


Nami was sitting outside of Bellemere's house. Luffy's hat was still on her head and Y/N's eye-patch was now around her neck. She had just finished bandaging up her arm after stabbing it repeatedly in an attempt to get Arlong's tattoo off of her.

"I'm done crying," Nami said to herself, "I'm going to leave this sadness behind. My mind is made up, I have to go and join the fight!" Nami got up and grabbed her bow-staff then ran off towards Arlong Park.


"AAAAHHH! WATER! WATER!" Chew screamed as the grog he was covered in combusted and started burning him alive. Chew sprinted out of the trees and bolted for the puddles along the side of the road.

Usopp pulled out his hammer and loaded it into his slingshot, "USOPP HAMMER!" Usopp fired the hammer at Chew and it connected with the back of Chew's head, SHOOOM! The fishman fell forward and splashed into the puddle, SPLASH! The flames went out and a cloud of steam rose up from the water.

"USOPP..." Usopp started to say but suddenly he went flying to the side and tumbled down the road. He looked up in time to see a figure walk out from the trees that he had been standing in earlier. It was a teenage boy with red hair that was standing up straight in spikes, his face bared a passing resemblance to a fox, he was wearing a pair of wet black pants, black steel-soled boots, and a sleeveless black shirt that had the right shoulder torn off. A large bloody bite mark was visible on the figure's right shoulder from which blood was dripping down and coating his right arm, finally a curved sword was in a red and black sheath on his waist. IT WAS RICKY!

"Y/N! You're alive!" Usopp exclaimed. Y/N's right arm was hanging limply at his side, probably due to the bloody wound on his shoulder but he seemed okay. But then Usopp noticed something else. The one-eyed pirate's eye patch was gone. Y/N had TWO eyes. The left one was the normal hazel that he always saw but the other was anything but. It was bright red and was giving off a creepy red glow.

"YOU!" Chew shouted as he struggled up and saw Y/N standing in front of him. "You're supposed to be dead!"

"Heh-heh-heh," Y/N laughed. "Well it wouldn't be the first time someone made that mistake." Y/N reached to his side with his good arm and drew Akaikyuuketsuki. "By the way, the fishmen you sent after me are all dead, all fifteen of them. They didn't even put up a decent fight." Y/N's voice was cold and laced with malice, it sent shivers up Usopp's spine.

"Y-you killed my fishmen brothers!" Chew exclaimed.

"Yeah, just like I'm going to kill you," Y/N replied as then threw his curved sword at Chew. The sword spun around like a red buzzsaw and went right at Chew. FWUPFWUPFWUP!

Chew ducked down and the saw whizzed over his head, SWOOOOSH! "Ha, you missed!" Chew taunted.

"Heh-heh, you wish," Y/N chuckled, he raised his good arm up in the air and yanked it backwards, "RED EYE... BOOMERANG!" Chew turned around and the red blade flew forward and sliced into his stomach. CHA-CHUNK! The blood red blade went right through him and came out through his back. Splish! Chew collapsed like a puppet with its strings cut and landed unmoving in the puddle which was slowly turning red from all of his blood. Chew was dead.

Y/N walked into the blood red puddle and ripped his red sword free of Chew's body, he watched with a cruel smile as the fishman's blood was absorbed into the blood red blade. "You never stood a chance, you miserable kiss-ass."

Usopp staggered up to his feet and timidly approached Y/N, "R-Y/N... what's going on?" Usopp asked, scared by his Nakama's change in demeanor. "Why'd you k-kill him? I didn't like him much, but I wasn't going to m-murder him!"

Y/N sheathed his sword and then turned around, Usopp instantly realized that something was VERY wrong. Y/N raised his arm and clenched his hand slightly. "GACK!" Usopp choked when he suddenly felt as if a hand was grabbing his throat and choking him. Usopp floated up off of the ground as he fought to breathe. He was terrified. Y/N walked forward until he was facing Usopp, the marksman was dangling up above the ground and found himself at eye-level with Y/N.

Usopp was shaking all over as he stared into Y/N's eyes. The normal hazel eye was completely void of any emotion. The other eye, the right eye, had four marks around it that were part of an 'X' shaped scar. The eye itself was blood red, the pupil was just a shade darker."

"LEAVE HIM ALONE!" a silent voice shouted. Usopp suddenly saw a spark of life in Y/N's hazel eye, there was a determined fire in it. "I thought we agreed that you were going to beat Arlong first. What're you doing wasting your time with him? Are you scared?"

"I'M NOT SCARED OF ANYONE!" a demonic voice shouted in Y/N's mind. Y/N's arm lurched to the side and Usopp went flying, THUD! Usopp hit the ground and rolled over onto his stomach where he laid gasping for breath. "I'll kill the fish first. THEN, I'll take care of the rest of the island."

"Big talk. But I'll believe it when I see it."

Y/N walked back to the puddle and picked up Chew's corpse, Usopp sat up just as Y/N turned to face him.

"Usopp," Y/N's voice suddenly spoke to him. It was different, there was no malice, no hint of cruelty. It was the normal soft, calm voice he was used to. "If you know what's good for you, you'll stay out of my way." With that, Y/N walked off toward Arlong Park carrying Chew's body along with him.

Usopp was left wondering, WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT? "Something's not right here," Usopp realized, "I can't just stay here where it's safe, I'VE GOTTA WARN THE OTHERS!"


Sanji and Zoro stood across from Arlong. Zoro was still sporting his wounds from Mihawk, and his fight with Hachi hadn't helped them. Sanji had just finished fighting Kuroobi... underwater, and was nowhere near full strength. Neither of them were sure what Arlong was really capable of, but to be safe they got in a fighting stance as the fishman approached them.

Zoro and Sanji got ready for anything the fishman might try, but as an attack Arlong only gathered up a bit of water and splashed it at Zoro and Sanji. That was perhaps the one thing that the swordsman and the cook weren't expecting, because when the water him them they both spat up blood and crashed to the ground.

"Was it all a dream?" Johnny wondered, "What did that nasty shark do to them?"

"It looked like he just splashed them with water," Yosaku commented, "But then they coughed up blood and collapsed."


A little while away, Genzo was holding Luffy's head above water, "Please breathe!"

Underwater, Nojiko had taken over where Genzo had left off and was pumping the rubber pirate's chest in order to get his lungs working. "He's moving!" Nojiko noticed, "we're almost there!"


"Brother Cook, please stand up," Yosaku pleaded.

"What happened to Brother Luffy?" Johnny wondered, "He didn't die did he?"

Sanji staggered up to his feet and stood up to face Arlong again, he couldn't let a fish beat him.


"PLEASE BREATHE!" Nojiko pleaded as she continued pumping Luffy's chest.


"I can destroy weaklings like you without even touching them," Arlong bragged with a small amount of water cupped in his webbed hand, "A handful of water is all it takes. That's the difference in strength between fishmen and humans."

"Don't underestimate us!" Sanji snapped as he swung his leg at Arlong, "POITRINE SHOOT!" But Arlong got his knee up then easily blocked Sanji's kick, SWOOOSH! Arlong threw the water at Sanji with so much forced that when it struck the cook he went flying, FWUP! BA-BA-BAM! Sanji went crashing down to the ground with blood dripping down his face.

"This guy is no joke," Sanji commented to himself. "He makes it look easy. All he did was throw water and it felt like a shotgun blast! This must be the power of a shark fishman. He's a level all of his own. I've never faced anyone like this before!"

"Go ahead and die," Arlong told Sanji. "Your lives are worthless. No one can beat me!"

But suddenly loud shout rang out, "ARLONG!" Nami screamed as she pushed through the crowd of people and entered Arlong Park, she was still wearing Luffy's hat on her head and Y/N's eye patch around her neck.

"Nami?" said Arlong and Sanji at the same time.

"I was just about to tear these no account pirates to bits," Arlong commented, "what brings you here?"

"I'VE COME TO KILL YOU!" Nami announced.

"TO KILL ME?" Arlong repeated as he burst out laughing. "Shahahahaha! In the past eight years how many times did you try to kill me? Assassins, poisons, ambushes, and the end result? I'm still here! You of all people should know, that no mere human can kill me! Now listen, I'm not going to kill you, but I won't let you go. You're going to be my navigator forever."

Nami stared at Arlong with an unreadable expression on her face as he continued, "But I'm a reasonable fishman, I would prefer if you would join us out of your own free will. I swore an oath with One Eye that I wouldn't kill anyone from your village, but I didn't say anything about the other villages on this island. If you agree to rejoin my crew and be my navigator again, I'll spare everyone but these two," said Arlong as he motioned to Sanji and Zoro with his foot. "They've caused me enough trouble already. So what's it going to be? Rejoin my crew and save the people of the island? Or stick with these weaklings and try to fight me. But judging from the way they look, that would be a grave mistake. Well Nami? Are you my ship mate... or theirs?"

Nami stared at Arlong, her mind was working frantically, "If I say I'm their Nakama everyone may get killed. But if I say I'm Arlong's everyone will be spared. I have to decide who lives or dies."

"OKAY!" Luffy shouted after putting his treasured hat on Nami's head.

The rubber pirate was in the middle of drowning now because he was trying to help her. All the Straw Hats were putting their lives on the line to free her village, they had nothing to do with this but they were fighting anyway.

"All of us are willing to go out and risk our lives to take down Arlong. Because you're Nakama. You're not just a navigator, not when our crew is concerned," Y/N explained.

"That's dirty, making Nami have to decide," a villager complained.

"I have to believe in them," Nami realized as she held the eye patch that was around her neck. "I'm sorry everyone," Nami said as she turned to the villagers behind her, "FIGHT AND DIE WITH ME!"

"HOORAY!" the villagers cheered.

"So you all want to die, eh?" questioned Arlong.

But underwater something was happening, someone suddenly grabbed Nojiko's arm and a spray of water erupted up into the air, looking just like a fountain. PLOOOOSH!

"What?" Arlong exclaimed.

"He's breathing," Sanji realized, "now all that's left is to free his legs."

"Oh, that's what that sound was," Zoro commented.

"Could it be?" Yosaku wondered.

"Brother Luffy?" Johnny suggested.


"Hey, wake up!" Genzo shouted down at Luffy.

Luffy responded by letting out a loud yell that was heard by everyone in and nearby Arlong Park.


Zoro fought his way up off of the ground then gave Nami a thumbs down sign. "Zoro?" said Nami.

"Thirty seconds," Zoro told Sanji. "I won't last more than that."

"That's plenty," Sanji replied as he turned and dove into the water. SPLASH!

"Arlong Park has no fountains over there," Arlong finally realized, "Could it be that rubber brat?"

"Don't worry about that you ugly bottom feeder," Zoro warned him as he faced Arlong with his three swords poised for an attack. "Your problem stands in front of you."

"I warned you about calling me names," said Arlong. "Now you're a dead man!"

KA-BOOOM! A loud explosion rang out and everyone's attention was suddenly drawn to a part of the wall that exploded inward. "What was that?" wondered one of the villagers.

Chew came flying through the wall and landed in between Arlong and Zoro. Arlong glanced down at Chew and it didn't take him too long to realize that Chew was dead. "WHO DID THIS?" Arlong demanded.

"I take it you didn't like my present?" came a cold voice. Everyone turned their attention back on the wall the smoke cleared and they saw Y/N standing there with a creepy looking grin on his face. He was dressed in black and blood from his injured right shoulder was dripping down his arm, but he didn't seem to notice.

"Brother Y/N!" Yosaku exclaimed.

"Gotta admit," Johnny commented, "Brother Y/N sure knows how to make an entrance."

"Y/N?" Zoro muttered, "'bout time he showed up. You get lost?"

"Y/N!" Nami cheered, a huge smile appeared on her face. "You're alive!"

"YOU!" Arlong shouted. "You killed Chew?"

"Yup," Y/N answered, he sounded proud of himself. "Him and all the other fishmen that came after me. They were weak."


"Heh-heh-heh," Y/N laughed. "Please, I could kill you like it was nothing, but if I did that you wouldn't learn anything." Y/N glanced down at his limp right arm which was covered in blood from the bite wound on his shoulder. "Now, if Jinbei was here, maybe I'd be worried. But you? I can beat you with one arm."

"You had the AUDACITY to kill my fishmen and call them pathetic, then you blew a hole in my wall, and you insulted me by claiming you could kill me WITH ONE ARM! Stealing my treasure was one thing, but this... IS INEXCUSABLE! I'LL KILL YOU MYSELF!"

"That's what I was hoping for," Y/N replied.

"Zoro!" came Usopp's voice. "Get out of the way!" Usopp stared through the hole Y/N had blown in the wall at the red-haired pirate. He was acting strange and had almost choked him to death, then he released him and seemed normal again for a second. Usopp didn't know what was going on, but he didn't want Zoro to get in the way.

"Huh?" questioned Zoro. WHAM! Suddenly Arlong swung his arm around and connected with the side of Zoro's head. The swordsman went flying and crashed to the ground in front of Nami and the villagers. Arlong glared at Y/N as he walked over.


Underwater, oblivious to what was going on, Sanji was still swimming towards Luffy. "I'm counting on you," Sanji said in his head, "you're our last hope."


Off to the side, something else was happening, Hachi was fighting back up to his feet. "You think I'd let you humans live?" questioned Hachi as he watching Y/N make his way over to Arlong. Things were definitely heating up.


Trade Off:


Underwater Sanji was swimming towards Luffy, completely ignorant of Y/N's arrival. "If I can just shatter the rock around Luffy's legs then he can swing into battle," Sanji said to himself, "he's the only one left with any hope of beating Arlong."


But above water someone was about to attempt it at least. "Is Brother Y/N going to fight Arlong?" Johnny wondered.

"It looks like it," Yosaku commented. The two Bounty Hunters glanced at each other then broke out in cheers, "GO BROTHER RICKY!"

"The only way that rubber brat can still be alive is if someone is helping him," said Arlong. "People with the devil fruit powers lose them underwater."

"Hey, fish," Y/N called out. "You're problem is in front of you. Come on, I killed your stupid little lackey, fight me or I'll kill the squid too."


Meanwhile Nojiko was still pumping Luffy's chest, and Genzo was still holding Luffy's head above water. At least now he was breathing.


"You're right," Arlong admitted, as he glared at Y/N. "I'll kill you first, and then I'll deal with that rubber brat once he gets here. Prepare to die human, you've gotten in my way for the last time!"

"Heh-heh-heh! That's right!" Y/N agreed with a laugh. "Because when this is over, you'll be dead."

"What's wrong with him?" Nami asked out loud, as she stared at Y/N. He looked and was acting different. Y/N short red hair which usually laid flat on his head was now standing up like short red spikes. His hazel eye which would usually show a hint of emotion, even if it was boredom, was completely blank. His voice even sounded different. Y/N's voice was normally calm and relaxed, just like he was. Now, it sounded a lot rougher, it sounded cruel and cocky. The smile Nami had been sporting when she realized Y/N was alive was gone. Something was wrong.

Y/N shot his good arm out in front of him, "RED EYE... PUNCH!" Y/N yelled. WOOOSH! Without Y/N even touching him Arlong went flying backwards as if he had been shot by a cannon and crashed down to the ground. THUD!

Arlong shot back up and threw a hand-full of water at Y/N. Y/N raised his arm out in front of him and the water suddenly stopped and floated in front of him. Y/N shot his arm out and the water flew back at Arlong and splashed against his chest, SPLAK! Arlong took a step back mostly out of surprise.

"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU?" Arlong demanded. "That eye... he couldn't be..."

"RICKY, HEADS UP!" Usopp suddenly shouted from the hole Y/N had made in the wall. He pulled out a rubber band, "USOPP RUBBER BAND!"

"Look the octopus guy is getting up," Johnny pointed out. "What's he gonna do?"

Hachi got to his feet and flinched, "I thought he was going to hit me with that rubber band," Hachi muttered.

"What?" the villagers exclaimed.

"What?" said Usopp. "Um... look I scared him!"

"But you were aiming at Arlong," Nami pointed out.

"Octopus... " Zoro muttered as he sat up and stared at his defeated opponent.

"I won't let your plan succeed Roronoa Zoro!" Hachi yelled as he ran for the inlet.

"Heh-heh, I wouldn't do that if I were you," Y/N warned Hachi as he ran passed him.

Y/N made no effort to stop the octopus fishman as he dove into the water, with a shout of, "I'll kill that shipmate of yours that's in the ocean!" SPLASH!

Y/N jumped up into the air and shot out both of his legs at the same time, "RED EYE... KICK!" WOOOSH! Again, Y/N didn't even make contact, but Arlong doubled over and was sent flying as if he had just been hit with a high power kick.

Arlong pulled himself up and glared at Y/N. "I see, so you're not a normal human after all," Arlong realized, "You're 'the Demon' Red Eye."

"Who?" asked Nami and Usopp at the same time.


"Leave the rest to me!" Sanji attempted to mime out as he approached Nojiko and Luffy's trapped body.

Nojiko didn't answer, behind Sanji saw something coming towards them, "A fishman," Nojiko realized.

"Get out of the way, I can shatter that rock," Sanji hadn't seen Hachi coming behind him, so he gestured to Nojiko and told her to move out of the way went up to the rock that Luffy's feet were trapped in.

"Die... die..." Hachi muttered as he swam closer.

"One good kick should do it," Sanji thought to himself as he landed on top of the rock. But he still hadn't noticed Hachi. Nojiko took matters into her own hands and swam around behind Sanji and stood in between him and Hachi.

"FLAMING OCTOPUS PUNCH!" Hachi shouted as he shot his six arms out over and over again like a machine gun.

"Octopus!" Sanji exclaimed as he glanced over his shoulder and finally noticed Hachi. "WATCH OUT!" Sanji tried to shout, but it came out sounding something like "GLUB!"

Nojiko closed her eyes as Hachi raced towards her.


"NO! Not him!" Johnny shrieked. "He's supposed to be dead! He really is a demon!"

"Demon?" Usopp repeated as he walked over and joined the others so he could be a part of the conversation.

Nami stared at Y/N and shook her head, "I don't understand..."

"Brother Y/N is Red Eye, a monster from the Grand Line," Yosaku explained. "He has these terrifying powers and used them to kill hundreds of people. The World Government is offering one hundred million berries for his head!"

"A HUNDRED MILLION?" Nami shouted in surprise, that was an odd number.

"Heh, Y/N, a demon?" Zoro chuckled. "Usually I'm the one being called that."

"Don't joke about something like that!" Yosaku shouted.

"No... Y/N's not like that," Nami shook her head and refused to believe it.

"He's not the pirate you knew!" Johnny insisted. "The marines have sent countless squadrons after him, but none have come back! They don't even have a picture for his wanted poster because he always kills the photographer!"

"Red Eye or not," Arlong growled, "I'm still going to kill you! Countless humans may have fallen before you, but no fishman has ever tried. I'll hand your dead body over to the marines and get the reward! You can't beat me. YOU'RE DEAD! SHARK ON DARTS!" Arlong launched at Rick like a torpedo. When Arlong got close Rick flipped up into the air jumped over Arlong. TMP! Rick landed on his feet while Arlong had to roll to a stop.

"Heh-heh-heh, too slow, fishy," Rick taunted from behind Arlong. "Oh, and you know, staying still would have been a better idea."

"I'm not about to lose to a human!" Arlong snarled.

"Actually... I wasn't talking about you. I meant the squid," Rick corrected him. "Five... four...."

"Huh?" questioned Arlong.

"Three... two... one..."


Underwater Hachi was just about to hit Nojiko but the wound Zoro had made on his chest came open. BLOOOSH! Hachi screamed out in pain and just about passed out. "That was close..." commented Sanji as he used his leg and smashed the rock around Luffy's feet. KA-BAM! "You got us into this mess in the first place, now get us out of it!"


"You okay kid," asked Genzo.

"Oh yeah," Luffy replied as his neck retracted, the force of his neck snapping back into its normal shape launched Luffy up into the air. "I'M BACK!"

"Brother Luffy!" Johnny and Yosaku exclaimed.

"Luffy!" Nami shouted, while Usopp and the villagers all looked on overjoyed.

"Phew," Genzo sighed as he laid down on the ground.

"It's that rubber brat!" Arlong growled.

"It's about time," Zoro grumbled.

Below him Luffy saw Y/N standing across from Arlong, "RICKY!" Luffy shouted as he stretched his arms down and grabbed his shoulders, Y/N didn't even wince when Luffy grabbed his injured right shoulder, "LET'S TRADE PLACES!"

"How 'bout not..." Rick countered as he suddenly grabbed Luffy's wrist with his good hand, then swung around and slammed Luffy down to the ground in front of him. CRASH! All the spectators, including Arlong, looked on in different degrees of shock as Luffy plowed into the ground.

"Oww!" Luffy complained as he staggered back up to his feet. "Y/N! What'd you do that for?"

"This fight is mine, Straw Hat," Rick snapped.

"What're you talking about?" asked Luffy, as he walked over to Rick and completely ignored Arlong for the time being. "And what's with that eye?"

"I meant what I said," Rick explained. "This fight is mine. If you value your life you'll stay out of it."

"But I was going to fight him!" Luffy exclaimed.

"Let me handle this, you'll have to kill him before you get through to him."

"Fine brat. But be quick about it."

A spark of life appeared in Y/N's hazel eye, the red eye stopped glowing, and Y/N's red hair fell flat on his head and laid there as it normally did. "Luffy, I swore on my blood I'd get Nami back," Y/N reminded him. "Don't make me go back on it."

"R-Y/N?" Nami stammered, this was the pirate she remembered. This was the pirate who had fought a giant lion to avenge a dog. This was the intelligent and honorable treasure hunter that she knew. This was her Y/N. Not that other—wait, did she just call him 'her Y/N'?

"But he threw me in the water!" Luffy protested. "I'm gonna kick his ass."

"I plan on doing the same thing," Y/N replied. "But I'll play you for it, if you want."

"Okay, that's fair," Luffy agreed as he held out his hand. "Winner gets to fight the fish-guy."

"If you humans are d—" Arlong started but was cut off.

"STAY OUT OF THIS!" Y/N and Luffy yelled at the same time.

"Ready?" Y/N offered as he held out his good hand.

"What happened to your shoulder?" Luffy inquired as he stared at Y/N's blood covered right arm.

"The fish bit me," Y/N answered. "One... two... three... SHOOT!" Everyone watching, with the exception of Arlong, face-faulted at the way the two pirates were deciding who was going to fight Arlong. Arlong himself sweat-dropped as Y/N's paper covered Luffy's rock. "This fight is mine, get out of the way," Y/N requested.

"Okay," Luffy relented. "If you think you can take him."

"Correction, Straw Hat," said Y/N as his voice turned cold and his hair stood up again. The hint of pain and any signs of emotion that had just been Y/N's hazel eye instantly disappeared, leaving it blank while his red eye started glowing again. "I know I can beat him. In fact, I'm going to kill him." Rick turned and glared at Arlong. "When I'm done, I'll have killed seventeen fishmen."



Hope you enjoyed the chapter!!!

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