Monster from the Grand Line

Monster From the Grand Line


Inside Arlong Park, Y/N and Zoro were still around but all of the fishmen that Arlong had left behind were scattered around the ground out cold. Arlong was still at Cocoyashi Village to the best of their knowledge.

"So what do we do now?" asked Zoro.

"I think we should probably get out of here," Y/N decided. "We don't want to be around when Arlong comes back and sees how much I won."

"How much is there anyway?" inquired Zoro as he stared at the massive sacks of treasure Y/N had next to him. "They're nearly half as big as you are!"

"I'd say about two billion berries," Y/N guessed. "Arlong won't bother chasing after Usopp so he'll head back here while other fishmen try to catch him. We need to head to Cocoyashi Village and see if we can save him."

"I guess that makes sense," Zoro replied. "So which way are we going?"

"When Arlong left he was heading west," Y/N explained. "When I woke up to find those fishmen taking us here, we were heading east. We'll go west along the shore to avoid the fishmen and change course depending on what we find."

Zoro stayed silent and stared at Y/N for a moment, "So which way are we going?" he asked again, causing Y/N to sweat-drop.

"You have absolutely no sense of direction," Y/N remarked as he shook his head. "You're worse than Luffy."


Out in front of Arlong Park, Hachi was cooking a roasted pig, which was spinning over a fire on a spit. NYUU! NYUU! Hachi played a few notes on his trumpet like lips, "MOHMOO! LUNCHTIME! NYUU! NYUU! NYUU!" He played a few loud notes, which were heard by the two pirates inside.


"Hear that?" asked Zoro.

"Hear it?" repeated Y/N, "I can smell it. Someone is outside roasting a pig. One of the fishmen is about to feed a pet. I guess we missed one."

"Wanna go check it out?" Zoro offered.

Y/N nodded, "We can see if he knows where our ship is," Y/N agreed. "Take one of the sacks."

Zoro shrugged and then let out a grunt as he hefted the huge sack filled with gold and treasure up onto his shoulder. Y/N casually lifted up his sack onto his shoulder as if it was nothing, and it was, while Zoro's sack contained gold, jewels, and other somewhat heavy valuables, Y/N's sack contained bills and notes which made it light despite its large size. But Zoro didn't have to know that.


Out front 'Mohmoo' still hadn't come. The large sea cow in question had spotted food elsewhere. "Where is he?" Hachi wondered out loud, while holding the roasted pig up on a stick, "Mohmoo just loves roast pig, did he already eat?" Hachi just shrugged, "Oh well, I'll eat it then."

"What's with the trumpet?" came a voice, Hachi turned around to see the Treasure Hunters from before looking over the wall at him.

"Oh! You're the Treasure Hunters," Hachi realized, "I'm Hatchan, but call me Hachi, nyuu. I saw you dance before, I'm surprised you could keep up with my six handed symphony."

"Do you know where our ship is?" asked One Eye. "We lost track of it."

"Well, there's one ship anchored in front of Cocoyashi Village," Hachi answered. "But yours is nearby. I can tow you there if you'd like."

"Alright," One Eye agreed. "Blood Donor, Hachi's giving us a ride to the ship, get the treasure out here." Blood Donor nodded and tossed one sack of treasure over the wall, while Y/N pulled his over as well.

"Wow!" Hachi exclaimed when he saw the two big sacks. "Where'd you get so much treasure?"

"All over..." One Eye replied with a foxy grin.

"You're Lord Arlong's guests," said Hachi as he used three arms to point to a pot in front of him, "Get in."


Out at sea, Luffy, Sanji, and Yosaku were still on their way to Arlong Park. Sanji, Luffy, and Yosaku were sitting at a table eating the meal Sanji had cooked. Luffy had a leg of meat in one hand and his other one was over Yosaku's plate. Yosaku's mouth was full so with one hand he was holding Luffy's wrist, keeping him from eating his bean sprouts and with the other he was motioning to his plate and himself.

"What's he trying to say?" Luffy wondered with his mouth full. FWUP! Luffy flipped one of the bean sprouts into his mouth with his hand. MUNCH! GULP! "Let go of my hand."

"I'm saying its mine!" Yosaku snapped once he'd swallowed his food.

"What? Who decided that?" asked Luffy.

"It's on my plate, it's gotta be mine!" Yosaku argued.

"Oh, sorry," Luffy apologized. "I'll give it back to you then." Luffy opened his mouth to show the bounty hunter the chewed up bean sprouts.

"No way, that's no longer edible!" Yosaku exclaimed.

Sanji just sat there drinking a glass of wine while the pirate and the bounty hunter argued. MOOOOOOO!

"Shh! I hear something," Sanji said as he stood up and glanced at the water under the boat. Luffy and Yosaku stopped arguing so they could listen too. MOOOOOO! "There's something beneath us." A large dark shape appeared in the water under the boat, and the shape kept getting bigger and bigger. "It's huge," Sanji observed.

SPLOOOSH! MOOOOOOO! A giant spotted sea cow with horns and a giant golden nose ring rose up out of the water at towered up over the boat and was easily ten times the size of the small vessel.

"AAAAHHHH!" Yosaku screamed in terror.

"What's that?" Luffy wondered as he continued eating.

"MONSTER!" Yosaku shrieked.

"A cow! It's humongous!" Luffy exclaimed.

"A cow? Swimming?" questioned Sanji as he calmly smoked his cigarette. "It's more likely a hippo."

"What's it doing in the East Blue?" Yosaku screamed, "THAT'S A MONSTER FROM THE GRAND LINE!"

"What's it up to?" wondered Luffy as the sea cow leaned closer and stared at small boat in front of it.

"He's eying our food," Yosaku observed, "Quick, give it to him or he'll sink our ship!"

"GUM... GUM... PISTOL!" Luffy shouted as he shot out his rubber fist and punched the giant sea cow upside the head. BOING! SPLOOSH! Mohmoo went crashing down into the water from the impact, "DON'T TOUCH MY FOOD!"

"You did it Brother Luffy!" Yosaku cheered. But Yosaku's celebration was premature, MOOOOO! Mohmoo rose up out of the water and bared his giant pointed teeth, "You only made him mad!"

"Then I'll hit him again!" Luffy resolved as he brought back his fist.

THWACK! Sanji kicked Luffy out of the way, "Idiot!" the cook scolded the captain. "Don't attack that poor hungry creature! Maybe its injured and can't find food itself. That must be it."

"What a heart," Yosaku praised Sanji as the cook took the plate off the table and held it out to the cow.

"Feel free to have it," Sanji offered as he held the plate over the edge of the boat.

The cow stared at the food in front of it, then lunged forward to eat it. THWAK! "GO TO HELL!" Sanji snarled as he kicked the cow in the face. SPLASH! The cow fell backwards and landed in the water again.

"What was that for!" demanded Yosaku.

"Because, that bastard hippo tried to eat me along with the food," Sanji answered.

MOOOOOOO! The cow rose back out of the water, now the giant monster was really mad.

"IT'S COMING BACK!" Yosaku shouted, "HE'S GONNA SINK US!"

"Okay then, I'll..." Luffy to say but was cut off.

"Let me handle this," Sanji interrupted as he held his arm in front of Luffy.

Sanji jumped up onto the railing and then leapt up into the air, "COLLIER SHOOT!" KA-BAM! Sanji swung his foot around and kicked Mohmoo in the neck. "Stupid hippo," muttered the cook as he landed back in the boat.

KER-SPLOOSH! The 'hippo' went crashing back down into the water from the impact, and this time was knocked out cold.

"HOORAY! LET'S GET BACK TO OUR MEAL!" Luffy cheered as the plate was placed back on the table.

"I worked up an appetite," Sanji remarked as he sat down at the table with Luffy.

"These guys are crazy..." Yosaku whimpered to himself.


"What a nice guy," Y/N commented as he and Zoro stood on the ship they had arrived in and watched Hachi swim off in the direction of Arlong Park, "stupid... but nice enough."

"So now what?" asked Zoro.

"We start digging," Y/N answered.

"Huh?" questioned Zoro.

"Once Arlong finds out what happened he's going to try and take it back," Y/N explained as he picked up the big sack of treasure he had stolen from Don Krieg and lugged it off of the ship along with the two massive sacks of treasure he'd gotten from Arlong.. "We'll hide the treasure in that forest over there, they'll never find it. Then we can come back for it when everything's over." Y/N opened his sack of Kreig's treasure and pulled out a small sack from within it.

"What's that?" inquired Zoro.

"I'm not going to leave this here," Y/N stated. "It's Don Krieg's pride and joy." He quickly slipped the small sack of very valuable treasure into his 'treasure pocket'. "Now let's find a spot to bury the rest of this, then we'll save Usopp."


"WHAT IS THIS?" Arlong shouted when he arrived back at Arlong Park and saw the state his fishmen were in, there were about fifteen bodies scattered around the floor unconscious, "WHAT HAPPENED?" Arlong walked over to a fishman and couched down next to him. "TELL ME!"

"Ungghhh..." the fishman groaned.

"What happened!" demanded Arlong. "Where are the Treasure Hunters?"

"We lost..." gasped the fishman. "They kept challenging us ... One Eye and Roronoa Zoro... they just kept winning..."

"The Pirate Hunter?" questioned Arlong, "Has he come for my head?"

"He was one of the Treasure Hunters... the one with the sash... the silent one..." Rozo = ro-zo = zo–ro = Zoro, or Ro-ronoa Zo-ro = Rozo, Arlong realized this and wondered why he hadn't seen through it in the first place.

"WHAT ABOUT THE OTHER ONE?" Arlong practically screamed, Roronoa Zoro was one thing, but the other insulted his intelligence and betrayed his trust. "One Eye Y/N... who was he?"

"He's a swindler," said the fishman. "Lord Arlong...we lost your treasure."


At that moment Chew arrived back at Arlong Park dragging Usopp along behind him by the nose, he pushed through the doors and saw the condition of Arlong Park. "What happened here?"

"We've been had... BY A PAIR OF INFERIOR HUMANS!" Arlong hollered.

"Zoro and Y/N must have done this," Usopp realized when he saw all of the fishmen lying around on the floor.

"I caught this one, smek!" Chew announced as he dragged Usopp over to Arlong, "Killing him may make you feel better! Smek."

"In my present mood, I don't know," Arlong admitted.

"Right, then I'll just be going," Usopp offered, "it was very nice to meet you all, take care!" But Chew held onto Usopp when he saw the condition of Arlong Park,

"What happened?" Chew asked again.

"The Treasure Hunters beat our men and stole Arlong's treasure," Kuroobi explained, "What I want to know is 'how and why'. Maybe they came here for a reason. Maybe someone betrayed us. Maybe Nami hired them."

"Shut up!" snapped Nami who had just arrived. "How dare you accuse me! You're raving like a madman! I tried to stop them, Arlong, but your fishmen wouldn't listen."

"Nami..." Usopp whispered to himself, surprised at seeing her here.

"I swore my loyalty with this tattoo, how dare you accuse me!" Nami exclaimed as she held the Arlong tattoo on her left shoulder, "I nearly have the amount for our deal. I wouldn't do anything to mess it up now." "Those two went too far!"

"Forgive me Nami," Arlong apologized, "I was wrong to have suspected you. You have every right to be upset. We got excited and jumped to conclusions."


KREK! Y/N lifted up a tree so it was once again standing straight up and covered the hole he and Zoro had dug underneath it and buried all the treasure in. "There," said Y/N as he cleaned off his hands, then he glanced at Zoro, "would you like to do the honors?"


"As a pirate tradition, you're supposed to mark any buried treasure with an 'x'," Y/N explained. "Mark the tree."

SLIK! SLIK! Zoro drew his sword and carved an 'x' into the side of the tree the treasure was buried under. It didn't stand out much but Y/N would probably be able to recognize it when he came back for it.

"There, now we're done, right?" asked Zoro, while Y/N attempted to memorize their location.

"Yeah," Y/N replied, "Let's find Usopp, he's probably in trouble."

Zoro nodded and the two of them turned and ran off they way they had come.


Luffy, Sanji, and Yosaku had tied Mohmoo to their boat, and now the sea cow was pulling them towards Arlong Park.

"Yipee!" Luffy cheered. "Faster! Faster! Take us to Arlong Park!"




"The bounty on my head is worth twenty million berries," said Arlong as he sat on his throne with Usopp on the ground at his feet. "The highest in the East Blue! A bounty that high would tempt any Bounty Hunter. Roronoa Zoro may be famous in the East Blue but that 'One Eye' Y/N is from the Grand Line, he's clearly in charge." CHINK! Arlong stabbed a knife into the stone floor beside Usopp's nose. "You're one of One Eye's men, WHERE IS HE?"

"I don't know anything," Usopp lied, "I don't know even who you're talking about!"

"Don't lie," Chew scolded him, "You've upset Lord Arlong, there's not saving you, smek! He mentioned you before, we know you know him."

"Fine, no more lies," Usopp agreed, "I'm Zoro's best friend! And I owe Y/N money! The guy practically sees me as younger brother! If you kill me, they'll both come here and kill you!"

"So if I kill you, they'll come here?" questioned Arlong as he wiggled the knife in the rock besides Usopp's long nose, Usopp flinched and his nose rolled up in an attempt to escape the blade.

"No... you shouldn't kill me!" Usopp advised, "If I'm alive, they'll come and save me! They won't come if I'm dead!" All the fishmen standing nearby sweat-dropped after hearing Usopp's back and forth attempts to keep from getting killed. "Come on Nami! Say something!"

"What's the matter Nami?" asked Kuroobi, "You've gone pale."

"You still don't trust me, huh?" questioned Nami.

"I know you too well," Kuroobi replied, "You're too smart for your own good. You betrayed your village and your family. I always wondered what you would want from a bunch of houses and a village like that. That was until I found this in your room..." Kuroobi then proceeded to pull out a map and held it in front of Nami. "This is a map of Commi Island! And the 'x' marks Cocoyashi Village!"

Like Kuroobi said, it was a map of Commi Island and Cocoyashi Village was marked with an 'x', but what he didn't know was that Nami had drawn that map at only ten years old. The 'x' marked her house.

"Give it back," Arlong ordered, "It belongs to Nami!"

"If I don't relay they suspicions, they'll kill me too!" Nami reasoned to herself, "Why did they have to follow me? I was so close!"

"HOW DARE YOU!" Nami snarled, despite the fact that the fishman was well over twice her size. "You had no right to go through my room! I'm sick of all your suspicions. All I care about is buying back that village. I almost have the money I need, it wouldn't make sense for me to betray you now."

SPLASH! Hachi jumped up in front of the other fishmen and out of the waterway. It took him a few seconds, but he eventually noticed the bodies of the fishmen lying around on the floor. "WHAT HAPPENED HERE?"

"This was the work of a pair of Bounty Hunters," Arlong answered, "Hachi, if you were here you could've stopped them! In fact, that's why we left you here!"

"I went outside to feed Mohmoo," Hachi replied. "I didn't see anyone."

"So you didn't see 'One Eye' Y/N and 'Pirate Hunter' Zoro?" asked Kuroobi.

"I just saw the two Treasure Hunters," Hachi explained. "Since they're our guests I helped them bring their treasure to their ship. Wait... THAT WAS THEM!"


"OH! The one-eyed human wanted me to give a message to Lord Arlong," Hachi remembered. "He said, 'Sorry, its just business.'"

"So... his line of business is robbing pirates of their treasure, eh?" questioned Arlong, he turned and cast a post-humorous glance at Nami, "He sounds a bit like you. Maybe that's why you two hit it off so well. But MY line of business IS KILLING INFERIOR HUMANS!" Arlong was once again angry as he turned to Hachi, "WHERE DID HE GO? I WANT TO TEACH HIM A LESSON!"

"I towed them over to their ship and helped them get their treasure on board," Hachi answered.

"You towed them?" repeated Arlong in disbelief. "They could be gone by now, with that much money they could easily afford to get a replacement for this human." He turned to his fishmen crew, "I want at least five of you to go out and hunt them down! They can't have gotten far. BRING THEM BOTH BACK ALIVE SO I CAN KILL THEM MYSELF!"

Five of the fishmen that had gone with Arlong to Cocoyashi Village dove into the water way and swam off. Arlong's four officers, Hachi, Kuroobi, Chew, and Nami still remained.

While the fishmen were still focused on Hachi and chasing after Y/N and Zoro, Usopp discretely slid his hand to his weapons pouch and grabbed the handle of his slingshot. "Y/N swore he'd get Nami back. There's no way he and Zoro would just leave me here. I just need to buy some more time and escape."

Nami was the only one who noticed Usopp's movements, "I can't let them get in the way! NOT WHEN I'M SO CLOSE!"

Usopp sat up and aimed his slingshot at Arlong while everyone was distracted... well almost everyone. Nami stepped in between Arlong and Kuroobi and reached into her shirt. She pulled out the three parts of her bow-staff and quickly stuck them together. WHOMP! Nami cracked Usopp across the face with her bow-staff and knocked him on his back and sent him rolling away. The loud noise drew the attention of everyone.

"Huh?" questioned Arlong.

"Damn you Nami," Usopp growled as he sat up. "You want a fight, don't ya?"

"This is your fault Usopp," Nami said as she held her bow staff out in front of her. "You're the one getting in the way. This is what you get for messing with Arlong."

PTOI! Usopp spat out some blood then got up to his feet, "Nami, you really disappointed me," Usopp commented. "Even after you stole our ship and ran off, Luffy still trusted you! He trusts you completely. And you haven't even shown an ounce of guilt! How can you betray someone like that! Are you really that cold hearted!"

"The only thing I trust is money," Nami replied. "Those dumb enough to be fooled deserve it."

"HOW CAN YOU SAY THAT?" Usopp snapped.

"You idiot," Nami snapped. "Everything was going according to plan. I'm not about to let you ruin eight long years of hard work." Nami reached down and picked up the knife that Arlong had been holding to Usopp's nose. "So long Usopp, its just business. I'm sure you can understand that."

"Hmm..." Arlong said. It sounded like this Usopp character had been tricked by Nami and he came after her. But One Eye Y/N had said that the long nose was one of his 'treasure hunters'. Who was this 'Luffy' and what was his connection with One Eye Y/N and Roronoa Zoro? Was he the final member of One Eye's group or were there more of them? What was going on here?

"AHAHAHAHA!" Usopp laughed, not intimidated by Nami or her knife. "Like you're gonna kill me? AHAHAHAHA!"

"That's right," Nami replied with a sinister look on her face. "I wouldn't underestimate me."

"AHA—HUH?" Usopp stopped laughing, now he was intimidated. "Oh crap," Usopp thought to himself and he pulled something out of his pouch and loaded it into his slingshot. "If I stay here, I'm a dead man." "SMOKE STAR!" FWOOM! Usopp fired his smoke pellet at the middle of the group of fishmen. A thick cloud of smoke appeared around him and obscured everyone's view.

"A smoke bomb!" exclaimed a fishman, "Surround him! Don't let him escape!"

"Now's my chance," Usopp realized, he ran through the smoke for the waterway while the fishmen were distracted. But he stopped when he saw Nami blocking his path.

"You're so predictable," Nami muttered as she reached out and grabbed Usopp's shoulder and pulled back her knife.

"Don't!" Usopp shrieked.

CHUNK! Nami plunged the knife into Usopp and blood dripped down onto her hands and forearms.

When the smoke cleared, the scene the fishmen saw was Nami holding up a bloody Usopp with a bloody knife and blood all over her hands. There was a lot of blood.

"It's business, I had no choice," Nami whispered, then she pulled out the knife. "Die quietly." Nami stepped to the side and Usopp fell forward and fell into the waterway, SPLASH!

Usopp fell into the waterway and floated away, the fishmen all let out cheers at seeing Nami kill the human, "YAAAAYYYY!"


But the fishmen weren't the only people who saw Usopp get killed. Johnny was watching from the east entrance of Arlong Park. "This is terrible!" Johnny exclaimed, "SISTER NAMI JUST KILLED BROTHER USOPP!"


"This is what you wanted," Nami said to the water, "now you can die at sea."

"Nami, I'm sorry that I suspected you," Kuroobi apologized, "Without question, you're our friend." Kuroobi held out his hand, supposedly to make amends and shake it.

But instead, Nami turned the knife around and pushed the handle into the ray-fishman's hand and snatched away the map he was holding in the other hand. "Friend huh?" repeated Nami. "I joined this crew for one reason, to earn one hundred million berries and buy Cocoyashi Village. This is just business. I have no friends." Nami turned and cast a glance at Arlong. "That is, if you're still gonna hold up your part of the deal."

"Shahahaha," Arlong laughed. "Of course not! I'd slit my belly before I break my promise. That's the kind of fishman I am."

"That's the Arlong I know," Nami commented as she walked off, taking the map with her.

"Lord Arlong, she's a strange woman," said Kuroobi.

"She's a splendid woman," Arlong remarked as Nami left.


Outside, Johnny was in tears, "I've got to tell Brother Zoro and Brother Y/N," sobbed Johnny, "That witch Nami murdered Brother Usopp!"


Speaking of Y/N and Zoro, they were still running towards Arlong Park when a loud noise broke out, MOOOOOOOOOO!

"What the heck was that?" Zoro wondered.

"If we keep going, maybe we'll find out," Y/N answered.


"I can see Arlong Park!" Luffy announced as Mohmoo pulled the boat closer and closer. But Sanji's kick had taken its toll on Mohmoo and he was slowing down and weakening.

"Don't give up hippo!" Sanji urged the weakening sea-cow.

"Your kick really took a toll on him," Yosaku pointed out as the sea cow started pulling to the right.

"Hey you're heading the wrong way!" Sanji snapped, "Go left!"

"Go to that building!" Luffy yelled as he pointed to Arlong Park, not noticing the two pirates fishing in front of it. "That building!"

"WE'RE GONNA CRASH INTO THE SHORE!" Yosaku screamed. All of them screamed as the surged towards the shore to the right of Arlong Park.


Hope you enjoyed the chapter!!!

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