Captain Morgan
Wow, he really did it!" someone shouted. "He actually hit Captain Morgan's son!"
"Luffy calm down, they're marines!" Coby yelled as he tried to hold Luffy back.
"I don't care!" Luffy snapped. "A bastard is still a bastard, no matter who his father is!"
"Y-you hit me" Helmeppo whined from the ground, "no one has ever hit me! Not even my father! I'M MARINE CAPTAIN MORGAN'S BELOVED SON! I'M TELLING MY FATHER ON YOU!" The two marines he was with helped him up and he ran out crying like the little bitch he was. "You'll get a death sentence for sure! And my father will be the one who executes it! YOU BASTARD!"
The other customers in the restaurant all gasped in shock, Luffy seemed to still be angry. The one-eyed waiter walked over to Luffy's hat and picked it up.
"It's meaningless to hit people like him," Luffy muttered to himself, he was disgusted with Helmeppo, he was a coward and a liar. Just one was bad enough.
"You were so cool!" Rika said to Luffy.
"Well then maybe I should have hit him a couple more times for you," Luffy joked.
"Rika!" Rika's mother Ririka scolded her, "you shouldn't be talking to that person, if the marines think you're his friend, they'll kill you too!"
With the mother and daughter gone the waiter walked over to Luffy and held out his straw hat. "Shanks wouldn't want this to get ruined," he said in a soft, completely calm voice.
Luffy didn't seem to hear what he had said and just answered, "Yeah, thanks," while putting the hat back on his head.
"Three... two... one..." the waiter counted down.
"Y/N! IT'S YOU!" Luffy suddenly shouted.
"About time you realized it," the waiter commented.
"What happened to you?" Luffy asked as he stared at the black eye patch over Y/N's right eye.
"I had a run-in with a tough pirate while I was treasure hunting last year," Y/N answered. "He wanted a treasure I managed to get, I said 'no' and he scratched my eye out and left me for dead. I've been taking a break and working here for the last month."
"Have you thought of giving being a pirate another shot?" Luffy asked.
"Maybe," said Y/N evasively.
"Then you're gonna join my pirate crew," Luffy told him. "We'll be Nakama!"
"You're supposed to let me decide, you idiot," Y/N muttered.
"I did it for you," said Luffy. "It'll be great! You can help me find One Piece and I'll become King of the Pirates!"
"One Piece?" Y/N repeated with a small smile.
"Yeah!" Luffy answered. "And since there's no one else on the crew yet. You can be First Mate."
"Hmm... it would be an opportunity to start over," Y/N commented mostly to himself. "Tell you what... we'll settle this the way we used to."
"Okay," Luffy agreed. "If I win, you'll join my crew, and if you win, you can still join if you want to."
"Ready?" asked Y/N as he held his arm out. Luffy nodded as he mimicked his brother.
"SHOOT!" Luffy held out a fist while Y/N was holding out his hand with two fingers extended.
Coby face-faulted as Luffy's rock crushed Y/N's scissors. "Yeah! Now you'll join my crew!"
"A deal's a deal," Y/N agreed with a sly grin. "I guess we're Nakama now."
"YOU DECIDED BY PLAYING ROCK-PAPER-SCISSORS?" Coby shouted as he got back up and glared at the two pirates.
"Uh... yeah," Luffy and Y/N replied at the same time.
"How else would we decide?" questioned Luffy. "And now that Y/N and I are Nakama, we can go get Zoro."
"Sounds good to me, Captain," Y/N agreed. "Let me go and get something first."
"What do you need to get?" asked Luffy.
"I have some of my old stuff upstairs," Y/N explained with a shrug.
"Wait a minute," Coby interrupted. "So you're both pirates, and you're both planning on sneaking into the marine base holding ground to ask Roronoa Zoro, the Pirate Hunter to join a pirate crew? That's suicide!"
"Not very brave is he?" questioned Y/N, "Is he part of your crew?"
"Nope, Coby wants to be a marine," Luffy told him.
"Oh," said Y/N with an indifferent shrug.
"Come on, let's get your stuff then get up to the base!" said Luffy.
Y/N nodded and led the other two upstairs to a small room with a bed in it. Y/N changed into a black sleeveless shirt which was tucked into a pair of black cargo pants with two pockets at the waist and a much larger pocket on each of the legs. The bottom of the pants legs were tucked into a pair of black boots that came halfway up to his knees. The boots had steel toes and a steel bottom. Hooked on a red belt was a curved red and black sheath which held a familiar curved sword – Akaikyuuketsuki – the same sword he had gotten from Benn Beckman ten years ago. That was one of the few things about Y/N that was the same, he had a major growth spurt and now stood at six feet, he only had his left eye, and his carefree attitude was gone and replaced with a relaxed one.
"Let's go get Zoro," said Y/N as walked out the door, followed closely by Luffy, who had a huge smile on his face... this was going to be fun.
A little while away, in the marine base a man was sitting in a chair facing the window. This man was Captain Morgan, the highest-ranking marine on the base. He was a large incredibly muscular man with short blond hair. He wore a long light blue marine captain's coat with a high collar, underneath it, he wore a sleeveless black shirt, a pair of blue pants, and a pair of black boots.
"I am great," Morgan said out loud as he smoked his cigar.
"Yes sir," a marine agreed, as he raised his hand and saluted, "You're right Captain Morgan, sir!"
"But lately," Captain Morgan continued, still not facing the marine. "The taxes we collect don't compare to my sheer degree of greatness."
"Yes that's right sir," said the marine who was still saluting. "I guess that the citizen's wallets aren't very deep these days."
"The issue of hand is the matter of respect for me," Morgan replied. "Wouldn't you agree?"
SLAM! The doors of the room smashed opened and Helmeppo came rushing in, "FATHER!" Helmeppo cried.
"What is it?" asked Morgan, not bothering to face his son.
"I want you to kill someone for me!" Helmeppo whined as he held his face where Luffy had hit him. "And I want it done now!"
WAK!WAK!WAP! A black-haired girl and a younger Zoro were dueling with training swords. WHAM! The girl broke through Zoro's two-sword defense and connected with his face, knocking him on his back.
"You're weak Zoro," the girl taunted him. "Nothing ever changes."
"I made a promise to her," Zoro said to himself, "I can't allow myself to die in a place like this."
"Uh... should we wake him up?" came a somewhat familiar voice. "He's just staring off into space. Is he sleeping?"
"He's in a flashback," another familiar voice replied. "He'll come out of it on his own."
"What?" Luffy and Zoro asked at the same time.
It was then that Zoro noticed the two people in the holding yard, "What are you doing here?" Zoro wondered as he stared at the waiter. "Your sister was already by earlier. They're bound to catch you if you keep coming back here."
"Actually, I'm here with him," said Y/N as he pointed to Luffy.
"Then what are you doing back here? Don't you have things to do?"
"I'll untie you, but only if you promise to join my crew," Luffy told him.
"Your what?" asked Zoro.
"I run a pirate crew," Luffy explained. "And I'm looking for people to join up." He motioned to Y/N, "This guy's my new First Mate."
"No way," Zoro refused. "I'd never stoop to joining criminals. Screw that business."
"What's wrong with being a pirate?" asked Luffy.
"They're despicable," Zoro stated, "like I'd ever want to join up with one." He turned to Y/N, "Aren't you a waiter, why'd you join him?"
"I was a treasure hunter before I was a waiter," Y/N explained. "And this guy's my younger brother, I just couldn't say no."
"Come on," Luffy encouraged him, "everyone already knows you as a vicious bounty hunter who's always out for blood."
"I don't care what people think!" Zoro exclaimed, "I haven't done one thing that I regretted in the past and it will be the same for the future! I WON'T BECOME A PIRATE!"
"Hm," Y/N grunted.
"Sorry," said Luffy. "But I've already decided, you're gonna join my crew!"
"I don't give a damn what you decided!" Zoro snapped.
"You're not very good at this recruiting thing," Y/N pointed out, "You might need a different approach with this one."
"Then what do I do?" asked Luffy.
Y/N stared at Zoro for a moment then a sly grin appeared on his face. "Roronoa Zoro is known throughout the East Blue as a feared swordsman," Y/N recalled. "It's always a pity to see a swordsman without his swords."
"You bastard," Zoro growled who had caught on before Luffy had.
"Hey! That's a great idea!" Luffy realized when he figured out what Y/N had said, he quickly turned back to Zoro, "You use a sword right?"
"If I wasn't tied up here I'd show you!" Zoro threatened him, but his threat had no effect on Luffy who was as optimistic as ever.
"Where is your sword?" asked Luffy.
"That bastard Helmeppo took 'em," Zoro answered, "Next to my life, those swords are my greatest treasure."
Y/N was still sporting his sly grin, "Now we're getting somewhere."
"Treasure, huh?" questioned Luffy, "Too bad they took 'em. Oh, I know! I'll go and get your sword back! But if you want me to return it to you, you'll have to join my crew!"
"You little rat!" Zoro growled as Luffy ran off.
Luffy laughed and called over his shoulder, "See you soon!"
"Luffy... the tower's that way," Y/N pointed as he motioned towards the tower that was in the opposite direction.
"Right," Luffy agreed as he turned around and ran the other way.
"If he really planning on sneaking into the base?" Zoro asked Y/N.
"No," Y/N answered. "He's going to barge in making as much noise as possible. I'll sneak into the base."
"That's one dumb pirate," Zoro commented.
Y/N shrugged, "He makes for a good distraction." With that Y/N turned and ran off after Luffy, leaving Zoro staring after him. They didn't actually expect him to join did they?
Meanwhile, on top of the marine base, a large project was going on. "Alright, steady," someone ordered. "Now stand it up!"
"Father!" Helmeppo cried to Captain Morgan. "That kid hit me! Why won't you help me take revenge? Even you haven't hit me before!"
"Do you know why I've never hit you?"
"Because I'm your beloved son?" Helmeppo answered uncertainly.
KA-POW! Morgan suddenly punched Helmeppo in the face, sending him crashing to the ground, luckily he didn't use his other hand. "IT'S BECAUSE YOU'RE A BASTARD SON THAT'S NOT EVEN WORTH HITTING!" Morgan yelled.
"Why do I have to clean up your mess?" asked Captain Morgan as he patted his axe, which was actually imbedded in his arm and replaced his hand, earning him the name, 'Axe-Hand Morgan.' The Captain continued smoking his cigar with his metal jaw while looking down at his pitiful son, "I don't mind if you use my status. But only if you use it to punish those who defy me! Don't fool yourself, you are not the great one here! I am the great one, ME!" Morgan paused and changed the subject, "Rumor has it that someone snuck into the execution site."
"You mean that little girl?" asked Helmeppo, "I already dealt with her..."
"So you killed her, right?" questioned Morgan.
"Huh? No... she's just a little girl!" Helmeppo replied, "She didn't even know what she was doing!"
"You!" Captain Morgan barked as he turned to a marine wearing a green necktie around his neck as opposed to the blue the others were wearing. It signified his rank as Lieutenant. "Go into town and kill her! I don't care how old she is, whoever opposes me shall die!"
"But Captain, she's just a little girl!" the marine protested, "I couldn't do that!"
"Couldn't do it huh?" questioned Morgan. "You're a Marine Lieutenant, right? And the rank of Lieutenant is lower than the rank of Captain, isn't it?"
"Yes sir," the Lieutenant admitted.
"I can't!" Lieutenant refused.
"TRAITOR!" Morgan shouted, FA-WAK! In a flash Morgan raised his axe arm, then brought it down on the marine's back, and the marine fell to the floor, blood splattered all over his back.
"YOU DIDN'T HAVE TO KILL HIM!" Helmeppo shrieked.
"L-lieutenant!" a marine stuttered as he stared down at the fallen marine.
"No matter," said Captain Morgan calmly. "For the sake of teaching the people respect, I'll go into town myself. With this arm, I rose to the rank of Captain. Rank is the most important thing in the world! I am the highest-ranking officer in the base, which means I am the greatest one here! GREAT MEN DON'T MAKE MISTAKES! Don't you agree?"
"Yes sir," the marines chorused. "You are absolutely correct Captain!"
"Look," said Morgan as he pointed to the giant statue lying on the ground. The statue was gigantic, and was an exact replica of Captain Morgan. "This is a symbol of my power! It took years to build it but today it's finally complete! Raise my statue, and put it up on the highest point of the base as a symbol of my greatness!"
Back on the ground Y/N had caught up with Luffy and the two of them were standing in front of the marine base. "That's strange, there isn't anyone around," commented Luffy, "Are they having a meeting or something? Never mind the sword, I can't even find that bastard son like this!"
"Let's just split up and search the place," Y/N suggested, "we'll cover more ground."
On top of the tower that Luffy and Y/N were looking up at the marines were back at work. They had fastened ropes onto the Captain's giant statue and were attempting to pull it up. They were all pulling as hard as they could, and were slowly pulling the extremely heavy stone statue off of the ground. TING! One of the statue's arms scratched against a piece of roof, and unfortunately for the marines, Captain. Morgan noticed.
"Hey you!" Captain Morgan barked at a marine, "Just now, did you bump my statue?"
"S-sorry Captain," the worried marine stuttered. "We were being careless sir..."
Back on the ground, Y/N was staring up at the top of the base, "Luffy, I think I heard something from up there," Y/N reported, but due to having only one eye and barely any depth perception, he couldn't really see anything.
"I'll go up and see," Luffy decided.
"Don't get anyone too angry," Y/N advised as he quickly walked towards the door.
BREENG! Luffy's arm stretched up into the air and rocketed up to the top of the base. "GUM... GUM... ROCKET!" FWUP! Luffy's arm retracted and pulled him upwards with the speed of a rocket.
"Do you know how long I've been looking forward to the completion of this statue?" Captain Morgan demanded of an extremely frightened marine, "And you went ahead and damaged it!"
"I'm sorry sir!" the marine apologized, "I'll fix it right away!"
"This statue represents me," said Morgan, "Damaging it means that you don't respect me!" Morgan brandished his axe arm and prepared to teach the marine a lesson, while failing to notice the rubber boy flying upward at an alarming speed. "Do you understand!"
"Oh no!" Luffy exclaimed, "I'm going too fast!"
Luffy went flying upwards and grabbed the ropes that were being used to pull up the statue, and managed to stop himself. But the ropes snapped and Luffy fell to the ground. KRAKOOM! Without the ropes to keep it up the statue to fell down and break in half on the edge of the roof. The marines, Luffy, Helmeppo, and Captain Morgan all watched in shock as the top of the statue fell off of the roof and went smashing down to the ground and broke into hundreds of piece.
KRAKASH! Y/N turned around when he heard the loud noise and saw the smashed remains of a statue. "Oops," Y/N commented, he closed his eye and shook his head, "now they're mad." He quickly turned and ran into the base before anyone could see him standing there.
Back on the roof, Luffy looked around sheepishly, "Um... sorry," he apologized.
Captain Morgan was in outrage, "CAPTURE HIM!" Morgan roared, "SEIZE HIM AND HOLD HIM SO I CAN KILL HIM MYSELF!"
"Yes sir!" the marines agreed.
"Father it's him!" Helmeppo shrieked. "He's the one who hit me!"
"Hey, I've been looking for you," said Luffy when he noticed Helmeppo. Luffy quickly grabbed the Captain's son and ran through a door downstairs.
"Th-they headed into the main building," a marine announced,
"DO NOT LET THAT MAN ESCAPE!" Morgan ordered.
"Captain," another marine reported while looking over the edge of the roof, "Someone's in the holding ground!"
"I'm surrounded... by traitors..." Morgan muttered.
Meanwhile Y/N was having a relatively easy time getting into the base. He had ducked around a corner, then grabbed a marine when he ran passed, beat him up, then stole his uniform. "Everyone's running after Luffy," Y/N said to himself, "This'll be easier than I thought."
Y/N opened a closet door and put the unconscious marine inside and adjusted the blue neck tie. He reached into his top left pocket and pulled out a pair of sunglasses and quickly put them on, the lenses were large enough that the right one completely hid his eye patch from view. Y/N now looked like an ordinary red haired marine wearing sunglasses. Y/N checked around the corner to see if the coast was clear, and then headed off down the hallway, but he stopped when he noticed that the door to Captain Morgan's Office was ajar.
Y/N approached the door and peered inside, but what he saw was two marines tied up and someone who definitely wasn't Captain Morgan. Unless 'Morgan' was a girl's name... and the Marine Captain suddenly shrank and had grown orange hair and womanly curves. Yeah... definitely not him.
Out in the holding yard, Coby had come up to Zoro and was trying to untie him. "You have to get out of here Zoro," said Coby.
"That maniac's gonna kill you for what you're doing right now," Zoro told him.
"I can't stand to watch the marines behave like this anymore. The true marines should be honorable."
"Look kid, I can't leave. I've got ten days left. And then they're..."
"Not quite," Coby interrupted. "They're gonna execute you tomorrow."
"Helmeppo never intended to honor your agreement. He planned on killing you from the start, which made Luffy really angry and that's why he hit him."
BOOM! But suddenly a shot rang out and a bullet came flying out of nowhere and hit Coby in the chest, knocking him to the ground.
Meanwhile, Luffy was dragging Helmeppo on the ground while still being chased by the marines.
"There he is!" a marine called out as he and a bunch of other marines ran after Luffy, "stop them!"
"Where is Zoro's sword?" Luffy asked Helmeppo.
"I'll tell you!" Helmeppo conceded, "just stop dragging me!"
The Pirate King and the Master Swordsman
"Hurry up and tell me where Zoro's swords are!" Luffy ordered.
"Okay, just stop dragging me!" Helmeppo conceded as his head banged against the ground.
Luffy pulled the Captain's son up slightly, so now he wouldn't bump on the floor, "Spill it!"
"They're inside my room," Helmeppo explained, "W-we already passed it!"
"Why didn't you say so earlier!" asked Luffy as he pulled Helmeppo up. POW! Luffy punched the Captain's son in the face again for good measure. "Now we have to go all the way back."
"OUCH!" Helmeppo yelped. "You hit me again!"
"Don't move!" three marines yelled as they aimed their rifles at Luffy, "except for putting Helmeppo down."
"No way," Luffy refused as he quickly held Helmeppo up in front of him. "Buuuut you can try shooting me if you want."
"NOOO!" Hemeppo screamed as Luffy ran passed the marines using him as a meat shield. "PLEASE DON'T SHOOT! GET THE HELL OUT OF THE WAY!"
But Helmeppo wasn't the only one screaming. Out in the holding yard Coby was holding his hand to his bleeding bullet wound. "I've been shot!" Coby cried, "BLOOD! I'm bleeding! I'M GONNA DIE!"
"Good you're alive," Zoro observed, seeing how he was still tied up, he couldn't do much to help the kid. "Now get out of here, they're on their way down!"
"No!" said Coby as he struggled to get up and staggered over to Zoro. "I haven't untied you! I'm not gonna ask you to become a pirate, but I hope you'll help him. You have a lot of strength you can offer. Luffy's the only one who can save you from execution. And of course, you're the only one who can save him from a very similar fate."
"END OF THE LINE!" came the voice of Captain Morgan. Coby and Zoro turned to see Morgan and a squad of marines standing to the side pointing guns at them. "For the crime of treason against me, I sentence you both do die where you stand!"
Zoro and Coby looked at the marines in shock. What this the end?
"And just what do you think you're doing?" Y/N asked as he slipped into Captain Morgan's office, startling the orange-haired girl that was standing in front of the safe that was in the wall.
"Who are you?" the girl demanded, as she spun around to face what appeared to be a marine wearing sunglasses and cargo pants. "Another marine?"
"Relax, I'm in disguise, I'm just a treasure hunter," Y/N informed her.
"Isn't that the same as a pirate?" the girl asked with a frown.
"No," Y/N replied. "A pirate will do whatever it takes to get what they want, which could be just about anything. A treasure hunter sails the seas in search of valuable or legendary treasures that haven't been found yet."
"Oh," said the girl. That was followed by an awkward pause.
"So... you're not a marine either," Y/N commented. "Otherwise you wouldn't have tied up two marines while attempting to break into the safe there."
The girl immediately tried to deny the obvious, "I'm not... I'm just here to... uh... damn."
"Busted," Y/N said blankly, a flicker of amusement appeared on his face but it quickly faded. "Do you have a name? Or should I just call you 'thief'?"
"Of course I have a name, you idiot!" the girl snapped. "I'm Nami, and I rob pirates." Nami had short orange hair that went down slightly passed her chin. She was about a half a foot shorter than Y/N and appeared to be around eighteen, she wore a blue and white shirt and a short yellow skirt with two white circles on the sides. On her feet were a pair of fashionable high-heeled sandals with straps that wrapped around her leg up above her ankles.
Y/N slipped off his sunglasses and returned them to his top left pocket, revealing his eye patch to the newly dubbed 'Nami', "I'm 'One Eye' Y/N, Treasure Hunter Extraordinaire," said Y/N, he flashed a quick foxy smile before it faded back to his usual relaxed expression.
"Wait a minute... aren't you the waiter from the tavern in town?" questioned Nami, recognizing the eye patch. A guy with one-eyed kind of stood out in a small town like this one. "If this is about me running out on the bill... I was just going to get some money but... uh... then I got distracted and forgot..."
"I see, and you just conveniently ended up in the marine base on the outskirts of the town," Y/N replied, he clearly didn't believe her. "Don't worry, I'm off duty at the moment and I took care of your bill. But this leads me to wonder what you're doing here. If you rob pirates, why are you stealing from marines?"
"That's none of your business!" said Nami. "What exactly are you doing in here?"
"I'm looking for something," Y/N answered. "But maybe we could help each other out."
Nami stared at Y/N for a moment then asked, "What did you have in mind?"
A sly grin appeared on Y/N's face, "I'll help you get that safe opened, and in exchange you'll help me find what I'm looking for."
"Yeah right," said Nami as she gestured to the safe behind her, "I've cracked a bunch of safes before, but I can't get in that one. It's thick and most likely has a three digit combination. I've been at it for the last ten minutes, there's no way you could get it opened."
"Is that a challenge?" questioned Y/N with the same sly grin.
"No, it's a statement of fact," Nami told him. "If I can't open that safe then you definitely can't."
"Wanna bet on it?" asked Y/N.
"What are the terms of this bet of yours?" Nami inquired, her interest had been peaked.
"Its simple," said Y/N. "If I can get it opened, you have to help me find Roronoa Zoro's swords. And if—"
"Wait what?" Nami interrupted. "Why are you looking for Roronoa Zoro's swords?"
Y/N stared at Nami for a moment, "You know that Roronoa Zoro is a notorious Pirate Hunter, right?" asked Y/N.
"Everybody in the East Blue knows that," Nami replied.
"So what do you think a pirate would give you in exchange for the swords of a notorious pirate hunter? I figure I could make a small fortune."
"Clever," Nami commented.
"Not all treasures are gold or jewels," Y/N informed her, "It can also be a specific item that holds prestigious value to someone. I'm a professional treasure hunter, I know what I'm talking about."
"Okay, I'll agree to that," Nami decided. "And if you can't get the safe opened, I get your sword and I get to use your head as a battering ram in another attempt to get in the safe." Nami grinned as she eyed the curved blade sheathed at the Treasure Hunter's waist. She could probably sell it to make a few million berries.
"My sword?" Y/N repeated as he glanced down at the curved sword sheathed at his waist. "Not a chance."
"What's the matter? Not as confident as you think you are?" Nami goaded him.
"I've had this sword for ten years," Y/N calmly explained, "It's been with me through all my adventures, both the good and the bad. It's been my life-long partner and I could never even dream of putting a price on it. I wouldn't sell it for a billion berries. And I certainly wouldn't insult it by wagering it in a simple bet."
"Okay fine," Nami relented. "What do you have to bet if you won't wager your sword?"
Y/N reached down into his bottom left pocket and pulled out a sack, he shook it to show Nami that it contained a bunch of coins. "I think this kind of treasure is more up your alley," said Y/N. "I've got two hundred thousand berries in here. How's that sound?"
KA-CHING! Nami's eyes swirled around and looked like berri signs, "Alright, it's a bet then," Nami agreed as she stared at the sack greedily. Y/N held out his free hand and Nami shook it. The bet was now official.
"Stand aside, let an expert do this," Y/N instructed.
Nami moved to the side and watched as Y/N walked up to the safe and pressed his ear to it, "That won't work," Nami informed him. "It's too thick."
"Turn around," said Y/N suddenly.
"I'm going to use my secret safe-cracking technique. You seem like a nice girl but you did run out on your bill, I'm not about to show you my secret techniques."
Nami shrugged and slowly turned around, and looked randomly around the room. She spared a glance at the two marines that she had taken by surprise and tied up. "What's with that guy?"
A few seconds later, Y/N adjusted his eye patch and pulled a roll of paper out of the safe and unrolled it. "So it was supposed to be a sea chart, but it was stolen by Buggy the Clown. But she obviously doesn't know that." Y/N quickly grabbed a bag that seemed to be filled with coins out of the safe and slipped it into his bottom left pocket along with the sack he had wagered in the bed. He rolled the note back up and glanced over his shoulder at Nami "Got it."
Nami spun around in surprise as Y/N held up the rolled up 'chart'. "I win," said Y/N.
"Sure, now gimme!" Nami ordered as she held her hand out.
"Excuse me?" questioned Y/N as he slipped the 'chart' into his bottom right pocket and then folded his arms across his chest. "Our bet didn't cover me giving you what I got out of the safe. I cracked the safe so you have to help me find Zoro's swords as agreed. If you do, then maybe I'll give you whatever this is."
"Fine," the orange-haired girl conceded, she glared at Y/N and thought for a moment. "From what I heard, Captain Morgan didn't capture Zoro, his son did. So maybe we should look for him."
"Good idea," Y/N remarked, but then he noticed the tied up marines out of the corner of his eye. He suddenly had another idea. "But... I have a better one."
Y/N turned to the two bound marines and slowly walked behind them. He pulled the tape off of one of the marine's mouth, and untied him. Then crouched down in front of him and looked him dead in the eye while asking, "Where's Helmeppo's room?" Y/N asked calmly.
"I AIN'T SAYING NOTHIN'!" the marine shouted.
"Let's see if we can change your position on that," Y/N commented, still perfectly calm. WHAP! He suddenly grabbed the marine's ankle and flipped him onto his back, then lifted him up and dangled him upside down over the floor. "Let me explain something to you. You're still tied up, and I have a sword sheathed at my waist. I could kill you both in an instant. If you tell me what I want to know, you'll live."
"OKAY! OKAY! I'LL TALK!" the marine conceded, this guy was talking about killing him as if he was predicting the weather, at least when Captain Morgan did it, he screamed and yelled. "PUT ME DOWN!"
THUD! Y/N dropped the marine and let him fall to the floor. "The room's up one floor, and down the hall," the marine answered. "The door is decorated with a wreath of pink flowers."
"Pink flowers?" Y/N replied with a raised eyebrow as he put the tape back over the marine's mouth. He leaned in and whispered in the terrified marine's ear, "If what you told me is just a plan to get me captured, I will escape and I will kill you." The marine didn't know if Y/N was bluffing or not, but he was happy he had told the truth.
Y/N slowly walked back over to Nami. "Lead the way," Y/N instructed as he pointed to the door.
"You'd better live up to your part of the deal the second we find those swords," Nami warned him as she went to the door and glanced outside. Y/N simply watched her
"Alright the coast is clear," Nami reported as she quickly left the room. Y/N nodded and followed after her.
Meanwhile in another part of the Marine Base Luffy had already found Helmeppo's room. "Alright I found the sword!" exclaimed Luffy, but he was soon presented with a problem, there were three swords and he didn't know which one was Zoro's. "There are three swords here, which one is Zoro's?" Luffy asked Helmeppo.
Luffy looked down and suddenly noticed that Helmeppo had passed out, but then he heard a noise coming from outside. Luffy looked outside and saw a line of marines pointing their guns at Zoro and Coby. "COBY!"
Out in the holding yard Captain Morgan was still addressing Zoro and Coby. "You've pulled some interesting moves around here. What is this, some kind of rebellion planned with Straw Hat!" Captain Morgan said to Zoro and Coby, referring to them and Luffy. He hadn't seen Y/N or Nami yet.
"I've always fought alone like a real man does," said Zoro. "Not like a coward, who hides behind his wall of expendable cronies."
"Roronoa Zoro, don't you dare underestimate me. You may be a strong fighter, but under my authority you're just a rat to be thrown out with the trash!" With his taunting complete Morgan turned to the marines, "TAKE AIM!"
"No!" Zoro thought to himself as he stared at the marines and their guns. "I can't afford to die here." Zoro's thoughts shifted to a black-haired girl.
"You're weak Zoro," said the girl in his mind, "nothing ever changes."
"FIRE!" Captain Morgan ordered.
Luffy grabbed the three swords and placed his arms on the windowsill, then stepped backwards, BREEEEN! Luffy's arms stretched while still holding onto the window. "GUM... GUM... ROCKET!" Luffy shouted as he launched himself forward. KRASH! Luffy went crashing through the window and out flew through the air out of the building and up into the sky.
BOOM!BOOM!BOOM!BOMB! The marines fired their guns, but Luffy suddenly landed in front of Zoro and Coby and took the bullets himself. PAP! PAP! PAP! PAP!
"LUFFY NO!" Coby screamed.
"STRAW HAT!" Captain Morgan yelled.
BREEEN! Everyone looked in shock as the bullets embedded into Luffy and stretched backwards. "IT'S NO USE!" exclaimed Luffy, BA-ZING! The bullets were launched forwards and shot all over the place, one whizzed right passed Captain Morgan's head.
"Hahaha!" Luffy stood there laughing, completely unharmed. "That won't work on me! Told ya I was strong!"
"What are you?" Zoro demanded.
"My name's Monkey D. Luffy," Luffy introduced himself. "And I'm gonna be King of the Pirates!" Luffy turned to Zoro and held out the three swords that he had with him, "Which one is yours? I couldn't figure it out, so I brought all three of them."
"They're all mine," Zoro told him, "I practice Santoryu, the three-sword style!"
"Fighting the marines is going make you an outlaw," said Luffy. "But you could always obey the law and let them kill you."
"You must be devil spawn," Zoro commented, "because if I had to chose between dying and becoming a pirate. I'LL BECOME A PIRATE!"
"Damn, someone's already been here," Y/N observed, as he and Nami entered an extremely feminine looking bedroom. The swords were nowhere to be seen, but Y/N noticed a smashed window telling him that Luffy had been here and had gotten the swords first.
"Nice observation," Nami remarked, "Now come on, you still have to live up to your part of the deal!"
Y/N shook his head, "Our deal was, if I get the safe opened, you'd help me find Zoro's swords. Then we decided when we found Zoro's swords, I'd give you what I got out of the safe in exchange for your help. I don't see Zoro's swords here, do you?"
"You could just give it to me," Nami suggested with a small smile and a wink.
"Give it to you?" Y/N repeated. "I don't know you, I'm not about to give you something for nothing."
"Maybe I could convince you otherwise," Nami offered as she slowly approached Y/N deliberately swaying her hips as she walked. "He's cute enough to use my extra-special pirate thwarting technique. And it's not like I'll ever see him again."
Y/N raised his eyebrow as Nami pressed up against him then tilted her head up and batted her eyelashes at him. "What's the matter? You like girls don't you? Or do you prefer playing with swords?"
"Are you questioning my sexuality?"
"No," Nami replied. "I just wanted to be sure you wouldn't be opposed to me doing this..." Nami pushed herself up onto her toes then reached up and grabbed the sides of a much taller Y/N's face then pulled him down to her and kissed him.
While Nami distracted Y/N with the kiss and ran one of her hands through his hair, she sent her other hand down to Y/N's bottom right pocket and fished out the roll of paper. Nami quickly slipped her 'chart' into the waistband of her skirt, and broke the kiss, having gotten what she wanted.
"I guess that'll do," Y/N commented, as he slowly walked backwards to the smashed window. "See ya," he called out then he lunged out of the window and dropped out of sight, leaving Nami alone in Helmeppo's feminine looking bedroom.
"Works every time," Nami said to herself as she fished the roll of paper out of the waistband of her skirt and unrolled her prize. She glanced down at it then shouted, "DAMN IT!"
The paper was a note that read 'I have flashily taken the chart.' It was signed by Buggy the Clown. Nami had kissed him all for nothing but hopefully she'd never see him again. Now she needed to find Buggy the Clown and get the chart from him. With that, she quickly left the room, looking to escape the marine base.
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