan Fall apologized, he'd just finished putting his armor back on and had informed Nami that he was leaving. "But I've got to locate Eneru."

"You can't leave a girl like me all alone way out here!" Nami protested.

"I already said I was sorry," Gan Fall reminded her. "Besides, you handled yourself just fine against Hotori and Kotori. I'm certain that you'll be alright. For now, I must fine out why Eneru has chosen to come down here into the forest and take a personal hand in this. It could be..."

"It could be what?" Nami questioned.

"When Eneru first appeared he captured six hundred and fifty members of my Divine Squad," Gan Fall began to explain but then changed his mind. "I don't have time to explain my suspicion but I fear that my men's lives may be in great danger, no, this whole land may be in danger. Pierre, let's fly."

"PIIIEEE!" Pierre crowed. Gan Fall mounted his stead.

"WAIT!" Nami called after him.

"I've left you my gauntlet with an Impact Dial inside," Gan Fall informed her, "You should manage just fine."

"That's all?" Nami said. "HOLD ON!"

WOOOSH! Pierre launched off of the Going Merry and the Sky Knight flew off.

"HOLD IT RIGHT THERE YOU HEARTLESS BRUITE!" Nami shouted after him, "HOW COULD YOU? AND YOU CALL YOURSELF A GOD! GET BACK HERE! THINK THIS OVER!" Her pleas weren't working. One last chance, "I'LL CRY!"

Still nothing.

"Useless Sky Knight," Nami grumbled to herself. "What kind of jerk just flies off and leaves a girl alone in a forest filled where a war's going on." Nami grabbed Sanji and Usopp and started to drag them down the stairs to the main deck. "I might as well get these two some first aid. You guys are still alive, aren't you? I hope Chopper gets back soon."

KA-BOOM! Something exploded up ahead of the Going Merry which caused Nami to jump.

A bull figurehead appeared and a horn blared as Pagaya sped towards the Merry in his boat.

"HESO!" Conis called out as she waved to Nami from the backseat.

"Conis?" Nami questioned.

"HESO!" Pagaya called out from the front as he continued to blare the horn.

"And her dad?" Nami added. "What're you doing here? ANY WOULD YOU KNOCK IT OFF WITH THAT HORN ALREADY!"

"Hm," Aisa glared at the loud Blue Sea Dweller and made to leave the boat before Pagaya managed to catch her.

"Wait, hold it," Pagaya protested as he tried to pull the girl back into the boat. "You mustn't go. You can't go into the forest. You'll be killed! I promise, we'll only stay for a little while."

"I SAID LET GO!" Aisa snapped.

In the end, Aisa didn't get her way and joined Conis and Pagaya when they joined Nami on board the Going Merry.

"So who's this?" Nami asked as she stared at the small Shandian girl that was glaring at her while she brandished her Dial on a stick again.

"This young lady is Aisa," Pagaya introduced the girl.

"Stay back you Blue Sea Devil!" Aisa exclaimed as she pointed her weapon at Nami. "Or I'll smash you! I'm a brave warrior of Shandia!"

"That's nice, kid," Nami replied nonplussed as she held up her hand. "You don't wanna fight me. I've got a Flame Dial."

"This is terrible!" Conis cried as she stood over Usopp and Sanji. "They've been burned black! They need first aid at once!"

"At any rate, I'm sorry," Pagaya apologized. "Now quick, turn your ship up the path we just came on. We used a Milky Dial to create a new one." Nami grabbed Aisa's 'weapon' and pointed it away from her then turned to glance at the bridge that Pagaya had made between the part of the Milky Road that she was on in the Going Merry and the part that led out of the forest. "If you follow it, you can exit directly to the White White Sea. Now quick, before the enemy realizes we're here."

"Then shouldn't you have been a little quieter getting here?" Nami questioned.

"Oh, I just remembered that I had something else to give you," Pagaya informed her. He turned and motioned to the full-sized, fully restoted Waver that he'd brought onto the Going Merry.

"A Waver?" Nami inquired.

"I hope you don't mind," Pagaya said, "I repaired the Waver you brought alone with you when you came up from the Blue Sea. Please take it. It belongs to you after all."

"Oh really?" Nami cooed, overjoyed as she surveyed her good-as-new Waver. "Coool!"

"But I should warn you though," Pagaya told her, "This is no ordinary Waver. It's far more powerful than a normal Waver... I'm sorry..."


All around the Upper Yard the war waged on and the casualties both from Eneru's warrior and the Shandians continued to pile up.

"Yaaaah!" Eneru yawned and jerked awake from his four minute nap.

"RAAAAAAHH!" Kamakiri roared as he charged at Eneru again.

"Huh? Oh, are you still here?" Eneru questioned.

Kamkiri's only response was to lash out his spear. SHUNK! Kamakiri's spear went straight through Eneru's head. But Eneru just sat there with the same board expression on his face.

Zzzzzaaap! Electricity suddenly traveled along Kamakiril's spear and the warrior was shocked like he'd just stuck his finger in a power outlet.

"Aaaah! Uuuggh!" Kamakiri groaned as the electricity coursed through him.

"I'm sorry, I guess I must have dozed off," Eneru stated as he remained seated in the same spot on the tree branch with Kamakiri's spear going in one side of his head and coming out the other. The only one who seemed to be in pain was Kamakiri. "Is something wrong? You seem to be in pain, Kamakiri. I've kept My Promise, haven't I? I haven't moved a muscle."

The electric current going through Kamakiri's body finally stopped and he took a deep gasp.

"I can't... beat you..." Kamakiri wheezed as smoke wafted off of his body. "Can I?"

"No, you can't," Eneru replied. Zzzaaap! The electricity started up again Kamakiri let out another pained gasp as blood dripped out of his reopened wounds. "Do you understand now? I am living lightning. Try as you might, no mere man can defeat such Divine Power. Surely as a native of the sky you've seen it flashing in a distance, haven't you? Since ancient times, men have trembled before the unknown forces of nature and worshipped them as God. Anything the fools could not understand reduced them to abject terror. No matter what happens to mankind for good or for evil, it is always said to be the work of God. It's inevitable. Mankind accepts that they can never defeat the disasters of nature. I'm one of them. That's what makes Me, God. Do you understand?"

"RAAAAH!" Kamakiri leapt backwards and pulled out a Dial on a stick. He swung it and released the gas that was stored inside. Fssssshh!

"Amusing, a Breath Dial," Eneru noted.

Then Kamakiri turned up the heat and ignited the fire on his stick. FWOOOOSH! The stick became the handle of the long sword made out of pure fire. "BUUUURN BLAAADEEE!" Kamakiri swing his sword and cleaved Eneru in half along with the top of the tree that was behind him. FWOOOOOM!

KRRAAASSHHH! The top of the tree toppled and fell to the forest floor. But Eneru remained seated. His head and shoulders hovered above his legs and waist. His middle was simply gone. His head and legs glowed brightly as they turned into bright light, no, not light, lightning.

When faced with such a tremendous sight, Kamakiri did the only logical thing in that situation. He leapt from the tree branch and sped away as fast as his surfboard could take him. VROOOM!

Behind him, the two parts of Eneru joined together and reformed God's whole body. He was still seated in the same spot as before.

"I have to tell Wyper!" Kamakiri thought to himself, "We can't win this battle! This is suicide! Even if he sacrifices himself, the Reject Dial won't work!"

"It's too late to run now," Eneru stated as he stood up on the branch.

"We've got to fall back and regroup!" Kamakiri realized, "Or else... or else..."

ZZZAP! Lighting shot over Kamakiri's head and instantly Eneru was there in front of him.

Kamakiri skidded to a stop. "YAHAHAHAHAHA!" Eneru laughed. "Did you think that you could move faster than lightning? Yahahahahaha! Your five minutes are up. And now it's My Turn." Kamakiri turned to flee while electricity coursed all around Eneru's body. Eneru slowly extended his hand, "One Million Volt... VARI!"

"WYYYYYYYPEEEEEEERRRR!" Kamakiri hollered a desperate warning for his leader.

BZZT-ZZZOOOOOOOM! The sky light up as lighting flew out of Eneru's hand and engulfed Kamakiri's body as it continued its path down the Milky Road.

Kamakiri's fried body dropped to the forest floor, the fames of his shattered sunglasses fell beside him, the once proud warrior had been reduced to a charred husk by Eneru's power.

"Yahaha... oh..." Eneru started to chuckle but trailed off when he realized that his lightning was still going.


"Did you hear that?" one of Eneru's warriors asked from thirty feet down the Milky Road.

BZZZZOOOOOOOMM! The warrior and his companions along with the Shandians that they had been fighting were all electrified by the surge of lighting that was Eneru's attack.


"AAAAAAAAHHHH!" Aisa screamed on board the Going Merry. Nami jumped back in alarm.

"What? What's happening?" Nami questioned.

Aisa dropped to her knees and clamped her hands over her ears. She dropped her head to the deck and started bawling.

Nami ran over and knelt next to the girl that had just been 'threatening' her with a 'weapon', "What's wrong? Aisa?"

"This voices... they're disappearing..." Aisa whimpered.


"Damn," Eneru cursed to himself. "I guess My Electricity traveled down the Milky Road. Another twenty voices vanished after that lightning bolt. The stupid fools."

Eneru closed his eyes and focused his Mantra so he could take stock of who was left alive.

"On the Upper Yard, eighty-three people began the Survival Game," Eneru noted. "Two hours have passed. Of that eighty-three, fifty-eight have fallen. One priest and ten of My Divine Squad still remain, six members of the Blue Sea Pirates are still with us, and eight warriors of Shandora. That means there are twenty-five players still in the game. That's more than I predicted there would be. No matter, they'll all fall in their turn, one line after another. The only real question remaining is: who will come with me? Yahahahaaha..."


"Whoooaaa..." Luffy gasped as he held up a gold necklace that he had found in the... water in the... cave that he found himself trapped inside. "This necklace is solid gold! Does that mean the City of Gold is here inside this cave?"

Gruumbllle... Luffy's hungry stomach made itself known. Whip! Luffy tossed away the gold necklace as the focused of something more important... food.

But the only way he'd get food was if he found his way out of the stupid cave.

"I wish there was a barbeque shop in here too..." Luffy grumbled, "Aaaauuggh... booooo! Where am I? WHERE AM I?"


Crumbling Mountain:


Vrrrrrrrmmmm... Pagaya and Conis watched from the deck of the Going Merry as Nami sailed around the ship on her newly restored Jed Dial-powered Waver. When Pagaya repaired the broken Waver that the Straw Hats had found inside the sunken ship down on the Grand Line, he'd also added a new coat of blue paint.

"That's amazing!" Pagaya remarked.

"You're incredible, Nami!" Conis exclaimed. Nami's Waver was a lot faster than Pagaya's but the Straw Hats' Navigator was riding it like she'd been doing it her whole life.

Vrrrrmmm... Nami steered her Waver closer to the Going Merry and came up alongside it.

"She's all yours now," Pagaya called out to her, "And as good as new."

"Yeah, thanks!" Nami replied as she slowed to a stop, "I don't know what you did, but I love it! This thing is so fast it's crazy!"

"That's because Jet Dials went extinct years ago," Pagaya explained. "It's really quite amazing. Imagine how shocked I was to find one on board the Waver that you left."

Nami tied her Waver up to the Crow which was tied to the back of the Going Merry along with Pagaya's bull-themed boat.

"I fear we're running out of things to occupy ourselves with," Pagaya said when Nami was back on the Going Merry. "We had planned to lead all of you to the end of Skypeia."

"I guess the best thing to do is get the ship to the coast where we all agreed to meet," Nami reasoned. "There's really no reason to worry. I'm sure they're fine. With those five together, there's no stopping them."

"There aren't any five-man groups," Aisa spoke up from over by the railing. She had her head rested against her knees which she was hugging to her chest.

"Huh?" Conis asked.

"Only two Blue Sea People are actually still together," Aisa stated, "A woman and the one with the weird voice that fought Shura."

"Woman... weird voice..." Nami repeated, "You mean Y/N and Robin?"

"I don't know their names, I just hear their voices," Aisa replied. "I can hear everyone's voice on this island."

"Is that... Mantra?" Nami questioned. "That's the power that Eneru and His Priests use, huh?"

"I was born able to use it," Aisa cried as tear spilled from her eyes, "That's why... that's why I'm so afraid. You have no idea how scary it is to hear voices disappear."

"You're not crying again, are you?" Nami complained.

Aisa wiped the tears from her eyes and yelled at Nami, "NO I'M NOT CRYING! YOU STUPID BLUE SEA PERSON!"

"Her Waver had broken down," Conis finally explained the Sandian girl's presence on the ship to Nami. "Luckily out boat had happened to pass by. If we hadn't gotten to her when we did, she would've been eaten by a Sky Shark."

"What were you thinking coming out here by yourself?" Nami scolded the girl. In a situation like this, she wasn't feeling very sympathetic.

"I don't know," Aisa admitted, "But... I couldn't keep sitting around doing nothing?" Aisa started to cry again. "Laki... and everybody..."

KA-BOOOM! An explosion rang out from further off in the forest.

"I hope everyone is alright," Nami said.

"Your two friends are fighting Commander Yama..." Aisa whimpered. "Their voices might be the next ones to disappear."

"Not a chance," Nami replied. "I don't know who this Commander Yama is, but he doesn't stand a chance against Y/N and Robin. You've gotta learn to have faith in your friends."

Aisa scowled at her, "It's easy to go on blind faith when you can't hear the truth!" she snapped. "Twenty-one of our warriors went into that forest... now there's only eight left..."


Grrruummmblle... Luffy stomach grumbled as he continued his trek along the long cave-like insides of the giant snake that had swallowed him.

"Uuughh..." Luffy groaned and kicked a skull that was in front of him. Tunk! The wannabe Pirate King had a golden crown that he had found on top of his hat. "What a day... This is crappy! I'm starving and I left by bag outside the stupid cave... And all the fruit trees in here are rotten. And all I can think about is eating that yummy breakfast that Sanji made. What kind of messed-up cave did I wind up in anyway? I can't seem to find an exit anywhere!"

Luffy picked up a stick and whacked it against the stone ruins that he was walking through as he continued his trek along the 'cave'. "I wonder if everybody already made it to the City of Gold. I bet it's all pretty and shiny and golden and stuff and they probably make all kinds of good food there too... I can't wait to get there and find out..."


Elsewhere, Zoro wondered through the woods on his own.

"Uggh..." the swordsman groaned, "It feels like I've been walking forever. I think I'll have that lunch now." Zoro sat down and pulled out the beautifully prepared box lunch that Sanji had made for all of them before they'd left the ship. Zoro pulled out his chopsticks and started to eat from the box lunch. "This stuff ain't too shabby!"

SHIFFF! Nearby leaves rustled and Zoro was immediately on guard. He drew his sword and whirled around to face the source of the noise "Who's there?" he swordsman demanded.

Zoro blinked when he saw that his new 'company' was a huge South Bird that was four times the size of him.

"JOOOH!" the South Bird called out in greeting the held its beak opened.

"Sorry fella, but I don't speak bird," Zoro replied. Then he noted the bird's opened mouth. "And if its my food you're after... HEY!" Zoro pulled his box lunch away from the bird when it moved towards it. "You're not getting it!" Zoro sat back down and kept a wary eye on the bird as he went back to his box lunch. "Stop staring at me!"

"..." the South Bird continued to sit next to Zoro and watched as he finished the rest of his lunch. "Joooohh..." the bird cried when it realized that Zoro had finished it all.

Without a word to the bird, Zoro got up, shouldered his backpack and headed off again. Due to the bird, he had to eat his lunch a lot faster than he would have liked and hadn't been able to fully enjoy it.

"Grrr..." Zoro growled to himself when he realized that the South Bird was now following him. "WOULD YOU STOP FOLLOWING ME?"

"JOOOH!" the South Bird replied as it walked alongside Zoro with its head pointed backwards due to the fact that it always pointed south.

"Listen feather-brain!" Zoro scolded the bird, "I just ate all my food! I don't have any more okay? Besides, I would give you any even if I had some! Get lost before I lose my temper!"

"Jooooh..." the South Bird whined.

"What is your problem, anyhow?" Zoro demanded. "Walking all wear with your big, fat melon heat facing the wrong direction." Zoro turned and stopped. "I don't wanna have to fight you bird, but I will, got it?"

"Jooh..." was the bird's only response.

"You know what, Y/N's right," Zoro decided. "Now I hate birds too." He turned and trudged off and the South Bird continued to follow him.


"In three hours a mere seven of the remaining people on this island will remain standing," Eneru mused to himself as he casually made his way through the forest. "There's only one hour left until My proclaimed time is up and twenty-five survivors currently remain."

Up in a tree branch overhead, hidden behind the trunk of a huge tree, a Shandian glared down at God as he walked by the tree he was in.

"This can't be," the Shandian thought to himself. "What's Eneru doing here? HE'S GOING DOWN!" With his decision made, the Shandian turned to attack God while his guard was down.

ZZZZAP! The Shandian whirled around and found Eneru seated on the branch behind him. BAZOOOOM! Lightning flashed as the Shandian was quickly disposed of.

"And now, twenty-four," Eneru amended.


CHOOM! The stone ground in the clearing was crushed under Yama's weight as the Commander of Eneru's forces launched himself up into the air. Fwip! He flipped in the air up above the clearing and once again set his sights on Robin who was still dutifully standing in front of the stone tablet she was trying to protect.


"Veinte Fleur... Calendula!" Robin held out her arms and ten new arms grew out of them in a spiral that made Robin's arms look like the head and petals of two flowers. Robin raised her twenty-two arms and once again tried to catch Yama's attack.

"Not this time!" Y/N exclaimed. SKISH! In a flash, Y/N was in between Robin and Yama. "Steel Shield!" THWHAM! Yama slammed feet-first into Y/N's chest and used all the power in his huge frame to knock Y/N back into Robin and her twenty-two arms. The two of them slammed against the tablet but Y/N had taken the brunt of Yama's attack so they didn't do any additional damage to it. THUD!

"What are you doing?" Robin asked. Twenty of her arms vanished and left her holding Y/N with her original two. "You can't understand these tablets, they don't mean anything to you."

"You're right, I can't read them," Y/N agreed, "To me they're just a bunch of fancy, really old rocks that only you can read. I was being selfish, I was protecting the one thing in this clearing that's precious to me."

Robin blinked. "Mr. One Eye, Miss. Navigator is practically your girlfriend."

"Just because I care about you, doesn't mean I'm in love with you," Y/N corrected her, "You're Nakama. And to me, there's nothing more precious in the entire world."

"HAHAHA!" Yama laughed from the middle of the clearing. "Since you two are so close, I'll crush you AND YOUR STUPID ROCK TOO!"

"I think it's time that we switched from defense to offense," Y/N suggested. "The faster we take him down, the less time he'll have to destroy things. Let's stick to the original plan."

"TAKE THIS!" Yama yelled as he jumped up into the air again. CHOOM!

Y/N turned and jumped partway up the tablet then used the Robin-shaped hold in the front of it as a foot-hold to launch himself the rest of the way up to the top. SKA-SKISH!

Robin glared up at Yama and crossed her arms over her chest. "Dieciseis Fleur!" Sixteen arms grew out of Yama and pinned the huge warrior's tiny arms to his large round body.

"GRAAH!" Yama snarled as he struggled to break free from the hold that Robin's sixteen arms had on him. This time he only had the strength in his tiny arms to fight Robin's sixteen arms instead of all the power in his huge body. He couldn't break free. "WHY YOU!" Yama's struggles caused him to lose control of his dive and the Commander started to fall instead.

SKISH! Y/N shot off of the top of the tablet and flew at Yama. "Flying... ARROW KICK!" THWHAM! Both of Y/N's feet slammed into the large man's flailing body and he dropped out of the air and crashed to the ground. WHAM!

Tmp! Y/N landed in a crouch near Yama.

"You... you... I'll crush you!" Yama insisted as he pulled himself off of the ground. "RAAH!" KREK! Yama finally managed to overpower Robin's arms and broke free from their hold.

"AAAH!" Robin let out a short yelp as she felt the phantom pain of her arms being wrenched and her wrists being broken.

"I'LL KILL YOU!" Yama shouted as he closed the distance between them and swung at Y/N. SWISH! Y/N ducked down and ran under Yama's strike. "WAAH!" Yama stumbled and went off balance.

Y/N dropped down behind Yama and whipped his leg around, "Quarterstaff... SWEEP!" THWAK! Y/N knocked Yama's legs out from under him but the large warrior managed to catch himself and only dropped to his knees.

"HOLD STILL!" Yama yelled as he whirled around to face Y/N while still on his knees.

"Dieciseis Fleur!" Once again, sixteen arms grew out of Yama's body and pinned down his arms. Robin's quick actions had cost the Commander of Eneru's force his chance to counter-attack and Y/N took full advantage.

Whup! Y/N jumped up and planted one foot in the middle of the kneeling warrior's large chest. "Jumping... GUILLOTINE KICK!" Y/N whipped his other leg around and smashed the steel on his boot into the back of Yama's head. THWHAM! Y/N rolled to the side as Yama dropped face-first to the ground. THUD!

"You... won't... BEAT ME!" Yama insisted as he forced himself back up onto his knees.

"JAVELIN KICK!" Before Yama could even blink, Y/N shot his foot out and drove it into the kneeling warrior's two chins. CRUNCH! Yama dropped to the ground again. THUD!

"Robin, let's get him away from these ruins and out into the forest," Y/N instructed.

"I can do that," Robin agreed, "Cein Fleur... DELPHINIUM!" Two lines of ten arms sprouted from under Yama and started to roll him. The two lines of arms grew longer and led out of the clearing and only stopped growing when there were fifty arms in each line, totaling one hundred. The arms worked together and rolled Yama out of the stone-filled clearing and eventually deposited the barely conscious warrior in a tree-filled clearing in the forest.

Robin's long road of arms disappeared as Y/N turned to face her and grinned, "And now that we don't have to worry about him crushing anything, the real fun can begin."

"I'm going to enjoy this," Robin stated as the two of them followed their prey into the forest.


"This thing's taller than the Drum Rockies..." Chopper mused to himself as he continued his slow climb up the enormous green spiral.

The spiral was an enormous beanstalk that the Shandians referred to as Giant Jack. It lived up to the 'giant' name as it towered over the surrounding ruins and dwarfed the enormous trees of Upper Yard.

"I bet the gold is at the top of this... The others will be really surprised when I'm the one that finds the treasure first..." Chopper was already two hundred feet above the ground but he still had a long way to go before he reached the top.


Ancient City of Shandora:


Yama pushed himself up to his feet and found himself alone in the giant forest of Upper Yard.

Kressh... A nearby bush rustled.


Hidden on a branch high up over Yama's head, Robin grinned as she whispered, "Boca Fleur!"

"We're right here," came Y/N's voice from somewhere in the surrounding brush.

"Right here..." Robin's voice echoed from the opposite end of the clearing. "Right here..." And behind Yama. "Right here..." And to his left. "Right here/Right here..." And then two places at once.

Yama whirled around and frantically scanned the forest for any signs of movement.

Kreeesh! Another bush rustled. "GOT YOU!" Yama roared as he charged towards the bush and roughly ripped it out of the ground just as Robin made a pair of arms disappear. CHUNK! "YOU CAN'T HIDE NOW!" Yama looked down and found... nothing.

"You're not going to find us over there," Y/N's voice came from the brush on the opposite end of the clearing.

"THERE!" Yama exclaimed as he dropped the bush and ran across the clearing. He jumped and drove his foot into the bush. SWISH! And hit nothing.

"Too slow," Y/N voice came from the other side of a large tree while at the same time a bush on the other side of another tree rustled like someone was moving through it. Kreeesshhh!

"Over here..." Robin's voice called out from a bush on the opposite side of the clearing.

"ENOUGH OF THIS!" Yama yelled as he jumped away from the talking bushes and into the middle of the clearing. "SHOW YOURSELVES!"

"Not yet," Robin's voice came from his left. "I'm still trying to enjoy this."

"It's too late for you," Robin's voice came from his right now. "Even if you choose to repent, I won't forgive you."

"You won't forgive me?" Yama retorted, "All because I smashed some shabby old ruins? They're just a pile of rubble that don't even belong to you!"

"You simpleton," Robin's voice came from a bush behind him. "All you do is charge around like an angry bull! With no regard for all the history that you nearly destroyed!"

"I'M NOT PLAYING GAMES!" Yama bellowed. "IF ALL YOU'RE GOING TO DO IS HIDE, THEN I'LL GO SMASH THOSE CHUNKS OF RUBBLE UNTIL YOU DO COME OUT!" Yama turned and ran to the edge of clearing in the direction of the ruins he'd just come from.

SKISH! "Surprise!" Y/N called out as he popped out of bush and blocked Yama's way out of the clearing. "One Eye Y/N Kick Barrage!" Y/N jumped up and turned to the side then lashed his leg out and drove it into Yama's face. "SIDE!" THWAK! "BACK!" Y/N spun around shot his leg back into Yama's face for another hard kick to the head. THWAK! Y/N dropped the ground then jumped back up and shot his foot straight up into Yama's two chins. "HIGH!" THWAP! Y/N brought his legs together and drove them both into the reeling Yama's chest. "BACKFLIP!" THWHAM! Groggy and dizzy from all the kicks he'd just taken to the head, Yama fell over and rolled backwards into the middle of the clearing. Whup... whup... whup...

"Uuugghhh..." Yama groaned and pushed himself up off of the ground. He looked around him for Y/N but the one-eyed pirate and disappeared into the brush again.

"Those 'chunks of rubble' that you were threatening to destroy are priceless treasures," Robin's voice came from somewhere overhead, "Relics so rare that it would be next to impossible to measure their actual worth."

Yama stood up and scanned the trees from any sign of his two opponents.

"History can repeat itself," Robin's voice came from three places at once. "But people can't go back in time. Destroy those relics and there's no getting them back."

"You won't make a fool out of me..." Yama growled, "I'll crush you both and then I'll pulverize those ruins! THERE'LL BE NOTHING LEFT WHEN I'M DONE WITH THEM!"

"I can see that an oaf like you could never understand the historic value of those ruins," Robin observed, "I'm done talking to you."


"No need to shout. I'm right behind you," Y/N's voice came from right behind Yama.

SKISH! Yama whirled around and found... nothing.

"WHERE'D YOU GO?" Yama bellowed.

"Up here genius!" Y/N's voice came from above. Yama looked up and saw Y/N's boots. "BLUDGEON STOMP!" WHOMP! Y/N's feet slammed into Yama's face then he flipped off of the huge man and landed in a crouch in front of him.

Yama stumbled backwards but remained on his feet. "THERE YOU ARE!" Yama shouted. "NOW THAT YOU'RE FIGHTING LIKE A MAN, I'LL SQUISH YOU LIKE A BUG!" SHOOM! Yama launched himself high up into the air overhead.

Robin looked down over the side of the branch she was seated on as Yama shot up towards her. "Treinta Fleur!" A long string of thirty arms grew out of the bottom of the branch and grabbed Yama's legs just as he had flipped over for a dive. "HANG!" Robin's long vine of arms swung Yama to the side and smashed him into the trunk of the tree she was in. WHAM!

"His body's... too big..." Robin groaned as she held clutched her own arms and strained to hold up the mountain of a man.

"Then drop him and I'll take it from here," Y/N said from right behind her. While Robin had caught Yama and smashed him into the tree, Y/N hadn't been idle and had scaled the tree up to Robin's branch.

Robin nodded and let go of Yama which caused him to plummet towards the ground.

Shik! Y/N drew his sword then dove off the branch after Yama. "Hey bright-eyes! Look up!"

Yama rolled in the air so he was backwards but then grinned when he saw Y/N above him. "Hahahahaha!" Yama cackled, "NOW YOU'VE GOT NOWHERE TO GO!" Yama pulled out a long black strap with ten Ax Dials and pointed it at Y/N. "COME AND DIE!"

Robin looked down from the branch and shook her head, "I don't think so, let's point those Dials somewhere safer."

"WAAH!" Yama yelped as three arms grew out of each of his arms and twisted the black strap so the Ax Dials were now pointed down at Yama. "NO! YOU CAN'T DO THIS TO ME!"

While Yama struggled with his weapon, Y/N started to spin, "Red Storm... METEOR!" SLA-SLA-SLISH! Y/N red sword cut the air and sent a red-tinted spiral flying down at Yama. WOOSH! The air-blade struck the back of Yama's Ax Dials and set them off. SLISH-SLISH-SLISH-SLISH-SLISH! The ten blades of impact from the Ax Dials cleaved into their owner.

"AAAAUUGGHH!" Yama hollered in pain and he slammed into the ground. THOOM!

Y/N continued to spin as he dropped down on Yama and his red sword sliced into Yama's already bleeding chest, SLA-SLOSH! With that last attack, the mountain had crumbled and Yama was finally silent.

Robin climbed off of her branch and slid down a long pole of arms to join Y/N on the ground as he got off of Yama.

"What did you do to him?" Y/N inquired.

"I used his Dials against him," Robin answered, "It doesn't surprise me that they can be used as weapons too."

"What's a Dial?" Y/N asked.

Robin's eyes widened in surprise and it took a considerably amount of control not to gape at him, "We've been here for over a day now and you still don't know what Dials are?" she questioned.

Y/N shrugged and waved her off, "I doesn't matter, let's go find that city of yours."

Robin allowed him to lead her off into the forest. "You're really something else."


"That's a big beanstalk," Y/N observed when he and Robin arrived at the edge of the clearing. "Is this the city?"

The enormous beanstalk loomed over the modest collection of ancient stone buildings. None of the buildings were over fifty feet. For something that was supposed to be Shandora the legendary City of Gold, it seemed rather underwhelming.

"It's supposed to be," Robin told him as she scanned the notes she'd taken from the tablet and led him into the middle of the ruins. "This should be the center of the city... But it doesn't match up at all with the map on the monument. I wonder if the entire city could have been broken up when it was thrust into the sky."

The two of them stepped over a ledge into a stone tunnel. As they made their way through it Robin scanned the walls for an explanation to the different layout of the city. They left the tunnet and stepped out onto the soft white island cloud.

They made their way into the middle of the ruins and stopped short in front of Giant Jack.

"At some point I'm gonna climb that," Y/N decided as he stared up the enormous, seemingly unending beanstalk above them.

"Feel free," Robin told him, "I'm more interested in what's down here."

Y/N glanced down and prodded the squishy white cloud with the tip of his boot, "That's odd," he remarked then looked over at Robin, "We've establish that the island of Upper Yard is made out of dirt and was blasted up into a world of white cloud hundreds of years ago, right?"

Robin nodded.

"Then why is the ground here made up of cloud?" Y/N questioned. "Shouldn't this be dirt too? Or at the very least stone like there was back at the monument?"

Robin glanced down at the Island Cloud at her feet. "Good question," she said. "Why would Blue Sea ruins have Island Clouds for ground?" Robin's eyes widened and a true smile spread across her face. "That must mean that these ruins are only the upper parts of the city! The rest of it must have been eaten up by Island Clouds... so there's got to be more below! We just need to find the entrance..."

Robin broke away from him and walked over to a stone tablet and took a moment to scan the symbols that were on it before she crosschecked them against the ones in her notes.

"If that's right then that means the entrance is over there..." Robin realized. She turned away from the stone and went back to Y/N. She didn't even break her stride and instead just grabbed his wrist and pull her along with her. "It's this way!"

"Hah-ha," Y/N chuckled to himself. "It's nice to see you so enthusiastic about something."

Robin didn't respond but instead stopped at the base of a long flight of stairs that led up to an opening at the top of one of the tallest ruins in the area. "This is the only entrance."

"In that case," Y/N took off and started to run up the steps, "Race you to the top!"

Robin stared after him. Her sense of composure insisted that racing up the stairs was beneath her dignity. But at the top of the stairs was an entrance to a city that was centuries own. What did she care more about, her composure and dignity or finding this historic city. In the end, Nico Robin was an archeologist to the core, she lived and breathed history and she always would. Her composure and dignity were walls she'd made around herself due to spending all her life alone. But the thing was, she wasn't alone anymore.

With her decision made, Robin ran up the steps after Y/N. She stretched her long legs and took them three-at-a-time in an attempt to close the distance between them.

Y/N smiled when Robin caught up with him then put on another burst of speed when she passed him on the stairs. They eventually reached the top at about the same time. They went through the entrance and found themselves in an old stone room. The middle of the floor was filled with island cloud.

"We should be able to go down into the city through here," Robin noted. "We just need to cut through the cloud."

"I'm on it," Y/N agreed as he drew his sword and quickly cut a large square in the cloud then reached down and pulled out a large cut. Floosh! Y/N tossed the large cube of pillow-like cloud to the side then jumped down into the hole he'd made and cut a smaller square then pulled out the resulting cube of cloud and tossed it up to Robin who caught it with two pairs of extra arms and placed it down alongside the hole.

They continued to work in that fashion, Y/N cut progressively smaller holes and passed them up a long chain of extra arms to Robin who placed the cloud out of the way. The advantage of the different sized holes that Y/N had cut was that the sides of the hole now resemble stairs and would be easier to climb up and now than a steep drop to the bottom.

Slish... Y/N jabbed his sword through the cloud he was kneeling on but stopped when he realized that he didn't feel cloud through the hole. "I've made it through!" he called up to Robin.

Robin jumped down the cloud stairs and knelt next to Y/N as he cut another square. SWISH! The cloud fell and they looked down through the resulting hole as the square of cloud dropped down into a large opened chamber below them.

Y/N and Robin jumped down through the hole and landed on the soft square of cloud that had fallen before them. SQUA-SQUISH! Unlike the chamber above, there wasn't much cloud. They found a stone staircase and took it to an even lower level.

"Light!" Robin exclaimed as they cut through some vines at the end of the long hallway. She raced down the hall and Y/N ran right behind her. Robin took a step out of the building and skidded to a stop when the ground under her immediately ended.

"Whoa!" Y/N gasped as he stopped next to her and stair out ahead of them.

Large stone buildings spanned out as far as the eye could see and lived up to the definition of a city. They were all incredibly old and had vines growing over them but the architecture of the building showed that they'd been made by an ancient civilization centuries ago. And despite being hundreds of years old, the buildings were remarkably preserved and had remained intact under the safety blanket of white island cloud above.

"This is it!" Robin announced, "It's all so majestic and grand! We've actually found it! This is the great city of Shandora! The City of Gold!"

"It's amazing..." Y/N whispered. He was no archeologist but even he had been awed at the sight of the magnificent city.

Robin turned to him, "Thank you," she said, her voice full of passion. "I had spent twenty years trying to find that Poneglyph back on Alabasta. When I realized that it didn't have the information that I was after, I didn't know what to do. I had searched almost my whole life for it and it turned out to be a dead end. All I wanted to do was learn the True History and share it with the world. At that point it seemed impossible."

Robin smiled and continued, "But then you pulled out that scrap of paper that proved that there was another Poneglyph in Alabasta. I had spent twenty years searching for the first one, you and your crew stumbled across the other out of pure luck. I took a chance and went with you to that chamber in the middle of the desert and finally got a glimpse of what I had been searching for my whole life."

"I thought that maybe you had just gotten lucky," she admitted, "But then I realized that was the kind of luck that I've been missing. I had gotten so close when I was with you so when you invited me to join your crew, I accepted. When I'm with you... I feel like I'll actually be able to accomplish my dreams. This is the proof, we're in the middle of a legendary city that's over eight hundred years old and is ripe with history. I never would have been able to find this if I hadn't joined you."

Y/N smiled back at her, "That's what being a Straw Hat Pirate is all about," he told her. "Chasing your dreams while surrounding yourself with people that you care about and that care about you in return."

Robin reached out and slowly wrapped her arms around Y/N for a tentative hug. He smiled then hugged her back and almost missed her nearly inaudible whisper. "Please don't betray me."

"I wouldn't dream of it," Y/N assured her.


Hope you enjoyed the chapter!!!

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