Collapsing Upper Ruins
Collapsing Upper Ruins:
Conis clutched to the railing of the Going Merry and watched in horror as her father was all but vaporized by the thick beam of white lightning. When the light cleared, her father and the strange man that they had gone on shore to help were gone. Even the Vearth they had been on had been destroyed and a circular hole was left on the coast of Upper Yard. Fire burned on the grass and trees beyond the hole and Conis slumped against the railing and sobbed at the sight.
She was still alive but only because of her father's quick thinking. Now he was gone. The man who had raised her had vanished in a beam of familiar white light. The same white light that Luffy, Usopp and Sanji had saved her from yesterday... God's Judgment.
Conis bit her lip as her tears ran down her face and dropped into her lap. Suu ran over and attempted to comfort her. Conis grabbed her little white fox and hugged her to her chest.
"There is no time to lose!" the strange man had urged them. "You must tell everyone! Soon our lives will be over! Eneru will eliminate everything from the sky! Skypeia is going to be dropped back into the Blue Sea World! And this nation will no longer exist!"
"I can't..." Conis whimpered, "I can't just sit here and cry..." Her father had died to get that information. The people had to know about Eneru's horrible plans. "There's no time to lose, I must take action." Conis put Suu down and stood up with renewed determination. "I have to do everything I can. I have to tell the people... what's going to happen."
And so it was decided. A moment later, Conis pulled on her gloves and sped off in her father's sky ship. VROOOOOOM!
"Suu!" Suu cried out after Conis as she perched on the rear railing of the Going Merry.
"I want you to stay and take care of these two, Suu," Conis had instructed her treasured pet as they stood over Usopp and Sanji while she slipped a cannon on her back, "Because there's something important that I have to do."
"I have to warn them, no matter what it takes!" Conis thought to herself as she raced back towards Angel Beach on the bull-themed boat that used to belong to her father. "I won't let your death be in vain father!"
"Chopper!" Y/N exclaimed, fresh off his victory over Ohm and his Ordeal of Iron. He spotted the reindeer on the rock where he'd left him. Y/N scooped Chopper up into his arms. "Now we just need to rescue Nami from that snake and we can get out outta here, little guy."
Y/N stepped back onto his stolen sky-board and sped off through the ruins. SHOOOOM!
"RUUFFF!" Y/N looked up and saw Holy barrel towards him. Clearly the big dog recognized him as the one who had defeated its master and wanted some sort of revenge.
A pink haired Shandian suddenly leapt over a ruin and chased after the dog. "OH NO YOU DON'T!" he roared. "HE'S MINE! GET DOWN!"
Skiiissshh... Y/N skidded to a stop on his Sky-Board and he and Kiko stared at the dog in surprise. Holy had sat down.
"Did... it just listen?" Kiko wondered as they stared at the docile dog as it sat on the ground.
"Well... I did just gut its master," Y/N reasoned. "Maybe it'll listen to anyone now?"
"In that case..." Kiko said, "BEAST, I COMMAND YOU TO KNOCK YOURSELF OUT!"
Holy swung his paw up and smashed it into his own face. KA-POW! The dog dropped like a rock and fell on its back. THUD!
"That damn dog survived everything that I threw at it!" Kiko thought to himself, "It knocked itself out with just one punch." Kiko noted Y/N out of the corner of his eye. "Crap, can't lose face in front of the Blue Sea Dweller..."
"HAHA!" Kiko laughed as he raised his arms up in the air, "I AM THE BEAST MASTER!"
"Still look like a Skykama to me, pinky," Y/N stated.
"Grrr..." Kiko growled at him. "Then maybe I'll finish what I started on the beanstalk."
"Yeah, you could," Y/N agreed, "But you know there's still one uncontrollable beast still running amok in these ruins."
Kiko looked back over his shoulder and easily spotted the snake that towered over the ruins. "Wyper's still fighting it."
"And my Nakama Zoro's no slouch either," Y/N added, "So if the two of them haven't been able to get Nami, the Sky Knight and that girl out of there then maybe they need some help."
"Aisa..." Kiko hissed.
"Come on 'Beast Master'," Y/N prodded the Shandian. "You scared of a big snake?"
"I AM NOT!" Kiko snapped.
"Good, see you there," Y/N decided. SHOOOM! He sped off on his sky-board.
"HEY WAIT!" Kiko hollered after him. "GIMME BACK MY BOARD, YOU BASTARD!"
"Damn it," Zoro cursed as he dodged around a swipe from the giant snake. "I've gotta get Nami outta that snake before she gets digested."
"I don't have time for this fight to drag on forever!" Wyper growled on the snake's other side. "Why don't you just die already!"
RAAAAAHHH! The snake roared as it lunged at Wyper. SKISH! Wyper shot himself up into the air and the snake slammed into the ground. WHAAM!
Fwip! Wyper flipped over in midair and aimed his Burn Bazooka down at the exposed portion of the snake's skin that Zoro had caused when he'd managed to hack off the snake's thick scales. "This fight ends now!" Wyper declared. "I'M THROUGH DEALING WITH YOU!"
BA-ZOOOOM! Wyper opened fire and a beam of blue fire shot from his Burn Bazooka and blasted the damaged spot on the snake's size.
REEEEEEHHHHRRRRRR! The snake recoiled crushed a nearby ruin. KROOOM!
Zoro rushed in while the snake was still down and wounded and lashed out the now burnt wound and slashed with two of his swords. SLA-SLISH! SPLURT! Zoro landed on the far side of the snake while blood sprayed out from the snake's side. They were finally doing some damage.
"What the heck is going on out there?" Nami wondered as she lay in heap with Luffy and Aisa after they suffered through the snake they were inside of doing a barrel-roll. "If this keeps up much longer I don't know if we'll be able to make it out of here!"
"Hey! Someone help!" Luffy's muffled voice came from under Nami. She looked down and saw that the rubber Captain's head had been squished between two large broken rocks. "This is killing my face! Someone get me out!"
"Oh good grief," Nami muttered as she grabbed Luffy's shoulders and yanked hard in an attempt to get her Captain out of yet another annoying situation.
"Nami had better still be alive in there..." Zoro growled as he stared at the snake.
SKISH! "Zoro!" Zoro spun around as Y/N landed behind him with Chopper on his shoulder. "Any progress?"
"A little," Zoro answered, "That snake's scales are like steel but I managed to blast some off. The crazy bazooka guy just shot the wound with his fire cannon and I sliced it with my sword, so we've got an opened wound at least."
"So what... your plan is to hack your way into it?" Y/N asked.
"If we have to," Zoro replied. "Do you have a better plan?"
"Have you tried asking it to spit them out?" Y/N inquired.
"Be seriously," Zoro scolded him.
"I am," Y/N told him, "After I took out baldy, the Skykama told the dog to knock itself out and then it did."
Kiko ran up behind Wyper on the other side of the snake. "Wyper, the Blue Sea Dweller managed to beat Ohm and I took out the dog," Kiko reported. "I am the beast master! HOOO!"
"Then here's how this is going to go," Wyper decided, "First we gut the snake, then we kill all three of those Blue Sea People and Gan Fall and then we take Eneru's head."
Down below, in the City of Shandora, Eneru's body finally stopped cackling with electricity and he lowered his arm.
"What exactly did you just do?" Robin demanded.
"I showed mercy," Eneru humored her demand and answered. "I pitiful worm was in a great deal of pain so I saved him by releasing him from his torment. I performed My duties as God. But it seems the young woman is still behaving desperately... but desperation is the most interesting emotion." Robin stared at Eneru and tried to reign in her shock. "Soon enough, true despair will be something everyone truly understands."
Robin's eyes narrowed, "This man, he as Logia Power," she realized. She'd spent years with Crocodile. She knew how to recognize a Logia Devil Fruit User's abilities when she saw them.
"And now," Eneru concluded, "I must say that what little time we have left here I coming to a close. This is the beginning of the end. I will now set into motion a series of events that will reveal my ultimate plan."
"What plan?" Robin questioned. "What do you mean?"
"Yahahah," Eneru let out a low chuckle as he once again raised his arm up into the air. "THE SKY LORD IS CALLING YOU! HEED MY CALL LOWLY BEINGS AND COME TO ME!"
"Aah!" Robin gasped and stepped back in surprise as Eneru's entire body took on a blue-white glow as he cackled with electricity.
"SANGO!" Eneru called out. BA-ZOOOOOOOM! A wide beam of electricity shot off of Eneru's body and flew up into the air then plowed through the bottom of the upper ruins. FWASH! Eneru's lightning completely covered the large white-barbed dome that Ohm had created around the Upper Ruins.
"AAAAAHHH!" Kiko yelled in alarm as the Upper Ruins were engulfed in blue-white light.
"Grrr..." Wyper growled as he recognized the lightning power.
"What the..." Zoro sputtered in surprise.
"Oh crap!" Y/N cursed, "Eneru's found Robin!"
Reeehh? The snake hissed in confusion.
KREK-KREK-KREK! The stone ground stared to come apart as the ruins were knocked free from the beanstalk and stared to fall downward.
"WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" Robin shouted at Eneru.
"YAHAHAHAHA!" Eneru laughed. "It was I who brought you and your friends here to Shandora. I beckoned you."
"I've never seen something like this before..." Robin said to herself, "This man possesses such tremendous power!"
"Hang onto something!" Y/N called out as the ruins came apart and plummeted downward.
"TO WHAT?" Zoro snapped. "The whole place is falling apart!"
"WYPER, WHAT'S GOING ON?" Kiko shouted.
"It has to be Eneru!" Wyper realized. "He's the only one who's powerful enough to do something like this!"
Y/N clutched Chopper to his side with one arm then held onto the sky-board with his other one as he pressed his foot down on the pedal. SHOOOM! The sky-board sped along a falling rock then Y/N leapt off of it and to the side to avoid the massive falling snake.
REEEEEHHHHRRRRRR! The Lord of the Sky hissed in alarm as its massive body fell in between the four humans.
"What's that?" Wyper wondered as he stared all the way down Giant Jack and saw the hole that Eneru's attack had punched through the ruins and cloud cover above Shandora. "There's a hole at the base..."
"YAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" Eneru laughed loudly. "And now this brings us to our climactic grand finale!"
"I suggest we attempt our escape now!" Gan Fall suggested as he, Luffy, Nami, Aisa and Pierre struggled to avoid falling back into the snake as it fell through the air.
"Right," Nami agreed. "It's now or never!" Nami looked down below her at Luffy had Aisa with him. "Luffy, get over here and grab the Waver! I'm gonna finally get us outta this snake!"
"Right," Luffy quickly agreed then he looked down at the Shandian girl who he was holding by the wrist. "Hey you, hang onto me." Luffy pulled Aisa to him and the girl wrapped her arms around his waist before he reached up and grabbed onto the back of Nami's waver. "READY!"
"HERE WE GO!" Nami prompted as she pushed down on the pedal. Vrrrr
"Wait!" Aisa suddenly called out, "You're holding onto the exhaust pipe!"
VRRRROOOOOOOM! The dial-powered waver roared to life and the exhaust pipe blasted Luffy off of it.
"AAAAAAAHHHHH!" Luffy and Aisa screamed as they fell back down the snake.
"MAN OVERBOARD!" Gan Fall shouted as his eyes bugged out in alarm. "WE CAN'T LEAVE THEM!" VROOOOOOM! Nami's waver sped right passed the Sky Knight. "PIERRE! YOU'VE GOT TO GO BACK AND SAVE THOSE TWO!"
WHING! Gan Fall launched himself off of his steed and Pierre fluttered in surprise. "PIIIIEEE!"
"WAAAAAAHHHH!" Nami and Gan Fall screamed as they sped out of the massive snake's opened mouth. Pierre followed behind Gan Fall.
Nami blinked and finally took notice of the fact that they were FALLING hundreds of feet through the air. "YAAAAH!" she shrieked as she clutched at the handlebars of her Waver. "HOW'D WE GET UP SO HIGH?"
"I HAVE NO IDEA!" Gan Fall hollered back as he plummeted passed her. "PIERRE! DON'T WORRY ABOUT ME! YOU HAVE TO SAVE THE OTHERS!"
"PIIEEEE!" Pierre agreed as he spread his wings and shot up into the air and soared back into the snake's opened mouth.
"MY NAME'S GAN FALL! GAN... FALL!" Gan Fall shouted back at her.
Y/N's eye widened in surprise as he sensed a familiar sapphire necklace down below the snake. "Sixteen million ... Nami?" SHOOOM! Y/N used to his skyboard to speed along another falling chunk of ruin and dropped down onto the snake's tail then surfed down its long body. SHOOOOM! Y/N launched himself off of the snake's head and when he squinted his eye he was able to make out Nami on her waver and the armored man falling beside her.
Y/N hugged Chopper to his chest as he curled himself into a ball to speed up his descent then stomped on the pedal of his Skyboard and shot down towards Nami like a cannonball. SHOOM!
"NAMI!" Y/N called out the terrified orange haired girl before he grabbed onto her Waver and flipped himself over the back of it and inside behind Nami. Nami's face lit up as she spun around to face him.
"YYYY/NNNN squealed. She abandoned her hold on the handle bars and launched herself at him and nearly squished Chopper as she grabbed him in a hold that told Y/N that she wasn't going to let go any time soon. "WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON?"
"Hold on," Y/N instructed as he leaned over the side of the Waver. "Sky Knight, grab on!"
Gan Fall spun in the air and grabbed Y/N's outstretched hand with his gauntlet. Once he had him, Y/N swung the Sky Knight onto the Waver in front of him and Nami.
"Eneru just blasted the Upper Ruins with his lightning!" Y/N informed the other two. "We're falling all the way down to the City of Gold."
"Gold?" Nami repeated. Her love for money outweighed her terror at the imminent danger she was in. Well... almost. "I DON'T WANNA DIE BEFORE WE SEE IT!"
"Then you're gonna have to let go of me so I can slow our fall," Y/N told her. Nami stared hard at him, gave him another tight squeeze then let go. Y/N held out Chopper to her. "Look after Chopper." Y/N took a deep breath then rolled off the side of the Waver as they dropped through the hole Eneru had made above the City of Gold.
The ground was quickly closing in as Y/N pulled up his eye patch and revealed his red eye. His held onto the Waver with one arm then lashed out with the other and struck out at the ground. WOOOSH! The Waver started to fall at a slower speed and Y/N lashed out his arm again for good measure. WOOOSH! The Waver's speed was halved again and it lightly touched down on the floor of the ruins.
"There, safe and sound," Y/N resolved as he stood up and pulled his eye patch back down.
"NOT QUITE!" Nami shouted as she pointed up at the debris from the Upper Ruins that was starting to rain down on the city.
Y/N drew his sword and twisted to the side before he launched himself up into the air. "Red Storm... VOLCANO!" SWA-WOOOOSH! A red spiral flew up into the air off of Y/N's sword and cleaved through all the falling debris. SLISH-SLISH-SLISH!
KROOOSH! KREK! KRASH! BOOOM! KRESH! KRATA-KRESH! Nami and Gan Fall watched as two Shandians, a green-haired swordsman, a giant snake and a large assortment of rocky rubble rained down all around them until it all finally settled.
Seven Survivors:
"What just happened?" Robin wondered as she surveyed the large mass of ruins that had just seemingly fallen from the sky. "Why did all of these ruins fall out of the sky?" Robin looked up and saw the hole that Eneru had blasted through the clouds that had previously been overhead around the beanstalk.
KRONK! A large chunk of rubble was kicked to the side as so clambered out from under it.
"Mr. Swordsman!" Robin called out to him.
"This is not my day..." Zoro groaned.
"Don't tell me you fell down here with all of this," Robin said.
"Unngghh!" Zoro grunted as he knocked over a large boulder-sized chunk of stone and stood back up. "Yeah I did. And it almost killed me!"
"I'm amazed it didn't," Robin admitted. "Are you sure you're alright?"
"Yeah, good to see you, Robin," Zoro replied.
"Where am I? What is this place?" Zoro questioned.
"It's the City of Gold we've been looking for," Robin informed him.
"City of Gold, huh?" Zoro repeated as he walked over to her and glanced around him at the impressive ancient ceiling. "It doesn't look much different than the ruins up above. Did you find the treasure?"
"We didn't," Robin answered, "Mr. One Eye even confirmed it before he went to climb that beanstalk in the middle."
"Oh yeah, where'd Y/N get off to anyway?" Zoro wondered.
"You mean he's not with you?" Robin questioned.
"Well, he was," Zoro said, "We had to deal with a Priest, his mutt and a giant snake. He disappeared when we fell."
WHAM! WHAM! WHAM! The Lord of the Sky slammed its massive tail on the ground as it struggled to yank its head out from the ground where it was stuck. KROOOM! The giant snake's head finally came free. It slowly blinked as it took in the ruins around it.
"WAAAAAAHHH!" Luffy and Aisa screamed as they finally finished their fall down the snake's body. Luffy hugged Aisa to him and shielded her as he smashed into some ruins. KRASH!
"Wah!" Aisa yelped as she yanked herself free from the rubble.
"Shishishi!" Luffy sat up and laughed. "That was a crazy ride, if I do say so myself! I think I wanna go again!"
"Shishishi!" Luffy laughed it off. "Sorry!"
"Everyone else managed to escape," Aisa pointed out, "We've been left behind because of YOUR STUPIDITY! IT'S ALL YOUR FAULT!"
"Awww, don't worry about it!" Luffy reassured her.
"GET US OUTTA HERE!" Aisa yelled at him.
"I've got an idea," Luffy told her, "Why don't we make our way down to the back of the snake and escape out its butt..." POW! Aisa cut him off with a hard shot to the face.
"THINK AGAIN, JERK!" she snapped at him, "THAT'S NOT GONNA HAPPEN!"
"PPPPIIEEE!" Pierre cried out as he flew the rest of the way down the snake and landed in front of Luffy and Aisa.
"Hey, it's the horse," Luffy noted.
"THAT'S A BIRD!" Aisa shouted at him.
"PIE!" Pierre crowed as he saluted them.
"Uuh... are you trying to tell us to get on your back?" Luffy questioned.
"PIIEE!" Pierre replied before he used his Devil Fruit Powers and transformed into a horse. "NEEEIIGGH!"
"Waaah... HOW IN THE WORLD DID HE DO THAT?" Aisa exclaimed.
"Shishishi!" Luffy laughed as stretched his arms out and shot himself onto the horse's back. Shu-whup!
"YAAAH!" Aisa yelped. "YOU'RE A FREAK TOO!"
"I ate the Gum Gum Fruit," Luffy told her as he stretched out the side of his face. Woing! "It turned me into a rubber person, that's why I can stretch myself out like this."
"FREAKS!" Aisa shrieked at the rubber boy and the bird-horse. "BOTH OF YOU ARE FREAKS OF NATURE!"
"No, I'm a pirate," Luffy corrected her, "Now come on." Luffy stretched his arm out and snagged Aisa by the back of her shirt then yanked her up onto Pierre's back behind him. Luffy looked back at the Shandian girl, "You'd better hold on tight, okay?" She nodded weakly. "Then I think it's time we made our escape!" Klonk-klonk-klonk-klonk! Pierre galloped along the ruins then flapped his wings than the Pegasus took off. WOOOSH! "LET'S GO, HORSE!" Luffy encouraged Pierre while Aisa hugged him from behind. "DON'T STOP UNTIL YOU SEE THE SKY!"
"PPIIIEEEE!" Pierre crowed as the started to fly back up the snake.
"Don't you ever leave me again!" Nami scolded Y/N. She grabbed onto him and sat herself across his lap. "Do you have any idea what I've been through?"
"You got chased across the island then got eaten by the snake?" Y/N guessed.
"Oh no, there's way more!" Nami snapped. "FIRST, God showed up on the Going Merry and fried Sanji and Usopp with his freaky powers! THEN these two twin weirdos showed up and started kicking them around so I had to use my Clima-Tact and their dials to beam 'em up! AFTER some bratty Shandian girl showed up with Conis and Pagaya, I had to look after her so when she jumped off the ship I jumped after her and we ended up being chased into the forest by the snake and some weird goat-people. We FINALLY made to those Upper Ruins WHEN THE SNAKE ATE US! Inside, we found Luffy..."
"Wait, Luffy's in the snake?" Y/N cut in.
"Yeah, that's why it was acting so weird," Nami explained, "He was messing around in there. The weirdo-knight and I managed to get out of the snake but Luffy and Aisa are still inside."
"Pierre's gone to fetch your friends," Gan Fall chimed in, "And when push comes to shove, he's a very good bird or horse."
"I wanted to keep OUT OF trouble!" Nami complained. "That's why I stayed on the ship!"
"You act like my time here was a walk in the park," Y/N replied. "Luffy, Zoro, Chopper, Robin and I got attacked by the snake and we all got scattered. Luffy, Zoro and Chopper all got lost but I managed to find Robin. We had to fight the big fat commander of all those weird goat-people but we managed to make it down here to the City of Gold. There's no gold here so I left Robin behind so I could climb the beanstalk and try to find..."
"WAIT-WAIT-WAIT!" Nami cut in, "THERE'S NO GOLD? That can't be right! You couldn't stop sneezing yesterday! You're only like that when you're around a lot of treasure! It's gotta be here SOMEWHERE!"
"Which is why I went on my own again to try and find it and some of the others," Y/N said. "Anyway, I ran into the Chopper on the beanstalk but sent him off ahead when I got attacked by a weirdo on Shura's bird. His buddy with a fire-cannon showed up so I stole a sky-board and sped up to the ruins. A bird dropped Zoro right on top of me and we found that Chopper had been mauled by the last Priest and his giant dog." Y/N held up the unconscious reindeer. "Naturally, I swore revenge but everyone and their grandma jumped in an interrupted. The snake showed up, a bunch of sky warriors, some of those tribal people then you and the girl got eaten, it was pretty chaotic until the priest and his dog made a cage around the ruins so no one else could get in or out. I sent Zoro to cut you out of the snake while I finally got my hands on the Priest in his 'unpassable' Ordeal of Iron."
"Wait... you defeated Ohm and the Ordeal of Iron?" Gan Fall questioned. "It has a zero percent chance of survival!"
"I cheated," Y/N told him. "Anyway, I beat the Priest and the Skykama dealt with the big dog. But just as I met up with Zoro again, Eneru blasted the ruins with his lightning and we all fell down here."
"Hm..." Gan Fall grunted as he glanced around him. "I've traveled all across the Upper Yard in my lifetime but I've never seen this place before."
"That's because its not on the surface," Y/N informed him. "You know those ruins that're at the base of the beanstalk? Robin and I found this place when he climbed down through one of the tall ruins. We had to cut through some cloud but we came out in here."
Wyper stared around him in amazement while Kiko looked up and gasped. "Wyper... is this?"
"It's... our homeland..." Wyper realized as he took in the ancient city. "We've found it... This is the proud city that our ancestors once protected... Shandora! "
Reeeehh... reeeehh... The Lord of the Sky grunted as it craned its neck around and scanned the city for something. The massive snake was hard to miss and Nami immediately pointed out its odd behavior.
"I think the snake is looking for something," Nami observed, "Either that, or Luffy's doing something that's bothering it."
JULALALAL! The snake let out a loud cry. JULALALALALA! Tear started to well up in its yellow eyes.
"I think... it's crying..." Nami pointed out.
"What's the meaning of this ridiculous outburst?" Eneru questioned as He surveyed the snake. "Just what are you getting yourself so worked up about, Lord of the Sky?" Bzzzzzzztttt! Eneru's fist started to glow and cackled with electricity. "You've always been an annoyance to me but no longer!" BA-ZOOT! A ball of thunder shot out of Eneru's hand and hovered in the air above the snake's head. "EL THOR!" BA-ZOOOOOOOOOM! The ball of thunder became of powerful beam that shot down and engulfed the massive snake in blue-white light.
Jula... lala... The snake let out one last weak cry as it was electrocuted by Eneru.
"AISA!" Wyper screamed.
"Zoro?" Zoro turned in time to see Y/N stand up from behind a chunk of ruin. He had both Nami and Chopper cradled in his arms.
"Glad to know you care, Zoro," Nami remarked. "But I managed to get out. Hey Robin!"
"Ms. Navigator, I see you're in good hands," Robin noted. Nami grinned back at her.
"I just hope the others are alright," Y/N said as he observed the snake. They all turned and took in the snake's massive charred body.
"Luffy, Aisa and the bird were still in there..." Nami mumbled.
"EH? What the heck was he doing in there?" Zoro questioned.
"I tried to get him out but he fell off the Waver!" Nami defended herself.
"Uuuggghhh..." Zoro groaned, "That brat is nothing but a pain in the ass. Is he aware of how much of a hassle he is?"
"Probably," Y/N replied. "He just doesn't care."
THOOOOM! The Lord of the Sky's massive body crashed to the ground in front of Wyper and Kiko. Wyper gripped his Burn Bazooka in annoyance.
"Just one hit, that's all it took," Wyper growled. "Eneru destroyed it when my bazooka couldn't even scratch the snake."
"And Aisa..." Kiko added, "We can only hope she somehow survived."
The smoke around the snake's body finally faded and Wyper saw Eneru seated on a ruin. He quickly spun around and fired his bazooka at him. BA-ZOOOOOOOOM!
SKISH! Eneru launched himself off of the ruin and flipped over Wyper's beam of fire then lightly touched down on the road across from him. TMP!
Wyper quickly turned and blasted at Eneru again. BA-ZOOOOOOOOM! SKISH! But once again, Eneru launched himself out of the way and avoided the blast.
Eneru casually fished into his pocket and pulled out a dial, he pushed down on the apex then tossed it in front of him, "Ball Cloud..." White cloud shot out of the dial and formed a ball that looked exactly like the ones that Satori used for his Ordeal of Balls. Eneru landed on the ball and casually sat down on it as he surveyed the seven survivors that had made it down to Shandora.
"Eneru..." Wyper growled.
"Yahahahahahaha!" Eneru laughed as he twirled his golden staff. "That's no way to treat your host, now is it, Shandian Warrior? I thought that you'd be happy. After all, it was I who brought you here and returned you to your homeland."
"Raaahh..." Wyper snarled as he readied his bazooka. Click!
"Don't get so worked up," Eneru tried to sooth the angry warrior. "There's time for that later. This is just the beginning. You don't want the fun to end so soon do you?"
"This is a game to you?" Wyper demanded.
"Yes," Eneru answered smugly. "A truly petty game, at that, for all of you will be competing against each other for my entertainment."
Krek! Next to Wyper, Kiko clenched his hands. Klank... klank... Gan Fall's armor rattled as he made his way towards Eneru.
"Hold onto Chopper," Y/N instructed Nami. "Then take cover. Things are gonna get hairy." Nami nodded and ducked behind a ruin and clutched Chopper to her chest while Y/N, Zoro and Robin made their way into the middle of the clearing where Eneru was seated on his Ball Cloud.
"Well done, I'm happy so many of you made it so far," Eneru remarked as he surveyed the six that stood gathered around him. "I extend my welcome to you survivors. Yahahaha! And now the fun truly begins. This is a Survival Game to see how many people out of an orginal eighty-three, including myself, are still standing after three hours on this island. The last person standing will be the winner. Among you are a few participants that entered late into the game. But I've decided to allow them to stay. It will make it all the more interesting. Now the seven of us will continue on in the final stage of the game."
"Did he say seven?" Nami wondered. "Does he not know that I'm here?"
"Don't be ridiculous," Y/N spoke up, "With your Mantra you can obviously tell there's eight of us here."
"DAMN IT!" Nami snapped.
"Baldy was nice enough to keep count of everyone in the Upper Ruins," Y/N continued, "but he never included you. Instead, he counted the snake and his dog."
"That's where Ohm was mistaken," Eneru replied, "I have been a participant in this game from the very beginning. I eliminated two Blue Sea Dwellers, Kamakiri and eleven other Shandian Warriors as well as eight of My Warriors. In just a few minutes the three hours will be up which means that the eight people that we have present here are one too many."
"The one thing I know is that God's Prophecy will never falter," Eneru continued, "Because He is absolute. One person needs to disappear. I'm curious to see how this person is going to die. Will you all fight each other or will you gang up on one of the weaker ones? Of course, you could all resist your fates and force Me to pick."
Eneru casually scanned the people in front of him... Robin... Zoro... Y/N... Wyper... Kiko... Gan Fall...
"Any volunteers?" Y/N inquired as he glanced over at Zoro and Robin.
"Not interested," Robin admitted.
"Me neither," Zoro agreed.
"How 'bout you, Nami?" Y/N queried.
"LIKE HELL!" Nami shouted from behind ruin.
"Didn't think so," Y/N replied, he looked at the Shandians and Gan Fall on his other side. "How 'bout you guys? Any of you wanna disappear?"
"I won't compete in this sick game," Wyper stated.
"Then neither will I," Kiko insisted.
"And I too refuse to take part," Gan Fall added.
"Well, I guess we're in agreement then," Y/N resolved.
Y/N and Zoro drew their swords, Robin crossed her arms over her chest, Wyper readied his Burn Bazooka, Kiko gripped his Flame Claws and Gan Fall raised his lance.
"You're the one that's going to disappear," the six of them chorused as they all trained their respective weapons on Eneru.
"Yahahahaha..." Eneru simply laughed in response. "Insolent fools."
God Eneru's Goal:
"Hahahaha!" three Skypeian kids laughed as they kicked a ball together on Angel Beach.
"Hey!" one of the kids exclaimed as an errant kick sent the ball over to Conis and Pagaya's outdoor porch. He ran over to retrieve the ball and the other two boys followed him.
"I think this porch belongs to that pretty lady," one of the other boys noted, "the one who plays her harp on the beach all the time."
"Yeah, this is her place," the first kid said. He had brown hair that was styled into two balls. "Her name's Conis and she lives here with her dad Pagaya. They both seem like nice people. They even invited me over to have lunch one time."
"I heard that girl and her dad are really bad people," the third boy whispered to the second boy. "Stay away or you'll get in trouble."
"My mom told me that too," the second boy agreed with the third, "She said they were helping the Blue Sea People."
The first boy gasped and dropped the ball as he pictured Conis on the porch with her harp.
"That can't be!" the first boy exclaimed. How could someone so nice be a bad person?
"I swear, it's true," the third boy insisted as he put his hands on his hips. "My father said he'd ground me if I go anywhere near them."
"Your father said that..." the first boy repeated as his face fell.
"I'm sorry," the third boy apologized, "Your father is..." The boy trailed off awkwardly.
"My dad's a member of the Enforcers," the first boy told them, "And he's out on patrol. My mom says he'll be coming home soon. And I can hardly wait, cause I've never seen his face."
"Oh man!" the third boy gushed with a wide smile, "I think it's awesome that your dad is one of the Divine Warriors!"
The first boy smiled, "I guess it is pretty cool," he admitted.
"Yeah it is," the third boy agreed, "I'm sure your dad will come home to see you real soon."
"Yeah," the first boy said with a sigh.
A loud bugle horn ran through the air as Conis sped along the Sea Clouds on her father's boat. The grave words from the Divine Warrior rang through his head.
"Skypeia will be dropped back into the Blue Sea World! This nation will no longer exist!"
The wounded brown haired enforcer looked an awful lot like that young Skypeian boy she and Pagaya had for lunch one time. But now he and her own father were both gone.
Conis bit her lip and repeated her earlier resolve, "I can't let his death be in vain! I must tell the others! I have to warn them! No matter what it takes!"
"Yahahahaha!" Eneru laughed in response to the six survivors' collective threat on his life. "You dare to threaten me?" His eyes casually scanned Robin, Zoro, Y/N, Wyper, Kiko and Gan Fall and their weapons while Nami hid behind a ruin. "Listen to yourselves! Yahahahahahaha! Yahahahahahahahaha! Yahahahahahahahahaha!"
But despite God's dismissive laughter, the six warriors in front of him refused to back down.
Nami on the other hand, was very intimated by God's Power, especially after she'd seen how easily he took down Sanji and Usopp on the Going Merry. "Whoa... this guy's dangerous..."
"Yahahahahahahaha!" Eneru continued to laugh.
"Was it really that funny?" Y/N asked. "We've faced off against people with freakish powers like yours before."
Eneru stopped laughing. "Don't be foolish, there are none like Me. You have no idea what you're up against." Eneru gripped his gold staff and the conductive metal cackled as electricity from Eneru coursed through it. "Even all six of you together don't stand a chance against Me." Eneru swung his staff which caused his cloud ball to spin so he could further mock the other six by turning his back to all of them. "You cannot comprehend the extent of My powers and what I'm truly capable of."
Gan Fall tightened his grip on his lance. Eneru's Mantra told Him that the former God would make the first attack. He just needed to spur the old man into action.
"Yahahaha!" Eneru chuckled, "Look at you, an elderly buffoon wanting peace, two warriors who single-mindedly seek their homeland and thieves from the Blue Sea who are only concerned with treasures. All of you for one reason or another want to save this retched place called Skypiea. But you cannot, because this nation is fundamentally flawed."
"Grrr..." Gan Fall growled, "I refuse to stand here and listen to such nonsense! Now tell me where they Divine Warriors are! And what exactly is your goal here today!" Gan Fall took a step forward and jabbed his lance towards Eneru.
"Why an ascension, My old friend," Eneru answered.
"What do you mean?" Gan Fall demanded.
"I mean, when I ascend, I will return to My rightful place," Eneru explained.
"What's that?" Gan Fall hissed, "Are you saying that you're leaving Skypeia."
"That's right," Eneru confirmed as he stood up on his ball cloud but kept his back to the others. "I will soon leave this dreadful wasteland. On the island where I grew up there were legends of a place regarded as God's Home."
"God's Home?" Nami repeated.
"People called this place Endless Vearth," Eneru continued. "And there, the ground extends as far as the eye can see... IN ALL DIRECTIONS!" Eneru smiled widely as he envisioned the endless expanse of green landscape spread around him. "IT'S MY DREAM TO FIND THIS PLACE! THIS PARADISE! ENDLESS VEARTH! A HOME FIT FOR A GOD! My time spent here battling over the inconsequential lands of the Upper Yard has been nothing but a petty triviality." Eneru twirled his staff beside him and waved it which caused his ball to spin so he finally faced the others again then he pointed his staff at the six people in front of him. "I tell you this place that you cherish is an abomination. Consider this, it was born in the sky but it's not a cloud, it lives in the sky though it's not a bird, this nation which exists in the sky is an utterly unnatural one. When we die, we all return to the earth, to the soil, but here, there is none."
"What exactly are you getting at?" Gan Fall persisted.
Eneru jumped off of his ball and floated down to the ground. "You really shouldn't be surprised by my intentions. As God, I am bound to adhere to the divine province, our nation. That's why, this unnatural nation WILL BE RIPPED AND PULLED FROM THE SKY!"
Nami and Robin gasped. Zoro, Wyper and Kiko growled.
"Oh," Y/N's eye widened in realization, "I get it. He's crazy."
"You're planning on wiping out Skypeia completely?" Gan Fall snarled.
"It's only natural," Eneru replied.
"Don't be so conceited!" Gan Fall snarled at him, "The term 'God' is just a title used to refer to the leader of this nation!"
"True," Eneru agreed as he idly picked at his ear, "But that will soon change."
"Former God, Gan Fall," Eneru calmly addressed the old man. "Yahahaha! You're worried about the Divine Warriors, are you not?" Eneru casually sat down cross-legged on the ground. "Six years ago the Divine Warriors lost a battle against My forces and I took six hundred and fifty under My charge." Eneru casually scooped up a handful of dirt on the ground. "They served Me well until this morning until I could find no more use for them. I told you, did I not? The eight of us here now are the only ones left alive in this forsaken place." Eneru charged the dirt in his hand then casually let it spill out into a pile on the ground in front of him.
Gan Fall took a step back in short, "You monster!"
"It's not like I wanted to harm them," Eneru said, "But when I told them My goal they dared to challenge Me. Yahahahaha! And they paid the price for that insubordination! Yahahahahahaha!"
"They were good men," Gan Fall stated, "They all had families on Angel Island."
"Yes, I'm aware," Eneru admitted, "I suppose I'll have to bury their families beside them."
Gan Fall couldn't handle it anymore. His body shook with rage. "You... are... THE DEVIL!" With a loud roar the Sky Knight rushed at Eneru in an attempt to avenge the good men that the God had killed.
Eneru stood up and tossed his staff up into the air. Gan Fall reached him and lashed out his lance but it went harmlessly through the Lightning Logia User's body. SKISH! Eneru appeared next to Gan Fall in an instant. Eneru held two fingers near each other and a beam of lightning sparkled between them. "Five Million... Ten Million... Twenty Million..." Eneru stretched his arms apart and the beam of lightning became a long column.
In what he saw as his last moment, Gan Fall couldn't help to think back about the past.
-Gan Fall Flashback-
"We were... consumed by bloodlust..." Gan Fall lamented six years ago as he sat on his chair in God's Shrine as the acting God of Skypeia. "The Shandian Warriors... they only attacked the Upper Yard because they wanted to reclaim the homeland of their ancestors which we took."
"PIIIEEE!" Pierre chirped from nearby.
"Gan Fall, you're not thinking about that again, are you?" Gan Fall's attendant questioned. "Look around, look at the peaceful existence of the citizens of Skypeia. It wouldn't be this way had our ancestors not taken control of the Upper Yard four hundred year ago. It is our duty to carry on this battle to ensure the peaceful nature of this nation. We've tried to negotiate with them but if they can't abide by these negotiations they do not deserve your compassion."
"Four hundred years," Gan Fall said to himself as he left his throne and stood on the clouds in front of it as he surveyed God's Shrine, "I think it's time for this endless strife and bloodshed to end. I only wish that we could all live in harmony and put these needless battles behind us."
But things got worse as a lightning storm rolled in.
"ENEMY ATTACK!" one of the Divine Warriors screamed. The warriors were completely overwhelmed by Eneru's power and the might of his four mighty warriors Ohm, Shura, Gedatsu and Satori. Five men had taken out all of Gan Fall's forces in a matter of minutes.
Gan Fall sat on his throne while Pierre cowered behind him. Two of his men huddled together behind the curtains in front of his chamber.
"Is it another attack by the Shandians?" one of the warriors asked.
"It's not them," the other answered. "It's a man who calls himself 'God Eneru'."
"What? God Eneru?" Gan Fall repeated.
"Who does he think he is?" the first man snarled, "presenting himself as a God before Gan Fall." A large round figure appeared on the other side of the curtains and grabbed the two men by the collar. SWIFF! The two Enforcers were roughly yanked out of the chamber and were easily crushed by Satori. "Hoh-hoh-hoo!"
Gan Fall stood up and picked up a bisento. His men had insisted on protecting him but it was high time that he entered the battle. Gan Fall reached the curtains and pushed them opened and quickly realized that the battle was already over. His men were all down and Ohm, Shura, Gedatsu and Satori all stood over them.
"Divine Warriors, huh?" taunted a voice from behind Gan Fall. "They were nowhere near as formidable as I expected." Gan Fall looked over his shoulder to see Eneru behind him.
"And who are you?" Gan Fall growled.
"I guess at the very least you could say they were loyal followers," Eneru remarked. "So you're God, huh? Not anymore."
"HOW DARE YOU!" Gan Fall snapped as he spun around to face Eneru.
Bzzzt! Eneru's finger glowed with blue-white lightning as he calmly pressed it into Gan Fall's forehead. THUD! Gan Fall crumbled to the ground and was easily dispatched by the tiniest little bit of Eneru's immense power.
Showdown in the Ancient Ruins:
"Eneru, what should we do with this old man?" Ohm asked as he and the other three priests gathered around Eneru as he stood over the fallen God. "It's pathetic. He's useless. Some God."
"Just throw him into the sea," Eneru instructed. "I doubt he can even be used for manual labor. Yahahahahaha!" Eneru laughed as he walked back into Gan Fall's chamber. "This shrine on the other hand can be quite useful to us. But what we really need are the services of the Divine Warriors. They could be put to work in bringing about My Ultimate Goal."
Gan Fall wearily raised his hand towards Eneru. "They will never... help you in your cause..." Gan Fall groaned.
Whomp! Eneru stomped on Gan Fall's outstretched hand. "Silence!" Eneru ordered. "You are no longer in charge, old man. Yahahahahahaha!"
Gan Fall was thrown from God's Shrine into the Sea Clouds and it was only due to Pierre's intervention that the former God was saved.
-End Gan Fall Flashback-
Eneru stretched his arms out around Gan Fall. "Twenty Million Volt... VARI!" The powerful column of electricity coursed through the Sky Knight and electrocuted him. BA-ZOOOOOOT!
The Straw Hats and the two Shandian Warriors looked on in shock as Eneru once again dispatched Gan Fall with ease. KLANK! Gan Fall's burnt armor rattled as he crashed to the ground at Eneru's feet. Eneru's power had burnt a hole through Gan Fall's helmet.
"God does exist in this world," Eneru stated. "And that God is Me."
"That Devil Fruit," Zoro thought to himself.
"It's the Rumble Rumble Fruit," Wyper revealed.
"I've heard legends of that fruit," Robin recalled, "It made the user invincible and grants them the power of lightning!"
"But... lightning..." Nami whimpered as she ducked back behind her ruin in terror, "There's... no way... A human... has no chance against that!"
"It is time," Eneru resolved. "What I have foreseen will finally come to be. The six of you should feel honored to have survived this long. Yahahahahaha! Now come along, you will join me."
"Hold on," Y/N cut in, "Three minutes ago you just said we had to kill each other. Now you want us to join you again?"
"But now we have reached My prophesized seven," Eneru explained, "Now you will join Me as I gain passage to My dream world, TO THE ENDLESS VEARTH! COME WITH ME! COME AND FULFILL YOUR DESTINIES!"
"Why would we?" Zoro retorted.
Eneru completely ignored him and continued on his tirade, "There I will build an undisputable nation of God! Only the chosen ones are permitted to live! A UTOPIA OF BOUNDLESS AND ETERNAL POWER!"
"What... is he saying?" Nami wondered.
"I will not let those who are unworthy, like those incompetent subordinates of mine, sully the stature of this new nation," Eneru said. "Only those who pass My Judgment may bask in the glory of My company."
"I've gotta say, I'm not in love with your health plan," Y/N stated.
"What will you do if we refuse?" Robin challenged him.
"No, Robin!" Nami hissed.
"Refuse?" Eneru repeated as if the idea seemed crazy. "But why? Why would you refuse... to join Me? If you stay you'll fall into a bottomless pit along with the rest of this unnatural nation."
"I have no doubt that you could destroy the entirety of the Upper Yard in one fell swoop," Robin admitted, "But if you decide to destroy all this... then won't you also be destroying something that you cherish?"
"Do you mean the golden bell?" Eneru asked.
"Yes, that's right," Robin replied.
"What's the golden bell?" Nami questioned.
"A bell?" Y/N repeated, "So that's what it is."
"Yahahahahahaha!" Eneru laughed, "Don't worry. No need. I've already made arrangements. Based on what I know about your travels across Skypeia, I believe I know where that's located."
Robin thought back to her early realization and could help it when she glanced over at the beanstalk.
"That's right, I know what you're thinking," Eneru told her. "And it won't be long before I have the bell. You seem surprised. Did you really think that you, a mere human, could ever get the better of Me? How foolish of you." Bzz-ZZZAT! Eneru's arm glowed blue-white as it coursed with electricity.
"ROBIN!" Nami shrieked in horror.
"Speed Step!" Y/N raced towards Robin at top speed. But to the lightning-fast Eneru it was like he was going in slow motion.
"But there's—" Eneru cut off and shot a beam of lightning that pierced through Robin's shoulder. BA-ZAAAT! Y/N's speed only brought him to Robin fast enough that he could catch her limp body as she fell. Whap! "Too slow. As I was saying, there's nothing I hate more in this world than a cold, calculating woman."
Nami stared in horror as Y/N gently laid Robin on the ground. Zoro drew two swords and glared at Eneru, "How dare you..."
"I do as I please," Eneru retorted.
Zoro's eyes glowed like a demon's as he charged at Eneru and lashed out with his sword but Eneru swung his gold staff and blocked Zoro's attack. KLANG! Zoro quickly recovered and attacked with his other sword but Eneru blocked it again. KLANK!
"Hmm... you've got skill," Eneru remarkd as he held the super-strong Zoro's sword at bay with his staff.
"And you are completely OUT OF YOUR MIND!" Zoro shouted at him. He spun and slashed at Eneru with is other sword. SWISH! Eneru launched himself up off of the ground and jumped clear over Zoro's strike.
"He's got nowhere to go!" Kiko exclaimed as he rushed forward to take advantage of Eneru's position in midair. Whak! Kiko slammed his elbows into his sides and lashed out with all four of his flame blades. FWOOOOSH!
"Yahahaha!" Eneru laughed off the attack. "VARI!" BA-ZOOOOOOM! Lightning exploded off of Eneru's body and overwhelmed Kiko's flames then blasted the pink-haired Shandian backwards across the clearing. He flew over Wyper's head and crashed to the ground. THUD! Smoke came off of the wild Shandian's burnt body.
Meanwhile, Eneru flipped backwards through the air and landed on a high ruin so he could look down on the others. Tmp!
"How... how did overpower those flames?" Wyper wondered.
"You still don't get it, do you?" Eneru asked as he once again stood with back to his opponents. "Your attacks don't even register to Me. I'm more powerful than you could ever comprehend."
Nami still attempted to comprehend it though but didn't like the result. "That thunder clap reverberated," she realized. "That only happens when the air expands at the Speed of Sound. That's really powerful! That amount of power's greater than anything we can handle! It's true! He really is made of lightning!"
"That time is near," Eneru proclaimed. "Prepare yourselves. Soon those who remain will set off for the Endless Vearth together. Do you even understand what a rare privilege this is?"
Zoro pointed his two swords up a Eneru and glared up at him. "And why do you assume that we'll come willingly?" he challenged God.
"Hmm?" Eneru said with a light sigh.
"RAAAH!" Zoro roared as he charged towards Eneru. "I DON'T GIVE A DAMN ABOUT YOUR SO CALLED DREAM WORLD!"
Nami spun around the ruin and screamed to the swordsman, "ZORO! STAY AWAY FROM HIM! HE'S TOO POWERFUL!"
"You need a lesson," Eneru decided as he jumped backwards and hung upside down in the air as he dropped from the ruin. "Soon your body will know... the Power of God."
Zoro didn't back down. He jumped up and slashed his swords through Eneru. SLA-SLISH! Zoro's attack kept going and sliced the top of the ruin behind Eneru and caused it to crumble. Zoro's swords cleaved straight through Eneru's stomach and cut his body in half. Eneru's head, shoulders and upper chest and his waist, legs and feet took on a bright white glow.
"I possess a tremendous power that you puny humans can never hope to overcome!" Eneru taunted as his staff dropped to the ground and his body reformed in midair "Can you feel it now? The despair?" Wha-whap! Eneru reached out and grabbed Zoro's swords then used them for leverage and he held himself upside down in front of Zoro. "If one loses all hope it is an experience not unlike losing one's life."
Zoro growled and struggled to pull his swords free from Eneru's grip.
"Yahahahaha!" Eneru laughed as electricity cackled around his body. The charge traveled down to his arms, through Zoro's swords and exploded on the swordsman! BA-ZOOOOOOOM!
"YAAAAAAAHHH!" Zoro roared in pain as his body was electrified by Eneru's lightning. Instead of a quick blast like he'd dealt to Gan Fall and Robin, Eneru's lightning continued to course through Zoro and burnt him from the inside for a solid three seconds before the swordsman dropped to his knees.
"Zoro!" Nami gasped in alarm as she watched the swordsman drop to the ground.
"People fear death above all things," Eneru said as he spun himself upright. WHOMP! Then he stomped his foot down on Zoro's prone head and forced the swordsman into a humiliating bow. "That's why people prostrate themselves before an insurmountable power and beg for mercy. It is simply the natural order of things. Beings are meant to bow before that which they fear."
"Hey, get your foot off my friend's face!" Y/N exclaimed. "Speed Step!" ZZZOOOOOM! Y/N crossed the clearing in the blink of an eye, which probably seemed like a minute to Eneru, then launched himself up into the air and flew feet-first at Eneru. "Flying... ARROW KICK!"
"You humans never lear—" Eneru's taunt was cut off as Y/N's boots plowed into Eneru's chest at full speed. THWHAM! Eneru flew backwards and Y/N slammed him back-first into the bottom half of the ruin that Zoro had sliced apart. WHAM! Y/N used the Sea Stone on his boots to embed the Logia Devil Fruit User into the wall of the ruin.
"What... what have you done?" Eneru asked. He looked surprised and alarmed.
"Have you ever heard of something called Sea Stone?" Y/N asked as he dropped one foot down to the ground but kept his other Sea Stone boot pressed into the two feet taller Eneru's chest. "It's a special stone that harnesses the power of the sea and negates Devil Fruit Powers. That Devil Fruit you ate may have given you the power of lightning but it also came with the standard weakness to water. You can't swim. You lose all your incredible power when you come in contact with the sea. That's what Sea Stone is, all the power of the sea in a solid form.
Y/N reached down for his sword but Wyper suddenly flipped across the clearing on his skis. Fwip-fwip-fwip-FWUP! Wyper jumped on Y/N's back and pressed his bandaged hand into Eneru's chest.
"Do you mind?" Y/N complained.
"I'll end this now," Wyper resolved, "Die!"
"Are you sure you know what you're doing?" Eneru asked. His powers had been negated but his Mantra was still at full power. He had foreseen Y/N's attack but had been caught off guard by the Sea Stone on his boots. He could easily read Wyper's intended attack and knew that he planned to use the Reject Dial to finish him. "You're aware of the consequences are you not? Your body will pay a heavy price as well. Why sacrifice yourself for a homeland you will never regain?"
"If I must, I'll die, gladly," Wyper replied. "IF IT MEANS I CAN TAKE YOU WITH ME!"
Eneru's eyes widened in alarm and he let out a loud gasp, "DON'T DO IT!"
"REJECT!" BZOOOOOOM! Wyper's Reject Dial blasted Eneru with ten-times the power of one of his most powerful attacks. The amplified impact that had killed the wounded Shura blew Eneru backwards through the ruin he'd been pressed into. KROOM! Eneru's body smashed through the ruins and brought it crashing down on top of him. KRATA-KREK-KRASSHH!
The sound of the deadly impact of the Reject Dial could even be heard by the three kids playing on Angel Beach.
"No way!" Nami gasped in amazement. "He really did it!"
"What was that?" Y/N asked as Wyper slipped off of his back and panted next to him while his arm hung limply at his side.
"A Reject Dial," Wyper answered in a gasp.
The dust cleared and through the rubble of the completely demolished ruin they could see Eneru's prone body. Y/N's Sea Stone combined with Wyper's Reject Dial had been enough to take down the Almighty God Eneru.
But that battle wasn't over yet.
Hope you enjoyed the chapter!!!
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