Dash for a Miracle

Dash for a Miracle


The three Whitebeard Pirates were heading south along the coast of the Sandora River towards their ships when Ace suddenly stopped in his tracks prompting Han and Ollie to stop too.

Ace removed his orange hat and stared down at the two pieces of paper that had been sewn into the underside of the brim. The rectangular shaped Vivre Card was burning up. Ace knew that Vivre Cards were resistant to fire, the only time they burned was if the person who the card was made from was injured or dying. Ace frowned as he watched Luffy's card burn.

"What's the matter?" Han asked him.

"Luffy's in trouble," Ace stated.

"He's not... dead... is he?" Ollie questioned uncertainly.

"No, he's still alive," Ace reassured them as he stared at the small sliver that remained of Luffy's Vivre Card. "But I think he's really hurt."

"Do you wanna go back and help him?" Han inquired.

Ace was silent for a moment as he continued staring at the sliver of paper. "No," he eventually answered. "Crocodile is Luffy's fight. It's not my place to fight Luffy's battles for him. Luffy's always had an incredibly strong will. As long as he's not dead he can come back from anything."

"Seems like something he shares with you," Ollie commented.

"Y/N used to joke that the 'D.' in our names stood for Determination," Ace informed them with a small smile. "Luffy's outright determined to beat Crocodile. So whatever the injuries were inflicted on him... he's gonna rise up and fight back."

"Portgaz D. Ace... Monkey D. Luffy..." Ollie listed, "What does the D. stand for?"

"No idea," Ace admitted.

"You mean you don't know your own name?" Ollie asked.

"Guess not," Ace replied. "I didn't exactly name myself. And my parents weren't really around to ask, were they?" Ollie quickly quieted knowing full well that Ace's parents were a sore subject. "Maybe we'll just stick with Determination."


The abandoned oasis of Yuba was still and quiet. The only living occupant of the city was currently standing at the bottom of the incredibly deep pit he'd spent that last two days digging.

"WATER!" Toto exclaimed. The old man's persistence had paid off, all around him was a layer of water that he'd finally managed to reach. "I CAN HARDLY BELIEVE MY EYES!" Tears welled up in Toto's eyes as he stood in the water, it came up to his shins and was the most he'd seen in the last three years. "There's so much of it! Precious water! The water is coming forth!"

Toto cupped his hands together and scooped some water out of the pool around him.

"Didn't I tell you Luffy?" Toto exclaimed. "This land is strong! Through it all Yuba lives on!"


Crocodile stood in the desert on the outskirts of Rain Base with his golden hook still going through Luffy's stomach and coming out his back. The rubber man's blood dripped down into the sand as Crocodile held him up in front of him.

"You may have stopped the sandstorm but the destruction of Nanohana has already fanned the flaming tempers within the Rebel Army causing an inferno to ignite," the Warlord stated. "In the end... the bleeding hearts which infest this land are what's killing it. And you 'Straw Hat' Luffy are the worst of them all. If only you had purged yourself of such weakness, you may have lived a little longer."

Crocodile's eyes narrowed when he felt something... wet. Upon closer inspection he saw that his hook had cracked Luffy's water barrel as he forced it through the rubber pirate's body. The water was leaking out of the barrel and was now running down Crocodile's arm.

"Hm... water," Crocodile noted. "I assume you don't feel so indebted to this water now." WHAP! "UUGGHHH!" Crocodile let out a groan of pain as Luffy grabbed his arm. The water from the leaking barrel wet Crocodile's arm and made the sand it was made out of solid enough for Luffy to grab.

"Ahh... ahh..." a weak gasp of pain worked its way out of Luffy's throat as he hung off of Crocodile's hook. Luffy's rubber legs flailed as he attempted to pull himself free.

"What's this?" Crocodile asked in alarm. "YOU'RE STILL ALIVE? GRRRAAAHHH!" Annoyed at the rubber pirate's persistent will to live Crocodile raised his arm up into the air and threw Luffy into the bowl of quicksand he'd made during their fight. The sand was still as Luffy rolled down the side of the bowl and eventually came to rest at the bottom.

"AAAAHHHHH!" Luffy screamed as he rolled onto his back and clutched at his stomach. His body was coated in the blood that had poured from his wound. SIISSSSHHH! Luffy's jerking movements caused sand to begin sliding down the sides of the bowl to the bottom.

"Hmph, that looks like it hurts," Crocodile cruelly commented as he watched Luffy's body slowly get buried by the sand. "But you'll be out of your misery soon enough. Kuahahahaha!"

"GRAAAHHH!" Luffy growled in a panic as his body slowly sank into the sand and disappeared from view. The last thing he saw was Crocodile's retreating back as the Warlord walked away from the edge of the bowl.

"Gooodbyyee!" Crocodile called out mockingly. The Warlord's face hardened as he walked back towards Rain Base. He idly felt the bruise Luffy had left on his cheek and wiped away the small trickle of blood that had been coming out of his mouth before he began smoothing out his dark purple hair which had been mussed during his fight. "That was a complete waste of my time."


Toto stood at the edge of the water-filled hole he'd dug in the middle of Yuba and looked up at the sky that was colorful from the oncoming sunset but still clear of clouds.

"Once we've weathered this drought the rain will bring us sweet relief," Toto commented. "Just like always! TAKE THAT YOU INCESSANT DROUGHT! YUBA WILL NEVER GIVE IN TO THE SAND!"


SNIP! SNIP! SNIP! SNIP! The Moving Crab carrying the Straw Hats raced sideways across the seemingly endless dunes of sand towards Alubarna.

"Ugghh," Zoro grunted as he held his sword Yubashiri sideways and pumped it like a weight.

KONK! KONK! "And that's when it happened!" Usopp told Chopper as he hammered on the Sea Stone that he'd managed to work into the steel on the bottom of Y/N's boots. "I looked 'im straight in the eye and yelled 'YOU BOW-LEGGED BASTARD!' And ever since that day Crabs have been self-conscious about being bow-legged."

"Oooooooh!" Chopper gasped in amazement. Apparently there was someone who believed Usopp's tall tales. "So that's the reason they walk sideways?"

"Yup," Usopp replied, "And at the particular moment a lobster happened to be within earshot and heard the whole thing!"

"Oooooh! So crabs and lobsters too?" Chopper asked.

"Better believe it!" Usopp answered. "AHAHAHAHA!"

"Zoro, why don't you relax?" Nami asked the swordsman who was still pumping his sword in one hand... with EYELASH balanced on the blade. "You're wasting your energy doing that."

"Who asked you?" Zoro growled as he continued lifting and lowering the camel free weight with one hand.

"Excuse him Miss. Nami," Sanji spoke up. "He's hopeless. Guys like Zoro... they've gotta keep moving or they won't stay focused. They have one-track minds. Especially..." Sanji paused to blow out a puff of smoke from the cigarette he was smoking, "...our own resident muscle freak here, now that he's had a taste of the Seven Warlords."

"Stop whining," Zoro complained, "Just say what's on your mind or shut up."

"You need me to spell it out?" Sanji inquired as he sat facing away from Zoro. "All this tough guy bluster is just a sad attempt to mask your fear that Luffy might lose this one."

"Who me?" Zoro retorted as he dropped his camel free weight and stood up. "You saying I'm scared? Is that what you're saying? Look at me Dartboard Brow!"

Hearing the insult to his eyebrow Sanji stood up and glared at Zoro "I'VE HAD ENOUGH OF YOU! YA DAMN MOSS HEAD!"

"WHAT'D YOU CALL ME?" Zoro snapped.

The swordsman and the cook marched across the Moving Crab and got in each other's faces. "YOU WANNA GO?" they challenged each other at the same time. Usopp, Chopper, and Vivi looked on nervously while Nami rolled up her sleeves and prepared to put a stop to it herself.

"Enough you two," Y/N spoke up as he sat on the other side of the crab staring down at a small burned piece of paper in his hand with a frown marring his face. "This isn't the time for us to be at each other's throats. We have to stay focused for when we get to Aubarna."

"He's right," Sanji agreed before he turned to the Princess, "Sorry about that Miss. Vivi!"

"If we tear each other apart we've already lost," Zoro realized. He and Sanji calmed and sat back down on the crab... conveniently as far from each other at possible.

"Alright, that's settled," Nami resolved as she surveyed the subdued swordsman and cook. "Now let's focus on Alubarna. FULL SPEED SCISSORS!"

SNIP! SNIP! SNIP! SNIP! The Moving Crab picked up speed and raced onward as the sky began to grow dark overhead.

"Scissors?" Y/N repeated as he looked over his shoulder at the navigator.

"I named the crab," Nami proudly informed him.

"Yeah, named it badly," Y/N retorted. "What kind of name is 'Scissors'? That's stupid."

"It's better than anything you could come up with!" Nami retorted. "I bet you'd name it something even worse... like Carl."

"What is your obsession with me naming an animal Carl?" Y/N asked.

"Oh yeah? Then what would you name a crab?" Nami challenged him.

"Craig," Y/N stated.

Nami face-faulted then shot back up and screamed, "THAT'S HORRIBLE!"

"It's not as bad as Scissors!" Y/N stood up and defended himself. "At least it's a name."

"It's worse!" Nami argued as she stomped over to him with her arms folded stubbornly across her chest. "It's just a boring generic guy's name!"

"And Scissors is just naming it after a part of its body!" Y/N pointed out. "In this case its scissor-legs. It's almost as bad as naming Eyelash after his bushy eyelashes. It's like calling me 'One Eye' that's more of a nickname than an actual name! What if I called you 'Orange'?"

The other Straw Hats all sweat-dropped as the two continued arguing over the crab's name.

"Weren't they the ones trying to calm us down?" Sanji asked.

"I'd hate to hear what they name their kids," Zoro dead-panned.

Zoro's commented caused Y/N and Nami blush and finally stop arguing while all the other Straw Hats – even Sanji and Vivi – cracked up at laughed at their expense. At least for now the rising tension that the Straw Hats had been feeling was broken.


"Captain... you want us to go to Alubarna?" Lieutenant Devo questioned as Smoker addressed him and Sergeant Major Tashigi near the outskirts of Rain Base.

"But are we chasing after the Straw Hat Pirates or reinforcing the Royal Army?" Tashigi asked.

"That's up to you," Smoker answered as he sat in the seat of his Blower Bike. "You'll have to decide which is more important when you get there."

"But sir, I don't understand... what's going on?" Tashigi inquired. Smoker clearly hadn't explained what he'd learned while he was trapped with the Straw Hats.

"Rely on your sense of justice," Smoker stated as he adjusted his gloves and reached out and grabbed the handle bars on his Blower Bike. "Lieutenant, you're in charge. Whatever happens I'll accept responsibility."

Devo gave a curt nod showing he understood what he had to do while Tashigi continued to question their superior, "Captain where are you going?"

"I have to head out to sea," Smoker replied. "Something unforeseen has come up. Be on alert to receive communication from me at any time."

"Right," Devo agreed.

"I need you to keep a vigilant eye on this country and where it ends up," Smoker continued as he pulled his goggles down over his eyes. "Whether it falls or whether it survives the dawn of a brand new historic age is on the horizon." vvvVVVRRRRROOOOOM! With that Smoker raced off into the desert on his Blower Bike and left a cloud of smoke in his wake.

"Lieutenant... what do we do?" Tashigi asked.

"Like Captain Smoker said: we have to rely on our sense of justice," Lieutenant Devo resolved the two officers turned around and found the entire battalion of Marines standing before them awaiting orders. The Lieutenant took a deep breath then addressed the troops, "MEN! We came to this island to capture the Straw Hat Pirates. Without the Whitebeard Pirates gone we'll finally be able to complete our objective. EVERYONE REINFORCE YOUR GEAR! WE'RE HEADING OUT TO ALUBARNA!"

"YES SIR!" the Marines chorused then ran off to prepare for departure.

Lieutenant Devo and Sergeant Major Tashigi were left alone.

"Captain Smoker said that a new age is on the horizon," Devo stated. "Kingdoms rise and fall like clockwork. This rebellion has been brewing for years while we've only been here a week. It's not our place to get involved in a Civil War that has nothing to do with us. We'll allow events to run their course and the war to end as it is fated. We'll focus on the threat that does concern us and apprehend the pirates that we chased here."


SNIP! SNIP! SNIP! A star-filled night sky was overhead as Scissors the Moving Crab raced through the sand and carried the Straw Hats towards Alubarna.


"Moving Crabs are creatures of the desert," Vivi explained. "They don't take to water."


"We have to cross the Sandora River to get to Alubarna," Y/N stated. "And if we waste all our energy swimming across we'll never make it in time."

"And what are we supposed to do if we managed to swim across?" Usopp continued, "RUN TO ALUBARNA ON FOOT?"

Sanji looked off ahead of the crab and his visible eye widened when he spotted water up ahead. They were closing in on the river but they still didn't have a way to cross it without getting wet. "I can see it!" the cook reported. "The Sandora River!"

Y/N glanced at Nami, "Way to go," he muttered, "your badly named crab can't even swim."

Nami glared at him then turned back to the crab, "C'mon Scissors!" she pleaded with the crab. "Help us, please!"

"I know!" Chopper chirped. "Scissors loves dancer girls!"

Nami stood up and slipped off her desert cloak which left her in her revealing dancer girl outfit, "Will this do?" she asked.

"WOW! I CAN'T TAKE IT!" Sanji swooned. Both he and Eyelash had hearts in their eyes.

Scissors' stalk-like eyes swiveled around to look at Nami.

"He's looking this way!" Chopper noted.

SNIP!SNIP!SNIP!SNIP!SNIP! Scissors' eyes turned to hearts and the Moving Crab put on a burst of speed and raced towards the river. A cloud of sand was kicked up in the fast-moving crab's wake.

"WE'RE ACCELERATING!" Chopper cheered.

"ATTA BOY SCISSORS!" Nami encouraged the crab.


"Great... now we've got two animals in heat," Zoro groaned as he looked over at Eyelash, the pervy camel was practically hyperventilating at the sight of Nami.

"How is this helping?" Y/N questioned. "Now we're just moving faster towards the water the crab can't cross."


Scissors reached the river in no time and raced off of the bank and onto the water. But due to its fast speed the crab didn't sink into the water and instead ran along the surface.

"HE DID IT!" Chopper exclaimed.

"Pervert power," Zoro muttered.

"I'm seeing it but I don't believe it," Sanji remarked, "This crab is incredible!"


"I think you owe someone an apology," Nami informed Y/N as she put her hands on her hips.

"Then think again," Y/N corrected her, "Your pervy crab is sinking." As the Moving Crab moved further out across the lake it slowly began to sink down into the water. Y/N grabbed Chopper and quickly threw his Devil Fruit Powered younger brother up onto his shoulders before the crab and the Straw Hats were all completely submerged. SPLOOSH!

Chopper's pink top hat was the first thing to break the surface followed closely by Y/N's head and shoulders while the other Straw Hats popped up out of the water around them. The river was fortunately shallow so the water only came up to their chests.

"YOU STUPID CRAB!" Usopp shouted.

"Y'see?" Y/N asked as he looked over at Nami. "I may name the animals I come across 'generic guy names' but at least they're useful!"

"Scissors got us halfway across," Nami protested.

"Oh yeah, and how long do you think it'll take us to reach the other side?" Y/N countered.

"The rest of the night I'm afraid," Vivi admitted.

"Then we'd best get started," Zoro resolved, "There's no use whining about it." And so the Straw Hats with Eyelash in tow began to slowly wade their way across the river.

"Y/N... can't you get us across faster?" Nami asked.

"Miss. Nami, I learned Y/N's speed technique!" Sanji exclaimed, "I'd be happy to carry you across! We'd have to make trips but we could use the technique to get everyone across faster."

"We could," Y/N admitted, "but with all the trips we'd have to make we'd barely be able to use our legs when we finally got to Alubarna."

"That wasn't what I meant," Nami corrected them as she pointed to her right eye.

Y/N frowned and shook his head, "I don't wanna risk it. I was lucky that I was able to keep it in check before. I don't wanna use it again where you could all be in jeopardy. And especially not for something as simple as crossing a river."

"What is 'it'?" Vivi asked.

"The less you know about 'it' the better," Y/N answered cryptically.

"I guess we're on foot then," Zoro decided in a quick attempt to change the subject.

The group continued wading through the chest-deep water. From his perch on Y/N's shoulders Chopper looked back and spotted Scissors behind them on the shore. "THANKS FOR THE RIDE!" Chopper called out. "TAKE CARE!"

"Well... at least the river water cooled off Y/N's boots," Usopp commented as he held up a pair of black boots.

"See, some good came from this," Nami pointed out.

SPLOOOSH! The water in front of them rose up and fell away to reveal a colossal fish. It was dark gray with black spots and a lighter gray belly. It had a mouth filled with sharp teeth and long whiskers protruding from around its mouth.

"IT'S A SANDORA CATFISH!" Vivi screamed as they all stared up at the enormous fish. It was easily two hundred times their size. "THEY'RE RARELY SEEN BY HUMANS!"

"Then maybe it'll give us a ride," Y/N suggested.

"THEIR FAVORITE FOOD IS HUMAN FLESH!" Vivi added in a panic.


"So much for good coming from this," Zoro muttered to Nami.

GAARROOOOOO! The monster catfish let out a loud roar.


Alabasta Animal Land:


"Don't worry, I've got a plan," Y/N reassured the others as the monster catfish looked down at them hungrily.

"If it's 'run' I'm way ahead of you!" Usopp exclaimed as he turned to dash off.

WHAP! Y/N grabbed the sniper by the back of his cloak. "I think it's time for me to break in my new boots," he stated. "Sanji, protect Nami and Vivi, Zoro, stall it."

Sanji grabbed Nami and Vivi and quickly ushered them behind the others. Usopp helped Y/N slip his feet into his boots while Zoro stepped forward and stood in between his Nakama and the monster catfish.

GAROOOOOOO! The monster catfish howled and then dove at the swordsman.

Zoro drew all three of his swords and slashed them at the water in front of him, "DRAGON... TWISTER!" SPLOOOSSSHHH! A large column of water flew up and splashed the catfish in the face and sent it flying backwards.


"Stand down, we've got this," Y/N told the swordsman as he rushed passed him towards the catfish with Chopper still riding on his shoulders.

"Wait... 'we'?" Chopper repeated.

"Yup," Y/N answered, "We're gonna take it down together little brother. Just don't hit it too hard. I still want it to be alive when we're through with it."

"Right!" Chopper agreed.

GAAARRRROOOOO! The Sandora Catfish dove through the water and charged towards them. SHOOM! Y/N shot up into the air and flew over the catfish's head. The monster fish stopped charging and stared at the empty water in front of it in confusion.

"RIPPER BLUDGEON STOMP!" WHA-WHOMP! Y/N and Chopper – who was morphed into his Heavy Point form – slammed feet-first down onto catfish's head. SLOOOOSSSHHHH! The monster fish was driven down into the river and Chopper quickly shrunk back down to his Brain Point form and clung to Y/N to avoid getting wet. The one-eyed pirate grabbed two of the catfish's long whiskers and yanked back on them like reins.

GAAAARRRROOOOOOOOOO! The catfish howled and began thrashing about while Y/N attempted to stay perched on top of its head.

"IS THIS A PART OF THE PLAN?" Chopper shrieked in terror as he clung desperately to Y/N to keep from flying off.

"No... usually when I smash something on the head it calms down," Y/N admitted, "Looks like we just made this guy even angrier."

"JUU!" SPLA-SPLA-SPLISH! Five brown torpedoes shot up out of the water and flew up overhead and then slammed down onto the top of the catfish's head around Y/N. WHA-WHA-WHOMP! SPLOOOSH! Once again the catfish was driven down into the river water but this time when Y/N pulled back on the whisker-reins it stopped thrashing around and remained still.

Y/N's eye went wide when he spotted a familiar brown seal with a piece of red sash tied around its forehead like a bandana. "Doug!"

"ARF!" the shell-less Kung Fu Dugong barked as it and the other four Dugongs bowed to Y/N. "Arff juuuu bark-arf! Juu! Arf-arf-arroooo!"

"He says 'We're here to help master'," Chopper translated. "'I beat these guys in a fight so now they're your students too'."

"Well done," Y/N praised Doug and the other shell-less dugongs, "I'm proud to call you my students. It's so nice to have useful animals around for a change."

"JUUU!" the Dugongs chorused.

"As for you," Y/N addressed the Sandora Catfish as he yanked on its whiskers. "Take us back to the others." SPLOOOSH! The catfish dove into the water and swam back over to the other Straw Hats. "All aboard. Clark here is gonna give us a ride to the shore. And unlike that stupid crab he can swim."

"YEAH RICKY!" Usopp cheered before proudly boasting, "I MADE THE BOOTS THAT HELPED HIM TAME THIS MONSTER!"

"Now he's just showing off," Nami muttered as she eyed the now docile Clark the catfish before climbing up on its back with the others. "There'll be no living with him after this."

"You might as well resign yourself to having a kid named Kit," Zoro quipped.


"Although... it does seem like he might be good with them," Vivi pointed out as she looked up ahead at Y/N who was sitting with the five Dugongs clustered around him and Chopper perched on his shoulders.

"Don't you start!" Nami scolded the Princess as her face pinked again.

"Everybody hang on," Y/N called out before he turned back to Clark the catfish and snapped the whisker-reins, WHAP! "Clark, take us to shore!"

SPLOOOOOSSSHHHHH! The catfish surged off and cut through the water like a motorboat and quickly brought the five human pirates, the princess, the reindeer pirate, the camel, and the five Kung-Fu Dugongs over to the shore.


SKISH! Luffy's head pushed out of the sand at the bottom of the pit Crocodile had left him in. The rubber pirate was buried from the neck down but that didn't stop him from taking a deep breath and letting out a loud scream, "MEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAT!"

Remembering Crocodile's words from their desert duel Luffy began struggling in earnest to free himself from the sand. His head bounced around but his body remained rooted in place. Luffy's struggles caused sand to slide down the sides of the bowl to the bottom once again burying the rubber pirate completely.

But Luffy wasn't alone out in the desert. A tall figure wearing a white fur coat and a white cowgirl hat stood overlooking the bowl. SHIFF! SHIFF! SHIFF! Arms sprouted out of the Luffy's submerged body and pushed against the sand, SHWOOFF! Luffy came bursting out of the sand and was tossed out of the bowl and landed at the feet of Ms. All Sunday. FWUMP!

"Th-thank you..." Luffy gasped.

"Why do you fight?" the woman known as Nico Robin asked curiously, "Those of you with the name of 'D.'?"

"D.?" Luffy repeated in confusion. Like Ace, he didn't seem to have any clue what the initial in the middle of his name stood for.

"Who are you people?" Nico Robin wondered. "Apparently you don't have a clue what I'm talking about." Luffy's straw hat was pulled out of the sand and tossed to Nico Robin with the aid an extra arm.

"I'VE FOUND YOU!" a familiar voice called out.

Ms. All Sunday looked over her shoulder and saw Pell staggering towards her. There was blood dripping out his mouth and he was walking with a bit of a hunch.

"WHERE IS VIVI?" Pell demanded.

"My, awake already?" Ms. All Sunday questioned.

"Now that I've studied your ability... this won't turn out like it did last time," Pell assured her.

"Be careful Pell," Ms. All Sunday warned the warrior. "You don't want to overexert yourself." She tossed Luffy's straw hat down onto his stomach then started walking off. "Perfect timing, why don't you save the boy before he dies?"

Pell stopped in his tracks and it was only then that he noticed the bloody pirate lying in the sand.

"After all," Ms. All Sunday continued, "if it weren't for his courage and selflessness who knows if your precious Princess would've made it back alive at all." Pell stared down at Luffy in surprise. Ms. All Sunday used the opportunity to walk over to the bananagater that was her ride.

While the bananawani were crocodile's with bananas on their heads this one was an alligator with a banana on its snout. It was yellow in color and had a slimmer, sleeker build than the big bulky bananawani. There was a comfortable-looking seat attached to the bananagator's back and a checkered racing flag was tied around its long tail which ended with an even bigger banana than the one on its snout. This creature was called an Accelagator and was known to be the second fastest animal in Alabasta Kingdom.

"It must please you to know that Princess Vivi is safe..." Ms. All Sunday commented as she climbed up the ladder rungs to her seat on the Aceelagator's back, "And that even as we speak she's on her way to Alubarna. Though it's a long trip and anything could happen. I guess the situation is what it is."

Pell was left staring in confusion as the mysterious woman raced off. ZZZZZOOOOOOM!

Pell dropped to his knees and stared off at the sand cloud the speedy reptile was kicking up as it headed... south? "If I'm not able to stop her than who can?" the warrior wondered. "Vivi must be protected for everyone's sake."

WHAP! Pell was drawn out of his thoughts when he felt an arm on his and looked down to see Luffy tugging on his sleeve.

"GRRRRRRR!" Luffy growled with a determined look on his face. "MEEEEEAAAAAAAT!"


The Straw Hats had made it to the eastern shore of the Sandora River and Clark the catfish had already swam off. Y/N stood apart from the others and addressed his five students who had since put their turtle shells back on.

"You five fought bravely," Y/N praised the Dugongs. "And I can tell that you've been training hard. We have some business to take care of in the capital. But once it's finished I'll return and test you. I expect you to train hard in that time so you can impress me on my return."

"JUU!" the five Dugongs chorused. They bowed to Y/N then dove into the river and swam off.

Y/N quickly rejoined the others. "So? What's the new plan?" he inquired.

"I'm afraid we're going to have to walk," Vivi admitted. "Even if we ride Eyelash there's no way we'll be able to make it to Alubarna by daybreak."

"And not to be pessimistic... but Eyelash can only carry two of us," Usopp pointed out. "And if Baroque Works is gonna attack us it'll be from here on. We can't split up! Isn't there any way for us to stick together?"

SHHWWWOOOO! Nami tensed when she felt a wind blowing in from the east. "That's not a natural wind," she stated, "Something's coming."

Y/N closed his eye and turned the way Nami was looking, "I can hear them," he stated. "There's seven of them."


TMP!TMP!TMP!TMP!TMP!TMP! Vivi stared ahead along with the others and a smile appeared on her face, "That sound... CARUE!" Out from a cloud of sand rode Vivi's faithful pet but he wasn't alone... six other spot-billed ducks all wearing different hats were running along with him. "IT'S THE SUPER SONIC DUCK SQUADRON!"

"The Super what?" Y/N asked.

"QUACK!" Carue quacked as he and the other six spot-billed ducks skidded to a stop in front of the Straw Hats. Together the seven ducks were known as the Super Sonic Duck Squadron... the fastest animals in all of Alabasta.

"You've come to help us haven't you?" Vivi asked.

"QUACK!" all seven spot-billed ducks replied.

"Carue!" Vivi cried out in relief.

"Looks like you'll be sitting this one out, Eyelash," Sanji informed the camel. Eyelash hung his head in response.

"Unless you want to ride into the middle of a war?" Zoro suggested.

"GRRRUUMMPHH!" Eyelash cried and frantically shook his head.

"There's one for each of us," Nami realized then looked away from the ducks and over at Y/N, "Now we'll see who's better at naming animals."

Y/N opened his mouth to reply but Vivi cut him off, "Actually you two, they already have names."

The ducks were standing in formation with the five smaller ones in the front and two bigger ones in the back. Vivi pointed to a relaxed-looking duck on the left in the front row that was wearing a dark cowboy hat, half-moon sunglasses, and a scarf, "That one's Cowboy."

Next she pointed to a fat duck wearing a fisherman's cap, round sunglasses, and a bottle of bourbon around its neck, "That one's Bourbon Jr."

Next came Carue who was wearing his usual blue beanie. "You all know Carue, he's the leader."

Vivi pointed to an angry-looking duck that was smoking a cigar and wore a Roman legionary helmet, "This one's Kentauros."

Vivi pointed to the final duck in the front that wore a conical straw hat and a tie around its neck, "This one's Hikoichi,"

Vivi motioned to the first of the two bigger ducks, it was tall and thin and a baseball cap that was turned in reverse, "He's Stomp."

Vivi motioned to the final and largest of the ducks that was wearing a horned Viking helmet with goggles strapped to it, "And this one's Ivan X."

Vivi turned back to the Straw Hats, "Now that I've cleared that up. Everyone pick a duck and let's get going. With the Super Sonic Duck Squadron taking us we might be able to make it in time."


The Super Sonic Duck Squadron was racing towards Alubarna in V-Formation. Vivi and Carue led the way with Y/N and Nami flanking her on Cowboy and Bourbon Jr., Sanji and Zoro followed behind them on Hikoichi and Kentauros while Chopper and Usopp brought up the rear on Stomp and Ivan X.

"Hey Sanji, what'd you do with my hat anyway?" Y/N asked as he eyed his steed's cowboy hat.

"I buried it along with the money you won at Crocodile's casino," the cook answered as he rode behind Y/N on Hikoichi.

"Good, I can sense the money from here," Y/N commented. "I'll go back and get it once we've dealt with Crocodile."

"That's if Luffy hasn't beaten that lousy sandbag already!" Usopp called out from on the back of the group on his enormous steed Ivan X.

"YEAH LUFFY!" Chopper cheered.

"Then all we've gotta do is clear a path through the Officer Agents so Vivi can stop the war," Zoro reasoned. "No problem."

"See Vivi? You've got nothing to worry about," Nami assured the Princess. "A few measly Officer Agents are nothing these guys can't handle. Crocodile's plan is going to fail."

Vivi smiled at her friends' confidence and felt confidence growing inside of her as well.


The Rebel Army charged north on horse and camel back with Koza leading the charge on his black stallion.

"Damn you Cobra," Koza muttered to himself. "My brethren and I are willing to defend Alabasta with every last drop of blood in our bodies. We will die before turning it over to you!"


To the north, at the capital city of Alubarna the Royal Army was fortifying their defenses. The capital was actually situated on top of a rocky cliff with tall walls surrounding the city for an occasion like this one. Sandbags were being stacked on the city walls to provide cover and cannons were being carted to their positions. Up in the Royal Palace Chaka was overseeing everything.

"CHAKA!" a guard called out to him. "The enemy's number is said to be well over two million!"

"Tell me soldier," Chaka instructed, "What do you think of his Majesty's attack on Nanohana?"

"I've served his Majesty for over ten years," the guard answered, "and I was quite... surprised."

"You're right," Chaka agreed, "there's really no way anyone could rationalize it. Logic would suggest that something has happened to the King. If true, it is all the more reason we must not lose this fight. Bury your fear deep... for your King's sake... as well as that of Princess Vivi. We will defend this country at all costs."

"EVERYONE WHO IS NOT PREPARED TO FIGHT TAKE SHELTER OUTSIDE THE CITY!" one of the guards warned the citizens. The civilians ran down the tall flights of steps and evacuated the city to avoid being caught in the war.


Ms. Merry Christmas and Mr. 4 stood on a rocky cliff and watched the capital from a distance as the civilians evacuated.

"Things are getting hectic down there!" Ms. Merry Christmas noted. "BUT IT'S STILL MOVING TOO SLOW! HURRY UP AND FIGHT ALREADY! I CAN'T STAND WAITING!"

"FWWAAAAHHH! FWWAAAAHHH! FWWAAAAHHHH!" Mr. 4 stood by and laughed.

Behind the two, bound and gagged, was King Nefertari Cobra. The King could do nothing but watch as his Kingdom charged into a war that would no doubt kill many.


"Boooooooorrrrrreeeeed," Mr. 4 chimed in.

"I mean sure! Slipping passed the palace guards and kidnapping this royal pain-in-the-rear is a mission only a team of our accomplished skills can pull off!" Ms. Merry Chirstmas boasted. "But now that it's over this assignment has become a tedious bore! Right Mr. 4?"

"Boooooorrrreeeeeed..." Mr. 4 said again.


"Chaka... Koza..." King Cobra thought to himself as Ms. Merry Christmas continued to complain. "You mustn't fight. The two of you embody the spirit of this great country. Divided, you will only weaken her resolve."

Cobra lamented the war. Koza, Chaka and their respective armies were racing towards it. Crocodile and his Officer Agents were inciting it. Only the Straw Hats know the truth and are trying to prevent it.

The Rebel Army, the Royal Army, Baroque Works, the Marines, and the Straw Hats are all about to clash in the capital city of Alubarna.


The port city of Nanohana was silent and seemed to be mourning from the destruction dealt to it.

The only movement in the entire city came from a lone figure walking down the middle of the road. The man wore a fancy suit and had rolls in his hair that made it look like a colonial wig.

"Maaaaa... maaaaaaaa... maaaaaaaaaa..." the man cleared his throat and surveyed the silent city around him. Igaram was alive. "So... the final revolt has begun. I saw their ship. Princess Vivi and those pirates must've made it here safely. I must hurry... I pray there's still time."


Hope you enjoyed the chapter!!!

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