Operation Utopia
Operation Utopia:
"Great job today everybody!" Usopp called out. It was clear that Yuba had at one point been the base for the rebel army because the Straw Hats – minus their Captain – and the three Whitebeard Pirates were currently situated in a room at one of Yuba's many inns. Five bunk beds had been crammed into the room which probably served as a barracks at one time. Everyone's bags and supplies had been piled together in an empty corner along with Y/N, Zoro, and Sanji's weights.
"Really, we all did excellent work," Usopp continued, "Now let's all lie down on these comfy beds and get some rest, okay? We'll need our strength!" Swish! Usopp jumped into bed and didn't even bother covering himself with the blanket before he attempt to fall asleep after the long journey to Yuba. "Goodnight you guys..."
THWAP! Zoro threw a pillow from the middle of the room and sent Usopp rolling across his bunk into the wall. "Please," Zoro scoffed, "this whole trip you've been nothing but lazy!"
"WHY YOU!" Usopp exclaimed. "QUIT COMPARING ME TO YOU AND ALL THE OTHER SUPERHUMAN FREAKS!" Usopp grabbed his pillow and hurled it at the swordsman's head with his usual accuracy, THWAP!
"Now you're annoying me..." Zoro growled as the pillow dropped to the ground leaving him glaring at the sniper.
"YAAH!" Usopp exclaimed as he jumped out of bed and threw the pillow Zoro had thrown at him, THWAP! It whizzed by Zoro and connected with Chopper who was taken by surprise and toppled over. "I think blue nose wins today's award for laziest talking animal in the desert!"
Chopper jumped up off of the ground and pulled himself up into Usopp's face with the sniper's collar. "YOU TRY WALKING AROUND IN A FUR COAT!" the reindeer snapped.
"Sanji, I think that's my bed," Vivi pointed out as she stared at the cook who had made himself comfortable under the sheets in her bunk below Nami.
"I know," Sanji replied with a suave smile, "I thought you might have trouble sleeping here all alone tonight, Miss. Vivi." THWAP! A pillow connected with Sanji's face.
"And the award for biggest perv goes to Sanji," Usopp commented as he and Chopper grinned at the now irritated cook.
"Alright, slingshot boy," Sanji snarled as he slipped out of Vivi's bed and advanced on his Nakama, "I'm gonna shove that pillow so far down your throat you'll choke on it!"
In an instant, Zoro, Usopp, Sanji, and Chopper were flinging a seemingly unending supply of pillows around the room at each other.
"Crazy kids," Han muttered from his top bunk in the corner, in the bunk beneath him, Ace was already sound asleep with his orange hat tilted down over his eyes. At least he'd actually passed out in a bed rather than in the middle of a meal or conversation.
Nami looked down at Vivi from her top bunk and grew embarrassed by her immature male Nakama and they yelled and threw pillows at each other. Nami grabbed her pillow and threw it at the group then yelled, "YOU GUYS DON'T SEEM TO UNDERSTAND THE CONCEPT OF..." THWAP! She was cut off when a pillow impacted with the side of her face.
Nami glared in the direction the pillow had come from and saw Y/N sitting up in the top bunk of the bed adjacent to hers, completely engrossed in his book that he'd reclaimed from her now that they'd finally made it to Yuba. He didn't appear to have thrown the pillow but the green clothed archer that was leaning against the wall with her legs draped over Y/N's so they hung off the side of the bed struck her as the more likely culprit.
"I'm sure more yelling and pillow throwing will stop all the yelling and pillow throwing," Ollie quipped not even bothering to look away from Nami's accusing gaze.
Nami grabbed the pillow Ollie at thrown at her and threw it back, THWAP! "ACT YOUR AGE!" Nami shouted.
Ollie glared at her and gripped the pillow tightly, "You have no idea who you're dealing with, little girl."
"I'm not scared of you!" Nami retorted, WHAP! She reached out to the side and snagged a wayward pillow from the ongoing pillow fight below her. "BRING IT ON!"
SKISH! Ollie leapt from Y/N bed to Nami's and smacked the navigator upside the head with her pillow, WHAP! Nami was sent flying off of the bed, but landed safely on top of the four male pillow fighters, effectively ending their pillow fight. As Nami pushed herself off of the cushion made from the bodies of her male Nakama, Ollie dove from Nami's bunk and swung for the younger girl's head with her pillow, SWISH! Nami ducked under it and slipped behind the archer just as she landed and connected with the shot to the back, THWHAP!
"Oi, kid," Han called across the room to Y/N, who was still reading his book, "You gonna do something about this?"
"It's been brewing since they first met," Y/N stated without looking up, "They might as well get it out of their systems now while they're only using pillows."
SWISH! SWISH! Ollie ducked two swings from Nami's pillow then countered with a shot of her own, THWHAP!
Zoro, Usopp, Sanji, and Chopper pulled themselves off of the ground and retreated to their beds to watch Nami and Ollie go at it with different degrees of enthusiasm. Zoro laid on his back and merely watched out of the corner of his eye, hearts were in Sanji's eyes and the pillow fight had his undivided attention, and Usopp and Chopper sat up on their respective beds and cheered. Vivi glanced around her and noted that no one else seemed to attempting to stop the two female pirates, so she shrugged and sat down on the edge of her bed and silently watched along with the rest of them.
THWHAP! THWHAP! Ollie continued her assault and peppered Nami with numerous pillow-shots to the head and chest. WHOMP! A hard upward swing knocked Nami off balance but Ollie quickly grabbed Nami by the collar with one hand while she drew back her pillow with the other. "Consider it brought, little girl," Ollie taunted.
SWISH! Ollie was caught off guard when Nami suddenly slipped down out of her desert cloak, leaving her in her dancer girl outfit, and then threw the loose cloak in Ollie's face. With her sharp vision obscured by Nami's cloak Ollie couldn't see to defend herself from Nami's follow-up assault, THWHAP! THWHAP! THWHAP! Ollie reeled backwards as Nami smacked her over and over again with her pillow. The sight of Nami weaving and swaying in her revealing dancer girl outfit overloaded Sanji's brain and caused the cook to faint. FWUMP!
"Pervy cook," Zoro muttered.
SWISH! Ollie finally threw Nami's cloak off of her in time to duck Nami's next swing, then countered and swung her own pillow at Nami's head, SWISH! The thief ducked down and used her quick hands to grab onto the loose side of Ollie's cloak and give it a hard yank, WHUP! Ollie was pulled off balance and stumbled right into Nami's follow-up pillow-shot, THWHAP! Ollie staggered backwards but managed to stop herself before she fell over. She glared at Nami then grabbed her green cloak and pulled it off leaving her in a green tank top, a pair of green tights, and her green boots.
Nami, the shorter and slimmer of the two, had a much larger chest which bounced with every swing and heaved with every deep breath. Ollie had the more athletic frame with longer, more defined arms and legs. But everyone's view of the two female pirates was obscured when their pillows smacked together in midair and burst, THWHAP! Feathers went flying and fluttered around the two.
With a sudden inspiration, Nami snatched one of the guys' abandoned pillows off of the ground and spun around while swinging it around her. SWISH! The fluttering feathers from the two pillows were blown into Ollie's face, once again obscuring her vision, leaving her wide-opened when Nami spun around again and walloped her with a solid pillow-shot to the face, WHOMP! Ollie was knocked off her feet and went crashing to the ground, FWUMP!
Nami stood over Ollie breathing deeply with the pillow held loosely in her right hand, "I think this... little girl... just proved that she's not only... unafraid to face you... when she has to... but that she can beat you too." Nami winked and stuck her tongue out at the archer.
"It was just a stupid pillow fight," Ollie muttered as she got back up and stalked over to the bunk underneath Y/N's and flopped down on it.
Y/N leaned over the side of his bunk and glanced down at Ollie, "That's what happens when you face the fan-service character in a fan-service fight." THWHAP! Y/N was pelted in the face with a pillow and looked to the side to see that Ace had woken up at some point, "How long have you been awake?"
"Long enough to hear you break the fourth wall again," Ace replied.
Nami put her cloak back on and climbed back into her bed, as she made herself comfortable she locked eyes with Y/N who was positioned feet-to-feet with her and smirked at him before she laid back and closed her eyes. Y/N looked at her with an amused smile before returning to his reading.
"So..." Ace spoke up as he sat up and glanced around the now quiet room, "What did I miss?"
Outside the inn, the moon shone high above the Yuba Oasis, Luffy sat in the ditch that once the oasis' water source and watched Toto dig in the sand.
"Hey old guy!" Luffy called out, "There's still no water, my throat's drying up. How can you stand to live here? It's horrible."
"The water will come," Toto assured him as he continued to dig in the sand. SHUNK! SHUNK! "The Yuba Oasis still has life in it yet. The dream of Yuba can't be ruined by a bunch of lousy sand. The King left this land in my hands and I'll keep it alive. I'll dig out the sand as many times as it takes."
"Okay then, let's dig," Luffy decided before he started digging down into the sand like a dog. The sand Luffy was sent flying out behind him splattered on Toto's back and fell in his hole.
"HEY!" Toto complained as he held up his arm to keep from getting sand in his face. "You're filling up the hole I've spent all this time on!"
"Hmm?" Luffy questioned as he stared at the old man as the stood in his hole which was already up to his stomach.
"But... I'm digging just like you old guy," Luffy told him.
"No, I'm digging holes and you're filling them up!" Toto scolded him with animated hand gestures. "The sand from the hole you're digging is going into the hole I'm digging. In other words, you're not helping!"
"Ah, so it's a Mystery Hole!" Luffy realized, before he went right back to digging and throwing sand out behind him into Toto's hole.
"I SAID KNOCK IT OFF!" the old man yelled. But Luffy kept digging and kept sending sand flying at him, "Uhh... I give up..."
North of Yuba, in Rain Base, Crocodile's casino towered over the rest of the city. The casino was by far the most notable structure in the city and was made noticeable by the gold crocodile decorating the roof of the pyramid-shaped building The casino looked almost like a castle, and even had a moat surrounding it which the patrons could cross by going over the red carpeted bridge.
Inside the building, the Baroque Works Officer Agents were gathered in the VIP room. A quick glance out one of the windows would reveal water from the moat and the giant crocodiles that were swimming in it, this led the Officer Agents to believe that they were currently below the actual casino. The Officer Agents were sitting at a long table with Mr. 4, Mr. 2, and Mr. 1 in three of the four chairs on one side while Ms. Merry Christmas and Ms. Double Finger sat opposite them in two of the four chairs on the other side. A final chair was situated at the head of the table but was currently facing away from the agents.
"GIMME A BREAK!" Mr. 2 exclaimed, "How much longer are we gonna have to wait around like this? Are you at least going to serve refreshments? I could be practicing my dance instead of sitting here!"
"FWAAAHH... FWWAAAHH... FWWAAAHH..." Mr. 4 laughed at the eccentric Okama.
"Mr. 2, just sit still over there and wait quietly," Ms. Double Finger ordered.
"YEAH!" Ms. Merry Christmas barked. "Shut up you stupid man! Stuman! Stuman!"
"You calm down too, Ms. Merry Christmas," Ms. Double Finger added.
"Fufufu," came the laughter of Ms. All Sunday as she walked down a long flight of steps and stared down at the Officer Agents seated at the table. The Vice President of Baroque Works had changed her outfit and now wore a white full-length fur coat, and a white cowgirl hat to match. "I guess it isn't too surprising that you all don't get along. Oh well, it isn't necessary that you do anyway."
Ms. All Sunday continued to address the Officer Agents as she made her way down the rest of the steps, "Thank you all for coming so far to attend this little gathering of ours in Rain Base, the city where gambling is the only King and every man and woman dreams of going home rich. Welcome to Rain Dinners, the largest casino in the whole city."
"Ms. All Sunday, can we skip the formalities and get to the point?" Mr. 1 requested.
"Yes, I was just getting to that Mr. 1," Ms. All Sunday replied as she passed behind the male agents as she walked along the table.
"LET'S GET THIS STARTED ALREADY!" Ms. Merry Christmas shouted as she banged her hand on the table, "Hurry! Hurry! Hurry! Hurry! Start! Start! Start! Now! Now!"
"Of course," Ms. All Sunday agreed when she was finally standing at her place at the far end of the table across from the backwards chair situated at the table's head, "but there's something that needs to be taken care of. It's time to meet our boss, whose face you have never seen. I've been acting as his face and his voice for some time now, delivering the orders as he saw fit. There's no longer any need for such secrecy however."
"Finally, the time has come for Operation Utopia," came a gravelly voice, and the previously empty chair at the head of the table spun around to reveal Mr. 0, better known in these parts as Sir Crocodile Alabasta's Hero.
"GAAH!" Mr. 2 and Ms. Merry Christmas both gasped.
"OOOOOHHHHH!" Mr. 4 exclaimed in a much longer drawn out reaction.
"Crocodile," Mr. 1 noted as he recognized that Warlord of the Sea.
"This will be the greatest and final operation that Baroque Works carries out," Crocodile stated.
"It seems you're familiar with our boss," Ms. All Sunday commented as she stood calmly at the other end of the table, "Or his public identity anyway. "
"Yes, or course we are," Ms. Double Finger answered, "But why is one of the Seven Warlords leading us?"
"Yeah!" Ms. Merry Christmas added, "We didn't expect to have such a big-shot guy for our leader!"
"Can we get this straight?" Mr. 2 attempted to clarify, "We've been working for a pirate since the first day?"
"So then you are actually our boss," Mr. 1 realized.
"That a problem?" Crocodile growled at his subordinates, causing some of them flinch.
"It's not a problem," Ms. Double Finger stated, "but it is a bit confusing, the Seven Warlords are pirates sanctioned by the Government. Why would you need a company like this one?"
"I do not seek money or status," Crocodile stated, "It is something more... military strength. Allow me to explain myself..." Crocodile paused as he put an expensive cigar in his mouth and lit it up, "Let me tell you my true objective, my goal, and the final operation that Baroque Works will be conducting..."
SHUNK! SHUNK! Back in Yuba, Toto had gone back to digging his hole but stopped as he glanced behind him in Luffy's direction, "Maybe he finally figured it out?" the old man commented, "The sand stopped coming." Toto climbed out of his hole and peered down into Luffy's, "He was able to dig that in such a short time? Even as tired as he must be from the journey?" The old man could barely make out Luffy's sleeping form down in the darkened bottom of his incredibly deep hole.
Toto got Luffy out of the hole and carried the sleeping pirate into the room in the inn but seeing that all ten beds were occupied he ended up wrapping Luffy up in a blanket and setting him down on the floor.
"Sleep well tonight, you've earned it," Toto whispered to the sleeping pirate.
"Food and water..." Luffy mumbled in his sleep as the old man made his way to the door.
"Pleasant dreams," Toto quietly spoke as he left the room and closed the door behind him.
"NO!" a lone eye snapped open and Y/N sat up with a start, his forehead was soaked in sweat and the deep gasping breaths he was taking showed that the dream he'd been having was definitely not pleasant.
Y/N glanced around the room and saw that his usual roommates, Zoro, Usopp, Sanji, and Chopper had slept through his late night awakening as usual. Across the room, Han was still asleep and Ace appeared to be sleeping still with his orange hat tilted down over his eyes. Y/N frowned when he spotted Luffy sleeping on the floor, then glanced down and noted that his shout hadn't woken Vivi or Ollie either. The only person he had woken was sitting up in the bed adjacent to his and was staring at him with concern.
Y/N shrugged sheepishly and waved her off as he slipped out of bed and landed silently on the floor. Y/N pulled his sleeping younger brother up off of the floor then hefted him and the bundle of blankets he was cocooned in up onto his now empty bunk. After pulling the sheets over the bundle Luffy was already wrapped in, Y/N quietly crossed the room and slipped out the door.
"Hmph," Nami muffed to herself, rather than belay her concerns, he'd just fueled her suspicions, she quickly slipped out of bed and followed after him. As they left, neither of them noticed the pair of eyes watching them from beneath the brim of an orange hat.
Nami didn't have to go far to find him, Y/N was sitting just outside the inn against the front wall staring up at the night sky. Nami walked over and sat down next to him and just stared at him until he looked at her and acknowledged her presence.
"You should get back to bed," he advised.
"Not until you tell me what's going on," Nami replied.
"It was nothing," Y/N assured her, "don't worry about it and go back to..."
"Liar," Nami bluntly interrupted. "'Nothing' doesn't cause someone to shout and wake up in a cold sweat."
"Then if you already know the answer, why bother asking the question?" Y/N asked.
"Because I was hoping you'd tell me the truth," Nami answered, "but it looks like I'm going to have to be more direct about it." Nami gave him a hard look that told him just who he was dealing with and how stubborn she was. "My guess is that you had a nightmare from your time as Red Eye, it wouldn't be the first time you've mentioned not sleeping due to nightmares. I just wish you'd trust me enough to know that I want to help you."
"You want to help me?" Y/N repeated, with a dark undertone, "How are you supposed to help me forget killing an innocent father in front of his wife and kids? I wasn't just watching it, it's from my perspective, I did it. How the hell are you supposed to help me with that?"
Nami reached out and cupped his chin and turned his face so he was looking her in the eye, "Because I know you," she answered, "it may have been from your perspective, but you didn't do it. You couldn't do it. That... thing in your eye socket isn't you it's a completely separate entity that forced itself on you and took control of your body. You're incapable of hurting any innocent person. That's why I lll..." Nami trailed off and her face flushed, but she quickly corrected herself, "That's why I like you so much." Nami leaned in to show him how she really felt but at the last second she veered to the side and just kissed him on the cheek.
Nami blushed as she smiled up at him, "If images of the things you've seen during the eye's rampage are going to wake you up at night then at the very least I'm going to make sure you don't have to stay out here all alone."
Nami leaned against him and rested her head on his shoulder, Y/N looked down at her with a small smile then shook his head and looked back up at the star-filled sky. But after a moment Nami called out, "Y/N... I'm cold..."
Y/N looked back down at her, "Well, you seem to be the problem solver tonight," Y/N pointed out, "How 'bout you solve that one too."
Nami grinned and her hand flashed out and pulled his cloak opened, she pushed off of the wall and resituated herself against his side and took a moment to drape his arm over her shoulders before she pulled his cloak closed around her and once again rested her head on his shoulder.
"Ahhh... that's better..." Nami sighed. Y/N gazed down at her with a fond smile then looked back up in the sky. Neither of them noticed the figure watching from the doorway, he was conveniently missing his hat and ruby necklace but was wearing a warm smile.
"Nami..." Y/N spoke up, "Get your hand... out of my pocket."
"Hehehe, where would you prefer I put it?" she teased him.
"I don't care," Y/N answered, "just keep your hands out of my pants!" Ace chuckled to himself as he turned and headed back to bed, content in knowing that his brother was in good hands.
"You mean something like that really exists on this island?" Mr. 2 questioned as Crocodile concluded his explanation of his plans back in the VIP room of Rain Dinners. "And we're going to steal the whole country along with it? This assignment is making me tremble all over!"
"So these new orders are the final pieces of one final plan that Baroque Works has been working towards?" Mr. 1 asked.
"Yes, that is correct," Mr. 0 answered. "Every assignment performed as an agent, every mission finished since Baroque Works was founded has been part of this single operation. And those letters in front of you, are the final orders that you will receive. The time has finally come for Alabasta Kingdom to disappear." The Officer Agents unfolded the letters that had been placed on the table in front of each of them at some point during the explanation and led their last assignment. "Once each of you has completed the assignment before you, this desert kingdom will destroy itself from the inside out. The rebel and royal armies will have nowhere to go, nowhere to turn, as a result they will fall neatly into the hands of Baroque Works." After reading their instructions the Officer Agents used the lit candles on the table to destroy all the evidence. "If all goes according to plan, in a single night Alabasta Kingdom will become our utopia. This mission is the final and most important act that Baroque Works will carry out. Failure is not an option. We begin tomorrow at noon."
"Yes sir!" the Officer Agents all chorused.
"I wish you luck," Crocodile concluded.
Tmp! Tmp! Tmp! The sound of footsteps drew everyone's attention to the top of the staircase where Mr. 3 now stood wearing a cloak with blue vertical stripes, bandages on his face, his usual blue-rimmed glasses, and the wick-like 3 his hair was braided into.
"About this Operation Utopia," Mr. 3 called out, "May I ask you to postpone it for a while?"
Luffy versus Vivi:
Mr. 0, Ms. All Sunday, and the Officer Agents all stared up at Mr. 3 as he stood at the middle of the large staircase leading down into the room.
"How did you get here?" Ms. All Sunday asked with a dangerous undertone in her voice, "The location of this room is a secret."
"So what little hidey-hole did you crawl out of to get here Mr. 3?" Mr. 2 inquired as he slipped out of his chair and got in a fighting stance, "Now I will finally complete my mission!"
"Hold on, Mr. 2," Crocodile ordered as he remained seated at the head of the table with a cup of tea in his hand.
"I didn't crawl out of anywhere, thank you very much," Mr. 3 replied, "I merely followed you all from your little meeting at Spider's Café. It was easy enough to do. I just hitched a ride on the back of Bunchi's car unseen." Mr. 3 bowed to Crocodile, "Boss, at last we meet. I have come here to humbly beg for your forgiveness and to ask that I may be given a second chance." Mr. 2 remained standing as Mr. 3 continued his way down the rest of the staircase, "You see, Mr. 2, I knew there was only a matter of time before someone was sent to eliminate me after I failed to complete the assignment that I was given. That is why I made the decision to change my course slightly and head directly for the headquarters at the Spider's Café."
"You said that you had failed to complete a mission," Crocodile stated as Mr. 3 reached the bottom of the steps and walked towards him. "What are you talking about?
"Huh, oh you know," Mr. 3 answered, "How I was unfortunately unable to prevent the Straw Hats brats and Princess Vivi from escaping."
KRESH! The handle of Crocodile's cup shattered in his hand as he glared at Mr. 3 and stood up, "You're telling me that you got away... all of them?" the Warlord growled. "You're saying that they're still alive? What were you talking about on the transponder snail? You said that they were dead! Princess Vivi and her bratty little irate friends, YOU DID DEAL WITH THEM, DIDN'T YOU?"
"The transponder snail?" Mr. 3 repeated, "I don't know what you're talking about. I never used a transponder snail the entire time I was on Little Garden. Not even once."
"WHAT?" Crocodile snarled.
"Yeah... hello," the voice Crocodile had assumed was Mr. 3 spoke from the other end of the Transponder Snail, "you've reached the Crap Café. Can I take your order?"
Crocodile sat down and attempted to calm himself as he lit up a new cigar, "This isn't good news," he stated, "Although it does explain why the Unluckies haven't returned from Little Garden." Everyone remained silent awaiting the President's full response to Mr. 3's failure. "I assume that you at least got rid of one or two of them..."
"No, not exactly," Mr. 3 confessed, causing Crocodile to glare at him, Mr. 3 threw up his hands in a desperate plea for his life, "WAIT! THE INFORMATION I WAS GIVEN WASN'T ENTIRELY ACCURATE! There were three pirate escorts along with Princess Vivi, and on top of that there was this really funny-looking man with a long nose, and the red haired First Mate!"
"DAMN IT!" Crocodile yelled as he shot up to his feet.
"PLEASE BOSS!" Mr. 2 called out as he stood in his place at the table as well, "Can you please explain to the rest of us what's going on with all this insanity? None of this makes any sense!"
It took a moment but Crocodile explained about the Straw Hats and Princess Vivi knowing his identity and how he had instructed Mr. 3 to eliminate all of them on Little Garden. Mr. 13's sketches of Luffy, Zoro, and Nami were laid out on the table along with a picture of a younger Princess Vivi.
"Really?" Crocodile questioned, Mr. 2's lucky encounter appeared to have overridden the incompetence of Mr. 3 who was standing sheepishly beside him at the head of the table after handing over his sketches of the three Straw Hats and Princess Vivi.
Skish! Mr. 2 used the memory feature in his Clone Clone Devil Fruit Powers and transformed into Luffy and called out in Luffy's voice, "There was this guy!" Skish! Luffy turned into Zoro, "And this guy!" Skish! Zoro turned into Nami, "And this girl!" Skish! Nami became Usopp, "And this guy!" Skish! Usopp became Chopper, "And this thing too!" Skish! Chopper turned back into Mr. 2. "and an auburn haired one that I didn't get to touch, plus one more." Mr. 2 slapped his hand down on Vivi's picture, "So Ms. Wednesday is really a Princess posing as an agent? YOU MEAN THESE PEOPLE ARE ALL ACTUALLY THE ENEMY?"
"That's correct," Crocodile answered. "These people have uncovered who I really am. They need to be taken care of or they'll interfere with the plan." Mr. 2 sank down into his seat and dropped his head on the table, he actually seemed upset that the people who had saved him and quickly become his friends were actually the enemy.
"Mr. 3, you're right about one thing," Crocodile commented. "It does seem like have two additional people and one animal. Their group is bigger than we expected. Setting the pet aside, there is the pet aside there is something that we can safely assume for the moment. Princess Vivi and her little friends are likely to be in Alabasta already. Now to prepare... Mr. 2, make photos of all of those faces you displayed."
"But... but Boss!" Mr. 3 sputtered, "I promise that I will eliminate Princess Vivi and the others with my own two hands!"
WHAP! Crocodile swept to his feet and grabbed Mr. 3 by the throat, "JUST SHUT UP YOU DAMN FOOL!" Crocodile roared as he clenched his hand on Mr. 3's throat while the Officer Agent struggled to breathe. "Now, Mr. 3... listen very carefully... do you have any idea why I gave you your rank? Why you're an Officer Agent? In terms of fighting skills alone, even Mr. 4 has you beat. Do you understand that? I promoted you because of your underhanded tenacity when it comes to completing an assignment! You have greatly disappointed me."
The other Officer Agents stared in shock but knew better than to interfere, then before their eyes Mr. 3's skin dried up, his body became thin and wrinkly as if all the moisture had been sucked out of him.
"WHAT'S HAPPENING TO HIM?" Ms. Merry Christmas demanded.
"He's... just shriveling up..." Ms. Double Finger noted.
Crocodile released his hold on Mr. 3's throat and let the shriveled man drop to the ground.
"Waaaateeerr..." Mr. 3 wheezed, "I neeed... waaateeeerrr..."
"You can have all the water you want," Crocodile replied, "Down there..." Clik! Crocodile pressed a button in the armrest of his chair and a trapdoor opened under Mr. 3 and sent him plummeting down into a large empty tank below the VIP room.
"Where am I now?" the wrinkled Mr. 3 wondered, "Underwater?" Mr. 3 stared around him in surprise and noted several sealed archways leading into the glass tank from the moat that surrounded the casino.
"It appears to be feeding time," Crocodile remarked as he stared out the window as one of his giant crocodiles swam passed.
"It looks almost like a giant aquarium," Mr. 3 commented, SKUSH! He turned around and shrieked in terror as one of Crocodile's signature crocodiles pushed its way into the tank through one of the archways. It was only now that he was so close to the green beast that was easily one hundred times his size that he noticed the banana-shaped growth that was coming out of the top of its head, "A BANANAWANI!"
RRRAAWWWRRR! The bananawani snarled as it opened its large tooth-filled mouth.
"AAAAAHHHHHHH!" Mr. 3's scream of fear and terror could be heard by everyone above him in the VIP room.
"Nothing but trouble," Crocodile muttered as he made his way back to the table, all of the seated agents looked shocked at the manner that their boss had dispatched their fellow Officer Agent. "But no longer!" WHAM! Crocodile slammed his hand on the pictures of Vivi, Luffy, Zoro, Nami, and Usopp, the latter four were all wearing Mr. 2's ballet outfit and were in silly poses. "Now the rest of you, listen up. Take a good look at these five, they are determined to stop the rebellion in Alabasta. If we leave them alone, they are bound to come to us."
"I understand that," Mr. 2 stated, "But boss, even if the girl is the Princess of this country, do you really think that she could prevent the rebellion at this point?"
"Unfortunately, she has a connection that she can take advantage of," Crocodile explained, "Princess Nefertari Vivi and the Rebel Leader Koza were apparently friends when they were children." SHUNK! Crocodile sank his hook into the corner of Vivi's picture. "The rebels have seven hundred thousand, even if the rebellion can't be stopped now, Princess Vivi is certainly capable of bringing real confusion to their ranks. I've already sent many of the Billions to join with Koza's rebel forces. The fact that I have not yet heard anything from our men must mean that Vivi and her friends have not taken any action. This is good, wherever the cost, they must be prevented from making contact with the rebel army before the operation is complete and we have won." Crocodile glanced down the table at the Vice President, "Ms. All Sunday..."
"Yes sir?" Ms. All Sunday replied.
"Given the current circumstances, we should use transponder snails," Crocodile decided, "Contact the Billions that are in Nanohana. Tell them to kill on sight without any hesitation. Do not allow Princess Vivi and the pirates into Katorea!" WHAM! Crocodile slammed his fist on the table, "Vivi must not be allowed to meet with the Rebel Leader Koza!"
"Yes sir," Ms. All Sunday agreed as she headed off to perform her duties.
"Now the rest of you get going as well," Crocodile addressed the six Officer Agents. "You don't want to miss the fun, do you?" The Officer Agents all rose to their feet. "We are very close to realizing our utopia." Crocodile remained seated and lit up another cigar, Mr. 3's striped cloak floated passed the window, "I'd hate to be disappointed by any of you, you understand?"
"Just leave it to us, boss, sir," Ms. Double Finger assured him.
"AND WE'RE OOOOOFFF!" Mr. 2 sank.
"Go enjoy yourselves," Crocodile ordered with an evil grin.
Early the next morning, Vivi and the pirates left the inn and were ready to set off again.
"I'm sorry I don't have any more to offer you, Princess Vivi," Toto apologized.
"No, please don't worry about it," Vivi reassured him. "Well, we should be off now Toto."
"Oh, Luffy, here take this with you," Toto instructed as he pulled out a small barrel that he could hold in one hand and gave it to Luffy.
"WOW! WATER!" Luffy exclaimed as he stared down at the water barrel in his hands.
"WATER!" Usopp echoed.
"You found some then?" Luffy questioned.
"Yes, it was last night a little bit after you fell asleep digging that huge hole of yours," Toto informed him, "I finally reached a moist area underneath the dry stuff. The water there is the moisture I was able to extract from the damp sand."
"Whoooa!" Luffy gasped, "That sounds pretty complicated, but thank you!"
"That right there is genuine Yuba-water," Toto told him with a smile, "it's not much, but it's all I was able to get."
"Right, then I drink it with care," Luffy vowed.
And so, with Nami once again riding Eyelash, the Princess and the pirates set off to see if they could still stop the rebellion.
A little bit later as they left Yuba behind them, Y/N was once again at the head of the group with Luffy and Ollie next to him while Zoro, Sanji, Han, and Vivi walked around Eyelash, Usopp, Chopper in his Walk Point form, and Ace trailed behind the others at the back of the group. But with no warning, Luffy suddenly stepped out of ranks and sat down against a small bare tree that was growing out of the sand.
"Now what?" Ollie groaned, as one the group stopped and stared back at Luffy.
"HEY LUFFY!" Usopp shouted at the Captain, "WHAT'RE YOU DOING OVER THERE?" Luffy remained seated with his arms folded behind his head and a frown on his face, he didn't look like he was moving any time soon.
"Luffy?" Nami asked as she slipped off of Eyelash and stared at Luffy along with the others.
"Um... is everything alright?" Vivi inquired.
"I quit," Luffy stated.
"Huh?" everyone chorused.
"What's that mean?" Vivi questioned, "Quit what, Luffy?"
"Oh come on," Usopp groaned, "We don't have time to put up with every little mood you have right now, Luffy. Come on, let's go."
"Yeah, shouldn't we get going?" Chopper added.
"Yes, and fast," Sanji stated. "If we don't get back to the Katorea place the way we came and stop the rebellion that's about to begin then a million of Alabasta's citizens are gonna start fighting and things will get real ugly real quick!"
"Hopefully this time we can skip the filler," Y/N remarked, he flinched and waited for Ace to hit him. But the blow never came.
"Actually, I agree with you," Ace admitted, "Hopefully the trip back will go quicker. I've gotta get going."
"Yeah," Y/N agreed, "But it looks like Luffy's pretty set in this mood of his. Luffy... let's get going, I'll guy you dinner when we get there."
"No," Luffy refused.
"He just refused food," Ace realized, "This must be serious."
"Come on, we're doing this for Miss. Vivi!" Sanji insisted, he grabbed Luffy by the collar and attempted to pull him up. But Luffy grabbed him by the wrist and tossed him aside with ease despite the weights that the cook was once again wearing. The cook shot back up and glared at Luffy, "WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU?"
"Vivi, right now, all I wanna do is kick Crocodile's ass," Luffy announced, "You understand? Maybe we can keep the people from starting a rebellion but that won't stop Crocodile. Besides, we won't be able to accomplish anything in Katorea. We're pirates, everyone knows things are better off without us around."
"He has a point," Han admitted.
"He does do that sometimes," Ace informed him.
"Yes... but not often," Usopp added.
"No, that's not true!" Vivi protested.
"You want it to work out so nobody dies in this fight," Luffy pointed out. "Isn't that right? None of the citizens, none of us either. We're up against one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea and a million people on top of that. And you still want everyone to end up all safe and sound." Luffy looked Vivi right in the eye, "You'll never win that way."
The Princess was breathing deeply and appeared to be getting emotional.
"Come on Luffy, can't you at least show Vivi a little sympathy?" Nami asked.
"Stop," Y/N told her as he placed a hand on her shoulder. "He has a point to his, stay out of it so he can get to it."
"AND WHAT'S WRONG WITH THAT, HUH?" Vivi demanded, her hood fell off as she glared down at Luffy. "WHAT IS SO WRONG ABOUT NOT WANTING TO SEE PEOPLE DIE OR GET HURT?"
"'Cause people die, that's why," Luffy bluntly stated.
SWAK! Vivi slapped him and fell over and sent rolling away from his tree. "STOP TALKING LIKE THAT!" she shouted. "I WON'T LISTEN TO IT! SAY THAT AGAIN AND I WILL REALLY HURT YOU!" Vivi paused and took a few deep breaths as she stared down at Luffy who seemed surprisingly effected by her slap. "That's the whole point of what we're doing here! Don't you understand? NO ONE IN ALABASTA, NOT THE REBEL ARMY, OR THE ROYAL ARMY, OR THE PEOPLE IS TO BLAME FOR THIS! NONE OF THEM HAVE DONE ANYTHING WRONG! WHY SHOULD ANY OF THEM HAVE TO PAY FOR WHAT'S HAPPENED WHEN EVERY LAST BIT OF IT IS CROCODILE'S FAULT?"
Luffy got back up and lunged at Vivi and hit her, WHAP! "So you're saying..." Luffy growled, "THAT IT'S ONLY ALRIGHT FOR YOU TO DIE?"
"WHOA LUFFY, YOU'VE GONE TOO FAR!" Usopp shouted at him.
"DAMN IT LUFFY!" Sanji snapped.
Vivi pushed herself back up and tackled Luffy down to the ground his hat went flying as he was driven down into the sand under the Princess, WHUMP! "Just being in this country for the limited time that I have and looking around... even I can tell..." Luffy said.
"TELL WHAT?" Vivi demanded, WHAP! POW! WHAP! POW! While straddling Luffy's stomach the Princess alternated between slapping him and punching him.
"The dream of Yuba can't be ruined by a bunch of lousy sand," Toto had said the night before as he continued to dig out the water in the desert.
"Well what else exactly should I be putting on the line with it then, Luffy?" Vivi asked as she continued alternatively slapping and punching Luffy. "WHAT LUFFY?"
"I CAN'T LET HIM GET AWAY WITH THIS!" Vivi shouted in the ruins of Erumalu.
Whup! Whup! Luffy reached up and caught both of Vivi's arms by the wrist. "I don't have anything else that I can put on the line..." Vivi whispered, "just me..."
The dam broke and Vivi's tears started falling as she openly cried. "Well aren't we?" Luffy questioned further. Vivi cried as she finally realized Luffy's point, now she had friends that treated her as one of them and were willing to put their lives on the line along with hers to save her country.
"There, now you see," Luffy said as he picked up his hat and dusted it off. "Now you understand. You can cry." Just as Vivi had assured Toto that they'd stop the rebellion the night before, Luffy in his own odd was has just assured Vivi that they would be there for her every step of the way.
"I know how much you hate this," Luffy told her, "You want to get Crocodile the most." Nami stepped forward and knelt down next to Vivi and hugged her and allowed the Princess to cry into her chest.
The other Straw Hats silently stood by, each agreeing with their Captain. Ace smiled at Luffy's dedication to the people he considered his Nakama while Han and Ollie silently looked on.
"So now tell me," Luffy said as he put his hat back on and got to his feet and then growled, "Where can I find Crocodile?"
Hope you enjoyed the chapter!!!
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