


Luffy, Usopp, Carue, Mr. 5, Ms. Goldenweek, Y/N, and Ms. Valentine stared at the large flames covering the Candle Service Set and the wax covered bodies of Nami, Zoro, Vivi, and Broggy. FWOOOOOM! The wax started melting and Mr. 3 screamed as his Candle Champion gave way to the heat and started melting too.

"OOOOHH! OOHHHH! AAAHHH!" Mr. 3 shrieked as Luffy stood on top of the melting remains of the Candle Champion.

"Uhh... whoops," said Luffy, "I hope the others don't get all burned up."

"CURSE YOU, YOU STUPID STRAW HAT PIRATE!" Mr. 3 yelled. "YOU DESTROYED MY PRECIOUS CANDLE SET! HOW DARE YOU SHOW SUCH DISREGARD FOR ARTISTIC INTEGRITY!" Mr. 3 pulled himself out of his melting suit of armor and took off running into the jungle.

Ms. Goldenweek took one last look at Ms. Valentine who was hypnotized by Passion Purple into thinking she was in love with Y/N. Ms. Valentine was still straddling Y/N's chest and was attempting to prove her love to him by beating him in a fight.

"Time to go," Ms. Goldenweek announced. "Have fun you two." She headed off into the jungle after Mr. 3.

"NO, YOU'RE NOT GETTING AWAY WITH THIS!" Luffy called out as he chased after them.

"QUACK, QUACK!" Carue quacked as he dodged falling globs of wax and ran after Luffy.

"Damn it!" Mr. 5 snapped. "How dare you mock Baroque Works Agents!"

"I don't care if there are flames burning all around us!" Ms. Valentine told Y/N. "I'm not getting up until you give up. Tell me you love me and I'll stop. I'm doing this for you!"

"Not gonna happen," Y/N replied, blood was coming out of his mouth, at least three of his ribs were broken and he had countless internal injuries. But he refused to give up.

"Kyahahaha," Ms. Valentine giggled, "that's what I expected. You're so tough. Let's see how much you can handle. 7,000 kilograms... 8,000 kilograms..." KRAK! KRAK! The tell-tale sign of two more of Y/N's ribs cracking under the Baroque Works Agent's immense weight rang out.

Koff! Y/N coughed up blood, "Nothing you can do to me will make me quit, Airhead."

"I'll prove my love!" Ms. Valentine assured him, "even if I have to cripple you to do it! 9,000 kilograms... 10,000 KILOGRAMS!"

"Ugghhhh..." Y/N groaned as Ms. Valentine's maximum weight pressed down on him. "I... won't... quit..."

"INCREDIBLE!" Ms. Valentine exclaimed. "I weigh 10,000 kilograms! You're still conscious! I'm so impressed!"

"See Airhead..." said Y/N, "I don't think it's gonna work out..."

"I'LL STILL WIN!" Ms. Valentine assured him. "I'll win this fight by crushing you! Then you'll love me!" Ms. Valentine lowered her weight to one kilogram and leapt off of Y/N and up into the air.

"This is gonna hurt..." Y/N muttered as he laid on his back and stared up at the blonde Officer Agent. "I can't move..."

"10,000 KILO PRESS!" Ms. Valentine shouted as she started to gain weight and began her decent.

SKISH! A bright red figure burst out of the flames that were around the remains of the Candle Service Set and slammed a bow staff into Ms. Valentine's face, WHOMP! The blonde officer agent was knocked out of the air and down to the ground, BOOOM!

Ms. Valentine hit the ground and landed on her back, POUNCE! Nami landed on top of her and pressed the shaft of her bow staff into the blonde's neck under her chin and proceeded to strangle her with it.

"What good are your Devil Fruit Powers now?" Nami snarled. Her long-sleeved shirt had been burned off in the fire, now she wore a dark blue bra, her yellow skirt, sandals, and the Log Pose on her wrist. "TAKE THIS YOU BLONDE-HAIRED BIMBO!"

"Uhhh... catfight..." Y/N weakly groaned from his spot on the ground.

TMP! Vivi leapt out of the flames and landed next to him, then carefully bent down and helped him up. "Will you be alright, Mr. One Eye?" she asked. She was still fully clothed but her clothes had all been burned by the fire.

"I'll be fine," Y/N assured her as he staggered backwards and held his broken ribs. "Nice timing."

"I offered to help her," Vivi explained as she watched Nami choke the Officer Agent unconscious with her bow staff, "But she insisted that she could handle it herself."

Vivi cast wary glance at Nami, then leaned in and whispered in Y/N's ear, "I'd be careful if I were you," she warned him. "The wax didn't entirely fill our ears. We could still hear... perfectly."

Y/N winced, "I don't suppose you'd be willing to knock me unconscious?" he requested. Vivi shook her head. "Damn, didn't think so."

"Blonde hussy..." Nami muttered to herself as she got off of the now unconscious Ms. Valentine and walked over to Y/N and Vivi.

"That was really hot," Nami commented as she walked over. "Couldn't you have thought up another plan?"

KOFF! KOFF! Y/N finally noticed Nami's partially clothed state and started coughing, it wasn't only because of his internal injuries.

"You're being a little picky here don't you think?" asked Usopp as he staggered back up. "Aren't you at least a little bit grateful?"

"I've got at least six broken ribs, I've been blown up twice, and I had to deal with an annoying blonde with an insane crush on me," Y/N recapped, "And you're complaining about a little uncomfortable heat?"

"You've got a point there," Nami admitted as leaned in and quickly kissed him on the cheek. "Thanks for keeping me from getting turned into a wax statue."

Y/N stared at her, then caught Nami off guard when he leaned in and kissed her on the cheek. "Thanks for keeping me from getting crushed," he replied as he flashed her a foxy smile. Nami's skin already had a red tint to it due to the fire and the melting wax so her blush went unseen.

"Uh... let's get out of here before blondie decides to wake up," Nami resolved. "That purple paint refuses to come off."

"I can't believe we're actually alive," Vivi commented, "thank you."

Y/N turned away from them and staggered towards the jungle, "If you'll excuse me. I've got a score to settle. No one kicks me in the jewels and gets away with it."

"NOBODY MOVE!" Mr. 5 called out as he aimed his gun at the three Straw Hats and the Princess. "You may have gotten out of the wax but I've had enough. We simply can not afford for you to screw up our mission anymore."

"Go Y/N, I'll cover you!" Usopp assured him as he pulled out his slingshot and loaded something into it. Y/N turned and ran off. "HEY, MR 5! SURE-KILL EXPLODING STAR!" THWANG!

Y/N reached the trees and put two fingers in his mouth then let out a loud whistle, SWEEE! SWEEE! "Oi, Tim! I need you!"

CHOMP! Mr. 5 opened his mouth and easily swallowed Usopp's attack. GULP! "You fool!" Mr. 5 taunted. "Haven't you figured out that your pathetic explosives don't affect me at all? They're nothing to an exploding man!"

"You took the bait," Usopp replied with a smirk.

"Ugghh..." Mr. 5 suddenly started sweating, whatever he'd just swallowed wasn't sitting right. And whatever it was, it wasn't gunpowder.

"I'm sorry," Usopp apologized, "But I just told a little lie. That wasn't an Exploding Star. That was my Extra-Special Tabasco Star!"

"GAAH! SPIIICYYYY!" Mr. 5 screamed, he tilted his head up and flames shot up out of his mouth and above the tree-line, FWOOOOSH!

"AHAHAHAHAHA!" Usopp laughed. "I tested its effectiveness personally." He remembered the time he'd gotten the Tabasco sauce in his eye, it wasn't pleasant.

"Ughhh..." Mr. 5 groaned as he dropped down to his knees, "Damn you stupid pirate!" KOFF! KOFF! KOFF! "I REFUSE TO LET YOU MAKE A MOCKERY OF ME!" Mr. 5 got up and charged at Usopp, "TIME OF A FULL BODY EXPLOSION! THERE WON'T EVEN BE BONES LEFT!"

Whap! Mr. 5 ran over and grabbed Usopp before he had a chance to get away. "Ahh! Ahh! Let go of me!" Usopp shrieked as he struggled against the agent's hold on him. "Ahh! I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm really sorry! Please let go!"

"LET HIM GO!" Nami yelled as she and Vivi readied the respective weapons and prepared to fight. But they didn't need to.

FWOOSH! The flames around the wax puddle that had once been the Candle Service Set flickered as Zoro charged out of them wielding all three of his swords. "FLAMING... DEMON SLICE!" Zoro shouted, the swordsman and all three of his blades were covered in flames as he reached Mr. 5 and slashed him with his flames swords. SHWAK!

"AAAHHH!" Mr. 5 screamed as blood splashed out of the burning wound on his chest. Zoro had passed him and stood with his back to him as Mr. 5 hit the ground... and exploded, KA-BOOOOOM!

Klik! Zoro stood in front of the huge explosion and looked bad-ass put his swords away. "A flaming sword... not bad," he commented.

"ZORO!" Nami exclaimed. The flames on Mr. 5 went out and he seemed to recover from the explosion but was out cold.

Broggy started moving and slammed his hand down to the ground, THOOOM! His entire body was engulfed in flames but he was still alive.

"Hey there," Zoro greeted him. "Good to see that you made it out alive."

"Heh, yeah," Broggy agreed as he glanced over his shoulder at Dorry who was still lying on the ground where he'd fallen as a result of Mr. 3's interference with the giants' battle.

"Master?" Usopp called up to Broggy, he was concerned when he saw the sad look on the giant's face while he surveyed his fallen opponent.

"So now it seems only two foes are left," Broggy commented as he sat down beside the pirates and the princess. Luffy, Carue, and Y/N had that covered.


"BIRD GUY, LET'S GO!" Luffy called out as he and Carue ran through the jungle in pursuit of Mr. 3 and Ms. Goldenweek.

"Quack!" Carue replied.

"Real men don't interfere in someone else's fight!" the shirtless pirate growled.

"HOOHOOHAHAHA!" Mr. 3's laughed rang through the jungle. Luffy and Carue suddenly came to a stop and spotted Mr. 3, all thirty of him.

"So good of you to come," Mr. 3's voice greeted him. The only problem was, Luffy couldn't tell which Mr. 3 was the real Mr. 3.

The clearing in front of them was filled with wax copies of Mr. 3. He was standing in the middle of the clearing, leaning against a tree, five more Mr. 3s were gathered around a pair of rocks. They were all painted so they looked exactly like them, except none of them were moving.

"I've been expecting you," Mr. 3's voice came from somewhere in the group of thirty Mr. 3s. "Welcome to my Wax Wax Mansion!"

"What's going on?" Luffy wondered as he stared at all the Mr. 3s.

"Why just a little game of Hide and Seek," Mr. 3 replied. "Can you figure out which one is me? Hoohoohaahaahaa! I'd say you picked the wrong group of people to go up against."

"Quack... quack..." said Carue as he frantically scanned the crowd of Mr. 3s for any movement. Luffy stood silently beside him and stared out into the group of Mr. 3s.

"You're no match for my intellectual prowess and artistic abilities!" Mr. 3's voice bragged. "You're just another buffoon who acts on blind instinct and uses brute force to solve all his problems! You can't hope to catch an intellectual giant like me! HOOHOOHAAHAAHAA!"

The real Mr. 3 grinned evilly in his hiding place as he called out, "I am a Baroque Works Officer Agent. Every assignment that is given to me, I see through to its end! So if you think you're ready then just step forward! Hoohoohaahaahaa!"

"..." Luffy silently stared at the large gathered group of Mr. 3s. The real Mr. 3 had hid himself perfectly and couldn't be seen talking or laughing. Carue looked completely confused.

"That's right, just take a little step," Mr. 3 encouraged Luffy. "But as soon as your back is turned... I'm going to stab you..." SHEEEN! The real Mr. 3 discreetly drew a dagger and held it at his side ready to stab Luffy when he came close enough. "... right through that pathetically noble little heart of yours! HOOHOOHAAHAAHAA!"

"..." Luffy continued to silently stare at the clearing filled with Mr. 3s, then he made his decision. He pulled back his leg then shot it out, "GUM... GUM..." SHOOOM! "STAMP!" THWHAM! Luffy's foot slammed into the real Mr. 3's face and drove him back into the tree he was standing in front of, WHAM!

Mr. 3 was left with a sandal-print on his face, "Ughhh..." he groaned. "How... could you have known... that this... is where I was?" THUD! Mr. 3 went crashing down to the ground and was out old.

"Instinct," Luffy bluntly stated.

After seeing Mr. 3 go down, Ms. Goldenweek quietly tried to make her own escape. But Carue heard her, then spotted her making her way through some trees.

"QUAAAACK!" Carue cried out as he charged the painter.

"EEEK!" Ms. Goldenweek squeaked in terror.

She turned and changed direction... and was met with the sight of a giant bluish-green tyrannosaurus and a red-haired pirate on top of it.

"Tim, use screech!" Y/N ordered.

RAAAAAWWWWRRRRRRRR! The huge Tyrannosaurus opened its mouth and roared at the remaining Baroque Works Agent.

Ms. Goldenweek flinched.

"Alright, now follow up with Iron Tail!" Y/N instructed. SWISH! WHOMP! The dinosaur spun around and smashed his massive tail into Ms. Goldenweek. The Baroque Works Agent went flying and was knocked out when she slammed into a big tree. WHAM!

Y/N turned to his two animal companions, "Good job Tim, you too Carue." Carue whimpered slightly as he stared up at the tyrannosaurus. Then Luffy noticed it.


"He kind of found me," Y/N admitted, "Want a lift?"

"YEAH!" Luffy quickly agreed.


Sanji was sitting alone in Mr. 3's empty wax hut and was helping himself to a cup of tea. "Mmmm, Earl Grey is perfect addition to the afternoon," Sanji casually commented as he sipped his tea. He suddenly sat up straighter and looked up in alarm, "HOLD ON! WHAT AM I DOING? I shouldn't be sitting here all relaxed, just casually sipping tea without a single care in the world! Miss. Nami, Miss. Vivi, and the others could be waiting out there right now for me to come and help them!"

Klink! Sanji put his cup down and stood up. "I am curious about one thing though," Sanji admitted out loud. "What is a nice relaxing place like this doing smack in the middle of a creepy jungle?"

Sanji was about to leave when a box on the other side of the hut started shaking and ringing. RRING! RRRING! RRRING!

"What..." said Sanji as he slowly approached the shaking box. RRING! RRING! RRRING! Sanji knelt down in front of the box and opened it. The object making the ringing inside the box was a Transponder Snail. RRING! RRRING! RRRING!

"A Transponder Snail?" questioned Sanji as he took the ringing snail out of the box and placed it on the table. It was purple with a black mustache and had a darker purple and teal vertically striped shell. There was a gray dial on the side of it and written in black on both sides of the top of the shell was 'Mr. 3'. RRING! RRRING! RRRING!

Klak! Sanji picked up the receiver and brought it to him, finally stopping the ringing. Sanji sat down and spoke into his end. "Yeah... hello, you've reached the Crap Café. Can I take your order?"

"You can quit fooling around now, jackass," came the deep gravelly voice on the other end. "Now then, your report's a little bit late, don't you think?"

"My report you say?" Sanji repeated. "And with whom exactly am I speaking please?"

"Me. Mr. 0."

Sanji scowled, he recognized that name.




Luffy, Y/N, Carue, and the unconscious Ms. Goldenweek rode Tim out of the jungle and over to the clearing the rest of the Straw Hats were in.

"Thanks Tim," said Y/N as he grabbed Ms. Goldenweek and leapt off of the dinosaur. Luffy and Carue followed him off and Tim headed off into the jungle.

"I've got to clean myself off and then I've got a bet to settle," Y/N informed anyone that cared to listen. Y/N groaned as he hefted Ms. Goldenweek over his shoulder then grabbed Ms. Valentine by the back of her dress and Mr. 5 by the back of his coat. "I'll be back eventually." With that Y/N carried the three agents off into the jungle intent on taking their stuff due to the conditions of the bet he made with Mr. 3


"BWWAA! BWAAAAHAAHAA!" Broggy cried over the death of his opponent and friend Dorry. Giant tears rained down on the gathered Straw Hats, the Princess, and the duck. A rainbow appeared behind the huge streams of tears.

"Look at that!" Luffy exclaimed. "His tears are making a rainbow!"

The Straw Hats, Vivi, and Carue all covered their ears to muffle Broggy's loud sobs.


"With all this crying, we'll drown here!" Nami complained.

"It's practically a waterfall," Zoro remarked as the tears fell like heavy rain and created a large puddle around the giant.

"So sad!" Usopp sobbed as he wiped away his own tears. "Master Broggy!"


The constant sheet of tears caused Dorry's fingers to twitch, his eyes slowly opened. DORRY WAS ALIVE! THOOM! Dorry drove his sword into the ground and used it to pull himself to his feet.

"BWAAAAHH?" Broggy's eyes bugged out as he stared at his 'dead' opponent.

"DORRY! YOU'RE ALIVE!" Broggy exclaimed.

"I must've lost consciousness," Dorry admitted. "Uhhh..."


Y/N had cleaned off of his clothes and fixed his injuries as best he could before he returned to the clearing where he'd left Ms. Goldenweek, Ms. Valentine, and Mr. 5.

Mr. 5 was still bleeding and burned from where Zoro had slashed him, Ms. Goldenweek was still out from when Y/N had punched her, but Ms. Valentine appeared to be coming to. "Oh... you're awake..." he realized.

"Huh..." said Ms. Valentine as she slowly sat up and gingerly held her throat. Then she spotted Y/N. "YOU'RE STILL HERE! After that whore choked me out, I thought you'd leave and I'd never see you again! YOU CAME BACK FOR ME!"

"Actually... I'm just here to collect on the bet I made with Mr. 3," Y/N admitted. "Great, she's still hypnotized. The paint won't come off so I have to figure out a way to get her to remove her dress."

"NO! PLEASE DON'T LEAVE ME!" Ms. Valentine pleaded as she threw herself at him and hugged his legs.

"Calm down and listen to me for a minute," Y/N ordered.

"..." Ms. Valentine quieted and stared up at him.

"You're under the effects of the painter-girl's paint," Y/N bluntly explained. "Your feelings for me aren't real."

"YES THEY ARE!" Ms. Valentine argued. "I LOVE YOU!"

"Then take your dress off and prove it," Y/N suggested. "If your feelings are real, nothing will happen. If they're not, well... you'll be back to normal."

"Kyahahahaha," Ms. Valentine giggled, "If you wanted to see me in my underwear, all you had to do was ask." Ms. Valentine winked at him and grabbed the sides of her dress and began to pull it up. The second her white panties came into view, Y/N quickly turned around. "HEY! I'm doing this for you! The least you could do is look!"

"If you still want me to look when you're done, then I will," Y/N told her.

"Hmph," Ms. Valentine huffed as she pulled her dress the way off, during the process her yellow hat got pulled off along with it. The singed dress and hat hit the ground and Ms. Valentine stood there in her skimpy white bra and panties, and her white heels.

Snapping out of the hypnotic trance, Ms. Valentine stared around her in surprise. She eventually spotted Y/N. "ONE EYE!" she exclaimed. "I'LL FINISH YOU FOR GOOD THIS TIME!"

"Stop, you've already lost," Y/N told her.

"What?" she asked confused.

"You don't remember anything that happened when you were hypnotized," Y/N realized/explained. "The fight is already over. All four of you have lost. Look at your dress if you don't believe me."

Ms. Valentine glanced at her dress and saw the purple symbol on it. Then it finally dawned on her that she was standing in front of an enemy IN HER UNDERWEAR!

"YOU PERVERT!" she shrieked as she clutched her dress to her for cover.

"The painter girl put some fast-drying paint over the purple," Y/N informed her. "It made it impossible to smear. The only way to snap you out of your hypnotized state was to get you to take your dress off. Believe it or not, you're a lot less annoying now than you were when you were hypnotized."

"Then why are you still here?" Ms. Valentine demanded.

"One of the things that you should remember is that I made a bet with Mr. 3," Y/N reminded her. "My Nakama and I won the fight. That means I get to enact the Pirate's Code without repercussion."

"What do you want?" Ms. Valentine asked. She surveyed her outfit, she'd lost both of her lemon earrings over the course of the fight, her white heels were covered in dirt, her yellow hat was a little less dirty but still looked disgusting, her dress was torn, dirty, and stained with paint. The only thing she had on her that was in decent condition was her underwear. And she definitely wasn't going to part with that. "I... don't have anything of value on me. Mr. 5 always carried all of our money, and Mr. 3 and Ms. Goldenweek had all our supplies."

"Then I'll just take your umbrella," Y/N resolved.

"But then I can't float as high!" Ms. Valentine protested.

"Then I'll be doing the world a service," Y/N retorted, he turned away from Ms. Valentine and wlaked over to Mr. 5 and began picking his pockets. He came away with the Bomb Man's revolver, a sack of what he sensed was 250,000 berries worth of treasure, and his sunglasses. After organizing Mr. 5 things in his multiple pockets Y/N went over to Ms. Goldenweek and pulled the girl's blue backpack off of her and slipped it onto his shoulder, then carefully removed the girl's bracelets and golden necklace and placed the jewelry in his bottom left pocket.

"And that's that," Y/N concluded. "Take care Airhead. I'm not sure how the paint works, but I'd suggest washing it off before putting your dress back on again. Otherwise things could get awkward for you and your fellow agents."

Ms. Valentine stared after him as he headed off but Ms. Goldenweek opened her eyes and sat up. "Wait!" she called out. "Please... leave my paints."

Y/N turned around and raised an eyebrow, "Why would I leave the things you get your powers from?" he asked, "especially after what you put me through at the expense of your fellow agent?"

"If you take those, we'll have no way off this island," Ms. Goldenweek meekly told him. "We don't have a Log Pose and Mr. 3 will most likely flee the island and leave the three of us here to die."

"Die?" Y/N repeated, "It's not that bad here. And you've got the nose-picker and Airhead with you. You'll hardly be defenseless."

"You don't understand," Ms. Goldenweek attempted to explain. "When Mr. 0 learns that we failed our mission, he'll send the Unluckies or a higher ranking agent to kill us. That's what Mr. 3 and I just finished doing before this. Mr. 6 and Ms. Mother's Day failed their mission and Mr. 3 was ordered to kill them. We're all disposable tools to Mr. 0."

Ms. Goldenweek pushed herself up to her knees and outright begged, "Please!" She pleaded. "I don't want to take over Alabasta. I didn't even want to in the first place. The only way I could think of to survive getting off this island without a Log Pose is by taming a bird like you did. To do that, I need my paints. Please, I'll do anything."

Ms. Valentine progressively paled as she listened to Ms. Goldenweek and Y/N's conversation. Ms. Goldenweek was right, this was the second mission that she and Mr. 5 had failed. Mr. 0 would send someone to kill them. Without her umbrella she couldn't float them off the island, and they couldn't escape by boat because they didn't have a Log Pose. Their fate rested in the hands of pirate that she'd personally attempted to kill on multiple occasions. He was perfectly within his rights to tell them to drop dead and walk off. That's what she would do in his situation. There was no way a dirty pirate would be willing to save their lives, especially after whatever had happened when she had been hypnotized.

Y/N took a deep breath and surprised Ms. Valentine by saying something she never expected, "What did you have in mind?"


In Mr. 3's wax hut, Sanji stared in surprise at the Transponder Snail. "Mr. 0," Sanji thought to himself, "I've heard that name somewhere before. Wasn't that the name of the Boss-guy that Miss. Vivi was so frightened of? But that would mean... that the person on the other end of this Transponder Snail... is one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea."

"It's been a long time since I issued your orders Mr. 3," the deep gravelly voice of Mr. 0 came across the Transponder Snail. He was a large, well-dressed man with dark hair, "What's happening on that island?"

"Alright," Sanji said to himself, "So I guess this Mr. 3 character is the owner of this transponder snail. I think I have this figured out now. This little place here is an enemy hideout, and someone named Mr. 3 was ordered by someone named Mr. 0 to come to this island and kill Vivi. DAMN IT! What was I thinking? This was no time for me to be out on a hunting trip! I hope that they're all still okay."

"Shit," Sanji cursed.

"Well... are you going to answer me?" questioned Mr. 0. A hand adorned with numerous expensive rings poured some water into a glass filled with ice cubes. "When I ask a question, I expect an answer! Have you eliminated Princess Vivi and the Straw Hats as you were ordered?"

"Oh yeah," Sanji answered. "The mission was successful. I eliminated all those pesky brats like you said to. Your secret is completely protected. So there's no need to keep going after them anymore."

"I see," Mr. 0 replied as he casually reached out and prodded a flower that was in a water-filled vase in front of him. "As we speak the Unluckies are headed your way in order to confirm the success of your mission, and to deliver a certain... package." Mr. 0 removed the flower from the vase and carefully held it between his fingers.

"The Unluckies, of course," said Sanji. "And a package?"

"It's Eternal Pose that will point you to Alabasta Kingdom," Mr. 0 explained as he placed the stem of the flower in his water glass and used it to stir his drink. "Once that arrives, you and Ms. Goldenweek will head for Alabasta. It's time for the next phase of the plan." Mr. 0, or Crocodile, sat in a spacious dark room. Across from him was his namesake, an ENORMOUS crocodile... except it had a banana on its head for some reason. "We are about to begin embarking on our most important operation to date. Details will follow after you reach Alabasta, wait for my orders."

Sanji turned away from his phone call with the enemy and noticed a vulture and an otter standing in the round windows in the side of the wax hut. IT WAS THE UNLUCKIES!

"What the heck are those?" Sanji wondered as he eyed Mr. 13 and Ms. Friday.

FWIP! Ms. Friday pulled her wings up and momentarily hid herself from view, then moved them to reveal a double-barreled cannon that was now strapped to her back. CHUCK-A-CHIK! Sanji flinched when he realized that the vulture's cannon was now armed.

WISH! Mr. 13 pulled out a clam shell, then pulled apart to reveal that it was actually two spiked gauntlets that the otter easily held in his hands.

"Mr. 3, what was that?" Mr. 0 demanded.

"Oh uh... it's nothing really," Sanji assured him.

POW! POW! POW! POW! BOOM! Ms. Friday opened fire and attempted to blast the cook with her cannon. But Sanji shot out of his seat and ducked behind the table.

"WHAT THE HELL IS THAT?" Sanji exclaimed as Ms. Friday continued firing. POW! POW! POW! POW! The tea set shattered and holes were blasted in the walls as Sanji remained behind the table.

Skish! Mr. 13 leapt out of his window and charged Sanji with his spiked gauntlets ready. SWISH! SWISH! Sanji dodged the otter's first attack as well as the follow-up attack.

"So I guess you're trying to kill me, huh?" questioned Sanji. "Well bring it on, ya four-eyed monkey!" THWAK! Sanji lashed out his leg and kicked Mr. 13 in the back of the head, sending the otter slamming into the wax wall and knocking it out. The two clam-shell gauntlets clattered to the ground beside him.

"Alright you, what now?" Sanji challenged Ms. Friday. The vulture replied by opening fire, POW! POW! POW! POW! Sanji flipped forward onto his hands and dodged the attack, then shot his legs down and locked them around the Ms. Friday's neck, WHAP! "So what are you gonna do now, you over-grown chicken!" KER-RACK! Sanji spun to the side and snapped Ms. Friday's neck. The vulture fell out of the window and dropped to the ground unconscious, THUD!

"HEY, WHAT'S GOING ON?" Mr. 0 demanded. "ANSWER ME MR. 3!"

Sanji ran over to the phone and picked up his end, "Hey!" he replied. "Well... nothing. It's just... that damn Straw Hat was still alive. It's okay though, I finished him off real good. No need to worry."

"What do you mean he was still alive?" asked Mr. 0 in a menacing tone. He reached out and gripped the flower in between his fingers and the water in his glass suddenly started draining, leaving just an ice-filled cup. "I thought you told me just a moment ago that you said your mission was completed successfully?" Mr. 0 continued to pinch the flower between his fingers and watched as it withered up and died, then disintegrated into dust. "Isn't that correct?"

"Yes, that is what I said," Sanji admitted. "I mean, I absolutely thought it was completed then but that Straw Hat guy is really a lot tougher than you'd expect."

"So let me see if I understand," Mr. 0 commented."The report you gave me was a complete lie?"

"Well... yeah..." Sanji reluctantly confessed. "When you put it that way, I guess the report wasn't the truth. But now I've gotten rid of that Straw Hat for sure! So there's no need for you to send anyone else after him or the others."

"Very well," said Mr. 0. "Take the Pose and head straight to Alabasta from there immediately. Do you understand me?"


"How are you still alive?" asked Nami as the Straw Hats and Vivi stared up at Broggy and Dorry.

"The weapons," Dorry answered. "They saved me."

"Weapons?" Usopp repeated, "OH YEAH! That makes sense! Not even weapons made in Elbaph could hold up after a hundred years of giants dueling to the death with them. They must be dull by now! Ahh, well that's a relief! Ahahahaha! It's a miracle really."

"GEBABABABA!" Broggy laughed/cried as he hugged Dorry.

"Broggy... would you let go?" Dorry requested. "I'm a little sore here!"

"I'm so glad you're still alive Dorry!" Broggy exclaimed. "It's amazing! Gebababababa!"

"Gegyagyagyagya!" Dorry laughed along with his friend.

"Come on, this wasn't a miracle," Zoro cut in. "The fact that those weapons are still intact after a century of fighting is the miraculous thing. They should be scrap by now, I'm surprised they lasted this long."

"THANK YOU GOD OF ELBAPH FOR THIS WONDERFUL DAY!" Broggy exclaimed, now that both he and Dorry had survived, he was still as devout as ever.

"Oh, is that true Broggy?" questioned Dorry. "You're saying that fighting me while I was injured, cutting me down and knocking me out, was all wonderful?"

"DON'T BE AN IDIOT DORRY!" Broggy argued, "That's not what I'm saying and you know it!" WHAP! Broggy slammed Dorry on the back of the shoulder.

"Would you keep your hands off my wounds?" Dorry complained. "Gegyagyagyagya!"

"Gebababababa!" Broggy laughed, but he was cut off when Dorry punched him in the chest, POW! Broggy retaliated and punched Dorry in the arm.


"OH YEAH?" Broggy replied. "I COULD TAKE YOU DOWN IN A HEARTBEAT!" The two giants stood and glared at each other, they looked ready to start fighting again.

"YEAH! DUEL!" Luffy cheered. "FIGHT!"



"We'll have no more radio contact for now on," Mr. 0 informed Sanji as he sat in the dark in his secret lair. "If the marines catch on to what we're doing that will be most unfortunate. From this point on, all of my orders will be sent via letter, following the usual protocol. That will be all Mr. 3. Good luck on your mission."

CLICK! Mr. 0 hung up his Transponder Snail and stood up and eyed Ms. All Sunday who was wearing a long purple coat and was casually petting the snout of the giant crocodile with the banana on its head.

"Ms. All Sunday," Crocodile called out to her.

"Yes sir?" Ms. All Sunday replied, as she continued petting the enormous reptile.

"I want you to send Mr. 2 to Little Garden immediately," Crocodile ordered. "Mr. 3 is on his way from Little Garden to Alabasta. I want you to see that he is eliminated."

"Perhaps that might be... a little extreme, Crocodile?" Ms. All Sunday suggested. She got up anyway.

"We still have plenty of agents to spare," he reminded her. "Are you arguing with me, Ms. All Sunday?"

"No, I'll make the arrangements at once," Ms. All Sunday agreed as she headed up a big set of stairs and left the room. "Consider it done."


Back at Little Garden, Sanji sat in Mr. 3's wax hut and stared at the quiet Transponder Snail. "Well he finally hung up," Sanji said to himself as he got up and approached the still forms of Mr. 13 and Ms. Friday. "I wonder who these guys were, they sure are funny looking."

Sanji suddenly spotted a glass ball in a wooden frame on the ground next to Mr. 13. Sanji bent down and picked it up. "What's this?

IT WAS THE ETERNAL POSE TO ALABASTA! The fight was over and the Straw Hats and Princess Vivi now had a way off of Little Garden.


Hope you enjoyed the chapter!!

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