Mock Town
Mock Town:
"Hey, where'd Miss. Nami disappear to?" Sanji asked as the Going Merry sailed closer to Jaya on the back of the Nami-named Sheldon the Sea Turtle.
"Big Brother took him to see the treasure he found in the turtle's belly," Chopper answered.
"WHY DIDN'T YOU WARN ME?" Sanji demanded. "There's no telling what those two could get up to alone in there with all that money!"
"I'm still calling it Blastoise," Luffy grumbled.
"You might be right Sanji," Usopp remarked, "If I wasn't so set on being objective in my role as pool bookie, I'd put my money on the two of them getting together while they're in there. If not, then when Y/N manages to find that legendary City of Gold once we reach the Sky Island."
"What's this about a pool?" Robin inquired.
"I guess we can tell you since neither of them are here right now," Zoro reasoned, "We've all got money on how those two get together or how they don't. If you wanna join, talk to Usopp."
"I'll need some time to think it over," Robin decided, "you've all known them for a considerably longer amount of time than I have. I don't plan to throw my money away on a whim."
"SANJI!" Luffy exclaimed, "LET'S EAT!"
"You just had that octopus stew," Sanji reminded him.
"You took that away from us!" Usopp snapped.
"Yeah!" Chopper chimed in, "Jerk!"
"Ugghh... fine," Sanji conceded, "I'll see what I can scrounge up. We still don't have working refrigerator. Hopefully we'll make land at this 'Jaya' place soon and Y/N can buy us a new one, preferably one that's Luffy Proof."
"Does something like that actually exist?" Zoro wondered as he cast a wary glance at Luffy.
"Watch your step," Y/N warned Nami as he led her by the hand down Sheldon's throat to the stomach.
"This is totally gross!" Nami complained.
"That's the point," Y/N pointed out, "Not many people would think to look for treasure in the belly of a gigantic turtle. Even fewer would actually go looking for it."
"But you would," Nami reminded him as she gave his hand a fond squeeze.
"Yeah well I—"AACHOOO! "...sorry..."
"I've never heard you like this around treasure," Nami noted.
"Yeah, well you should've seen me when I was bringing Crocodile's treasure back to Alubarna," Y/N replied, "I scared the crap out of Mana and Jun. Not to mention the ducks. We were halfway across the Sandora River when my nose started bleeding. I spent so much time with all that treasure behind me on the duck that I guess my body was forced to get used to it. I'm hoping that if I make semi-regular trips down here I'll be able to get used to all this treasure too."
"But what happens when you add more?" Nami asked. "Say we find the City of Gold. You'll have to get used to all that new treasure."
"I guess this Treasure Sense can be a double-edge sword at times," Y/N reasoned.
They reached the end of the throat and found themselves standing at the opening of the stomach. Nami took a moment to stare around them at the wrecked pirate ships before focusing her attention on the marine ship that Y/N had told her about.
"So how do we get over there?" she inquired.
"That's what the rope is for," Y/N informed her as he pointed up to the rope that was embedded in the wall of the stomach above the opening they were standing in and went across the stomach to the marine ship.
"You don't plan on climbing all the way over there do you?" Nami questioned.
"Not on the way to the ship," Y/N told her, "I have a quicker way for that. Get on my back and don't let go."
"Believe me," Nami assured him, "if we're climbing of a sea of stomach acid, 'letting go' will be the farthest thing from my mind." Y/N bent down and allowed Nami to hoist herself up onto his back, he pulled his sheathed sword off of his belt and hooked it over the top of the rope.
"Hold on," Y/N instructed as he held both end of his sword then pushed off causing them to zip down the line towards the ship. ZZZZZZZIIIIIIIP!
"OOH MYY GOOD!" Nami screamed in terror as they flew over the stomach acid below them, "I DON'T WANNA DIE BEFORE I SEE THE TREASURE!"
"Quit screaming in my ear!" Y/N complained. They reached the ship and he let go his sword causing them to drop down on to the deck of the ship. TMP! "See?" AACHOO! "No problem."
"Just hurry up and show me the treasure..." Nami weakly requested, "That'll make this whole nightmare of a trip worth it..."
"Alright," Y/N agreed, "this way." The led her to a thick metal door that led inside the ship, he used both hands to spin the wheel on the door and pushed it opened. KREEEK! Y/N stepped over the door frame and led Nami into the ship. "I wanted to keep the treasure hidden inside the ship so it'd be safer from both the stomach acid and the turtle's food."
"I thought we agreed, the turtle's name is Sheldon," Nami reminded him... but then he led her to a doorway and Nami stared in wide-eyed shock at a room that was FILLED with gold. Enormous piles of gold coins, gold jewelry and other valuables were piled together and filled almost the entire room. Nami's jaw dropped and she quietly whispered, "You can call the turtle whatever you want... This is... more gold than Arlong ever had... It's amaz... incred... fantas... I can't even think of a word impressive enough to describe it..."
A wide, eager smile spread across Nami face as she suddenly darted into the room. WHAP! Y/N caught her by the back of her shirt and held her back.
AACHOO! "You were about to dive into it weren't you?" Y/N asked. Nami looked surprised that he'd correctly guessed what she'd been about to do. "I've had similar fantasies of swimming in a pool of gold. Apparently so has Luffy. He tried diving into it earlier. We quickly discovered that a huge pile of metal coins is actually very solid." Y/N stepped passed Nami and patted the gold pile. Clink! Clink! "Luffy's skull being made of rubber is the only thing that kept him from cracking his head opened."
Now that they were standing in the room, Nami could appreciate the gold from a different point-of-view. It was all around her and the pile stretched up over her head. No... it wasn't a pile... it was a mountain of gold.
Y/N was sporting his signature sly grin when she finally tore her eyes away from the gold mountain. "I've got piles this size in two more rooms on this ship."
That did it. Nami's brain overloaded and completely shut down. The thought of three rooms filled with enormous gold mountains was too much for her to handle.
"Uuhh... Nami?" Y/N leaned in and looked concerned when he noticed her blank stare. "Hey? Are you still in there? Um... Are you okay?"
AACHOO! Nami's brain finally restarted. The first thing she saw was Y/N looking at her with concern. Y/N: the extraordinary treasure hunter that had found all the treasure in this gold-filled room along with two others in the belly of a turtle the size of an island.
WHUMP! "Uggh..." Y/N groaned when Nami tackled him into the aforementioned very solid pile of gold coins but any further sounds were cut off when Nami sealed her mouth over his and soundly kissed him. After taking the initial two seconds to get over his surprise and adjust to the uncomfortable feeling of his back pressing into the lumpy golden pile, he kissed her back.
But when Nami's brain finally finished rebooting, she suddenly pulled away. "I can't do this..."
If Y/N had two eyes, he would've blinked in surprise, "You started it," he pointed out.
"I know," Nami admitted, "but I don't want you to think that I only like you because of the treasure you find." Now that she had full access to her brain and memories again she remembered Zoro calling her a 'greedy bitch' earlier. She didn't care what he thought of her but she didn't want Y/N to think of her the same way.
"I don't think that," Y/N assured her.
"Still, as much as I'd like to... this isn't the right place to start something," Nami insisted, "Sorry if I got you worked up over nothing..." She stood up and headed for the door, "I'm gonna go take a peek at the other two rooms."
Y/N idly noted that she didn't know where the other two rooms were but let her leave since she seemed to set on it. "What am I gonna do with her?" he wondered.
"We should reach Jaya soon," Y/N stated as the Straw Hats' journey to Jaya continued on the back of Sheldon the island-sized sea turtle.
"You see anything Usopp?" Luffy asked.
"Nope," the marksman replied as he sat in the crow's nest and stared through a set of binoculars.
"I thought that this Jaya island wasn't too far from where we were?" Zoro questioned.
"It shouldn't be," Nami told him as she stared at the Eternal Pose that was leading them there. "And with the weather being so clear we should've spotted the coastline over an hour ago." She turned to Y/N, "Wasn't Sheldon supposed to get us there faster than normal?"
"Who?" Y/N questioned. "Oh, you mean the turtle. Well, I thought that since he's so huge that'd make both the travel distance and travel time shorter."
Whap! Nami slapped herself on the forehead, "Aren't you supposed to be the smart one?" she complained, "Just because the turtle's bigger doesn't mean it's going to move any faster! IT'S A TURTLE!"
"A sea-turtle," Y/N corrected.
"IT'S STILL A TURTLE!" Nami snapped, "That means it's still slow! And it's still slower than our ship!"
"If you knew the turtle was so slow then why didn't you say anything?" Y/N countered. "Aren't you the navigator?"
"Well I..." Nami faltered but quickly changed the subject, "I thought we agreed that we were calling it 'Sheldon'!"
"You said I could call it whatever I wanted when we were inside it," Y/N reminded her.
"Yeah, well I say and do a lot of things I don't mean when I'm faced with an obscenely expensive mountain of treasure!" Nami exclaimed.
Y/N's eye widened and then narrowed and Nami instantly realized that she'd said something she shouldn't have. "Oh," he said, "Well okay then." With that, he turned and walked off.
"Wait! Hold on!" Nami called after him. "DAMN IT! DON'T WALK AWAY WHEN I'M TALKING TO YOU!" She clenched her fists and stormed after him.
Zoro, Sanji, and Robin were left staring dumbfounded.
"What the hell happened inside that turtle?" Zoro wondered.
"Perhaps Miss. Nami finally came to her senses," Sanji suggested.
"Then why did she follow him?" Robin inquired.
"Well," Zoro said, "I guess like any vicious monster she probably senses blood so now she's going for the kill."
"WATCH IT BASTARD!" Sanji shouted, "You say one more word against Miss. Nami and I'll kick your teeth down your throat!"
"Boys, stop fighting," Robin scolded them. She may have sounded calm, but at the moment she looked like a strange human butterfly as she had a web of arms sprouting out of both of her sides and was attempting to keep the two separated.
Up on the front deck, Luffy and Chopper were relaxing on the figurehead and the front railing and had managed to ignore the commotion behind them on the main deck.
"Ahh," Luffy sighed, "I can't wait to get to Jaya if it's as warm as it is now."
"I'm finally getting to work on my tan," the thick-furred reindeer commented. "Spring weather's the best." He glanced up at three seagulls that were flying overhead. "It looks like the seagulls are enjoying it too."
THA-THA-THUD! Out of nowhere, the three aforementioned happy seagulls dropped to the deck. Two were dead and one was still twitching.
"WAAHAAAHAA!" Chopper shrieked, "THEY'VE BEEN SHOT!"
"Looks like we'll be eating good tonight," Luffy remarked as he watched the ship doctor leap off the railing and dash over to the fallen birds.
"I don't think they could've been shot Chopper," Usopp protested from up in the Crow's nest. "I didn't hear any gunfire."
"I found a bullet!" Chopper exclaimed as he used to pair of tweezers to hold up the bullet he'd pulled out of one of the dead seagulls. "Judging from the trajectory it came from that way!" The clearly spooked reindeer/doctor pointed off in front of the ship.
"Are you saying that the shots came from an island we can't even see yet?" Sanji questioned. "That's impossible."
"But I saw it happen with my own eyes!" Chopper insisted.
"Ahahaha," Usopp chuckled, "A tuna would've had a better chance at killing 'em! No sniper or gun has that kind of range! They probably were shot before and just happened to fall now."
"HEY SANJI!" Luffy cheered as he held up two of the dead birds, "WE'VE GOT DINNER!"
"I'd never serve dead bird as a supper dish," the cook argued, "Unlike you, I've got class."
"Then just serve it to me!" Luffy suggested. "I'll eat it."
"You'll eat anything," Sanji grumbled, "Unbelievable."
"Mmmm..." Chopper whimpered as he stared off the front of the ship.
Unbeknownst to the Straw Hats, Chopper was right. Jaya was just beyond the horizon.
And on the roof of a house that was located a little off the coast of the island sat a strange man with a rifle that's smoking barrel was as long as he was tall.
The man was abnormally tall in his own right, almost twice the height of an average person but was also very thin. He had light brown hair that hung to his shoulders, his eyebrows were furrowed in what appeared to be sadness and he wore a pale blue button down shirt with puffy sleeves, a long black cape that was tied around his neck, and a long black hat with two points that made it looked like an overturned boat. But the strangest thing about him was his glasses, the left lens was a seemingly regular rectangle while the other was larger, round, and held a crosshair.
"Poor creature," the strange sniper calmly remarked to himself, "He must have suffered. I wasn't able to get an instant kill on one of them. But that's what Fate held for him. All the events of his life led him to this outcome so I can't blame myself. Although, I never could have expected that it would land on a tiny ship perched on the back of a turtle that's almost the size of this island. Fate is strange sometimes." Almost as unnerving as the man's sniping skills was his casual dismissal of the monster sea turtle the Straw Hats were riding on.
"Alright listen," Y/N said as he stood in Sheldon's ear, which looked like a long cave. "We've spotted Jaya. And we don't want to attract any unwanted attention so I'm going to have to ask you to sink down into the water so we can sail into the harbor on our own. When we finish our business there we'll sail back out, come back up when you spot our ship. Got that?"
THOOM! Y/N's received his answer when the cave-like ear as well as the rest of Sheldon's head shook in an up and down motion before the turtle began a slow dive to the sea floor.
"HEY! HEY!" Y/N exclaimed. "At least wait until I'm out of your ear first!"
Off ahead of them was a harbor town known as Mock Town. The buildings looked fancy and the streets were covered with wooden floorboards to make them look as fancy as the buildings. Off in the harbor were a number of pirate ships.
"HEY JERK!" a large man rudely shouted as he grabbed a smaller man by the shoulder. "D'YOU KNOW WHO I AM?"
"NO!" the smaller man snapped as he pulled away. He had long hair and wore a sash around his forehead. The focus of the sash was a red circle with a black figure in the middle that was hanging from a rope around his neck. This insignia was the mark of the Roshio Pirates named after their Captain Roshio the Executioner. "GET LOST!"
"Wiiihahaha!" the large man laughed. He was huge, easily twice as tall as most people but also twice as wide. He had a large muscular chest and big buff arms. His legs looked thin in comparison to his upperbody, making him look a bit like a gorilla. His long curly light violet hair was coming out from the bottom of his luchadore mask which covered the top half of his head and was brown in color with orange designs around the eyes and on the forehead. Around his waist he wore what looked like a wrestling championship belt. "I'M THE GREATEST FIGHTING CHAMPION EVER! And now that Fate's caused us to cross paths... YOU'RE GONNA BE MY NEXT OPPONENT!"
Further in the town, in a noisy bar on the top floor of a building called 'the Wild Cherry'. Two men were sitting at a low table playing cards. One of the men grinned as he laid down his cards and fanned them out to reveal Three Aces.
"Looks like that's the last of your cash," the large man boasted. He had long gray hair that was mostly covered his thick headband with the familiar insignia of the Roshio Pirates. He wore a blue tank top that revealed the extensive tattoo that covered most of his left arm as well as part of the tattoo on his chest. "But if you wanted to, I'd let you play with say... your clothes!" This was Roshio 'the Executioner', Captain of the Roshio Pirates worth forty-two million berries.
"You're lucky and you don't even know it!" a man standing beside the table taunted the loser, "Playing with Roshio... even if you had won the hand, trust me, you would've lost something else! Hahahaha!"
The now named Roshio stood up and grinned as he reached for the pot, "I suppose that about wraps it up." WHAP! Roshio's opponent's hand shot out and caught him by the wrist before he could grab the pot. "Let it go, buddy. I won the pot fair and square and you know it."
Krek... krek... Roshio's opponent began squeezing Roshio's wrist to the point where it was now causing him pain.
"Don't think so," the other man retorted. "You cheated this entire hand, didn't you?"
"I never cheat..." Roshio growled, "You're a liar."
"YOU LIE!" Roshio's opponent insisted. "I watched every deceitful move you made!"
"You'd better watch your mouth in this place, loser!" Roshio snapped.
"SARQUISS!" the other man called across the bar, "HEY SARQUISS!"
"Hm, what is it?" a man sitting at the bar with his arm around his girlfriend responded to the call. He had long pale blue hair and wore fancy purple visor over his eyes, a fancy pale purple fur coat, red and white vertically striped pants and matching gloves on both hands. The fur coat was held together at the neck by a fancy gold chain but the opened coat exposed the tattoo on his muscular chest: a circular smiley face with a diagonal line going through it to cross it out. A matching symbol was used as a buckle on his gold belt.
"This guy was cheating just now," the first man stated, "You saw the whole thing, didn't you?"
"You bet I did," Sarquiss replied as he spun around on his stool and turned to look at Roshio for what was actually the first time, "every rotten little move. He cheated straight through. I say we do something about this... make an example out of him!
"YOU HAVE NO IDEA WHO YOU'RE DEALING WITH!" Roshio the Executioner roared as he wrenched his arm free and drew a gun from his belt. CLICK!
THWAK! Before Roshio could even get the shot off, his opponent's foot shot out and kicked the gun out of his hand and sent him flying away from the table.
BANG! BANG! BANG! Guns shots rang through the bar as Roshio's opponent picked up the gun and used it against its owner.
"Uggghhh..." a bloodied Roshio groaned as his opponent walked over and lashed out his leg.
KRASH! Roshio's body went crashing through the window the fifth story window and crashed down into a conveniently placed wooden cart. WHAM!
Roshio's vengeful opponent stared down at him through the shattered window. He was tall, standing around eight feet which made him one and a half times the size of most people. He had darkly tanned skin and a short blonde hair. There was a scar above his right eye that went diagonally across his forehead. He had crazy eyes and a wide toothy grin. Currently, he was wearing a pink tank top that exposed the matching red tattoos that went around his upper arms, white pants, and a long green sash that reached his knee. But it was the man's face that was the most disturbing thing about him. He had a scar above his right eye that went diagonally across his forehead, crazy eyes, and a wide creepy grin. This man was known as Bellamy the Hyena, Captain of the Bellamy Pirates witha bounty worth fifty five million berries.
Bellamy's wicked tongue stretched up and licked his wicked lips before he lived up to his nickname and laughed at the fallen form of Roshio, "Hahahaha! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! HAAHAAHAAHAAHAAHAA!"
Oblivious to the strange people lurking in the town, the Straw Hats sailed on the Going Merry into the Mock Town harbor.
"SHISHISHI! AWESOME!" Luffy cheered as he sat on the figurehead. "CHECK IT OUT! THIS PLACE LOOKS GREAT!"
"It sure does!" Chopper chirped.
"HURRY UP AND DOCK!" Luffy ordered, eager to explore the new town.
"It does look promising," Nami remarked as she stood behind them with Robin on the front deck. "Maybe we can even stay here a while."
"I wouldn't," Y/N advised.
"WHY NOT?" Luffy demanded, "THIS PLACE LOOKS GREAT! Maybe you got lost and went to a different Jaya last time."
As the Going Merry sailed towards the dock the Straw Hats took in the ships they were passing. They were all considerably larger than their small caravel, they all were sporting big animal figureheads, and they were all flying Jolly Rogers.
"Either I'm starting to hallucinate... or the harbor over there is filled with pirate ships," Usopp noted as he stared at the spooky ships.
"Don't be silly, Usopp," Nami reprimanded him, "Since when can pirates dock their ships in a harbor without being run out of town?"
"Ahaha," Usopp chuckled, "You're right, it must be a joke."
THUD! Not far from the dock, a familiar Roshio Pirate was being manhandled. "WAAAAH! SOMEONE HELP! HE'S GONNA KILL ME!"
"WHAT THE HECK'S GOING ON WITH THIS CRAZY TOWN?" Nami, Usopp, and Chopper screamed when the man's pained cries reached their timid ears.
"WIIIHAHAHAHAHA!" the Fighting Champion laughed as he stood over the prone Roshio Pirate, "WHAT A PATHETIC LITTLE WEAKLING! WIIIIHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!"
"Whoa!" a passing man gasped as he stared down at the fallen pirate, "You sure picked the wrong guy to beat up. Look at that emblem! He's one of Roshio's Gang! You have heard of Roshio, right? You know, the Pirate Captain whose bounty is forty-two million berries? That man is psychotic! You'd better watch your back!"
"WIIHAHAHAHA!" the masked man laughed, "Then hopefully I'll be fated to fight him next! I didn't even break a sweat fighting him!"
Back at the Wild Cherry, Bellamy was having a drink at the bar with Sarquiss and his girlfriend.
Across the bar, two men sat at their table and eyed Bellamy with distaste.
"That guy is full of it," one man said to the other, "We watched that entire game ourselves. No one cheated."
"I still can't believe he was able to beat up Roshio so easily," the other man remarked.
"Don't you know... what's Bellamy," the first man told his companion.
"What? That's Bellamy?" the other man questioned, "The one with the fifty-five million berri bounty on his head?"
On the street outside the bar, some of Roshio's men ran up to their Captain who had yet to move from the cart he'd been sent crashing through.
"CAPTAIN!" a pirate exclaimed. "I CAN'T BELIEVE IT! WHO DID THIS TO HIM?"
"WE NEED TO GET HIM TO A DOCTOR!" another pirate shouted, "HURRY!"
"Hang on their Captain!" a third pirate urged Roshio as they helped him off of the cart. "We'll get you fixed up!"
Bellamy heard their shouts from the bar all the way up on the fifth floor and growled to himself as he put his drink down. He stalked to the window and leapt out of it. KRASH! Bellamy wasn't about to let the man he'd just savagely beaten get nursed back to health.
"Now this looks like my kind of town," Luffy remarked as he, Zoro, Y/N and Robin stood at the dock in front of the Going Merry. Y/N was wearing his usual 'disguise' of his black cowboy hat and his big sunglasses. Robin still wearing the clothes she'd borrowed from Y/N for what was hopefully the last time.
"Sure it looks nice," Y/N replied, "but once you get passed the initial appearance you'll realize that it's filled with assholes. Listen to me Luffy, if someone here gets in your face and starts making fun of you, I want you to think: What would Shanks do? Okay?"
"Okay," Luffy agreed.
"Right, Robin, let's get you some clothes of your own," Y/N resolved.
"..." On the deck, Nami silently glared at them. She was so caught up in her glaring that she didn't notice Sanji, Usopp, and Chopper coming up behind her.
"Wait, Y/N!" Sanji called out causing Nami to jump. "Maybe I should go shopping with Miss. Robin. I could carry the refrigerator and there might be some food that catches my eye."
"You already gave me your list," Y/N reminded him. "And I've still gotta find information about the monkey's friend so we can get to Sky Island. Besides, someone needs to stay here and guard the ship. With all these other pirate ships around, we can't afford to be too careful."
"Alright," Sanji conceded, "I promise that now harm shall befall upon Miss. Nami and the Going Merry while I'm on board!"
"Hmph," Nami grunted as she pointedly turned around so she was no longer looking at Y/N.
"GUARD US TOO!" Usopp and Chopper shouted.
Y/N cast one last glance at Luffy and Zoro, "Luffy, Zoro, seriously, be careful in this town."
"What're you so worried about?" Luffy asked, "We'll fine!"
"He's right," Zoro agreed, "There's nothing in this town that we can't handle."
And so the four Straw Hats split up and made their way off into the town.
Nami finally peeked over her shoulder, "Do you think those two can last an hour without getting into trouble?" she asked Usopp and Chopper as they watched the others leave.
"Uh... for the record, which two are you talking about?" Usopp inquired.
Nami turned and practically snarled at him causing Usopp and Chopper to flinch in terror. "Obviously I was talking about Luffy and Zoro!" she snapped. "Why would I be worried about the other two?"
"Aha...haha..." Usopp laughed nervously. Gulp! "Then in that case... I'd say fifteen minutes before they get in a fight ... But that's uhh... being generous..."
"Hm, you're probably right," Nami reasoned. "I'd better go and keep an eye on them." WHUP! Nami leapt off of the ship and raced off after Luffy and Zoro. "YOU GUYS! WAIT UP!"
"There she goes," Chopper noted.
"Don't worry," Usopp reassured him, "I'm sure she'll be fine with those two protecting her. Plus, they'll be more resilient if she decides to take her recent frustrations out on them."
"THEN PROTECT US!" Usopp yelled as he and Chopper grabbed the cook and dragged him back into the middle of the deck. "Nami will be safe and sound with Luffy and Zoro! And with Y/N and Robin together, I'd be more worried about the other guy! BUT IF YOU LEAVE THEN WHAT ARE WE SUPPOSED TO DO IF THE SHIP GETS ATTACKED?"
"Okay, fine," Sanji conceded, "I'll stay behind."
"I've got my Tough Face on," Luffy boasted as he, Zoro, and Nami made their way through town, "So if anybody messes with—" SQUISH! Nami's hand shot out and grabbed his ear.
"No fighting!" she snapped at him, "Promise me!"
"Yeah, yeah, fine," Luffy conceded, "I promise not to fight in this town."
"Good," Nami resolved, "this is serious business you two. If one of you causes trouble here then we'll have to get out of this town. And if that happens then we'll never learn how to get to the Sky Island, right?"
"Yeah," Luffy reluctantly agreed.
FWUMP! They were suddenly stopped when an old man fell in their path. He was a large man about twice the size of most people. He had wavy pale blonde hair, a long nose, and two matching purple tattoos that went down from his hairline, passed his eyes, and to his cheeks. He was dressed like a classic undertaker with a black furred coat, a wide-brimmed black hat, large buckled black boots, and a robe. He had a strange length of rope that was tied to look like a hangman's noose around his neck and a strange cylindrical bundle strapped to his back. Despite his size, the man looked out of place in a town filled with pirates as he looked terribly ill.
"Whoa," Nami gasped as she stared down at the sick man. "He's messed up."
"Looks like he fell of his horse," Luffy noted as he glanced at the big gray horse that was standing beside the fallen man. It had long legs that were the size of most people, a large body with a brown leather saddle tied on it, and a long neck that made the horse about three times as high as most people.
"Hey, sorry to bother you..." the man apologized from the ground, "but will you help me up?"
"What're you not in the mood to help yourself?" Zoro questioned. "Ugghh... Luffy gimme a hand." Together, Luffy and Zoro lifted up the old man – the large man was the same size as the two of them put together – and tossed him back up onto his horse's saddle.
"Hey... would you look at that... I'm on my horse again..." the sick old man wheezed. "I was a sickly child growing up and I never got better." The old man addressed his horse, "Now let's get out of here Stronger."
FWUMP! The horse turned out to be just as sick as the old man and its front legs collapsed.
"Those horse too?" Luffy and Zoro complained.
"Thanks pal," the old man said once Stronger had gotten back up. "I don't have enough money for a reward these days... but would you care for an apple?" The old man grinned as he held out a basket of red apples and offered them to Luffy and Zoro.
"Do you take us for idiots?" Zoro questioned, "We'd never trust food from someone like you."
"Apples!" Luffy exclaimed, "Sure I'll take one!" SWIPE! Despite Zoro's protests, he grabbed an apple and took a bite. CHOMP!
KA-BOOOOM! Further down the street an explosion blew a hole in the wall of a store.
"Some guys took some apples from that weird-o on the horse! And when they bit into them, THEY EXPLODED!"
GULP! Luffy swallowed his apple.
"Heehee!" the old man chuckled. Now it looked like the rough pirates in this town were more in danger of the sick old man than the old man was of them.
"OH NO!" Nami yelped before she grabbed Luffy by the throat, "LUFFY SPIT IT OUT! SPIT OUT THAT APPLE!"
"WAH! I ALREADY SWALLOWED IT!" Luffy protested.
"WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO THAT FOR?" Zoro demanded as he whirled around to face the old man and began drawing Wado Ichimonji.
"Heeheehee!" the old man laughed with a sick grin. "No worries, the boy isn't hurt." He stared at Luffy with interest. "If you had eaten a bad one... you would've died on the first bite! Heehee! You're lucky!"
Needless to say, Nami quickly put as much distance between the three of them and the weird old man with the exploding apples as possible.
"What happened?" a man asked as a crowd gathered around the Wild Cherry. There were large craters lining the streets and the sides of the building. The area looked like someone had gotten cannon-happy. The surrounding mood was somber.
"That's Roshio's grave now," another man stated. Despite the man being a deadly pirate, the sheer ruthlessness that Bellamy had exhibited in disposing of him was terrifying.
"It looks like a war broke out," someone else remarked.
"Even the people who were there and saw it happen couldn't tell exactly what was going on," the second man explained, "About the only thing that everyone knows for certain is that Bellamy had something to do with this. I think it pretty clear that he's using the power of a Devil Fruit."
Now the only thing that remained of Roshio the Executioner was his bloodstained headband.
Quit Dreaming:
"What the heck's the deal with this down?" Nami complained as she, Luffy and Zoro stalked down the street in another part of Mock Town.
"I dunno," Luffy replied as he casually folded his arms behind his head, "Who really cares?"
"You should care..." Nami growled, "see as you were almost killed for no reason!"
"Well that's bound to happen sooner or later," Luffy pointed out.
"HAVE YOU LOST YOUR MIND?" Nami demanded.
"WIIIIHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" Laughter rang out and the three Straw Hats looked up and saw the masked fighting champion standing on a nearby roof. "WIIIHAHAHAHAHAHA!"
Without a word, Nami turned and started walking off, this town was starting to give her a headache. Luffy and Zoro followed behind her.
"Oh great, look whose back," a civilian grumbled as they went passed.
"How many victims has a racked up now?" another civilian questioned.
"Well, he's a famous fugitive or anything," the first man reasoned, "who do you think he is?"
"I don't care," the other man said dismissively, "And to be honest I don't wanna know. If that meathead wants to be the Fighting Champion then let him."
"Fighting Champion?" Luffy and Zoro repeated as they turned around to face the masked man.
"HEY! DON'T EVEN THINK ABOUT IT YOU TWO!" Nami shouted at them. "Damn it, I'm starting to wonder if we'll be able to find any useful information here." She grabbed Luffy and Zoro and dragged them off before they could get in a fight with the crazy man. His loud laughter echoed after them.
"WIIIIHAHAHAHAHA! HEY YOU!" the masked man pointed at a random man that was just walking by the building he was standing on. "YOU'RE MY NEXT OPPONENT!"
Eventually, Luffy, Zoro, and Nami reached another part of the town and walked through an arch labeled 'Tropical Hotel'.
"How 'bout this place?" Zoro asked.
"Seems pretty quiet to me," Luffy noted.
"You can say that again!" Nami exclaimed as she quickly stepped passed them, "This place is gorgeous! To think such an oasis like this exists in the middle of such a disgusting town!"
The hotel looked incredibly fancy with palm trees decorating the area. The buildings were made with high quality white stones and equally high quality red shingles for the rooftops. The entire hotel was on top of a wooden dock and overlooked the harbor.
"It's a built above the water," Zoro observed.
"That's great but there's no one here," Luffy pointed out as he began wandering into the hotel. "Although I can smell that someone's cooking."
Suddenly a funny looking man wearing a turban came running out. "Excuse me! Excuse me!" he called out to the three Straw Hats. "I'm going to have to ask you all to leave please! See, the entire hotel has been rented out by Mr. Bellamy and his guests and he's asked that we tell other guests like yourselves to go somewhere else. So uh... you must understand that I have no say in the matter..."
"So one man rented out this entire place," Zoro remarked as he eyed the fancy hotel.
"Y/N could do it easy," Nami insisted. "But he wouldn't cause he'd probably be worrying about inconveniencing everyone else."
"If Mr. Bellamy sees you here, he'll have my head removed from my body," the weird man continued to address the Straw Hats, "So would you please leave for my sake!"
"Come on, I'm sure he won't mind," Luffy pressed the weird man.
"Who is this 'Bellamy' anyway?" Nami inquired.
"What's going on here?" The weird man practically wet himself as a new voice called out and they turned to see Sarquiss and his girlfriend walking through the arch into the hotel. The sight of Bellamy the Hyena's First Mate 'Big Knife' Sarquiss a pirate with a bounty worth thirty-two million berries was enough to scare most people in Mock Town. "Who are these scumbags and what're they doing in our hotel?"
"MR. SARQUISS!" the weird man exclaimed. "Welcome back! I told them to leave but they won't listen!"
"I really don't care!" Sarquiss' girlfriend snapped. She had long blonde hair and a full figure. She wore a red bandana. Fancy rectangular sunglasses, and a fancy white blouse with a short white fur coat draped over it. Her blouse was partially unbuttoned to reveal her cleavage. "Get rid of them, we're paying a lot of money to have this place to ourselves!"
Sarquiss and his girlfriend Lily arrogantly strode up to Luffy, Bellamy's first made was easily a full head taller than Luffy.
"She's right," Sarquiss agreed as he eyed the Straw Hats with disgust. "Now get out of here before I throw you out."
Luffy turned to Nami, "Hey, would you mind if I beat him up?" he asked.
"LUFFY!" Nami yelled.
"Pahahahaha!" Sarquiss laughed. "You're going to beat me up? Pahahahahaha! Hilarious! Seriously though, those are rags you're wearing." He dug in his pocket and pulled out a hand full of money and tossed at the ground at Luffy's feet. "Here, go buy some new rags so you don't look like an orphan."
"Sarquiss, you're wasting your money by tossing it to this bunch of losers!" Lily remarked while Zoro and Nami glared at them.
"Pahahaha!" Sarquiss chuckled, "No kidding! I should've just flushed it along with my lunch!"
"I'll take free money!" Luffy cheered as he went to grab the dropped bills and coins. YOINK! Nami grabbed him by the ear and dragged him passed Sarquiss and Lily and towards the door.
"Let's go," she growled, "these jerks can't help us."
"I can walk on my own, ya know!" Luffy complained while Zoro silently followed after them.
"See ya around," Sarquiss taunted, "Pahahaha!"
"Sarquiss! Lily!" someone called out from in the hotel. "Just leave well enough alone."
"Eddy, we've been looking for you," Sarquiss replied as he and Lily walked in to join the other Bellamy Pirates that were relaxing at the hotel. Bellamy wasn't there at the moment, but the rest of the crew was.
First there was Eddy. He had short blond hair but was thinner and a considerably paler than Bellamy. He wore glasses on his pointed nose and a black coat over a white undershirt. He had a Log Pose on his wrist showing that he was the crew's navigator.
Then there was Rivers. He was a tall muscular man that wore a white hat with long earflaps and an opened brown shirt that showed off his muscular chest. He was casually sitting on a couch with his arm around his girlfriend Mani.
Next to them on the couch was Hewitt, Bellamy's cook. He had a stoic looking man with short black hair and the number '21' tattooed above his right eyebrow. Standing behind the couch was Ross. A silent man wearing a long fur coat and a pale blue baseball cap with 'ALLR' written on it that hit the top half of his face.
And finally there was Muret the doctor. Her pink hair was tied back in a bun and she wore a tight-fitting yellow dress with a high collar and the zipper partially undone to reveal her cleavage.
"You know that trash you ran into?" Rivers asked as he held up Luffy's wanted poster. "Seems they've been doing pretty well for themselves. Look..." He casually passed off the old Wanted Poster to Muret.
"Not bad," she remarked. "But nothing compared to you and Bellamy." She passed the Wanted Poster off to Sarquiss.
"But for ordinary scum, they can hold their own," Rivers noted.
"They still don't stand a chance of surviving the transition into the new era," Eddy insisted.
"Wow, his bounty is thirty million," Sarquiss observed, "And for such a little puke. I'm sure Bellamy will want to see this."
"I hope they're okay," Y/N said quietly as he and Robin headed for the market district. They were mostly ignored with the exception of the men who turned to take a second look at the tall woman walking in their midst. "The people here can be very cruel. Hopefully Luffy and Zoro can handle it."
"How about Miss. Navigator?" Robin inquired.
"I know she won't be able to handle it," Y/N replied, "I'm fully expecting to have to calm her down when we get back."
"Well, before this little shopping excursion of ours gets underway, there's something I wanted to discuss with you," Robin stated. At Y/N's questioning look she continued, "Privately." With that she grabbed his hand and pulled him down a nearby alley. It was secluded and most people walked right by without even bothering to look down it.
"Okay... what did you want to talk about in such a private setting?" Y/N asked.
Robin reached into the front of her shirt and pulled out a folded piece of paper. Y/N's entire body tensed when she unfolded it to reveal that it was 'the Demon' Red Eye's wanted poster.
"This is you... correct?" It wasn't a question. She knew.
Meanwhile, Luffy, Zoro, and Nami had relocated to a bar. Nami was drinking in an attempt to get over all the freaks and assholes they'd encountered in the town. Zoro was drinking on the stood beside her but didn't really need an excuse.
"Man that really pisses me off," Nami growled as her drink as set down in front of her. "Y/N was right, this town stinks."
"That's a shame," the bar owner replied. He was a fat man with a bushy black mustache and tattoos on his arms. "Because Mock Town's economy depends on pirates throwing money around to show off power they may or may not have."
"What so poor pirates aren't allowed on the island?" Nami asked. Not that she was poor.
"Looks like there's no way of calming you down," the bartender noted. He put another drink down in front of Nami. "Here, this one's on the house." Nami grinned at the free drink. "Tough guys and degenerates are our chief clientele here so trouble isn't hard to find. You aren't gonna make it in this town if ya let it bother ya. You have to play it safe when you can." The bartender walked further down the bar and placed a pie in front of Luffy and the man sitting next to him. "Here you go."
"This whole town's a real dump, ya know," Nami complained.
"Of course," the bartender agreed, "That's how most level-headed people would think of it. But unfortunately for you, level-headed people are rare in these parts. The new Wanted Posters won't be on the walls for a couple of days so you may wanted to skip town sooner rather than later."
"A couple of days..." Nami repeated as she stared at the Log Pose on her wrist. The needle was still pointing up to the sky. "That doesn't give us much time. Now here's a question..."
Nami was cut off when Luffy and the large man sitting beside him both shouted at the bartender at the same time. "HEY FATSO!" Luffy shouted while the man shouted, "HEY BARKEEP!"
"What is it?" the bartender asked.
"THIS CHERRY PIE TASTES FREAKING HORRIBLE/DELICIOUS!" Luffy and the man shouted. They both blinked and glanced at each other seemingly realizing that their comments contradicted each other.
The man next to Luffy was huge. We was eleven feet two inches tall, making him exactly twice Luffy's height. He had long curly black hair that fell to his shoulder and was missing some teeth. A short stubbly beard was growing on his chin and around his mouth. His wore an opened white button down shirt which exposed his hairy chest and fat belly. He wore gray pants and a yellow sash with bottles of rum tucked into it.
"Grrr..." Luffy and the large man growled at each other and took a drink from their mug.
"AAAAHH!" they both sighed at the same time. "THIS IS ONE OF THE BEST/WORST DRINKS I'VE EVER TASTED!" Once again their comments completely contradicted each other.
"I think there might be something wrong with your taste buds kid," the big man growled.
"I think there's something wrong with you big, fat head!" Luffy retorted.
"Well I'm not the cook here so I don't care what you have to say," the bartender stated.
"HEY BARKEEP!" Luffy called out. "I'll take fifty steaks to go!"
"And I'll take fifty-one of those delicious cherry pies to go!" the big man requested.
Not about to be outdone when it came to eating, Luffy quickly changed his mind. "Wait! Make that fifty-two steaks!"
"Better make that fifty-three pies!"
"Fifty-four steaks!"
"Fifty-five pies!"
Luffy stood up on his stood as he and the big man got in each other's faces and drew back their fists, "I'M GONNA BEAT THE LIVING CRAP OUTTA YOU!" the shouted at the same time.
"DO YOU EVEN HAVE THE SLIGHTEST IDEA WHAT YOUR'E FIGHTING ABOUT?" Zoro yelled at them from his seat on the other side of Luffy.
"LUFFY!" Nami scolded him, "You promised, remember? Besides, we don't have enough money with us to buy dozens of steaks! Y/N's taking care of the shopping!"
Luffy and the big man glared at each other.
"So then... are you a pirate?" the big man asked.
"Yeah," Luffy replied. "That's right."
"How big's your bounty?" the big man inquired.
"Thirty million," Luffy boasted.
"Uh... actually Luffy," Zoro cut in, "We found out that they—"
"Thirty million?" the big man interrupted. "For you? I wouldn't believe it even if I collected it!"
"ENOUGH!" Zoro shouted at them.
Thunk! The bartender placed a big wrapped package of pies on the counter. "We've got rules in this place," he stated. "And one of them's no fighting. Here's your fifty cherry pies, now please, just walk away."
The big man and Luffy glared at each other for another couple seconds then the big man took the package of pies and walked away.
But as the big man was walking out of the bar he was passed by the familiar figure of Bellamy Hyena who was now wearing a blue Captain's coat over his shoulders. The big man watched over his shoulder as Bellamy walked into the bar then went to get himself a good seat.
"I'm looking for a pirate that wears a straw hat!" Bellamy called into the bar.
Luffy turned around while the other patrons of the bar stared in shock. "It's Bellamy!"
"Heh heh heh heh heh," Bellamy chuckled, "So you must be 'Straw Hat' Luffy, worth a cool thirty million."
"Who's this guy?" Luffy wondered.
"Looks like he has a bone to pick with you Luffy," Zoro observed.
"I think that's the Bellamy guy that rented out the hotel we were at," Nami realized.
Bellamy walked silently up to the bar and Luffy stared up at him from his stool.
"How come everyone I meet in this town is so tall?" Luffy questioned.
"I'll take a glass from the top shelf," Bellamy instructed the bartender, wanting one of the most expensive drinks in the bar. "And get the kid whatever he wants."
"Right," the bartender agreed while Luffy stared at Bellamy in surprise as he took the now empty seat beside him.
"Look at this place," the voice of Sarquiss floated into the bar as Bellamy's First Mate walked in with the rest of the Bellamy Pirates behind him. "This joint is packed solid."
"This place is disgusting," Lily scoffed, "It smells like vomit."
"All you can get here is cheap rum," Rivers taunted.
"Look Zoro," Nami whispered, "Its those guys from earlier."
FWUMP! "UGGGHHH!" Two bloody men groaned as they dropped to the floor courtesy of Sarquiss' signature big knife. The big blade was curved like a kukri blade.
"You'd be in a lot less pain if you just offered us your seats," Sarquiss taunted, "Pathetic harbor trash." The other patrons quickly ran out of the bar not wanting to meet the same fate while the Bellamy Pirates took their empty seats.
"What's Bellamy up to?" Muret asked as she sat down beside Sarquiss whole was grinning madly as he licked the blood of the blade of his knife.
"The usual fun," Sarquiss replied.
"Cheers," Bellamy said to Luffy as their drinks were placed in front of them.
"Hey, thanks for the drink, pal!" Luffy replied, "You know what, you're alright!" Luffy raised his glass and took a drink. He never saw Bellamy reaching his arm out behind him. KRASH! Bellamy violently smashed Luffy's face down through the counter and down to the floor.
"LUFFY!" Zoro and Nami called out in alarm while the patrons that stayed behind gasped.
"Hmph," Bellamy grunted but then he looked up and found himself with the blade of a sword pointed at his throat. "What's your problem, punk?" he growled at Zoro.
"You're the one with the problem," Zoro retorted.
"Heh heh heh heh!" Bellamy laughed.
"ZORO!" Nami exclaimed. "Don't do it! We still need to get some information first!"
"QUIET!" Zoro snapped at her, "If this guy wants a fight, I'll give it to 'im."
Bellamy backed away from Zoro's sword just as Luffy stood back up.
"So that's all you've got for back up?" Bellamy taunted. "HAHAHAHA!"
"Alright," Luffy resolved, "Are you ready to take me on, or what?"
The Bellamy Pirates actually laughed. "HAHAHAHA!" "The kid just challenged Bellamy!" "HE'LL BE SLAUGHTERED!"
"HAH HA HAHAHAHAHA!" Bellamy the Hyena's laughter was by far the loudest of all. "You've got it all wrong kid! This isn't a fight! It's a test! Now come on, let's see how strong you are!"
"LUFFY HOLD ON!" Nami ordered, wanting to get out of the bar before the situation got worse. She quickly turned to the bartender, "Mister, we're trying to get to the Sky Island! Do you know anything about that?"
"Huh?" Bellamy grunted.
"Did she just say... Sky Island?" Eddy questioned.
"She's crazy," Lily remarked.
Nami shook her head and turned back to the bartender, "Like I was saying, do you know how to get to the Sky Island?"
"BWAAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" It then that the entire bar burst out laughing. "HAHAHAHA!"
Nami face flushed in embarrassment.
"Heh heh heh hahahaha!" Bellamy laughed as he sat back down, "You got me there, kid! I can't believe you guys are putting up with such a ridiculous legend like an island in the sky! Especially considering how little you know! Like of the thousands of the weird currants cutting through the Grand Line, one of the weirdest is called a Knock-Up Stream! Looks to me like this is the first you've ever heard about it. Any ship that gets caught in the Knock-Up Stream is catapulted into the sky and later slams back into the ocean! Years ago, a bunch of ignorant sailors saw ships falling from the sky and assumed there must be an island up there! In their minds how else could a ship get up that high? HA! Ridiculous! Anything that seems supernatural always has a rational explanation! Anything a man can dream will eventually be explained and let me tell you, the truth will hurt!"
"..." Luffy stared silently at Bellamy while Y/N's words echoed in his head. "What would Shanks do?"
"Look," Bellamy continued, "I was gonna let you join my crew if you'd passed the test of the New Era. But it seems like you're a lost cause. Thing is, the time of pirates' dreams are over! The City of Gold, the Emerald Ruins, and the great One Piece, the fools who dream of these things fictional treasure don't notice the real treasures that surround them! In this age of oceans the very men who are brave enough and are capable of navigating currants end up chasing these ridiculous dreams and die in the process! Whenever people speak of these dead idiots they always say 'he was happy because he died living his dreams' HA! NO! He died because he was a fool!"
"..." Luffy's clenched fists dropped opened. There was no point.
Bellamy continued his speech, "So when I see people chasing dreams of One Piece... I GET DISGUSTED!" Bellamy surged off of his stood and punched Luffy in the face. POW! Luffy did nothing to stop it and dropped to the ground. THUD!
"LUFFY!" Nami cried out in alarm.
"You're a weak pirate just like they were!" Bellamy taunted, "And as long as you're hacking around, you'll make us the real pirates look like trash!"
KRESH! Bellamy threw a glass down at Luffy and it shattered next to his head.
"Get outta here ya scrawny punk," one of the pirates growled, "You're killing our buzz!"
"WAY TO GO BELLAMY!" another Bellamy Pirate cheered.
The other pirates started throwing things and glasses shattered all around Luffy while he laid there on the floor and did nothing to defend himself.
"HAHAHAHAHA!" Bellamy laughed, "I'd be more than happy to entertain!"
"Luffy! Zoro!" Nami exclaimed, "Forget about all that pacifist crap I was talking about earlier and take this jerk out!"
"Zoro," Luffy said as he slowly sat up, "Whatever happens, don't fight back."
"..." Zoro stared silently and nodded at his Captain's order.
"HAA HEH HEHEHEHEEE!" Bellamy cackled as he prepared for what was clearly going to be a one-sided fight.
Y/N stared at Robin and clenched his fists. She seemed certain as she held up his poster. There was no denying it now.
"How'd you know?" Y/N asked.
"When we first went to find the Poneglyph you said that you'd travel to the travel to the ends of the Earth to find the One Piece treasure and that you won't give up until you've seen it with your own eyes," Robin recounted, "Eyes, as in two. I would've thought that you had gotten used to losing your right eye by now so I realized that meant that there was some kind of eye under your eye patch. That peaked my curiosity."
"Then after our adventure on Bonsatsu Island you apologized for losing control and giving the others so much trouble up at the temple," Robin continued. "The others couldn't remember what happened when the High Priest used his Devil Fruit Powers on them which led me to believe that something else happened up on the temple. I called you on it and you didn't have an answer."
"Then there's your fear of zombies," Robin stated, "You told Miss. Navigator to imagine that she'd killed a lot of people and that they'd been brought back to life and wanted revenge. It was clear that you were talking from experience."
"Finally there's this," Robin concluded as she held up the Wanted Poster again. "I found it in the pocket of the pants you loaned me. Not one of your smartest moments Mr. One Eye. Interesting that Red Eye's red eye is his right eye and that's the one you always keep covered. Obviously I knew that you wouldn't have kept the Wanted Poster of a supposedly dead pirate unless it held some significance to you. And that's when I realized that this is you."
"Naturally I know your history since at the time of your rampage I was living in Alabasta which is an island in the Grand Line where you were wreaking havoc," Robin said, "So my guess is that some pirate cut out your eye when you were younger and you found a new one that gave strange powers. But you don't have control over it which led to your rampage. And you still don't if the incident in the temple where you lost control again is anything to go by. I've gotten to know you a little bit so I know now that you wouldn't kill someone without a very good reason. You feel guilty about all the people you killed, thus your fear of zombies, and also why you're with the Straw Hats trying to redeem yourself by doing good."
Gulp! Y/N had gotten significantly pale as Robin's report went on. Now he was as white as a ghost. "So... what are you going to do with this information?" he asked.
"Nothing," Robin answered with a faint smile. Y/N found himself able to breathe again. "I enjoy solving puzzles and you presented me with an interesting one. I suppose this makes us even after everything you found out about me when we were investigating the Poneglyph." Y/N nodded and Robin's expression turned curious. "Can I see it?"
"Let me get this straight," Y/N requested, "you just learned that I've got something in my skull that caused me to go on a blood-crazed rampage and take hundreds of innocent lives. And you want to see it?"
"Yes." Y/N promptly face-faulted.
Hope you enjoyed the chapter!!!
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