Caught Log

Caught Log:


A day after the Straw Hats' adventure on Bonsatsu Island, the Going Merry sailed onward through clear waters with slightly cloudy skies overhead.

Luffy was as usual sitting on the figurehead, "Hey, what kind of island is gonna show up next?" he wondered. "Is it gonna snow again?"

"I believe the next island will be an Autumn Island," Robin replied from where she was relaxing on Nami's lounge chair while reading Y/N's book on legendary treasures. She was still wearing Y/N's pants but also a pair of Nami's sandals and a colorful blouse. "From what I've heard you've been to a Pre-Historic Jungle Island, a Winter Island, a Summer Island, and the last one was a Spring Island. The islands in the Grand Line aren't in any particular order but each chain of islands usually has one island of each type."

"Awww... but snow's so coool!" Luffy complained.

"Haven't you had enough snow?" Nami asked as she came out of the storage room wearing a white spaghetti strap top that was lined in blue and bared her arms and tattoo as well as one of her yellow skirts.

"No," Luffy answered, "But I like Autumn Islands too."

Nami shook her head and went over to Y/N, Zoro, and Chopper who were sitting against the side of the ship and appeared to be watching the small white clouds overhead. She squeezed in between Y/N and Zoro and was pleased that the green-haired swordsman didn't object, only to find that he'd actually fallen asleep at some point while cloud-gazing.

"Just so we're clear," Nami stated, "Zoro was the one who got me to give back your safe because it was his plan. Although, I was going to give it back if you asked nicely, I'd much rather have you be in charge of paying for everything then have to spend my money on the crew's expenses. But unless Zoro wants to join our Swindling War, that one doesn't count." Despite being asleep, Zoro shivered at the thought.

"I understand," Y/N replied, "I'm also letting you keep the money you stole from my pocket when I was unconscious."

"You'd better," Nami said, "'Cause I've given Sanji permission to savagely beat anyone other than Robin that touches my clothes."

"That one looks like a Lapin!" Chopper called out as he pointed up at a cloud in the sky.

"I don't see it," Y/N commented as his eye narrowed in a half-squint.

"That's because of your lack of depth perception," Nami told him.

"Well I've only got one good eye," Y/N pointed out.

Nami leaned against him and pointed her arm up into the air in front of him, "Can you see how the side of that cloud over there curves around a little? Chopper's looking at it from profile view and that's its back."

"Oh, okay, I think I see it now," Y/N realized, then he glanced over at Nami, "How do you remember what the Lapins looked like? I thought you were asleep."

"Not completely," Nami answered, "but I was pretty out of it at the time. I took a peek while you guys were running from them."

The galley door swung opened and Sanji and Usopp stepped out onto the deck. "We're finally done taking inventory," Sanji announced. "Despite Luffy destroying the refrigerator, we have enough food preserved to last us two days. I'm hoping we'll reach another island within that time so we can restock."

"THEN LET'S EAT!" Luffy exclaimed.


"Huh... I don't remember destroying the refrigerator," Luffy remarked, "but I do remember Sanji saying we had enough food to last two days."

"HE JUST SAID THAT!" Usopp yelled.

"That's only the case if you don't eat it all!" Sanji growled.

"WHAT THE HECK IS THAT?" Nami suddenly shrieked.

Zoro jolted awake. "DAMN IT WOMAN! WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU SCREAMING ABOUT? I WAS—" Rather than deal with him yelling at her, Nami grabbed his head and tilted it upward. The swordsman's eyes went wide. "WHAT THE HELL IS THAT?" Next to them, Y/N squinted as he tried to use his limited vision to see what had caused his Nakama to shout while Chopper was staring up at the sky with his jaw dropped and had been shocked silent.

Tup! Tup! Tiny splinters of wood started raining down on the Going Merry, followed by larger wooden chunks. Tunk! Tunk!

A large shadow fell over the Going Merry as all eight Straw Hats stared up in the air in shock. A HUGE SHIP WAS FALLING OUT OF THE SKY! The enormous ship looked like it had been the victim of a hurricane, the sails were torn, the woodwork was all coming apart, and there were huge holes in the hull.

"Out of the sky..." Luffy gasped.

"A GALLEON?" Nami exclaimed.

"WAAAAAHH!" Nami, Usopp, and Chopper screamed in terror as the huge galleon came crashing down into the water next to their considerably smaller caravel. KA-ROOOOSSH! Giant waves rose up at the impact and rocked the smaller ship.

"GRAB A HOLD OF SOMETHING!" Zoro shouted. The Merry lurched violently to the side and he went skidding across the deck but managed grab onto the main mast as he slid passed it. "WHATEVER YOU DO DON'T LET GO!"

Sanji held onto the railing outside the galley door while Luffy wrapped his rubber arms around the figurehead he was sitting on. Robin used some extra arms to anchor her lounge chair onto the deck. WHAP! Y/N once again found himself serving as a meat shield as Nami, Chopper, and somehow Usopp who'd been on the other side of the ship were suddenly clinging to him as he held onto the side of the ship.

"Why do you three always grab onto me?" Y/N asked.

"A better question is WHY IS A SHIP FALLING OUT OF THE SKY?" Nami screamed.


"GREAT! I LOVE DREAMS!" Chopper shrieked, happy to go along with the delusion.

SPLOOOSH! A large wave washed over the side of the ship causing Y/N's hold on the ship to slip and they went sliding across the deck. Zoro held his arm out to Y/N but he was busy maneuvering his body around so he didn't grab it. Instead, he shielded the other three as he slammed back-first into Robin's chair. KRASH! The lounge chair was uprooted and now all five of them plus the chair skidded across the wet deck.

Y/N yanked the chair free and positioned it in front of him causing him and the other four to slam into the cushioned chair instead of the hard wood railing. WHA-WHA-WHUMP! Y/N quickly reached over the chair and grabbed the top of the railing and kept it pressed against the side of the ship with his body while the other four held onto it.

The Going Merry finally stopped rocking once most of the falling galleon had landed.

"And that's why... we cling to you..." Nami panted as she clung to the chair, "Those other three are monsters... and are fine fighting off any trouble..."

"But you focus on getting out of it," Chopper continued for her.

"They do make a good point, Mr. One Eye," Robin stated as she sat casually against the chair.

"THERE'S MORE COMING DOWN!" Sanji shouted as the remaining debris continued falling on the Merry. "LUFFY, PROTECT THE SHIP!"

"THE RUDDER!" Nami called out, "TURN THE RUDDER!"

"WHAT GOOD WILL THAT DO?" Zoro snapped.

"Usopp, what's with you?" Luffy asked as he peered off of the figurehead and spotted the sniper sitting with his eyes closed in a lotus position.

"I've cast aside my worries and reached deep within to find my happy place. And when I open my eyes, a serene landscape is all that will lay before me." Usopp slowly opened his eyes ONLY TO SEE A SKELETON FALLING TOWARS HIM! "YAAAAAAAAAHHHHH!"

"I'll take that," Robin said as she pulled the skeleton over to her.

"DON'T BRING THAT OVER HERE!" Nami, Chopper, and Y/N shrieked at the same time.

"..." Nami and Chopper went wide eyed and glanced at each other and then at the blushing one-eyed pirate next to them.

"Y/N... are you... scared of skeletons?" Nami questioned.

"Oh, it's just a skeleton?" Y/N asked, looking a little relieved.

"Indeed," Robin confirmed as she surveyed the skeleton laid out in front of her, "Unfortunately there are too many pieces missing from this one for me to properly analyze it. I'll have to find another in the wreckage."

"Then I'm okay," Y/N replied as he stood up and attempted to walk away as if he hadn't just screamed like a girl.

Nami, of course, had none of it and quickly sprang up and blocked him, "What's with you?"

"Can we not talk about it?" Y/N requested.

"No," Nami refused. "Why're you scared of skeletons?"

"I'm not scared of skeletons," Y/N insisted. An annoyed looked from Nami forced him to elaborate. "I'm scared of zombies."

"ZOMBIES?" Usopp and Chopper squeaked in terror.

"Why?" Nami persisted. Y/N glanced around him and realized the rest of the crew was ignoring the last of the falling debris in favor of learning about his fear.

Y/N scowled, "Imagine you killed some people, a lot of people, then imagine they were somehow brought back to life and wanted justly deserved revenge."

Luffy, Zoro, Nami, Usopp, and Sanji paled when they realized he was talking about the hundreds of victims from Red Eye's nearly year-long murderous rampage.

"Rest assured Mr. One Eye," Robin stated as she held up the skeleton, "this one is quite dead." There was no mistaking the intrigued expression on her face.

"Y/N... I'm sorry..." Nami attempted to apologize, "I didn't realize..."

"Yeah, lucky you," Y/N snapped, annoyed at having to reveal something so personal in front of the entire crew. "But it's the kind of thing that keeps me up at night." Y/N stalked across the deck to the opposite railing and pulled off his shirt.

"Where are you going?" Zoro asked as Y/N climbed up onto the railing.

"Treasure Hunting," Y/N answered before he dove into the water. SPLASH! The others looked on as he swam off towards the wreckage.


A little bit later, the debris had finally stopped falling and the remains of the galleon were beginning to sink into the ocean.

"Alright, why did a ship just fall out of the sky?" Luffy wondered.

"Captain error?" Sanji suggested.

"The sky is clear, who knows?" Zoro replied.

"I knew coming to the Grand Line was a mistake," Usopp whimpered as he hugged Chopper. "It freaks me out! Ships full of skeletons aren't supposed to fall out of the sky!"

"What the..." Nami muttered.

"What's the matter Miss. Nami?" Sanji inquired.

"Oh no, the Log Pose is broken!" Nami complained as she stared at the glass ball on her wrist. The needle was pointing up into the air instead of toward an island. "It's pointing into the sky."

"It's not broken Miss. Navigator," Robin told her, "The Log Pose registers an island with a strong magnetic pull and its needle is reflecting that. If it's needle is pointing to the sky..." Robin went over to the toppled lounge chair and picked up Y/N's abandoned book, "It must be pointing towards Sky Island."

"SKY ISLAND?" the others repeated.

"Are you serious?" Nami asked.

"There's a floating island in the sky?" Luffy exclaimed.

"If there is then it's full of skeletons and rickety old ships!" Usopp commented while still clutching Chopper.

"That's ridiculous," Zoro scoffed. He glanced upward. "I don't see anything but sky."

"That's not exactly how it works Mr. Swordsman," Robin stated as she skimmed through Y/N's book, "The legend says that the island is a part of an entire ocean."

"No way!" Nami protested.

"WHAAAAA?" Luffy, Usopp, and Chopper gasped with stars in their eyes.

"I'm still confused," Sanji stated.


"POINT THE RUDDER DOWN AND POINT THE BOW HIGH INTO THE SKY!" Usopp shouted. "SKYWARD HO!" FWUMP! All three of them dropped to the ground and whimpered.

"Did it just hit you that... you know... we can't fly?" Sanji inquired.

"All I've heard is word of mouth and rumors," Robin admitted, "I've never actually seen it."

"Of course not because it's a lie," Nami insisted, "Islands don't float in the sky, our Log Pose is broken. That's all it is."

"Not quite Miss. Navigator," Robin replied, "You're trying to fix something that's not even broken. We should be looking for a way to get to Sky Island. You need to learn to trust you instruments. No matter how crazy things get or how weird the situation is we find ourselves in, never doubt the Log Pose. What we should be doubting is the common sense we all have that says that an island cannot exist in the sky on an ocean of nothing. That needle is point at an island. I'd be my life on it."

"She's right Nami," came Y/N's voice as he climbed back over the railing onto the ship. He was lugging a large safe along with him. "There's a reason the Log Pose is dome shaped. The needle points downward when it locks onto Fishman Island because it's underwater. If it's pointing upward then that means it's locked onto an island that's up in the sky."

"Have you ever heard of Sky Island?" Nami asked.

"Only rumors and legends," Y/N confessed, "but I might've found something that'll point us in the right direction."

"What'd you find?" Nami questioned as she eyed the safe.

Y/N put the safe down and pulled the door opened to reveal an assortment of gold coins. "I found this in what I assumed was the Captain's quarters," he explained. "There's about three million berries worth of gold coins in there but this kind of currency is centuries out of date."

"So it's useless!" Nami realized, "I thought you said you found something."

"I did," Y/N answered as he pulled a roll of parchment out from his bottom right pocket. "I also found this." Y/N unrolled the parchment to reveal a picture of an island on a sea of white. The word 'Skypeia' was written on the top.

"A map of the Sky Island?" the others chorused.

"If there's a map then that means it really exists!" Sanji reasoned.

Y/N's signature sly grin appeared on his face, "Anyone interested in finding out if the City of Gold is real?" he inquired.


"THE ISLAND'S REAL! THE ISLAND'S REAL!" Luffy, Usopp, and Chopper chanted as the joined arms and danced across the deck.

KA-CHING! The berri signs that appeared in Nami's eyes were so bright that they made Y/N flinch and avert his eye. WHUMP! Nami tackled Y/N to the ground and quickly kissed him on his left cheek and then his right cheek. "You brilliant man, I loo..." Nami trailed off when she remembered where she was and who was watching.

Nami glanced around the deck and saw Zoro pointedly looking off the side of the ship while he casually held back Sanji. Luffy, Usopp, and Chopper had stopped dancing and were staring at them unabashedly and Robin was pretending to read Y/N's book.

"Don't mind us, Miss. Navigator," Robin said, "feel free to continue."

"Too bad no has 'Nami jumps Y/N when they find the City of Gold' in the pool," Usopp muttered.

"Pool?" Robin repeated.

Nami blushed as she quickly pulled the map away from Y/N then spun around when Y/N sat up which left her sitting in his lap with her back resting against his chest. Y/N looked over Nami's shoulder as they both studied the old map. Luffy and Usopp were instantly sitting at Y/N's sides while Chopper was perched on his shoulders so he could peer at the map from over his head.

"Okay, so we've got a map to some place called Skypeia," Nami noted, "but we don't even know if it's real. There are plenty of fake treasure maps out there."

"Whaaaaaa..." Luffy, Usopp, and Chopper gasped. Their faces grew long, their eyes grew dull, and they look utterly broken-hearted. Nami glanced over her shoulder and felt like she'd just kicked three adorable puppies.

"I mean... of course it's real..." Nami attempted to reassure them, "But we have no idea how we're supposed to get there!"



"Miss. Nami's a vision even when she's chewing someone's head off," Sanji swooned.

"If I had a better preserved skeleton I might be able to discern something," Robin offered.

"I'll see what I can find," Zoro volunteered, "I'd ask Y/N but Nami looks way to comfortable where she's sitting right now."


Zoro eventually brought back a wooden coffin which Robin wasted no time in prying opened and searching through the fully clothed skeletal remains inside.

Eventually, Robin was left piecing together the dead man's skull using her archeology tools while the others were all gathered around her. Sanji sat next to her while Zoro stood nearby watching half-heartedly, Nami, Usopp, and Chopper were hiding behind the mast while Y/N leaned against it and watched over Robin's shoulder.

Luffy, of course, couldn't be asked to sit still for long and had resorted to pacing back and forth in front of the archeologist due to having nothing to do now that the remains of the galleon were completely submerged in the water.

"Are you done yet?" Luffy asked impatiently.

"Almost Mr. Straw Hat," Robin replied as she used a pair of tweezers to fit a small piece of bone into an opened space on the skull. The archeologist had diligently pieced together the skull like it was a puzzle.

"That's disgusting digging through a dead man's clothes," Chopper complained as he 'peeked' out from behind the main mast while above him Usopp recoiled in terror.

"Ugghhh..." Nami groaned as she examined the Log Pose on her wrist.

"Is that really gonna tell you something?" Zoro inquired.

"Don't know," Robin admitted.

"You're into some pretty weird stuff, Robin," Nami remarked.

"Any lady with a fascination for dead things is interesting in my book," Sanji stated.

"But why's it have to take so long?" Luffy whined.

"Don't worry Mr. Straw Hat, I'm done," Robin announced as she placed the skull on the deck in front of her.

"Looks good as new," Sanji observed as he eyed the restored skull.

"Except for these holes on the crown," Robin pointed out as she ran her fingers over two perfectly circular holes on the top. "They seem to have come from an external source."

"That's right," Sanji realized, "looks like they could've come from an arrow or a spear or something."

"Not quite, but good guess," Robin told him, "These are from a medical procedure called 'Craterization'. Right, Mr. Doctor?"

"An ancient one," Chopper confirmed, "They cut out a small hole in the skull to remove a foreign mass like a tumor and since it leaves a crater behind that's how you get the name."

"Who cares about that stuff?" Luffy exclaimed, "Didn't you say that those bones would tell us about the Sky Island?"

"Well judging from how old a technique this is, I'd say that this man has been dead over two hundred years," Robin explained.

"That explains the out-of-date currency," Y/N noted as he casually eyed one of the old gold coins he'd gotten out of the safe.

"I can also say with confidence that this man was in his early thirties when he died," Robin continued, "It must have been during his voyage that he finally succumbed to his illness... whatever it was. Much more than the rest of his bones, his teeth have remained in surprisingly good condition. He rubbed tar on them. It was a common practice in the South Blue to keep out bacterial infections. And considering the history of that reason... I'd suspect that he was with an exploratory party."

"The name on the main sail says 'St. Briss'," Y/N supplied.

Robin pulled out a reference book and paged through it, "Here it is," she noted, "The Briss Kingdom of the South Blue. They launched the St. Briss as a scout ship... two hundred and eight years ago."

"That's it!" Nami realized as she looked over Robin's shoulder at the picture in the book, "That's the ship that fell on us."

"Yeah," Zoro agreed, "I recognize that figurehead on the front."

"Then the gold I found must be what's left of their scouting funds," Y/N remarked.

"It's probably sailed the seas above us unmanned since the Captain and crew died," Robin reasoned.

"It's amazing what you can find just by looking at some old bones," Nami commented.

"But what's that mean about the Sky Island?" Luffy asked impatiently.

"It means that there is a way to get up to it," Y/N informed him, "The fact that this ship almost fell on us is the living proof that it reached the Sky Island over two hundred years ago. So there has to be some way to get there that's been around for centuries."

"YEAH!" Luffy cheered, "How?"

"I'm sure you've heard the saying 'dead men tell no tales' right?" Robin questioned, "Well everything around them does. I'm sure if we'll be able to find some record of how they reached the Sky Island on the St. Briss itself."

"GREAT! LET'S SEARCH THE SHIP!" Luffy exclaimed, he was so eager to finally have something to do that he forgot one crucial thing. "WAAAAAAH! THE SHIP'S GONE!"

"The ship looks like it's at the bottom of the ocean by now," Usopp observed.

"If a big ship like that can reach the Sky Island then the odds are that we can do the same thing," Nami reasoned, "We just have to find all the records left on that ship."

"How are we going to do that, Miss Nami?" Sanji inquired.

"If it's sunk... WE'LL SALVAGE IT!" Nami exclaimed.

"SALVAGE!" Luffy and Usopp cheered as they pulled out a fishing pole and a net.

"WE CAN'T DO THAT!" Zoro snapped.

"Salvage, really?" Chopper questioned.

"Yeah, but we couldn't pulled a ship up from the bottom," Robin replied. "I think they'll have to come up with a more refined plan."

Nami smiled, Y/N took one looked at her and grinned. "If we can't pull it up then we'll just have to go down there," he reasoned.

Nami turned to look at him, "You thinking what I'm thinking?" she inquired.

Y/N nodded, "Usopp, is the Usopp Factory up for a big job?"

"Of course!" Usopp boasted.

Zoro shook his head and turned away from the others and muttered to himself, "They're not even together yet and they're already reading each other's thoughts. We're doomed."

"Mr. Swordsman, what's this about a pool?" Robin inquired.

"Talk to Usopp later," Zoro said. "When they can't hear you."


Eventually Luffy, Y/N, Zoro, and Sanji were outfitted in makeshift dive suits made by Usopp and the Usopp Factory. The dive suits were spare barrels that went over their upperbody. A porthole with a glass hatch was on the front for them to see through and a hose came out of the top of each barrel so they could breathe underwater. Two holes were carved into the sides of the barrels and were sealed by long gloves that went up to their shoulders. Y/N, Zoro, and Sanji's legs were coming out from the bottom of their barrels while Luffy's dive suit was made specially and had a second barrel around his legs to keep the Devil Fruit User's body out of the water.

"Shishishi!" Luffy's laughter was muffled inside of his sealed dive suit, "This is adventure! I know I've done more dangerous things but I can't remember when."

"Uggghh..." Zoro groaned.

"A little rough but they should serve their purpose," Y/N reasoned.

"Miss. Nami, I promise to find you the answers you see or I'll refuse to return!" Sanji vowed.

"I'll hold you to that," Nami teased him, "Do you guys remember what you're looking for?"

"I found the map and the safe in what I thought was the Captain's quarters," Y/N recalled, "If we got back there I think I could find some kind of log."

"You four couldn't be safer!" Usopp bragged, "those barrels are my special design! They've never been busted!"

SPLOOOSH! The four divers dropped down into the water and were lowered by four pulleys that had their long air hoses wrapped around them with the ends fastened to a foot pump that was made to feed air into the hoses. On top of the pulleys, four funnels were sticking out of the hoses and were used so the four divers could communicate with Nami, Usopp, Chopper, and Robin back above water on the Going Merry.

"HEY LOOK AT THAT!" Luffy exclaimed as the four of them found themselves lowered into... A NEST OF SEA SNAKES!

"Oh boy," Y/N sighed.


"Can you guys call off?" Chopper requested as he stood in his Heavy Point form and held the break that would eventually stop their descent when they reached the ocean floor.

"This is Luffy!" Luffy's voice came through the funnel on the far right, "And there's a ton of monsters down here."

"You lowered us into a nest of giant sea snakes," Y/N's voice came out of the funnel to the left of Luffy's. "Thanks for that."

"Don't listen to him," Zoro's voice came out of the funnel to the left of Y/N's, "They're nothing we can't handle."

"This is Sanji," Sanji's voice came out of the one on the far left, "And they're staring at me."

Usopp stared bug-eyed at the four funnels, "They could die..." he squeaked.

"They'll be fine Usopp, don't worry," Nami reassured him. "Those four can handle anything."

"Hey Sanji, can we eat these things?" asked guess who.

"Don't even think about opening that hatch so you can try one," Y/N reprimanded him, "That's what's keeping you alive."

"We'll grab one on the way back up," Sanji offered.

"Forget about that, just keep going," Nami instructed. "Chopper, hold that break tightly."

"Right," Chopper agreed.

"Thank goodness they didn't ask me to go along with them," Usopp whimpered.

"Huh?" Robin glanced off to the side as she heard a strange noise off in a distance. It sounded like whistling followed by the crash of a bunch of cymbals. The other three perked up as the noise got closer and they heard a chant that went along with the whistling and cymbal crashes.

TWEEEEE! The whistle rang out. "SALVAGE!" KRASH! The cymbals smashed together. "SALVAGE THE SEA!" TWEEEEE! "SALVAGE!" KRASH! "SALVAGE THE SEA!"

"What's all that noise?" Usopp wondered as he lowered his sniper goggles and peered off in a distance. A large silhouette appeared on the horizon and started getting closer. It looked like a strange ship.

KRASH! The men on board smashed cymbals together and chanted, "SALVAGE!" KRASH! "SALVAGE THE SEA!" KRASH! "SALVAGE!" KRASH! "SALVAGE THE SEA!"

Meanwhile, a larger man was blowing into a whistle and seemed to be directing the chanting and the cymbal crashing. TWEEEE! TWEEEE! TWEEEE!

The large ship pulled up so it was nearly next to the Going Merry and a loud raspy voice called out, "COOMPAANYY HAAALT!" The man blew into his whistle one final time, TWEEE!

"SALVAGE!" the men chanted before they smashed their cymbals together one last time. KRASH! "Aye-aye sir!"

The four Straw Hats stared wide-eyed at the strange ship that had pulled up next to them. It could be summed up as a pirate ship for a monkey. The majority of the ship was wooden and was decorated with palm trees but the sides were large metal bananas stick up over the sides that reached up overhead. The stems of the upward bananas had pulleys attached to them and were feeding hoses down to the deck of the ship while the other end was attached to the cymbal monkey figurehead. The large white main sail was decorated with a unique Jolly Roger. Instead of a skull, it was a fully furred monkey head wearing sunglasses, and instead of crossbones, there were a pair of bananas crossing behind the monkey head.

"Are we on top of the place the ship sank?" the loud raspy voice of the leader called out.

"AYE-AYE, CAPTAIN, SIR!" the men chorused.

"When they say Captain and sir, they're talking about me!" the large man turned around, he looked a great deal like an ape, he had large bulky forearms, short spiky brown hair, a large protruding mouth like a monkey's, and a finally a brown monkey tail. Monkey-like man wore yellow-orange overalls with 'Masira' written across the chest. Underneath he wore a white tank top and a brown shirt with short sleeves that reached his large elbows. He had a green sash around his waist that was attached to a bunch of bananas on a chain. He didn't wear shoes, which exposed his hairy feel but he did pink make up on his cheeks, sunglasses, and headphones.

"PREPARE TO RAISE THE SHIP!" the man shouted to his crew. "WHAT LIES ON THE BOTTOM NOW BELONGS TO THE KING OF ALL SALVAGERS! CAPTAIN OF THE MASIRA PIRATES: MASIRA!" The monkey-like man known as Masira was a pirate with an active bounty of twenty-three million berries on his head.

"OOO! EEE! EEE!" Masira's men screeched like a band of monkeys.

"Great," Nami muttered back on the Going Merry, "a boat of unstable men, led by an unstable monkey. Why'd we have to run into guys like them?"

"HEY! What're you guys doing here?" Masira demanded as he glanced over at the Merry. "In case you didn't know, all these waters belong to me!"

"They do?" Nami questioned while Usopp attempted to hide behind the pulleys while discretely operating the air pump.

"Yeah, that's right," Masira replied, "Everything that sinks in these waters automatically becomes mine. You're not trying to take something that belongs to me, are ya?"

"So he's going to bring it to the surface," Robin realized, "Easier for us."

"But not for the four already in the water," Usopp whispered.

"We should just keep our mouths shut and let him do it," Nami told them.


"Excuse me, can I ask you a question first?" Nami asked sweetly as she waved hello.

"You've got questions for me!" Masira exclaimed, "Fine, sure, whatever. Ask me anything."

"Are all of you tough, good-looking men going to salvage that ship?" Nami inquired.

The flattery went right to Masira's head as he smoothed his hair and grinned, "Thank you, I see you know what a real man looks like," he boasted.

"What're you talking about?" Nami asked.

"You called us all tough and good looking," Masira reminded her, "That includes me."

"Well of course," Nami answered.

"Stooop! You're making me blush!" Masira said as he grinned and struck a pose.

"This is disturbing..." Usopp muttered then he called out, "SO! Are you guys gonna salvage that thing or what?"

"OF COURSE!" Masira assured them. "I'm not the King of all Salvagers for nothing! If there's a sunken ship before me then I'll salvage it! If it's not sunken then I'll sink it and salvage it later! Now, I know how impressed you are but we have to save it, THERE'S SALVAGING AHEAD!"

"Loser..." Nami mumbled under her breath before she smiled and called out to him, "Do you mind if we watch you big, strong men work?"

"Huh? Don't tell me you've never seen a professional salvage before?" Masira questioned, he let out a monkey-like laugh, "OOKEEKEE! You just watch us to your heart's content!"

"That's that," Nami whispered to the others, "Now we just have to wait and see what happens."

"Uuugghhh..." one of Masira's men groaned on the deck. He and a bunch of others were soaking wet and looked like they'd just taken a beating.

"Boss! There's a problem!" another one of Masira's men called out as he held one of the wounded men in his arms.

"What is it?" Masira demanded.

"Something happened to the guys who went down below to set up the cradle," the man reported.

"Was it one of those Sea Kings again?" Masira inquired.

"I don't think so," the man answered, "It looks like someone kicked him in the face."'


"I'm gonna kill 'em..." Nami growled.

"You may not get the chance..." Usopp hissed.

"GRRAAAH!" Masira snarled then he turned and shouted at the Straw Hats, "LISTEN UP YOU!" Nami and Usopp flinched, certain that they'd been found out. "THERE'S SOMEONE ELSE DOWN THERE, SO BE CAREFUL!"

"Oh sure!" Nami agreed.

"What a moron!" Nami and Usopp thought to themselves.


"AYE-AYE CAPTAIN!" Masira's men chorused.


Down below the surface, Luffy, Y/N, Zoro, and Sanji had finally reached the sunken St. Briss.


Masira the Salvage King:


"OOKEEKEE!" Masira laughed as he waved to the Straw Hats on the surface.

"Okay, he waving at us," Nami told the others, "Just act normal."

"Doing my best," Usopp whispered as he continued to crouch behind the pulleys and work the foot pump that was supplying Luffy, Y/N, Zoro, and Sanji with air.

"Don't get stage fright fellas," Masira addressed his men, "They're observers, they wanna see something new so show 'em how it's done." Masira's grin wavered for a moment, "And if you're still nervous, trying picturing them in their underwear."

"OOH! EEE! EEE!" Masira's men screeched before they ran off to get to work.

SPLOOSH! A number of Masira's men dove into the water once they'd been suited up in their professionally made metal dive suits.

"They really take their salvaging seriously," Usopp remarked, "Don't they?"

"I think they're showing off because their Captain has a crush on me," Nami replied.

"MOVE IT MEN!" Masira barked as two of his men carried a long hose across the deck, "I WANT THIS DONE FAST!"

"AYE-AYE SIR!" his men replied.


Down below, Luffy, Y/N, Zoro, and Sanji were beginning to explore the sunken wreckage.

"Hm?" Luffy grunted to himself as he noticed something. He reached out with his gloved hands and picked up a jade urn. KRESH! Only for the old relic to shatter in his hands. "AAAH!"

Luffy kept wandering and found himself standing in front of a mirror in a strange room. Luffy, being Luffy, started making faces in the mirror. "BLAAAAH!" But then he spotted something in the mirror. He turned around and spotted a strange contraption sticking out the sand that had pooled on the floor. Luffy waded over to it and pulled the strange thing out of the sand. Upon closer look it appeared to be some kind of worn wooden scooter.

Zoro floated into another room and spotted a number of swords shelved on the wall. He took one down and attempted to pull the sword out of its sheath. KREK! The handle and the top of the blade broke off as he pulled it out of the sheath. Just one look at the worn rusted blade told the swordsman that the sword hadn't been taken care of in centuries.

In another part of the ship, Sanji followed Y/N into what the First Mate had dubbed the 'Captain's Quarters'.

Sanji's eyes immediately locked onto a woman's feminine features buried under some wooden rubble. He darted over and sifted through the broken chunks of wood and eventually pulled out a woman's picture. The glass in the frame was shattered and the end of a spear had been stabbed through it.

Meanwhile, Y/N had made his way over to desk that was situated against the wall and pulled out a black book. He flipped it opened but frowned when he saw that the writing had been smudged and distorted by both time and the water.

"Damn," Y/N cursed. He went over to a nearby bookcase just as Zoro entered the room.

"You guys find anything?" the swordsman asked.

"Nothing I can read," Y/N answered as he opened another distorted book. "I should've known better and grabbed this stuff before the ship sank. Water does terrible things to paper."

"Speaking of terrible things," Sanji said as he eyed a nearby skeleton that had a spear impaled in its skull. Zoro frowned as he yanked a spear out of a nearby barrel.

"Guys, look!" Luffy called out as he floated into the room and spotted a treasure chest.

"I already saw that the first time I came in here," Y/N informed him, "there's nothing valuable in it. I already took the only gold that was worth something."

Zoro knelt down in front of the chest anyway and attempted to break off the lock with the head of the spear he'd found. Klank! Klank! Luffy and Sanji gathered behind him as the lock broke off and he pulled the chest opened. BLOOP! Air bubbles floated out of the chest, the only thing inside was an odd-looking white feather.

KRASH! A huge metal blade smashed through the wall of the room, startling the four pirates.

WHIR! WHIR! WHIR! Outside the ship, numerous blades spun around on a large metal pole making it look like a claw that had been lowered into the water by a pair of ropes. A matching was on the other side of the ship. KROOONG! The two claws speared into the sides of the sunken ship and trapped it in between them.

"Cradle set!" one of Masira's divers announced as he floated nearby.


"WHAT WAS THAT?" Luffy's shriek came up through the funnel on the Going Merry.

WHAP! Nami and Usopp quickly clamped on of their hands over each of the four funnels to keep Masira and his men from hearing their Nakama's cries.

"Huh?" Masira grunted as he turned to look at them. Everyone on the Going Merry froze.

"Uhh... so... why such a big monkey?" Usopp asked, attempting to draw the monkey man's attention away from the shriek he'd obviously just heard. He quickly pointed to the monkey hold cymbals that was acting as the figurehead of Masira's ship. "There! On the bow of the ship!"

"Oh that," Masira replied and let out a chucke, "Ookeekee! You've got a sharp eye. It's a special prow I designed. It aids in our salvage, just watch!" The Straw Hats let out a collective sigh of relief as Masira's attention was successfully diverted. "You're gonna love this! LOWER THE BARCO HUNTER!"

"MONKEY! MONKEY! MONKEY!" Masira's men chanted. "MONKEY! MONKEY!"

WHIRR! The bow of the ship extended revealing that it was a large crane, and the monkey figurehead came out of the hole it had been in revealing its hind legs and tail. SPLOOOSH! The monkey plunged down under the surface and was slowly lowered down towards the sunken ship.

"WOW! AWESOME!" Chopper exclaimed.


"Are you kidding?" asked Nami, who was clearly unimpressed.


The monkey's cymbals came apart as it descended down into the ship.

"Forty meters to the target!" one of Masira's men reported. "Thirty meters! Twenty! Ten!"

The monkey floated down to the banana that was holding using long hoses to hold the cradle together. SHUNK! The monkey's cymbals closed over the stem of the banana.

"Barco Hunter joint, lock!"


"EXCELLENT!" Masira exclaimed back on the surface. "ALL RIGHT! PREPARE FOR INFLATION!"

"AYE-AYE SIR!" Masira's men chorused.

Masira picked up the end of a long hose that led down to the Barco Hunter and brought the end to his mouth.

"No way!" Nami gasped, "He's going to raise the wreck with his breath?"

HAAAAAAAAH! Masira reared back as he took a long drag of air then he shot forward and blew into the end of the hoes. FWOOOOO! A huge bulge of air formed at the end of the hose and traveled down it into the water towards the Barco Hunter.


BLOOP! Luffy, Y/N, Zoro, and Sanji stared in surprise as a bubble of air came out of the blade that had just speared through the wall of the room they were in.

"Is that bubble?" Luffy wondered.

BLUUMP! Now that it was filling with air, the St. Briss rose up off of the sea floor and floated.


"The body of the ship is off of the sea floor!" the voice of one of Masira's men echoed across the deck of Masira's ship.

"ALRIGHT, PULL 'ER UP!" Masira ordered. Amazingly, he had enough breath to shout after blowing so much air into the ship. It spoke wonders for the monkey man's lung capacity.

"AYE-AYE SIR!" a group of Masira's men chorused as they spun a large spinning wheel and began reeling in the crader.

"LET'S HUSSLE MEN!" Masira yelled at another group of his men as two of them jumped on a giant air pump. "SEND MORE AIR!" SHUKKA! SHUKKA!

Masira grabbed his hose and blew into it again. FWOOOOO! With the Captain's breath accompanied by the air being pumped by his crew, the St. Briss was quickly filled with air as it was pulled up off of the ocean floor and towards the surface.


"Grrr..." Luffy growled, still having no clue what was going on.


"GAAAAAAAHH!" one of Masira's men screamed from down below.



"Yes sir!" the frantic voice of one of Masira's underwater men broke the surface. "THEY'RE IN THE SHIP! WAAAAAH!"


"EEP!" Nami, Usopp, and Chopper squeaked in terror but then stared in surprise when Masira stood there in his angry pose... and did nothing.

"Uhh... you know we're not gonna take your picture or anything," Nami informed him.

"YOU'RE NOT?" Masira exclaimed.

"He was giving us a photo op?" Usopp questioned.

"HELP US!" one of Masira's underwater men screamed. "SOMEONE PLEASE HELP US! AAAAHH! AAAAAAAHHHHH!"

"I'LL BE RIGHT DOWN!" Masira shouted then he turned to his men, "Continue with the salvaging operation men!"

"AYE-AYE SIR!" Masira's men chorused. SPLOOSH! Masira dove off the side of the ship and into the water and started swimming down to the wreck.

"Grrr..." Masira growled as he found himself swimming passed one of the few remaining sea snakes from the nest that Luffy, Y/N, Zoro, and Sanji had gone through previously.

"HSSSSS!" the sea snake reared its large head around and opened its mouth to feast on the monkey snack that was floating in front of it.

WHIR! WHIR! WHIR! Masira wound up his arm then lashed out at the sea snake, "MONKEY PUNCH!" WHAM! Masira's big fist smashed into the sea snake's face and sent it reeling away from him. SHOOM! Masira quickly dove downward and closed in on the St. Briss.

"The salvage looks good," Masira remarked as he watched the ship being pulled up towards him.


TMP! "Check it out!" Luffy exclaimed as he pulled off his barrel dive suit, "We don't even need the barrels now."

"We figured that out already," Y/N informed him as he, Zoro, and Sanji stood next to Luffy with their empty dive suits next to them.

"Well I don't know how they pumped this much air into a downed ship," Zoro commented. "But what I really wanna know is who they are and why they're trying to salvage this thing."

"I wonder if something bad happened to Miss. Nami and Miss. Robin back on the surface," Sanji said, "I've tried calling them but they won't respond."

KRASH! Masira came crashing through the wall into the room. "WHO DO YOU GUYS THINK YOU ARE?" he demanded. "ARE YOU TRYING TO MUSCLE IN ON MY TURF?"

"You look like a monkey," Luffy bluntly stated.

"Huh?" Masira questioned then he blushed, "You think I look hunky?"

"Nice make up," Luffy remarked as eyed the pink blush had somehow survived Masira's trip through the water.

"You think so?" Masira asked, "I feel it adds a refined quality to my face."

"Oh yeah, certainly adds something," Luffy agreed.

"What the hell are you talking about?" Zoro growled.

"What he means to say is, who are you," Sanji said.

"Oh right, how rude of me," Masira commented, "I'm Masira the Salvage King." Then he suddenly remembered why he was down there. "AND YOU GUYS ARE TRYING TO STEAL A WRECK THAT'S IN MY TERRITORY!"

"We're doing no such thing," Y/N told him, "this ship came falling out of the sky and nearly fell on us. We're only down here figure out how."

"It fell out of the sky?" Masira questioned.

"Yeah," Y/N answered as he pulled out the black book he'd found and pulled it opened, "Can you read this?"

Masira glanced at the smeared ink, "Not a word," he admitted.

"Well we think that this ship might've fallen from the Sky Island," Y/N explained, "It's only a legend but it's the only thing that makes sense. Have you ever heard of it?"

"A friend of mine has," Masira replied. "He knows a bunch about it."

"HE DOES?" Luffy exclaimed. "HOW DO WE GET THERE?"

"I said my friend knew about it!" Masira reminded him, "Not that I did! He's back at home."


While they were talking, none of them noticed the large shape swimming towards the wreck as it floated in the water.


"THERE'S SOMETHING ELSE DOWN THERE!" Nami exclaimed back on the surface.

"IT'S HUGE!" Usopp shrieked, "Anybody just wanna run?"


Down below, a huge dark shape the size of an island floated up to the St. Briss.

A large mouth that was big enough to devour the galleon in one bite opened up and revealed that it was filled with enormous pointed teeth.


"Shishishishi!" "Ookeekee!" Luffy and Masira's laughter echoed through the Captain's quarters as the two monkeys quickly hit it off.

"Ookeekee!" Masira laughed, "Oh you guys from the East Blue have the best sense of humor!"

"I don't know about that," Luffy replied, "but nothing beats a one-ton gorilla in make up."

"Oh shut up, you know I look good!" Masira boasted.

Y/N shook his head and turned to Zoro and Sanji. "Looks like I got all the information I can out of him. With no other setbacks, we can head back to the surface and follow him back home so we can meet this friend of his."


CHOMP! The mouth of an island-sized turtle closed around the St. Briss trapping Luffy, Y/N, Zoro, Sanji, and Masira inside.


SPLOOOOSSSHH! The monster-sized turtle broke the surface causing Nami, Usopp, and Chopper to shake with terror while Robin remained passive. The enormous turtle easily dwarfed both the Going Merry and Masira's salvage ship.



"You were saying?" Zoro asked as the room they were in was suddenly flooded with darkness.

"I said 'with no other setbacks'," Y/N reminded him, "This is a setback."


Hope you enjoyed the chapter!!!

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