Calgara and Noland

Calgara and Noland:


"Aw crap!" Usopp exclaimed as he hefted Sanji onto his shoulder while lightning continued to strike the ground all around Upper Yard and the neighboring Sky Islands. "He's not holding back! We've gotta move! Everything here is done for!"


High up overhead on the Maxim, Eneru's battle with Red Eye continued.

SWISH! Eneru weaved to the side to avoid a punch from Red Eye.

"HOLD STILL, YA BASTARD!" Red Eye yelled as Eneru jumped away from him.

"Yahahahahaha," Eneru laughed. "This is the same case with that rubber fool. You may be able to hit Me but with My Mantra, I am more than capable of dodging all your attacks."

"I don't need to hit you to hurt you!" Red Eye insisted. He leapt at Eneru and lashed out his fist. SWISH! Eneru leaned back and the punch stopped short. "RED EYE... PUNCH!" WOOOSH! But the force of the punch still kept going and plowed into Eneru's face.

Eneru went flying across the deck and crashed to the floor. THUD! He rolled across it until he hit the railing and finally came to a stop. Eneru reached up and pulled himself up with the railing. "That was a... cheap trick..."

Eneru stared off the side of the Ark for a moment. "So, that's where those detestable Shandians have hidden their village," Eneru realized. "They're originally from the Blue Sea, surely they would love to go home. Yahahahahaha!" Eneru jumped up onto the railing. "NOW! FALL TO THE WORLD BELOW!" BA-ZOOOOOOOOOOOOM! A huge bolt of super-charged lightning shot down out of the sky and struck the Shandian Village. The Island Cloud exploded upward and the teepees and other objects that hadn't been taken when Shandians evacuated were blown backwards by the force of the explosion.

"Our village! NO!" a Shandian exclaimed as he hid with some other Shandians inside a bunker. "Its been destroyed!"

Two little girls whimpered and hugged their mother.

"That could have been us if we had waited any longer," another Shanidan realized as they watched their village burn in a distance. "We'd be ashes."

The fire that had been caused by the explosion spread and consumed most of the village. In the middle of it, the statue of the Great Warrior Calgara stood tall over the burning flames.


"In the name of the Great Warrior Calgara... Light the Fire of Shandora!"

The Chief's words echoed in Wyper's head as he watched the lightning strike Upper Yard.

Aisa ran over and grabbed Wyper's hand. "WYPER!" She tugged on his arm and tried to get him to come after the Straw Hats.

But Wyper was still lost in what the Chief had told him when he was a boy.

"Great Warrior Calgara, your distant ancestor had many reasons for wanting to take back our homeland. But one you may not know."

"He had another reason?" Wyper had questioned.

"Yes," the Chief confirmed. "It would become his greatest regret. Now listen, Great Warrior Calgara had a very close friend."

"Calgara had a friend?" Wyper repeated.

"That's right," the Chief Confirmed. "He came to know Calgara four hundred years ago. His name... Montblanc Noland."

The Chief then told Wyper of the tale that had been passed on through generations of their people. They story of how the Great Warrior Calgara, known as 'the Monster' had become friends with the explorer and botanist Montblanc Noland.

On the skull-shaped island of Shandora, Calgara was known as a monster. In order to protect his homeland from being revealed to the outside world he sank ships with his big chain ball and slaughtered crews with his spear. His people were suffering from a deadly plague and dying crops so it was decided that they needed to perform a sacrifice to appease the Gods. One the day of the sacrifice, Commodore Montblanc Noland was drawn to the island by the majestic ringing of a bell. He easily identified the plague as Tree Fever and being a botanist by trade knew how to find the cure. Noland arrived at the sacrificial altar in time to see the Shandians about to sacrifice an innocent young woman called Mousse to the giant snake Kashigami that the Shandians referred to as a God. Noland interfered in the sacrifice and saved Mousse but he ended up getting stabbed with Calgara's spear. Noland pleaded with the Shandians that sacrifice wasn't necessary and that he could cure the plague and fix their crops. The Chief agreed to give Noland until sunset the next day to solve their problems otherwise his captured crew would be executed at the altar.

Noland spent the night exploring the forest and managed to find a Kona Tree which would provide a cure for the Shandian's Tree Fever 'plague'. But early the next day, there was an earthquake. Calgara held a bitter resentment towards Noland for interfering in the sacrifice and was pleased to find him trapped in a crack in the earth. Calgara sat down and decided to watch Noland squirm until his men were executed. Noland attempted to reason with Calgara and told him that sacrifices were pointless deaths. The lives of actual people were more important than Gods. But Calgara was set in his beliefs. His people had lived that way for centuries. The sun had begun to set and Noland's men were brought to the Altar along with Mousse to be sacrificed. Noland continued his attempts to reason with Calgara. He said that sacrificing an innocent girl with no remorse was less than human. Calgara turned around and revealed that the 'innocent girl' Mousse was his own daughter. He was so set in his beliefs that he'd sacrifice his own family to save his people. He insisted that there was power in the words of their Gods and that they wouldn't listen to their pleas without a proper sacrifice.

A massive child of Kashigama appeared. Calgara insisted that it was 'a child of God' come to reap vengeance on Noland for murdering Kashigama. Noland tried to explain that Tree Fever was a plague that he had experience with from his own home village. But they had found a cure. No one in the outside world had died from Tree Fever in decades. Noland revealed that he'd found the Kona Tree the night before and that he could use the bark he'd collected to cure the Tree Fever. He insisted that he could use the cure to save all of the Shandian's lives and that letting him die would mean that Calgara was dooming his people to die from the plague. The child of Kashigama lunged to finish off Noland but Calgara cut it down with his spear. Calgara pointed out that he'd just broken one of the sacred commandments of his people. He'd just murdered a God. He asked again if Noland could really save his people. Noland agreed that he could and would. And he did. Noland and his crew's doctor used the Kona Tree bark to create a cure for the Tree Fever and the Shandians were saved. Afterwards, Noland and Calgara had encountered another snake. This one was small and a baby. Calgara remarked that "that snake had a grandchild". Noland pointed out that Calgara had just referred to 'their God' as 'that snake' and the two shared a hearty laugh. Noland had broken through the spell that had been over Calgara in the form of his closed-minded beliefs. The two became friends.

Calgara repaid Noland for helping his people by teaching him his people's ways and brought him down through a hole in the ground to the City of Gold Shandora. The city's name itself actually translated to 'the Skull's Right Eye' which was exactly where it was hidden on the island. The familiar stone buildings of Shandora of the present day were all lined in solid gold. The Shandians happily allowed Noland's men to take some gold as a thanks for saving their people. However, the most beautiful part of the city wasn't the gold buildings but the magnificent golden bell that was in the middle of it. It was the same bell that had drawn Noland to the island in the first place. And Calgara revealed that the real treasure that they'd been protecting all these years had actually been the Poneglyph on the front of the Grand Belfry. The Shandians couldn't read the Poneglyph they just knew that it needed to be protected at all costs. Calgara explained that the golden bell was known as 'The Fire of Shandora' and that ringing it was lightning the fire of Shandora. The Fire of Shandora's majestic ringing was said to be a beacon that could bring home all the spirits of their ancestors. The young snake had followed them down to Shandora and seemed to enjoy the ringing of the bell. Calgara commented that one day it could grow to be even bigger than Kashigama.

The friendship between the Shandians and Noland's crew continued to grow. Noland gifted the Shandians with some special seeds while Calgara even offered to let Noland stay and marry his daughter Mousse but Noland declined and said that he had a wife and kids back home. He was staying until he finished cataloging the large forest on the island. But then things changed. The Shandians discovered that in the process of cataloging the forest, Noland had cut down a grove of the trees. The Shandians grew cold towards Noland and his crew and wanted nothing to do with them. Calgara had even attacked Noland and insisted that the only reason they hadn't killed Noland and his crew was out of respect for them curing their Tree Fever. Noland's crew was confused by the sudden hostility and Noland told them that they'd leave the next day as he'd finally finished studying the forest. That night, Calgara's daughter Mousse came to explain her people's anger. Lighting 'the Fire of Shandora' was said to bring the spirits of their people back to the island and those spirits would rest in the trees, the same trees that Noland had cut down thus destroying the spirits of their ancestors. When Noland found out he was so ashamed that he ordered his men to leave the gold the Shandians had given them behind and they prepared to set off without it the next morning.

But while Noland and his men were setting off, Mousse had returned to her father and revealed the reason that Noland had cut down the trees. They were already dead. Tree Fever got its name because it affected people and trees as well. The trees died and acted as carriers for the disease and spread it to people and nearby trees. The trees that Noland had cut down were the ones that were carrying Tree Fever and by removing them he had removed any chance of the Tree Fever coming back. Now it was Calgara's turned to feel regret. He raced after his friends and caught Noland as he was sailing off. Calgara apologized profusely and begged Noland to please return someday. Noland smiled and assured Calgara that he would. The two friends vowed that they would once again meet on the same land one day.

It took five years. When Noland returned to his home of Lvneel in the North Blue, people weren't sure if Noland's stories about Shandora the City of Gold were even true. They were too incredible. But five years later, the King of Lvneel had finally gotten approval from Mariejois for a return trip to Shandora. Noland was happy for a chance to finally see his friend again while the King was more interested in getting his hands on some of the gold that Noland had mentioned. The King of Lvneel told Noland that he and his army would be going with Noland on this trip. But before he could return, the Knock Up Stream struck and blasted half of Shandora up into the sky. It went up through the White Sea and landed in the White White Sea. It landed on a long twisted beanstalk which jabbed through the bottom of the island and sent the golden bell flying up out of the city much to the disappointment of the young snake that Calgara had named Nola after his dear friend. When Noland and the King finally arrived at what remained of Shandora, the King was furious while Noland was shocked and wondered where anyone had gone. The King ordered Noland to be executed for lying to him about the city of gold. Noland's last thoughts were him begging Calgara to light the Fire of Shandora one more time so he'd know that the Shandians were okay. Up in the sky, the fat and greedy God of Skypiea had seen the island of Vearth land in his domain and demanded that it become his new home. The God of Skypiea and his enforcers attacked the Shandians and while the Shandian's survived the first battle despite not being used to the thinner air in the sky, they were eventually driven from their home.

"And the Great Warriors Calgara continued to shout," the Chief concluded his story to young Wyper, "Just once would have been enough. But he believed that the Fire of Shandora would echo and tell the world that we are here. But the bell never rang once. And then, everything was explained to our villagers. Sailors from the Blue Sea that Noland, to whom we owe so much, had such pride for our city that he refused to deny Shandora's existence and died known as a liar. But, it was too late. The Great Warrior Calgara had died honorably in battle here in the sky. He was never able to convey his message. And that, was the Great Warrior's biggest regret."

"Do you think we'd still be able to reach him?" Wyper had asked. "If we rang the bell now, do you think we'd still be able to reach Noland? Tell me the truth!"

"That's a good question," the Chief replied as tears ran down his face. "Well... we are close to heaven..."

"Wyper!" Aisa continued to tug on the unresponsive Shandian Warrior's arm as he silently watched the destruction of his lost homeland. "Come on! We'll die if we don't leave now! Uh! Please Wyper!"

"Eneru..." Wyper growled. "What gives you the right to take away everything that we know?"


"HEY! QUIT DESTROYING STUFF!" Red Eye shouted at Eneru.

"And why would I do that?" Eneru questioned as he turned to face Red Eye. "The sky is God's Domain. Everything is an eyesore! The people, the trees, the land! It should all return to where it belongs!"

"YOU CUT THAT OUT, RIGHT NOW!" Red Eye shouted at him.

"What's the matter 'demon'?" Eneru taunted. "When I'm done everything will rain back down to your domain in the Blue Sea. Don't tell Me you've actually grown to care for those fools in the Shandian Village?"

"NO!" Red Eye snapped. "If you destroy it all, THERE'LL BE NOTHING LEFT FOR ME!"

"Then you should have stayed in the Blue Sea!" Eneru remarked. "This is MY Domain and I can destroy it as I see fit! Watch Me lay waste to Angel Island!" Eneru raised his arm up into the air.


BA-ZOOOOOOM! McKinley's eyes went wide in horror as a huge bolt of lightning shot down out of the clouds towards the middle of Lovely St. BZZZZOOOOOOOOOM!

McKinley's mouth dropped open in shock. "It... missed..." The lightning bolt had completely bypassed the village and plowed into the Island Cloud beside it.

"Eneru's never missed when targeting something before," McKinley thought to himself. He looked up at the Maxim. "What's going on up there?"

One of the White Berets ran up to McKinley. "Sir! What do we do with the people that have been injured?"


"What would have happened if that girl had warned us any later?" McKinley wondered. "I hope she's alright."


Conis remained still and silent as she hugged Suu to her chest on the Going Merry.



Red Eye pulled his fist back from Eneru's face and he fell backwards off of the railing.

BZZZT! Eneru disappeared then reappeared on the middle of the deck again.

"You bastard!" Eneru growled as he rubbed his cheek where Red Eye had hit him. "It seems I won't be able to get any actual work done until I'm rid of you."

"Oh, so does that mean I've finally gotten your attention?" Red Eye asked. "Because I told myself the next time that you ran off and ignored me that I'd just stab you."

"Yes, Blue Sea Demon, you now have My Full Attention!" Eneru announced. Bzzzzzbzzzzztt! Eneru's entire body took on a bright white glow. "THAT WILL BE YOUR LAST MISTAKE!"


"He's far above now," Robin noted as they stared up at the Arc as it neared God's Shrine, the tiny bit of Island Cloud near the top of the beanstalk where God had once resided. "It's only a matter of time until his ship reaches the top of the vine."

"I don't get it," Gan Fall said, "What is it that Eneru wants up there?"

"I believe he's trying to get to the golden bell," Robin answered.

"A bell?" Gan Fall repeated.

Wyper stiffened and finally turned to look at the others.


"Why do you defend them, Blue Sea Demon?" Eneru demanded. "What could those foolish angels possibly mean to you?"

"Nothing," Red Eye replied. "I don't wanna save anyone. I just wanna kill you. First you ran away from me, then you trapped me inside your ship, then you refused my generous order to let you join me and live... twice, and then you ignored me to cause mass destruction. You know, normally I just kill people for no reason. BUT YOU'VE GIVEN ME FOUR!"

"FOOL!" Eneru shouted. "YOU CAN'T KILL ME! I AM GOD!"

"That's not gonna stop me from trying," Red Eye retorted. "And when I succeed, they'll call me 'Red Eye the God Slayer'. And then I'll kill them too!"

"DIE!" BAA-ZZOOOOOM! A powerful bolt of lightning shot down out of the sky.

SKISH! "YOU FIRST!" Red Eye shouted as he jumped back onto the railing and avoided the lightning. The smoke cleared and revealed the large hole that the lightning had made in the deck.

"Right where I want you!" Eneru exclaimed as his entire body glowed bright white. "SANGO!" BA-ZOOOOOOOM! The large beam shot off of Eneru's body, easily four time as thick as his much-used El Thor attack that only came from his arm. Eneru's powerful attack blasted off the side of the ship, shot across the gap and blasted the buildings that had made up God's Shrine.

The bright light faded and revealed that Eneru had destroyed a large chunk of his ark's railing. Beyond that, God's Shrine had been reduced to nothing.


"WAAAAAHHH!" Nami yelped as she saw the lightning shoot off the side of the ark and destroy whatever was on the Island Clouds up above her. "Red Eye's fighting him..."


SKISH! Red Eye jumped up and landed on the edge of the ark where the railing had once been. "Ya missed," he taunted. He looked over his shoulder at what had once been God's Shrine. "Well, I hope you didn't hold any attachment to that old place. It looked kinda nice."

Eneru gritted his teeth and glared at Red Eye, "I don't need God's Shrine anymore. Shandora is useless to me as well. There is only one thing in this land that I want... the Gold Belfry!"

"Gold Belfry, huh?" Red Eye repeated as he looked upward. "Well we've still got a ways to go. LET'S SEE IF YOU CAN LIVE LONG ENOUGH TO REACH IT!"

Eneru stared at Red Eye but then he frowned. "Hmm... suddenly I'm sensing two voices...


VRRRRRMMM... "How can he run so fast?" Nami wondered as she struggled to catch up with Luffy, who despite the big gold ball molded onto his arm, was still way up ahead of her. "LUFFY! YOU'VE GOTTA BE CAREFUL! RED EYE'S FIGHTING ENERU UP THERE!"

Luffy was too far above Nami to hear her. He was convinced that she was trapped on the Maxim. "Nami, I'm coming! ENERU! I'LL NEVER LET YOU HAVE THE GOLDEN BELL!"


Raigo's Advent:


"A golden bell?" Wyper finally spoke up. Robin looked up from Chopper towards the warrior. "Tell me, that's what you said isn't it?"

"Yes," Robin answered.

"Who was talking about a golden bell?" Usopp wondered.

"She was saying something about it before she was struck by Eneru's lightning bolt too," Kiko recalled.

"The golden bell is what Eneru desires," Wyper resolved. "Now that we know what Eneru's going for, you have to tell me where it is."


But Robin wasn't scared. She simply pointed behind her at Giant Jack. "It's up this beanstalk," Robin told Wyper. "Somewhere near the top."

"You're sure?" Wyper questioned. "How do you know this?"

"We promised Nami that we'd wait back on this ship," Usopp tried to remind the others. "She'll be back with Luffy and Y/N any time now! I'm sure!"

"That coward's right this time," Aisa chimed in.

"The ruins of Shandora are in the layer directly beneath us," Robin explained. "The giant beanstalk pierces the very center of the city."

Usopp whimpered and crawled towards the beanstalk, he stopped at the large hole that had Eneru had blasted through them when he brought everyone down to Shandora.

"Oh man, these ruins god blasted into dust!" he exclaimed. He looked back at the others. "And if we don't get out of here right now, we're gonna be next!"

"In the ruins is discovered a map the reveals the location of the Grand Belfry," Robin continued. "The map indicated that it could be found at the heart of the ancient city."

"HEY! WHY ARE YOU IGNORING ME!" Usopp shouted.

Robin continued to ignore him. "To put it simply, when the Upper Yard was blasted into the sky by the Knock Up Stream four hundred years ago, it fell on top of that beanstalk. The force of the impact of the vine must have sent the bell hurling skyward to its present location. I may not have seen it but I am absolutely certain that the golden bell is up there. My First Mate has the ability to sense gold and treasure. When we first reached Shandora he insisted that he needed to climb that beanstalk. I know now that it's because he sensed the golden bell at the top of it."

"Then it's directly above us," Wyper realized.

"The Island's Singing Voice," Gan Fall thought to himself.

"..." Zoro remained silent. He thought back to a conversation they'd had about a golden bell when he, Luffy, Y/N, Chopper and Robin had first set off in the morning to find the city. Before the giant snake had attacked them.

"Hey," Luffy had called out as he scraped his stick along a tree. "The City of Gold's got a really big bell in it, right?"


Up overhead, the Maxim had finally reached the top of Giant Jack.

"We're finally above Giant Jack, Blue Sea Demon," Eneru announced. "You should count yourself privileged. This is virgin sky. Even I've had no reason to come this high up before."

"Then let's fill this virgin sky with your blood!" Red Eye decided. SKISH! He rushed at Eneru.

"Mantra!" Eneru scanned Red Eye and read his attack. "He's going to throw a punch." SWISH! Eneru leaned back and Y/N's fist stopped short of his face. "Yes, I can still use My Mantra to read his..."

"Red Eye ... PUNCH!" A blast of what Red Eye called 'telekinetic' energy shot off of Y/N's hand and slammed into Eneru's face. WOOOOSH! Eneru was blasted back across the deck.

"Me damn it!" Eneru cursed yelped. "He did it again! He didn't even touch me!"

ZZZZOOOOOOM! Red Eye sped across the deck passed Eneru then spun around and jumped up as the midair God flew towards him. "Red Eye... FLIP KICK!" THWHAM! Red Eye slammed Y/N's bare feet into Eneru's back. Red Eye flipped off of Eneru and launched back the way he came while he landed on his feet.

THUD! Eneru crashed to the deck and rolled across the floor. He stopped short of the hole he'd blasted in the deck with his lightning and stood back up.

"How?" Eneru asked out loud, "He didn't even touch me..."

"Wanna see me do it again?" Eneru spun around to find Red Eye behind him. "Red Eye... BODYBLOW!" WOOOSH! Red Eye threw a punch but instead of a fist, an invisible force connected with Eneru's stomach. Eneru gasped and doubled over. "Red Eye... UPPERCUT!" WOOOSH! Red Eye swung upward and the same invisible force slammed into Eneru's chin. Eneru was blasted up off of the deck and flew through the air.

Red Eye snapped Y/N's arms down and shot up into the air after Eneru. SHOOM! Red Eye flew up passed Eneru then flipped over above him. "Red Eye... STOMP!" BZZZT! Eneru suddenly disappeared before the attack could connected. Red Eye flew straight down and landed on the deck. Tmp!

BZZT! Eneru reappeared on the roof of the Maxim up above the gold face.

"What sort of ability is this?" Eneru wondered as he stood perched on the ark roof. "Is it something from the Blue Sea? I'm made of lightning and he can touch Me. But he doesn't even need to. He can attack Me without even touching Me."

"What's the matter God?" Red Eye taunted. "Getting scared? Are you running away again?"

Eneru scowled at Red Eye but then something caught his attention. "Hmm?"

"EEEENEEEERUUUUUUU!" Luffy hollered at the top of his lungs before he ran up the last of the beanstalk and came out in the ruins of God's Shrine. "What's with this place?"

Up overhead, both God and the Demon stared down at Luffy. "Straw Hat..." Red Eye growled.

"Him..." Eneru observed. "It would appear that I have underestimated the little rat."

Luffy looked up and spotted the Maxim. "Gotcha!" Luffy jumped up onto the remaining bit of Giant Jack and ran straight up it towards the Maxim. "EEENNNEEERRRUUU!"

"Absurd..." Eneru muttered. BZZZZOOOOM! Eneru shot a blast of lightning at Luffy.

SKISH! Luffy jumped over the lightning black and kept running up the beanstalk.

Krek-krek=krek! But Luffy quickly realized he hadn't been Eneru's target. He'd jumped and Eneru had blasted the bottom of the last part of the beanstalk.

"WAAAAAAAAAHHHH!" Luffy screamed as the top of the beanstalk fell and took him with it.

"YAHAHA!" Eneru laughed as Luffy fell off the beanstalk and dropped passed God's Shrine.


"Uuugghhh..." the wounded Wyper's blood dripped onto the white cloud as he staggered toward the beanstalk.

"Wyper? What are you planning to do?" Aisa questioned."Don't tell me you're planning to climb the beanstalk!"

"Wyper, you'll never make it up there in your condition," Kiko insisted.

Usopp looked up and whimpered when he saw something large fall down past the Upper Ruins. "EVERYONE! GET AWAY FROM THE BEANSTALK!" he yelled as the top of Giant Jack dropped down from way overhead. "SOMETHING'S FALLING! WAAAAH!"

"HOOO!" Kiko howled as he grabbed Wyper and Aisa and dove out of the way.

SHUUUNK! Usopp dove out of the way just as the top of the beanstalk dropped down and impaled through the Island Cloud's he'd just been standing on.

"The top of the stalk!" Robin exclaimed. "What's happening up there?"

"Oh no!" Usopp gasped as he held his hand over his frantically beating heart. "Don't tell me Luffy and Nami fell with it! I just don't think I could take it!"

"Wyper!" Aisa cried as Wyper struggled to get up. "No! You can't go! Not in this condition!"

"Wyper, you're a wreck," Kiko pointed out, "You'll never survive the climb. And even if you did, that was the top of Giant Jack. There's no way to reach Eneru's flying ship now."

"The bell..." Wyper groaned. "It's directly above us. Ugghh... uuugghhh... Great Warrior Calgara longed to hear its sound."

"Great Warrior Calgara?" Kiko repeated.

"Yes," Wyper answered, "That is our true goal." Wyper stared up at the beanstalk, "Eneru! I swear that you will never take the bell!"


High up overhead, Luffy had managed to save himself by grabbing onto one of the large leaves that was growing out of the beanstalk. He hand the gold ball dangled in midair below what had once been God's Shrine.

"Yahahaha," Eneru laughed, "This little predicament will make it very difficult indeed for you to reach me won't it.

"Grr..." Luffy growled as he struggled to hold onto the leaf while the gold ball pulled down. "Just you wait!"

SKISH! Red Eye landed on the Maxim's roof in front of Eneru. 'I'd be upset about you getting distracted again but that rubber runt is a real pest," Red Eye admitted. "So I'll overlook it this one last time."

"I don't have time to deal with him anymore," Eneru stated. "I'm behind schedule now. I no longer have time to play with you either. But if you hang around a little longer, I'll show you both something miraculous." BZZZT! Eneru disappeared in a flash of bright light.

"There he goes," Red Eye growled, "Running away again." He looked down from the roof and saw Luffy hanging from the beanstalk down below him. "I'll deal with you later. But... that does give me an idea..."

Red Eye crouched down on the roof and twisted his head and shoulder's to the side. He raised his arms high up overhead then snapped them down. "Red Eye... ROCKET!" SHOOOOOM! Red Eye pushed off of the roof with all of his energy and spun up into the air with all the force of a rocket. WOOOSH! He shot up through the dark clouds like a spinning drill.

"There is only one thing in this land that I want... the Gold Belfry!"

"He's after the gold bell," Red Eye resolved. "Fortunately, I know exactly where it is. I'll get to it first and finally make him come to me."


"Was that... Red Eye?" Luffy wondered as he hung from the leaf.

FWASH! Lightning flashed in a distance. Luffy turned and saw a hole appear in the black clouds over Angel Island. Bright, almost white light shined down through the hole.

"Oh yeah, I guess I should get out of this while he's not around," Luffy decided. Whup! Luffy pulled himself upward with the arm above him then dropped down. The recoil from the drop went all the way down through the gold ball on the arm below him. Luffy's dangling arm stretched then bounced upward. Whup! Luffy pulled up and dropped again. The gold ball bounced again. WHUP! Luffy pulled harder and then dropped down faster which caused the ball to bounce even more .WOING!

Luffy kept going a few more times. The leaf struggled to hold the weight as he bounced around below it. WOING! WOING! Luffy continued to bounce up and down with the gold ball.

"GUUUMM... GUUUMM... YOYO!" Luffy gave one last massive pull which broke the leaf. SHOOOOOM! Luffy and the gold ball shot up into the air and flew back up the beanstalk to God's Shrine.

Nami rode upward as Luffy shot passed her back up onto the Island Clouds. "What is he doing?" she wondered out loud.

WHUMP! Luffy and the gold ball crashed down onto God's Shrine.

Luffy rolled the ball off of him and stood back up, "Wow! My plan totally worked!"

VVRROOOOOOM! Just then, Nami raced up onto the Island Clouds on the Waver.

"Right!" Luffy resolved. "Now's my chance to get on board that ark!"

VVRRROO-SQUISSSSHHH! Nami skidded to a stop as she accidentally ran over her captain with the Waver.

"Luffy!" Nami exclaimed as she looked down at the rubber pirate under her Waver.

Luffy twisted his head around and stared up at Nami, "What're you doing here Nami?" he asked. "I haven't rescued you yet."

"I came to rescue you, you dolt!" Nami corrected him. "Sanji and Usopp managed to save me. But Y/N got hit and now he's gone Red Eye again. I didn't want you to have to face both Eneru and Red Eye alone."

"Oh, so you were safe," Luffy replied. He completely ignored her warning. "That's great. I knew Y/N would look after you but I was still worried."

"Look, we need to—" Nami was cut off by a loud rumbling.

Luffy and Nami turned and saw the glowing hole in the thunder clouds go dark as an even darker sphere lowered through the hole.

"The thunder clouds, they're changing shape," Nami realized.


The remaining people on Angel Island grew even more panicked as the black sphere lowered towards them.











"I have a bad feeling about this," Nami said as she and Luffy stared at the black ball. "That ball coming through the clouds is a massive thunderhead. It bursting at the seams with hurricane winds and deadly lightning bolts!"


BZZZZT! BZZZZZZT! BZZZZZT! Lightning coursed around the outside of the black sphere.

"Its right above... Angel Island..." Aisa realized as she, Wyper, Kiko, Gan Fall, Zoro, Usopp and Robin all stared in shock at the black sphere as it continued to descend from the clouds.

"A condensed thundercloud shaped like a sphere," Robin observed.

"Aaaah...aaaahhh...aaaahhh" Usopp let out a terrified gurgling noise. "Unreal... This has got to be a nightmare..."

"What is this?" Gan Fall wondered. "What new horrors could he unleash next?"


"YAHAHAHAHAHA!" Eneru laughed as he surveyed his latest instrument of mass destruction. "NOW EVERYONE WILL KNOW THAT THE SKIES ARE MINE! RAIGO!"


Save Angel Island:


Bright light shined down on Red Eye from overhead as he walked across white clouds.

"Looks like I'm above the storm," Red Eye noted. He continued forward and the front of Y/N's body was suddenly bathed in a gold glow. Both of Red Eye's eyes widened as he stared at the gold bell known as the Fire of Shandora.

The bell was almost the size of the Going Merry and had intricate markings all on the outside and was covered in vines. The bell hung from and was framed by an equally intricate gold belfry.

"It's beautiful..."

"You!" Red Eye growled at the voice only he heard. "Stay silent. I'm in control now!"

"We need to..."

"I AM NOT RINGING THAT BELL! And get another thing straight! There's no 'we'! I'M in control now, there's just ME. You, unfortunately, are now coming along for the ride."


"What was that sound?"

"God's probably throwing a tantrum." Red Eye turned around and saw a hole appear in the white clouds in a distance. "What the heaven?"

Red Eye ran across the white clouds and reached the hole. He stared down into what was almost a tunnel of black clouds and saw the even darker sphere as it lowered towards Angel Island.

BZZZZT! BZZZZZZZT! BZZZZZZZT! Lightning coursed around the outside of the sphere.

"That sphere is condensed thunderclouds! It's powerful enough to destroy an entire island."

"Well... I do need to find some way to get his attention..."

"I may have an idea of you're interested..."

"I told you, I'm not listening to you!"

"But I've got a surefire way to piss Eneru off and make him sure to come after you."



The Skypieans on Angel Island continued to panic as the black ball came closer to their homes.





"YAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" Eneru laughed as he listened to the people scream below him. "WITH THE MAXIM AND MYSELF I AM UNSTOPPABLE! I HAVE BECOME TRULY OMNIPOTENT!"


The Skypieans that had evacuated in the boats watched in terror as the black sphere lowered.


Partially across the White White Sea, the Shandians stood above their village and watched the imposing black ball in horror as well.

The Skypieans ran frantically through the streets on Angel Island. Some of them dropped the positions that they had taken so long to gather and leave with.








Red Eye's red eye glowed brightly as he drew his sword and swung it around in front of him.

"RED EYE... HURRICANE!" Red Eye focused all of his 'energy' into the attack. Instead of a simple red-tinted spiral air blade the attack increased in power ten-fold and became a solid, spinning, red vortex.

WHOOOOOOSSSHHHH! The red vortex plunged downward into the top of the black sphere. The red hurricane-like vortex spun down through the inside of Eneru's 'Raigo' and not only disrupted the hurricane winds inside it but Red Eye's vortex was spinning so fast that it actually drew in the wind in the Raigo and added it to itself. WOOOOOOOOOOSSSSHHHHHHHH! The red vortex came even bigger and more powerful as it flew down through the rest of the condensed sphere of hurricane wind, lightning and storm cloud.

SHOOOOOOOM! A red column of spinning air burst out from the bottom of the black sphere and slammed down into Lovely Street, destroying a building in the process. But as the red vortex hit the ground it blacked the black sphere back up into the air. SHOOOOOOOOOOOOOMM!


"WHAT? NO!" Eneru yelled as he watched lightning spark erratically out of both of the large holes that Red Eye's attack had punched through his Raigo. "THAT VORTEX DISRUPTED THE AIR FLOW INSIDE MY RAIGO! NOW ITS GOING TO..."



Everyone was momentarily blinded as the big black sphere exploded in a flash of white light.

When the bright white light from the explosion finally faded the topmost buildings on Angel Island had been completely vaporized by the lightning explosion. BUT ANGEL ISLAND WAS STILL THERE!


"I don't believe it... that's impossible..." a Skypiean gasped.

"That ball would have destroyed Angel Island... Our precious homeland would have been gone forever!"

"Someone saved us!"



Across the White White Sea, the Shandians gasped at the sight of the near destruction but then the last minute rescue of Angel Island.

"Something disrupted the blast!"

"Who could have done that?"




Usopp shook as he stared at Angel Island in shock. "The ball... the black ball... it exploded... that would have destroyed the whole island!"

"Eneru..." Gan Fall dropped to his knees in shock. "He would have destroyed all their homes... Eneru! What monstrous cruelty! My people's homeland would have been gone! Who saved it?"

"I recognized that red spiral," Zoro stated. "It was definitely Y/N's handiwork."

"Two-Voice did that?" Aisa questioned. "I thought you guys said he was evil?"

"Y/N... Not evil..." Gan Fall repeated as he stared at Angel Island in shock. His mind flashed back to meeting the red-haired pirate when the Straw Hats had first arrived on the White Sea. Then it flashed to when he'd come to rescue Y/N and Chopper from Shura's Ordeal of String. But then he remembered falling to Shura and how the same pirate that he had come to save had fished him out of the Sea Clouds after defeating the Priest. "Y/N thank you... The Skypieans will forever be in your debt...

"We're not out of the storm yet," Robin, ever the pessimist, pointed out. "There are more storm clouds where those came from. Eneru could always create another sphere of thunderclouds."


"What was that explosion?" Conis wondered as she knelt on the front deck of the Going Merry.

"Suuuu!" Suu chirped.

"We'll wait," Conis responded as she scooped up her Cloud Fox and hugged her. "We have to take them back safely to the Blue Sea."


Red Eye grinned as he stood at the edge of the hole and surveyed his handiwork.

"Hah-ha. Told you it would work."

"Just because you had ONE good idea doesn't mean I'm letting you call the shots! The only reason I did it was to draw Eneru up here! I'll be known as the God Slayer here in the sky!"

"I hate to break it to you... but they're not exactly calling you 'God Slayer' down below..."

"Aw heaven! You turned me into a freakin' hero, you little bastard!"

But what he didn't notice was that the bright sun shined down on him from overhead and cast a shadow through the hole on the white clouds near Angel Island.


"LOOK! IT'S THE SAVIOR!" a Skypiean called out as he pointed at Y/N's shadow.



Eneru's eyes narrowed as he saw the shadow on the white clouds below him.

"Him..." Eneru growled with pure loathing.

Swweee-heeee! A high pitched whistle came from overhead.

Eneru looked up through the hole he'd made in the thunder clouds to form his Raigo and saw Red Eye standing at the edge of the hole up above him.

"Ooooh, Eneru, I'm all alone up here... just me and this huge golden bell!" Red Eye called out. "I saw it first, so I'm calling dibs. It's my golden bell now!"

"Gold bell... Raigo... Demon..." Eneru sputtered as his pale face turned bright red in pure rage. "I'LL KILL YOU, BLUE SEA DEVIL!" BZZZZZZTTTT! Eneru's body became bright white as he blasted himself up into the air and rocketed up through the hole.


"Oh no!" Nami gasped. "Red Eye's pissed off Eneru... We've gotta get up there and save him!"

"Who?" Luffy questioned. "Eneru or Red Eye?"

"Y/N, YOU DOLT!" Nami snapped at him. "You saw that black ball that Red Eye destroyed! Think of what it could do to a non-rubber person! We can't let Red Eye get Y/N killed!"

"I need to get up there anyway," Luffy resolved. "I still have some unfinished business."

"Unfinished business?" Nami repeated. "What else is there for you to do here? Are you trying to get back at Eneru?"

"That golden bell is somewhere up there in the sky!" Luffy told her.

"You're after the bell?" Nami asked. "Luffy! Y/N's life is more important than gold! Look at that!" Nami pointed at the hole in the sky that Eneru's Raigo had made. "The lightning might not hurt you and Red Eye might have destroyed the ball but Eneru can still kill Y/N a thousand other ways! If it's gold you want, you have a load of it on your arm! Give up the bell Luffy, for Y/N's sake!"

"Y/N won't die."

"Will you quit it already?" Nami snapped. "You—"

"You saw it right?" Luffy cut her off.

"Saw what?" Nami inquired.

"The City of Gold," Luffy said as he turned to look at her. "You know for a fact that it exists, right? Then it wasn't a lie! The old timer's ancestor..."

They both thought back to Montblanc Cricket, the descendant of Montblanc Noland who spent his days wreaking havoc on his body by diving into the ocean in search of gold.

"I don't care if I find the city or not," Cricket had said. "I'm not here to prove Noland right or wrong. I have no interest in rewriting history. All I'm doing is following what I believe is my destiny. This is between me and Noland."

"He wasn't a liar!" Luffy insisted. "I have to let the old timer and the others down below know... that the City of Gold is up in the sky. If I ring the bell, then they should be able to hear it. Otherwise old timer and his monkey pals will search the ocean floor until the day they die!"


"Eneru won't take the golden bell," Luffy resolved. "The sound of a bell that huge will be heard far and wide by people everywhere! So I'm not stopping UNTIL I HEAR THE SOUNDS OF THE GOLDEN BELL!"

Luffy thought back to the conversation he'd had with Y/N, Zoro, Chopper and Robin when they'd first set off in the morning to find the City of Gold .Before the snake had attacked them.

"The City of Gold's got a really big bell in it, right?" Luffy had asked.

"Noland did mention that in his logbook, yes," Robin had confirmed, "A great bell in the City of Gold."

"Why do you ask LuffY?" Zoro questioned.

"Yeah, why do you ask Luffy?" Chopper chimed in.

"SHISHISHI!" Luffy laughed. "I got a really good idea!"

"Well... tell me!" Chopper prompted.

"He wants to ring the bell," Y/N stated.

"Yeah!" Luffy agreed. "If we give that ginormous bell a good ringing, I bet that old timer and those monkeys down below will be able to hear it, don't you think? Shishishi!" The others let out a light laugh too. "Yeah, I bet they would."


Zoro sat at the bottom of the beanstalk and had just finished telling the others about Luffy's idea.

"When he says that he's gonna do something, he does it," Zoro stated.

"Huh? Wait... he's gonna..." Usopp whimpered.

"Yes, he did say that," Robin admitted. "But given the situation..."

"Ring!" Wyper growled. "He's going to ring the bell?"

"That's right," Zoro confirmed. "No matter what happens up there, Luffy won't leave until he rings that bell. You see, Luffy is after the same thing as Eneru."


Luffy stared up at the Maxim. "No one's on that flying ship now," he noted "Maybe I can climb up there and launch myself through the clouds..."

"Wait you can't go up there!" Nami protested.

"I just told you, I have to!" Luffy insisted.

"No, that's not what I meant!" Nami corrected him. "You can't go up there without me! Y/N doesn't know how to beat the Eye—I mean his—Aisa helped me figure out a way that he can finally beat it! I've gotta tell him!"

"I can't let you go up there Nami!" Luffy protested. "Do you have any idea what Y/N would do to me if you got hurt 'cause of me?"

"But he needs me!" Nami argued. "I have to tell him that the Eye isn't evil! Red Eye's a part of him! He's got an evil split-personality! He's never been able to beat it because he's been fighting the wrong thing!"

"Then I'll tell him that when I see him," Luffy told her. "If you die while you're up there telling him that then Y/N will never be able to beat it! YOU'RE MY BROTHER'S TREASURE! I'VE GOTTA MAKE SURE YOU STAY SAFE!"

Nami's eyes went wide in shock, "Y/N's... treasure..."


Red Eye jumped to the side as Eneru landed on the white clouds.

A glint of gold caught Eneru's eye and he was once again distracted as he turned and took in the legendary Fire of Shandora.

"So this is it," Eneru mused out loud. "Splendid! At last, the Grand Belfry that was once the pride of the legendary city of Shandora. A prize fitting of a God of My Glory. The fabled bell, the one that heralded the start of this lands four hundred year old conflict. Pathetic. To think they carried on their pointless little battle for centuries. Now its mine!"

"Nope!" Red Eye cut in, "I already called dibs on it. That means its mine."

"You... you kept Me from making that pathetic little island vanish from the sky," Eneru snarled. "I've finally found the ancient relic that I've been searching for..."

"It's my ancient relic," Red Eye interrupted.

"THEN I'LL KILL YOU AND CLAIM IT FOR MYSELF!" Eneru shouted. "Once you're dead I'll create another, even bigger, even more devastating Raigo to annihilate this abominable island in the sky once and for all! Then every inhabitant of Skypiea will suffer My Terrible Wrath! All will perish! Those two on God's Shrine below us! Your other friends, the Shandians and the Sky Knight that are all at the bottom of the beanstalk! I'LL DESTROY EVERY LAST ONE OF THEM! I WILL ERADICATE THIS UNNATURAL LAND IN THE SKY ONCE AND FOR ALL! I WILL CHANGE EVERYTHING BACK TO THE WAY IT WAS INTENDED! THAT, IS MY SACRED DUTY AS ENERU ALMIGHTY!"

"First of all, I don't give a damn," Red Eye replied. "I'll kill them all myself once I'm done dealing with you. And second..." The sun shined down on Red Eye and Eneru as Red Eye pointed his sword at the Sky God. "Don't get ahead of yourself. If killing me was that easy, YOU'D HAVE DONE IT ALREADY!"


The sun continued to shine down overhead and now Eneru's shadow joined Y/N's on the white Island Clouds near Angel Island.


"Who is that anyway? He doesn't have wings..."

"Is he a Blue Sea Dweller?"



Captain McKinley stared in shock at the two shadows on the clouds. "It's him..."

WHOOOSH! The Waver surged up into the air and flew straight at Captain McKinley.

"Damn it Nami!" Y/N snapped, "What did I just say?" SKISH! Y/N dove off of the Waver passed Nami and lunged at McKinley "LOOK OUT!" WHUMP! Y/N tackled him to the ground and the Waver flew over them and crashed down onto the island clouds behind them and skidded to a stop. KRASH!


"Whoa, whoa, whoa!" Y/N cut in, "I was just trying to keep you from getting creamed by that Waver-thing. Here, let me help you up there." Y/N stood up and pulled Captain McKinley back up to his feet and made a show of dusting him off. "I'm real sorry about that, y'see we're from the Blue Sea World and it was her first time driving one of those Waver-things. When she heard how much money we owe you it startled her and I think she lost control. I wasn't assaulting you, I was trying to save you. I wouldn't want such a fine, upstanding protector of Sky Island justice like you getting hurt because of an accident made by a rookie Waver-driver."

"Hmph," McKinley grunted. "Maybe calling you Fifth Degree Criminals was going too far."

"He's not a criminal at all..." McKinley realized. "He came to save us from Eneru..."


"GLOAM PADDLING ..." The trident in Eneru's hands glowed and cackled with electricity as Eneru pumped lightning into it and once again altered its shape. The three forks molded together and became a solid point. It was a staff again but then a large golden blade grew out of the side. The sharp gold blade took up the top third of Eneru's staff.

"You know, if he wasn't evil and hell-bent on destroying everything in the sky... that would gold-molding thing would be a very useful ability."

Eneru swung his new bisento beside him. "I'll tear you apart and burn whatever's left to a crisp!"

"Sounds lovely," Red Eye retorted "I'LL TRY THE SAME THING!"


"Listen, everything will be alright," the bloody and beaten Cricket had tried to reassure Luffy. "I promise, we will send you to the sky."

Nami looked on as Luffy stared up at the dark and shouted, "I'M GONNA RING THAT BELL!"


Clash on the Clouds:


Erratic bolts of lightning continued to strike around and on Angel Island and Upper Yard. But because Eneru was now suitably distracted, the bolts weren't guided by anything and were simply striking the land and the white sea at random. The result was that they didn't destroy much of anything.

BA-ZOOOOOOOM! Or not. A powerful bolt of lightning streaked down from the sky and struck the Milky Road that led up to the White White Sea from Heaven's Gate on the White Sea. The white road was blasted by lightning and broken apart.

"NOO!" a Skypiean cried, "Angel Island might have been saved but now we can't get back!"

"What do we do? Is the Savior is fighting God do we still need to run for Cloud End?"


"RAAH!" Red Eye roared as he charged at Eneru and slashed his sword.

CLANG! "Yahaha!" Eneru let out a short laugh as he blocked Red Eye's attack with his golden bisento. "I don't know what I was worried about. I can still predict your attacks just fine."

Eneru spun his bisento around and swung the blade at Y/N's head. SWISH! Red Eye ducked down and avoided behind decapitated. "But I can still predict your attacks!" Red Eye slashed his sword at Eneru's stomach. KLAK! Eneru lowered the staff part of the bisento and used it to block Red Eye's low strike.

Eneru spun the bisento and deflected Red Eye's sword then raised it up overhead and brought it down on Red Eye. KLANG! Red Eye raised his own sword and blocked Eneru's.


Down below, the Skypieans and Shandians watched as the shadows of Y/N and Eneru danced against the white clouds as the two continued to block and dodge high speed attacks.

"The Savior really is fighting God!"

"And he's actually holding his own!"



"You may be able to predict my individual attacks," Red Eye admitted, "But you're still missing the big picture."

"And what would that be?" Eneru asked as he blocked a strike with his gold blade. KLANK!

"Gold is a beautiful metal, it grants wealth and privilege," Red Eye stated. "But it has a major weakness." SWISH! Red Eye grinned as he jumped backwards to avoid a swing from Eneru's bisento. "ITS SOFT! Have a taste of your own medicine! RED EYE... LIGHTNING STRIKE!" SLISH-WOOOOSHH! Red Eye slashed his sword and a blood red diagonal air blade flew off the red blade of his sword at Eneru's chest. KRESH! Eneru's eyes went wide as the 'energy'-enhanced air blade broke through the golden blade of his bisento. He tried to weave backwards but it was too late and the red air blade kept going and cleaved into his chest. SLA-SLISH!

"AAUUUGGHH!" Eneru cried out as he fell backwards while blood dripped down his chest. The only reason that the wound hadn't been fatal was because Eneru's failed attempt to weave away from the air blade.

"HEH-HEH-HEH!" Red Eye laughed. "THIS IS MORE LIKE IT!"


"Hold onto me Luffy," Nami instructed down below as Nami stood on the Waver with Luffy behind her. "I'll get you up that bit of the beanstalk then you can shoot your way up from the ark. Hopefully this way that gold ball won't weight you down so much."

"Right!" Luffy agreed. "Let's do it Nami!"

VRRROOOOOOOM! Nami revved the Jet Dial engine of her Waver and they shot up the broken top of Giant Jack. "NOW LUFFY!"

WOOING! Luffy shot his rubber arm up overhead and grabbed onto the side of the Maxim. SHOOOOOOOOM! Luffy's arm retracted and yanked him up off of the Waver and into the air.

"WAAAHHH!" Nami weaved to the side and ducked her head as the gold ball flew after Luffy.

WHUP! Luffy landed successfully on the railing of the Maxim and stared up at the dark clouds.


SHOOOOOOOM! Luffy stretched his free arm out and grabbed the top of the Maxim above the golden face then kicked the gold ball. THWAK! The gold ball rolled backwards and stretched his arm out further. Luffy jumped up and yanked himself towards his free arm then dropped down towards his ball arm. The ball recoiled and Luffy shot back up towards the face again. This continued until... "GUUUUMM... GUUUUUMM... YOOOYOOOO!" WOOOOOIIIINNG! Luffy shot himself up and the gold ball up into the air, up passed the top of the Maxim and up into the clouds where two powerful enemies and the gold bell awaited.


"Oh... hey God!" Red Eye called out. "I think you dropped something!" A wide grin spread across his face as he reached down and picked something up off of the ground.

Eneru's jaw dropped opened. He recognized the familiar gold earrings in Y/N's hands.

He also recognized his own long earlobes that were still attached to them.

"AAAAUUUGGGHHHH!" Eneru screamed as he held his severed ears along with his chest. "YOU MONSTER! YOU BASTARD! YOU DEVIL! MY EEEAAARRRS!"

Eneru scrambled back away from Red Eye. As Eneru backed away from Red Eye and Red Eye followed him, they lift the edge of the hole and their shadows left the white clouds below them.

"HEH-HEH-HEH!" Red Eye laughed as he followed after Eneru. "WAIT! THIS REMINDS ME OF AN OLD CHILDREN'S SONG!"

"Do your ears hang low

Do they wobble to and fro

Can you tie 'em in a knot

Can you tie 'em in a bow

Can you throw 'em over your shoulder

Like a World Government soldier

Do your ears hang low!"

During the song Red Eye had tied Eneru's earlobes in a knot.

"YOU'RE A LUNATIC! A PSYCHOPATH!" Eneru shot to his feet and turned to run.

"LOOK WHOSE FINALLY CAUGHT ON!" Red Eye exclaimed. ZZZZZOOOOOMMM! Red Eye sped past Eneru and cut him off then grinned sadistically as he dangled Eneru's ears in front of him.

Eneru was admittedly horrified and terrified at this moment and as is the case when someone is terrified, they don't make rational decisions. As a direct result, the thought of teleporting away with lightning never crossed Eneru's mind.

"DON'T GO YET!" Red Eye taunted Eneru, "I'VE STILL GOT ANOTHER VERSE!"

"Do your ears fall off

When you give a great big cough

Do they lie there on the ground

Or bounce up at every sound

Can you stick 'em in your pocket

Like that sailor Davy Crockett

Did your ears... fall... off..."

Red Eye dropped Eneru's ears in front of him.

"Nowhere to run, Eneru!" Red Eye announced. "Now I'm gonna kill me a God!"

Suddenly the cloud in front of Red Eye started to shake. Both Eneru and Red Eye looked down.

"Hey look... your ears do bounce on the ground..." Red Eye noted.

SHOOOM! A gold ball suddenly burst out of the ground and slammed into Red Eye. WHAM! Red Eye was blasted up into the air as Luffy followed the fall up through the hole then landed on the cloud.


Luffy blinked. He spotted the gold bell. He saw Eneru. Red Eye was nowhere in sight.

"Hey, where's Red Eye?" he asked.

Eneru pointed up into the air.

Luffy looked up where Eneru had pointed.

"DAAAMN YOOOU STRAAAW HAAAATT!" Red Eye yelled as fell from the sky and dropped down into the hole that Luffy had just come through.

Luffy's eyes suddenly widened in alarm. "OH CRAP! NAMI'S DOWN THERE!"

Luffy stared at the gold bell... then he looked over at Eneru... then down at the hole Red Eye had just fallen through that would lead him down to Nami.

Bell... Eneru... Red Eye... Nami...




"Y/N!" Nami looked up in time to see the familiar red-haired figure fall through a hole in the clouds overhead.

PLOOSH! Y/N slammed down into the clouds of God's Shrine. Nami hopped on her Waver and sped over to him. VRRRRRMMMM!

Y/N sat up and lashed out his fist. WHOOOSH! The Waver was knocked off course and Nami fell off of it.

"WRONG AGAIN!" Red Eye taunted as he stood up and stalked toward Nami. "Straw Hat kept me from killing Eneru." Red Eye pointed his sword at her. "THAT MEANS I'LL HAVE TO SETTLE FOR KILLING YOU!"

Gulp. Nami stiffened and swallowed hard as the reality of the situation set in.

She was all alone against Red Eye. Well... not quite...


"Heh-heh-heh! Just watch brat! I'll murder your little girlfriend right in front of you!"


"Hey... what happened to your ears?" Luffy asked.

Eneru stared at Luffy in shock. "You... saved My Life just now rubber boy."

"I did?" Luffy questioned.

"That demented demon that calls himself your brother nearly killed Me!" Eneru exclaimed. "He might have succeeded if you hadn't interfered when you did. I... owe you a debt."

"I didn't come up here to save you," Luffy stated. "I came up here to kick your ass! Then to kick Red Eye's ass! Then to ring that bell!"

"You want the bell, you can have it," Eneru told him. "My Life means more to Me than that golden trinket. Let it never be said that God Eneru the Almighty fails to honor a life debt. Besides, the golden bell was just a passing fancy. Now I can focus on My True Goals! DESTROYING THIS NATION AND REACHING THE ENDLESS VEARTH!"

BZZZZZZZTT! Eneru flashed and disappeared.

"HEY! WAIT!" Luffy shouted. "COME BACK!"

Luffy looked over at the golden bell... then down at the hole that Red Eye had fallen through towards Nami and that Eneru had vanished into.

The golden bell... or Red Eye, Nami and Eneru...

Now the decision was much easier.

Luffy turned to look at the golden bell once more. "I promise I'll be back," he vowed. "And I'll ring you so the old timer and the monkeys know you're here!"

Luffy jumped back down into the hole he'd come up through.


Nami shakily held her ClimaTact in front of her as Red Eye advanced on her.

Luffy's words from earlier echoed through her mind. "YOU'RE MY BROTHER'S TREASURE! I'VE GOTTA MAKE SURE YOU STAY SAFE!"

"Y/N's gotta be in there somewhere..." Nami thought to herself.

"Y/N!" Nami called out. "You've gotta help me out with this one!"

"HE CAN'T HELP YOU!" Red Eye yelled. "I'M IN CONTROL NOW! RED EYE... PUNCH!" WOOOSSHH! Red Eye lashed out his arm but Nami dove to the side to avoid the unseen attack.

"Nami... no..."

"Y/N! IT'S NOT THE EYE!" Nami shouted as she sprang back off the ground. "IT'S YOU! IT'S A BROKEN PART OF YOUR OWN MIND! IT'S A SPLIT-PERSONALITY!"

"It's... me?"

Red Eye glared at her. "You shouldn't have said that." SKISH! He leapt forward before Nami could react and grabbed her by the throat.

"ACK! Y/N!" Nami wheezed as Red Eye lifted her up off the ground. "It's your body... and your mind... you've gotta... fight for it..."

"I THINK YOU'VE SAID ENOUGH!" Red Eye snapped at her. He drew back his sword and prepared to run it through her.

Nami closed her eyes and gathered what was probably her last breath and gave a desperate shout, "Y/N! I LOVE YOU!"

Klak! She wasn't dead. Nami opened her eyes. Both she and Red Eye looked down and saw that Y/N's left hand had gone limp and his sword had fallen to the ground.

Nami and Red Eye watched as the fingers on the left hand started to twitch.

"What the heaven?" Red Eye muttered before the left hand suddenly clenched into a fist and slammed into his own face. KA-POW!

Nami dropped to the ground while Red Eye fell nearby.

"Koff! Koff! Koff!" Nami held her throat as she crawled over and grabbed Y/N's left hand. "Thanks Y/N! Now keep going! You can do it! It's your mind! Take it back!"

SKISH! "NO HE CAN'T!" Red Eye as he shot away from her. "I'M STILL IN CONTROL!"

"Then I guess I'll get some help..."

Nami's eye widened as Y/N's left hand pointed to her ClimaTact then motioned toward him. "Right, coming right up," Nami agreed. She stuck two pieces of her ClimaTact together in an X-shape then swung it towards Y/N. "CYLONE TEMPO!"

"I'm not falling for that old trick!" Red Eye snarled as the blue 'X' flew towards him.

WHAP! Y/N's left hand shot up and caught it. WOOOOOOSSSHHHH! The concentrated wind blasted him backwards across the cloud.

Red Eye landed on his back while Nami ran closer and quickly reclaimed her weapon.

"Damn... you..." Red Eye growled as he sat up. "DAMN YOU BOTH!"

Y/N left hand raised and flashed Nami a thumbs up. Then help up one finger.

"One more time, huh?" Nami mused. "I'll have to make sure it packs a punch." Nami quickly reconfigured her ClimaTact into a T-shape and pointed it at Red Eye. "TORNADO TEMPO!" BA-BOOM! Peep! Peep! Peep! A pair of familiar wind-up birds shot out of the two side holes.

"You can't be serious..." Red Eye growled as he staggered back up. "You really expect me to just stand here and let you..." Y/N's upperbody lurched to the side to dodge the incoming birds but his feet remained rooted in place. "WHAT? NO!"

The two birds wrapped around Y/N's stiff left arm and right leg until the 'T' segment started spinning and pulled them tight. FWUP! FWUP! FWUP! FWUP!


"Give it a rest. No one's buying it anymore. You're not a demon. But you're driving SO HANG ON AND ENJOY THE RIDE!"

WHRRL! WHRRL! WHRRRL! Y/N's body started to spun along with the ClimaTact. BOOOOOOM! The spinning 'T' pole shot off of the rest of the Clima-Tact and blasted Red Eye THROUGH Giant Jack. KRASH-KER-RASH! He landed in a tangled heap on the other side.

"Y/N!" Nami called out as she ran and dove through the Y/N-shaped hole.

WHUMP! "Uuughh!" Y/N groaned as Nami crashed down on top of him. "Geez Nami... You just blasted me through a giant beanstalk. I don't need you jumping on top of me right after that."

"Yeah, well I—" Nami trailed off. "Y/N! YOU'RE BACK!"

"He can barely hold his liquor," Y/N stated. "When he's disoriented he can't keep control. When you spun me through the beanstalk with that last attack it was almost too easy to take control again."

"Oh, I'm so glad!" Nami gushed as she threw herself back down on top of him and hugged him.

"Am I interrupting something?"

Y/N and Nami's eyes whipped to the side to see Luffy standing there.

"What're you doing here?" Nami asked. "I thought you were going to ring the golden bell?"

"Eneru got away," Luffy answered. "And I saw Red Eye fall through the hole which led back to where you were. I came back to make sure you were okay. Guess I should've known better! Y/N was here too so you were perfectly safe! Shishishishi!"

Y/N blinked. Wait a minute... Blinked. Two eyes. "Nami! Eye patch!" Y/N quickly instructed. "Top left pocket."

Nami quickly fished it out and handed it to him. "You know it's not evil so you don't have to cover it anymore."

"I know that now but I can't take any chances," Y/N answered. "He doesn't have to pretend anymore so he can keep me off guard. He could come back at any time. Now put it on."

They were all silent for a moment as Nami slipped Y/N eye patch back on.

"Could you guys untie me?" Y/N requested.

"Oh, right," Nami quickly agreed.

"I'll help too!" Luffy offered as he rushed over and started tugging on the wires that were wrapped around Y/N's leg.

"Luffy, stop, stop, stop!" Nami protested. "You're making it worse. That'll just tangle them up. You have to unwind them like this..."

"So..." Y/N said as Nami and Luffy untied him. "How'd you find out?"

"Aisa told me," Nami answered.

"That girl you were with?" Y/N questioned.

"She's got powerful Mantra, like Eneru's," Nami explained. "She hears people's voices. She kept calling you Two-Voice. I thought it was because she was hearing the Eye's voice. But she insisted that it was coming from you."

Y/N frowned. "Robin was right."

"She usually is," Luffy chimed in. Y/N turned his head and gave his brother a look.

"Nah, couldn't be," Y/N mumbled.

"Hold on, Robin was right about what?" Nami asked.

"She figured out that I was Red Eye and confronted me about it while we were shopping in Mock town," Y/N replied.

-Robin and the Eye Flashback-

Y/N had gotten significantly paler as Robin's report went on. Now he was as white as a ghost. "So... what are you planning to do with this information?" he asked.

"Nothing," Robin answered with a faint smile. Y/N found that he could breathe again. "I enjoy solving puzzles and you presented me with an interesting one. I suppose this makes us even after everything you found out about me when we were investigating the Poneglyph." Y/N nodded and Robin's expression turned curious. "Can I see it?"

"Let me get this straight," Y/N requested, "you just learned that I've got something in my skull that caused me to go on a blood-crazed rampage and take hundreds of innocent lives. And you want to see it?"

"Yes." Y/N promptly face-faulted.

"I think it's only fair," Robin continued as Y/N got back up. "If you expect me to keep it a secret, I should at least get to see what I'm keeping a secret."

Y/N frowned then grabbed Robin's hand and pulled her down to the end of the alley.

"If anyone comes down, we grab each other and start kissing," Y/N instructed. Robin raised an eyebrow. "I... People are naturally repelled by PDAs. If someone sees us kissing they'll more often than not be embarrassed and move on."

"You know Mr. One Eye, if you're looking to kiss someone there's a perfectly willing girl back on the ship," Robin pointed out. "I doubt you'll even need an excuse."

Y/N's eye twitched. "Do you want to see it or not?" Robin nodded. Y/N took a deep breath then revealed his scarred right eye then opened it to show her the Eye of the Devil.

Y/N faintly flushed as Robin leaned right into his personal space for a closer look. "Fascinating," she remarked.

"It calls itself the Eye of the Devil," Y/N explained. "It gives me enhanced vision and grants me abilities like telekinesis and telepathy. Its also evil and trying to take over my body."

Robin blinked and pulled back. "It calls itself that?" Robin repeated.

"Uh... yeah," Y/N answered. "Why?"

"It just seems odd the only knowledge you have about it came from itself," Robin noted.

"I saw it displaying its abilities first hand," Y/N insisted.

"I'm sure you did," Robin agreed. "But if I wanted to take over your body, I certainly wouldn't tell you how I planned to do it. I'd want to be able to catch you off guard." Whap! Eight arms sprouted up out of nowhere. Four wrenched his arms behind his back, two locked his legs together, one hooked itself around his neck while the eighth slid his eye patch back down. "See?" The arms disappeared and Y/N could move again.

"Just something to think about," Robin said as she turned and headed out of the alley.

-End Flashback-

"You kissed Robin?" Luffy questioned.

"No, we were only going to if someone caught us," Y/N corrected him. "Try to keep up. The point is... she was right. He was lying to me about being the Eye so I wouldn't know how to fight him."

"Shishishishi!" Luffy laughed.

"What's so funny?" Y/N asked.

"You trick so many people," Luffy reminded him. "It was only a matter of time before you tricked yourself. What's that called again? Kama? Kayma? Kalamba?"

"Karma," Nami supplied with a smirk.

"Are you guys gonna kiss now?" Luffy blurted out.

"WHAT?" Y/N and Nami exclaimed at the same time.

"You guys usually kiss each other when you save each other," Luffy pointed out. "I thought that was your thing?"

"Since when do you pay attention to that sort of thing?" Y/N wondered.

Luffy shrugged.

"He's not wrong, you know," Nami remarked. But her smirk turned into a frown when she noticed the frightened look in Y/N's eye. "What's the matter?"

"Maybe now's not the best time?" Y/N suggested.

"Y/N... I just finished untying you," Nami stated. "But I'm not getting up until you tell me what's going on."

Y/N frowned. "I don't think..." he trailed off. "Does it suddenly seem like its lighter to you?"

All three of them looked up and suddenly saw long glowing splits forming in the sky overhead. The black storm clouds swirled together and formed another condensed sphere. The only differences, this Raigo was WAY BIGGER than the first one. And this one was centered over Upper Yard.



Hope you enjoyed the chapter!!!

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