City of Water

We see a sprinkle of gold dust before it fades into Luffy's face as he drops from the sky (top down view), Zoro comes next yawning as he falls, Nami and Y/N are next, with latter turning away from Y/N, before grabbing his face and kissing him, Robin does a Fleur move, Chopper looking fearful as he flips around toward earth, Usopp tries to "swim" up and manages for awhile before gravity takes hold again and he falls, Sanji spins and does a kick move before going into his love cook state, and finally the Going Merry follows after him. A CG shot shows it crashing back onto the ocean as the title comes up.

The usual scene of the ship sailing the Grand Line is shown as well the Straw Hats (sans Usopp) on the front deck of the ship. Usopp spots an island from the crow's nest and Chopper steers the ship toward it. The Straw Hats' making camp and a top down view of them sleeping before we see individual shots of each of them ending with flashes of Foxy's crew and the Galley-La. Various shots of future events from the Davy Back Fight and Water 7 arcs (Luffy fighting Aokiji, Sanji fighting Hamburg, Kokoro, Chimney and Gonbe, Luffy, Nami, Y/N, and Usopp getting kicked by Kalifa, Fights with the Franky Family, Luffy and Usopp's fight, Robin passing by a masked Blueno, Kaku jumping off a building, Paulie and Lucci's scuffle, etc) before finally a shot of the Straw Hat standing in front of the Going Merry. The Straw Hats Jolly Roger blowing in the wind before finally pans to each of the the crew before ending with a shot of the signature Straw Hat.

They had been at sea for three days now. Nami was sitting on a sun lounger, stretching, "Mmm... Such nice weather!"

Sanji approached her with food and heart eyes, "Ohh Nami-swan!! <3 I made pommes paille for you, mademoiselle. Pleas try it."

Nami took a bite of it, "Mmm, it's delicious."

Sanji: <shouting> JOY!!

Zoro, who was asleep, woke up and glared at Sanji.

Zoro: Shut it! How am I supposed to sleep?!

Y/N wasn't paying attention as he was too busy looking out into the sea, "Aokiji. We were lucky he decided to spare us, but-" Y/N looks back and sees what was going on with his crew.  Luffy, Chopper, and Usopp joking around about how Luffy was frozen by Aokiji. He then glanced at Sanji and Zoro who were arguing as usual. Nami noticed him staring and lovingly waved at him.

He smiled and waved back at her, "Are we ready for the New World?"

Robin then walked onto the deck, catching everyone's attention.

Chopper: Robin! How do you feel? Are you cold?

Robin: <smiling> Thanks to you, I feel much better. Thank you, Doctor.

Robin sat down next to Nami, as she asked Sanji for a cup of coffee. Y/N approached her.

(Y/N): I'm glad you're doing better, Robin. That whole situation was scary.

Robin: I appreciate it, Y/N. I really do.

"I'm still shaken up about Aokiji... Do you think we'll be encountering guys like that all the time now? Those who are much stronger than us?" Usopp shivered.

"Count on it, we're getting deeper into the Grand Line now." Y/N confirmed "There's no doubt that stronger opponents will be showing up more now."

Usopp only gulped at that. Meanwhile the crew continued to attempt to patch their beloved ship up, mostly with spare wooden boards and steel plates. Needless to say, it was a shoddy job.

"Her condition is getting really bad now..." Zoro commented "I wonder if it's time for a new one?"

"HEY!" Usopp snapped "What's that supposed to mean?"

"I'm just saying, it might be-"

"Did you forget how we got her? She's a gift from Kaya!"

"I don't want to see Merry go!" Chopper sniffled.

"Don't worry, Usopp, we haven't forgotten!" Luffy smiled "She's a valued nakama to us all, so in the meantime let's try to fix her up the best we could!" Luffy said as he continued hammering in trying to patch up the ship. Usopp was touched by that statement.

"L-Luffy," He mumbled through tears "You're such a g-"

But then Luffy's strength shone through again, and he ended up smashing a hole in Merry's railing "...Oops."

"-BASTARD! ARE YOU TRYING TO FIX HER OR DESTROY HER?!" Usopp screamed in exasperation and rage.

"I'm trying to fix her! I promise- Whoops, I did it again."


Y/N only sighed as he took the tools from Luffy and did it himself, "We really need to get a shipwright on the crew."

"Nami, how far until the next island?" he asked as the Navigator investigated her Log Pose "Merry's looking less like a ship and more like a wood carving now."

"We're still going west, we shouldn't be that far and-huh? What's that?" Nami answered, but then inquired.

The sound of splashing water alerted the group as they looked over and saw an unusual sight: a large brown frog with a top knot swimming as fast as it could. The creature was determined, its scarred body showcasing hidden strength.

"It's a frog!" Luffy shouted "I bet it'll taste good! After it!"

The promise of food did seem enticing to the crew after all the troubles they went through, so everyone was quick to pick up an oar and enter pursuit of the amphibian.

"This frog sure is a fast one!" Y/N noted "And don't most of them live in fresh water?"

The chase was on, but the big amphibian always seemed to be a step ahead of them. So invested in their chase they were they never even noticed that the Merry had suddenly ran aground.

"Uh, are we at the island?" Chopper questioned.

"We're not supposed to be!" Nami shouted back "And I don't see any land!"

"Hey, what are those?" Usopp suddenly pointed. The crew leaned over and saw a most surprising sight: train tracks, just peeking above the waterline, in the middle of the sea.

"Are those what I think they are?" Sanji blinked.

"Hey, the frog is getting away!" Luffy called out.

Zoro suddenly got an unsettling feeling.

"Uh, if these are train tracks, then where's the-"

And a loud whistle jolted them from their thoughts as the crew looked up in horror as the locomotive blitzed towards them, mere moments away.

"We're gonna be run over!" Nami screamed.

"Row!" Y/N shouted "Row harder!"

Thankfully, with a bit of luck they managed to get off the rails just as the train screamed past them. The frog wasn't so lucky, it went against the train head on and was sent flying. The crew grimaced at that.

"That has got to hurt..." Usopp winced.

"But that train though, who would've thought that a train would be so far at sea?" Y/N mused.

"It is really cool!" Chopper agreed "I wonder wear it goes?"

"Well, I think we're about to have the answer to that!" Nami pointed, and the Straw Hats could soon see a small station. As they sailed closer a little girl holding a smiling bunny waved at them. She had a big smile on her face as she greeted them.

"Hi, Pirates! Are you here to see Grandma?"

As she said that another person walked out, a short, rotund elderly lady with similarly wide smile on her face, teetered out of the station, a bottle of sake in her hands.

"Nagagaga! It's always good to see visitors here at the station!" the old woman hiccupped, clearly intoxicated.

"My name is Chimney!" The little girl smiled "That's Kokoro-obaasan and this is Gonbe, our cat!"

"That's not a-" Y/N frowned but Nami shushed him.

"So what brings you all here?" Chimney asked them.

Luffy: I'm Luffy. I'm the man who'll be king of the pirates.

Chimney: Really?

Luffy: Yeah.

Kokoro: Nga ga ga! What a funny guy.

Nami: Say, Chimney, that thing was a steamship right? But with a shape like that, there's no way it could ever sail.

(Y/N): It looked a lot like a train to me.

Chimney: You won't find anything like it anywhere else in the world. It's a sea train called the Puffing Tom.

Nami: Puffing Tom?

"Oh, that must be the Sea Train. I hears a lot about them, back on Pop's crew. Its steam engine turns paddlewheels while it travels along the sea railway." Y/N said.

Chimney: That's right. It floats just below the water's surface. The train travels the same route every day, taking passengers from one island to another. It hauls ships and delivers the mail as well.

(Y/N): I guess those railways are what we got stuck on earlier. And what the frog used to stand on.

Luffy: Poor frog. How cruel of you to blast him away. Plus, we were hunting him!

Chimney: Oh, that was Yokozuna. He causes a lot of problems here at Shift Station. He wants to test his strength and always tries to defeat the sea train. That hit wasn't enough to do him in. I bet he'll be back!

(Y/N): I'd imagine a frog wouldn't stand a chance against a train.

"Wow, he's a hard worker!" Luffy commented. "I don't think we'll eat him now."

Nami: That made you change your mind? It's a frog!

"Anyway, the Sea Train has helped a lot of people. It connects multiple islands together that would normally take days to reach by ship and increased the amount of trade of everything in the region." Kokoro told them "Is there anywhere you want to go? There's a couple of good locations here." She said as she revealed a few train tickets.

"OOOH! That one says Gourmet City!" Luffy panted excitedly as he pointed to another "Let's go there!"

"Guys, don't get side tracked!" Nami reminded them "We have to keep following the Log Pose!" Kokoro's eyes lit up when she saw that.

"Nagagaga! That's pointing in the direction of Water 7! It's a fountain city where the most famous shipwrights are made!"

Everyone was happy to hear that "Really?" Nami smiled "We just so happen to be looking for a shipwright!"

"Then that's where we go!" Luffy grinned "Let's go find a shipwright and make them our Nakama!"

"I can see that ship of yours has definitely seen better days, here I'll help you out a bit." The old lady handed them a piece of paper, "this is a reference letter, when you get to Water 7 give it to a man named Iceburg. If there's anyone that can help you, he can!"

"Wow, Kokoro-baasan is such a kind person!" Usopp grinned.

"Thank you so much for this!" Y/N nodded gratefully "How can we repay you?" Kokoro only laughed.

"To sail the seas on a fine ship is a good time for anyone, I hope that feeling lasts for you all. Here, I have a map of the city as well. You should reach Water 7 within a few days at most. You have a week until your Log stores Water 7 so enjoy your time there, Water 7 is truly a beautiful place!"

"We go there a lot too!" Chimney beamed "Maybe we'll see you soon!"

"Yeah!" Luffy waved back "I definitely want to see you all again!"

"Now run along now, kids and best of luck!" Kokoro waved. The crew exchanged farewells with the small family and went off on their way.


Soon, it could be said that their mood had been the brightest since the last couple of days.

"This is such good luck! We were just looking for a shipwright and now we're almost to a city full of them!" Y/N cheered.

"You hear that Merry." Usopp swooned "You're gonna be fixed soon!"

"Guys!" Luffy said "Our shipwright should be a big guy at least 5 meters tall!"

"How's he gonna fit on the ship?" Y/N asked, "As long as they're good with their hands I'm down for anyone."

"If you ask me, our shipwright should be a beautiful woman." Sanji added.

"No! They have to be as big as a mountain!" Luffy cried again.

"Like Y/N said, as long as they're skilled that's what matters." Zoro scoffed.

Nami smiled, things were really going their way! "It was really lucky of us to meet Kokoro-baasan, now we have this map too! We can use it to easily find this Iceburg guy!" and as she said that, she discovered that the map was rather poorly drawn, in fact it was nothing more than a rough doodle that hardly looked like a city with the name 'Water 7' scrawled on it, and another bit of words that said: Around Here.

"Oh..." she sighed before throwing it onto the ground "THIS IS USELESS!"

"Oh my, it's like Luffy drew it..." Chopper commented.

Y/N came and wrapped an arm around Nami to calm her down, "Easy, this isn't the first time we were left with minimal information about the area."

Nami: (Grumbled) Yeah, I guess you're right.

"Alright!" Luffy exclaimed, "We're gonna look for a guy that looks like this! Keep your eyes out once we get there!" He said drawing seemed to be a person wearing blue stripes, but that was all that could be made out.

"Luffy, I would run from a person like that if I see them!" Usopp shuddered.

"Me too, except that guy looks like he's part octopus so he'll just follow us out to sea." Sanji added.

"Luffy he looks like a mime..." Y/N sighed "I'm afraid of mimes."

"Since when?" Zoro cocked an eyebrow.

Y/N: Now.


An hour later Usopp was seen hugging the mast which made everyone a little weirded out.

"Hmm, Usopp ? Why are you hugging the mast like that ?" Luffy asked.

Usopp: These iron plates on the mast... Are filled with the memories of our adventures... To think that they will be removed for repair, I get a really weird nostalgic feeling...

Sanji: I can relate. Especially after we entered Grand Line... Going Merry suffered a lot of damage. There are leaks everywhere down below...

Y/N answered, "Leaving the ship in shambles like that is dangerous, so let's make sure she's completely fixed."

Luffy: Yeah ! We have lots of money now, so we can probably upgrade, too !

Usopp: Cool ! I want cannons !

Luffy: I want a bronze statue !!

"I said this back on Skypiea and I'll say it again, we do not need a statue of anything." Y/n answered, "But with Sheldon and the tons of money we have in his stomach we will give the Merry a whole new look."

Zoro: ... Hey, isn't that Water Seven ?

Luffy: LAND AHOY !! LAND AHOY !! Everyone start rowing !!

Nami: No, that's a waste of energy...

"... Woah..."


"I can see why it's called Water 7." Y/N inquired.

Luffy: "A giant fountain!!"

Usopp: "AMAZING! This is indeed an industrial city!"

Sanji: "It's no surprise that this place would have a sea train."

Chopper: "Wow... This is a lot of water! Where is that water springing out from?"

Robin: "How interesting... It looks like the water comes from the fountain, goes though the canals and falls into the sea."

Zoro: "What do those numbers mean?" He asked while looking at the numbers written on the walls.

Y/N: "Hm...?"

Sanji: "Are they walls? Or..."

Luffy: "I bet those are the entrances for the five-meter shipwrights."

Usopp: "There's a bunch of them?!"

Nami: "The one up front must be the station. It says Blue Station. I wonder where the harbor is."

Usopp: "It must be in town."

Y/N: I got it, each station must unlock I different part of Water 7.

Suddenly, they head someone calling them.

???: "Hey, you guys! It's not good for you pirates to be openly sailing in the front! Go around to the backstreets over there!" He said while pointing towards a canal.

Nami: "Okay! Thanks!"

Y/N: Have a good say sir.

They entered the canal and were sailing through the city.

Nami: "Whoa, this is amazing! A city on the water?!"

Luffy: "Wow! This place is cool! What a beautiful city!"

Chopper: "But the city is flooded. The houses are submerged in the sea."

Robin: "That's not it. The city was designed with the base being submerged. Look at the foundation underneath the buldings."

Chopper: "You're right! The pillars are built higher!"

Luffy: "Hey, hurry up and dock the ship!" He yelled with excitement.

Another voice called out to them.

Man: "Hey, hey, you guys! Pirate ships souldn't come in here! What'd you come here for?! To plunder?!"

Luffy: "No! We wanna get our ship repaired!"

Usopp: *Sweat drops* "Would people normally ask if we're here to plunder?"

Y/N: "Maybe it's normal here."

Man: "Then, there's a cape ahead of here, so anchor your ship there for now!"

Luffy: "Okay! Thanks!"

Usopp: "Again?" He whined.

Zoro: "It can't be helped, right? We're pirates, after all."


They made it to a small peninsula.

Usopp: "This area should be okay."

Luffy: "All right, then! Furl the sail!"

Zoro furls the sail but breaks the mast in the process. Y/N quickly helped Zoro to make sure It wouldn't fall.


Zoro: "Nothing! I just pulled the rope!" He and Y/N pushed the mast back in its place. "Holy crap! The Going Merry has gotten this rickety?"

Nami: "By the way, why aren't the people on this island scared of pirates?"

Zoro: "Probably because pirates are just another customer to their shipyard." Usopp started karate-chopping Zoro.

Robin: "Maybe because they have bodyguards strong enough to deal with pirates who cause a ruckus?"

Sanji: "They probably do...considering the size of the city."

Y/N: "I wonder how strong they are."

Usopp: "Really?! Hey, what're we gonna do?! This is bad!" He panicked.

Y/N: "Why would it be bad? We're their customers, right?"

Usopp: "You think so?"

Y/N: Yeah, as long as we get our ship repaired and upgraded and leave without making a fuss, then we're as golden as Sheldon's stomach.

Luffy: "Okay! See you later!" He said as he started running towards the city with Usopp.

Nami: "Wait, Luffy! Usopp!" They stopped running and froze on a running pose. "You guys, come with me."

Luffy: "Hm? To where?"

Nami and Y/N got off the Merry and walked towards them.

Nami: "First, we'll take the reference letter from Kokoro-san and go find the man named Iceberg. We'll ask him to help us arrange the ship's repair. We also have to find a place where we can cash in our gold."

Usopp: "I see... All righ, then! Let's go!"

Luffy: "To the city of water!" The two started walking off.

Nami: "You're forgetting the gold."

Y/N: Everyone, line up for your allowance.

Sanji: Allowance? What are we, children?


Do you really want me to answer that?


Hope you enjoyed the chapter!!!

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