Drinker's Pub and Dog
On the roof of the Drinker's Pub, Buggy and his pirates were all celebrating. The booze was flowing and everyone seemed to be in high spirits. "The chart of the Grand Line is mine again!" Buggy cheered, "And we have one more crewmate! Everybody give it up, let's have fun and prepare ourselves for our next conquest!"
Buggy's strange circus themed pirates took drinks and continued celebrating. "NAMI! YOU'RE REALLY KNOCKING 'EM BACK!" Buggy shouted to the as she downed another mug of grog.
"Time for a drinking contest new girl!" a pirate announced as he started drinking a mug of grog. Nami accepted and downed mug after mug of grog until the pirate passed out.
"I WIN!" Nami exclaimed as she held an empty mug up over her head.
"No one can out-drink me," Nami said to herself, "if I can get all of them drunk this will make my job much easier pirates are really easy to trick."
Meanwhile, Y/N had used his mouth and teeth to untie himself, now he was just stuck in the cage. "I can't believe I left my lock picks back on the boat." Y/N muttered. "Now I'm stuck in here until Luffy and Zoro get here. I might as well get something to drink." Y/N took the length of rope and tied one end in a circle then leaned against the bars and twirled the rope around in the air before throwing it and lassoing himself a mug of grog which he slowly pulled over to the cage and managed to get it inside.
Y/N downed the mug of grog, vaguely aware of Nami approaching.
"How ya doin' boss?" Nami teased him as she knelt down in front of the cage.
"Would you mind getting me something to eat?" Y/N requested. "I'd use the rope, but things would get messy."
To Y/N's mild surprise Nami left and actually came back with some food.
"Don't you realize what's going on here?" Nami asked while Y/N ate his meal and drank the grog. "I betrayed you, and now I've joined Buggy the Clown's pirate crew."
"No you haven't," said Y/N. "You hate pirates. You'll probably steal his treasure the second his back is turned."
"Why are you so nonchalant about this?" Nami demanded. "He's going to kill you."
"No he won't," Y/N replied. "When my captain gets here I'll be fine. I just need to stall until then." Y/N took another sip from his grog, "Heads up, your captain's coming."
Nami turned around and saw Buggy walking over to the cage. "BWAHAHAHA!" Buggy laughed. "Enjoy your last moments alive you one-eyed thief. Do you finally realize who you're dealing with? I'm Buggy the Clown, feared pirate with the powers of the Devil Fruit! You had the audacity to steal my sea chart, so now you're going to pay with your life. I'm going to..."
"You're going to let me go?" Y/N supplied.
"Yes, I'm going to—" Buggy started to agreed, but then he realized what he was agreeing to. "OF COURSE I'M NOT GOING TO LET YOU GO! LOAD THE SPECIAL BUGGY BALLS! YOU'RE A DEAD MAN CYCLOPS!"
"Buggy Ball Cannon ready Captain," a pirate reported as he held up a special cannon ball with Buggy the Clown's insignia on it and then rolled it into the nozzle of a large cannon.
"Very well," said Buggy, "now for a flashy demonstration! FIRE!"
KA-BOOOM-OOM-OOM! The pirates turned the cannon towards a house and shot it off. The red cannon ball was launched forward and pelted into the house, BLASTED THROUGH IT, and then continued to go crashing through an entire line of houses down in the village. When the ball finally stopped and exploded, the six houses that the cannon ball had blown through collapsed to the ground and were reduced to mere piles of rubble.
"What the heck was that?" Luffy wondered when he suddenly saw a cannonball launched and take down an entire row of houses.
"Wow, that packed a punch," Zoro remarked as he stared at the remains of the houses the cannon ball had blown up. "It came from that tavern over there."
"Then let's go," Luffy resolved. "Maybe Y/N's there."
"A truly flashy performance," Buggy commented as Nami stared in shock at the damage the Buggy Ball had done.
"So you plan to kill me by shooting me with a cannon?" Y/N inquired. "Are you really that much of an idiot?"
"An idiot?" Buggy repeated indignantly, "You fool! With these Buggy Balls and the special powers I got from eating the Devil Fruit, I'll rule the Grand Line! You're nothing but an insignifigant fly compared to me!"
"You are that much of an idiot," Y/N realized, "because only an idiot would shoot a fly with a cannon."
"YOU'RE THE IDIOT!" Buggy countered, "YOU'RE THE ONE TRAPPED IN THE CAGE! AND YOU'RE THE ONE THAT'S GONNA DIE! LOAD ANOTHER BUGGY BALL!" Another one of Buggy's signature cannon balls was loaded into the cannon. "POSITION THE CANNON!" The cannon was moved and aimed at Y/N's cage. "BWHAHAHAHA!"
Buggy was about to give the order to fire but then he noticed Nami standing nearby not doing anything. That gave him a wonderfully evil idea. He'd get that last laugh for sure. "Now it's your turn girlie," Buggy decided. "Prove your loyalty by blowing your former boss into smithereens with this Buggy Ball. Show me you're ruthless enough to take over the world. KILL YOUR FORMER BOSS!"
"You want me to, k-kill him?" Nami repeated in surprise, just because Buggy was an evil nasty pirate that killed people for seemingly trivial matters, it didn't mean she killed people. She wasn't going to kill someone just to keep up an act, even if he was just some lousy pirate. "That's okay Captain Buggy, I don't need to do that... let's go drink some more and forget about that loser."
"DO IT!" Buggy ordered, causing his pirates to start chanting and cheering. They wanted to see something blown up.
"Oh no, what should I do," Nami thought to herself while the pirates continued cheering, "If I don't kill him, then they'll kill me. He's just a no good pirate... but if I murdered him in cold blood that would make me just as bad as a pirate."
"NAMI!" Buggy shouted, "Stop stalling and light the cannon!"
"Your hands are shaking," Y/N observed from the cage, startling Nami. "That's what you get for going up against pirates unprepared."
"Unprepared?" questioned Nami as she glared at the boy in the cage. "You mean being ready to kill someone like it's nothing? Is that what 'prepared' means to a pirate?"
"No," Y/N answered. "That kind of pirate gives pirates like me a bad name. It means being ready to put your life on the line. I did it to save you, now it's your turn. You're not gonna blow me up." Y/N simply crossed his legs and took another casual sip from his mug of grog. He wasn't even the least bit intimidated.
"Who the heck is this guy?" Nami thought to herself as she stared at the pirate in the cage. She didn't even notice the pirate coming up behind her.
"What are you waiting for? Don't you know how to do it?" asked one of Buggy's pirates as he lit a match. "It's easy, you just put the flame to the fuse..." The pirate demonstrated and quickly lit the fuse, but he didn't notice Nami reaching under her skirt for the three segments of her bow-staff before it was too late. WOMP! Nami swung her bow staff around and smashed the pirate in the head, knocking him out cold.
"Darn I couldn't help myself," Nami said to herself, then she noticed the sly grin on Y/N's face. "Don't get any bright ideas!" she exclaimed. "I did it because of my own feelings. No matter what I won't become a cruel pirate. YOU PIRATES TOOK SOMEONE DEAR TO ME! AND I'LL NEVER BECOME WHAT I HATE!"
"So that's why you hate pirates," Y/N realized, "Pity, not all pirates are like that. By the way, the fuse is still lit... would you mind?"
"You've made a fool out of me!" Captain Buggy roared, "And for this you die!"
"The fuse," said Nami as she reached out and grabbed the burning fuse on the cannon and smothered it with her hand. FSSSSSS... "Aaaaahhhhh!" Nami yelled out in pain as the fuse burned her hands while she put it out.
"KILL HER!" Buggy commanded, his men charged at the thief by the cannon.
"Heads up," Y/N warned her, Nami whirled around in time to see the angry punch of pirates charging at her. BA-BAM!
The pirates went crashing to the ground before they even reached Nami, Luffy and Zoro were left standing over them.
"Luffy, Zoro, it's about time you guys got here," Y/N commented. "What took you? Did you get lost?"
"What're you doing in that cage?" asked Luffy as he stared at the cage Y/N was trapped in curiously. "And did you catch our lunch?"
"Will you forget about the turkey for two minutes!" Zoro scolded him.
"Did he just call that guy Z-Zoro?" a pirate stammered, "What's Zoro the Pirate Hunter doing talking to that thief? And who's that other guy with the hat?"
"The crewmates he was talking about," Nami said to herself, "That was Zoro the Pirate Hunter, and the other one's the Captain. He knew they were coming... he was just stalling for time..."
"So you're Roronoa Zoro, huh?" asked Captain Buggy, "You must have come here to capture me."
"Actually I gave up Pirate Hunting," Zoro admitted, "I have no interest in you."
"Well I have an interest in you," Buggy announced, "Killing you would be a great honor."
"Try it, and you'll end up dead," Zoro threatened him.
"WOW A CLOWN!" Luffy exclaimed, having just noticed Buggy the Clown. "Can you do a trick!" Buggy stared at Luffy in shock, too surprised to think of anything to say.
"Sorry Luffy," Y/N apologized, "I already got him to juggle. I doubt he'll do it again. You shouldn't have gotten lost."
"YOU'RE AN ENTIRE CREW OF MORONS!" Buggy yelled, finally getting over his shock.
"Then what does that make your crew?" Y/N retorted.
"I'LL KILL YOU FIRST!" Buggy screamed.
"No, you won't," said Luffy as he faced Buggy and glared at him, "NO ONE HURTS MY NAKAMA!"
"Luffy, I'll handle this clown," Zoro volunteered, "he picked a fight with me."
"Don't go easy on him," Luffy told him as he walked over to Y/N's cage and sat on top of it so he could have a good seat.
"Get 'im Captain Buggy!" the Buggy Pirates cheered their captain on, "Cut him to pieces!"
"Get ready Pirate Hunter," said Buggy, "Because I'm about to get a look at your blood."
"You asked for it," Zoro replied as he drew his swords and got in a fighting stance.
"DIE FLASHILY!" Buggy charged at Zoro, SLISH! Zoro's attack connected and Buggy fell to the ground in pieces.
"That was too easy," Luffy commented from on top of the cage.
"He really is incompetent," Y/N realized.
"No way," said Nami to herself as she heard Buggy's pirates laughing.
"That was disappointing," Zoro commented as he stared down at the severed pieces of Buggy the Clown's body.
"Zoro, don't let your guard down," Y/N advised as he surveyed the scene. Buggy's pirates were laughing and the many pieces that remained of Buggy were still on the ground.
"Luffy, get me out of here," Y/N instructed as he glanced up as his Captain who was still sitting on top of the cage.
"Oh, I was wondering why you were in there," said Luffy, causing Zoro, Nami, Y/N, and some of Buggy's crew to sweat-drop.
"What's with these pirates?" Nami thought to herself as watched Buggy's crew. "Their Captain gets killed and they just laugh about it."
Zoro had turned away from Buggy and stood next to Luffy in front of Y/N's cage, "We can't open this cage without a key," Zoro observed, "And these bars are too thick for me to cut through."
"HA HAH HEH HEH HEE!" the circus-themed pirates laughed louder than ever.
"I don't get it, what's so funny?" Luffy wondered as he scratched the back of his head, making himself look even more like a monkey.
"Very funny, now hand over the key to the cage before I get cranky," Zoro ordered as he glared at the laughing pirates.
"There's more to this than they're letting on," Y/N said to himself as he looked away from the pirates and glanced at Buggy's body again.
"Those guys are kind of creepy," Luffy remarked.
But suddenly Y/N called out, "Zoro, heads—" SHUNK! "—never mind..." A look of intense pain appeared on Zoro's face. He looked down and saw that he had been stabbed from behind with a dagger. The dagger was going in through the lower left side of his back and the tip was coming out his front causing Zoro's blood to flow freely.
But what was most shocking was that Captain Buggy's hand had stabbed him. But his hand wasn't attached to his body... it was still cut off... but was floating, like it had a life of its own.
"ZORO!" Luffy shouted in surprise as he stared down at the bleeding swordsman. "WHAT HAPPENED?"
"What's that?" questioned Nami, "A hand?"
"That must be Buggy's power," Y/N reasoned.
"Damn it," Zoro cursed to himself, "What the hell was that? A flying hand?"
"It's the Chop Chop Fruit," came the voice of Buggy as his head floated up off of the ground and attached itself back onto his body. "That's the name of the Devil Fruit that I ate. You can cut me to pieces, but my body will still go back together. I can detach any part of my body. I'm a Chop Chop Man!"
"A Chop Chop Man? That's silly," remarked Luffy, the Gum Gum Man.
"But, I thought the Devil Fruit were just a myth," said Nami.
"They're not, I've come across a lot of them," Y/N informed her. "Luffy, we've got to get out of here."
"Roronoa Zoro, I just missed you vitals," Buggy called out, "but I still gave you a critical wound, Pirate Hunter. I believe that makes me the winner of this fight."
"Ung... I came to save Y/N, and now it looks like I'm the one who needs saving," Zoro thought to himself, "when I heard that this clown had eaten Devil Fruit I should have been more prepared."
"You've got him trapped! Finish him Captain Buggy!" the Buggy Pirates cheered.
"Now the tables have turned," Nami said to herself, "If I don't do something we'll all be killed."
Meanwhile Luffy was pissed, Buggy was a horrible person and he fought dirty, "STABBING SOMEONE IN THE BACK!" Luffy yelled, "THAT'S FIGHTING DIRTY, YOU GOT THAT BIG NOSE!"
"You idiot!" Nami snapped, "That's the one thing you never..."
"YOU DARE TO CALL ME BIG NOSE?" Buggy's hand detached while holding a knife and flew at Luffy, but he reached out and caught the hand easily. WHAP!
"I swear..." said Luffy as he threw the dagger to the side, and glared at the clown pirate. "I'M GONNA KICK YOUR ASS! I ALREADY WARNED YOU, NO ONE HURTS MY NAKAMA!"
"Bwahahaha! You? Kick my ass?" Buggy laughed, "And just how to you expect to do that? You're all about to die!"
"Luffy, not now," Y/N interrupted. "Flip the cannon."
"Got it," agreed Luffy agreed as he ran to the cannon and grabbed the barrel, he hoisted it up onto his back then shot up, causing the barrel to go straight up into the air, before falling down, now pointing in the opposite direction. THOOM!
"The cannon's pointed at US!" shouted one of Buggy's pirates.
"And it's loaded with one of my Buggy Balls!" Buggy shrieked.
"Nami, now," Y/N ordered from the cage. Nami quickly lit the fuse, this time she had no problem doing it.
"NO! LOOK OUT!" Buggy screamed, as the fuse burnt down and fired the cannon. KA-KA-TOOOM! The Buggy Ball exploded forward and impacted with the ground, creating a big cloud of smoke and dust.
"Time to go," Y/N suggested.
"Hey, who are you?" asked Luffy, seemingly just noticing Nami.
"I'm a thief," Nami answered.
"Actually Luffy," Y/N chimed in. "I've found you a Navigator,"
"I never agreed to that!" Nami snapped. "And shouldn't you be trying to get out of the cage?"
"If you say so," Y/N agreed, clearly not meaning it, "Luffy, get me, and this cage out of here, we'll worry about unlocking it later."
"YOU'RE NOT GOING ANYWHERE YOU FLASHY BASTARDS!" came a loud shriek from Buggy, who had apparently survived the blast.
"Don't worry, I've got it," Luffy assured him as he grabbed two of the bars of the cage, then turned around and in an amazing feat of strength hoisted the entire thing up onto his back. His Nakama was in danger, the thought of getting Y/N and Zoro safely out of the situation gave him the strength of over ten men.
"Zoro, are you gonna be alright?" asked Y/N from on Luffy's back.
"I'll live," the swordsman assured him as he stood next to Luffy and held his hand over his knife wound.
"How can you do this?" asked Nami in amazement as she stared at the big iron cage on Luffy's back.
"Luffy, get us out of here before they recover," Y/N instructed.
"I don't get it," said Nami to herself, "No pirate would risk his life for another one."
"When you're Nakama, you do this kind of crazy thing for each other," Y/N explained with a casual shrug. "See ya!" With that Luffy and Zoro ran off carrying the caged Y/N with them.
Nami noticed that the dust and smoke was clearing and figured she'd better leave, but she had one more thing to do before she left...
"Where'd they go?" Buggy demanded once the smoke cleared.
"They're gone Captain," a timid pirate answered, "Zoro, Nami, the Cyclops, that Straw Hat guy, even the cage!"
"That's impossible!" Buggy snapped, "That cage is made out of iron! It took five men to carry it."
"AHH! IT'S GONE!" a pirate suddenly shrieked.
"What's gone?" Buggy demanded, this was just getting worse and worse!
"The key to the cage," the pirate answered, "Someone stole it!"
On a roof top in the middle of town Luffy slammed down the cage while Zoro sat next to him on a roof.
"How're we gonna get you out of that cage?" Luffy wondered.
"I left my lock picks back on the ship," Y/N told him. "We'll have to figure something out."
"We're in a... fine mess..." Zoro panted as he held his hand over his wound, "But now we've gotta finish what we started."
"Alright here's the plan," Y/N told them from in the cage while eying the swordsman's bloody wound, "First, we need to get in fighting condition, I need to get out of the cage, and Zoro needs to heal a bit. Once we're ready, we'll go back and take out Buggy and his crew. Then we can get the chart and Buggy's treasure which will convince Nami to become our Navigator."
"That girl was a Navigator?" asked Luffy, sounding excited.
"The best one around... or so she says," Y/N replied. "Just be careful around her, she hates pirates."
"And you're trying to get her to join our pirate crew?" questioned Zoro.
"That's exactly what I'm trying to do Mr. Pirate Hunter. If we managed to get you to join, I think we can get her."
Y/N paused and listened carefully, "They've already started looking for us."
"Are they in the Pub?" called the far off voice of a pirate.
"What about the main road?"
"Not there either."
"Pirate Captain Buggy the Clown!"
"Damn straight," Buggy growled, "Clearly we're not dealing with common thieves! This means war!"
"No sir!" Buggy's men chanted.
"I CAN'T HEAR YOU!" Buggy roared.
"NO SIR!" Buggys men shouted.
"ALRIGHT, PIPE DOWN!" Buggy snapped. This wasn't funny to Buggy and he decided that he wanted to end this quickly. He was going to start off with the big guns, "It's time to show our enemies how terrifying we can be! Bring out the Wild Animal Show!"
"Captain Buggy... you called?" came a voice.
"IT'S BEAST TAMER MOHJI!" the Buggy Pirates exclaimed.
A man wearing blue pants and a fuzzy white costume with ears on his head that made him look like a bear came forward. But what was intimidating about him was the giant lion that he was riding on. The lion was about half the size of a building and had a big purple mane. This was 'Beast Tamer' Mohji, Buggy the Clown's First Mate, and Richie his enormous pet lion.
"I will bring you Roronoa Zoro's head," Mohji vowed.
"Bring me any parts you want," Buggy replied with a sadistic smile on his painted face.
"We should be far enough away by now," Zoro announced as he and Luffy walked down the street through the deserted town. Zoro was attempting to recover from the knife wound he'd gotten from Buggy and Luffy was walking along beside him dragging the cage that Y/N was trapped in. "I don't think Buggy and his pirates will be able to catch up to us any time soon."
"We got away for now," Y/N reasoned as he calmly sat inside the cage, "But we need to get me out of this thing."
THUD! Zoro suddenly collapsed to the ground, "It's no use..." Zoro panted as he lay bleeding in the middle of the street, "I've lost too much blood... I've got to rest..."
"Not the best place to take a break, but whatever," said Y/N laid on his back and stared up at the clouds.
Luffy pulled himself up and sat on top of the cage, but due to his short attention span, his eyes wandered and he noticed something. "Hey, a dog!" Luffy exclaimed.
Zoro moved so he was sitting back against a street light, while Luffy hopped off of the cage and crouched down in front of a small white dog that was sitting on the curb in front of a pet food store.
"Is it real?" wondered Luffy as he poked it, POKE! "It's not moving."
"It's his business if he moves or not," Zoro answered as he sat back against a pole, "our business is to get you out of there."
"Leave the dog alone," Y/N advised while still staring up at the sky. "It looks like its acting as a guard for that store."
"You're not even looking at it," Luffy replied as he continued poking the dog, POKE! "Maybe it's dead." POKE!
"GRRAAAHH!" CHOMP! It turned out that the dog was very much alive, and it didn't like to be poked. The dog lunged at Luffy and bit his face in retaliation.
"DUMB DOG! LEMME GO!" Luffy hollered as he tried to shake the dog off of him, but the tiny mutt had a firm hold.
"Told you," Y/N muttered without even sitting up.
THUD! "Dumb dog," Luffy muttered as he fell on his back once the dog let go of him.
THUD! "Lost... too much blood," Zoro mumbled as he slid off of the pole and laid on his back.
"Look at you three," Nami commented as she came across the interesting sight. Here were three pirates that were on the run from Buggy the Clown, but instead of running and hiding like anyone normal would have, all three of them were lying on their back in the middle of the street. "Not to criticize... but is the middle of the street really the best hiding place you could come up with?"
"I didn't have much choice in the matter," Y/N pointed out from inside the cage. He sat up and leaned back against the bars of the cage so he could see Nami.
"Oh, hey it's our new Navigator," said Luffy when he saw who Y/N was talking to.
"I never agreed to that!" Nami snapped. Nami took a breath and calmed down, "Anyway, I just wanted to thank you for saving me."
KLING! Nami tossed a key on the ground. "THE KEY!" Luffy exclaimed, "YOU STOLE THE KEY TO THE CAGE!"
"Which one of you is stuck in that cage again?" asked Zoro as he eyed Y/N who was still as calm and relaxed as ever.
"Yeah I stole the key," Nami replied with a sigh, "But since you saved me earlier, this makes us even. I don't owe you pirates anything now."
"I guess the rescue was a success after all," Zoro commented as he slowly sat up. But then, to the surprise of everyone watching, the dog took the key and ate it. GULP!
"STUPID CRAZY DOG!" Luffy shouted, he grabbed the tiny dog and started shaking it, hoping it would cough up the key, "COUGH IT UP! THAT'S NOT FOOD! GIMME THAT KEY!"
"Great," Y/N muttered as he rolled his eye. Now he'd have to find another way to get out of the cage... he had one, but he didn't want to use it.
"Hey you kids!" came the shout from an old man, "Leave Chou-Chou alone!"
"Chou-Chou?" Luffy repeated, as the dog once again mauled his face.
"Who are you old timer?" asked Zoro as he looked up at the old man. The man was had funny grey hair that made him look like a Poodle and was wearing old-looking armor with a spear strapped to the back.
"Who am I?" asked the old man, who was called Boodle. "I'm the Mayor of this town! That's who!"
Mayor Boodle, Luffy and Nami had gone off and taken Zoro somewhere, but seeing how Y/N was stuck in the cage they left him where he was. When they came back Luffy reclaimed his spot on top of the cage and stared down at the dog that had eaten the key to the cage.
"Where'd you take Zoro?" asked Y/N, sounding only mildly concerned while he attempted to pick the lock on the cage with the tip of his red sword.
"He's resting at my house," answered the Mayor, "That boy had lost a lot of blood. I told him there was a doctor at the refugee shelter, but he said he just needed some sleep."
"So the dog's name is Chou-Chou?" questioned Nami. "Why is he the only one left in town?"
"He's guarding the shop. I just came to feed him."
"Oh, so he's a guard dog," Nami reasoned. "For a pet food store..."
"A good friend of mine owned this store. He and Chou-Chou opened it years ago. They've got a lot of memories here, and so do I."
"See those wounds?" asked the Mayor as he pointed to some scars on Chou-Chou. "He's been fighting the pirates, protecting his store."
"This store might be important," said Nami, "But Chou-Chou shouldn't be risking his life for it. Isn't the owner at the refugee shelter with everyone else?"
"No he's not," the Mayor answered solemnly, "He got sick and passed on. He went to the hospital three months ago."
"Poor thing," Nami commented, "You mean he's been sitting here waiting for his master the whole time?"
"That's what everybody says," said the Mayor, "But that's not what I think. Chou-Chou is a smart dog, I think he knows his master is dead."
"Then why does he still guard the store?" asked Nami.
"It's his treasure," Y/N said simply as he continued to unsuccessfully pick the lock.
"Exactly," the mayor agreed. "This is his master's store. I think that Chou-Chou still guards the store because it's all he has left of his beloved master. I've been trying to get him to the shelter, but he won't budge from this spot. He'd rather starve to death than leave his post."
"CAN'T YOU SEE THAT'S NOT WORKING!" Nami yelled at Y/N, who through the entire story was still trying to pick the lock.
Y/N cut his arm and put his sword away, "If you were trapped in this cage you'd try anything too. I don't have my lock picks on me, so I'm trapped in here. We're lucky that no one's come after us yet."
RAWWWWRRR! A loud roar rang out causing all of them to jump with the exception of Y/N. "I guess I spoke too soon," Y/N commented.
"What the hell was that?" asked Nami in a panic.
"It must be 'Beast Tamer' Mohji!" the Mayor answered. He and Nami quickly ran off down the road.
"Beast Tamer?" Y/N repeated, as Luffy, who had been silently staring at the dog all this time got off of the cage and stood next to it. Y/N and Luffy found themselves face-to-face with a giant lion. "Oh..."
"Well what have we here?" questioned Mohji, "I'm Mohji, Buggy's First Mate. They call me the Beast Tamer. Ha ha, looks like your friends abandoned you... after all that effort to get you this far. Captain Buggy's really upset, you two are in big trouble now."
"GRRRRRR!" the giant loin growled.
"That's a big lion," Y/N throught to himself, "Maybe it's strong enough to rip through an iron cage. We'll have to provoke him." Y/N turned to Luffy, "Hm... he looks rather eccentric."
Luffy and Y/N stared at each other the former struggling not to laugh while the latter shook his head at Mohji's strange appearance. "What's with the weird costume?" Luffy finally asked.
"COSTUME! THIS IS MY HAIR!" Mohji yelled at him.
"That just makes it weirder," Y/N said to Luffy in a 'stage whisper' which was loud enough for Mohji to hear.
"Are they purposely provoking him?" Nami wondered as she and Mayor Boodle his around the corner.
"Those idiots," the Mayor muttered.
"I'LL TEACH YOU A LESSON YOU LITTLE WISE-ASS!" Mohji roared. "I bet you think you're safe in that cage. Well clearly he doesn't know who I am. There's not an animal alive that I can't control. I can even control that mutt."
Mohji jumped down off of his lion and walked up to Chou-Chou, "Shake," Mohji instructed as he reached out his hand, CHOMP! Chou-Chou didn't want to shake and instead lunged forward and bit Mohji's arm.
"AAAAHH!" Mohji hollered in pain and indignation as he tried to shake the dog off of him.
"HAHAHAHA!" Luffy laughed loudly as Mohji struggled to get the angry dog off of him. Y/N smiled and seemed mildly amused. Mohji eventually go the dog off of him and then climbed back up onto the top of his huge lion where it was safe.
"STOP LAUGHING!" Mohji scolded the rubber pirate. He was used to being TERRIFYING! Not FUNNY!
"Hahaha! That dog got you," Luffy laughed.
"You're just an accomplice of a one-eyed nobody thief!" Mohji said to Luffy.
"Y/N... you're a thief?" questioned Luffy. "What'd you steal this time?"
"I didn't take anything," Y/N insisted. "But for the record, weird-Lion-guy, my accomplice here is actually my Captain."
Mohji stared at Luffy who was having a staring contest with the lion and sweat-dropped. "You're joking... right?"
"I don't joke," Y/N stated.
"You two mean nothing to me, so I'll give you one chance, tell me, where is Roronoa Zoro?"
"NO!" Luffy refused. Zoro was still resting from his wounds, he wasn't about to sell out his Nakama. Especially not to some weird guy on a lion.
"THEN DIE!" Mohji hollered, "GET HIM RICHIE!"
"RAAWWWR!" The lion roared and lunged forward but Luffy moved out of the way. Y/N was stuck in the cage and became the focus of the lion's attack. CHOMP! KER-RAK! The lion reached down and ripped apart the cage with its massive jaws and claws.
"Hmph," Y/N grunted as he leapt out of the cage and onto the giant lion's snout.
"IT BIT THROUGH A STEEL CAGE!" Nami exclaimed from around the corner.
"Those boys are goners," said the Mayor.
"RAAAAWWWWRRRR!" Richie the lion roared as he struggled to get the one-eyed pirate off of his snout.
"WOW! Y/N! THAT'S SOOO COOL!" Luffy cheered as he watched his brother on the lion with stars in his eyes.
KER-FWHAM! The giant lion blindly swatted the cage, sending it crashing into Luffy, causing him to go flying. The cage was hit so hard it smashed Luffy THROUGH a house, which crumbled down to the ground after Luffy and the cage went through it. KRASH!
"Nobody could have survived that," said Mohji, "Now there's just one left." Mohji glared at the pirate on his lion's snout.
"Now we just need to stall long enough for Zoro to recover," Y/N thought to himself, as he held onto the lion's nose. "Once he's ready, we'll go after Buggy and recruit Nami."
"RICHIE KILL HIM!" Mohji ordered.
FWIP! The lion snapped its head up, launching Y/N off of it and up into the air, then it raised his mighty paw and swatted Y/N in midair, FWHAM! KRASH! Y/N was sent flying and smashed through the wall on the third floor of a nearby house.
"There," Mohji resolved as he climbed back onto the lion. "Now let's go find Zoro."
But the lion suddenly stopped when it noticed the pet food store nearby. "What is it?" asked Mohji, who looked up and saw the store, "Alright have a snack. But be quick about it."
"GRRRRRR!" Chou-Chou didn't like this one bit.
"Wow! What an impact!" Luffy exclaimed as he slowly got up to his feet and stared at the wrecked house he had been smashed through. "He knocked me through that house and into the street behind it! But at least Y/N's out of that cage, now we can show these clowns and make that thief our Navigator."
"HEY!" came a loud shout, "Hey kid! You're alive! How could you survive that?" It was the Mayor and Nami.
"No big deal," Luffy answered as if it were nothing to get smashed through a house.
"But how!" Nami demanded as she pointed to the house which was now a pile of rubble. Luffy had survived the crashing through the building, but the building hadn't survived Luffy. "Your body demolishes a building, and you walk away from it without a scratch! That's crazy!"
"Crazy is good," Luffy replied. "Where's Y/N?"
"You mean the kid with one eye? He was sent flying by the lion too," the Mayor answered. "Why did all of you come to this town anyway? Why take on pirates?"
"Y/N originally figured it out. We're after the chart to the Grand Line and a Navigator!"
Meanwhile back at the pet store, Chou-Chou standing in front of the lion and barking like crazy. RUFF! RUFF! RUFF!
"What's with this dog?" Mohji wondered. "Does he think he can prevent us from entering this store? You little mutt... don't tell me you're guarding this crummy shop!"
"WOOF! WOOF! WOOF!" Chou-Chou barked angrily.
SWAT! The lion raised its paw and swatted Chou-Chou away, knocking him into a wall and opening up a cut on the little dog's face. But Chou-Chou got back up then rushed at the lion and bit down on one of its legs. But the lion took its paw and smashed it into a wall, crushing the little dog against the stone in the wall. THUMP!
"Stupid lion," Y/N muttered as he walked out through the front door of the house he had been knocked into. He glanced above him and noticed the hole in the wall of the third floor that he had been knocked through. He had to go down two flights of stairs to get out of there.
But then Y/N noticed the bloody dog fighting back up to continue fighting the lion. Apparently, it didn't care if the lion was over twenty times his size, this store was his treasure and as long as he was still breathing, he'd fight for it.
Chou-Chou started barking at the lion again. RUFF! RUFF! "Alright, shut up that mutt once and for all!" Mohji ordered the lion.
The lion prowled forward but Chou-Chou leapt at it and bit its leg again. This time the lion shot its leg up, sending Chou-Chou flying up into the air, then the lion swatted the dog as he came falling downward, driving him even faster into the street. WHAM! "NOW FINISH HIM!" Mohji roared.
The giant lion opened its jaws wide and bent down to eat the little dog. But suddenly Chou-Chou was pushed out of the way and the lion's jaws closed around something else. The lion lifted its head in confusion, "You missed the dog!" Mohji scolded his lion. "What's going on here?"
"Stupid lion should watch what it tries to eat," a very wet Y/N said to himself while in the lion's mouth. He quickly drew his sword.
ROOAWWWWRRR! The lion let out a loud roar of pain, and spat out Y/N, PTOOOIII! KRASH! The wet and bloody pirate went flying and crashed through a nearby window.
"I've got to go find Zoro," said Luffy. "That freak on the lion is looking for him."
"That stupid dog bit me," Mohji muttered as he looked over the bite mark on his arm. He and the lion were now going off to find Zoro. Richie had a box of dog food in his moiuth that they'd retrieved from the store once the dog was taken care of. "I'm bleeding! That dog stupid dog actually thought it could fight me."
"WOOF! WOOF! ARROOOOO!" Luffy walked back over to the pet store, only to find that it was on fire. Chou-Chou, was covered in gashes from his fight with the lion was barking loudly at the flames as it watched the store burn before its eyes. Sitting next to the dog was Y/N, who was covered in blood and drool. He was staring intently at the flames too. "AROOOOOO!"
Luffy walked up and Y/N spoke to him without even looking to see who it was. "This store was the dog's treasure. It risked its life to defend it and fought with everything it had." Y/N slowly stood up. "Luffy, he's mine."
"Good luck," said Luffy.
Y/N crouched down next to the dog and patted its head. The dog tore its gaze from the burning store and fixed it on the one-eyed pirate next to him. "You fought well. Now it's my turn."
"Thanks," Y/Nreplied as he stood back up. Chou-Chou turned back to the burning pet food store and resumed barking at it while Y/N walked off to find the lion. Luffy watched his First Mate walk off and almost felt sorry for the lion-tamer. Almost.
Mohji rode his lion down the middle of street when a figure came out from in between two houses and stood in the middle of the street, as if he was blocking Mohji's path. It was the one-eyed pirate from before, he was covered in drool and blood, but he looked pissed.
"YOU!" Mohji exclaimed. "I THOUGHT I KILLED YOU!"
"It'll take more than a lion to kill me," Y/N informed him as he stared the lion dead in the eye. The boy was only 6 feet tall, Richie the lion was over five times his size. But when the lion saw the look of anger burning in the expressionless pirate's eye it grew slightly nervous, after all this one-eyed human was the reason his tongue was in so much pain. "I'm here to avenge the one you've wronged."
"HAHAHA!" Mohji laughed. "You think just because you got lucky that you can beat me?"
"Let me make sure you understand this," said Y/N. "You can attack me, and you can laugh at me and my dreams. I'll just ignore it. But you crossed the line... you burned down the store that dog was protecting with its life. One thing I'll never forgive is someone who destroys someone else's treasure."
"Hahaha!" Mohji laughed. "You came here to avenge that stupid mutt! You're a fool! I'm Buggy the Clown's First Mate, a brat like you could never beat me! GET HIM RICHIE!" Mohji jumped off of the side of the lion's head to get out of the way.
Richie dropped the box of pet food and then let out a loud roar as he lunged forward looking to pounce on Y/N and tear him apart. "RAWWWWRRRRR!" SKISH! But Y/N jumped up into the air and over the lion's head causing the lion to miss him, and let out a quieter roar of surprise. "Rawr?"
"Bludgeon... STOMP!" WHOMP! Y/N came down and drove his feet into the top of the lion's head. THUD! The force of the steel-soled boots being driven into the top of its head cause the giant lion to plant head-first into the ground. Richie the lion was knocked out cold with one attack.
"Now it's just you and me," Y/N stated as he stood on theunconscious lion's head and turned his attention to Mohji.
"Im-impossible!" Mohji stuttered in shock and disbelief.
"What? Can't fight someone without a giant lion?" Y/N taunted as he reached to the side and drew Akaikyuuketsuki. Y/N held the red blade in front of him with both hands as he turned to face Mohji.
"I'm sorry!" a terrified Mohji quickly apologized. He quickly started backing away from the one-eyed pirate.
"I'm not the one you should be apologizing to. Red Blade... LIGHTNING STRIKE!" Y/N lunged off of the lion's head and flew at Mohji faster than the lion-tamer with all of his quick reflexes could even react. SLISH! Y/N landed on his feet behind Mohji and glanced at the blood on his sword as it was slowly absorbed into the red blade. Mohji stood still for a moment in complete shock, PLURT! Blood exploded out from the wound Y/N had made on his chest and he fell to the ground. FWUMP!
Y/N put his sword away then turned and walked over to Mohji and placed his foot on Mohji's throat. As Y/N started applying pressure the lion-tamer started coughing and wheezing. KOFF! KOFF! ACK!
"You're lucky I have morals," Y/N told Mohji as he glared down at him. "Right now, nothing would please me more than to kill you. But I won't."
"Th-thank—ACK!" KOFF! KOFF!! Y/N cut the lion-tamer off by pressing his foot harder into the man's throat.
"If I killed you, you wouldn't be able to apologize for what you've done."
Y/N removed his foot from Mohji's throat, prompting the lion-tamer to start wheezing and panting to catch his breath. Y/N reached down and grabbed one of the ears that Mohji had made his hair. "You're coming with me." Y/N dragged Mohji over to the box of dog food and picked it up, then dragged the defeated Beast Tamer back towards the pet store, leaving the giant lion lying unconscious in the middle of the street.
"Pirates," said Nami as she and Mayor Boodle walked up to the remains of the pet shop. The fire had been extinguished and Luffy and Chou-Chou were sitting in front of it staring at what was left. "They're all the same. They take away what's most precious and laugh!"
"Huh?" questioned Luffy, who hadn't been listening to what Nami had been saying.
"Where's that friend of yours?" asked Nami as she glared at Luffy.
"Y/N? He's fighting the lion," Luffy answered.
"YOU LEFT YOUR FRIEND IN THAT CAGE TO DIE?" Nami snapped. "I SHOULD KILL YOU RIGHT NOW!" Nami made to rush at Luffy, but the mayor held her back.
"Calm down," Boodle instructed her.
"You can't kill me," Luffy informed Nami.
"OH YEAH! WELL I'LL GIVE IT A DAMN GOOD TRY!" Luffy ignored her and continued to sit next to the dog and stare at the remains of the store.
"Calm down... both of you!" the mayor scolded them, although, Luffy seemed to be perfectly calm, it was Nami who was causing the problem here.
"Come on... it... it was just a stupid pet store!" came an unwelcome voice. Luffy, Nami, Boodle, and Chou-Chou all turned to see Y/N walking over dragging Mohji along with him by one of the bear ears in his hair. He had a box of dog food in his other hand.
"Grrrr..." Chou-Chou growled as the one-eyed pirate dragged over the man responsible for the current condition of his store.
THUD! Y/N threw Mohji down to the ground in front of Chou-Chou. "Apologize."
"Y-you can't be serious! It's just a stupid dog!"
WHAM! Y/N lifted his leg and drove the steel bottom of his boot down into Mohji's spine. "Apologize!"
"I'm ssssorrrrry!" Mohji struggled to get the words out as he glared at the dog.
"Grrrr..." Chou-Chou growled.
WHAM! Y/N lifted his leg and drove his foot down into Mohji's spine a second time. "You can do better than that."
"I'm sorry I burned down your store..." Mohji apologized as he continued glaring at the dog. He was furious at what he had been reduced to.
WHAM! Y/N drove his boot down into Mohji's spine a third time, but this time he kept it here and applied more pressure. "Try again. I'm not opposed to crippling you."
"Better," Y/N commented as he removed his foot from Mohji's back and glanced at Chou-Chou.
"Arf!" barked Chou-Chou, before it turned back to the remains of the store.
"Nothing can undo what you did," said Y/N. "I suggest you get out of here, the next time I see you... I won't be so restrained."
"YES SIR!" Mohji shrieked as he shot to his feet and started to stagger off.
"Hey fuzz-brain," Y/N called out after him.
"Huh?" questioned Mohji as he turned around.
"Javelin... KICK!" CRUNCH! In less than a second Y/N shot out his foot and drove it hard into Mohji's jaw, WHAM! The lion-tamer went flying and slammed into the wall of a house,before dropping to the ground unconscious. THUD!
Y/N looked down and saw one of Mohji's teeth lying on the ground next to his foot, he turned and glanced at Chou-Chou who was wagging his tail, "That was for you," Y/N told Chou-Chou, "and this is too..." Y/N placed the box of dog food down in front of Chou-Chou. "It's the only bit that wasn't burned or eaten."
Luffy patted the dog on the back. "Good job Y/N."
Nami stared at the two pirates and the dog in shock, "He fought the lion for the dog's sake," Nami realized.
"You did well," Luffy told the dog. "I didn't get to see you fight, but Y/N says you did a great job."
Chou-Chou took the box of dog food in his mouth and started walking off, but it stopped walking and put the food down, then turned and barked at the pirates. "ARF! WOOF! RUFF!" barked Chou-Chou.
"You're welcome," Y/N replied. "Good luck to you too."
"Bye!" Luffy called out as the dog picked up the box of dog off and walked off.
"MOHJI WAS DEFEATED?" Buggy the Clown shouted in surprise when one of his scouts reported back to him at the Drinker's Pub.
"Um... yes Captain," answered the nervous scout that had reported what he had seen to the Captain.
Hope you enjoyed the chapter!!!
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