One Hundred Bounty Hunters

One Hundred Bounty Hunters:


"He's gone!" Mr. 9 exclaimed as he, Mr. 8, Ms. Monday, Ms. Wednesday, and the other ninety-six bounty hunters stared up at the roof of the inn that Zoro had just been sitting on. One minute he was there, the next he'd vanished. They were Baroque Works Agents and Zoro knew about them, he needed to be killed or their secrets would get out.

"What? But how the hell could he just disappear?" Mr. 8 wondered. The crowd of bounty hunters glanced around them for any sign of the green-haired swordsman. But he wasn't on any of the roof tops or any of the nearby alleys.

Suddenly they spotted him... standing in the middle of the crowd pretending to look up at the empty rooftops.

Zoro smirked while the bounty hunters backed away from him and aimed their guns at him from all sides. They had him surrounded.

"WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE?" someone demanded. "FIRE!" BANG! BANG! BANG! But once again Zoro had vanished and the bounty hunters ended up shooting each other due to their close proximity and the fact that they were standing in a circle.

"Incompetent morons!" Mr. 8 snapped once the dust cleared and he spotted all the bounty hunters on the ground, but no Zoro. "They just shot each other!"

"Yeah, and the pirate got away!" Mr. 9 added.

"GRR... JUST KILL HIM! HE'S ONLY ONE MAN!" Mr. 8 ordered. Skish... Mr. 8's eyes bugged out as the blade of a sword poked through his curled hair and positioned itself beside his face. Mr. 8 stood still while Zoro stood behind him with his back to the larger man.

"You know you're going to have to ask yourself... will one gravestone really be enough?" questioned Zoro.

"THERE HE IS!" one of the bounty hunters realized as they aimed their guns at Zoro... and Mr. 8 who he was standing back-to-back with.

"NO! WAIT! DON'T SHOOT! YOU'LL HIT ME!" Mr. 8 shouted. He grabbed his saxophone and raised it up over his head, "IGARAPPA!" BRUPOW-POW-POW! Mr. 8 blew into his saxophone and it opened fire and shot a series of bullets at the bounty hunters behind him that were getting ready to shoot him in order to get Zoro.

When the smoke and dust cleared another bunch of bounty hunters were on the ground. But Zoro had one again disappeared.

"Alright you idiots," Mr. 8 growled. "Where did he disappear to this time?"

In around the corner in an alley, Zoro was leaning back against the wall and was catching his breath. "So that thing's a weapon," Zoro realized. That guy with the rollers had just tried to shoot him with a saxophone. Good thing Zoro was naturally suspicious or it might've hit him along with the other bounty hunters. "Dangerous... I'd better watch out."

Mr. 8, Mr. 9, Ms. Monday, and Ms. Wednesday stood together in the crowd of bounty hunters. "It seems that this guy may actually be able to put up a fight," Mr. 9 commented, "even against us..."

Ms. Wednesday signaled for the other bounty hunters to spread out a search, Ms. Monday cracked her knuckles, and Mr. 8 gripped his saxophone. "Can he actually be so arrogant to think that he can possibly fight all of us by himself?" Mr. 8 demanded. "What kind of a man would even consider challenging us after knowing that we're all with Baroque Works?"


Back in the party room in the inn the other Straw Hats were all out. Luffy was swelled up like a balloon from all the food he'd eaten and was sleeping soundly, occasionally letting out a snore. Sanji and Usopp were asleep on the floor nearby.

Sanji let out a mumbled, "Ladies please... come closer..."

Usopp was actually talking in his sleep, "And now it's time for Usopp Cheer Number 71..."

Y/N was on his back on the couch with Nami on top of him. They'd both been knocked out when Mr. 8 slammed their heads together. Due to all they had to drink earlier, neither of them had woken up yet.

Zoro was alone against one hundred bounty hunters.


"He couldn't have gotten far!" one of the Baroque Works Agents called out as he and the others ran around searching for Zoro. "Let's find him men!"

In his hiding place at the edge of an alley Zoro reached down and gripped the handle of Yubashiri. Zoro wasn't really alone, he had his three swords with him.

"Ah yes, my new recruits from Loguetown," Zoro said to himself, "Yubashiri and Kitetsu III... now's a good a time as any to see what you two are made of. And with these thugs we don't need to hold back."

"AHA!" came a shout from above Zoro, "I FOUND YA!" Zoro looked up and saw a bounty hunter wearing a cowboy hat standing on the roof above him pointing two pistols down at him. "DIE!" BAM! BAM! The bounty hunter fired but Zoro lunged backwards through the door he was leaning against and rolled into the house. "HE DUCKED INTO THE HOUSE!" yelled out the bounty hunter.

KA-CHAK! Six bounty hunters appeared at the two windows and the door and aimed their guns at him. Zoro lunged across the room and dove behind a table, then knocked it up on its side just as they opened fire, BAM! BAM! BAM!

"Let's start with Yubashiri," Zoro decided as he leaned against the table and watched as bullets whizzed passed him. SLISH! Zoro sliced the table in half and charged through it towards the door, SWASH! Zoro slashed Yubashiri as he flew out the door passed the six bounty hunters standing out side of it. "Light... well-balanced..." Zoro commented before he lunged away. It took a second, but then blood shot out of the wounds Zoro had made on the bounty hunters and they crashed to the ground, THUD!

"THERE HE IS!" a bounty hunter shouted as he and another two Baroque Works Agents chased Zoro down the street. "THIS WAY GUYS!"

"Well I guess they found me," Zoro remarked as he rounded a corner and ran up some wooden stairs to the rooftops.

"He's coming your way!" a bounty hunter called out as he watched Zoro reach the roof from below.

"HE'S MINE!" announced one of the bounty hunters that had been lying in wait. He had a bazooka-like gun on his shoulder and fired a cannonball at Zoro. BOOM! But Zoro dropped down onto his back and the cannonball flew over him and smashed into a building across the way. KRASH!

"That was close," Zoro muttered as he gripped the top of the stairs he'd climbed up and attempted to get back up.

"Hahaha," the bounty hunters on the roof laughed. "Time to die!" The four of them charged at Zoro while he was getting up.

"GRAAHH!" On another rooftop Ms. Monday let out a yell as she raised a grog barrel over her head and threw it at Zoro.

Zoro glanced over his shoulder at the barrel that was coming at him and then slashed his sword, SLA-SLA-SLISH! The barrel was cut cleanly into four parts and flew passed him and slammed into the faces of the four bounty hunters, WHAM! WHAM!

"All that good brew... what a waste..." Zoro taunted.

"Grr..." Ms. Monday growled as she glared across the rooftops at Zoro.

"ARGH!" A bounty hunter rushed at Zoro from behind wielding a big stone mallet. In a flash Zoro drew Kitetsu III and slashed at the bounty hunter looking to block the mallet, SLISH! But the cursed sword caught Zoro off guard as it cut THROUGH the mallet and sent the pieces flying off to the side. Zoro shot up and lashed out and punched the bounty hunter in the face with the hand he was holding Yubashiri with. POW! The bounty hunter was knocked out and fell to the ground while Zoro stared down at Kitetsu III.

"What the hell is it doing?" Zoro wondered before he addressed the troublesome sword. "Whoa Kitetsu III you're quite sharp. But you're also a bit of a problem child. A Legendary Sword should only cut when its master wants it to. Cursed or not, you're going to listen to me now."

"RAAAH! DIE!" came a loud shout. Zoro turned in time to see a boy charging him with a dagger. Klang! Zoro easily knocked the knife away, then glared at the boy who fell down to the ground.

A nun ran over and protectively hugged the boy to her chest, "No! Please have mercy on the little boy!" the nun pleaded while the boy cried. "I beg you! Have mercy on us!"

"..." Zoro stared silently.

"Or try some blinding powder!" called out the nun as she pulled out a cross and shot off some gray powder from a hole in the middle, FWOOOSH! The boy drew a gun and the nun pulled a sword out of who-knows-where then they lunged at Zoro and attacked.

WHAK! WHAK! "Use that cheap trick on someone with a kinder heart," Zoro told them as he stood off to the side with his back to the nun and child. FWUMP! They both fell to the ground unconscious. "I used the flat of the blade... forgive me." Zoro turned and started climbing up a ladder to the rooftops. It was always beneficial to have the high ground.

"HE'S GONE UP THE LADDER!" called out a Baroque Works Agent as he and another two ran to the base of the ladder.

"Grr... corner the guy!" one of the others growled.


A group of bounty hunters carrying weapons charged through the inn looking to cut Zoro off. They stepped on Luffy, Usopp, and Sanji as they went through.

Usopp sat up and had footprints all over him. "Ugh... I dreamed someone stepped on me..." he mumbled before he fell backwards and passed out.

Sanji unconsciously reached out and held Usopp's hand, the sleeping cook whispered sweet nothings to the marksman thinking he was one of the pretty girls in his dream.

"Zzzzzzz..." Luffy just kept on snoring and sleeping. He didn't even seem to notice the footprints all over his swelled belly.

While still unconscious, Y/N's arms wrapped around Nami and held her protectively, Nami, also still unconscious, responded by burrowing into his embrace.

Zoro was still alone.


"HAHAHA! THERE'S NOWHERE TO RUN NOW!" a bounty hunter laughed as he and a few others climbed up a ladder after Zoro. But he stopped and stared at shock when Zoro reached down and grabbed the top of the ladder. KREEEK! Zoro shoved the ladder and it tipped backwards with all of the bounty hunters now clinging to it.

Before the ladder could fall, Zoro leapt from the rooftop he was on to the top of the falling ladder and used it as a springboard to reach the rooftop across the alley. SKISH!

Zoro flew through the air and realized that the rooftop he was intent on landing on was filled with bounty hunters that had their guns aimed at him. BANG! BANG! BANG! The bounty hunters fired but the bullets just whizzed passed Zoro as he began his descent.

"Two-Sword Style ..." Zoro began as he held Kitetsu III and Yubashiri out at his sides, "HAWK WAVE!" Zoro landed and slashed both swords at the bounty hunters, SLISH! SWASH! The bounty hunters collapsed to the ground leaving Zoro standing over them.

"RAAAHHH!" Another group of bounty hunters leapt onto the roof top after Zoro. Woosh... Zoro drove his swords into the roof and cut a circle then stepped to the side while the bounty hunters landed.

"I wouldn't be standing there if I were you..." Zoro casually warned them. FWOOOM! The roof under the bounty hunters gave way and they all went crashing down into the building.

Zoro stared at the wall in front of him and saw a shadow that depicted someone large coming at him from behind. "RAAAHHH!" Ms. Monday let out a yell as she swung tHe ladder she was holding. But Zoro dropped down onto the ground resulting in her smashing the ladder into the wall. KRAK!

"Alright... that was too close..." Zoro complained.

Ms. Monday threw her ladder to the side and slipped a pair of brass knuckles out of her pocket and onto her right hand. "It was a good effort... but there is no man who can best my strength," Ms. Monday told him as she reached out and grabbed Zoro by the throat as he was getting up. Ms. Monday raised Zoro up into the air then slammed him down onto the roof, WHAM! "TASTE MY SUPERHUMAN FIST!" She shouted as she pulled back her right hand and then drove the brass knuckles into Zoro's forehead with such force that the roof cracked around them, POW!

"Well we've wasted euhggghhh... maa... maaa... maaaa," Mr. 8 cleared his throat before he addressed Mr. 9 and Ms. Wednesday who were still standing behind him. "Well we've wasted enough time... but at least we finally put an end to him. Now let's go."

The three Baroque Works Agents turned to walk off when a loud yell of pain rang out, "AAAAAAAHHHHH!" It was a female scream of pain.

"Ms. Monday!" Mr. 9 exclaimed as they looked up at the roof and spotted Zoro standing tall. He was gripping the kneeling Ms. Monday's head with one hand while his other was in his pocket.

"AAAAAHHHHHHHH!" Ms. Monday wailed as she clutched at Zoro's arm while he applied pressure to his grip on her face.

"What's the matter, muscle-woman?" he taunted her. "Didn't you wanna pit your strength against mine?" Zoro released her and Ms. Monday went crashing down onto the roof, "Well I guess you lost."

Zoro stood over the prone Ms. Monday with blood from the gash on his forehead dripping down his face passed his left eye to his mouth. "Is that all you can offer Baroque Works?" questioned Zoro as he licked the blood that had reached his mouth with his tongue. "Cause you're gonna need to do a lot better than that."


A Question of Duty:


Zoro walked over to the edge of the rooftop and stared down at Mr. 8, Mr. 9, and Ms. Wednesday. So far all he'd gotten for his troubles against Baroque Works was a gash on his forehead. But he'd wiped the blood off of his face and there wasn't much left to it.

"It can't be!" a bounty hunter exclaimed as he stared up at the swordsman. "He beat Ms. Monday in a battle of strength!"

"Now it all makes sense," Mr. 8 realized. "The marines must've made a mistake on that poster."

"It does make sense," Mr. 9 commented. "I can understand why this guy would have a thirty million berri bounty placed on his head. He must be the real captain of those pirates."

"He must be," Ms. Wednesday agreed. "While the First Mate is dangerous and could be worth twenty million... it seemed strange that the good-natured kid would fetch a price of thirty."

"How disgraceful," said Mr. 8. "The Boss left us in charge of this town. And he's not going to be pleased if we lose to one measly pirate."

"Well then, it looks like we finally get to fight," Ms. Wednesday reasoned.

"Here's something you may not know!" Mr. 9 called up to Zoro. "In Baroque Works the smaller an agent's number is, the greater their power as well as their rank in the company. Take the two of us, Mr. 9 and Mr. 8, we are single digit agents. And don't forget Ms. Wednesday. Our abilities are much greater than the riff-raff you've been fighting against so far tonight."

"Heh-heh," Zoro laughed, "I've found that fancy titles mean nothing when it comes to fighting. The strongest wins and that's it."

Mr. 9 and Ms. Wednesday glared up at him while Mr. 8 held his saxophone in front of him and shouted, "IGARAPPA!" BRUPOW-POW-POW! A bunch of bullets shot out the instrument but Zoro quickly jumped out of the way and dodged them.

"Let's go Ms. Wednesday!" Mr. 9 called out.

"Of course, Mr. 9," Ms. Wednesday agreed. Mr. 9 leapt up onto the rooftops after Zoro while Ms. Wednesday raised her fingers to her lips and whistled, TWEEEE! "COME, CARUE!"

"QUACK!" A large yellow duck about the size of a full-grown ostrich answered her call. The duck was all yellow with the exception of his black tail-feathers and the black spots on his beak and face. He wore a blue cap and a green saddle with a pink bag attached to it. A small barrel of water with a bendy-straw in it was attached to the collar around his neck. He was Carue, Ms. Wednesday's spot-billed duck.

Carue stared at Ms. Wednesday and held out one of his large yellow wings.

"NO! NOT SHAKE! COME HERE!" Ms. Wednesday demanded. Carue came over and Ms. Wednesday took her place and sat in the saddle holding the reigns. "Now come on, Carue, show them how fast you are! Leave them in the dust!"

"QUAACK!" Carue agreed. Plop! The spot-billed duck promptly tucked his legs in and sat on the ground.

"HEY! WHO TOLD YOU TO SIT?" Ms. Wednesday scolded the duck as she lashed out and hit Carue on the back of the head, BONK!

"Are you kidding, an ostrich?" questioned Zoro as he stared down at Ms. Wednesday and her strange pet in confusion.

"Hahahaha!" came a loud laugh, Zoro looked up and spotted Mr. 9 standing on the roof of the bell tower up above him. "You get distracted so easily! How can you hope to follow my acrobatics?" Swish! Mr. 9 flipped off of the bell tower then did a series of handsprings and flips as he sprang across the rooftops towards Zoro. "HOTBLOODED BAT OF GUTS!" shouted Mr. 9 as he pulled out a pair of steel bats with the number '9' on them and swung at Zoro, KLANG! Zoro got his swords up and managed to block.

"Hahaha! You'd better be careful not to nick your precious blades!" Mr. 9 warned him. "These bats are made of metal!" Zoro stood with his back to Mr. 9 who saw that as a sign of weakness. "What's the matter? Are you afraid to fight me?"

"WAAAHHHH!" Mr. 9 let out a startled yelp as Zoro spun around and attacked him with Yubashiri. Zoro casually flicked his wrist and advanced on Mr. 9 while the Baroque Works Agent desperately used his two bats to deflect and block the blows. KLANG! KLANK! KLANK!

"What happened to your fancy acrobatics, huh?" Zoro taunted as he backed Mr. 9 up to the edge of the roof.

"You wanna see them so badly?" questioned Mr. 9. "THEN WATCH CAREFULLY!" WHUP! Mr. 9 did a backflip away from Zoro... and off of the roof. "WAAAAHHH!" Mr. 9 let out a scream as he fell downwards and smashed through the top of a wooden awning. KRASH!

"Isn't there anyone worth fighting around here?" Zoro wondered as he stared at the smoke that had resulted from Mr. 9's unpleasant landing.

"You want someone worth fighting?" came a feminine voice from behind him. "Why don't you try your hand against me, Mr. Bushido?"

Zoro turned and saw Ms. Wednesday standing on top of Carue with her arms up over her head. "Take a good look at this," she told him as she discretely squeezed a bottle of perfume in one of her hands. "Now enjoy my Perfume Dance... heehee..." Ms. Wednesday started swaying her hips from side-to-side while the perfume she'd sprayed drifted closer to Zoro. She was still wearing her blue diagonally striped shirt that seemed to be molded to her skin as well as a tight white pair of short shorts.

Zoro stared in surprise wondering what the crazy girl was trying to do when his nose was assaulted by an extremely pungent perfume. "Uggh..." Zoro groaned as he covered his nose and dropped down to his knees. KOFF! KOFF!

"Heehee... good boy," Ms. Wednesday praised him with a sultry giggle. She slipped a ring onto her left pinky finger and then pulled on the sharp jewel that was attached to the ring with a string. "And now... PEACOCK SLASHER!" FWIP! FWIP! FWIP! Ms. Wednesday swung the bladed jewel around using the ring on her left pinky, "GO CARUE!"

"QUUUAAAACK!" Carue agreed as he charged at the kneeling swordsman... and ran right passed him.

"YOU RAN RIGHT PASSED HIM!" Ms. Wednesday scolded the duck as it kept going... and ran off the roof. "AAAAAHHHH!" KRASH! KRASH! Ms. Wednesday and Carue went crashing downwards leaving Zoro standing alone on the rooftop.

"These guys are so pathetic, fighting them is starting to get embarrassing," Zoro muttered. That was two potential opponents that had just run off of a roof in the middle of a battle.

"IGARAPPA!" Mr. 8 shouted from behind Zoro as he blew into his saxophone and fired a barrage of bullets at Zoro, BRUPOW-POW-POW!

Zoro lunged to the side and dodged the bullets and once the smoke cleared Mr. 8 found himself standing alone on the roof.

Mr. 8 scanned the rooftop and spotted a hole large enough for a man to slip through, "He slipped down through that hole..." Mr. 8 realized as he walked over to the hole and stared down into it. "But that won't keep him safe."


Ms. Wednesday pulled herself up off of the ground, "Carue, you're not helping!" she scolded the duck who was now playing dead. Ms. Wednesday looked up and found herself standing in front of the inn that the rest of the Straw Hats were still inside of.

"If he won't hold still, then we'll have to get a hostage to make him hold still," she reasoned as she entered the inn and peered around it.

Her eyes fell on Luffy, who was sound asleep and was still inflated like a balloon. He was taking up a lot of room and was hard to miss.

"I can't use him," Ms. Wednesday reasoned. "If he gets killed during the fight his bounty will decrease by thirty percent." She couldn't afford to lose that kind of money.

Ms. Wednesday glanced at the floor beside Luffy and spotted Sanji and Usopp. "Hmm... Long Nose looks like he'd put up the least fight," Miss. Wednesday commented. "But would he really stop Mr. Bushido from attacking us?"

"Wait, I got it! That girl!" Ms. Wednesday realized. "I was on that ship, she's the one who runs it. Mr. Bushido wouldn't be able to get away if anything happened to her. She'll be the perfect hostage."

The blue haired girl turned around and spotted her target... in the arms of the pirate worth twenty million berries. From the time she spent on the Going Merry, Ms. Wednesday had come realize that the First Mate was very intelligent and had been to the Grand Line before. That made him dangerous.

Gulp! Ms. Wednesday strengthened her resolve and slowly approached the couches the two were unconscious on.

"Don't even think about it," Y/N called out without opening his eye, his protective hold on Nami tightened.

Ms. Wednesday stared wide-eyed at them. "But... I... hostage..." she stammered. "You... you're supposed to be unconscious!"

"I would've stayed that way if you weren't talking to yourself about kidnapping Nami," Y/N replied, still with his eye closed.

"I'm comfy, I don't feel like being a hostage," Nami spoke up.

"You can't decide whether or not you want to be a hostage!" Ms. Wednesday snapped.

Y/N finally opened his eye and glared at the blue haired girl, causing her to take two involuntary steps back.

Nami grinned and nuzzled against Y/N's chest, "Trust me, you don't want this one to get involved," Nami assured Ms. Wednesday. "If he gets angry, he'll make Zoro seem tame. Threatening me is one of the easiest ways to anger him. Since we're both trying to shake off the effects of whatever you jerks spiked our drinks with, you could probably get away if you ran away now."

Ms. Wednesday quickly grabbed Luffy by the leg and ran out of the inn as fast as she could, putting as much distance between her and the scary one-eyed pirate and his girlfriend as possible.

"So... what's going on?" Nami wondered.

"Zoro's handling things," Y/N answered. "The prize money's still on the table. Other than that, I don't sense anything worth stealing. Let's give it five more minutes, then go investigate."

"Works for me," Nami agreed as she closed her eyes and went back to sleep. Y/N's arms were still wrapped protectively around her, and after he'd scared off her would-be kidnapper, she never felt safer.


"COME BACK HERE SWORDSMAN AND GET A TASTE OF HOW DANGEROUS I AM!" Mr. 8 called out from the rooftops as Zoro hit around a corner and regrouped.

"That horn of his complicates things," Zoro said to himself. "How do I get close enough to fight?"

KRESH! "TAA-DAA!" Further down the alley Mr. 9 popped out of the rubble and held his bats out beside him. He green sleeves of his outfit had been torn, but he was still conscious. "You may have won our first fight!" Mr. 9 growled, "But you won't get away with it! No tricks from you this time!"

"I didn't trick you, you jumped off a building," Zoro reminded him.

"HOME-RUN-HIDE-A-BAT!" Mr. 9 called out as he swung one of his bats at Zoro and caught him off guard when the top half flew off. BANG! The top half was attached by chain which wrapped around Zoro's wrist, Whup! Whup! Whup! "Hahaha! Whatcha gonna do now, tough guy!"

"Kick your ass," Zoro replied as he stood still with chain around his arm.

"Hmph, excellent work," Mr. 8 commented as he stared down at the 'trapped' Zoro from up on the rooftop.


"That's right," came the voice of Ms. Wednesday. "Don't move." Zoro looked passed Mr. 9 and saw her and her ostrich standing next to a still sleeping Luffy. "If you even think about doing anything foolish Mr. Bushido, you're friend here will be paying the price." Ms. Wednesday pulled out a sharp dagger and held it threateningly.

"Hahaha! Well done, Ms. Wednesday!" Mr. 9 chuckled. "Now he can't run away and he can't fight back!"

"That idiot," Zoro muttered to himself as he glanced at the sleeping captain. "Can't he at least be awake when he's taken hostage?"

"Preparing to fire!" Mr. 8 called out as he tugged on his bowtie. Ka-chak! Ka-chak! Ka-chak! Gun barrels came out of the six rollers in Mr. 8's hair. "FIRING SQUAD... READY!"

"WHAT?" Zoro exclaimed.

Mr. 8 slipped his fingers into the loops of his bowtie and pulled, "IGARAPPAPPA!" BOOM! BOOM! BOOM! Mr. 8 opened fire and all six of his roller-guns fired at Zoro.

"Oh great, more guns," Zoro groaned as he leaned back and grabbed the chain around his arm. YANK! Zoro used his brute strength and the chain connecting them to pull Mr. 9 towards him... and into the line of fire.

BA-BA-BOOM! Mr. 8's blast exploded on Mr. 9, then Zoro turned and ran in the other direction and threw the chain and the Baroque Works Agent passed him... into Ms. Wednesday and Carue... WHOOOM! The three of them went flying backwards and smashed into the wall behind them.

This left Zoro, Mr. 8, and the still sleeping Luffy.

"IGARAPPAPPA!" BOOM! BOOM! BOOM! Mr. 8 fired his roller-guns at Zoro again, but Zoro ran and dodged them. Mr. 8 turned to face Zoro and kept firing, BOOM! BOOM! BOOM!

"I'm gonna borrow your stomach, Luffy!" Zoro called out as he ran up to the sleeping captain and jumped onto his giant belly. BWOING! Zoro bounced off of Luffy like a trampoline and flew up in the air towards Mr. 8. Zoro drew Wado Ichimonji and slashed Mr. 8 as he flew passed, SLAK!

Blood shot out of the gash on Mr. 8's stomach as Zoro put his trusty sword away, then the final Baroque Works Agent collapsed to the ground, THUMP!

"That's it," Zoro said to himself. Mr. 8, Mr. 9, Ms. Wednesday, and Carue were all out cold. Zoro had won.

Zoro walked over to the edge of the roof and sat down. "It's over. Now maybe I'll get some peace and quiet."

Down below Luffy sat up and stared around in surprise, "Huh... how did I get outside?" he wondered. "That's weird." ZZZZZ... then he promptly went back to sleep.


Hope you enjoyed the chapter!!

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