Luffy versus Zoro
Luffy versus Zoro:
Luffy stood behind Mr. 5 and Ms. Valentine and glared passed them at Zoro. Princess Vivi and Carue were behind him, but had nowhere to go since the pass they had planned on running through was now blocked.
"YOU ARE GONNA PAY FOR WHAT YOU DID!" Luffy hollered at Zoro. He was still swelled up like a balloon due to all of the food he'd eaten. "I'LL KILL YOU!"
"Ungrateful?" Zoro repeated.
-Short Flashback from a Few Minutes Earlier-
Luffy finished taking a leak in the waterway that ran through Whisky Peak. He turned around and spotted a bunch of the nice people who had fed him and thrown a party for his crew lying in an alley unconscious. "WHAT THE HECK HAPPENED HERE?" Luffy waddled into the cluster of people and lifted up the head of one of the men that seemed to be conscious. "What happened?" Luffy asked. "Who did this to you?"
"It was that friend of yours..." the man answered, "The swordsman with the green hair..."
"Zoro?" Luffy repeated in surprise.
-End Short Flashback from a Few Minutes Earlier-
"Everyone here was nothing but nice to us!" Luffy yelled. "They welcomed us and threw us a party! THEY GAVE US FOOD! AND YOU REPAID THEM BY CUTTING THEM ALL UP WITH THOSE SWORDS OF YOURS!"
"Well... yeah..." Zoro admitted. "But... there's something you don't know..." Those men had all been bounty hunters. They had fed them food so they'd pass out and then they could cash in on Luffy and Y/N's bounties.
"JUST SHUT UP AND FIGHT ME!" Luffy shouted.
"This guy's just a complete idiot..." Princess Vivi realized as she sat on her duck and stared in disbelief. Carue who was rather dim himself, nodded in agreement.
"Now they're fighting amongst themselves," Mr. 5 commented as he stood in between the bickering pirates with his hands in the pockets of his brown coat, "How pathetic."
"Kyahahaha!" Ms. Valentine laughed. "Maybe if we wait long enough they'll just kill each other."
"Uhhh... hold on Luffy," Zoro called out as Luffy waddled closer, "could you just listen to me for a second? They were actually..."
BWOING! Luffy leapt up into the air and flew over the two Baroque Works Agents and launched himself at Zoro, "NO EXCUSES!" Luffy pulled back one of his arms and swung it at Zoro for a high-powered punch. SHWOOM!
"WHOA!" Zoro exclaimed as he ducked out of the way, POW! Luffy's powerful punch knocked a huge hole in the solid rock pass that Zoro had been standing in front of. "ARE YOU TRYING TO KILL ME?"
"YEAH!" Luffy answered. "DIE!" SHWOOOP! Luffy lashed out his leg for a powerful kick but Zoro barely managed to get out of the way. THWHAM! Luffy smashed the rocky pass to pieces.
"GRAAAAHHH!" Luffy yelled as he lunged at Zoro for a vicious head-butt. WHAM! Again, Zoro managed to jump out of the way and Luffy smashed a hole in the rock pass with his hard head.
"He's gone crazy!" said Zoro as he backed away from Luffy and attempted to plead with him, "Luffy! Stop this!"
BWOING! Luffy launched himself up into the air and flew at Zoro, "RAAAAHHH!" Zoro and Luffy went flying backwards into the wall of a building on the outskirts of Whisky Peak. WHAM! Mr. 5, Ms. Valentine, Princess Vivi, and Carue could only stare in shock as the two of them fought.
"Well Mr. 5, it looks like they're too busy beating each other up to cause us any trouble," Ms. Valentine realized.
"Apparently," Mr. 5 agreed. "So why don't we just leave those two idiots to their fight while we do the job we were sent here to complete... eliminate Princess Vivi of Alabasta Kingdom."
Swish! Swish! "Hey touch guy, quit running away!" Luffy snapped as he swung his fists at Zoro, who was doing his best to dodge Luffy's attacks. WHAM! The crossed the street and smashed into the front wall of building on the other side of it.
"LET'S GO MS. VALENTINE!" Mr. 5 called out as he charged at the Princess.
"Right, Mr. 5!" Ms. Valentine replied as she followed behind him.
"QUIT SCREWING AROUND DAMN IT!" Zoro yelled as he lashed out his leg and kicked Luffy in his fat belly, THWAK! Luffy went flying backwards and smashed into the two Baroque Works Agents, WHUMP! The three of them sailed clear across the street and smashed through the front of a building. KRASH!
"That dumb-ass," Zoro growled as he, Princess Vivi, and Carue stared down at the dusty wreckage that Luffy, Mr. 5, and Ms. Valentine had been knocked into.
Inside the house they'd been knocked into, all three people were still conscious, they were just a little dizzy. "Ugh... now you and your friend have really managed to get in the way of our plans," Mr. 5 grumbled as he staggered back up and glared down at Luffy.
"Wh-what happened?" questioned Ms. Valentine as she pushed herself up off of the ground. She'd lost her yellow hat at one point, "What's going on?"
"Since you two want to kill each other so badly," said Mr. 5, "I'll tell you what... we're gonna do you a favor. We'll kill you both ourselves, okay?"
Huff... Luffy grunted as he stared up at the Baroque Works Agent.
KA-BOOOM! KA-BOOOM! KA-BOOOOM! Explosions went off on the other end of the street. Zoro, Princess Vivi, and Carue all wondered what was going on.
Shoo! Ms. Valentine came flying up out of the smoke with her umbrella over her head, "NOW I'M REALLY ANNOYED!" she shouted down at Zoro. "I hope you're ready to experience my Kilo Kilo Fruit Powers! Kyahahahaha! Prepare to be smashed into a thousand tiny pieces and buried a hundred meters in the ground!"
"Mr. Bushido, you have to get out of the way!" Princess Vivi warned Zoro as she watched the blonde float towards them.
"BE QUIET!" Zoro snapped. "I have more important things to worry about right now!"
Krek... "That was a good workout, I finally started to digest some of that food," commented Luffy as he carried the unconscious form of Mr. 5 along with him.
"He fought... Mr. 5... and won?" questioned Princess Vivi in surprise. "He took out a Baroque Works Officer Agent like it was nothing!"
"Alright, now let's finish this," Luffy resolved as he glared at Zoro.
Unnoticed to Zoro, Ms. Valentine was floated over his head, "Here I come!" Ms. Valentine called out. "I hope you're getting scared! I may look light now, but I can increase my weight to ten thousand kilograms, you know!
"Luffy, just hear me out for a second!" Zoro attempted to explain. "Everyone who lives here in Whisky Peak is a bounty hunter! Which makes all of them our enemies!"
"HEY! PAY ATTENTION TO ME, YOU JACKASS!" Ms. Valentine yelled as she glared down at Zoro.
Thud! Luffy dropped Mr. 5 on the ground, "YOU'RE JUST LYING!" he shouted. "ENEMIES WOULDN'T GIVE US TASTY FOOD, WOULD THEY?"
"TASTE MY TEN THOUSAND KILO PRESS! KYAHAHAHA!" Ms. Valentine cackled as she changed her weight and started plummeting downwards. SHWOO...
"Find then," Zoro relented as he turned to the side and pulled his bandana off of his arm. He seemed completely oblivious to the blonde who fell passed him and smashed into the ground, KER-RASH! "It doesn't look like there's any sense in trying to talk to you."
"GRRRRR..." Luffy growled as Zoro tied his bandana on his head and prepared to fight.
"You know, you're really a moron!" Zoro snapped. "This time I'm not gonna hold back! It'll be your own fault if you die!"
"SOUNDS GOOD TO ME!" Luffy roared.
"Hold on... what's going on here?" Princess Vivi wondered. "I thought you guys were on the same side!"
"GUM... GUM..." SHOOOM! Luffy stretched her arms out behind him and charged at the swordsman. "BAZOOKA!"
Zoro drew his swords and ran to meet Luffy, "DEMON...SLICE!"
WHAM! Luffy and Zoro smashed into each other sending a shockwave through the town. The two pirates locked up, neither of them willing to budge an inch.
Luffy was growling as he clutched Zoro's wrists and attempted to keep his swords away from his face. "Let's see which one's stronger," said Zoro, "Your rubber hands or my steel? What do you say?"
"Yeah, let's settle this once and for all!" Luffy replied.
Zoro changed his grip on the swords in his hands and lashed out at Luffy, "DRAGON... TWISTER!" SLA-SWISH! Zoro lashed out with a powerful tornado-like attack that sent Luffy flying up into the air over his head.
"GUM... GUM... PISTOL!" SHWOOOM! Luffy shot his arm out and socked Zoro in the stomach, POW!
KRASH! KRASH! Luffy and Zoro went flying in opposite directions and smashed into buildings on opposite sides of the road. A cloud of dust obscured everything from view.
"Well now what am I supposed to do?" Princess Vivi wondered as she sat on her duck and stared at the quiet street. "I don't know how safe we'll be going through there..."
"Quack..." said Carue as he timidly padded towards the street, keeping his eyes peeled for any movement both form the pirates AND the two Baroque Works Agents. Tmp... Tmp... Tmp... "Quack..."
SHOOOM! Luffy and Zoro suddenly burst out from their respective houses and charged across the street, the duck was a few feet away from Luffy at the time and let out a loud quack of terror, "QUAAACK!"
"RAAAAHHH!" Luffy growled as he charged across the street.
"GRRAAAAHH!" Zoro snarled as he ran out in the opposite direction.
POW! Luffy and Zoro's fists collided in a deadlock, then Zoro lashed out with one of his swords, SWISH! Luffy dodged the sword and swung his leg at Zoro, SKISH! Zoro dodge the attack and jumped backwards then he lashed out with one of his swords. SLIK! Zoro cut Luffy on the cheek while Luffy retaliated by punched Zoro in the stomach, POW!
"Damn it..." Mr. 5 cursed as he and Ms. Valentine staggered back up. "Those two are making fools of us on our own turf! The name of Baroque Works will be shamed if we fail in our mission here!"
"Mr. 5, we can still defeat them!" said Ms. Valentine. "We haven't failed yet!"
"LET'S GO MS. VALENTINE!" Mr. 5 instructed as he charged at the two pirates.
"RIGHT, MR. 5!" Ms. Valentine agreed as she ran after him.
Luffy and Zoro stopped fighting and glared at the two agents, "SHUT UP AND GO AWAY!" they growled, causing Mr. 5 and Ms. Valentine to stop in their tracks and stare in surprise. "YOU'RE INTERRUPTING... OUR FIGHT!" Luffy swung his arm around while at the same time Zoro whipped out one of his swords, WHAM! The two of them smacked Mr. 5 and Ms. Valentine off to the side and stood tall in the middle of the road.
It's All Right:
Mr. 5 and Ms. Valentine went flying and smashed through the walls of the buildings behind Luffy and Zoro. THOOOM!
"Annoying bastards," Zoro muttered.
"Messing with our fight..." Luffy growled.
Princess Vivi sat on her duck and stared in shock, "They took down two Baroque Works Officer Agents... unbelievable..."
"Wanna finish this?" Zoro offered.
"Yeah!" Luffy agreed.
Luffy clenched his fist and his muscles bulged as he got ready to fight again. Zoro growled and tightly gripped the handles of his swords.
"GRAAAAHHH!" Luffy growled as he charged Zoro.
"RAAAHHHH!" Zoro snarled as he faced off with Luffy.
"ENOUGH!" KA-POW! Nam came out of nowhere and punched both Luffy and Zoro in the head, both of the powerful fighters went crashing down to the ground.
Winner: Nami
"What the heck do you think you're doing?" Nami demanded as she glared down at them. "It's lucky for you that you managed to keep the girl safe! You almost lost us a billion berries!" Nami pulled the two of them up by their collars, "YOU UNDERSTAND?"
"What do you mean?" Princess Vivi asked. "What berries? Why are you helping me?"
Pow! Zoro weakly punched Luffy in the face, Nami pulled her head back as Luffy retaliated and slugged Zoro in the face, Pow!
"About that, I think we need to have a little chat," Nami commented as she attempted to ignore Luffy and Zoro. Zoro had grabbed the inside of Luffy's mouth and was stretching it with a fishhook. Luffy had his hand pressed into Zoro's chin and was trying to push him away. "You and I have to work out a contract for a reward."
"What... but..." said Princess Vivi, she was still confused.
KA-POW! "KNOCK IT OFF!" Nami clubbed both Luffy and Zoro on the back of the head and sent them crashing down to the ground. Nami looked up at Princess Vivi and attempted to explain now that Luffy and Zoro had FINALLY stopped fighting.
"SHISHISHISHI!" Luffy laughed once the situation had been explained to him. Nearby, Nami was attempting to explain her vision of things to Princess Vivi. "Oh! Why didn't you just say so Zoro? I thought you got mad and beat everyone up because they didn't have a dish you wanted!"
"Shishishishi! What a funny mix up!" Luffy exclaimed.
"YOU GUYS, SHUP UP!" Nami yelled. Then she turned back to Princess Vivi. "There it is, in exchange for taking you home, I'd like one billion berries. You saw how strong these two guys are. I've got three more. If you ask me, it isn't a bad deal."
"I can't," Princess Vivi replied. "Although I appreciate the help you've given me so far."
"Why not?" asked Nami. "Aren't you a Princess? Aren't you rich?"
"Do you know anything about Alabasta Kingdom?" Princess Vivi inquired.
"I've never heard of it," Nami admitted.
"Alabasta is a great nation, a peaceful kingdom," Princess Vivi explained, "... at least... it used to be..."
"Used to be?" Nami repeated, "And now?"
"We're in the middle of a civil war," Princess Vivi told her. "In recent years, signs of discontent began to appear. Finally the people revolted and the Kingdom fell into utter chaos. I learned of a secret organization... called Baroque Works. I found out that our people were being manipulated by this organization. But that was the only information I could gather about them. I didn't know what to do... so I went to Igaram for help. He's kept a close eye on me ever since I was a child."
"You mean the guy with the rollers?" questioned Luffy.
"Yes," Princess Vivi answered. "I asked him to help me infiltrate Baroque Works to see who was pulling their strings behind the scenes... and what exactly they were up to. "
"You're pretty brave for a Princess," Zoro commented. "Were you able to find out what their plan was?"
"Igaram said it was to create a Utopia," said Nami. "Is that it?"
"It's not," Princess Vivi replied. "That was just the cover story the Boss was using. It's a lie to cover their tracks. Their true goal is to take over Alabasta! I have to get back somehow to warn everybody, to tell them the truth and stop the fighting! If I don't do something, if I don't tell them..." The Princess trailed off and started crying at the thought of her nation being taken over.
"So that's it," Nami realized. "I'm starting to get the picture. I suppose you wouldn't have much money lying around in the middle of a civil war."
"So did you find out who's in charge?" Luffy inquired.
"What?" Princess Vivi gasped. "THE BOSS' IDENTITY? YOU SHOULDN'T ASK THAT!"
"But you know, don't you?" questioned Luffy.
"Hehehe, alright I'll pass," Nami replied. "This guy is trying to take over an entire country, after all. I don't really want someone like that chasing after me, thank you."
"That's right, you don't," Princess Vivi assured her. "I don't care how strong you people are, you wouldn't stand a chance against one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea! Against Crocodile!"
"Who now?" asked Luffy.
SHE'D JUST TOLD THEM THE BOSS' IDENTITY! Princess Vivi and Nami gasped in shock at what she'd just let slip. "You just had to say it," Zoro grumbled.
The four of them looked up and suddenly spotted an otter and a vulture perched on the roof of a building across the street. THE UNLUCKIES HAD JUST HEARD THEIR ENTIRE CONVERSATION! Mr. 13 jumped on Ms. Friday's back and the vulture flew off before they could stop it.
Nami grabbed Princess Vivi by the collar and shook her back and forth, "THE BIRD AND THE OTTER! WHO ARE THEY?" Nami demanded. "ARE THEY GOING TO REPORT THAT YOU JUST TOLD US THE SECRET TOO?"
"Hey a Warlord! That's cool!" Luffy exclaimed as he smiled at Zoro.
"No too bad," Zoro remarked.
"I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" Princess Vivi apologized as Nami continued to shake her, "It just slipped out!"
"SLIPPED OUT?" Nami repeated in outrage. "NOW THOSE CREEPS WILL BE AFTER US TOO!" Nami dropped the Princess and cried. "We just came to the Grand Line but now we're being hunted by a Warlord! That's more than I can handle!"
"So when do we get to see this guy?" Zoro wondered.
"I wonder what he looks like," Luffy replied.
"YOU TWO SHUT UP!" Nami yelled. She promptly turned and stalked off. "It's been nice knowing you idiots, thanks for everything!"
"Where are you going?" Luffy called after her.
"They don't know what I look like yet!" Nami told him. "I'M LEAVING!"
Nami stopped when she found her path blocked by Mr. 13. The otter had a sketchpad in front of him and was just adding the finishing touches to an incredibly accurate sketch of Nami. WHIP! Mr. 13 turned his sketchpad around and then pulled out two other pages with pictures of Luffy and Zoro.
"Wow! That's so life-like!" Nami praised the otter as she applauded its artistic abilities. Mr. 13 promptly jumped onto Ms. Friday's back and the vulture flew away.
Nami turned around and stormed back over to Luffy, Zoro, and Princess Vivi. "NOW THERE'S NOWHERE LEFT TO RUN!"
"I'm really sorry," Princess Vivi apologized again.
"She'll get over it," Luffy assured her.
"Where was she planning on going anyway?" Zoro wondered. "Looks like the three of us are going to be sitting right at the top of Baroque Works' hit list."
"Shishishishi!" Luffy laughed. "That sounds awesome!"
"Um... I have five hundred thousand berries saved up..." Princess Vivi offered Nami who was sitting in the corner hugging her knees to her chest. She'd just gone emo.
"Looks like we missed Nami freaking out," came a familiar calm voice.
"You have nothing to fear!" sounded a louder deeper voice.
Luffy, Zoro, and Princess Vivi turned and spotted Y/N and... Igaram?
The Captain of the Royal Guard was dressed in drag. His hair was pulled back into a high ponytail, the six rollers that his hair used to be in now went down his back. He wore a blue and purple diagonally striped shirt, an opened green coat that was lined in fur, short white shorts, and a belt made out of gems. It was an exact copy of Princess Vivi's outfit, it looked a lot better on the sixteen year old Princess than it did on the large older man.
"Maa... maaa... maaaa! It's going to be alright Princess," Igaram told Princess Vivi. "I've come up with a plan."
"Igaram, why are you dressed like that?" asked Princess Vivi as she and Luffy got up and approached the cross-dressed Captain of the Royal Guard.
"Allow us to introduce you to your decoys," Y/N continued as he held up three dolls which he had personally outfitted with wigs and costumes to make them look like Luffy, Zoro, and Nami.
"Wow! That's a funny outfit, mister!" Luffy commented.
"They're all insane," Nami muttered, who was still being emo in the corner.
"Princess Vivi, please listen to me carefully," Igaram requested. "Once Baroque Works' intelligence network learns what happened here, agents will be sent after you immediately. They're aware that you know the Boss' identity..."
"Yes, and knowing them, they'll send a thousand of them," Princess Vivi reasoned, causing Nami to flinch in terror.
"Now here's my plan," Igaram continued, "Disguised like this I will pretend to be you. I'll take the three dummies Mr. One Eye prepared on board with me and I will sail a straight course to Alabasta."
"So these things are us?" questioned Luffy as he stared at the dummy version of him. It had a messy black wig, a red t-shirt, and a pair of blue pants with the legs rolled up so they looked like shorts.
"It was a quick thing, I worked with what I had," Y/N replied. The Zoro dummy had a short blueish-green wig, a white t-shirt, and black pants while the Nami dummy was wearing a long orange wig, a pink shirt, and a solid yellow skirt. "With all the bounty hunters around here, they had a lot of costumes... they could've been a lot worse."
"While Baroque Works is busy chasing after me, the rest of you will take Princess Vivi and head to Alabasta Kingdom following a less direct route," Igaram told them.
"Hold on!" Nami objected, she finally stopped being emo and rejoined the conversation. "Who said we were gonna take her with us? We still haven't discussed the matter of payment." Nami's desire for money seemingly overrode the feelings of terror.
"Payment for what? Take her where?" questioned Luffy.
"I promised roller-guy that we'd get the Princess back home safely," Y/N explained to the Captain. "Since we don't have a set course... I figured 'why not'."
"Oh, is that what all this yelling's about?" asked Luffy. "Sure, we'll take her."
Y/N turned to Zoro, "Told you he'd agree to it before we finished explaining," he reminded the swordsman.
"Is this Crocodile really that dangerous?" Luffy inquired.
"He's one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea," Y/N explained. "That makes him a legally recognized pirate... like Hawk Eye Mihawk. I've heard that he's been based in Alabasta for the last three years and is seen as some kind of hero. That's why I've never been to Alabasta. When he was a pirate he had a bounty of eighty one million berries."
"Will you do this for us?" Igaram requested.
"Sure!" Luffy agreed. "It sounds like it'll be fun!"
Nami palmed her face and looked depressed. She didn't think that being hunted by a former pirate with a bounty of 81,000,000 berries was 'fun'.
"Maa... maaa... maaaaa..." Igaram cleared his throat and tuned his voice to a falsetto so he could act is part as Princess Vivi. "Now I, Vivi, will leave from here!"
"Shishishi! Great imitation old guy!" Luffy cheered.
"Imitation of who?" questioned Zoro, who wasn't as impressed.
"Princess, please give me the Eternal Pose," Igaram requested. Princess Vivi reached into her coat pocket and pulled out a glass ball in a wooden holder and handed it to the man.
"What's an Eternal Pose?" Nami inquired.
"It's a special Log Pose that locks onto the magnetic signature of one specific island... eternally," Y/N explained. "I'm guessing that's one for Alabasta, so that'll take him straight there. We'll be using a regular Log Pose to take a less direct route."
"That's right," said Igaram. "I have never gone the indirect island-hopping route to Alabasta, but you should only have to pass two or three islands if you follow the Log. Please, take care of the Princess in my absence."
"Don't worry, we'll watch out for her," Y/N assured him.
Igaram smiled down at Princess Vivi, "I expect that your journey will be a difficult one. Please, be careful."
Princess Vivi struggled to fight back tears, the man that had looked after her for so long was leaving. She strengthened her resolve and shook his hand.
Igaram boarded the boat along with the three dummies and set off. "May we meet again in our homeland," he called out to Princess Vivi.
"It's up to you to save our country Princess," Igaram thought to himself.
"And there he goes," Luffy commented. "Shishishi! That guy was a funny old man!"
"He's also very reliable man," Princess Vivi added as she watched the boat sail away.
KA-BOOOOOOM! As soon as it reached the ocean, Igaram's ship suddenly exploded. The enormous blast was even bigger than the island it had just sailed away from.
Princess Vivi, Luffy, Y/N, Zoro, and Nami all stared at the firey explosion with different degrees of shock, horror, and surprise.
"OH NO! THEY GOT HIM ALREADY!" Nami exclaimed.
Luffy put his hat on, it hid his eyes but he still looked angry. "I LIKED THAT GUY!"
"I think it's time to go," Zoro announced.
"Nami, how's the Log Pose?" Y/N asked.
"It's all set," Nami answered as she glanced at the Pose on her wrist.
"Get the Princess and meet us at the Going Merry," Y/N instructed. "Luffy, Zoro, and I will take care of everything else." Y/N turned to Luffy and Zoro, "Let's go guys!" The three of them quickly ran off leaving Nami to deal with the shocked Princess.
"VIVI HURRY!" Nami shouted as she ran over to Princess Vivi and put her hand on her shoulder. "WE HAVE TO LEAVE! IF THEY GET US NOW IT'LL ALL BE FOR NOTHING!"
Princess Vivi bit her lip so hard that it bled, she'd just witnessed the person who'd looked after her since she was a child die in a horrific explosion. They were supposed to meet up in Alabasta, but he'd been killed mere minutes after he'd set off.
Luffy, Y/N, and Zoro ran off, and Y/N continued to give orders to prepare to leave, "Luffy, go back to the inn and get Sanji and Usopp then meet us at the Going Merry. Zoro and I will go straight there and get it ready to sail."
Right," Luffy agreed as he ran back towards the inn while Y/N and Zoro headed for the harbor.
Back at the shore, Nami grabbed Princess Vivi and hugged her, "Don't worry, we're going to get you home," she assured the girl who was attempting to fight back tears. "I know they don't look like much, but they're strong. Those five saved the East Blue. Baroque Works, Crocodile, those guys are the one's who should be worried!"
The Course:
Luffy ran as fast as he could back to the inn in Whisky Peak. KRASH! He smashed through the door and spotted Usopp and Sanji still asleep on the floor. Luffy grabbed Usopp's nose and Sanji's ankle then took off, "Let's go!" KRASH! Luffy ran through the doorway while Usopp and Sanji smashed through the walls beside it. Usopp and Sanji had just received a rude awakening.
"OW! OW! YEOW!" Usopp complained as Luffy dragged him along the ground by his long nose.
"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?" Sanji demanded as Luffy raced off towards the ship. "LUFFY! STOP IT! WHAT'S GOING ON?"
"OWW! MY NOSE IS GONNA FALL OFF!" Usopp screamed as he and Sanji were dragged through the streets of Whisky Peak by their crazy captain.
"Hurry, Vivi!" Nami called out to the Princess as the two of them ran through Whisky Peak towards the harbor.
"Coming," Vivi replied as she frantically searched the streets for any sign of her faithful duck companion. "Carue isn't here!"
Out off the coast, a mysterious figure floated through the smoke and flaming residue of the explosion that had blown up Igaram and his decoy boat. "A decoy?" questioned the mysterious figure, it was a woman with long dark hair and a purple cowboy hat. She held her face up with one of her arms and seemed almost bored as she floated through the wreckage. Luffy's dummy bobbed passed. "That's almost cute."
At the harbor, Y/N and Zoro were on board the Going Merry getting it ready for departure. Zoro was leaning over the railing of the front deck and grabbed the anchor as it rose to meet him. "I got it!" he called down to Y/N, who was down in the anchor room using the capstand to hoist the anchor. Zoro grunted as he hooked the end of the anchor on part of the railing.
"Now come down here and help me load the cannons with some cannonballs," Y/N instructed. "Oh, and I think we have the beginnings of an infestation."
"Huh?" questioned Zoro as he hopped the railing of the front deck and looked into the anchor room at the 'infestation'. "Oh... I think that's Vivi's ostrich."
"Well that's a relief," Y/N said as he eyed the duck that had snuck on board their ship. "Listen duck, if you're gonna be on the ship, you're gonna help. Zoro, grab two cannonballs and load up the cannons in the storage room. Duck, you take another cannonball and load the cannon on the deck. I'll load the one in here. We need to be armed in case they come after us."
Carue grabbed a cannonball in his beak while Zoro picked up two and they quickly left Y/N while he loaded the anchor room cannon.
Luffy arrived dragging Usopp and Sanji in tow. "HEY! I GOT 'EM!" he called out.
"Good," Zoro replied as he carried two cannonballs across the main deck. "Bring 'em up, we're ready to go."
Luffy glanced down at the cook and the marksman he'd been dragging and saw that they'd passed out, "Hey! You guys are still asleep?"
"We don't have time to look for him!"Nami shouted as she and Vivi ran up to the ship.
"I'm not going to just leave him here!" Vivi argued.
"Hey what's the problem?" asked Zoro.
"Apparently her duck's gone missing!" Nami snapped. "And now she's refusing to leave without him!"
"You mean him?" Y/N inquired as he pointed to the duck they'd found on board.
"Quack!" Carue greeted them with a wave of his wing.
"HE'S HERE?" Nami and Vivi exclaimed at the same time.
"He was on board when we got here," Y/N told them with a shrug.
"One Eye thought we had an infestation," Zoro added with a grin.
"When you've been on the Grand Line for a while you'll realize that anything is possible," Y/N informed him. "An infestation of large ducks wouldn't be that unusual in comparison to some of the other stuff I've seen here. Hurry up and get on."
"Sail the ship upriver," Vivi instructed as she climbed up the rope ladder onto the ship. "We can catch the current a little further up. It's the fastest way out of here!"
"ALRIGHT! LET'S GO!" Luffy called out once everyone was on board.
Y/N climbed up a rope ladder and pulled on the yard so the main sail dropped, then he ran to the galley and took the whipstaff.
Vivi silently sat on the deck next to Carue. "Hey!" Zoro called out to her. "How many people do you think Baroque Works will send after us?"
"I'm not sure," Vivi admitted. "There are about 2,000 loyal employees in Baroque Works. I've heard that there are several bases like this one in Whisky Peak."
"Would they really send a thousand people?" questioned Nami.
"It's possible," Vivi offered.
"Whoa! The ship's leaving!" Usopp realized as he and Sanji finally woke up.
"Wait! Why do we have to leave?" questioned Sanji. "This town's amazing! There are so many cute girls!"
"Who knows if we'll ever have this much fun again!" Usopp protested. "Even pirates deserve a vacation!
"We should've just left 'em behind," Zoro groaned. "Nami will you explain it to them?"
BONK! BONK! "I just did," Nami informed him as she dusted her hands off.
"Okay that was fast," Zoro commented while Sanji and Usopp were left unconscious on the deck with large lumps on their head.
"I left out the complicated parts," Nami replied with a shrug.
"We should be reaching the sea soon," Vivi told them as the Merry sailed through the foggy waterway and out to the ocean.
"Cool! Look at all the fog!" Luffy observed as he stared around in wonder.
"Finally, it's getting light out," Nami realized.
"I'm just glad we got away from the people who were chasing us," came a soft feminine voice from behind the Straw Hats.
"That's for sure," Nami agreed without looking at who she was agreeing with.
"With all this fog, we'll have to be sure to avoid the rocks," the voice advised.
"I'll take care of it!" Nami assured them. "Wait..." Nami glanced at Vivi and saw her and Carue standing silently next to her, Sanji and Usopp were still down on the deck, the voice was too feminine to be Zoro's, and Luffy was on her other side. "Did you?"
Luffy shook his head. As one, they turned around and stared in shock when they spotted a mysterious woman sitting on the railing in front of the galley.
"This ship is nice," the mysterious woman commented. She had straight black hair that went down passed her shoulders. She wore a fancy purple cowgirl hat, a purple vest that was laced up in the front, a short purple skirt, and purple cowboy boots. Her elegant facial features made her resemble a crane and her eyes were dark blue with a ring of lighter blue around them. She had her legs crossed and was leaning her elbow on one of her knees while she casually rested her chin against her hand and surveyed the people in front of her.
"What? Who's that?" Zoro demanded as the Straw Hats, the Princess, and the duck stared up at the mysterious woman in surprise.
"It's... it's you!" Vivi stammered.
"Fufufu, I just happened to run into your dear Mr. 8 a little ways back," said the woman with a casual chuckle. "He didn't look so good."
"So you killed Igaram!" Vivi realized.
"Answer him!" Vivi ordered. "What are you doing here, Ms. All Sunday?"
"..." The woman silently sat on the railing. She had been revealed as Ms. All Sunday, the Vice President of Baroque Works.
"You know who she is?" questioned Nami. "Which of the number guys is she partnered with?"
"Her partner is Mr. 0," Vivi answered, "The Boss."
"So she's a bad guy?" Luffy realized.
"She was the only one who knew the Boss' identity," Vivi explained. "That's how we found out who he actually is... by following her back to him."
"To be accurate, I allowed it," Ms. All Sunday reminded her.
"So... she's a good guy then," Luffy commented.
"I know you knew we were there!" said Vivi. "You were the one who told the Boss what we knew! Weren't you?"
"That's right," Ms. All Sunday replied.
"Alright, then she is bad," Luffy decided.
"Luffy, would you cut it out already!" Zoro scolded him.
"Oh that," Ms. All Sunday stated, "You were just so serious about the whole thing that I couldn't help myself. A princess doing whatever it would take to help her country while making herself an enemy of Baroque Works. The idea was just so... pathetic."
"Grr... YOU KILLED HIM!" Vivi screamed as Igaram's last words to her echoed in her mind. "May we meet again in our Homeland."
Zoro drew one of his swords and Nami pulled out her bow staff while Sanji and Usopp appeared on opposite sides of Ms. All Sunday. Usopp had his slingshot aimed at her while Sanji was pointing a pistol.
"Sanji... you do realize what you're doing here... right?" questioned Usopp.
"Nope, not a clue," Sanji admitted. "I just know that Ms. Wednesday needs me."
"I would really appreciate it you would... stop pointing those at me!" She only sounded slightly irritated as Usopp and Sanji were suddenly launched over the railing. FWIP!
Klak! Nami's bow staff was knocked out of her hands and fell to the deck KLANK! Zoro sword was knocked from his grip and fell to the deck at his feet, at the same time Sanji and Usopp finally hit the deck, THUD!
"Whoa!" Luffy exclaimed in surprise.
"She must have power from..." Vivi started to say.
"...a Devil Fruit!" Zoro finished for her.
"But which one?" Nami wondered. "What's her power?" Ms. All Sunday casually sat on the railing, now that the Straw Hats had been disarmed she was no longer irritated.
"WHOA! SHE'S BEAUTIFUL!" Sanji swooned as he sat up and finally got a good look at the woman. He had hearts in his eyes.
"Now there's no need to get so excited," Ms. All Sunday told them. "You can all calm down. I haven't been given any orders to follow you. I have no reason to fight you."
FWUP! Luffy's straw hat suddenly flew off of his head and Ms. All Sunday casually caught it and twirled it around on her fingers. "So you're the Captain?" Ms. All Sunday inquired. "I've heard so much about you, Monkey D. Luffy."
"You are a bad person!" Usopp called out as he hid behind the main mast. "I demand you leave this instant!"
Ms. All Sunday placed Luffy's straw hat on top of her cowboy hat but failed to notice the galley door quietly opening behind her.
"What rotten luck," Ms. All Sunday told the Straw Hats. "Picking up a Princess who Baroque Works has already made up their mind to see eliminated. And you Princess, being protected by a mere handful of pirates. But your luck gets even worse, according to the direction your Log Pose is indicating, your next destination is Little Garden. We won't even need to lift a finger. You'll all be dead long before you reach Alabasta."
"MY HAT!" Luffy hollered, "GIVE IT BACK!"
"L-leave now! E-evil person!" Usopp stammered from his hiding place behind the mast.
"Nice insult Usopp," came Y/N's voice as he walked out from the galley and casually sat down on the railing next to Ms. All Sunday. "Who're you?"
"RICKY, SHE'S MR. ZERO'S PARNTER!" Nami shouted.
Y/N stared at Ms. All Sunday with his eyebrow raised, silently asking if that was true. Ms. All Sunday nodded, silently telling him that Nami was correct.
"And who might you be?" Ms. All Sunday inquired. "You're not on the list."
"'One Eye' Y/N, First Mate of the Straw Hat Pirates," Y/N answered, "And you are?"
"Ms. All Sunday," Ms. All Sunday replied.
The Straw Hats and Vivi stared up at the First Mate of the Straw Hats and the Vice President of Baroque Works as they faced off in Passive Aggressive Combat.
"That may be your code name, but that's not really who you are... is it?" Y/N inquired with a sly grin.
Ms. All Sunday's eyes widened and for the first time on the ship she looked surprised. "How did you..."
"I routinely check wanted posters issued by the World Government," Y/N interrupted. "A girl who couldn't possibly be older than ten with a bounty almost four times mine tends to stand out."
"I see," Ms. All Sunday commented. "You'll prove to be quite the problem for Mr. 0."
"I intend to," Y/N admitted, "But how about you let him find out about Long-Nose, the Cook, and myself on his own?"
"Hmm... and why would I intentionally withhold such vital information from the President of Baroque Works?" Ms. All Sunday inquired.
"Because in exchange, the marines won't receive an anonymous tip of the suspicious criminal activity going on in Alabasta," Y/N told her. "Your bounty is worth four times mine and has been active for twenty years. Treason is a bigger crime than piracy. Who do you think they'll be more interested in, a pair of fugitives with a combined bounty of one hundred sixty million berries, or a hand-full of pirates from the East Blue worth fifty million?"
"You have a point." Ms. All Sunday admitted, she tilted her head to the side and was surveying Y/N with interest. The simple action made her look even more like a crane. "Very well. It may be worth seeing his reaction to withhold this bit of information."
Winner: Y/N
"Good," Y/N said, "Now then... what has Luffy so worked up?"
"SHE WON'T GIVE ME MY HAT BACK!" Luffy shouted, he hadn't been able to follow any of Y/N and Ms. All Sunday's passive aggressive conversation.
"Anyone can stand around and yell," Ms. All Sunday remarked, seemingly unimpressed.
"Have you tried asking nicely?" Y/N suggested, he sent Ms. All Sunday a pointed look. "Would you please give him his hat back? It has sentimental value and means a lot to him. As you can see, he gets cranky when people touch it without his permission."
Fwip! Ms. All Sunday tossed the straw hat back to Luffy and threw something else to Vivi. "To knowingly sail into danger is just silly," she informed the Princess.
"An Eternal Pose?" questioned Vivi as she stared at the glass ball in her hands.
"Using that you can just skip right passed Little Garden without stopping," Ms. All Sunday explained. "The Pose points to a place called Nanimonai Island. None of our agents know that course, so you won't be followed."
"Wait... so she's good after all?" asked Nami.
"Why are you giving this to us?" Vivi demanded.
"It's gotta be a trap," Zoro decided.
"Who knows," Ms. All Sunday replied.
"Your call Captain," Y/N informed Luffy. "Do we go on an adventure to an unknown island where we could run into more Baroque Works Agents? Or do we trust a potential enemy and go to an island that she claims is safe?"
Luffy adjusted his hat and walked over to Vivi who was conflicted over the decision. "What do we do?" Vivi wondered. "I don't want to accept a gift from someone like her. But these people have taken me on their ship, the safest course might be best..."
"Forget your thingy!" Luffy snapped as he snatched the Eternal Pose from Vivi, "We don't need it!" CRUNCH! Luffy crushed the glass ball in his hand. Now it was useless.
THWAK! Nami swung her leg and kicked him in the face, "YOU JERK!" she shouted down at the Captain. "SHE JUST WENT OUT OF HER WAY TO SHOW US AN EASIER COURSE TO FOLLOW! MAYBE SHE ACTUALLY IS TRYING TO HELP US GET AWAY!"
"Nami calm down," Y/N ordered. "It's Luffy's decision as Captain."
"She's not deciding the course we take," Luffy resolved.
"I see, that's too bad," Ms. All Sunday remarked.
"Grr... you're too reckless!" Nami scolded the captain.
"She killed the funny guy with the rollers," said Luffy. "He was nice, so now I hate her."
"I'm sorry to hear that," Ms. All Sunday replied as she started to take her leave. "And I'm sorry you didn't accept my offer. If you survive... I hope we'll meet again."
"I hope not," grumbled Luffy.
"We'll see you in Alabasta," Y/N told her. "Take care."
Ms. All Sunday gave him a faint nod then leapt off of the Going Merry and landed on the shell of a large sea turtle that was about half the size of the Merry. "Let's go Bunchi!" Ms. All Sunday instructed the turtle.
Snort! The turtle pulled its head up out of the water, it was wearing a white cowboy had and had a comfortable looking seat on its shell.
"WHOA! A TURTLE!" Luffy exclaimed as Ms. All Sunday and Bunchi floated away.
"Hmph, I just wish I knew what her game was," Vivi grumbled as she dropped down to her knees on the deck. "I don't have the slightest idea what's going through her head."
"It's obvious... she's curious," Y/N explained as he hopped off of the railing and walked across the deck. "She knows you're the biggest threat to Crocodile and Baroque Works and she heard you'd teamed up with a group of pirates. She probably wanted to meet us before we got to Alabasta."
"Then why does she keep toying with me?" asked Vivi. "Why would she give us a way of potentially avoiding the other Baroque Works Agents?"
"That woman's been alone most of her life," Y/N reasoned. "The only reason why she'd do something is if it benefited her in the long run. I have two theories. One, Zoro was right and it was a trap. She'd be rewarded for capturing the last bit of resistance against Crocodile."
"What's the other?" questioned Vivi.
"She's bored," Y/N stated bluntly. "Like I said, she's curious and wanted to meet us. Maybe she wanted us to get to Alabasta faster so we'd confront Crocodile sooner and alleviate her boredom."
"Trust Y/N to know the motivations of someone even less emotional than he is," Nami muttered as she shook her head. "Well, she's gone now, there's no use worrying."
"We're used to scheming women around here," Zoro said as he glanced at Nami .
"Would someone explain what's going on?" Usopp requested. "None of this makes sense!"
"Oh Ms. Wednesday, are you really one of us now?" asked Sanji.
"QUACK!" said Carue.
It took a while, but things were finally explained to Sanji and Usopp.
"I see," said Sanji. "It's too bad I missed out on all the fun. But it sounds like there'll still be plenty of demand for my skills. No need to worry, you're sleeping Prince has awoken, Princess!"
"WHOA!" Usopp exclaimed. "Glad that wasn't me!"
"I'm sorry," Vivi apologized. "But is it really alright that I'm on your ship? I'm just causing you all a lot of trouble."
"It's a little late for apologies don't you think?" questioned Nami as she walked over and poked Vivi on the forehead. "If you didn't want to cause us trouble, you shouldn't have told us who you were!"
"I'm... sorry for that," Vivi apologized again.
"Don't worry about it," Y/N told the Princess. "She'll probably hold it over you for a while, but I don't think the others mind."
"Well for now, at least we know where we're heading to," Zoro reasoned.
"Little Garden, huh?" questioned Sanji.
"Remember what she said?" Usopp asked. "Are we gonna die!"
"Shishishi! Who knows!" Luffy laughed. "NOW LET'S EAT! I'M HUNGRY!"
Off in a distance, Ms. All Sunday was riding away on Bunchi. "First stop, Little Garden," Ms. All Sunday commented. "This should be fun."
Awaiting the Straw Hats on Little Garden were big jungles, wild animals, and GIANT footprints. The Straw Hats might be in trouble.
Hope you enjoyed the chapter!!
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