Mr. 10
Mr. 10:
"BROGGY!" Nami shouted from the Giant Candle Service Set that she was trapped in along with Vivi and Zoro. Just when the giant had broken the wax that was keeping him pinned to the ground, Mr. 5 had blown him up. Now the charred giant was lying motionless on the ground next to the body of Dorry.
"Kyahahahaha!" Ms. Valentine laughed, "The big fool!"
"Eh-hah," Mr. 5 chuckled, "Disgusting creature."
"..." Ms. Goldenweek stood silently behind the other Baroque Works Officer Agents... as usual.
"It seems that I have miscalculated," Mr. 3 realized. "I forgot how freakishly strong these dumb giants can be!"
"Grrr..." Broggy growled. He was getting ready to give fighting another try.
"It looks like you're going to require a more complete restraint!" Mr. 3 decided. GLOOP! Mr. 3's right arm turned into wax and he pulled it back and prepared for a new attack, "WAX... WAX... HANDCUFFS!" CHUNK! CHUNK! Two cuffs slammed down onto Broggy's wrists and pinned them down to the ground. "STILL GOING!" GLOOP! Mr. 3 channeled wax out of both of his hands and completely covered Broggy's hands and feet, encasing the large giant in bonds that were harder than steel.
"AND NOW FOR THE FINISHING TOUCH!" Mr. 3 announced. GLOOP! Mr. 3 launched four wax objects up into the air over his head, "TAKE THIS!" SHUNK! SHUNK! SHA-SHUNK! The four objects turned out to be stakes, they fell from the sky and pierced through Broggy's hands and feet, literally crucifying him on the ground.
"GRRAAAAHHH!" Broggy screamed out in pain.
"Hoohoohaahaahaa!" Mr. 3 laughed, "It'll be tough for you to move now won't it! HOOHOOHAAHAAHAA!"
Everyone was distracted by the giant's howls of pain and the Candle Man's laughter. No one noticed the green and purple prehistoric bird that circled the clearing from overhead. Gwa... Bob the prehistoric bird squawked before the swooped down and disappeared into the jungle outside of the clearing.
"YOU MONSTERS!" Vivi shouted at the Baroque Works Agents. "YOU'RE DESPICABLE!"
"LET'S GET THESE CANDLES GOING FASTER!" Mr. 3 called out. "It's time to turn these people in to beautiful artistic wax statues! HOOHOOHAAHAAHAA!"
FWIP! FWIP! FWIP! The pumpkin bowl that was up above the wax cake that Nami, Zoro, and Vivi were stuck in started to spin even faster. The wax candles melted sending flakes of wax down on the three captives.
"KOFF! KOFF!" Nami coughed, "My chest is starting to hurt... the wax is starting to get into our lungs... at this rate he's going to turn us into wax from the inside out! KOFF!"
"HOOHOOHAHAHA!" Mr. 3 laughed. "That's it! Make it look like you're in as much pain a possible! That's perfect! Expressions of agony are what I seek to achieve in my art! The finished product will be simply splendid! You must die filled with terror!"
"Yell and scream all you want little girl!" Mr. 3 taunted her. "No one can help you now! YOU'RE DOOMED!"
"Who's doomed?" came a voice from behind Mr. 3.
The four Baroque Works Officer Agents spun around and saw a mysterious man standing behind them. He wore a black cowboy hat with red ribbon around the base and a big pair of sunglasses that hid most of his red hair and both of his eyes. He wore a red tank top and black cargo pants under a long black coat. A curved sword could be seen inside the coat sheathed at his waist and he wore black steel-soled boots on his feet. Cut into the front of the red tank top was the number '10'.
"Who are you?" Mr. 3 demanded. The four agents were caught up staring at Y/N that they didn't notice Nami, Vivi, Zoro, and Broggy's looks of surprise.
"I'm Mr. 10," Y/N introduced himself. He calmly eyed the '3' in Mr. 3's hair, "I take it you're Mr. 3."
"What's he doing?" Nami hissed.
"Just shut up and listen," Zoro whispered. "He's clearly got a plan. This could prove to be entertaining."
"I've seen your face somewhere before," said Ms. Valentine. "Are you really a Baroque Works Agent?"
"I am," Y/N lied. "As you all know by now, Mr. 8, Mr. 9, Ms. Monday, and Ms. Wednesday were traitors. I was recruited recently by Ms. All Sunday herself to try and fill in the gaps. She said I possessed special skills that the Boss would find useful."
"..." Ms. Goldenweek was staring at Y/N oddly, she slipped her backpack off of her back and began to rummage through it.
"If you're a Baroque Works Agent, then where's your partner?" asked Ms. Valentine, who was suspicious of this guy that just walked up claiming to be an agent. "If he doesn't say Ms. Tuesday, we'll know he's a fake."
"Let's see," Y/N thought to himself. "Mr. 8 was that guy with the rollers, he was paired with the fake nun Ms. Monday. Mr. 9 was paired with Ms. Wednesday. And the Unluckies are Mr. 13 and Ms. Friday. Ms. All Sunday is the Vice President, and it would be too redundant to have a Ms. Sunday. That leaves Ms. Tuesday, Ms. Thursday, and Ms. Saturday to go with 10, 11, and 12. Tuesday's the earliest, I'll go with that."
Y/N's thought process had only taken a few seconds, but he knew he had to make up an excuse for the stall in time, "Did someone important say something?" Y/N asked.
"DON'T IGNORE ME!" Ms. Valentine snapped.
"You're stalling," Mr. 5 pointed out. "Where's your partner?"
"Sorry," Y/N apologized. "I was distracted by that big sculpture over there. Ms. Tuesday is out in the jungle keeping a look out. There's dinosaurs, wild animals, giants, and pirates on this island, you can never be too careful."
Y/N raised his arm and waved it, internally he was thinking, "I hope Tim and Bob remember what I told them."
SKISH! SKISH! A tree at the edge of the clearing behind Y/N shifted slightly as if acknowledging his wave.
"If Ms. Tuesday sees anything, she'll signal or try to snipe it," Y/N explained to the Baroque Works Agents.
"You've proved yourself as an Agent," Mr. 3 decided. "But you haven't explained why you're here."
"I'm here personally delivering orders from the Boss," Y/N answered.
"Why would Mr. 0 send orders with you?" asked Mr. 5.
"He's getting close to enacting the final stages of his plan," Y/N replied. "He doesn't want to risk the Marines intercepting orders sent by the Unluckies. I have a photographic memory and an unparalleled ability to keep information hidden while being interrogated." Y/N had to fight to keep from smiling at the hidden meaning behind his words. Luckily, the three agents that were paying attention to him didn't notice.
"I'll admit I'm a little disappointed at being used as a messenger boy," Y/N continued, "but we're not allowed to question or disobey the Boss' orders so I suppose I'll keep my mouth shut if I want to succeed in Baroque Works."
Three of the four officer agents nodded in agreement, they were sold. Y/N had lied convincingly enough that he'd convinced three officer agents that he was a member of their organization.
"He's good," Vivi whispered to Zoro. If she didn't know any better, she'd believe him.
"The last time he did this, an army of fishmen threw us a party," Zoro whispered.
Skish! Skish! The final officer agent, Ms. Goldenweek, was silently paging through a stack of Wanted Posters that she'd gotten out of her backpack. She recognized Mr. 10's face from somewhere.
"What are these orders you've been sent to deliver?" Mr. 3 asked.
"Do you have an Eternal Pose to get off of the island?" Y/N inquired.
"No," Mr. 3 told him. "But I hardly see how that matters."
"So they're stuck here too," Y/N thought to himself. "That means we still need to figure out a way off the island."
"The Log Pose takes a full year to reset here," Y/N informed him. "The Boss gave me explicit orders through Ms. All Sunday to confirm that your mission has been completed and then to send for an Eternal Pose once I've verified it. After what happened in Whiskey Peak, he doesn't want any more slip ups. I'm sure you understand."
"Of course," Mr. 3 agreed, "Those weaklings couldn't help themselves." Mr. 5 and Ms. Valentine looked more irritated with Mr. 3 now than they did at Mr. 10. "But I never fail my missions."
"Then the Princess and the Straw Hat Gang are taken care of?" Y/N queried.
Mr. 3 motioned to the Candle Service Set with Nami, Zoro, and Vivi in it. "I'm turning them into wax figures for my statue collection," Mr. 3 clarified. "The wax flakes coming down on them will harden and turn them into real life statues. They'll die in the process."
"That's an amazing sculpture," Y/N commented, "you're very talented. I can see why you're an Officer Agent."
"Hoohoohmmhmm," Mr. 3 chuckled, "You have quite the eye. I'm sure you'll do well in Baroque Works. Not only is that a magnificently crafted masterpiece, but that hardened wax is as hard as steel. There's no way for them to escape from it."
"So they're being turned into wax figures because of the wax flakes dripping down on them," Y/N realized. "But it's not really steel, it's only wax. I'll have to test an age old dinosaur theory and see if I can break it."
"You're missing one," Y/N pointed out as he eyed the three captives. Nami, Zoro, and Vivi glared at him and pretended not to recognize him. "Where's Straw Hat? He's supposed to be worth 30,000,000 berries and is the most wanted man in the East Blue. I'm assuming you didn't forget about him."
"East Blue... East Blue..." Ms. Goldenweek whispered to herself as she continued paging through the stack of wanted posters. Skish! Skiff! Skiff! She eventually came to a Wanted Poster of a red-haired pirate giving her the finger.
"Mr. 3..." Ms. Goldenweek called out as she held up the poster while still sitting on the ground.
"Yes, Ms. Goldenweek," Mr. 3 interrupted his partner. "I know he's an impressive new member for Baroque Works."
"But he..." Ms. Goldenweek attempted to point out.
"We'll deal with whatever it is later!" Mr. 3 scolded her. "Just have some tea or something if you're bored."
"Um... okay..." Ms. Goldenweek reluctantly agreed. She put down the wanted poster of 'One Eye' Y/N and fished through her backpack for the tea set. It would be too problematic to bother Mr. 3 about the wanted poster. She wasn't about to turn down an opportunity to relax and have tea.
"So, what about Straw Hat?" Y/N asked, pleased to see that the agent who had been waving his wanted poster around was now rummaging through her backpack. "After what happened in Whiskey Peak, I hope you didn't take any chances with him."
"I dealt with him," Mr. 5 answered. "He's out of the way. When you deliver your report... however you plan on delivering it, be sure to mention that I made up for the mishap at Whiskey Peak and eliminated Straw Hat and the long-nose that was with him but wasn't on the list. I dealt with the Princess' ugly bird too."
"How did you eliminate him?" Y/N questioned.
"You're being awfully curious," Ms. Valentine remarked.
"It's my job," Y/N replied.
"I blew him up," Mr. 5 explained. "I used my Bomb Bomb Devil Fruit Powers on him, the long-nose, and the bird. We roughed up the bird beforehand. Ms. Valentine crushed the long-nose and buried him in the ground. Then I blasted all three of them with my bombs."
"I don't know whether to be insulted or relieved," Y/N thought to himself, "these guys are taking us so lightly that they think our captain will die after some lousy explosions. There's no doubt that Luffy, Usopp, and Carue are all still alive."
"As you can see, everything is going perfectly," Mr. 3 concluded. "Straw Hat has been eliminated, the swordsman, the Princess, and the girl are going to become my newest artistic masterpieces, and I'm even bringing in two giants that are worth 200,000,000 berries. Be sure to include all of that in your report. HOOHOOHAAHAAHAA!"
"Eh-hah," Mr. 5 chuckled, "No one can stop us now!"
"Kyahahahaha!" Ms. Valentine cackled.
Ms. Goldenweek dropped her teapot when Mr. 10 flashed a sly fox-like grin that perfectly matched the one on the wanted poster that was lying on the ground next to her.
"Hah-ha," Mr. 10 laughed for an entirely different reason, "That is where you're wrong." SWEEE-SWEEE! TweeEEEE! Y/N let out two different loud whistles which prompted Tim the tyrannosaurus to come crashing out of the trees while Bob the prehistoric bird flew along behind him.
The Officer Agents stared in surprise as the giant bird swooped down and allowed Mr. 10 to jump onto it's head. The bird flew along-side the tyrannosaurus while Mr. 10 told it, "Smash that column over there! We'll cover you!"
GRAWWRR! Tim charged at full speed across the clearing towards the sculpture. THOOM! THOOM! THOOM!
"HE'S AN IMPOSTER!" Mr. 3 shrieked. "GET HIM!" Ms. Valentine opened her umbrella and floated up into the air while Mr. 5 stuck his finger up his nose.
Fwik! "NEZ-PALM... CANNON!" Mr. 5 shouted flicked his booger at Y/N.
"Bob, use fly," Y/N ordered.
SWOOOSH! BOOOOM! Bob flew up over the booger and got out of range just as it exploded.
"I'VE GOT YOU NOW!" Ms. Valentine shouted from over Y/N's head, "10,000 KILO PRESS!" Ms. Valentine started gaining wait and plummeted down toward the bird and its rider.
"Bob, use Ariel Ace!" Y/N instructed.
SWOOOSH! Bob did a high-speed loop and flipped up over Ms. Valentine's head, then came back around and slammed into her from behind, WHAM! The large bird's size and speed gave it enough power to knock Ms. Valentine to the side and sent her plummeting down to the ground, BOOOOOM! Ms. Valentine made a crater when she impacted in the ground. Tim the tyrannosaurus ran right passed her and continued on his path to the sculpture.
"One down," Y/N remarked as he and Bob flew over the crater Ms .Valentine was in.
"I'LL SKEWER YOU!" Mr. 3 shouted, "WAX... WAX... ARROW BARRAGE!" GLOOP! GLOOP! GLOOP Mr.3 channeled wax out of both of his hands and threw a large number of wax harpoon-sized arrows, but they weren't targeting Y/N, they were heading for Tim.
"Tim stop and use Iron Tail!" Y/N called out.
Tim stopped running and swung his massive tail around, WHOOOOM! The tyrannosaurus' tail collided with the wax volley and sent them flying back the way they'd come. SHUNK! SHUNK! SHUNK1 Mr. 3 flinched and jumped back in time to find himself caught behind a wall made out of his own arrows.
"HOLD STILL YOU STUPID LIZARD!" Mr. 5 shouted, he flicked a pair of boogers at the large dinosaur, "NEZ-PALM... DOUBLE CANNON!"
"Tim, use agility!" Y/N ordered from overhead.
SKISH! The massive dinosaur put on a sudden and surprising burst of speed and dodged the two boogers as they hit the ground and exploded. KA-BOOM-BOOM!
"Tim, get that statue!" Y/N instructed as Bob flew around in a circle overhead, "We'll take care of the agents!" Y/N drew Akaikyuuketsuki then jumped off of Bob's back and fell down in front of him. WHAP! Bob caught Y/N by his shoulders, then did a helix-like turn and flew at Mr. 5.
"Bob, use Air Slash!" Y/N called up to the big bird, SWOOOSH! Bob dove and flew at Mr. 5 while Y/N swung his sword in front of him. WOOSH! A red-tinted blade of air came off of Y/N's sword and flew into Mr. 5's chest, catching the agent by surprise and knocking him on his back.
"Two down," Y/N stated and Bob swooped over the fallen agent, then turned around and flew after the dinosaur.
Ms. Goldenweek peeked out from behind her backpack bunker in time to find herself in between a charging Tyrannosaurus and its intended target. "Tim, use screech!" Y/N ordered.
RAAAAWWWWWWRRRRR! Tim let out a loud roar and showed off his mouth filled with huge, sharp pointed teeth to the small Baroque Works Agent.
"Eep!" Ms. Goldenweek let out a squeak and fainted. Fwump!
"Three down," Y/N commented, before he called down to the tyrannosaurus, "Tim, use head smash on that column!" Y/N looked up at the bird that was still holding him by the shoulders, "Bob, fly around and take out the last one with Steel Wing!" SWOOSH! Bob swung around in a high-speed circle and flew straight at Mr. 3.
"WAX... WAX... WALL!" Mr. 3 called out. GLOOOP! A large white wall made out of wax sprouted up in front of him.
SWISH! Y/N held on while Bob turned sideways and swooped around the wall, then smashed one of his wings into the candle man while still moving at high-speed, WHAM! Mr. 3 went flying backwards and landed hard on his back, while Bob ascended up into the air and gave Y/N a perfect view of Tim's head smash attack.
SHOOOM! Nami, Zoro, and Vivi all stared in awe as the massive dinosaur jumped clear over them and smashed head-first into the column of the Candle Service Set. WHAAAM! Tim smashed full-force into the column and caused the hard wax to crack and break, KREK! KREK! KRAK! Tim dropped down onto the top two layers of the cake as the column tipped and fell over, THOOOOM!
With wax no longer dripping down on them, Nami, Zoro, and Vivi were safe from being turned into wax figures. Now they were just stuck in the hard wax.
A Dead Body Is Useless:
Bob swooped downward and dropped Y/N who landed safely in front of the candle service set, TMP! "Bob, Tim, you both did great," Y/N praised his two animal allies, "go rest, you deserve it. I'll handle it from here."
Grahh... The groggy dinosaur struggled up off of the remains of the wax and staggered off into the jungle, smashing head-first into a wax column that was as hard as steel had taken a lot of out him, but now he'd at least have time to rest. Swoosh! Bob flew off into the jungle after him, he'd flown a lot during the battle and had tired himself out. But it had been worth it, since they'd smashed the wax monstrosity.
Slik! Y/N pulled up the sleeve on his long coat and cut his arm to meet the blood sacrifice requirement with his sword then put it away.
"But my wax was as hard as steel!" Mr. 3 exclaimed as he sat up and stared at Y/N in shock.
"A tyrannosaurus' skull is rumored to been as hard as diamond," Y/N retorted. "I'm glad I had an opportunity to prove it true."
"Was there a point to that, Mr. 10?" asked Zoro.
"I was getting information," Y/N explained. "I know Luffy's alive and will probably be showing up soon. I learned that they were trying to turn you into wax statues, so I smashed the column. Now you guys are safe and I just have to beat these guys and the crisis will be averted. Our only problem will once again be getting off this island because they don't have a Log Pose either."
"You named the tyrannosaurus Tim?" questioned Nami.
"Yes, yes I did," Y/N answered. "If you can think of a better name, you're welcome to go and find one and train it yourself. Now, if you'll excuse me... I have Officer Agents to beat."
"What was that air blade thing you did?" Zoro inquired.
"I'm not sure," Y/N admitted, "I was just moving at a really high speed and ended up cutting the air with my sword. That was actually the first time I've done it."
"Could we work on that in our next late-night training session?" Zoro requested. "Assuming we get out of here of course."
"Sure," Y/N agreed, "just let me take care of the agents. They're starting to wake up and I don't want to give them an opportunity to attack me from behind while I'm freeing you."
"WHO IS THIS GUY?" Mr. 3 demanded.
"His name's 'One Eye' Y/N," Ms. Goldenweek answered as she held up Y/N's poster while still lying on the ground.
"Eh-hem," Y/N cleared his throat. Ms. Goldenweek realized that she was practically lying next to him.
Ms. Goldenweek grabbed her backpack, then stood up and trekked over to Mr. 3 and handed him Y/N's wanted poster. Ms. Valentine floated up out of her crater and Mr. 5 got back up, the two of them walked over to Mr .3 and peeked at the wanted poster.
"Maybe this'll help," Y/N offered with a sly grin as he took off his sunglasses and gave the four agents the finger while they stared at the wanted poster.
"That's why he looked familiar," Ms. Valentine realized. "I must've seen his wanted poster somewhere before."
"It says here he's the First Mate on the Straw Hat Pirates," Mr. 3 read off of the poster. "He's worth twenty million berries and got his bounty when he killed 'Saw Tooth' Arlong."
"Straw Hat's First Mate," Mr. 5 stated. "What were the Unluckies doing on Whiskey Peak? It was one thing to miss the Long-Nose, but they missed the First Mate too."
"It's no matter," Mr. 3 resolved as he dropped the wanted poster to the ground. "We'll simply kill him along with the rest of them. We're Baroque Works Officer Agents, he's just a measly pirate."
"You know, I'm still here," Y/N reminded them as he stood calmly in front of the base of the statue Nami, Zoro, and Vivi were trapped in. "You might want to hurry while the odds are still in your favor. When my Captain shows up, we'll crush you."
"Don't bet on that!" Ms. Valentine snapped.
"Bet?" Y/N repeated. "That's an idea. I bet you, by the time this is over, you'll all be out cold on the ground."
"HOOHOOHAHA!" Mr. 3 laughed. "That's preposterous! You expect to beat all of us?"
"No," Y/N answered. "I'm simply stalling for time. In a few minutes, Straw Hat Luffy, Long Nose Usopp, and the Princess' duck Carue will be here. Then we'll beat you."
"If you're stalling, you're not supposed to tell us!" Ms. Valentine scolded him.
"Its working isn't it?" Y/N replied with a shrug.
"They're dead," Mr. 5 stated, "There's no way they're coming."
"How about we place a wager on this?" Y/N offered. "If the other three are alive, and we manage to beat you guys, we'll follow the Pirate Code and will be able to take your stuff without repercussion. If you beat us, you can have all the treasure on our ship."
"You won't exactly need it if we're dead," Y/N pointed out.
"What's to stop us from simply taking your treasure?" inquired Mr. 3.
"My safe has a digital padlock keeping it closed," Y/N answered. "There's no lock for you to pick with wax and it's too thick to be blown up. The only way to open it is to enter the six-digit combination. If you beat us, I'll admit defeat and tell you the combination. I've got about 200,000,000 berries worth of treasure in there."
"That's the same as the bounties for the two giants," Mr. 3 realized. "If we return to Alabasta with two hundred million berries from this pirate, his bounty of twenty million berries, Straw Hat's bounty of thirty million berries, the two hundred million berries from the giants, that'll make four hundred fifty million berries. Add in the Princess and the other Straw Hats and we might even be promoted." Mr. 3 came out of his musings and addressed Y/N, "My motto is Improvise and Conquer, I accept your bet."
"Good," Y/N replied with a sly grin. "Now you're dead..." Y/N rushed at the Baroque Works Agents leaving Broggy and the three captives staring after him.
"Does he do this sort of thing often?" Vivi asked. "I might be new to this whole pirate-thing, but isn't it unusual for a pirate to make a bet with their enemy?"
"Not for Y/N," Nami replied with a prideful smile.
"ATTACK HIM TOGETHER!" Mr. 3 ordered. "CANDLE LOCK!" GLOOP! Mr. 3 shot a glob of wax at Y/N's feet, but Y/N ran and jumped clear over it.
"NEZ-PALM ... CANNON!" Mr. 5 flicked a booger at Y/N but Y/N flipped over in midair and the bomb flew under him and exploded on the ground behind him. KA-BOOM!
"10,000 KILO PRESS!"Ms. Valentine who had gotten above Y/N when he wasn't looking, changed her weight to 10,000 kilos and dropped down as Y/N was landing, KRASH! Y/N rolled out of the way at the last second, causing Ms Valentine to slam into the hard ground.
"NEZ-PALM ... DOUBLE CANNON!" Mr. 5 flicked a pair of boogers at Y/N.
Y/N quickly grabbed Ms. Valentine and held the groggy agent in front of him as a shield. Ms. Valentine struggled and attempted to change her weight to 1 kilo and float away, but Y/N kept her anchored to the ground. "LET ME GO YOU IDIOT!" Ms. Valentine screamed as the two explosive boogers flew at her. "WE'LL BOTH BE BLOWN TO BITS!"
"Nope, you will," Y/N corrected her, WHUMP! Y/N shoved her forward into the path of the bombs and jumped up into the air and over her, BA-BOOOM! The two bombs exploded on Ms. Valentine while Y/N flew over the explosion and was heading right for Mr. 3.
"WAX WAX ARTS... ARROW!" GLOOOP! Mr. 3 formed an arrow out of wax and threw it at Y/N while he was flying closer. WHAK! Y/N drew his sword an smashed it into the air arrow, causing it to change its course and fly passed him. Mr. 5 had to dive out of the way to avoid being impaled by one of his fellow Baroque Works Agent's wax arrows, SHUNK! The arrow sunk into the ground right where he'd been standing.
Y/N charged at Mr. 3 with his red blade poised for an attack, "Red Blade ..."
"CANDLE WALL!" Mr. 3 yelled. GLOOOP! Mr. 3 hastily made a thick wax wall in front of him. Shoo! TMP! Y/N took it in stride and jumped up onto the top of the wall and then lunged downward at Mr. 3 who stared up in shock at the fast-moving pirate.
"... AVALANCHE!" SLASH! Y/N sliced Mr. 3 across the chest and sent the Officer Agent crashing to the ground while he lightly landed on his feet.
Skish! Y/N sheathed his sword, having fulfilled the blood sacrifice then reached down and grabbed the base of the '3' in Mr. 3's hair. Y/N lifted the agent up off of the ground by his air and swung him around in a circle, WHIR! WHIR! WHIR! Y/N let go and Mr. 3 went flying at Mr. 5. Y/N lunged forward and flew after Mr. 3, "Flying... ARROW KICK!" WHAM! Y/N drove his feet into Mr. 3's back and the two of them slammed into Mr. 5, bringing all three of them crashing down to the ground, KRASH!
Y/N staggered back up and stood over the two Baroque Works Officer Agents. Ms. Valentine was still suffering from the after-affects of being blown up and Ms. Goldenweek was hiding behind her backpack across the clearing from him.
"Please tell me Mr. 0, Mr. 1, and Mr. 2 are stronger than you guys," Y/N taunted, "Because that was just disappointing."
Y/N turned and stared at Broggy. "Not to question your beliefs..." he slowly began. "But what kind of Divine Protection is this God of Elbaph providing if you can't even be granted the dignity to die in battle? Where has that gotten you? You're trapped at the mercy of some psychotic wax sculptor. Me, I don't even believe in a higher power, but with my natural speed, a little luck, and some foresight, I took down three of the four of them. Actually..."
Y/N turned around and faced Ms. Goldenweek as she peeked out from behind her backpack bunker. "Hey, would you mind just falling down?" Y/N requested.
Well, Ms. Goldenweek certainly wasn't going to fight the pirate by herself especially after he'd taken out Mr. 3, Mr. 5, and Ms. Valentine. Just falling down would save her the effort of actually fighting the pirate. The remaining Officer Agent nodded and dropped down to the ground, Fwump!
Y/N turned back to Broggy and flashed his sly grin, "See? All four of them are down for the second time and I don't think I have the slightest bit of divine protection."
Broggy's thought were in turmoil. Everything he'd believed for so many years was put into question because of the human cyclops and the wax sculptor. "A century. For one hundred years Dorry and I dueled day in and day out, fighting endlessly. We battled for our pride, as is the way of the warriors of Elbaph. We fought with honor and with strength. AND STILL WE ARE SUBJECTED TO THIS! Why has this happened to us? Is this the divine protection you've provided me? A non-believing, one-eyed human that barely comes up to my ankle? IT ISN'T FAIR FOR A WARRIOR TO DIE SUCH A DISHONORABLE DEATH! WHY CAN I NOT DIE IN BATTLE?"
Broggy and Dorry had believed in Elbaph from the day they were born. But then this happened. Dorry was dead. And an atheistic cyclops was the only thing keeping him from being turned into a giant-sized trophy. THIS WAS TOO UNFAIR!
Mr. 3 pulled himself up off of the ground and laughed at the tear-filled expression on Broggy's face. "Hoohoohahaha!" Mr. 3 laughed at Broggy's expense. "Hold that look! Yes, that's it! Such grief, such sorrow! And just the right amount of anger! Marvelous! Hoohoohahaha!"
"Who said you could talk?" Y/N asked as he lashed out his foot and kicked Mr. 3 in the jaw, "Javelin... KICK!" CRUNCH! One of Mr. 3's teeth fell out from the impact, and he was out cold before he hit the ground. Y/N turned back to Broggy, "You have a lot to think about. I'll go free the others to give you some time." Y/N casually walked towards the wax structure Zoro, Nami, and Vivi were trapped in.
"Don't you think that was a bit much?" Zoro asked as Y/N jumped up onto the bottom layer of the cake that they were trapped in. "Half way through I started to feel sorry for them. You sure you don't want some help? It's for their benefit more than yours."
"I don't really think I need any," Y/N admitted. "I've already taken them all down twice."
"10,000 KILO TACKLE!" came a shout from behind Y/N. Ms. Valentine charged at him from behind and changed her weight to 10,000 kilograms.
"RICKY LOOK OUT!" Nami shouted.
Y/N easily jumped to the side and dodged Ms. Valentine's tackle. She went flying passed and slammed into the second layer of the cake. WHAAM! The wax cracked slightly as she went crashing down the ground.
Y/N calmly walked over to Nami and grinned, "Thanks for the heads up," said Y/N. "But she gave herself away when she screamed out her attack. That's one of the drawbacks of Anime Law Forty-Four."
"Huh?" questioned Nami in confusion.
"Nothing," Y/N said quickly.
"Your jerk!" Ms. Valentine snarled as she fought back up and held her head. Her blue jacket was in tatters and her dress and hat had scorch marks all over them from the explosion Y/N had pushed her into, she looked pissed. "You ruined my favorite outfit!"
"You were the one that got blown up," Y/N pointed out.
"YOU PUSHED ME INTO IT, YOU BASTARD!" Ms. Valentine yelled.
"Would it make you feel better if I said I was sorry?" Y/N inquired.
"NO!" Ms. Valentine hollered, "I'LL CRUSH YOU!" Ms. Valentine changed her weight to 1 kilogram and floated up into the air over Y/N's head.
"It didn't work the last two times, why the hell would it work now?" questioned Y/N.
The two male Baroque Works Officers had gotten back up while Ms. Valentine had Y/N distracted and fired two of their best attacks at him. Y/N glanced over his shoulder at the incoming arrow and boogers, then casually stepped out of the way.
"AAAAAAAHHH!" Nami let out a scream, Y/N had been standing in front of her, the bombs and the arrow were heading right for her now!
"Damn it," Y/N muttered, he dove in front of Nami and knocked the wax arrow out of the way, but ended up getting blown up by the two bombs. WHAP! KA-BOOM-BOOM!
"RICKY!" Nami shouted as the one-eyed pirate took the two bombs that would've hit her. There was a thick black cloud of smoke around him, so she couldn't see him.
"10,000 KILO PRESS!" Ms. Valentine shouted, she changed her weight to 10,000 kilograms and dropped down into the cloud of smoke, KWOOSH!
When the smoke cleared Y/N was on his back on the bottom layer of the cake with Ms. Valentine sitting on his chest.
"KYAHAHAHAHA!" Ms. Valentine cackled, "GOTCHA!" The bottom layer of the wax sculpture that Y/N was lying on had cracked from the impact of Ms. Valentine crushing him. Y/N had been left singed and unconscious from the combined attack that had finally hit him.
"Oh no..." Nami gasped as she stared at the pirate on the ground in front of her.
"HOOHOOHAHAHA!" Mr. 3 laughed. "Checkmate. We got him. Ms. Valentine, pull him up and I'll stick him in there with the others.
Ms. Valentine got off of Y/N and held him up between Nami and Zoro. Mr. 3 came over and put his hands on the wax at the unconscious pirate's feet, he stuck his fingers into it and pulled it opened and created two holes for Y/N's feet.
"Stick him in," Mr. 3 ordered.
Ms. Valentine stuck Y/N's feet into the holes in the wax then let him drop down onto the base while Mr. 3 closed the holes around Y/N's feet to keep him in place. Fwump! Y/N was left lying on his back in between Nami and Zoro with his feet stuck in the bottom layer of the wax cake.
Mr. 3 stepped passed Y/N and climbed up onto the top layer of the wax cake then placed his hands on the base, "Now prepare yourselves for the second coming... OF MY GIANT CANDLE SERVICE SET!" GLA-GLOOP! The wax pillar reformed as did the spinning pumpkin with the smiley face, and the thirteen cross-hatch candles on the rim of the pumpkin bowl. FWOOOSH! The flames on the candles ignited and then the top part of the sculpture started spinning again, FWIP! FWIP! FWIP! Mr. 3 leapt off of his remade masterpiece as wax flakes came down on Vivi, Zoro, Nami, and this time Y/N too.
"Well, Y/N's plan's a failure," Zoro observed as he glanced at the unconscious one-eyed pirate next to him. Y/N had just proven that there were too many of them to take on all alone. "Hey giant, you can still move right?"
"Uh-huh," Broggy grunted in reply.
"Good, so can I," said Zoro as he drew Kitetsu III. "I say we take 'em down together. What do you think?"
"Hold on a second!" Nami protested as Zoro drew Yubashiri. "What are you doing?" Zoro held out his two swords and pointed them at his legs. "Are you..."
"Yeah," Zoro answered.
"I'm not messing around at all," Zoro told her. "It's the only way to get us out of this situation. Are you in or out?"
"ARE YOU INSANE?" Vivi demanded. "No way! Even if you get down from here, you won't get far without legs!"
"There's no way to know for sure until we try," Zoro resolved. "So are you saying you'd rather just sit here and die? Why should we make it easy for those guys to kill us? Dying quietly without a struggle doesn't make you any less dead. Right?"
"The girl was right," Mr. 5 remarked as he, Mr. 3, Ms. Valentine, and Ms. Goldenweek stood together in front of the sculpture. "This guy's insane."
"He's bluffing," Mr. 3 decided. "There's no way he would do something as crazy as that! He's just trying to act tough so his friends will feel better!"
"Gebababababa!" Broggy laughed. "That runt's got spirit. I'll give him that. He's doing better than I am. I had actually begun to lose the will to fight. Is this what One-Eye was talking about? I was so content to die as Elbaph had planned that I couldn't think about fighting for myself." "ALRIGHT I'M IN! LET'S CUT THEM TO PIECES!"
"You're not serious about this are you?" Nami asked frantically. "How are you planning on fighting them afterward?"
"Who knows," said Zoro. "But... I plan to win."
"Who are these people?" Mr. 3 wondered. "They're completely nuts!"
"What kind of man is he?" Vivi thought to herself as she stared at the determined swordsman. "Why? Why do I feel like I've seen that look somewhere before?"
"Princess Vivi!" Igaram's voice rang out in her mind. "Some times it takes more strength to live than to die."
"WAIT, I'LL FIGHT WITH YOU!" Vivi decided.
"WHAT? VIVI!" Nami shouted in surprise, the Princess was supposed to be level-minded. Nami glanced down at Y/N who was still unconscious, "Y/N! Wake up! You have to talk some sense into these idiots!"
"Get ready," Zoro told the other two as he readied his swords.
"AND NOW... LET'S GO!" Broggy yelled as he struggled against the wax that has pinning him to the ground.
"DON'T BE FOOLISH!" Mr. 3 shouted as he got ready to shoot some wax. "WHAT DO YOU HOPE TO ACCOMPLISH?"
PLURT! Blood squirted up out of the giant's hands as he wiggled around on the ground. Nami closed her eyes as Zoro drove his swords down into his legs, SHWUP! KLAK! KLAK!
"YOU FOOLS!" shouted Mr. 3.
"GRAAAAHHHH!" Just then, Luffy, Usopp, and Carue came charging through the jungle and flew into the clearing.
"HEY!" Luffy shouted as they three of them flew passed the four agents and kept going. "WHEN I GET BACK I'M GONNA KICK YOUR ASSES!" KRASH! Luffy, Usopp, and Carue all smashed into a giant rock on the other side of the clearing.
"Huh?" said Mr. 3 as he watched Luffy, Usopp, and Carue pulled themselves back up.
"USOPP! BIRD! LET'S GET 'EM!" ordered Luffy.
"ALRIGHT!" Usopp cheered.
"QUACK!" Carue quacked.
"LUFFY!" Nami exclaimed. "USOPP!"
"CARUE!" Vivi cried out.
"Why do I feel like I was just hit by a house?" Y/N asked as he sat up and glanced around. "Oh Luffy, about time you got here. Did you guys get lost?"
"The giant dropped a mountain on me!" Luffy protested. "It took a while for the bird to dig me out!"
"Would someone mind helping me up?" Y/N requested as he held his arms up. With his legs trapped he didn't have the leverage to lift himself. Zoro and Nami reached down and pulled him up into a standing position.
Y/N slipped his arms out of the sleeves off his long black coat then took off his cowboy hat, "Hey Usopp!" Y/N called out to the marksman, "catch this and put it in Carue's saddle bag. I don't want my good clothes to get dirty." Y/N threw his coat and hat to the sniper, who caught them and put them in the pink saddle bag that Carue had on him. Once Y/N's clothes were packed away Usopp got serious.
"We're here Master Broggy, and we'll avenge you!" Usopp vowed.
"Thanks Usopp," the giant replied.
"BEAT THEM BEYOND RECOGNITION!" Nami encouraged them as they marched back over to their opponents. "SHOW THEM EXPRESSIONS OF PAIN AND AGONY THEY WON'T SOON FORGET!"
"Oh, I'm going to," Luffy agreed as he started cracking his knuckles. "These guys messed up the best duel ever! They're in for some serious trouble, and they're gonna answer to me!"
"I think I softened them up for you," Y/N calmly called out.
"So you're the one with the highest bounty in the East Blue?" Mr. 3 inquired as he stared at the approaching pirates and the duck. "My how low marine standards have fallen! It's almost tragic really!"
"Is that... YOUR HAIR?" Luffy exclaimed as he stared at the lit 3 on Mr. 3's head.
"JUST SHUT UP!" Mr. 3 snapped.
"Ooh! It's on fire!" Luffy realized.
"HUSH YOU!" Mr. 3 yelled.
"The attention span of a five year old, but the strength of a giant," Y/N muttered.
"Oh, are you guys in trouble?" Luffy asked as he glanced at the four people trapped in the wax sculpture. They were all lightly coated in small splotches of white wax.
"Nope, no trouble at all," Zoro answered.
"Zoro... your legs are bleeding..." Y/N suddenly noticed. There was blood coming out of some deep wound around Zoro's ankles. There was blood dripping out of the wound and off the layer of the statue they were trapped in. "You really do have to bleed during every fight, even one's you're not involved in."
"Yeah well, while you were napping I had to come up with a temporary plan," Zoro explained. "The Princess and I were gonna cut our legs off and join the giant in fighting the four agents. I must've hacked about half way through 'em before Luffy, Usopp, and the ostrich showed up."
Y/N rolled his eye and glanced at Nami, "Something tells me you didn't appreciate their plan."
"You're rational, please tell me you wouldn't have joined them," Nami pleaded. "I was starting to think I was the crazy one because I wasn't willing to hack my own limbs off and fight."
"Nah," Y/N answered. "I was just stalling until Luffy got here. I wouldn't have been desperate enough to cut off my feet. They're very important when it comes to keeping my balance and kicking people."
"Good enough," said a relieved Nami, "By the way... thanks for keeping me from getting skewered by that wax harpoon."
"I wasn't about to let you get hurt on my watch," Y/N replied while he gave a casual shrug. Nami quickly looked away so he wouldn't see her blush.
"So Luffy, what do you think?" Zoro asked. "Could you go ahead and take care of this pillar for us? I think I've done enough."
"Yeah, no problem," Luffy assured him.
"Hmph," Mr. 3 grunted. "I can't allow that."
"I don't know what it is," Luffy admitted as he stared up at the spinning top to the wax sculpture. "But let's break it!"
"Let's do it," Usopp agreed. "Usopp the Brave Warrior of the Sea is ready to fight!"
"QUACK!" said Carue.
Hope you enjoyed the chapter!!
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