No Escape Possible
No Escape Possible:
God's four Priests Ohm, Shura, Satori, and Gedatsu stood outside the walls of a grand palace that was lying on a bed of clouds. This was the Almighty God Eneru's palace.
"I suppose it's no surprise that the Almighty Eneru summoned us here," Ohm stated.
"Indeed," Satori agreed, "It isn't very often that we let an intruder slip through our fingers."
"I just wonder why God took out that first intruder and let the other one escape?" Shura asked.
"Fools, the only reason he escaped is because the Almighty Eneru allowed it," Gedatus 'said'.
Satori looked at Gedatsu in annoyance, "If you have something to say then say it out loud."
Gedatsu's eyes went wide, "How careless!" he exclaimed.
"It's your fault he got away anyway Ohm," Shura snapped, "You couldn't even keep track of who you were supposed to be chasing!"
"My fault?" Ohm repeated, the challenge evident in his voice, "If you fools hadn't interfered and plagued the situation with your incompetence I would have eliminated both intruders!"
"Incompetence?" Satori questioned, "You and that giant mutt of yours just got in the way! I had him right where I wanted him!"
"So you wanted him to kick you in the face then?" Shura countered.
"That was a fluke!" Satori insisted. "And at least I hit him! You and that stupid bird were useless as always!"
"Why you..."
"We..." Gedatsu started to say but everything else was muffled.
"It must be hard to speak when you're biting your lip like that," Ohm noted.
Gedatsu's eyes went wide and he looked down and realized that he was indeed biting his bottom lip to prevent himself from speaking.
"God, the Priests have arrived," a large mountain of a man reported from inside.
"Good," the calm voice of God replied, "Send them in."
Ohm, Shura, Satori, and Gedatsu all glared at each other. Tensions were high between the group and it was clear that a fight would break out at any moment.
Kreeeeek... The fight was prevented when the large doors of the fortress gate swung opened and revealed a large obese man with a triple chin that was as big as all the priests put together. He was easily twice as tall as all of them and over five times as wide. The man had long black hair and wings on his back that were dwarfed due to the man's enormous bulk. He wore a white toga with three black vertical stripes decorating each side and a thick orange sash that went diagonally across his wide chest. This man was known as Yama and he was the leader of God's Enforcers.
"God wishes to discuss in important matter with the four of you," Yama interrupted the Priests. "Do not keep Him waiting."
The four priests made their way into the fortress and came across God's throne. It was a plush armchair with soft green and orange cushions that was not even fit for a King, only for a God. The only problem was... the throne was empty.
"If God summoned us here then where is He?" Shura wondered.
FWASH-KREK-KREK! Lightning flashed passed them to the throne and hovered there in the form of a bright light. The light faded to reveal a man sitting in the throne.
"I'm right here," God answered. The Almighty God Eneru was a tall, muscular, pale-skinned man. He had white-blond hair that was hidden under a white bandana. His nose had many horizontal lines that ran across it and his earlobes were so long that they hung down to his chest. He wore no shirt which displayed his muscular chest and toned abs. His pants were notably loose and were orange with a black pattern on them. He wore a blue sash around his waist which held up a light blue veil. His feet and hands were bare but were decorated by golden band on each of his wrists or ankles. He didn't sport the white angel wings that most people from the Sky Island did. Instead, he had a large ring on his back that went up over his head and held four drums each with an identical design made of three tomoe.
"Lord Eneru!" the four priests chorused before they dropped to their knees in front of God.
"Let's get right to the point," Eneru stated, "You four claim to be My strongest warriors and yet you were thwarted by a simple Blue Sea Dweller. Pathetic. You need more training."
"Lord Eneru," Ohm started to protest, "he wouldn't have gotten away if these fools hadn't..."
"I don't want to hear your excuses!" Eneru cut him off. "As My strongest warriors you have an important reputation to uphold: Mine. Your incompetence makes Me look incompetent."
The priests flinched.
"My L-Lord!" Satori stammered, clearly nervous to have God angry with him. "W-we had the Blue Sea Dweller right where we wanted him... b-but then he started using some kind of Blue-Sea M-mantra and managed to avoid everything we threw at him."
"And it is for that exact reason that I decided not to destroy the four of you along with him," Eneru stated. "I was bored and decided to watch your progress on Upper Yard. You can imagine My disappointment when I saw all of you floundering around and tripping over each other like incompetent fools. But then the Blue Sea Dweller decided to take you seriously and began to use his own Mantra. I sense that his Mantra is powerful... but it is untrained. He has caught My interest and that is why I decided to give you four another chance. I had the White Berets on Angel Beach extend an invitation for him to face the Ordeals of the Priests. I want you all to return to your territories and prepare to receive him. Do whatever you want with the others but I want this Blue Sea Dweller brought before me alive."
"The Survival Rate of my Ordeal of Balls is a mere ten percent," Satori pointed out, "Do you really expect someone as untrained as him to survive it?"
"Forget about your Ordeal!" Gedatsu snapped, "My Ordeal of Swamp is even worse!"
"Please, you'd let him tie your sleeves together again and he'd escape!" Shura snapped at him, "My Ordeal of String has a three percent survival rate there's no way he'd escape me!"
"My Ordeal of Iron is the worst of all," Ohm stated, "There's a zero percent chance of survival. A Blue Sea Dweller won't survive it."
"I told you I wanted him alive and I expect you to make that so," Eneru insisted but then a smile spread across his face. "I never said he had to be in one piece."
"Your will shall be done God Eneru," Ohm, Shura, Satori, and Gedatsu chorused before they rose and left the palace to return to their territories on Upper Yard and prepare their Ordeals.
Eneru smiled to himself as he watched his priests leave.
"You've managed to capture My interest Y/N of the Blue Sea," Eneru stated, "If you manage to survive My Priests' Ordeals than you may just be worthy of keeping it."
Y/N's trip to the sky just went from bad to worse. Now he'd unintentionally caught the interest of a God and had to content with four deadly ordeals hosted by four vengeful priests.
"What's wrong with those guys?" Luffy wondered following the Straw Hats' victory over the White Berets.
"They were just following orders," Y/N defended the men that had been trying to arrest him. "Thanks for stepping up for me back there."
"Of course, you didn't do anything wrong," Luffy insisted.
"Actually I did," Y/N stated, "I was on Upper Yard. And now that you've fought the White Berets you're a Second-Degree Criminal too. God wants me back on Upper Yard to face judgment for my crimes." Y/N rubbed the back of his head sheepishly. "Sorry about all this, usually I'm the one getting us out of trouble but it looks like this time I've gotten us into it."
"Eh, you were due," Zoro stated.
"I don't even see what the big deal is," Luffy admitted, "I'm surprised everyone's not used to this by now. Shishishi!"
"In any case," Pagaya said, "you're in a great deal of trouble. You're all now Second-Degree Criminals and as such I'm afraid Conis and I are unable to assist you any longer." Pagaya said all this while he and Conis stood a good twenty feet away from the Straw Hats.
"Why're you talking to us from why over there?" Nami snapped.
"So... how was it on the place that you weren't supposed to go to?" Luffy inquired.
"Dangerous," Y/N answered, "Which means you'll love it."
"Why'd you guys even come back?" Luffy asked, "We were about to set sail and head out on an amazing adventure until you... I mean... we were about to come looking for you! We were getting worried... Shishishi..."
Nami glared at him, "I think you and I need to have a talk," she growled. Nami held her hand out in front of her then jabbed her hand out and smacked it into Luffy's face. POW! "FORGET ABOUT YOUR BIG ADVENTURE!"
Chopper ran over to Sanji and hid behind his legs while Nami started on another tantrum.
"ITS NEVER GONNA HAPPEN!" Nami yelled before she jabbed Luffy with her hand again. POW! Nami followed up with a series of jabs while she continued to berate the Captain. POW! POW! POW! "YOU HAVEN'T SEEN WHAT I'VE SEEN!" POW! POW!" "THAT ISLAND IS FILLED WITH THE TYPE OF PEOPLE YOU DON'T WANNA MESS WITH!" POW! POW! "I DON'T CARE WHO YOU THINK YOU ARE!" POW! POW! "GRANTED, WE DON'T KNOW WHAT THIS GUY IS BUT HIS POWERS ARE REAL!" POW! POW! POW! "AND THERE'S NO WAY I'M EVER GOING BACK THERE AGAIN!" POW! POW! POW! FWUMP! The last series of attacks knocked Luffy onto his back. "SO FORGET IT! GOT ME?"
"How 'bout you just relax here while the rest of us go?" Luffy suggested. Despite Nami's pounding, he was still determined to go on an adventure to the place he wasn't supposed to.
Luffy stood back up and stretched his neck so his face was right in front of Nami's. "ARE YOU NUTS?" he demanded. "GET YOUR PRIORITIES STRAIGHT! THE ADVENTURE IS ALWAYS THE MOST IMPORTANT PART!"
Nami reached up and grabbed Luffy by his extended neck, "MY PRIORITIES ARE LIFE FIRST THEN MONEY!" she hollered before she threw Luffy's head downward and caused it to be buried in the island clouds at her feet. SHWUP! The rest of Luffy's body snapped forward to rejoin his head and Luffy was left stuck upside-down in the clouds.
Sanji left Chopper behind him and sprang towards Nami with hearts in his eyes, "Please tell me I'm third on that list!" he swooned.
BONK! Nami lashed out her hand and sent him flying away from her. "DON'T PUSH ME!"
Surprisingly, it wasn't Y/N who calmed Nami down this time. Instead, it was her fellow partner in cowardice Usopp.
"You raise a good point," Usopp admitted, "We've exerted all our energy into just trying to get up here but we never really thought about how we were gonna get back." Usopp glanced over at Conis and Pagaya, "Is there a safe way back to the Blue Sea World? Can we ever even go home again?"
"There is a way," Conis admitted, "But at this juncture I'm afraid that it's no longer safe. You're only way to escape is to make your way to Cloud End. From there you can travel home."
"What's Cloud End?" Usopp inquired. "And how're we supposed to get there?"
"It's a region that lies far to the east," Conis explained, "The only way for you to get there is to travel across the White White Sea."
"Okay," Usopp realized, "So we sail east and we eventually get home!"
"But I don't wanna go home!" Luffy protested. He'd managed to pull his head out of the clouds.
"Your other option is to stay and get sentenced to death," Usopp pointed out.
"Listen to me," Nami said, "I don't want you causing any more trouble for Conis and her dad."
"No, don't worry about us," Conis attempted to reassure her.
"Even if we leave right now there's no guarantee that we'll make a clean escape," Nami stated. "We don't have any time to lose so just get on the ship! You'll have your big adventure, I promise, but for now we need to get going."
"Luffy..." Y/N spoke up, "You can't become King of the Pirates from up here. Maybe it'll be for the best if we all just leave."
"Wait... you wanna leave too?" Luffy questioned.
"I know running away isn't our usual style," Y/N admitted, "But I'm trying to think of everyone's safety here. I saw some scary stuff on that island and I don't want the others to have to suffer through it. If we return to the Blue Sea we'll be out of Eneru's range and we can return to our regular lives and the people here can return to theirs. We made it here... that's something. But now I think we should forget about having a big adventure on the Sky Island and just go back where we belong."
Luffy didn't say anything but Nami quickly jumped in.
"There, it's settled," she decided as she headed for the Going Merry with Y/N behind her, "Come on everybody, let's set sail."
"Yes ma'am," the others chorused. Luffy silently went along with them.
Nami waved back at Conis and Pagaya, "Thanks for all your help! We really appreciate it!"
But before they could reach the ship, Luffy was struck by a sudden thought.
"Ooh!" he exclaimed.
"Come on, now what?" Nami groaned.
Luffy turned back around, "HEY OLD MAN!" he called out.
"What is it Luffy?" Pagaya asked.
Luffy ran back up to him, "Can I ask a favor?" he requested. "Do you mind we take the leftovers from earlier?"
"Of course not," Pagaya replied. "They're all yours."
"WOO-HOO!" Luffy cheered, "C'MON SANJI! MAKE US LUNCH!"
"Glad you've got priorities," Sanji remarked. Luffy quickly darted back towards Pagaya's house and the yummy food that awaited him. Sanji followed after Luffy and slipped his arm around Conis' waist to get her to walk with him.
"In that case," Usopp said, "Could I ask for a teensy little favor too? You're an engineer right? I don't suppose you could spare any parts or tools to fix our ship?"
"What's mine is yours, Usopp," Pagaya replied. "Feel free to take anything you need." They turned and followed after Luffy, Sanji, and Conis.
"Uh, guys?" Nami called after them while Y/N, Zoro, Chopper, and Robin continued towards the ship, "Where are you going?"
"HELLOOOO! They've got food!" Luffy exclaimed, "Tell ya what, you go and ready the ship for departure and we'll be back before you know it!"
A tick mark appeared on the back of Nami's head, "He's dead set on going to that island."
"Yup," Y/N agreed, "And looking for every excuse not to get on the ship."
"DOESN'T HE GET IT?" Nami yelled.
"Don't take it out on us," Zoro complained. "You know how he is. Seriously, try to relax."
Y/N continued to the ship while Robin silently followed after him. Despite the archeologist's short time on the ship she appeared to have gotten used to going with the flow and being subjected to Luffy's whims before Nami had.
"Chopper!" Nami called out which caused the reindeer to go wide-eyed and stop in his tracks, "You're still on my side aren't you? AREN'T YOU?"
"Don't answer that," Zoro advised.
Y/N and Robin had wasted no time in boarding the ship and Chopper quickly jumped onto the anchor and transformed into his huge Heavy Point form. With his new height he was easily able to jump up and grab the railing. Chopper shrunk back down to his Brain Point form and dropped down onto the deck.
Robin smiled as she walked passed holding the rope ladder, "I was about to drop the ladder for you, you know," she informed him. Chopper sheepishly rubbed the back of his head.
"You know there's no persuading Luffy of anything," Zoro said as he and Nami climbed up the ladder onto the Going Merry. "He won't listen... even if we all gang up on him." Zoro reached the front deck and headed down the steps to the main deck just as Nami reached the top of the rope ladder.
"Fine, then I guess I'll just stay put," Nami reasoned.
"You're free to do whatever you want," Zoro told her.
"I know that!" Nami snapped, "But if I stay here I'LL BE KILLED!"
"Yup," Zoro agreed as he removed his swords from his sash and casually sat down against the main mast. "Quite a predicament." With that he closed his eyes and went to sleep.
"JERK!" Nami yelled at him. She turned back to Y/N and Robin. "Y/N, Robin, let's go beat some sense into Luffy."
"It won't work," Robin stated.
"We could argue with him until we're all blue in the face," Y/N said, "It won't accomplish anything. He's stubborn like that."
"I guess we'd have a better chance against the White Berets," Nami muttered. She glanced towards the brush where they'd last seen Captain McKinley. "And you know they've already gotta be gathering reinforcements to follow us."
The brush rustled and swayed as Captain McKinley peered out and watched the Straw Hats on the Going Merry.
"Hahaha," McKinley laughed, "Follow you, idiots? Eneru and His Priests aren't going anywhere. Why should I bother when your true judgment awaits? Once you weigh anchor your challenge will begin. There's no escape! Your ship will set its own course to the forbidden sacred grounds! The Upper Yard!"
Back at the Going Merry, Robin was just beginning to pull up the rope ladder when Conis approached the ship.
"I... I feel that I need to tell you something," she addressed the Straw Hats.
Sploosh! Robin dropped the ladder back down into the Sea Clouds so Conis could join them on deck.
While Zoro continued to sleep, Conis talked to Y/N, Nami, Chopper and Robin.
"There's a Cloud Current that'll take us down to the White Sea?" Nami repeated.
"Yes," Conis answered, "By entering the currant you can cross the vast expanse of the White White Sea. Then it will take you all the way to Cloud End and you won't have to worry about getting lost."
"Really?" Nami questioned as a smile lit up her face.
"As long as you ride the current, nobody will be able to catch you," Conis explained.
"I'VE GOT IT!" Nami eyes lit up with sudden inspiration, "We won't tell Luffy! We'll just sail the Going Merry into the current!"
"And what?" Chopper asked, "We just hope he doesn't notice until it's too late?"
"Even so, I seriously doubt he'll give up his quest," Robin pointed out.
"If we let him eat the leftovers he's bringing back it'll distract him for a bit," Y/N reasoned. "Although, setting sail without the Captain's consent is considered mutinous."
"Don't think of it as mutiny!" Nami countered, "Think of it as keeping all of us alive! If we follow Luffy back to that island we'll all be killed."
"If you'd like I'd be happy to guide you to the entrance of the current to be sure you set off for home safely," Conis offered.
"Great," Nami said, "Now we just have to make sure that Luffy doesn't catch wind of what's going on. But don't worry, we'll take care of that."
"Then ready your ship," Conis told her, "And I'll be back with the others as soon as I can."
"You've got it," Nami agreed, "We really appreciate it Conis."
Conis smiled. "You're welcome." Nami so relieved that they were finally going to escape that she missed the single tear that slid down Conis' face and Chopper was too scared about going against the Captain to notice anything. But Y/N and Robin saw it.
"It's a trap," Robin stated as she joined Y/N down in the men's quarters and watched as he slid his sword onto a belt and fastened it around his waist. "I've seen that look before. She plans to betray us but she has a guilty conscience."
"I know," Y/N replied as he began to pull on his boots. "She's scared of Eneru. Considering what Nami and I have seen of his power I don't blame her. She doesn't want to be killed by her God but even though we just met her she considers us her friends and feels guilty about it."
"I trust you have a plan then," Robin inquired as she watched Y/N pull on a black t-shirt.
"Well my original plan was to get us all out of here before we had to face an angry God," Y/N explained, "But I suppose now we'll just have to spring the trap and when the Priest shows up I'll agree to turn myself in so he doesn't hurt the rest of you."
Robin blinked. "You'd sacrifice yourself to save the others?" she questioned.
"Yes," Y/N answered, "When you truly care about someone you think about their safety above your own. I care about all of my Nakama and if keeping them safe means turning myself in to an egomaniac that calls himself a God then that's what I'll do." Y/N headed for the ladder up to the main deck but stopped next to Robin. He reached up and she stiffened when he placed a hand on her shoulder. "Robin, you're my Nakama now. That means I care about you too." Y/N removed his hand from her shoulder and started the climb out of the men's quarters and left Robin alone with her thoughts. "Don't stay down here too long."
"Mmmm! This is really good!" Luffy remarked up at Pagaya and Conis' house as he ate some of the leftovers he was supposed to be bringing back.
"Save some for the trip," Sanji instructed him, "And for the rest of us." Sanji was seated on a couch across from Luffy as he prepared Nami and Robin's box lunches with the upmost care. His male Nakama would get what was left over.
"There's plenty here," Luffy pointed out, "So why hold back?"
"This does have to feed all of us," Sanji reminded him sternly.
"COOONIIIS! REFILL!" Luffy called out as he held up an empty glass.
Why don't you get it yourself," Sanji scolded him. "Speaking of, where is Miss. Conis?"
"I think she went to bid farewell to the others," Pagaya answered as he walked into the room with Luffy's 'refill', "I brought you some more tea, Luffy."
WOING! Luffy stretched his arm out and snatched the tea pot right off of the platter and wasted no time in pouring himself another cup.
Meanwhile, Usopp sat off to the side with Suu next to him as he dug through Pagaya's tool kid and plucked out spare nails and tools that he could use to repair the Going Merry.
"So you must be the Shipwright for your crew," Pagaya commented as he watched Usopp go through his tools.
"Not really," Usopp answered, "Actually I'm a Sniper."
"Wow, that sounds exciting," Pagaya said.
"Yeah, I guess so," Usopp replied, "But it means we don't have a regular Shipwright in our Nakama. Let's see, how can I put this delicately? I AM CURSED WITH SUPREME SKILL ON EVERY SUBJECT AND THE WHOLE CREW RELIES ON ME! AHAHAHAHAHA! It's a lot for work but without me the ship just wouldn't function. My official title is Sharpshooter but I'm also... the Co-Captain. And that's why everyone calls me CAAPTAAIIN UUUSOOOPP!"
Usopp was so caught up in his boasting that he didn't notice that Pagaya had moved to Sanji.
"Oh, your color arrangements clearly denote the work of a professional," Pagaya said as he gazed down at the masterfully prepared box lunches that Sanji was still only half-way through making for Nami and Robin.
"Of course," Sanji replied, "I consider the plating of food an art form."
"Bye Conis!" Nami called down to Conis from the deck of the ship while Conis bowed in return. "See ya in a bit!"
"Be right back," Conis replied.
"Hehe! Finally a light at the end of the tunnel!" Nami exclaimed. "For a while there I was really getting worried."
"I'm still a bit skeptical that the currant will actually take us home," Robin stated.
"Why's that?" Nami questioned.
"If what she says is true and this currant really exists wouldn't it stand to reason that we'd here more stories of people returning safely from Sky Island?" Robin asked.
"But you have to remember that very few people ever managed to find their way up here in the first place," Nami countered. "So of course you're not going to hear many stories about people coming back."
"And even if they did find the currant there's no guarantee their ship could withstand the high speeds it requires," Chopper chimed in.
"Good point," Nami admitted, "A lot of Captain's don't know when to call it quits. Let's hurry and weigh anchor. Get ready to set sail."
"Nami..." Y/N spoke up from where he was casually sitting against the railing. "Why don't you, Chopper and Robin go hurry the others along? I can get the ship ready to sail."
Robin turned and stared at him. "He's trying to send us away so we won't be here when the trap is sprung," she realized.
"They'll come along eventually," Nami reassured him, "Do you really think that you and the sleeping bum over there can get the ship ready alone?" Y/N frowned. "Come on Chopper, use your Weight Bonus and help with the heavy lifting."
"I keep telling you," Chopper told her, "Its 'Weight Boost' and 'Heavy Point'."
"And someone wake Zoro up," Nami instructed.
"But how?" Robin questioned.
"Don't worry, I don't need his help," Chopper insisted.
"We'd better hurry," Nami said, "Conis gave us this chance and we can't waste it."
Another tear slowly streaked down the girl in question's face as she made her way back up the steps to her house.
"HEAVY POINT!" Chopper called out as he transformed into his big human form and used his muscles to raise the heavy anchor.
None of them noticed the bubbles that were rose up to the surface of the Sea Clouds below them or the glowing eyes that currently lurked beneath their ship.
"Maybe I'll put this here," Sanji muttered to himself as he eyed the bean he had clutched in a pair of chopsticks and searched for a place to put it in the box lunch he was working on. "No, if I put it there it throws off the whole arrangement. If I put the red one here and the emerald green broad beans across the back... ah this looks delicious."
Conis nervously peeked into the room and watched as Sanji worked.
"I sure hope Miss. Nami and Miss. Robin appreciate the hard work," Sanji said.
"Wow!" Conis exclaimed as she walked over and eyed the dishes that Sanji had prepared. "It doesn't even look like food! I've never seen such a beautifully prepared lunch before."
Sanji smiled and held up a third masterfully prepared box lunch, "I made one for you as well," the cook announced.
"Really?" Conis questioned. "Custom made, just for me?"
SWISH! Sanji shot to his feet and slipped one arm around Conis' waist while he held out her box lunch with his other hand. "I've prepared all the food today according to a theme I've chosen, I call it 'Love is a Cruel Mistress, Feast for a Fallen Angel'."
"I see..." Conis said.
"I don't get what all the fuss is," Luffy stated, "It's just a box lunch."
"Why bother?" Luffy questioned, "It all comes out the same! Shishishi!"
"Heehee," Conis laughed at the silly argument.
"Yeah," Luffy admitted, "And? Why're you so mad? It still tastes good."
While they argued, Usopp got up and walked out onto the balcony and stared off it at the Going Merry that was waiting off the shore.
"That's just stupid!" Luffy argued, "Even I can't eat with my eyes!"
"Now we just wait 'till Luffy and the others get back," Nami said. She'd taken the time to slip on a loose yellow t-shirt. "All set?"
"All set," Chopper replied.
SHOOOM! The Going Merry suddenly shoot as something huge moved beneath it.
"And so it begins..." Y/N stated.
FWUMP! Chopper was so surprised by the sudden lurch of the ship that he fell off of the railing he'd been perched on.
"CHOPPER!" Nami exclaimed, "WHAT'S GOING ON?"
Robin frowned as she glanced over at Y/N who was still sitting calmly against the railing having resigned himself to what was about to happen to them.
"Ha ha!" Captain McKinley chuckled as he watched the Going Merry from the brush.
God's Challenge is Set in Motion:
SHOOOM! SHOOOOM! The Going Merry continued to rock as the massive creature underneath them started moving.
"WHAT'S GOING ON?" Zoro was woken by the sudden commotion.
"I think we might already be caught in the currant," Chopper said as he clung to a piece of railing next to Y/N.
"WAAAH!" Usopp yelped in alarm as he sharp eyes instantly noticed his ship's distress. "HEY! SOMETHING'S WRONG WITH THE SHIP!"
Luffy and Sanji were instantly out of their seats, their argument forgotten as the raced out onto the balcony.
"What is it?" Sanji asked as he stared off the balcony next to Usopp.
"Take a look," Usopp instructed as he pointed towards the rocking Going Merry. "She just started rocking all of a sudden!"
"Really?" Luffy questioned, "I hope they're not having a party without us!"
"Hey look, its Miss. Nami!" Sanji called out as he peered through a spyglass. His face went pale and he suddenly looked utterly horrified. "SHE PUT ON A T-SHIRT!"
"I'M PRETTY SURE WE HAVE MORE PRESSING CONCERNS RIGHT NOW!" Usopp snapped as Sanji started sobbing at the loss of Nami's bikini top.
"Guys look!" Luffy pointed out, "THE SHIP STARTED MOVING!"
True to his word the Going Merry was sailing away from them and the shore of Angel Beech.
"BUT WHY?" Luffy wondered as he jumped up onto the railing. "THEY WOULDN'T JUST LEAVE US HERE, WOULD THEY?"
But then they realized that the Going Merry was going backwards.
"I don't think I've ever seen a ship sail backwards before," Luffy admitted.
"They haven't even set the sails yet!" Usopp pointed out. "THERE'S SOMETHING UNDERNEATH!" He could barely make out the silhouette of the enormous lobster that was underneath the Going Merry.
Luffy glanced back into the room and saw Conis with her head hung and trembling lips.
"I think we're being dragged away!" Nami realized as she stared off the railing and tried to make out the creature that was underneath them, "But by what?'
Chopper had abandoned the railing and was clinging to Y/N instead.
"Maybe it's another lobster." Y/N suggested, "Like the one that brought us here."
Zoro raced up the steps onto the front deck. "You sure we're not stuck in that currant that Conis mentioned?" he asked in alarm.
"I thought you were asleep when she mentioned that," Y/N stated.
"It's hard to sleep when people are discussing mutiny," Zoro replied.
"Either way I think we have a bigger issue here," Robin observed.
"Okay... what is that?" Luffy, Usopp, and Sanji chorused.
"Oh no..." Pagaya whimpered, "It must be... THE LEGENDARY WHITE WHITE SEA SUPER EXPRESS LOBSTER!"
"WHAT?" Luffy, Usopp and Sanji all asked at once.
SPLOOOSH! They had the perfect view as an enormous lobster that was easily twice the side of the Express Lobster surged out of the water. It had a thick purple shell, the word 'God' on its forehead, and had the Going Merry clutched in its massive claws as it rocketed through the Sea Clouds away from Angel Beach.
"Did you forget that Chopper and Robin can't swim," Y/N pointed out.
"THEN WE'LL CARRY THEM!" Zoro snapped.
"We can't leave the ship!" Chopper cried. "Without it we won't be able to get back home!"
"How 'bout I stay with the ship and you guys can get out of here," Y/N suggested.
"That's the point... you idiot," Y/N whispered.
I'LL STAY BEHIND!" Zoro decided. "JUST GO NOW!"
SKISH! "I'LL MANAGE!" Zoro barked at her as he leapt off of the ship and onto the hard purple shell of the Super Express Lobster. TMP!
Zoro drew his other two swords Kitetsu III and Yubashiri and slashed at the lobster with all his strength. SLISH! SLISH! SLASH!
But even thought he could now cut steel Zoro's attacks hadn't even made a dent in the enormous crustacean's thick purple shell.
"Oh, come on," Zoro complained as she sheathed his sword and stared down at the unblemished purple shell.
Krek... krek... krek... The faintest sound of a crack could be heard as tiny fissures appeared in the purple shell but they were shallow. At this rate it would take hours for Zoro to slice through the lobster's shell and that was time they didn't have.
"Alright, making progress," Zoro noted.
"I don't think that will get you anywhere," Robin pointed out. She once again dropped the rope ladder. "Come back on board."
"Why should I?" Zoro challenged her.
"You'll never be able to significantly damage that creature and we've got bigger problems now," Robin answered, "Look..."
Robin pointed off of the front of the ship at the White White Sea behind them and Zoro spotted numerous dark shapes as they jumped out of the water and swam after their lobster.
ROOOAAAARRR! A school of massive, sharp-toothed eel-like monsters were in hot pursuit of the Going Merry.
"A school of man-eating sky fish are following us, ready to attack," Robin pointed out, "We can't jump ship and escape now. And even if we manage to defeat those sky fish I'm sure that more will arrive to take their place. Our punishment has already begun. And there's no way to stop it."
"Heaven's Judgment," Zoro realized, "They must be taking us to the forbidden island. I guess they got tired of waiting. Eneru's really got it in for us."
"Us?" Y/N repeated, "You weren't the one who made his four priests look like idiots. Although... the one guy pretty much did that himself. The point is, I'm a First-Degree Criminal and now the rest of you are all coming along for the ride."
Nami dropped down to the deck, "I don't want to go back there," she whimpered. "LUUUFFY! HEEEEELP UUUUUUS! SAAAANJIIIII! UUUUUSOOOOPP!"
And so the Super Express Lobster carried the Going Merry and the five pirates on board towards Upper Yard while the school of hungry sky fish chased after it.
"Aahhaahaahaa!" Captain McKinley laughed as he watched the Going Merry and the Super Express Lobster disappear off of the horizon. "There's no escaping God's judgment!"
Up on the balcony, Luffy, Usopp, Sanji and Pagaya stared after the Going Merry in shock while Conis hung her head and hugged Suu to her.
"Why Miss. Nami..." Sanji lamented, "Why a t-shirt?"
"YOU'RE STILL THINKING OF THAT?" Usopp yelled at him. He turned and started to shake Luffy. "THIS IS AWFUL LUFFY! WHAT'RE WE GONNA DO? WE HAVE TO RESCUE THE OTHERS!"
"Hmm..." Luffy said, "I wonder... where are they going?"
"Where are they going? Yes, right!" Usopp encouraged him.
"I've got nothing," Luffy dead-panned.
"Um... well..." Pagaya spoke up, "The Super Express Lobster is a messenger of Eneru. He must be taking your friends as a sacrificial offering. If that's the case, they are being taken to the North-East upper yard... to the Sacrificial Altar!"
"They what?" Sanji asked, "You don't mean that Miss. Nami, Miss. Robin and the rest..."
"The rest?" Usopp repeated.
"...are gonna be sacrificed?" Sanji continued as if Usopp hadn't even said anything, "TO THAT WANNABE GOD? THAT BASTARD!" Suu jumped from Conis is arms at the sound of the cook's anger. "HE'D BETTER NOT HARM A SINGLE HAIR ON MY PRETTY MISS. NAMI'S HEAD!"
"But listen carefully," Pagaya said, "Because I haven't yet told you what else will happen!"
"What? There's more?" Sanji growled.
"You see..." Pagaya explained, "In Heaven's Judgment there are actually two different types of criminal punishment. And I've only told you about the first. The second punishment is a challenge. Your friends are currently hostages in Eneru's hands and they are being taken to Him even as we speak."
"Eek!" Usopp squeaked, "Hostages?"
"I'm afraid I must tell you," Pagaya told them, "The criminals who are to receive the judgment... are the three of you standing before me."
"Wait... what're you trying to say?" Sanji inquired.
"If only we had a map..." Pagaya said.
"Y/N and Nami have ours," Usopp recalled.
"Well... try to picture this..." Pagaya instructed, "The Sacrificial Altar is located a great deal north-east in the northern part of Upper Yard. But the only way to get there is the Milky Road that goes from this island to Upper Yard and connects to the south-western shore of Upper Yard. You'll need to cross the entire island to get to the Sacrificial Altar on the other side. But while you're there the Milky Raod will take you through a great forest where Eneru's four priests will be awaiting your arrival."
"Well there's gotta be a better way for us to get there unnoticed," Usopp reasoned, "If we just march right up to the front gate we won't stand a chance. Couldn't we sneak around the side?"
"Usopp's right," Luffy realized, "If we take the main road they'll see us coming and set a trap."
"That may be," Pagaya replied, "But even if you do find your way ashore there's no way that you'll ever make it to the Altar on foot. You see, the Milky Roads crisscross over the entire island. There are hundreds of them of all sizes running every which way. I don't think anyone really knows where they all lead."
"I see," Luffy said.
"That's why your only course of action is as I said," Pagaya concluded, "You must follow the main Milky Road to the island and from there continue until you reach the Altar."
"Is that so?" Sanji questioned. "And even if we do find a way ashore the canals will block us from continuing inland."
"That's right," Pagaya confirmed, "Did I mention the man-eating fish that prowl the canals?"
"MAN-EATING FISH?" Usopp repeated in alarm.
"Sounds like they've covered all their bases," Sanji noted. "So you're saying if we want our Nakama back... we have to walk right up to their front door and march on it."
"This is part of the challenge you mentioned?" Usopp asked, "Part of Heaven's Judgment?"
"Yes," Pagaya answered, "In Upper Yard there are four powerful priests of unimaginable strength who await you."
"What's the matter Conis?" Luffy inquired as he glanced at the girl who looked depressed.
"I'm just... worried about the others," Conis answered.
"Don't worry!" Luffy reassured her, "We'll save them! This sounds like a piece of cake! All we have to do to get our Nakama back is beat up these priests, right?"
"You make it sound easy," Usopp muttered.
Meanwhile, the Super Express Lobster carried the Going Merry along the Milky Road to Upper Yard and surged straight onto the island. The canal made of Sea Cloud floated above the dirt island and weaved over it through the gigantic trees in a pattern that was impossible to follow.
Y/N stood up and slipped his hands in his pockets, "Well... here we go... time for round two."
A Trap of Lovely Street:
After the discussion with Pagaya and Conis and the decision to go to face God's challenge and to Upper Yard and rescue the others, Luffy left the house headed down the stairs back towards Angel Beach. He had a big orange backpack on his back that was no doubt crammed full of food.
"HEY LUFFY!" Usopp called after him as he and Sanji followed behind the Captain. Usopp wore a red backpack, a brown t-shirt under his usual overalls and had substituted his usual bandana for a white one. Sanji had tan backpack that looked like a sack and had changed out of his usual outfit into a short-sleeved pink button up shirt decorated with darker pink flowers lined in white and black pants that ended at his knees.
"Wait up a minute, will ya," Sanji requested.
"Yeah, what is it?" Luffy asked his two remaining crew.
"What's the big idea?" Sanji complained, "Why'd you just up and leave all of a sudden?"
"You heard Nami," Luffy reminded him, "If we stay we'll just cause more trouble for Conis and her dad."
"Well alright, so where are we going then?" Sanji inquired.
"What do you think?" Luffy replied, "The Sacrificial Altar."
"And how are you planning to get there?" Sanji questioned.
"Hmm..." Luffy said and was then silent for a moment as he attempted to think it over. The truth was he didn't know how to get to the Sacrificial Altar.
"YOU HAVE TO THINK ABOUT IT?" Sanji snapped at him.
Luffy turned and pointed down the stairs towards the shore of Angel Beach. "There you go," he prompted, "We can just swipe one of those boats out there and head up the Milky Road. Easy."
"Easy, huh?" Sanji repeated, "Do you see any boats out there?"
"Hmm..." Luffy mumbled as he stared at the shore. His 'brilliant' plan had been thwarted from the start. There were no boats.
"OH JUST STOP TRYING TO THINK!" Sanji yelled at him.
"A boat wouldn't do us much good anyway," Usopp admitted, "Y/N and Nami have that old map so we don't even have that to go by."
"Man, what a pain," Luffy complained but then he spotted someone behind his crew. "Huh?"
Conis stood a few dozen steps above them. "Excuse me," she called down to the pirates.
"Miss. Conis, sweetheart!" Sanji happily greeted her. "You came all this way to give me a 'goodbye' kiss!"
"Well actually I'm here because of my father," Conis corrected him. "He asked me to help you find your way to the Sacrificial Altar."
"Oh, that's sweet," Usopp remarked.
"I can accompany you as far as the Angel Island Docks," Conis explained, "We should be able to find you a suitable boat there."
"You've got a definite plan," Usopp noted, "Unlike a certain little scatterbrain I know."
"Yeah," Luffy happily agreed.
"I MEANT YOU!" Usopp yelled at him.
"You're going to be our escort, Conis?" Sanji exclaimed with bulging hearts in his eyes. "Great! We'd be delighted to have you! Right Luffy?"
"..." Luffy stared silently up at Conis. For some reason he felt like something was off about her. Conis flinched when she found herself under Luffy's scrutiny. "Of course we would! Lead on lady!"
"Great," Conis replied as she turned and began leading the trio of pirates back up the steps.
None of them noticed Captain McKinley hiding the brush beside the stairs.
"Hmph," McKinley grunted, "There's no way I'll let you escape! I'm going to send all of you to Upper Yard to receive Heaven's Judgment!"
"..." Pagaya sat in silence in his house. The lights were off and his head was hung. Suu made soft cooing noises towards him while thought about what was about to happen.
"What's that?" Luffy asked. They'd continued up the stairs passed Conis' house and could see the center of town in a distance.
"Oh, that's Lovely Street," Conis informed him. "If you want a closer you're in luck. We actually have to head through it to reach the docks."
In a distance they could see the street lined with different stores and up above it was a big puffy white cloud that had the words 'Lovely Street' carved into the side of it.
As Conis led Luffy, Usopp, and Sanji towards Lovely Street they failed to notice Captain McKinley as he watched them while hiding on top of nearby cloud.
Two other White Berets crawled up to him.
"Captain, aren't they already headed for Upper Yard?" one of the White Berets questioned.
"Yeah, what're we sneaking around for?" the other White Beret wondered.
"Idiots!" McKinley scolded his men, "You both know how these Blue Sea People are. They're all the same. Oh sure, they talk about excitement and adventure but when they actually face danger they cry and run for their lives."
Of course, the only Straw Hat present that looked like he'd cry and run for his life was Usopp. But at the moment he seemed alright.
"This is exciting, huh?" Luffy asked his reluctant crew of two. "Upper Yard, here we come!"
"You realize there's a chance you'll all be killed up there," Conis pointed out.
"Well everyone's gotta go sometime," Luffy replied dismissively.
"So you're not worried at all?" Conis questioned.
"Are you serious?" Luffy inquired, "Why would I be worried?"
Conis looked back over her shoulder in time to see the 'confident Captain' getting a thorough beat down from his two Nakama.
"YOU IDIOT!" Usopp yelled at him as he and Sanji stomped on Luffy's rubber body.
"Okay... I'm sorry..." Luffy apologized.
And before long, the four of them reached Lovely Street. The three pirates from the Blue Sea marveled at the sight of the Sky Island town center.
"Whoa!" Luffy gasped. "This place is great!"
"Lovely Street is the center of commerce on the island," Conis explained, "It has everything."
"Woooow!" Luffy exclaimed as he stared up at buildings that were built on top of small clouds that were floating over the street. The only way up to them was to climb a ladder. "Check it out! Floating stores!"
"It takes a special kind of Island Cloud to build those," Conis informed him.
"So... where are all the floating restaurants?" Luffy inquired.
But despite their chipper mood it wasn't hard for even the incredibly dense Luffy to notice the glares the people were giving them. Everyone had small white wings on their shoulders and two round antenna coming out of the top of their head that matched their hair color. And they all seemed to be very wary of the three pirates as they walked by.
"It's them..." one man whispered as he watched the three Straw Hats go by through a window.
While the looks were completely hostile they were very unnerving. Usopp broke first.
"Hey guys," Usopp spoke up, "I notice everyone's avoiding us. Again."
"I can't say I blame 'em," Sanji stated, "Word's probably already gotten out that we're criminals. So what else is new?"
"Shishishishi!" Luffy laughed, "Aw, let 'em be that way! That means we've got down town all to ourselves!"
"Uuuhh..." Sanji moped, "All these gorgeous angels and they're avoiding me."
Conis and the three Straw Hats walked right by an alley without even a glance down it so they never noticed Captian McKinley as he crawled towards the main street then peered out and watched as they continued through town.
"Heh heh heh heh," McKinley chuckled.
"Wow, sure is a lot of weird stuff for sale here," Luffy commented as he stopped to eye a food stall. There were numerous funny-looking sky fruits and sky vegetable on display. "There sure is a lot of weird stuff for sale here." Poke! He prodded a large bulb that was set on a pedestal and was the same size as his head. Luffy's prodding finger caused the bulb to pop opened and reveal the pink flower inside it. "WHOA! Aw man, too bad I don't have any money."
Luffy glanced at the timid-looking merchant. "Hey mister, do you take treasure?" he asked.
The terrified merchant frantically shook his head in the negative and Luffy reluctantly continued onward after the others.
But before he could fully catch up with the others he found a rope hanging in front of his face. And being Luffy, he gave the rope a tug. Whup! SHOOOOM! "WHOOOOAA!" Luffy exclaimed as the rope pulled him up through the floor of one of the floating shops.
Luffy glanced around the shop he now found himself inside and noted all the large Dial shells that were on display.
"Oooo! This must be a Dial Shop!" Luffy realized. He ran up to big spiral shell that he could probably fit inside. "WHOA! These Breath Dials are huge! I should put a couple on the Going Merry! We'd be as fast as a Waver!"
Click! Luffy pushed down on the button on the side of the large shell and prompted breeze to blow out from the hold. FWOOOOSH! Due the large size of the dial Luffy was blown backwards through the door and out of the shop.
"WAAAAH!" Luffy yelled as he plummeted off of the cloud and dropped down on the street below. FWUMP! Luffy landed in a heap right in front of Conis, Usopp, and Sanji.
"Hey Luffy," Sanji scolded the Captain, "If you're done fooling around there's still the matter of saving Miss. Nami, Miss. Robin and the others! If you don't get serious, and soon, they're going to be sacrificed, you know that?"
Luffy popped back up and waved him off, "You worry too much," Luffy reassured him, "They're fine! Don't forget Y/N and Zoro are with 'em!"
"Yeah, like we could really count on Mossball," Sanji complained, "And considering everything that's happened lately, Y/N'll probably end up being more of a hazard than a help!"
"I just hope the ship hasn't sustained any more damage," Usopp said, "I mean, she's had more than her fair share of abuse lately."
"Huh, there's something in the middle of the street!" Luffy pointed out to the others. Luffy walked up to a strange statue in a black case. If he didn't know any better he'd say the statue had been made out of dirt. "What a weird face. What's it supposed to be, a seal?"
"It looks like a figure made out of mud," Sanji remarked, "Knowing this place, I bet its some kind of religious statue."
"Oh you're both morons!" Usopp scolded them, "This is art! I can tell."
"This is Vearth," Conis informed them. "You might say it represents the eternal yearnings of the people of the sky."
"Vearth, huh?" Sanji questioned.
"Really?" Luffy asked, "So what? Do you guys pray to this thing? That's pretty crazy."
"Heeheehee," Conis laughed softly, "Well, I guess it would be difficult for someone from the Blue Sea to understand." She glanced to the side and quickly changed the subject. "Oh! We're almost to the docks! Right this way!"
"Oooh, we're leaving town already?" Luffy whined.
"Already?" Usopp repeated, "We were never planned on stopping here in the first place."
"I know..." Luffy grumped as he stomped after Conis, "But I don't see why we couldn't stick around for a little bit longer." Usopp and Sanji turned and followed after him.
Once Conis and the Straw Hats were gone, the people came back out and gathered around the Vearth statue.
"Phew," one man sighed in relief, "Looks like it worked."
"Yeah," another man agreed, "They're headed straight for the docks. We're saved."
No one noticed Captain McKinley as he crawled by. Or at least they all pretended not to notice. McKinley peered around a corner and watched as Conis, Luffy, Usopp, and Sanji headed off of Lovely Street and towards the Angel Island docks that were up ahead.
"Heh heh heh," McKinley chuckled.
The first sign that they had reached the Angel Island Docks was an actual sign that read 'gondola port'. Beyond the sign was an opened harbor of Sea Clouds. Conis led the three Straw Hats along a wooden dock that lined the side of the harbor and had a large assortment of colorful gondola-style boats tied to it.
"Look at all these boats!" Luffy called out.
"Yes, you'll notice that there are boats of all different shape and sizes anchored in this harbor," Conis pointed out. "From luxurious hotel ships where you can spend the night to sleeker models that are made for speed and loaded up with giant Dials. If you look over there, you can see even more types."
"Whoa..." Luffy gasped, "That one! It's perfect!"
Luffy had his eyes set on a huge gondola with a bull figurehead. The gondola looked like one of the luxurious hotel ships that Conis had mentioned and was half the size of the Going Merry. "I ALWAYS WANTED A GONDOLA! WE'LL TAKE IT! OOO! Look back there! I bet those dials make this baby move as fast a lightning! This is gonna be a whole lot of fun! C'mon, let's go for a spin!"
"Did you forget that Y/N has all the money?" Usopp reminded him, "You know, Y/N, you're brother, that guy we're heading to Upper Yard to save."
"Forget him," Sanji snapped, "our priority is to rescue Miss. Nami and Miss. Robin! Be serious you two."
"Actually, your boat is right over here," Conis informed them as she continued down the dock.
"Great!" Sanji replied.
"Ooooo!" Luffy cheered, excited to see Conis' boat, "Is it even awesome-r than the gondola? Oh man, I can't wait to see it!"
Conis and the Straw Hats headed for the end of the dock and still failed to notice Captain McKinley as he crawled along the dock after them. He quickly ducked behind a large boat for cover.
"Presenting, the Crow!" Conis announced.
Luffy, Usopp and Sanji stared passed Conis... in disappointment. 'The Crow' was a small black boat with a silly-looking bird for a figurehead. It had a steering wheel and two seats up front as well as opened space in the back and pole that stuck up out of the middle of the boat and had a small round red and white striped umbrella on it. It had a large rudder that was fashioned to look like a bird's tail and two round shells attached to the sides of it. Compared to the fancy gondola that Luffy had been admiring before, the Crow was a major let-down.
"You're kidding me, right?" Luffy asked.
"Wait, crows done even swim," Sanji pointed out.
"I only learned to ride a Waver recently," Conis explained, "Before then I used the Crow to get around. It's not as fast as a Waver of course but it has two Breath Dials and is quite reliable. Please, feel free to use it."
"That's it, I'm not going," Luffy announced.
That simple statement caused Conis, Captain McKinley and all of the eavesdropping civilians to gasp and stare at him in shock.
The Almighty Eneru:
"Ah-ha," McKinley said as he peered around one of the gondolas at Luffy. "I knew he'd finally show his true colors! No one in their right mind doesn't value their own life!" SWIPE! He quickly ducked back behind his cover before anyone could spot him.
"I'm not going... unless I can take that," Luffy insisted as he pointed at the fancy bull-themed gondola he was looking at before.
"He's not scared!" McKinley realized, "He's selfish!"
Conis let out a sigh of relief then pouted at Luffy, "That one huh?" she asked, "You don't like the Crow? I'm sorry."
Naturally, Sanji took offense to Luffy offending Conis and dished out a vivious pounding on the rubber Captain right there on the dock.
"The only thing sorry is this guy!" Sanji snapped, "Apologize you ingrate! She goes through all the trouble of getting us a boat and all you do is complain? WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU?" Sanji finished his beating and turned to Conis. "I'm sorry he doesn't appreciate your help like I do Miss. Conis."
After Sanji had 'restructured' his face, Luffy was left with swollen lips, puffy cheeks, and large lump on the top of his head.
"I'm fworry..." Luffy mumbled.
"It's okay," Conis waved him off.
She led them to the end of the dock then turned and smiled at them. Luffy stared at her. There was something off about her.
"Your exit is Gate Number Two," Conis told them, "It leads righto the Milky Road and that will take you all the way to Upper Yard. Just... just follow it and you'll be fine."
"Hey, Conis..." Luffy said.
"Yes?" Conis asked.
"You've been trembling ever since we left," Luffy stated, "Is everything okay?"
Conis' eyes went wide in horror while all the on-lookers looked worried.
"Ugghh..." McKinley groaned, "Can't hear... What're they talking about?'
"Is... is it that noticeable?" Conis inquired.
"Yeah," Luffy replied, "It's like you're scared of something."
"No wait..." McKinley growled, "She wouldn't..."
"Oh, don't you get it, she's worried about us!" Sanji gushed, "Miss. Conis that is so sweet of you, my dear!"
"Speaking of being worried," Usopp chimed in, "Are you and Pagaya going to be alright? I mean everyone in town is avoiding us like the plague but you're leading us around, lending us your boat, giving us directions... is helping us going to get you in trouble? Doesn't that make you... our accomplice?"
"Conis, don't cry," Luffy tried to reassured her when he noticed the tear making its way down her cheek "You're gonna be fine, okay? You should've told us you were scared. Really. We could've just come here on our own."
"No it's... it's... not..." Conis stammered. "It's not what you think..."
"She wouldn't dare..." one of the on-lookers whispered gravely.
"Don't say anything you'll regret," Captain McKinley growled.
"Don't you get it?" Conis asked as more tears leaked out of her eyes. "Even after I told you how terrifying Upper Yard is I still led you here. I even got you a boat and told you which route to take. Don't you find that odd? Isn't it obvious what's going on here?"
"Grr..." McKinley growled, he couldn't hold his tongue and longer and stood up from behind his cover, "WATCH YOUR TONGUE LITTLE GIRL! DON'T SAY ANYTHING FOOLISH!" Then he quickly ducked back down before anyone could see him.
"Huh, you hear something?" Usopp wondered.
The civilians stared at Coins in horror and started to back away from her and the Straw Hats. This didn't go unnoticed by Usopp and Sanji.
"Don't tell me they're all in on this," Sanji thought to himself.
Conis bit her lip and looked conflicted as she thought of the conversation that had brought her to this situation.
"But why?" Conis had asked her father after Luffy, Usopp, and Sanji had left. We shouldn't do this. They're not like the others. Besides, there's no need for me to guide them. They're already headed for Upper Yard."
"Conis, if that were truly so I wouldn't have to burden you with this task," Pagaya had replied, "But we must face facts. You've seen how other Blue Sea Dwellers act when they come here. These three are probably no different. Once the initial excitement wears off the reality of their situation sets in. They get scared and begin to value their lives over their dreams of adventure. That's why we must lead them to the Milky Road's end. All the way to Upper Yard."
After that, Conis had to go fast to catch up with the three Straw Hats before they made it all the way down the stairs to Angel Beach.
"Oh Conis," Pagaya lamented as he sat in his dark house with his head hung, "Please forgive me. But it's every citizen's duty. You know what will happen if we don't follow Almighty Eneru's will." Pagaya sobbed as the thought of the ordeal his daughter was going through.
Conis dropped to her knees and was now openly crying.
"Just run away, please," she pleaded, "I'm so sorry you guys..."
"..." Luffy, Usopp, and Sanji stared in silence while the sky island citizens started to panic.
"NO! NO! STOP!" one frantic man hollered.
"WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING?" another man yelled.
"I called the Super Express Lobster," Conis confessed as tears streamed down her face. "It was all my fault."
"You mean that thing that took Miss. Nami and the others away?" Sanji demanded. "YOU CALLED IT, CONIS?"
"While you three were inside talking to my father," Conis continued her confession, "I went aboard and lied to your friends about a current that leads to Cloud End. They believed me. And I had them raise anchor. That was the signal that summoned Almighty Eneru's Super Express Lobster."
"What?" McKinley hissed from his hiding place, "Do you want to die? You stupid girl!"
"Once we know someone's a criminal we must lead them to Upper Yard," Conis told them. "If we don't... then the penalty is death!"
Luffy glared at her.
"You idiot!" an onlooker hissed. "You're gonna bring his wrath down upon us all!"
"Somebody stop her!" another man called out.
"It's our duty," Conis concluded, "The duty of every citizen."
"That's crazy!" Usopp exclaimed.
"I know..." Conis whimpered. "I'm sorry... I should've told you sooner...
"Wait a sec," Luffy said, "you're saying... they forced you to lead us all here?" Conis nodded. "If that's true..."
"THEN WHY EVEN TELL US AT ALL?" Luffy, Usopp, and Sanji all shouted at her.
Conis stared at them in shock. They weren't angry at her for doing her duty. They were angry at her for revealing it and endangering herself.
"It's all over..." an on-looker claimed. "We're too late..."
"Get away from the girl," another man warned the others, "The Judgment is coming!"
The sky island citizens quickly fled as fast as possible.
FWASH! A bright light appeared in the clouds overhead and grew in size until everything was bathed in the light. SHOOOOOM! An enormous column of bright light the size of a galleon shot down from the clouds.
Luffy grabbed Conis and ran as fast as he could.
The light rushed downward as Luffy struggled to avoid the column over powerful light which was undoubtedly the result of God Eneru's wrath.
"WAAAAAAAH!" Luffy shouted as he desperately dove to the side. "ITS TOO BIG!"
KROOOOOOOM! The column of light slammed down into the ground and nearly blinded everyone that was brave enough to look. The Island Clouds all shook and swayed in midair from the sheer power and force of the column striking land.
Almost as quickly as it had appeared, the light vanished and everyone stared in awe at the massive crater it had left behind in its wake.
The ominous dark hole seemingly went down forever and was the result of the column of light vaporizing every that it had come in contact with.
"What in the world was that thing?" Sanji wondered. Then he caught sight of the enormous crater. "IT DID THAT?"
"Luffy!" Usopp called out in alarm.
"LUUUFFYYY!" Usopp hollered. "COONIIS!"
"That's what happens to those who defy Almighty Eneru," one of the sky island citizens stated.
Usopp and Sanji turned and glared at them.
"DO NOT FEAR!" a familiar voice called out. "THEY ARE BOTH SAFE!"
"PPIIIIEEE!" SHOOOOM! Gan Fall the Sky Knight flew out of the dusty residue on the back of Pierre his bird who was currently in his Pegasus-form. Both Luffy and Conis were on Pierre's back along with Gan Fall.
"IT'S HIM! GAN FALL!" someone called out.
"Wha..." Captain McKinley gasped in shock.
"Oh, the weird old man!" Usopp realized.
"Me, weird?" Gan Fall repeated. "No, I am the Sky Knight, friend. And this one's on the house." Gan Fall tossed Luffy off of Pierre and he landed in front of Usopp and Sanji. FWUMP!
"Miss. Cons!" Sanji called out, "Look she's safe."
"And she will remain so under my watch," Gan Fall assured him, "You have my word. I shan't allow Eneru to harm her!"
Luffy stood up and stared up at the Sky Knight, "Thanks," he said simply.
"Now that you've seen the scope of Eneru's power, and anger, what are you going to do next?" Gan Fall inquired.
"The same thing we were gonna do from the start," Luffy answered, "Go to Upper Yard and rescue our Nakama."
Gan Fall nodded, "I see," he replied, "May luck be with you!"
"PIIIIEEE!" Pierre crowed as he flew off.
"What about them?" Conis asked as she held onto Gan Fall from behind while Pierre flew them away from Lovely Street.
"They have chosen their own course," the Sky Knight replied, "Do not blame yourself, child."
"I... I know who you really are..." Conis told him.
"Of course," Gan Fall said, "it's not secret. I am the Sky Knight."
"No its... we all know," Conis insisted, "Please come back to us... God."
The sky island citizens that still remained at the Angel Island dock stared in shock as Luffy and Sanji boarded the Crow without a hint of hesitation.
"Good luck guys!" Usopp said, "Hop aboard, get comfy! I'll give ya a good shove off!"
"Get on the boat," Sanji ordered as he yanked Usopp on board.
"I DON'T WANNA!" Usopp cried like a baby.
VRRRRRR! Luffy pushed his foot down on the pedal of the Crow and the Breath Dials revved to life. For once Luffy managed to drive something without crashing it and the Crow pulled away from the dock and headed for Gate Number Two.
"Alright Upper Yard here we come!" Luffy exclaimed.
"Waaah-haaaa-haaaaa..." Usopp sobbed as he clung to the rudder. "NOOOO!"
Captain McKinley crawled to the edge of the dock and stared at the three pirates in shock.
"They... they went..." he stammered, "Without any fear or hesitation!" Obviously he was marveling at Luffy and Sanji's bravery.
VROOOOOM! The Crow sailed through Gate Number Two and just like that Luffy, Usopp, and Sanji were on the Milky Road and were one step closer to Upper Yard.
Usopp cowered in terror while Luffy stood up on his seat and laughed, "SHISHISHISHISHI!" This was what he'd wanted to do all along. Saving the others was merely a side-quest in his eyes.
The three of them were headed for Upper Yard... and the four Priests.
Onward Crow:
"I really hope Conis is alright," Usopp said as he, Luffy and Sanji made their way along the white man-made canal of Sea Cloud known as the Milky Road and headed towards Upper Yard on Conis' boat the Crow. "You know she's going to have hell to pay when the White Berets catch up to her and it's our own stupid fault. She'd be okay if she hadn't helped us. And I'm not sure she can trust that Sky Knight. He pretty much gives me the creeps."
"He's kind of old and weird but he doesn't seem like that bad of a guy," Luffy defended the man that had saved him and Conis from Eneru's wrath.
"There was no other choice," Sanji reasoned, "I wanna protect her but it's not like we could've brought her along with us."
"Well then she probably is in less danger without us," Usopp admitted. "Sacrificial Altars... Ordeals... From the sound of it, I wish I was the one flying off with the old geezer."
"Man this piece of junk is slow," Luffy complained.
"Of course it is," Sanji pointed out, "it's gotta be several times heavier than a normal Waver. What did you expect?"
The Crow left the first portion of the Milky Road that had been lined with brick walls but that portion was left behind as they dropped down into a much wider and more opened canal.
Usopp's eyes widened in alarm when saw what was ahead of them.
Luffy, Usopp, and Sanji all marveled in the gigantic trees that Y/N and Nami had discovered during their previous journey to Upper Yard.
"Is that the Upper Yard?" Sanji wondered.
"The old man mentioned a forest," Luffy recalled, "But he never said it'd be this big!"
"It makes me feel really puny," Usopp confessed.
"All I know is that I've gotta climb one of those trees!" Luffy insisted, "Shishishi! They're enormous!"
The Crow brought the three Straw Hats to right up to the forest of Upper Yard and they found the new portion of the canal lined with statues. But at the forefront of the rows of statues were two markers topped with bull skulls that had burning chalices perched on top of them.
"Looks it's the entrance!" Luffy realized.
"Well this is it, Usopp," Sanji stated, "If you're gonna chicken out, now's the time."
"Actually, if you don't mind I was kind of thinking that I'd like to go back," Usopp answered.
"TOO LATE!" Luffy exclaimed.
"THEN WHY DID YOU ASK ME?" Usopp shrieked.
They floated through the entrance past the rows of statues that all closely resembled the one they'd seen on Lovely Street. The only major differences were that these statues were notably bigger and were made of stone instead of dirt like the other one.
This of course made the statues a lot more terrifying to Usopp who looked like he wanted to be anywhere other than on that the Crow at the moment.
SKUSH! Leaves rustled as a creature moved. CAAAAAAAAWWW! A loud bird cried.
Each new sound made Usopp flinch and whimper. The statues fell behind them and the Crow sailed by something even more terrifying. There were numerous broken and wrecked ships that lined the Milky Road.
"What was that?" Usopp whined.
"Calm down," Luffy snapped.
"Yeah," Sanji added, "Take it easy."
"It is a forest," Luffy pointed out. Ships didn't belong in a forest.
"He's right," Sanji agreed.
"THAT DOESN'T MAKE ANY SENSE!" Usopp yelled. "Besides, they didn't run aground! THEY WERE SLICED IN HALF!"
SKUSH! Another tree branch rustled.
"Did you hear that?" Usopp whimpered.
"The woods are full of noises!" Luffy replied, "Relax."
"I heard that," Sanji said.
"AAAAAH!" Usopp shrieked, "FULL SPEED AHEAD! ALL AHEAD FULL! STROKE! STROKE! STROKE!" Luffy was surprised when Usopp and Sanji grabbed oars and started to frantically paddle and put on another burst of speed.
"What's going on?" Luffy asked.
WHOOOOSH! All three of the Straw Hats yelped as a large blade that was easily ten times the size of the Crow and was decorated with a scary monster face above the edge of the blade swung down out of the huge trees. SWISH! Thanks to Usopp and Sanji's frantic paddling the Straw Hats managed to avoid the blade. SLISH! But the blade kept going and easily cleaved in half one of the wrecked ships that was washed up on the side of the Milky Road.
"WAAAH! A SICKLE MONSTER!" Luffy yelped in alarm.
Krek-krek-clank-clank-krek... Up in the trees above them gears turned and levers moved as other traps were set to be sprung on the Straw Hats.
"No... not just one..." Sanji realized.
"PADDLE LIKE CRAZY!" Luffy hollered.
WOOOSH! WOOOOSH! Two more monster blades swung down and the Crow was barely able to avoid them.
"AAAAAAH!" Usopp screamed as a blade swung by right in front of them. SWIISH! They kept going as blade-after-blade swung down at them. WOOOSH! WOOOOSH! SWISH! SWISH! "WATCH WHERE YOU'RE GOING! FASTER LUFFY! NO WAIT—SLOW DOWN!
"This isn't working!" Luffy decided, "USOPP TAKE THE WHEEL!" Luffy sprang out of his seat and rushed to the back of the Crow while Usopp scrambled to reclaim the driver's seat.
"WHAT'RE YOU DOING?" Usopp yelled after Luffy while the latest monster blade that was swinging down ahead of them, "IT'S IN FRONT OF US!"
"I know!" Luffy told him, "GUUUM... GUUUUM... BAAAZOOOOKAAAAA!" SHOOOM! Luffy slammed his hands down into the Sea Clouds behind them and the Crow took flight and shot up off of the Milky Road and whizzed by the huge blade. "SHISHI! WE DODGED IT!"
"THAT WAS WAY TOO CLOSE!" Usopp exclaimed.
SPLOOSH! The Crow touched back down on the Milky Road and continued onward.
Krek-krek-clang-clang... Sanji could still hear the gears and levers that ran all of the traps.
"Great there's more!" Sanji complained.
SHOOM! SHOOM! Large wooden spears that were each as long as the Crow was wide flew down out of the trees. SHUNK! One of the spears sank into the floor of the Crow.
"SPEARS?" Usopp questioned as he peeked behind him, "ARE YOU KIDDING ME?"
SHOOM! SHOOM! SHOOM! SHOOM! A huge volley of large spears rained down out of the trees on the Going Merry from both sides.
"USOPP RIGHT!" Luffy ordered
"NO LEFT!" Sanji argued.
"WHICH ONE?" Usopp wailed as he worked the wheel and weaved the Crow side-to-side in a desperate attempt to avoid being skewered.
THWAK! THWAK! THWAK! Sanji lashed out and kicked at the spears that got close and even managed to snap some of them. But the spears just kept coming. There was no telling how many there were. The hail of sharp wooden spears seemed unending.
"THEY WON'T STOP!" Sanji exclaimed.
Woing... woing! Luffy twisted his rubber body around as he held a spear in each hand. "Alright guys... get ready," he prompted, "GUUUUM... GUUUUM... PIIINWHEEEEL!" SHOOM! SHOOOM! SHOOOOM! Luffy's body whipped around as he hurled the spears he'd caught at the oncoming volley and continued to spin in an attempt to deflect the rest of them.
Luffy only stopped when the spears stopped coming after them which allowed Sanji and Usopp to let out sighs of relief.
"Phew, that was close," Sanji remarked.
"I hope that's all over with," Usopp whimpered, "I can't take anymore scares!"
Twinkle! Usopp was the first to spot the light from in between the massive trees ahead of them. It looked like something was sparking. SHUUU-WHIIISH! That sparkle was the light that was coming off of a flying buzzsaw that was twice the size of the Crow.
WOOOOOSH! The buzzsaw swung down and flew right by the Crow.
"Phew, it's gone!" Luffy sighed in relief.
"Not yet," Sanji replied as he glanced behind them after the blade.
"IT'S COOOMIIING BAAAACK!" Usopp screamed.
WOOOOOSH! The buzzsaw swung around and flew right towards the Crow.
"MOVE IT!" Sanji yelled.
"DOOOODGE!" Luffy hollered.
While Luffy, Usopp, and Sanji dealt with their perilous situation, Y/N, Zoro, Nami, Chopper and Robin were attempting to come to grips with a perilous situation of their own.
"Grr..." Zoro growled in annoyance, "I can't believe that overgrown crustacean just dropped us out in the middle of nowhere."
The Going Merry had somehow ended up on top of a large Altar that was in the middle of a lake of white Sea Clouds. The Altar was made of stone and had face carved into the sides and back of it. The faces all looked very similar to the ones on the statues that Luffy's group had seen. The front side of the Alter was a long flight of steep stairs that led down to the Sea Clouds below. There were familiar gigantic trees growing out of the dirt surrounding the lake but in order to reach any of the surrounding shores the Straw Hats would have to take a long swim.
"Does anybody know where we are?" Chopper asked.
AA-CHOO! Y/N let out a loud sneeze, "I think I sense the same big treasure from before."
"Don't start on that again!" Nami warned him, "That's what got you in trouble in the first place. One thing's for certain. We're somewhere in the middle of Upper Yard."
"But considering how long that lobster carried us for we could be on the opposite end of the island," Y/N noted as he eyed a pair of markers that were decorated with bull skulls and burning chalices that were nearly identical to the ones that marked the entrance of Upper Yard. Each of the markers held a sign that simply said 'God'. "I doubt we're anywhere good."
"Hm, this seems to be some kind of Altar for sacrifices," Robin noted.
"An Altar?" Nami repeated, "WAIT! SACRIFICES?"
"Nami... what's a sacrifice?" Chopper asked.
"You know, like an offering to the Gods," Nami explained.
"Oh is that all?" Chopper replied, "I thought it meant being boiled alive in a big stew or something." For the strangest reason, Chopper pictured himself surrounded by a group of big fat bearded men wearing loincloths that had him in a boiling cauldron for a Reindeer Hot-Pot.
"Actually... that's about right," Robin informed him which caused Chopper to stiffen. "Regardless of the method the thing being offered is generally someone's life."
"AAAAAAHH!" Chopper screamed in terror, "ARE YOU TRYING TO TELL ME WE'RE ALL GONNA DIE HERE? WAAAAH!" Chopper was so scared that he fell backwards off of the railing he'd been perched on. FWUMP! Chopper bounced and rolled down the long flight of stone steps toward the Sea Clouds below.
"CHOPPER!" Nami screamed.
"I've got him!" Zoro called out as he leap-frogged Y/N who'd been about to hop the railing.
Chopper was getting dangerously close to the bottom of the stairs when a pair of hands sprouted out of the bottom step and caught him. Whap!
But Chopper safety was short-lived. SPLOOSH! A giant tooth-filled mouth erupted out of the Sea Clouds and was quickly followed by a long blue and black scaled body, flippers, a dorsal fin and a tail. ROOAAAAHHHHHRRR!
"AAAAAAAAAHHH!" Chopper screamed as the shark-like monster dove at him.
KLANG! Zoro had already launched himself down the stairs so with all three swords drawn he kept going and slammed into the large opened mouth of the monster.
"OH NO!" Nami exclaimed, "WHAT'S THAT?"
"A shark?" Robin suggested, "In the sky... a Sky Shark?"
"WAAAAH-HAA-HAAAAA!" Chopper practically flew up the stairs to the Going Merry and latched onto Y/N's side. "ZORO! ZOOOROOO!"
They watched as Zoro dropped out of the Sky Shark's mouth into the Sea Clouds. SPLASH! The Sky Shark flipped and dove in after him. SPLOOSH!
"So..." Y/N said as he, Nami, Chopper and Robin stared at the unmoving Sea Clouds and searched for any sign of Zoro. "Any chance one of you want to go in after him?"
"ARE YOU NUTS?" Nami shrieked.
"Right, didn't think so," Y/N realized.
Zoro swam through the Sea Clouds with all of his swords drawn and scanned the white water-like clouds for any signs of the Sky Shark.
"I can't see anything down here," Zoro thought to himself. "Where the hell is it?"
A large dark silhouette appeared in the clouds behind him. SPLOOSH! The Sky Shark dove at Zoro who slashed his swords and managed to dodge it. SLISH!
SPLISH! The Sky Shark kept going and swam passed him then spun around and slammed its long snout into Zoro. WHAM! Zoro was launched upward and attempted to recover from the Sky Shark's attack while the monster swam after him.
"I'm way out of my element!" Zoro complained, "I can't maneuver like I can on land!"
The Sky Shark lunged at Zoro.
SHOOOM! A white torrent of Sea Cloud slammed down on the top of the Sky Shark's head and knocked it off course and down into the white depths of the Sea Clouds.
Zoro looked up and saw Y/N as he swam down to him with his own sword drawn. Y/N motioned to his eyes – or eye – then pointed behind Zoro. Zoro nodded and the two of them turned and floated back-to-back knowing full well that the Sky Shark was still lurking somewhere around them in the cloudy white depths.
"Damn it, damn it, damn it!" Usopp cursed to himself as the spinning buzzsaw came around for another pass. SWISH! Usopp drove like a maniac and the Crow veered all over the Milky Road and was guided by Usopp's fear and terror of being sliced into tiny pieces.
"It missed us," Usopp noted as the buzzsaw flew by them... only for it to spin around for another attack. "OH NO! NOT AGAIN!"
SWISH! Usopp managed to dodge the buzzsaw again but it kept going and sliced right through one of the giant trees that lined the Milky Road. SLISH! KRASH! The massive tree toppled over. After seeing the buzzsaw make short work of the giant tree, the Straw Hats knew that they'd be goners if it so much as touched them.
"NO YOU'RE NOT!" Luffy argued as he and Usopp started to wrestle over the wheel which caused the Crow to move even more wildly.
"SHUT UP!" Usopp yelled, "I'M CAPTAIN OF THE CROW!"
"SINCE WHEN?" Luffy demanded.
"SINCE NOW!" Usopp insisted. Luffy and Usopp's fight turned out to be a good thing because the Crow's spastic jerking caused the buzzsaw to whiz right passed them as it came by for another attack. SWISH!
"Even if we do turn around there's no guarantee we'll survive the trip back," Sanji pointed out. "Damn."
"AAAAAAH!" Usopp screamed as the buzzsaw flew at them again. "DOESN'T THAT THING EVER QUIT?"
"Let's see how it likes a little Gum-Gum!" Luffy announced as he stepped up onto the back of the Crow and pulled back his arm.
"YEAH!" Usopp cheered.
"Get it Luffy!" Sanji encouraged him. The Captains Gum Gum Fruit Powers had been very helpful in keeping them alive so far.
"GUUUM... GUUUUMM..." Luffy trailed off as the buzzsaw closed in, "I've got nothing."
"WAAAH!" Usopp face-faulted in shock which caused the Crow to jerk to the side and the buzzsaw to fly right by them. WOOOSH!
"That only leaves us with one choice," Sanji resolved, "TRY AND OUTRUN IT!" Sanji and Luffy started to frantically paddle and the Crow put on another burst of speed as the three Straw Hats struggled to stay ahead of the spinning blade of death.
"UUUUGGH!" Usopp groaned as he jerked the wheel to the side. WOOOSH! The buzzsaw flew passed them and cut down another tree. SLISH! Then it vanished into the giant forest.
"Aaaahh..." Luffy, Usopp, and Sanji all let out a sigh of relief.
"I think we finally outran it," Usopp noted. "Aw, but this is bad! Now it's too late to go back! We can't even see the entrance anymore! Uuuuggghhh..."
"Then stay here," Luffy happily suggested.
"I'D DIE YOU IDIOT!" Usopp yelled at him.
"That's more than likely," Sanji dead-panned.
Usopp turned away from the other two and squeaked in terror. "EEEP!" A massive worm-monster with a mouth full of sharp teeth had come out of the Milky Road ahead of them. "AAAAAAAH!"
SKISH! Sanji leapt off of the Crow and lashed out at the worm monster. THWAK! His foot connected at about neck/shoulder height and knocked the monster back down into the Sea Clouds below them. SPLOOSH!
"Was that a big snake?' Luffy wondered. The whole incident had only taken a few second and he hadn't even gotten a good look at the latest terror.
"It looked like a giant lamprey," Sanji replied. "Sky Lamprey, I guess. one that big will do more than just suck a little blood."
"Neatest forest ever, huh?" Luffy asked the others with an excited smile. It seemed that he was actually enjoying himself so far. But considering how dead-set he was on going on an adventure in Upper Yard that wasn't much of a surprise.
"NEAT FOREST MY BUTT!" Usopp snapped. Who had never been more scared in his life. "IF THIS IS OUR SO-CALLED ORDEAL THEN I QUIT!" Little did he know that they hadn't even started one of the Priests' Ordeals yet.
"You can't quit." Luffy told him, "We just got here."
"We've got to keep moving," Sanji said, "We can't spend any more time on this Milky Road than necessary. Otherwise we're asking for certain death."
The Sacrificial Altar:
Nami, Chopper and Robin stood on the Going Merry and stared down at the calm Sea Clouds below the Alter that Zoro, Y/N and the Sky Shark had all disappeared below.
"What happened to them?" Chopper wondered. "No... IT'S ALL MY FAULT!"
"You don't think... they got eaten do you?" Nami asked.
"AAAAAH!" Chopper screamed. "Y/N AND ZORO ARE FISH FOOD!"
"If they had gotten eaten the clouds would have turned red by now," Robin calmly pointed out.
SHWOOOM! Underwater Y/N raced by Zoro with the Sky Shark hot on his tail.
Zoro grinned, all according to plan. "DRAGON TWISTER!" SHOOOOOM! Zoro lashed out with all three of his swords and sent Y/N and the Sky Shark flying up into the air in a white tornado of Sea Clouds.
SPLOOOOSH! Y/N, the Sky Shark and the white tornado broke the surface of the lake and startled Nami and Chopper. Y/N used the added momentum of Zoro's attack and launched himself at the Sky Shark that was now out of its element now that it was in midair.
"Flying... ARROW KICK!" THWHAM! Y/N's feet slammed into the Sky Shark's head and it dropped down out of the air and slammed down onto the steps of the Sacrificial Altar. KRASH! Some of the stone smashed when the dazed Sky Shark slammed down onto it. Y/N quickly followed up and dove at the Sky Shark and slashed his sword, "Red Blade... AVALANCHE!" SLISH! One good cut was all it took for the monster fish to go limp. TMP! Y/N landed lightly a couple steps below the Sky Shark and sheathed his bloody red blade.
SPLASH! Zoro launched himself out of the Sea Clouds and landed on the stairs next to Y/N. TMP! "Not bad," the swordsman remarked.
ACHOO! "You know, I just realized that I haven't eaten anything since that party with Cricket and the monkeys," Y/N stated, "And right now this thing is looking really appetizing."
"What're you a cook now?" Zoro questioned.
"Aw come on," Y/N protested, "I don't need to be Sanji to know how to fry a giant fish."
Y/N and Zoro grabbed the Sky Shark's tail and started to drag it up the steps to the ship.
"I can tell you one thing," Zoro announced to the others when they drew near, "We are not gonna make it across by swimming."
"I'm so glad you guys are okay!" Chopper gushed.
"Looks like there are more where that one came from," Nami pointed out as she stared down at the numerous dorsal fins that were going in circles around the Alter. She noted their wet clothes and disappeared below deck.
"I'm glad we only had to deal with the one then," Y/N reasoned.
"And if that one's any indication then we're not gonna have much luck fighting the rest of them off," Zoro realized.
"We've got to do something," Robin stated, "We can't stay here forever."
"I know I'm at least staying here for lunch," Y/N insisted.
"If leaving us here was that lobster's idea of a joke it's not funny," Zoro said as he pulled off his Sea Cloud-soaked shirt and rang it out.
"Perhaps this is the Heaven's Judgment we've been hearing so much about," Robin suggested.
"Except you'd think this 'God' would try something a little flashier, ya know," Zoro pointed out as Nami came back and threw two new shirts at them.
"I couldn't say, I've never met the guy," Robin stated while giving Y/N a pointed glance.
"I don't know what the solution is," Zoro admitted, he noted the damage the Going Merry had taken coming up to the Sky Island. "We definitely can't set sail with the hull looking like this."
"Well if you want to try and find a way across to the forest and maybe a way out of here, I'll stay here with the ship and try to make some repairs," Y/N offered. ACHOO!
"Luffy and the others are probably heading here now," Zoro reasoned, "And you know what they say, if you get lost you should stay where you are, right."
"Shouldn't that apply to him too?" Nami said to herself.
Robin walked around the Going Merry and took a moment to study the Alter. Symbols had been carved into the stone and the archeologist quickly set to work on deciphering them.
"Zoro, if you want to go explore the forest that's okay with me," Chopper said, "But you haven't told us what for."
"There's supposed to be a God on this island," Zoro replied, "I wanna meet him."
"Wait, that's a terrible idea!" Nami protested. "I mean, what're you gonna do when you actually find Him?
Zoro smirked, "I don't know, I depends on if he behaves himself or not."
"Zoro, you're the bravest person I know!" Chopper remarked.
"And what about the Priests?" Nami asked. "Are you gonna beat them up too? Ask Y/N, they're no joke. The last thing we need is you pissing off a God! It's kinda not smart."
"By the time I'm done with him... this God's gonna bow before me," Zoro boasted.
"WHOOOOAAA!" Chopper cheered with stars in his eyes. "GO ZORO!"
"Cocky much?" Y/N asked with a raised eyebrow.
"Well I don't believe in him," Zoro stated, "What do I care about pissing him off?"
"That doesn't mean he's not powerful," Y/N pointed out. "He wouldn't have such a huge hold on this place if he didn't have something impressive to build a reputation off of."
Nami had turned away from the atheist swordsmen and was currently on her knees praying. "Oh Powerful One, I just want you to know that I don't agree with my idiot Nakama. I don't even like him that much."
"Don't listen to her Zoro!" Chopper encouraged the cool swordsman. "You're awesome!"
"Hm..." Robin said to herself as her eyes scanned the symbols.
"Come on..." Usopp groaned as the Crow continued along the Milky Road, "Can't this little ride be over already?"
"Are you kidding?" Luffy replied, "That was probably just a warm-up for later! Supposedly we're gonna have to go up against a boat-load of super-deadly priests that're already waiting for us on the island."
"So you're telling me none of what we've just gone through has anything to do with our actual ordeal?" Usopp questioned.
"I don't know, I kind of doubt it," Sanji said, "Especially considering the magnitude of that attack back at the docks. I couldn't tell ya how it all works but its serious power. Take even one hit and you're a goner." Usopp tensed. "And this Eneru shouldn't be taken lightly, that's for sure. And I get the distinct feeling He's watching us even now."
"That's weird," Luffy remarked, "So you think he was in that town?"
"I'm guessing He must have been to attack as accurately as He did," Sanji reasoned.
"Not necessarily," Usopp countered, "This is a God we're talking about. I bet He could see us from a thousand miles away. Heck, you're right, he's probably watching us right now."
"And since when did you become such a devoted follower?" Sanji wondered, "You're not even from around here."
"You're missing the point completely," Usopp told him. "People say God is great, right? I was taught to show respect to those with power. You don't have to mean it, its self-preservation."
"Fine," Sanji said, "But you do realize that not every God in the world is great. Like the God of Poverty, or the God of Pestilence..."
"OH, WHAT DO YOU KNOW?" Luffy and Usopp snapped at him.
"We can continue that debate later," Sanji decided, "That is if we live through being eaten by that thing."
RAAAHHH! Another massive Sky Lamprey was sticking out of the Milky Road ahead of them.
"YAAAAH!" Usopp screamed in terror. "NOT ANOTHER ONE! WAAAAAAHHH!"
"That vine looks pretty sturdy," Zoro observed as he stared up at a vine that was wrapped around a thick branch that hung high above the Sacrificial Altar.
"Ah, excellent idea," Robin noted as she came back around the Going Merry, "Mind if I tag along, Mr. Swordsman?"
"Sure," Zoro answered, "As long as you promise not to slow me down."
"Wait a minute!" Nami protested, "Where do you think you're going?"
"Look at this," Robin instructed as she turned to look back at the symbols she'd been reading. "At least a thousand years have passed since this Altar was built."
"A thousand years?" Nami and Chopper repeated.
"The sense of history here is amazing," Robin commented, "It gives me chills. You feel it?"
ACHOOO! "I know what I feel," Y/N said, "And I'm staying away from it for now."
"A place as ancient as this is sure to be filled with all kinds of old relics," Robin explained, "Imagined all the valuables we could discover, just think, the possibilities are endless!"
Nami immediately perked up, "In that case I'll join you!" she decided.
"NAMI!" Chopper exclaimed, "I THOUGHT YOU WERE TOO SCARED!"
Berri signs shined in Nami's eyes. Her sense of greed outweighed her sense of self-preservation. "It's for history!" Nami replied.
"Yeah, sure it is," Chopper thought to himself.
"Come on Y/N!" Nami encouraged the Treasure Hunter, "There's treasure!"
"BIG BROTHER NO!" Chopper wailed, "I don't wanna stay here all alone!"
"Don't worry, I'm not leaving," Y/N reassured him. ACHOOO! He turned to Nami. "I'm well aware of the treasure that's here. But if it's been here for a thousand years then it'll still be there after I have lunch. You're welcome to go, though."
Zoro and Robin both frowned.
"Don't think I won't!" Nami told him, "And when I find the treasure, you're not getting a cut!"
"That's fair," he agreed.
Now Nami frowned. "Are you okay?"
"Yeah, I'm fine," Y/N smiled and waved her off. "Get going. Chopper and I can do some repairs and I'll have lunch ready when you get back. I won't be anything that Sanji would cook but I promise it'll be edible."
An arm sprouted out of the massive tree branch that was hanging above the Altar and pulled the vine off of the branch and dropped it down to the Going Merry.
"That good enough for you?" Robin asked as she, Zoro and Nami stood up in the crow's nest..
"That's perfect," Zoro said as he caught the vine. He stepped up onto the edge and cleared his throat. He pushed off and let out a loud Tarzan yell, "AAAAH-AAAAH-AAAAAH-OOOOO!" WHING! Zoro swung across and landed safely on the other side. TMP!
"Its official," Nami muttered, "He's lost his mind."
Zoro let go of the vine and it swung back to the Going Merry. Robin caught it and pushed off of the crow's nest all in one motion. Of course, she was way too dignified to do a Tarzan-yell.
Tmp! Robin landed gracefully on the shore and the vine swung back to the ship.
"She made it!" Chopper cheered.
"Looks easy enough," Nami said as she caught the vine and climbed up onto the edge of the crow's nest. But the made the mistake of looking down. All the way down... over a hundred feet to the Sky Shark infested Sea Clouds below. "Th-this is... h-higher up than I th-thought..."
"Be careful!" Robin called out in warning. "if you fall you'll most certainly die!"
She looked down again and saw the hungry swarm of Sky Sharks.
"She's right," Nami whimpered, "I'm dead if I fall... I can't do this..."
"Sure you can," Y/N encouraged her as he climbed up into the crow's nest and came up behind her. He reached up around her and covered her eyes with his hands. "Imagine you're inside Sheldon. I've decided that the zip-line isn't fun enough so I installed a wire to swing across that turtle's stomach just like this one. You can picture it right? You just have to swing across and you'll land on a ship filled with treasure. Billions of berries worth of gold and jewels are waiting for you on the other side. More than you could ever hope to count." Ka-Ching! Y/N's words had the desired effect as Nami imagined the treasure horde waiting in the belly of the giant sea turtle back down on the Grand Line. Y/N took his hands off of her eyes and held her waist. "All you have to do to get to that treasure is hold on tight... and swing."
He gave her a gentle push. WHING! With the vision of all the treasure planted firmly in her mind, Nami ignored the Sky Sharks and swung straight over the Sea Clouds and let go of the vine when she reached the other side. TMP! Nami landed a little less gracefully than Robin and stumbled a couple steps but had made it across unharmed.
She opened her eyes and turned back to the ship, "THANKS Y/N!" she called back to him, "When I find all the treasure I'll be sure to come back and rub it in your face!"
Y/N waved to them from up in the crow's nest, "Bye guys, take care."
Zoro scowled as his eyes darted from Y/N to Nami to Robin who was frowning.
"He's sending us off so he can deal with Heaven's Judgment on his own," Robin realized. She quickly turned away from him, "Noble fool."
"Chopper, are you sure you don't want to go with them?" Y/N inquired, "I promise I won't be upset if you want to go and explore too. That's what pirates do after-all."
"That's okay, I'll stay with you, Big Brother," Chopper told him.
"Alright, I guess it's just you and me then," Y/N resolved as he climbed back down the mast. "Let's cut up that shark so we can cook it then we'll get started on the repairs. I'm tired of Usopp complaining that I never do anything to fix the ship."
"Right," Chopper agreed.
"This forest is even bigger than I thought," Robin observed as she stared up towards the tops of the massive trees. It was one thing to see them as you whiz by on a lobster it was another entirely to be standing below one.
"Okay, Chopper, listen to Y/N and take care of the ship!" Zoro called back to the Going Merry.
"We're counting on you," Robin chimed in.
"We'll be back soon!" Nami added as she waved at them.
"BYE!" Chopper replied as he waved back. "Everyone be careful! Don't take too long!"
"And there they go," Y/N noted as he walked up behind Chopper.
"Nami'll be alright since she's with Zoro and Robin," Chopper said then he turned and smiled at Y/N, "And I'll be fine because I'm with you, Big Brother!"
"Of course," Y/N agreed with a small smile. "I promise I'll keep you safe, Little Brother."
"WAAAAAH!" Usopp screamed as the Crow continued towards the massive Lamprey that in their path. "SKY LAMPREY!"
"Hey, what do you think?" Luffy asked his cook, "Would that thing taste good with some salt and pepper?"
"I never thought I'd say it," Sanji said, "But I don't think now's the time for trading recipes."
"Damn," Luffy cursed, "Then in that case... GUUUUM... GUUUUM... PIIIISTOOOOL!" POW! Luffy lashed out his fist and punched the Sky Lamprey just as it was about to lunge at their ship. It was knocked up into the air and slammed into a hanging branch. WHAM! Then it dropped back down and landed in the Sea Clouds behind them. SPLOOSH!
"Aaaaaahhhh..." Usopp whimpered, still scared after everything they'd gone through on this short little boat-trip so far. "I hate Sky Islands... they're scary!"
"Wanna get out here?" Sanji offered.
"Shishishi!" Luffy laughed, then he spotted something ahead of them. "Hey look! There's a giant head blocking our way!"
"Not quite," Sanji corrected him, "It's a statue."
"Oh, right," Luffy said, "But it looks like a dead end."
"No, look," Usopp pointed out, "There's four entrances."
"Of course," Sanji stated, "And how much do you want to bet that all four of 'em lead to different places."
The large stone statue was big enough that it completely blocked the Milky Road. The only way to get by it was to go through one of the four tunnels that were in the mouth of the statue.
Usopp read the writing above the tunnels for the other two, "Ordeal of Swamp, Ordeal of Iron, Ordeal of String, and Ordeal of Spheres."
"Shishishi!" Luffy laughed, "Does this mean we get to take our pick?"
"Is it just me or do none of these things sound much like an ordeal?" Sanji asked.
"Uh... I don't know guys," Usopp mumbled, "Which one should we chose?"
So while Zoro, Nami, and Robin explored the forest of Upper Yard and Y/N and Chopper kept watch over the Going Merry at the Alter, Luffy, Usopp, and Sanji found themselves faced with four potentially deadly ordeals. Each one was hosted by one of Eneru's Priests.
Hope you enjoyed the chapter!!!
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