Luffy versus Mr. 3

Luffy versus Mr. 3:


"I don't know what it is," Luffy admitted as he stared up at the wax sculpture that Vivi, Zoro, Y/N, and Nami were trapped in. "But let's break it!"

"Let's do it," Usopp agreed. "Usopp the Brave Warrior of the Sea is ready to fight!"

"QUACK!" said Carue.

"HURRY, WILL YA!" Nami yelled. "WE'RE DYING HERE!"

FWIP! FWIP! FWIP! Overhead the top part of Mr. 3's Giant Candle Service Set was spinning rapidly. The thirteen lit candles were melting the wax and sending flakes of it down onto Nami, Y/N, Zoro, Vivi, and even Broggy. All of them had splotches of white wax on them.

Luffy, Usopp, and Carue stood ready to fight to save their friends. Mr. 3 stood in front of the other three Baroque Works Agents and prepared to fight them off using his wax powers.

"My hands are starting to harden!" Nami suddenly realized as she tried and failed to move the fingers on her hand. "He's turning us into wax statues from the inside out.

Skish! Zoro drew Wado Ichimonji and held it up over his head while he put his other hand on his hip.

"Zoro, what are you doing?" Nami exclaimed.

"If I'm gonna be a statue, I'd prefer this pose," Zoro casually replied.

"This is no time to be playing around!" Vivi scolded him.

"Who said anything about playing?" Zoro asked.

"Do you think you could at least do something about all of this blood?" questioned Nami as she stared down at the pool of blood around Zoro's feet. It was still dripping out from when Zoro had attempted to cut off his legs as a means of escape. "I'm getting nauseous just looking at it!"

"So quit looking at it then!" Zoro retorted. It's not like he could do anything to stop it.

"Uh, it's kind of hard to ignore!" Nami scoffed.

"You're not the one who's standing in it," Y/N remarked, he was stuck in the sculpture next to Zoro and as the puddle of blood coming from his wounds grew, it reach the one-eyed pirate that was stuck next to him.

Nami cringed at the thought of being stuck in a puddle of someone else's blood. "Do you still think it was a bright idea to cut your own legs so we could escape from here?"

"That wasn't the point!" Zoro insisted. "I was gonna cut them off so we could fight."

"Oh, well that makes perfect sense then," Y/N reasoned with his hands casually in his pockets. "Cause then you'd have absolutely no balance when attempting your three sword style techniques. You'd be stuck on the ground lashing out at anything that comes near you like some kind of wild animal."

"Honestly Zoro," said Nami, "I'm starting to think that you weren't born with any common sense at all."

"Whatever!" Zoro snapped, "It's not like one-eye's plan worked out perfectly either."

"How was I supposed to know they would recover so quickly?" Y/N inquired. "They all went down easily enough, I didn't expect them all to get up and attack me while my back was turned."

"We're stuck here about to be turned into wax statues and the three of them are bickering," Vivi thought to herself. "They really don't seem to understand the danger of the situation at all."

"Looks like we don't get to fight after-all, eh short guy?" questioned Broggy from where he was pinned on the ground.

"Yeah, I think I'm gonna have to let someone else take over from here," Zoro resolved.

Munch! Munch! Ms. Goldenweek casually sat on a picnic blanket with a cup of tea out in front of her and a rice cracker in her hand. "They don't seem terribly worried about what's going to happen to them Mr. 3," Ms. Goldenweek commented.

"And you don't seem terribly worried about making sure it happens, Ms. Goldenweek!" Mr. 3 scolded his extremely laid-back partner. He turned and glared at the three pirates and the princess were on the wax sculpture. "So they continue to defy me..."

"Nami," Y/N called out quietly. With some visible effort he removed his left hand from his pocket and moved his arm, then grabbed Nami's hand and held it. "Don't worry. We'll be alright." Nami stared down at Y/N's hand, then nodded. She didn't pull away.

"Oh, I see you two picked a pose too," Zoro observed as he leaned backwards slightly so he could eye Y/N and Nami's joined hands.

"Mr. Bushido, could you please take this more seriously?" Vivi requested.

"Hey, you're the only one up here that doesn't have a cool pose," Zoro pointed out. "You might want to work on it before you can't move anymore."


"They're acting so careless like this for no other reason than to mock us," Mr. 3 muttered. "This is very annoying! They've acting this way ever since he showed up." Mr. 3 suddenly remembered Luffy and turned to face him, Luffy was punching his fists together. "Though he doesn't seem like a very reliable man, if you ask me."

"Mr. 3, we'll be happy to take care of the straw hat pest," Mr. 5 offered as he and Ms. Valentine stepped forward.

"Take care of him?" Mr. 3 repeated. "Please, don't be ridiculous. I sent you to take care of him once already and look! He's standing in front of us alive and well interfering with my artistic process. I think it's clear that you can't handle them. He's obviously too much for you, wouldn't you agree?"

Mr. 5 glared at Mr. 3 but remained silent. Mr. 3 was the ranking officer.

"You two can deal with the others," Mr. 3 decided as he got in fighting stance, "If you think you're up to it that is. I think a 'Straw Hat' Luffy statue would make an excellent addition to my collection. Hoohoohaahaahaa!"

"I think I've had way more than enough of you!" Usopp snapped as he sat in Carue's saddle and held his green slingshot down at his side. His special sniper goggles were down over his eyes. "If you cretins know what's good for ya, you'll give up now!"

"QUACK!" Carue added.

"Hmm, is that right?" questioned Mr. 3. GLOOP! Wax started to form on his hand.

"LET'S GO!" Usopp called out.

"QUACK!" said Carue. He promptly ran backwards into the jungle at the edge of the clearing and he and Usopp ducked behind some trees.

"Okay, we're safely in position now," Usopp commented. "WE GOT YOUR BACK FROM HERE LUFFY!"

"Quack!" Carue quacked.

"Hmm, did you say something?" asked Luffy.

FWOOSH! The flame on Mr. 3's hair grew, "NOW I'VE GOT YOU!" He called out as he channeled wax out of his hand and launched it at Luffy, "CANDLE... LOCK!" GLOOP! The wax hardened around Luffy's legs and locked them together.

"AAAHHH!" Luffy yelped in surprise. He lost his balance and fell over.

"WHAT'S HE DOING?" Usopp exclaimed.

"QUACK!" Carue shrieked.

"AAAAHH!" Vivi gasped. "LUFFY!"

"Damn, he got caught already?" Zoro groaned.

"MORON!" Nami snapped.

"I should have mentioned that before," Y/N called out to Luffy. "The guy with the three on his head can make stuff out of wax. And when it hardens it's as hard as steel."

"Steel?" Luffy repeated. "Then that's perfect."

"Hmm... almost too simple," Mr. 3 remarked, "Alright, now the hands." GLOOOP! "CANDLE... LOCK!"

"Whoa!" Luffy exclaimed as he lunged out of the way and dodged the wax. He sprung off of his hands and launched up into the air, then shot out one of his rubber arms, SHOOM! His rubber arm started wrapping around one of the horns of Broggy's battle helmet.

"HEY GIANT GUY! EXCUSE ME!" Luffy apologized as his arm retracted and pulled himself toward the giant, SHWOOOM! Luffy started to swing around the horn and gained speed, Broggy got dizzy from trying to follow Luffy's progress, WHIR! WHIR! WHIR!

"What's he doing?" Zoro wondered.

"Knowing Luffy, something crazy," Y/N replied.

"WAAHH!" Luffy screamed as he rapidly swung around the horn, "GUM... GUM...

... HAMMER!" Luffy went flying off of the giant's helmet and smashed locked-legs first into the pillar of the wax sculpture. WHAAM! The entire pillar was knocked out from under the top part of the statue.

"ALRIGHT!" Nami and Vivi cheered.

"Heads up," Y/N called out without even bothering to look up.

"AAAAAAAAHHHHH!" Nami and Vivi screamed as the top part of the sculpture came crashing down on the top of the cake. KER-RASH!

"Hey, the thing on my legs broke at the same time," Luffy noticed as he clung to the horn on the still dizzy giant's helmet. He turned and noticed that the top part of the sculpture was still spinning and that Nami, Y/N, Zoro, and Vivi weren't moving. "Um... why are they still here..."

"We're... okay now..." Nami panted. Her grip on Y/N's hand had tightened.

"We didn't die..." Vivi gasped.

"We're still alive, but that really didn't help at all," Zoro muttered. The wax was still coming down on them, and they were still stuck.

"That was a close one," commented Luffy. "Why didn't you guys run away?"

"BECAUSE WE'RE STUCK HERE! ISN'T THAT OBVIOUS?" Nami and Vivi yelled at him, Zoro and Y/N simply sweat-dropped.

"Oh really? So that's what's going on," Luffy realized. "The only thing that you guys kept saying was that I needed to break the pillar. So that's what I did."


"Well, we don't exactly have much of a choice, do we?" Zoro countered. The four of them, and the giant, were about half covered in wax now. "I don't know about you, but I'm having a little trouble moving right now."

"I... I can't move..." Nami suddenly realized. She looked scared. "My body... it won't... it won't move! I can't move at all!"


"Y/N, do something!" Nami pleaded. "You can't tell me you don't have a back-up plan! I don't wanna die here!"

"Actually... I do have one," Y/N admitted. "I can still move a little." Y/N hadn't been exposed to the falling wax as long as Vivi, Zoro, and Nami had. With visible effort Y/N pulled his left hand away from Nami's and then pulled his clenched right hand out of his pocket.

Y/N slowly opened his hand, allowing a handful of small red balls to drop out of it and onto the wax and blood at his feet. KA-BOOOM-BOOOM! The balls exploded on impact and the firey explosion melted the wax and hid Y/N in a cloud of smoke.

SKISH! Y/N suddenly launched out of the smoke and flew straight at Mr. 5. The Bomb Man pulled back his fist and punched Y/N when he reached him, "EXPLODING PUNCH!" POW! KA-BOOOOM! Mr. 5's fist exploded on impact and hid both him and Y/N in another cloud of smoke.

"That was his plan?" questioned Nami. "Getting blown up again?"

The smoke cleared revealing Mr. 5 and Y/N... who was scorched from the explosion and still had some wax on his back and on the back of his legs.

"Hah-ha," Y/N chuckled, "Thanks for heating me up." Y/N lunged backwards and landed in front of Broggy where Luffy was still holding onto the giant's horn, "Now I can move again." The wax may have been as hard as steel, but it was still wax. And a firey explosion easily melted it.

"YOU IDIOT!" Mr. 3 scolded the other male agent, "YOU DID HIM A FAVOR BY BLOWING HIM UP! I can't believe you'd be so impulsive after all the trouble we had to go through to get him to stay still."

"Luffy, get down here," said Y/N. Luffy let go of Broggy's horn and jumped down so he was standing next to Y/N. "That wax coming down on them is gonna turn them into wax figures. We need to beat the four Baroque Works Agents and then we can free them."

Now it was four-on-four: Luffy, Y/N, Usopp, and Carue versus Mr. 3, Mr. 5, Ms. Valentine, and Ms. Goldenweek.



"LUFFY, PLEASE HURRY!" Vivi begged.

"We're on it," Luffy agreed as he and his First Mate got ready to fight.

"I don't think so," Mr. 3 replied. "NOW GET OUT OF MY WAY! WAX... WAX... ARROW!" GLOOP! Mr. 3 fired a wax arrow out of his arm and shot it at Y/N and Luffy.

"GUNPOWDER STAR!" Usopp shouted. CHEW! Mr. 3 had left himself open when he attacked Luffy and Y/N, he couldn't defend himself from the incoming projectile.

CHOMP! Mr. 5 suddenly ran in and caught Usopp's attack in his mouth then swallowed it, GULP!

Luffy leapt to the left to avoid the arrow while Y/N jumped up and then drove his feet down into it to keep it front hitting the giant that was behind them, WHOMP!

BOOOM! Mr. 5's insides exploded and smoke came out of his ears as Usopp's gunpowder star exploded inside of him He was completely unharmed.

Luffy and Y/N jumped forward and landed in front of Mr. 3 and Mr. 5. The bomb man let a ring of smoke out of his mouth while the candle man looked relieved. Ms. Valentine was hanging back and was allowing the two male agents to do the fighting for now, Usopp and Carue were still out of the way in the jungle, and Ms. Goldenweek was still sitting her picnic blanket, seemingly oblivious to the battle going on around her.

"That's not very flavorful," Mr. 5 commented as he licked his lips after his 'meal'. "You use low-quality gunpowder."

"THERE'S NO WAY!" Usopp exclaimed. "HE ATE IT!"

"QUACK!" Carue shrieked.

Y/N fished into his right pocket and threw an Explosion Ball at Mr. 5, "Maybe this'll be more to your liking," Y/N offered.

CHOMP! GULP! Mr. 5 caught the bomb in his mouth and swallowed it. BOOOOM! Mr. 5's stomach expanded as the Explosion Ball exploded inside of him. Mr. 5 blew another ring of smoke out of his mouth.

"Now that's not bad," the bomb man admitted, "You use a combination of rum and high quality, easily combustible gunpowder. Nice flavor to it and it's got a kick, but in the end it isn't very effective against me."

Y/N shrugged, "I just wanted to know what you thought."

"He sure eats weird stuff," Luffy commented.

"You're not exactly one to talk," Y/N reminded him.

"This isn't really looking good for us ladies," Zoro groaned. The three of them were now mostly covered in wax and couldn't move. Nami's hand was still out from when she was holding Y/N's. "This damn thing is speeding up. Good thing I've got my pose ready."

"MORON!" Nami shouted.


"I'll clear the way," Y/N volunteered. "You take care of the pumpkin." Y/N drew his sword and launched at Mr. 3 and Mr. 5 while spinning in the air, "Red Blade... HURRICANE!" Mr. 3 and Mr. 5 leapt out of the way, but Ms. Valentine ran up from behind them and blocked Y/N's sword attack with her umbrella.

"If I concentrate, I can change the weight of other things too," Ms. Valentine explained. "It's easy swinging a 5,000 kilogram umbrella when you weigh 10,000 kilograms." (1)

"Since when do we use the Metric System in this story?" Y/N wondered.

"Huh?" said Ms. Valentine.

"I wouldn't exactly be proud about weighing 10,000 kilograms if I were you," Y/N advised with a raised eyebrow.

"I'M NOT FAT!" Ms. Valentine yelled, "I'M DENSE!'

"I never said you were," Y/N replied, "but you probably shouldn't go advertising that you're dense either."

"SHUT UP!" Ms. Valentine shouted as she charged at him and swung her umbrella.

"So the pumpkin thing has to go," Luffy resolved as he stretched both of his arms out behind him and aimed for the spinning pumpkin part of the Candle Service Set. FWING! "I'M ON IT! GUM... GUM... "

"IT'S NO USE!" Mr. 3 exclaimed as he pulled his arm back and shot out wax, GLOOP! "CANDLE... WALL!" The wax shot out in front of Luffy and formed a solid wall in between the rubber man and the sculpture.

"...BAZOOKA!" THWAM! Luffy's fists slammed full-speed into the wax wall, but didn't even make a dent.

"Hey! Out of my way!" Luffy snapped at Mr. 3.

"I was just thinking the same thing!" Mr. 3 retorted.

SWISH! Y/N ducked under Ms. Valentine's umbrella as she swung it at his head, then he dropped down and swung his leg around so he could slip her legs from behind while she was off balance, "Quarterstaff... SWEEP!" THWAK! Ms. Valentine's legs were knocked out from under her and she went crashing down to the ground, BOOM!

Speaking of 'boom', "NEZ-PALM... CANNON!" Fwip! Mr. 5 flicked a booger at Y/N as he was getting up, but Y/N jumped forward and dove over it. The bomb kept going and flew at Ms. Valentine as she was trying to get back up.

"Not again..." Ms. Valentine groaned just as the bomb hit her, KA-BOOOM!

At the same time, Y/N pressed his hands down into the ground and vaulted off, then flew at Mr. 5. "Jumping... GUILLOTINE KICK!" Mr. 5 was caught off guard as Y/N drove one foot into his stomach, then quickly swung his other foot around and kicked him in the back of the head, THWAK! Mr. 5 went crashing down to the ground while Y/N landed in a crouch.

"I would greatly appreciate it, if you would quit interfering in my creative activities!" Mr. 3 yelled at Luffy, "CANDLE... LOCK!" GLOOP!

Luffy leapt up off of the ground and Mr. 3's wax connected with Luffy's right hand and formed the lock on it. "Shishishi!" Luffy laughed. "Thanks for the hammer!"

Luffy maneuvered himself in the air and stretched his trapped arm out behind him, SHOOOM! "GUM... GUM...'

"No you don't!" Mr. 3 exclaimed. "CANDLE WALL!" GLOOP! Mr. 3 used both hands and formed a hasty wax wall in front of him.

"... HAMMER!" KA-WHAM! Luffy slammed him trapped arm into the wax wall at full strength. Wax met wax and both the lock on Luffy's arm and Mr. 3's wall started to crack. Krek... Krek... Krek... Krek... KA-POOWW! Luffy's fist burst through the hole in the wall and smashed into Mr. 3's face, the candle man went crashing down to the ground and skidded out of the clearing and into the jungle.

Usopp and Carue danced together and celebrated Luffy's victory over the wax sculptor.


"No," said Luffy.

"Quit joking around and hurry!" Nami ordered.

"Nah-ah," Luffy refused.

"Luffy, quit being an idiot!" Zoro snapped. "Now's not really a good time."

"Luffy, please just do it!" Vivi pleaded.

Luffy just stood where he was and didn't make a move. "Not now," Luffy stated. "I... just don't feel like saving you."

"What are you saying?" asked Nami, sounding betrayed.

Y/N frowned and glanced over at Ms. Goldenweek who was still sitting on her picnic blanket, "So she's finally gotten involved."

"Color Trap," said Ms. Goldenweek as she lazily ate another rice cracker.


The Tea is Good:


Luffy stood in front of the Candle Service Set and outright refused to save his friends.

"Hey, Luffy!" Zoro called out. "There's no time to space out now! Do something about this already!"

"Yeah... I know..." Luffy agreed.

"Then quit just standing there will you!" Vivi snapped.

"COME ON, LUFFY!" Nami shouted.

Y/N tore his eye away from Ms. Goldenweek and stared at his captain. He noticed a black symbol on the ground at Luffy's feet.

"That symbol..." Y/N said out loud. "It must be some kind of hypnosis. Only something really strong would keep Luffy from helping his Nakama. But he refuses to do what they tell him." A sly grin suddenly appeared on Y/N's face.

"Luffy, don't move!" Y/N instructed him. "Don't save them!"


"10,000 KILO PUNCH!"

Mr. 5 and Ms. Valentine suddenly surged up off of the ground and connected with solid punches to Y/N's stomach. Ms. Valentine's had 10,000 kilograms worth of force and momentum behind it while Mr. 5's exploded, KA-POW! KA-BOOM! Y/N was sent flying off into the jungle and out of the clearing.

"You say something?" Luffy asked.

"Hmph," Mr. 5 grunted, "That was a close one."

"I'll go after him, Mr. 5," Ms .Valentine offered. "We can't let him come back and mess things up." Ms. Valentine opened her umbrella and changed her weight to 1 kilogram and leapt jumped up into the air and floated after Y/N.

"I know what I should do," Luffy admitted, "but... I don't feel like it."

"Damn it, why do you keep saying that?" Nami demanded. "We're about to be turned into wax statues! Do you understand me? WE'RE GOING TO DIE!"

"Yeah," agreed Luffy. "But for some reason I can't get motivated to help."

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN, CAN'T GET MOTIVATED?" Nami, Zoro, and Vivi all shouted at the same time.

"What's going on here?" Usopp wondered, he was still on the outside of the clearing with Carue. "What is wrong with him? Our friends are gonna die if he doesn't do something to help them soon!" Usopp's resolve strengthened and he turned to Carue, "I'll snap him out of it, let's go Carue!"

"QUACK!" said Carue.

"I don't think so," said Mr. 5 as he stood in front of Usopp and Carue, causing them both to shriek in surprise.

"WHERE DID YOU COME FROM?" Usopp demanded.

"It's hopeless," Mr. 5 told them. "You should just give up. Your friend has already fallen into a nasty trap. Haven't you noticed what he's standing on?"

"Standing?" Usopp repeated as he lifted the dark lenses of his goggles, "Let me take a look." Usopp and Carue peered around Mr. 5 and stared at Luffy's feet, he was standing on a weird black mark that appeared to have been painted on the ground while they weren't looking. It looked like a big 'C' with a 'T' and two dots inside it.

"What's that?" Usopp inquired. "There's a strange black pattern on the ground. I don't get it, what's so important about that thing?"

"That's no ordinary paint." Mr. 5 answered. "You and your friends don't stand a chance of escaping now!" Mr. 5 pulled back his leg and then lashed it out at Usopp and Carue. "EXPLODING KICK!" Usopp dove out of the way and Mr. 5 kicked a tree, KA-BOOM!

"AAAAHHHH!" Usopp screamed.

"QUUAAACK!" Carue cried out as the two of them lunged backwards and away from the explosion.

"Carue, let's make a run for it!" Usopp decided as he spun around in midair and grabbed onto Carue's reigns.

"QUACK!" Carue agreed as he took off running.

"Running away won't save you!" Mr. 5 called out after them as he chased after them into the jungle.

"FULL SPEED AHEAD CARUE!" Usopp shouted.

TMP! TMP! TMP! TMP! Carue ran as fast as he could to escape the bomb man.

"HEY! WAIT! I'M NOT ON YET! SLOW DOWN CARUE!" Usopp protested as he chased after the terrified duck. "LET ME ON! HEY BIRD, DO YA HEAR ME?"

Carue looked over his shoulder and let out a yelp of surprise, "QUUAA!"



"Ughh..." Y/N groaned as he sat up and held his stomach, "That hurt a bit. But they've got nothing on Jozu and Pops." Y/N cut himself with his sword and put it away. "Luffy's been hypnotized by that paint, I've got to get back to the clearing and break him out of it."

"Kyahahahaha! Not on my watch you won't!" came the familiar voice and cackle of Ms. Valentine from overhead. "10,000 KILO PRESS!"

Ms. Valentine started gaining weight and plummeted down through the giant treetops, Y/N leapt up off of the ground and lunged at a tree, SKISH! Y/N bounced off of the tree trunk and flew up above Ms. Valentine. The Baroque Works Agent lowered her weight to cancel her decent but Y/N quickly drove his feet down into her back, "Bludgeon... STOMP!" WOMP! Ms. Valentine was sent crashing down into the ground and Y/N landed safely beside her.

"I just hope I'm not too late," Y/N said to himself as he took off for the clearing.


Ms. Goldenweek, this is your handiwork isn't it!" Vivi exclaimed. Ms. Goldenweek was the only Baroque Works Agent left in the clearing. It had to be her.

Ms. Goldenweek stood silently behind Luffy eating another rice cracker. "It's my Colors Trap... Betrayal Black," Ms. Goldenweek explained. "If you touch the paint you'll want to betray your friends no matter what they might say. Even if they beg and plead for help."

"What's she talking about?" asked Nami. "I don't understand what's going on here."

"She's a realist painter," Vivi told her. "She uses her paint to create different emotions. Each color is a feeling. Her sense of color is so complete she can manipulate your mind. Just a splash of one of her colors and you'll be under her control."

"Under her control?" Zoro repeated, "Well that's not good. That simple-minded oaf is already too easy to control. The last thing we need is someone messing with his mind."

"Does that mean that all he needs to do is get away from the paint and he'll be okay?" questioned Nami. "Luffy! MOVE AWAY FROM THERE! QUICKLY!"

Vivi suddenly remembered what Y/N had been saying before he got blasted out of the clearing, "Luffy, don't move! Don't save them!" Reverse Psychology, Mr. 5 and Ms. Valentine had quickly gotten rid of him, they were clearly worried that it might work.

"Luffy don't!" Vivi called out. "Whatever you do please don't step outside the black circle, alright? I'm begging!"

"WHAT ARE YOU SAYING?" Nami demanded.

"We don't want you to save us, Luffy!" Vivi continued.

"No way," Luffy refused, just so he could betray them a little more. He stepped off of the black symbol.

"Now I get it," Zoro of all people suddenly realized. "Reverse psychology. Y/N uses that on him all the time."

"That's what Mr. One Eye was trying to tell him before he got knocked out of the clearing," Vivi informed him.

"Oh, hey guys!" Luffy greeted them, the second he was off the circle he was back to normal. "What just happened? I was acting really strange!"

"LUFFY! HELP US NOW!" Vivi shouted.

"Okay, I'm on my way right now," Luffy assured them as he pulled back his arm. Skish! Skish! Swish! Ms. Goldenweek suddenly painted a yellow symbol and whisked it at Luffy, it splattered on the back of his shirt and he immediately burst out laughing, "SHISHISHISHISHI! NEVER MIND! I JUST WANNA LAUGH RIGHT NOW! SHISHISHISHISHI!"

"LUFFY!" Nami shouted.

"MORON!" Zoro yelled.

"WHAT NOW?" Vivi demanded.

"Colors Trap... Laughter Yellow," said Ms. Goldenweek who was still holding out her paint brush. It had yellow paint on it.

"SHISHISHISHISHI!" Luffy continued to laugh, he dropped down to the ground and pounded his fists on it. He couldn't stop.

"You shouldn't have stepped out of the circle," Ms. Goldenweek lightly scolded him.

"Now it's on his clothing!" Nami realized. "LUFFY, QUICK! TAKE OFF YOUR SHIRT!"

"I'd love to, really!" Luffy replied as he rolled on the ground laughing. "But right now I'm too busy laughing! SHISHISHISHISHI!"

"Uh, this is getting bad," Zoro muttered. "If the wax keeps falling at this rate, we'll be lucky to stay alive for another ten minutes."

"I guess I'll have to act quickly then," came Y/N's voice as he ran out of the jungle. He cast a wary glance at Ms. Goldenweek then kicked Luffy in the back, THWAK! Luffy went flying and flipped over in the air, then hit the ground and skidded back-first along it. "Are you done laughing now?"

"Yeah, thanks," Luffy replied as he got back up. The yellow paint on his back had smeared when he skidded along the ground. "Now I'll save them."

"ONE EYE! I'M NOT DONE WITH YOU YET!" Ms. Valentine shouted as she charged into the clearing.

Luffy stretched his arms back and aimed for the spinning pumpkin, "GUM... GUM..."

Skish! Skish! Swish! Ms. Goldenweek dabbed her paintbrush in red paint and whisked a red symbol at Y/N. The symbol splattered on Y/N's chest, but he didn't seem affected.

Y/N stared down at the red paint on the front of his red shirt, "I don't feel anything," Y/N commented, he turned to Luffy. "Hey Luffy, are you feeling alright?"

"BAZOOKA!" WHAM! Luffy shot out both of his hand with the speed and power of a bazooka and drove them... INTO RICKY'S CHEST!


Y/N went flying backwards and smashed into Ms. Valentine and the two of them went flying backwards out of the clearing and into the jungle.

"That was my Colors Trip... Bullfight Red," Ms. Goldenweek explained. "That red paint invokes aggression and becomes the target of people's attacks."


"Get back here you chickens!" Mr. 5 yelled as he chased Usopp and Carue through the jungle. KRAK! KRAK! Usopp, Carue, and Mr. 5 all stopped running when they heard the sound of trees breaking and branches snapping. "What's that sound?"

Y/N and Ms. Valentine suddenly came flying through the trees and smashed into Usopp and Carue, WHAM! The four of them kept going and slammed into Mr. 5, leaving all five of them in a heap on the ground.

"Now that hurt," Y/N grumbled as he held his stomach where Luffy had hit him.

"Uhh..." Usopp groaned, "Y/N... thanks for dropping in..."

Usopp, Y/N, and Carue got up and staggered away from the two Baroque Works Agents. "No problem," he replied before he glared at Ms. Valentine. "Way to go, the one time it would've actually been useful for you to weigh ten tons, you don't do it."


"What did I do?" Y/N inquired.

"LOOK AT MY OUTFIT!" Ms. Valentine shouted as she motioned to her clothes. Her blue jacket was singed and tattered, essentially useless, her yellow hat and dress had scuff marks and dirt all over them, she'd lost an earring, and her white heels were a mess and showed all the dirt she'd got on them.

"It was your partner's bombs that blew you up," Y/N reminded her. "I wasn't exactly going to hold still while you tried to crush me. And the painter put the paint on me to make Luffy hit me. If you really cared about your clothes you would've had the forethought to get rid of them before the fight." Y/N motioned to Carue who had his long black coat and cowboy hat in his pink saddle bag. "I wasn't about to let my good coat and hat get wax all over them."

"I'm not about to strip just so I can fight a good-for-nothing pirate!" Ms. Valentine argued.

"That's your choice then," Y/N told her. "And that makes it your fault that your good clothes are in the condition they are." Ms. Valentine glared angrily at him.

Y/N turned to Usopp, "Usopp, that quiet girl hypnotized Luffy using her paints. But it's just paint, if you smear it, it stops working." Y/N reached down and rubbed the red paint off of his shirt.

"So you've discovered the weakness to Ms. Goldenweek's hypnotic powers," Mr. 5 commented. "But we won't let you make it out of this jungle. Your friends will be turned into wax figures and Straw Hat will meet his downfall at the hands of Mr. 3 and Ms. Goldenweek. In the meantime, we'll kill the three of you."

"Hey Usopp, Carue," said Y/N.

"Quack?" asked Carue.

"I've got a plan," Y/N told them as Mr. 5 and Ms. Valentine advanced on them.

"What's that?" questioned Usopp.

"Run!" Y/N instructed, as he jumped on the duck behind Usopp, prompting Carue to take off running as fast as he could.

"Get back here, cowards!" Mr. 5 shouted as he and Ms. Valentine chased after them.

"That was your brilliant plan?" Usopp snapped as Carue ran away. "I could have thought of that! In fact, that was what I was thinking!"

"That was only part one actually," Y/N admitted. "Here's part two: we split up. I'll go one way, you go the other. Get back to the clearing and get rid any paint that Luffy has on him. It'll be harder for them to catch us if they're working separately."

"Alright, good luck then," said Usopp.

"Quack-quack!" Carue added.

"This is my stop," Y/N commented, as he jumped of Carue and took off running through the trees in another direction.

"Damn, they split up!" Mr. 5 cursed.

"I'll take care of One Eye," Mr. Valentine volunteered with an evil glint in her eyes.

"Fine then," Mr. 5 agreed, "I'll deal with those two weaklings." Mr. 5 and Ms. Valentine split up and chased after the two escaping parties.


"Don't worry guys," Luffy assured Nami, Vivi, Zoro, and Broggy, all of whom were now almost completely covered in wax. "That was a one time thing when I hit Y/N. Now it's gone and I can destroy that thing. GUM... GUM..."

"Color Trap... Bullfight Red," Ms. Goldenweek called out as she painted a red symbol on the ground.

"BAZOOKA!" WHAM! Luffy drove both of his hands into the symbol on the ground.

"I just can't let you break it," Ms. Goldenweek told him. "Mr. 3 would get mad."

"Ahh, oh great," Nami sighed. "At this rate he's never gonna be able to beat her. Now all of his strength is useless!"

"QUACK!" came the sound of Carue as he and Usopp came running through, being chased by Mr. 5.

"WAAAAHH!" Usopp screamed as he and the duck ran over and slammed into Luffy while attempting to escape the bomb man. THUNK! Luffy was knocked to the side and Carue scuffed the paint as he ran over it.


"Damn it, hold still!" Mr. 5 yelled as he chased Usopp and Carue out of the clearing and back out into the jungle.

"Now to finish up," Ms. Goldenweek said as she dabbed her paintbrush in the blue paint on her paint pallet. "We'll mix the Laughter Yellow on your back with some Sadness Blue!" Ms. Goldenweek painted a blue symbol and it flew onto Luffy's shirt on top of the scuffed yellow one. The blue and the green paint mixed together and formed green. "Colors Trap... Calming Green."

Luffy's anger faded and he smiled calmly. A split second later, he and Ms. Goldenweek were both on the picnic blanket enjoying some tea. "Ahh... this tea is good," said Luffy.

"LUFFY!" Nami, Zoro, and Vivi shouted they were now almost completely covered in wax.

"So... what happens now?" asked Nami.

"See, I told you that you should've posed," Zoro reminded them. "But you wouldn't listen to me." Zoro was still holding Wado Ichimonji up above his head and Nami's hand was still out at her right side from when she'd been holding Y/N's hand. Vivi hadn't picked a pose. "Now it's too late. You're gonna die like that."

"Are you really still talking about that?" Vivi demanded.


Ms. Valentine ran through the jungle and finally spotted Y/N up ahead, he had his back to her and was on one knee and appeared to be lacing up his boot or something.

"GOT YOU NOW, ONE EYE!" Ms. Valentine shouted, she lowered her weight to 1 kilogram and leapt high overhead. Her opened umbrella helped her glide over his head, then she used her powers and rapidly increased her weight. "10,000 KILO PRESS!"

Skish! Y/N suddenly leapt out of the way, Ms. Valentine didn't want to end up in a crater again and quickly lowered her weight. TMP! She landed safely on the ground. "KYAHAHA! I'M NOT FALLING FOR THAT AGAIN!" she taunted.

"Yeah, I was hoping you wouldn't," Y/N admitted, he had a foxy grin on his face as he pulled down on a long thick vine.

"GAAAAAAHHHH!" Ms. Valentine let out an undignified shriek as the thick loop of vine that Y/N had laid on the ground snared her legs and yanked her upside-down into the air toward the high tree branch it was wrapped around, Ms. Valentine was caught off guard and couldn't even think about changing her weight.

"YOU BASTARD!" Ms. Valentine yelled as she dangled upside-down hundreds of feet above the ground. "EEEKKK!" Ms. Valentine let out another undignified squeak as gravity took its effect on her upside-down dress, forgetting about changing her weight to free herself, she hastily reached up and pinned the dress to her legs to preserve what was left of her dignity and keep the one-eyed pirate from seeing anything private.

SLISH! Y/N used his sword to slice clean through the truck of the tree. Ms. Valentine only noticed when the tree started falling.

"Oh fudge..." the blonde cursed. KRA-KRASH! The giant tree fell over, taking the snared blonde with it.

Y/N turned and ran from the fallen tree, "Hopefully that'll keep her out of my hair for a while," he said to himself as he ran for the clearing the Candle Service Set was in.


Usopp and Carue ran through the jungle still being chased by Mr. 5.

"Damn," Mr. 5 cursed to himself. "How can they just keep running like this?" Skish! Mr. 5 leapt up into the air and stuck two fingers up his nose. "NEZ-PALM... DOUBLE CANNON!" Fwip! Mr. 5 flicked two boogers at Usopp and Carue from up in the air. But they were moving too fast and the bombs hit the ground and exploded behind them.


"Ahahaha," Usopp laughed. "Ya missed us jerk! Way to go Carue!"

TMP! Mr. 5 landed on the ground and glared after the sniper and the duck.

"My turn now!" Usopp decided, he drew his slingshot then turned around and aimed at Mr. 5. "SURE-KILL... LEAD STAR!" WHING! Usopp fired his lead projectile at Mr. 5, but the bomb man simply tilted his head to the side and dodged it. "We need to get back to Luffy and the others now."

"Chasing them around isn't getting me anywhere," Mr. 5 said out loud he reached inside his coat and pulled out a revolver. Mr. 5 stared down at his gun, "I hate you use this on useless pests like them, but it looks like I don't have a choice now. This little beauty should be quite handy, a .44 Caliber Six-Shot Flintlock Revolver. It's a new model out of the South Blue. Continuous fire and when I shoot it, the bullets are invisible."

"Y/N said that the paint was causing Luffy's strange behavior,"Usopp thought to himself as he and Carue ran away. "We have to get back and do something about the paint before it's too late. Hopefully Y/N's already made it."

"HURRY CARUE!" Usopp ordered

"QUACK!" Carue agreed.


"Ahh..." Luffy sighed, who was still calmly sitting on Ms. Goldenweek's picnic blanket drinking tea. "This tea is good."

"THIS IS NO TIME TO BE DRINKING TEA, YOU IDIOT!" Zoro snapped. He, Nami, and Vivi were now completely covered in wax. Their eyes were opened so they could see. and the wax hadn't gotten in their ears so they could hear too, but that was about it. Another few minutes and they'd harden completely.

"THIS TEA... IS GOOD!" said Luffy.

"Then pour me a cup," came Y/N's voice as he ran out from the trees.

"RICKY!" Nami cheered.

"Luffy! Think fast!" Y/N pulled out an explosion ball and threw it at the picnic blanket.

Ms. Goldenweek remembered Mr. 5 swallowing one of those balls and exploding. She didn't want to have to deal with Straw Hat getting free of her hypnosis so she grabbed the back of his shirt and lunged off of the blanket in time to avoid the ball. It was the fastest she'd ever moved. KA-BOOOM! The explosion ball exploded on the picnic blanket covering it with fire.

Ms. Goldenweek stared at the burned picnic blanket in horror then stood up and glared angrily at Y/N. "You... ruined... my picnic!" There were flames in her eyes and a demonic aura flared around her. Being laid-back only went so far, now she was pissed.

"Uh... sorry?" Y/N apologized.

"You'll pay for that!" Ms. Goldenweek snarled.

"I think he just made her mad," Zoro observed. "That's bad."

"I'll add some more Laughter Yellow to the Calming Greenon his shirt," Ms. Goldenweek decided as she dabbed her paintbrush in yellow paint and added it to the green symbol on Luffy's back. "Colors Trap... Friendship Light Green!" Luffy's calm, easy-going expression turned into a happy one. (2)

Ms. Goldenweek pretended to cry and turned to Luffy, "Straw Hat..." she whined. "That jerk ruined our picnic! Go beat him up!"

Luffy turned and glared at his brother in all but blood. "RICKY!" Luffy shouted. "YOU RUINED MY FRIEND'S PICNIC! I'M GONNA KICK YOUR ASS!"

"Huh?" said Y/N with a raised eyebrow.


Hope you enjoyed the chapter!!

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