Living in Hell

Living in Hell


"That next year went from being the best to the worst of my life," Y/N said to the Straw Hats, all of whom were staring in different degrees of shock, disgust, and sympathy as he continued his character origin story. "I was in my own personal hell. The longer I used the eye, the less control I had. I had to watch as I killed countless people without being able to stop it. The worst part was since I could read minds, I could hear their dying thoughts. I heard them panicking and crying, the terror and the revulsion that they were feeling as I killed their friends and family in front of them. It was horrible."

Y/N suddenly put a hand over his mouth, then shot to his feet and ran to the railing and lost his lunch. He staggered back looking pale.

"I'm gonna say this now in case I ever lose control again," Y/N informed them. "One of the Devil's Eye's major weaknesses is that it can't instantly kill someone. There's something to be said about a person's own strength and will to live. As long as the person's still fighting it the Eye can't flat out snap your neck and kill you. Despite all of its talk, that's why it drew out the fight with Arlong, it had to weaken him and completely break his will before it could kill him. But in the end, I was the one who did that."

"But you can't break my neck anyway," Luffy pointed out as he grabbed the side of his head and snapped his head to the side, since his body was rubber his couldn't break his neck.

"I know," replied Y/N, "and it knows that too. That's why I was the one to talk you out of fighting Arlong. It knew I'd have to completely beat you to kill you, and even with its powers I'm not sure that I could. That's also why I didn't attack anyone with legendary strength. If I went and attacked someone like Whitebeard, Shanks, the Warlords of the Sea or some high ranked marines, even with my powers they'd still probably be able to beat me."

"But if you killed everyone you came across how to do you have a wanted poster?" questioned Usopp always one to spot details. "If no one lived after they saw you, how did the word get out that you were the one that killed them?"

"The eye kept leaving cryptic messages like the first one," Y/N explained. "It would wander into town, killing everyone, and then carve a message into the side of a building. The Marines were skeptical at first, they thought it was some kind of hoax, so the eye made a point to kill people while they were on a Transponder Snail, that way they could scream that they were being attacked by someone with a red eye. Eventually the evidence became overwhelming, even for those inept marine bastards, and Red Eye got a one hundred million berri bounty."

-Y/N's Flashback part XI-


"Stay calm," said the voice on the other end. "We'll try to send reinforcements."

"I don't have that long!" the captain screamed. "My entire crew is being wiped out as we speak!"

KRASH! The door to the captain's quarters came off of its hinges and fell into the room. A boy with matted and extremely messy red hair that covered most of his face with the exception of a glowing red eye stood there. "HE'S HERE!" screamed the captain as Red Eye stared at him and raised his arm up in front of him. The Captain felt his heart beat faster. "RED EYE'S HE—" The marine captain was cut off as the receiver was yanked out of his hand.

"That's rude, you know," the figure in the doorway remarked, "I come all this way to kill you and you can't even get off the phone."

The Marine Captain was terrified and dropped to his knees, "Pleeeeaaaaasssseeee don't kill me!" he begged in absolute terror, he was crying.

"That's odd..." Red Eye commented with a cold voice, "Your spirit's already broken and I haven't done anything to you yet."

"RED EYE... STRANGLE!" The demon with the red eye reached out his arm and closed his hand, the captain felt a squeezing sensation on his throat. It didn't let up, he couldn't breathe, but he was too scared to try to fight it. A thirty seconds later the captain had passed out, and a full minute later, he was no longer alive.

"Captain... Captain... what's happening?" asked the voice on the other end of the Transponder Snail.

Red Eye raised an eyebrow and the receiver floated over to him. "Is Red Eye still there? What's going on? Captain?"

"I'm sorry, he's kind of... dead," Red Eye informed the person on the other end. "Can I take a message?"

"What are you talking about?" asked the marine on the other end. "What happened? He stopped talking for five seconds! How do you know?"

"Heh-heh-heh, I'm pretty sure he's dead," said Red Eye, he turned to the unmoving captain, "HEY YOU! ARE YOU STILL ALIVE?"

"..." The corpse gave no response.

"I'm sorry, he's not answering," Red Eye apologized. "I'm pretty sure he's dead now."

"How do you... but... I was..." the marine on the other end stammered. "If he's dead and you're telling me... then that means... YOU'RE RED EYE!"

CLICK! Red Eye Rick hung up the phone. Then turned and left the captain's quarters and wandered down to the very bottom of the ship. Squeeek... squeeek... squeeeek... The screws holding the hull of the ship together unscrewed themselves and dropped down to the ground, SPLOOOOOSH!

Water rushed into the ship and filled it. Red Eye fled the ship just as it sand to the bottom. Any marines that by some odd chance were still alive, drowned.

-End Flashback part XI-

"So what did you do?" Nami asked. "How'd you get back in control? When you were fighting Arlong at one point it looked like you regained control again."

"That was a unique circumstance," said Y/N. "The Devil's Eye wanted to kill Arlong but Luffy was getting in the way. I managed to convince the Eye to let me take control. It knew from my memories Luffy was strong and stubborn so it figured it would be easier having me get him out of the way, rather than having to kill him in order to kill Arlong."

"So if that was a unique circumstance how did you completely regain control?" questioned Usopp.

"I discovered that I could regain control over my body if I was sufficiently drunk," Y/N explained. "Alcohol affects the brain and that red parasite is connected to my brain. I have a high tolerance for alcohol, it doesn't. One night while I was drunk out of my mind I stole an eye patch from a dead pirate and hid it inside my boot. When I pass my alcohol tolerance, I black out and don't remember anything. All I knew the next day was that I had a way to beat the Eye. The Eye was so arrogant at this point that it felt anything I tried to do would be useless. I managed to convince the eye to go back to the East Blue and wreak some havoc there. The Eye agreed because it would be able to kill my Aunt, adoptive mother, and younger brother. Along the way... I stopped at the Baratie."

"Yeah, I remember that day," said Sanji. "That was when you died and scared off all the waiters. Coincidentally, that's also the day I took up smoking."

"If you want to tell them go ahead," Y/N offered. "My throat's getting dry."

-Sanji's Flashback, but still Y/N's Origin part XII-

"May I get you anything else milady?" a newly nineteen year old Sanji offered as he swooned over one of the female customers taking in her curves, her beautiful face and her silky blonde hair.

"Leave my wife alone!" snapped the female customer's husband.

KREAK! The door to the restaurant opened and in walked a figure with long messy red hair which had his face mostly covered. It appeared to be a young man based off of his physique so Sanji didn't immediately hit on it. He wore worn clothes that were covered in blood stains and black steel-bottomed boots. He also wore a blood stained blood-red cape that was fastened around his neck and fell down to the top of his boots. The mysterious person walked over to a table and sat down. The waiters in the room all turned and stared at Sanji wondering what to do. Since Sanji was the Assistant Head Chef, they listened to him. "Well, he's obviously hungry," Sanji said to the waiter closest to him. "Go see what he wants."

The waiter timidly went over to the man and took his order. Sanji watched as the man pulled a big sack out of his pocket and placed it on the table. The waiter ran back to Sanji less then a minute later. "He wants our entire stock of alcoholic drinks," the waiter reported. "He said he could afford it. What do we do?"

"Bring it to him," Sanji instructed, then he noticed a pair of beautiful women arriving and quickly ran over to the door to greet them.

An hour later the boy was still sitting at his table and had empty barrels and bottles of booze piled around him. "Well, go ask him to pay," Sanji told the waiter. The waiter timidly walked over to the boy but before he could reach him... KA-BOOOOM! The boy and his table exploded in a cloud of smoke, the customers all started screaming and Sanji helped the women make their way out of the restaurant.

When the smoke cleared the table, the bottles, and the boy were all gone. The only thing there was a hole in the wall. "H-he exploded!" a waiter shrieked. "HE DRANK TOO MUCH!"

"What's worse is, he didn't pay," Sanji realized. "The old geezer ain't gonna like this."

"'Ey! Sanji! What da heck is going on 'ere?" Patty demanded as he and a bunch of waiters and chefs came into the dining room after hearing the explosion.

"Some guy exploded after drinking too much," Sanji explained.

"What did he look like?" asked Patty.

"Don't know," Sanji replied, then he pointed to the waiter who had waited on the boy that had exploded. "Ask him."

"What did dat guy look like?" Patty asked the waiter.

"I didn't see much of his face it was covered by his long red hair ... but he had this one red eye... it was glowing and when I looked at it directly I felt like I was gonna die," waiter answered. "I didn't want to ask where he got it the thing gave me the creeps. He just told me to bring him all the booze we had and showed me a big sack of coins."

"A glowing red eye?" Carne repeated as he came over. "YOU IDIOT! THAT WAS 'THE DEMON' RED EYE! THE NOTORIOUS MURDERER FROM THE GRAND LINE!"

"Who?" asked Sanji.

"It's said that he has a red eye that gives him demonic powers," Carne explained. "The wanted poster says flee-on-sight and that he's worth 100,000,000 berries. But he's killed anyone that's ever seen him. That's why no one really knows what he looks like."

"I JUST SAW HIM!" the waiter screamed. "HE'S GONNA KILL ME!"

"But didn't ya say da bum exploded?" asked Patty.


"What if he doesn't remember who waited on him?" wondered another waiter. "WE COULD ALL BE KILLED!"

"CUT IT OUT YA' BUMS!" Patty snapped.

"If you shitheads can't handle pirates then you shouldn't work here," said Sanji. "I don't see what everyone's getting so worked up about. The guy's gone now anyway, if you're not gonna toughen up, then leave."

"You're not going to be hunted down and killed by an angry demon!" a waiter exclaimed. "I QUIT!"

"ME TOO!" agreed another waiter. Before Sanji, Patty, or Carne could stop them all of the waiters had quit and ran out of the Baratie and left without looking back.

"Do any of you idiots wanna explain to me what just happened?" came the voice of Head Chef Zeff.

"Shit," Sanji cursed when he realized that Head Chef was going to hold him responsible, he spotted a male customer lighting up a cigarette and swiped it from him and enjoyed his first of many cigarettes while he was made to repair the hole in the wall.

-End Sanji's Flashback (Y/N's Flashback XII)-

"That's three bad first impressions," Sanji concluded. "Because of Crap-Eye, all the waiter's jumped ship. The geezer blamed me for everything and I had to act as a waiter and fix the hole you made in the wall."

"Would you have preferred it if I ended up slaughtering everyone in the restaurant?' questioned Y/N. "The way I see it, I was doing you a service by publicly ridding the world of a demon. If I just put on the eye patch the night I was drunk, everyone would still be worried about Red Eye coming and killing them. Now at least there's piece of mind, because most of the world thinks Red Eye exploded."

"Besides," Y/N added, "I'm sure your restaurant must've gained a boost in popularity when it became known as the death place of Red Eye."

"I did have to wait on a lot more customers then usual," Sanji admitted.

Y/N turned his attention back to the rest of the Straw Hats, "I drank everything that waiter gave me and managed to gain a sufficient amount of control. When I noticed the waiter coming to ask about payment I threw an Explosion Ball to create a cloud of smoke and fire then blasted a hole in the wall with the eye. I slipped the eye patch on, dove out of the hole and sailed off in a ship that a customer had come on."

"I guess I would've been worse if you ended up killing people," Sanji reasoned, "it would've been bad for business. A hole in the wall isn't that big of a price to pay."

"Glad you see it my way," Y/N replied, "Here's another weakness of the eye just in can only use its powers on things it can see. If it's covered, it can't see anything so it can't use its powers on anything."

Sanji, Zoro, and Luffy all nodded, any advantage they could get over 'Psycho-Y/N' was a good thing.

"I was still shaken up after everything I had been through during that year," said Y/N as he resumed his story, "I needed a place to lay low and figure out what I was gonna do. I ended up in Shell Town where I met this little girl."


Y/N and Rika:

-Flashback pt XIII-

Y/N docked his ship in the harbor outside of Shell Town, he sat up and leaned back against the mast of his boat. His long red hair fell down passed his shoulders and was covering his face and his eye patch. For some strange reason, he couldn't grow facial hair. He hadn't cut his hair in a year but he was still completely clean shaven. His clothes were filthy and had dried blood all over them. He had ditched his cape a while ago not wanting to be recognized by anyone who happened to have been in the Baratie and had seen his 'death'. "I could use a bath," Y/N said to himself, and with that he rolled off the side of his boat and dropped down into the water, SPLASH!

Y/N pulled himself up onto the dock and noticed a small girl with dark brown hair wearing a green dress standing on the dock watching him. She looked to be about eight years old. "Hi!" the girl greeted him.

"Uh... hi," Y/N replied, before he shook out his long hair like a dog to dry it. He enjoyed the fact that he wasn't trying to kill her like he had with plenty other children over the last year.

"Heehee," he girl laughed. "You're silly. What's your name?"

"I'm Y/N."

"My name's Rika. Are you a pirate?"

"I'm a Treasure Hunter."

"Isn't that the same as a pirate?"

"No. Pirates are violent and do anything to get anything they want. Sometimes there'll be a pirate demented enough to attack and kill people just for the fun of it. A Treasure Hunter searches the world for unique treasures that no one's before. Piracy's illegal, treasure hunting isn't."

"So what are you doing here? Are you looking for some amazing treasure?"

"I just got through a... personal crisis and I'm still trying to recover from it."

"Can I help?" Rika offered, she looked like she genuinely wanted to help him, which confused Y/N.

"Why would you want to help me? You just met me."

"You look like you need it."

Y/N reached behind his head and tied his hair into a long pony tail that went down to his mid back. He desperately needed a haircut. His eye patch had been revealed and he noticed the girl looking at it.

"What happened to your eye?"

"A pirate cut it out because I had a treasure he wanted."

"That was mean. He sounds like Captain Morgan."


"Captain Morgan. He's the ranking officer in the marine base. He makes everyone pay taxes, we barely have any money. He and his son are big meanies."

"You're right, that doesn't sound very nice. Do you know somewhere I could get something to eat? Possibly some clothes?"

"My mommy runs a tavern. Come on, I'll take you there."


Y/N found himself sitting in a tavern with Rika sitting at a table with him. There was a bag beside his chair that contained some money, his sword, and his air-tight tin of explosion balls. The Devil's Eye hadn't exactly taken him shopping during its rampage, so all he had to wear were the wet clothes on his back. He had finished his meal and had spent the last ten minutes telling Rika some of his treasure hunting stories. Oddly enough, the other customers in the tavern were listening too.

"...the pirate didn't like the idea that I was keeping the treasure away from him so he attacked me and slashed my eye out. I'm not gonna show you cause there's an ugly 'x' shaped scar there. I never really stood a chance. I still don't know how I survived but I did and I just managed to get back here to the East Blue. I grew up on an island near here so I figured this would be a good place to recover."

The customers seemed relieved that he wasn't a pirate or a wanted criminal, Captain Morgan would probably think they were 'harboring' him and that would cause huge amounts of trouble.

"So what are you gonna do now?" asked Rika.

"My younger brother is about to set sail on his own journey, I figured I'd wait around and see if he comes by. All I need is a place to stay maybe something to do."

Rika turned to her mother, Ririka, who was standing behind the bar silently listening to her daughter talk with the treasure hunter she found. "Mommy, do you think he could work here?"

"Rika, you know we don't have the money to hire anyone."

"In that case, you'd only have to pay me with two meals a day and I'd pay you weekly rent for the room," Y/N offered, "For six years I was raised by my Aunt who ran a tavern, I know what to do."

"He can have my room mommy," Rika suggested, she seemed determined to help her new friend. "I'll sleep with you."

"I won't be here for long just until I get back on my feet," Y/N added. "I have some money on me so I won't cause problems with Marine Captain Morgan."

KRATA-KRASH! The customers dove behind their tables and cowered in terror at the sound of the Captain's name.

"Do they do that every time someone says Captain Morgan?"

KRASH! Apparently they did.

"You can have the job if you promise never to do that again," Ririka decided.

"I'll promise never to say it on purpose," Y/N agreed. "I'll call him 'that marine' if it'll help."

"I guess that's all I can hope for. But before you started, get cleaned up a little bit. I can't have you scaring the customers away. You look like a pirate."

"Come on Y/N!" Rika chirped as she grabbed Y/N's hand and pulled him out of his chair. "We can get you some new clothes."

"I thought it was teenage girls that liked shopping," Y/N commented as the eight year old pulled him out of the tavern.

-End Flashback part XIII-

"That girl helped me so much, and had absolutely no reason to do it," Y/N continued. "That's why I'm so disgusted with what I've done... the eye made me kill girls just like her. I cut my hair short, bought my sunglasses and worked at the tavern so I could lay low. The island was out of the way but close to a Marine Base so I could keep with the times. A week later I saved Rika from the Captain's son's pet wolf only for Roronoa Zoro to get involved and agree to some month-long test of his manhood. I was perfectly willing to fight off any marines that came after Rika and her mother but I guess its best that I let things go the way they did."

"They looked like they needed you," Zoro said. "I thought you were actually her older brother and I didn't want to see your family get broken up. Although... I probably wouldn't have survived if you hadn't snuck me all that food late at night."

Y/N nodded and continued, "Three weeks later a pirate with a straw hat showed up and announced to the tavern that he was going to ask 'Pirate Hunter' Roronoa Zoro to join his pirate crew."

-Flashback part XIV-

"I'll take three steaks," said a pirate with a Straw Hat. "Hey, what's with that eye patch?"

"Blunt... eats a lot of meat... doesn't realize how much things cost ... straw hat... scar under his left eye... that's gotta be Luffy." Y/N said to himself.

"Uh... a pirate cut my eye out," Y/N answered as he turned away from the table and hurried off. "I'll get your food."

"Say, I wonder if Zoro is still being held at the Marine Base," Luffy's voice boomed through the restaurant. KRASH!Y/N stared as the customers all jumped behind their tables and hid.

Y/N surveyed the room with mild amusement. "If only they knew the truth."

The boy that was with Luffy whispered something to Luffy while the customers pulled themselves back up. "I saw a notice on the streets that said Captain Morgan is at this base," said the boy that was with Luffy. KRATA-KRASH! Y/N shook his head as the customers all dove behind their tables again.

"That's still fun to watch but at least I didn't do it this time,"Y/N said to himself. Y/N turned to face Luffy and shook his head. "Not that I mind but you should probably stop that," Y/N suggested. "If all the customers get scared away I might lose my job."

Luffy just shrugged and went back to his meal and the customers pulled themselves up off of the floor. Y/N glanced at Luffy's straw hat then walked off to intercept his boss before she found out what happened from someone else. But when he came back, Luffy and the boy with him were gone.

"He didn't pay," Y/N realized as he stared at the empty table piled up with empty plates that had once held meat on them. Y/N grinned slightly and shook his head, "some things never change."

-End Flashback pt XIV-

"Despite the fact that I was paying for Luffy's meal," Y/N continued, "seeing Luffy again made me realize something. He was just setting out, ready to achieve his dream of becoming King of the Pirates. I knew that he'd get really far, but would be off to a rough start. Thinking about Luffy fulfilling his dream made me remember mine. I thought about my dream of finding the One Piece the rest of the day."

- Flashback part XV (This is the last one)-

"Is there anything else I can do for you?" Y/N asked the pretty orange haired girl sitting at the table. He'd been distracted most of the day and wasn't really paying much attention.

"Oh, you're sweet," the girl cooed. "I'll be fine for now. You can just bring me the bill."

"Alright," Y/N replied as he turned around and went off to the back. But when he came back the girl was gone. Y/N glanced out the window and saw the girl strutting down the street looking proud of herself. "What the heck... THAT'S TWICE!" Y/N couldn't help laughing, "Hah-ha, this is just not my day."

-End Flashback part XV-

Nami smiled and still looked proud of herself, she was happy that she had pulled it off especially now that she knew how much of a swindler he really was.

"That was actually the first time I've laughed since I got my new eye," said Y/N. "After everything I've seen and done on the Grand Line and after all those people I killed, there's not much that surprises me anymore. Luffy and Ace always ran off without paying so I expected that sort of thing from him but seeing someone with that kind of spirit... it really brought back memories of how things used to be. Those good memories from my past overrode the year-worth of bad ones. I don't think I'd have considered restarting if it wasn't for that," Y/N looked Nami directly in the eyes, "Thank you."

Nami smiled at him and shrugged it off as if it was no big deal. "Don't mention it, I was just being myself," she replied.

"I spent that day remembering who I was," Y/N continued. "I was Y/N the Treasure Hunter. I knew Luffy was on the island, an opportunity to start over had fallen right in my lap. Captain Morgan's son came in for his daily visit and the next thing I know the little bastard was decked with one punch. I decided to give being a pirate another shot and ended up becoming the First Mate of the Straw Hat Pirates."

"Hahaha!" Luffy laughed. "Good thing you lost that game of rock-paper-scissors!"

"Yeah," said Y/N. No one noticed him rolling his eye.

"But then, when you fought Arlong how did you stay in control enough to get your eye patch back on after the fight?" questioned Nami. "If you didn't have control wouldn't the eye have killed all of us?"

"As soon as I got in the chart room I took over. I had complete control over my body and the Devil's Eye's powers. In the process of killing Arlong, I lit myself on fire. The eye was caught off guard and didn't know what I was doing but when the flames went out I was covered in burns. The Eye knew that I wouldn't be able to kill anyone else in the state I was in. It let me stay in control long enough to get my eye patch back on. It swore to kill you all as an act of revenge, by the way."

"But then... why didn't you kill me?" asked Usopp. "After you killed Chew, you had me in a choke hold but you spared me."

"I wanted to," Y/N admitted, much to the shock of Usopp. "Well, the Eye wanted to. It took some doing on my part, but I managed to intervene and keep it from finishing you off. You're Nakama, that gave me the motivation I needed to fight off some of its control. I didn't stop the Devil's Eye from killing those fishmen because I knew it would piss off Arlong. The longer I use the Eye the less control I have... until I eventually lose it completely."

"You couldn't help all those things you did," Luffy commented, he looked serious. "You wouldn't have thrown up if you weren't disgusted about it, I won't hold that stuff against you. Y/N, you're my brother, you were there for me when no one else was. You'll always be Nakama to me."

"I've done a lot of horrible things," Y/N reminded them, "but I'm trying to make up for that. I'd like to stay on the crew and go to the Grand Line but that's only if you want me to. If you feel it's too risky to keep me here I'll understand and I'll leave. Hopefully you'll never see me again."

Y/N paused and glanced around him at the different reactions from the crew, Luffy wasn't listening, Zoro rolled his eyes, Sanji's face was noticeably blank, Usopp looked frightened, while Nami looked horrified by the idea of never seeing Y/N again.

"I already told you," Luffy reminded him firmly. "But I guess you could ask them too."

"You saved Kaya," Usopp stated. "You helped defend my village from Kuro and you stopped the Eye from killing me. You only made the one mistake of putting the eye in your socket. I would've done the same thing in your situation so I can't hold it against you. You're a valued member of the crew."

"You were a member of the Whitebeard Pirates," Sanji pointed out, "And before that you were the Jack of Spades. You've explored all five of the world's oceans. That kind of experience will be helpful when we get to the Grand Line. We'd have to be stupid to throw you away."

Y/N nodded, that was three for and none against but he wanted a unanimous decision. He turned to the Navigator, "Nami?"

Nami threw her leg over Y/N and straddled his lap then stared him directly in the eye. SWACK! Nami slapped Y/N clear across the face, "OF COURSE I STILL WANT YOU ON THE CREW!" Nami shouted. But then her expression softened. "We're Nakama. Remember what you told me back on Commi Island? 'People make mistakes but when you're Nakama no one holds them against you. You learn to look passed the mistakes and forgive your crewmates because those people are precious to you.' The only mistake you made was putting that thing in your eye socket. You deserve forgiveness as much as anyone else does."

Nami smiled at him, "Besides, if we kick you out, who's gonna help me keep these idiots in line?"

Y/N smiled and glanced over at Zoro who was still awake, "What about you?"

"Just shut up and let me get back to sleep," Zoro grumbled then he promptly went back to sleep.

"Well it's unanimous," Y/N commented. "You guys are stuck with me."

"Yup, stuck with you until we reach the Grand Line and I become King of the Pirates," Luffy agreed.

"Then I'll do everything I can to make sure you achieve that dream, you can count on that." Y/N smiled slightly. "You know, if there's one good thing about all this, it's that I don't have to wake up in the middle of the night to find Nami standing over me trying to pull my eye patch off."

The orange-haired girl that was still sitting on his lap flushed slightly, "I DID THAT ONE TIME!" she snapped.

"And you got caught," Y/N reminded her. "With my hearing and some of the bad memories I have, I'm a borderline insomniac. Now... I know we're heading to the Grand Line but I think there's a stop we should make first."

"Really? Where?" asked Luffy. "Where could we go that's better than the Grand Line?"

"Well, if the navigator gets off of me I'll get the chart and show you," Y/N answered. Nami sprang up and backed away causing Y/N to give her a slightly amused smile as he stood up. At least things were never boring on the Going Merry.

Hope you enjoyed the chapter!!!

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