Luffy versus Red Eye

Luffy versus Red Eye:


Up in the Bonsatsu Island temple, Luffy and Red Eye looked ready to get their fight underway while Nami and Sanji stood over the prone form of High Priest Nagai and watched from the sidelines.

Luffy charged Red Eye with his fist cocked back, "GUUUM... GUUUUM... PIISTOOOL!" Luffy threw a hard punch but Red Eye weaved around it. WOOSH! Luffy's arm went flying passed him but he kept stretching it out and wrapped it around a statue. SHOOM! Luffy swung himself around the station and launched himself back at Red Eye, "GUM... GUM... ROCKET!" Luffy shot out his arm for a flying punch, "GUUUM... GUUUUM... PIIISTOOOL!"

But Red Eye lashed out his arm for a punch of his own, "Red Eye... PUNCH!" POW! Their fists collided and Red Eye was sent skidding backwards while Luffy who was still up in the air went flying but managed to flip over and land on his feet. TMP!

"RAAAAH!" Luffy roared as he charged back in and threw a high punch at Y/N's face. WHAP! Red Eye raised his arm and blocked the punch with minimal effort but Luffy's punch was a feint and he quickly followed up with another punch directed at Y/N's side only for Red Eye to use his other arm to block that punch as well. WHAP! With both of Luffy's arms occupied, Red Eye lashed out and kneed Luffy in the stomach, WHAM!

Luffy doubled over and staggered backwards Red Eye wound up and lashed out for a follow up punch, "RED EYE PUNCH!" POW! Y/N's fist connected with Luffy's face and Luffy went crashing to the ground and tumbled across the floor over to Nami and Sanji.

Luffy sat up and rubbed the side of his face where Red Eye had hit him, "That hurt..."

"How could that hurt?" Nami asked, "You're made of rubber!"

"I know," Luffy replied, "but he hits like Grandpa."

"I hope you're not getting scared already," Red Eye taunted.

"NOT EVEN CLOSE!" Luffy retorted as he shot back to his feet and charged back in.


On the mountain two levels below, Chopper had bandaged up both himself and Zoro and now the two of them both had long lengths of bandages wrapped around their torsos and backs.

Currently the partially mummified duo was trying to gather some of Usopp's remaining weapons that hadn't been soaked in greasy oil or Zoro's blood. Chopper felt bad bringing back Usopp's arsenal bag in such an empty state. It was missing two lengths of suriken, the container of caltrops, the bottle of rum, and the container greasy oil and was much lighter than normal. The only things that had been untouched over the course of Zoro's fight with Kyouken were Usopp's collection of hammers and his mini-blackboard.

"That'll be enough to keep Usopp from getting upset," Chopper stated as he dropped the last of the clean caltrops in Usopp's bag.

"Now we've gotta figure out whether to follow the others up to the temple or head back down to the ship," Zoro said.

"I haven't seen Robin yet," Chopper said, "She might be injured."

"Nami probably convinced Usopp to bring her back to the ship," Zoro reasoned, "which is probably the best place for her to recover for now."

"Then should we go help the others?" Chopper suggested.

"Knowing those four, they've already beaten the High Priest and are probably raiding his kitchen and treasure vault," Zoro remarked.

"But what if Big Brother got hurt fighting the High Priest while he was acting like Luffy?" Chopper inquired.

"Then I guess we should head up to the temple so you can treat him and bring him back to ship," Zoro decided. The two of them turned and stared up the two long flights of steps ahead of them. "I am not looking forward to this climb."


Luffy jumped up into the air and thrust his arms down at Red Eye for a fast barrage of punches.

But Red Eye crossed Y/N's arms in front of him and called out, "Red Eye... SHIELD!" WHOM! WHOM! WHOM! Luffy's punches batter harmlessly against and invisible wall above and in front of Red Eye.

"Grrrr..." Luffy growled in annoyance, "Not only does it make his attacks strong but now it's blocking mine..."

Red Eye quickly capitalized and swung Y/N's arm at Luffy, "Red Eye... RISING PUNCH!" WHAP! Luffy managed to block the punch but the invisible power behind it sent him flying up into the air overhead. WOOSH!

Red Eye snapped Y/N's arms down and launched himself up into the air above Luffy and drove his legs down at the rubber man. SHOOM! "Red Eye... STOMP!"

Luffy countered and quickly shot his fists up to meet Y/N's feet, "GUUUM... GUUUM... BAAZOOOKAAA!" WHAM! Red Eye went flying further up into the air while Luffy dropped downward. Luffy acted quickly and curled himself up into a ball. BWOING! His round rubber body bounced off of the floor and was launched back up into the air. Luffy uncurled himself and shot his arm out at Red Eye, "GUUUM... GUUUM... PIIISTOOOL!" SHOO!

Red Eye dodged Luffy's punch but Luffy's arm keeps going and his fist smashes through the ceiling above him, POW! Luffy's extended hand grabbed onto the edge of the hole in the ceiling and his stretched arm retracted bringing him rocketing up to Red Eye. SHOOM! Luffy stuck his other arm out for an attack, "GUUUM... GUUUM... SICKLE!"

Down below, Nami and Sanji are left watching Luffy and Red Eye's mid-air battle in awe.

Red Eye lashed out when Luffy got close and sent a telekinetic punch at Luffy's extended arm. WHOOSH! The punch connects and causes Luffy's to spin out of control as his body is pulled closer by his other arm. WHING-WHING-WHING-WHING!

Red Eye lashed out again and fired a series of fast punches, "Red Eye... RAPID PUNCHES!" POW! POW! POW! POW! POW! Luffy's spinning body recoiled from being struck by Red Eye's barrage of invisible strikes before he goes crashing down to the ground. BOOOM!

Red Eye dropped down and landed next to him in a crouch, TMP!

"I know what you're trying to do," Red Eye taunted as he stood over Luffy. Luffy glared at him and drove his feet down into the floor. Shunk! Shunk! "You know that this body has been through two fights already and you're hoping that by withstanding my attacks while keeping up a contestant flurry of your own that the brat's injuries will take effect and I'll get worn out enough to give you an opening. It's clever... for you. Too bad I can read your simple mind like a book. You won't be able to keep this up for long and once you reach your breaking point I'll tear you apart."

"READ THIS!" WHAP! Luffy shot out his arms and grabbed onto the front of Y/N's shirt. While Red Eye was boasting, Luffy had twisted his rubber body around multiple times and twisted his arms together. "GUUUUM... GUUUUM... WIIIINDMIIIIIL!" WOOOINNNG! Luffy's rubber body began unwinding and his twisted arms yanked Red Eye off of the ground and swung him around in midair with an attack that neither he nor Y/N had ever seen before. WOOOSH! WOOOOSH! WOOOOSH! WOOOOSH!

When Red Eye was sufficiently dizzy and his body had finished unwinding, Luffy swung Red Eye behind him and prepared to swing him over his shoulders for his next big attack, "GUUUM... GUUUM... HAAAMMEEEER!"

But before Luffy could bring the hammer down, Red Eye grabbed Luffy's wrists and pushed his feet off of a nearby wall. Whap! SHOOM! Red Eye flipped over Luffy's and landed unharmed on his feet in front of him. TMP! Then Red Eye turned around and used Luffy's stretched and twisted arms to yank Luffy out of the floor and up into the air. WOING! Luffy's arms started untwisting causing the rubber pirate to spin around while Red Eye pulled him through the air. WHIR-WHIR-WHIR-WHIR! Red Eye grabbed up higher on Luffy's arms and swung Luffy over Y/N's shoulder and slammed him head-first down into the floor at his feet. WHAAAAM!

"Heh-heh-heh!" Red Eye laughed as he stood over the prone pirate whose body had made a crater in the floor. "Like I said, I can read you like a book. All your efforts are useless."


"Where the hell did these guys come from?" Zoro demanded. He and Chopper found themselves swarmed by the white-robed members of the Priest Police. Never one to back down from a fight, even when injured, Zoro drew his swords and started fighting back. SLISH! SLASH! Zoro took down two men with a pair of quick slices from his swords. "And who the heck are they?"

"Big Brother, Robin, and I ran into them when we were visiting one of the villages," Chopper answering. WHING! He shrunk down into Brain Point form and jumped over the head of two Priest Police then grew as he transformed back into Heavy Point and lashed out at the men below him, WHA-WHAM! The men went crashing to the ground but more came to replace them. "They were with that green guy that we beat and work for the High Priest to keep the people from opposing him."

"They should've realized that if we took out all of the High Priests men that they're hardly a challenge even if there are a lot of them," Zoro stated. SLA-SLA-SLASH! Zoro lashed out with all three swords and took down a cluster of five men. "That explains my second question. But how did they get up here? We never even saw them coming!"

"Hahahaha!" one of the Priest Police laughed, "Only the High Priest's elite forces know about the secret elevator. Outsiders are forever forced to take the stairs, making them easy prey."

"Elevator?" Zoro and Chopper repeated at the same time. They stopped fighting and shared a glance then grinned. They'd just been granted a perfect opportunity to avoid another long climb. "Heh heh..." "Teeheehee!"

Much more motivated, Zoro and Chopper threw their injured bodies into the fight with gusto.


"Sanji! Luffy's getting clobbered!" Nami exclaimed, "You've gotta do something!"

Sanji nodded and moved to get involved in the one-sided fight but before he could Red Eye looked over at them and the Eye of the Devil started glowing.

SHUNK! "AAAAAAHHH!" Nami screamed out in agony as she was stabbed through the chest with a familiar blood-red sword.

Nami dropped to her knees and clutched her chest. She blinked. There was no blood, no pain, and most importantly, no sword.

"It wasn't real..." Nami realized, she looked over at Sanji who had gone pale and broke out into a sweat. "Sanji... did you just see yourself getting stabbed through the chest?"

"Worse Miss. Nami," Sanji replied, "I saw you get stabbed through the chest."

Red Eye turned to them with a malevolent grin, "That was a warning," he told them. "If either of you refuse to wait your turn and get involved in Straw Hat's execution I'll be sure to carry it out for real." Nami and Sanji stepped back and shivered at the feel of Red Eye's cold demonic aura.

"You... won't... touch... them..." Luffy growled as he pushed himself out of the crater and fought back up to his feet.

"Hungry for more punishment?" Red Eye taunted him as he turned to face him.

"For once I'm full," Luffy stated. "You've been reading me wrong. I'm not trying to wear you down... Y/N told me how to beat you! He said that you can't kill anyone unless you break their will. I won't let you kill my Nakama! I won't let you kill any more innocent people! AND I WON'T LOSE!"

"We'll just see about that!" Red Eye snarled. He snapped Y/N's arms down and flew up into the air overhead then came down legs-first. "Red Eye... DIVE!"

WHAM! Luffy reached up and caught Y/N's feet, he was careful to grab his boots by the steel sides to avoid contact with the Sea Stone bars on the bottom.

Luffy's body lurched downward after catching Red Eye and a bulge traveled down his legs to his feet before shooting back through his body and up his arms to his hands. His arms turned pink and stream wafted off of them.

Luffy pulled back one of his arms then faster than anyone could blink he slammed his fist into Y/N's chest. KA-POW! Red Eye went flying up into the air and slammed into the ceiling. WHAM! Then came crashing down to the floor. BOOOM!

"What... the hell... was that..." Red Eye demanded as he glared at Luffy from the ground.

"No idea," Luffy admitted as his pink arms returned to normal. "But it told you I wasn't gonna lose! Now get up! I'm just getting started!"


Zoro was once again covered in blood. Only this time it wasn't his. He and Chopper walked along a long tunnel that they'd discovered the Priest Police coming out.

"I guess we found the elevator," Zoro realized as he stared at the sliding door ahead of them. Swish! He grabbed the handle and pulled the door sideways to reveal the interior of the elevator.

"Do you think it's safe?" Chopper asked he peered into the wooden elevator.

"That High Priest wouldn't use it if it wasn't," Zoro reasoned as he walked inside, Chopper cautiously followed him. SHUNK! Zoro slid the door closed. "Look, here are the controls." Zoro pointed to a collection of buttons on the wall next to the door. "I think they've got a button for every level of the mountain. Now that I've seen this after climbing up most of it, I've lost a lot of respect for those guys. Up or down?"

"Well Usopp and Robin are back at the Going Merry," Chopper thought out loud, "The others are all up at the temple. If they're still fighting the priest maybe they need some help. And if they're done, I can tend to their injuries and we can give them a ride back down the mountain."

"Alright then," Zoro agreed, "Top floor it is." Click! Zoro pushed the button and the elevator lurched to live and starting rising.

Now that the door was closed and they were just waiting to reach their floor they realized that the elevator wasn't completely silent.

"Aah, what's that noise?" Chopper complained as he clamped his hooves over his ears.

"Ugghh... I think it might be music," Zoro answered as he glanced around the elevator, "It's coming from those two snails on the ceiling."

"I feel like I'm gonna fall asleep just standing here listening to it!" Chopper exclaimed. "If they call this music then they really are evil!"

"Be strong Chopper," Zoro advised, "We just beat twenty of their guards, we can handle some annoying music."

"Yeah, but those guards went down easy!" Chopper pointed out, "We're stuck with this until we reach the top!"

"Uggghh..." Zoro groaned as he clamped his hands over his own ears, "It's just a little further. We can take it." As Zoro and Chopper were subjected to the horror of elevator music the battle between Luffy and Red Eye waged on up in the temple.


"GUUUM... GUUUUM... PIIISTOOOL!" SHOO! Luffy threw a punch at Red Eye. WHAP! But Red Eye chopped it out of the way with ease.

"Looks like that fast punch of yours was a one-time fluke," Red Eye taunted. "But this isn't!" WOOOSH! Red Eye spun around in a full circle then kept going and did two more full spins. "Red Eye... SPIN KICK!" THWAK! Luffy was caught off guard when Y/N's long leg lashed out and connected with the side of his face. Luffy's head snapped to the side and spun all the way around and left him looking off to the side in surprise.

"EEP!" Nami squeaked while Sanji flinched. Luffy's rubber neck saved him as it was clear to them that most people's flesh and bone necks would've been broken from that hard kick.

Red Eye quickly capitalized while Luffy's head was still unwinding and lashed out his hands for a fast flurry of punches, "Red Eye... RAPID PUNCHES!" POW! POW! POW! POW! POW! Once again, Luffy's body recoiled as it was struck by each of the invisible punches. Before Luffy can recover, Red Eye jumped up into the air and shot out his legs, "Red Eye... FLIP KICK!" THWHAM! Y/N's long legs slammed into Luffy's chest and Luffy is sent flying while Red Eye flips off of him and lands in a crouch. TMP! But while Red Eye landed safely, Luffy kept going and smashed through the statue he'd grabbed earlier. KREESSHH! Luffy fell to the ground and was buried under the rubble from the destroyed statue.

Red Eye grinned and turned to Nami and Sanji, "Alright, now it's your turn," he announced.

Sanji frowned as he stepped in front of Nami, "I'll defend you to my last breath Miss. Nami," Sanji vowed.

"Heh-heh-heh! Great!" Red Eye laughed in response, "Because that's the general idea!"

KROOOSH! Luffy suddenly burst out from the rubble and glared across the room at Red Eye. "I TOLD YOU NOT TO TOUCH THEM!" Luffy shouted. "AND I ALSO TOLD YOU THAT I WAS JUST GETTING STARTED! I'm not dead yet so our fight's not over!"

"You're only delaying the inevitable!" Red Eye snarled.

SHOO! Luffy stretched his arm out at Red Eye for another punch, SWISH! Red Eye ducked under it and lashed out for a punch of his own, "Red Eye... PUNCH!" WOOOSH! The invisible punch connected with Luffy's stomach and sent him flying across the room.

"Speed Step!" ZZZZOOOM! Red Eye crossed the room in the blink of an eye and appears between Luffy and the wall he was fast approaching. WHAP! Red Eye caught Luffy then spun around and threw him up into the air. SWOOOSH!

SKISH! Red Eye snapped his arms down and launched himself up into the air over Luffy's head. "Red Eye... DIVE!" THOOM! Red Eye slammed feet-first into Luffy's back but stayed on him until they both went crashing down into the floor. KRAAASSH! The floor shattered under the impact but after a couple seconds Red Eye stood up again.

"Heh-heh-he—" Red Eye's laughter is cut off when Luffy stood up too.

"Is that all... you've got?" Luffy panted.

"WHY WON'T YOU STAY DOWN, YOU RUBBER FREAK?" Red Eye yelled. "Red Eye... PUNCH!" WOOSH! Luffy went sailing across the room and crashed to the ground. THUD! But then he immediately got back up. "What... the hell... ARE YOU?"

Sanji glanced over at Nami, "This reminds me of something the old geezer said back when Luffy was fighting Don Krieg at the Baratie. Krieg hit him with every weapon in his arsenal but Luffy just kept coming back for more. Zeff said 'Even with a hundred thousand more weapons our Chore Boy can still bring him to his knees because he does not know fear. Krieg may have more pirates in his command, he may have terrible weapons that cause mass destruction to everything in his path, but he will never have that kid's heart.' Red Eye can't beat Luffy because our crazy Captain's will is unbreakable."

"I already told you..." Luffy growled as he got back up after another one of Red Eye ineffective attacks, "I WON'T LOSE! GUUUUM... GUUUUUM... GAAAATLIIIIING!" SHOOM! SHOOM! SHOOM! SHOOM! Luffy shot out his fists for a rapid-fire barrage of punches.

"Red Eye... SHIELD!" Red Eye crossed Y/N's arms in front of him and Luffy's punches battered against the invisible shield.

"Red Eye might not be able to beat Luffy," Nami noted, "But Luffy's gonna need some help if he's gonna win." She glanced at Sanji and grinned when her crafty mind formulated a plan. "Sanji, I'm not gonna apologize because you're probably gonna enjoy this. But remember, it doesn't mean anything."

"What doesn't?" Sanji asked in confusion.

"HEY RED EYE!" Nami hollered across the room before she grabbed Sanji and kissed him full on the lips.

Y/N's left eye widened a fraction of an inch but in that instant Red Eye's concentration weakened and one of Luffy's punches broke through his shield and slammed into Y/N's stomach. WHAM! With Red Eye's shield now broken, Luffy kept up his attack and pummeled Red Eye with a barrage of heavy punches to the torso. WHAM! WHAM! WHAM! WHAM! WHAM! WHAM! WHAM! WHAM!

BOOM! Red Eye slammed back into the wall behind him but Luffy didn't let up for an instant and kept laying into him. WHAM! WHAM! WHAM! WHAM! WHAM! Large cracks formed in the wall as Y/N's body was embedded into it by the sheer force of Luffy's inhuman punches.

When Luffy finally stopped his attack he pulled Red Eye out of the wall and threw him up into the air. WHOOSH!

FWOOM! Luffy inflated himself like a balloon and twisted his upperbody around before he leaned down and blew himself up into the air. SHOOOM! Luffy went spinning up into the air after Red Eye and lashed out with another furious barrage of punches, "GUUUUUM... GUUUUUUM... STOOOOOORRMM!"

"Red Eye... Shield!" Red Eye crossed his arms and attempted to block Luffy's storm of punches.

"RRAAAAAAAHHH!" Luffy roared as he poured on more power.

Y/N's previous injuries from fighting Nagai and Luffy coupled with the vicious pounding Red Eye had just taken from Luffy left him with a feeble defensive wall. Luffy's strong will completely overwhelmed it and his punches broke through. WHAM! WHAM! WHAM! WHAM! WHAM! WHAM! WHAM! WHAM! WHAM! WHAM!

THOOM! Red Eye slammed against the ceiling but Luffy didn't get up and kept hitting him. WHAM! WHAM! WHAM! KROOOSH! Red Eye smashed through the ceiling but Luffy kept up his attack and flew up after him. WHAM! WHAM! WHAM! WHAM! KROOOSH! They smashed through the ceiling of the next room up and briefly discovered the temple's third floor before Luffy's barrage of punches blasted Red Eye through the roof and up into the sky above the temple. KROOOOOSH!

Luffy finally stopped his attack and they both dropped down through the holes they made on the way up and went crashing down to the floor. BA-BOOOM!

When the dust cleared, Luffy got up and stood tall over the unconscious form of Red Eye. The battle was over. Luffy was victorious.

"SANJI! HE WON!" Nami cheered. "LUFFY DID IT! SANJI... SANJI?" Nami glanced at the cook beside her for the first time since she kissed him and realized that he'd fainted. But he had a delirious grin plastered on his face.

Whap! Luffy dropped down to his knees and clamped his hands over Y/N's right eye. "Nami, find his eye patch!" Luffy ordered. "I don't wanna have to do that again."

"I'll check his pockets!" Nami offered eagerly as she dropped Sanji and raced over.




"GUYS WE'RE HERE!" Chopper called out as he and Zoro charged out into the main room of the first floor of the temple. They both stopped and stared at the sight that greeted them. Unconscious Nagai, unconscious Sanji, unconscious Y/N with his eye patch on, Nami sitting on his stomach casually counting some money she's taken from his pocket, but the most shocking of all, Luffy sitting still against a big cage with a frown on his face.

"What happened here?" Zoro asked.

"The lanky guy's powers made Y/N act like a jerk," Luffy answered, "So I had to kick his ass." Luffy dragged his foot on the ground. "I hated fighting my brother when he was like that."

Zoro and Chopper shared a glance unsure of what to make of their subdued Captain.

"How'd you guys get up here?" Nami asked as she glanced over at the still broken entrance to the temple and then the door they'd come in through.

"We found the elevator," Zoro answered.

"But it plays evil music," Chopper added.

Zoro glanced at Luffy, "We got lost on the way in here and found the kitchen."

Luffy was instantly on his feet, "YOU DID? WHERE?"

"Go through the door we came in and turn right," Zoro told him, "Keep going straight down the hall and you'll run right into it."

"I'M COMING FOOD!" Luffy cheered as he raced passed Zoro and Chopper of the room.

"Uh... Zoro..." Chopper piped up, "The kitchen was to our right when we came in here. The way Luffy's going it's to the left."

"Oh... oops," Zoro said, "He'll find it eventually." Zoro glanced over at Sanji. "What happened to him?"

"I kissed him and he fainted," Nami informed them.

"You sure that didn't kill him?" Zoro asked.

Nami shrugged, "It's been a while since I checked," she admitted, "but Chopper, you might wanna check on Y/N. Luffy did a real number on him."

"THEN WHY ARE YOU SITTING ON HIM?" Chopper shrieked as he ran over. Nami got up while Chopper hovered around Y/N checking him for injuries, "WE'RE GONNA NEED MORE BANDAGES!"

"Do you have more back on the ship?" Nami inquired, "Just do what you can now and we'll bring Y/N down there when Luffy finishes pigging out and you can finish treating him then."

"I guess that'll work," Chopper reasoned as he took off his medical bag and started tending to Y/N's injuries. "And then I can check on Robin too."

"In the meantime, what're we gonna do with him?" Zoro questioned as he stood over the still unconscious form of High Priest Nagai.

"There's a big cage over there," Nami pointed out, "Why not use it?" Zoro grabbed Nagai and dragged the long-limbed man over to the cage. "If there's an elevator we can easily collect his men while they're still unconscious and put them in there too."

"I think Long-Nose has some rope in this bag," Zoro stated as he fished into Usopp's arsenal bag and pulled out some rope that he tied around the High Priest's arm and leg joints.

"Uggghhh..." Sanji groaned as he sat up, "What happened?" He saw Nami and his eyes turned to hearts, "Miss. Nami! Is it true? Have you finally decided to give up on the One Eyed swindler and be with me instead?"

Nami shook her head, "Sanji, I told you it didn't mean anything," she reminded him, "I was only trying to distract him. If it meant saving all our lives I'd kiss Zoro!"

"Glad it didn't come to that then," Zoro commented from the cage.

"Watch it Moss Ball!" Sanji snapped, "Or I'll lock you in that cage!"

"That'd be pointless," Zoro retorted, "I can cut steel now. If you lock me in here it'll be a waste of a good cage."

"Boys," Nami lightly scolded them, "If you're done fighting why don't you go find Luffy? Then the three of you can go pick up the priest's men. I'd like to get out of here today."

"Yes Miss. Nami!" Sanji happily agreed.

"Don't tell me what to do," Zoro growled. Clank! He shut the cage door and fished more rope out of Usopp's bag before throwing the bag at Nami. "Luffy, Sanji, and I will deal with the henchmen. Give that back to Usopp when you bring Y/N back down to the ship." Nami nodded and Zoro headed out of the room with Sanji following behind him. "I'll take the stairs and get the one I beat, you and Luffy can take that damn elevator and get the other two."

Nami took a moment to glance at the Log Pose on her wrist and noted that it'd be set in a couple hours then turned to Chopper and watched as he tied a long length of bandages around Y/N's bare chest. "How is he?"

"You were right, Luffy really did a number on him," Chopper stated, "I've reset his broken bones. Knowing him, he'll just need rest to deal with his remaining internal injuries." Nami nodded, "By the way, one of the High Priest's men is somewhere out in the forest. He was using Zoro's swords but Y/N, Robin, and I beat him. Someone should go and get him."

"Is he stable enough for us to move him?" Nami asked, "We can take him down to the ship so he can rest and you can check on Robin."

"Yeah, he's stable," Chopper answered, he transformed into Heavy Point form and hefted Y/N up onto his back, then fished into his medical bag and pulled out a handful of cotton balls he stuffed four in his ears and offered the rest to Nami, "For the elevator."

Nami blinked and skeptically took the cotton balls then hefted Chopper's medical bag and Usopp's arsenal bag onto her shoulder and followed Chopper out of the room.


"MAKE IT STOP!" Luffy howled as he clamped his hands over his ears hoping to drown out the sound of the elevator music. "MY EARS ARE SCREAMING!"

"LUFFY! YOUR SHOUTING'S ONLY MAKING IT WORSE!" Sanji yelled. "I knew that lanky bastard was evil but this is pushing it!"



Nami idly prodded the cotton in her ears and sent an appreciative nod in Chopper's direction. The humanoid reindeer nodded in response and glared up at the snails on the ceiling that were emitting the torturous music. On Chopper's back, the unconscious Y/N shivered.


Nami and Chopper made it back to the Going Merry with Y/N and found Usopp and Robin sitting on the main deck casually drinking cups of tea.

"Robin, are you okay?" Chopper asked as he laid Y/N on the deck and ran over to Robin. "I heard you got hurt."

"I'm alright now, Mr. Doctor," Robin answered. "I was in a lot of pain before but it's gone away. I'm just a little numb now."

"I should still give you a check up," Chopper reasoned, "I'm the ship doctor so I'll decide if you're okay."

Meanwhile, Nami gave Usopp his arsenal bag back, "Robin brought me up to speed, how'd it go up at the temple?" he inquired.

"Y/N managed to beat the High Priest and brought Luffy back to normal," Nami answered, "but he managed to get Y/N while his guard was down. But Luffy managed to beat him. The other three are gathering all the henchmen and putting them in a cage with the High Priest."

"We still need to get the purple guy and the green guy that we beat before," Chopper reminded Nami as he prodded Robin's side. "Can you feel that?"

"Barely," Robin replied.

"Hmm," Chopper said, "You seem okay, the numbness will most likely fade in several minutes. If the pain comes back I want you to tell me right away."

"Alright, Mr. Doctor," Robin agreed.

Chopper turned back to Nami, "And someone needs to tell the villagers."

"I'll do it," Usopp offered, "I'd like to at least do something and if the guys are already beaten I could just pick and bring them to the others."

"If Mr. Doctor will permit it, I'll accompany you," Robin offered. "I know where to find a village and I remember where we left both of the men. I'd also like a chance to see the temple."

"Can you walk?" Chopper questioned.

"I made the tea," Robin stated. That was answer enough.

"Okay, but Usopp look after her just in case," Chopper instructed. "As much as this pains me, you should take the elevator to the temple. Go around the base of the mountain you'll find a cave. It's normally sealed with an iron gate but Nami picked the lock so it won't be a problem. Follow the cave and you'll find the elevator." Chopper fished into his bag and pulled out a bunch of cotton balls, "Just... take some of these with you. You don't have to listen to the evil music."

"Evil music?" Usopp repeated, "Please! I'm Captain Usopp! I'm not afraid of some crummy music. Let's go Robin!"

"Perhaps we should listen to him?" Robin suggested.

"Are you scared of music?" Usopp asked her. "C'mon, it can't be that bad!"

Robin sighed then stood up and followed after him. Nami and Chopper shook their heads as they watched them go.

"You tried to warn them," Nami said, "I feel sorry for Robin but Usopp probably deserves it."

"Wapol's the only person I'd wish that elevator on," Chopper told her before he went over to Y/N and picked him up. "I'm gonna get Y/N situated downstairs."

As Chopper disappeared below deck with Y/N, Nami took a moment to glance around the deck and went wide eyed at the sight of the destroyed refrigerator.

"WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED?" she shrieked. "Are those... bite marks? There is no way that I'm paying for a new one." Downstairs the unconscious ship financial manager shivered.


"This clearing looks familiar," Robin observed as she and ventured through the forest and eventually came across the unconscious form of Tansei. "There he is."

"You guys beat that guy, he's huge!" Usopp noted, "Of course I could've beaten him real easy."

"Good," Robin replied, "because he's waking up."

"WHAAA?" Usopp squeaked.

"Uggghh..." Tansei groaned as he slowly pushed himself off of the ground.

"HE'S AWAKE!" Usopp screamed.

"But this time he doesn't have Zoro's strength and swords," Robin reminded him.

"Oh, then beating him should be a piece of cake," Usopp realized and puffed out his chest, "Stand back Robin, Captain Usopp can handle this!"

"If you insist," Robin agreed.

"YOOUU!" Tansei snarled when he spotted Robin, "I'LL CRUSH YOU!"

"EEP!" Usopp shrieked, suddenly faced with the large angry muscular man, he turned to run.

"Hmm," Robin said, "it seems that the High Priest made it so his men could remember what happened under the influence of his powers while his victims couldn't."

"I might not have your friend's fighting style," Tansei admitted, "SO I'LL CRUSH YOU WITH MINE!" Tansei slipped two pairs of brass knuckles onto his hands and charged the Straw Hats.

This time Usopp really did run away, but he only got three steps before he skidded to a stop. Forgetting that his new Nakama was a trained assassin with Devil Fruit Powers, Usopp only saw a large, armed muscular man charged at an unarmed woman... an unarmed woman that he was supposed to be looking after.

"HOLD ON!" Usopp shouted as he jumped in front of Robin, "I'LL BE YOUR OPPONENT!" Robin blinked while Tansei glared at him.

"Then I'll crush you first!" Tansei growled.

Usopp reached down and fished into his arsenal bag, "Hey where's all my stuff?" he wondered. "Oh well... take this... UUUUSOOOOPP..." Usopp pulled out a small blackboard and raked his nails down it. "NOOOOIIIISEEEE!" SKREEEEEEESSSHH!

"GAAAH!" Tansei yelped as he covered his ears.

Usopp dropped the chalkboard and pulled out a slingshot and one of his remaining hammers. "UUUUSOOOOP HAAAMMEEEER!" Usopp loaded the hammer into the slingshot and fired it. WHING! Tansei had survived the screeching noise and was charging again so he ran right into Usopp's flying hammer. WHOMP! Tansei's upperbody lurched back from the impact and he staggered backwards.

"Seis Fleur!" Two arms sprouted out of the ground and grabbed Tansei's ankles, another two wrenched his arms backwards, and the final two came out of his shoulders and grabbed his jaw. "CLUTCH!" Robin's arms wrenched backwards and this time the man didn't have Zoro's insane strength to save him. KER-RACK! The man dropped limply to the ground. FWUMP!

Usopp glanced down at Tansei then over to Robin, "I softened him up for you," he insisted.

"Of course you did," Robin agreed. "Although, would you mind doing me another favor?"

"What?" Usopp asked. "I don't wanna fight another guy."

"You won't have to," Robin assured him. "I'll take him to the temple and you can tell the people about the High Priest's defeat. Because of my bounty, I'd like to avoid contact with the villagers. And something tells me that you'll enjoy delivering the good news."

"What makes you say that?" Usopp questioned.

"You're still wearing that yellow cape," Robin pointed out. The yellow cape that Usopp had put on when he was under High Priest Nagai's powers was still around his shoulders.

Usopp blushed then turned up his long nose, "I liked the way it looked in Ayako's pictures," he defended himself.

"So you'll do it?"Robin asked. Usopp nodded. "Thanks. Keep going and you'll find the village."


Up at the temple, Luffy, Zoro, and Sanji stopped what they were doing at the sound of screaming coming from the elevator.


Shunk! The door slid opened and the monster trio blinked in sync when they saw Robincalmly standing there without a single hair out of place.

"Mr. Straw Hat, Mr. Swordsman, Mr. Cook," Robin greeted them before stepping out of the elevator and walking passed them. "Excuse me, I'm going to explore the temple for a moment."

Luffy, Zoro, and Sanji stared after her.

"Wasn't she just..." Luffy started to ask.

"I think so," Sanji answered.

"And now she's..." Luffy said.

"Looks like it," Sanji agreed.

"Wow," Zoro remarked.

"Who's that guy?" Luffy wondered as he pointed to Tansei who was laying unconscious on the floor the elevator.

Zoro clenched his teeth, "He's the guy who took my swords," he growled.

"How do you remember that?" Sanji questioned. "Luffy and I couldn't remember anything from after the lanky bastard attacked us."

"Y/N, Chopper, and Robin told me about him," Zoro replied. "I think I'll personally see him to the cage." Zoro hefted Tansei onto his shoulder and carried the large man into the main room of the temple.

"He forgot to bring rope," Luffy pointed out once Zoro was gone.

"Something tells me he's not gonna need it," Sanji informed him.

"This'll teach you to take things that don't belong to you! And that goes for you guys too!"

"You still hungry?" Sanji offered as he casually lit up a cigarette.

"Of course," Luffy answered.

"Let's go find that kitchen," Sanji suggested.


"HEAR ME, PEOPLE OF BONSATSU ISLAND!" Usopp shouted as he stood on the roof of a building in the village that Y/N, Chopper, and Robin had been at before. "I COME BARING NEWS!" They people milled about continuing their lives and pretended they didn't hear him. "HEY! LISTEN!"

"Just ignore him," Usopp heard a mother instruct her child, "the Priest Police will be here to get him in a few minutes."

"HAH! NOT LIKELY!" Usopp scoffed. "BECAUSE MY MEN AND I HAVE ALREADY BEATEN THEM!" Against their better judgment, some of the subdued villagers turned to look at him. "Oh, I see that I've gotten some of your attention. THAT'S RIGHT EVERYONE! I, THE GREAT CAPTAIN USOPP, AND MY CREW OF HEROES HAVE DEFEATED THE HIGH PRIEST AND HIS DISCIPLES!"

"You're a liar and fool!" one man snapped, "High Priest Nagai can't be beaten."

"But I'm not lying!" Usopp insisted. He was only exaggerating a little. "You saw three of my men here earlier! They defeated that green guy and the men that were with them. Then they beat the big purple guy. I fought him again myself for good measure. Then they rejoined the rest of my crew and we climbed the mountain together and took out the High Priest's remaining disciples along the way until finally we reached the top AND I DEFEATED THAT LONG-LIMBED BASTARD MYSELF!"

"You'd better shut your mouth!" another man advised. "When High Priest Nagai hears this blasphemy he'll come here and make you disappear."

"No he won't, BECAUSE I'VE ALREADY BEATEN HIM!" Usopp announced, "AND I'D DO IT AGAIN TOO!" Usopp flipped his yellow cape around, took down the shoulder straps of his overalls, then turned his back to the temple and MOONED IT! "AHAHAHAHA! COME AND GET ME, YA LANKY JERK! YOU CAN'T DEFEAT THE GREAT CAPTAIN USOPP!"

"Don't look," the mother ordered her child, "That man's an insane pervert."

"High Priest Nagai keep his long limbs a closely guarded secret from outsiders," an older man commented. "How would he know about them if he hadn't fought him?"

Usopp pulled his overalls back up and turned back to the villagers. Despite their reluctance to believe him, the crowd of people listening had grown.

"I hope that was enough to earn me a visit from the High Priest," Usopp remarked, "because I promise you, none of his men are coming." Usopp sat down on the roof he was standing on. "I'm going to wait right here, and no one will come. And once you realize that that's true then you'll realize that everything else that I've told you is true as well."


"Hmmm..." Robin said to herself as she stood in a room on the third floor of the temple and read an inscription on the wall, "Interesting."

Robin walked over to the large hole in the floor and glanced down into it and peered through the room below her, and finally settled on a large crater that was at the bottom of the first floor. Obviously the results of the fight between Luffy and Y/N that Nami had mentioned.

Then Robin looked up at the cloudy sky through the hole that had been made in the room. A chain of arms grew out of the edge of the hole and reached down to her. She grabbed one hand and was pulled up through the hole and onto the roof of the temple.

A gentle breeze blew through Robin's hair as she stood on top of the temple and glanced around her. Being on top of a mountain and the three-story temple on top of it left her standing incredibly high up in the air, she was so high up that she was practically inside a nearby cloud. At this altitude she towered over the Royal Palace in Alubarna which was easily the tallest building in all of Alabasta. She looked up above her and the puffy white clouds seemed closer than ever before.

"This is quite the view," Robin remarked, "Too bad the temple is no longer used for its original purpose. It could have led to an interesting discovery."


"I think I've waited long enough," Usopp decided as he stood up on the rooftop. The crowd below had grown to the point where the entire village had gathered to see what would happen. "As you can see, no one came. I spoke against the High Priest and his men, and nothing happened to me. BECAUSE HE'S ALREADY BEEN DEFEATED!"

"High Priest Nagai has always been quick to capture outsiders..." one man commented, "even if he did fight him and managed to escape with his personality intact, the High Priest and his disciples would have tracked him down by now."

"Could he be telling the truth?" another man wondered.


Usopp was further surprised to see that villagers, rather than rejoicing, looked confused.

"If you really did beat him... then what are we supposed to do?" someone asked. "We've lived under his command for so long..."

"What do you mean 'what are you supposed to do'?" Usopp repeated, "You can do anything you want. Don't you get it? YOU'RE FREE! He can't tell you what to do anymore! YOU'RE ALL FREE TO LIVE YOUR LIVES HOWEVER YOU WISH! SPREAD THE WORD, YOUR ISLAND HAS BEEN FREED BY THE GREAT CAPTAIN USOPP!" Usopp struck an over-the-top heroic pose.

The villagers finally overcame their shock. And the tiny sparks of hope that had been long thought lost due to the High Priest's oppression flared up into roaring bonfires of joy and elation as the villagers let out loud cheers.


Usopp smiled and took a bow and basked in the praise.

"Is there anything we can do for you, Great Captain Usopp?" a villager asked.

"Actually... could I get some rope?" Usopp requested. "My crew and I used the last of ours to tie up the Priest and his men. If you venture up to the temple you'll find all of them bound and trapped together in a large cage."

A group of men ran off, "Get the Great Captain Usopp as much rope as we can!"

"Hmm... maybe I should've asked for a new refrigerator," Usopp idly thought to himself. "But it's too late now. I don't want it to look like we want to be paid for our heroic services."

Usopp was presented with four long coils of rope which he hefted onto his shoulders.

"Now I'm afraid I must be off," Usopp announced much to the crowd's dismay. "My crew and I are setting out to free other islands that are being oppressed by those that are evil. But always remember, TODAY WAS THAT DAY THAT YOU WERE FREED BY THE GREAT CAPTAIN USOPP AND HIS CREW OF HEROES! BE SURE TO LIVE YOUR LIVES FREELY, TO THE FULLEST, AND WITHOUT ANY FEAR IN MY MEMORY!" Usopp took an exaggerated bow. "And now... farewell!"

Usopp leapt from the building he was standing on to the building next to it, then darted across that roof and jumped over to the next one. SKISH! With on final large leap he bounded off of the rooftop and flew over the wall surrounding the village. KRASH! And planted face-first on the ground.

"At least... no one saw that..." Usopp groaned as he pulled himself back up, spat out the dirt he'd almost swallowed, and ran off into the woods. In his wake, he'd left an elated, joyful, and newly freed village.


The Going Merry had set off and the Straw Hats – minus Y/N – were sitting together around the table in the galley while Sanji cooked something.

"Have any of you ever heard about the Sky Island?" Robin suddenly asked out of the blue.

"What's that?" Luffy asked. "Can I eat it?"

"It's an island of legend that's believed to exist up in the sky," Robin explained, "And I don't believe it's edible."

"Actually... I think I heard something about that once..." Nami recalled, "It was back in Alabasta when we were crossing the Sandora Desert... Y/N was reading this book on legendary treasures. When I asked him about it he mentioned he was reading about the legendary city of gold on an island in the sky."

"Does he still have it?" Robin inquired.

"Yeah, I think he finished reading it after your desert adventure," Nami answered. "What's with the sudden interest?"

"Well, I did some exploring of the temple earlier," Robin told her, "And I learned that temple was built hundreds of years ago when the people of the island saw giant winged silhouettes standing on top of the clouds. The islanders thought that they'd seen the angels up in heaven so they constructed the temple on top of the mountain so they could be closer and attempt to communicate with the angelic people that they'd seen on top of them and maybe even God."

"I doubt they were actually angels in heaven," Zoro said skeptically, "but maybe there's an island in the sky somewhere and there are people living on it. "

"So you mean there are people living on the clouds?" Chopper asked. "Is that even possible?"

"Well... even the tallest of tails can sometimes be based off of the tiniest grain of truth," Usopp reasoned.

"They wouldn't have built the temple if they hadn't actually seen them," Robin reasoned. "Over the years, the temple's original purpose was forgotten. And when High Priest Nagai took over the island it became a symbol of his oppression."

"So you want to read Y/N's book to learn more about the Sky Island?" Nami asked. Robin nodded. "I called first dibs on it but I'll let you read it first if it gives us a chance of finding that City of Gold I heard about."

"A Cit of Gold?" Luffy repeated. "COOOL! HEY GUYS! LET'S GO TO THE SKY ISLAND!"

"We don't even know if it exists yet Luffy!" Usopp snapped.

"It's gotta!" Luffy insisted. "So let's find it!"

"If you'll allow me some time to research it, maybe I'll be able to find a way of getting there," Robin requested.

"Everybody eat up," Sanji instructed as he came from the stove and placed a collection of plates on the table. Nami and Robin's meals were noticeably fancier than the others.

"YAAAAY! FOOOOD!" Luffy cheered as the Straw Hats dug in.

"Hey Sanji... this tastes funny..." Usopp commented, "What is it?"

"Snail," the cook answered. PTOOI! Usopp and Nami spat out their food but Luffy, Zoro, Chopper, and Robin looked positively vengeful.

"Here Luffy, you can have ours," Nami offered as she slid her and Usopp's plates over to Luffy who was already almost finished with his own meal. She turned to Chopper, "Do you know when Y/N's going to wake up?"

"About thirty seconds ago," Y/N's voice came from the door as he walked in.

"Y/N/BIG BROTHER!" Luffy, Nami, Usopp, and Chopper cheered.

"Good to see you along the living again, Mr. One Eye," Robin greeted him. Zoro and Sanji simply nodded.

Y/N's eye locked with Luffy's, "Sorry I lost control and gave you so much trouble back there," he apologized. "I let my guard down for a second and I nearly killed you."

"I thought you weren't supposed to remember what happened under the influence of the High Priest's Powers?" Robin questioned.

"Um..." Y/N said nervously while Robin's eyes flashed suspiciously.

"Shishishi!" Luffy laughed, breaking some of the tension, "Don't beat yourself up about it. I already did it for you."

"Yeah, thanks for that, bro," Y/N replied.

"Y/N, do you think Robin could borrow that treasure book you read in Alabasta?" Nami asked. "We need her to investigate the Sky Island."

"Uh, sure," Y/N agreed, "Do you think I could have my safe back? I woke up and sensed all my treasure coming from your room."

"If it's in my room, I guess it's mine then," Nami reasoned with an impish grin, "I had no control over how it got there." Y/N and Zoro's three collective eyes narrowed.


"GIMME BACK MY CLOTHES!" Nami roared as she stormed out of the storage room and onto the main deck wearing only a towel. Her hair was wet from recently bathing, when she'd finished she discovered that not only were the clothes she'd brought into the bathroom with her missing but so was all the clothing down in her room. All she had left were her bed sheets and the towel she had on now. She glared at Y/N as he sat against the main mast with Zoro.

"I'm afraid I can't do that," Y/N replied, "I had no control over it so I can't return them."

"BULLSHIT!" Nami snapped, "YOU STOLE THEM!"

"No, I didn't," Y/N insisted, "Luffy, Usopp, and Chopper stole all your clothes. It seems they were under the impression that Sanji would cook an extra meal for whoever took the most."

"So you did have control over it!" Nami pointed out, "You directly influenced them!"

"No, I didn't," Y/N replied, "Zoro did."

Nami's eyes widened and she turned to glare at the swordsman sitting next to Y/N.

"Y/N's money is our money," Zoro answered without being asked. "He's always been a lot more generous than you and I don't wanna end up owing you of all people money again."

"I simply did nothing to stop them when I saw them taking your clothes," Y/N stated. "You have a nice collection of underwear by the way." Nami's face went red in both embarrassment and anger. But she wasn't going to allow herself to be shown up by Zoro.

"Then I'm gonna take back the clothes Robin borrowed from me," Nami decided.

"I'm sorry Miss. Navigator but I'm not wearing your clothes," Robin's voice came from behind her. Nami turned and found Robin sitting against the wall next to the storage room door. "Mr. One Eye was happy to loan me something." Nami realized that Robin was wearing a pair of black cargo pants that were a bit short and bared her ankles and bare feet. A red button down shirt was straining to her large bust confined and revealed bits of a black shirt she wore underneath. "For what it's worth, Mr. One Eye has very nice taste in underwear as well."

"You're wearing his underwear?" Nami questioned.

"Of course," Robin answered, "These pants don't fit me very well. I wanted to be safe and wear something under them. These tight undershorts fit me much better. And I can only imagine how Mr. One Eye looks in them." Y/N's face had gotten progressively redder the longer Robin talked about his underwear.

"Have you learned your lesson?" Zoro asked Nami, "Just give Y/N back his safe and his money and you can have your clothes back."

Nami knew that she'd lost. She had only been teasing Y/N about the safe and had fully intended on giving it back. She enjoyed only having to worry about her own money and having someone spend money on her for a change. But she had obviously taken too long and the others had banded together against her. She knew that Y/N and Robin were both very intelligent and that at times Zoro could be as sharp as his swords. She couldn't win against all three of them working together.

"Okay fine," she conceded, "Y/N can have his safe back. Now I'm gonna get my clothes." She quickly swept passed them and slipped down into the men's quarters.

"I'll make sure all she takes is her clothes," Zoro volunteered as he followed her down.

"How much of this outfit can I keep?" Robin inquired.

"I want the shirt and pants back," Y/N told her, "You can have the rest."

"Thank you," Robin said, "Now I have something to trade Miss. Navigator so she'll let me borrow her clothes until we make land I can get some of my own."


Late that night, Y/N sat alone in the galley drinking a mug of rum. Robin was the only one still awake and was sitting up in the crow's nest reading his book on legendary treasures. Despite their recent adventure together, she still didn't trust them enough to let her guard down and sleep down below deck in Nami's room.

"Why was I wrath?" Y/N thought out loud. "The eye's the one that's evil... right?"


Hope you enjoyed the chapter!!!

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