Buggy's Revenge
Buggy's Revenge:
Luffy stood on top of the execution platform in the Loguetown town square and took in what the King of the Pirates saw right before he was executed twenty-two years ago.
"That old man said this is the place where it all happened," Luffy commented, "twenty-two years ago the King of the Pirates was executed right here."
"HEY YOU! UP THERE! GET DOWN FROM THERE IMMEDIATELY!" came a loud voice. Luffy looked down and spotted a policeman with a gray hat and a white coat yelling into a megaphone.
"Why?" asked Luffy.
WHONK! Before Luffy could reply, the policeman was clobbered with a giant spiky mace. "Hmph, now's not the time for such trifles," said the woman standing over the now unconscious policeman. She wore a white cowgirl hat with a pink feather in it and a pink cloak that was covered in hearts. "I've been looking for you for a long time, Luffy."
"Huh?" questioned Luffy, as he stared down at the woman and tried to remember her. She had black hair and her lips were dark red. She had flawless skin and had big black eyes.
"Now that's just rude," the woman commented, "Don't tell me you've already forgotten me."
"WOW!" a man exclaimed, all the people in the square – men and woman – had hearts in their eyes as they stared at the beautiful woman. "She's beautiful! I've never seen such pure beauty!"
"Her skin looks so soft and smooth!" a woman cooed.
"Forgot?" Luffy repeated. "I don't think we've ever met. Who are you?"
"I'll never forget you," the woman replied. "You were the first man who ever truly struck me."
"What? I never hit you!" Luffy protested while the civilians all glared at him for hitting such a beautiful woman.
"I can still feel your punch where it stuck my face," said the possibly insane woman as she rubbed her smooth cheek where Luffy had allegedly punched her.
"Listen up everyone!" the woman called out to the crowd. "Who is the most beautiful person in the world?"
"THAT MUST BE YOU!" the entire crowd of both men and women chorused.
"That's correct," the woman answered. "I am quite breath-taking aren't I? There isn't a man alive who wouldn't crumble before my beauty. But I prefer strong men, like you Luffy. I'm going to make you all mine!"
"Aw gross, no way!" Luffy retorted, seemingly impervious to the woman's beauty and actually found the idea of being hersrepulsive. Luffy's true love was adventure and his dream of becoming King of the Pirates, not some crazy lady with a club. "Who the heck are you?"
"You still haven't figured it out?" questioned the woman.
"FREEZE!" another policeman called out as he and another bunch of policemen ran over and pointed guns at the woman. "THIS IS THE POLICE! YOU'RE UNDER ARREST FOR ASSAULTING A POLICE CAPTAIN! PUT YOUR WEAPON DOWN AND COME QUIETLY!" Two policemen helped the unconscious police captain up before the lead policeman turned to Luffy, "AND YOU, GET OFF OF THAT PLATFORM!"
"Are you really going to arrest me?" asked the woman as she batted her eyes that the policemen and then smiled at them.
Hearts appeared in their eyes as they lowered their guns, "She's too beautiful!" one of the ensnared policemen sighed.
"I DON'T CARE!" the equally ensnared leader snapped, "JUST ARREST HER!"
"SURPRISE!" an eerily familiar voice shouted, a figure came crashing down out of the sky and slammed into a fountain, KER-RASH! The fountain broke into pieces and smashed into the policemen, knocking them all out.
WOOSH! The top of the fountain went flying towards the beautiful woman and looked like it was going to hit her, "WATCH OUT MISS!" a concerned civilian called out. SWIP!But the woman didn't move and the fountain seemingly SLIPPED right passed her and crashed into a building, KRASH!
"It slipped right passed her!" a civilian exclaimed in amazement.
"Oh man, that was weird," Luffy commented.
A cloaked figure with a red nose chuckled as he walked out of the wreckage of the fountain and walked over to the woman. A bunch of other cloaked figures followed behind him. "That was a dangerous stunt you pulled," the woman lightly scolded him.
"Sorry," the cloaked man apologized, "but your smooth skin is unharmed of course, so there's no need to worry... Lady Alvida."
"Alvida?" Luffy repeated, wasn't that the fat pirate lady from the firstchapter? "I don't see Alvida."
"DON'T BE SO DENSE, YOU DIMWIT!" 'Alvida' snapped, "I'M ALVIDA!"
"Are you sure?" asked Luffy, "cause I don't think you're her."
"I guess I really did change after eating the Slip Slip Fruit," Alvida realized. SWISH! Alvida threw off her pink cloak to reveal her MUUUUCH thinner body. She wore a white bra under an opened purple coat and a pair of pink and white striped pants. The bra did nothing to hide her curvy body and her incredibly smooth skin. "No attack can hurt my skin, cause it slides right off. It didn't do much to improve my already gorgeous looks, but it did get rid of my freckles."
"Uh... I don't think that's it," Luffy disagreed, that Devil Fruit was a magic weight-loss product.
"After becoming a whole new person," Alvida continued, as the group of cloaked figures stood behind her, "I decided to join forces with someone who shared my goal of finding you."
"BWAHAHAHAHA!" the cloaked figure with the red clown nose laughed as he threw off his own cloak, SWISH! "NOW THAT I'VE FLASHILY MADE MY ENTRANCE, HERE'S TH REAL STAR OF THE SHOW!" IT WAS BUGGY THE CLOWN! (A/N: If anyone's still surprised... shame on you.) Buggy had found his lost limbs and was now a whole pirate. "MONKEY D. LUFFY! Ever since the day you sent me flying I've become obsessed with exacting my revenge on you! That alone led me to finally finding my crew! It was a flashy adventure!"
"What was your name again..." Luffy wondered, "Baggy, Boogie... OH! I KNOW! BUFFOON!"
"That's Buggy the Clown!" realized one of the civilians. "Then that means..."
"IT'S THE BUGGY PIRATES!" everyone collectively screamed before turning and attempting to run away. "AAAAHHHH!"
"STRONGMAN SHOCKWAVE!" KER-WHAAM! Shogi, Buggy's Crew's Strongman, came flying out of the sky and slammed his fist into the ground, the ground shook and the fleeing crowd was knocked off balance and crashed to the ground. He still wore his black costume which had a single shoulder strap and ended in a pair of shorts.
"Good work Shogi," Buggy commented, "I just love a captive audience!" The civilians looked scared as Buggy's crew pulled out guns and pointed aimed at them. Buggy loudly addressed them, "I want every single one of you to see exactly how scary I can be!"
"Oh yeah! Buggy, right?" Luffy finally realized.
WHUMP! Luffy suddenly found himself lying on the execution platform with a big wooden chopping block on top of his body, leaving him with only his head and arms sticking out from under it. Cabaji, Buggy's Second Mate, sat on top of it and smirked down at Luffy, "Long time no see, you rubber freak," Cabaji commented, "How's your pal Roronoa Zoro?"
"Got him!" Buggy exclaimed, "Good job Cabaji! BWAHAHAHAHAHA! ATTENTION EVERYONE! WE WILL NOW BEGIN THE SUPER-FLASHY EXECUTION OF MONKEY D. LUFFY! You should be honored Straw Hat, you're gonna die in the same place as the King of the Pirates! BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!"
Luffy struggled to get free, but was pinned under Cabaji and the chopping block. Storm clouds were moving in and it looked like Luffy was in big trouble.
"Uh oh, the barometric pressure is falling fast," Nami observed as she stared at a barometer while the clouds blew in over head. "I've never seen such a sharp drop before."
Y/N stared up at the previously white clouds which had now turned gray, "And to think you saw this coming," he commented. "Good thing you're our navigator. Nobody else would've been able to predict this storm."
"No one's better at sensing the weather than Miss. Nami!" Sanji told him, still holding Nami's numerous shopping bags.
"I suppose that's why she's on our crew then," Y/N reasoned.
"Wait... a storm?" questioned Usopp, who was still struggling to hold up the enormous Blue-Finned Elephant Tuna that Sanji had won in the Cooking Contest.
"Yeah, there's a big one heading right for this island," Nami informed them. "We'd better hurry back to the ship or we'll be in trouble."
"Hey!" came a familiar voice, the four Straw Hats turned and spotted Zoro coming from the other direction, he looked lost. "Where is he... have you guys seen him around here?"
"You mean Luffy?" asked Usopp.
"Yeah, we got separated," Zoro explained, "and I keep getting this feeling... it's not good. It usually means that something bad is gonna happen."
"I kind of figured it out from that scared looking crowd that's running this way," said Y/N as he pointed off to the side. The other four turned and saw a crowd of civilians running away from the town square.
"AAAAHHHH! IT'S BUGGY THE CLOWN!" one of them shouted as the crowd ran passed the five members of the Straw Hat Pirate Crew.
"Sir, we have an update on the situation," Petty Officer Masshikaku reported as Smoker, Devo, and Tashigi arrived. "It's not just 'Straw Hat' Luffy, it's also Buggy 'the Clown' and 'Iron Mace' Alvida. They're all there, wanted pirates from the East Blue have taken over our town square!"
"They do all of this right in front of me?" questioned Smoker, "Those arrogant scumbags."
"Sir, what are your orders?" asked Masshikaku.
"Lieutenant, take Unit One out to the harbor," Smoker ordered, "Have Unit Two surround the pirates from the streets, and have the rest stand-by within shooting rang of the square."
"Yes sir!" chorused Masshikaku and Devo as they ran off to follow Smoker's orders.
"Lieutenant..." Smoker called after Devo.
"Sir?" said Devo as he stopped and turned around.
"Crush any pirate ships as soon as you see them," Smoker commanded. "I don't want a single one of those wretched pirates to get off this island, not a single one."
"Yes sir!" Devo agreed as he ran off to get Unit One.
THOOM! Thunder crashed as thick black clouds rolled in over head.
Whap! Y/N grabbed a passing civilian and lifted him up in front of him, "What's going on?" he asked.
"It's an execution!" answered the man. "Buggy the Clown is gonna kill Straw Hat Luffy!"
"Shit," Y/N cursed as he released the man and let him run away then took off his sunglasses.
"Th-they're gonna e-execute him?" Usopp stammered.
"That freaking idiot!" Nami snapped.
"Nami, Usopp, get back to the ship and get it ready to cast off," Y/N instructed as he slipped into First Mate mode, "we've gotta get out of here as quickly as possible. Sanji, drop the bags, you and Zoro come with me to the town square. Let's go!"
With that Y/N, Zoro, and Sanji ran off for the square leaving Nami and Usopp to hold the giant fish and the shopping bags.
"Come on, we've gotta hurry," said Nami as she picked up the shopping bags and the sack of clothes and started heading in the opposite direction.
"Right, to the harbor," Usopp agreed as he followed behind her. He'd been carrying the big fish for a long time now, and in the tense moment it didn't seem as heavy.
"Captain Smoker, things are getting really weird," said a marine as Smoker and Tashigi walked out onto the balcony of a theatre across the square from the platform. The theatre gave them the perfect view of the 'show' that was going on in front of them on the scaffold.
Smoker took out a pair of binoculars and peered through them, "It's that kid," he realized as he spotted Luffy lying on the platform stuck under a chopping block. Buggy the Clown was standing on the platform with him and seemed to be taunting him. "What's he doing up there?"
Tashigi pulled out binoculars of her own and looked through them, "If I didn't know any better, I'd say that Monkey D. Luffy is about to be executed," she observed.
"That kid looks pathetic," Smoker thought to himself as he remembered meeting Luffy at the harbor.
"Personal quest, to see where the King of the Pirates died," Luffy replied.
"For some reason that kid caught my attention," Smoker said to himself. "I thought he was different from the others. Looks like he's nothing but pirate scum after all."
"Captain, we are ready to attack," one of the marine snipers stationed at the theatre informed him.
"Don't be hasty," Smoker told him. "One pirate is about to kill another. Let them fight it out first. That'll save us the trouble." Smoker turned and addressed all the marines that were in the theatre with him. "Listen, once Straw Hat's head rolls, we arrest Buggy, Alvida, and their gang. And do it fast!"
THOOOM! Lightning flashed and thunder crashed up in the stormy gray sky as Buggy stood over Luffy and cackled at him. "BWAHAHAHAHA! PIRATE MONKEY D. LUFFY OF THE STRAW HATS, WILL BE FLASHILY EXECUTED FOR THE CRIME OF PISSING ME OFF! BWAHAHA! GIVE IT UP FLASHILY!"
"YEEEEAAAHHH!" Buggy's men cheered while the crowd of civilians looked on in shock.
"Oh boy!" Luffy exclaimed, "I've never seen an execution!"
"You're the one being executed!" Buggy snapped.
"What?" questioned Luffy, "Stop joking!"
Luffy's Last Words:
"Here's the plan," said Y/N as he, Sanji, and Zoro ran for the platform. "I'll run in first and get rid of any threatening member's of Buggy's Crew. You guys hack your way through the rest of them and save Luffy."
"Sounds simple enough," Zoro agreed.
"Once you've got him, head for the harbor," Y/N continued, "Sanji, make sure Luffy and Zoro don't get lost. And be careful of any marines. This place will be crawling with them at any second."
"Right," Sanji replied as they raced to save their captain.
"I saw a massive cumulous cloud in the eastern sky," said Nami as she and Usopp ran for the Going Merry. "That means that an unimaginably big storm is heading our way and it's coming in fast! If Buggy and Luffy have caused a scene, the marines are sure to come out, and if our ship is washed out to see when we need to escape then we're done for!"
"That is a big deal!" Usopp realized.
"I bet the marines have already started taking action," Nami continued, "They'll destroy the Going Merry if they find it."
"So you're telling me that the Going Merry is in danger?" questioned Usopp, he picked up his pace and raced passed Nami, the weight of the fish was nothing now, his beloved ship was in danger. "COME ON NAMI! HURRY UP! "
"WAIT FOR ME!" Nami called out as she ran after him.
"Alright men, double time!" Lieutenant Devo ordered as he and Unit One ran for the harbor. "We have to get to the harbor immediately and destroy every last pirate ship vessel! WE CAN'T LET THOSE PIRATES ESCAPE!"
"YES SIR!" Unit One chorused.
"Ri-ding a-round on a Ri-chie bike, who's that man, who's that man, it's me!" sang Mohji as he rode his massive lion Richie towards the harbor and stopped in front of the Going Merry. "So this is Straw Hat's ship, huh? It's gotten bigger, but he won't need it where he's going! It's almost time for Buggy to flashily finish him off."
"However!" Mohji continued while the Merry sweat-dropped, "just in case the rubber guy who has absolutely no chance of escaping, happens to escape, we need to burn this ship down! Burning wood smells so good."
"I'm sorry... really I am..." Luffy apologized in a bored monotone, "Please spare my life..."
"AS IF I'D SPARE YOUR LIFE!" Buggy snapped.
"This is what happens when you go against us," Cabaji stated as he stood with Alvida and Shogi and watched the captain up on the platform.
"I guess this is it for the man I had my eye on," Alvida commented.
"Too bad the others aren't here," said Shogi, "I was looking forward to ripping One Eye's head from his body."
"You've got a pretty big audience here," Buggy pointed out, "you want to say a few words before you die?" Luffy growled as he laid on the platform while Buggy continued to taunt him, "Aww... cat got you tongue? That's alright, stay quiet. Or as a few words, it doesn't matter, you're still gonna die!"
At that moment Luffy decided that he did want to say something, "LISTEN!" he hollered, "I'M THE MAN WHO WILL BECOME KING OF THE PIRATES!"
Luffy's voice carried throughout Loguetown and left the civilians staring up in shock. "He said... King of the pirates..." a man stammered.
"In this town of all place?" questioned another man. This was where the old Pirate King died, but now this kid who was about to get executed was claiming that he become the new Pirate King.
"HOLD IT!" came a loud voice. Everyone turned and saw One Eye Y/N running through the crowd wearing Daddy the Father's signature black cowboy hat. "Gimme back by Captain you big-nosed bastard!"
"YOU! ONE EYE!" Buggy exclaimed.
"RICKY!" Luffy cheered. "YOU CAME TO SAVE ME!"
"CABAJI! SHOGI! STOP HIM!" Buggy ordered.
The Acrobat and the Strongman turned to cut off the rapidly approaching pirate. Cabaji hopped on his unicycle and wheeled towards him while Shogi cracked his knuckles and got ready to fight.
"ONE EYE! I'LL KILL YOU!" Shogi snapped as he charged at Y/N. "STRONGMAN PUNCH!"
WOOSH Y/N ran under Shogi's arm then sprang off of the ground and dropkicked Cabaji in the chest, "ARROW KICK!" WHAM! Cabaji was knocked backwards and took out Curly, Larry, and Moe who were standing behind him. The four of them landed in a heap, but the Second Mate sat back up and looked pissed.
"HOW DARE YOU!" Cabaji snapped as he got back up but left his unicycle lying where it was on top of the three stooges, "YOU'LL PAY FOR THAT!"
"You'll have to catch me first," Y/N replied as he turned and ran, SHOOM! He leapt fifteen feet up into the air and flew over Shogi's head, then ran off the way he came.
"No problem," Shogi agreed as he and Cabaji chased Y/N out of the square and down Main Street.
"Well then," said Buggy as he pulled out a sword and raised it over his head, "NOW THAT THAT'S TAKEN CARE OF... IT'S TIME TO FLASHILY EXECUTE STRAW HAT!"
"STOP THE EXECUTION!" came another loud voice.
"WHAT NOW?" Buggy yelled as he looked through the crowd and spotted Roronoa Zoro and some blond haired guy in a suit standing on the other side of the crowd where Y/N, Cabaji, and Shogi had just ran passed.
"SANJI! ZORO!" Luffy exclaimed, happy to see the rest of his Nakama.
"Luffy you idiot!" Zoro scolded him, "I guess all that fooling around finally caught up with you."
"You starting a sideshow, or is that just how you look?" Sanji taunted. "Pretty sad. Now what we've gotta do is drive these goons away."
"IT'S PIRATE HUNTER ZORO!" a civilian shouted. "AAAAAHHHH!" The crowd parted and everyone ran off screaming at seeing the famous pirate hunter.
"HEY GUYS!" Luffy called out.
"You made it Zoro!" commented Buggy, "BUT YOU'RE JUST A LITTLE BIT TOO LATE!" Buggy raised his sword up above his head and prepared to take Luffy's head off.
"We have to hurry and break down that platform," Zoro told Sanji as the two of them ran into the crowd of pirates.
"Okay boys, GET HIM!" Alvida ordered. The pirates let out a cheer and charge to meet Zoro and Sanji.
"What's going on?" asked Smoker.
"Well, the first one was Straw Hat's First Mate, One Eye Y/N," explained one of the marines in the theatre, "Now Roronoa Zoro's here."
"The Pirate Hunter? What great timing," Smoker commented.
"Sir, we've received reports that he's with Luffy's group," a marine felt obligated to inform him.
Tashigi raised her binoculars and stared through them, "THAT GUY! HE'S RORONOA ZORO!" Tashigi exclaimed as she finally recognized the green haired man from the sword shop.
SLISH! Zoro slashed one pirate with Kitetsu III, the sword in his right hand, then lashed out and cut another one with Yubashiri, the sword in his left hand, SLOSH! A third pirate came and Zoro used Wado Ichimonji, the sword in his mouth, to cut him down, SLASH!
SWISH! Sanji dodged a sword strike from a pirate then raised his leg and brought it down on the back of the pirate's head, THWAK! Another two pirates ran over and Sanij dropped down onto his hands and spun around while lashing out his legs, THWAK-WAK! Both pirates were taken down at the same time and Sanji flipped back up to his feet and raced for the platform.
"BASTARD!" Sanji shouted as he lashed out his leg and kicked a pirate in the face, THWHAM!
SLISH-SLISH-SLOSH! Zoro slashed all three of his swords and another pirate dropped in front of him. "If I can just cut down the platform..." he thought to himself.
"Listen, the second Monkey D. Luffy's head falls, we all attack together," ordered a marine as he and a squad of marines aimed their guns at the pirates.
"Prepare for battle," Smoker told the marines up in the theatre.
"Come on guys, you've gotta want it," Y/N called out behind him as he darted through a back alley. "I didn't see that annoying lion-guy in the square. I wouldn't put it passed those bastards to attack our ship. I'd better head to the harbor, if Nami and Usopp aren't there yet I'll have to save the Merry."
"When I get my hands on you, I'll break you in half!" Shogi yelled as he and Cabaji ran after Y/N. Huff... puff... "Damn... this little bastard's fast..."
"Keep running," Cabaji instructed, "we can't let him get away!"
"BWAHAHAHAHA!" Buggy cackled as he prepared to bring down his sword.
"ZORO! SANJI!" Luffy called out to his two Nakama that were desperately fighting to save him.
"USOPP! NAMI!" Luffy yelled out the names of his Nakama that were running to the harbor in an attempt to save the ship and assure their escape.
RICKY!" Luffy shouted his brother's name as he sprinted towards the Going Merry with two of Buggy's strongest pirates chasing him and another awaiting him.
"SORRY..." Luffy smiled and apologized, "BUT... I'M DEAD."
"IDIOT!" Zoro growled.
"DON'T SAY THAT!" Sanji snarled.
"He smiled..." said Smoker as his eyes went wide in shock.
Krak-krak-KA-THOOOOOM! Thunder crashed and suddenly a bolt of lighting came down from the sky and connected with the metal sword that Buggy had been holding over his head.
Zoro, Sanji, Buggy's Crew, the civilians, and the marines all stared in shock as the platform shook and started to fall apart. Buggy was engulfed in blue flames as was the entire top of the platform. Klank... klank... klank... A metal beam from the platform crashed down to the ground in front of the shocked audience. The blue flames spread until they covered the entire platform and gave off and eerie blue glow.
The sky burst opened and rain started to fall. The storm had finally arrived. The rain wasn't enough to put out the blue flames, but the rickety platform could no longer stay standing, KREEEK... KER-RASH! The platform tipped to the side and went crashing down to the ground taking Luffy and Buggy along with it.
The crowd still hadn't moved a muscle and stood still as Luffy's straw hat floated up into the air then drifted downwards and came to rest in a puddle that had formed in front of the toppled execution platform.
Luffy picked up his hat and put it back on his head, then stood in front of the broken platform and laughed, "HAHAHAHAHA! I'M STILL ALIVE! That's nice!" At Luffy's feet, Buggy was charred and out cold, but Luffy came out completely unharmed.
"That... was divine intervention... "Sanji stammered as Luffy ran over to him and Zoro.
"Don't talk nonsense," Zoro scolded him as he put his swords away, "We've gotta get out of this town. Our troubles are not over."
Up in the theatre, Smoker finally got over his shock and waved his hand, "ATTACK! SURROUND ALL THE PIRATES NOW!"
"RAAAAAAHHHHHH!" The marines came charging into the square from five different directions and surrounded the pirates and the crowd of civilians.
"HERE THEY COME!" Sanji exclaimed as the marines reached Buggy's crew and began to fight.
"Oh wow!" Luffy commented as he dodged to the side to avoid a flying Buggy Pirate, "Everybody here went crazy so quickly!"
WHAP! Luffy struggled as someone caught him by surprise and grabbed the back of his shirt, but he calmed down when he saw that it was only Zoro, "Luffy, we don't have time for this, we have got to get out of here."
"We'd better hurry back to the Going Merry or we'll never be able to leave this island," said Sanji, "AND WE SURE AS HELL WON'T GET TO THE GRAND LINE!"
"Well that's no good," Luffy decided, "RUN!" With that Luffy, Zoro, and Sanji took off and ran. The marines in the square were caught up fighting the Buggy Pirates and they managed to escape into a street.
"THE STRAW HAT GANG IS GETTING AWAY!" a marine called out as the three Straw Hats ran passed him.
"CAPTURE THEM!" came a shout from a squad of marines as they came running down the street in the opposite direction of the Straw Hats.
THWAK! Sanji took down a pair of marines with a running kick.
SLISH! SLISH! SLOSH! Zoro cut down a trio of marines with his three swords.
POW! POW! WHAP-AP-AP! Luffy took down five with a series of rapid-fire punches.
The three Straw Hats ran off, leaving Smoker staring after them in surprise. "Why did he smile?" Smoker asked himself as he remembered seeing Luffy smile in the face of death. "Did he know that he would be saved? No. At that moment he was certain that his life was about to end. He simply accepted death and smiled at it." Smoker remembered another pirate who had smiled in the face of death... twenty-two years ago.
"Captain! We have to pursue the pirates!" a marine called out to Smoker, hoping to bring him out of his thoughts.
"You, think back," Smoker instructed, still caught up with what he'd just witnessed. "Have you ever seen any pirate smile on the execution platform?"
"No sir," the marine answered, "It doesn't matter how tough they are, every man fears death."
"That Straw Hat smiled," Smoker stated. "It saw it. He smiled just like Gold Roger twenty-two years ago... just like the old King of the Pirates did on that exact execution platform."
"Captain?" the marine called out, bringing Smoker out of his musings.
"Where's Straw Hat now?" asked Smoker.
"He slipped passed us and is heading toward the harbor," the marine reported.
Smoker turned and headed for the door, "Lieutenant Devo and Unit One should already be on their way there to destroy their ship."
"Captain Smoker," said Sergeant Major Tashigi, who up to his point had been silent, "If we let them set sail now they'll be able to get to the Grand Line before we can capture them."
"The wind of blowing towards the west," Smoker observed as the looked up at the gray storm clouds in the sky. "It's a tailwind for that ship. Is this just a mere coincidence, it's as if heaven itself has special plans for this young pirate."
"We'd better pick up the pace or we're toast!" called out Zoro as he, Luffy, and Sanji kept running.
"I'm a 'White Chase' Smoker... on my honor as Marine Captain... I WON'T LET THAT MAN LEAVE THIS ISLAND!" Smoker vowed.
Y/N sprinted along the length of the harbor but then spotted something large standing in front of the Going Merry. He tried to stop, but the wet ground was slippery and caused him to slide towards the giant lion.
"Damn, this sudden rain drenched my matches," Mohji complained as he sat on top of his Richie-bike and contemplated how he was going to burn down the Straw Hat's ship in the middle of a storm.
WHAM! Someone suddenly slammed into Richie, causing the lion to stagger slightly. Riche turned around and Mohji stared down in surprise at who had bumped into him.
"ONE EYE!" Mohji exclaimed, "YOU'LL PAY FOR WHAT YOU DID TO ME!"
TMP! TMP! TMP! Cabaji and Shogi came running over and stopped and panted. "Mohji... you can't... kill... this pirate..." Shogi wheezed, he was a strongman, not a sprinter. All this running had caught up to him.
"Captain Buggy... ordered us... to take care of him..." added Cabaji who was slightly less tired.
"NO!" Mohji refused. "I want revenge for what this brat did to me last time! HE HUMILIATED ME!"
"If you'd like, you guys can fight over it," Y/N suggested, "then I'll fight the winner."
"FINE!" Shogi agreed as he cracked his knuckles, "I want revenge too."
"YOU IDIOTS!" Cabaji snapped, "he's trying to turn us against each other. We'll kill him together. He may have beaten the two of your separately, but he never beat me. And with the three of us working together he'll have no hope of survival."
"Fine then," conceded Mohji.
"I think I liked the idea of you guys fighting each other better," Y/N commented as he suddenly found himself surrounded on three sides by Cabaji, Shogi, and Richie. He drew his sword and prepared for the three-on-one fight, four-on-one if you include the lion.
A mysterious man wearing a hooded green cloak walked down Main Street. "Blow, winds... the storm of fate... has arrived..." Lightning flashed and lit up the man's face, he had dark hair, a big smile, and a red tattoo going down the left side of his face. Thunder sounded. KA-THOOM!
The man was gone.
Hope you enjoyed the chapter!!
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