Blackbeard's Treasure

Eleven months before Luffy set out and the current storyline began, Y/N was walking along a hallway inside the Moby Dick. He was eighteen now and had grown to his full height of six feet over the year he'd spent with the Whitebeard Pirates. His long red hair was tied back in a ponytail that went down to the bottom of his neck. He wore a pair of black boots, black pants, and a white shirt with the mark of the Whitebeard Pirates on the back.

WHAP! Someone suddenly grabbed the back of Y/N's shirt and yanked him into the room he was walking passed. Y/N was placed down on a stool and the door was slammed shut. SLAM! Thunk! A man placed a mug of grog down on the table in front of Y/N then sat down next to him. "I have a proposal for you," said the man.

The man stood over eleven feet tall and his large girth made him three times the size of Y/N. He had long curly black hair and short scruffy beard on his jaw, the four buttons on the top of his white shirt were undone and showed off his hairy chest. He wore a black bandana on the top of his head, the aforementioned white shirt, black pants and boots, and a thick belt with rum bottles and a pair of pistols stuck in it. His name was Marshall D. Teach.

"Teach, what do you want?" asked Y/N.

"Have a drink," Teach offered as he motioned to the mug he'd placed on the counter in front of Y/N. "I hear you like grog from the North Blue, so I got some especially for you."

An alarm bell went off in Y/N's head as he took the mug and tentatively took a sip, it was genuine North Blue Grog, his favorite. "Good stuff," Y/N remarked. "Why the particular interest in me?"

"I need a favor," Teach explained, the normally jolly man was serious, another warning bell went off in Y/N's head. "Ace told me about that Treasure Sense of yours, and how you used it to find his Devil Fruit. I was hoping you could help me do something similar so I can achieve my destiny."

"Destiny, huh," said Y/N. "I suppose I could help you out. What do you need?"

"I've been searching for a Devil Fruit called the Dark Dark Fruit for the last fifteen years," Teach told him.

A third warning bell went off in Y/N's head. This 'Dark Dark Fruit' sounded creepy. Y/N quickly took a long drink from his mug of grog to hide the suspicious look on his face.

Teach pulled a rolled up piece of paper out from his belt, "I found this map a month ago, I think I leads to the island that the Fruit is on. It's my Fate to get that Fruit, I just know it."

"Then why do you need me?" questioned Y/N as he finished off his grog and placed the empty cup on the counter. "If finding this Devil Fruit's your destiny, why haven't you done it already?"

"I've already investigated the island," Teach admitted. "But I couldn't find it. I think that Treasure Sense of yours could help me. What do you say, will you help me achieve my destiny?"

Despite all the warning bells going off in Y/N's head, he was still a treasure hunter, and he couldn't pass up on this opportunity to find this amazing treasure. "Alright," Y/N agreed, "But I have a condition."

"What?" asked Teach, Y/N pretended not to notice him twitching.

"We need to bring someone with us," Y/N answered, he saw Teach about to protest but cut him off. "It always helps to bring along an extra crewmate to have your back. You never know what kind of booby-traps are set up around the treasure. Did Ace happen to tell you that we found his Flame Flame Fruit inside a volcano?"

Y/N could see the wheels inside Teach's head spinning. It was clear to Y/N that the man didn't want anyone else to know about his expedition. Y/N didn't feel comfortable going on a trip for a creepy Devil Fruit with a just as creepy Teach for company.

"Alright," Teach conceded. "We'll bring someone along, but just one other person. Find someone, and meet me in and hour and we'll set off. I wanna get my hands on that Fruit as soon as possible. I'll finally achieve my destiny. ZEHAHAHAHAHAHA!"

Y/N quickly left the room and wandered the inside of the ship, wondering who to bring with him. His mind was buzzing with how creepy Teach had been acting and how suspicious this Dark Dark Fruit sounded. He almost didn't hear the person that was calling after him.

"Hey Y/N!" Y/N turned around and saw Ollie running down the hallway toward him. "I've been looking for you."

"Oh yeah, what's up?" Y/N asked.

Ollie smiled at him, "I was wondering if you wanted to do something tonight."

"I... can't," Y/N reluctantly replied. But he'd already told Teach that he'd find the Devil Fruit with him. In all honesty, he'd preferspending an evening with Ollie then going on a treasure hunt with Teach.

"Oh," Ollie replied dismissively. "Well, then just forget about it. It was a stupid idea anyway."

"I'm leaving on a mission soon," Y/N explained. "Teach found a treasure map and wanted me to come along with him."

Ollie's green eyes widened in understanding, "Oh, can I come?"

Y/N thought about it, they'd been Nakama for a while. She'd been on treasure hunts with him in the past. But this was different. Teach was acting weird and Y/N DID NOT want to get her involved in the weirdness. Y/N wanted to bring along someone who could hopefully handle Teach if things got weird, like one of the Division Commanders. He didn't want Ollie to get hurt going after a creepy treasure with him and Teach.

"No," Y/N answered a bit more bluntly than he had intended.

Ollie frowned, "Sorry I asked," she pushed passed him and walked off, "I don't know why I even bothered."

"I'm sorry," he whispered after her. He felt horrible. But he didn't want her to get hurt. Y/N strengthened his resolve and ran up to the main deck in search of a Division Commander to bring with him.

Ace was away on a mission and Jozu was busy. Y/N eventually found Thatch and explained the situation to him.

"That does sound suspicious," Thatch admitted. "But Teach has been a member of this crew for a long time."

"Well he was acting weird," Y/N explained. "And with a Devil Fruit called the Dark Dark Fruit, I just wanted to be careful."

"Alright, I'll come," Thatch agreed. "When do we leave?"

"Teach asked me to meet with him in an hour," Y/N answered, "So... ten minutes."

"Then we'd better get going," Thatch decided. Y/N nodded and the two of them headed off to meet Teach.

-End Flashback pt VIII-

"We followed Teach's map to this island," Y/N continued, "the second I got off of the boat we were on I felt the treasure. It was the same kind of feeling I had when I saw the Gum Gum Fruit... and the same feeling I felt with the Flame Flame Fruit... but it was darker." He still had the entire crew's attention.

-Y/N and the Treasure Flashback part IX -

Y/N stepped off of the boat and onto the shore, "SWEET SILVERS RAYLEIGH!" Y/N took a step back and shivered.

"What is it? Do you sense the treasure?" asked Teach as he followed Y/N off the boat.

"Yeah but that's putting it mildly," said Y/N. "It's almost overpowering. You were right Teach, it must be powerful I've never sensed anything like this before."

"Zehahaha! Excellent," Teach chuckled happily. "Then it should be no problem for you to find it."

"You've got that right," Y/N agreed, "follow me."

Y/N led Teach and Thatch across the island and they eventually made it to a cave on the mountain in the middle of the island.

"I checked this cave the last time I came here," Teach told them. "But I didn't find anything inside it."

"It's definitely in there," Y/N assured him. "I'd bet anything on it."

"A dark cave leading to the Dark Dark Fruit," Thatch remarked as he stared into the opening of the dark cave. "It seems fitting."

"Torches?" Y/N suggested. The three of them quickly lit torches and entered the cave. The cave went downward and they kept going deeper and deeper for what felt like hours. But eventually... they had reached a dead end.

"See, it's a dead end," Teach pointed out. "It's the same thing I encountered last time."

Y/N ran his hands along the wall beside him and stared at it. "It's not a dead end," Y/N told him. "It feels like its coming from behind the wall. Maybe there's some kind of room through here."

"There's a small opening in the wall down there," Thatch observed as he pointed his torch towards a small hole in the wall.

"I won't be able to fit through that," Teach realized, he eyed Y/N, "But the kid could probably do it."

Y/N nodded in agreement, "I think I can manage it."

"When you find it, bring the treasure back," Teach instructed.

"Dah hah ah ahh 'ahhih a' oin'," said Y/N as he put his torch in his mouth, then got down on his knees and squeezed into the opening of the tunnel. (Translation: That's what I was planning on doing.)

"We'll keep our lights pointed at this end of the opening so it will be easier to find your way back," Thatch told Y/N as he crawled into the opening.

With just the torch in his mouth to light his way, Y/N squirmed his way through the small passage. It went on for a few minutes until the passage started getting wider, Y/N kept crawling until he came out of the passage into a small chamber. It was barely big enough for him to stand up in. On a short stone pillar in the middle of the room was a black treasure chest. "There it is,"Y/N thought to himself, with the torch still in his mouth. Y/N reached into his left pocket and pulled out his black leather took case. He pulled out a lock pick and shined the torch on the chest as he picked the lock. Click! It popped opened and Y/N lifted the lid and shined the light down on the strange-looking dark purple fruit that resembled a bunch of grapes. "This thing's beyond creepy."

Y/N closed the lid of the treasure chest and held it up in front of him. "I'll make sure to show this to Pops, he'll know what to do." Y/N tucked the chest under his arm then crouched down and crawled back into the hole he had come in from. With the chest under one of his arms and the torch in his mouth Y/N crawled through the passage way until he saw flickering light coming through the other end.

"Here he comes," Thatch's voice called out.

"It's about time," Teach's voice replied as Y/N squirmed out of the hole and stood up. "Well, you got it right?"

"Yeah, I got it," answered Y/N as he took the torch out of his mouth and held it with one hand while opening the chest with the other to show Teach the fruit inside.

"At last!" Teach exclaimed. "Zehahahaha!"

"Nothing personal," said Y/N. "But that fruit gave me the creeps. I want to show it to the old man before anyone eats it."

"But that fruit is my destiny!" Teach protested. "That Fruit is my Fate, you can't keep it from me!"

"Calm down," Thatch scolded him. "You can live your dream after we show the fruit to the old man. With a name like Dark Dark Fruit that fruit sounds very dangerous. I just want to be sure that it's safe."

"Of course it's safe! It's my Fate! My destiny!" Teach insisted.

"If you think about it, I was the one who managed to get through the little passageway and got the chest," Y/N pointed out. "If it was your destiny to find this thing, wouldn't the tunnel into the other chamber have been bigger?"

"The Fruit's my Fate, it doesn't matter how I acquire it."

"Let's get out of this cave and get back to the ship," Thatch suggested. "Once we're there we can sort out this whole thing."

Y/N nodded and started back out of the cave, without another word Thatch followed after him. Teach stood and muttered something then went after them.

Two and a half hours later the trio finally made it out of the cave and back to the ship. It was already dark out so they had dinner then decided to head back to the rest of the Whitebeard Pirates in the morning.

In the middle of the night Y/N's eyes snapped open, he felt himself being drawn to the Dark Dark Fruit and in no time he was in the room they were holding it in. Y/N lifted the lid of the chest and stared down at the fruit, it was like it was calling to him. Y/N pulled the fruit out of the treasure chest and held it up in front of him staring at it intently. But suddenly he heard voices.

"Where are you going, Teach?" came Thatch's voice.

"I was just going for a late night snack," Teach answered. "I'm still hungry."

"Don't give me that," Thatch's voice replied. "You're going to eat the fruit."

"Zehahahaha!" Teach laughed. "Alright, you caught me."

"I told you, not until we get back to Whitebeard," said Thatch.

"You no longer have control over the matter," Teach replied. BANG! THUD! BANG! BANG!

Y/N stared at the door in horror, he was pretty sure he had just overheard Thatch getting shot multiple times. He picked up the treasure and held it to his chest. Teach had killed one of his Nakama to get the Devil Fruit. That went against all of the morals that Whitebeard had taught them.

Y/N's mind was buzzing, he was right to be suspicious of Teach, he'd killed to get that Fruit. Not just that, he'd killed his Nakama to get the Fruit. Y/N was momentarily glad that he'd decided to leave without Ollie, he wouldn't have been able to live with himself if he let her come and end up getting killed over the Fruit. Teach had killed Thatch, a Division Commander. Y/N had picked him to come as an escort so that WOULDN'T happen.

"You shouldn't have interfered with Fate," came Teach's voice, it was getting closer. KREEK! The door opened and Y/N found himself face to face with Marshal D. Teach, he had a pistol in his hand.

"So you heard, eh?" questioned Teach. Y/N only nodded. "Zehahaha, that fool interfered with my destiny and was out to ruin my dream. No one can fight Fate."

"But... you killed him!" Y/N exclaimed still shocked by what he had heard.

"It couldn't be helped," Teach replied. "He was in the way. Now the question is... are you in the way... or are you going to allow me to achieve my dream?"

"This dream of yours is bigger than the Fruit, isn't it?" asked Y/N.

"Zehahahaha!" Teach laughed. "You always were the smart one. Yes, I have big plans but the Dark Dark Fruit is at the center of them. By giving me that treasure you're helping me realize my dream. So what I want to know is... do you want to join my pirate crew?"

"Your pirate crew?" questioned Y/N.

"Yes, my pirate crew," Teach confirmed. "I plan on setting out on my own and forming the Blackbeard Pirates. I'LL BE THE KING OF THE PIRATES!"

"King of the Pirates?" Y/N repeated.

"Yeah," said Teach. "The days of Whitebeard are over. That old man can't become the King of the Pirates, it's my destiny. That fruit will help me achieve it."

"Why is this fruit so special?" asked Y/N.

"They say the Dark Dark Fruit has the powers of the Sea Devil himself," Blackbeard explained. "It controls darkness and I must have it. You'll make a great addition to my crew with the proper molding. Your observations about Fate were correct, you were the one to crawl through the tunnel and get the treasure. Your destiny is to help me achieve my dream at the same time you'll live your dream and find the One Piece you're after."

Y/N stayed silent and Teach continued. "So what do you say?" Teach asked. "DO YOU WANT TO JOIN MY PIRATE CREW?"

-End Flashback part VII-

The Curse of the Devil's Eye:


"So you joined him and that's why everyone's afraid of you now," Sanji guessed.

"No, unfortunately I didn't," Y/N replied, as he suppressed a shudder. "I wish it had been that simple. More lives would've been saved if I had just accepted and turned on him at the right moment."

-Y/N's Flashback pt VIII-

(A/N: This section contains graphic violence. But if there are Naruto stories out there that have death and violence and can still be rated 'T', I think I can get away with this. I'd like to see you have someone's eye cut out and keep the rating at TEEN.)

"Teach wants me to abandon pops and join him," Y/N thought to himself and stared at Blackbeard.

"All you have to do is give me the fruit," Teach told him.

Y/N took a deep breath and walked over to Teach then held out the chest containing the Devil Fruit. "Open wide," Y/N instructed.

"ZEHAHAHAHAHA!" Teach laughed. "That's the spirit boy! You'll be my First Mate! We'll scour the seas for worthy crew members and we'll start the new age of pirates!" Teach opened his mouth and waited for Y/N to give it to him.

"JAVELIN KICK!" Y/N screamed. He gave it to him all right he lashed out his leg and kicked Teach in the jaw with everything he had. CRUNCH! Some of Blackbeard's teeth fell out of his mouth as he fell backwards and hit the floor FWUMP!Y/N jumped over Teach and ran out of the room clutching the treasure chest to his chest.

He saw Thatch's body lying on the deck. He had four bullet wounds in his chest. Y/N momentarily felt guilty. He had convinced Thatch to come along, if he hadn't, he'd still be alive.

Y/N shook his head. Thatch had agreed to come because he knew the risks involved with a powerful Devil Fruit. If Y/N had gone alone with Teach, it might've been him lying there dead on the deck. Y/N had brought Thatch along, but Teach had been the one to kill him. Thatch had died to keep Teach from getting his hands on the Fruit, and Y/N wasn't going to let his death be in vain. He owed Thatch that much. Y/N turned and jumped off of the ship then raced back towards the island.


Y/N didn't have to see him to know Blackbeard had jumped off of the boat and was running after him. Y/N ran as fast as he could and made it to the island he, could still heard Teach coming behind him but luckily Y/N was faster than Teach and was putting some distance between them.

"This is hopeless," Y/N thought to himself. "There's only one way off of this island and that's with the ship we came here on. As stupid as he looks, Teach knows that. I need to catch him by surprise then jump on the ship and take off before he can stop me."

Y/N put on another burst of speed and ducked down behind a big rock. The cave that the Dark Dark Fruit had been in was part of a mountain that had giant boulders all over it. Y/N was halfway around the cave and hiding behind one of the boulders.

Y/N peaked around the side of the boulder and saw Teach running over, "GET BACK HERE YOU BRAT!" Teach bellowed. "YOU'RE KEEPING ME FROM MY DESTINY!"

Y/N put down the treasure chest then stood back up and drew his sword, "Here goes nothing," Y/N whispered as he waited for Blackbeard to pass the boulder he was behind. "Red Blade... LIGHTNING STRIKE!" Y/N launched himself at Teach with his sword drawn, but Teach heard him coming and whirled around in time to side-step the pirate flying towards him. SWISH! WHAM! Blackbeard held his hand together and drove them down into Y/N's back, sending him crashing down to the ground.

"I see..." Blackbeard commented, "attacking an opponent roughly ten times your strength in a one-on-one battle... a cunning strategy. Wait no... what's the opposite of that?" (A/N: Dragon Ball Z Abridged reference)

"Uh... stupid?" Y/N offered as he lunged up off of the ground and swung his leg around at Teach's face. WHAP! Blackbeard reached out and grabbed Y/N's leg then used his hold on it to slam him down to the ground. WHAM!

"Yeah, that's it, stupid," Blackbeard amended as he stood over Y/N. "ZEHAHAHA! YOU NEVER STOOD A CHANCE BRAT!"

Y/N rolled away from Teach and attempted to get up, "You're spirited but you're in over your head. You're determined to protect that treasure... and I respect that." THWAK! Teach lashed out his leg and kicked Y/N in the face sending him crashing to the ground and rolling away. "This is your last chance, boy. Join my pirate crew... you'll find One Piece... and I'll become King of the Pirates."

"Hah-ha," Y/N chuckled as he staggered up to his feet. "That's where you're wrong, you might kill me... but you'll never become King of the Pirates."

POW! Blackbeard punched Y/N hard in the stomach doubling him over. SLIK! Blackbeard raked his nails across Y/N's right eye causing the skin around it to bleed and drip down into the split eyeball. Blood was dripping down the side of Y/N's face and he let out a pain-filled scream, "AAAAAHHHHHHH! SON OF A BITCH!"

"ARE YOU DOUBTING MY FATE AND MY DREAM?" Teach demanded. "If you're so smart, you tell me, who do you think will be the next Pirate King? That old man you call 'pops'? Whitebeard?"

"No," Y/N replied as he staggered up to his feet. "He hasn't set off yet... but in a year's time... he will. The new generation of pirates... will be lead by the next King of the Pirates... MONKEY D. LUFFY!"

"THAT'S ENOUGH!" Blackbeard snarled, SLIK! Blackbeard raked his nails across Y/N's right eye in the other direction, giving him two deep scratches going across his eye which was now bleeding profusely.

"AAAAAAAAHHHHH!" Y/N screamed in agony as his eye was practically torn out of its socket. "MOTHER FU—" THWAK! Y/N was cut off with a hard kick to the chest and went crashing down to the ground.

WHAM! WOMP! CRASH! CRUNCH! Blackbeard kept attacking Y/N until he was no longer moving. Y/N laid on the ground and his consciousness faded, the last thing he heard was Teach laughing, "ZEHAHAHAHAHA!"

-End Flashback pt IX-

"So that's where you got the scars from," Nami realized, she placed a comforting hand on Y/N's shoulder.

"Did you really tell him I was going to be King of the Pirates?" asked Luffy.

"Of course," Y/N answered, "I've never doubted you. Teach was already a great fighter before eating the Dark Dark Fruit, with it he's probably unstoppable. But if anyone can beat him it'll be you. No matter who you're fighting you always rise to the occasion and beat them."

"So what happened next?" asked Usopp. "Obviously you didn't die because you're still here."

"You're right," Y/N agreed. "But the story only gets worse."

"What could be worse than getting your eye cut out and almost dying?" questioned Nami.

"Finding a new one," Y/N replied.

-Origin Flashback part X -

Y/N eventually woke up and opened his eye. He wasn't sure how long he had been unconscious for, it could have been hours, it could have been days, it could have been weeks for all he knew. The blood from his right eye had dried and the cuts around his eyelid were starting to scar. He reached out and grabbed his sword which was on the ground next to him and cut himself with it before putting it away. But that was when Y/N felt it. "Wait... what's that?" Y/N asked himself. "I sense treasure, something dark. But that bastard took the Devil Fruit and left." With only one eye Y/N staggered to his feet, he barely had depth perception now, so he relied on his Treasure Sense to lead him. He found himself in front of the cave he had found the Dark Dark Fruit in. "There's something else in there,"Y/N realized. "The Devil Fruit must have been blocking me from sensing it." Y/N stood in front of the cave for a moment, "It's not like I have anything to lose."

With the aid of a torch they had left at the cave and with only one eye Y/N headed into the cave and made the difficult two and a half hour journey with barely any depth perception. The entire way, Y/N was thinking about Teach and the horrible things he had done, "He killed Thatch ... He tried to kill me... He killed his Nakama... He abandoned Whitebeard after all the years he had been on the crew... he'll pay for what he's done... sooner or later... he's going to pay..." Eventually Y/N made it to the same dark dead end and after feeling around he found the passage way. Y/N put the torch in his mouth and got down on his hands and knees and squeezed into the opening then crawled through it like he had earlier. A few minutes later, Y/N came out the other end and found himself in the same cavern he had found the Dark Dark Fruit in.

Y/N's search of the cavern came up with nothing he shook his head and sat down on the small pillar that the Devil Fruit had been on. "I sense the treasure but I don't see it. It's like I'm sitting on top of it. WAIT A MINUTE!" Y/N stood up and glanced at the pillar, "It's worth a shot," he said to himself, THWAK! Y/N lashed out his leg and kicked the pillar, knocking it away into the wall. "That was a little easier than I—Whoa!" Y/N suddenly noticed a hole in the ground where the pillar had been, it looked like it was barely big enough for him to fit into. Y/N shrugged and put the torch back in his mouth then lowered himself legs-first into the hole. He spread his legs out to keep from falling then slowly slid all the way inside and started his way down.

Y/N kept going down the hole for what felt like hours, it seemed like it was going down to the center of the Earth. But Y/N had nothing else to do, his ship was gone and he was stranded on the island. So he kept going for what felt like forever and kept going lower and lower, deeper and deeper, he felt like he was going down to Hell itself. The treasure he sensed kept getting stronger. Finally the hole Y/N had been squeezing through opened wider, Y/N shined his torch down at the cavern below him and could vaguely make out solid ground. Y/N took a deep breath and dropped, TMP! He landed in a crouch in a small cavern that wasn't even big enough for him to stand up in. By now the treasure was almost overwhelming his Treasure Sense... like a really strong smell or a bright light after being in the dark for a long time.

Y/N shined his torch which was almost burned out by now and noticed a blood red chest on the ground in front of him. There was no lock on the chest and Y/N gave it an experimental tug ... IT OPENED! "I didn't expect that to actually work." Y/N commented to himself. Inside was a blood red ball, Y/N tentatively reached in and picked the ball out of the case. It was about the size of a human eye and smelled strongly of blood. After looking over the ball for a few minutes with the little bit of light that he had left Y/N realized, "ITS AN EYE!"

"How do you like that for Fate, Teach?" Y/N asked himself. "You cut out my eye, I find a new one. I managed to squeeze through two holes that your bulky ass wouldn't have made it through. You're talking about destiny... well this eye is mine." Y/N used the tip of Akaikyuuketsuki to clean the remains of his eye from his eye socket, having gotten the blood from his eye on the sword he put it away. Then he slowly lifted the red eye to his face, he hesitated for a moment then shoved the eye into the empty eye socket, SQUISH!

"Whoa," Y/N said to himself. "I feel great." His eye didn't hurt anymore now that he had the new one and his body was no longer sore.

"Amazing isn't it?" came a voice in Y/N's head, startling him.

"Who the hell are you?" Y/N demanded.

"I'm the spirit of the eye you just put in your head,"came a reply. "You no doubt have heard of the Devil Fruit... since I was practically buried under one. Well I am THE DEVIL'S EYE!"

"Never heard of it," Y/N stated.

"Of course you haven't," the voice boasted. "The Devil's Eye has never been seen by a mortal before yourself. You have found one of the ocean's lost treasures and are now endowed with the powers I possess."

"Powers?" Y/N repeated. The red eye swiveled and glanced upward.

"That's a long hole you came down through isn't it? I bet you'd like to get through it quickly."

"Well as tempting as saying in this hole sounds..."

"Your sarcasm is not appreciated."

"Okay, yes... I'd like to get out of the hole."

"That's what I thought. Picture yourself floating upward with your mind, floating up that hole to the next room."

Y/N did as he was told and pictured it, but nothing happened. "Is something supposed to happen?"

Without even knowing that he was doing it, Y/N raised his arms up in the air then shot them downwards, HE FLEW UP INTO THE HOLE! Y/N kept going and it was only a matter of minutes until had managed to come out the top of the hole and find himself in the cavern he had found the Dark Dark Fruit in.

"What the hell was that?" Y/Ndemanded.

"It's called telekinesis, its one of the powers that I possess. You can move things, including yourself, with your mind... or more appropriately, with me."

"This is amazing! I could do anything with this!"

"Including killing the bastard that cut your eye out and left you for dead. You have the power to kill him even if he has the Dark Dark Fruit."

"How'd you know that?"

"I'm inside your mind, how do you think?"

"Okay, dumb question but here's another one. You said that telekinesis was one of the powers that you possess. Does that mean there others?"

"Did you notice that you don't have your torch, yet?"

"But I can see fine!"

"Exactly. I'm a mystical eye. With me you can see perfectly for long distances and you can see beyond the visible light spectrum, smoke and darkness have no effect on me. It's called UltraRed Vision."

Y/N smirked, "Teach won't know what hit him."

"Yes, that's it. Embrace the power... you can now control anything you wish. Why don't you get out of this cave and give it a try?"

Y/N nodded and without even knowing what he was doing, he dropped down to the ground and shot his arms out behind him. Y/N rocketed forward and into the sideways passage that he had crawled through and in seconds he was on the other side. But Y/N kept going and FLEW all the way out of the cave in a matter of twenty minutes.


"Hold it right there!" came a voice. Y/N spun around to see a group of five pirates standing behind him. "Who're you? What're you doing here?"

"If you're here for the treasure... I'm afraid you're too late," said Y/N.

"You mean you have the Dark Dark Fruit?" asked one of the pirates.

"We're gonna have to kill this brat for getting in our way," one of the pirates thought to himself. But for some reason, Y/N heard it.

"He didn't say that out loud," Y/N said to himself.

"You can read minds... with me you're telepathic."

(A/N: There's death ahead. Not descriptively violent, but still death. You've been warned.)


"No," Y/N answered honestly. "Someone else does but I have something better and you're about to find out first hand."

Without even knowing what he was doing Y/N pulled out Akaikyuuketsuki and threw it at the pirates, "RED EYE... BOOMERANG!" he heard himself shout. The red blade whizzed out at the pirate, but they managed to get out of the way.

"You missed you red eyed brat!" one of the pirates taunted.

"Heh-heh-heh," Y/N chuckled in a loud laugh unlike his own. "You'd think that wouldn't you?" Y/N felt his arm raised and pulled back, SLA-SLISH! The red blade came flying over and slashed THROUGH a pirate and kept on going. SLA-SLISH! SLA-SLAK! SLISH! CHUNK! Y/N stared in horror as he felt himself telekinetically using his sword to slaughter the pirates. In a matter of second they were all on the ground dead.

"What just happened? I killed them... but I wasn't..."

"No... WE killed them. You see brat, you don't control the Devil's Eye... THE DEVIL'S EYE CONTROLS YOU! HEH-HEH-HEH!" (A/N: I have the strangest urge to make a Soviet Russia joke.)

Y/N felt himself hold out his hand and his sword pulled itself out of the pirate's chest where it was lodged and floated over to him. Y/N ran an uncontrolled hand over the red blade then brought the blood to his lips and licked it off his finger.

"Taste that? It's the blood of the first of many victims to come. No one shall see the Devil's Eye... all of the humans shall die!"

"You're a monster..."

"Heh-heh-heh, actually YOU'RE a monster. YOU killed them."

"No... I didn't... it... no... I have morals... I don't kill people without a reason..."

"Heh-heh-heh! Morals? You mean the ones that old man taught you? Don't make me laugh. You're a blood thirsty killer and unfortunately for you... YOU DON'T HAVE A CHOICE IN THE MATTER!"

Akaikyuuketsuki was put away in its sheath telekinetically, then Y/N lifted up off of the ground and levitated to the shore where he found the ship the pirates of the pirates he had killed. "I don't need this pathetic piece of drift wood to transport myself. Watch this brat." Y/N held out his hand and then yanked them back, KRAK! THE ENTIRE DECK OF THE SHIP WAS TORN OFF AND FLOATED UP INTO THE AIR!

The deck crumbled until it was an exact rectangle then it floated over and landed in front of him. "And you called the ship a pathetic piece of drift wood."

"Its all about striking fear into the one you're about to kill. If they see you approaching on a ship, you're just a pirate. But if they see you approaching on a floating piece of wood... you're a demon. Now we're ready to – what's that?"

Y/N head turned and he caught sight of a fin out in the water. "Hello fishy..."

"No... no... SHANE!" Y/N screamed at the top of his lungs, hoping to save the shark that had been following him around for the last few months. "SWIM AWAY! SWIM AWAY! GET OUT OF HERE!"

Unfortunately the shark didn't heed Y/N's warning and was surprised to find itself suddenly yanked up out of the water and into the air. The disgruntled blue shark with long long jagged nose thrashed around in midair as he found himself unable to breathe now that he was out of the water.

"NO! SHANE NO!" Y/N hollered as his shark 'friend' began suffocating as the air rushed through its gills. Y/N was desperate, sure the shark had tried to eat him for the last few months, but he didn't want to kill him. WHAP! Using his last ounce of control Y/N reached out with his left arm and slapped his right arm which he was using to telekinetically hold the large fish out of the water. SPLASH! Suddenly released from the telekinetic hold, Shane splashed back down into the water. "SWIM AWAY SHANE! SWIM AWAY!"

"You little fool... you can't fight me... you're nowhere near strong enough..."

Again Y/N's right arm shot out and the shark that had been attempting to swim away was once again yanked up out of the water. "RED EYE... TOSS!" Y/N's arm snapped to the side and the shark came flying towards him and landed on the shore, THUD! Shane thrashed on the sand, once again unable to breathe.

"Shane no, no..." Y/N made to dash for the aquatic animal in an attempt to get it back in the water. But Y/N's right arm suddenly veered around and punched him in the stomach POW! Y/N went flying backwards and went crashing down on his back. Y/N rolled over and attempted to fight back up, but his right arm was on his back pressing him down into the sand and preventing him from getting up. "NOOOOOO! SHANE! SHAAAAANNNNEEE!" Y/N was rooted to his spot and watched in horror as the shark's movements slowed and its breath left it, Y/N closed his left eye so he wouldn't see it but the view from his right eye was broadcasted into his brain forcing him to watch. A tear dripped down out of Y/N's left eye and ran down his face, "I'm sorry Shane... I'm so sorry..." Eventually the shark's movements stopped completely... Shane was dead.

(A/N: That's it for the death in this chapter.)

"HEH-HEH-HEH! That stupid fish's death marks the beginning of my reign of terror. You can't stop me. No one can." Y/N stared at the dead shark, killing those pirates was one thing but this was something... no... someone that he knew. Yes the fish had spent the passed few months trying to eat him but that was their relationship and the thought of killing the shark had never crossed his mind. But that's what he had done. Whitebeard had taught Y/N morals and that killing was wrong and unnecessary. While he hadn't done it directly, Y/N had still made the mistake of putting the accursed thing into his head. Y/N had killed his friend.

"Please... can we... can we at least bury him? It'll be an official landmark of where your reign of terror began. Please... he was my friend..."

"Very well. You're a clever little brat, I don't want to deal with your pathetic – but still annoying – attempts to stop me. The longer we're here the more time I have to take complete control. Your last moments of control will be spent making a grave to mark the start of my rampage."

Y/N slowly pushed himself up off of the ground and up to his feet. In a sudden act of desperation Y/N shot up his left arm and clawed at his right eye but his arm suddenly snapped to the side. POW! Y/N's right arm came up and punched him in the face sending Y/N tumbling down to the ground.

"You little fool... I knew what you were planning BEFORE YOU DID! Do you realize that even IF you managed to get me out, you'll kill yourself in the process? I've attached myself to your brain, removing me will kill you."

"And what's so bad about that? I'll take you down with me. I'll have saved the world from your 'reign of terror'."

"You stupid brat, even if you do die I'll remain active. You'll be a rotting corpse but I'll still be an eternal spirit. Someone wishing for the power to smite their enemies will come across me still lodged in your remains. They won't have the reluctance to kill and willingness to die that you do. You being alive is the only thing keeping someone worse from using my powers to terrorize the world. THAT is your curse. THAT is the curse of the Devil's Eye."

Y/N stayed silent, he couldn't think of any response to that. Even if he somehow died to keep the eye from doing anything, eventually someone else would come across it and they'd be cursed like him. Just seeing what he had done to his six victims made him sick to his stomach, he couldn't imagine another innocent person being forced to go through what he knew he was about to. He needed to live in spite of the eye. He needed to live to keep it from falling into someone else's hands. He needed to live and eventually find a way to stop it.

"Now then... we've got a grave to make." Y/N wasn't even controlling himself as he stood up then levitated Shane's body up off of the shore. He walked towards the cave, floating the shark corpse behind him and then tossed the dead fish into the opening of the cave, followed by the other five victims. "This cave will now be a tomb, marking the first of my many, many victims." Y/N pulled off the white Whitebeard shirt he had been wearing and threw it in after the six corpses then smashed the roof of the cave with a hard kick, THWHAM! The entrance caved in sealing the cave off from the outside world. Y/N then spent the next few minutes making wooden tombstone out of the remains of the pirate ship. Using his sword he carved the eye's cryptic message into it.

'Red Eye's reign of terror began here. All shall perish before the power of Red Eye.'

Leaving the sign/tombstone there to be found by anyone else who came across the island, Y/N climbed on board the rectangle of wood that the eye had torn off of the pirate ship and it floated up off of the sand, then flew into the ocean and floated off into the horizon.

"Is that going to be my name now? Red Eye?"

"I'm actually quite pleased with you as my host. Your red sword and red hair will fit my demonic image nicely. BUT NOW WE'RE OFF! THERE ARE PEOPLE TO KILL!"

-End Flackback part X-

Hope you enjoyed the chapter!!

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