Monster VS Demon

Monster versus Demon:


Luffy walked over to the other spectators then sat down in front of them and waited for the fight to start. His brother and first mate had turned out to be the notorious murderer from the Grand Line, 'the Demon' Red Eye and he was now facing off with 'Saw Tooth' Arlong.

"Heh-heh-heh, at least that's out of the way," Y/N laughed. "I can't wait."

"Can't wait for what?" Arlong challenged.

"To see the look on your face right before I kill you," Rick explained. "When this is over, I'll be standing over you and you will be begging me for mercy. Heh-heh-heh... and being the heartless killer that I am... I WON'T BE ABLE TO GRANT IT!"

"Even if it were possible for a human to defeat me, you don't stand a chance," Arlong growled.

"Funny," Red Eye replied, "that's what the fishmen you sent after me were thinking before I killed them. Let's see if you fair any better than them."

"So what's with Y/N's eye? Why's it all red and stuff? Did he get water in it?" asked Luffy as he stared at the pirate and the fishman in front of him.

"Johnny and Yosaku were actually just explaining that," Zoro replied.

"Say your prayers, human!" Arlong snarled as he charged at Rick.

Rick stood still and cocked his head to the side, "Prayers?" he repeated, "Do I look like I'm gonna regret gutting you?"

"DIE!" Arlong yelled as he swung his webbed fist at Rick's head.

SWOOOSH! But Rick ducked it then lunged forward and swung his good arm at Arlong's stomach, "RED EYE... PUNCH!" Without even making contact Arlong went flying backwards, but this time Arlong managed to stop himself and didn't slam into a wall.

"How'd he do that?" asked Luffy. "He didn't even touch him and that fish guy went flying!"

"Those are the terrifying powers that Red Eye has at his disposal," Johnny tried to explain.

"I'm not talking about that Red Eye guy," said Luffy. "I'm talking about Y/N. Didn't you see him send the fish-guy flying? How'd he do that?"

"Brother Luffy... Brother Y/N is Red Eye," Yosaku explained.

"No he isn't!" Nami argued. Y/N was calm, relaxed, honorable, and cared about other people. Not some creepy, blood-thirsty demon that killed everyone he came across.

"Then how did he do it?" pressed Luffy, who still wasn't getting the picture.

"Brother Luffy, your First Mate is 'the Demon' Red Eye," Yosaku explained. "His red eye is supposed to give him strange powers. He's killed countless pirates, bounty hunters, and marines. Even civilians! No one's seen his faced and lived. But from the looks of it, he wants to kill Arlong now."

"That's not Y/N," Usopp finally spoke up. Nami was surprised to have someone agree with her and turned to face him. Usopp explained his earlier encounter with Red Eye from last chapter. How he was getting strangled and was starting to see spots, then how a spark of life appeared in Y/N's hazel eye and he was suddenly released and sent flying to the side. "The real Y/N saved me from that one and told me to stay out of his way."

"Then it's gotta be something to do with that eye," Nami resolved. "He's completely different now, and it started when he took his eye patch off. It's like someone else is speaking through him."

"You giving up yet?" asked Rick as he stood in front of Arlong with an evil smile on his face.

"SHARK ON DARTS!" Arlong shouted before he rocketed towards Red Eye, but Rick held his arm out in front of him and Arlong suddenly stopped and floated in midair.

"What the hell?" the confused fishman exclaimed.

"RED EYE... BODY BLOW!" WOOOOSH! Rick lashed out his good arm and Arlong doubled over as if he had been struck in the stomach. "RED EYE... UPPERCUT!" WOOOOSH! Rick followed up with an upward thrust which impacted with Arlong's jaw and snapped his mouth shut with such force that Arlong's teeth shattered and broke. TINK! TINK! Arlong's teeth fell to the ground at his feet.

Rick stepped back and smirked at Arlong, "Scared yet?"

The audience stared in shock as Arlong held his hands up to his mouth. His teeth had been shattered and there was barely anything left.

"Where's your spirit and superiority now, fish?" Rick taunted Arlong, there was a psychotic look in his eye, "IS IT BROKEN LIKE YOUR TEETH?"

"I'm a shark fishman," said Arlong as he pulled the remains of his teeth out, then suddenly grew new ones. "If I lose my teeth I just grow them back."

"That's a nice little trick," Rick remarked, "Heh-heh-heh! I guess I'll just have to crush this set too."

"You can't kill me," Arlong snarled. "Do you know what the difference is between you and me?"

"Is it that I'm more dangerous than you?" Red Eye guessed.

"You're not more dangerous than me!" Arlong snapped as he reached into his mouth and pulled out the new set of teeth, they stayed in the shape of his mouth while he held them in his hand.

"The World Government obviously thinks otherwise," Rick pointed out as a new set to teeth sprouted in Arlong's mouth. "My bounty is five times was yours is."

"Y/N has a bounty?" questioned Luffy.

"Johnny and Yosaku just said Red Eye had a 100,000,000 berries," Nami answered. "But since everyone thinks he's dead, it's not active any more. Arlong used to be the highest in the East Blue with 20,000,000."

"Cool!" Luffy commented. "I can't wait until I get a bounty like that!"

"Do you think I'm scared of you?" asked Arlong as he pulled out his teeth so he had a set in his other hand too. The ones in his mouth quickly re-grew. "You may have killed some of my fishman brothers, but their strength is nothing compared to mine! YOU CAN'T BEAT ME! The difference between us is... OUR SPECIES!" Wielding two sets of teeth in his hands and another set in his mouth, Arlong charged at Y/N and started snapping at him with all three sets of teeth. "TOOTH GUM!" KLAK! KLAK! KLAK! KLAK!

"Put those away before you hurt someone," Rick warned him as he easily dodged Arlong's three sets of teeth.

"Like you?" asked Arlong. CHOMP! Arlong's teeth sunk into flesh.

"LORD ARLONG! NOO!" groaned the fishman that Arlong had just realized that he had bitten.

Rick seemed to find the whole situation hilarious. "HEH-HEH-HEH!" Rick laughed. "SEE! Now you've hurt someone! THAT is called canibalism! HEH-HEH-HEH! Even I don't stoop that low!"


"Heh-heh-heh! You shouldn't play with sharp objects," Rick lectured him. "I'm gonna have to take those away from you!" Rick snapped his arm downward and suddenly rocketed up into the air. SHOO! Arlong and everyone watching glanced overhead and watched Red Eye fly up into the air but they were soon blinded by the sun that was overhead.

"I can't see anything!" Usopp complained as he put on his goggles.

"That's the point," Zoro realized. "If you can't see him, neither can Arlong."

"DAMN IT HUMAN! GET DOWN HERE!" Arlong roared as he raised his arms up above his head to block the sun while squinting up for any sign of Rick.

"RED EYE... DIVE!" came a loud shout, a black blur rocketed down from the sky, KER-WHAM! Rick slammed feet-first down on the teeth Arlong was holding over his head. KRAK! Tink-tink-tink! The teeth Arlong was holding shattered and fell to the ground in front of him.

"Heh-heh-heh," Rick laughed as he jumped backwards and landed in front of Arlong. "Now you won't bite anyone else!"




"Let me get this straight," Sanji commented as he, Nojiko, and Genzo sat together and watched Red Eye take on Arlong. "We went through all that trouble to get Luffy out of the water. And now crap-eye is fighting that fish bastard instead?"

"Uh... yes," said Nojiko, "But, we'd have to get Luffy out of the water sooner or later. And incase that 'Red Eye' doesn't stop Arlong, we'll still have Luffy to finish him off. We could actually win!"

"That might be harder than you think," Genzo pointed out. "I think they're just getting started."

"But what happens if both crap-eye and Luffy lose?" asked Sanji.

"Then we're all dead," Nojiko replied.

"Well I never thought I'd say this," Sanji remarked, "especially after he blew a hole in the wall of my restaurant, but... GO CRAP-EYE!"


"Hey Y/N," Zoro called out from his spot on the ground, catching Red Eye's attention, "If you lose... I'll kill you."

Rick turned to the swordsman and stared at him. For a brief second a flicker of recognition appeared in Y/N's hazel eye.

"What the..." Nami said to herself, seemingly the only one to notice the look that appeared in his eye.

Arlong charged at Rick, looking to hit him while he was distracted. But Rick turned and saw Arlong coming and held his arm out in front of him, then suddenly raised it up into the air, causing Arlong to go flying up into the air over his head. "RED EYE... SLAM!" Rick shouted as he snapped his arm down, BOOM! Arlong plummeted down from the sky and plowed right into the ground. Rick then swung his arm to the side and Arlong was flung into the water. SPLASH!

"Y/N! You just threw a fishman in the water, you idiot!" Nami yelled.

Rick turned and stared at her, and once again a flicker of emotion appeared in Y/N's normal eye.

"Stop bothering me, woman!" Red Eye snapped, "Can't you see I'm killing someone?"

"SHARK ON DARTS!" came a loud shout as Arlong came rocketing up out of the water like a torpedo and rammed right into the distracted Rick's stomach, WHAM! Rick was knocked to the side and Arlong kept going and plowed right into the wall that was connected to the awning above his broken throne.

"Ouch, that had to hurt," Usopp commented.

"He just took a direct hit from a fishman!" Yosaku exclaimed.

"And one that had just come out of the water too!" added Johnny. "The velocity of that would have torn one of us in half!"

Arlong pulled himself free from the wall and stood on the awning and glared down at Rick. But Rick pulled himself up to his feet and turned to face Arlong again and started laughing. "HEH-HEH-HEH! IS THAT THE BEST YOU CAN DO?" Rick taunted.

"He just took a direct hit, and got right back up!" Usopp exclaimed. "Arlong must have knocked him silly!"

"I think he's a lot tougher and crazier than we gave him credit for," Zoro commented.

"And they say you were once Jinbei's equal in power?" questioned Rick.

"That's right, once," said Arlong. "My power has only grown in this time, I'm stronger now than that honor bound fool will ever be."

"Well if that's the case," said Y/N, "he must not be very strong at all! You're not! I've seen Jinbei once before. He fought for five days straight without giving an inch. He must've gotten a whole hell of a lot weaker if you're as strong as he is. HEH-HEH-HEH!"

Arlong gritted his teeth in anger and glared down at Y/N, "So somehow you managed to withstand my attack. All that means is that your torment will continue!"

"The only torment I'm going through is that you're still speaking," said Rick. "I just wanted to see what you were capable of. I let you get that attack in. Compared to the attacks this body's used to, THAT WAS NOTHING! You're just a big fish in a small pond, you're out of your league."

"I'LL KILL YOU!" Arlong screamed, getting worked up just like Rick had said, "SHARK ON DARTS!"

Arlong leapt off of the awning he was on and shot at Rick, but as a blur Rick spun to the side, causing Arlong to plow right into the ground where Rick had been standing before. THUD! "Ole," said Rick as he struck a one-armed pose.

Arlong had his nose stuck in the ground but then shouted, "SHARK ON DARTS!" And suddenly launched at Rick again, but Rick shot his arm down and launched up into the air, causing Arlong to speed underneath him. SWISH! Rick landed and turned around just as Arlong was stopping, the fishman turned around and shouted "SHARK ON DARTS!" and rocketed towards Rick again. Rick shot out his arm and moved it to the side, WOOOSH! Arlong veered off course and went passed Rick and ended up splashing into the water again. SPLASH!

"This is getting kind of repetitive and boring," Rick commented as he turned and stared down into the water where Arlong was no doubt recovering.

"Oh no, Arlong's back in the water!" Usopp exclaimed.

"Y/N, get out of there!" Nami called out.

"Heh-heh-heh! Here fishy, fishy, fishy," Rick openly mocked Arlong in a sing-song voice. "Come out and plaaaaay..."

Underwater, Arlong was planning to attack again, "This time I'll go twice as fast!" Arlong decided. "I'll slice right through him! NO ONE makes a fool out of me and lives!"

"Come on, fish," Rick prodded Arlong, "I was kind of hoping this wouldn't take all day! I do have other people to kill."

SPOOSH! "SHARK ON TOOTH!" Arlong shouted as he came shooting out of the water at an alarming speed, this time his mouth was opened and he was looking to hit Rick teeth first when he got to him.

But Rick dropped down on his back and shot his legs up into Arlong's stomach as he was going over him, "Red Eye... UNDERBELLY KICK!" WHAM! Arlong was launched upward and went flying up into the air. Rick got up to his feet then shot his arm down at his side, causing him to go rocketing up after Arlong. SHOO!

"What's he trying to do?" Sanji wondered as he, Nojiko, and Genzo watched the battle from their hiding spot.

Rick shot up into the air much faster than Arlong and ended up going up higher than him, "RED EYE... STOMP!" Rick shouted as he did a front-flip and drove both of his feet into Arlong's back, THOMP!

Arlong went plummeting back down to the ground. KER-RASH! Arlong slammed into the ground with such force that it created a crater, Rick landed on top of him in a crouch, but casually stood up and took a few steps back then peered down at Arlong.

"Hey fish! Fish! Can you hear me?" Rick called out as he stared down at Arlong. "Are you dead yet?"




"It worked!" Johnny and Yosaku exclaimed as they stared at the hole that Arlong was in. Rick was just standing over it with a vague smile on his face.

"Is it over?" Luffy wondered.

But suddenly Arlong's eyes flickered open, then the fishman got back up.


"Arlong looks different!" Nojiko and Genzo observed, the expression on Arlong's face and the look in his eyes was terrifying.

"That's the look a shark gets when they go berserk!" Sanji exclaimed, "crap-eye's attack only enraged him!"


"You're stronger then you look," Rick commented as Arlong turned to face him.

"I've never seen his eyes like that before," said Nami as she stared at Arlong's angry eyes. Arlong was really mad now.

Arlong suddenly shot his hand out and he grabbed Rick by the throat, "YOU ARE A WORTHLESS HUMAN!" Arlong screamed. "AND I AM A MIGHTY FISHMAN! I'LL MAKE YOU PAY!" Arlong threw Rick as hard as he could at the front wall of Arlong Park.

But Rick shot his arm out and he slowed to a stop then levitated down to the ground. Tmp! "What did you expect?" Rick asked.

"RRRAAAAHHH!" Arlong roared in rage and rushed at Rick, he lashed out his fist and aimed at Rick's head but Rick simply stepped to the side causing Arlong to punch a hole in the wall. BOOM!

"Too slow, fish," Rick mocked him, causing Arlong to glare at him. But what Rick didn't know was that when Arlong had punched through the wall he had grabbed hold of a weapon on the other side.

KREESH! With a mighty yank Arlong pulled his fist and the long blade it was holding out from the wall to reveal a long sword with a jagged saw-like blade. It was bigger than Arlong and no doubt weighted a ton. Arlong quickly raised the giant blade up over his head then brought it crashing down on Y/N, WHAM! A cloud of dust rose from the impact hiding both the merman and the human from view. The people watching all stood by and waited to see what had happened.

"What the heck is that thing?" Luffy wondered.

"IT'S A GAINT SAW!" Johnny and Yosaku shouted together.

"Kiribachi," said Nami in a whisper, she had heard that Arlong only used his saw-blade when he was really mad. She'd never seen him angry enough to wield it.

"Did he get him?" questioned Usopp.

"It didn't sound like it," Zoro reasoned.

The dust cleared and revealed Arlong standing there with Kiribachi imbedded in the ground in front of him. Arlong's eyes were wide open in surprise, Red Eye was balancing on top of the shaft of his saw blade and had his own sword positioned at the fishman's throat, he was completely unharmed.

"So that's how you want to do this, huh?" asked Rick. "HEH-HEH-HEH! Now we both get to play with sharp, pointy objects! I'LL GUT YOU LIKE THE FISH YOU ARE!"

SHUNK! Arlong snarled angrily and hefted his weapon up out of the ground causing Rick to go flying up over his head. As Rick started falling Arlong spun around and slashed him with his blade. KLANG! Rick spun around in mid air and blocked Arlong's attack with his sword and his steel-soled boots. Rick was still knocked backwards from the impact, but landed gracefully on his feet. Tmp!

"Here I come!" Rick called out as he brandished his sword and charged at Arlong.

"I'LL SKEWER YOU!" Arlong screamed. He raised Kiribachi again and started swinging wildly at the charging Rick in a mad frenzy. But to further infuriate Arlong, all Rick would do was dodge the blade or deflect it with his sword.

SWOOSH! "Heh-heh-heh, you're starting to get a bit desperate," Rick observed as he ducked another wild swing from Arlong. "Have you finally realized how outmatched you are? You're a pitiful swordsman, I'd bet the swordsman over there could beat you... if he wasn't half-dead." KLANG! Rick knocked Arlong's return swing off course with his own sword.

Zoro snorted when he was mentioned and was watching the duel with interest now. As far as he could tell, Red Eye had Arlong at a major disadvantage. Arlong was getting angry and was swinging wildly, hoping to hack off a limb. But Red Eye was maintaining the cold, cocky... and somewhat psychotic attitude through the entire exchange, and was easily deflecting any and all of Arlong's attacks. A good swordsman keeps a cool head in battle and is always aware of his surroundings, that was what Red Eye was doing in his own unorthodox way. Arlong on the other hand was about to boil over.

"Heh-heh-heh! You couldn't hit the broad side of a barn," Rick taunted. SWISH! Arlong swung his blade around again, but Rick jumped backwards and dodged it. "What makes you think you can hit me?" Arlong quickly recovered and slashed his saw back around at Rick. KLANK! Rick jumped up into the air and blocked the tip of the saw with his hooked sword but the momentum of Arlong's swing ended up knocking him backwards.

Rick went flying back but stopped himself and lightly touched down on a patch of the roof of the building structure of Arlong Park. TMP! Arlong leapt up into the air and brought his saw blade down from over his head, SHUNK! Arlong drove his weapon down into the spot on the roof that Rick had just vacated.

"Okay, maybe you can hit the broad side of a barn," Rick corrected himself as he stood on the roof above Arlong. "But you know, BUILDINGS CAN'T MOVE THAT FAST!"

Arlong flipped over his sword and yanked it out of the roof, SHUNK! Then in the same movement he flipped forward and leapt up onto the next floor and swung downward at Red Eye. KRASH! Rick jumped out of the way and once again dodged Arlong's attack. This continued until Red was standing on the very top of Arlong Park with the flag waving up above his head.

"Arlong's relentless!" Yosaku exclaimed.

"Red Eye could be in trouble!" Johnny shouted.

"He looks okay to me," Zoro disagreed.

"It's only a matter of time until Arlong manages to hit him," Johnny yelled. "Then it's all over!"

"No," said Luffy simply, "Y/N's tougher than that. He can beat Arlong."

"Luffy, are you sure?" asked Nami, she had never seen Arlong this angry, she was getting worried for Y/N.

"Yup," Luffy answered, "Arlong can't beat Y/N. That's why he's on our crew!"

"Wait..." Yosaku cut in. "You just learned that he's a mass murderer, and you're still allowing him on your crew?"

"I don't care about that stuff," Luffy stated. "All that matters to me is that he's my brother. He was there for me when nobody else was. He's also Nakama and right now he's fighting Arlong so we don't have to."

Nami stared at Luffy in surprise, there was that word again. Nakama. Even though they had just learned that Y/N was supposedly a demon—she still refused to believe it—Luffy still saw him as a brother and a crewmate.

"Hey Nami, since I'm not fighting the fish-guy, can I have my hat back?" asked Luffy.

Nami nodded faintly and handed Luffy his treasured straw hat back. Luffy nodded his thanks before they both turned their attention back to the fight.

Up on the roof, Rick jumped to the side and dodged Arlong's shark saw as it came crashing down at him. SHUNK! Rick backed away from Arlong as he flipped up onto the roof and pulled his saw blade free after him. FWUMP! "End of the line, human," growled Arlong. "Now it's time to end this!"

"So you give up?" asked Rick.

"DIE!" Arlong bellowed as he charged at Rick. But Rick stepped backwards and jumped off of the roof, then shot his arm out behind him and smashed through the glass window in front of him. KRASH!

Rick rolled to a stop and found himself in a room filled with charts, maps, tables, and bookshelves. His face immediately went blank and a cold glare appeared in both his normal hazel eye and his red eye. "He's mine."

"You'd better kill him brat, because if you don't... the blue haired girl dies first."


"He's gone inside!" Sanji announced to Nojiko and Genzo.

"The left window on the top floor..." Nami observed, "The Chart Room!"


"Not hard to guess whose room this was," Y/N commented as Arlong stepped through the smashed window into the room. The red eye was still glowing, but his normal eye was filled with suppressed anger.

"That's right," said Arlong as he watched Y/N stare at a chart on the wall. "These are the charts that Nami spent the last eight years drawing for me. Fishmen are excellent at gathering information about the sea, but without a decent cartographer it's worthless. That Nami's a genius, no one else in the world can make charts and maps like these. There's nothing more tragic and stupid then wasting one's gifts."

"And yet that's exactly what you're doing by forcing her to stay here," Y/N pointed out. "Not only are you arrogant, you're a hypocrite too."

"You idiot," Arlong snapped. "Drawing charts for me allows Nami to achieve her full potential. With her charts soon I'll achieve my dream! The East Blue is only a stepping stone! We'll move onto the other oceans and Nami will draw our charts there too. Once we have charts of all the World's oceans no one will oppose us. THE WORLD WILL BECOME MY EMPIRE!"

"Not likely, your reign of terror ends here," Y/N informed him.

"Don't get too cocky human," said Arlong. "A pathetic crew like yours could never use Nami the way I do. NOW DIE!" Arlong swung his Shark Saw at Y/N.

But Y/N dropped his sword and raised his arm up in the air, and suddenly the blade stopped. "Kiribachi!" Arlong thought frantically, 'Why can't I move it?"

Y/N turned around and glared at Arlong, "Use?" Y/N repeated, his red eye glowing with a strange new intensity. "I almost feel sorry for him."


Down in Flames:


Y/N grabbed Arlong's Shark Saw with his good arm and drove it down onto his knee, KA-RAK! Y/N broke the blade clean in half. "KIRIBACHI!" Arlong exclaimed as Y/N tossed top half of Arlong's broken weapon to the side.

"What the hell do you think Nami is?" Y/N demanded as he glared at Arlong.

"She's an excellent Cartographer," Arlong answered, he was slightly uneasy from the glare Y/N was giving him, it was a lot different from the psychotic one from earlier. "Even if she is of an inferior species, compared to the rest of you humans she's quite intelligent. She's like a spirited kitten... a cute one. Nami will continue to draw charts for me in this room forever! I'll feed her, I'll buy her all the clothes she wants, and I'll give her everything she wants as long as she continues to draw maps for me. Besides... we're crewmates."

"What about Nami's dreams and ambitions?" Y/N growled. "What about what Nami wants? You're blackmailing her into staying her against her will, you're keeping her from doing the things she wants to do. Nami's not your crewmate, to you she's just some kind of PET!" Y/N reached into his top right pocket with his left arm and pulled out an explosion ball.

"Hey, what happened to Red Eye?" Usopp asked the others on the outside. "What's going on in there?"

KA-BOOM! Y/N threw the Explosion Ball at the bookcase in the corner and on impact it exploded and burst into flames.

"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?" Arlong demanded as Y/N pulled out another two red balls and threw them at the pile of charts in the corner. KA-BOOM! BOOM! The balls exploded and blew a hole in the wall, and all of the charts instantly combusted and started burning. The fire started to spread and caught onto the bookshelf next to all of the charts, all the books on navigation found themselves victims of the now raging fire.

Y/N pulled out another red ball, then turned and kicked the desk behind him causing it to go crashing through the window behind it. KRASH! Y/N threw the Explosion Ball after it and it exploded when it collided with the desk in midair. KA-BOOM!


Outside the spectators saw a desk come flying out the window and then the desk exploded when something hit it.

"WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT?" Yosaku shrieked.

"IT'S A DESK!" Usopp exclaimed when the flame-covered wooden desk slammed down to the ground in front of them.

"I thought it was Red Eye or Arlong," Johnny admitted.

Everyone looked up and saw a thick cloud of black smoke billowing out of the smashed window. Smoke like that meant... "THE INSIDE OF THAT ROOM'S ON FIRE!" Johnny and Yosaku shouted.

"Y/N..." said Nami, as she glanced at the burning remains of the desk that Arlong had forced her to sit and draw countless charts for him, the same charts that were now burning inside of the raging inferno that had once been the chart room. She slowly reached up and grabbed the eye patch that was around her neck.


Y/N pulled out another pair of the red balls and threw them to the other side of the room. KA-BOOM! BOOM! The balls exploded and blew a hole in the wall connecting this room to the room next to it. The flames were quick to catch onto everything in the next room and now that was on fire too. Soon the entire top floor of Arlong Park was burning up.

Arlong started sweating, the temperature in the room had just risen quite a bit, and now he was surrounded in flames. "You little bastard!" Arlong yelled as he watched all of the charts he had made Nami draw burn to a crisp before his very eyes.

"What's the matter?" Y/N taunted Arlong, he was barely sweating, "can't stand a little heat?"


"What's going on up there?" Usopp wondered. "Why's it burning?"

Nami just stood silently and watched as smoke came billowing out from the room Arlong had forced her to stay in and draw all of his map and charts. She remembered Arlong punishing her for the smallest mistake, how much she missed Bellemere, how Arlong kept her slaving away constantly drawing maps all her life. The room she had slaved away in for the last eight years was now burning to a smoldering crisp, and she had a feeling that it was Y/N's doing. Not the other Y/N, the one people called a demon... the real Y/N, the one who fought a lion to avenge a dog, the one who was willing to give up over two billion berries to save a village that meant nothing to him, that Y/N... her Y/N.


"My charts!" Arlong exclaimed, "My Sea Charts! Blast you, human! You just destroyed eight years of Nami's work!"

All four walls of the room were covered in flames, the entire room was burning save for a small section in the seemed completely unaffected and was only sweating slightly from the intense heat.



"That must be some fight going on up there!" Luffy exclaimed. "The entire room's burning now!" The flames were coming out from he holes in the walls and were spreading onto anything flammable. The entire top floor was staring to light on fire.

Nami just stood silently as tears slowly appeared in her eyes and streaked down her cheeks, the room she had been tormented in for the last eight years, as well as the rest of top floor of Arlong Park was burning to a crisp. "Y/N..." said Nami in her mind her hand clenched tightly on his eye patch, "Thank you..."

"What's going on?" Sanji wondered, "The explosions stopped."


"Congratulations," said Y/N. "You've earned your place on the list of things I truly hate. It's a rather exclusive list and you're right behind this red eye of mine."

"Grrr... finally we agree on something," Arlong snarled. "I've met a lot of humans that I've hated, but you're at the top of the list. I won't stop until you're dead."

"Good, then let's end this," Y/N decided. "The only way for me to truly destroy you is to make sure this wretched place of yours goes down in flames."

"I'd like to see you try!" Arlong challenged. "No human can destroy Arlong Park! I'll kill you! SHARK TOOTH DRILL!" Arlong shot at Y/N like a spinning torpedo with his mouth wide opened, exposing his sharp teeth.

SWISH! Y/N spun to the side and dodged Arlong, then pressed down into his back as he went passed and drove him face-first into the floor. Arlong was going so fast that his long nose snapped as it and then the rest of his body slammed into the floor at full speed, KRAK-OOOOM! The floor shook and cracked from the impact of Arlong slamming into it, the fishman rolled over onto his back and held his broken nose.

Y/N held his arm out to the side and levitated up to the ceiling, the flames were already there and started licking at Y/N's shirt and pants legs. "You idiot, now you've lit yourself on fire."

Arlong stared up at Y/N but his eyes shot opened in shock at what he saw, fire had caught onto the legs of Y/N's pants and then onto his black shirt, but Y/N was showing no signs of discomfort or pain. Judging from the temperature of the flames that Arlong was desperately trying to stay away from, Y/N had to be burning up.

"W-what are you?" asked Arlong. This wasn't an ordinary human! Humans weren't resistant to fire! The rumors were true, he had to be some kind of demon straight out of hell! How else could he ignore being burned alive? Y/N's clothes were clearly flammable because both legs of his pants were burning as was the back and sides of his black shirt. Y/N's right arm was still hanging limply at his side, but he didn't even seem to notice it.

"I'm the one who's going to kill you," Y/N answered simply, as he held this sword out in front of him. Arlong stared at Y/N and finally realized that this human could conceivably kill him. "Red Blade... WILDFIRE METEOR!" Y/N held his sword, which was coated in flames, out in front of him then shot down at Arlong spinning around like a flaming drill.

SLA-SLISH! Y/N slammed hard into Arlong's chest and the red blade slashed into him, fishman blood was spilled. The fire on Y/N's sword caught on Arlong and started burning his chest, from inside the wound and out. CRASH! SMASH! KRASH! Y/N slammed into Arlong and drove him through the already weakened floor, but kept going until he slammed Arlong hard into the bottom floor of Arlong Park. The entire building shook and started to crack from the impact of both of them going through all eight floors and smashing into the ground below.


"WHAT'S GOING ON?" Usopp screamed as Arlong Park started shaking and looked as if it was going to come crashing down.

"This is crazy!" Johnny exclaimed. "Arlong Park is gonna collapse!"

"Everybody watch out!" Yosaku yelled. "We've gotta get out of here!"

The villagers and bounty hunters turned and ran. "Nami, we've gotta get out of here!" Zoro called out as he fought up to his feet, a building coming crashing down on him was not going to help his injuries.

"But Y/N's still in there!" Nami protested in a panic. Then she caught sight of the look on Luffy's face. The look in Luffy's eyes showed that he knew everything would be alright.

"He'll be okay," Luffy told her. Nami nodded meekly and allowed Zoro to pull her away from the building that was bound to come crashing down at any second.


"How?" asked a defeated Arlong as Y/N got off of him and stood up, the flames on him had gone out but the damage they had done remained. His pants legs had been burned revealing the serious burns Y/N had on his legs. Y/N's black shirt was already sleeveless so it was easy to see the burns on his arms but now the shirt was scorched and had several holes burned through it. If you looked through the blood and singed bits of the shirt on his left shoulder you'd be able to see deep bite marks that went down to the cracked bone.

But Arlong was in even worse condition, his chest had been sliced opened and his rib cage had been shattered after being driven through every floor of Arlong Park. On top of that his signature nose had been broken. "How could a human like you defeat me? I'm Arlong, feared terror of the East Blue, I'm an all powerful fishman... how did I lose?"

KREK! KRAKA! A loud crash rang out as the top of Arlong Park started to give way, "That's what happens when you believe yourself to be invincible," Y/N lectured. "Eventually someone comes along and proves you wrong. I'm glad it was me. You know, letting you live might be even worse than killing you. If you survive the injuries you've been given, you'd have to live with the fact that a mere human like me defeated you."


"But I'm not gonna do that," Y/N said, much to Arlong's relief. "An annoying voice in my head would never let me hear the end of it."

"Watch it."

For the first time ever, Arlong was completely afraid, this boy couldn't be a human, he really was a demon. He had taken everything he had and was still standing. He had nearly bitten the boy's arm off but he kept fighting. He had even been lit on fire and had been severely burned, but he was showing no signs of pain.

A small grin appeared on Y/N's face, "You're scared of me," Y/N observed. "I can see it in your eyes. I can see it in your mind. But at least you're facing death like a ma—a fishman, not a coward. I hate you, you're a disgusting, horrible waste of flesh, but for all your faults at least you're not a sniveling coward." Y/N held out his arm and Arlong floated up off of the ground into almost a standing position. Y/N reached into his top right pocket and pulled out a final red explosion ball and it floated into Arlong's mouth and was wedged between his teeth. Y/N took a step back and stared Arlong dead in the eye, "I'll see you in hell. JAVELIN KICK... EXPLOSION!" CRUNCH! Y/N lashed out his leg and drove his boot into the explosion ball in between Arlong's teeth, causing it to explode. KA-BOOOM! Arlong's body hit the ground and he didn't move. Arlong was dead.

KRASH! Y/N looked up and saw Arlong Park coming crashing down. "Not one of my better ideas..."

"On the contrary, I enjoyed that immensely.And now we know that Arlong will never be the HEAD of another major organization."

"You're disgusting."

"Don't lose your head over it. ARLONG ALREADY DID! HEH-HEH-HEH!"

"I think I'm gonna be sick."


Nami watched in horror from a safe distance away as all eight floors of Arlong Park came crashing down, KA-BLOOOSH! "RIIIICKYYYYY!" she screamed as the dust and smoke from the flaming rubble settled. Everyone knew the fight was over. Arlong and Arlong Park were gone.

-x-The Other Villain:


Luffy, Zoro, Nami, Usopp, Sanji, Johnny, Yosaku, Nojiko, Genzo, Dr. Nako and the other people from Cocoyashi Village stared at the burning remains of Arlong Park in amazement. It was hard to believe, but it was really gone, the entire thing was reduced to a big pile of burning rubble.

"Well, you've gotta hand it to the guy," Zoro commented from his spot on the ground, "Y/N knows how to make an impact. I doubt there's anyone on this island that didn't see the smoke or hear the sound of it crashing down."

"Arlong Park has... fallen..." Dr. Nako realized, it was still hard to believe.

"Whoa," said Johnny in amazement.

"What do you think happened in there?" Yosaku wondered.

Sanji, Nojiko, and Genzo popped back up out of the water after diving into it to avoid being hit with flaming rubble. "Who won?" questioned Sanji.

"With everything destroyed, you don't think..." Nojiko started. Could Red Eye have survived? Or was he really dead this time?

"Y/N..." Usopp mumbled, uncertain of his Nakama's fate.

Everyone stared at the wreckage for a moment, then some of the rubble suddenly lifted and moved to the side, and then was dropped back down to the ground. THUD! Where the rubble had been, Y/N slowly pulled himself back up to his feet and weakly held his red sword.

"Ow," he muttered to himself.

"You idiot, why'd you go and get yourself lit on fire?"

"Luffy's still in perfect shape, he won't let you kill anyone and you'll never beat him with me in my current condition."

"You... little... bastard..."

"I win. Now if you don't want to die right here, you'll let me keep control."

"I'll get you for this. And I'll kill everyone you hold dear."

"RICKY!" Nami exclaimed as Y/N staggered away from the remains of Arlong Park and walked over to her. Nami stared at the bright red eye, then glanced down at the burns that were all over his body, then settled on the bite mark on his shoulder and his blood covered arm. Y/N sheathed his sword and lifted his good arm and then pulled it back, his eye patch slipped up and off of Nami's head and end floated over to Y/N. It slipped over his head and then once again covered his red eye.

Nami instantly saw a change. Y/N's eye was watering as she saw a pain-filled grimace on his face. "You're welcome," Y/N said simply, FWUMP! Then he collapsed and would've fallen on the ground if Nami hadn't caught him.

"You know what this means, don't you Nami?" Luffy asked as he walked over and stood beside her as she held up the unconscious First Mate, "You're one of us now!"

Nami couldn't help it but tears appeared in her eyes and started streaking down her cheeks. Luffy was right, it was over. Arlong was gone. She was free! "We're Nakama," Nami sobbed in reply, causing a huge grin to appear on Luffy's face.

"He won!" Usopp shouted with a broad smile on his goofy face.

"He did it, Nojiko! He won!" Sanji exclaimed as he leapt over to hug her. SPLASH! Sanji missed and crashed into the water because Nojiko had moved over and was hugging Genzo instead.

"Mr. Genzo!" said Nojiko, "It's like a dream. I never thought I'd see this day!"

"ARLONG PARK HAS FALLEN!" the villagers cheered. The villagers rejoiced and immediately started celebrating.

Luffy laughed at the cheering villagers while Nami carefully laid down the unconscious pirate. "Doctor, get over here!" Nami ordered as she quickly shifted into 'ship mother mode'. Y/N was hurt badly.

But suddenly a loud shout rang out, "HOLD EVERYTHING! Hyk hyk hyk," Nezumi was back.

"It's him!" Nami exclaimed as she saw the Marine Captain heading over with his squadron.

"It saw the whole thing," Nezumi announced. "A pirate defeated 'Saw Tooth' Arlong. Now thanks to him I can keep the gold I was supposed to give to Arlong and all of the treasure in Arlong Park is also mine!"

Despite being unconscious, a grin appeared on Y/N's face. There was no treasure in Arlong Park.

"I'll also be taking that pirate into custody," Nezumi continued. "In a few days time he will be a wanted criminal. Marine Headquarters will reward me handsomely with his bounty." Apparently Nezumi hadn't seen everything, he'd just been attracted by the sound of Arlong Park crashing down to the ground. So he only saw the very end.

"You can't do that!" Dr. Nako exclaimed as he looked over Y/N. "This boy has saved us all and is gravely injured!"

"That boy interfered with the duties of a marine squadron, assaulted twelve of my men, and assaulted an officer. In two days he's going to have a bounty on his head which will go directly to me." Nezumi shot back before he turned to his marines. "Get the pirate and secure him on the ship."

The marines were about to step forward when suddenly... "GUM... GUM... PISTOL!" POW! A rubber fist slammed into Nezumi's face and sent him crashing to the ground. "You got a problem with my First Mate, you've got a problem with me," Luffy growled as he glared at the marine. "Nobody touches my Nakama."

"Y-you hit me!" Nezumi exclaimed from the ground. "How dare you!"

"We're celebrating our victory," said Zoro as he, Usopp, and Sanji came and stood beside Luffy and in front of Y/N. "Don't be such a wet blanket."


About a minute later, Nezumi and all his marines were lying in a battered pile with the four straw hats standing over them.

"Y-y-you're... d-defying the m-marines..." Nezumi stammered, "Y-you'll p-pay for this!"

"He still doesn't get it," Sanji commented.

"You won't hurt my brother or any of my Nakama," Luffy growled.

Suddenly Nami stood up and got her bow staff out as she walked over and crouched down in front of Nezumi. "This is for trying to shoot Nojiko and for ruining Bellemere's tangerine grove." Nami pulled back her bow staff and swung it with all her strength, WHACK! She connected with a hard shot to the side of the Marine Captain's head and sent him flying.

"Thanks Nami," said Nojiko happily.

"A thousand more and we'll call it even!" Genzo encouraged her.

Nezumi went flying into the waterway of what had once been Arlong Park, SPLASH! When Nezumi finally bobbed back up to the surface, Nami was there waiting for him on one knee. "Now, you guys are going to clean up the fishmen and help rebuild Gosa Village," Nami explained as if she were talking to a child, "And you don't get to keep any of the money from Arlong Park, that belongs to the people of this island. Oh and one more thing..." Nami reached out and pulled on Nezumi's mouse-like whiskers.

"Ow, ow!" Nezumi yelped, "Whatever you say!"

"GIVE ME BACK MY MONEY!" Nami ordered.

"Okay, okay!" the marine conceded.

"Hey guys," said Nami as she stood up and turned back to the straw hats, and flashed them a sweet smile, "Do you think you could help Captain Nezumi make it back to his ship?"

"We can do that," Luffy replied with a smile, the rest of the crew smiled beside him.



Luffy, Sanji, Zoro, and Usopp stood together on the shore and listened as Nezumi's shouts faded in a distance. "He says major things are gonna happen," Sanji commented.

"How did he know about me becoming King of the Pirates?" Luffy wondered.

"That's not what he means at all!" Zoro snapped, "Are you really that dumb?"

"Hey... what if something does happen?" asked Usopp with a hint of worry in his voice.

"Hmph..." Genzo grunted as he and Dr. Nako worked together in an attempt to carry Y/N to a place where he could recover. "Who would've thought we'd be saved by pirates."

"You never know," Dr. Nako replied.

Nami approached the crowd of villagers that seemed eager to celebrate the fall of Arlong Park. "Look everybody," Nami addressed them. "The world thinks that Red Eye is dead. Revealing that Red Eye is alive will needlessly scare people. When you spread the word of what happened, tell them were saved by 'One Eye' Y/N and the Straw Hat Pirates."

"Keeping his identity a secret is the least we can do for that boy after he saved us," one of the villagers resolved. "COME ON EVERYBODY! LET'S TELL EVERYONE ON THE ISLAND THE GOOD NEWS! ARLONG PARK HAS BEEN DESTROYED!"


The villagers ran off shouting and cheering, one of them, was waving the fallen flag of the Arlong Pirates. They were gonna spread the word to the whole island, after eight long years Arlong Park had finally fallen.


A little while later Nami was sitting in front of Bellemere's grave. Genzo and Nojiko were standing close by. "It's all over Bellemere," Nami thought to her departed mother. "It took eight years, but finally everybody's free."

"Mr. Genzo, Nojiko," Nami eventually addressed the other two. "If Bellemere was still alive, do you think she would have let me become a pirate?"

"I'm sure she wouldn't have wanted her precious daughter to set sail with a punch of sea-wolves," Genzo replied.

"Of course she would," Nojiko answered at the same time. "But if she said no, would you have let her stop you?"

"Of course not," Nami said as she stuck her tongue out. "Nyya!"

"Hehehehe," Nojiko laughed.

But then Genzo started laughing too, "HAHAHAHAHA!"

"Mr. Genzo, what's with you?" asked Nojiko.

"Hahaha, I can't help it," Genzo laughed. "There's no doubt about it. You two certainly are Bellemere's kids! " Genzo turned and walked off, but called out over his shoulder, "Nami, you've already made up your mind. There's no use fighting it, live your life. It's what Bellemere would've wanted."


Down in Cocoyashi Village, Sanji and Usopp were sitting together outside of the Doctor's office. Zoro and Y/N were inside getting patched up and Luffy was watching. Loud grunts and yelps were coming from the office at regular intervals. "They're still at it?" questioned Sanji.

"Of course," Usopp replied. "His wound will take more than two years to heal!"

"That crazy guy just won't lie still," Sanji commented.

Inside Zoro was on a bed and Dr. Nako was attempting to stitch closed the wound on Zoro's chest. It was the wound made by Mihawk that had been reopened during Zoro's duel with Hachi. According to Dr. Nako, the wound wouldn't heal for two years. Personally, Zoro didn't mind, he'd wear that scar with pride, it had been given to him by the World's Greatest Swordsman and he had lived through it. Not many people could boast such a feat. Eventually, Zoro would go on to defeat Mihawk, but for now that scar would remind him that he had been weak and needed to get stronger.

Y/N was lying on the next bed over, still unconscious. His entire body was wrapped in bandages, his right arm was in a sling, and his shoulder was thickly bandaged. Arlong's teeth had broken his shoulder bone into pieces and it needed to be reset. Y/N's entire body had been covered in burns from the fire he had set in the chart room of Arlong Park. The only thing that was uncovered was his face, but his eye patch was firmly in place over his other eye. Luffy was sitting in a chair between his two Nakama and Johnny and Yosaku were off to the side recovered from the beating they'd taken at the hands of te fishmen.

"You numbskulls!" Dr. Nako scolded them as he continued to stitch up Zoro. "How could you try to tend to such a serious injury by yourselves? Don't you have a doctor on your ship?"

"Actually, Y/N and Nami are the closest thing we have," Luffy admitted. "But a doctor... that'd be nice... But a musician should come first!"

"Why a musician?" asked Dr. Nako in exasperation.

"Well, pirates sing don't they?" questioned Luffy.


Meanwhile back at Marine Base Sixteen, Nezumi was pissed. Not only had he not been able to capture 'One Eye' Y/N, but because of that orange-haired witch and the brat with the straw hat, he wasn't able to get any gold at all. "Marine HQ, this is Commander Nezumi of Marine Base 16, code MC 00733. I HAVE SOMETHING TO REPORT TO THE MAIN BASE!"

"You don't have to shout," the voice on the other end complained, "I can hear you just fine."

"I know I called in earlier, but I have something else to report! Listen! There is a pirate named, Luffy who always wears a straw hat! He and his five henchmen should be considered enemies of the government!"

At Marine HQ the marine on the other end was writing all of this down. "They are dangerous. I know I put a bounty on one of the pirates already, but he was just the First Mate ... we need to put a price on their Captain! I'm sending you a picture of him!"

"Couldn't you have gotten a better picture?" questioned the marine as he looked over the picture Nezumi had sent him. "And you still haven't gotten a picture of the first one. Who do you think he is, Red Eye?"

"This was the best I could do!" Nezumi snapped. "The pirates have barred me from the town."

"Alright," said the marine on the other end. "Try to get the other picture and when we get all the facts we'll request approval from the general staff."

"LISTEN!" Nezumi cut in, he wanted something done now, "He is a vicious pirate! I want him dead or alive! Put him on the wanted list and tell the world about him!"

And just like that, Luffy had gotten his first bounty and his first wanted poster. Of course the picture could have been better. Luffy's eyes were closed and he had a big goofy smile on his face. Also the back of Usopp's head was caught in the corner. But still, Straw Hat Luffy was one step closer to achieving his dream.




Night fell at last, and the sea was calm once more. The sound of music filled the night air. The entire island was celebrating, everyone was happy that Arlong was gone, the celebration had been going on for two days now. Everyone was happy and everyone was living for the moment.

Glug... glug... GULB! Zoro had been released by Dr. Nako under orders to take it easy, so he was sitting in between two houses drinking.

"Boy am I stuffed," came the voice of Sanji as he walked around the corner and sat down across from Zoro, "It's nice to not have to cook for a change. So how are you feeling Zoro?"

"I'll be okay," Zoro replied, "I think all I need is a little rest."

"That's good," Sanji said.

"Seriously, how much longer can they keep this up?" the swordsman wondered. "It's been two days now."

"Nothing wrong with that," Sanji reasoned as he pulled out a cigarette and lit it up, "smoke 'em if you got 'em."

DOOM! Luffy suddenly appeared with a huge leg of meat stuffed in his mouth and another two big legs of meat in each of his hands. "Hey Sanji, what was on that melon you just ate?" asked Luffy, who's mind was solely on food, "I wanna give it a try!"

"It isn't polite to talk with your mouth full," Zoro lectured him.

"It was prosciutto and fresh ham," answered the cook.

"Prosciutto?" Luffy repeated, "Where'd ya get that?"

"I dunno," Sanji admitted. "This whole town is basically one giant buffet. Good luck finding it."

Sanji looked up and Luffy was already gone, "He ran off," Zoro explained as he took another drink.

"Two days of stuffing his face," Sanji commented, he took his cigarette out of his mouth and put it out on the ground. "Now that my belly's full... time to dance." With that Sanji ran off in search of pretty girls, leaving the swordsman on his own. Zoro realized his cup was empty and went to sleep.

Nearby Usopp was standing on top of a big stack of tables so everyone could see him. He was eagerly sharing his version of the battle with the fishmen. Which was of course a little farfetched, but still involved him beating Chew. He was still the life of the party and always had a huge crowd around him. "I'M CAPTAIN USOPP, AND THAT'S HOW I DEFEATED THE FISHMEN!"

"Hooray!" cheered the partygoers that were listening.

"Now I'm gonna sing!" Usopp announced as he raised his glass of grog up into the air, and led the crowd around him in a song.

"And Luffy wanted a musician," Y/N muttered as he sat off in another quiet alley drinking a bottle of grog. Scattered around him was a big empty barrel and another dozen empty grog bottles, he was clearly drinking a lot.

Despite finally being allowed to leave Dr. Nako's, Y/N still had bandages all over him, his left arm was no longer in a sling but the bandages on his shoulder were thicker than ever. He would always have a scar where Arlong had bitten him. Y/N's clothes had been mostly destroyed in the fire, the only thing that survived were his boots. So now he was wearing a pair of knee length black shorts that showed the bandages going down his legs to his feet, which were in a pair of sandals. Dr. Nako wouldn't allow him to wear his usual boots because the metal in them was apparently 'too heavy'. Y/N also had on a white button down shirt that was currently opened showing the bandages around his stomach and chest.

The people were happily oblivious to Y/N being Red Eye. The villagers that had been to Arlong Park were keeping Y/N's other identity to themselves as a way of thanking him. Y/N wasn't much for accepting praise, and stayed along the sidelines during the celebration. But at the very least, the villagers made sure he always had something to drink. And he drank A LOT.

Someone placed a hand on his padded shoulder and Y/N turned to see Nami standing behind him. "Hey Nami," Y/N greeted her with a smile. He had a glazed over look in his eye and was obviously more that just a little bit drunk.

"Hi," Nami replied. She stared at him for a moment and he stared back at her. "Can I talk to you in private?"

"Sure," Y/N agreed as he stood up and carelessly chucked his empty bottle to the side.

SMASH! "AAAAHHH!" Usopp screamed as he was hit in the face with the bottle and fell of his stack of tables, KRASH! The villagers rushed over to Usopp to help him up while Nami ran off pulling Y/N along with her. She didn't want to be around when the villagers tried to figure out where the bottle had come from.


Nami eventually led Y/N to Bellemere's tangerine grove, they stood alone in the middle of the fruit bearing bushes. Nami let go of Y/N's hand and turned to face him, but didn't say anything for a moment.

"I wanted to do something," Nami eventually began, "But I wanted to wait until you were less drunk."

"You try staying sober when you've recently killed seventeen people... um... fishmen," Y/N retorted.

"Does the fact that they were evil and were extorting from everyone on this island, including me, help?" asked Nami.

"A bit, but that's this time," Y/N replied.

"You know, you'll eventually have to tell us about it," Nami told him.

"I know," said Y/N, "But I don't feel like telling everybody on this island my life's story. I'm not Captain Usopp."

"Look," Nami continued, "I wanted to thank you for what you did the other day."

"Oh, so you didn't just drag me up to here complain about my drinking habits," Y/N commented sarcastically.

"No," answered Nami, "but here it goes..."

POW! Nami punched Y/N as hard as she could in his injured shoulder.

"OWW!" Y/N yelped, as he held the spot where Nami had punched him. "WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT FOR? THAT HURT YOU FREAKIN' PSYCHO!"

"FOR BEING AN IDIOT AND MAKING ME THINK YOU WERE DEAD!" Nami yelled right back, ignoring the fact that he was a lot more emotional when drunk.


Nami replied by sticking her tongue out at him. Y/N glared at her and turned around to walk off but before he could take a step Nami came up from behind and reached up and wrapped her arms around his neck and hugged him from behind. Nami pushed herself up onto her toes and quickly kissed him on the left cheek.

"Thank you," Nami whispered into his ear, "I don't know what the deal is with that eye, but I know you were the one who finished off Arlong. You also took bullets for my sister and even after I kicked you in the balls and shouted that I wanted nothing to do with you, you still helped me when I really needed you. Thank you." Nami pulled back and slipped around his other side, then quickly kissed his other cheek before she released him.

"But if you ever scare me like that again, I'll kill you!" Nami threatened him before she turned and walked off.

"That girl's crazy," Y/N muttered to himself before he wandered off in the opposite direction in search of something else to drink.


The next morning Genzo was walking up to Bellmere's grave with a bottle of liquor when he noticed Y/N lying there with a cluster of empty liquor bottles scattered around him, and for some reason Mohmoo's giant nose ring was around Y/N's neck.

Genzo shook his head and went over to the pirate and lightly kicked him in the side, "You okay kid?" he asked.

"Ow..." Y/N groaned as he held his bandaged side. But that wasn't what was really bothering him, he had a headache that could rival what Arlong went through when he died. He had a major hangover. Y/N sat up and slowly opened his eye, he groaned and instantly wished he hadn't, then fished into his top left pocket and pulled out his sunglasses and put them on. "What happened?" asked Y/N as he held his head.

"I think you might have had a bit too much to drink last night," Genzo commented.

"Seeing how I can't remember much of anything, which includes parts of the fight... I'm going to have to disagree with you," said Y/N with another groan. He sat up and glanced at the older man. "I see you're not quite done yet," Y/N pointed out as he glanced at the bottle in Genzo's hand.

"This?" questioned Genzo as he held up the bottle of sake. "I was coming up here to pay my respects to an old friend."

"Oh," Y/N realized as he glanced at the grave nearby. "I was wondering why I woke up here. This must be Bellemere's grave. I'm guessing you don't have any idea what I did last night then?"

"I was actually going to ask you that," Genzo replied, "You seem to have acquired something in your drunken capers last night."

Y/N glanced at the golden ring around his neck. "Its real gold," Y/N observed. "Maybe I can sell it... it's bound to be worth something..." Y/N sat there for a moment, then he noticed Genzo glance at the grave marker in front of him.

Y/N slowly stood up and stared down at the marker. "Bellemere..." Y/N said to the marker. "I might have never met you... but you raised an incredibly violent, but amazing girl. You'd be proud of her. Now that Arlong's gone I'm gonna do everything I can to make sure she draws that map of hers."

"Bellemere," said Genzo as he walked up next to Y/N and stared at the marker. "You're daughters have really grown up," Genzo said to the marker. "Every time I see them, they remind me of you. From now on, thanks to this strange boy standing next to me... I think that everyone is going to be living their lives to the fullest. We almost had to give up everything. But from now on we can laugh from the bottom of our hearts!"

"Hey, there's no proscuitto melon here," came Luffy's voice as he wandered over, still eating some meat from last night.

"Luffy?" questioned Y/N, "Are you still eating?"

"Yeah," said Luffy happily. "How'd you get up here..." then he noticed the grave they were standing in front of, "a grave, did somebody die?"

"Yes someone died," Genzo answered, "A long time ago."

"Oh really?" Luffy replied. "Well, allow me to express my conveniences... wait... my sincere compliments... no... uh... darkest combolences?"

"It's 'my deepest condolences'," Y/N corrected him as he calmly placed his hands in his pockets.

"Yeah, those," Luffy agreed.

"Actually, I wanted to talk to you two," said Genzo, as he glanced at Luffy, "Nami is going to be sailing off with you pirates. And I know that it's going to be a dangerous voyage. If anything happens to Nami they'll never be able to find your body."

"I wouldn't do anything..." Luffy began to say.

"DO YOU UNDERSTAND?" Genzo shouted at Luffy, causing him to choke on the bones in his mouth.

"I understand," Luffy answered.

"And you," Genzo continued as he turned to Y/N and glared at him. "If you do anything to hurt Nami... I'll kill you."

Y/N stared at Genzo for a moment, then nodded, apparently the scarred old man was assuming the over-protective father role. "As long as I'm around, I'll make sure Nami stays safe. You have my word."

"Good," Genzo replied. "But you know... I'd probably feel better about it if you took that ring off of your neck."

Y/N shrugged and took the ring off of his neck. "Luffy, how much do you think I could get for this?"

"I don't know," Luffy answered.

"Oh, right," Y/N realized, "It's too early in the morning for me to think straight. That's probably the only reason I asked you."


Setting off with a Smile


"Hmph, you're no fun," Nojiko said as she sat down next to Chabo on the steps to her house.

"Whaddaya mean?" asked Chabo.

"I thought you'd be upset that this didn't happen in time to save your father," Nojiko explained.

"I thought that at first," Chabo replied. "But then I realized that regrets are a waste of time."

"Cheeky boy," Nojiko teased him as she reached out and pinched the village boy's cheek.

"Ow ow!" Chabo complained, "Why are you pinching me? What did I do?"

"I was all set to pick on you again," Nojiko sighed.

"You're doing a good job of it already!" Chabo snapped in indignation. "You tattooed meanie!"

"Hehehe," Nojiko laughed, "Being a meanie's fine by me."


"Is it gone?" asked Nami. She was lying shirtless on her chest on a bed in Dr. Nako's Office. Dr. Nako managed to remove the Arlong Fishman Pirates tattoo Nami had on her shoulder. All that was left was a scar.

"Not completely," the doctor confessed. "You'll always have a scar. That's how it is with tattoos."

"It'll never be completely gone..." said Nami. She thought back to when she had first gotten the tattoo. It was a tattoo signifying that she was a member of Arlong's Pirate Crew. Nami had come home crying, she wasn't really a member of Arlong's crew, but they had still branded her. She didn't want anyone to see it. Years later, Nojiko had gotten a large intricate tattoo of her own. Nojiko told Nami that she was just like her now. Seeing her sister with a tattoo like the one she had cheered Nami up.

"Doctor, I want to get a new tattoo..." Nami eventually said. Dr. Nako looked surprised that Nami wanted a new tattoo after what they had just gone through to get rid of the old one.

"Here," Nami pointed to the scar that was on her shoulder. She also handed him a paper with the design she wanted.


The celebration continued for a few more days the Straw Hat Pirates were the center of attention. Luffy kept on eating, Usopp entertained the people with stories and songs, Sanji flirted with more women that could be considered legal, and at one point Zoro managed to out drink three people at once. Yosaku was also a big hit, and after getting drunk he taught Luffy a basket dance where he put chopsticks up his nose and danced while holding a basket. Everyone was happy to be finally free of Arlong and his fishmen pirates, while the Straw Hats were all just happy to celebrate.

After getting drunk last night, Y/N opted not to drink any more. Now he was sitting on the shore of Commi Island near the Going Merry, he dug up all of his treasure and was now sorting it out. There was an enormous sack that held a lot of gold, bills, notes, and valuables on one side of him, on the other side was a smaller sack that contained mostly gems.

Y/N had also managed to find the sack of gems that Arlong had tried to take from him. He had all ten of them in a small sack at his side.

Y/N added some gold and bills to his smaller sack and didn't seem surprised when Johnny walked up from behind.

"You want something?" questioned Y/N.

"You're a murderer with a price on your head," Johnny stated.

"That's right," Y/N replied, "what are you going to do about it?"

"Nothing," Johnny answered. "You may be a murderer, but you also saved this island. What you did for these people is worth more than one hundred million berries. You and the rest of your crew probably saved the East Blue, in thanks of what you've done, I won't tell Marine Headquarters about your existence. They can find out on their own."

"I see," said Y/N, he fished into his top left pocket and pulled out Johnny's sunglasses and tossed them over his shoulder to the bounty hunter, "I think you've earned these back then."

Johnny bent down and picked up his sunglasses and put them back on. "Do me a favor," Y/N instructed him, as he stood up and picked up the smaller sack of treasure, "That sack contains well over a billion berries worth of treasure, make sure the people of the island get it."

Y/N walked off with his sack which contained two hundred million berries worth of gems, gold, and bills, as well as the small sack which had another one hundred million berries worth of gems, then he boarded the Going Merry and descended down into the men's quarters to find a place to store his treasure.

This left Johnny alone on the beach with about one billion eight hundred million berries worth of treasure. With a considerable amount of effort, the bounty hunter managed to drag the huge sack of treasure into Cocoyashi Village.


That night, while everyone continued to celebrate, Nami was in Bellemere's house, she'd changed into a white t-shirt and a short black skirt. She'd gotten her treasure back and had put all one hundred million berries in a large sack which she was leaving behind. A note had been attached to the sack, I'm leaving this behind, it belongs to the village – Nami

Nami sat in a chair next to the table and stared at the map of Commi Island that she had drawn back when she was ten. Now that Arlong was gone, she was finally free to draw her map of the world, just like Bellemere had always encouraged her. Even now, Nami could feel Bellemere watching over her.

"Well Bellemere, we finally made it," Nami thought, "it took eight long years but we're finally free, the village, and me. It's just like you told us when we were children, 'be brave and smile and nothing will be able to stop you'. It's so true. Arlong's gone and now everybody is so happy to be free. And me, I'm finally gonna leave this island, but don't worry, I'll be okay, I'm going with good, strong people. And this last map is all I have left to remind me, but none of that really matters any more, right? Cause now, I'll start again, and every map I draw will be for me and nobody else. This time when I see the world it will be with all of my friends. You know that's what I've always wanted. Anyway, I'm just trying to say goodbye because I don't know if I'll be back. I'm going now, okay?"

Nami walked to the door and left the house, with Bellemere's spirit finally at rest, she was free to do whatever she wanted and pursue her dreams.


Eventually the day for the departure finally came, the villagers were gathered at the dock and the Straw Hats were all boarding the ship. They had loaded the ship up with all the supplies they'd need and were ready to set off.

Johnny and Yosaku bid their farewells to the Straw Hats. "We're going to go back to being Bounty Hunters," said Yosaku. "Thank you for everything, Brother Luffy!"

"We're going to say goodbye here," Johnny continued. "Hopefully we'll see you again."

"Okay, you guys take care," Luffy called out.

"You too," the bounty hunters replied before heading off. They were going to set sail a little bit later.

Luffy, Y/N, Zoro, Usopp, and Sanji were all on board the ship. But someone was noticeably missing. "Hmm... she's not here yet," Usopp commented as he searched the crowd for any signs of their navigator.

"Maybe she's not coming," Zoro suggested.

"Wait, what do you mean Miss. Nami's not coming?" Sanji exclaimed. "You said something mean to her again, didn't you? You're getting in the way of my and Miss. Nami's love!"

"Since Arlong's gone she has no reason to be a pirate anymore," Usopp reasoned, "Maybe she'll be happier if she stayed here?"

"WHAT ABOUT MY HAPPINESS?" Sanji demanded. "If Miss. Nami doesn't get onboard, I LOSE 98.72 PERCENT OF MY REASON TO BE HERE!"

"That's one of those things that'll make you seem like a pervert," Y/N pointed out. "Don't you have a dream or something?"

"89.99 PERCENT!" Sanji corrected himself.

"Well... I suppose it'd make you feel better if I told you that she is coming," Y/N informed him. "She said she needed to get something."

"WOOOHOOO!" Sanji cheered as he started doing his version of the happy-dance. "NOW MISS. NAMI AND I CAN BE TOGETHER!"

"Hey," said Luffy as noticed Sanji doing the happy-dance and remembered something, "I couldn't find any prosciutto melon!"


"What?" questioned Genzo, "One hundred million berries, she left all the money?" Apparently, Nojiko had found the treasure Nami had left at her house.

"She left all of it in our house with a letter," Nojiko explained.

"She's not even going to take some of it?" asked Dr. Nako. "But she worked so hard to get it! The red haired kid already left behind plenty of treasure for us."

"She'll steal more," Nojiko replied, "That's what her letter said. There's no changing her mind once it's made up."

"That girl," said Genzo, "she didn't even give us a chance to thank her."

"SET SAIL NOW!" came a loud shout as Nami came running through town toward the port.

"I don't get it, why is she running?" Usopp wondered.

"She said to set sail," Luffy stated.

"Then that's what we'll do," Y/N agreed. "Usopp, show Sanji the yard and how to drop the sails. If he's gonna be on this ship, he has to know how it works. Zoro, raise the anchor."

"Don't tell me she's going to leave without giving us a chance to thank her or say goodbye," said Genzo as he watched Nami sprinting closer.

The main sail of the Going Merry was dropped and the anchor was pulled up, the ship slowly began to pull away from the dock.

"Stop, Nami!" called out one of the villagers. "At least let us say goodbye!"

"Wait Nami!" Genzo exclaimed as he fought through the crowd in an attempt to keep Nami from getting away. "You can't just leave like this!"

"Are you sure we should let her go like this?" Sanji asked Luffy.

"Not my decision," said Luffy, "she does things her own way."

"Nami!" the villagers exclaimed as Nami darted through the crowd and dodged the people as they tried to hold her back. The villagers were too caught up with her leaving to notice her busy hands. Nami reached the dock and ran right passed Nojiko and Dr. Nako, then lunged from the dock and landed on the railing of the Going Merry. TMP!

Y/N grinned as Nami jumped off of the railing and landed on the deck of the Going Merry, Nami raised her white t-shirt up to about chest level, causing a large assortment of over forty wallets to drop down onto the deck.

"Hey my wallets gone!" one of the villagers noticed.

"Mine's gone too!"

"So is mine!"

"Thanks a bunch, take care, everybody!" Nami called out to the crowd as the Going Merry sailed off, there was no stopping her now.

"Why you..." growled Genzo.


"Nice job," Y/N commented with a grin.

"She hasn't changed one bit," Usopp muttered.

"Is she gonna betray us again?" Zoro wondered.

"Way to go, Miss. Nami!" Sanji cheered while Luffy just laughed.

"You little thief! Come back here! Give us back our wallets!"

But then the shout turned to well wishes. "Come back soon! Take care! Thank you!"

"Bellemere, I'm off," Nami thought.

"Hey kid!" Genzo called out. "Don't forget your promise!"

Y/N and Luffy glanced at each other then Luffy gave Genzo a thumbs up sign while Y/N nodded.

"BYE EVERYONE!" Nami shouted to the villagers, "I'LL MISS YOU! TAKE CARE!"

"Hehehehe, I can't believe her," Nojiko laughed. "My sister sure is something. Be safe Nami." Genzo laughed as he sat down next to Dr. Nako.

"Take a look at this," said Dr. Nako as he handed Genzo a piece of paper. "That's her new tattoo."

"What's this supposed to be?" Genzo wondered as he stared at the blue design. It was a pinwheel with four fins, on the top one was a tangerine with a single leaf.

"It's a tangerine... and a pinwheel," Dr. Nako explained.

"Hey Genzo, where's your pinwheel?" asked Nojiko. The pinwheel that usually adorned his purple hat was no longer there.

"Heh," Genzo chuckled, "I won't need it any more." The pinwheel was currently spinning beside Bellemere's grave. The reason Genzo had worn the pinwheel to begin with was because of Nami. When she was little, his scary appearance caused her to cry whenever she saw him. In order to get Nami to smile, Genzo put a pinwheel on his hat and wore it from that point on. That cheered Nami up and she'd laugh whenever she saw him.

The Straw Hat Pirates sailed off again in search of adventure and their dreams. They were planning on heading to the Grand Line, but first they had to make one last stop.


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