Now we're only falling Apart

(A/N: I  'm going to use transcripts from other One Piece fanfictions in an effort to get back to    where I was.)

So shout out to Or3kiiii and YourMother72

After giving everyone their money and collecting their gold from Sheldon Y/N, Nami, Usopp, and Luffy headed off into Water 7 to trade it for cash.

"First, Let's go to the exchange." Nami said while looking at Y/N carrying the gold.

Luffy : Why not just go straight towards the shipyard?

"It's not good to run around the island carrying so much gold." Y/N remarked.

They soon made it to the entrance of Water 7 where they rented Yagara bulls in an effort to get a round the city better.


Luffy was leaning back with in Yagara with an excited look on his face, "Wow this is great! You go bull!"

"This is a useful animal." Usopp remarked looking at Yagara.

Nami was sitting on Y/N's lap, "It's quite a ride." 

Y/N just smiles and looks around the city, "We are in the residential area. This place is just amazing."

Usopp sees an uphill canal ,"Uphill! Can it swim uphill too?"

Y/N looks at it curiously, "I think that's why that uphill canal was made"

(The Yagara suddenly speeds up causing Nami to grab Y/N tightly. They went on the uphill path instead of the one they were already one.)

"Wait! This is the wrong way!" Nami yells still gripping Y/N tightly.

Luffy: Yahoo!

Y/N: It can also swim against the current!! This fish is so strong.

Luffy: There are water roads above the roof too.

Nami : We are going the wrong way!! We have to go to the Market District first.

She doesn't notice that she is still gripping (Y/N)'s shoulders.

Y/N: Nami, you can let go now, you know..

Nami : Let go? Of wh-Oh!

(She let's go of his shoulders. Looking away with bright red cheeks, but Y/N grabbed her chin and made her look back at him. She smiled and nestled against his neck.)

Usopp: "I've never been to such an energetic shopping district!"

Luffy: "Hey, look at that! That's a huge bull!"

Usopp: "Whoa! Hey, it's coming this way!"

(They look and see a weird giant creature of some kind looking at them.)

Usopp: "Wow! That guy's scary! It's like he's about to eat us!"

Nami: "Considering its size, I wonder if this is a King."

Usopp: "Huh? What the heck is that? Masks..." He looked at the people in the King Yagara wearing masks.

Nami: "Wow, they're pretty. They're gorgeous."

Usopp: "I wonder if there's a party or something."

Luffy's Yagara suddenly speeds off somewhere.

Y/N: "Hey, Luffy! Usopp! Where're you going?!"

Luffy: "Ask the Yagara!"

Y/N: "Let's go!" He makes the Yagara follow Luffy.

(When Y/N catched up to Luffy and Usopp. He saw them eating something called water-water meat. Apparently it's the Yagar's favorite food, although it's human food. Luffy bought 10 of them. Luffy took a bite and seemed to love it.)

Luffy: "They... are... so... soft...~! YUMMY!!"

Usopp: "What?! Is it that good? Let me have some!" One snatched some meat and took a bite.

Usopp: "It's... so... soft~!"

Y/N pulled-up to the shop and bought 8 meats. He gave some meat to his Yagara, and some to Nami.

Nami: "Yummy! It's so soft!"

Luffy: "What'd you think Y/N?" He asked while eating some.

Y/N took a bite, chewed and swallowed.

Y/N: "I think I'm in heaven!" 

While chewing Y/N looked around and was really starting to wonder about the masks.

Y/N: "More masks... Now that I look closer, they seem to be everywhere in town. Those people with masks..."


Y/N: "Now... We're finally going to go to the shipbuilding island by using a water gate elevator."

Luffy: "Water gate elevator?"

Nami: "That tower-looking thing is the one."

Lady: "Please come in! The elevator will go to the shipbuilding island, shipbuilding plant, and downtown Water Seven! Please hurry inside the gate! One minute until the gate gets closed!"

(They entered through the gates.)

Luffy: "What'll happen inside?"

Y/N: "Well, I certainly don't want something like Skypiea to happen. I'm not in the mood to fight another "God" or "Water God" or anything."

(The gate closed and the water started rising.)

Usopp: "We're going up! We're going up!"

Y/N: "I see. So, the waters forces us up and that's why it's a water gate elevator." 

Nami said while clearly understanding how the elevator worked.

Luffy: "Whoa! Water Seven is interesting!"

Nami: "So they use water for all sorts of things!"

They made it all the way to the top, where another gate opened.

Luffy: "WE'RE HERE!!"

Luffy: "So this is the world's No. 1 shipyard! Downtown Water Seven!"

Y/N: "This place just keeps on getting better and better."

Usopp: "As expected, I see more ground around here."

Luffy: "Things are huge all over!"

Usopp: "I've never seen a huge town like this!"

Y/N: "The way the water just flows through every part of town makes it even better."

Nami: "Seeing that fountain up close makes it look especially big!"

(They noticed a crowd.)

Usopp: "What's with that crowd? Aren't they watching the shipyard?"

Luffy: "Let's go see it! Go, Yagara!"

From the crowd, they heard cheering.

(R.W = Random Woman / R.M = Random Man)

R.W: "Hey, look over there! It's Lucci-san! He's so handsome!"

R.M: "Isn't Paulie here?"

R.M: "Lulu's here! How refined he is! He's truly a man's man."

(Luffy walked up to a guy.)

Luffy: "Hey, pops. Did something happen?"

Man: "Yeah. It seems that some pirates caused a ruckus at this here Dock #1. But, well, it ended when the craftsmen knocked them down. There's no end to those fools."

Luffy: "Shipwrights beat pirates up?"

Man: "Oh, you must be a voyager. That crowd is... well, in short, busybodies. Those shipwrights at the Galley-La Company are admired by all the residents. They're strong...and skilled. They're the pride of Water Seven."

Y/N: "Wow, I'm looking forward to meeting them!"

Nami: "Hey, Y/N! Luffy! Let's hurry up and go to the money-changing shop. We can come back here later."

Luffy): "Okay."


(They made it to the money-changing shop. When they showed a worker the gold, he immediately went to go look for the owner. They were taken to the VIP room. Luffy and Usopp were bouncing on on some cushions, while Nami and Y/N was the only one serious. While they were doing this, the owner was inspecting the gold in awe.)

Usopp: "Hm? Hey, don't tell me you're gonna say they're fake."

Owner: "F-Far from it! I've been an appraiser for 25 years. This is roughly estimated at..."


Usopp: "I-Idiot! You're too loud! Everyone can hear you!"

Luffy: "Y-Y-You're gonna give us that much money?!"

Usopp: "L-Like I said, you're too loud!"

Y/N: Yeah, we don't want the tens of pirates coming out to take our money.

Owner: "This is indeer worth that much. This is wonderful gold, taking its historical value and purity into account."

Usopp: "With that much money, we'll definitely be able to fix the Merry, and leave her good as new!"

Luffy: "Then, we'll spend the rest of the money to buy a bronze statue!"

Usopp: "Don't. Don't buy it." 

Owner: "If you accept that amount, please sign and put your thumbprint here. I'll go prepare the money immediately."

Luffy: "Okay! I'll put however many thumbprints you want!"

Luffy was about to put his thumbprint, but suddenly, Nami slammed her leg on the table, scaring the owner.

Nami then spoke with a serious tone.

Nami: "There're three things I want to say, Mr. Appraiser.
First... I forgot to tell you, but these two have a 100 million and an 80 million bounty on their heads. And one of them is my boy-friend who can sense treasure. 

Y/N: That's me, second....I can tell for a fact that is not the right amount you've just given us.

Y/N/Nami: Third... if you lie to us again, we'll go after your head. That is all."

Owner: "I... I'M SORRY!!" He bowed.


The Straw Hats could be seen covered in money and celebrating.


Nami: "Our adventure on the sky islands has finally payed off! (Hugs Y/N)We're super rich!"

Usopp/Luffy: *Shark teeth* "THAT SHOULD BE "WE"!"

They walked out of the building.

Usopp: "I-I-It became 600 million! I-I'm scared! I'm carrying 100 million?" He asked while sweating.

Luffy: "Well, Nami can really make scary threats, huh?"

Y/N: "I estimated it to be much from the start. But then he said 100 million. You two were restless, so he didn't take us seriously. When being a pirate Luffy, you have to-and excuse my slang, you have to stand on business."

Luffy: What business?

Y/N: (Shakes his head while smiling)

Usopp: "Hey, Luffy. If you flail it like that..."

Y/N: "Anyways, I'm glad it everything went well."

Luffy accidentally throws the suit case towards the river.

Luffy: "Oops..."


The two of them jumped towards the suitcase, trying to catch it before it touches the water. At the last moment, Y/N used his telekinesis to bring the the cases back. Meanwhile, Nami and Usopp splashed in the river.

Luffy: "Phew! That was close! Good work, Y/N!"

Y/N: "Uh oh."

Nami and Usopp came back, before beating the absolute crap out of Luffy.

Nami: *Shark teeth* "I'M GONNA KNOCK YOU OUT!!!"


Luffy: "I-I'm... I'm sorry."


(After Luffy got his daily dose of punishment, they headed to shipyard.)

Luffy: "We're back at the entrance to the shipyard."

Usopp: "Good! Looks like the crowd from earlier is gone."

Y/N: "Anyway, let's find this Icerberg," 

Luffy: "Ice pops!"

Usopp: "I wonder who he is. The granny at the station told us to ask him."

Nami: "Yeah..."

Usopp: "More importantly, I wonder if it's okay to go inside there?"

Luffy: "We're coming in." He said in a simply while starting to cross the fence.

Usopp/Nami/Y/N: *Sweat drops* "Not again!"

(Suddenly, someone appeared and placed a finger on Luffy's forehead.)

???: "Hold it! Wait. You're outsiders, aren't you? Let's talk outside for now. Only authorized people can go inside the plant."

Nami/Luffy/Usopp: "AGH!!!" They all exclaimed surprised while looking at the guy cross the fence

Kaku: "Do you have some business at this dock?"

Luffy: "Oh, it's you, Usopp."

Usopp: "Hey! I'm right here, you idiot!"

Nami: "Yeah. He's square-ish!"

Luffy: "Which means, he's square Usopp!"

Usopp: "No, I'm not a triangle or a square."

Nami: "Oh, yeah! Um... We'd like to see Iceberg-san."

Kaku: "Hm? Iceberg-san? Are you a customer?"

They gave him Kokoro's letter.

Kaku: "Oh, I see. This is a reference letter from Granny Kokoro at Shift Station, huh?"

Luffy: "Hm? Are you an old guy?"

Kaku: "I'm 23."

Usopp: "23... You talk like an old man."

Kaku: *Laughs* "People often tell me that."

Y/N: "So do you know this ice-berg?"

Kaku: "Know him? Well, Iceberg-san is the mayor of Water Seven."

Luffy: "Whoa... So he's that high up?"

Kaku: "Not only is he the mayor, he's the president of our company, Galley-La Company, and he also manages the sea train."

Usopp: "So he's the most powerful guy in town?!"

Kaku: "Well, in Water Seven, there's no one who doesn't know him."

Nami: "Where do we have to go to see him?"

Kaku: "Hmm, I wonder where he is right now. He can be hard to find, since he's a very busy person."

Nami: "Oh... Can't you get in touch with him or something?"

Kaku: "That's probably possible, but... Are you in a hurry?"

Nami: "It's not that we're in a hurry, but..."

Kaku: *Laughs* "In short, you want to talk about having your ship repaired, right? Where did you anchor your ship?" He asked while taking the belt with his tools, before stretching his legs.

Usopp: "Rocky cape."

Kaku: "Well then, I'll go run and check the condition of your ship. It'll save some time when you see Iceberg-san. You can talk about the repair fee, too."

Y/N: ""Go run"...? On a Yagara bull?"

Kaku: *Laughs* "If I do that, you'll grow tired of waiting. Well, just wait for ten minutes."

Nami: "Ten minutes?"

Kaky: "That's right. Ten minutes." He said while getting in position and sprinting off at incredible speed.

Luffy: "Whoa!"

Y/N: "That's faster than my speed step!"

Usopp: "He's fast!"

Kaku reached the wall before jumping up.

Luffy: "Amazing!"

Usopp: "Is he okay?"

???: "He runs freely in town. People call him the "Mountain Wind." He's a shipwright foreman of Galley-La Company's Dock #1. His name is Kaku." A voice resonated from behind the Straw Hats.

Usopp: "Boy... was I shocked!"

???: "Well... Don't make light of my craftsmen."

Luffy: "Come to think of it, who is this guy?" He whispers to Y/N who just shrugs and made an I-dont-know sound.

???: "In order to build a faster, stronger ship quickly, an ordinary physical ability isn't good enough. By the way, Kalifa..."

Kalifa: "Yeah, I've already checked. Straw Hat Luffy,  One-Eyed Y/N..."

Y/N: "Cool assistant."

Kalifa: "...Pirate hunter Zoro, Nico Robin... Their group has those four members with bounties on their heads. Their total is 319 million Berries. It was formed in the East Blue. They're the Straw Hats, and they currently have eight crew members.

Usopp: "Th-They know about us big time." He thought while sweating nervously.

Iceberg: "I see. I'm glad you came. I'm Iceberg, the boss of this city. and this is a mouse I found earlier. His name is... let's see... Tyrannosaurus. I have to prepare his food and cage."

Kalifa: "I've already taken care of them, Iceberg-san."

Iceberg: "Well, that's my Kalifa."

Kalifa: "Thank you. More importantly, you're dining with an executive from a glassware factory at the hotel in Chiza in ten minutes. After that, you'll give a talk at the Liguria Square. When that's done, a conference with Mr. Bimine, the mayor of the gourmet town Pucci. You'll also be interviewed by a newspaper company there. After that, please go back to the main office and go through some documents." She informed while looking at an agenda.

Iceberg: "I don't want to!" He complained.

Kalifa: "Well then, I'll cancel them all."

Usopp: "Hey! Is that okay?!"

Iceberg: "I'm someone powerful enough to do things like that."

Usopp: "You're completely unfit to be a mayor."

Luffy: "What a selfish guy you are!"

Y/N: "But isn't this the guy that Kokoro was talking about?" 

Nami: "Yeah, he's "that guy.""


(Kalifla went off and kicked at them while Y/N grabbed Nami and covered her from the kicks, Luffy and Usopp were knocked to the ground.)

Y/N: "She kicks harder than Sanji."

Nami: "Holy crap!"

Kalifa: "Where're your manners?! Referring to one of the world's leading shipbuilding engineers as "this guy" and "that guy"...!"

Some of the people around looked at the comotion.

Kalifa: "Ah! Pardon me. I lost my head there for a moment. However, Iceberg-san is admired by the citizens. Please be polite."

Iceberg: "Try not to get Kalifa angry. When she gets angry...all hell breaks loose." He says with bruises one on his face.



Nami: "Um, but in any case, you're Iceberg-san, right? Please look at this. It's a reference letter."

Iceberg grabbed the letter and opened it.

Iceberg: "From Granny Kokoro... "Take a look at their ship," huh?" He read before ripping the letter into shreds.

Usopp: "AHHH!!"

Nami: "What?! You won't?! Please! Please repair our ship! We have money!"

Luffy: "The Merry is beat up after our voyages! Please, pops!"

Iceberg: "Okay."

Usopp: "EH?! AGREEING SO FAST?!" He face-planted.

Iceberg: "Yep."

Y/N: "Why'd you rip it up?"

Iceberg: "Her lipsticks mark was unpleasant. Granny Kokoro and I have been drinking pals for ages. Well... that being said, Kaku has already gone to make an assessment. The matter is already in progress. Don't worry." *Yawns and starts picking nose* "It's a boring day today anyway. Shall I show you around the factory?"

Luffy: "Whoa! Seriously?"

Kalifa: "Well then, this way, please."

Usopp: *Sweat drops* "Is that the attitude a man who canceled his appointments should have?"

Y/N: "People in power, do tend to act different than most others." He said while starting to walk.

Usopp: "Oh, that's right. The What?" He looked back to look for the money, but it was nowhere to be seen.

Usopp: "WHAAAAT?!"

Nami: "Hm? What's the matter, Usopp?"

Usopp: "Th-Th-The money... The money is gone!"


Usopp: "AHH! OVER THERE!!"

(They looked and saw three thieves who had stolen their money, while they looked and were dressed weird.)


Robber: "Thanks for the money!"


(The robbers were getting away and were going under a bridge. On the bridge, someone was getting chased.)

Debt Collector: "Hold it, Paulie! Today, I'm not gonna let you get away!"

Paulie: "I'm saying, wait a bit longer!"

Iceberg: "Who's that?"

Kalifa: "That's Paulie. He's being chased by debt collectors again."

Debt Collector: "Pay the money!"

Paulie: "Like I said, I don't have money today."

Debt Collector: "That's not gonna cut it!"

Paulie: "They're really persistent! Hm? This is perfect! I see Yagara bulls!"

Paulie jumped down from the bridge and some ropes emerged from his sleeves.

Paulie: "Rope...Action!"

Robber: "Ahhh! He's one of the shipwrights at Galley-La!"

Paulie: "Sorry, but I'd like to borrow one of your Yagaras for a bit! Round Turn!"

(The running man suddenly decided to jump off the bridge. Ropes came out of his sleeves and he sent them toward the four thieves in the boats, tying around their neck. Paulie tugged the ropes and slammed their head together, throwing the thieves in the water. He smirked and waved goodbye tauntingly at the group of men who was chasing him, saying that it was a good run. Paulie landed on the Yagara bull that was carrying the money, and began leaving.)

Paulie: "Perfect timing, friend."

Usopp: "What a relief! He's one of your shipwrights, right?" He asked Iceberg.

Iceberg: "That's right."

Y/N: "Oh, good. So we're getting our money back."

Usopp: "Hey! Thanks! That money belongs to us!"

Paulie: "What? Money? Oh, this..." Paulie suddenly grew a smile.

Usopp: "Hello...! Hm? Hey! COME BACK HERE!"

Y/N: "Ah. So now he's stealing the money."

???: (Walks next to him) Don't take it personally, Paulie's just like that.

Luffy: "That son of a bitch! I'm gonna catch him--! Huh?" Luffy reared back his fist and was about to fire it, but he's fist got grabbed by someone with a pigeon on his shoulder.

Pigeon: "I'll go."

Luffy: "What? A... A pigeon?"


(The pigeon guy easily caught Paulie and brought him back by pulling him from his ear.)

Paulie: "Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow! Hey, hey, let me go! What the hell are you doing?! I won't run! I'm saying I got it, aren't I'?!"

Iceberg: "They're back."

Luffy: "Well, I'm happy for you, Usopp!"

Usopp grabbed Luffy's cheek and started pulling it.

Usopp: *Shark teeth* "You talk like it was someone else's problem! It's our 200 million Berries!"

Nami pulled Luffy's other cheek.

Nami: "That's right! Why the hell weren't you the first one to go get it back?! Or you Y/N?!"

Y/N: "The pigeon guy had the situation covered. And those robbers didn't even look that strong, so I wasn't paying a lot of attention."

Oiwa: He's right, you know.

Luffy: "But that pigeon said he'd go."

Iceberg: "Well... I'm sorry. Please let us take care of our idiot coworker, as if you guys were to capture him, it would create bitter feelings."

Kalifa: "Well, please excuse him. Consider it good that the money wasn't stolen by the Franky Family."

Nami: "Hmm.... That's true, but... who were those weird-looking guys earlier?" She asked as she and Usopp let go of Luffy's face.

Kalifa: "The Franky Family is a group of ship demolition workers."

"Demolition workers? They didn't look like such decent craftsmen" Y/N scoffed. "More like clowns wearing metal..."

Kalifa went on to explain that the Franky Family were also bounty hunters, so every time they find pirates through the city, they cause quarrels.

Iceberg: "If they crush the pirates who come to our town, they can take their ship, too, right? They demolish the shim and sell the useable lumber. That's how their business works."

Y/N: "I see..."

Usopp: "Dog eat dog. They're like pirate terminators."

Iceberg: "Yes, and they don't leave behind any remains of pirates."

Luffy: "But they didn't look that strong."

Y/N: "Agreed."

Iceberg: "They're just underlings. Whatever you do, don't underestimate the family's boss, Franky, who's behind them."

Lucci arrived to the dock with Paulie.

Pigeon: "We're sorry that that idiot caused you trouble."

Luffy: "Ahh! He spoke again!"

Pigeon: "Now, apologize to them, Paulie!" He threw the briefcases at Paulie.

Luffy: "The pigeons doing all the talking!"

Paulie: "Hey, you're the owner of the money? I picked it up for you." He walked up to Luffy and handed the briefcases.

Luffy: "Oh, thanks!"

Paulie: "If you wanna thank me, then give me 10%" He said before getting bonked with a hammer by Lucci.

Pigeon: "Sorry, mister. This punk owes a lot of money and is really desperate for money."

Paulie: "You bastard! You're really running your mouth, Lucci! I won't take it anymore! Rope Action! Bowline Knot! Ippon Dzuri!!"

(A long rope was shot from Paulie's sleeve and aimed at Lucci. The pigeon on his shoulder squawked and flew away when the rope tied a knot around the man's wrist. Paulie hauled the mute man over his shoulder, aiming to throw him on the ground. Smoke filled your vision as Lucci collided with the ground, creating almost an explosion.)

"W-WOAH! LOOK AT THAT!" Usopp cried out after the smoke cleared out. "He parried that impact with just one arm!"

"What kind of fingers does he have?" Y/N demanded in shock, seeing the digits digging in the ground.

"What's w-with the shipwrights working here?!"

"Hey! You, with the goggles!" shouted Luffy as he took a step forward. "Hey, think about it carefully. The one who mocked or provoked you was that pigeon!"

"That's fine! The one who hit me was Lucci!" barked Paulie.

"The pigeon can't hit you himself, so he had that guy hit you! Hey, pigeon! If you wanna fight, do it yourself! Say something!"

(The bird merely returned on its owner's shoulder, who was back on his feet swiftly.)

"Coo coo!"

"OH? You wanna fight? Bring it on, you bastard!" Growled the blond male as he advanced toward Lucci.

"Stop it, Paulie" sighed Iceburg.

"You're making us look bad in front of our customers," Oiwa said.

"Coo coo. Well, sorry for the fuss" apologized the pigeon, lowering its head. "I'm Rob L...No, I mean, Hattori the pigeon. And this is Rob Lucci. He works here. Nice to meet you. Coo coo!"

"I'm Oiwa, proud Ship-Wright." Oiwa said with a smile.

"Oh? He almost introduced himself as if he was human!...AHA! Yeah, I got it! That's ventriloquism, isn't it!?" shouted Nami as she came to the realization.

"Whoa? Seriously?! Then it was you who was complaining!" applauded Luffy with Usopp and you facepalmed.

"You're really, really good! I didn't notice!" added Usopp.

"Stop it. It's no big deal. Coo coo" dismissed the pigeon, lifting his wings at the same time as his owner.

"Eh! He's a weirdo who can't talk to people properly!" scoffed Paulie taking a cigar, before he let out a scream at the sight of Nami


Nami: "Wh-What?"


"That one also doesn't know how to talk to people properly." Y/N eyebrow twitched while Kalifa tried to calm down Paulie. "My girl-friend can dress however she wants."


Usopp: "What the heck...?"

Nami: "Long pants...?"

Luffy: "HAHAHA!! He's a weirdo, too!"

Y/N: ......

Iceberg: "Well, these people may be slightly crazy, but in carpentry, they're part of the 5 chief mechanics in this dock. Kaku is one, too. The obly thing that matters is one's carpentry skills. It doesn't matter how strange his personality is."

Usopp: "Ah, the door's started opening."

Iceberg: "Don't let the money leave your hands. I don't think we have thieves inside, but..."

Usopp: "Well, it was also my fault earlier, and it caused you trouble, too. Hey, Luffy!"

Luffy: "Huh?"

Usopp: "Make sure you guard me good!" Usopp said while holding the three suitcases. He decided to give one to Y/N, since he was more reliable than Luffy in this case.

Luffy: "Got it! Leave it to us!"

Y/N: "I'll protect this case, then."

They all started entering

Iceberg: "In dock 1, the best carpenters of Galley-La company gather here to tackle the most difficult of jobs that come in our way."

Straw Hats: "Wow! Ooo! Cool!"

Luffy: "This place is so big!"

Y/N: "The shipyard looks so great up close, too!

Usopp: "Yeah."

Nami: "True."

Usopp: "Oh? They're building a huge galleon! Whose is that?"

Nami: "It's full of craftsmen."

Craftsman: "Oh, it's Iceberg-san!"

Craftsman 2: "Hey! Boss is here!"

As they kept walking, all of the craftsmen would say hi to Iceberg.

Y/N: "Wow. Iceberg sure is popular here."

Kalifa: "Of course he is. In this city, skills are all that matters. On this island, shipbuilding was well-developed from the start, and seven shipbuilding companies were competing with each other. Meanwhile, he attracted craftsmen with his genius shipbuilding skills. Then he put those seven companies together to form a company five years ago. And that's this Galley-La Company. His passion and skills in shipbuilding have never changed, and the craftsmen won't forget their respect towards him. And, because the craftsmen are proud of their skills, they never give in to pirates or authority. This is that kind of place.



Luffy was seen slapping Iceberg's back.

Luffy: "Do you wanna be a pirate with us?"


Kalifa: *Shark teeth* "ILL-MANNERED BRATS!!"

Iceberg: "Well... you guys don't even have a single shipwright?"

Luffy: "That's right."

Y/N: "We came to this island to get our ship repaire and to find a new crew member!"

Iceberg: "It's true that we have tons of shipwrights, but I wonder if anyone would want to go on board a pirate ship. If you find someone who wants to go with you, then I won't care if you take him."

Luffy: "Really?! You're generous! Can't I ask you to join us, pops?"

Iceberg: "Well... I can't. I'm the mayor."

Luffy: "Oh, well then."

Iceberg: "By the way, is the woman named Nico Robin really on board your ship?"

Y/N: "Yeah, she is. Why? Is something matter with Robin?"

Iceberg: "No..."

Luffy: "Hey, pops, is it okay to go closer and see that ship?"

Iceberg: "Sure, that's fine."

Luffy: "Alright! Let's go, Y/N!"

Luffy and Y/N went to look around.

Time Skip

After a while, Kaku returned from inspecting the Merry. They all gathered to see what Kaku had to say; however, Usopp was missing.

Y/N: "Hm? Where'd Usopp go?"

Nami: "He was wandering about over there up until just a moment ago." She said while pointing at a direction.

A craftsman was seen carrying two suitcases.

Craftsman: "Hey, you guys! Don't these bags belong to you?" He walked up to them and placed the bags on the ground.

Y/N: "Ahh! They're the bags Usopp was carrying!"

Nami: "Yeah, they're ours."

Luffy: "Thanks!"

Nami: "Geez... Where did Usopp go... leaving our precious money alone?!"

Craftsman: "Money?"

Luffy: "Yeah. Those bags hold 200 million Berries."

Craftsman: *Laughs* "200 million Berries? No way. See ya!" He walked away.

Y/N: "Well, that was weird."

Luffy: "So how much does it look like it'll cost? We can pay as much as you like! We've got tons of money! If possible, I'd like her to be stronger, have more cannons, and be faster!"

Nami: "Can you also add pretty decorations on the outer panels? Can you renovate inside as well?"

Luffy: "Also, I want a bro--!"

Y/N: "We don't need that!"

Oiwa: "Well, hold on a sec... You've been having some tremendous journeys, haven't you?"

Y/N: "You bet, we flew in the sky, and fell as well."

Luffy: "We climbed a mountain and got skewered. We've gone through quite a bit! So we'd like to have her fixed good!"

Oiwa: "..."

Luffy: "I'm not lying, you know."

Y/N: "Trust me. He isn't."

Kaku: "I believe it." He answered with his eyes shadowed by his hat.

Luffy: "Hm?"

Kaku: "Her scars from battle are too deep."

Nami: "Do you mean it'll take quite a long time to fix her?"

Kaku: "No... Frankly speaking, your ship...can no longer be fixed, even with our skills."

Paulie went over, sat down, and took a puff of his cigarrete.

Paulie: "Is her keel damaged or something?"

Kaku: "Yeah, it's taken a lot of damage."

Nami: "Oh, no... But we've been traveling just fine up until today!"

Kaku: "Let's suppose that we did what we could anyway. The probability of her reaching the next island"

Y/N: "?!"

Luffy: "You can't fix the Going Merry?! Why not?! Aren't you guys amazing shipwrights?! If it's money that you want, we have lots!"

Y/N: Luffy, calm down they are professionals we are no one to argue to them.

Kaku: "That's not the problem. No matter how much you pay, that ship can't be restored to how she used to be. I'm rather impressed that you guys made it this far in the state she's in."

Y/N: "What do you mean?"

Nami: "What's wrong with the Merry?!"

Paulie: "Do you know what a keel is, shameless girl?"

Y/N: Stop it.

Nami: "It's on the bottom of the ship..."

Paulie: "Correct. It's the support that goes from the head to the tail of the ship. It's the most important part of the entire ship. When you build a ship, you star off by placing the keel. Then, the stem wood, stern wood, frame wood....frame brackest and deck beams... We accurately place all those pieces of wood around the keel. That's how a ship is built. The keel is the very foundation of a ship's framework. It's the essence of the ship. It's not something you can just replace if it takes on a lot of damage... Replacing the keel is the same as building a ship from scratch. So no one can fix her anymore. Your ship is just a collection of wood that can only away her end."

Nami: "Hey! Don't say it like that!"

Y/N: Calm down Nami..

Paulie: "I'm only telling the truth."

Luffy: "Then, remake it!"

Luffy: "Build the ship from scratch for us! Build the Going Merry!"

Hattori: "Coo coo! That's not possible, either."

Luffy: "Why not?"

Hattori: "We can build a similar ship, but strictly speaking, no one can build the same ship. In this world, there are no two ships that are exactly the same."

Y/N: "What do you mean by that?"

Hattori: "Are there any trees in the world that grow exactly the same way? Sailing ships are mostly made of wood, so the sice and curves of the ship are all affected by the shape of the trees. That's why an exact duplicate of the ship can't be built, even when using the same blueprint. For example, even if we build such a ship, without a doubt, the ones who would feel that it's a totally different ship....would be you guys! Coo coo!"

Nami: "Then, we really can no longer travel on the Going Merry?"

Kaku: "That's right. You either do nothing and wait until she sinks....or you take her apart quickly."

Luffy: "..."

Iceberg: "Well... your ship stands on her last legs. This is a good opportunity. Just give up and buy a new ship here. You've got money, right? I heard that your ship is a caravel. To start with, your future journeys will be tough on such an old-style ship."

Luffy: "No... I don't intend to get a new ship."

Nami: "Luffy..."


Iceberg: "Will you be satisfied if you keep sailing on her until she sinks? Good grief... And you call yourself a ship's captain?! Our discussion is over for now. Think about it carefullu. If you decide to buy a ship, come again. I'll help you. If you give us your 400 million, we can even build a state-of-the-art ship for you. Kalifa!"

Kalifa: "Yes. Please give it a thought. This is a catalogue that contains both new and used models. Please use it as a price reference." She said while handing a piece of paper to Y/N, who's eyes were shadowed by his hair.

Suddenly, another person arrived.

???: "Iceberg-san! There's someone at the gate who wants to see you."

Iceberg: "Hm?"

Kalifa: "I don't see any appointment, though."

Suddenly, another person arrived.

???: "Iceberg-san! There's someone at the gate who wants to see you."

Iceberg: "Hm?"

Kalifa: "I don't see any appointment, though."

Peeply: "Looks like that World Government Official is here again. Shall I turn him away."

Iceberg: "Well... Tell him I'm not here. Anyways, you've got quite a case of bead head, Lulu."

Peeply: "Oops. Pardon me."

??? : They're the representatives of the world government again.

Y/N perks up at the mention of the world government. He pushes Nami and Luffy behind the pieces of big logs. The representatives walks up to Iceberg and start talking to him.

Luffy: "Eh? Hmmm..." Luffy was cheking the suitcases.

Y/N : What?

Luffy: "This is something I noticed when I carried these bags and hid earlier... They are light, after all."

Nami: What? Don't joke around there's 200 million in there. How can it be light?

They check the suitcases.


Y/N : Why are you guys yelling?

Paulie : Shameless girl!! Why do you sit like that?

Y/N : If you got a problem then just close your eyes..

Paulie : Oh you're right..


Nami: Gone!!

Y/N: Man, those aren't even our suitcases.

Pigeon : Hey don't scream.

Paulie : What! I didn't take it!

??? : So noisy... Hey Kaku weren't you with the Franky family earlier?

Kaku : Hm? What are you talking about, Lulu? I haven't seen them at all today.

Lulu : That's weird... I'm sure I saw your long nose...

Y/N : Oi! What did you just said?

Luffy : Usopp!?

Nami : Is he Franky family!!?

Y/N : Zoro told me about them..

Lulu : More precisely, they were carrying him.

Nami : Kidnapped!?

Lulu : Luffy go find him!

Luffy : Okay!! 

Luffy runs off.

Y/N : Are you sure he could find them?


Y/N : I don't think he can hear you now...

Nami : Oi! Where does the Franky family live!?

Paulie : There base? The scrapyard go from where you docked your ship and then go northeast along the beach. You'll see "Franky house".


Nami : LUFFY!

Nami and Y/N are sitting on a Yagara looking for Luffy.


Y/N  There's no way Luffy can find them on his own.

Nami: I know, You can find him by flying it'll be a lot easier..

Y/N: You still have a suitcase right?

Nami: Yeah

Y/N : What if they come to take you next? Luffy can take care of himself. We should look for Usopp..

Nami : Yeah you're right.

Nami : But I think we should leave this money in the ship first.

Y/N : Ok, I'll take Zoro with me to take care of them. Oi! Yagara take the shortest route to the bull rental shop.

The Yagara nods and starts swimming faster. He then swim on an Uphill but Y/N notices a crowd at the footpath.

Y/N : Nami is that who I think it is?

Nami looks at the crowd and her eyes went wide.

Y/N/Nami : USOPP!!?

And they were right Usopp was lying there beaten. Y/N rushes towards him and kneels down beside him and start patching him up.

Y/N: Usopp!! Wake up!! You'll be fine!!

Citizen : Hey aren't you pirates?

Y/N: Yes, now stay back!

Usopp : Heh..heh..

Y/N: Usopp did those bastards did this?

Usopp : Yes.. I'm so useless.. Heh the money they took it...

He starts crying.

Usopp : I'm sorry...... Everyone.

Y/N's anger rises up he clenches his hands.

Y/N : Nami?

He says in a serious tone.

Y/N : Take care of Usopp.... Those sons of bitches are gonna pay..

Y/N gives Usopp to Namiand stands up. He runs off, determined to make sure that the Franky Family pay.


By the time goes by. Usopp was told to stay put until the ship arrives. But he refused and wanted the Merry to be repaired, so he back to the Franky House to get the money back.

They were all celebrating about the money they had. Until Usopp came by.

FF. Member 1: "HUH?! You're the weak guy from earlier!"

FF. Member 2: "What? You could still stand?"


Family Boss: "Did you say, "Give me the money back"? Then are you one of the Straw Hat's underlings?"

FF. Member 3: "That's right, Bro! Since he's with Straw Hat Luffy, I expected him to be a really strong pirate, but then... Hehehehe!"

FF. Member 4: "HE'S SO WEAK!"

Usopp went in running to get everything back for the Going Merry.


The boss took a few seconds before Usopp leaped out and tried to get the money. He moves the briefcase away from Usopp's grasp. Then the underlings started laughing.

Family Boss: "I'll admit you've got guts to come to get the money back all by yourself, but I can't let you have it back."

Usopp: "GIVE IT BACK TO ME! We have to.. have our ship repaired... THAT MONEY IS CRUCIAL TO US! With that money... we can finally repair the Merry's scars! I CAN'T LET YOU JERKS HAVE IT!


Y/N was running all over the place to find Usopp. As he was running he found the crew minus Nami, there was a trail of blood, he could tell that Usopp was in trouble.


Y/N: " Robin's gone? What's happening? We'll find her, but first, where's Luffy?"

They heard someone screaming and looked up.

Luffy: "AAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!" he landed and bounced into the river.

Y/N: "Never mind."

Luffy: "HELP ME!" he yelled splashing in the water.

Zoro & Sanji: "LUFFY?!"

After they saved him, they asked how he went flying down from the sky. He told him that he was trying to jump around from buildings like Kaku to find Usopp.

Chopper: "Are you okay?" he asked.

Luffy: "Yeah. Oh, that's right. We've got a problem, guys! Usopp got abducted along with the money."

Sanji: "Yeah, we know. Come on. We're on our way to their hideout. Usopp got beaten up and had the money stolen from him."

Y/N: "Let's not waste anytime then."


They got to where the hideout was. When they got there, they were looking down of Usopp's beaten up body.

Y/N: "Chopper, is he breathing?"

Chopper: "Although he's completely unconscious, he's still alive. He'll be okay. I can save him.

Luffy: "Just wait a bit... Usopp.

Y/N: "You have done well, now rest."

Sanji lit his cigarette, Zoro put his green cloth on his head, Chopper was in human point in full anger, Luffy got his fist ready, and Y/N got his sword out.

Luffy: "We're gonna go blow that stupid house away!

The Franky Family were celebrating inside not knowing the danger they're in. The memories they had with Usopp, his helpfulness, his determination, his tricks, his friendship. They were at the door and a member opened it to see them. Luffy straight up punch him in the face making fly back inside hurting a few underlings.


FF. Member 2: "Someone's there!"

FF. Member 3: "Who the hell are you jerks?!" he asked.

They all gulped in fear seeing the dust clear to reveal the Straw Hats.

FF. Member: "That's... That's... Straw Hat Luffy!"

They were all in fear, sweating uncontrollably.

FFM. Giant: "So you came to get the money back, huh, you fools? See all the guys here? What do you think the five of you can do? Hahaha! But, well... you're here. You've got a bounty on your head. So why don't you leave that head of yours with us?" he suggested.

FF. Member 2: "He's the captain of that weak long-nosed guy." he smiled.

This made the others more confident thinking that they're weak. The giant stepped forward and ask Luffy to try to defeat him.

Luffy: "GOMU-GOMU NO..." he launched multiple punches to the giant's armour.

FFM. Giant: "What're you doing?"

FF. Member: "He's punching? At the huge steel armour that even a battleship cannon can't shatter?"

FF. Member 2: "HAHAHA! WHAT A JOKE!"

As Luffy kept on punching, he then stopped and launch two last punch together forming a bright light.

Luffy: "CANNON!!" he broke through the armour and made the underlings scream in fear.


FF. Member 2: "OI! W-Wait a sec, you guys! Let's have a talk first! Let's have a... Let's... Let's... LET'S FIRE CANNONBALLS!"

The swordsman and gentleman run full steam ahead.

Zoro: "Three-Sword Style... Raven... Hunt!"

He cut every cannonball in the air making the Franky Family jaw hit the ground and eyes popped out.


Y/N: "Red Blade!!" he cut the cannon in half with an air slice.

FF. Member 2: "EVEN A CANNON, TOO!"

FF. Member 3: "BAD NEWS! THESE GIYS ARE SERIOUSLY BAD NEWS!" he had his hands on his head.


They all ran to try and escaped through the back door. But Sanji was there before them.

Sanji: "You started the fight. Don't act pathetic." he told them.

They were afraid to move.

Sanji: "Party Table... Kick Course!" he kicked everyone that was around him.



Chopper: "Rumble...*chew* Horn Point!"

The reindeer chases after them as they were running away.

Chopper: "Roseo Colonnade!" he flings each one into the air.

FF. Member: "W-W-WAIT A SEC, YOU GUYS! THE MONEY, RIGHT?! YOU WANT THE MONEY BACK, RIGHT?! THE 200 MILLION BERRIES THAT WORTHLESS GUY HAD, RIGHT?! Unfortunately, that money is no longer here. Our boss, Franky, took that money and went shopping. Since he's buying something on the black market, we don't know where he went. In short, no matter how much you go on a rampage here, that 200 million Berries won't come ba-!"

Y/N: "Psycho Punch!" he telekinetic punches him breaking the glass on his goggles and into the wall.

FF. Member: "AHH! ZAMBAI!"

Sanji: "That's enough out of you. It has nothing to do with money."

Zoro: "Yeah... It's too late."

(Y/N): "You gave our friend hell, and we'll return the favour."

Luffy: "We'll beat you up so bad that not even your bones will remain."


FF. Member 2: "YOU IDIOT! DON'T GET FRIGHTENED! "Not even your bones will remain" is what we, the Franky Family, demolition workers and bounty hunters, say! SHOW THEM THE FRANKY HOUSE'S SPECIALTY!"

They got a cannon ready to shoot.

FF. Member: "Anything Shot Cannon!"

They all dodged it with ease and approaches to the Franky Family.


It was no use. They were too strong and beat every single one of the underlings. They were all screaming, then they blew the Franky House up.

Citizen 1: "Hm? What're those noises? Fireworks?

Citizen 2: "It's from the northeast! They're coming from the direction of the Franky House!"

Citizen 1: "Them again? What's the fuss about this time?" he wonders

Citizen 2: "Yeah... Ugh! Shh! He'll hear us!" he whispered to his friend.

Then they walked away from the train avoid contact with Franky.

Mozu: "Oh, boy, they're getting too carried away."

Kiwi: "They really don't show any restraint when they party, do they?"

Franky: "It's okay once in a while, right? It's a wonderful day today." he laughs entering the sea train.

The Straw Hats were still at the Franky House, which is blown up. Y/N was talking to one of the members before knocking him out.

(Y/N): "What does Franky look like?" he asked.

FF. Member: "I won't rat out the boss."

(Y/N): "I'm done. You don't have answers..." he punc  hes him to knock him out.

Sanji: "Shall we go follow Franky?"

Zoro: "Where?" he asked.

Sanji: "Drat. Looks like they really don't know where the money is."

Y/N: "There's no point to finding Franky. He would've spent all the money already. We've got plenty more to spare, I'm gonna call Nami and tell her that we're on the way back."

Y/N walks off and pulls out a transponder snail.

Zoro: "What do we do now? Even if we wait for him here, he won't be back for a while."

Chopper: "OI! Finished giving him first aid! I'd like to take him on a stretcher, so help me here!" he shouted out to the crew.

(Y/N): "(Walks back to the others) We won't get anywhere if we just stay here. Let's go back to the Merry. We'll talk about Robin going missing later."

Sanji: "Yeah. Oi, Luffy!" he shouted.

Luffy was still standing on top of the tallest piece in the pile.

Luffy: "About the ship..."

Sanji: "Hm?"

Luffy: "I've made a decision. Let's say goodbye... to the Going Merry here."

Y/N: ......Understood.


Y/N is rubbing Sheldon's head, while looking out at the sunset. Luffy had decided. He wanted to say goodbye to the Going Merry and get another ship. Chopper ran out the door to tell that Usopp woke up. They all enter to see him. Sheldon goes back underwater.

Sanji: "Robin-chan isn't back yet..."

Y/N: "I told you not to worry about her. She'll be fine."

Sanji: "You've said that so many times. I just don't think you're right."

Y/N: "I'm just going logic, she'll be fine." he walks inside as Sanji follows.

Usopp was on the bed being all bandaged up and still have some injuries. They made them worried sick, but they were glad that he didn't die.

Usopp: "Just because I'm so good-for-nothing... I'm sorry... *cries* Really... I'm ashamed! Guys!"

He jumps to Zoro holding onto his legs. The swordsman was trying to shake him off.

Usopp: "That money was so crucial to us and yet, I let it... I let it..."

Zoro: "Hey, hold on a sec! Calm down! I get it! Let me go!" he demanded.

Usopp: "But...the huge amount of money we got, after all that we went through..." he kept crying.

Chopper: "Usopp, you should still be in bed."

Y/N: "Listen to the professional doctor." he said making Chopper dance happily.

Then after the sheer amount of Usopp crying. He finally let it all out.

Usopp: "Then, as I was afraid... the money won't come back?" he asked.

Luffy: "Well, we won't know know for sure until this Franky guy comes back."

Usopp: "I see... I'm sorry..."

Luffy: "Well, even if we don't get it back, we still have the 100 million Berries. So that's okay. Don't worry about it." he laughs.


Y/N/Chopper: "Nami..." they said her name to give her a sign.

Nami: "Ah... Sorry."

Usopp: "No, that's okay. But Luffy... What about the ship? What about the Merry? Can we somehow have her repaired with that remaining 200 million? We're lucky that we can have her repaired in such a first-class shipyard. In order for her to be able to travel in the seas ahead. I'd like her to be stronger. I want her repaired perfectly. Say, does it look like those guys will repair her if we pay 100 million Berries? Does it, Luffy?"

After all that Usopp said, Luffy has decided to answer his question.

Luffy: "Er... well... Usopp, about the ship.... I decided to get a new ship."

Usopp: "What?" he said in confusion.

Luffy: "I'm sorry that I made the decision without consulting you. But I've already made my decision. The Going Merry took good care of us, but our journey with her ends here."

After the captain told the sniper what he decided, Usopp's world has turned upside down. The crew were saddened, Chopper pulled his hat down to hide his tears, Nami looked down to the floor, the others held it together.

Luffy: "And... I took a look at the catalogue that Ice pops gave us. While checking the ships in it, I noticed that there're quite few kinds. If we get a used one, 100 million will allow us to buy a bigger ship than Merry." he flicked through the pages.

Y/N: (Looked over Luffy's shoulders) I don't know, I still think that is would be better to get a custom ship made.

Luffy: But won't it take longer?

Y/N: Well, it dep-

Usopp: Hold it, hold it. You can stop joking around now. So...we don't have enough money now to repair her? All because I get the 200 million stolen?! There isn't enough, is that it?! I guess top-notch shipwrights charge a lot more...

Luffy: Look, that's not it!

Usopp: Then explain! Don't hold anything back!

Luffy: I'm not holding back! Getting that money stolen has nothing to do with this!

Usopp: Then...why'd you bring up the idiotic idea of changing ships?!

Zoro: Hey, you two—shouting at each other won't solve anything. Speak calmly!

Usopp: How can I be calm when he says such stupid things?!

Nami: Hey, this is important, so explain it one thing at a time.

(Y/N): Everyone calm down...

Luffy: I thought it over carefully before I made my decision!

Chopper: Usopp, you'll relapse... Don't get so excited!

Luffy shouting, "The Going Merry can't be repaired any further!!!"

Usopp's eyes widened.

Luffy: She just can't be fixed. I wouldn't be telling you this if there were any other way.

Usopp: But it's our ship... The ship we're on right now!

Luffy: Yeah, this ship, which is about to sink!!

Y/N and Nami looked at each other, concerned.

Usopp: What're you saying, Luffy...?

Luffy: It's true. That's what they said at the shipbuilding center. They said she won't even make it to the next island!

Usopp: Hoo... I see... She won't make it, huh... A bunch of guys you never met before convinced you of that, and you just came back here?

Luffy: What?!

Usopp: A bunch of supposedly first-rate shipwrights told you she's had it! This ship we journeys on together... Over every wave! In every battle! This venerable mate that accompanied us through it all!! And you're not gonna lift a finger... You're just going to abandon her in a place like this?! Is that all this ship means to you?! Luffy?!

He began to cough up blood.

Chopper: Usopp, you shouldn't yell like that!

Nami: Usopp...

Luffy: Well, then, you're the expert?! This crew doesn't have a carpenter... That's why we went to those guys to check the ship!

Usopp: So forget it! Don't bother asking people like them! I'll fix 'er up like I always have! That's how we've done it so far, right?

Sanji: Hold on, Usopp!

Usopp: <standing up> All right! Let's get to it! I'll need your help too, guys! Oh, yeah, we don't have enough lumber. I'll have to buy more at the shipbuilding center. I'm gonna be busy!

Luffy: You're not a ship's carpenter! Usopp!!

Nami: Luffy!

Y/N put his hand on her shoulder to make sure that she stays out of it.

Usopp: Yeah, that's true. So what? Just remember this—they call themselves specialists, but to them, it's just someone else's ship... They'll write it off without a second thought. Well, I just don't trust them. It's our ship and it's up to us to protect it. That's the lesson here!! <shouting> I will never turn my back on this ship! Are you all crazy?! You got taken in by a bunch of big-time shipwrights just cuz they talk smart?! The Luffy I know would see through their sales pitch and have faith in the Going Merry's strength! But instead, you've gotten all old and made an idiotic decision like that?! How can you call yourself the ship's captain?!

He grabbed Luffy by the shirt.

Usopp: I misjudged you, Luffy!!

Nami: Hey, wait, Usopp! Luffy felt that way at first too...

Luffy: Be quiet, Nami! I've made my decision! Nothing you say will change my mind! We're gonna change ships! We will part with the Going Merry here!

Usopp: Not likely! I won't allow it!!

Sanji: Hey, guys, calm down! You won't get anywhere if you're both upset.

Usopp: Now, listen, Luffy. Not everyone is able to be optimistic like you and always look forward. I can't turn my back on an injured comrade and go back out to sea!!

Luffy: Shut up! You can't compare a ship to a human being!

Usopp: They're the same! Merry has the inner strength to keep on living! But knowing you, you're already excited about the next ship! You were just pretending to care about Merry!

Y/N: Usopp, that's not true.

Luffy pushed Usopp to the ground and pinned his arm down.

Luffy: Cut the crap!!!

Nami: Luffy!

Luffy: Don't think you're the only one taking this hard! Everyone on this ship feels the same way!

Usopp: Then there's no way you'd abandon her!

Luffy: All right then! If you don't like my way of doing things, you can just take this opportunity to...!

Sanji kicked Luffy in the face, throwing him off of Usopp.

Sanji: You idiot!! Luffy, what were you about to say?! Cool down, or you'll end up saying things you'll regret!!

Luffy: Oh... Sorry, I didn't mean...

Usopp: No, it's all right, Luffy... That's probably how you really feel.

Luffy: What?!

Usopp: Just get rid of useless shipmates one after another! If you're gonna abandon this ship, why not do the same with me?!

Sanji: Usopp, quit talking nonsense!

Usopp: I'm serious. I've been thinking about this for a long time now... Frankly, I can't keep up with the monstrous powers you guys possess! Like today... I couldn't even guard the money. And I know I'll just be a burden on you guys. You don't need weak shipmates, right?! <standing up> Luffy, you're gonna be the pirate king, right? I don't have any such high ambitions for myself! Looking back on when I first went out to sea, you guys just invited me on the ship. That's our only connection! There's no sense in traveling together when we have completely different views!

He started walking off the ship.

Sanji: Hey, Usopp, where are you going?!

Usopp: It's my own business where I go. I'm...I'm quitting this crew.

Nami: <shocked> But... You can't! Wait!!

Sanji: Hey, come back!!

Zoro and Y/N both remained silent.

Chopper: <tearing up> Huh? Huh? Don't go!! Usopp!!

Usopp: I can't follow you anymore... Sorry to have been such a burden. You're the captain, and this ship belongs to you... So, fight me for her!! If I win, I'm taking the Going Merry! Monkey D. Luffy... FIGHT ME!!!!!

Luffy glared at Usopp.

Usopp: Tonight at 10:00! I'll be back. And we'll duke it out with the date of the Going Merry at stake. It's all over between you and me!


It was now 10:00. Luffy stood on the ground away from the ship with the other crew members watching.

Luffy: It's 10:00. Usopp will be here. You guys stay on board. Do not get off.

Usopp appeared, walking over towards Luffy.

Nami: He's here.

Chopper: Usopp!!

Y/N didn't say anything.

Luffy: <to Usopp> You came. So you didn't lose your nerve. No matter what happens, don't regret it! You chose this fight!

Usopp: Damn straight. Go ahead and try to kill me. I'll beat you at your own game! I've already figured out how to bring you down! Don't lump me in with enemies you've faced up till now. They didn't know your tricks, Luffy. We've known each other a long time. I know your powers well.

Chopper: Can we stop them? Usopp is seriously injured!

Zoro: If you can't bear to watch, go to your room.

Usopp: Don't be shocked by what I tell you, Luffy. I...have 8,000 henchmen!! If you fear for your life, surrender now!!

Chopper: HUH?! 8,000 men?!!

Zoro: Go to your room.

Luffy: <to Usopp> I know you don't have that many henchmen!!

Usopp: Usopp... Voodoo! "A razor blade running between each of your teeth!"

Chopper: GYAAAA!!!

Zoro: Go to your room.

Luffy: <running forward> Gum-Gum...!

Usopp suddenly coughed up blood. He fell onto his knees. Luffy instinctively stopped, flinching.

Nami: Usopp!!!

Chopper: AAAGH!! You see?! His body can't handle...!

Usopp looked up, glaring at Luffy. He held out his hand which had a red substance on it.

Usopp: Special Attack: Ketchup Star!!

Luffy didn't move.

Usopp: What? Pity for your enemy?! Flash Dial!!!

Usopp shot up, using a Flash Dial to blind Luffy temporarily. He took out his slingshot.

Usopp: Special Attack: Egg Star!!

He shot rotten eggs at Luffy.

Luffy: Ugh, that stinks! They're rotten. Damn you!! Get serious and fight, you jerk!!

Usopp: This is how I fight!! Deluxe Tabasco Sauce Star!!!

He shot Tabasco sauce into Luffy's mouth.

Luffy: HOOOT!!!

He began to stumble.

Usopp: If I were you, I wouldn't stumble around so much either. The soles of your feet are already in Caltrop Hell!!

Luffy slipped and landed on caltrops that Usopp had put on the ground.

Nami gasped.

Chopper: Usopp's controlling the fight!

Y/N: Because that's how a sniper is supposed to fight.

Usopp: Luffy, I'm gonna beat you and take the Going Merry with me... No matter what it takes!!

He began to shoot multiple shuriken stars at Luffy, who barely managed to avoid them.

That's when he noticed a dial on the ground sending out what looked like smoke.

Luffy: Smoke?

Usopp: A Wind Dial!! You didn't notice the smell because of the rotten egg all over you. You're currently surrounded by a cloud of gas.

Sanji: <shocked> Gas.

Nami: No way! (Nami clung to Y/N)

Usopp shot something at Luffy.

Usopp: Sorry! Eat this! Fire Star!!

He shot fire at Luffy, causing the gas to ignite and explode around Luffy.

Nami: Luffy, Usopp!!

When the smoke cleared, Luffy was laying on the ground, glaring up at the sky.

Usopp was leaning on a rock, glaring at Luffy.

Y/N saw the head of Merry rock as he saw tears falling from its eyes.

"We're sorry Merry."

"No, I'm sorry."

When Y/N looked back and he saw Usopp hit Luffy with an Impact Dial.

Luffy's usual smiling face was gone. Blood came out of his face which was scrunched up in pain. Usopp let out a scream in pain.

Usopp: <to Luffy> How do you like that, jerk?!!

The voice was gone. (Y/N) glared at Usopp, his blood boiling.

Luffy stood in front of Usopp before stretching his arm backwards.

Luffy: Gum-Gum Bullet!!!!

He punched Usopp in the chest, causing him to spit up blood before falling to the ground.

Chopper: <crying> USOPP!!!

Zoro: The fight is over.

Luffy fell to his knees and stared at Usopp's body.

Luffy: You idiot!! There's no way you could defeat me!!!

He stood up, turned around, and picked up his straw hat. Nami buried her head in Y/N's shoulder.

Nami: <crying> No... I can't take any more... 

Luffy: <to Usopp> Do what you want with the Going Merry. We're gonna find a new ship. And we're gonna keep sailing forward!! So long, Usopp. It's

Chopper ran for Usopp, but Sanji held him back.

Sanji: Hey! Don't go, Chopper!

Chopper: Why?! He was in bad shape to begin with, and to just leave him after that beating...

Sanji: This wasn't just any old fight.

Chopper: So what?! I'm a doctor! Let me tend to him, at least!

He turned into Heavy Point and thrashed around.

Sanji pinned Chopper against the rails of the ship.

Sanji: He lost his challenge... The last thing he needs now is your pity. Think about how that would make him feel! Excessive kindness just hurts the vanquished more! He made the challenge knowing what the outcome could be.

Chopper and Nami stared crying again.

Luffy stood near the Going Merry. His hat covered his eyes.

Luffy: This is too much...!

Zoro: That's the burden of being a captain. Don't doubt yourself. If you start becoming unsure, who can we have faith in?!

Chopper jumped off of the ship and ran over to Usopp, leaving a bunch of medical supplies before running back, sobbing.

Y/N: Let's leave the ship to him. This is it for us... We can never...return to this ship.

Luffy covered his face as tears streamed from his eyes uncontrollably.

Hope you enjoyed the chapter!!!

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