Captain Usopp and Lies

The Dreaded Captain Usopp


The four-person Straw Hat Pirate Crew continued sailing onward in their two little boats. "You're too reckless," Nami scolded Luffy, breaking the silence.

"Listen Nami," Y/N said to Nami, he was taking a break from cloud watching and was in the bottom of one of the boats splitting three million berries worth of gems that they had found on Gaimon's island. "That's the way Luffy is and always has been. He runs into things full speed with no preparation. Either let him do it alone or hang on for a wild ride."

"Well we can't sail to the Grand Line like this!" pointed out Nami.

"You're right," agreed Luffy, who was sitting up on the bowsprit eating an apple. He liked to see where they were going. "That shrub-man gave us a lot of fruit, but we need meat to keep our strength up." Apparently Luffy didn't quite understand what Nami was talking about.

"I'm not talking about food!" snapped Nami.

"She's right, me need some grog too," said Zoro.

"I'm not talking about booze either!" yelled Nami, alright, neither of them understood.

"I think you were more useful when you were asleep," commented Y/N.

"We're heading for the Grand Line," Nami explained to Luffy and Zoro, "The most dangerous sea route in the world! We'll need more than beer and meat to survive there. Don't forget, the most successful pirates are after One Piece too. Their ships are way better than this."

"And we don't have a crew," added Luffy.

"We don't have a crew, we don't have any equipment, or even a real ship for that matter!" pointed out Nami. "There's no way we'll ever make it like this."

"Yup," agreed Luffy, "we'll need a cook or maybe a musician to keep us entertained."

"A musician?" repeated Zoro. "Heh heh!"

"Why am I sailing with these idiots?" Nami asked herself.

"Because you lost a bet and you want the treasure," answered Y/N as he finished sorting the treasure and returned the chest to Nami's boat, "I took about 500,000 berries, the rest is all yours."

"Sounds fair to me to me," agreed Nami with a smile, she wasn't about to question why he gave her five times what he kept for himself. She pulled out a sea chart and quickly changed the subject before he could change his mind, "A little bit south from here is an island with some settlements on it. And it looks like we might be able to get our ship and some of the supplies we need there."

"FRESH MEAT AT LAST!" cheered Luffy.

"And lot's of booze as well," added Zoro.

"IS THAT ALL YOU THINK ABOUT!?" demanded Nami.


A little while away on nearby island, a boy of seventeen was standing on the outskirts of Syrup Village and was looking out at the sea. This boy's name was Usopp and he was known by all of the villagers. He had tanned skin, a long Pinocchio-style nose, and curly black hair that made him look like an armadillo. He had greenish bandana tied on his head over his black hair and was wearing brown overalls, brown shoes, had a white sash around his waist, and also had a bag with a lot of supplies stuffed in it. "Ah a new day," Usopp said to himself, "The sun shines bright on a cheerful sea."

Usopp took a deep breath then started screaming at the top of his lungs and sprinted towards Syrup village, "WE'RE DOOMED! PIRATES ARE COMING!" yelled Usopp. "THEY'RE ATTACKING THE VILLAGE! RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!" Usopp ran passed the small houses of the townspeople. Some of the responses made it seem like this was a routine thing.

"What? Pirates!"

"There's Usopp's morning commotion. I'd better get to work."

"He's at it again."

But just as suddenly as he'd started, Usopp stopped screaming and stood still in the middle of the road... before he burst out laughing, "AHAHAHA! JUST KIDDING!" He certainly earned his long nose with all his false tales about pirates.

WONK! Usopp's laughter stopped when a pan hit him in the back of the head. "You lying brat!" shouted a villager, "I'm going to teach you a lesson!"

"Here they come," Usopp said to himself, before turning around and running away from the mob of villagers that was coming after him.

"Come back here you liar!" shouted someone in the mob.

"Catch me if you can!" Usopp called over his shoulder as he picked up speed and kept on running. Usopp kept running until he eventually lost the villagers.

"Darn he got away!

"That yahoo is always causing trouble!"

"Where'd he go?"

Meanwhile, resting on a tree branch overhead, Usopp was having a good laugh over the commotion he'd caused in the quiet little town. "Ahaha, I did it again," Usopp congratulated himself, "Just another jolt of excitement to liven up this boring little town.

"There he is!" came a sudden shout from the road. Usopp had been spotted.

But once Usopp saw who it was, he calmed down, "Hey you guys!" Usopp called down to the two kids that had spotted him.

"Hey Captain Usopp!" a green haired boy with a head that looked like a pepper called up to Usopp. This boy's name fitted his head, it was Pepper, he wore a blue shorts, a blue sash, and a green t-shirt depicting an open-mouthed Jolly Roger, the symbol of the Usopp Pirate Crew.

"Good morning sir," chimed in the other boy, his violet hair was covered with an orange bandana which also depicted the mark of the Usopp Pirate Crew. He wore a black sweatshirt, orange pants, and a brown sash. His head was in the shape of a carrot and that's why the others all called him Carrot, "Your pirate crew is reporting for duty."

"Pepper, Carrot," Usopp greeted the two boys once he got down out of his tree, "just the two of you, where's Onion?"

"Still sleeping I guess," answered Carrot uncertainly.

"Yeah that's probably it," agreed Pepper.

"That boy," Usopp sighed to himself, but suddenly the three of them heard screams. They turned around and saw a small round-headed boy, with glasses and blond hair running their way screaming at the top of his lungs. His name was Onion and he wore a blue vest with a yellow t-shirt on underneath, brown shorts, and a yellow sash around his waist like the other members of the Usopp Pirate Crew.


"Hey! Get your own material!" complained Usopp.

"But... it's... true," panted Onion once he had calmed down a little, "I saw them with my own eyes. A ship flying a skull and cross bones is sailing in front the North."

"YOU LIAR!" snapped Usopp, Carrot, and Pepper. They weren't amused, Usopp had already done the same thing.

"It's true!" protested Onion, "Its sail has the sign of Buggy the Clown!"

"You're not lying!?" questioned Usopp in disbelief.

"It's true, we're all in danger!" warned Onion.

"It's time for my snack!" Usopp suddenly exclaimed before he turned around and prepared to run away.

"Don't run away!" shouted the three vegetable themed pirates.

"I have a medical condition," lied Usopp, "if I don't eat my snack on time I'll croak!"

"LIAR!" all three of the boys shouted together.

"Captain, don't you want to become a real pirate?" questioned Carrot.

"A real pirate wouldn't be scared of other pirates," pointed out Pepper.

"Yeah and there's only four of them!" added Onion.

"Only four?" Usopp repeated in relief, "Then it's not a big ship?"

"No, just two little ones," answered Onion.

"Alright Usopp's Pirate Crew!" exclaimed Usopp, he spun around and appeared a lot braver now that he'd found out there were only four pirates. "Prepare for action! We'll defend our village! Follow me!" Usopp then headed off towards the shore, his three pirates stood in shock for a few seconds, wondering where his confidence had come from, and then followed after him.


On the shore, two small ships pulled up and four pirates climbed out. "Aaahhh," sighed Luffy as he and the rest of the crew stretched after being confined to their small boats for so long.

"It feels good to be on dry land again," commented Zoro as he stretched his arms up above his head.

"There's a village around here somewhere, right Nami?" Luffy asked.

"Yeah," answered the navigator, "it looks like a small one though." There were no houses or buildings in sight. The Straw Hats were facing a pass that cut through some steep cliffs. If there was a town nearby, it was a lot further inland.

"Oh! Oh! Then there's meat, right?" asked Luffy as he ran over to Nami, sounding excited. "There has to be a place to eat meat if there's a village!"

"Just forget about meat for a minute would ya?" scolded Nami as she glared at the captain.

SKISH!SKISH! Only Y/N seemed to notice the bushes rustling up on top of the cliffs.

"Hey guys, heads up," Y/N warned them, "We're being watched."

"Huh? By who?" questioned Luffy, "Where are they? They got meat?"


"LOOK OUT!" yelled out Zoro.


A split second later a series of bullets came flying out from the rustling bush, causing Luffy to dance to avoid them. Y/N ran off in one direction, while Nami ran back to the boat for cover, Zoro held up one of his swords while trying to find their attacker.

SKISH! Suddenly three pirate flags popped up out of a bunch of bushes up on the cliffs.

SKISH! Another trio of flags appeared.

SKISH! Then another...

SKISH! And another...

Before they knew it, pirate flags were flying all around the top of the cliffs, with the exception of the water and the beach behind them it looked like the Straw Hats were surrounded.

"WHOA! THAT'S SO COOL!" exclaimed Luffy, forgetting that he had just been shot at.

"Are we supposed to be impressed?" wondered Nami, who was still by the boat in order to defend herself from more flying bullets.


"INCREDIBLE!" exclaimed Luffy in amazement, causing Nami and Zoro to sweat-drop at their gullible Captain. Y/N probably would've sweat-dropped too, but he disappeared.

"You'd better think twice before you invade!" Usopp warned them. "It would mean certain death! My army of 80,000,000 super mean, pirate soldiers would squash you like bugs!" Usopp raised his arms up and motioned up at all of the pirate flags up on the cliffs above him. Usopp was currently standing on a lower part of the cliff with a tree behind him, but he seemed confident that all his men were behind him.


Zoro stared at him while Nami sighed, "You expect us to believe that?" she asked.

"AH! She knows!" gasped Usopp.

"Yup, well I do now," replied Nami with a grin.

"How could I have been so dumb!?" groaned Usopp in exasperation, "I practically told her I was lying!"

"What? He was lying!?" questioned Luffy, who was upset that he'd been tricked. Not that it was very difficult.

"CURSE YOU, YOU CRAFTY TACTICIAN!" Usopp yelled at Nami. "Eighty million might have been an exaggeration but I have a great many men under my control!"

SKISH!SKISH!SKISH! Up on the cliff, six of the flags were waving up and down as Carrot, Pepper, and Onion hid in a bush waving flags with both hands.

"My guess is three," said Nami as she calmly leaned back against the boat.

"AAAAHHH! SHE DOES KNOW!" screamed the Veggie Pirates as they turned around and ran away.

"HEY! WHERE'RE YOU GUYS GOING! COME BACK!" Usopp yelled after them.

Nami reached down and picked up one of the 'bullets' Usopp had shot at them, but it wasn't a bullet at all, it was a small lead marble that was now covered in sand, "A pirate using a slingshot, huh? Well now I've seen it all."

"Hahahahaha!" Luffy laughed, "That's pretty cool! Hahahahaha!"

"SHUT YOUR MOUTH OR I'LL SHUT IT FOR YOU!" threatened Usopp as he reached into his supply bag and pulled out a green slingshot. "I'm a proud man and I won't stand for it! This is your last warning, because you're about to see why they call me Proud Captain Usopp!"

Luffy tilted his hat down so it hid his eyes from view, Zoro and Nami just stared up at Usopp. "You've already seen just how good I am with this thing," Usopp continued as he loaded his slingshot and pulled back the marble he had place in it, he was ready to let it go at a second's notice. "So you know I can rival anyone carrying a pistol!"

"You're putting your life on the line by pointing that at me," Luffy warned Usopp as he continued to hold his straw hat. He was referencing what his hero had said to a bandit ten years ago.

"Huh, what are you talking about?" questioned Usopp.

"I'm saying it's not safe to point guns," Luffy warned him. "Now that you've drawn your weapon, are you willing to use it?"

"Heh heh," chuckled Zoro, he noticed the branches of the tree behind Usopp shifting slightly. "I can assure you, we're real pirates. Consider your next move very carefully."

"..." Usopp stared at Luffy who still had a blank expression on his face. Zoro gripped one of his swords and showed that he was ready to fight.

TMP! "Put it down, Long Nose," came a voice from behind Usopp. "You'll be dead before you can hit him." Usopp glanced down and saw a blood red blade at his neck.

Usopp dropped the marble and then dropped his slingshot before dropping to his knees. "Real pirates sure have a lot of punch behind their words, because they can actually back 'em up."

"Next time, make your story sound more believable," lectured Y/N as he lowered his sword and held it beside him. "This is a small island, I doubt there are even eighty thousand people on it. If you had simply said a hundred, then we might've been inclined to believe you. When you're lying you need to be subtle, that way the people you're lying to won't suspect anything."

"And he would know all about that," muttered Nami.

Meanwhile Luffy was laughing at Usopp's revelation "Hahaha, I like you, you're funny."

"So Captain Usopp, do you know anywhere we could get something to eat?" asked Y/N as he cut his arm and put his sword away.

"Of course!" exclaimed Usopp as he popped back up. "I know everything about this island and everyone knows me!" That was actually true for the most part, everyone on the island knew of him, but they didn't exactly hold him in a high regard.


A little while later, Usopp and the four Straw Hat Pirates were sitting at a table in an inn in Syrup Village where they had a nice meal courtesy of the First Mate/Financial Manager. Luffy and Usopp really seemed to hit it off, and Usopp seemed really interested in Luffy's real pirate crew. Y/N just stared at Usopp, something about him was familiar, it seemed like he had seen him before somewhere.

"Really you're looking for a crew?" Usopp asked Luffy, "Crewmen and a bigger ship?"

"That's right," answered Luffy, as he sank his teeth into a large leg of meat.

"What a great adventure," Usopp said in amazement. "Well, you won't find any ships here in town. But there is a place you can go."

"Where?" asked Nami.

"That huge mansion that sticks out like a soar thumb," answered Usopp, "The owner of the mansion is a young girl. But she's sick and doesn't do anything but sleep since she's so weak."

"How did she become the owner of the mansion?" asked Nami.

"More meat please!" Luffy suddenly interrupted.

"And more grog," added Zoro.

"Are you guys even listening to my story!?" snapped Usopp.

"You'll get used to it," Y/N told him. "I've known this guy my whole life, he's got the attention span of a five year old. Keep what you have to say short so it'll sound important and leave less time for his short attention span to kick in."

"Right," Usopp said with a nod then he continued. "About a year ago both of her parents got sick and died. They left her a huge inheritance, a lot of money, and a dozen servants. She's rich and lives in luxury but her money isn't enough to cure her sadness."

Nami had been listening to the story the whole time, and once Usopp was done she suddenly slammed her fist down on the table, "Forget it," said Nami, "We're not going to find a ship here, let's go to another town."

"Okay," agreed Luffy, "We can spare the time and at least I've eaten some meat. Let's get some supplies and go."

"By the way," piped up Usopp, "You said you were looking for crewmen right?"

"That's right," answered Luffy.

"Then I'm your man!" exclaimed Usopp, "I can be the Captain!"

"NO THANKS!" chorused Luffy, Nami, and Zoro all at the same time.

"Don't you even want to think it over!?" asked Usopp in indignation.

"Listen Long Nose," said Y/N, "Luffy's the Captain."

"What about First Mate?" offered Usopp.

Y/N quirked his eyebrow, "That's my job. But you can fight me for it... if you want."

"Uh... never mind..." replied Usopp, who visibly paled at the idea of fighting a pirate.


Meanwhile, some distance off, in the mansion that 'stuck out like a soar thumb' a girl had woken up and called for her butler. "Klahadore..."

"Yes Mistress Kaya?" came the reply.

"I want to see Usopp," said the girl. Her name was Kaya, she had shoulder length pale blonde hair and a pale complexion, she was very sick, but due to the death of her parents, she owned the entire estate. Unfortunately, due to her illness, she spent most of her time confined to her bed, thus why all she was wearing was a light green nightgown.


The Lie Rejecter


Back in town three vegetable-themed boys snuck up to the inn. "Onion are you sure those pirates are in here?" asked Pepper.

"I saw 'em!" answered Onion, "They took the Captain in here! We've gotta save him!"

"But real pirates are savages!" pointed out Carrot, "They'll eat us!"

"Pirates don't eat people, stupid," said Pepper, "Hags do! Now be brave, this will be the greatest battle that Usopp's pirates have ever fought!"

After a few deep breaths, the three kids kicked the door opened and stormed in, startling the four pirates sitting at a table. "USOPP'S PIRATES ARE HERE!" yelled the boys in unison.

"Who are they?" Nami asked out loud.

"I don't know," answered Luffy.

"They look like they've eaten too many vegetables," commented Zoro as he eyed the three boys.

Meanwhile the three Veggie-Pirates were having a discussion of their own, "The Captain's not here," pointed out Carrot.

"Could they have finished him off already?" asked Onion.

"HEY YOU PIRATES!" shouted Carrot, sounding braver than he felt.

"WHERE'S OUR CAPTAIN!?" demanded Pepper.

"GIVE HIM BACK TO US!" finished Onion.

"That meat was delicious!" Luffy said out loud, he belly was expanded showing that he had eaten a lot.

"The Captain? He couldn't have!?" exclaimed Carrot staring at Luffy's plate and his swelled belly.

Y/N glanced at Zoro with a raised eyebrow and a slightly evil smirk. "Your Captain's the one with the long nose right?" asked Y/N, in a bored tone as he picked his teeth with one of the bones from the meat he had eaten.

"R-right," stuttered Pepper, "W-what did you do to him?"

"Well if you're looking for your Captain..." said Zoro with an evil grin, "WE ATE HIM!"

The three kids screamed in terror, then looked at Nami, "THEY'RE HAGS!"

"WHAT'D YOU CALL ME!?" demanded Nami as the three Veggie-Pirates fainted.

"Hahahahaha/HEH HEH!" Luffy and Zoro laughed loudly while Y/N was sporting an amused smile.

"It's not funny!" scolded Nami. She didn't like being called a hag by people she didn't know.

"Who were they anyway?" wondered Luffy.


"Time to go?" repeated Carrot once he and his 'crewmates' had been revived.

"That's what he said," replied Zoro, "Then he left."

"It was probably time for him to go to that mansion," realized Pepper.

"The one where the sick girl lives?" asked Nami.

"Why would he go there?" questioned Luffy.

"To tell lies," answered Carrot.

"That's not very nice," said Luffy.

"No it's very nice," replied Pepper, "Right?"

"Yeah it's great!" added Onion.

"Huh?" questioned Luffy.

"He goes to a mansion to tell lies," Y/N restated, "And for some reason that's great?"


"You want to see Usopp?" repeated Klahadore the Butler. He had short and neatly combed black hair, was wearing a fancy black suit with gold trim, and a pair of gray and black striped shoes. He was also wearing a pair of glasses that didn't seem to fit him properly, causing him to have to push them back up with his palm on a regular basis. "Impossible!"

"Why? I just want to talk to him," pleaded Kaya, the sick girl who owned the mansion.

"Must I explain?" questioned Klahadore, "it is not appropriate for a lady to associate with the biggest liar in the village. He's a bad influence. My job is to protect you. Your body is weak, Usopp's nonsensical stories and too much stimulus for you."

"But I like them."

"Please try to understand," said Klahadore, "Your late parents trusted me with your care, and I will watch out for you. That's why I hired guards and take all manners of precautions. I've done everything for you."

"Yes, I know."

"I'm glad you understand," replied Klahadore, as he placed a tray on a table near Kaya's bed, "I'll leave your medicine here, see that you take it."

"Killjoy," muttered Kaya as Klahadore headed for the door.

"If that's what keeps you safe, I'm glad to be a killjoy."


Usopp peered around a corner at the two guards that were standing by the entrance, he was pretty sure they didn't see him, but was also sure they wouldn't let him in. Usopp slipped away from the corner and ran along the wall of the estate before stopping about halfway along it. Usopp checked that no one was looking then reached out and pulled out a square of bush, leaving a hole in the bush that was big enough for him to crawl through.

"Sorry to intrude," mumbled Usopp as he quickly scurried through the hole and onto the grounds.


TAP! TAP! A pair of rocks hit Kaya's bedroom window to get her attention. Kaya threw the window opened and her face lit up when she saw who was there. "Usopp!" exclaimed Kaya.

"Why do you look so unhappy?" asked Usopp who was sitting on a tree branch near the window.

"I wanted to welcome you as a proper guest," explained Kaya, "But Klahadore won't allow it. He's not really a bad person though."

"Don't worry," said Usopp in an attempt to cheer Kaya up, "I'd rather sit out here in the garden. I wouldn't feel comfortable in a fancy mansion. That's because I'm a fearless pirate."

"Well what's today's adventure?" asked Kaya.

"Today, I'll tell you about the time I fought that giant Goldfish when I was five years old."

"A goldfish?" repeated Kaya in disbelief.

"Yeah!" continued Usopp, "You should have seen the size of its poop! It was the size of an island!"

"Ahahahahaha!" Kaya and Usopp both laughed at the absurd story.


"You see," explained Carrot. "Kaya is really sick."

"So the captain goes and tells her lies to cheer her up," continued Pepper.

"He's awesome!" said Onion.

"Some people say laughter is the best medicine," commented Y/N, "He seems nice enough."

"Of course he is! The Captain's the greatest!"

"If the girl's happy let's go ask her to give us a ship," suggested Luffy.

"But we already decided against that idea," Nami pointed out.

"Luffy wasn't listening," said Y/N.


A few minutes later the Straw Hat Crew and the Veggie-Pirates were standing at the gates of the mansion. "Hey you!" yelled Luffy. "Give us a ship!"

When he received no response, Luffy turned to the rest of his crew, "Let's go in!"

"Ever heard of knocking?" asked Pepper.

"There's no stopping him now," Nami commented to Y/N and Zoro.

"I guess we'll have to go after him," said Zoro.

"Don't worry, I've got an idea," Luffy assured them.

"In that case, I'll find my own way in," decided Y/N as he turned and walked off around the corner.

Luffy reached up and grabbed onto the top of the fence then moved backwards stretching his arms as he went.

"MONSTER!" shrieked the Veggie Pirates.

"Grab on," instructed Luffy.


But inside the mansion one of the other butlers had just told Klahadore about a band of intruders that had just snuck onto the property.

"What, intruders? Where are the guards?" demanded Klahadore.

"They're on their lunch break," answered the other butler.


Back at Kaya's window, Usopp was just about finished with his story. "Then we threw a huge pachinko down from the sky, scaring them all away, and that's how we won!"


Suddenly Kaya noticed something up in the sky, "What's that?" wondered Kaya as she pointed the incoming specks out to Usopp.

"YAHOOO!" cheered Luffy as he plummeted down from the sky.

KRASH! When the dust from Luffy's crash cleared Luffy was on the ground with Nami and Zoro next to him. The three Veggie-Pirates had landed in a bush. "Successful entry," commented Luffy.

"NO IT WASN'T!" snapped Nami.

"Are you okay?" asked Kaya with concern.

"They'll be fine," came a voice. Usopp and Kaya turned and noticed a one-eyed pirate sitting on the tree branch next to Usopp.

"GAH! How'd you get in here!?" demanded Usopp.

"Someone cut a hole in one of the bushes," explained Y/N with a shrug.

"That does it... next time I'm going with him," grumbled Zoro as he started gathering up his swords. Nami nodded and silently agreed with him.

"Who're you?" asked Kaya.

"These pirates heard how great I am and wanted to join the Usopp Pirate crew," lied Usopp.

"Yeah," agreed Luffy who wasn't listening, "WAIT A MINUTE!"

"What story did you tell her?" Y/N asked Usopp.

"You know about that?" questioned Usopp.

"It was about the time he fought a giant goldfish," Kaya answered for Usopp.

"A goldfish?" repeated Y/N as he glanced at Usopp. "That's it?"

"What do you mean?" asked Usopp, who wasn't going to admit that his story had been a tall tale.

"That's boring," explained Y/N. That wasn't interesting or scary at all, when would someone ever come across a giant goldfish anyway. (A/N: Cough-Manga chapter 129-cough) "One time I fought this twenty-foot lion."

"You fought a giant lion!?" asked Kaya and Usopp at the same time.

"Yeah," answered Y/N. An awkward silence followed and everyone stared at Y/N.

"Aren't you going to tell us about it?" questioned Usopp.

"Yeah!" cheered Carrot.

"Story! Story!" chanted Onion and Pepper.

Y/N rolled his eye, "if it'll get you guys to shut up, then fine," he agreed. Y/N slowly began telling the story about how he and Chou-Chou the dog fought Beast Tamer Mohji and his lion Ritchie. The Veggie-Pirates, Usopp, Kaya, and even the Straw Hats listened intently.

"Wow!" exclaimed Kaya once Y/N finished, "So you four are really pirates?"

"Yeah," answered Luffy with a huge goofy smile. "But we actually came here to ask you something."

"Me? What is it?" asked Kaya.

"Yeah, do you think you could help us get a big sturdy ship," explained Luffy.

"What is the meaning of this?" came a voice, Kaya, Usopp, his pirate crew, and the four Straw Hat pirates turned to see Klahadore striding towards them.

"You do realize you're trespassing?" questioned Klahadore as he made his way over to the eight intruders.

"The butler!" exclaimed Usopp, while Kaya shouted, "Klahadore!"

"You see these people here, they're..." Kaya started to explain.

"Not now Miss. Kaya, you can tell me about this riffraff once they've left," interrupted Klahadore, before turning to the intruders, "You all must go, or do you have business here?"

"Can you help us get a ship?" asked Luffy.

"Certainly not," the butler answered quickly. Zoro whacked Luffy on the back of the head. Subtle he was not.

But then Klahadore noticed Usopp attempting to sneak around the tree and out of sight.

"Usopp!" called out Klahadore, causing the liar to peek around the tree in surprise. "I've heard rumors about you. You're pretty famous in the village, aren't you?"

"Uh... sure am," answered Usopp proudly. Y/N was still sitting on the tree branch next to Kaya's window and was making no effort to hide.

"So, you have faced all kinds of danger before," commented Klahadore, "That's really something at such a young age."

"Uh... thanks," replied Usopp, "You can call me, Captain Usopp. But really there's no need for flattery."

"The guards," continued Klahadore, "They've seen you lurking around the estate, do you have business here?"

"Well... yes I do," lied Usopp, "I saw a legendary MOLE MONSTER enter here, I'm trying to capture it."

"A mole monster?" repeated Y/N as he shook his head, that wasn't very believable. When would someone ever fight a mole monster? (A/N: Ms. Merry Christmas)

"You're a bad liar," commented Klahadore, "But that's to be expected from the son of a filthy pirate. I wouldn't put anything passed you. I must ask that you and your kind leave the premises at once."

"A filthy pirate?" repeated Usopp as he glared at the butler, next to him, Y/N looked annoyed by the butler's comments.

"You and Miss Kaya are from completely different worlds. Is it money you're after? How much do you want?"


"Mistress Kaya, why should I apologize to this trash? I'm only speaking the truth," Klahadore turned to Usopp. "I actually feel sorry for you. Your treasure-crazed father did abandon you and your mother."

"Klahadore!" Kaya yelled.

"Treasure-crazed?"repeated Y/N. He took mild offense to that.

"You bastard, don't you dare insult my father ever again!" growled Usopp. WHUP! He quickly used a grappling hook to lower himself down from the tree. SWISH! Once he was on the ground, he gave the rope a tug and the hook retracted back into the bag at his side. TMP! Behind him, Y/N opted to simply jump out of the tree and landed in a crouch.

"What are you getting so worked up about?" asked Klahadore, "Why don't you lie and say that he isn't your real father? Or say that he's really a merchant, or how you aren't really related to him..."

POW! Usopp lashed out his fist and connected with the side of Klahadore's face, knocking him down to the ground.

"Nice hit," commented Y/N while everyone with the exception of Luffy stared in shock. Luffy was just staring at Usopp and Klahadore as if he was trying really hard to remember something.

"Case and point," stated Klahadore from the ground as he held the spot on his face where Usopp had hit him. "I guess the apple doesn't fall far from the tree does it."

"SHUT UP!" shouted Usopp, "My father listened to his heart and chose a life of risk and adventure! I'm proud that my father's a Brave Warrior of the Sea! You're right, I have been known to make up stories, but I will never lie about who my father is! I refuse to be ashamed of my heritage! I'M THE SON OF A PIRATE!"

"Usopp's father is a pirate..." repeated Luffy, "Wait a minute... now I remember!"

"It's about time," said Y/N with a quick glance in Luffy's direction.




Somewhere else on the same island the Straw Hat Pirates were on, a strange man dressed in a blue coat and a matching hat was moon-walking down a path. SKISH! "Who's there!?" demanded the man as he whirled around trying to locate the source of the noise. It was a sheep. "Hmph," grunted the strange man as he glared at the sheep through the red lenses of his heart-shaped sunglasses then continued to walk backwards along the path.


"Captain..." said Onion, who was still shocked by Usopp's sudden outburst.

"'Brave Warrior of the Sea'?" repeated Klahadore as he fixed his glasses with his palm and got back up and dusted himself off. "That's a deceitful way to twist the truth. You don't seem to understand that you're living proof of his savage blood. You run around spouting lies and resorting to violence when you don't get your way. Now you're trying to get close to Mistress Kaya so you can steal her fortune."

"You're wrong! I only ..."


"THAT'S ENOUGH!" shouted Usopp. He darted forward to hit the butler again.

WHAP! Usopp was stopped when Y/N grabbed him by the overalls and held him back. "Calm down," he instructed as he held the struggling liar, "He's not worth it. He doesn't know what he's talking about."

"USOPP! PLEASE DON'T HURT HIM!" cried Kaya from the window. "Klahadore is not a bad person. He's just trying to do what he thinks is best for me and sometimes he goes too far..."

"Get out of here," ordered Klahadore as he glared at Usopp, who was still being restrained by Y/N but was no longer fighting. "NEVER COME NEAR THIS ESTATE AGAIN!"

"Fine, I get it," conceded Usopp, Y/N reluctantly released him. "This is the last you'll ever see of me." Usopp walked passed Klahadore and left the estate.

"Usopp..." sighed Kaya, her eyes were tearing up after everything that had happened with her friend.

The Veggie Pirates saw the need to defend their captain and rushed forward.

"You stupid smelly BUTT-ler, the Captain's a great guy!" yelled Carrot.

"Yeah, you jerk-face!" exclaimed Pepper.

"Jerk-face!" echoed Onion.

"JERK-FACE!" Luffy shouted along with them.

WHAP! "Shut up," Zoro scolded him as hit him on the head. "You don't have a bone to pick with him."

Klahadore glared at the Veggie-Pirates, prompting the three of them to run and hide behind Nami.

"What're you doing? Don't hide behind me!" protested Nami while Zoro struggled to hold Luffy back next to her.

"That was low," said Y/N who was still standing in front of Klahadore from when he was holding Usopp back. "I knew Usopp's father and he wasn't a ruffian. Don't insult people you don't know."

"Am I supposed to be threatened, pirate?" asked Klahadore, saying the last word with distaste.

"Why yes... yes you are, butler," replied Y/N, as the look in his eye turned really cold. Without even knowing it Klahadore took a step back.

"All you pirates are the same," snapped the Butler as he glanced down at the hooked sword that was sheathed at Y/N's waist.

"That's odd," commented Y/N.

"What?" asked Klahadore in confusion.

"Do you find it hard to hide the fact that you're gay?"

"That's preposterous! What would make you think that!?"

"You just checked me out. You should at least tell your mistress. I don't think she'll hold it against you."

"What's he doing?" Nami asked Zoro in a whisper. The swordsman shrugged.

"I'm not gay!" Klahadore insisted.

"You don't have to deny it. Maybe you'll be relieved that some people know now. I don't have a particular problem with homosexuals, but I'm straight. Please refrain from hitting on me in the future."

"I don't have to take this from a pirate!" The butler's hands were twitching.

"What are you getting so worked up about? I'm only speaking the truth. You were staring at my –"

Y/N was cut off when the butler grabbed the front of his shirt with one hand, and pulled back the other to slash him across the face. "I'M NOT GAY!" yelled Klahadore. But he managed to stop before he hit the one-eyed pirate.

A sly grin appeared on Y/N's face, "Gotcha."

Klahadore glared at Y/N and quickly let go of him. "It seems everyone attacks violently when they're insulted... ruffian."

"Get off of this property at once!" ordered Klahadore.

"Fine," agreed Y/N, "I've made my point." With that Y/N pushed passed him and headed off. "Are you coming Luffy?" Zoro released Luffy and he quickly ran after his First Mate. Zoro, Nami and the Veggie-Pirates quickly left as well.


Once they were all gone, Kaya was in her bed crying. The door opened and Klahadore entered, pushing a cart with a tray on it in front of him. "Mistress Kaya, you're meal is ready.

"I don't want it," sobbed Kaya.

"You'll upset the cook if you say such things," said Klahadore, "He works hard day and night to make delicious meals that suit your needs."

Kaya sat up, still hugging a pillow to her chest, "Why were you so cruel to him? I know I was wrong to talk to him behind your back, but the situation did not warrant that kind of harsh treatment."

"May I sit?"

"Yes," answered Kaya, prompting the butler to sit down on the end of bed.

"Three years ago, I came to this estate. I'll never forget that day. Before that I had worked aboard a ship. I made one small mistake and they marooned me here. I was forsaken, alone, and eventually I wondered into this village. I was penniless, homeless, and helpless, I would have died without your father's help. I owe my life to your parents. And now that they're gone, I owe my life to you."

"I know it wasn't my place to interfere in your friendships, I wouldn't have taken suck a bold step unless I thought it absolutely necessary. But Usopp isn't known for his upstanding character. If anything were to happen to you it would be my fault for not seeing to your safety and I would never be able to ask forgiveness from your parents. No doubt you hate me for my childish behavior earlier today..." He decided not to mention the one-eyed pirate that questioned his sexuality.

"No, of course I don't," said the kind-hearted Kaya. "I'm thankful to have you around but I stand by my opinion. Usopp is one of the nicest people I know."

"We'll see about that," said Klahadore as stood up and got off the bed. "But Usopp is still not welcome here."

"Klahadore, you bone-head! You just don't understand!"

"You're right, I don't understand," admitted Klahadore as he left the room.


The strange man from before was still moon-walking around the island. He had long gray hair and a beard that looked like a mushroom stalk. He seemed be eccentric at the very least, walking backwards through a forest for no reason isn't exactly normal behavior.

But little did he know a small boy wearing glasses had seen him before he turned around and ran off screaming.


Nami, Zoro, Carrot, and Pepper were sitting by a fence in the middle of town.

"I wonder where Y/N and Luffy went," Nami asked out loud.

"Maybe they went after the Captain," suggested Pepper.

"We know where the Captain went," commented Carrot.

"The beach," Pepper continued for him. "The Captain always goes there when he's upset."

"Do you want to go?"

"No," answered Zoro.

"Aren't you missing someone?" Nami asked remembering that there had been three Veggie-Pirates before.

"Yeah Onion," answered Pepper. "He always disappears."

"Then comes running back screaming," continued Carrot.

As if on cue Onion came running back screaming, "IT'S HORRIBLE, WE'RE ALL IN DANGER! A BACKWARDS MAN! There's a strange man heading this way, and he's walking backwards!"

"Liar!" snapped Pepper and Carrot together when Onion finally reached them.

"It's true!" protested Onion, as he pointed down the road, "LOOK!"

Even Nami and Zoro chanced a glance at where Onion was pointing, and it turned out he was right, because moon-walking towards them was a strange man.

The man was wearing a blue coat and a blue hat and had a beard that looked like a mushroom stalk. He was also wearing a pair of heart-shaped pink sunglasses. He was 'One-Two' Jango, a traveling hypnotist.

"Who called me strange?" demanded the Hypnotist once he reached them, "I'm not strange!"

"You're right, you look insane," said Nami.

"Don't be silly," argued the Hypnotist, "I'm just a Traveling Hypnotist."

"Wow, a Hypnotist!" exclaimed Onion.

"Show us a trick!" requested Pepper.

"Yeah! Show us!" agreed Carrot.

"What?" questioned Jango the Hypnotist as he glared at the kids, "What makes you think I'll demonstrate my wonderful hypnotic powers to a bunch of road-side strangers?"

"Okay, you convinced me," Jango suddenly agreed as he pulled out a metal ring on a string. "Now watch the ring closely."

"So you are going to perform?" questioned Zoro as he eyed the hypnotist suspiciously.

"When I say, 'one, two, Jango,' you'll fall asleep," explained Jango as he swung his hypno-ring back and forth in front of the Veggie-Pirates and himself. "Ready? One... two... JANGO!"

Zzzzzzz... Once he said 'Jango', the hypnotist and the three young boys were fast asleep right there in the middle of the road. (A/N: I'm going to refrain from making any Michael Jackson jokes through the course of this Arc.)

"Why the hell are you sleeping!?" Zoro yelled at the hypnotist.

"Now that was strange," commented Nami.


By the beach Usopp was sitting under a tree on a cliff overlooking the ocean. "Hey!" Luffy greeted him as he suddenly dropped down from a tree. Usopp looked up in shock and noticed Luffy hanging from a tree branch by his feet, scaring Usopp half to death in the process.

"Don't sneak up on me like that!" snapped Usopp.

"Yeah Luffy," added Y/N, who Usopp only just noticed sitting next to him, causing Usopp to once again be scared out of his mind.


"Yasopp, he's your father right?" questioned Luffy.

"Huh, how do you know my father?" asked Usopp.

"We used to know him," answered Luffy.

"When we were kids, Luffy and I used to spend time in my Aunt's Tavern... well... I lived there... but still, your father and his pirate crew were there a lot," explained Y/N. "He talked about you a lot too."

"Really, you guys met my father!?" asked Usopp.

"Yup," replied Luffy, "And you look just like him."

"Except for the nose," Y/N commented quietly, "And your hair. But I knew you looked familiar when I first saw you."

"I only just figured it out," admitted Luffy, honest as usual.

"Do you know where my father is now?" asked Usopp.

"Nope," Luffy answered simply.

"He's most-likely in the Grand Line with 'Red-Haired' Shanks," said Y/N.

"Yasopp is a crewman on my favorite pirate ship," continued Luffy.

"Huh? Really?" questioned Usopp who couldn't believe his ears. "He's with 'Red-Haired' Shanks." A few seconds passed, "HE'S WITH RED-HAIRED SHANKS!?"

"I take it you've heard of him?" questioned Y/N.

"Of course I have," answered Usopp. "He's a great pirate! My father's with a famous pirate crew?"

"Speaking of great, I remember Yasopp was a great shot," commented Luffy. "I don't remember ever seeing him miss."

"Well... there was that one time..." Y/N recalled.

-Y/N and Yasopp Flashback-

BANG! A gun was fired and the bullet blasted a hole through the middle of an apple that was sitting on a fence post. "Wow!" exclaimed a nine year old, two-eyed Y/N, he had a huge smile on his face and was clearly amazed by the pirate's shooting. "Nice shot!"

"That's nothing!" bragged Yasopp. "I'm the best marksman around! I could shoot the wings off of fly! I never miss!"

"Oh yeah, I bet you'd miss if you were drunk!" challenged Y/N with a sly grin.

"Well... I don't want to swindle a nine year old," commented Yasopp. "Hey! Did I ever tell you about my son Usopp? He's about Luffy's age now..."

"Yes, you have," Y/N cut him off. "But how's this, I'll give you the recipe for my Aunt's signature drink if you can do it."

"Ha! You're on!" accepted Yasopp. "I don't miss, I'll bet you five thousand berries!"

"Five?" repeated Y/N. "I thought you were confident in your abilities?"

"Well... that's all I have on me," explained Yasopp.

"Then get more," suggested Y/N.

"Alright, fine," conceded Yasopp, "I'll bet you twenty thousand berries."

"That's more like it," said Y/N as he held out his hand. Yasopp took it and shook it. "Now, let's go get you drunk."

About an hour later Yasopp and Y/N were back outside, and apple was on a fence post and Yasopp was getting ready to fire. HIC! Yasopp currently had a bad case of the hiccups and was very drunk. "Get ready to hand over that recipe Randy!" challenged Yasopp.

"It's Y/N," corrected Y/N.

"You sure? HIC!" hiccupped Yasopp. "I think I like Randy better..."

"Just shoot..." instructed Y/N.

"Alright," said Yasopp as he pointed his gun at the apple and put his finger on the trigger. CLI—Yasopp pulled down on the trigger.

"LOOK, A BEAR!" shouted Y/N.

—ICK! "WHERE!?" asked Yasopp as he glanced around him still in a drunken stupor. BANG! The gun fired and the bullet struck the fence post under the apple.

"Hah-ha! You missed," laughed Y/N with a sly smirk.


"What are you talking about? You got distracted!"

"I'm not paying, you—" HIC! "—cheated!"

"Cheated? You missed, so I win. Are you trying to tell me that you think a nine year old boy swindled you? Don't go back on your word now. I thought you were a noble pirate. We shook on the bet! What would Shanks think?"

"Fine!" conceded Yasopp. "But I'm never—" HIC! "—never making a bet with you again!" HIC! "I owe Benn Beckman fifteen thousand berries!"

Y/N smiled and held out his hand, "Yeah, yeah, pay up sucker!" That had been the first of many times he had taken advantage of Yasopp and won money from him while he was drunk.

-End Flashback-

"I guess he couldn't hold his alcohol," concluded Y/N.

"Yasopp was a great pirate," said Luffy.

"A great pirate," repeated Usopp happily.

Usopp stood up and stared out at the ocean in front of him, "I've always looked up to my father for living every day with his life on the line, out on the open ocean. He made a brave choice and I admire him for that. And then that stupid snotty butler stomped all over my pride."

"I hate that guy too," said Luffy.

"That makes three of us," said Y/N as he sat on the edge of the cliff and stared out at the ocean and the clouds. "Hey Luffy, that hat looks stupid."

POW! Luffy punched Y/N square in the face and knocked him on his back, "You of all people should know not to make fun of my hat!" growled Luffy.

"I know," replied Y/N as he sat up and rubbed his face where Luffy had hit him. "But you proved the point I'm about to make."

"What point is that?" asked Usopp.

"There's two actually," admitted Y/N. "First, everyone attacks if properly provoked. Usopp, you hit the butler. Luffy, you just hit me. And I almost got the butler to hit me."

"What was the other point?" questioned Usopp.

"When the butler was mocking your father, you punched him, right?" asked Y/N.

"Yeah," answered Usopp.

"And just now when I made fun of Luffy's hat, he punched me, right?" Y/N continued.

"Yeah," replied Usopp.

"And if I walked up to a random lady and told her I'd like to see her naked, she'd slap me, right?" questioned Y/N.

"Definitely, what's your point?" inquired Usopp.

"When I questioned the butler's sexuality he didn't try to punch me, he didn't even try to slap me. He pulled back his hand and went to slash me, as if he had claws on his hand. That's suspicious."

"You may have a point," admitted Usopp. Things got quiet then and all three of them stared off at the sky.

"Are you ever going to see that girl again?" Luffy eventually asked.

"I don't know," answered Usopp, "If that butler apologizes to me for the things he said, maybe I'll consider it."

"You mean that butler right there?" asked Y/N as he pointed at two figures down on the beach below them.

"Yeah, that's him," Usopp agreed, but then he realized what he was agreeing two. "WHAT'S HE DOING THERE!?"

"If you're both quiet, and keep down low, we can find out," suggested Y/N with a shake of his head. Then he turned to Luffy, "Luffy, we're going into Spy Mode, keep quiet and I'll explain when it's over."

"Right," Luffy agreed as he sat down behind Y/N and Usopp while they peered down at the butler and the – hypnotist – on the beach.


"Jango, I instructed you to keep a low profile," Klahadore said to the strange hypnotist that was with him. "What were you doing sleeping in the middle of the village?" And with a bunch of under-aged boys!

"Don't be silly," argued Jango. "I'm not standing out. It's not strange at all."


"Who's that strange guy with him?" wondered Luffy up on the cliff.

"I've never seen him before," admitted Usopp.

"The butler just called him 'Jango'. Keep quiet so I can listen. Meeting with strange people on a deserted beach makes him look even more suspicious."


"Have the preparations been made?" asked Klahadore as he adjusted his glasses with his palm.

"Of course," answered Jango, "Operation Murder Miss Kaya is ready to go at any time."

The two down below had no idea what effect that last statement had on their observers, Usopp and Y/N turned and stared at each other. Usopp looked shocked while Y/N raised his eyebrow with interest. Luffy sat by the tree and didn't say anything.


Captain Kuro's Plan


"Don't say 'murder'," corrected Klahadore, "It sounds so sinister."

"Oh right," remembered Jango, "It's 'accident'. An accident... that you planned, right Captain Kuro?"


Up above them the breath Y/N was quietly releasing caught in his throat. "I knew I smelled something fishy when I saw him. It's probably his breath. He's Kuro 'of a Thousand Plans', former Captain of the Black Cat Pirates. But he's supposed to be dead... Marine Captain Morgan's claim to fame was arresting him and executing him three years ago. "


"Quiet fool!" snapped Klahadore, "I discarded that name years ago. Don't ever call me that. Besides, you're the Captain now."


"What's going on?" asked Luffy, who was getting bored.

"That butler is really a pirate known as Kuro of a Thousand Plans," Y/N answered. "He used to have a bounty of sixteen million berries, but I heard he was caught and executed by Captain Morgan three years ago."


"To tell you the truth," admitted Jango as he sat down on a rock, "At first, I wasn't too sure about this plan. It was crazy! All of a sudden you quit pirating and teach all of us to work without you, and we helped spread the rumor that you'd been killed. You came to this village, now we're back, three years later, just like you ordered. You've never steered us wrong before, so I've obeyed your orders. But my share of the spoils had better be worth it."

"Don't worry," replied Kuro. "If my plan succeeds you'll get what you deserve."

"Well if its murder, I'm your man," said Jango.

"Just remember," Kuro reminded him. "You can't do anything crude like slit her throat. Her death must appear to have been an unfortunate accident. It seems that you don't fully grasp my plan."

"I understand it perfectly," replied Jango, "We wait for your signal then we attack the village and manage to accidentally kill the little rich girl. Then you get her inheritance and we all get paid, right?"

"You fool," snapped Kuro. "How would a person outside of the family inherit anything?"

"Then how are you going to get the treasure?"

"Listen you idiot. This is the most important part. Before you kill her, you use your hypnosis to make Kaya write her will. And it will say 'I leave my entire fortune to my butler Klahadore." Usopp's eyes and Y/N's eye shot opened in shock, but Luffy couldn't hear what was going on and didn't react.

"Then and only then will I have control of her immense fortune," Kuro said in a dark voice. "And no one will expect anything. I've spent three long years gaining the trust of everyone around me so it would be unsurprising for her to leave the entirety of her inheritance to me." Usopp looked terrified while Y/N's eye was still wide in surprise.

"Three years as a butler for this, huh?" questioned Jango as he stood up. "Wouldn't it have been easier to just bust in there and take them all at gunpoint?"

"That's the crude thinking of a pirate," replied Kuro, "you get the money, but you still have to live like a fugitive. What good are riches if you've always got the marines chasing you? I wish to obtain my wealth without attracting the attention of the government. I'm a pacifist now."

"Aheehee! Some pacifist you are. Murdering an entire family doesn't exactly qualify as peaceful."

"I haven't murdered an entire family," Kuro corrected him. "The father's death was... an unfortunate accident."

"Whatever you say," agreed Jango in a tone that said he was humoring the former captain, "Just hurry up and give us the signal. We've been anchored off shore for a week now. Those cut-throats are ready to cut each-other's throats by now."


"So that's what he's up too!" realized Y/N. "He's going to get the Hypnotist to make Kaya leave him her fortune and then he's gonna kill her."

"That's horrible," said Usopp when he heard the plan.

"What's going on?" asked Luffy.

Y/N slid away from the edge of the cliff then sat up and faced Luffy. "Listen carefully," instructed Y/N. "The butler's the captain of a pirate crew. He's after the girl's money. They're going to kill her."

"That is terrible," Luffy realized.

"This is bad," whined Usopp, "this is seriously bad. First they'll attack the village, and then they'll kill Kaya."

"Hmm..." said Luffy as he adjusted his hat and started to stand up.

"You idiot, they'll see us!" snapped Usopp. Y/N quickly rolled over to the tree and ducked behind it so he wouldn't be seen.

"HEY BAD GUYS!" Luffy yelled down at the 'butt-ler' and his 'friend', "DON'T KILL THAT GIRL!"

"Who're you?" asked Jango.

"You idiot, now they've seen you!" scolded Usopp. "We've gotta run away and hide, or they'll murder us!"

"Well, well if it isn't Usopp, the mischievous town liar," observed Klaha – Kuro.

"Aaaaah!" screamed Usopp. "Now they've seen me too!"

"Did you... hear anything?" asked Kuro in a cold voice.

"N-nope! I didn't hear anything at all! We just got here, we didn't hear anything about anything!"

"We heard it all," Luffy answered honestly, even though he hadn't actually done any eavesdropping.

"Hmmhmm," chuckled Kuro, he caught Jango's eye and motioned to the two people on the cliff, then quickly turned around.

"If you say so," agreed Jango as he pulled out his hypno-ring, "Pay attention boys! And watch this ring closely!"

"Hmm... okay," said Luffy as he stared intently at the ring.

"It's a weapon!" exclaimed Usopp, "He's gonna kill us!"

"When I say, 'one, two, Jango' you will fall into a deep sleep," instructed Jango as he swung his hypno-ring, back and forth in front of him.

"One... two..." counted Jango.

"Get down," scolded Y/N as he slipped out from behind the tree and grabbed the back of Usopp's overalls. He yanked Usopp down to the ground, breaking his eye contact with the ring.

"JANGO!" shouted Jango.

Zzzzzzzzzzzz... Luffy and Jango fell asleep.

"Blast it Jango," complained Kuro as the hypnotist leaned against him fast asleep, "I thought you fixed your old problem!"

Luffy's head slumped forward, then he tipped over and fell head-first off of the cliff and slammed down to the beach below. KRASH!

Usopp stared off the edge of the cliff in shock, "L-Luffy!"

Jango was woken up by the sound of Luffy falling off the cliff and hitting the ground head-first. "He had to go and fall off the end of a cliff," sighed Jango, "a pity really, I didn't mean to kill him. But there's no way he could've survived."

"He – it can't be!" exclaimed Usopp. "They killed him! He's really dead!"

"What should we do with the other one?" Jango asked Kuro as he glanced up at Usopp. "Shall I take care of him?"

"There's no need, anything he could say would sound like... lies. Jango, at daybreak the men are to attack the village. Rough up some villagers and damage their homes for good measure, and above all, make sure Miss. Kaya's death looks accidental."

"T-tomorrow..." stammered Usopp.

"It's as I said Usopp," replied Kuro as he turned to Usopp, "There's nothing you can say or do to warn the villagers of this impending tragedy."

"Damn it!" cursed Usopp as he quickly turned around and ran away screaming. "AAAAHHHH! PIRATES!"

"You sure it's okay?" asked Jango.

"Of course," commented Kuro, "My plan can't fail!" With that the two of them headed off.

Once they were gone, Y/N peeked over the edge of the cliff down at Luffy. He wasn't moving. Y/N calmly stood up and put his hands in his pockets, and then walked off in the direction Usopp had ran in.

"Kuro was probably right," realized Y/N. "Due to his reputation as the town liar, no one will believe Usopp. But I know a couple pirates who will believe me."


"Pirates, they'll all be killed!" Usopp thought to himself as he ran as fast as he could towards the village, "They'll kill everyone in the village I grew up in. They're all in danger. And Kaya's gonna be killed! I CAN'T LET THAT HAPPEN TO THE PEOPLE I LOVE!"

-Short Flashback-

"Who're you?" asked Kaya as she stared out the window at Usopp.

"I'm Usopp, a Brave Warrior of the Sea! Ahahahah! I've heard you've been feeling a little down lately, so I thought I'd tell you a story to cheer you up."

"You would do well to mind your own business!" scolded Kaya, her parents had only just died recently, and she didn't need someone bothering her. "Please leave or I'll call someone who'll make you leave!"

But before she realized it, Kaya was laughing and looking forward to Usopp's visits and stories. "Heehee! What happened then?" she asked.

"I fought of course," answered Usopp proudly, "and bravely at that. Versus a giant cat I used what else, a giant cat-tail plant." (A/N: Manga chapter 157)

-End Flashack, I told you it was short-

Usopp ran as fast as his body would go, he couldn't let the people he cared about get killed. "NOOOOOO!"


"Whoa, what's that!?" asked Onion as he spotted something rapidly approaching them.

"Captain!" exclaimed Pepper and Carrot when they noticed that the thing running towards them was Usopp.

"I thought Luffy would be with him," commented Zoro.

"Is he still upset about what the butler said about his father?" wondered Nami.

"Who knows," replied Zoro.

In a flash Usopp ran passed them, the Veggie-Pirates almost got whiplash from how fast they had to move their heads to follow him.

"Did you see the look on his face?" asked Carrot.

"Something must have happened on the beach," commented Pepper.

"He was as pale as a sheet," pointed out Onion.

"How do I get to the beach?" Zoro asked the Veggie-Pirates.

"I smell trouble," said Carrot.

"That hypnotist was headed that way too!" added Pepper.

"It's time for Usopp's Pirates to take action!" announced Onion.

"Show us the way to this beach," said Nami as she got up off of the fence. "Maybe Y/N and Luffy are still there." The three veggie-pirates led Zoro and Nami off to the beach.


Meanwhile Usopp made it to the village and started shouting at the top of his lungs, "IT'S HORRIBLE! EVERYBODY LISTEN UP!" screamed Usopp, "PIRATES ARE GOING TO ATTACK US! TOMORROW MORNING PIRSTES ARE GOING TO ATTACK THE VILLAGE! HEAD FOR THE HILLS!"

"That lying brat is at it again!"

"That's twice today!"

"Forget it, just ignore his fool tales."

"Again during lunch!?"

"He's really overdoing it lately!"


"NO! This time it's for real!" exclaimed Usopp.

"That's what you always say!" snapped a villager as he picked up a pitchfork.

"Maybe its time we teach you a lesson," suggested another.

"I'm always joking around!" protested Usopp, "this time it's true, you've got to believe me!"

"If you were trustworthy like Mr. Klahadore, maybe we'd believe you!" replied a woman.

Usopp couldn't believe it, they villagers thought that the guy that was planning on having them all killed was trustworthy. But they all thought he was a liar, even though we was telling the truth this time. "Damn," Usopp cursed in his mind, "They didn't pay attention to me because they knew no one would believe me!"

"YOU HAVE TO BELIEVE ME!" shouted Usopp, he couldn't believe the villagers weren't listening, "WE'VE GOT TO ESCAPE! EVERYONE'S REALLY GOING TO BE KILLED!"


Off shore Captain Kuro had just boarded his former pirate ship, "It's been three years since we last saw each other," said Kuro as he addressed his former crew, "If this plan succeeds you'll all get more than your fair share. TOMORROW AT DAWN, DESTROY THE VILLAGE!"

The Black Cat Pirates cheered loudly. Finally they'd get to kill someone. They just had to wait one more night.


"Zzzzzzz..." the 'dead' pirate on the beach snored with his straw hat lying in the sand next to him.


Back in the mansion Kaya had just come out of her room, "Have you seen Klahadore?" Kaya asked a butler in a black suit and had white hair that looked like a sheep.

"He had business in town," answered the sheep-like butler, his name was Merry.

"Really?" replied Kaya. Not knowing that come tomorrow morning, all hell was going to break loose.


Hope you enjoyed the chapter!!!

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