

-West Block-

"Damn it," Zoro cursed to himself as he stood in a street across from Mr. 1 and looked around him for any signs of Nami. The girl had run off with Ms. Double Finger chasing her and he hadn't seen her since. "Where the heck did she go? I said I'd look after her. If she gets killed it's gonna end up being on my conscience."


"Okay here's the plan," Y/N announced to the others shortly before they made their final approach on Alubarna. "We're going to split up into groups of two. We'll charge in and lure the Officer Agents away from the gate which will leave Vivi free to stop the Rebel Army as they approach from the south."

"I CALL Y/N!" Nami, Usopp, and Chopper all shouted before they launched themselves at the First Mate and glomped him.

"Ugghhh..." Y/N groaned in annoyance as the three hung off of him. "Usopp, you're with me. Chopper, you're with Sanji, and Nami, you'll go with Zoro."

"Hey, why does Moss Ball get to go with Miss. Nami?" Sanji protested.

"Because if you or I went with her we'd probably do something stupid to defend her," Y/N answered. "The same thing would happen with me and Chopper. I figure, if Zoro goes with Nami he can look after her without being emotionally invested in it."

"Fine," Sanji folded his arms across his chest and conceded the point.

Y/N turned to Zoro, "You will look after her right?" he asked. "This is gonna be dangerous. Don't let her get killed."

"I'll look after her," Zoro agreed.

"Thank you," Y/N replied, "Now... Eyelash, you stay here. If you go with us you'll get killed. Vivi hang back and intercept the rebels once we've done our part. The rest of you, let's get going. We've got a job to do." And so they rode off on their ducks, split into their assigned groups, and lured the Officer Agents into the city.

Sanji, Chopper, Usopp, Mana, and Ayako had already finished their battles. Aside from Y/N and Vivi who were dealing with Crocodile and Ms. All Sunday at the Royal Palace, the only ones left fighting for their lives were Zoro and Nami.

-End Flashback-

"Where'd she run off to?" Zoro grumbled. "All she had to do was stay quiet and hide while I took care of the fighting. But nooo! That idiot had to run her mouth and provoke them!"

"I can't help but notice that you seem distracted," Mr. 1 dead-panned. "You're the 'Pirate Hunter' Roronoa Zoro. It would be a pity to kill someone with your reputation because he wasn't paying attention."

"I'll fight you in a minute!" Zoro snapped. "I'm under orders to look after her."

"Perhaps... you should be more concerned about yourself?" Mr. 1 suggested as he held out his right arm. The bottoms of his long fingers took on a shiny metallic appearance.

"Great," Zoro muttered to himself, "Now on top of worrying about Nami, I have to worry about what kind of a freakish Devil Fruit Power this guy has."

Speaking of Nami, the thief suddenly came running out of an alley and leaned back against the wall. "Lost her," Nami sighed as she took a couple of deep breaths to recover from her run.

"Not quite," Mr. 1 replied as he glanced up above the girl.

Nami looked up and saw Ms. Double Finger standing above her. But the thief's eyes widened at the fact that the woman was standing SIDEWAYS on the building and had somehow gotten her feet to stick to it.

"You gave a good chase for someone so weak," Ms. Double Finger commented. "But you're no match for an assassin of my caliber." TMP! Ms. Double Finger jumped off of the roof and landed in front of Nami effectively trapping her against the building she'd been leaning against. The agent reached out and grabbed Nami's collar with one hand and pointed the fingers of her other hand at the girl's face. "Say goodbye, girl."

"Goodbye," Nami said. SWISH! In a flash she dropped down and threw her white cloak off of her and onto the agent. Nami was left in her dancer girl outfit and frantically put her Clima-Tact together in a 'Y-shape' as Ms. Double Finger attempted to recover from her unexpected tactic. "THUNDER TEMPO!" BANG! WHOMP! The boxing glove shot out and socked the cloak-covered Ms. Double Finger in the face and sent her flying across the street.

Nami breathed a sigh of relief then turned and ran towards Zoro.

"I've had enough of this," Mr. 1 growled. SKISH! The agent leapt up into the air and launched himself at Nami.

"AAAAHH!" Nami screamed as she put on another burst of speed and sprinted towards the column that was separating her and Zoro.

"Damn that girl!" Ms. Double Finger snarled as she finally threw Nami's cloak off of her. Her face was bright red at the embarrassment of being humiliated twice by that girl's boxing glove. She searched for her target only to see her partner descending on the girl about to finish her off. "MR. 1, DON'T! SHE'S MINE!"

Mr. 1 came down and lashed his arm down at Nami, WHUMP! Zoro suddenly tacked Nami to the ground and intercepted Mr. 1's attack with the blade of his sword. KLANG!

KROOOOM! Nami looked up in time to see the stone column she had been running towards split into four tall segments and go crashing to the ground, KRASH!


"It didn't split," Zoro corrected her as he glared over at Mr. 1. "It was sliced. Only a swordsman could've done something like that."

"That's right," Mr. 1 replied as he licked his finger.

Zoro lashed out with Wado Ichimonji, the swing wasn't nearly as fast as it could have been and Mr. 1 easily blocked it with his forearm. KLANG! A long steel blade was growing out of the bottom of Mr. 1's arm.

"You cut it didn't you," Zoro realized as he stared at the blade coming out of the bottom of Mr. 1's arm, "with those arms of yours." Mr. 1 pushed Zoro's sword away with his blade arm and remained silent. "You've got an unusual body, don't you?"

"You noticed," Mr. 1 remarked as he took a pose and revealed the arm-length blade that was growing out of his other arm as well. "I ate the Dice Dice Fruit now I can make a blade out of any part of my body." Mr. 1 glared at Zoro as Ms. Double Finger came up behind him. "Roronoa Zoro... you're the swordsman who cut down a hundred men at Whisky Peak."

"He's also the pirate who turned down the invitation to join Baroque Works some years ago at East Blue," Ms. Double Finger chimed in. "And cut down our Mr. 7 at the time."

"Heh heh," Zoro chuckled, "That's a story that takes me back. That little misunderstanding was your Mr. 7's fault for not accepting the terms I offered." Zoro casually rested his sword back against his shoulder. "As I remember it, I made a very generous proposition. I said 'Sure I'll join. As long as you make me your boss'."

"Heehee," Ms. Double Finger laughed lightly. "You're quite a comedian aren't you?"

"Instead of meeting my terms," Zoro continued, "he rather rudely took a slash at me so naturally I put him in his place." Zoro grinned at the two remaining Officer Agents. "Now would you like to invite me too? Cause right now, you guys look so ridiculous I wouldn't even accept the job!"

"Grrrr..." Mr. 1growled in irritation at the cocky swordsman's comments then let out a roar and lashed out at him with both of his long bladed arms. "RRAAAAH!" KLA-KLANG! Zoro drew Kitetsu III and used his two swords to block Mr. 1's attack.

"You think you can make a fool out of me?" Mr. 1 asked as he and Zoro stood in a deadlock with their respective blades locked together, "Some swordsman from an upstart pirate crew?"

"Maybe I am," Zoro retorted. "But what do you think you guys are? You're puppets with no will of your own being manipulated by Crocodile into building his fake Utopia. Or maybe you're just little tin soldiers?" SHHING! Mr. 1 slashed his arms but Zoro jumped back out of the way and once again taunted his opponent. "All shine and no steel."

"Ms... Double Finger..." Mr. 1 called out to his partner.

"I know, I know," Ms. Double Finger replied. "You want to eliminate him, don't you? Remember, we already decided you could have him while I take care of the weak little girl."

"Ah!" Zoro gasped in alarm. "NAMI BE CAREFfffff..." Zoro trailed off when he realized that Nami had already run off during his back-and-forth with the two agents. "Okay... she's gone..."

Mr. 1 let out a guttural growl as he got in a fighting stance with his bladed arms at the ready. "Like I said before," he told Zoro. "No swordsman can defeat me."

-Royal Palace-

"So... are you gonna come down here or do I have to come up there?" Y/N inquired as he stared up at Crocodile. He, Vivi, and Chaka were standing in the courtyard outside the main palace. The sounds of combat could be heard through the palace gate behind them. The doors led down a flight of steps to Alubarna square where the Rebel Army and the Royal Army were fighting. Crocodile and Ms. All Sunday stood on top of the palace looking down at the previous three while Nefertari Cobra was tucked under Crocodile's arm. "It makes no difference to me."

"You'll want to choose your next move carefully," Crocodile advised as he held up King Cobra like a royal meat shield. "If you make the slightest mistake I might slip and kill the King."

"FATHER!" Vivi exclaimed.

"Now Ms. Wednesday, tell your annoying friend to stand down," Crocodile ordered, "Or I'll decide I have no further use for your father."

Vivi was shaking as she turned to Y/N, "Y/N..."

"Don't worry," Y/N reassured her. His eye narrowed as he stared up at Crocodile and the King. "He's not gonna hurt him. If he was going to kill him he would've done it already. For some reason Sandy needs your father alive."

"Fufufu," Ms. All Sunday let out a light laugh, "He's onto us."

"Right... I take it you're not gonna come down," Y/N reasoned. "Then I'll just have to bring the fight to you." Y/N reached up and pulled off the remains of his burned black shirt which left him in only his eye patch, pants, and boots.

"That was quite the interesting display," Ms. All Sunday remarked as she surveyed the now shirtess pirate from her perch on the palace roof, "But was there a point to it?"

"A male anime character's power level raises significantly whenever he takes his shirt off," Y/N answered.

"What?" Crocodile, Ms. All Sunday, and Chaka all chorused. Vivi sweat-dropped while Ms. All Sunday tilted her head to the side and studied Y/N in a bird-like manner.

"I'm sorry, he does that," Vivi apologized.

"Princess... is this really who you're counting on to protect you?" Chaka felt compelled to ask.

"Out of all my pirate friends he's one of the least quirky," Vivi informed him. "He says things like that often but quickly changes the subject. The others usually just go along with the subject change but his older brother hits him for some reason. I've learned to just ignore it or end up confusing myself."

"Insane or not... you're too dangerous to be allowed to live," Crocodile decided. "You're right. I need Nefertari Cobra alive. But I have no qualms with killing you three first." Crocodile carelessly tossed the King to the side so Ms. All Sunday could catch him with the aid of an extra pair of arms then the Warlord held his arms out to his sides. "I think it's quite fitting that the Royal Family dies along with their Kingdom. SABLES!" Shhhwwwooo! Sand swirled around and started gathering in Crocodile's opened hands. Crocodile joined his hands together and formed a min-sandstorm. SSSHHHWWWOOOOO!

"Oh no, you don't!" Y/N growled. "Captain-guy, guard Vivi." SKISH! Y/N dashed forward and started running up the double doors that led into the palace. SKISH! He jumped off of the door onto the doorframe then bounced off of it to a higher point on the other side of the frame. SKISH! SKISH! Another two jumps brought Y/N to the top of the double doors where he quickly grabbed the top of the frame and launched himself up into the air and over the top of the palace, WHING! Y/N drew Akakyuuketsuki and raised it over his head and prepared to bring it down on Crocodile.

"You just never learn," Crocodile taunted as he stared up at the shirtless pirate and turned his body into sand so he joined the sandstorm he was creating. "No matter what you do you can't hurt me. I've perfected my Devil Fruit Powers to the point where they active on mere instinct. I'll never be caught off guard enough for you to hurt me with your silly little sword."

"Oh yeah?" Y/N countered, "Try this... Red Blade... EXPLOSION!" The highly combustible blood that was still inside of Y/N's sword exploded. KA-BOOOOOOM! The unexpected explosion caught Crocodile off guard and blasted him backwards and reduced his body into a cloud of sand when it impacted with the golden turret that topped the palace behind him. "Looks like that caught you off guard."

"What did you just do?" Ms. All Sunday asked curiously.

"I ran into Mr. 3.5 on the way here," Y/N explained. "He seemed quite intent on 'eliminating me' and said he was specifically ordered to or something. During our fight he revealed that his blood is highly explosive. My sword absorbs blood. I sliced him with my sword, it absorbed his blood, and now it explodes."

"I see," Ms. All Sunday commented.

Y/N glanced down at Vivi and Chaka and the grassy courtyard on the ground below them, "Uhh... how were you two planning on getting down from here?" he inquired.

"There's a staircase over there that leads down to the front doors," Ms. All Sunday answered. "As amusing as it was to watch you climb all the way up here... it's much easier to simply take the stairs."

SHHWWOO! Crocodile's upper-body reformed while his legs remained a cloud of sand. "OOOONEEE EEEYEEEE!" the Warlord roared before he flew at Y/N and slashed at him with his right hand. "CRESCENT CUTLASS!" THWAK! Y/N intercepted Crocodile's arm with the Sea Stone bottom of his boot.

"You left all the Sea Stone from that cell in a room that was going to be destroyed," Y/N reminded him. "I figured if you didn't want it anymore then I'd make use of it." WHAP! The Warlord's eyes widened in surprise as the Sea Stone nullified his Devil Fruit Powers and allowed Y/N to grab onto his collar. WOOSH! Y/N spun around and threw the Warlord off the roof of the palace then launched himself off after him. "Red Storm... AVALANCHE!" SLISH! A red-tinted air blade flew off of Y/N's sword and sliced the Warlord in half. Y/N dropped through the halves as they disintegrated into sand and landed on the ground in a crouch. TMP!

"I'LL KILL YOU!" Crocodile snarled as he reformed in the air, all of his composure and sophistication were gone, now he was just seemed like a furious pirate. "DESERT SPARDA!" SHOOOSSHH! His arm became a blade of sand and he slashed it downward and drove it into the grass plaza below him.

"Heads up!" Y/N called out to Chaka and Vivi as he jumped out of the way. Chaka grabbed Vivi and leapt to the side as Crocodile split the sand straight up to the outer palace walls. The sand died down and Y/N glanced down at the split in the ground and couldn't even see a bottom. "That could've been messy."

-West Block-

Nami had once again evaded her pursuer and was currently sitting against a stone wall in the abandoned market district in the middle of Alubarna's West Block. She was glancing around the street for any signs of Ms. Double Finger and heard the distant sound of the two armies fighting.

"I guess her plan must've failed," Nami thought to herself. "She wasn't able to stop the Rebel Army at the entrance. I wonder if Vivi and the others are alright... They're all fighting and putting their lives on the line. And here I am running and hiding after getting in a couple of cheap shots."

"I can't move properly in this damn dress," Nami complained as she eyed the bottom of her dancer girl outfit. Rrrrriiiiip! She made a tear near the front of the skirt that went up to the top of her legs and would allow her to move them more freely. Nami looked down at her neck and saw the sapphire rain drop necklace that Y/N had given her. "And I definitely don't want this getting damaged." She carefully removed the necklace and placed it in a pocket she had personally sewn into the inside of her dancer dress.

"I guess I'm as ready as I'll ever be," she resolved as she surveyed the changes she'd made to her outfit. "How'd I get myself into this mess? Now there's a trained assassin after me!"

-Clima-Tact Flashback-

Nami and Y/N dragged Usopp into the anchor room and shut the door behind him.

"Damn it!" the terrified sniper snapped, "Can't the rest of us have a little fun gambling without one of you two stealing it all! It's just a simple pool! Can't you let us have that?"

"We figured that's what all of you were up to," Nami told him.

"And we've decided to let you have your little pool," Y/N informed him.

Usopp's eyes widened in surprise, "Really?" he asked, mostly Nami.

"His idea," Nami stated.

"We dragged you in here for a different reason," Y/N explained.

"I need you to build me a weapon," Nami requested.

"Build you a weapon?" Usopp repeated. "And what're you gonna do with it? Hide behind it?"

"Touché," Nami said, "okay, I'm not a warrior... just really cute with a great figure."

"Huh?" Usopp questioned.

Nami sighed and looked over at Y/N, "Could you give me a minute?" she asked.

Y/N nodded and promptly left the room.

Once the door was shut Nami turned back to Usopp, "I at least want to be strong enough not to endanger the others," Nami confessed, "especially this time... for Vivi. Usopp... I know you understand how I feel. We're not like the others. They're all as strong as monsters. In a fight they can rely on their own power to defeat almost any enemy. But us... we're just a couple of ordinary humans with no special abilities. When a battle starts... you and I are just in the way. We're a burden to the others. We can't even protect ourselves. If we're gonna fight beside them we need weapons, really powerful ones. Or else..." Nami trailed off.

"Isn't that the reason you're always inventing new weapons?" Nami continued, "To be able to hold your own in a battle with them without shame? Am I right? It's the same for me. To help Vivi... I wanna fight with my own two hands. Will you help me or not?"

"We don't have much time till we reach Alabasta," Usopp pointed out.

Nami looked down, "You're right," she admitted. "I guess you can't turn me into a warrior overnight. Sorry for being so unreasonable." Nami turned to leave the room but Usopp called back to her.

"Unreasonable, maybe," Usopp said, "but it's not impossible." Nami's eyes widened while Usopp grinned. "Were you suggesting there's something the Mighty Captain Usopp can't do?"

Nami's face lit up as she turned back to him, "You'll do it?" she exclaimed. "Thank you Usopp!"

"Just leave it to Usopp and the Usopp Factory!" the sniper bragged. "Now... as to the matter of cost..."

"The Financial Manager will take care of that," she replied. Nami pulled the door opened. "Y/N! Your turn!"

Y/N entered the room, "This is something important so I'll cover any costs," he automatically assured the sniper. "But I have something else I was hoping you'd be able to do for me."

"What is it?" Usopp inquired. "I'm gonna be pressed just making Nami's thing."

"Mine's a lot easier," Y/N reassured him, "I need you to make these..." Y/N pulled his tin of Explosion Balls out of his pocket. "Work for this..." Y/N pulled out Mr. 5's revolver and tossed it and the tin to the sniper. "I stocked up on the supplies to make more Explosion Balls back in Loguetown. You'll find everything you need in the storage room."

"Right, that'll be no problem," Usopp told him.

Y/N nodded and he and Nami left the anchor room and found Luffy, Zoro, Sanji, Chopper, Vivi, Mana, Ms. Goldenweek, and Mr. 5 all watching the door with different degrees of nervousness.


"THEY KILLED IHM?" Chopper shrieked. "USOPP NOOOO!"

"Poor Usopp..." Ms. Goldenweek pouted, "I told you having that pool was a bad idea."

While the younger three carried on the others noticed the looks of annoyance on Y/N and Nami's face.

"We didn't kill him," Nami stated. A large tick mark took up the majority of the back of her head.

"We're allowing you to have your pool," Y/N announced, "We just gave your bookie a job."

"YEAH! USOPP'S STILL ALIVE!" Luffy, Chopper, and Ms. Goldenweek cheered.

"What kind of people do you think we are?" Y/N accused them. "Killing our Nakama for money... do you really think so little of me?"

"You, not really," Zoro admitted then he pointed to Nami, "Her... I wouldn't put it passed."

-End Flashback-

"Some warrior I turned out to be," Nami thought to herself as she continued leaning back against the wall. "After that embarrassing training with Ollie... I'm ready aren't I? Usopp kept his promise..." Nami drew the three blue segments of her Clima-Tact.

"Okay, I'll fight," Nami decided, oblivious to the fact that she was no longer alone. "If it's just that one woman I should be able to—" SHUNK! A spear suddenly shot through the stone wall and pierced Nami's right shoulder. It was only that fact that the girl had flinched at the sound of something coming through the wall behind her that kept the spear from going completely through her shoulder rather than just the edge.

"Aahhh!" Nami cried out in pain as she dropped to the ground and held her bleeding shoulder. "I... I'm bleeding..." she looked up and saw the round hole that the spear had made in the wall.

SHUNK! SHUNK! At a blinding speed the spear shot through the wall and created another hole above the first one and then a third hole above that. SHUNK! SHUNK! SHUNK! SHUNK! Nami held her shoulder and stared in surprise as the spear kept punching holes in the wall and eventually left it in the shape of arch. KREK! KROOSH! The segment of the stone that had been surrounded by holes came crashing to the ground and revealed Ms. Double Finger standing in the doorway she'd just made for herself.

The woman walked out of the house with an exaggerated sway of her hips and advanced on Nami, "Give it up girl," Ms. Double Finger said. "It's useless."

"Ms. Double Finger," Nami thought to herself as she stared at the woman from where she was kneeling on the ground. "What was that spear-like weapon she used? What was it Mana said about her?"

"No one's ever seenMr. 1 and Ms. Double Fingerbefore but I hear rumors that they both have deadly Devil Fruit Powers," the blonde agent informed the Straw Hats before they reached Alabasta.

"I know what you're thinking," Ms. Double Finger stated. SSHHIINK! A ring of six spikes grew out of the cuff of Ms. Double Finger's short coat. Each of them was as long as the woman's forearm and incredibly sharp. "I ate the Spike Spike Fruit. It granted me the power to release spikes from anywhere on my body."

"Spikes that can pierce right through a stone wall," Nami added to herself. "Is this it? Am I gonna die here?"

"Y/N!" Nami exclaimed as Y/N staggered away from the remains of Arlong Park and walked over to her. Nami stared at the bright red eye, then glanced down at the burns that were all over his body, then settled on the bite mark on his shoulder and his blood covered arm. Y/N sheathed his sword and lifted his good arm and then pulled it back, his eye patch slipped up and off of Nami's head and end floated over to him. It slipped over his head and then once again covered his red eye.

Nami instantly saw a change. Y/N's eye was watering as she saw a pain-filled grimace on his face. "You're welcome," Y/N said simply. FWUMP! Then he collapsed and would've fallen on the ground if Nami hadn't caught him.

"He's been through a lot worse than this," Nami thought to herself as she looked down at her wound and the blood that was going down her arm. "And he's never given up. That's what I need to do. I can't give up just because of a little blood. I have to fight... for Vivi."

"Don't tell me you're actually going to try and fight me," Ms. Double Finger taunted her.

"I'm not just going to fight you!" Nami exclaimed. "I'm gonna win!" KA-CHAK! Nami stuck the three blue segments of her Clima-Tact together and created a long bo-staff. "Stay away, or feel the force of my CLIMA-TACT!"

"Clima-what?" Ms. Double Finger questioned.


She Who Controls the Weather:

-North Block-

"Don't look so smug," Y/N warned Crocodile as he eyed the seemingly bottomless canyon that Crocodile had left in the ground. "You're not the only one who can do that." SKISH! Y/N leapt up into the air and swung his sword downward at Crocodile. The Warlord jumped backwards fearing another explosion. "Red Blade... FISSURE!" SHOOOM! Y/N red blade slashed the ground in front of Crocodile and caused it to split. The Warlord was surprised to see a variation of his own attack used against him and ended up tumbling down into the hole.

SSSHHHWWWOOO! Crocodile quickly reemerged as a cloud of sand then his head reformed. "That technique is useless if your opponent can float out," Crocodile taunted.

Slik! Y/N cut himself with his sword and put it away. "Then I guess I'll just have to beat you down so you can't get back up," he reasoned.

BOOOOM! Everyone's attention was drawn to the outer doors by the sound of someone trying to break them opened.

"TRY AGAIN! SAVE THE PRINCESS!" one of the Royal Soldiers shouted as he and battalion of other soldiers stood at the top of the steps that led up to the palace and attempted to break the outer doors down. "DESTROY THE GATE!"

High overhead on the top of the palace with King Cobra still tucked under her arm Ms. All Sunday spotted the soldiers trying to break through the outer door. "DIECISÉIS FLEUR!"

The soldiers stared in surprise as sixteen arms suddenly sprouted out of the double doors of the gate. One soldier stepped towards the door and gripped his spear tightly. Whap! One arm grabbed him by the collar and yanked him into the door, WHAM! While the soldier was disoriented two other arms wrenched his spear from his grip, SWAK! The arms used the sper to knock the soldier's legs out from under him and sent him tumbling backwards. All of this took place in the period of three seconds. The soldiers crowding the steps behind him couldn't get out of the way in time and their falling comrade slammed into them. WHUMP! The soldiers went tumbling down the stairs and none of the other soldiers could get out of the way so they ended up getting caught in the ever-growing cluster of falling soldiers. WHOOOM! In less than a minute an entire battalion of battered soldiers was left lying on the ground at the base of the stairs.

"Maybe now we can have a little peace and quiet," Ms. All Sunday commented.

"Right... where was I?" Y/N wondered.

"Oonee Eeyee..." Crocodile growled.

"Oh, right, fighting you," Y/N realized. "Speed Step!" ZZZOOOM! In an instant Y/N was in front of Crocodile in mid-spin. "Machete... BACK KICK!" THWAK! Y/N drove the Sea Stone bottom of his boot into Crocodile's stomach. The high speed he'd just come out of added momentum to the kick and sent the Warlord flying into the front of the palace. WHAM! Y/N didn't waste a second and rushed at Crocodile while he was still groggy and jumped up into the air. "Flying... ARROW KICK!" KROOSHH! Y/N slammed both of his feet into Crocodile's chest and smashed him into the thick stone wall behind him. Tmp! Y/N landed on his feet and allowed Crocodile to stagger out of the indent he'd made in the wall. Y/N jumped up and lashed his leg downward at Crocodile, "Jumping... AX KICK!" At the last second Y/N tilted his foot so instead of connecting with his heel he drove the Sea Stone bottom into the back of Crocodile's neck. THWHAM! Crocodile was driven down into the ground and Y/N wasted no time in driving the bottom of his Sea Stone boot into the Warlord's back. WHUMP!

SHWOOM! Two arms sprouted out of the wall, another two arms sprouted out of the hands of the first two arms, and a third pair of arms sprouted out of the second pair of arms. WHUMP! The dual chains of arms appeared in a split second and shoved Y/N off of Crocodile.

KREEEK! "That's enough." The double doors to the palace opened to reveal Ms. All Sunday with King Cobra still tucked under her arm.

"Damn, I almost had him," Y/N complained as he pushed himself up.

"Precisely," Ms. All Sunday replied. "I need him so I can't allow you to kill him."

"Y/N! I'll deal with her!" Vivi called out as she ran out from behind Chaka and drew the jeweled chains she used as a weapon. "Don't let Crocodile recover!"

"NO! VIVI! DON'T!" Y/N shouted.


"Dos Fleur... Clutch!" Shwoom! Two arms sprouted out of the ground and tripped the Princess. FWUMP! The arms disappeared in a shower of flower petals while another two arms appeared on Vivi shoulders. "Dos Fleur... Strangle!" WHUP! The two arms grabbed the Princess's throat and began choking her.

"Shit, saw that coming," Y/N cursed. Mana had warned him this might happen. He had attempted to keep the Princess protected while he dealt with Crocodile but Vivi had been drawn out and played right into Ms. All Sunday's multiple hands.

"PRINCESS!" Chaka yelled as he started to draw his sword.

"If you want me to break her neck, please continue," Ms. All Sunday encouraged him. Then she locked eyes with Y/N. "You know how this goes. Stand down, and the Princess lives."

"Y/N! DO...MMMPHHH!" Ms. All Sunday's arms move from clutching Vivi's throat to covering her mouth. The added benefit was that Ms. All Sunday could still break the Princess' neck from that position.

"Alright, you got me," Y/N conceded as he hung his head and dropped his arms to his side. "Don't hurt her."

"Princess, thank you for providing me with something to restrain him with," Ms. All Sunday commented as she picked up Vivi's abandoned weapons and tossed them at Y/N.

Shwoom! Arms grew out of Y/N's body and in a matter of seconds his arms were bound behind his back with one jeweled chain while the other was tightly wrapped around his legs. WHING! Two chains of six arms grew out of the ground in front of him and pushed him backwards. With his legs bound together and his arms tied behind his back Y/N couldn't keep his balance and fell to the ground. FWUMP!

"About time you did something," Crocodile growled as he pulled himself up off of the ground and glared at his Vice President.

Ms. All Sunday glared back at him. "You seemed content to handle him yourself," she replied. "Now why don't we get back to the reason we're here?"

"Right," Crocodile said with a grin as he eyed the prone form of King Nefertari Cobra.


"DOUBLE STINGER!" Ms. Double Finger's arms turned into spikes and she lunged at Nami and jabbed her spike arms at the girl in an attempt to turn her into a pincushion.

"AAAAAHHH!" Nami screamed and dove out of the way causing Ms. Double Finger to drive her spikes into the wall. CHAK! CHAK! CHAK! Nami skidded away from the assassin and pushed herself up to her knees.

"What a stubborn girl," Ms. Double Finger remarked as she pulled her spike-arms out of the wall and turned to face Nami. "For your sake, I hope you know how to use that little toy of yours. That boxing glove trick isn't going to work anymore."

"I'm just getting started!" Nami assured her. "I took the time to learn how the weapon works before we even got to Crocodile in Rain Base. I've got plenty more tricks up my sleeve."

-Clima-Tact Training Flashback-

"Okay, try another one," Ollie prompted as she eyed the ClimaTact warily and crossed her arms over her chest half expecting it to punch her again.

"Then let's try this one," Nami decided. She put two of the segments together and stuck the third one into the side of one of the other pipes to make the ClimaTact look like a rifle. Nami held onto the third pipe and pointed the end of the first pipe at Ollie, "CLOUDY TEMPO!" POOF!

Ollie's eyes widened as a bouquet of flowers shot out of the end of the Clima-Tact.

"F-flowers?" Nami stammered.

"Unless your opponent is allergic I don't see how this attack would be helpful," Ollie remarked.


"Punch her in the tit and run for it," Ollie suggested.

"You just said that'd only piss them off!" Nami reminded her.

"Well... at least you're figuring out all the weird attacks now," Ollie reasoned. "Can you imagine how embarrassing it'd be if you had to learn how to use your weapon in an actual battle? There's no way your opponent would take you seriously after shooting a bouquet of flowers."

"Then how am I supposed to use this piece of junk?" Nami growled.

"Let me see the instructions," Ollie requested. Nami handed them over and the archer scanned the list for anything that looked useful. "Oh, look at this! Right at the bottom..." Ollie handed the instructions back to Nami and so she could read what was written at the bottom.

'That's it, next time you're at a party and things are slow just use these little tricks I've written up and things'll really start to jump. People will love 'em.'

"IT'S JUST A LIST OF PARTY TRICKS?" Nami shrieked. "Y/N had better not have paid him! Because I'm gonna kill him and then take the money back! I'm trying to fight, not put on a magic show!"

"You didn't read it all," Ollie told her. "There's more."

"Huh?" Nami questioned and she continued reading.

'Oh, by the way, I jotted down a few configurations for Battle Mode on the back.'

"Battle Mode?" Nami repeated.

Ollie smiled, "You ready to see what that thing can really do?"

-End Flashback-

"Why don't you be a good girl and stay where you are?" Ms. Double Finger suggested. Shhhoom! Her fingers grew longer and sharper and turned into spikes. "I'll even forgive your little cheap shots and try to make your death painless."

"Don't underestimate me!" Nami warned her. "I spent eight years a thief. And during that time I survived all types of crisis... all by myself." SWISH! Nami swung the ClimaTact around behind her back and struck a pose, "Don't treat me like some ordinary girl."

"Oh, kitty found her claws," Ms. Double Finger taunted. "Fine then, show me what you've got."

"You got it!" Nami agreed. She thought back to when she'd read the actual Battle Mode instructions.

'The Battle Configurations of the ClimaTact: First, understand the characteristics of the three section. Each one can shoot off air bubbles either by shaking or blowing.'

'The first is the Heat Pole that creates hot air.'

"HEAT BALL!" WHUFF! Nami blew into the end of one of the segments and a red air bubble flew towards Ms. Double Finger.

"What's this?" Ms. Double Finger questioned as the red bubble floated in front of her. She was still casually standing in the same place as before. "It's warm." It felt like a warm ray of sunlight.

'Next, the Cool Pole shoots cool air.'

"COOL BALL!" WHUFF! Nami blew into another segment and sent a light blue air bubble flying towards her opponent.

"Ah, how pleasant," Ms. Double Finger sighed it just felt like a cool breeze.

'The last, the Electric Pole produces electricity.'

"THUNDER BALL!" WHUFF! Nami blew into the third segment and sent a cackling yellow bubble of electricity at Ms. Double Finger.

"Oh my, that tingles," Ms. Double Finger remarked as he prodded the yellow bubble.

'Of course these techniques aren't quite finished yet, so if you use 'em at parties you need to be careful.'

"Is that it?" Ms. Double Finger inquired looking disappointed. "All that talk and your big trick is a bunch of colored bubbles?"

"Perfect," Nami thought to herself. "Her guard's down. She's got no clue what's coming next."

Nami rearranged the ClimaTact so the Cool Pole and the Thunder Pole were stuck together and had the Heat Pole going through the middle of the Cool Pole. "CYCLONE TEMPO!" WHING! Nami swung the ClimaTact and the crossed Heat Pole and Cool Pole went flying off.

SWISH! Ms. Double Finger leaned to the side and the spinning cross that the two poles had formed whirled right passed her.

"Looks like you just disarmed yourself," Ms. Double Finger observed.

"WAAAAH!" Nami turned around ran.

Shhoom! Spikes grew out of the bottom of each of Ms. Double Finger's feet and pushed the woman up off of the ground like a pair of pointed stilts. "SEWING STINGER!" The two spikes crisscrossed like a sewing needle as Ms. Double Finger chased after Nami with her signature exaggerated sway of her hips. SWSH! SWSH! SWSH!

WHUMP! Nami tripped and dropped to the ground.

"You just made your last mistake!" Ms. Double Finger stated as she closed in on Nami and raised her foot up above the prone girl. "STINGER STOMP!" SHEEN! Spikes grew out of Ms. Double Finger's foot and stuck out at all different angles. "Goodbye girl!"

WHOOOM! A blue cross came flying back and smashed into Ms. Double Finger's back. The woman was knocked off balance but was then blasted into a stack of wooden crates by a strong gust of wind generated by the poles. FWOOSH! KRASH!

Nami caught the two wayward poles and heard the hissing of a faint wind blowing out of the holes in the end. "The Heat Ball and the Cool Ball join together and when they stop spinning the bubbles hit each other creating an air flow," she said out loud, "Hehehehehe! I still remember how Usopp explained that attack in the instructions."

'Cyclone Tempo is like an ordinary boomerang so if you take it outside after the party to play with you'll have to watch out.'

"No wonder the instructions were basically useless," Nami muttered. "That idiot had no idea what he was making." Nami frowned as she remembered something. "Actually... he did have one good attack listed there." Nami reached into her outfit in search of the instructions that she now always kept on her person and started reading through them. "Where was it?"

"I'm going to kill you now." Nami looked up and saw Ms. Double Finger standing upside down on the bottom side of the stone arch that was connecting the two buildings she was in between. She'd gotten up there while Nami was talking to herself and searching her instructions.

"How is she doing that?" Nami wondered. "And why?"

Krek! Ms. Double Finger pulled one of her feet off of the stone and drew out the spikes that she was using to root herself in place then pushed off of the arch and dropped downward. In mid air Ms. Double Finger curled up into a ball and grew spikes from all over her body making her into a human spike-ball. "HEDGEHOG STINGER!" KA-SHUNK! Nami managed to jump out of the way as Ms. Double Finger slammed into the ground.

"Too close," Nami yelped as she backed away over to a stack of boxes.

WHIR! WHIR! Ms. Double Finger remained in her spike-ball form and spun around until she spotted Nami standing against the wall hoping to stay out of the way. WHHHRRRRR! Ms. Double Finger rolled towards Nami and crossed the distance between them in a split-second. SWISH! But then the human spike-ball went RIGHT THROUGH her target and ended up smashing through the stone wall behind her. KROOOM!

Inside the building, a dizzy Ms. Double Finger retracted her spikes and uncurled herself. She sat up and stared out of the hole she'd made in the wall.

"What was that?" the agent questioned. "I went right through her."

"You went through my decoy," Nami informed her as she came into view with her ClimaTact slung over her shoulder and a noticeable strut in her step. "I changed the air density using a Cool Ball." Swish! Nami swung her ClimaTact and a blue bubbles came out of the end. Swish! Nami swung her staff passed the bubble causing it to spread out and increase the density of the air as she'd just described. "Then the sunlight refracted my image." The sun shined through the cool, dense air from overhead and an identical copy of Nami appeared next to her.

"A m-mirage!" Ms. Double Finger stammered as she stared at Nami and her clone in shock.

Nami smiled as she remembered what Usopp had written at the very bottom of the Battle Mode instructions.

'We can't win with power. If we're gonna survive. We've gotta use our brains. That's how WE fight.'

"This is the perfect weapon for me," Nami commented while her mirage mimicked her perfectly. "I'll be the first to admit that I'm not much of a fighter. I'm a Navigator. But using this ClimaTact... I can control the weather!" SWISH! Nami swung her ClimaTact through her doppelganger causing it to disperse then gripped her staff in a fighting stance. "Okay, Spiky, why don't you just give up?"

-Royal Palace -

"NO FATHER!" Vivi screamed.

Crocodile had driven large nails through Cobra's elbows and had him pinned against the front of the palace. Royal blood was spilling in a puddle on the ground as the King's blood ran down his arms and dripped off of his hands.

"Let the King go now Crocodile!" Chaka ordered, "At once!"

"After all the trouble I went through to immobilize him like this?" Crocodile questioned. "You really think I'm just gonna turn around and let him go. Use your head. Its not gonna happen." Crocodile casually lit up a cigar then turned to Y/N who was bound on the ground at Ms. All Sunday's feet. "As for you One Eye, I've decided to hold off on killing you for now. I'm going to let you watch as I kill the people you failed to protect right in front of you."

"How generous of you," Y/N commented. "Fair note of warning: every second that I'm left alive is another second for me to escape."

"Do you really think you can escape your current situation?" Ms. All Sunday asked him.

Y/N looked up at her with a sly grin on his face, "Watch me."

"I intend to," she assured him.

"Vivi... I'm sorry..." Cobra suddenly apologized. "If failed you and the nation. I didn't use the chance you risked your life for."

"Oh father," Vivi cried seeing the state her father and her country were in.

Crocodile grinned at what would've been a touching reunion between father and daughter, "Come now... this is the best you can do after years apart?" he taunted. "Anyway, Ms. Wednesday..."

"DON'T CALL ME THAT!" Vivi screamed at him.

"Let me tell you a little something," Crocodile told her, "I have no intention of keeping you or your father alive. As I said before, when a kingdom dies out it only seems natural that it's Royal Family should die out as well. Don't you agree?"

"But first," Crocodile continued as he walked up to Cobra, "Before I take the throne... there's something I need to ask the current King. If you have a moment, that is. In fact, this has been my entire goal from the very beginning. Cobra... where is the Pluton?"

"The what?" Y/N asked while the King's eyes went wide in horror.

"How can... you know that name?" King Cobra asked in shock.

Y/N looked up at Ms. All Sunday, "Looks like we can add another twist to this takeover plan of yours," he commented.


Tornado Warning:

-West Block-

"WAAAAAAHHH!" Nami screamed as she ran through the streets of the West Block with Ms. Double Finger chasing after her. The agent had recovered from smashing herself through the wall and was now looking to end the fight before Nami could use another one of her tricks.

"DOUBLE STINGER!" Ms. Double Finger's arms became long spikes and she lashed them out at the girl as she chased after her. SWISH! SWISH!

"Right... I've got Heat Balls and Cool Balls," Nami thought to herself as she tried to come up with another plan of attack. "All I need to do is take advantage of their characteristics and combine them."

Nami ran around a corner and knocked over a pair of barrels so they fell behind her. KRASH! Ms. Double Finger swung her spike-arms and smashed right through them and didn't slow for a second. KRESH! But the smashed barrels obscured the agent's view and allowed Nami to dive over a low wall and duck behind it.

Nami pulled out the instructions to the ClimaTact and read the final attack that Usopp had written into it.

'Tornado Tempo: this is the centerpiece of the whole weapon. As long as your enemy is human they won't be able to stand after being struck by it. But! It's a last resort and you only get one shot. If you miss... it's over.'

"If I miss... it's over..." Nami repeated.

"Pay attention!" Ms. Double Finger called out as she stuck her arm around the wall. Nami bolted to her feet but quickly found herself trapped. SHA-SHUNK! Ms. Double Finger's arm-spikes were driven into the wall around the top of Nami's head while her breasts had become spikes that were now embedded in the wall next to Nami's neck. "That little gadget of yours is interesting, but it's not a weapon. Here's some advice, sweetie, if you can't use it to attack then it's nothing more than a toy. The day that thing can be called a weapon is the day you can finally hurt someone with it. Now..." Shooom! Ms. Double Finger's mouth and nose grew to become a long spike. The assassin lunged forward to finish Nami off.

SWISH! The thief acted quickly and dropped down to the ground causing Ms. Double Finger to drive her mouth-spike through the stone wall. CHUNK!

Nami stood up and ran off again while Ms. Double Finger retracted all five of her spikes and looked after Nami, "Stop running," she complained.


WHUP! Nami suddenly tripped and one of the poles went flying and ended up getting caught by Ms. Double Finger.

"HEY! GIVE THAT BACK!" Nami ordered.

Ms. Double Finger casually blue into the pole and produced a Thunder Ball out of the end. "Did you seriously believe that you could kill me with this toy?" Ms. Double Finger asked as she casually touched her finger to the cackling yellow bubble. "Oh please, a sweater can produce more electricity than this little thing."

"Well we won't know unless I try so give it back to me!" Nami snapped. She swung her now shortened staff around at her side and lunged at Ms. Double Finger. SWAK! Nami smacked the Electric Pole out of Ms. Double Finger's hands then dashed back and quickly caught it.

"Come on... think!" Nami urged herself. "I have to distract her somehow so she can't dodge the Tornado Tempo... what do I have to work with? There are three different kinds of air bubbles, the extremely dry desert air of this country but that's all. If only there was just a little more moisture in the air. Wait... moisture..." Nami looked down at her weapon, "This thing has a rain technique."

"RAAIIN TEEEMPOOOO!" Nami shouted. She pulled the ClimaTact apart and held one of the poles in each of her hands and balanced the third on the top of her head. SPLISSHH! Water shot out of the two ends of the pole on her head and the far end of the poles in her hands and flew up overhead like a fountain.

Ms. Double Finger sweat-dropped, "Water tricks?" she questioned.

"ROTATING SPRINKLER!" Nami stood on one leg and did a pirouette, this time without Mr. 2 wearing her body. SPLISH! SPLISH! SPLISH! As she spun around the water continued to spray up into the air over her head.

"Desperate," Ms. Double Finger remarked.

"NO, I'M NOT!" Nami yelled at her as she stopped water-show. "I'VE GOT A PLAN! YOU'LL SEE!"

"I don't think so," Ms. Double Finger replied. "I've had enough of your tricks." SHINK! Ms. Double Finger's wavy blue hair became ridged and pointed making her head look like a big blue spike-ball. "Time to end this!" Ms. Double Finger bent forward and charged at Nami with her pointed hair leading the charge. "SEA URCHIN STINGER!"

Nami brought the Cool Pole to her mouth and blew into it. BLUP! BLUP! BLUP! BLUP! A cluster of light-blue bubbles flew out of the pole and floated in between Nami and her charging opponent.

"WHY DON'T YOU BE A GOOD LITTLE GIRL FOR ME, AND DIE!" Ms. Double Finger shouted as she launched herself at Nami. FWIP! Nami dove out of the way and Ms. Double Finger went crashing spiky-hair first through a stone wall. BOOOM!

Nami got up and looked back over her shoulder at the giant round hole Ms. Double Finger had made in the stone wall. "If that had been me instead of the wall... oh man!"

Ms. Double Finger came out of the round hole once again walking with an exaggerated sway of her hips. "Since you showed me something interesting earlier, it's only fair that I return the favor," the agent announced. Shink! Ms. Double Finger's fingers all became spikes but Nami wasn't paying attention.

"Now's my chance," she realized as she quickly blew into the Heat Pole. BLUP! BLUP! BLUP! BLUP! A curtain of red bubbles floated up into the air and disappeared into the sky overhead.

Shunk! Ms. Double Finger sank her pointed fingers into her own shoulder then stabbed the spiked fingers on her other hand into her opposite shoulder. Shunk! The veins in Ms. Double Finger's arms pulse as her arms started growing.

"Hot air rises while absorbing moisture," Nami thought to herself as she stared up at the red bubbles she was blowing up into the air. "When it combines with cold air that's descending it rapidly cools and becomes frozen."

Nami once again brought the Cool Pole to her mouth and blew more light-blue Cool Balls up into the air with the Heat Balls. PLIP! PLIP! PLIP! PLIP!

"SPIKE SPIKE DOPING!" RIP! RIP! The sleeves of Ms. Double Finger's short coat tore as her arms crew in size and became bulky and muscular PUMP! All the muscles traveled down her arms and caused her forearms to swell up to three times their normal size. SHINK! Rows of spikes grew out of Ms. Double Finger's bulky forearms making her look like she had a pair of flesh-colored maces for the lower half of her arms. Ms. Double Finger drew back her mace arm and charged, "I TOLD YOU YOUR LIFE WAS OVER, DIDN'T I? STINGER FLAIL!"

"WAAAAAH!" Nami shrieked as she swerved to the side and avoided the swing of Ms. Double Finger's big spike-covered forearm. WHAAM! The assassin continued her swing and used her bulky mace-like foreaarm to pulverize the column Nami had been standing in front of. "AAAAAAH!" Nami yelped in alarm as the roof that the column had been supporting came crashing down on her.

-Royal Palace-

"What is he talking about?" Vivi wondered. "Pluton? I don't have a clue."

"So wait," Y/N cut in, "First you deceive your minions telling them about your plan to create some Utopia. And to your more trusted minions you tell them that your plan is to take over Alabasta. But only you and your Vice President know that your true motivation is... Pluton?" Y/N looked up at Ms. All Sunday, "Are you sure he's telling you the truth?"

"He had to," Ms. All Sunday replied. "He needs my skills to find it."

"And what the heck is it?" Y/N asked.

"According to legend it can completely obliterate an island with just one shot," Crocodile stated. "An ancient weapon whose power rivals that of a God. It's somewhere in this country... but you already knew that...didn't you your Highness?"

"Now I get what Smokey was so worried about," Y/N thought to himself as he looked from Crocodile to Nico Robin. "With these two high-profile criminals working together they were bound to be after something huge. He's looking for some kind of super-weapon. This isn't just about the takeover of Alabasta. He's looking to take over THE ENTIRE WORLD!"

"An ancient weapon?" Vivi questioned. "Alabasta has such a thing? And father knew about it?"

"Perhaps it is a secret passed down with the throne," Chaka suggested.

"Acquiring Pluton has always been my goal," Crocodile stated. "With it, this peaceful country will become a military power to be reckoned with under my rule."

"Your rule?" Chaka repeated. "You're not this country's monarch!"

"Oh, but I soon will be," Crocodile assured him. "And once I'm on the throne it will be easy to take all the pirates in this area under my umbrella. With such influence eventually I'll gain more power than even the World Government itself. No one will dare cross me."

"Well, there's the evil speech," Y/N stated, he looked up at Ms. All Sunday, "Would you mind untying me so I can half-heartedly applaud?"

"If I untied you you'd be even more annoying," Ms. All Sunday stated.

"Got me there," Y/N admitted.

"The World Government would never all you to wield that much power!" King Cobra said.

"You're right, they wouldn't," Crocodile agreed, "So where is the Pluton? Tell me?"

"I don't know where you heard that name Crocodile!" the King growled, "But I don't have the slightest idea as to where it could be found. I'm not even certain it ever existed. Let alone if it's hidden in this country! It could be a myth for all I know!"

"What you say probably isn't a complete lie," Crocodile commented. "I have considered that possibility for a while now... that Pluton may have never existed. There are those who believe it is just a fable. But I believe that it's real."

"Who would've thought we'd have something in common," Y/N stated. "Both of us searching for something that others claim might not even exist. I have the sudden urge to take a shower."

Crocodile glanced back at the gate that led out to the courtyard then smirked at the King and Princess, "If my timing's correct the rebel army should break through the defenses and reach that square in approximately twenty minutes where they'll clash with the Royal Forces. And then, in just half an hour... at four thirty..." Everyone with depth perception looked over at the tall clocktower that stood in the middle of the city and saw that it was nearly four o clock. "Their battle will be interrupted by a bomb I've ordered to be fired into the square."

"Aah!" Cobra, Vivi, and Chaka all gasped in alarm.

"You're sick," Y/N remarked. "You'd really kill that many people?"

"PLEASE DON'T! I'M BEGGING YOU!" the King shouted.

"Oh, and it's no ordinary bomb," Crocodile continued. "But one so powerful it will destroy everything within three miles!"

"BUT IF YOU DO THAT EVERYONE..." Vivi shrieked but trailed off at the thought.

"That's right," Crocodile agreed. "No one from either the Royal Army or the Rebel Army will survive. They'll be wiped out and the battle will be over." The King flinched at the thought of so many of his people being killed while Crocodile continued taunting the Princess. "Aren't you happy? You should be. After all, you're the one who wanted them to stop so badly. Since I'll be ruling from this palace there's no need to blow it up to end their fight. It's easier to just blow both armies up instead. This land's worth more than they are."


"Who cares," Crocodile coldly replied.


"Perhaps I'll change my mind," Crocodile suggested, "...if the King answers another question." Crocodile approached the King. "There's a Poneglyph in this country your majesty. Where is it?"

"Pone-what?" Y/N asked.

"An ancient block that's been written on in a long dead language," Ms. All Sunday supplied. "I'm the only one who can read that language."

Y/N thought back to the strange stone table he, Luffy, Zoro, and Chopper had stumbled upon when they were going through the desert. He'd left the money there so he could find it again.

"I see," Y/N commented, "So your skills go beyond sprouting body parts and acting as a glorified secretary."

"If you promise to spare them, I'll tell you where it is," King Cobra agreed. "I'll... even... show you."

"Father?" Vivi gasped.

"Kuahahahahaha!" Crocodile laughed, "Just what I'd expect from a King. You're a wise man."

"ENOUGH!" Chaka shouted as he finally drew his sword. "I CANNOT TAKE ANOTEHR SECOND OF THIS!"

"'Bout time he decided to do something," Y/N muttered, "I was wondering how long he was just gonna stand there like an idiot."

-West Block-

As the dusk from the crashing roof settled, the spikes growing out of Ms. Double Finger's forearms retracted back into her arms and the bulk of her forearm spread out to her upper-arm leaving Ms. Double Finger with arms that looked incredibly muscular instead of bulky.

FWUMP! The assassin spotted Nami trying to sneak away but the thief's leg gave out and she fell to the ground. She managed to avoid most of the crashing roof but had injured her leg in the process.

"At least you've proven that you're a first-class expert at something," Ms. Double Finger taunted as she walked over to her prone target, "Even if it is running away."

Nami pushed herself up onto one knee and looked up overhead, "What happened to the air bubbles?" she wondered. She grinned when she spotted a small puffy white cloud floating up near the rooftops above Ms. Double Finger's head. "Ah! A CLOUD! It's small... but it formed!"

"Just what are you babbling about?" Ms. Double Finger asked.

"It's still not large enough though," Nami realized. "I have to make it bigger." Nami pushed herself back up to her feet and held the Cool Pole and the Heat Pole and began twirling them in her hands. "COOL BALL! HEAT BALL!" BLUP! BLUP! BLUP! BLUP! BLUP! BLUP! The spinning poles sent a stream of red and blue bubbles flying passed Ms. Double Finger and joined the cloud. Nami backed away from Ms. Double Finger as she continued spinning the Heat Pole and Cool Pole and watched as the small cloud slowly grew in size from the addition of the added bubbles.

"TIME TO DIE!" Ms. Double Finger shouted. "STRINGER FLAIL!" Once again, her fore-arms became bulky and covered with spikes as she lashed out at Nami.

Clak! Nami quickly stuck her three poles together and blocked Ms. Double Finger's mace-liked with her pole. WHAM! Ms. Double Finger had much more power behind her swing and knocked Nami onto her back. Thud!

"Tell me... are you prepared to die?" Ms. Double Finger asked as she held her club-like arms at the ready.

"Are you?" Nami retorted with a sly grin she lovingly stole from Y/N. SWISH! Nami swung the Electric Pole and sent a cackling yellow Thunder Ball passed Ms. Double Finger.

"Still defiant?" Ms. Double Finger questioned.

The Thunder Ball joined with the cloud. And the large puffy white cloud suddenly turned black and cackled with the trapped static electricity. Krackle! Krackle! Ms. Double Finger looked up with her mace-like arm still raised overhead and saw an ominous black thunder cloud floating over her head.

"THUNDERBOLT TEMPO!" FLASH! The electricity that had been growing steadily strong in the cloud flashed out as a bolt of lightning and was immediately followed by a crack of thunder. THOOM! True to its nature, the lightning struck the tallest thing in the immediate area... Ms. Double Finger. BA-ZZZZZZTTTT!

"AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!" Ms. Double Finger screamed out in pain as she was struck by the powerful bolt of lightning. It was over quick, but was never-the-less incredibly painful. When the lightning died down Ms. Double Finger's blue hair was standing on end in spikes that had nothing to do with her Devil Fruit Power.

Ms. Double Finger remained standing, she was still conscious. Her body was shaking and she was no doubt in an incredible amount of pain but she also appeared to be incredibly angry.

"YOU'RE DEAD MEAT!" Ms. Double Finger snarled at Nami who was on the ground in front of her. Shooom! She clenched her fist and spikes grew all out of her hand making it mini-spike-ball as she swung it at Nami. SHUNK! The spikes passed through Nami... only for her to flicker and vanish into thin air. Another mirage.

"Today's forecast calls for stable weather with stable humidity and mild winds," Nami reported as she walked across the street behind Ms. Double Finger with her ClimaTact slung over her shoulder. "However, a high pressure system will be moving in sometime during the afternoon. This could create some strange weather in one particular area. So people in the vicinity need to watch out for mirages." Ms. Double Finger glared over her shoulder at Nami as she continued her 'weather report', "And more importantly... for tornadoes!"

Nami pulled one pole off of her staff and stuck the staff that was now made out of the other two poles into the hole on its side making it look like a long blue 'T'. Nami pointed the ClimaTact at Ms. Double Finger. Usopp instructions once again flashed in her mind.

'Tornado Tempo: this is the centerpiece of the whole weapon. As long as your enemy is human they won't be able to stand after being struck by it. But! It's a last resort and you only get one shot. If you miss... it's over.'

"If I miss, it's over," Nami thought to herself then called out to Ms. Double Finger. "A tornado watch has been issued!" "I'll make it work. I have to. Vivi's been there for all of us. So I'll be there for her." Nami pointed her ClimaTact at Ms. Double Finger, "Sometimes it produces clouds! Other times it makes rain fall! It can even produce wind! But there's one more special technique of the ClimaTact! And I'm going to unleash it for Vivi's sake!"

Nami stepped forward only to let out a strangled gasp of pain as she put her weight on her injured leg.

"Something the matter?" Ms. Double Finger taunted. "Oh dear, it looks like that left leg of your is pretty injured. So much so that I doubt you can run away." SHINK! Ms. Double Finger's hair became ridged and pointed and her head once again looked like a big blue spike-ball. "SEA URCHIN STINGER!" Ms. Double Finger charged at Nami with her head lowered. KLANK! Nami blocked her with her ClimaTact but when Ms. Double Finger kept coming Nami raised her injured left leg to help her keep the woman at bay. SHUNK! One of the spikes in Ms. Double Finger's hair pierced straight through Nami's foot.

"AAAAAAAAHHHHH!" Nami let out a loud wail of pain. She was now on one leg as she attempted to keep the spikes from piercing the rest of her body. With the increased leverage from having her foot on Ms. Double Finger's head Nami finally managed to keep the woman at bay. Nami's wail became a groan as she tried to ignore the pain going through her foot, "Uuggghhh... this... is nothing! It doesn't hurt at all. Do you have any idea what kind of pain she's been going through? Compared to Vivi... uggghhh... it doesn't matter if I lose a foot... or a leg or two... or even an arm! I DON'T CARE!"

Nami pushed Ms. Double Finger backwards and pulled her foot off of the spike. She gingerly stood on both feet and pointed her ClimaTact at her surprised opponent at point-blank range.

"TAKE THIS!" Nami shouted. "TORNAAADOOO TEEEMPOOO!" The two holes in the side of the 'T' pole flashed and fired. BA-BOOOM!

Peep! Peep! Peep! Both Nami and Ms. Double Finger stared in shock as a pair of mechanical birds on springs shot out of the weapon.

"AAH!" Nami gasped. Her best attack was a dud!

"Hee hee..." Ms. Double Finger chuckled. WHING! She failed to notice that the birds had each wound their spring around one of her limbs, the first around her right arm and the other around her right thigh. Peep! Peep! Peep!

What the two did notice what when the sideways pole of the ClimaTact started spinning. FWUP! FWUP! FWUP! FWUP! The spinning pole twisted the two springs tightly together and left Ms. Double Finger hopelessly tangled.

"What... what... what..." Nami stammered in shock.

WHRRL! WHRRL! WHRRL! The springs now started untangled and Ms. Double Finger found herself spinning in the air along with Nami's weapon. "WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO ME?" she screamed. BOOOOM! The front two poles exploded off of the remaining one and blasted Nami backwards while Ms. Double Finger was sent spinning through the solid stone wall behind her. KER-RASH-BOOOM!

Nami sat up and stared at the Ms. Double Finger-shaped hole that had been left in the stone wall. The woman's body was practically sideways as she had been smashed through it mid-spin. Nami got up and stared through the hole and saw another hole this time with Ms. Double Finger upside down on the other side of the room.

In the street behind it, Ms. Double Finger was flat on her back with the spring still wrapped around her... and was finally unconscious.

Nami's eyes widened in surprise as she dropped down and sat against the first wall her opponent had been sent through.

"It worked," she said to herself. "Usopp... Vivi... Ollie... Y/N... I did it!"

The battle in the West Block backstreets had concluded.

Winner: Nami


Hope you enjoyed the chapter!!!

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