Climb Giant Jack

Climb Giant Jack:


Y/N and Robin broke their hug and turned to stare out at the impressive City of Gold.

"Hey Robin," Y/N spoke up, "Do you mind if I leave you here?"

"Mr. One Eye, this is an ancient city that's over four hundred years old," Robin reminded him. "This is an opportunity for us to learn untold secrets about a civilization that existed centuries before we did."

"I understand that," Y/N said, "And I'm happy that I could help you find something that means so much to you. But like I told you earlier when we fought that mountain guy... I'm standing next to what's most valuable to me in this entire city. You're in your element, so I know you'll be perfectly safe if I leave you down here. But I've got six other Nakama that I can't say the same thing for. I want to make sure they're okay, so I'm going to go climb that beanstalk and see if I can find any of them. We'll meet up afterwards and you can sum up everything that you found down here. That's a history lesson that I'd love to hear."

"Very well," Robin agreed. Y/N nodded then turned and started to head back into the building that they'd come down through. "Y/N..." Y/N stopped in his tracks at the sound of Robin actually calling him by his name and turned back to face her. "Thank you. Thank you for going out of your way to help me find this. It means more to me than you'll ever know."

"Happy to do it, Robin," Y/N replied. "Have fun."

Robin flashed him a fond smile and he darted off into the ruin. Robin made herself a chain of arms and lowered herself down to the ground and began her exploration of the ancient city.

Robin stopped and peered into a dark room and spotted something that was seemingly out of place in the ancient city.

"It can't be!" Robin exclaimed. She darted into the room and stopped to stare up a dark stone structure that had some familiar symbols carved into it. "These are the symbols of the Poneglyphs. And this means that the ancient Shandians were familiar with them. I had thought that only the people who had created the Poneglyphs could read them..." Robin began to decipher the ancient written language that only she could read. "'We shall know the true meaning an utter it to no one. It's our legacy to be the inheritors of history with the sounding of the Grand Belfry.'" Robin stopped and her sharp mind analyzed what she just read. "Noland's old log book said something about the sound of a bell. If the Shandians were familiar with these symbols that can only be because they had seen a Poneglyph before. All the city's ancient writing were destroyed in a fire but my instincts tell me that they were familiar with these symbols because there was a Poneglyph here in the city. It could still be here."

Robin headed out of the dark room and started down the main road. She took the time to marvel at the ancient city around her. It was truly an archeologist's dream.

"There's no question about it," Robin stated, "A Poneglyph was carried into the city and it faced great hostility as a result." Robin's trained eyes scanned the buildings as they went passed. "Shandora, the ancient city fought and fell to protect that Poneglyph. The Grand Belfry is in the middle of the Four Altars... the Poneglyph must be there. That Poneglyph could contain the text of what I've been searching for all my life... the True History. It could be the Rio Poneglyph!"

Robin's face lit up with as she followed the path towards what could be the answer to an age-old question and her life-long dream.


An hour remained in Eneru's sick Survival Game. Twenty-three people remained. For Eneru's horrifying prediction of seven survivors to be accurate another sixteen people had to fall.

Chopper's tongue hung out of his mouth as he continued to climb up the massive beanstalk. It looked like he had nearly reached the top as the bit of the beanstalk that was still above him disappeared into a blanket of white cloud. But there was no telling how high the beanstalk after that.

"Almost there." Chopper thought to himself, "I can't wait to see the look on all of their faces when they discover that I found the gold first." With that in mind, Chopper grinned as he continued his climb.

Shoom! Klak! Klak! Shoom! Chopper's sensitive animal hearing picked up a strange sound from below him. He glanced down and spotted a black blur that was flying up the side of the giant beanstalk. Klak! Klak! SHOOM!

"They're getting closer," Chopper realized as he watched the black blur close in on him/ It was now close enough for him to realize that it was a person. "Please don't be another priest, please don't be another priest!"

Klak! Klak! SHOOM! Chopper noted that the other climber wasn't climbing up the whole beanstalk like Chopper was. Instead, they took advantage of the beanstalk's spiral shape and launched from one part of the spiral up to the part directly above them. It certainly cut down the climbing time and it explained why the other climber continued to rapidly close in on Chopper.

Klak! Klak! SHOOM! The other climber was now close enough for Chopper to make out his red hair. "That's not a priest at all!" Chopper realized, "BIG BROTHER!"

"Chopper?" Y/N questioned as he flew up the beanstalk. "Hold on, little guy, I'll be right up!" Klak! Klak! Y/N sank his sword and one of his boots into the side of the beanstalk then slid his other foot upward and used it for leverage before the launched himself up towards Chopper. SHOOOM!

Klak! Klak! Y/N sank into the part of the spiral directly below Chopper then launched himself up to the part that Chopper was on. SHOOM! Klak! Klak! Y/N sank his sword and his foot into the beanstalk beside Chopper then turned and smiled at him.

"Chopper!" Y/N exclaimed, "Great to see you! What're you doing up here?"

"I... I'm looking for the City of Gold," Chopper answered.

"Oh, well you're going the wrong way," Y/N corrected him. "I just came from there. It's down below us. Those ruins down there are actually the top of the tallest buildings in the city. Remember, this island is an island of dirt up in the sky so that layer of clouds down there that you probably thought were the ground weren't always there."

"So... did you find the gold?" Chopper inquired.

"I didn't see any," Y/N admitted, "But Robin fell in love with the place when we found it. So that made going there completely worth it."

"Robin's with you?" Chopper repeated, "Where?"

"I left her down in the city so I could find you guys," Y/N explained, "You should've seen the look on her face when we first found it. She looked like a kid in a candy store, or Nami when she opens a big chest of treasure, she was really excited and really, really happy."

"Oh... so... no gold?" Chopper questioned.

"There is gold," Y/N informed him, "just not down there. Actually, you're going the right way for that. I sense a huge amount of gold somewhere up above us."

"Ooooh!" Chopper gasped.

"So... how have you been?" Y/N asked.

"Well after that snake attacked and we all got separated, I got lost," Chopper told him. "Some weird goat guys and some scary-looking guys with tattoos attacked me but I managed to run away and I ended up in the ruins down there. I got attacked by some weird priest but don't worry Big Brother, I'm a man and I managed to beat him!"

"Congratulations," Y/N praised him, "You're a true pirate. This weird priest... did he dress in purple and do a lot of stupid stuff?"

"Yeah, have you met him?" Chopper inquired.

"I met all four of the priests yesterday," Y/N reminded him. "You're lucky because that one seemed pretty stupid. Luffy and the others beat the round one that gave me some trouble. But the one you really need to watch out for is the bald one with the giant dog. He's dangerous."

"What about the one on the bird?" Chopper questioned.

"Well, I already beat that guy," Y/N stated, "If he comes after me for a rematch, I'll know how to do it again."

"Oh, that's good," Chopper replied before he glanced off behind them and went bug eyed, "BECAUSE HE'S COMING RIGHT FOR US!"

"RAAAHHH!" Y/N turned and saw Fuza swoop towards them. There was a predatory gleam in the bird's eyes. Clearly it recognized them as the two pirates it had met at the Sacrificial Altar where its former master Shura had first been defeated by one of them.

"Look out Chopper!" Y/N yelped. His hand shot out and he grabbed his younger brother by the furry scruff of his neck and leapt out of the way just as the bird unleashed a torrent of fire. SKISH! FWOOOOOSHH! The fire burned the beanstalk but Y/N had acted fast enough to avoid it.

SHUNK! Y/N sank his sword into the beanstalk and they hung there and tried to recover. "That was close," Chopper sighed in relief as the bird flew around the beanstalk for another pass.

"Get on my back, Chopper," Y/N instructed, "It's coming back around."

Chopper scrambled over to Y/N and climbed onto his back just as Fuza came around the beanstalk. "HERE IT COMES!"

SKISH! Y/N didn't try to avoid the bird this time, instead he leapt towards it which caught the bird by surprise. Y/N used the bird's surprise to his advantage and reached out and grabbed onto its beak and snapped it closed. Whap! Y/N's sudden weight on Fuza's beak threw the bird off balance. The sword in Y/N's bottom hand that was now pressed against the bird's throat kept the bird from fighting back. Y/N took advantage again as he pulled the off balanced bird forward and jammed its beak into the side of the beanstalk. SHUNK!

"There, now I don't have to deal with your fire-breathing bird again," Y/N noted. "Come for a rematch, have you Shura?" Y/N finally looked up at Fuza's rider and his eye went wide.

"Y/N... that's... not him," Chopper pointed out as he stared transfixed at the Shandian.

"This bird is familiar with you," Kiko noted as he eyed the pirates. "That must mean that you're the one that first defeated Shura. I suppose I should be grateful, but I know that Wyper would have killed him even if you hadn't beaten him first. Make no mistake, you may have defeated my enemy but you're a Blues Sea Dweller so that means YOU'RE MY ENEMY TOO!"

"..." Y/N and Chopper continued to stare at the oddly-dressed Shandian. They noted his shaggy pink hair that fell to his waist in back and nearly concealed the strange board he had strapped to his back on top of his wings. They eyed the pink and red tattoos on his face that looked like eyeliner and the pink and red tattoos on his chest that started from around his nipples, they took in his jewelry which consisted of dangling red ring earrings and a fang and pink bead necklace, before they finally settled on his pink loincloth and his pink painted claw nails.


"Whoa," Y/N gasped, "Looks like they have Okama's up here in the sky too."

"What's an Okama?" Chopper questioned.

"You remember Mr. 2, right?" Y/N asked, "He dressed in that weird swan-themed women's ballet costume and wore make up. He was an Okama. I guess this is what an Okama looks like up here in the sky. A Sky-kama."

"Teeheehee!" Chopper laughed, "Skykama!"


"I'd be more likely to believe that if it wasn't all pink," Y/N retorted. "See, Chopper, his hair's pink but his eyebrows are black. That means he dyes it."

"Dye? He kills his hair?" Chopper questioned.

"No he uses a chemical to change its color," Y/N explained. "Sort of like paint for hair."


"I doubt it was pink," Y/N countered.


"NO IT ISN'T!" Chopper shouted back as he adjusted his pink top hat. "PINK IS THE COLOR OF CHERRY BLOSSOMS AND MIRACLES!"

Kiko's eyes widened in surprise then he glared at them, "MIND YOUR PET!"

"Hey, he's not a pet!" Y/N protested, "Chopper's my brother!"

Kiko blinked. "Seriously?"

"Speaking of pets," Y/N spat, "That's what the guy who used to fly around on this bird said when I told him about my furry little brother. What're you doing with this bird?"

"Shura fell in battle and to the victors go the spoils," Kiko stated, "This bird is mine now. And that makes me... KIKO THE BEAST MASTER!"

Y/N cocked is head to the side but then shook it, "Nope," he replied, "Skykama works better."


"That's odd, where I'm from a person doesn't get to decide their own name," Y/N said, "A name or a nickname is something that's given to you by other people. Coming up with your own name must be another strange Sky Island custom."

"Big Brother, Usopp gives himself new nicknames all the time," Chopper pointed out.

"Yeah but he's weird," Y/N answered, "None of us actually call him Captain Usopp or any of his other names unless we're teasing him. Anyway, I think I'll just call this guy 'Skykama' until I can think of something better."

"YOU DARE TO MAKE A MOCKERY OF ME?" Kiko screeched. "I'LL DESTROY YOU AND YOUR FURRY BROTHER TOO! HOO!" Whap! Kiko jammed his elbow into his side which caused a long blade of fire to spit out of the tube on the back of his hand. FWOOM!

"FIRE SWORD!" Chopper screamed as Kiko swung the fire blade at them. FWOOOOSH!

SKISH! Y/N launched himself off of Fuza's head and flew up over the fire blade. He stuck his sword in his mouth in a 'Zoro-fashion' so he could spin around and grab onto the beanstalk with both hangs. He quickly scrambled up along the spiral shape of the beanstalk to get away from the Shandian he'd just succeeded in royally pissing off.

"DAMN IT BIRD!" Kiko hollered at Fuza as he pulled on the red feathers on the bird's neck. "FREE YOURSELF! HE'S GETTING AWAY!" Now that Y/N's sword was no longer pointed at is neck, Fuza was all too happy to pull its beak free.

"Chopper," Y/N pulled his sword out of his mouth and used their momentary safety to address the reindeer on his back. "I'll deal with the Skykama, you go on ahead without me."

"But Big Brother, I can help you fight," Chopper assured him. "I might've used up the three minutes on my Rumble Ball but I can still help."

"You just fought that priest," Y/N reminded him, "It doesn't seem fair to make you fight this crazy guy right after. You won't be safe on my back, I'm gonna need to move around and dodge a lot of fire in this battle. If you really want to help, you'll go on ahead without me. That way I won't have to worry about you while I'm fighting. Once I beat this guy, I'll catch up with you."

SWOOOSH! Fuza swooped around the side of the beanstalk with Kiko on his back. "BURN HIM BIRD!"

"RAAAAH!" Fuza crowed. The two now had a common enemy so the bird was now all too happy to follow the commands of the Shandian that had taken the place of its master.

Y/N let go of the beanstalk and stared to fall. He kept his hold on his sword with one hand but used his free hand to pull Chopper off his back and throw the tiny reindeer up the beanstalk. FWOOOM! Fuza's torrent of fire burned the spot that Y/N had just been holding onto.

Whap! Chopper grabbed onto the beanstalk and started to climb. "Good luck big brother."

"HEY SKYKAMA! DOWN HERE!" Y/N called up to the Shandian. Tmp! He dropped onto the top part of the beanstalk's spiral and started to slide down it.

"PERPARE TO DIE, BLUE SEA DWELLER! HOOO!" Kiko roared as he ignored the runaway reindeer and directed his flying steed to swoop down after the pirate that had found so much enjoyment in insulting him and his heritage.

Whap! Kiko jammed his other elbow into his side and caused three fire blades to shoot out of the tube on his other arm before he swung his fire-claw at Y/N. FWOO-FWOOOOSHH!

"WHOOA!" Y/N yelped as he jumped off of the spiral to avoid another fiery attack. "Okay so he's got one fire blade on his right hand and three on his left. I don't know how he makes them but I know I've gotta avoid them and the fire-breathing bird unless I wanna be roasted."

"RAAAH!" FWOOOM! Said fire-breathing bird sent another stream of fire at him.

SKISH! Y/N leapt to the side to avoid the fire then grabbed onto the beanstalk to stop his fall.

Wha-whap! "HOO! RIGHT WHERE I WANT YOU!" Kiko roared as he jammed both his elbows into his sides and swung four whip-like blades of fire at Y/N. FWAA-FWOOOOOM!

Y/N let go of the beanstalk and dropped downward to avoid the four blades of fire. But since Kiko had swung them downwards, the four blades continued to swing downwards after Y/N.

"Oh crap!" Y/N cursed as he raised his sword up above his head and swung it around like a propeller. FWOOSH! The fire made contact with the blade of Y/N sword but it didn't deflect the fire, instead it absorbed the four blades of fire and became a bright flaming red cutlass.

"WHAT DID YOU DO?" Kiko demanded as he glared at the Blue Sea Dweller's strange sword that was now covered in his flames.

Tmp! Y/N dropped down onto the top part of the spiral again and held his flame-covered sword out to his side. "I guess this means I can't put it in my mouth anymore," Y/N noted. "I've gotta figure out a way to turn this battle around. Dodging is only bringing me further down the beanstalk, Robin would hurt me if I let this guy damage the top of the City of Gold. The fire-blades and that bird mean that I can't get near that guy to fight him, so I've gotta fight him from a distance." Y/N glanced at his fire-covered sword and grinned.

"Let's see how you like a taste of your own medicine, Skykama!" Y/N called up to the Shandian on the bird as ran along the spiral and swung his sword. "Red Storm... WILDFIRE LIGHTNING STRIKE!" FWOOM! A burning red air blade flew off of Y/N's sword.

Fire blade flew over Fuza's head and cleaved into Kiko's left shoulder.

"YAAAH!" Kiko howled in pain as he arm went limp.

"What do you know, a flaming flying blade attack," Y/N noted as Kiko clutched his injured shoulder. "I bet that hurt." A sly grin spread across Y/N's face as he noted which shoulder he'd managed to hit. "Oh wait, was that the arm that you launch three fire blades from? Too bad."


Shooom! Shooom! Laki sped alone along the Milky Road through the forest of Upper Yard as she tried to wrap her mind around what she had just seen.

"But why?" she wondered. "Why was everyone charred black? It was almost as if they..." The pictured the charred lifeless bodies of the Shandians and the Divine Warriors that she'd seen. "They'd all been struck by a bolt of lightning."

SKUUSSH! Laki skidded to a stop when she recognized a body. She leapt off of the Milky Road and landed in a crouch next to the charred body of Kamakiri.

"KAMAKIRI!" Laki called out to the Shandian Warrior that had saved her from Ohm yesterday. "KAMAKIRI!" Laki knelt down next to him.

"Uuugghh..." Kamakiri groaned. Despite being blasted by Eneru's lightning, the warrior was still alive. "Uhhh... Laki... is... that... you?"

"Yes," Laki answered.

"Go... get out of here... Laki..." Kamakiri wearily urged her.

"Why?" Laki asked. "Tell me."

"Uugh..." Kamakiri grunted. "Wyper... he's headed... for God's Shrine. But Eneru isn't there. There's... still time... Laki. Stop... Wyper..."

"Alright, I understand," Laki told him, "Now quiet, save your strength."

"Nobody... can beat Eneru..." Kamakiri whispered as he thought back to the horrors he'd seen an experience when he tried to face God.

"I am living lightning!" God had proclaimed. "Yahahahahaha!"

Tears leaked out of the once proud warrior's eyes and ran down his cheeks at the thought of more of his fellow warriors facing Eneru.

"Laki..." Kamakiri spoke up again, "Hear me... he comes as lightning... an element that man has feared from the beginning... and rightly so... he can't be conquered..."

"Don't worry," Laki reassured him, "I'll stop Wyper. You just wait here and save your energy." Laki took Aisa's bad off of her shoulder and put it down next to Kamakiri. "I'm going to leave Aisa's bag with you." Laki stood up and leapt back onto the Milky Road. Shooom! Shooom!

"Nobody... can beat Eneru..." "He can't be conquered..."

Kamakiri's words echoed through Laki's mind as she sped along the Milky Road.

"Kamakiri is so strong," Laki thought to herself, "Yet his will has been broken."

"If what he's said is true, then Eneru's eaten a Logia-type Devil Fruit," Laki realized, "The most powerful kind of all. I've got to stop Wyper before it's too late."


"Joh... joh... joh..." the South Bird chanted to itself as it followed Zoro through the forest in hopes of getting some of the yummy food that it thought the swordsman had in his bag.

"Hmm... I've been here..." Zoro mumbled to himself, "It looks... familiar... Or have I..."

Zoro stared out over a lake of Sea Clouds... at the Sacrificial Altar. Somehow the swordsman's horrible sense of direction had led him back to where he'd started out from when he was with Luffy, Y/N, Chopper and Robin.

"Aw... probably not," Zoro grumbled.

"Jooh..." the South Bird scoffed at Zoro's horrible sense of direction.

WHAP! Zoro threw his bag at the South Bird. "ARE YOU LAUGHING AT ME?" he yelled.

"Jooh joh jooh jooh joh joooh johhh!" the South Bird taunted him. Just for kicks, I'll translate. "I'm a walking compass, you bumbling moron! How could you possibly get lost when I've been following you all this time! It's one thing to have a horrible sense of direction but you take getting lost to a whole new level! You're hopeless you food-hogging, hairless monkey!"

"What're you so worked up for anyway?" Zoro wondered, unable to understand the bird's ire. "The only reason you came along in the first place was to get some food! My bad sense of direction shouldn't matter, ya dummy!"

Food... the yummy food that was in Zoro's bag... the bag that he'd just thrown at the South Bird.

The South Bird's attention drifted from the clueless swordsman that was berating it to the bag that was lying on the ground next to it. "Joooh!" The South Bird started to drool at the thought of the yummy food that was in the bag.

"AAH! NOOO!" Zoro yelled as he lunged for his bag.

WOOOSH! The South Bird grabbed the bag and flew off... with Zoro the other end of it!



Luffy continued to wander along the long cave he'd found himself trapped inside of. He still had the golden crown that he'd found perched on top of his straw hat.

"Of all the weird places to end up," Luffy grumbled, "Exit! Exit! Where's the exit? There it is!" Luffy had seemingly reached the end of the long cave. But there was no opening to let him out. "Huh? It's a dead-end?" Luffy looked back over his shoulder at the long way he'd come. "You can't be serious... I walked all this way? Uh, maybe... maybe it's a trick door!" Luffy grinned. "Let's find out! I can always try busting through this stupid thing!"

Klak! Luffy dropped his stick and stretched his arms out behind him. SHOOOM!

"GUUUUM... GUUUUM... BAAAAZOOOOKAAAAA!" KER-WHAAAM! Luffy smashed his fists in the dead end 'exit' with all his strength but it didn't budge.

"But it... it didn't even budge..." Luffy realized as he stared at the unmoved exit.

Rmbl... rmbll... Suddenly the entire cave started to move. THOOOM! The portion of the cave the Luffy was in reared up almost like it was the head of a giant snake and the rubber pirate fell down into the long cave.



Chopper vs. Ohm:


Shunk! Chopper pushed his way up through the layer of Island Clouds and found himself on a small island that was covered in ancient ruins. The ruins of Shandora had even reached this high up above the base of the city. This area was known as the Upper Ruins

"Look at those ruins!" Chopper remarked as he pulled himself out of the hole he'd made in the cloud and started to explore the island in search of the gold. "Waah!" Chopper stumbled to the side on a patch of uneven ground but managed to regain his footing. "What's up with this place? The ground's all crooked." Chopper glanced around him and shrugged, then shuffled along the uneven ground. "I guess I'll go this way..."

"Go-old! Go-old!" Chopper chanted as he made his way through the ruins.

"GRRRUUUFFF!" a loud growl came from above him.

"No Holy, stay!" a man's voice ordered. "I said stay!"

"Ruuuuff!" Chopper looked up and started into the massive tooth-filled mouth of the giant dog known as Holy. WHUMP! Holy heeded his master's command and dropped to the ground beside Chopper. Chopper goggled at the sheer size of the enormous dog.


Holy just stopped and stared blankly at Chopper. But where there was Holy there was Ohm.

Eneru's final Priest sat cross-legged on the edge of a bit of ruins and surveyed the reindeer and his giant dog.


"DAMN YOU!" Kiko growled as he clutched at his burnt and bloody shoulder. The fire on Y/N's sword had gone out after his attack but the Shandian still eyed it warily. "JUST WHO THE HELL ARE YOU? WHAT KIND OF SWORD ABSORBS FIRE?"

"Says the guy with four fire swords," Y/N countered.

"They're not swords, THEY'RE FLAME CLAWS!" Kiko snapped. "I have Flame Dials on my elbows that shoot fire up through the tubes on my arms and out through the tubes on my hands. The tubes on my hands allow me to control the fire and swing the blades like burning claws."

"How informative," Y/N replied, "Wait, what's a Dial?"

Kiko's eyes widened in surprise, "HOW ARE YOU STILL ALIVE?" he hollered. "ONLY AN IDIOT WOULD COME HERE WITHOUT KNOW WHAT A DIAL IS!"

"Hey, hey hold on!" Y/N protested, "I beat a Priest and some big fat guy that called himself a Commander, granted I had help on that second one, but I think I'm doing okay for myself."

"You beat Yama the Commander of Eneru's warriors and one of the four Priests and you still don't know what a Dial is!" Kiko exclaimed. "Both their weapons are powered by Dials!"

"Hey, the fat guy just threw his weight around and kicked big chunks of rock at us," Y/N pointed out. "And you're riding on the Priest's fire-breathing bird."

"The bird has a Flame Dial in its mouth!" Kiko snapped. "WHO THE HELL ARE YOU?"


Chopper looked warily from the giant dog to the scary bald man that was seated on a ruin up above him. He remembered what Y/N said earlier. "But the one you really need to watch out for is the bald one with the giant dog. He's dangerous."

"You... you're a priest," Chopper realized.

"My reputation precedes me," Ohm remarked as he continued to survey Chopper from his perch up on the edge of a ruin. "That's right, I'm Skybreeder Ohm. I am the Almighty Eneru's final Priest and I run the Ordeal of Iron. You're an interesting little creature. Somehow you managed to make it all the way up here. Animal or not, you're the third one to make it this far today. Congratulations."

"Thanks," Chopper replied, "This guys doesn't seem so scary..."

"I can't believe that spider-headed fool was so careless," Ohm growled, "You killed Gedatsu, didn't you?"

"I guess he means that guy from earlier," Chopper realized as he thought back to the priest he'd already fought. He hadn't killed him but the last Chopper saw of Gedatsu was when the incompetent priest sank into his own Swamp Cloud trap.

"I suppose it's for the best," Ohm resolved, "The world is better off with one less imbecile, wouldn't you agree?"

Chopper stiffened and slowly began to back away from the suddenly very scary priest. But his hoof bumped into something and he tripped over it. Fwump!

Chopper sat up and looked for what had tripped him, "What the... I tripped over... WAAAH!" Chopper's eyes bugged out when he saw that he'd tripped over the bloody body of a Shandian. The fallen warrior was covered in wounds that made it look like he had been mauled by a bear... or a giant dog.

"EEEEEEEK!" Chopper shrieked as he stared down at the bloody body and then up at the massive dog. "WAAAAH! WAAAAH! WAAAAH! WAAAAAHH! WAAAAAAAHHH!"

"Calm yourself," Ohm called out over Chopper's screams. "There's no need to be so afraid of Holy. He's merely a pet. He won't bite you."


"I assure you, Holy is a very well-trained dog," Ohm informed him. "He would never bite anyone. It was I who attacked that man."


"Be quiet," Ohm scolded him as he held hid hand up to his sunglasses. "Do you think I'm not saddened by what has happened here?" There were tears coming out of the priest's eyes. "I don't understand, why do men choose to fight when they must know how fragile their lives are?"

"I'm not really sure," Chopper admitted.

"Man was put here to find happiness," Ohm continued, "Yet time after time they throw themselves into battle, only to lose their lives along with the joy that they struggled so hard to find. What a strange a tragic thing is man's nature." Ohm wiped his tears away. "There is only one way to be redeemed... and that is for all men to die."


"What have you come here for?" Ohm asked.

"Oh, I was just trying to find the City of Gold," Chopper replied.

"GREED ONLY LEADS TO RUIN!" Ohm roared. "You... must be rescued."

"You wanna rescue... me?" Chopper questioned.

Ohm stood up and drew his long sword and announced. "Only losing your life will save you from all your earthly desires!"

"HE DOESN'T WANNA RESCUE ME AT ALL!" Chopper shouted to himself.


Wyper had finally reached the giant beanstalk and began to ski his way up it. SHOOM!

"To make it to God's Shrine I have to climb to the top of Giant Jack," Wyper said to himself. "And if Eneru is there its time I brought an end to our terrible history."

SHOOooom... Wyper skidded to a stop when he spotted Kiko on Shura's bird Fuza. "Kiko, what's going on here?" Wyper looked up the beanstalk and spotted Y/N.

"Oh great, here's another one," Y/N groaned, "Hey wait a minute! You're the guy that attacked our ship when we first reached the White Sea. I still recognize you even if you're not wearing that mask anymore!"

"Wyper, look out!" Kiko called out in alarm. "This is the Blue Sea Dweller that defeated Shura! He also defeated Commander Yama!"

"To be fair, I had help on that one," Y/N chimed in, "But if we're gonna list all my credentials, I also got attacked by all four Priests at once when I first set foot on this island yesterday. That earned me a special visit from Eneru which as you can see, I'm still alive to tell about."

"YOU'VE SEEN ENERU?" Wyper demanded. "WHERE?"

Y/N's eye widened in surprise, "Yesterday, I saw him yesterday," he informed the Shandian. "But you know, the guy can appear and disappear at will. And he knows everything that's happening on this entire island. Maybe instead of just looking for him, you should wait for him to come to you?"

"You may have a point," Wyper admitted, "But that means I need to find something else to occupy my time with until he decides to show himself." Wyper pulled his bazooka off of his back and aimed it at Y/N. "I guess you'll do."

"Eww..." Y/N said as he glanced from Wyper to Kiko. "Maybe we could just talk about this?"

"I'm done talking," Wyper stated. Then he fired. BOOOOOM!


"WAAAAH-HAAAA-HAAAA-HAAAA!" Chopper screamed as he ran through the ruins in a desperate attempt to escape the crazy bald priest and his scary giant dog. "BIG BROTHER! HEEEEELP! YOU WERE RIGHT! HE IS DANGEROUS! HE'S TRYING TO KILL ME!"

Chopper ran in the clumsy manner that only he could and raced in circles around the buildings of the ruins before he shot around a corner that was really only on the other side of the building he first ran around.

"Huff... huff... huff..." Chopper panted as he hid against a wall and peered around a corner for any signs of the Priest and his giant dog. "He didn't follow me. I'm okay. I bet he's a Priest too. But it looks like there are a lot of places to hide around here. If I can just stay hidden long enough to escape I can try and meet up with the others."

Chopper backed away from the wall and made his way towards the edge of the ruins.

"I have to make sure he doesn't see me," Chopper reasoned, "He looked like a swordsman so as long as I keep my distance I should be okay."


"Hm, he's run quite a long way," Ohm noted as he used his Mantra to find the runaway reindeer. "But running from salvation... is futile. Attachment to this life is a result of evil desires. Therefor... " Shik... Ohm slowly drew his sword and focused on where Chopper was.

SHOOOOOM! A white blade shot through the ruins, raced up to Chopper and cleaved into him. SLA-SLISH!

Thud! Chopper dropped to the ground with a long bloody gash going down his small chest. Chopper had managed to survive an encounter with Shura and had even beaten Gedatsu but it wasn't until he'd face the final Priest Ohm that he'd finally fallen.

"The path to peace leads to but one place," Ohm proclaimed as he posed with his bloody sword, "This is the Ordeal of Iron! The Survival Rate is Zero!"


"AH!" Aisa yelped as she sensed Chopper's defeat. "ANOTHER VOICE DISAPPEARED!"

"Aisa?" Nami asked in concern.


"Oh no, you don't!" Nami snapped.

Aisa ducked under the railing of the front deck of the Going Merry and dove off the ship.

"WAIT!" Nami called out as she reached the railing a split second later. "AISA!" She took another second to pull her yellow t-shirt off which left her in her bikini top then dove off the ship after Aisa. "GET BACK HERE!" Nami quickly caught up with the Shandian girl then grabbed her and pulled her to her.


"Maybe it's not any of my business," Nami admitted as she held onto the girl as she struggled, "But there's no way I'm gonna sit back and let a little kid get herself killed!"

"I'm a warrior!" Aisa insisted.

"Yeah, yeah, I know, kid warrior," Nami scoffed. "Hey, those dirty looks don't scare me, so knock it off!"

Pagaya and Conis watched the two from the railing. It seemed that despite how tough Nami had been on Aisa earlier when they'd first met, she hadn't hesitated for a second to help the girl when she was putting herself in danger.

None of them noticed the massive snake as it weaved its way through the trees nearby and dipped down into the Milky Road.


SPLOOOSHH! "WAAAH!" Luffy yelped as another wave of Sea Clouds washed into the 'cave' and blasted him further back inside of it.


"Nami, is everything okay?" Pagaya called out from up on the Going Merry.

"We're fine," Nami replied as she dragged the still-struggling Aisa over to her Waver. "Alright, stop messing around and get in the Waver."


"You'd better knock it off right now, or I'm gonna slug you," Nami threatened the girl. Aisa's eyes went wide as tears welled up in them. "Look, you saw the condition that my friends are in, didn't you? Do you want to end up like them? Well, do you?"

"Waaahhh..." Aisa let out a weak whine. She's seen the charred and burnt bodies of Usopp and Sanji and that was definitely something she wanted to avoid happening to her.

Nami sighed and her expression softened, "Come on, I'll help you in the boat." She lifted the girl up out of the Sea Clouds and helped her into the Waver.

SPLOOOSH! The massive green and whiskered head of the giant snake broke the surface of the Milky Road and came up to the Going Merry, just its head easily dwarfed the caravel.

"WAAAAAAAAHHHH!" Aisa screamed at the sight of the giant snake while Nami took a second to pull herself up into the Waver with Aisa before she looked up to see what had caused the girl to scream this time.

Nami's eyes widened in terror as she stared up at the massive snake that made her ship look like a bath toy. Her terror only increased when the slit-like pupils of the massive snakes yellow eyes were focused ON HER.

"Oh no..." Nami whimpered.


"Koff! Haaah! Haaa! Koff!" Luffy wheezed as he finally regained his footing in the cave while small drops of Sea Cloud dripped down around him. "Okay, that was scary. What's with this lame cave anyhow? First there was an earthquake, then a flood of Sea Clouds, I COULD'VE DROWNED! YOU HEAR ME? OPEN UP!" Luffy stretched out his leg and drove his foot into the wall of the cave. WHAAAM!


RRROOOAAAAAAAHHHHRRRR! The massive snake let out a loud roar. Someone with a trained ear might be able to tell that it was a roar of pain, but to Nami, Conis, Pagaya and Aisa it was simply terrifying.

"WAAAAAAAHHHH!" Aisa, Conis and Pagaya screamed.

"WHY'S IT GOING CRAZY?" Nami shrieked.


"RAAAH!" Luffy yelled inside the cave. "LEMME OUTTA HERE!" Luffy shot both his fists out at the side of the cave. "GUUUM... GUUUMM... GATLING!" WHAM! WHAM! WHAM! WHAM! WHAM! WHAM!

Luffy drove his powerful fists into the cave walls over and over again, oblivious to the consequences of his actions as usual.


RRROOOOOAAAAHHHHHRRRRRR! The snake howled at the pain it suddenly felt in its stomach. The snake made a crazed dive which was enough to send Nami speeding off alongside the Milky Road in her Waver.

"AAAAAAAAHHHH!" Nami screamed while Aisa clung to her as they attempted to avoid being eaten by the angry snake. They veered to the side to avoid the snake's body and turned into the giant forest of Upper Yard.

"NAMI NO!" Pagaya called after them. "THAT WAY LEADS TO THE FOREST!"

Nami looked back over her shoulder and saw that the snake had followed her into the forest "WAAAAAAHHH!"

"NAMI!" Conis yelled in alarm. She and her father watched in alarm – even though his eyes were still closed as the snake chased their friend and the Shandian girl into the forest. "What do we do, father? They've gone into the forest!"


SKISH! A Shandian warrior with shaggy brown hair jumped back to avoid the blast from one of Eneru's warrior's Ax Dial.

"Ha! Missed!" the Shandian taunted.

"You got lucky!" the warrior retorted.

TMP! TMP! The two of them landed on the ground beside the Milky Road.


They both looked up when they hear screams.

"Huh?" the shaggy Shandian grunted.

"What's that?" the warrior wondered.

SHOOOM! "AAAAAHHH!" Nami screamed as she sped along the Milky Road on her Waver.

"Who's that?" the Shandian asked.

"I don't know," the warrior admitted. "SOMETHING'S COMING!"

KROOOOM! The massive head of the monster snake burst through the trunk of one of the massive trees and caused the two of them to jump back in alarm.

"AAAAHH!" Nami screamed, she noticed the two strange men she didn't know and didn't care about and pointed towards them in a desperate attempt to redirect the snake's anger, "GO THAT WAY! THAT WAY!"

"LORD OF THE SKY!" Eneru's warrior yelled out in alarm at the sight of the snake.

"No way, Aisa!" the Shandian exclaimed when he noticed the familiar girl with Nami.

"AAAAAAAHHH!" the two of them screamed as the massive snake plowed into them.

Nami ignored the screams from behind her and sped along the Milky Road in a desperate attempt to escape the snake. They eventually made into a small clearing and skidded to a stop.

"Huff... huff..." Nami panted and looked over her shoulder for any sign of the monster snake then she looked down at the girl terrified girl who still had her leg in a death-grip. At least she was still okay.

It was then that Nami finally realized where their escape from the snake had brought them. "We're... inside... the forest..."

Nami wanted to scream, normally she would have but she had to put on a brave front for Aisa. "Desperate times call for desperate measures," she decided. Nami reached into the pocket of her pants and pulled out a familiar sapphire raindrop necklace.

"What's that?" Aisa asked as Nami put her Y/N Original on.

"This necklace is our key to getting rescued," Nami explained. "You know how you can sense people's voices from all over this island? Well my... boyfriend can sense treasure. He made this just for me so he can find me when I'm in trouble. Once he realizes that I'm in the forest he'll come find us."

"I don't believe it," Aisa stated.

"It's true!" Nami insisted, "He really can find it!"

"No, not that," Aisa replied, "I don't believe you have a boyfriend. You're mean and naggy."

"WATCH IT, TWERP!" Nami snapped. "I told you he'd come and rescue us, but I meant he'd come and rescue me. You're only included in that if you're still with me. And if you keep talking like that, I'll leave you here to fend for yourself!"

Aisa frowned and crossed her arms over her chest. "Mean and naggy," she repeated.

Nami's hard expression softened as she turned away from the Shandian girl. "So maybe he's not quite my boyfriend yet," she admitted. "We haven't really gotten around to making it official. But he likes me even though I'm mean and naggy."

"Uh-huh," Aisa said, she still seemed unconvinced.

"I don't even know why I'm talking about this with you," Nami growled.

KROOOOM! The monster snake suddenly burst through the trunk of a huge tree and let out a loud that caused both of them to scream while Nami sped off in the Waver. SHOOOM!


"I DON'T WANNA FIND OUT!" Nami screamed back at her.



A familiar South Bird flew up above the forest with a bag clutched in its claw while an even more familiar swordsman dangled underneath it as he hung from the bag.

"Hey! What's the big idea!" Zoro called up to the bird. "Are you even listening to me?"

"JOOOH!" the South Bird crowed.

"I'm gonna pluck you and cook you up in a stew!" Zoro threatened the bird.

The bird ignored the angry swordsman and instead focused on a sound that it heard from down below it.

RHHOOOAAAHHR! A split-second later a massive snake shot out from the forest below them and snapped its fangs that the bird.

"YAAAAH!" Zoro let out a manly shriek of terror as he swung his lower body away from the snake's mouth.

"JOOOHH!" the South Bird cried in alarm.


The monster snake stared after the bird and the pirate then began to slither through the forest in pursuit of them.

"IT'S STILL COMING AFTER US!" Zoro shouted as he looked down and watched the snake weave its way through the forest with ease. "Something must've really pissed it off!"

Meanwhile, the 'dumb bird' had a sudden realization. It had to deal with this annoying passenger because it wanted the yummy food that he had in his bag. But the bird knew that the snake was after it because it thought the human was yummy food. But since the stupid human had a firm hold on the bag of yummy food, the snake would easily eat the bird along with it. However, if the bird was no longer holding onto the human that the snake saw as yummy food then the snake would go after the human while ignoring it. The bird resolved that it was better to lose yummy food than to become food.

Whiff! The bird let go of Zoro's bag.

"WHY YOU!" Zoro yelled as he dropped seemingly to his doom while the bird flew off passed a giant beanstalk. "WAAAAAAAAHHH!"

The snake looked up and saw its food fall from the sky.


"Wyper, be careful!" Kiko called out, "The Blue Sea Dweller's sword can absorb fire!"

"Then it's a good thing I switched back to my regular bazooka after my fight with Straw Hat," Wyper resolved.

"Wait, wait, you saw Luffy?" Y/N cut in. "Where? When?"

"A while ago," Wyper answered as he aimed his bazooka right at Y/N. "That bastard ran off like a coward."

"Okay, hold on," Y/N said, "That doesn't sound like Luffy at all. He'd never run from a fight."

"Well he did," Wyper stated, "Then a giant snake attacked and I got out of there."

"A giant snake?" Y/N repeated as he remembered the giant snake he'd fought off with Luffy, Zoro, Chopper and Robin before they'd gotten separated. "Oh, you mean like that one there?"

"WHERE?" Kiko yelped as he spun around to look. Despite himself, Wyper turned to look too. But there was no sign of a snake. "There's no snake there!"

SKISH! SKISH! Y/N launched himself up the beanstalk as he raced away from the two Shandian warriors.

"DAMN YOU, BLUE SEA SCUM!" Kiko howled. "I'LL GET YOU!" WOOSH! Kiko pulled on Fuza's feathers and the bird started to fly up the beanstalk after Y/N.

"Just like Straw Hat," Wyper growled. SHOOOM! He used his Dial-powered skis to speed up the beanstalk after Y/N and fired his bazooka at him. KA-BOOOOOM!

Y/N looked over his shoulder and spotted the incoming blast and launched himself up off of beanstalk and out of the way. SKISH!

WOOOSH! Kiko flew in for an attack. "DIE BLUE SEA SCUM!"

"RAAAH!" Fuza roared and breathed fire at him. FWOOOSH!

"NO! YOU STUPID BIRD!" Kiko scolded his steed as Y/N swung his sword into the oncoming stream of fire.

Y/N grinned as held up his flame-covered sword. He spotted Wyper flying up towards him. "Red Storm... WILDFIRE TORNADO!" Y/N spun around and slashed his sword. A circular fire blade flew from his sword and expanded outward in all directions.

"WAAAH!" Kiko yelped as he and Fuza dove out of the way to avoid the fire.

SHOOM! Wyper launched himself off of the beanstalk then flipped in midair to avoid the fire blade. FWIP! While a flipped, Wyper aimed his bazooka and fired at Y/N. KA-BOOOM!

"Uh-oh," Y/N said as he slashed his sword at the incoming round. SLISH-BOOOOOOOM! Wyper's round exploded and Y/N was blasted backwards up the beanstalk and crashed down onto the side of the beanstalk. THUD! "Ow..."

Tmp! Wyper landed on the beanstalk then sped up towards Y/N. SHOOM!

Kiko pulled up out of this dive on Fuza and they flew up after Wyper. WOOOSH!

Y/N held onto the beanstalk as Wyper raced towards him. "What's with those fancy shoes?" he wondered as he eyed Wyper's skis. "They move over the ground just like a Waver."

"They're powered by Dials, just like a Waver is, fool," Wyper stated as he drew close enough to hear Y/N's musings.

"Yeah, I still don't know what those are," Y/N admitted.

"Then your ignorance will be your downfall!" Wyper retorted as he aimed his bazooka at Y/N and fired. KA-BOOOM!

Y/N stared wide-eyed at the incoming round then launched himself backwards. SKISH! The round struck the beanstalk and exploded. KA-BOOOOM!

Y/N flew through the smoke from the explosion and flipped over. Wyper went wide-eyed as Y/N flew feet-first out of the explosion. "BLUDGEON STOMP!" WHOMP! Y/N drove his feet into Wyper's chest. Wyper tumbled downward and slammed into Fuza who was right behind him, WHAM! After the collision, the two Shandian Warriors and the bird fell down the beanstalk. THUD! The three landed on the top of the spiral a good fifty fee below their point of impact.

Meanwhile, Y/N spun in the air and sank his sword into the side of the beanstalk so he didn't fall after Wyper and Kiko. Shunk!

"Phew, that was close," Y/N sighed as he looked down at his adversaries. His eye widened when he spotted something coming up the beanstalk. Even with his limited depth-perception the massive snake was impossible to miss. "Uh... guys... giant snake..."


"Curse my noble nature," Y/N muttered to himself. He pulled his sword free from the beanstalk then launched himself downward towards the two Shandians. WOOOSH! Y/N swung his sword at Kiko as he reached him. "Red Storm... LIGHTNING STRIKE!"

"WAAH!" Kiko yelped as he weaved to the side to avoid the incoming air blade.

Y/N pulled his sword back in and dropped passed Fuza then snatched the board off of Kiko's back as he dropped passed him.

"YOU LITTLE THIEF!" Kiko yelled when he realized his Dial-powered board had been stolen right off of his back. He looked back to yell at Y/N. "I'LL CLAW YOUR—SNAAAKEEE!"

Wyper looked back and his eyes widened in alarm, "He was telling the truth this time!"

The two Shandians watched as Y/N fell towards the giant snake. Y/N tucked Kiko's board under his sword arm then reached up with his free arm and pulled up his eye patch.

RHHOOOHHHRR! The snake let out a loud roar as it opened its mouth and waited for the pirate to drop into it.

Y/N pulled back his arm and then shot it downward, "Red Eye... PUNCH!" WHOOOSH! Y/N's unseen attack connected with the snake's whiskered snout and knocked it downward.

Y/N spun and landed on the beanstalk below the two Shandians and quickly pulled his eye patch back down.

Wyper and Kiko stared down at the Blue Sea Pirate in surprise, they weren't sure how he'd done it but their opponent had somehow just saved them from the giant snake.

"Okay... time to try this weird Sky-Board," Y/N decided as he put down Kiko's dial-powered board and stepped onto it. "If its anything like the Waver I just have to push down on this pedal here and then..." VVRRR... Y/N pushed down on the pedal with his foot and the Dial roared to life. SHOOO-WHUP! Y/N wasn't ready for the suddenly speed and leaned back to steady himself, this caused the board rear up and flip upward. FWUMP! Y/N fell and landed ungracefully on his back. FWUMP! "Ow... my pride..."

"HAAAAHAAHAAA!" Kiko howled with laughter at Y/N's failed attempt to use his board.

"Idiot," Wyper muttered.

Y/N got back up and stared up at the two Shandians, "Okay, how 'bout you guys never mention than to anyone, and I won't mention that I saved you from that monster snake."

Kiko's laughter stopped and he turned to Wyper. They certainly didn't want anyone to know that they had to have a Blue Sea Dweller save them. Especially one so moronic that he couldn't even operate a Dial-powered board properly.

"Deal," Wyper agreed.

"Okay then," Y/N resolved as he got back on Kiko's board, "Let's try this again..." Y/N crouched down on the board and pressed down on the pedal. SHOOOOM! The board sped up the beanstalk while Y/N stayed low and struggled to keep his balance on the board.

RHHOOOAAAHHRR! The giant snake had recovered from Y/N's attack and once again started to slither its way up the beanstalk.

SHOOOOM! Y/N reached the two Shandians, "For the sake of not getting eaten, how 'bout we get back to horizontal ground, deal with the snake, then settle our business when it's done?"

"Fine," Wyper conceded, "Once I deal with you and the snake, then I'll take Eneru's head."

Y/N stayed in his crouch as he sped passed them up the beanstalk. SHOOOOM! Wyper activated his skis and sped after Y/N. SHOOOOM!

WOOOOSHH! "I'll take my board back when this is over!" Kiko called after Y/N as he flew after him.

"Not likely Skykama!" Y/N replied as he stood up on the board and held his arms out as he leaned from side to side to stay balanced. "I'm finally getting the hang of this thing!"

WHOOOSH! The three of them burst through the clouds as they reached the Upper Ruins.

"Now..." Ohm said to himself as he drew his sword and slashed it at the odd trio that had just entered his new territory. SLIIISSHH! A long white blade shot out in front of the pirate and the two Shandian Warriors.

SWISH! Wyper and Kiko veered to the side to avoid the sudden attack while Y/N launched himself off of the beanstalk. "Whooooaaa!" Y/N yelped as he landed in the ruins. SHOOOM! The board kept going and he sped through the ruins. "How do you stop this thing?"


"WAAAAAAAAHHH!" A new voice joined the fray as Zoro dropped down out of the sky.

Y/N looked up at the familiar swordsman. "Zoro?"

"Y/N?" Zoro replied... before he landed on him. KRASH! The two Straw Hats landed in a heap while the two Shandians stared at Ohm.

"I see you two have beaten Shura," Ohm noted. "But if you go any further up Giant Jack, you'll reach God's Shrine. What makes you think you have permission to pass?"

"Grrr, damn you," Wyper growled at Ohm as the priest calmly made his way back over to Holy.

WHISH! "It doesn't matter," came another new voice. The Shandians and the Priest looked up and spotted Gan Fall perched on the ruins across the clearing with Pierre behind him. "Heading for that shrine is no longer useful."

"Gan Fall!" Kiko called out.

"PIIIIEEE!" Pierre crowed.

"RAAAH!" Fuza roared at the other bird.

"What business do you have here?" Wyper demanded of the former God. "Still can't let go of your old position?"

"No," Gan Fall answered, "But I still have responsibilities that I have yet to fulfill. I thought you might be interested in knowing, I've come from God's Shrine. It's tragic, the entire things been utterly destroyed." Gan Fall thought back to what he'd recently seen. Eneru's old hang out was trashed. The servants were all charred and black. It looked like it had been through a horrible lightning storm. "Naturally, Eneru was nowhere to be found. Perhaps it means, he no longer has any need for it."

"It appears that their years of hard labor are over," Eneru had informed Gan Fall when he'd visited him on the Going Merry. "You see, this island is no longer useful to me. I've simply come to bid you farewell."

"I DEMAND TO KNOW OHM!" Gan Fall shouted at the last remaining priest. "WHAT IS IT THAT YOU AND YOUR MASTER SEEK TO DO?"

"HOLD ON!" Wyper cut in, "Are you saying Eneru's not up there?"

"Wyper..." Kiko whispered, "Maybe we should do as the Blue Sea Clown said and wait for him to come to us?"

"Maybe you're right," Wyper agreed, "And what better way to do that than to eliminate his final Priest and the former God."

"Hey Zoro... thanks for dropping in..." Y/N muttered as he and Zoro laid in a pile nearby.

"Uuuugghh..." Zoro groaned as they pulled themselves apart.

"How'd you get all the way up there anyway?" Y/N wondered as he sat up and grabbed his new 'Sky-Board'.

"Y/N, you were right all along," Zoro said as he sat up near him. "Birds suck!" The two pirates stood up. "More ruins... Y/N, where are we?" Zoro glanced at the two Shandians, the Priest, and the Former God. "These guys all look pretty tough..."

"Another of Straw Hat's friends," Wyper realized.

"You two!" Gan Fall exclaimed as he spotted his two friends from the Blue Sea.

"One Eye..." Ohm growled as he recognized Y/N from their encounter yesterday.

Zoro drew his sword and called out to the others, "Hey, hand over the gold!"

"Look, what we have here," Ohm announced, "More greedy infidels seeking their salvation."

"There's no gold here Zoro," Y/N corrected him, "Just a big fight from the looks of it."

"Fine by me," Zoro replied.


"HOOOO!" Kiko howled as he held up his good arm.

"The time has come Ohm!" Gan Fall addressed the Priest, "Tell me where Eneru and the Divine Squad are!"

The two pirates, two Shandians, two birds, Priest, dog, and Former God stood in what somewhat resembled a Mexican Standoff, only they didn't have any Mexicans.


"YOU STUPID CAVE!" Luffy yelled from in the snake, "JUST LEMME OUT!" KA-POOW!


ROOOOAAAARRR! The massive snake let out a roar as it burst through the clouds and slithered up into the Upper Ruins.


"Huh?" Robin questioned as she looked up at the sound of the loud roar that seemed to come from high above her. "What's going on up there?"


"And there's the snake..." Zoro muttered.

"You ran into the snake too?" Y/N questioned, "The guy with the cannon said it went after Luffy but then it chased me and those two up the beanstalk."

"That's because it chased me and some mooch of a bird all the way over here," Zoro told him.

"Busy snake," Y/N noted. "By the way, Robin and I found the City of Gold earlier. There was no gold but I left Robin down there so she could study the city."

"Then where is the gold?" Zoro asked.

"It's even further up the beanstalk," Y/N answered, "But baldy over there won't let us pass."

Y/N and Zoro had their swords drawn, Gan Fall held his lance at the ready while Pierre crowed from behind him and flexed his wings, Wyper hefted his bazooka onto his shoulder, Kiko clenched his uninjured hand and readied his claws while he sat on the back of Fuza, Ohm held his hand on the handle of his sword while Holy laid loyally by his side and finally, the massive snake bared its fangs as it stared down at the all-you-can-eat buffet.

"I'm sure you each feel what you have to say is important," Ohm stated as he drew his sword, "But there's only one way for your voice to be heard! You must survive, or find salvation!"


Combat in the Upper Ruins


"Now if you're ready," Ohm announced, "It's time to bring this to an end. The Mighty Eneru has prophesized that you won't survive."

"Oh yeah?" Zoro retorted. He still wanted to kick 'God's' ass.

"I don't know, he seems to like me for some reason," Y/N stated.

"If only your hearts hadn't been tainted by greed," Ohm said, "You might have lived longer. I'll grant you a few moments to repent before I render judgment."

"Huh, you must be one of those priests," Zoro realized.

"Actually, he's the last priest Zoro," Y/N informed him, "Luffy, Usopp and Sanji beat the fat one yesterday, those two warriors over there finished off the one I beat and took his bird, and Chopper beat the dumb... Hey wait a minute... Where's Chopper?"

"What do you mean?" Zoro asked.

"I ran into Chopper when I was climbing the beanstalk," Y/N explained, "I sent him on ahead when the Skykama attacked us. Although, at that time I didn't know that baldy was up here." Y/N turned and glared at Ohm, "Hey you, what'd you do to my little brother?"

"If you mean that creature that came up here looking for gold earlier, I passed judgment on him," Ohm answered.

"You didn't..." Y/N gasped as his eye widened in horror. He turned and called into the ruins "CHOPPER!"

"It is as I said," Ohm continued, "The Almighty Eneru has prophesized your deaths. For what its worth, I allowed the creature to repent for its sins and gave it salvation."

Y/N turned to glare at Ohm but Zoro stepped in front of him, "Find Chopper. I'll handle this." Y/N jumped onto his Sky-Board and sped off into the ruins. SHOOOM! Zoro turned back to Ohm. "I couldn't care less about your god or his prophecies. The only thing preordained for me in this crazy place is taking that gold."

"I will forgive you for that sin too," Ohm told him. "Your only salvation lies in a quick death. That I can mercifully provide with my Ordeal of Iron. I'll save all of you."

"Hmph," Gan Full grunted, "High and mighty words from a braggart such as yourself."

SWISH! Ohm jumped onto Holy's back. "Let's go Holy," he ordered his dog, "Be as ferocious as you want, boy."

"GRRAAAAH!" Holy growled as the no-longer docile dog got to its feet.

WOOOOSSHH! Gan Fall hopped onto Pierre's back and took off into the sky."That one is our target, Pierre," Gan Fall instructed his bird. "He is the most powerful so we must neutralize Eneru's priest first."

"PIIIEEE!" Pierre agreed.

ROOOOAAARRRROOOOAAA! The giant snake roared.

"I'm really getting sick of you snake," Zoro stated as he pointed his sword at it. "I mean how the hell did you get way up here anyway?"


"Uuugghhh..." Luffy groaned, "Damn it... one minute this place is up then the next it's down... This is one messed up cave."


"Well I guess the three of you..." Wyper said as he loaded a new round into his bazooka nad aimed it at his enemies. "WILL JUST HAVE TO DIE TOGETHER!" BA-ZOOOOOOOOOM! The column of Blue Flames blasted out from the end of the Burn Bazooka and across the clearing which caused the others to scatter.

"GRAAAAH!" Holy barked as he leapt out of the way with Ohm on his back.

"PPPIIIIEEE!" Pierre crowed as he flew higher up into the air.

"RAAAAH!" Fuza roared as he Kiko swooped passed Wyper.

"Heh heh," Zoro chuckled as he eyed the long mark that Wyper's blast had made in the ground. "You need to work on your aim there, pal!"

"INSOLENT BLUE SEA DWELLER!" Wyper snapped. "You think you can just come to this land and take what is rightfully ours? You have no idea how long and hard we've struggled!"

WOOOOSSH! "PIIIEEE!" Pierre swooped around a strike from the snake then dove under a torrent of fire from Fuza. FWOOOOSH! Then continued to fly towards the priest on the giant dog.

"If you sky-people wanna blow each other to pieces, that's your business," Zoro said as he readied his sword, "It's like I told that priest, I COULDN'T CARE LESS!"

Zoro raced at Wyper, "That figures," Wyper replied. SHOOM! His ski roared to life and he shot his leg out to meet Zoro's attack and blocked it with his metal ski. KLANG!

"Grrr..." Zoro growled as he reared back then went for another attack. SKISH! Wyper flipped up into the air to avoid it.

"I should have finished you from the start," Wyper resolved as he flipped upside-down and aimed his Burn Bazooka at Zoro. BA-ZOOOOOOOM! SKISH! Zoro leapt out of the way and avoided the blast.

"Damn," Zoro cursed as eyed the 'tunnel' that Wyper had blasted through the ruins. "This guy's actually tougher than I thought."


Y/N escaped the chaotic battle and sped through the ruins on his Sky-Board. "Chopper!" he called out into the ruins. "Chopper! Where are you? Answer me! Chopper!"

SHOOOM! Y/N leapt over a ruin and his eye widened in horror when he spotted something on the ground. "Oh no... CHOPPER!"


ROOOOAAAARRR! The monster snake roared as it reared its head back.

Zoro charged at Wyper as Wyper readied his bazooka. SKISH! At the last second, Zoro leapt to the side. Wyper was caught by surprise and turned to see Zoro bounced off of the ruins. SKISH! Zoro flew at Wyper and lashed out his swords but Wyper got his foot up and blocked the attack with his metal ski. KLANG!

SHOOM! Wyper launched himself away from Zoro and aimed his Burn Bazooka at him again. "NOW DIE!" he yelled.

But Wyper stopped his attack when a large shadow fell over him. Zoro and Wyper looked up in alarm and saw the giant snake in the middle of a dive. RRROOAAHHHHHSSSS!

Zoro and Wyper landed on the ground then launched themselves out of the way. SKISH!

The massive snake's body slammed down in the spot where they'd just been. KROOOSH! The snake's head kept going and it sank its fangs into the high point of a nearby ruin. CHOMP! Purple seam rose off of the stone ruins as the snake's venom made the ancient ruin crumble.

"Alright, note to self," Zoro said out loud, "Gotta watch out for those poisonous fangs."

Grrrrr... The smoke cleared and Zoro found Ohm and Holy behind him. RUUUFFF!

"Speaking of fangs!" Zoro exclaimed as he turned to face the dog.

WOOOSH! The massive dog swung its giant paw Zoro and the swordsman quickly jumped backwards to avoid it. SKISH! SWISH!

"Whoa!" Zoro gasped as he stared up at the dog, "I've never seen a dog move like that!"

"Not many people have," Ohm informed him, "You'll find that Holy knows a great number of commands, beyond just Sit and Stay. I'm a Skybreeder, renowned for my special animal training. I've even trained him to walk upright on two legs, and to fight like a Champion Boxer!" Zoro watched in surprise as Holy reared up onto his hind legs while Ohm sat on his head. Holy's front paws hung down at his sides like a person's arms. "Show him, Holy!"

"RUFF!" Holy barked as he swung his paws around in a fancy boxing combination. SWISH! SWISH! SW-SWISH! Holy ended in a fighting pose with its paws poised for an attack.

"Uuhh... nice doggy..." Zoro called out.

RAAAH! Ohm looked up and slashed his sword and cut through a torrent of fire from Fuza. SWIISSHH!

"You may be a Skybreeder BUT I'M THE BEAST MASTER!" Kiko howled as he jammed his elbow into his side then lashed his fire blade at Ohm. FWOOOM!

SKISH! Ohm jumped up over Kiko's fire blade as it skimmed over Holy's fire blade.

"RUUUFF!" Holy spun around and lashed out his paw and smashed it right into Fuza. POOW!

"RAAAaahh!" Fuza whined before it went crashing into the ground. KRASH!

Tmp! Ohm landed back on Holy's head, "Good boy," he praised his dog, "I've wanted to swat that annoying bird for years. There's a difference between training and breeding an animal versus just jumping on one and claiming it's yours. I didn't care for Shura. At all. But he was the one that put in the effort to train that bird. You don't even begin to compare to him."

SWOOOOSH! Another bird swooped in. Ohm spun around and raised his sword. KLANG! Ohm deflected Gan Fall's incoming spear as the Sky Knight flew passed him on Pierre.

"Gan Fall," Ohm growled as he watched the former God fly in a wide circle around Holy. "You were already beaten by Shura! Don't you know when to quit! What do you really hope to do? I doubt you even have enough strength left to properly wield that spear!"

"I don't know what Eneru is plotting," Gan Fall admitted, "But I will stop Him with my dying breath if need be."

"There's no way a washed up God like you could ever understand Eneru's Noble Thoughts!" Ohm scoffed. "Gan Fall, you're a foolish old man, a man that doesn't have long to live!"


"After them! Don't let them escape!" A group of Eneru's warriors called out as they chased after Nami and Aisa on their Waver. "BAAAA!"

"You hear that?" Nami asked as Aisa hugged her waist from behind while she piloted the Waver. "It sounded like... goats!"

"Those are Eneru's Warriors!" Aisa told her, "if they catch us they'll kill us! GET US OUT OF HERE NOW!"

"I'd love to!" Nami replied, "But in case you haven't noticed, I HAVE NO IDEA WHERE WE'RE GOING!"

VVVVRRRRRRR! They sped along the Milky Road and eventually reached the edge of the clearing where they spotted a giant beanstalk.

"Ah! What's that?" Nami wondered.

Aisa peeked passed her, "It's called Giant Jack," Aisa answered. "Eneru's Shrine is supposed to be up above it."

"Eneru's Shrine?" Nami repeated. "I DON'T WANNA GO THERE!"

Suddenly Aisa's Mantra kicked in and she noticed the huge battle that was being waged up on the Upper Ruins between Gan Fall, Ohm, Zoro, Kiko and especially Wyper.

"Wyper!" Aisa exclaimed.

"What?" Nami asked.

"Wyper's up there!" Aisa exclaimed. "So is Kiko! They're alive!"

"Are any of my friends up there?" Nami inquired.

"One... No TWO! The scary one is up there too!" Aisa told her.

"Then maybe we should go there," Nami decided.

"BAAA! THEY'RE HEADING FOR GIANT JACK!" came a voice from behind them.

Nami looked over her shoulder and spotted three of Eneru's warriors behind them.


"QUIT FOLLOWING US!" Nami yelled back at them.


RRRRHHHHOOOAAAHHH! The giant snake roared as it smashed through more of the ruins. KROOOSH! WHAM!

SKISH! Zoro jumped clear over a ruin to avoid it and dropped to the ground then did a forward roll before he finally came to a stop. Fwip!

"That stupid snake!" Zoro growled, "It keeps getting in my way!"


Zoro's head whipped around as he spotted Y/N on his knees nearby. "Y/N!"

"I found him..." Y/N whispered, Zoro's eyes widened in horror when he spotted a small, furry, bloody form in Y/N's arms.

"CHOPPER! NO!" Zoro yelled as he shot to his feet and ran towards them.

"I see, the creature was part of their crew," Ohm noted as he watched Zoro run towards Y/N. "Hey, watch your step over there."

Klick! Zoro's foot pressed down on a loose rock. BANG! Barbed wire shot out and slashed into Zoro's arm. SLA-SLISH! Fwip! Y/N dropped to the ground and threw his body over Chopper's as the chain of barbed wire shot over him.

"Ugghh..." Zoro grunted as he looked at the jagged gash it had made on his arm. "What the... barbed wire?"

SHOOM! Wyper landed nearby and noted the two Blue Sea Dwellers and the barbed wire that ran in between them. "So that's his Ordeal," Wyper realized.

"Chopper!" Zoro exclaimed as he pushed himself onto his knees while Y/N moved around the barbed wire and held Chopper on his lap. The reindeer had bloody gashes going across his small chest and arms, and another one along the side of his face. "Y/N is he..."

"Barely," Y/N answered.

"A shame isn't it?" Ohm called out to them. Both Y/N and Zoro glared at him as they rose to their feet. "Those barbs are Iron Cloud. They're light as a cloud but as hard as iron. But they've been blown into shape by a Milky Dial. I've rigged several of them with hidden triggers. You and your little friend found out the hard way what happens when you step on one. This field is a weapon. I don't have to attack you. I can sit back and watch your own blundering do you in. I'm partially responsible for that animal's defeat but he's also to blame. He stumbled into my Ordeal all by himself."

"This animal is my little brother..." Y/N growled as he set Chopper down on a raised ruin nearby. His arms were will covered in Chopper's blood. "He's a doctor. He wouldn't have hurt a fly unless it was evil and attacked him first."

"Oh, I guess you want to get revenge now, huh?" Ohm questioned.

"No, believe it or not, I don't fight for revenge," Zoro answered. "But..."

"That's good, because I do," Y/N interrupted as he stepped passed Zoro and glared at Ohm. "Dibs."

"What!" Zoro exclaimed. "You can't just call Dibs on fighting someone!"

"I just did," Y/N replied.

"We've all been fighting that guy!" Zoro insisted.

"Too bad, because I'm gonna be the one to take him down," Y/N countered.

"Hold on, what about me?" Zoro protested.

"There's the guy with the bazooka that attacked us when we first reached the White Sea, there's the crazy Skykama on the other priest's bird, and in case you missed it, there that massive snake that attacked us earlier," Y/N pointed out. "Pick one, or all three, I don't care. All I know is that I'm gonna tear this guy apart."

"Ya know, maybe there's a reason why that priest we met back at that temple made you wrath," Zoro noted.

"Maybe there is!" Y/N snapped. "But when a little brother gets hurt, it's the big brother's responsibility to make whoever did it regret it. Why do you think Ace has spent the last year on a man hunt? Fighting for each other is what brothers do." Y/N pointed his red sword at Ohm. "Hey baldy, I'm coming for you!"


Survivors Gather:


Meanwhile, down the beanstalk and a little off the shore of Upper Yard, Pagaya and Conis dropped anchor on the Going Merry. They'd managed to get the Going Merry around God's island to the Straw Hats' designated meeting spot.

"Well Conis, I think we've arrived," Pagaya announced. "This is the sea shore where our Blue Sea friends were planning to meet, right?"

"Yes father," Conis answered, "This is where Nami told me they'd be dropping anchor."

"Well then what should we do now?" Pagaya wondered. "I really wasn't expecting to look after their ship. None-the-less, we must protect it at all costs until they return. I'll sound the horn to scare off any threats!"

"Right," Conis agreed, "Good idea father. Let them hear our resolve!"

Pagaya moved back to his ship and strapped down the horn so it played in a continuous loop. This resulted in the bugle wake-up call-like horn to sound non-stop.

Pagaya headed back up to the front deck and addressed Suu who was perched on the rear railing. "Keep your eyes opened Suu," Pagaya told the Cloud Fox, "I'm counting on you to keep watch."

"Suu suu!" Suu chirped and actually saluted in response then darted to the side railing to keep an eye on the island the Going Merry was anchored alongside of.

The horn continued to blare as Conis looked down upon Usopp and Sanji in the storage room. The Sniper and the Cook were both still unconscious but had been bandaged to the best of Nami's ability. As Conis stared down at the two pirate that had saved her from God's Judgment, she couldn't help but think about how dedicated the Straw Hats all were to each other.


"Nami, you mentioned a promise?" Conis asked before Nami and Aisa had been chased into the forest by the monster snake.

"Oh that," Nami replied, "Luffy, Y/N and the others went into the forest on an errand. But we all promised to meet up on the north-west shore so that's why I've got to go over there."

"Do you think they're okay?" Conis asked. "Things are very dangerous in the forest right now. I just hope they're alright."

"Don't worry," Nami reassured her. "That's my crew we're talking about. They'll be fine."

-End Flashback-

Conis stared down at Usopp and Sanji and Pagaya's horn was still sounding in the background.

Conis dropped down in between them, "Hang on!" she encouraged the two pirates, "I'll nurse both of you back to health! You'll be better in no time!"

Meanwhile, Pagaya stood behind the front railing on the front deck and somehow stared at the forest with his eyes closed. "Please everyone, be safe," his thoughts went out to the Straw Hats, "I'm sorry the Sky Island is like this."


But back in the forest of Upper Yard, the Survival Game waged on and the casualties piled up.

Shura was dead, Satori hadn't moved from when Sanji had kicked him yesterday, Braham had been taken out by Zoro, Genbo had been defeated by Yama, Kamakiri and over a dozen warriors on both sides had been fried by Eneru's lightning attack, Yama had lost to Y/N and Robin and Gedatsu had completely disappeared after his fight with Chopper. The bodies of Eneru's Priests and his warriors as well as the Shandians littered the forest floor, all had fallen during Eneru's deadly Survival Game.


"THE ONLY HEADS THAT WILL ROLL ARE YOURS, SHANDIAN!" one of Eneru's Warriors retorted.



Shooom... shoooom... Laki sped passed the still body of Yama on the Milky Road as she raced towards Giant Jack. "Please Wyper, don't use the Reject anymore!" Laki thought to herself and desperately wished that her thoughts could reach her stubborn leader. "Don't challenge Eneru!" Her conversation with Kamakiri was still fresh in her mind. "He can't be defeated! No matter what we do!"

The only person that was actually enjoying himself was Eneru as he sat laughing in a tree and listened to the sounds of the bodies falling in his Survival Game.

"Yahahahaha!" Eneru laughed, "That's right, those of you still in the Game, climb your way to the Upper Ruins and destroy each other! There will only be seven survivors. My words and prophesies are absolute."


WOOOOSH! Gan Fall flew over the Upper Ruins on Pierre.

BA-ZOOOOOOOM! A beam of blue fire shot up into the air and nearly roasted the Sky Knight and his steed. SWISH! They managed to avoid the blast and Gan Fall stared down at Wyper.

"Stop this insanity now, Wyper!" Gan Fall tried to reason with the Shandian. "I'm not here to—"

"You're not what, old man!" Wyper interrupted. "You believe that you're not my enemy? To the Shandians there's no difference between you and Eneru! Both of you must go!"


RRHHHHHAAAAARRRR! The giant snake reared up off of the ground and lunged at Pierre.

"PIIIEEE!" Pierre cried as he swooped down out of the way at the last second. SWOOOSH!

The snake continued its lunge and its head dropped down at Wyper.

"Eh?" Wyper grunted as he stared up at the giant incoming snake head. SKISH! KROOOOM! Wyper launched himself into the air and avoided the snake as it slammed into the ground. The angry Shandian aimed his Burn Bazooka down at the giant snake, not that it was hard, and opened fire. "DAMN YOU!" BA-ZOOOOOOOOOM! The blue flames blasted out of the end of the bazooka and slammed into the top of the snake's head.

RRHHHAAAAUUHHHH! The snake shot out of the smoke and waved its head around angrily. Wyper's powerful attack had done nothing but piss it off. RRRHHHAAAAAHHHHHHH!

"My Burn Bazooka didn't even phase that thing!" Wyper realized as he stared down at the snake. "What are those scales made of?"

RRHHHHAAAAA! The snake shot up into the air at Wyper. SHOOOM! Wyper used his skis in midair and shot out of the way of another close attack.


"WAAAAAAAHHH!" Luffy screamed as he fell down the inside of the body of the giant snake as it move upward. "NOOO! NOO MOOOREEE! I'M SICK OF THIS STUPID CAAAVEEE!"


FWOOOM! Kiko swung his fire blade at Zoro from up on the recovered Fuza's back. SKISH! Zoro jumped up over the blade and lashed his sword Wado Ichimonji at the Shandian. "One Sword Style: THIRTY-SIX CALIBER PHOENIX!" The flying blade attack flew off of Zoro's sword and shot at Kiko and Fuza.

"RRRAAAH!" Fuza roared as Kiko pulled on its feathers and urged it to fly up over the blast. WOOOSH! The blade kept going and blasted through a ruin behind them. KROOOOM!

"Why don't you just hold still and fight!" Zoro called out.

"I could say the same to you!" Kiko retorted as he flew in a circle around Zoro on Fuza. WOOOSH! Fuza swooped around and flew straight at Zoro. Wham! Kiko jammed his elbow into this side and ignited his fire blade then swung it sideways at Zoro. FWOOOM!

SKISH! Zoro jumped up into the air to avoid the fire.

"HOOO! LET'S SEE YOU DODGE IN MIDAIR!" Kiko howled as he jammed the elbow of his injured arm into his side. Wham! "HHHOOOO!" Kiko let out another loud howl that might have had something to do with the pain in his injured shoulder. But he ignored it as he raised his arm and swung his three fire blade one his Flame Claw down at Zoro.

"Uh-oh!" Zoro yelped as he quickly drew his other two swords. "DRAGON TWISTER!" Zoro spun around in midair and executed one of his most powerful attacks and created a tornado. The three fire blades connected with the tornado and were sucked into it. WOOOOSH!

"WHAT IS THIS MAGIC?" Kiko demanded as the tornado suddenly lit on fire. "DO SOMETHING BIRD!"

"RAAAAAH!" Kiko yanked on Fuza's feather and the bird let loose a torrent of fire of its own. FWOOOO-WOOOOSSH! But when the fire reached Zoro's twisted it too was sucked in and joined the fire tornado. SWISH! Zoro stopped spinning. Kiko's eyes widened in horror as he stared at the three flame-covered swords and the flame covered swordsman holding them.

"YOU'RE A MONSTER!" Kiko yelled. "A DEMON!"

"Not a bad idea," Zoro replied before he launched himself at Kiko and lashed out with his sword, "FLAMING DEMON SLICE!" SLA-SLA-SLISH!

Kiko blinked. He felt fine. Zoro's attack had missed him.

"RAA-aaaahhh..." But Zoro hadn't attacked Kiko instead he'd slashed the bird that he was flying on. Fuza dropped out of the sky and slammed into the ground. KRASH!

"Sorry, pal," Zoro apologized, "But I really hate birds now. Let's see how you fight without that fire-breathing turkey of yours."

"You bastard," Kiko growled as he stood up and jumped off of the unmoving bird, "I'm still a Warrior of Shandora! I don't need that bird to fight!"

"Then let's see you prove that," Zoro taunted.

Nearby, Y/N jumped out of the way to avoid Holy. SKISH! Holy slammed his paw down into the spot where Y/N had just been. KRASH!

"Too slow, Fido!" Y/N taunted the dog. "Why don't you just play dead so I can help your master up there learn the same trick?"

"RUUFF! RUUFFF!" Holy barked at Y/N as he pulled his giant paw out of the ground and swung at Y/N again for a follow up punch.

SWISH! Y/N weaved back and avoided the punch. "There's an opening!"

Ohm grinned, as he read Y/N's movements with his Mantra. "He's spotted the opening, which means he's left himself wide opened for this!" Ohm slashed his own sword and the blade extended and cleaved into Y/N side. SLISH!

"GAAAH!" Y/N yelled out as he dove to the side and clutched his bloody side.

"What's the matter, Blue Sea Dweller?" Ohm taunted, "Did you forget about my sword?"

"Honestly, so much has happened, I actually did," Y/N admitted, "It feels like it's been a year since I fought all four of you guys together."

"Well for your information, the blade of my sword is made from Iron Cloud," Ohm told him, "Just like that barbed wire from earlier. "The blade is actually made from Iron Cloud that's expelled from a Dial in the sword's hilt."

"Still don't know what those are," Y/N admitted.

"To put it simply," Ohm said, "The blade of my sword can take any shape that I want it to, and that means that it can hunt its prey TO THE ENDS OF THE EARTH!" Ohm swung his sword and the blade shot out at Y/N. SLIIISSSHH!

KLANG! Y/N smacked his own sword into Ohm's elongated blade and knocked it to the side.

"Not gonna work, baldy," Y/N taunted, "This time I've got a sword of my own."

"Hm..." Ohm looked at Giant Jack. His Mantra told him they were about to get some company. "Holy, we're going to have to fight separately." Skish! Ohm jumped off of his dog's head and landed on some ruins nearby. "From the sound of things, the Upper Ruins are about to get busy."

"BAAAA!" SHOOM! SHOOM! SHOOM! SHOOM! Four of Eneru's warrior shot up through the cloud and landed on the buildings in the Upper Ruins.

"The Sky Knight," one of them noted Gan Fall, "I didn't expect him to be here."

"We're here to assist you, oh mighty Ohm," another warrior announced.

"BAAAAH!" the four warriors bleated like goats as they struck fighting poses.

SHOOM! SHOOM! SHOOM! Three Shandians flew up the beanstalk and landed on ruins on the other side of the main clearing.

"Look who's here," Wyper remarked as he eyed the three warriors.

"Well, you know what this means," the first warrior commented.

"Yeah, it means we're the only ones left," the second warrior realized.

"Don't worry, Wyper!" the third warrior called out, "We'll help you get to Eneru and take his head off!"


"Uughh..." Luffy groaned as he pulled himself out a pile of rubble. "Hey wait, that should work! I'll just dig my way out!" Luffy picked up a blunt rock and started to scrape it against the side of the cave. Swish! Swish! Swish! It didn't do anything. On the inside at least.


RHAAAA! The giant snake suddenly reared its head back and roared.

"It's that giant snake!" one of Eneru's warrior called out. But suddenly the roar changed its tone. RHAARHAARHAARHAARHAAA! "IT'S LAUGHING?"

"AAAAAHHH!" A loud scream broke out as a Waver burst through the clouds and reached the Upper Ruins. VVVVRRRR...

"BAAAA!" Three of Eneru's warriors chased after it.

"I know that scream anywhere," Y/N realized, "Nami?"

"Wyper, that's Aisa with that woman!" Kiko called out.

"BAAA! HOLD IT!" one of the three goat warriors that were after them shouted.

"WILL YOU GOATS JUST LEAVE US ALONE?" Nami shouted at back at them.



"NOOOO!" Gan Fall yelled when he realized Eneru's three wariors were closing in on his 'fighting partner' and the Shandian girl.

Three blurs shot over Waver that Nami and Aisa were on. THWAK! Wyper kicked one with his ski. SLISH! Zoro slashed the second with his swords. WHAM! Gan Fall smashed the third with his spear. The three warriors went flying and smashed through some ruins. KROOOM!

VVVRRRRRrrrrrr... Nami skidded to a stop on the Waver.


"NAMI! WHAT'RE YOU DOING HERE?" Zoro called out.

"Hey, Zoro, what's going on here?" Nami asked. It looked like she'd just sped into a war zone.

"WYPER!" Aisa cried as she hugged Nami around the waist.

"What is it you're plotting here, Blue Sea Dweller?" Wyper growled as he aimed his Burn Bazooka at Nami. "AISA, GET AWAY FROM THAT WOMAN!"

"WYPER NO!" Kiko yelled as he grabbed Wyper's Burn Bazooka and pointed it upward. "YOU'LL HIT AISA!"

"HEY! HOLD ON!" Nami yelled right back at the cannon wielding Shandian warrior. "I was chased clear across that stupid forest by a monster snake BECAUSE I WAS TRYING TO SAVE THIS LITTLE BRAT! Then the second we gave it the slip, THOSE THREE GOATS CAME AFTER US! WOULD IT KILL YOU TO SHOW SOME DAMN GRATITUDE?"

"Uuhhh..." was Wyper's intelligent response when the strange Blue Sea Woman yelled at him.

"Oh good, it looks like you're okay," Y/N noted as he walked over to them.

"Y/N!" Nami exclaimed as she spun around to face him, and inadvertently dragged Aisa around with her. Nami blinked and forgot about the hug she wanted to give him when she saw the blood on his arms and the wound on his side. "WHY ARE YOU COVERED IN BLOOD?"

"Oh, well half of its mine, the other half is Chopper's," Y/N answered. "There's a bald Priest over there somewhere that I plan to carve up like a turkey so I can add his to the collection."

"SCARY!" Aisa cried.

"Good grief," Y/N muttered, "HEY! SKY KNIGHT! I need a favor!"

WOOOSH! Gan Fall swooped down on Pierre. "What is it, my friend?"

"Get these two out of here," Y/N instructed, "This is no place for either of them,"



"Uuuggghh..." Wyper drawled, once again rendered speechless by Nami. Not even Laki yelled at him like this.

"I DIDN'T THINK SO!" Nami shouted.

Kiko looked from Wyper to Nami, "WHO IN THE BLAZES ARE YOU, WOMAN?"

"Very well, I'll fly them back to your ship," Gan Fall resolved as he lifted Nami, Aisa and the Waver up onto Pierre's side. WOOOOSH! The bird took off with its three passengers.

"If anything happens to Aisa, I'll skin you alive Blue Sea Scum!" Kiko growled.

"You had better have been saying that to me, Skykama," Y/N replied, "Otherwise I'll break both of your arms this time."

"Just what are you two doing up here anyway?" Gan Fall inquired.

"Well... we were chased into the forest by a giant..."

RRHHAAAAAAAA! The monster snake had recovered from its laughing fit and launched itself up into the air.

"SNAAAAAAAKEEEEEEEE!" Nami screamed in terror just as the massive snake's mouth closed around all four of them. CHOMP!


"AAAAAAAHHHH!" Nami and Aisa screamed as they, Gan Fall, Pierre and the Waver fell down the snake's throat. Luffy was about to get some company.


"GAH!" Y/N, Zoro, Wyper and Kiko all gaped as the others were swallowed by the snake.

"RUFFF!" POW! POW! Holy lashed out with two punches and sent the two Shandian flying.

SLASH! Ohm lashed his sword out at Y/N and Zoro. Whump! Y/N shoved Zoro out of the way and turned to the side as he got slashed by Ohm's extended sword. SLISH!

"WYPER!" the third Shandian yelled in alarm.

"You were so distracted that you neglected to protect yourselves," Ohm lectured. His sword shrank back down and he hefted it across his shoulders. "Quit worrying about other people!"

"Y/N!" Zoro exclaimed from the ground. "What the hell?"

"Uggghhh..." Y/N groaned as he sat up and held his bloody shoulder where he'd taken the brunt of Ohm's attack. "I called... dibs... didn't want you to get confused..." Y/N turned to face Ohm, "And you, baldy, don't forget, you're fight is with me."

"So I'll finally get to deliver the punishment that you avoided yesterday," Ohm resolved. "Just like there's nothing you can do save your friends, there's nothing you can do to avenge that creature you call your brother. Accept your punishment, and find salvation."


Hope you enjoyed the chapter!!!

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