
The three Straw Hat Pirates were drifting along in their little boat in comfortable silence. But the silence was eventually broken by Luffy.

"I'm starving!" Luffy complained. Luffy and Zoro were sitting in the bottom of the boat while Y/N was up top watching the clouds up above them. He was lying back on the wooden rigging on top of the sail and somehow managed to balance himself there while he rested his head against the tip of the mast.

"It's funny that you have absolutely no navigation skills," Zoro commented to Luffy.

"Why?" asked Luffy, "Drifting has worked pretty well for me so far. What about you? You're supposed to be the terror of the seas!"

"I don't recall ever calling myself that," said Zoro, "I followed a pirate I was after out to sea, but I couldn't find my way back home. So I made the best of things and went after the pirates that were in the area. I had to get some money somehow..."

"So you got lost?" questioned Luffy.

"SHUT UP!" Zoro snapped, "YOU DIDN'T HAVE TO PUT IT LIKE THAT! Anyway, what kind of pirate doesn't know how to navigate? Y/N was right, at this rate we'll never make it to the Grand Line. We've got to find a Navigator as soon as possible."

"Yeah," Luffy agreed, "and a cook, and a musician..."

"THOSE CAN WAIT!" Zoro exclaimed, then he and Luffy promptly fell back on the floor of the boat. Zoro wondered what he'd gotten himself into when he agreed to join up with such a simple-minded captain.

"I'm starving," Luffy complained once again.

"Guys," Y/N addressed the other two as he climbed down from on top of the sail, and sat down in the bottom with the other two. "I have no idea where we are. I haven't navigated the East Blue in ages. We need a map or an actual Navigator."

"Didn't you say you knew where to get a chart to the Grand Line?" asked Luffy, who's short memory span was actually pretty good when it pertained to something that interested him.

"I did," Y/N answered. "When I was looking for Zoro's swords in the Marine Base I came across this thief. She was trying to steal a chart to the Grand Line, but someone already took it."

"So how do we get it?" asked Luffy.

"We need to find a pirate named Buggy the Clown," Y/N explained. "He's the one who stole the chart. He should still have it, unless the thief managed to beat us there and already stole it from him."

It was silent as Luffy and Zoro thought about what they had to do. Y/N broke the silence when he suddenly asked, "Is that a bird?" Oddly enough, he wasn't even looking up.

"Yeah! Look at that turkey!" exclaimed Luffy as he stared up at the pink bird flying above them, "It looks pretty big." Everyone paused and looked up at the bird, they no longer had any food and were really hungry, "LET'S EAT IT!" Luffy decided.

"Huh? How?" Zoro wondered.

"I'll catch it," Luffy offered as he grabbed the sides of the boat and then walked backwards, his hands stayed where they were while his arms stretched.

"Wait Luffy," Y/N interrupted. "That's not a good idea. There's a very low probability of you and that bird landing in the boat. You'll most likely end up in the water, and we all know that you can't swim."

"But I'm hungry!" Luffy complained.

"Shoot me up there, I'll catch it," Y/N suggested as he climbed back up onto the top of the sail and somehow stood balanced on the wooden rigging. "At least I can swim."

"Oh, okay," Luffy agreed. He stretched his arms upward and grabbed Y/N's shoulders then walked backwards, when he reached the end of the boat he hooked his foot on the edge and crouched down. When the bird got in position he let go and shouted, "GUM... GUM... SLINGSHOT!" SPLOING! Luffy went flying forward and up, WHAM! Luffy slammed hard into Y/N's back and launched him up into the air, THUD! Luffy dropped down onto the deck while Y/N went rocketing up towards the bird.

"How'd you come up with that?" Zoro inquired.

"Y/N's my brother, we've been doing stuff like this since we were kids," Luffy explained as he and Zoro stared up at Y/N as he got closer to the bird.

But suddenly the two of them realized that the bird was much bigger than it appeared. CHOMP! The bird opened its big beak and bit down around Y/N's middle, trapping him in its beak.

"Curse my lack of depth perception," the one-eyed pirate muttered, there was a large tick-mark on his forehead.

"Oops," said Luffy.

"You idiot!" Zoro scolded him.

"Guys... a little help..." Y/N called out, surprisingly not panicking as the giant bird flew off with him still clutched in its beak. He didn't want to attack the bird because he was floating high up above the water and even if he and the bird landed on the boat, with the size of the bird, it'd probably capsize their little vessel.

"COME BACK YOU GIANT TURKEY!" Luffy hollered after the bird as he grabbed the oars and started rowing the boat after it. "I WANNA EAT YOU! ...and rescue Y/N."

"RESUING THE FIRST MATE IS AN AFTER THOUGHT?" Zoro yelled. "What the hell were you thinking?"

"I was hungry!" Luffy protested as he kept rowing at a frantic speed.

"Hey Luffy, look out behind you," Zoro advised as he noticed three figures bobbing up and down in the water directly in the path of the boat. "There are people in the water."

"Huh?" WHAM! The boat suddenly plowed into the three people in the water but the managed to grab onto the boat and pulled themselves on at the last minute.

"Great you made it," said Zoro as he glared at Luffy who hadn't stopped rowing in an attempt to catch his lunch."

"Were you trying to run us over?" one of the now saved people demanded as he glared at Luffy.

"Why is this guy so reckless?" another one complained.

"Hey, stop the boat!" the third person commanded as he drew a sword. "We're pirates under Captain Buggy."

"What?" questioned Zoro, he and Luffy shared a glance and grinned.


Approximately five seconds later the three pirates were now rowing the boat. But in the time it took for Luffy and Zoro to take out the three of them, they had lost sign of the bird... and Y/N.

"We're sorry Mr. Pirate Hunter, Zoro, sir, Mr. Straw Hat, sir," apologized one of the pirates as they continued rowing one of the oars. The three pirates were a little band sometimes referred to as the Three Stooges. Their names were Curly, Larry, and Moe. (A/N: Not really, but I needed to give them names and they were the first incompetent trio I could think of.)

"You jerks made me lose track of my lunch!" Luffy snapped as he glared at them.

"And our First Mate," Zoro added.

"Him too!" Luffy agreed.

"Keep rowing," Zoro instructed, "because if we don't find him, the three of you will be very sorry."

"Why were you floating in the middle of the ocean?" Luffy curiously inquired, his short attention span went from his lost lunch... and First Mate, to their 'guests'.

"I'll tell you how! Thanks for reminding us," said a pirate wearing a hat with the insignia of Buggy the Clown on it, his name was Moe.

"It was that girl," said another pirate, he had big crazy looking orange hair and was called Larry.

"Yeah, it was all her fault!" Moe snapped.

"She was really cute though," the third pirate admitted, he had short hair, dark skin, and was chubby, he was called Curly.

"You see, the three of us just finished robbing a ship, and were on our way back to Captain Buggy," Larry started to explain.

The three pirates then explained to Luffy and Zoro how they had come across another boat, with a teenage girl, who appeared to be passed out, riding in it. The three pirates pulled up along side of it and to see what was going on.

The girl woke up and asked the pirates for help and promised them that she'd give them the gold in her treasure chest. The pirates hopped on board the girl's boat and checked her chest... her treasure chest, but it was empty.

The next thing they knew, the girl hopped into their boat and sailed off with their treasure. Then before they could catch up to her, a sudden storm came in and capsized the boat, causing all three pirates to struggle to swim in the water.

"And that's what happened," Moe finished, "Terrible, huh?"

"She predicted the weather, that girl must be something special," Zoro commented. "She'd make a great Navigator."

"We should recruit her!" decided Luffy. "We need a navigator like Y/N said... but I think we should get a musician first."

"WHAT!" shouted four voices.

"Pirates have to sing, right?" Luffy pointed out.

"You guys said you worked for Buggy the Clown, right?" asked Zoro in an attempt to change the subject.

"Who's this Captain Buggy?" Luffy wondered.

"Yes, Buggy the Clown is our Captain," Moe answered as he turned to the two Straw Hat Pirates. "Haven't you ever heard of 'Buggy the Clown'? He's a dangerous man who ate one of the Devil's Fruit."

"Ate a Devil Fruit?" Zoro repeated, Luffy appeared to not be listening.

"Wasn't Buggy the Clown the guy that Y/N said we needed to find?" Zoro thought to himself. "If we want the map to the Grand Line, we'll have to get it from him somehow."

"Hey, take us to see this Captain Buggy of yours," Zoro ordered.

"Yes sir!" the three Stooges agreed.

"What're you doing Zoro?" asked Luffy.

"Trying to find the First Mate, and a map to the Grand Line," Zoro answered.

"Hey! Good idea!" Luffy exclaimed.


A while away, on Organ Island was a deserted town called Orange Town. Docked at sea was a carnival themed pirate ship, which probably explained why the village was empty. Well... empty except for a certain eighteen year old orange-haired girl was running away as fast as she could. She was holding a rolled up piece of paper in her hand that appeared to be some sort of chart or map. Nami was wearing the same outfit she had been earlier today at Shell Town, a white and blue striped short-sleeved shirt and a short yellow skirt. On her feet were the same pair of high-heeled sandals.

"Stop! You can't run from us!" came a loud shout of a group of three large but strange looking pirates that were chasing after the girl, "Thief! Give us back that chart!"

"I finally have it," Nami said to herself as she ran off as fast as she could, "The chart of the Grand Line."

"Damn!" cursed one of the pirates chasing her. "If we don't get that chart back, we're dead! If Captain Buggy finds out what happened, he's gonna kill us!"


Meanwhile, on top of a pub near the harbor, "Captain Buggy, there's an unknown object flying in the air!" A pirate reported, "What should we do?"

"Use the cannon and shoot it down," came Captain Buggy's order.


Nami was still running from the three pirates when a cannon was fired and struck an object flying overhead. BOOOM! Nami and the three pirates stared in shock as a red-haired teenage boy fell from the sky and crashed into the ground. KRASH!

"Ow," came a calm voice in the cloud of smoke and dust.

The smoke cleared and revealed Y/N, slowly getting back up to his feet almost completely unscathed.

"What! He's still alive!" a pirate exclaimed.

"Where am I?" Y/N wondered as he glanced around him.

Suddenly Nami had an idea, she smiled ran up to the strange boy who had fallen out of the sky and hugged him, "BOSS!" she exclaimed, "You're finally here! I knew you'd come and save me! I'll just leave everything to you, and I'll let you handle these guys."

"Huh?" questioned Y/N as Nami released him and ran off, leaving him with the three pirates.

"Hey! She ran off again!" one of the pirates realized.

"We don't have to chase her anymore," said another pirate. "We've still got her boss right here. He's a bigger prize than she is."

The three pirates surrounded Y/N and were all at least two inches taller than him and all of them appeared to be going with the buff tough-guy look. But despite that, Y/N didn't seem the least bit intimidated.

"What now boss?" a pirate taunted. "That chart was property of Captain Buggy the Clown!"

"Chart?" Y/N repeated in confusion.

"You stole that chart from Captain Buggy, prepare to die!" The three pirates drew their swords and charged at Y/N in a triangle formation in order to keep him properly surrounded

"Captain Buggy?" Y/N questioned as he reached down and drew Akaikyuuketsuki, he held the long handle of his sword with both hands then began to spin. "Red Blade.... TORNADO!" SLA-SLISH! While spinning Y/N swung his around and sliced all three of the pirates before they could defend themselves. Y/N stood there and the blood from the three pirates seemed to be absorbed into the red blade while the pirates were left with blood dripping out of gashes in their chest. THUD! The three of them went crashing to the ground unconscious. SKISH! Y/N slid the clean blade of his curved sword back into its sheath.

"Wow," came a voice from a balcony overlooking the street. It turned out to be Nami, who had gone around the corner and climbed up onto the room of the house while Y/N was fighting. "You're really strong. You beat those guys with in less than five seconds! Hey wait a minute... you're that Treasure Hunter from the Shell Town Marine Base!"

"Hold on... don't tell me..." said Y/N as he tried to remember the girl's name. "Nami, the thief that robs pirates, right?"


Femme Fatale


"That's right, I rob pirates," Nami repeated. "You know if we team up and work together we could get a lot of treasure and make a fortune!"

"Why would I team up with you?" asked Y/N, who wasn't all that fond of teaming up with someone who robbed pirates, he was a pirate after-all. "Last time we ran into each other, neither of us was successful."

Nami quickly jumped down from the balcony and walked up to him, "But its strange how we keep running into each other," Nami pointed out. "First at the Marine Base, and then you come falling out of the sky. It's like fate or something."

"Don't talk to me about Fate," Y/N suddenly growled, his calm voice turned cold and held a hint of anger for the first time since his reappearance in the story. With that, he turned around and started walking off.

"Hey! Wait a minute!" Nami called out as she followed him.

"Leave me alone," said Y/N as he started walking off, "I've got things to do."

Grumble... Y/N stomach betrayed him signifying that he was hungry.

"Look, you're obviously hungry," Nami observed, "I can help you find something to eat, and maybe you'll reconsider teaming up."

"Well... I guess I can't say no to a free meal," Y/N agreed.

"Alright, come on then!" Nami grabbed his hand and pulled him off through the deserted town in search of food.


Meanwhile on the roof of the Drinker's Pub, the flag of Buggy the Clown was flying. The skull and crossbones had a big red nose and crosses of eye make up on the eye holes, making it look like a clown. Down on the roof, Buggy the Clown was angry. "You still haven't caught that thief yet?" he asked some of his pirates. Buggy the Clown had blue hair, a big red nose and a skull and crossbones painted on his forehead which was visible under the Captain's hat he was wearing.

"We're trying to catch her, sir," a pirate reported in an attempt to calm down the easily-angered captain.

"This is inexcusable!" said Buggy, "How could you let the chart of the Grand Line get stolen? Just when we were about to head there and raise some hell!"

"Well you see Captain Buggy, sir," the pirate explained. "Someone left the chart out on a table in the pub downstairs. Now only the robber knows..."

"What did you say?" Captain Buggy interrupted.

"I said robber knows," the pirate answered, realizing too late that he had pissed Buggy off.

"WHAT RUBBER NOSE?" Buggy screeched as he turned over a chair and got ready to kill the foolish pirate. "Does my nose look funny to you?" Buggy demanded. Buggy's red clown nose was a very sensitive subject. Anyone who made fun of it, or said something that Buggy mistook for making fun of it, was punished severely.

"I didn't say that sir," the terrified pirate protested. "It was a mistake! I meant the thief!"

"SO NOW IT LOOKS FAKE! IT LOOKS LIKE BEEF!" Buggy shrieked in outrage, that was three times that the fool had 'insulted' his nose, now he'd pay! "FOR THIS YOU DIE!"

"Please Captain," came the pirate's strangled reply, "I didn't."

"Who am I?" Buggy growled as the pirate started floating up into the air, while holding his throat and gasping for breath.

"Captain... I can't breathe!" the pirate wheezed as his feet left the ground.

"Ready the cannon," Pirate Captain Buggy the Clown ordered as he sat back down on his chair and surveyed the scene before him.

"But I didn't do anything wrong!" the pirate protested.

"DIE FLASHILY!" Buggy screamed. KA-BOOOM! The cannon was fired and blasted the pirate with a huge explosion. When it cleared, there was nothing left. "Now get my chart back. And take all of the treasure left in this town."

"Yes sir!" came the pirates' reply as they scurried off. Buggy was in a bad mood and none of them wanted to linger and risk getting blown up with a cannon balls.


Sometime later, Nami and Y/N had found an abandoned house and Y/N had gotten his promised meal. Over that time he told Nami how he and his crew of treasure hunters had gotten hungry and he had tried to catch a bird, only to miscalculate how big the bird really was and get caught in its beak and taken away. As a result he lost his Nakama.

"Weird," said Nami, once Y/N had told her how he had gotten separated from his crew, "So you lost your friends at sea? How big is your crew?"

"Just two other guys," Y/N answered. "This isn't your house, is it?"

"No. All of the people in the town have left because they're scared of Captain Buggy and his pirates," Nami explained. "The town is practically deserted, I've been staying at this house while I've been in town."

"Captain Buggy? Oh, so that means you got that chart you were after."

"Yup," Nami replied as she held up the rolled up chart she had stolen from Buggy. "Thanks to this I can go to the Grand Line. I've got to collect one hundred million berries, and then I'm going to buy a certain village."

"Buy a village? Typical pirates don't have that much. You'll have to go after really tough pirates if you wanna get that kind of money."

"That's why I've got this," Nami said as she held up the chart again, "First I'm gonna steal Buggy's treasure, then I plan to head to the Grand Line and steal treasure from the famous pirates there. What do you think? Do you want to join me? I could use a tough guy like you."

"Tempting," Y/N commented.

"Come on, surely a Treasure Hunter like you can appreciate some good treasure," Nami continued to press him. "Together we'll make a fortune, and we can split it fifty-fifty."

"I don't know..."

Nami leaned over the table and batted her eyes at him, "I'm told I can be great company," she said with a flirty wink.

"Hm..." Y/N thought it over for a moment and was seemingly oblivious to the orange haired girl that was attempting to flirt with him, "Do you know anything about navigation?"

"Of course I do," Nami quickly answered, "I'm the best navigator around."

"That's convenient. My Nakama and I are in need of a decent navigator, and we were planning on heading to the Grand Line too."


"You could be our navigator and we could go to the Grand Line together. I've been there before, and I can honestly tell you, you won't stand a chance on your own."

"Sure!" Nami agreed eagerly. "This Treasure Hunter and his friends can beat everyone up, and I'll walk away with all the treasure."

"There's just one catch though..."

"What?" asked Nami as her eyes narrowed.

"Well... I'm not exactly a Treasure Hunter anymore. I recently became the First Mate of a relatively new pirate crew."

"FORGET IT! You lied to me, pirate! You said you were a Treasure Hunter! If there's one thing in this world I can't stand, its pirates! But I love money and tangerines."

"To be fair, when I told you I was a Treasure Hunter I was only recently recruited. My new Captain can be oddly persuasive... our other crewmate is Roronoa Zoro."

"The Pirate Hunter is on your pirate crew? So that's why you were after his swords."

"Yeah," Y/N replied as he slowly stood up and headed for the door. "But I guess we can't work together. That's a pity because you could've been a part of something great."

"What are you talking about?" asked Nami curiously.

"You've heard of the One Piece, haven't you?" Y/N inquired as he stopped walking and stood there staring at the door in front of him.

"Everyone's heard of that. All of you stupid pirates are after it."

"It's the Ultimate Treasure and as a Treasure Hunter it's my dream to find it."

"What, so you're gonna be King of the Pirates?"

"No. My Captain's gonna be King of the Pirates. I'm gonna find the treasure."

"You sound confident, but what makes you think you can find it?" asked Nami. "Pirates with the same dream as you have been looking for it for decades."

"That's because my Captain just set out about a week ago," Y/N told her, sounding as serious as he ever did. "He's going to be King of the Pirates and I'll help him every step of the way. If you reconsider joining out pirate crew you'll have a chance to see and do things you could only dream of. We're going to change the world and it'll be the adventure of a lifetime. Don't think of it as teaming up with pirates, just thing about all the money you could make, think of all the places you could see, the weird people you'd meet."

Y/N turned around and watched Nami as she sat at the table and stared at him, she was obviously thinking it over. "I'll reconsider on one condition," Nami eventually decided.

"Keep talking."

"Its just one tiny, little thing... Go with me to see Buggy."

"You stole the chart from him and now you want to visit him? He'll kill you on the spot."

"I wanna steal Buggy's treasure. Think of this as a test. It'll determine how things will go in the future. If we can manage it, I'll think about joining your pirate crew."

"What did you have in mind?" Y/N asked, looking vaguely interested.


A few minutes later, Nami and Y/N were walking down the road. Nami had a rope wrapped around her arm.

"At the end of this road is the Drinker's Pub," Nami pointed out, "That's where Captain Buggy is staying.

"Alight, let's start this plan of yours," said Y/N. "Hopefully Buggy's as stupid as you think he is."

"It'll work," Nami assured him as she took her rope and tied his hands behind his back, then wrapped the rope around his body keeping his arms pinned to his back.

"Not the legs," Y/N interrupted as he swung his legs away from her.

"Why not? It needs to look convincing."

"Then you'll have to drag me the whole way. It'll be unpleasant for both of us. Besides, it's a fallback plan."

"Fine," Nami conceded as she took the remaining rope and pulled Y/N down the road after her.


Meanwhile on top of the Drinker's Pub...


"We're sorry Captain," the three pirates that Y/N had beaten up earlier apologized. "But this Cyclops was really strong and really fast. He beat us before we could blink!"

"FOR THIS YOU DIE!" Buggy shouted, he prepared to execute his three henchmen for a crime even more severe than insulting his nose: Losing or stealing one of his important possessions.

But luckily for the trio, another pirate ran in and drew Buggy's attention with a loud announcement "Captain Buggy!" the small dark-skinned pirate with a pointed hat called out as he ran over, "It's the thief! She just walked through the door!"

"Good, bring her in here," Buggy instructed, "... wait hold on! What's she planning?"

"I don't know," the pirate admitted as Nami walked in pulling Y/N behind her.

"That's him!" one of the pirates that Y/N had beaten exclaimed, "The Cyclops who fell from the sky! He's the thief's boss!"

"Captain Buggy," said Nami as she held the tied Y/N next to her, "I've already caught the thief, and here's your chart?"

"Nami... what's going on?" asked Y/N, his eye narrowed.

"Hmm... you're returning the chart?" questioned Buggy, "What's this all about?"

"I had a fight with my boss," Nami answered, "He's an idiot, so I decided to try and join up with you."

"Bwahahahaha! An idiot, huh?" Buggy laughed, "I like you. I think I'll accept you and let you join as part of my crew."

"Mission accomplished," Nami thought to herself, "Now I just need to steal back the chart, steal Buggy's treasure, and get out of here."

"You traitor," Y/N growled at her. "How could you sell me out for this sorry excuse for a pirate and even sorrier excuse for clown?"

"WHAT DID YOU SAY?" Buggy demanded.

"You heard me," Y/N stated, not intimidated in the slightest. "You're a sorry excuse for a pirate. Why else would you be in the East Blue? It's supposed to be the weakest of the world's oceans. And if your pirate captain skills are anything to go by, you must be a terrible clown too."

"Why is he antagonizing him?" Nami thought to herself, "He'll get killed if he keeps this up."


"I'm talking to a clown who probably can't even juggle," Y/N retorted.

"I CAN SO JUGGLE!" Buggy insisted.

"Then prove it," Y/N challenged him. "So far you have yet to impress me."

"Why would I need to impress you?" Buggy growled. "I'm a notorious pirate captain! I have a bounty of fifteen million berries on my head! You're just a one-eyed nobody thief."

"Yeah," Y/N agreed, "I'm just a one-eyed nobody thief that would've gotten away with stealing your chart of the Grand Line if someone hadn't sold me out to the sorry excuse for a circus you call a pirate crew."

"I'm going to kill you," Buggy threatened in a deadly voice. "When I'm done, they won't even be able to find pieces to identify you with. However..." Buggy reached into his coat pocket and pulled out a bunch of knives. "As a last request from a doomed man I'll prove that I can juggle. You'll realize who you're dealing with before I kill you."

"Did he just get Buggy to do what he wanted him to?" Nami wondered, "How is he so good at handling pirates?"

Buggy held the three knives out in front of him and tossed one up in the air, then threw the next one up after it before tossing the remaining knife to his other hand, allowing him to catch the first knife he had thrown. In seconds Buggy was expertly juggling the three knives, catching them by the handle, and throwing them up in the air.

"GO CAPTAIN BUGGY!" the Buggy Pirates all cheered, clearly impressed by their captain's juggling.

"You call that juggling?" Y/N taunted, not as impressed as the Buggy Pirates, "I could do that. And I've only got one eye. Anyone with basic hand-eye coordination could."

"OH YEAH!" Buggy shouted, "MEN... MORE KNIVES!"

A pirate threw another knife at Buggy, the clown pirate caught it and was suddenly juggling four knives. Another pirate threw a knife and Buggy was then juggling five knives. This kept going until Buggy was suddenly juggling TEN knifes in a large circle over his head.

"YAY! CAPTAIN BUGGY!" Buggy's crew all cheered, even more impressed by their captain's skill with the sharp knives.

Nami stared in surprise as Buggy juggled the razor sharp knives. She cast a glance at the still tied-up pirate standing next to her. He noticed her looking and while Buggy and his crew were still distracted by Buggy's juggling feat, he flashed her the sly grin that she remembered from the marine base.

Nami stared at him in surprise, this pirate had manipulated Buggy the Clown, the feared pirate of the East Blue, an infamous pirate worth 15,000,000 berries, to juggle for his own amusement. "Did I pick the right guy to betray?" Nami thought to herself.

Y/N turned back to Buggy, "I guess this proves you aren't completely incompetent," Y/N reasoned, "but I'm still not impressed."

SHA-SHUNK-SHUNK-SHUNK! A split second later the ten knives Buggy had been juggling were imbedded in the ground around Y/N. And while Nami had jumped back in surprise, the one-eyed pirate hadn't moved an inch.

CLANG! An instant later Y/N was locked in a big iron cage, with his arms still tied.

"WHO'SE INCOMPETENT NOW!" Buggy taunted as he stood in front of Y/N's cage and mocked him. "BWAHAHAHAHA!"

"Just keep laughing," Y/N silently thought to Buggy, "when Luffy and Zoro finally get here, you're going down, Clown."


Out by the docks a little boat pulled up. "We've finally arrived," Moe announced.

Luffy glanced around the empty town. "Where is everybody?"

"What an empty town," Zoro observed, "I don't see anyone around here."

"Well the truth is, the town was invaded by Captain Buggy," Moe explained. "That's why no one is here."

"So what are we going to tell the Captain when we return empty handed?" Larry asked Moe.

"We have no choice but to tell him the truth," Moe answered, "besides, it's all that girl's fault."

"Where's this Buggy?" asked Luffy.


Hope you enjoyed the chapter!!!

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