"Flying... ARROW KICK!" Up in the temple on Bonsatsu Island, Y/N launched himself at High Priest Nagai but the long-limbed priest's small body lurched to the side and Y/N went flying past him. WOOSH! Y/N dropped into a roll and stood back up as the priest turned to face him.
"Damn," Y/N cursed to himself, "I'm fine with fighting larger opponents because most of the time that just makes them bigger targets. But while this guy's long legs might make him huge his body and head are still normal-sized which it much harder to land a clean hit."
SKISH! Like a frog, Nagai crouched down then used his long legs to launched himself up off of the ground and into the air. Nagai flew over Y/N's head and pressed his feet together then lashed them both down at Y/N. "GUM... GUM... SPEAR!" KRASH! Y/N dove to the dive and Nagai drove his feet down into the floor.
SKISH! Y/N himself launched up into the air over Nagai's head then came down feet-first, "Bludgeon STOMP!" Y/N shot his feet down at Nagai while his feet were stuck in the floor.
Nagai looked up and drew back his arm then threw it at Y/N, "GUM... GUM... PISTOL!" KA-POW! Nagai's fist connected with Y/N stomach as he was coming down and once again Y/N was sent flying across the temple but this time he managed to land in a crouch. TMP!
"Have you realized how futile your efforts are yet?" Nagai asked.
"You kidding? I'm just getting warmed up," Y/N countered. "As lucky as you may think you are for getting Luffy's strong fighting style, what's unlucky is that I'm the guy who knows the most about how to combat it."
"Too bad I'm not using his full style," Nagai pointed out. "My long limbs make it so I can mimic his stretching abilities. But no body-type can copy the unique inflation abilities that were granted to him by his Devil Fruit Powers."
Y/N grinned, "I know. And that's what's going to make this a whole lot easier."
Hakuai grinned as he walked over to the burned and prone form of Nico Robin as she laid motionless on the ground after being struck by lightning.
"You put up a valiant effort," Hakuai praised his defeated opponent, "I'll give you that much." He bent down and picked up Nami's Clima-Tact. "But it wasn't enough to defeat me."
He missed the ghost of a smile that appeared on Robin's face. She heard his footsteps getting closer to her. She felt him pick up the Clima-Tact that was lying next to her. His voice was coming from right above her which she knew was exactly where he was standing. She knew exactly where he was now.
"Ocho Fleur!" Robin's eyes snapped open and two arms sprouted out of the ground and grabbed Hakuai's legs. Four arms grew out of his back and managed to wrench the man's arms behind his back. In her weakened state, she needed double the strength that she normally would to overpower someone. Klak! The Clima-Tact dropped to the ground while the final pair of arms crew out of Hakuai's shoulders and grabbed his neck.
"WHAT? NO!" Hakuai shouted in horror. "NO! NO! NO! YOU CAN'T!"
"CLUTCH!" KER-RACK! Her arms wrenched backwards and Hakuai's back snapped. The man dropped to the ground and Robin was pleased to see the kanji on his forehead fade.
Robin had won the battle but now found herself severely weakened after being struck by lightning. She managed to sit up and grabbed Nami's Clima-Tact and used it to push herself up to her feet. She took a step but then her leg jerked in a sudden spasm and she collapsed. FWUMP!
"Ugghh..." Robin groaned, "Not only is getting struck by lightning extremely painful... but the effects last for a while after... It's definitely something I'd like to avoid in the future..."
Robin clutched the Clima-Tact to her chest and finally allowed herself to lose consciousness.
"Aah!" In the forest, Nami let out a sudden yelp as she dropped to her knees and the kanji on her forehead disappeared.
"Are you alright, Captain Nami?" Sanji asked with concern. "I'll be happy to carry you..."
"I'm hungry!" Luffy complained, "Can we hurry up so I can eat?"
"Captain?" Nami repeated as she stared up at Luffy, Usopp, and Sanji. "What's going on?"
"You ordered us to go and reclaim your Clima-Tact and make Y/N join your pirate crew," Usopp stated, "If you can't remember that much maybe I should take over."
"My pirate crew?" Nami questioned. That didn't make sense. She hated most pirates.
Suddenly she remembered what happened up at the temple. How the High Priest had touched Luffy's forehead and how he was suddenly hungry. And how he'd touched Sanji's forehead and the pink haired chick had taken down her and Usopp with Sanji's signature kicks.
"That High Priest must've done something to me," Nami realized. She quickly read the kanji on her 'crew's' foreheads. "Gluttony, Pride, and Lust. Three of the Seven Deadly Sins. If he did the same to me then it's hardly a surprise that I'd be Greed. I must've taken over the crew somehow. If we're heading up the mountain to get my Clima-Tact then that means one of the High Priest's disciples have it. And if we're going up the mountain after Y/N then that means he and the others are already trying to deal with it. If I'm normal again but the other three aren't then that means someone beat the disciple that was using my Clima-Tact."
"Um... this way crew!" Nami ordered the others as she raced ahead towards the mountain. "We've gotta get my stuff back!" The others quickly followed behind their Captain.
"GUUUUM... GUUUUUM... BUUULLEEEET!" Nagai charged Y/N with his long arm cocked back for a punch. But suddenly he tensed and stopped. "Ugghh... Hakuai..."
Y/N quickly capitalized and lunged up off of the ground. "Jumping... JAVELIN KICK!" CRUNCH! Y/N lashed out his leg and connected with the High Priests' unguarded jaw.
FWUMP! Nagai fell on his back and Y/N grinned as he stood over him.
"From the looks of things, one of my Nakama beat one of your disciples," Y/N realized. "And you felt it when your powers on your henchman were disrupted."
"Grrrr..." Nagai growled as he got back up, "It's no matter. Sessou's new abilities are even stronger than Hakuai's. Even if one of your motley little pirate crewmates managed to make it passed one of my disciples, there's another one waiting to stop them."
"Maybe," Y/N replied, "Or maybe when my Nakama beat your other two henchmen that'll give me another two openings to kick your face in."
"It was a fluke!" Nagai snapped, "It won't happen again!"
"ROBIN!" Nami shouted as she ran out into the clearing and over to her unconscious crewmate.
"You know what they say," Sanji whispered to Usopp as they followed behind Nami, "Unconscious girls can't say 'no'."
"DON'T YOU DARE!" Nami snarled at him.
"Ugghh... Miss... Navigator?" Robin weakly called out. She opened her eyes and looked up at Nami. "I thought I heard you shouting. Here... I got your weapon back..." Nami smiled and took her Clima-Tact.
"Thanks Robin," Nami replied with a grateful smile.
"I'm just glad such a dangerous weapon is back in the right hands," Robin commented.
"It might just be me because I'm super smart," Usopp bragged, "But since when does Captain Nami 'thank' someone?"
"Last time she thanked me with a rough kick in the balls," Sanji stated.
"She said she'd give me food," Luffy added.
"Robin... you're hurt..." Nami realized, "Usopp! Take her back to the ship."
"Why do I have to do it?" Usopp complained. "I'm Vice-Captain!"
"Because this is really important and you're the only one I trust with it," Nami told him. "Sanji can't be trusted alone with her and Luffy would try to eat all our meat. You're the best choice."
"Well of course I am," Usopp bragged as he puffed out his chest. "I'm Vice-Captain Usopp!" Usopp came forward and he and Nami helped Robin up and threw one of her arms over Usopp's shoulders.
"Thank you... Mr.... Long Nose..." Robin said.
"You sure, you've got her?" Nami asked.
"Of course I've got her!" Usopp insisted. "Don't question the greatness of Vice-Captain Usopp!"
"Good," Nami remarked, "We'll continue up the mountain and help the others."
Usopp carried Robin towards the forest while Nami led Luffy and Sanji up the first flight of steps. Nami could practically feel Sanji's eyes on her butt as she ran up the steps ahead of him but knew there were more pressing matters to worry about at the moment.
"Huff... huff... huff..." Chopper panted as he knelt on the ground and clutched at his recently broken ribs.
"It's over, beast," Sessou stated as she walked up to him and raised her leg overhead. "And I've already wasted enough time on you. You can't block my attacks and now because of your injuries you can't dodge them. Good bye. EPAULÉ..." Sessou jumped up for a downward kick at Chopper's shoulder.
"RAAAAH!" Chopper roared as he surged up off of the ground and lashed out his big fist. "HEAVY... GONG!" KER-WHAM! Chopper's fist slammed into the woman and sent her flying backwards. THUD! Sessou dropped to the ground and laid there motionless.
"I... did it..." Chopper wheezed, "I got her... tehe...he...he ow... laughing hurts when you've got broken ribs..."
"That's not the only thing that'll hurt in a couple seconds!" Chopper gaped in alarm as Sessou pushed herself back up to her feet. SHE WITHSTOOD HIS ATTACK!
"GAAAH!" Chopper shrieked in terror. Sessou clearly had Sanji's ability to take a beating.
Sessou momentarily held her chest where Chopper had hit her then once again started advancing on the terrified reindeer. "As I said before, I've wasted enough time on you. It's over, beast."
Click! SWISH! Sessou and Chopper gaped in surprise as Sessou's lock belt was suddenly undone and the bottoms of her black robes were suddenly down around her ankles exposing the woman's pink bloomers to all who cared to look. The underwear looked like something a grandmother would wear – a normal grandmother mind you, not Dr. Kureha who Chopper learned wore panties more fitting of Nami when she ordered him to do the laundry. Speaking of Nami...
"Hehehehe," Nami laughed from where she was crouched down behind Sessou, "Gotcha."
"You... little..." Sessou growled as she blushed crimson and struggled to face the cackling pirate with her bottoms down around her ankles.
Nami stood back up and pointed her Clima-Tact at Sessou, two parts were stuck together to form a small pole and were fitted into a middle hole on the third part making it look like a long 'T'. "TORNADO TEMPO!" BA-BOOM! Peep! Peep! Peep! A pair of familiar wind-up birds shot out of the two side holes.
"That's it?" Sessou asked. "Damn brat, you had me worried for nothing!"
Sessou completely missed the two birds wrapping around her arm and leg that is... until the 'T' segment started spinning and pulled them tight. FWUP! FWUP! FWUP! FWUP!
"Wha-what are you doing?" Sessou sputtered. She struggled to fight free but with her bottoms binding her legs together at the ankles she couldn't free herself. "NOOOOOO!" WHRRL! WHRRL! WHRRRL! The woman screamed as she started spinning along with the 'T' pole. "STOOOP IIIT! HEEEELP!" BOOOOOOM! The spinning 'T' pole fired off of the rest of the Clima-Tact and sent Sessou spinning into the side of the mountain. KER-RASH!
When the dust settled, Sessou's bottoms had been left behind at Nami's feet and a hole the size and shape of an upside-down Sessou had been made in the side of the mountain.
Nami smirked and looked over her shoulder in time to see the kanji fade from Sanji's forehead.
"Um... Miss. Nami... what happened?" Sanji asked as he rubbed his head in confusion. "The last thing I remember is wanting to give that High Priest son-of-a-bitch a good ass kicking."
"Are you gonna eat that raccoon?" Luffy inquired as he glanced hungrily at Chopper.
"DON'T YOU DARE!" Nami shouted, "Sanji, there should be an unconscious woman in that hole over there. Could you untangle her from my Clima-Tact and bring it back to me?"
"Of course, Miss. Nami!" Sanji quickly agreed and went over to the hole and peered into it. "Oh, the poor dear was blasted a good five feet in here."
Nami knelt down next to Chopper, "Chopper, are you okay?"
"I... I think so..." Chopper answered, "I've got some broken ribs but I'll pull through. You came just in time. Sanji's fighting style is really tough. Without a Rumble Ball I didn't stand much of a chance against her. Big Brother was right, I need to learn the Steel Shield technique so I can fight better with my three original forms."
"Y/N!" Nami suddenly gasped. "He's up at the top, isn't he?"
"Yeah," Chopper answered, "He and Zoro went on ahead."
"And knowing Zoro, he's probably covered in blood," Nami realized. "Think you can manage the trip up?"
"I'll try," Chopper told her, he struggled to stand but with his injuries he ended up collapsing. FWUMP! "It's no good."
"Sanji!" Nami called out.
"Yes, Miss. Nami!" Sanji replied as he returned with her Clima-Tact. "Here you go."
"Thanks," Nami said as she took her weapon back, "Chopper's the reason you're normal again. Would you mind repaying the favor by carrying up the mountain so he can patch up Zoro?"
"Alright," Sanji agreed as he scooped Chopper up onto his back. "Moss Ball will need all the medical help he can get."
"Can't I just have one bite?" Luffy requested.
"CHOPPER'S NOT FOOD!" Nami yelled at him. "Let's go guys, the longer it takes us to get up there, the longer Zoro's gonna have to bleed to death."
"GUM... GUM... PIIISTOOOL!" Nagai lashed his long arm out at Y/N.
"One major weakness to Luffy's powers is that when he stretches one of his limbs out, the limb becomes a bigger target for the enemy to attack," Y/N thought to himself as the fist rushed towards him. "Luffy's combats this weakness by using his body's elasticity to quickly snap back into his original shape after executing a strike. This guy however only has long limbs which means they won't snap back after an attack."
WOOOSH! Y/N leaned to the side to dodge the punch and spun sideways as he prepared to attack Nagai's extended arm.
Nagai's eyes widened when he saw Y/N going for his arm, he reached for his shoulder with his other arm in an attempt to pull his arm back in a similar manner that Luffy would but all that was forgotten when he felt another one of his henchmen fall.
THWAK! Y/N smashed his foot full force into Nagai's lower elbow then kept spinning and drove the steel bottom of his boot into Nagai's upper elbow before he had a chance to recover. THWHAM! Nagai spun sideways and went crashing down to the ground.
"Damn you!" Nagai growled as he held his arm.
"Another major difference between this guy and Luffy is that Luffy's rubber body is good for absorbing the impact of most blows," Y/N commented to himself. "This Luffy-impersonator doesn't have that particular advantage and now with two broken elbows one of his arms has been rendered effectively useless."
"One limb down," Y/N announced, "Only three more to go."
"So that's your plan!" Nagai snarled, SHOOM! He executed another frog-jump and launched himself up into the air. "IT WON'T WORK!"
"Looks like Sessou's lost," Kyouken observed as he stared down the mountain using Usopp's incredible eyesight. "High Priest Nagai will be most displeased. I supposed I'll have to collect my arsenal so I'm prepared for my new guests."
"You're not... gonna touch them..." Kyouken's eyes widened in surprise as a bloody and burned Zoro pulled himself back over the edge of the lower level of the mountain and once again stood defiantly below him. Kyouken could see that Zoro's swords were coated in a thin layer of dirt which meant he'd stabbed them into the side of the mountain to keep himself from falling.
"You're still alive?" Kyouken questioned, "I suppose I should've done a more thorough search when I couldn't find your body."
"That's a mistake you're gonna regret," Zoro assured him. "You've been doing all the attacking. Now it's my turn." Zoro held both swords in one hand while he drew Wado Ichimonji and got his three swords properly situated. SKISH! Zoro leapt over the oil trap and the caltrops and landed on the steps then began running up them.
"STOP RIGHT THERE!" Kyouken shouted, "FIRE STAR!" FWING! Kyouken fired the orange projectile at his charging opponent and as expected of Usopp's aim it struck the swordsman on the chest. FWOOOOOSSSHHH! Zoro's body was soon covered in flames... BUT HE KEPT CHARGING!
Zoro ignored the fire and ignored all the other injuries that he'd suffered from Usopp's arsenal and kept pressing onward. He numbed his body to the pain it was in and focused solely on the task... and opponent... before him. Zoro touched his swords to his burning body and they soon caught on fire along with him.
"WHAT... WHAT ARE YOU?" Kyouken demanded as Zoro bounded up the last few steps. "THIS CAN'T BE REAL!"
SKISH! Zoro leapt over the hole he'd blasted in the ground and flew at Kyouken and lashed out with all three burning swords, "FLAMING... DEMON SLICE!" SLA-SLOSH! Zoro's burning swords slashed through Kyouken's body as he flew past and then landed behind him in a crouch. Tmp! Kyouken let out a faint gasp before he dropped to the ground unconscious. FWUMP!
"He may be a loudmouth, but Usopp's got some pretty nasty toys in that bag of his," Zoro remarked. "I'm glad that's finally over." Zoro sheathed his swords then dropped to the ground. FWUMP! He rolled over to smother the flames on him before finally succumbing to his injuries and losing consciousness.
"Be happy I brought you back here," Usopp told Robin as he sat her down against the main mast. "I'm not just some errand boy, ya know."
"I'm aware of that, thank you Mr. Long Nose," Robin replied.
"That's Vice-Captain Long Nose to you!" Usopp insisted, "Or even better Vice-Captain UUu..." The kanji suddenly disappeared from his forehead and Usopp was left staring blankly. "Uh... what was I doing just now?"
"Loudly shouting your name," Robin informed him.
"Oh? Was I doing something brave and heroic?" Usopp asked.
"Not exactly," Robin admitted, "but I do appreciated you bringing me back here. I had a rather unpleasant encounter with that weapon Miss. Navigator wields."
"The Clima-Tact?" Usopp questioned.
"You heard of it?" Robin inquired.
"Heard of it?" Usopp exclaimed, "I MADE it! Of course, Nami's found a lot more uses for it than I could've ever thought of."
"I learned a few of them first hand," Robin stated, "You certainly made an effective weapon. I hope it doesn't fall into the wrong hands again."
"Fall into the wrong hands?" Usopp repeated. "What's going on?"
"I suppose I could fill you in," Robin commented. "How much do you remember from when you were at the temple?"
SKISH! Y/N lunged out of the way and Nagai slammed into the ground where he'd been standing. BOOOM! Nagai pushed himself back up and swung his long leg around at Y/N, "GUUM... GUUM... WHIIIP!" WOOSH! Y/N ducked under Nagai's spinning leg then jumped up into the air. SKISH! With Y/N coming right at him and with only one working arm, there was only one move Nagai could make. "GUUM... GUUUM... PIISTOOL!" WOOSH! Y/N predicted Nagai's obvious move and veered around his fist then grabbed his arm. WHAP!
Tmp! Y/N dropped to the ground and used the momentum to flip Nagai over his shoulder and onto his back. WHAM! While still holding the High Priest's arm up off the ground, Y/N lashed out his leg and drove the steel toe of his boot into his shoulder. THWAK-KRACK! Nagai's shoulder shattered now leaving both of his arms useless.
"Luffy's body is made of rubber while you're still only flesh and bone," Y/N stated, "You can't compare to him with that cheap imitation of his fighting style."
"THEN I'LL BEAT YOU WITHOUT ANY ARMS!" Nagai insisted as he dragged himself away from Y/N with his legs and stood back up.
"Hmm... maybe you have Luffy's durability," Y/N noted, "But it looks like your body can't hold it properly."
"GUUUM... GUUUUM... STAAAMP!" Nagai lashed out his leg at Y/N. "UGGH!" But suddenly lurched and stopped in mid-attack when he felt his final disciple fall. "Kyouken..."
"And that's the last opening I need," Y/N stated. "Thanks Zoro." He spun under Nagai's extended leg and slipped behind him. "Quarterstaff... SWEEP!" THWAK! Y/N's foot smacked into the leg Nagai was standing on and made the High Priest to drop to his knees. Y/N slipped back around Nagai and lunged at him with a spinning kick aimed at the long-limbed man's now reachable stomach. "Machete... BACK KICK!" THWHAM! Y/N's foot slammed into Nagai's stomach causing the High Priest to double over in an awkward looking bow. SKISH! Y/N jumped into the air and raised his leg up overhead, "Jumping... AX KICK!" THA-WAK! Y/N drove his heel down into Nagai's exposed neck. WHAM! Nagai's face was driven down into the ground while Y/N landed and launched himself back at the Priest and drove his feet into the man's side, "Low... ARROW KICK!" THWHAM! Nagai was sent rolling across the floor. SKISH! Y/N launched himself up into the air and flew overhead. When he was above Nagai – who stopped rolling – Y/N came down feet-first, "Bludgeon STOMP!" THWHOMP! KREK-KREK-KRAK! Nagai's ribs broke under the force of Y/N's feet slamming into his chest. Even if he had somehow withstood the injury, the Sea-Stone that was now firmly planted on his chest rendered the High Priest helpless.
"Sea... Stone..." Nagai wheezed. He hadn't noticed it before since Y/N's attacks had all been hard and fast. But now that he was exposed to its effects for a longer period of time, he finally felt it and felt the last remaining effects of his Devil Fruit Powers wear off.
"Your men have fallen and now you have too," Y/N stated. "You may have had the fighting styles of my Nakama but you can't copy their heart. That's why you lost. And that's why the so-called peace you created on this island is all a lie. You've trampled on their hearts and broken their wills. But now that you're defeated, your reign is over and they can finally start living happy lives."Y/N stepped off of the prone priest and turned to leave. "I hope you learned something from all of this."
"DON'T TURN YOUR BACK ON ME!" Nagai screamed. He lunged off of the ground and ignored the pain in his shattered shoulder as he lashed out his arm and slapped Y/N on the back. WHAP! "Since your Captain's fighting abilities won't work for me... I'll use yours instead!" The 'patience' kanji glowed on the chest of Nagai's Chinese style robes. "And now that I know your unarmed style, I know that I won't even need my arms to pull off most of your moves. I'll use your abilities to defeat those friends of yours and with all of you dealt with my control over this island will be stronger than ever."
"Bad idea..." Y/N said as slowly reached up and undid his eye patch.
"What?" Nagai growled, "I've had enough of you! JAVELIN KICK!" Nagai lashed out at Y/N for his own signature kick. WHOOSH! Y/N spun around and with an outstretched arm stopped the kick before it even reached him.
"Hah-ha," Y/N's red eye glowed brightly along with the kanji for 'Wrath' on his back. "You've just made the biggest mistake of your life! And now... I'm gonna make you regret it!"
Y/N's Wrath:
"Zoro... Zoro... are you still alive?" Nami asked as she shook the wounded swordsman.
"Yeah... unless I'm in hell..." Zoro grumbled, "Which would explain why you're here..."
"Yup, he's fine," Nami informed the others.
"Did Usopp's stuff do all that to you?" Sanji questioned as he stared down at the injured Zoro. "You must be slipping."
"He's a lot tougher than you think," Zoro assured him. "The guy went down easy enough but the challenge was getting close to him. He had all sorts of toys made for the sole purpose of keeping his opponents away from him."
Chopper looked up from his inspection of Zoro's injuries, "You're lucky that most of your injuries aren't too deep. The problem is that you've got external and internal burns."
"I'll live," Zoro insisted.
"Those look bad," Luffy stated. "What the heck happened to you?" Nami and Sanji looked between them at Luffy who was standing there with a kanji-less forehead like he'd been there the whole time.
"Luffy!" Nami exclaimed. "You're back!"
"That must mean that Big Brother won!" Chopper realized.
"Won? Huh? What's going on?" Luffy inquired. "Weren't we up at the temple?"
"Yeah," Sanji attempted to explain, "but we—"
"Actually we were just heading back there to meet Y/N!" Nami interrupted. "C'mon, let's hurry! Chopper, we'll leave you to deal with Zoro. Head back down to the Merry and we'll meet you there once we help Y/N finish dealing with that damn High Priest."
"Right," Chopper agreed, "Make sure someone tells the villagers that the High Priest's been beaten, those poor people need some good news to brighten their lives."
"Sure," Nami told him, "Luffy, Sanji, let's go!" The three left Chopper behind to deal with Zoro and took off up the remaining flight of steps to the temple.
When they arrived at the temple they were surprised to see that the huge double doors had been knocked out of their frame and were lying flat on the floor.
"Must've been some battle," Sanji remarked as they stepped over the doors and once again entered the temple.
"I wonder what Y/N did to that priest-guy," Luffy wondered.
"Stuck him in a big cage," Nami answered.
"How'd you know that?" Luffy asked.
"He's right over there," Nami pointed out. Luffy and Sanji looked over where she was pointing and found High Priest Nagai trapped in a large cage.
"If the priest guy's over there then where's Y/N?" Sanji questioned.
"'Monster'?" Nami repeated. "The only monster here is you!"
"Would you prefer 'demon'?" The three Straw Hats looked across the large room and saw Y/N standing there with an angry scowl on his face and a glowing red eye.
"Y/N, what's going o—" ZZZZOOOM! Luffy was cut off when Y/N sped across the room and appeared right in front of them and lashed out both arms. WOOOSH! Luffy and Sanji were sent flying back out the opened doorway.
A sinister grin spread across Y/N's face as he turned to Nami who started backing away.
"Y/N! Snap out of it!" Nami urged him. "You're under the effects of the High Priest's Devil Fruit Powers!"
"I know that," Y/N replied, "And I like it!" Y/N pulled back his arm.
"EEK!" Nami shrieked and flinched away.
POW! Luffy's fist came flying through the doorway and slammed into Y/N's chest and sent him flying backwards.
"Nami! Get back!" Luffy ordered as he followed his fist back into the temple. "I don't know what's going on... but I'll handle Y/N. You and Sanji deal with the Priest."
Luffy walked past Nami and approached Y/N who stood back up and glared at him from across the room. "You're gonna pay for that you rubber freak."
"I'm not a rubber freak, I'm your brother!" Luffy insisted. "And since you're acting like an angry bastard it's my job as your brother TO KICK YOUR ASS!"
"Then come and die," Y/N taunted him.
"GUUUM... GUUUM... BAAAZOOOKAAA!" SHOOM! Luffy shot his rubber arms across the room at Y/N.
"Red Eye... DOUBLE PUNCH!" Y/N lashed out both arms and a pair of telekinetic punches from the red eye met Luffy's fists in the middle of the room. WHAM! Even thought there was nothing visibly flying towards Luffy's fists the sound of something connecting with it through the temple as Luffy and Y/N were both sent skidding backwards after their powerful attacks collided.
Nami's attention was torn from the fight when Sanji grabbed her hand. "Miss. Nami, do you think you can get that cage opened?"
"Oh, yeah, I'll see what I can do," Nami agreed as she and Sanji went over to the cage.
"Listen bastard!" Sanji growled at the trapped Nagai, "We'll let you out of there but in exchange you've gotta undo what you did to Y/N."
"Are you insane?" Nagai hissed. "The effects of my Devil Fruit Powers are the only things keeping me alive! That maniac likes what I did to him and he decided not to kill me so he could stay that way!"
"Miss. Nami, would you mind getting the cage opened?" Sanji requested, "It looks like I need to beat some sense into this guy."
Nami reached into the waistband of her skirt and pulled out a lock pick. She usually kept one on her ever since she first started cracking treasure chests as a pirate thief. She made the mistake of leaving her old lock pick in her regular clothes when she changed into her dancer outfit back in Alabasta. Those clothes – and the lock pick – were stolen by the Warusagi that tricked Luffy when they were crossing the desert so she had to buy a new one. After getting trapped in Crocodile's cage for so long during such a dire situation Nami made sure now to always have her lock pick on her just in case..
"Gimme a few seconds," Nami instructed Sanji as she got to work on picking the lock.
"NO! LEAVE IT LOCKED!" Nagai yelled. "If you fools take me out there'll be no one to stop your rampaging friend!"
"Oh yeah?" Sanji countered, "How 'bout that guy?" Sanji motioned over to Luffy and briefly turned his attention to the fight going on between his Captain and his wrathful First Mate.
"GUUUM... GUUUUM... PIIISTOOOOL!" SHOOM! Luffy shot his rubber arm out at Y/N but with a dismissive wave of his arm Y/N made Luffy's fist veer off course and sail right by him. Whap! Luffy's extended hand grabbed onto a statue behind Y/N and yanked Luffy forward. SHOOOM! "GUUUUM... GUUUUUUM... SIIICKLEEEE!" Luffy stuck his other arm out and aimed for Y/N's head as he flew at him.
"Red Eye... PUNCH!" WOOSH! Y/N lashed out his fist and a telekinetic punch connected with Luffy's chest and sent him flying backwards. But Luffy flipped over in midair and landed on his feet in a crouch. TMP!
"That... hurt," Luffy realized as he rubbed his rubber chest where Y/N had punched him. His body hadn't absorbed the impact like it normally did but then again Y/N hadn't used a physical attack.
"What's the matter? Are you already regretting your decision to fight me?" Y/N asked.
"Nope, I'm just getting started!" Luffy insisted.
"Good," Y/N replied, "Because I wouldn't have stopped anyway."
CLICK! The lock on Nagai's cage popped and Nami swung the door open then quickly moved out of the way. "He's all yours Sanji!"
"Oh no you don't!" Nagai growled. "Javelin... KICK!" THWAK! Nagai's long leg lashed out and connected with Sanji's jaw. Since it wasn't incased in steel like Y/N's normally was it lacked some of its effectiveness.
"So you're gonna make this hard," Sanji realized as he stood back up and rubbed his chin.
"I like your angry friend's health plan better than yours," Nagai replied. "I already lost to that maniac once using the rubber freak's fighting style. He doesn't stand a chance now that he's even stronger. He's keeping me alive so he can stay how he is, you two on the other hand he'll have no problem with killing!"
"You dumb-ass, Luffy's body is made of rubber," Sanji pointed out. "You couldn't hope to copy his style. Luffy can hold off Y/N, and if I take you out, Y/N'll go back to normal."
"GUUUMM... GUUUUMMM... ROOOCKEEET!" Luffy used his hold on another statue behind Y/N to go rocketing towards his opponent. SHOOM!
FWUP! Y/N dropped down onto his back and shot his legs up as Luffy came flying over him, "Red Eye... UNDERBELLY KICK!" WHOMP! Luffy was launched his up into the air thanks a pair of telekinetic kicks. Y/N stood back up then snapped his hands down and shot himself up into the air after Luffy. SHOO!
Luffy reached the peak and started dropping causing Y/N to fly up past him, then he flipped over and shot his legs down. "Red Eye... STOMP!" THOMP! Another pair of telekinetic kicks sent Luffy flying back down to the ground.
Luffy remembered Y/N using this combination to nearly knock out Arlong so he quickly countered. "GUUM... GUUM... BAAALLOOOON!" FWOOF! Luffy inflated himself and slammed into the ground. BOING! His round rubber body bounced off the floor and he deflated in midair then flipped and landed in a crouch.
Y/N came down right in front of him and Luffy quickly stretched his arm out behind him, "GUUUM... GUUUUM... BUULLEEEET!"
Y/N didn't have enough time to block the rapidly incoming punch so he did the next best thing. "Steel Shield!" KA-POW! Luffy's fist connected and sent Y/N skidding backwards but because Y/N had developed this technique for the main purpose of withstanding attacks like the one Luffy had just hit him with he was left unarmed.
"Machete... BACK KICK!" Nagai lashed his long leg out behind him at Sanji but the cook dodged to the side. "You don't stand a chance against me! With these kicks and my long legs, I'm stronger than you and I've got a longer reach." Nagai lashed out for another long kick.
THWAK! Sanji met Nagai's kick with a kick of his own and deflected it. "Hate to break it to ya. But Y/N's not stronger than me, and neither are you."
"Spinning... WHIP KICK!" Nagai spun around and whipped his deflected leg at Sanji. THWAK! Sanji kicked Nagai's leg away from him then surged forward for a flying kick. "Steel Shield!" THWHAM! Sanji's foot slammed into Nagai's chest but with his already broken ribs the High Priest couldn't hope to tense his muscles enough to block the blow. WHAM! Nagai slammed into the front of the cage and dropped to his knees.
"Y/N's kicks don't hold a candle to mine ya lanky bastard," Sanji taunted.
"GUUUUM... GUUUUUM... WHIIIP!" SWISH! Luffy swung his leg around at Y/N's head but with a wave of his hand Y/N forced Luffy's legs upward and made it go over his head. SKISH! Luffy pushed off of the ground with his other leg and stretched it up over his head while in the air above Y/N, "GUUUUUM... GUUUUUM... BAAAATTLEEEE AAAX!" Luffy stopped the spin from his whip and snapped his other leg down at Y/N from overhead.
"Red Eye... UPPERCUT!" WOOSH! Y/N lashed his fist upward and blocked Luffy's kick with a telekinetic punch. SHOO! Y/N launched himself up into the air so he was level with Luffy and lashed out his arm. "Red Eye... PUNCH!" WOOSH! Y/N's telekinetic punch connected with Luffy's chest and sent him flying across the room where he crashed into the wall above the empty doorway. WHAM! Luffy's body dropped and hit the ground. KRASH!
"Maybe you are stronger than me," Nagai confessed, "but you're not faster! Speed Step!" ZZZZZOOOOM! Nagai sped towards Sanji.
"SAUTÉ!" Sanji kicked off of the ground and caught the High Priest off guard with his own speed technique followed by a fast kick to the chest. THWAK!
Nagai was sent flying and slowly pushed himself back up. "Y/N taught me how to do that technique," Sanji stated, "but I have to ask, how did you overcome the fact that the technique leaves your legs numb the first few times you use it?"
"What?" FWUMP! Nagai's long legs gave out and he dropped to his knees.
Sanji capitalized on the opening and launched himself up into the air, "COLLIER! EPAULÉ!" THWAK-WHAK! Sanji drove one foot down into Nagai's collar and the other into his shattered shoulder. FWIP! Sanji flipped off of Nagai and landed in a handstand. "COTELETTE!" THWAK! He connected with a spinning upside-down kick to Nagai's broken ribs then followed up with a kick to the back. "SÉLLE!" THWAK!
FWUMP! "Uggghhh..." Nagai groaned as he fell on his face. He pushed himself back up to his knees only to be met with another kick from Sanji.
"POITRINE!" THWAK! Sanji's foot connected with Nagai's chest then he followed up with a sweeping kick to the thigh, "GIGOT!" THWHAM! Once again, Nagai was brought down to the ground. FWUMP!
"Impossible..." Nagai gasped, "How could Sessou possibly lose if you're so much stronger..."
"That was because of me," Nami said as she caught Nagai off guard by coming out of nowhere and pulling him back up to his knees, "GET HIM SANJI!"
Nami dove out of the way while Sanji launched himself at the kneeling Nagai, "MOUTON SHOOT!" BA-BA-BA-BAM! Sanji's foot smashed into Nagai's chest, brutalized his remaining ribs and sent him sailing across the room. KRASH! Nagai slammed through a wall and was left lying still on the ground. This time he didn't get up.
Y/N tensed when the kanji disappeared from his forehead. "What the..."
"GUUUM... GUUUUUM... BAAAZOOOOKAAAAA!" WHAM! Luffy's fists slammed into Y/N's unguarded stomach and sent him flying into a wall near the hole Nagai had made. KROOOSH! The wall had barely withstood the long-limbed High Priest slamming through it, Y/N smashed into it was too much and it crumbled. KRASH! KRASH! KRASH! Y/N was left buried in the rubble of the collapsed wall.
"The priest is taken care of and Y/N's back to normal," Sanji resolved, "It looks like our work here is done."
"Good," Luffy replied, "That eye of his is a real pain."
FWING! The rubble flew up into the air and was scattered across the room. "Heh-heh-heh!" The familiar laugh caused shivers to go down Nami's spine while Luffy and Sanji immediately went on guard. "Did somebody call me?" Rick stood in place of the rubble, the Eye of the Devil was still glowing brightly and his hair was standing up in straight spikes.
"Oh no!" Nami gasped, "The High Priest's Devil Fruit made it so Y/N was the one attacking us before and Luffy just knocked him out! Now there's no one to keep the Eye in check!"
"I don't know how I regained control," Red Eye admitted, "but I'm going to make the most of this and kill all three of you right here." SHOOM! Rick snapped his arms down and rocketed across the room. "STARTING WITH YOU!" It took Luffy and Sanji a couple seconds to realize that RED EYE WAS GOING AFTER NAMI!
"SAUTÉ!" ZZZOOOOM! Sanji tackled Nami out of the way.
"GUM... GUM... STAMP!" THWHAM! Luffy's extended leg slammed into Red Eye's side and sent him crashing into the front of the cage. KLANG!
"Straw Hat..." Red Eye snarled as he got up and glared at Luffy. "You just couldn't wait your turn? Congratulations, now you're Number 1 on my People-to-Kill list!"
"I won't let you kill anyone," Luffy resolved as he clenched his fists.
"Heh-heh-heh!" Red Eye laughed, "You think you can stop me? Once I kill you and the annoying girl the brat will be so broken he'll never regain control!"
The Eye of the Devil was once again unleashed. And now Luffy stood in front of it as the only obstacle preventing it from embarking on another blood-crazed rampage.
Hope you enjoyed the chapter!!!
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